资源名称:CAST2SDK.rar [点击查看]
- (*
- @Abstract(Base Graphics Unit)
- (C) 2006 George "Mirage" Bakhtadze. <a href=""></a> <br>
- The source code may be used under either MPL 1.1 or LGPL 2.1 license. See included license.txt file <br>
- Unit contains abstract classes for drawing 2D graphics
- *)
- {$Include}
- unit BaseGraph;
- interface
- uses
- TextFile,
- BaseTypes, Basics, BaseClasses, Base3D, BaseMsg;
- const
- // Initial Z value for 2D primitives
- ClearingZ = 1.0;
- type
- // Font style flags
- TFontStyleFlags = (fsBold, fsItalic, fsUnderline, fsStrikeOut);
- // Font style
- TFontStyle = set of TFontStyleFlags;
- // Graphics-related messages base class
- TGraphMessage = class(TMessage)
- end;
- // 2D transformations class
- T2DTransform = Base3D.TMatrix4s; // ToDo: Reduce to 3x3 or 2x2?
- // Rectangular viewport
- TViewport = record
- Left, Top, Right, Bottom: Single;
- end;
- // Base font class
- TFont = class(BaseClasses.TItem)
- // Font face name
- FaceName: string;
- // Font style
- Style: TFontStyle;
- // Font size
- Size: Single;
- // Fills <b>Width</b> and <b>Height</b> with width and height of the given string printed with the font
- procedure GetTextExtent(const Text: string; out Width, Height: Single); virtual; abstract;
- end;
- // Base class for bitmap (texture) based font
- TBaseBitmapFont = class(TFont)
- // UV map which points to character images on the texture
- UVMap: BaseTypes.TUVMap;
- // Number of entries in the UV map
- TotalUVs: Longword;
- // Code to character map
- CharMap: BaseTypes.TCharMap;
- // Total characters
- TotalCharacters: Longword;
- // Format of the bitmap (texture)
- BitmapFormat: Integer;
- // Bitmap data pointer
- Bitmap: Pointer;
- // Scale of the font by X
- XScale: Single;
- // Scale of the font by Y
- YScale: Single;
- constructor Create(AManager: BaseClasses.TItemsManager); override;
- // Sets UV and character maps
- procedure SetMapResources(const AUVMap: BaseTypes.TUVMap; ATotalUVs: Integer; const ACharMap: BaseTypes.TCharMap; ATotalCharacters: Integer); virtual;
- // Sets scale
- procedure SetScale(AXScale, AYScale: Single); virtual;
- procedure GetTextExtent(const Text: string; out Width, Height: Single); override;
- end;
- // True type font class
- TTrueTypeFont = class(TFont)
- Charset: Integer;
- Monospaced: Boolean;
- end;
- // Bitmap class
- TBitmap = class
- // Bitmap width
- Width: Integer;
- // Bitmap height
- Height: Integer;
- // Bitmap data pointer
- Data: Pointer;
- end;
- // Base class to handle 2D output
- TScreen = class(TSubsystem)
- private
- // Screen width
- FWidth: Single;
- // Screen height
- FHeight: Single;
- public
- // Current drawing color
- Color: BaseTypes.TColor;
- // Current drawing font
- Font: TFont;
- // Current drawing UV map
- UV: BaseTypes.TUV;
- // Current drawing bitmap
- Bitmap: TBitmap;
- // Current position by X
- CurrentX,
- // Current position by Y
- CurrentY,
- // Current position by X in local corrdinate system
- LocalX,
- // Current position by Y in local corrdinate system
- LocalY: Single;
- // Current position by Z (depth) (used for correct primitive order imitation via zbuffer)
- CurrentZ: Single;
- // Current transform. Point of origin, rotation, scaling
- Transform: T2DTransform;
- // Current clipping viewport in local coordinates
- Viewport: TViewport;
- constructor Create;
- // Resets the screen
- procedure Reset; virtual;
- // Message handler
- procedure HandleMessage(const Msg: TMessage); override;
- // Set current viewport
- procedure SetViewport(ALeft, ATop, ARight, ABottom: Single);
- // Transforms a point with current transform
- procedure TransformPoint(var X, Y: Single);
- // Transforms a point without translation
- procedure RotateScalePoint(var X, Y: Single);
- // Transforms a point with the given transform
- procedure TransformPointWith(const ATransform: T2DTransform; var X, Y: Single);
- // Transforms a point with the given transform without translation
- procedure RotateScalePointWith(const ATransform: T2DTransform; var X, Y: Single);
- // Set current drawing color
- procedure SetColor(const AColor: BaseTypes.TColor);
- // Set current font
- procedure SetFont(const AFont: TFont); virtual;
- // Set current UV frame
- procedure SetUV(const AUV: BaseTypes.TUV);
- // Set current bitmap
- procedure SetBitmap(const ABitmap: TBitmap);
- // Moves current position
- procedure MoveTo(const X, Y: Single); virtual;
- // Draws a line from current position to the given point and moves current position to the given point
- procedure LineTo(const X, Y: Single); virtual; abstract;
- // Moves current position
- procedure MoveToVec(const Vec: TVector3s);
- // Draws a line from current position to the given point and moves current position to the given point
- procedure LineToVec(const Vec: TVector3s);
- // Draws a line between the given points
- procedure Line(X1, Y1, X2, Y2: Single); virtual;
- // Draws a rectangle with the given coordinates
- procedure Rectangle(X1, Y1, X2, Y2: Single); virtual;
- // Draws a filled rectangle with the given coordinates
- procedure Bar(X1, Y1, X2, Y2: Single); virtual; abstract;
- // Draw the given text string at current position
- procedure PutText(const Str: string); virtual; abstract;
- // Draw the given text string at the specified position
- procedure PutTextXY(const X, Y: Single; const Str: string); virtual; abstract;
- // Resets current viewport and transform
- procedure ResetViewport; virtual;
- // Clears and resets the screen
- procedure Clear; virtual;
- // Screen width
- property Width: Single read FWidth;
- // Screen height
- property Height: Single read FHeight;
- end;
- // Returns list of classes introduced by the unit
- function GetUnitClassList: TClassArray;
- // Clips the given line with Cohen-Sutherland algorithm and returns True if at least some part of the line is visible
- function ClipLine(var X1, Y1: Single; var X2, Y2: Single; VPLeft, VPTop, VPRight, VPBottom: Single): Boolean;
- // Clips the given colored and textured line with Cohen-Sutherland algorithm and returns True if at least some part of the line is visible
- function ClipLineColorTex(var X1, Y1, U1, V1: Single; var Color1: BaseTypes.TColor; var X2, Y2, U2, V2: Single; var Color2: BaseTypes.TColor; VPLeft, VPTop, VPRight, VPBottom: Single): Boolean;
- var
- // Screen reference which should be used for 2D output
- Screen: TScreen;
- implementation
- function GetUnitClassList: TClassArray;
- begin
- Result := GetClassList([TFont]);
- end;
- function ClipLineColorTex(var X1, Y1, U1, V1: Single; var Color1: BaseTypes.TColor; var X2, Y2, U2, V2: Single; var Color2: BaseTypes.TColor; VPLeft, VPTop, VPRight, VPBottom: Single): Boolean;
- begin
- Result := ClipLine(X1, Y1, X2, Y2, VPLeft, VPTop, VPRight, VPBottom);
- end;
- function ClipLine(var X1, Y1: Single; var X2, Y2: Single; VPLeft, VPTop, VPRight, VPBottom: Single): Boolean;
- function GetCode(X, Y: Single): Integer;
- begin
- Result := Ord(X < VPLeft) or Ord(X > VPRight) shl 1 or
- Ord(Y < VPTop) shl 2 or Ord(Y > VPBottom) shl 3;
- end;
- var i, t, Code1, Code2, SwCount: Integer; DX, DY, DXDY, DYDX, ts: Single;
- begin
- Code1 := GetCode(X1, Y1);
- Code2 := GetCode(X2, Y2);
- Result := True;
- if Code1 or Code2 = 0 then Exit; // Completely visible
- Result := False;
- if Code1 and Code2 <> 0 then Exit; // Completely invisible
- DX := X2 - X1;
- DY := Y2 - Y1;
- DYDX := 0;
- DXDY := 0;
- if DX <> 0 then DYDX := DY / DX else if dy = 0 then Exit;
- if DY <> 0 then DXDY := DX / DY;
- SwCount := 0;
- i := 4;
- repeat
- if Code1 and Code2 <> 0 then begin Result := False; Break; end; // Invisible
- if Code1 or Code2 = 0 then begin Result := True; Break; end; // Visible
- if Code1 = 0 then begin
- t := Code1; Code1 := Code2; Code2 := t; // Swap Code1 and Code2
- ts := X1; X1 := X2; X2 := ts;
- ts := Y1; Y1 := Y2; Y2 := ts;
- Inc(SwCount);
- end;
- if Code1 and 1 > 0 then begin // Check intersection with the left side
- Y1 := Y1 + DYDX * (VPLeft - X1);
- X1 := VPLeft;
- end else if Code1 and 2 > 0 then begin // Check intersection with the right side
- Y1 := Y1 + DYDX * (VPRight - X1);
- X1 := VPRight;
- end else if Code1 and 4 > 0 then begin // Check intersection with the top side
- X1 := X1 + DXDY * (VPTop - Y1);
- Y1 := VPTop;
- end else if Code1 and 8 > 0 then begin // Check intersection with the bottom side
- X1 := X1 + DXDY * (VPBottom - Y1);
- Y1 := VPBottom;
- end;
- Code1 := GetCode(X1, Y1); // Recalculate the code
- Dec(i);
- until i = 0;
- if Odd(SwCount) then begin
- ts := X1; X1 := X2; X2 := ts;
- ts := Y1; Y1 := Y2; Y2 := ts;
- end;
- end;
- { TBitmapFont }
- constructor TBaseBitmapFont.Create(AManager: BaseClasses.TItemsManager);
- begin
- inherited;
- TotalUVs := 0; TotalCharacters := 0;
- UVMap := nil; CharMap := nil;
- SetScale(128, 128);
- end;
- procedure TBaseBitmapFont.SetMapResources(const AUVMap: BaseTypes.TUVMap; ATotalUVs: Integer; const ACharMap: BaseTypes.TCharMap; ATotalCharacters: Integer);
- begin
- TotalUVs := ATotalUVs;
- UVMap := AUVMap;
- TotalCharacters := ATotalCharacters;
- CharMap := ACharMap;
- end;
- procedure TBaseBitmapFont.SetScale(AXScale, AYScale: Single);
- begin
- XScale := AXscale; YScale := AYScale;
- end;
- procedure TBaseBitmapFont.GetTextExtent(const Text: string; out Width, Height: Single);
- var i: Integer; UV: BaseTypes.TUV;
- begin
- Width := 0; Height := 0;
- if (UVMap = nil) or (CharMap = nil) then begin
- {$IFDEF LOGGING} Log.Log(ClassName + '.GetTextExtent: UV map or character map resource is invalid', lkError); {$ENDIF}
- Exit;
- end;
- for i := 0 to Length(Text)-1 do begin
- UV := UVMap^[CharMap^[Ord(Text[i+1])]];
- Width := Width + UV.W;
- if Height < UV.H then Height := UV.H;
- end;
- Width := Width * XScale;
- Height := Height * YScale;
- end;
- { TScreen }
- constructor TScreen.Create;
- begin
- inherited;
- Reset;
- end;
- procedure TScreen.Reset;
- begin
- ResetViewport;
- Font := nil;
- Color.C := $FFFFFFFF;
- CurrentX := 0;
- CurrentY := 0;
- LocalX := 0;
- LocalY := 0;
- CurrentZ := ClearingZ;
- UV := DefaultUV;
- end;
- procedure TScreen.HandleMessage(const Msg: TMessage);
- begin
- if Msg.ClassType = TWindowResizeMsg then with TWindowResizeMsg(Msg) do begin
- FWidth := NewWidth;
- FHeight := NewHeight;
- end;
- end;
- procedure TScreen.SetViewport(ALeft, ATop, ARight, ABottom: Single);
- begin
- Viewport.Left := ALeft;
- Viewport.Top := ATop;
- Viewport.Right := ARight;
- Viewport.Bottom := ABottom;
- end;
- procedure TScreen.TransformPoint(var X, Y: Single);
- var V: TVector4s; // ToDo: Optimize (eliminate) it.
- begin
- V := GetVector4s(X, Y, 0, 1);
- V := Transform4Vector4s(Transform, V);
- X := V.X; Y := V.Y;
- end;
- procedure TScreen.RotateScalePoint(var X, Y: Single);
- var V: TVector3s; // ToDo: Optimize (eliminate) it.
- begin
- V := GetVector3s(X, Y, 0);
- V := Transform3Vector3s(CutMatrix3s(Transform), V);
- X := V.X; Y := V.Y;
- end;
- procedure TScreen.TransformPointWith(const ATransform: T2DTransform; var X, Y: Single);
- var V: TVector4s; // ToDo: Optimize (eliminate) it.
- begin
- V := GetVector4s(X, Y, 0, 1);
- V := Transform4Vector4s(ATransform, V);
- X := V.X; Y := V.Y;
- end;
- procedure TScreen.RotateScalePointWith(const ATransform: T2DTransform; var X, Y: Single);
- var V: TVector3s; // ToDo: Optimize (eliminate) it.
- begin
- V := GetVector3s(X, Y, 0);
- V := Transform3Vector3s(CutMatrix3s(ATransform), V);
- X := V.X; Y := V.Y;
- end;
- procedure TScreen.SetColor(const AColor: BaseTypes.TColor);
- begin
- Color := AColor;
- end;
- procedure TScreen.SetFont(const AFont: TFont);
- begin
- Font := AFont;
- end;
- procedure TScreen.SetUV(const AUV: BaseTypes.TUV);
- begin
- UV := AUV;
- end;
- procedure TScreen.SetBitmap(const ABitmap: TBitmap);
- begin
- Bitmap := ABitmap;
- end;
- procedure TScreen.MoveTo(const X, Y: Single);
- begin
- LocalX := X; LocalY := Y;
- CurrentX := X; CurrentY := Y;
- // TransformPoint(CurrentX, CurrentY);
- end;
- procedure TScreen.Line(X1, Y1, X2, Y2: Single);
- begin
- MoveTo(X1, Y1);
- LineTo(X2, Y2);
- end;
- procedure TScreen.Rectangle(X1, Y1, X2, Y2: Single);
- begin
- MoveTo(X1, Y1);
- LineTo(X2, Y1);
- LineTo(X2, Y2);
- LineTo(X1, Y2);
- LineTo(X1, Y1);
- end;
- procedure TScreen.ResetViewport;
- begin
- Transform := IdentityMatrix4s;
- SetViewport(0, 0, Width, Height);
- end;
- procedure TScreen.Clear;
- begin
- ResetViewport;
- end;
- procedure TScreen.LineToVec(const Vec: TVector3s);
- begin
- LineTo(Vec.X, Vec.Y);
- end;
- procedure TScreen.MoveToVec(const Vec: TVector3s);
- begin
- MoveTo(Vec.X, Vec.Y);
- end;
- begin
- GlobalClassList.Add('BaseGraph', GetUnitClassList);
- end.