资源名称:CAST2SDK.rar [点击查看]
- (*
- @Abstract(Basic containers unit)
- (C) 2006 George "Mirage" Bakhtadze. <a href=""></a> <br>
- The source code may be used under either MPL 1.1 or LGPL 2.1 license. See included license.txt file <br>
- Created May 30, 2006 <br>
- Unit contains basic container classes
- *)
- {$Include}
- unit basecont;
- interface
- uses BaseTypes, Basics,
- Props;
- const
- // Default capacity for hash map containers
- DefaultHashmapCapacity = 16;
- type
- // Class of items which can be contained only in a one container without duplicates in other containers
- TBaseUniqueItem = class
- constructor Create; virtual;
- private
- // Index in a containing collection
- Index: Integer;
- end;
- // Container for @Link(TBaseUniqueItem)
- TUniqueItemCollection = class
- protected
- FTotalItems: Integer;
- public
- GrowStep: Integer; // Memory usage grow step
- Ordered: Boolean; // Set to True to preserve item's order
- Items: array of TBaseUniqueItem;
- constructor Create;
- destructor Destroy; override;
- function Add(AItem: TBaseUniqueItem): TBaseUniqueItem;
- function Exists(AItem: TBaseUniqueItem): Boolean;
- function Remove(AItem: TBaseUniqueItem): Boolean;
- procedure Clear;
- property TotalItems: Integer read FTotalItems;
- end;
- // Class of items with reference counting and universal equivalence checking
- TReferencedItem = class
- constructor Create;
- // Increase and return reference counter
- function IncRef: Integer;
- // Decrease and return reference counter. If it becomes zero destructor is called
- function DecRef: Integer;
- // Returns @True if the item has the same class and parameters as <b>AItem</b>
- function IsSameItem(AItem: TReferencedItem): Boolean; virtual;
- { Fills <b>Parameters</b> with a pointer to public or internal (depending on value of <b>Internal</b>) parameters and
- returns size of the parameters in 32-bit dwords.
- Descendant classes should override this method to introduce their own parameters }
- function RetrieveParameters(out Parameters: Pointer; Internal: Boolean): Integer; virtual;
- private
- FRefCount: Integer;
- // NextItem: TReferencedItem; // For grouping by class
- public
- // Reference counter
- property RefCount: Integer read FRefCount;
- end;
- CReferencedItem = class of TReferencedItem;
- // Class which manages reference-counted items
- TReferencedItemManager = class
- // Memory usage grow step
- GrowStep: Integer;
- // Items
- Items: array of TReferencedItem;
- constructor Create;
- destructor Destroy; override;
- // Returns an item with the same class and parameter set as the specified one. If not found returns nil.
- function FindSameItem(AItem: TReferencedItem): TReferencedItem;
- // If the same as the given item is present in manager returns it, otherwise adds the given item and returns it
- function AddItem(Item: TReferencedItem): TReferencedItem;
- // Clears and release all contained items
- procedure Clear;
- private
- // Total items in manager
- FTotalItems: Integer;
- public
- // Total items in manager
- property TotalItems: Integer read FTotalItems;
- end;
- // Hash map key location data structure
- TKeyLocation = packed record Index1, Index2: Integer; end;
- // Pointer-to-pointer map key type
- KeyType = Pointer;
- // Pointer-to-pointer map value type
- ValueType = Pointer;
- // Hash function delegate
- TPointerHashFunction = function(Key: KeyType): Integer of object;
- // Hash map action delegate
- TPointerPointerDoFunction = function(Key: KeyType; Value: ValueType): Boolean of object;
- // Hash map key-value pair
- TKeyValuePair = packed record Key: KeyType; Value: ValueType; end;
- // Data structure to store values of hash map
- TValueStore = packed record Count: Integer; Data: array of TKeyValuePair; end;
- { @Abstract(Pointer to pointer hash map)
- A data structure which maps a pointer to another pointer in constant time (O(1)) }
- TPointerPointerMap = class
- private
- FValues: array of TValueStore;
- FCapacity, GrowStep: Integer;
- function LocateKey(const Key: KeyType; out KeyLocation: TKeyLocation; Add: Boolean): Boolean;
- function GetValue(const Key: KeyType): ValueType;
- procedure SetValue(const Key: KeyType; const Value: ValueType);
- procedure SetCapacity(ACapacity: Integer);
- function DefaultHash(Key: KeyType): Integer; virtual;
- public
- // Current hash function
- HashFunction: TPointerHashFunction;
- constructor Create; overload;
- constructor Create(Capacity: Integer); overload;
- // Calls a delegate for each value stored in the map
- procedure DoForEach(DoFunction: TPointerPointerDoFunction);
- // Values retrieved by pointer key
- property Values[const Key: KeyType]: ValueType read GetValue write SetValue; default;
- // Determines hash function values range which is currently used.
- property Capacity: Integer read FCapacity;
- end;
- // Container for untyped temporary data
- TTempContainer = class
- TotalDataChains, MaxDataChains: Integer;
- function AddData(Src: Pointer; Size: Integer): Integer; virtual;
- procedure RemoveData(ID: Integer); virtual;
- function GetData(ID: Integer): Pointer; virtual;
- function GetDataSize(ID: Integer): Integer; virtual;
- function ExtractData(ID: Integer): Pointer; virtual;
- destructor Destroy; override;
- protected
- Data: Pointer;
- DataSize: Integer;
- DataChains: array of Pointer;
- DataSizes: array of Integer;
- end;
- TQueue = class
- TotalElements: Integer;
- ElementSize, Capacity, CapacityStep: Cardinal;
- constructor Create;
- procedure Allocate(NewCapacity: Cardinal); virtual;
- function Copy: TQueue; virtual;
- procedure Delete(Index: Cardinal); virtual;
- procedure Remove(Index, Count: Cardinal); virtual;
- procedure MakeEmpty; virtual;
- procedure Clear; virtual;
- function Save(const Stream: Basics.TStream): Boolean; virtual;
- function Load(const Stream: Basics.TStream): Boolean; virtual;
- destructor Destroy; override;
- protected
- FData: Pointer;
- end;
- // Data structure represented with samples. Values between samples are calculated with some interpolation algorithm.
- TSampledData = class
- private
- // [1..TotalSamples]
- function GetIndex(AX: Single): Integer;
- // Finds and places into NewIndex an index for the given X value and returns True if the index is found or False if it is a new value
- function FindIndex(AX: Single): Integer;
- function GetSampleX(Index: Integer): Single;
- procedure SetSamplesX(Index: Integer; const Value: Single);
- procedure SetTotalSamples(const Value: Integer); virtual;
- procedure SetMaxX(const Value: Single);
- procedure SetMinX(const Value: Single);
- protected
- FSampleX: array of Single;
- FThreshold: Single;
- FMinX, FMaxX: Single;
- FTotalSamples: Integer;
- PropertyValueType: TPropertyValueType;
- function GetDataSize: Integer; virtual; abstract;
- procedure DataExport(Dest: Pointer); virtual; abstract;
- procedure DataImport(Src: Pointer); virtual; abstract;
- // Should be implemented in descendants and move a sample value from SrcIndex to DestIndex to maintain sorted order
- procedure MoveSample(SrcIndex, DestIndex: Integer); virtual; abstract;
- public
- Enabled: Boolean;
- constructor Create; virtual;
- procedure Reset; virtual;
- // Adds a property which represents all samples
- procedure AddAsProperty(Properties: Props.TProperties; const AName: string); virtual;
- // Reads samples from properties
- procedure SetFromProperty(Properties: Props.TProperties; const AName: string); virtual;
- // Deletes the specified sample
- procedure Delete(Index: Integer);
- property TotalSamples: Integer read FTotalSamples write SetTotalSamples;
- property MinX: Single read FMinX write SetMinX;
- property MaxX: Single read FMaxX write SetMaxX;
- property SampleX[Index: Integer]: Single read GetSampleX write SetSamplesX;
- end;
- // Sampled single precision floats
- TSampledFloats = class(TSampledData)
- private
- FSamples: array of Single;
- FMinY, FMaxY: Single;
- FRange, FRangeInv: Single;
- function GetSampleValue(Index: Integer): Single;
- procedure SetSampleValue(Index: Integer; const Value: Single);
- function GetValue(X: Single): Single;
- procedure SetTotalSamples(const Value: Integer); override;
- procedure SetMaxY(const Value: Single);
- procedure SetMinY(const Value: Single);
- protected
- function GetDataSize: Integer; override;
- procedure DataExport(Dest: Pointer); override;
- procedure DataImport(Src: Pointer); override;
- procedure MoveSample(SrcIndex, DestIndex: Integer); override;
- public
- // Value used as default while resetting
- DefaultValue: Single;
- constructor Create; override;
- // Reset all to default value
- procedure Reset; override;
- // Creates a property hierarchy with the given name in the specified property collection
- procedure AddAsProperty(Properties: Props.TProperties; const AName: string); override;
- // Applies property
- procedure SetFromProperty(Properties: Props.TProperties; const AName: string); override;
- // Insert sample
- procedure Insert(AX, AY: Single);
- // Value range (MaxY - MinY)
- property Range: Single read FRange;
- // 1/Range
- property RangeInv: Single read FRangeInv;
- // Minimal sample value
- property MinY: Single read FMinY write SetMinY;
- // Maximal sample value
- property MaxY: Single read FMaxY write SetMaxY;
- // Value of sample specified by index
- property SampleValue[Index: Integer]: Single read GetSampleValue write SetSampleValue;
- // Interpolated value
- property Value[X: Single]: Single read GetValue;
- end;
- // Color gradient represented with color samples and interpolation between the samples
- TSampledGradient = class(TSampledData)
- private
- FSamples: array of TColor;
- function GetSampleValue(Index: Integer): TColor;
- procedure SetSampleValue(Index: Integer; const Value: TColor);
- function GetValue(X: Single): TColor;
- procedure SetTotalSamples(const Value: Integer); override;
- protected
- function GetDataSize: Integer; override;
- procedure DataExport(Dest: Pointer); override;
- procedure DataImport(Src: Pointer); override;
- procedure MoveSample(SrcIndex, DestIndex: Integer); override;
- public
- constructor Create; override;
- procedure Reset; override;
- procedure Insert(AX: Single; AColor: TColor);
- property SampleValue[Index: Integer]: TColor read GetSampleValue write SetSampleValue;
- property Value[X: Single]: TColor read GetValue;
- end;
- function CreateSampledFloats(MinValue, MaxValue, DefValue: Single): TSampledFloats;
- implementation
- { TBaseUniqueItem }
- constructor TBaseUniqueItem.Create;
- begin
- Index := -1;
- end;
- { TUniqueItemCollection }
- constructor TUniqueItemCollection.Create;
- begin
- GrowStep := 1;
- end;
- destructor TUniqueItemCollection.Destroy;
- begin
- Items := nil;
- inherited;
- end;
- function TUniqueItemCollection.Add(AItem: TBaseUniqueItem): TBaseUniqueItem;
- begin
- Result := nil;
- if Exists(AItem) then Exit;
- Inc(FTotalItems);
- if Length(Items) < FTotalItems then SetLength(Items, Length(Items) + GrowStep);
- Items[FTotalItems-1] := AItem;
- Items[FTotalItems-1].Index := FTotalItems-1;
- end;
- function TUniqueItemCollection.Exists(AItem: TBaseUniqueItem): Boolean;
- begin
- Result := False;
- if AItem = nil then Exit;
- Result := (AItem.Index >= 0) and (AItem.Index < FTotalItems) and (Items[AItem.Index] = AItem);
- // for i := 0 to FTotalItems-1 do if Items[i] = AItem then Exit;
- end;
- function TUniqueItemCollection.Remove(AItem: TBaseUniqueItem): Boolean;
- var Index: Integer;
- begin
- Result := False;
- if AItem = nil then Exit;
- if Exists(AItem) then begin
- Index := AItem.Index;
- AItem.Index := -1;
- if Ordered then begin
- while Index < FTotalItems-1 do begin
- Items[Index] := Items[Index+1];
- Items[Index].Index := Index;
- Inc(Index);
- end;
- end else begin
- Items[Index] := Items[FTotalItems-1];
- Items[Index].Index := Index;
- end;
- Dec(FTotalItems);
- Result := True;
- end;// else Assert(False, 'TUniqueItemCollection.Remove: Item not found');
- end;
- procedure TUniqueItemCollection.Clear;
- begin
- FTotalItems := 0; SetLength(Items, 0);
- end;
- { TReferencedItem }
- constructor TReferencedItem.Create;
- begin
- FRefCount := 1;
- // NextItem := nil;
- end;
- function TReferencedItem.IncRef: Integer;
- begin
- Inc(FRefCount); Result := FRefCount;
- end;
- function TReferencedItem.DecRef: Integer;
- begin
- Dec(FRefCount);
- Result := FRefCount;
- if FRefCount <= 0 then Free;
- end;
- function TReferencedItem.IsSameItem(AItem: TReferencedItem): Boolean;
- var Par1Num, Par2Num: Integer; Par1, Par2: Pointer;
- begin
- Result := False;
- if ClassType <> AItem.ClassType then Exit;
- Par1Num := RetrieveParameters(Par1, True);
- Par2Num := AItem.RetrieveParameters(Par2, True);
- if Par1Num <> Par2Num then Exit; // Unlikely case
- if not CmpMem(Par1, Par2, Par1Num*4) then Exit; // Exit if some parameters do not match
- Result := True;
- end;
- function TReferencedItem.RetrieveParameters(out Parameters: Pointer; Internal: Boolean): Integer;
- begin
- Parameters := nil; Result := 0;
- end;
- { TReferencedItemManager }
- constructor TReferencedItemManager.Create;
- begin
- GrowStep := 1;
- end;
- function TReferencedItemManager.FindSameItem(AItem: TReferencedItem): TReferencedItem;
- var i: Integer;
- begin
- Result := nil; exit;
- i := FTotalItems-1;
- while (i >= 0) and (not Items[i].IsSameItem(AItem)) do Dec(i);
- if i >= 0 then Result := Items[i] else Result := nil;
- end;
- function TReferencedItemManager.AddItem(Item: TReferencedItem): TReferencedItem;
- begin
- Result := FindSameItem(Item);
- if Result <> nil then Exit;
- Result := Item;
- // Add an item
- if Length(Items) <= FTotalItems then SetLength(Items, Length(Items) + GrowStep);
- Items[FTotalItems] := Item;
- Inc(FTotalItems);
- end;
- procedure TReferencedItemManager.Clear;
- var i: Integer;
- begin
- for i := 0 to TotalItems-1 do Items[i].Free;
- Items := nil;
- FTotalItems := 0;
- end;
- destructor TReferencedItemManager.Destroy;
- begin
- Clear;
- inherited;
- end;
- { TQueue }
- constructor TQueue.Create;
- begin
- CapacityStep := 256;
- Clear;
- end;
- procedure TQueue.Allocate(NewCapacity: Cardinal);
- begin
- Capacity := NewCapacity;
- end;
- function TQueue.Copy: TQueue;
- begin
- Result := ClassType.Create as TQueue;
- Result.ElementSize := ElementSize;
- Result.CapacityStep := CapacityStep;
- Result.Allocate(Capacity);
- Result.TotalElements := TotalElements;
- if TotalElements > 0 then Move(FData^, Result.FData^, Cardinal(TotalElements) * ElementSize);
- end;
- function TQueue.Save(const Stream: Basics.TStream): Boolean;
- begin
- Result := False;
- if not Stream.WriteCheck(TotalElements, SizeOf(TotalElements)) then Exit;
- if TotalElements > 0 then if not Stream.WriteCheck(FData^, ElementSize * Cardinal(TotalElements)) then Exit;
- Result := True;
- end;
- function TQueue.Load(const Stream: Basics.TStream): Boolean;
- begin
- Result := False;
- if not Stream.ReadCheck(TotalElements, SizeOf(TotalElements)) then Exit;
- Allocate(TotalElements);
- if TotalElements > 0 then if not Stream.ReadCheck(FData^, ElementSize * Cardinal(TotalElements)) then Exit;
- Result := True;
- end;
- procedure TQueue.Delete(Index: Cardinal);
- begin
- Dec(TotalElements);
- if Index < Cardinal(TotalElements) then
- Move(Pointer(Cardinal(FData) + Cardinal(TotalElements) * ElementSize)^, Pointer(Cardinal(FData) + Index * ElementSize)^, ElementSize);
- end;
- procedure TQueue.Clear;
- begin
- TotalElements := 0; Capacity := 0; FData := nil;
- end;
- procedure TQueue.MakeEmpty;
- begin
- TotalElements := 0;
- end;
- procedure TQueue.Remove(Index, Count: Cardinal);
- begin
- if Count = 0 then Exit;
- Assert((TotalElements >= 0) and (Index+Count-1 < Cardinal(TotalElements)), 'CommandQueue.Remove: Index out of bounds');
- Move(Pointer(Cardinal(FData) + (Index + Count) * ElementSize)^, Pointer(Cardinal(FData) + Index * ElementSize)^, Cardinal(MaxI(0, Cardinal(TotalElements) - Index - Count)) * ElementSize);
- Dec(TotalElements, Count);
- end;
- destructor TQueue.Destroy;
- begin
- Clear;
- inherited;
- end;
- { TTempContainer }
- function TTempContainer.AddData(Src: Pointer; Size: Integer): Integer;
- var i: Integer;
- begin
- Result := -1;
- for i := 0 to Length(DataChains)-1 do if DataChains[i] = nil then begin // Try to find an unused ID
- Result := i; Break;
- end;
- if Result = -1 then begin
- Result := MaxDataChains;
- Inc(MaxDataChains);
- SetLength(DataChains, MaxDataChains);
- SetLength(DataSizes, MaxDataChains);
- end;
- GetMem(DataChains[Result], Size);
- Move(Src^, DataChains[Result]^, Size);
- DataSizes[Result] := Size;
- Inc(TotalDataChains);
- end;
- function TTempContainer.GetData(ID: Integer): Pointer;
- begin
- Result := nil;
- if (ID < 0) or (ID >= MaxDataChains) then Exit;
- Result := DataChains[ID];
- end;
- function TTempContainer.GetDataSize(ID: Integer): Integer;
- begin
- Result := 0;
- if (ID < 0) or (ID >= MaxDataChains) then Exit;
- Result := DataSizes[ID];
- end;
- procedure TTempContainer.RemoveData(ID: Integer);
- begin
- if (ID < 0) or (ID >= MaxDataChains) or (DataChains[ID] = nil) then Exit;
- FreeMem(DataChains[ID], DataSizes[ID]);
- DataChains[ID] := nil;
- Dec(TotalDataChains);
- Assert(TotalDataChains >= 0, 'TempData: TotalDataChains < 0');
- end;
- function TTempContainer.ExtractData(ID: Integer): Pointer;
- begin
- Result := GetData(ID);
- RemoveData(ID);
- end;
- destructor TTempContainer.Destroy;
- var i: Integer;
- begin
- for i := 0 to MaxDataChains-1 do RemoveData(i);
- SetLength(DataChains, 0);
- TotalDataChains := 0; MaxDataChains := 0;
- inherited;
- end;
- { TPointerPointerMap }
- constructor TPointerPointerMap.Create;
- begin
- Create(DefaultHashmapCapacity);
- end;
- constructor TPointerPointerMap.Create(Capacity: Integer);
- begin
- inherited Create;
- HashFunction := {$IFDEF OBJFPCEnable}@{$ENDIF}DefaultHash;
- GrowStep := Capacity;
- SetCapacity(Capacity);
- end;
- procedure TPointerPointerMap.DoForEach(DoFunction: TPointerPointerDoFunction);
- var i, j: Integer;
- begin
- if @DoFunction = nil then Exit;
- for i := 0 to Capacity-1 do for j := 0 to FValues[i].Count-1 do if DoFunction(FValues[i].Data[j].Key, FValues[i].Data[j].Value) then Exit;
- end;
- procedure TPointerPointerMap.SetCapacity(ACapacity: Integer);
- begin
- FCapacity := ACapacity;
- SetLength(FValues, FCapacity);
- end;
- function TPointerPointerMap.LocateKey(const Key: KeyType; out KeyLocation: TKeyLocation; Add: Boolean): Boolean;
- var i: Integer;
- begin
- Result := True;
- KeyLocation.Index1 := HashFunction(Key);
- for i := 0 to FValues[KeyLocation.Index1].Count-1 do
- if FValues[KeyLocation.Index1].Data[i].Key = Key then begin
- KeyLocation.Index2 := i;
- Exit;
- end;
- Result := Add;
- if Add then begin
- KeyLocation.Index2 := FValues[KeyLocation.Index1].Count;
- if Length(FValues[KeyLocation.Index1].Data) <= FValues[KeyLocation.Index1].Count then
- SetLength(FValues[KeyLocation.Index1].Data, Length(FValues[KeyLocation.Index1].Data) + GrowStep);
- FValues[KeyLocation.Index1].Data[KeyLocation.Index2].Key := Key;
- Inc(FValues[KeyLocation.Index1].Count);
- end;
- end;
- function TPointerPointerMap.GetValue(const Key: KeyType): ValueType;
- var KeyLoc: TKeyLocation;
- begin
- Result := nil;
- if not LocateKey(Key, KeyLoc, False) then Exit;
- Result := FValues[KeyLoc.Index1].Data[KeyLoc.Index2].Value;
- end;
- procedure TPointerPointerMap.SetValue(const Key: KeyType; const Value: ValueType);
- var KeyLoc: TKeyLocation;
- begin
- if not LocateKey(Key, KeyLoc, True) then Exit;
- FValues[KeyLoc.Index1].Data[KeyLoc.Index2].Value := Value;
- end;
- function TPointerPointerMap.DefaultHash(Key: KeyType): Integer;
- const K = 0.6180339887; // (Sqrt(5) - 1) / 2
- begin
- Result := Trunc(FCapacity * (Frac(Integer(Key) * K)));
- end;
- { TSampledData }
- function TSampledData.GetIndex(AX: Single): Integer;
- begin
- Result := FTotalSamples;
- while (Result > 0) and (AX < FSampleX[Result-1]) do Dec(Result);
- end;
- function TSampledData.FindIndex(AX: Single): Integer;
- var i: Integer; Found: Boolean;
- begin
- AX := ClampS(AX, MinX, MaxX);
- Result := GetIndex(AX);
- Found := (Result > 0) and (Abs(AX - FSampleX[Result-1]) < FThreshold);
- if Found then
- Result := Result-1
- else
- Found := (Result < FTotalSamples) and (Abs(AX - FSampleX[Result]) < FThreshold);
- if not Found then begin
- // Grow points array if needed
- TotalSamples := TotalSamples + 1;
- // Shift Samples array
- for i := FTotalSamples - 1 downto Result+1 do begin
- FSampleX[i] := FSampleX[i-1];
- MoveSample(i-1, i); // Do the same move for values
- end;
- if (FTotalSamples <= 2) then FSampleX[Result] := AX;
- end;
- if (Result > 0) and (Result < FTotalSamples-1) then FSampleX[Result] := AX;
- end;
- function TSampledData.GetSampleX(Index: Integer): Single;
- begin
- Result := FSampleX[ClampI(Index, 0, FTotalSamples-1)];
- end;
- procedure TSampledData.SetSamplesX(Index: Integer; const Value: Single);
- begin
- if (Index > 0) and (Index < TotalSamples-1) then
- FSampleX[Index] := ClampS(Value, FSampleX[Index-1] + FThreshold, FSampleX[Index+1] - FThreshold);
- end;
- procedure TSampledData.SetTotalSamples(const Value: Integer);
- const ArrayGrowStep = 1; // Grow points array by ArrayGrowStep elements at once for better performance
- begin
- FTotalSamples := Value;
- if Length(FSampleX) < FTotalSamples then
- SetLength(FSampleX, FTotalSamples + ArrayGrowStep);
- end;
- procedure TSampledData.SetMinX(const Value: Single);
- begin
- FMinX := Value;
- FSampleX[0] := FMinX;
- end;
- procedure TSampledData.SetMaxX(const Value: Single);
- begin
- FMaxX := Value;
- FSampleX[FTotalSamples-1] := FMaxX;
- end;
- procedure TSampledData.Reset;
- begin
- TotalSamples := 2;
- MinX := MinX;
- MaxX := MaxX;
- end;
- constructor TSampledData.Create;
- begin
- PropertyValueType := vtSingleSample;
- FThreshold := 0.02;
- TotalSamples := 2;
- MinX := 0;
- MaxX := 1;
- Enabled := False;
- Reset;
- end;
- procedure TSampledData.AddAsProperty(Properties: Props.TProperties; const AName: string);
- var Data: Pointer;
- begin
- if not Assigned(Properties) then Exit;
- if TotalSamples > 0 then begin
- GetMem(Data, TotalSamples * (SizeOf(Single) + GetDataSize()));
- Move(FSampleX[0], Data^, TotalSamples * SizeOf(Single));
- DataExport(PtrOffs(Data, TotalSamples * SizeOf(Single)));
- end else Data := nil;
- Properties.Add(AName, PropertyValueType, [], IntToStrA(Cardinal(Data)), IntToStrA(TotalSamples * (SizeOf(Single) + GetDataSize())), '');
- Properties.Add(AName + '$Reset', vtBoolean, [], OnOffStr[False], '');
- Properties.Add(AName + '$Enabled', vtBoolean, [], OnOffStr[Enabled], '');
- Properties.Add(AName + '$Min X', vtSingle, [], FloatToStrA(FMinX), '');
- Properties.Add(AName + '$Max X', vtSingle, [], FloatToStrA(FMaxX), '');
- end;
- procedure TSampledData.SetFromProperty(Properties: Props.TProperties; const AName: string);
- var Buf: Pointer;
- begin
- if not Assigned(Properties) then Exit;
- if Properties.Valid(AName) then begin
- TotalSamples := Properties.GetBinPropertySize(AName, SizeOf(Single) + GetDataSize());
- // SetLength(FSampleX, FTotalSamples);
- if Assigned(FSampleX) then begin
- GetMem(Buf, TotalSamples * (SizeOf(Single) + GetDataSize()));
- Properties.RetrieveBinPropertyData(AName, Buf);
- Move(Buf^, FSampleX[0], TotalSamples * SizeOf(Single));
- DataImport(PtrOffs(Buf, TotalSamples * SizeOf(Single)));
- FreeMem(Buf);
- end;
- end;
- if (TotalSamples < 2) or
- Properties.Valid(AName + '$Reset') and (Properties.GetAsInteger(AName + '$Reset') > 0) then Reset();
- if Properties.Valid(AName + '$Enabled') then Enabled := Properties.GetAsInteger(AName + '$Enabled') > 0;
- if Properties.Valid(AName + '$Min X') then MinX := StrToFloatDefA(Properties[AName + '$Min X'], 0);
- if Properties.Valid(AName + '$Max X') then MaxX := StrToFloatDefA(Properties[AName + '$Max X'], 0);
- end;
- procedure TSampledData.Delete(Index: Integer);
- var i: Integer;
- begin
- if (Index > 0) and (Index < TotalSamples-1) then begin
- for i := Index to TotalSamples - 2 do begin
- MoveSample(i+1, i);
- FSampleX[i] := FSampleX[i+1];
- end;
- TotalSamples := TotalSamples - 1;
- end;
- end;
- { TSampledFloats }
- function CreateSampledFloats(MinValue, MaxValue, DefValue: Single): TSampledFloats;
- begin
- Result := TSampledFloats.Create;
- Result.MaxY := MaxValue;
- Result.MinY := MinValue;
- Result.DefaultValue := DefValue;
- Result.Reset();
- end;
- function TSampledFloats.GetSampleValue(Index: Integer): Single;
- begin
- Result := FSamples[ClampI(Index, 0, FTotalSamples-1)];
- end;
- procedure TSampledFloats.SetSampleValue(Index: Integer; const Value: Single);
- begin
- if (Index >= 0) and (Index < TotalSamples) then
- FSamples[Index] := ClampS(Value, MinY, MaxY);
- end;
- function TSampledFloats.GetValue(X: Single): Single;
- var Ind1, Ind2: Integer; K: Single;
- begin
- Result := DefaultValue;
- Ind1 := GetIndex(X)-1;
- if (Ind1 < 0) or (Ind1 >= FTotalSamples) then Exit;
- Ind2 := MinI(Ind1+1, FTotalSamples-1);
- if abs(FSampleX[Ind1] - FSampleX[Ind2]) < epsilon then
- K := 1
- else
- K := (FSampleX[Ind2] - X) / (FSampleX[Ind2] - FSampleX[Ind1]);
- Result := FSamples[Ind1] * K + FSamples[Ind2] * (1-K);
- // Result := FMinY + Result * (FMaxY - FMinY);
- end;
- procedure TSampledFloats.SetMaxY(const Value: Single);
- begin
- FMaxY := Value;
- FRange := FMaxY - FMinY;
- if FRange > epsilon then FRangeInv := 1/FRange else FRangeInv := 0;
- end;
- procedure TSampledFloats.SetMinY(const Value: Single);
- begin
- FMinY := Value;
- FRange := FMaxY - FMinY;
- if FRange > epsilon then FRangeInv := 1/FRange else FRangeInv := 0;
- end;
- procedure TSampledFloats.SetTotalSamples(const Value: Integer);
- begin
- inherited;
- SetLength(FSamples, Length(FSampleX));
- end;
- function TSampledFloats.GetDataSize: Integer;
- begin
- Result := SizeOf(Single);
- end;
- procedure TSampledFloats.DataExport(Dest: Pointer);
- begin
- if TotalSamples > 0 then Move(FSamples[0], Dest^, TotalSamples*GetDataSize());
- end;
- procedure TSampledFloats.DataImport(Src: Pointer);
- begin
- Assert(Length(FSamples) = Length(FSampleX));
- if TotalSamples > 0 then Move(Src^, FSamples[0], TotalSamples*GetDataSize());
- end;
- procedure TSampledFloats.MoveSample(SrcIndex, DestIndex: Integer);
- begin
- FSamples[DestIndex] := FSamples[SrcIndex];
- end;
- constructor TSampledFloats.Create;
- begin
- DefaultValue := 0.5;
- inherited;
- MinY := 0;
- MaxY := 1;
- end;
- procedure TSampledFloats.Reset;
- begin
- inherited;
- FSamples[0] := DefaultValue;
- FSamples[FTotalSamples-1] := DefaultValue;
- end;
- procedure TSampledFloats.AddAsProperty(Properties: Props.TProperties; const AName: string);
- begin
- inherited;
- Properties.Add(AName + '$Min Y', vtSingle, [], FloatToStrA(FMinY), '');
- Properties.Add(AName + '$Max Y', vtSingle, [], FloatToStrA(FMaxY), '');
- Properties.Add(AName + '$DefaultValue', vtSingle, [], FloatToStrA(DefaultValue), '');
- end;
- procedure TSampledFloats.SetFromProperty(Properties: Props.TProperties; const AName: string);
- begin
- inherited;
- if Properties.Valid(AName + '$Min Y') then MinY := StrToFloatDefA(Properties[AName + '$Min Y'], 0);
- if Properties.Valid(AName + '$Max Y') then MaxY := StrToFloatDefA(Properties[AName + '$Max Y'], 0);
- if Properties.Valid(AName + '$DefaultValue') then DefaultValue := StrToFloatDefA(Properties[AName + '$DefaultValue'], 0);
- end;
- procedure TSampledFloats.Insert(AX, AY: Single);
- begin
- FSamples[FindIndex(AX)] := ClampS(AY, MinY, MaxY);
- end;
- { TSampledGradient }
- function TSampledGradient.GetSampleValue(Index: Integer): TColor;
- begin
- Result := FSamples[ClampI(Index, 0, FTotalSamples-1)];
- end;
- procedure TSampledGradient.SetSampleValue(Index: Integer; const Value: TColor);
- begin
- if (Index >= 0) and (Index < TotalSamples) then
- FSamples[Index] := Value;
- end;
- function TSampledGradient.GetValue(X: Single): TColor;
- var Ind1, Ind2: Integer; K: Single;
- begin
- Result.C := $808080FF;
- Ind1 := GetIndex(X)-1;
- if (Ind1 < 0) or (Ind1 >= FTotalSamples) then Exit;
- Ind2 := MinI(Ind1+1, FTotalSamples-1);
- if abs(FSampleX[Ind1] - FSampleX[Ind2]) < epsilon then
- K := 1
- else
- K := (X - FSampleX[Ind1]) / (FSampleX[Ind2] - FSampleX[Ind1]);
- Result := BlendColor(FSamples[Ind1], FSamples[Ind2], K)
- end;
- procedure TSampledGradient.SetTotalSamples(const Value: Integer);
- begin
- inherited;
- SetLength(FSamples, Length(FSampleX));
- end;
- function TSampledGradient.GetDataSize: Integer;
- begin
- Result := SizeOf(TColor);
- end;
- constructor TSampledGradient.Create;
- begin
- inherited;
- PropertyValueType := vtGradientSample;
- end;
- procedure TSampledGradient.DataExport(Dest: Pointer);
- begin
- if TotalSamples > 0 then Move(FSamples[0], Dest^, TotalSamples*GetDataSize());
- end;
- procedure TSampledGradient.DataImport(Src: Pointer);
- begin
- if TotalSamples > 0 then Move(Src^, FSamples[0], TotalSamples*GetDataSize());
- end;
- procedure TSampledGradient.MoveSample(SrcIndex, DestIndex: Integer);
- begin
- FSamples[DestIndex] := FSamples[SrcIndex];
- end;
- procedure TSampledGradient.Reset;
- begin
- inherited;
- FSamples[0].C := $FF000000;
- FSamples[FTotalSamples-1].C := $FFFFFFFF;
- end;
- procedure TSampledGradient.Insert(AX: Single; AColor: TColor);
- begin
- FSamples[FindIndex(AX)] := AColor;
- end;
- end.