资源名称:CAST2SDK.rar [点击查看]
- (*
- @Abstract(CAST II Engine ACS (GUI) wrapper unit)
- (C) 2006 George "Mirage" Bakhtadze. <a href="http://www.casteng.com">www.casteng.com</a> <br>
- The source code may be used under either MPL 1.1 or LGPL 2.1 license. See included license.txt file <br>
- Unit contains classes which brings the power of ACS GUI library to CAST II engine
- *)
- {$Include GDefines.inc}
- {$Include C2Defines.inc}
- unit C2GUI;
- interface
- uses
- Math,
- TextFile,
- BaseTypes, Basics, Base3D, Props, Models, BaseGraph, BaseClasses, BaseMsg, ItemMsg, ACSBase, GUIFitter,
- Resources, CAST2, C22D, C2Visual, C2Materials, C2Core;
- type
- TCFont = class(TItem)
- destructor Destroy; override;
- protected
- FFont: BaseGraph.TFont;
- public
- property Font: BaseGraph.TFont read FFont;
- end;
- TCBitmapFont = class(TCFont)
- constructor Create(AManager: TItemsManager); override;
- procedure AddProperties(const Result: Props.TProperties); override;
- procedure SetProperties(Properties: Props.TProperties); override;
- protected
- procedure ResolveLinks; override;
- end;
- TC2GUIItem = class(TVisible)
- constructor Create(AManager: TItemsManager); override;
- constructor Construct(AManager: TItemsManager); override;
- procedure InitAItem; virtual; abstract;
- procedure HandleMessage(const Msg: TMessage); override;
- procedure OnSceneAdd; override;
- procedure OnSceneLoaded; override;
- procedure AddProperties(const Result: Props.TProperties); override;
- procedure SetProperties(Properties: Props.TProperties); override;
- procedure Render; override;
- procedure Process(const DeltaT: Float); override;
- protected
- Aggregate: ACSBase.TBaseGUIItem;
- // function isActuallyVisible: Boolean; override;
- end;
- T3DFitter = class(TFitter)
- private
- MinControlLength, MaxControlLength, ControlLength: Single;
- PushLocation, PushLocationWorld: TVector3s; // Starting position of the item
- PushOrientation: TQuaternion;
- RotAxis: TVector3s;
- PushAxisX, PushAxisY: Single; // Axis in screen space along which the item being moved
- CenterX, CenterY,
- XRBarX, XRBarY, YRBarX, YRBarY, ZRBarX, ZRBarY,
- XBarX, XBarY, YBarX, YBarY, ZBarX, ZBarY: Single; // Control points coordinates
- VisibleAreas: TSet32;
- FCamera: CAST2.TCamera;
- //debug
- projsx, projsy: single;
- function GetAreaAt(MX, MY: Single): Integer;
- function Project(Vector: TVector3s; out AX, AY: Single): Boolean;
- procedure SavePushState(MX, MY: Single);
- procedure SetCamera(const Value: CAST2.TCamera);
- protected
- procedure BuildAreas; override;
- procedure HandleMove(AX, AY: Single); override;
- function GetAffectedItem: TItem; override;
- procedure SetAffectedItem(const Value: TItem); override;
- public
- XAColor, YAColor, ZAColor: BaseTypes.TColor;
- AffectedProcessing: CAST2.TProcessing;
- Location: TLocation;
- Orientation: TQuaternion;
- constructor Create(AManager: TItemsManager); override;
- procedure ResetFitter; override;
- function GUIHandleMessage(const Msg: TMessage): Boolean; override;
- procedure Draw; override;
- property Camera: CAST2.TCamera read FCamera write SetCamera;
- end;
- // Returns list of classes introduced by the unit
- function GetUnitClassList: TClassArray;
- implementation
- uses SysUtils;
- function GetUnitClassList: TClassArray;
- begin
- Result := GetClassList([T3DFitter]);
- end;
- { TCFont }
- destructor TCFont.Destroy;
- begin
- inherited;
- if FFont <> nil then FFont.Free;
- end;
- { TCBitmapFont }
- constructor TCBitmapFont.Create(AManager: TItemsManager);
- begin
- inherited;
- FFont := TBitmapFont.Create(AManager);
- end;
- procedure TCBitmapFont.AddProperties(const Result: Props.TProperties);
- begin
- inherited;
- AddItemLink(Result, 'Bitmap', [], 'TImageResource');
- AddItemLink(Result, 'UV map', [], 'TUVMapResource');
- AddItemLink(Result, 'Char map', [], 'TCharMapResource');
- end;
- procedure TCBitmapFont.SetProperties(Properties: Props.TProperties);
- begin
- inherited;
- if Properties.Valid('Bitmap') then SetLinkProperty('Bitmap', Properties['Bitmap']);
- if Properties.Valid('UV map') then SetLinkProperty('UV map', Properties['UV map']);
- if Properties.Valid('Char map') then SetLinkProperty('Char map', Properties['Char map']);
- ResolveLinks;
- end;
- procedure TCBitmapFont.ResolveLinks;
- var LinkedRes: TItem; BFont: TBitmapFont;
- begin
- Assert(FFont <> nil, ClassName + '.ResolveLinks: Font is undefined');
- BFont := FFont as TBitmapFont;
- if ResolveLink('UV map', LinkedRes) then begin
- BFont.UVMap := (LinkedRes as TUVMapResource).Data;
- BFont.TotalUVs := (LinkedRes as TUVMapResource).TotalElements;
- end;
- if ResolveLink('Char map', LinkedRes) then begin
- BFont.CharMap := (LinkedRes as TCharMapResource).Data;
- BFont.TotalCharacters := (LinkedRes as TCharMapResource).TotalElements;
- end;
- if ResolveLink('Bitmap', LinkedRes) then begin
- BFont.Bitmap := (LinkedRes as TImageResource).Data;
- BFont.BitmapFormat := (LinkedRes as TImageResource).Format;
- BFont.XScale := (LinkedRes as TImageResource).Width;
- BFont.YScale := (LinkedRes as TImageResource).Height;
- end;
- FFont := BFont;
- end;
- { TC2GUIItem }
- constructor TC2GUIItem.Create(AManager: TItemsManager);
- begin
- inherited;
- TesselatorKind := tkNone;
- Assert(AManager is TBaseCore, ClassName + '.Create: AManager should be an instance of TBaseCore or one of its descendants');
- Assert(Screen is TC2Screen, ClassName + '.Create: Screen should be an instance of TC2Screen or one of its descendants');
- TC2Screen(Screen).SetCore(AManager as TCore);
- end;
- constructor TC2GUIItem.Construct(AManager: TItemsManager);
- begin
- inherited;
- end;
- procedure TC2GUIItem.OnSceneAdd;
- begin
- inherited;
- if BaseGraph.Screen = nil then begin
- // BaseGraph.Screen := TC2Screen.Create;
- // TC2Screen(BaseGraph.Screen).SetCore(FManager as TCore);
- end;
- end;
- procedure TC2GUIItem.OnSceneLoaded;
- begin
- inherited;
- end;
- procedure TC2GUIItem.AddProperties(const Result: Props.TProperties);
- begin
- inherited;
- { if AItem <> nil then begin
- LinksPush;
- // AItem.AddProperties(Result);
- Props := Props.TProperties.Create;
- AItem.GetProperties(Props);
- Result.Merge(Props, False);
- Props.Free;
- LinksPop;
- end;}
- end;
- procedure TC2GUIItem.SetProperties(Properties: Props.TProperties);
- begin
- inherited;
- { if AItem <> nil then begin
- // PropagateObjectLinks(AItem);
- AItem.SetProperties(Properties);
- end;}
- end;
- procedure TC2GUIItem.Render;
- var SolidTech, TextTech: TTechnique;
- //procedure RenderItem(Item: TC2GUIItem);
- //var i, j: Integer;
- //begin
- // if Assigned(Item.CurTechnique) then begin
- // TC2Screen(Screen).SetTechnique(pkText, Item.CurTechnique);
- // TC2Screen(Screen).SetTechnique(pkSolid, Item.CurTechnique);
- //// TC2Screen(Screen).SetTechnique(pkSolid, FManager.Root.GetChildByFullName('Root itemMaterials2D2D Technique 1') as TTechnique);
- // Item.Aggregate.Draw;
- // end;
- // for i := 0 to Item.Aggregate.TotalChilds-1 do begin
- // if (Item.Aggregate.Childs[i] is TBaseGUIItem) and (isVisible in Item.Aggregate.Childs[i].State) then
- // RenderItem(TC2GUIItem(TBaseGUIItem(Item.Aggregate.Childs[i]).AggregatedItem)) else
- // if Item.Aggregate.Childs[i] is TDummyItem then for i := 0 to Item.Aggregate.TotalChilds-1 do
- // end;
- //end;
- procedure RenderItem(Item: TItem);
- var i: Integer; C2GUIItem: TC2GUIItem;
- begin
- if not (isVisible in Item.State) then Exit;
- if Item is TBaseGUIItem then begin
- C2GUIItem := TBaseGUIItem(Item).AggregatedItem as TC2GUIItem;
- if Assigned(C2GUIItem.CurTechnique) then begin
- TC2Screen(Screen).SetTechnique(pkText, C2GUIItem.CurTechnique);
- TC2Screen(Screen).SetTechnique(pkSolid, C2GUIItem.CurTechnique);
- // TC2Screen(Screen).SetTechnique(pkSolid, FManager.Root.GetChildByFullName('Root itemMaterials2D2D Technique 1') as TTechnique);
- TBaseGUIItem(Item).Draw;
- end;
- // end;
- end;// else Assert(Item is TDummyItem, Format('Only GUI items or dummy items are allowed in GUI hierarchy, but an item of class %s found', [Item.ClassName]));
- for i := 0 to Item.TotalChilds-1 do RenderItem(Item.Childs[i]);
- end;
- begin
- inherited;
- SolidTech := TC2Screen(Screen).SolidTechnique;
- TextTech := TC2Screen(Screen).TextTechnique;
- Screen.CurrentZ := ClearingZ; // ToDo: Eliminate it
- RenderItem(Self.Aggregate);
- TC2Screen(Screen).SetTechnique(pkSolid, SolidTech);
- TC2Screen(Screen).SetTechnique(pkText, TextTech);
- end;
- procedure TC2GUIItem.HandleMessage(const Msg: TMessage);
- begin
- inherited;
- // AItem.HandleMessage(Msg);
- if Msg.ClassType = TAggregateMsg then begin
- Aggregate := TAggregateMsg(Msg).Aggregate as TBaseGUIItem;
- // FState := Aggregate.State;
- if Aggregate is TGUIRootItem then TesselatorKind := tkShared;
- end;
- end;
- procedure TC2GUIItem.Process(const DeltaT: Float);
- begin
- inherited;
- // AItem.Process;
- end;
- {function TC2GUIItem.isActuallyVisible: Boolean;
- var Item: TItem;
- begin
- // if not Assigned(Aggregate) then Exit;
- Item := Aggregate;
- while Assigned(Item) and
- not (((Item is TVisible) or (Item is TBaseGUIItem) or (Item is TDummyItem)) and not (isVisible in Item.State)) do
- Item := Item.Parent;
- Result := not Assigned(Item) and Assigned(Aggregate);
- end;}
- { T3DFitter }
- function T3DFitter.GetAreaAt(MX, MY: Single): Integer;
- var i: Integer;
- begin
- Result := -1;
- for i := haCenter to haZRotate do if IsInArea(MX, MY, Areas[i]) then Result:= i;
- end;
- function T3DFitter.Project(Vector: TVector3s; out AX, AY: Single): Boolean;
- var Transformed: TVector4s;
- begin
- // Transformed := Transform4Vector3s(Camera.TotalMatrix, AddVector3s(AffectedProcessing.Position, Transform3Vector3s(CutMatrix3s(AffectedProcessing.Transform), Vector)));
- Transformed := Transform4Vector3s(Camera.TotalMatrix, Transform4Vector33s(AffectedProcessing.Transform, Vector));
- if Transformed.W > 0 then begin
- Transformed.W := 1/Transformed.W;
- AX := Camera.RenderWidth shr 1 * (1 + Transformed.X * Transformed.W);
- AY := Camera.RenderHeight shr 1 * (1 - Transformed.Y * Transformed.W);
- Result := True;
- // (AX >= 0) and (AY >= 0) and (AX < Camera.ScreenWidth) and (AY < Camera.ScreenHeight);
- end else Result := False;
- end;
- procedure T3DFitter.SavePushState(MX, MY: Single);
- begin
- if not Assigned(AffectedProcessing) then Exit;
- HoverArea := GetAreaAt(MX, MY);
- Project(GetVector3s(0, 0, 0), PushAxisX, PushAxisY);
- { case HoverArea of
- haXMove: Project(GetVector3s(ControlLength, 0, 0), PushX, PushY);
- haYMove: Project(GetVector3s(0, ControlLength, 0), PushX, PushY);
- haZMove: Project(GetVector3s(0, 0, ControlLength), PushX, PushY);
- end;}
- PushX := MX; PushY := MY;
- PushAxisX := (PushX - PushAxisX);// / ControlLength;// / Sqrt( Sqr(PushX - PushAxisX) + Sqr(PushY - PushAxisY) );
- PushAxisY := (PushY - PushAxisY);// / ControlLength;// / Sqrt( Sqr(PushX - PushAxisX) + Sqr(PushY - PushAxisY) );
- PushLocation := AffectedProcessing.Position;
- PushLocationWorld := AffectedProcessing.GetAbsLocation;
- PushOrientation := AffectedProcessing.Orientation;// AffectedProcessing.GetAbsOrientation;
- case HoverArea of
- haXRotate: RotAxis := AffectedProcessing.RightVector;
- haYRotate: RotAxis := AffectedProcessing.UpVector;
- haZRotate: RotAxis := AffectedProcessing.ForwardVector;
- end;
- end;
- procedure T3DFitter.SetCamera(const Value: CAST2.TCamera);
- begin
- FCamera := Value;
- if FCamera <> nil then begin // Expand the control on entire screen to issue GUI events (TGUIDownMsg etc)
- Width := FCamera.RenderWidth;
- Height := FCamera.RenderHeight;
- end;
- end;
- procedure T3DFitter.BuildAreas;
- function SquareArea(CX, CY: single): BaseTypes.TArea;
- begin
- Result := GetArea(CX - DefaultSize*0.5, CY - DefaultSize*0.5, CX + DefaultSize*0.5, CY + DefaultSize*0.5);
- end;
- procedure CalcControlLength; // Calculate control axis length taking in account min and max values
- var Dist, CX, CY, FX, FY: Single;
- begin
- ControlLength := 1;
- Project(GetVector3s(0, 0, 0), CX, CY); // Check the maximum possible length of control axis
- Project(Transform3Vector3sTransp(CutMatrix3s(AffectedProcessing.Transform), Camera.RightVector), FX, FY); // by projection of the camera's rught vector
- Dist := Sqr(FX - CX) + Sqr(FY - CY);
- if Dist < Sqr(MinControlLength) then ControlLength := MinControlLength / Sqrt(Dist);
- if Dist > Sqr(MaxControlLength) then ControlLength := MaxControlLength / Sqrt(Dist);
- end;
- begin
- VisibleAreas := [];
- if (Camera = nil) or (AffectedProcessing = nil) then Exit;
- CalcControlLength;
- if Project(GetVector3s(0, 0, 0), CenterX, CenterY) then Include(VisibleAreas, haCenter);
- Areas[haCenter] := SquareArea(CenterX, CenterY);
- if Project(GetVector3s(ControlLength, 0, 0), XBarX, XBarY) then Include(VisibleAreas, haXMove);
- Areas[haXMove] := SquareArea(XBarX, XBarY);
- if Project(GetVector3s(0, ControlLength, 0), YBarX, YBarY) then Include(VisibleAreas, haYMove);
- Areas[haYMove] := SquareArea(YBarX, YBarY);
- if Project(GetVector3s(0, 0, ControlLength), ZBarX, ZBarY) then Include(VisibleAreas, haZMove);
- Areas[haZMove] := SquareArea(ZBarX, ZBarY);
- if Project(GetVector3s(0, -ControlLength*2, 0), XRBarX, XRBarY) then Include(VisibleAreas, haXRotate);
- Areas[haXRotate] := SquareArea(XRBarX, XRBarY);
- if Project(GetVector3s(0, 0, -ControlLength*2), YRBarX, YRBarY) then Include(VisibleAreas, haYRotate);
- Areas[haYRotate] := SquareArea(YRBarX, YRBarY);
- if Project(GetVector3s(-ControlLength*2, 0, 0), ZRBarX, ZRBarY) then Include(VisibleAreas, haZRotate);
- Areas[haZRotate] := SquareArea(ZRBarX, ZRBarY);
- end;
- procedure T3DFitter.HandleMove(AX, AY: Single);
- function ScreenToCamera(X, Y: Single): TVector3s;
- begin
- Result.X := (X - 0.5*Camera.RenderWidth ) / Camera.RenderWidth;
- Result.Y := (0.5*Camera.RenderHeight - Y) / Camera.RenderHeight / Camera.CurrentAspectRatio;
- Result.Z := 0.5 / Sin(Camera.HFoV/2)*Cos(Camera.HFoV/2);
- end;
- function CameraToWorld(const V: TVector3s): TVector3s;
- begin
- Result := Transform4Vector3s(InvertMatrix4s(Camera.ViewMatrix), V).XYZ;
- // d := 0.5*Camera.ScreenWidth / Sin(Camera.HFoV/2)*Cos(Camera.HFoV/2);
- // Result := AddVector3s(Camera.GetAbsLocation, ScaleVector3s(Camera.ForwardVector, -d*0));
- end;
- procedure DoMove;
- var
- ReverseMat: TMatrix4s;
- MV, WP1, WP2, SP1, SP2, Axis: TVector3s;
- d, wd, CosA, SinB, SinC: Extended;
- Op: TItemMoveOp;
- begin
- case HoverArea of
- haCenter: ;
- haXMove: begin // AX/|AX| * MV * cos
- Axis := AffectedProcessing.RightVector;
- end;
- haYMove: Axis := AffectedProcessing.UpVector;
- haZMove: Axis := AffectedProcessing.ForwardVector;
- end;
- wd := Sqr(PushAxisX) + Sqr(PushAxisY);
- d := (PushAxisX * (AX - PushX) + PushAxisY * (AY - PushY)) / wd; // |AxP|/|MV|*cos
- // d :=
- MV.X := PushAxisX * d;
- MV.Y := PushAxisY * d; // MV - move vector projected on PushAxis
- projsx := PushX + MV.X;
- projsy := PushY + MV.Y;
- if Sqr(MV.X) + Sqr(MV.Y) > Sqr(0.1) then begin
- SP1 := CameraToWorld(ScreenToCamera(PushX, PushY));
- SP2 := CameraToWorld(ScreenToCamera(PushX + MV.X, PushY + MV.Y));
- WP1 := AddVector3s(PushLocationWorld, ScaleVector3s(Axis, ControlLength));
- d := Sqrt(SqrMagnitude(SubVector3s(WP1, Camera.Position))/
- SqrMagnitude(SubVector3s(SP1, Camera.Position)));
- WP2 := AddVector3s(Camera.Position, ScaleVector3s(SubVector3s(SP2, Camera.Position), d));
- wd := Sqrt(SqrMagnitude(SubVector3s(WP2, WP1)));
- // sin(b)/wd = sin(c)/x => x = sin(c)*wd/sin(b)
- CosA := DotProductVector3s(Axis, SubVector3s(WP2, WP1))/wd;
- SinB := Sqrt(1 - Sqr(DotProductVector3s(Axis, NormalizeVector3s(SubVector3s(WP2, Camera.Position)))));
- SinC := Sqrt(1 - Sqr(DotProductVector3s(SubVector3s(WP2, WP1), NormalizeVector3s(SubVector3s(WP2, Camera.Position)))/wd));
- wd := wd * SinC / SinB * Sign(CosA);
- // Location := AddVector3s(PushLocation, ScaleVector3s(Axis, wd));
- if (AffectedProcessing.Parent is CAST2.TProcessing) then
- ReverseMat := InvertMatrix4s(CAST2.TProcessing(AffectedProcessing.Parent).Transform)
- else
- ReverseMat := IdentityMatrix4s;
- Location := Transform4Vector3s(ReverseMat, AddVector3s(PushLocationWorld, ScaleVector3s(Axis, wd)));
- end else Location := GetLocationFromVec3s(PushLocation);
- if Assigned(AffectedItem) then
- if UseOperations then begin
- Op := TItemMoveOp.Create;
- if Op.Init(AffectedProcessing, Location) then
- SendMessage(TOperationMsg.Create(Op), nil, [mfCore])
- else
- Op.Free;
- end else
- AffectedProcessing.Location := Location;
- end;
- procedure DoRotate;
- var
- // ReverseMat: TMatrix4s;
- NewPos, OldPos: TVector3s;
- Ang, t: Extended;
- Quat: TQuaternion;
- Op: TItemRotateOp;
- function GetPointOnPlane(UseOld: Boolean; var Res: TVector3s): Boolean;
- var d, wd, PX, PY: Extended; W: TVector3s;
- begin
- Result := True;
- if UseOld then begin
- PX := PushX; PY := PushY;
- end else begin
- PX := AX; PY := AY;
- end;
- W := Camera.Position;
- d := DotProductVector3s(RotAxis, SubVector3s(AffectedProcessing.GetAbsLocation, W));
- W := SubVector3s(CameraToWorld(ScreenToCamera(PX, PY)), W);
- wd := DotProductVector3s(RotAxis, W);
- if Abs(wd) > epsilon then
- Res := AddVector3s(Camera.Position, ScaleVector3s(W, d/wd)) else begin
- if UseOld then
- AddVector3s(Res, AffectedProcessing.GetAbsLocation, RotAxis) else
- Res := CameraToWorld(ScreenToCamera(PX, PY));
- end;
- end;
- begin
- if not GetPointOnPlane(True, OldPos) or not GetPointOnPlane(False, NewPos) then Exit;
- SubVector3s(OldPos, OldPos, AffectedProcessing.GetAbsLocation);
- SubVector3s(NewPos, NewPos, AffectedProcessing.GetAbsLocation);
- t := DotProductVector3s(OldPos, NewPos) / Sqrt(SqrMagnitude(OldPos)) / Sqrt(SqrMagnitude(NewPos));
- if (t > 1) then t := 1;
- if (t < -1) then t := -1;
- Ang := -ArcCos(t);
- if DotProductVector3s(CrossProductVector3s(OldPos, NewPos), RotAxis) > 0 then Ang := - Ang;
- Quat := GetQuaternion(Ang, RotAxis);
- { if (AffectedProcessing.Parent is TProcessing) then
- ReverseMat := RotTransMatrixInvert(TProcessing(AffectedProcessing.Parent).Transform) else
- ReverseMat := IdentityMatrix4s;}
- if Assigned(AffectedItem) then
- if UseOperations then begin
- Op := TItemRotateOp.Create;
- if Op.Init(AffectedProcessing, NormalizeQuaternion(MulQuaternion(Quat, PushOrientation))) then
- SendMessage(TOperationMsg.Create(Op), nil, [mfCore])
- else
- Op.Free;
- end else
- AffectedProcessing.Orientation := NormalizeQuaternion(MulQuaternion(Quat, PushOrientation));
- end;
- begin
- if (Camera = nil) or (AffectedProcessing = nil) or (HoverArea = -1) then Exit;
- case HoverArea of
- haCenter, haXMove, haYMove, haZMove: DoMove;
- haXRotate, haYRotate, haZRotate: DoRotate;
- end;
- end;
- function T3DFitter.GetAffectedItem: TItem;
- begin
- Result := AffectedProcessing;
- end;
- procedure T3DFitter.SetAffectedItem(const Value: TItem);
- begin
- if Value is CAST2.TProcessing then
- AffectedProcessing := Value as CAST2.TProcessing else begin
- {$IFDEF LOGGING} Log.Log(ClassName + '.SetAffectedItem: Affected item is not a TProcessing', lkError); {$ENDIF}
- end;
- BuildAreas;
- end;
- constructor T3DFitter.Create(AManager: TItemsManager);
- begin
- inherited;
- XAColor.C := $FF0000FF;
- YAColor.C := $FF00FF00;
- ZAColor.C := $FFFF0000;
- MinControlLength := 16;
- MaxControlLength := 64;
- end;
- procedure T3DFitter.ResetFitter;
- begin
- inherited;
- FCamera := nil;
- end;
- function T3DFitter.GUIHandleMessage(const Msg: TMessage): Boolean;
- var i: Integer; OMX, OMY: Integer; MX, MY: Single; Processed: Boolean;
- begin
- if Msg is TMouseMsg then with TMouseMsg(Msg) do begin
- OMX := X; OMY := Y;
- MX := X; MY := Y;
- ScreenToClient(MX, MY);
- end else begin
- OMX := 0; OMY := 0;
- end;
- Result := inherited GUIHandleMessage(Msg);
- if not Result then Exit;
- if Msg is TMouseMsg then with TMouseMsg(Msg) do begin
- Processed := False;
- if (Msg.ClassType = TMouseDownMsg) then begin
- if Hover then begin
- SavePushState(MX, MY);
- Processed := True;
- end;
- end else if (Msg.ClassType = TMouseMoveMsg) then begin
- Processed := True;
- if Pushed then HandleMove(MX, MY) else begin
- HoverArea := -1;
- for i := haCenter to haZRotate do if IsInArea(MX, MY, Areas[i]) then HoverArea := i;
- Processed := HoverArea <> -1;
- end;
- end;
- if not Processed then begin // Restore mouse coordinates to allow the message handling by other controls
- X := OMX;
- Y := OMY;
- end;
- end;
- end;
- procedure T3DFitter.Draw;
- begin
- if not (haCenter in VisibleAreas) then Exit;
- inherited;
- BuildAreas;
- if haCenter = HoverArea then Screen.SetColor(Color) else Screen.SetColor(NormalColor);
- Screen.Bar(Areas[haCenter].X1, Areas[haCenter].Y1, Areas[haCenter].X2, Areas[haCenter].Y2);
- if haXMove in VisibleAreas then begin
- if haXMove = HoverArea then Screen.SetColor(Color) else Screen.SetColor(XAColor);
- Screen.Line(CenterX, CenterY, XBarX, XBarY);
- Screen.Bar(Areas[haXMove].X1, Areas[haXMove].Y1, Areas[haXMove].X2, Areas[haXMove].Y2);
- end;
- if haYMove in VisibleAreas then begin
- if haYMove = HoverArea then Screen.SetColor(Color) else Screen.SetColor(YAColor);
- Screen.Line(CenterX, CenterY, YBarX, YBarY);
- Screen.Bar(Areas[haYMove].X1, Areas[haYMove].Y1, Areas[haYMove].X2, Areas[haYMove].Y2);
- end;
- if haZMove in VisibleAreas then begin
- if haZMove = HoverArea then Screen.SetColor(Color) else Screen.SetColor(ZAColor);
- Screen.Line(CenterX, CenterY, ZBarX, ZBarY);
- Screen.Bar(Areas[haZMove].X1, Areas[haZMove].Y1, Areas[haZMove].X2, Areas[haZMove].Y2);
- end;
- if haXRotate in VisibleAreas then begin
- if haXRotate = HoverArea then Screen.SetColor(Color) else Screen.SetColor(XAColor);
- Screen.Line(CenterX, CenterY, XRBarX, XRBarY);
- Screen.Bar(Areas[haXRotate].X1+RoundShift, Areas[haXRotate].Y1, Areas[haXRotate].X2-RoundShift, Areas[haXRotate].Y2);
- Screen.Bar(Areas[haXRotate].X1, Areas[haXRotate].Y1+RoundShift, Areas[haXRotate].X2, Areas[haXRotate].Y2-RoundShift);
- end;
- if haYRotate in VisibleAreas then begin
- if haYRotate = HoverArea then Screen.SetColor(Color) else Screen.SetColor(YAColor);
- Screen.Line(CenterX, CenterY, YRBarX, YRBarY);
- Screen.Bar(Areas[haYRotate].X1+RoundShift, Areas[haYRotate].Y1, Areas[haYRotate].X2-RoundShift, Areas[haYRotate].Y2);
- Screen.Bar(Areas[haYRotate].X1, Areas[haYRotate].Y1+RoundShift, Areas[haYRotate].X2, Areas[haYRotate].Y2-RoundShift);
- end;
- if haZRotate in VisibleAreas then begin
- if haZRotate = HoverArea then Screen.SetColor(Color) else Screen.SetColor(ZAColor);
- Screen.Line(CenterX, CenterY, ZRBarX, ZRBarY);
- Screen.Bar(Areas[haZRotate].X1+RoundShift, Areas[haZRotate].Y1, Areas[haZRotate].X2-RoundShift, Areas[haZRotate].Y2);
- Screen.Bar(Areas[haZRotate].X1, Areas[haZRotate].Y1+RoundShift, Areas[haZRotate].X2, Areas[haZRotate].Y2-RoundShift);
- end;
- if Pushed then begin
- Screen.SetColor(GetColor($FFFFFF00));
- // Screen.Bar(PushX - 2, PushY - 2, PushX + 2, PushY + 2);
- Screen.SetColor(GetColor($FF00FF00));
- Screen.Bar(projsx - 2, projsy - 2, projsx + 2, projsy + 2);
- end;
- end;
- initialization
- ACSBase.AggregatedClass := TC2GUIItem;
- GlobalClassList.Add('C2GUI', GetUnitClassList);
- end.