资源名称:CAST2SDK.rar [点击查看]
- (*
- @Abstract(CAST Engine DirectX 8 GUI items unit)
- (C) 2006 George "Mirage" Bakhtadze. <a href="http://www.casteng.com">www.casteng.com</a> <br>
- The source code may be used under either MPL 1.1 or LGPL 2.1 license. See included license.txt file <br>
- Unit contains ready to use GUI items such as button, label etc
- *)
- {$Include GDefines}
- {$Include C2Defines}
- unit C2GUIItems;
- interface
- uses
- TextFile,
- Basics, Base3D, Props, BaseGraph,
- C2Types, CAST2, C22D, Markup, C2Visual, C2GUI;
- type
- TGUIPoint = class(TGUIItem)
- end;
- TGUILine = class(TGUIItem)
- procedure Render; override;
- end;
- { TGUICursor = class(TUVGUIItem)
- constructor Create; override;
- procedure Render; override;
- function ProcessInput(MX, MY: Single): Boolean; override;
- procedure GetProperties(var Result: TProperties); override;
- procedure SetProperties(Properties: TProperties); override;
- procedure SetPosition(const AX, AY: Single); override;
- procedure SetFrame(const Value: Integer); override;
- procedure SetFrameRange(const AMin, AMax: Integer); virtual;
- procedure SetWindow(const X1, Y1, X2, Y2: Single); virtual;
- protected
- CMinFrame, CMaxFrame: Integer;
- HotX, HotY: Single;
- WindowX1, WindowY1, WindowX2, WindowY2: Single;
- end;}
- TLabel = class(TWrappingText)
- procedure Render; override;
- end;
- (* TSwitchLabel = class(TLabel)
- // Splits text to variants by "&". "\" threats as ""
- Variants: TStringArray; TotalVariants: Integer;
- procedure SetText(const AText: string); override;
- procedure SetVariantIndex(const Value: Integer); virtual;
- function ProcessInput(MX, MY: Single): Boolean; override;
- procedure GetProperties(var Result: TProperties); override;
- procedure SetProperties(Properties: TProperties); override;
- function IndexOf(const Value: string): Integer; virtual;
- protected
- SWText: string;
- FVariantIndex: Integer;
- public
- property VariantIndex: Integer read FVariantIndex write SetVariantIndex;
- end;
- TPanel = class(TUVGUIItem)
- LineColor, LineHoverColor: Longword;
- CurrentFrame: Integer;
- procedure Render; override;
- function ProcessInput(MX, MY: Single): Boolean; override;
- procedure SetLineColor(const ALineColor: Longword);
- procedure GetProperties(var Result: TProperties); override;
- procedure SetProperties(Properties: TProperties); override;
- protected
- CurrentLineColor: Longword;
- end;
- TSwitchButton = class(TPanel)
- constructor Create; override;
- procedure SetFrame(const Value: Integer); override;
- procedure SetFrameRange(const AMin, AMax: Integer); virtual;
- procedure GetProperties(var Result: TProperties); override;
- procedure SetProperties(Properties: TProperties); override;
- function ProcessInput(MX, MY: Single): Boolean; override;
- protected
- MinSwitchFrame, MaxSwitchFrame: Integer;
- function GetVariantIndex: Integer;
- procedure SetVariantIndex(const Value: Integer);
- public
- property VariantIndex: Integer read GetVariantIndex write SetVariantIndex;
- end;
- TCheckBox = class(TPanel)
- constructor Create; override;
- function ProcessInput(MX, MY: Single): Boolean; override;
- procedure GetProperties(var Result: TProperties); override;
- procedure SetProperties(Properties: TProperties); override;
- protected
- FChecked: Boolean;
- HoverFrame, CheckedFrame, HoverCheckedFrame: Integer;
- procedure SetChecked(const Value: Boolean);
- public
- property Checked: Boolean read FChecked write SetChecked;
- end;
- TButton = class(TPanel)
- Pressed: Boolean;
- function ProcessInput(MX, MY: Single): Boolean; override;
- procedure GetProperties(var Result: TProperties); override;
- procedure SetProperties(Properties: TProperties); override;
- procedure Process; override;
- protected
- HoverFrame, PressedFrame: Integer;
- RepeatDelay, RepeatTimer: Integer;
- RepeatsPerTick, RepeatsCounter: Single;
- end;
- TSlider = class(TUVGUIItem)
- ValueColor, HoverValueColor: Longword;
- ValueFrame: Integer;
- Vertical, FreeChange, Tracking: Boolean;
- constructor Create; override;
- procedure Render; override;
- function ProcessInput(MX, MY: Single): Boolean; override;
- procedure GetProperties(var Result: TProperties); override;
- procedure SetProperties(Properties: TProperties); override;
- function SetValueByCoord(const MX, MY: Single): Boolean; virtual;
- private
- procedure SetMaxValue(const Value: Integer);
- procedure SetValue(const Value: Integer);
- protected
- FValue, FMaxValue: Integer;
- CurrentValueColor: Longword;
- public
- property Value: Integer read FValue write SetValue;
- property MaxValue: Integer read FMaxValue write SetMaxValue;
- end;*)
- implementation
- uses C2Tess2D;
- { TGUILine }
- procedure TGUILine.Render;
- var i, PCnt: Integer; Point: TGUIPoint;
- begin
- Screen.SetViewport(Screen.ConstructViewport(X, Y, X + Width - 1, Y + Height - 1));
- SetTechnique(CurTechnique);
- PCnt := 0;
- for i := 0 to TotalChilds-1 do if Childs[i] is TGUIPoint then begin
- Point := Childs[i] as TGUIPoint;
- Screen.SetColor(Point.CurrentColor);
- if PCnt = 0 then Screen.MoveTo(Point.X, Point.Y) else Screen.LineTo(Point.X, Point.Y);
- Inc(PCnt);
- end;
- inherited;
- Screen.RestoreViewport;
- end;
- { TGUICursor }
- {constructor TGUICursor.Create;
- begin
- inherited;
- CMinFrame := 0; CMaxFrame := 0;
- HotX := 0; HotY := 0;
- SetWindow(-1, -1, -1, -1);
- end;
- function TGUICursor.GetProperties: TProperties;
- begin
- Result := inherited GetProperties;
- NewProperty(Result, 'Minimal frame number', ptInt32, Pointer(CMinFrame));
- NewProperty(Result, 'Maximal frame number', ptInt32, Pointer(CMaxFrame));
- NewProperty(Result, 'Hot X', ptSingle, Pointer(HotX));
- NewProperty(Result, 'Hot Y', ptSingle, Pointer(HotY));
- end;
- function TGUICursor.SetProperties(AProperties: TProperties): Integer;
- begin
- Result := -1;
- SetFrameRange(Integer(GetPropertyValue(AProperties, 'Minimal frame number')), Integer(GetPropertyValue(AProperties, 'Maximal frame number')));
- if inherited SetProperties(AProperties) < 0 then Exit;
- HotX := Single(GetPropertyValue(AProperties, 'Hot X'));
- HotY := Single(GetPropertyValue(AProperties, 'Hot Y'));
- Result := 0;
- end;
- function TGUICursor.ProcessInput(MX, MY: Single): Boolean;
- begin
- SetPosition(MX - HotX, MY - HotY);
- Result := inherited ProcessInput(MX, MY);
- end;
- procedure TGUICursor.SetPosition(const AX, AY: Single);
- var NX, NY, WX1, WY1, WX2, WY2: Single;
- begin
- if WindowX1 = -1 then WX1 := -HotX else WX1 := WindowX1-HotX;
- if WindowY1 = -1 then WY1 := -HotY else WY1 := WindowY1-HotY;
- if WindowX2 = -1 then WX2 := World.Renderer.RenderPars.ActualWidth-1-HotX else WX2 := WindowX2-HotX;
- if WindowY2 = -1 then WY2 := World.Renderer.RenderPars.ActualHeight-1-HotY else WY2 := WindowY2-HotY;
- NX := MinS(MaxS(AX, WX1), WX2) + 0.5;
- NY := MinS(MaxS(AY, WY1), WY2) + 0.5;
- inherited SetPosition(NX, NY);
- end;
- procedure TGUICursor.SetWindow(const X1, Y1, X2, Y2: Single);
- begin
- WindowX1 := X1; WindowY1 := Y1; WindowX2 := X2; WindowY2 := Y2;
- if WindowX1 > WindowX2 then Swap(WindowX1, WindowX2);
- if WindowY1 > WindowY2 then Swap(WindowY1, WindowY2);
- SetPosition(X, Y);
- end;
- procedure TGUICursor.SetFrame(const Value: Integer);
- begin
- inherited SetFrame(MinI(MaxI(Value, CMinFrame), CMaxFrame));
- NormalFrame := Frame;
- end;
- procedure TGUICursor.Render(const Screen: TScreen);
- begin
- Screen.SetUV(UVMap[Frame]);
- Screen.SetColor(CurrentColor);
- Screen.SetRenderPasses(RenderPasses);
- Screen.Bar(X, Y, X + Width, Y + Height);
- inherited;
- end;
- procedure TGUICursor.SetFrameRange(const AMin, AMax: Integer);
- begin
- CMinFrame := MinI(MaxI(AMin, 0), MaxFrame);
- CMaxFrame := MinI(MaxI(AMax, 0), MaxFrame);
- if CMinFrame > CMaxFrame then Swap(CMinFrame, CMaxFrame);
- SetFrame(Frame);
- end;}
- { TLabel }
- procedure TLabel.Render;
- const Dg = 256;
- var i, j: Integer;
- begin
- if CurTechnique = nil then Exit;
- SetTechnique(CurTechnique);
- if (Font = nil) or (RText = '') then Exit;
- // Screen.DrawLine(Random(200), Random(200), Random(200), Random(200));
- // Screen.Bar(Random(200), Random(200), Random(200), Random(200));
- { for i := 0 to 15 do for j := 0 to 15 do begin
- Screen.SetColor((i * 16 + (j * 16) shl 8) or $FF000000);
- Screen.Bar(X + i*16, Y + j*16, X + i*16+14, Y + j*16+14);
- Screen.SetColor(((15-i) * 16 + (j * 16) shl 16) or $FF000000);
- Screen.Line(X + i*16, Y + j*16, X + i*16+14, Y + j*16+14);
- end;
- Screen.MoveTo(X + 100, Y);
- for i := 0 to TicksProcessed and (Dg-1) do Screen.LineTo(X + Cos(i/Dg*2*pi)*100, Y + Sin(i/Dg*2*pi)*100);
- }
- // Screen.Bar(X, Y, X + 200, Y + Height);
- Screen.SetColor(CurrentColor);
- Screen.SetFont(Font.Font);
- case WrapMode of
- wmNone: if Colored then Screen.PutFormattedText(X, Y, RText) else Screen.PutText(X, Y, RText);
- wmCut: ;
- wmSimbolWrap, wmWordWrap: for i := 0 to TotalLines-1 do
- if Colored then Screen.PutFormattedText(X, Y+i*LineHeight, Lines[i]) else Screen.PutText(X, Y+i*LineHeight, Lines[i]);
- wmJustify: ;
- end;
- inherited;
- end;
- end.
- { TTextGUIItem }
- function TTextGUIItem.GetProperties: TProperties;
- begin
- Result := inherited GetProperties;
- // NewProperty(Result, 'Text', ptResource + World.ResourceManager.GetResourceClassIndex('TTextResource') shl 8, Pointer(TextRes));
- NewProperty(Result, 'Text', ptLongString + Length(FText) shl 8, Pointer(FText));
- NewProperty(Result, 'Colored', ptBoolean, Pointer(Colored));
- NewProperty(Result, 'Font', ptGroupBegin, nil);
- NewProperty(Result, 'UVMap', ptResource + World.ResourceManager.GetResourceClassIndex('TFontResource') shl 8, Pointer(FontRes));
- NewProperty(Result, 'Characters mapping', ptResource + World.ResourceManager.GetResourceClassIndex('TCharMapResource') shl 8, Pointer(CharMapRes));
- NewProperty(Result, 'X scale', ptSingle, Pointer(TextXScale));
- NewProperty(Result, 'Y scale', ptSingle, Pointer(TextYScale));
- NewProperty(Result, '', ptGroupEnd, nil);
- end;
- function TTextGUIItem.SetProperties(AProperties: TProperties): Integer;
- var Prop: TProperty; s: string;
- begin
- Result := -1;
- if inherited SetProperties(AProperties) < 0 then Exit;
- FontRes := Integer(GetPropertyValue(AProperties, 'UVMap'));
- CharMapRes := Integer(GetPropertyValue(AProperties, 'Characters mapping'));
- TextXScale := Single(GetPropertyValue(AProperties, 'X scale'));
- TextYScale := Single(GetPropertyValue(AProperties, 'Y scale'));
- Colored := Boolean(GetPropertyValue(AProperties, 'Colored'));
- if (FontRes >= 0) and (FontRes < World.ResourceManager.TotalResources) and (World.ResourceManager[FontRes] is TArrayResource) then
- UVMap := TUVMap(World.ResourceManager[FontRes].Data);
- if (CharMapRes >= 0) and (CharMapRes < World.ResourceManager.TotalResources) and (World.ResourceManager[CharMapRes] is TArrayResource) then
- CharMap := TCharMap(World.ResourceManager[CharMapRes].Data);
- if GetProperty(AProperties, 'Text', Prop) then begin
- if Prop.ValueType and $FF = ptLongString then begin
- RetrieveLongString(Prop.Value, Prop.ValueType shr 8, s);
- SetText(s);
- end else if Prop.ValueType and $FF = ptResource then begin
- SetTextRes(Integer(Prop.Value));
- end;
- end;
- Result := 0;
- end;
- function TTextGUIItem.GetClearedText: string;
- begin
- if Colored then begin
- if Markup = nil then Markup := TSimpleMarkup.Create;
- Markup.FormattedText := RText;
- Result := Markup.ClearedText
- end else Result := RText;
- end;
- procedure TTextGUIItem.SetText(const AText: string);
- begin
- FText := AText; RText := FText;
- Width := GetTextWidth;
- end;
- procedure TTextGUIItem.SetTextRes(const ATextRes: Integer);
- begin
- TextRes := ATextRes;
- if (TextRes = -1) or (TextRes >= World.ResourceManager.TotalResources) or not (World.ResourceManager[TextRes] is TTextResource) then
- SetText('') else
- SetText(TTextResource(World.ResourceManager[TextRes]).GetText);
- end;
- function TTextGUIItem.GetTextWidth: Single;
- var i: Integer;
- begin
- Result := 0;
- if (FontRes = -1) or (CharMapRes = -1) or (not (World.ResourceManager[CharMapRes] is TCharMapResource)) then Exit;
- for i := 0 to Length(CText)-1 do
- // Result := Result + TUVMap(World.ResourceManager[FontRes].Data)[Ord(FText[i+1])-32].W * TextXScale;
- Result := Result + TUVMap(World.ResourceManager[FontRes].Data)[TCharMap(World.ResourceManager[CharMapRes].Data)[Ord(CText[i+1])]].W * TextXScale;
- end;
- destructor TTextGUIItem.Free;
- begin
- if Markup <> nil then Markup.Free;
- end;
- { TWrappingText }
- function TWrappingText.GetProperties: TProperties;
- begin
- Result := inherited GetProperties;
- NewProperty(Result, 'Text wrapping mode', ptInt32, Pointer(WrapMode));
- end;
- function TWrappingText.SetProperties(AProperties: TProperties): Integer;
- begin
- Result := -1;
- WrapMode := Integer(GetPropertyValue(AProperties, 'Text wrapping mode'));
- if inherited SetProperties(AProperties) < 0 then Exit;
- Result := 0;
- end;
- procedure TWrappingText.SetText(const AText: string);
- procedure DoSimbolWrap;
- var cc: Integer; cw: Single;
- begin
- LineHeight := 0;
- if (UVMap = nil) or (CharMap = nil) then Exit;
- TotalLines := 0;
- if CText = '' then Exit;
- cc := 1; cw := 0;
- Inc(TotalLines); SetLength(Lines, TotalLines);
- Lines[TotalLines-1] := CText[cc];
- cw := UVMap[CharMap[Ord(CText[cc])]].W * TextXScale;
- Inc(cc);
- while cc <= Length(CText) do begin
- if LineHeight < UVMap[CharMap[Ord(CText[cc])]].H * TextYScale then LineHeight := UVMap[CharMap[Ord(CText[cc])]].H * TextYScale;
- cw := cw + UVMap[CharMap[Ord(CText[cc])]].W * TextXScale;
- if (cw > Width) then begin
- Inc(TotalLines); SetLength(Lines, TotalLines);
- Lines[TotalLines-1] := CText[cc];
- cw := 0;
- end else Lines[TotalLines-1] := Lines[TotalLines-1] + CText[cc];
- Inc(cc);
- end;
- Height := LineHeight * TotalLines;
- end;
- procedure DoWordWrap; // ToFix: Separators now can violate bounds
- const SeparatorChars = ' +-*/<>'#10#13;
- var cc, CurLineWords: Integer; cw, WordW: Single; CurWord: string;
- begin
- LineHeight := 0; TotalLines := 0;
- if (UVMap = nil) or (CharMap = nil) or (CText = '') or (MarkUp = nil) then Exit;
- cc := 1; cw := 0;
- Inc(TotalLines); SetLength(Lines, TotalLines);
- Lines[TotalLines-1] := '';
- CurLineWords := 0;
- CurWord := Markup.GetTagStrAtPos(cc-1) + CText[cc];
- WordW := UVMap[CharMap[Ord(CText[cc])]].W * TextXScale;
- Inc(cc);
- while cc <= Length(CText)+1 do begin
- if (cc <= Length(CText)) and (LineHeight < UVMap[CharMap[Ord(CText[cc])]].H * TextYScale) then
- LineHeight := UVMap[CharMap[Ord(CText[cc])]].H * TextYScale;
- if (cc = Length(CText)+1) or (Pos(CText[cc], SeparatorChars) > 0) then begin // Separator encountered
- if (cw + WordW > Width) and (CurLineWords > 0) then begin // New line
- { if cw + UVMap[CharMap[Ord(CText[cc])]].W * TextXScale > Width then begin // Where to put separator character?
- CurWord := CurWord + CText[cc];
- WordW := WordW + UVMap[CharMap[Ord(CText[cc])]].W * TextXScale;
- end else Lines[TotalLines-1] := Lines[TotalLines-1] + CText[cc];}
- Inc(TotalLines); SetLength(Lines, TotalLines);
- Lines[TotalLines-1] := Markup.GetResultTagStrAtPos(cc-1-Length(CurWord));
- if CurWord <> '' then CurLineWords := 1 else CurLineWords := 0;
- cw := 0;
- end else begin // Line continued
- if CurWord <> '' then Inc(CurLineWords);
- end;
- Lines[TotalLines-1] := Lines[TotalLines-1] + CurWord;
- cw := cw + WordW;
- if cc <= Length(CText) then begin // Add the separator character
- Lines[TotalLines-1] := Lines[TotalLines-1] + Markup.GetTagStrAtPos(cc-1) + CText[cc];
- cw := cw + UVMap[CharMap[Ord(CText[cc])]].W * TextXScale;
- end;
- CurWord := ''; WordW := 0;
- end else begin // Alphabetical character
- CurWord := CurWord + Markup.GetTagStrAtPos(cc-1) + CText[cc];
- WordW := WordW + UVMap[CharMap[Ord(CText[cc])]].W * TextXScale;
- end;
- Inc(cc);
- end;
- Height := LineHeight * TotalLines;
- end;
- begin
- FText := AText; RText := FText;
- case WrapMode of
- wmNone: inherited;
- wmCut: ;
- wmSimbolWrap: DoSimbolWrap;
- wmWordWrap: DoWordWrap;
- wmJustify: ;
- end;
- end;
- { TPanel }
- procedure TPanel.SetLineColor(const ALineColor: Longword);
- begin
- LineColor := ALineColor; CurrentLineColor := LineColor;
- end;
- procedure TPanel.Render(const Screen: TScreen);
- begin
- Screen.SetUV(UVMap[Frame]);
- Screen.SetColor(CurrentColor);
- Screen.SetRenderPasses(RenderPasses);
- Screen.Bar(X, Y, X + Width, Y + Height);
- if CurrentLineColor > 0 then begin
- Screen.SetColor(CurrentLineColor);
- Screen.SetUV(StdUV);
- Screen.MoveTo(X, Y);
- Screen.LineTo(X+Width, Y);
- Screen.LineTo(X+Width, Y+Height);
- Screen.LineTo(X, Y+Height);
- Screen.LineTo(X, Y);
- end;
- inherited;
- end;
- function TPanel.GetProperties: TProperties;
- begin
- Result := inherited GetProperties;
- NewProperty(Result, 'Lines color', ptColor32, Pointer(LineColor));
- NewProperty(Result, 'Lines hover color', ptColor32, Pointer(LineHoverColor));
- end;
- function TPanel.SetProperties(AProperties: TProperties): Integer;
- begin
- Result := -1;
- if inherited SetProperties(AProperties) < 0 then Exit;
- SetLineColor(Longword(GetPropertyValue(AProperties, 'Lines color')));
- LineHoverColor := Longword(GetPropertyValue(AProperties, 'Lines hover color'));
- Result := 0;
- end;
- function TPanel.ProcessInput(MX, MY: Single): Boolean;
- begin
- Result := inherited ProcessInput(MX, MY);
- if Hover then begin
- CurrentLineColor := LineHoverColor;
- end else begin
- CurrentLineColor := LineColor;
- end;
- end;
- { TSwitchButton }
- constructor TSwitchButton.Create(AName: TShortName; AWorld: TWorld; AParent: TItem);
- begin
- inherited;
- CurrentFrame := 0;
- end;
- procedure TSwitchButton.SetFrameRange(const AMin, AMax: Integer);
- begin
- MinSwitchFrame := MinI(MaxI(AMin, 0), MaxFrame);
- MaxSwitchFrame := MinI(MaxI(AMax, 0), MaxFrame);
- if MinSwitchFrame > MaxSwitchFrame then Swap(MinSwitchFrame, MaxSwitchFrame);
- SetFrame(Frame);
- end;
- procedure TSwitchButton.SetFrame(const Value: Integer);
- begin
- inherited SetFrame(MinI(MaxI(Value, MinSwitchFrame), MaxSwitchFrame));
- NormalFrame := Frame; CurrentFrame := Frame;
- end;
- function TSwitchButton.ProcessInput(MX, MY: Single): Boolean;
- var i: Integer;
- begin
- Result := inherited ProcessInput(MX, MY);
- if Hover then for i := 0 to GetGUI.Commands.TotalCommands-1 do
- if (GetGUI.Commands.Commands[i].CommandID = cmdLeftMouseClick) then begin
- Inc(CurrentFrame);
- if EOnChange then GetGUI.Commands.Add(cmdGUIChange, [Integer(Self)]);
- Break;
- end;
- if CurrentFrame > MaxSwitchFrame then CurrentFrame := MinSwitchFrame;
- // if (HoverFrame <> NormalFrame) and IsInBounds(MX, MY) then Inc(CurrentFrame);
- Frame := CurrentFrame;
- end;
- function TSwitchButton.GetProperties: TProperties;
- begin
- Result := inherited GetProperties;
- NewProperty(Result, 'Minimal frame number', ptInt32, Pointer(MinSwitchFrame));
- NewProperty(Result, 'Maximal frame number', ptInt32, Pointer(MaxSwitchFrame));
- end;
- function TSwitchButton.SetProperties(AProperties: TProperties): Integer;
- begin
- Result := -1;
- if inherited SetProperties(AProperties) < 0 then Exit;
- SetFrameRange(Integer(GetPropertyValue(AProperties, 'Minimal frame number')), Integer(GetPropertyValue(AProperties, 'Maximal frame number')));
- Result := 0;
- end;
- function TSwitchButton.GetVariantIndex: Integer;
- begin
- Result := Frame - MinSwitchFrame;
- end;
- procedure TSwitchButton.SetVariantIndex(const Value: Integer);
- begin
- Frame := MinSwitchFrame + Value;
- end;
- { TUVGUIItem }
- constructor TUVGUIItem.Create(AName: TShortName; AWorld: TWorld; AParent: TItem);
- begin
- inherited;
- UVMapRes := -1; UVMap := GetStdUVMap;
- end;
- function TUVGUIItem.GetProperties: TProperties;
- begin
- Result := inherited GetProperties;
- NewProperty(Result, 'UV map', ptResource + World.ResourceManager.GetResourceClassIndex('TFontResource') shl 8, Pointer(UVMapRes));
- NewProperty(Result, 'Normal frame', ptInt32, Pointer(NormalFrame));
- end;
- function TUVGUIItem.SetProperties(AProperties: TProperties): Integer;
- begin
- Result := -1;
- if inherited SetProperties(AProperties) < 0 then Exit;
- UVMapRes := Integer(GetPropertyValue(AProperties, 'UV map'));
- NormalFrame := Integer(GetPropertyValue(AProperties, 'Normal frame'));
- if (UVMapRes < 0) or (UVMapRes >= World.ResourceManager.TotalResources) or not (World.ResourceManager[UVMapRes] is TArrayResource) then UVMap := GetStdUVMap else begin
- MaxFrame := (World.ResourceManager[UVMapRes] as TArrayResource).TotalElements - 1;
- UVMap := (World.ResourceManager[UVMapRes] as TArrayResource).Data;
- end;
- Frame := NormalFrame;
- // SetDimensions(UVMap[Frame].W, UVMap[Frame].H);
- Result := 0;
- end;
- procedure TUVGUIItem.SetFrame(const Value: Integer);
- begin
- if (Value = FFrame) or (Value > MaxFrame) then Exit;
- FFrame := Value;
- end;
- { TSlider }
- constructor TSlider.Create(AName: TShortName; AWorld: TWorld; AParent: TItem);
- begin
- inherited;
- MaxValue := 100; Value := 0;
- end;
- function TSlider.GetProperties: TProperties;
- begin
- Result := inherited GetProperties;
- NewProperty(Result, 'Value color', ptColor32, Pointer(ValueColor));
- NewProperty(Result, 'Hover value color', ptColor32, Pointer(HoverValueColor));
- NewProperty(Result, 'Value frame', ptInt32, Pointer(ValueFrame));
- NewProperty(Result, 'Value', ptInt32, Pointer(FValue));
- NewProperty(Result, 'Max value', ptInt32, Pointer(FMaxValue));
- NewProperty(Result, 'Vertical', ptBoolean, Pointer(Vertical));
- NewProperty(Result, 'Free change', ptBoolean, Pointer(FreeChange));
- NewProperty(Result, 'Tracking', ptBoolean, Pointer(Tracking));
- end;
- function TSlider.SetProperties(AProperties: TProperties): Integer;
- begin
- Result := -1;
- if inherited SetProperties(AProperties) < 0 then Exit;
- ValueColor := Longword(GetPropertyValue(AProperties, 'Value color'));
- HoverValueColor := Longword(GetPropertyValue(AProperties, 'Hover value color'));
- ValueFrame := Integer(GetPropertyValue(AProperties, 'Value frame'));
- SetValue(Integer(GetPropertyValue(AProperties, 'Value')));
- SetMaxValue(Integer(GetPropertyValue(AProperties, 'Max value')));
- Vertical := Boolean(GetPropertyValue(AProperties, 'Vertical'));
- FreeChange := Boolean(GetPropertyValue(AProperties, 'Free change'));
- Tracking := Boolean(GetPropertyValue(AProperties, 'Tracking'));
- Result := 0;
- end;
- function TSlider.ProcessInput(MX, MY: Single): Boolean;
- var i: Integer;
- begin
- Result := inherited ProcessInput(MX, MY);
- if Hover then begin
- CurrentValueColor := HoverValueColor;
- for i := 0 to GetGUI.Commands.TotalCommands-1 do begin
- if LMousePressed then begin
- if (GetGUI.Commands.Commands[i].CommandID = cmdLeftMouseUp) then
- if SetValueByCoord(MX, MY) then if EOnChange then GetGUI.Commands.Add(cmdGUIChange, [Integer(Self)]);
- end;
- end;
- end else begin
- CurrentValueColor := ValueColor;
- end;
- if LMousePressed then if Tracking then if SetValueByCoord(MX, MY) then
- if EOnChange then GetGUI.Commands.Add(cmdGUIChange, [Integer(Self)]);
- end;
- procedure TSlider.Render(const Screen: TScreen);
- var Temp: Single; UV: TUV;
- begin
- Screen.SetRenderPasses(RenderPasses);
- if FMaxValue = 0 then Temp := 0 else Temp := FValue / FMaxValue;
- if Vertical then begin
- UV.U := UVMap[Frame].U; UV.W := UVMap[Frame].W;
- UV.V := UVMap[Frame].V; UV.H := UVMap[Frame].H * (1-Temp);
- Screen.SetUV(UV);
- Screen.SetColor(CurrentColor);
- Screen.Bar(X, Y, X + Width, Y + Height - Height * Temp);
- UV.U := UVMap[ValueFrame].U; UV.W := UVMap[ValueFrame].W;
- UV.V := UVMap[ValueFrame].V + UVMap[ValueFrame].H * (1-Temp); UV.H := UVMap[ValueFrame].H * Temp;
- Screen.SetUV(UV);
- Screen.SetColor(CurrentValueColor);
- Screen.Bar(X, Y + Height - Height * Temp, X + Width, Y + Height);
- end else begin
- UV.U := UVMap[Frame].U; UV.W := UVMap[Frame].W * Temp;
- UV.V := UVMap[Frame].V; UV.H := UVMap[Frame].H;
- Screen.SetUV(UV);
- Screen.SetColor(CurrentColor);
- Screen.Bar(X, Y, X + Width * Temp, Y + Height);
- UV.U := UVMap[ValueFrame].U + UVMap[ValueFrame].W * Temp; UV.W := UVMap[ValueFrame].W * (1 - Temp);
- UV.V := UVMap[ValueFrame].V; UV.H := UVMap[ValueFrame].H;
- Screen.SetUV(UV);
- Screen.SetColor(CurrentValueColor);
- Screen.Bar(X + Width * Temp, Y, X + Width, Y + Height);
- end;
- inherited;
- end;
- procedure TSlider.SetMaxValue(const Value: Integer);
- begin
- FMaxValue := MaxI(0, Value);
- end;
- procedure TSlider.SetValue(const Value: Integer);
- begin
- FValue := MaxI(0, MinI(MaxValue, Value));
- end;
- function TSlider.SetValueByCoord(const MX, MY: Single): Boolean;
- var OldValue: Integer;
- begin
- Result := False;
- if not FreeChange then Exit;
- OldValue := Value;
- if Vertical then begin
- if Height = 0 then Value := 0 else Value := Trunc(0.5 + (Y + Height - MY) / Height * MaxValue);
- end else begin
- if Width = 0 then Value := 0 else Value := Trunc(0.5 + (MX - X) / Width * MaxValue);
- end;
- Result := OldValue <> Value;
- end;
- { TCheckBox }
- constructor TCheckBox.Create(AName: TShortName; AWorld: TWorld; AParent: TItem);
- begin
- inherited;
- Checked := False;
- CurrentFrame := NormalFrame;
- end;
- procedure TCheckBox.SetChecked(const Value: Boolean);
- begin
- FChecked := Value;
- if FChecked then Frame := CheckedFrame else Frame := NormalFrame;
- end;
- function TCheckBox.GetProperties: TProperties;
- begin
- Result := inherited GetProperties;
- NewProperty(Result, 'Hover frame', ptInt32, Pointer(HoverFrame));
- NewProperty(Result, 'Checked frame', ptInt32, Pointer(CheckedFrame));
- NewProperty(Result, 'Hover checked frame', ptInt32, Pointer(HoverCheckedFrame));
- NewProperty(Result, 'Checked', ptBoolean, Pointer(Checked));
- end;
- function TCheckBox.SetProperties(AProperties: TProperties): Integer;
- begin
- Result := -1;
- if inherited SetProperties(AProperties) < 0 then Exit;
- HoverFrame := Integer(GetPropertyValue(AProperties, 'Hover frame'));
- CheckedFrame := Integer(GetPropertyValue(AProperties, 'Checked frame'));
- HoverCheckedFrame := Integer(GetPropertyValue(AProperties, 'Hover checked frame'));
- SetChecked(Boolean(GetPropertyValue(AProperties, 'Checked')));
- Result := 0;
- end;
- function TCheckBox.ProcessInput(MX, MY: Single): Boolean;
- var i: Integer;
- begin
- Result := inherited ProcessInput(MX, MY);
- if Hover then begin
- for i := 0 to GetGUI.Commands.TotalCommands-1 do begin
- if (GetGUI.Commands.Commands[i].CommandID = cmdLeftMouseClick) then begin
- SetChecked(not Checked);
- if EOnChange then GetGUI.Commands.Add(cmdGUIChange, [Integer(Self)]);
- end;
- end;
- if FChecked then Frame := HoverCheckedFrame else Frame := HoverFrame;
- end else begin
- if FChecked then Frame := CheckedFrame else Frame := NormalFrame;
- end;
- end;
- { TButton }
- function TButton.GetProperties: TProperties;
- begin
- Result := inherited GetProperties;
- NewProperty(Result, 'Hover frame', ptInt32, Pointer(HoverFrame));
- NewProperty(Result, 'Pressed frame', ptInt32, Pointer(PressedFrame));
- NewProperty(Result, 'Repeating delay', ptInt32, Pointer(RepeatDelay));
- NewProperty(Result, 'Repeats per tick', ptSingle, Pointer(RepeatsPerTick));
- end;
- function TButton.SetProperties(AProperties: TProperties): Integer;
- begin
- Result := -1;
- if inherited SetProperties(AProperties) < 0 then Exit;
- HoverFrame := Integer(GetPropertyValue(AProperties, 'Hover frame'));
- PressedFrame := Integer(GetPropertyValue(AProperties, 'Pressed frame'));
- RepeatDelay := Integer(GetPropertyValue(AProperties, 'Repeating delay'));
- RepeatsPerTick := Single(GetPropertyValue(AProperties, 'Repeats per tick'));
- RepeatsCounter := 0;
- Result := 0;
- end;
- function TButton.ProcessInput(MX, MY: Single): Boolean;
- begin
- Result := inherited ProcessInput(MX, MY);
- // if Transparent and (Parent <> nil) and (Parent is TButton) then LMousePressed := TGUIItem(Parent).LMousePressed;
- Pressed := LMousePressed;
- if Pressed then Frame := PressedFrame else if Hover then Frame := HoverFrame else Frame := NormalFrame;
- end;
- function TButton.Process: Boolean;
- var WasPressed: Boolean;
- begin
- WasPressed := LMousePressed;
- Result := inherited Process;
- if LMousePressed then begin
- if not WasPressed then begin
- RepeatTimer := RepeatDelay;
- RepeatsCounter := 0;
- end else if RepeatTimer > 0 then Dec(RepeatTimer) else begin
- RepeatsCounter := RepeatsCounter + RepeatsPerTick;
- while RepeatsCounter >= 1 do begin
- if EOnClick then GetGUI.Commands.Add(cmdGUIClick, [Integer(Self)]);
- RepeatsCounter := RepeatsCounter - 1;
- end;
- end;
- end else RepeatTimer := RepeatDelay;
- end;
- { TSwitchLabel }
- function TSwitchLabel.ProcessInput(MX, MY: Single): Boolean;
- var i: Integer;
- begin
- Result := inherited ProcessInput(MX, MY);
- if Hover then for i := 0 to GetGUI.Commands.TotalCommands-1 do
- if (GetGUI.Commands.Commands[i].CommandID = cmdLeftMouseClick) then begin
- if VariantIndex < TotalVariants-1 then VariantIndex := VariantIndex + 1 else VariantIndex := 0;
- if EOnChange then GetGUI.Commands.Add(cmdGUIChange, [Integer(Self)]);
- Break;
- end;
- end;
- procedure TSwitchLabel.SetText(const AText: string);
- begin
- SWText := AText;
- TotalVariants := Split(SWText, '&', Variants, False);
- VariantIndex := 0;
- end;
- procedure TSwitchLabel.SetVariantIndex(const Value: Integer);
- begin
- if (Value >= 0) and (Value < TotalVariants) then FVariantIndex := Value;
- if FVariantIndex >= Length(Variants) then Exit;
- inherited SetText(Variants[FVariantIndex]);
- FText := SWText;
- if WrapMode = wmNone then Width := GetTextWidth;
- end;
- function TSwitchLabel.GetProperties: TProperties;
- begin
- Result := inherited GetProperties;
- NewProperty(Result, 'Variant index', ptInt32, Pointer(VariantIndex));
- end;
- function TSwitchLabel.SetProperties(AProperties: TProperties): Integer;
- begin
- if inherited SetProperties(AProperties) < 0 then Exit;
- VariantIndex := Integer(GetPropertyValue(AProperties, 'Variant index'));
- Result := 0;
- end;
- function TSwitchLabel.IndexOf(const Value: string): Integer;
- var i: Integer;
- begin
- Result := -1;
- for i := 0 to TotalVariants-1 do if Variants[i] = Value then begin
- Result := i;
- Exit;
- end;
- end;
- end.