资源名称:CAST2SDK.rar [点击查看]
- (*
- @Abstract(CAST II Engine 2D tesselation unit)
- (C) 2006 George "Mirage" Bakhtadze. <a href="http://www.casteng.com">www.casteng.com</a> <br>
- The source code may be used under either MPL 1.1 or LGPL 2.1 license. See included license.txt file <br>
- The unit contains 2D tesselator classes
- *)
- // ToFix: Remove unneeded data from vertex formats
- {$Include GDefines.inc}
- {$Include C2Defines.inc}
- unit C2Tess2D;
- interface
- uses
- TextFile,
- {$ENDIF}
- BaseTypes, C2Types, C2Visual, CAST2, BaseGraph;
- const
- MaxColorStack = 15;
- PointsGrowStep = 1; LinesGrowStep = 1;
- // Alignment
- amLeft = 0; amCenter = 1; amRight = 2;
- type
- TPPoint = packed record X, Y, Z, U, V: Single; Color: BaseTypes.TColor; end;
- TLineMesh = class(TSharedTesselator)
- constructor Create; override;
- procedure AddPoint(const X, Y: Single; const Color: BaseTypes.TColor);
- procedure Clear; override;
- function Tesselate(const Params: TTesselationParameters; VBPTR: Pointer): Integer; override;
- destructor Destroy; override;
- protected
- Points: array of TPPoint; TotalPoints: Integer;
- end;
- TTetragonMesh = class(TSharedTesselator)
- constructor Create; override;
- procedure AddPoint(X, Y, U, V: Single; Color: BaseTypes.TColor);
- procedure AddCorner(X, Y, U, V: Single; Color: BaseTypes.TColor);
- procedure Clear; override;
- function Tesselate(const Params: TTesselationParameters; VBPTR: Pointer): Integer; override;
- function SetIndices(IBPTR: Pointer): Integer; override;
- protected
- Points: array of TPPoint; TotalPoints: Integer;
- end;
- TTextLine = record
- Text: string;
- Color: BaseTypes.TColor;
- X, Y, Z: Single;
- Font: BaseGraph.TBaseBitmapFont;
- Viewport: BaseGraph.TViewport;
- Transform: BaseGraph.T2DTransform;
- end;
- TTextMesh = class(TSharedTesselator)
- constructor Create; override;
- function Tesselate(const Params: TTesselationParameters; VBPTR: Pointer): Integer; override;
- procedure SetFont(const AFont: TFont; ATextSizeX, ATextSizeY: Single);
- procedure AddText(const AX, AY: Single; const Color: BaseTypes.TColor; const NewText: string); virtual;
- procedure Clear; override;
- protected
- Lines: array of TTextLine;
- TotalLines: Integer;
- // Current text parameters
- Font: TFont;
- procedure AddLine(const AX, AY: Single; const Color: BaseTypes.TColor; const NewText: string);
- end;
- implementation
- function ClipBar(var X1, Y1, U1, V1: Single; var X2, Y2, U2, V2: Single): Boolean;
- var VPLeft, VPTop, VPRight, VPBottom: Single;
- function GetCode(X, Y: Single): Integer;
- begin
- Result := Ord(X < VPLeft) or Ord(X > VPRight) shl 1 or
- Ord(Y < VPTop) shl 2 or Ord(Y > VPBottom) shl 3;
- end;
- var ts: Single;
- begin
- VPLeft := Screen.Viewport.Left;
- VPTop := Screen.Viewport.Top;
- VPRight := Screen.Viewport.Right;
- VPBottom := Screen.Viewport.Bottom;
- if X1 > X2 then begin
- ts := X1; X1 := X2; X2 := ts;
- ts := U1; U1 := U2; U2 := ts;
- end;
- if Y1 > Y2 then begin
- ts := Y1; Y1 := Y2; Y2 := ts;
- ts := V1; V1 := V2; V2 := ts;
- end;
- Result := False; // Completely invisible cases
- if (X2 < VPLeft) or (X1 > VPRight) or (Y2 < VPTop) or (Y1 > VPBottom) then Exit;
- Result := True;
- if X1 < VPLeft then begin
- U1 := U1 + (U2-U1)/(X2-X1) * (VPLeft - X1);
- X1 := VPLeft;
- end;
- if X2 > VPRight then begin
- U2 := U2 + (U2-U1)/(X2-X1) * (VPRight - X2);
- X2 := VPRight;
- end;
- if Y1 < VPTop then begin
- V1 := V1 + (V2-V1)/(Y2-Y1) * (VPTop - Y1);
- Y1 := VPTop;
- end;
- if Y2 > VPBottom then begin
- V2 := V2 + (V2-V1)/(Y2-Y1) * (VPBottom - Y2);
- Y2 := VPBottom;
- end;
- end;
- { TLineMesh }
- constructor TLineMesh.Create;
- begin
- inherited;
- TotalPoints := 0;
- PrimitiveType := ptLINELIST;
- VertexFormat := GetVertexFormat(True, False, True, False, False, 0, [2]);
- TesselationStatus[tbVertex].TesselatorType := ttDynamic;
- TesselationStatus[tbIndex].TesselatorType := ttDynamic;
- end;
- procedure TLineMesh.AddPoint(const X, Y: Single; const Color: BaseTypes.TColor);
- var t: Single;
- begin
- if Length(Points) <= TotalPoints then SetLength(Points, Length(Points) + PointsGrowStep);
- Points[TotalPoints].X := X; Points[TotalPoints].Y := Y;
- Points[TotalPoints].Z := Screen.CurrentZ;
- Points[TotalPoints].Color := Color;
- if Odd(TotalPoints) then begin // Line completed
- if ClipLineColorTex(Points[TotalPoints-1].X, Points[TotalPoints-1].Y, t, t, Points[TotalPoints-1].Color,
- Points[TotalPoints].X, Points[TotalPoints].Y, t, t, Points[TotalPoints].Color,
- Screen.Viewport.Left, Screen.Viewport.Top, Screen.Viewport.Right, Screen.Viewport.Bottom) then begin
- Screen.TransformPoint(Points[TotalPoints-1].X, Points[TotalPoints-1].Y);
- Screen.TransformPoint(Points[TotalPoints].X, Points[TotalPoints].Y);
- Inc(TotalPoints);
- end else Dec(TotalPoints);
- end else Inc(TotalPoints);
- TotalVertices := TotalPoints;
- Invalidate([tbVertex, tbIndex], True);
- end;
- function TLineMesh.Tesselate(const Params: TTesselationParameters; VBPTR: Pointer): Integer;
- var i: Integer;
- begin
- Assert(TotalPoints mod 2 = 0, ClassName + '.Tesselate: TotalPoints should be divisible by 4');
- TotalPrimitives := TotalPoints div 2;
- for i := 0 to TotalPoints-1 do begin
- SetVertexDataCRHW(Points[i].X, Points[i].Y, Points[i].Z, 1/0.1, i, VBPTR);
- SetVertexDataD(Points[i].Color, i, VBPTR);
- SetVertexDataUV(0, 0, i, VBPTR);
- end;
- TesselationStatus[tbVertex].Status := tsTesselated;
- LastTotalVertices := TotalVertices;
- Result := TotalVertices;
- end;
- procedure TLineMesh.Clear;
- begin
- TotalPoints := 0;
- TotalVertices := TotalPoints;
- end;
- destructor TLineMesh.Destroy;
- begin
- Clear;
- Points :=nil;
- inherited;
- end;
- { TTetragonMesh }
- constructor TTetragonMesh.Create;
- begin
- inherited;
- PrimitiveType := ptTRIANGLELIST;
- VertexFormat := GetVertexFormat(True, False, True, False, False, 0, [2]);
- TotalVertices := 0; TotalIndices := 0; TotalPrimitives := 0;
- TesselationStatus[tbVertex].TesselatorType := ttDynamic;
- TesselationStatus[tbIndex].TesselatorType := ttDynamic;
- end;
- procedure TTetragonMesh.AddPoint(X, Y, U, V: Single; Color: BaseTypes.TColor);
- begin
- if Length(Points) <= TotalPoints then SetLength(Points, Length(Points) + PointsGrowStep);
- Points[TotalPoints].X := X;
- Points[TotalPoints].Y := Y;
- // Screen.TransformPoint(Points[TotalPoints].X, Points[TotalPoints].Y);
- Points[TotalPoints].Z := Screen.CurrentZ;
- Points[TotalPoints].U := U;
- Points[TotalPoints].V := V;
- Points[TotalPoints].Color := Color;
- Inc(TotalPoints);
- TotalVertices := TotalPoints;
- TotalIndices := (TotalPoints * 6) shr 2;
- IndexingVertices := TotalVertices;
- Invalidate([tbVertex, tbIndex], True);
- end;
- procedure TTetragonMesh.AddCorner(X, Y, U, V: Single; Color: BaseTypes.TColor);
- var CX, CY: Single;
- begin
- if Odd(TotalPoints) then begin
- if ClipBar(Points[TotalPoints-1].X, Points[TotalPoints-1].Y,
- Points[TotalPoints-1].U, Points[TotalPoints-1].V,
- X, Y, U, V) then begin
- CX := X; CY := Points[TotalPoints-1].Y;
- Screen.TransformPoint(CX, CY);
- AddPoint(CX, CY, U, Points[TotalPoints-1].V, Color);
- CX := X; CY := Y;
- Screen.TransformPoint(CX, CY);
- AddPoint(CX, CY, U, V, Color);
- CX := Points[TotalPoints-3].X; CY := Y;
- Screen.TransformPoint(CX, CY);
- AddPoint(CX, CY, Points[TotalPoints-3].U, V, Color);
- Screen.TransformPoint(Points[TotalPoints-4].X, Points[TotalPoints-4].Y);
- end else Dec(TotalPoints);
- end else AddPoint(X, Y, U, V, Color);
- end;
- procedure TTetragonMesh.Clear;
- begin
- TotalPoints := 0;
- TotalVertices := TotalPoints;
- TotalIndices := TotalPoints;
- IndexingVertices := TotalVertices;
- end;
- function TTetragonMesh.Tesselate(const Params: TTesselationParameters; VBPTR: Pointer): Integer;
- var i: Integer;
- begin
- Assert(TotalPoints mod 4 = 0, ClassName + '.Tesselate: TotalPoints should be divisible by 4');
- TotalPrimitives := TotalPoints div 2;
- for i := 0 to TotalPoints-1 do begin
- // for i := TotalPoints-1 downto 0 do begin
- SetVertexDataCRHW(Points[i].X, Points[i].Y, Points[i].Z, 1/0.1, i, VBPTR);
- SetVertexDataD(Points[i].Color, i, VBPTR);
- SetVertexDataUV(Points[i].U, Points[i].V, i, VBPTR);
- end;
- TesselationStatus[tbVertex].Status := tsTesselated;
- LastTotalVertices := TotalVertices;
- Result := TotalVertices;
- end;
- function TTetragonMesh.SetIndices(IBPTR: Pointer): Integer;
- var i, Index: Integer;
- begin
- Index := 0;
- for i := 0 to TotalPoints shr 2-1 do begin
- TWordBuffer(IBPTR^)[Index] := i*4;
- TWordBuffer(IBPTR^)[Index+1] := i*4+1;
- TWordBuffer(IBPTR^)[Index+2] := i*4+2;
- TWordBuffer(IBPTR^)[Index+3] := i*4;
- TWordBuffer(IBPTR^)[Index+4] := i*4+2;
- TWordBuffer(IBPTR^)[Index+5] := i*4+3;
- Inc(Index, 6);
- end;
- TesselationStatus[tbIndex].Status := tsTesselated;
- LastTotalIndices := TotalIndices;
- Result := TotalIndices;
- end;
- { TTextTesselator }
- constructor TTextMesh.Create;
- begin
- inherited;
- // PrimitiveType := ptTRIANGLESTRIP;
- VertexFormat := GetVertexFormat(True, False, True, False, False, 0, [2]);
- TesselationStatus[tbVertex].TesselatorType := ttDynamic;
- TesselationStatus[tbIndex].TesselatorType := ttDynamic;
- Clear;
- Font := nil;
- end;
- procedure TTextMesh.SetFont(const AFont: TFont; ATextSizeX, ATextSizeY: Single);
- begin
- Font := AFont;
- end;
- procedure TTextMesh.AddText(const AX, AY: Single; const Color: BaseTypes.TColor; const NewText: string);
- var StrLen: Integer;
- begin
- if NewText = '' then Exit;
- if not (Font is BaseGraph.TBaseBitmapFont) then begin
- {$IFDEF LOGGING} Log.Log(ClassName + '.AddText: Font is undefined', lkError); {$ENDIF}
- Exit;
- end;
- AddLine(AX, AY, Color, NewText);
- StrLen := Length(NewText);
- Inc(TotalVertices, StrLen * 6);
- Inc(TotalPrimitives, StrLen * 2);
- if (TotalVertices = LastTotalVertices) and (TesselationStatus[tbVertex].Status = tsTesselated) then
- Invalidate([tbVertex, tbIndex], False) else
- Invalidate([tbVertex, tbIndex], True);
- end;
- function TTextMesh.Tesselate(const Params: TTesselationParameters; VBPTR: Pointer): Integer;
- var
- i, j, Index: Integer;
- X, Y, CurX, CurY, CurZ, AddY, UVecX, UVecY, VVecX, VVecY, t: Single;
- Coord: TUV;
- // X1, Y1, X2, Y2, U1, V1, U2, V2: Single;
- begin
- // Assert((UVMap <> nil) and (CharMap <> nil), 'TTextMesh.Tesselate: One of the maps is nil');
- TotalVertices := 0;
- TotalPrimitives := 0;
- Index := 0;
- for j := 0 to TotalLines-1 do begin
- CurZ := Lines[j].Z;
- X := Lines[j].X; Y := Lines[j].Y;
- CurX := X; CurY := Y;
- Screen.TransformPointWith(Lines[j].Transform, CurX, CurY);
- CurX := CurX - 0.5;
- if (Y < Lines[j].Viewport.Bottom) then begin
- UVecX := Lines[j].Font.XScale;
- UVecY := 0;
- Screen.RotateScalePointWith(Lines[j].Transform, UVecX, UVecY);
- VVecX := 0;
- VVecY := Lines[j].Font.YScale;
- Screen.RotateScalePointWith(Lines[j].Transform, VVecX, VVecY);
- for i := 0 to Length(Lines[j].Text)-1 do if (X < Lines[j].Viewport.Right) then begin
- Coord := Lines[j].Font.UVMap^[Lines[j].Font.CharMap^[Ord(Lines[j].Text[i+1])]];
- if X + Coord.W * Lines[j].Font.XScale > Lines[j].Viewport.Right then
- Coord.W := Coord.W * (1 - (X + Coord.W * Lines[j].Font.XScale - (Lines[j].Viewport.Right)) / (Coord.W * Lines[j].Font.XScale));
- if Y + Coord.H * Lines[j].Font.YScale > Lines[j].Viewport.Bottom then
- Coord.H := Coord.H * (1 - (Y + Coord.H * Lines[j].Font.YScale - (Lines[j].Viewport.Bottom)) / (Coord.H * Lines[j].Font.YScale));
- t := 0;
- if X < Lines[j].Viewport.Left then begin
- t := (Lines[j].Viewport.Left - X) / (Coord.W * Lines[j].Font.XScale);
- if t < 1 then begin
- CurX := CurX + UVecX * Coord.W * t;
- // CurX := CurX + (Lines[j].Viewport^.Left - X);
- // X := X + (Lines[j].Viewport^.Left - X);
- X := X + Coord.W * Lines[j].Font.XScale * t;
- CurY := CurY + UVecY * Coord.W * t;
- Coord.U := Coord.U + Coord.W * t;
- Coord.W := Coord.W * (1 - t);
- end;
- end;
- AddY := 0;
- if (t < 1) and (Y < Lines[j].Viewport.Top) then begin
- t := (Lines[j].Viewport.Top - Y) / (Coord.H * Lines[j].Font.YScale);
- if t < 1 then begin
- Coord.V := Coord.V + Coord.H * t;
- Coord.H := Coord.H * (1 - t);
- AddY := Lines[j].Viewport.Top - Y;
- end;
- end;
- if t < 1 then begin
- Inc(TotalVertices, 6);
- Inc(TotalPrimitives, 2);
- CurY := CurY + AddY;
- // First treangle
- SetVertexDataCRHW(CurX + VVecX * Coord.H, CurY + VVecY * Coord.H - 0.5, CurZ, 1, Index, VBPTR);
- SetVertexDataD(Lines[j].Color, Index, VBPTR);
- SetVertexDataUV(Coord.U, Coord.V + Coord.H, Index, VBPTR);
- Inc(Index);
- SetVertexDataCRHW(CurX, CurY - 0.5, CurZ, 1, Index, VBPTR);
- SetVertexDataD(Lines[j].Color, Index, VBPTR);
- SetVertexDataUV(Coord.U, Coord.V, Index, VBPTR);
- Inc(Index);
- SetVertexDataCRHW(CurX + UVecX * Coord.W + VVecX * Coord.H, CurY + UVecY * Coord.W + VVecY * Coord.H - 0.5, CurZ, 1, Index, VBPTR);
- SetVertexDataD(Lines[j].Color, Index, VBPTR);
- SetVertexDataUV(Coord.U + Coord.W, Coord.V + Coord.H, Index, VBPTR);
- Inc(Index);
- // Second treangle
- SetVertexDataCRHW(CurX, CurY - 0.5, CurZ, 1, Index, VBPTR);
- SetVertexDataD(Lines[j].Color, Index, VBPTR);
- SetVertexDataUV(Coord.U, Coord.V, Index, VBPTR);
- Inc(Index);
- SetVertexDataCRHW(CurX + UVecX * Coord.W, CurY + UVecY * Coord.W - 0.5, CurZ, 1, Index, VBPTR);
- SetVertexDataD(Lines[j].Color, Index, VBPTR);
- SetVertexDataUV(Coord.U + Coord.W, Coord.V, Index, VBPTR);
- Inc(Index);
- SetVertexDataCRHW(CurX + UVecX * Coord.W + VVecX * Coord.H, CurY + UVecY * Coord.W + VVecY * Coord.H - 0.5, CurZ, 1, Index, VBPTR);
- SetVertexDataD(Lines[j].Color, Index, VBPTR);
- SetVertexDataUV(Coord.U + Coord.W, Coord.V + Coord.H, Index, VBPTR);
- Inc(Index);
- CurY := CurY - AddY;
- end;
- CurX := CurX + UVecX * Coord.W;
- CurY := CurY + UVecY * Coord.W;
- X := X + Coord.W * Lines[j].Font.XScale;
- end;
- end;
- end;
- Assert(Index <= TotalVertices, ClassName + '.Tesselate: Index out of range');
- TesselationStatus[tbVertex].Status := tsTesselated;
- LastTotalIndices := 0;
- LastTotalVertices := TotalVertices;
- Result := LastTotalVertices;
- end;
- procedure TTextMesh.Clear;
- begin
- TotalVertices := 0;
- TotalPrimitives := 0;
- TotalLines := 0;
- end;
- procedure TTextMesh.AddLine(const AX, AY: Single; const Color: BaseTypes.TColor; const NewText: string);
- begin
- if Length(Lines) <= TotalLines then SetLength(Lines, Length(Lines) + LinesGrowStep);
- Lines[TotalLines].Text := NewText;
- Lines[TotalLines].X := AX;
- Lines[TotalLines].Y := AY;
- Lines[TotalLines].Z := Screen.CurrentZ;
- Lines[TotalLines].Color := Color;
- Lines[TotalLines].Font := Font as BaseGraph.TBaseBitmapFont;
- Lines[TotalLines].Viewport := Screen.Viewport;
- Lines[TotalLines].Transform := Screen.Transform;
- Inc(TotalLines);
- end;
- end.