资源名称:CAST2SDK.rar [点击查看]
- (*
- @Abstract(CAST II Engine tile maps unit)
- (C) 2006-2007 George "Mirage" Bakhtadze. <a href="http://www.casteng.com">www.casteng.com</a> <br>
- The source code may be used under either MPL 1.1 or LGPL 2.1 license. See included license.txt file <br>
- Unit contains tilemap implementation classes
- *)
- {$Include GDefines.inc}
- {$Include C2Defines.inc}
- unit C2TileMaps;
- interface
- uses
- TextFile,
- BaseMsg, Models,
- {$IFDEF EDITORMODE} BaseGraph, C2MapEditMsg, {$ENDIF}
- SysUtils,
- BaseTypes, Basics, Props, BaseClasses, Resources, Base3D,
- C2Types, C2Maps, CAST2, C2Visual,
- C2Land;
- const
- MinLightsCount = 8;
- MaxVisibleWidth = 64;
- MaxVisibleHeight = 64;
- type
- TTileMapLight = record
- Light: TLight; // Light source
- LocalPos: TVector3s; // Position of the light source in tile map's frame
- end;
- TTileMap = class;
- TTileMapEditOp = class(C2Maps.TMapEditOp)
- private
- public
- // Inits the operation and returns True if it's valid and can be applied
- function Init(AMap: TMap; ATileX, ATileY, ACursorSize, AValue: Integer; AAligned: Boolean): Boolean;
- end;
- TTileMapTesselator = class(C2Visual.TMappedTesselator)
- private
- // Params
- FUVMapRes: Resources.TUVMapResource;
- // LightMaps: array of BaseTypes.PDWordBuffer;
- Phase: Single;
- RandomGen: Basics.TRandomGenerator;
- // Lighting
- Lights: array of TTileMapLight; // Active lights
- LightsActive: Integer;
- LightVectorSet: Boolean;
- LightVector: TVector3s;
- protected
- AttSeed: Integer;
- InvCellWidthScale, InvCellHeightScale: Single;
- procedure InitLightMaps; virtual;
- procedure ObtainVisibleRange(Camera: TCamera; var IMin, IMax, JMin, JMax: Integer); virtual;
- public
- constructor Create; override;
- destructor Destroy; override;
- procedure BeginLighting; override;
- function CalculateLighting(const ALight: TLight; const ALightToItem: TMatrix4s): Boolean; override;
- procedure SetMap(const Map: C2Maps.TMap); override;
- procedure Init; override;
- function GetMaxVertices: Integer; override;
- function TraceRay(Origin, Dir: TVector3s; out ISecPoint: TVector3s): Boolean;
- function ObtainTileAt(X, Y: Single; out TileX, TileY: Integer): Boolean; virtual;
- function GetTileCoords(TileX, TileY: Integer): TVector3s; virtual;
- function Tesselate(const Params: TTesselationParameters; VBPTR: Pointer): Integer; override;
- end;
- TFgTileMapTesselator = class(TTileMapTesselator)
- protected
- procedure InitLightMaps; override;
- public
- // procedure BeginLighting; override;
- // procedure CalculateLighting(const ALight: TLight; const ALightToItem: TMatrix4s); override;
- procedure Init; override;
- function GetMaxVertices: Integer; override;
- function Tesselate(const Params: TTesselationParameters; VBPTR: Pointer): Integer; override;
- end;
- TTileMap = class(TMappedItem)
- private
- function CalcTile(Cursor: C2MapEditMsg.TMapCursor; Camera: TCamera; out TileX, TileY: Integer): Boolean;
- {$ENDIF}
- protected
- function DrawCursor(Cursor: C2MapEditMsg.TMapCursor; Camera: TCamera; Screen: TScreen): Boolean; override;
- procedure ModifyBegin(Cursor: TMapCursor; Camera: TCamera); override;
- procedure Modify(Cursor: TMapCursor; Camera: TCamera); override;
- procedure ModifyEnd(Cursor: TMapCursor; Camera: TCamera); override;
- {$ENDIF}
- procedure ResolveLinks; override;
- public
- constructor Create(AManager: TItemsManager); override;
- function GetTesselatorClass: CTesselator; override;
- procedure AddProperties(const Result: Props.TProperties); override;
- procedure SetProperties(Properties: Props.TProperties); override;
- procedure Process(const DeltaT: Float); override;
- function ObtainTileAt(X, Y: Single; out TileX, TileY: Integer): Boolean;
- function ObtainTileAtScreen(ScreenX, ScreenY: Integer; Camera: TCamera; out TileX, TileY: Integer): Boolean;
- function TraceMap(X, Y, DirX, DirY: Single; out TileX, TileY: Integer): Single;
- procedure HandleMessage(const Msg: TMessage); override;
- end;
- TFgTileMap = class(TTileMap)
- public
- function GetTesselatorClass: CTesselator; override;
- procedure HandleMessage(const Msg: TMessage); override;
- end;
- // Returns list of classes introduced by the unit
- function GetUnitClassList: TClassArray;
- implementation
- function GetUnitClassList: TClassArray;
- begin
- Result := GetClassList([TMap, TTileMap, TFgTileMap]);
- end;
- { TileMapTesselator }
- function TTileMapTesselator.TraceRay(Origin, Dir: TVector3s; out ISecPoint: TVector3s): Boolean;
- var d: Single;
- begin
- Result := False;
- if Abs(Dir.Z) > epsilon then begin
- ISecPoint.Z := 0;
- d := (Origin.Z - ISecPoint.Z) / Dir.Z;
- ISecPoint.X := Origin.X - Dir.X * d;
- ISecPoint.Y := Origin.Y - Dir.Y * d;
- Result := True;
- end;
- end;
- function TTileMapTesselator.ObtainTileAt(X, Y: Single; out TileX, TileY: Integer): Boolean;
- begin
- Result := False;
- if not Assigned(FMap) then Exit;
- TileX := Round((FMap.Width)*0.5 + X / FMap.CellWidthScale)-1;
- TileY := Round((FMap.Height)*0.5 - Y / FMap.CellHeightScale)-1;
- Result := (TileX >= 0) and (TileY >= 0) and (TileX < FMap.Width) and (TileY < FMap.Height);
- end;
- function TTileMapTesselator.GetTileCoords(TileX, TileY: Integer): TVector3s;
- begin
- Result := GetVector3s((TileX - (FMap.Width-1)*0.5) * FMap.CellWidthScale, ((FMap.Height-1)*0.5 - TileY) * FMap.CellHeightScale, 0);
- end;
- procedure TTileMapTesselator.InitLightMaps;
- begin
- // SetLength(LightMaps, 1);
- // ReallocMem(LightMaps[0], FMap.Width * FMap.Height * 4);
- end;
- procedure TTileMapTesselator.ObtainVisibleRange(Camera: TCamera; var IMin, IMax, JMin, JMax: Integer);
- var Origin, Vec: TVector3s; IMins, IMaxs, JMins, JMaxs: Single;
- function GetFrustumRay(XSign, YSign: Single): TVector3s;
- begin
- Result.X := XSign * Cos(pi/2 - Camera.HFoV/2);
- Result.Y := YSign * Cos(pi/2 - Camera.HFoV/2)/Camera.CurrentAspectRatio;
- Result.Z := Sin(pi/2 - Camera.HFoV/2);
- { d := 0.5*Camera.ScreenWidth / Sin(Camera.HFoV*pi/180/2)*Cos(Camera.HFoV*pi/180/2);
- Ray.X := 0.5*Camera.ScreenWidth;
- Ray.Y := (0.5*Camera.ScreenHeight)*Camera.ScreenWidth/Camera.ScreenHeight/Camera.CurrentAspectRatio;
- Ray.Z := d;}
- Result := Transform3Vector3s(InvertMatrix3s(CutMatrix3s(Camera.ViewMatrix)), Result);
- Result := Transform3Vector3s(InvertMatrix3s(CutMatrix3s(Item.Transform)), Result);
- end;
- begin
- Origin := Transform4Vector33s(InvertMatrix4s(Item.Transform), Camera.GetAbsLocation);
- IMin := 0;
- JMin := 0;
- IMax := FMap.Width-1;
- JMax := FMap.Height-1;
- if TraceRay(Origin, GetFrustumRay(1, 1), Vec) then begin
- IMins := Vec.X; IMaxs := Vec.X;
- JMins := -Vec.Y; JMaxs := -Vec.Y;
- if TraceRay(Origin, GetFrustumRay(-1, 1), Vec) then begin
- IMins := MinS(IMins, Vec.X);
- IMaxs := MaxS(IMaxs, Vec.X);
- JMins := MinS(JMins, -Vec.Y);
- JMaxs := MaxS(JMaxs, -Vec.Y);
- if TraceRay(Origin, GetFrustumRay(1, -1), Vec) then begin
- IMins := MinS(IMins, Vec.X);
- IMaxs := MaxS(IMaxs, Vec.X);
- JMins := MinS(JMins, -Vec.Y);
- JMaxs := MaxS(JMaxs, -Vec.Y);
- if TraceRay(Origin, GetFrustumRay(-1, -1), Vec) then begin
- IMins := MinS(IMins, Vec.X);
- IMaxs := MaxS(IMaxs, Vec.X);
- JMins := MinS(JMins, -Vec.Y);
- JMaxs := MaxS(JMaxs, -Vec.Y);
- IMin := Round(MinS(FMap.Width-1, MaxS(0, FMap.Width*0.5 + IMins / FMap.CellWidthScale-2)));
- IMax := Round(MinS(FMap.Width-1, MaxS(0, FMap.Width*0.5 + IMaxs / FMap.CellWidthScale)));
- JMin := Round(MinS(FMap.Height-1, MaxS(0, FMap.Height*0.5 + JMins / FMap.CellHeightScale-2)));
- JMax := Round(MinS(FMap.Height-1, MaxS(0, FMap.Height*0.5 + JMaxs / FMap.CellHeightScale)));
- end;
- end;
- end;
- end;
- // IMin := Round(IMins / FMap.CellWidthScale);
- // JMin := Round(JMins / FMap.CellHeightScale);
- end;
- constructor TTileMapTesselator.Create;
- begin
- inherited;
- SetLength(Lights, MinLightsCount);
- RandomGen := Basics.TRandomGenerator.Create;
- Phase := Random*pi;
- end;
- destructor TTileMapTesselator.Destroy;
- begin
- FreeAndNil(RandomGen);
- Lights := nil;
- inherited;
- end;
- procedure TTileMapTesselator.BeginLighting;
- begin
- // FillDWord(LightMaps[0]^, FMap.Width * FMap.Height, 0*$20202020);
- LightVectorSet := False;
- LightsActive := 0;
- end;
- const BlinkFactor = 0.1;
- function TTileMapTesselator.CalculateLighting(const ALight: TLight; const ALightToItem: TMatrix4s): Boolean;
- begin
- Result := True;
- if Length(Lights) <= LightsActive then SetLength(Lights, Length(Lights)+1);
- Lights[LightsActive].Light := ALight;
- Transform4Vector33s(Lights[LightsActive].LocalPos, ALightToItem, ZeroVector3s);
- Inc(LightsActive);
- if not LightVectorSet and (ALight.Kind = ltPoint) then begin
- LightVector := ALight.GetAbsLocation;
- LightVectorSet := True;
- end;
- end;
- procedure TTileMapTesselator.SetMap(const Map: C2Maps.TMap);
- begin
- FMap := Map;
- end;
- procedure TTileMapTesselator.Init;
- begin
- inherited;
- TesselationStatus[tbVertex].TesselatorType := ttDynamic;
- if Assigned(FMap) then begin
- OldWidth := FMap.Width;
- OldHeight := FMap.Height;
- TotalVertices := MaxI(0, (FMap.Width-1) * (FMap.Height-1) * 6);
- TotalPrimitives := MaxI(0, (FMap.Width-1) * (FMap.Height-1) * 2);
- InvCellWidthScale := 1/FMap.CellWidthScale;
- InvCellHeightScale := 1/FMap.CellHeightScale;
- InitLightMaps;
- end else begin
- TotalVertices := 0;
- TotalPrimitives := 0;
- end;
- PrimitiveType := ptTRIANGLELIST;
- InitVertexFormat(GetVertexFormat(False, False, True, True, False, 0, [2]));
- end;
- function TTileMapTesselator.GetMaxVertices: Integer;
- begin
- Result := (MaxVisibleWidth) * (MaxVisibleHeight) * 6;
- if (FMap.Width <> OldWidth) or (FMap.Height <> OldHeight) then Init;
- end;
- const Radius = 5;
- function TTileMapTesselator.Tesselate(const Params: TTesselationParameters; VBPTR: Pointer): Integer;
- var
- i, j, TileCount, Tile: Integer;
- HalfWidth, HalfHeight: Single;
- UVMap: TUVMap; UVMapLen: Integer;
- IMin, IMax, JMin, JMax: Integer;
- Ang: Single;
- FormFactor: TVector3s;
- function GetLitColorD(const Point: TVector3s): TColor;
- var
- i: Integer; v: TVector3s; Dist: Single; Color: TColor4s;
- begin
- Color := GetColor4S(0, 0, 0, 0);
- for i := 0 to LightsActive-1 do begin
- SubVector3s(v, Point, Lights[i].LocalPos);
- if SqrMagnitude(v) > Sqr(Lights[i].Light.Range) then Continue;
- // Dist := v.Z / SqrMagnitude(v);
- Dist := Sqrt(( Sqr(v.X*FormFactor.X) + Sqr(v.Y*FormFactor.Y) ) / Sqr(Lights[i].Light.Range * FormFactor.Z));
- if Dist < 1 then AddVector4s(Color.RGBA, Color.RGBA, ScaleVector4s(Lights[i].Light.Diffuse.RGBA, 1-Dist));
- end;
- Result := GetColorFrom4s(Color);
- end;
- function GetLitColorS(const Point: TVector3s): TColor;
- var i: Integer; v, LightDir: TVector3s; Dist, Weight: Single;
- begin
- Result.C := $FF808080;
- if LightsActive = 0 then Exit;
- Weight := 0;
- LightDir := GetVector3s(0, 0, 0);
- for i := 0 to LightsActive-1 do begin
- SubVector3s(v, Point, Lights[i].LocalPos);
- Dist := SqrMagnitude(v);
- if Dist > Sqr(Lights[i].Light.Range) then Continue;
- Dist :=
- 1 - Dist/Sqr(Lights[i].Light.Range);
- // AddVector3s(LightDir, LightDir, NormalizeVector3s(GetVector3s(-v.X * Dist, -v.Y * Dist, Dist * (2+v.Z))));
- AddVector3s(LightDir, LightDir, GetVector3s(-v.X * Dist, -v.Y * Dist, Dist * v.Z));
- Weight := Weight + Dist;
- end;
- if Weight = 0 then Exit;
- LightDir := NormalizeVector3s(GetVector3s(LightDir.X/Weight, LightDir.Y/Weight, 2+LightDir.Z/Weight));
- Result := VectorToColor(ScaleVector3s(LightDir, 1+0*Result.R/255));
- end;
- var v: TVector3s;
- begin
- Result := 0;
- if not Assigned(FUVMapRes) or (FUVMapRes.TotalElements = 0) or
- not Assigned(FMap) or (FMap.Width = 0) or (FMap.Height = 0) or (FMap.Data = nil) then Exit;
- UVMap := FUVMapRes.Data;
- UVMapLen := FUVMapRes.TotalElements;
- HalfWidth := (FMap.Width-1) * FMap.CellWidthScale * 0.5;
- HalfHeight := (FMap.Height-1) * FMap.CellHeightScale * 0.5;
- // Form factor for torch light blinking imitation
- Ang := (AttSeed+Phase)*DegToRad;
- FormFactor.X := (1+BlinkFactor)+(BlinkFactor*Sin(Ang));
- FormFactor.Y := (1+BlinkFactor)+(BlinkFactor*Cos(Ang));
- FormFactor.Z := 1;//(1+BlinkFactor)+(BlinkFactor*Sin(((AttSeed+Phase)+90)*DegToRad*1));
- TileCount := 0;
- ObtainVisibleRange(Params.Camera, IMin, IMax, JMin, JMax);
- if IMax - IMin > MaxVisibleWidth then IMax := IMin + MaxVisibleWidth;
- if JMax - JMin > MaxVisibleHeight then JMax := JMin + MaxVisibleHeight;
- for i := IMin to IMax-1 do begin
- for j := JMin to JMax-1 do begin
- Tile := MinI(FMap[i, j], UVMapLen)-1;
- if Tile >= 0 then begin
- v := GetVector3s(i * FMap.CellWidthScale - HalfWidth, -j * FMap.CellHeightScale + HalfHeight, 0);
- SetVertexDataC(v, TileCount*6, VBPTR);
- SetVertexDataD(GetLitColorD(v), TileCount*6, VBPTR);
- SetVertexDataS(GetLitColorS(v), TileCount*6, VBPTR);
- SetVertexDataUV(UVMap^[Tile].U, UVMap^[Tile].V, TileCount*6, VBPTR);
- v := GetVector3s((i+1) * FMap.CellWidthScale - HalfWidth, -(j+0) * FMap.CellHeightScale + HalfHeight, 0);
- SetVertexDataC(v, TileCount*6+1, VBPTR);
- SetVertexDataD(GetLitColorD(v), TileCount*6+1, VBPTR);
- SetVertexDataS(GetLitColorS(v), TileCount*6+1, VBPTR);
- SetVertexDataUV(UVMap^[Tile].U + UVMap^[Tile].W, UVMap^[Tile].V, TileCount*6+1, VBPTR);
- SetVertexDataC(v, TileCount*6+4, VBPTR);
- SetVertexDataD(GetLitColorD(v), TileCount*6+4, VBPTR);
- SetVertexDataS(GetLitColorS(v), TileCount*6+4, VBPTR);
- SetVertexDataUV(UVMap^[Tile].U + UVMap^[Tile].W, UVMap^[Tile].V, TileCount*6+4, VBPTR);
- v := GetVector3s((i+0) * FMap.CellWidthScale - HalfWidth, -(j+1) * FMap.CellHeightScale + HalfHeight, 0);
- SetVertexDataC(v, TileCount*6+2, VBPTR);
- SetVertexDataD(GetLitColorD(v), TileCount*6+2, VBPTR);
- SetVertexDataS(GetLitColorS(v), TileCount*6+2, VBPTR);
- SetVertexDataUV(UVMap^[Tile].U, UVMap^[Tile].V + UVMap^[Tile].H, TileCount*6+2, VBPTR);
- SetVertexDataC(v, TileCount*6+3, VBPTR);
- SetVertexDataD(GetLitColorD(v), TileCount*6+3, VBPTR);
- SetVertexDataS(GetLitColorS(v), TileCount*6+3, VBPTR);
- SetVertexDataUV(UVMap^[Tile].U, UVMap^[Tile].V + UVMap^[Tile].H, TileCount*6+3, VBPTR);
- v := GetVector3s((i+1) * FMap.CellWidthScale - HalfWidth, -(j+1) * FMap.CellHeightScale + HalfHeight, 0);
- SetVertexDataC(v, TileCount*6+5, VBPTR);
- SetVertexDataD(GetLitColorD(v), TileCount*6+5, VBPTR);
- SetVertexDataS(GetLitColorS(v), TileCount*6+5, VBPTR);
- SetVertexDataUV(UVMap^[Tile].U + UVMap^[Tile].W, UVMap^[Tile].V + UVMap^[Tile].H, TileCount*6+5, VBPTR);
- Inc(TileCount);
- end;
- end;
- end;
- // {$IFDEF LOGGING} Log.Log(Format('Tiles rendered: %D', [TileCount])); {$ENDIF}
- TesselationStatus[tbVertex].Status := tsChanged;
- Result := TileCount*6;
- TotalPrimitives := TileCount*2;
- TotalVertices := Result;
- LastTotalVertices := TotalVertices;
- end;
- { TFgTileMapTesselator }
- procedure TFgTileMapTesselator.InitLightMaps;
- begin
- // SetLength(LightMaps, 2);
- // ReallocMem(LightMaps[0], FMap.Width * FMap.Height * 4);
- // ReallocMem(LightMaps[1], FMap.Width * FMap.Height * 4);
- end;
- procedure TFgTileMapTesselator.Init;
- begin
- inherited;
- if Assigned(FMap) then begin
- TotalVertices := MaxI(0, (FMap.Width-1) * (FMap.Height-1) * 6)*2;
- TotalPrimitives := MaxI(0, (FMap.Width-1) * (FMap.Height-1) * 2)*2;
- end else begin
- TotalVertices := 0;
- TotalPrimitives := 0;
- end;
- PrimitiveType := ptTRIANGLELIST; // TODO -cOptimization : Switch to strips
- InitVertexFormat(GetVertexFormat(False, False, True, True, False, 0, [2]));
- end;
- function TFgTileMapTesselator.GetMaxVertices: Integer;
- begin
- Result := (MaxVisibleWidth) * (MaxVisibleHeight) * 6 * 2;
- if (FMap.Width <> OldWidth) or (FMap.Height <> OldHeight) then Init;
- end;
- function TFgTileMapTesselator.Tesselate(const Params: TTesselationParameters; VBPTR: Pointer): Integer;
- var
- i, j, QuadCount, Tile: Integer;
- BlockExists: Boolean;
- HalfWidth, HalfHeight, Y: Single;
- UVMap: TUVMap; UVMapLen: Integer;
- IMin, IMax, JMin, JMax: Integer;
- Ang: Single;
- FormFactor: TVector3s;
- function GetLitColorD(const Point: TVector3s): TColor;
- var
- i: Integer; v: TVector3s; Dist: Single; Color: TColor4s;
- begin
- Color := GetColor4S(0, 0, 0, 0);
- for i := 0 to LightsActive-1 do begin
- SubVector3s(v, Point, Lights[i].LocalPos);
- if SqrMagnitude(v) > Sqr(Lights[i].Light.Range) then Continue;
- // Dist := v.Z / SqrMagnitude(v);
- Dist := Sqrt(( Sqr(v.X*FormFactor.X) + Sqr(v.Y*FormFactor.Y) ) / Sqr(Lights[i].Light.Range * FormFactor.Z));
- if Dist < 1 then AddVector4s(Color.RGBA, Color.RGBA, ScaleVector4s(Lights[i].Light.Diffuse.RGBA, 0.2*(1-Dist)));
- // v := NormalizeVector3s(v);
- end;
- Result := GetColorFrom4s(Color);
- end;
- function GetLitColorS(const Point: TVector3s): TColor;
- var i, MinI: Integer; v: TVector3s; MinDist, Dist: Single;
- begin
- Result.C := $FF808080;
- MinI := -1;
- for i := 0 to LightsActive-1 do begin
- Dist := SqrMagnitude(SubVector3s(Point, Lights[i].LocalPos));
- if Dist > Sqr(Lights[i].Light.Range) then Continue;
- if (MinI = -1) or (Dist < MinDist) then begin
- MinDist := Dist;
- MinI := i;
- end;
- end;
- if MinI = -1 then Exit;
- SubVector3s(v, Point, Lights[MinI].LocalPos);
- v := NormalizeVector3s(GetVector3s(-v.X, v.Y, 1));
- Result := VectorToColor(ScaleVector3s(v, 1+0*Result.R/255));
- end;
- function GetLitColorTopD(Point: TVector3s): TColor;
- var
- i: Integer; v: TVector3s; Dist: Single; Color: TColor4s;
- begin
- Color := GetColor4S(0, 0, 0, 0);
- for i := 0 to LightsActive-1 do if Lights[i].LocalPos.Y - Point.Y > 0 then begin
- SubVector3s(v, Point, Lights[i].LocalPos);
- if SqrMagnitude(v) > Sqr(Lights[i].Light.Range) then Continue;
- // Dist := v.Z / SqrMagnitude(v);
- Dist := Sqrt(( Sqr(v.X*FormFactor.X) + Sqr(v.Y*FormFactor.Y) ) / Sqr(Lights[i].Light.Range * FormFactor.Z));
- // Dist := 1+v.Y/SqrMagnitude(v);
- if Dist < 1 then AddVector4s(Color.RGBA, Color.RGBA, ScaleVector4s(Lights[i].Light.Diffuse.RGBA, 1-Dist));
- // v := NormalizeVector3s(v);
- end;
- Result := GetColorFrom4s(Color);
- end;
- function GetLitColorTopS(const Point: TVector3s): TColor;
- var i, MinI: Integer; v: TVector3s; MinDist, Dist: Single;
- begin
- Result.C := $FF808080;
- MinI := -1;
- for i := 0 to LightsActive-1 do if Lights[i].LocalPos.Y - Point.Y > 0 then begin
- Dist := SqrMagnitude(SubVector3s(Point, Lights[i].LocalPos));
- if Dist > Sqr(Lights[i].Light.Range) then Continue;
- if (MinI = -1) or (Dist < MinDist) then begin
- MinDist := Dist;
- MinI := i;
- end;
- end;
- if MinI = -1 then Exit;
- SubVector3s(v, Point, Lights[MinI].LocalPos);
- v := NormalizeVector3s(GetVector3s(-v.X, -v.y, 0.5));
- Result := VectorToColor(ScaleVector3s(v, 1+0*Result.R/255));
- end;
- var v: TVector3s;
- begin
- Result := 0;
- if not Assigned(FUVMapRes) or (FUVMapRes.TotalElements = 0) or
- not Assigned(FMap) or (FMap.Width = 0) or (FMap.Height = 0) or (FMap.Data = nil) then Exit;
- UVMap := FUVMapRes.Data;
- UVMapLen := FUVMapRes.TotalElements;
- HalfWidth := (FMap.Width-1) * FMap.CellWidthScale * 0.5;
- HalfHeight := (FMap.Height-1) * FMap.CellHeightScale * 0.5;
- // Form factor for torch light blinking imitation
- Ang := (AttSeed+Phase)*DegToRad;
- FormFactor.X := (1+BlinkFactor)+(BlinkFactor*Sin(Ang));
- FormFactor.Y := (1+BlinkFactor)+(BlinkFactor*Cos(Ang));
- FormFactor.Z := 1;//(1+BlinkFactor)+(BlinkFactor*Sin(((AttSeed+Phase)+90)*DegToRad*1));
- ObtainVisibleRange(Params.Camera, IMin, IMax, JMin, JMax);
- if IMax - IMin > MaxVisibleWidth then IMax := IMin + MaxVisibleWidth;
- if JMax - JMin > MaxVisibleHeight then JMax := JMin + MaxVisibleHeight;
- QuadCount := 0;
- for i := IMin to IMax-1 do begin
- BlockExists := JMin <> 0;
- for j := JMin to JMax-1 do begin
- Tile := MinI(FMap[i, j]*3, UVMapLen)-3;
- if Tile >= 0 then begin
- if not BlockExists then begin // Top surface
- Y := -j * FMap.CellHeightScale + HalfHeight;
- v := GetVector3s(i * FMap.CellWidthScale - HalfWidth, Y, 0);
- SetVertexDataC(v, QuadCount*6, VBPTR);
- SetVertexDataD(GetLitColorTopD(v), QuadCount*6, VBPTR);
- SetVertexDataS(GetLitColorTopS(v), QuadCount*6, VBPTR);
- SetVertexDataUV(UVMap^[Tile + 1].U, UVMap^[Tile + 1].V, QuadCount*6, VBPTR);
- v := GetVector3s((i+1) * FMap.CellWidthScale - HalfWidth, Y, 0);
- SetVertexDataC(v, QuadCount*6+1, VBPTR);
- SetVertexDataD(GetLitColorTopD(v), QuadCount*6+1, VBPTR);
- SetVertexDataS(GetLitColorTopS(v), QuadCount*6+1, VBPTR);
- SetVertexDataUV(UVMap^[Tile + 1].U + UVMap^[Tile + 1].W, UVMap^[Tile + 1].V, QuadCount*6+1, VBPTR);
- SetVertexDataC(v, QuadCount*6+4, VBPTR);
- SetVertexDataD(GetLitColorTopD(v), QuadCount*6+4, VBPTR);
- SetVertexDataS(GetLitColorTopS(v), QuadCount*6+4, VBPTR);
- SetVertexDataUV(UVMap^[Tile + 1].U + UVMap^[Tile + 1].W, UVMap^[Tile + 1].V, QuadCount*6+4, VBPTR);
- v := GetVector3s((i+0) * FMap.CellWidthScale - HalfWidth, Y, -FMap.DepthScale);
- SetVertexDataC(v, QuadCount*6+2, VBPTR);
- SetVertexDataD(GetLitColorTopD(v), QuadCount*6+2, VBPTR);
- SetVertexDataS(GetLitColorTopS(v), QuadCount*6+2, VBPTR);
- SetVertexDataUV(UVMap^[Tile + 1].U, UVMap^[Tile + 1].V + UVMap^[Tile + 1].H, QuadCount*6+2, VBPTR);
- SetVertexDataC(v, QuadCount*6+3, VBPTR);
- SetVertexDataD(GetLitColorTopD(v), QuadCount*6+3, VBPTR);
- SetVertexDataS(GetLitColorTopS(v), QuadCount*6+3, VBPTR);
- SetVertexDataUV(UVMap^[Tile + 1].U, UVMap^[Tile + 1].V + UVMap^[Tile + 1].H, QuadCount*6+3, VBPTR);
- v := GetVector3s((i+1) * FMap.CellWidthScale - HalfWidth, Y, -FMap.DepthScale);
- SetVertexDataC(v, QuadCount*6+5, VBPTR);
- SetVertexDataD(GetLitColorTopD(v), QuadCount*6+5, VBPTR);
- SetVertexDataS(GetLitColorTopS(v), QuadCount*6+5, VBPTR);
- SetVertexDataUV(UVMap^[Tile + 1].U + UVMap^[Tile + 1].W, UVMap^[Tile + 1].V + UVMap^[Tile + 1].H, QuadCount*6+5, VBPTR);
- Inc(QuadCount);
- end;
- // Color := $FF808080;
- { or MinI($FF, (Sqr(Round(IMin * FMap.CellWidthScale - i * FMap.CellWidthScale)) +
- Sqr(Round(JMin * FMap.CellHeightScale - j * FMap.CellHeightScale))
- ));}
- v := GetVector3s(i * FMap.CellWidthScale - HalfWidth, -j * FMap.CellHeightScale + HalfHeight, -FMap.DepthScale);
- SetVertexDataC(v, QuadCount*6, VBPTR);
- SetVertexDataD(GetLitColorD(v), QuadCount*6, VBPTR);
- SetVertexDataS(GetLitColorS(v), QuadCount*6, VBPTR);
- SetVertexDataUV(UVMap^[Tile].U, UVMap^[Tile].V, QuadCount*6, VBPTR);
- v := GetVector3s((i+1) * FMap.CellWidthScale - HalfWidth, -(j+0) * FMap.CellHeightScale + HalfHeight, -FMap.DepthScale);
- SetVertexDataC(v, QuadCount*6+1, VBPTR);
- SetVertexDataD(GetLitColorD(v), QuadCount*6+1, VBPTR);
- SetVertexDataS(GetLitColorS(v), QuadCount*6+1, VBPTR);
- SetVertexDataUV(UVMap^[Tile].U + UVMap^[Tile].W, UVMap^[Tile].V, QuadCount*6+1, VBPTR);
- SetVertexDataC(v, QuadCount*6+4, VBPTR);
- SetVertexDataD(GetLitColorD(v), QuadCount*6+4, VBPTR);
- SetVertexDataS(GetLitColorS(v), QuadCount*6+4, VBPTR);
- SetVertexDataUV(UVMap^[Tile].U + UVMap^[Tile].W, UVMap^[Tile].V, QuadCount*6+4, VBPTR);
- v := GetVector3s((i+0) * FMap.CellWidthScale - HalfWidth, -(j+1) * FMap.CellHeightScale + HalfHeight, -FMap.DepthScale);
- SetVertexDataC(v, QuadCount*6+2, VBPTR);
- SetVertexDataD(GetLitColorD(v), QuadCount*6+2, VBPTR);
- SetVertexDataS(GetLitColorS(v), QuadCount*6+2, VBPTR);
- SetVertexDataUV(UVMap^[Tile].U, UVMap^[Tile].V + UVMap^[Tile].H, QuadCount*6+2, VBPTR);
- SetVertexDataC(v, QuadCount*6+3, VBPTR);
- SetVertexDataD(GetLitColorD(v), QuadCount*6+3, VBPTR);
- SetVertexDataS(GetLitColorS(v), QuadCount*6+3, VBPTR);
- SetVertexDataUV(UVMap^[Tile].U, UVMap^[Tile].V + UVMap^[Tile].H, QuadCount*6+3, VBPTR);
- v := GetVector3s((i+1) * FMap.CellWidthScale - HalfWidth, -(j+1) * FMap.CellHeightScale + HalfHeight, -FMap.DepthScale);
- SetVertexDataC(v, QuadCount*6+5, VBPTR);
- SetVertexDataD(GetLitColorD(v), QuadCount*6+5, VBPTR);
- SetVertexDataS(GetLitColorS(v), QuadCount*6+5, VBPTR);
- SetVertexDataUV(UVMap^[Tile].U + UVMap^[Tile].W, UVMap^[Tile].V + UVMap^[Tile].H, QuadCount*6+5, VBPTR);
- Inc(QuadCount);
- BlockExists := True;
- end else BlockExists := False;
- end;
- end;
- // {$IFDEF LOGGING} Log.Log(Format('Quads rendered: %D', [QuadCount])); {$ENDIF}
- TesselationStatus[tbVertex].Status := tsChanged;
- Result := QuadCount*6;
- TotalPrimitives := QuadCount*2;
- TotalVertices := Result;
- LastTotalVertices := TotalVertices;
- end;
- { TTileMap }
- const UVMapPropName = 'UV Map';
- function TTileMap.CalcTile(Cursor: TMapCursor; Camera: TCamera; out TileX, TileY: Integer): Boolean;
- // Returns true if cursor points to a valid tile
- var Point: TVector3s;
- begin
- Result := Assigned(CurrentTesselator) and
- (CurrentTesselator as TTileMapTesselator).TraceRay(Transform4Vector33s(InvertMatrix4s(Transform), Camera.GetAbsLocation),
- Camera.GetPickRayInWorld(Cursor.MouseX, Cursor.MouseY), Point) and
- (CurrentTesselator as TTileMapTesselator).ObtainTileAt(Point.X, Point.Y, TileX, TileY);
- end;
- function TTileMap.DrawCursor(Cursor: TMapCursor; Camera: TCamera; Screen: TScreen): Boolean;
- var TileX, TileY, i, j, CursorSize: Integer; Point: TVector3s;
- begin
- Result := False;
- if not CalcTile(Cursor, Camera, TileX, TileY) then Exit;
- CursorSize := ClampI(Cursor.Params.GetAsInteger('Size'), 1, MaxCursorSize);
- for i := MinI(FMap.Width-1, MaxI(0, TileX - CursorSize div 2)) to MinI(FMap.Width-1, MaxI(0, TileX - CursorSize div 2 + CursorSize-1)) do
- for j := MinI(FMap.Height-1, MaxI(0, TileY - CursorSize div 2)) to MinI(FMap.Height-1, MaxI(0, TileY - CursorSize div 2 + CursorSize-1)) do
- with (CurrentTesselator as TTileMapTesselator) do begin
- Point := Transform4Vector33s(Transform, GetTileCoords(i, j));
- Screen.MoveToVec(Camera.Project(Point).xyz);
- Point := Transform4Vector33s(Transform, GetTileCoords(i+1, j));
- Screen.LineToVec(Camera.Project(Point).xyz);
- Point := Transform4Vector33s(Transform, GetTileCoords(i+1, j+1));
- Screen.LineToVec(Camera.Project(Point).xyz);
- Point := Transform4Vector33s(Transform, GetTileCoords(i, j+1));
- Screen.LineToVec(Camera.Project(Point).xyz);
- Point := Transform4Vector33s(Transform, GetTileCoords(i, j));
- Screen.LineToVec(Camera.Project(Point).xyz);
- // Screen.Bar(Transformed.X, Transformed.Y, Transformed.X+10, Transformed.Y+10);
- end;
- Result := True;
- end;
- procedure TTileMap.ModifyBegin(Cursor: TMapCursor; Camera: TCamera);
- begin
- Modify(Cursor, Camera);
- end;
- procedure TTileMap.Modify(Cursor: TMapCursor; Camera: TCamera);
- var Tilex, TileY: Integer; Op: TTileMapEditOp;
- begin
- if (Cursor.MouseX = Cursor.LastEditMouseX) and (Cursor.MouseY = Cursor.LastEditMouseY) then Exit;
- if not CalcTile(Cursor, Camera, TileX, TileY) then Exit;
- if (FMap as THeightMap).Data = nil then Exit;
- Op := TTileMapEditOp.Create;
- if Op.Init(FMap, TileX, TileY, ClampI(Cursor.Params.GetAsInteger('Size'), 1, MaxCursorSize), Cursor.Value, Cursor.Aligned) then begin
- Cursor.Operation := Op;
- end else Op.Free;
- end;
- procedure TTileMap.ModifyEnd(Cursor: TMapCursor; Camera: TCamera);
- begin
- // Modify(Cursor, Camera);
- end;
- {$ENDIF}
- procedure TTileMap.ResolveLinks;
- var Item: TItem;
- begin
- inherited;
- if CurrentTesselator is TTileMapTesselator then begin
- ResolveLink(UVMapPropName, Item);
- if Assigned(Item) then begin
- (CurrentTesselator as TTileMapTesselator).FUVMapRes := (Item as TUVMapResource);
- CurrentTesselator.Init;
- if Assigned((CurrentTesselator as TTileMapTesselator).FMap) then with (CurrentTesselator as TTileMapTesselator).FMap do begin
- BoundingBox.P1 := GetVector3s(-Width * CellWidthScale * 0.5, -Height * CellHeightScale * 0.5, -DepthScale);
- BoundingBox.P2 := GetVector3s( Width * CellWidthScale * 0.5, Height * CellHeightScale * 0.5, 0);
- end else begin
- BoundingBox.P1 := GetVector3s(0, 0, 0);
- BoundingBox.P2 := GetVector3s(0, 0, 0);
- end;
- end;
- end;
- end;
- constructor TTileMap.Create(AManager: TItemsManager);
- begin
- FCustomLighting := True;
- inherited;
- end;
- function TTileMap.GetTesselatorClass: CTesselator; begin Result := TTileMapTesselator; end;
- procedure TTileMap.AddProperties(const Result: Props.TProperties);
- begin
- inherited;
- if Assigned(Result) then begin
- end;
- AddItemLink(Result, UVMapPropName, [], 'TUVMapResource');
- end;
- procedure TTileMap.SetProperties(Properties: Props.TProperties);
- begin
- inherited;
- if Properties.Valid(UVMapPropName) then SetLinkProperty(UVMapPropName, Properties[UVMapPropName]);
- ResolveLinks;
- end;
- procedure TTileMap.HandleMessage(const Msg: TMessage);
- begin
- inherited;
- { if Msg.ClassType = TMapDrawCursorMsg then with TMapDrawCursorMsg(Msg) do DrawCursor(Cursor, Cursor.Camera, Cursor.Screen);
- if (Msg.ClassType = TMapModifyBeginMsg) or (Msg.ClassType = TMapModifyMsg) then with TMapEditorMessage(Msg) do Modify(Cursor, Cursor.Camera);}
- if Msg.ClassType = TRequestMapEditVisuals then with TRequestMapEditVisuals(Msg) do begin
- if Assigned(CurTechnique) and Assigned(CurTechnique.Passes[0]) then
- CurTechnique.Passes[0].ObtainLinkedItemName('Stage #0Texture', Cursor.MainTextureName);
- ObtainLinkedItemName(UVMapPropName, Cursor.UVMapName);
- Cursor.UVMapStep := 1;
- end;
- {$ENDIF}
- end;
- function TTileMap.ObtainTileAt(X, Y: Single; out TileX, TileY: Integer): Boolean;
- begin
- Result := (CurrentTesselator is TTileMapTesselator) and TTileMapTesselator(CurrentTesselator).ObtainTileAt(X, Y, TileX, TileY);
- end;
- function TTileMap.ObtainTileAtScreen(ScreenX, ScreenY: Integer; Camera: TCamera; out TileX, TileY: Integer): Boolean;
- var Point: TVector3s;
- begin
- Result := Assigned(CurrentTesselator) and
- (CurrentTesselator as TTileMapTesselator).TraceRay(Transform4Vector33s(InvertMatrix4s(Transform), Camera.GetAbsLocation),
- Camera.GetPickRayInWorld(ScreenX, ScreenY), Point) and
- (CurrentTesselator as TTileMapTesselator).ObtainTileAt(Point.X, Point.Y, TileX, TileY);
- end;
- function TTileMap.TraceMap(X, Y, DirX, DirY: Single; out TileX, TileY: Integer): Single;
- // Traces ray to next tile and returns squared distance to it
- var Ofs: TVector3s;
- begin
- Result := 0;
- if not (CurrentTesselator is TTileMapTesselator) or not TTileMapTesselator(CurrentTesselator).ObtainTileAt(X, Y, TileX, TileY) then Exit;
- if Sqr(DirX) + Sqr(DirY) < epsilon then Exit;
- Ofs := TTileMapTesselator(CurrentTesselator).GetTileCoords(TileX, TileY);
- Ofs.X := X - Ofs.X;
- Ofs.Y := Ofs.Y - Y;
- Assert((Ofs.X >= 0) and (Ofs.Y >= 0), Format('%F / %F', [Ofs.X, Ofs.Y]));
- if (Abs(DirX) < epsilon) then begin // up/down case
- Inc(TileY, 1-Ord(DirY > 0)*2);
- if DirY > 0 then Result := Ofs.Y else Result := FMap.CellHeightScale - Ofs.Y;
- end;
- if (Abs(DirY) < epsilon) then begin // left/cight case
- Inc(TileX, Ord(DirX > 0)*2-1);
- if DirX > 0 then Result := Ofs.X else Result := FMap.CellWidthScale - Ofs.X;
- end;
- { TileX := Round((FMap.Width)*0.5 + X / FMap.CellWidthScale)-1;
- TileY := Round((FMap.Height)*0.5 - Y / FMap.CellHeightScale)-1;
- Result := (TileX >= 0) and (TileY >= 0) and (TileX < FMap.Width) and (TileY < FMap.Height);}
- end;
- procedure TTileMap.Process(const DeltaT: Float);
- begin
- inherited;
- if not (CurrentTesselator is TTileMapTesselator) then Exit;
- Inc(TTileMapTesselator(CurrentTesselator).AttSeed, 30+Random(30));
- // TTileMapTesselator(CurrentTesselator).RandomGen.InitSequence(1, Round(TimeProcessed));
- end;
- { TFgTileMap }
- function TFgTileMap.GetTesselatorClass: CTesselator; begin Result := TFgTileMapTesselator; end;
- procedure TFgTileMap.HandleMessage(const Msg: TMessage);
- begin
- inherited;
- if Msg.ClassType = TRequestMapEditVisuals then with TRequestMapEditVisuals(Msg) do Cursor.UVMapStep := 3;
- {$ENDIF}
- end;
- { TTileMapEditOp }
- function TTileMapEditOp.Init(AMap: TMap; ATileX, ATileY, ACursorSize, AValue: Integer; AAligned: Boolean): Boolean;
- var i, j, Value1, Value2, StartI, StartJ: Integer;
- function GetValue(LX, LY: Integer): Integer;
- begin
- if AAligned then
- Result := AValue + (LX mod CursorSize) + (LY mod CursorSize) * CursorSize else
- Result := Value2;
- end;
- begin
- Result := False;
- if (ACursorSize = 0) or not Assigned(AMap) then Exit;
- Map := AMap;
- CellX := ATileX;
- CellZ := ATileY;
- CursorSize := ACursorSize;
- GetMem(Buffer, CursorSize * CursorSize * Map.ElementSize);
- Result := True;
- Value1 := AValue;
- StartI := MaxI(0, CellX - CursorSize div 2);
- StartJ := MaxI(0, CellZ - CursorSize div 2);
- for j := StartJ to MinI(Map.Height-1, CellZ - CursorSize div 2 + CursorSize-1) do begin
- Value2 := Value1;
- for i := StartI to MinI(Map.Width-1, CellX - CursorSize div 2 + CursorSize-1) do begin
- case Map.ElementSize of
- 1: PByteBuffer(Buffer)^[(j-StartJ)* CursorSize + i - StartI] := Byte(GetValue(i, j));
- 2: PWordBuffer(Buffer)^[(j-StartJ)* CursorSize + i - StartI] := Word(GetValue(i, j));
- 4: PDWordBuffer(Buffer)^[(j-StartJ)* CursorSize + i - StartI] := Cardinal(GetValue(i, j));
- end;
- // Inc(Value2);
- end;
- Inc(Value1, CursorSize);
- end;
- end;
- begin
- GlobalClassList.Add('C2TileMaps', GetUnitClassList);
- end.