资源名称:CAST2SDK.rar [点击查看]
- (*
- @Abstract(CAST II Engine materials unit)
- (C) 2006 George "Mirage" Bakhtadze. <a href="http://www.casteng.com">www.casteng.com</a> <br>
- The source code may be used under either MPL 1.1 or LGPL 2.1 license. See included license.txt file <br>
- Unit contains material base class
- *)
- {$Include GDefines.inc}
- {$Include C2Defines.inc}
- unit C2Materials;
- interface
- uses
- TextFile,
- BaseTypes, Basics, BaseMsg, Props, OTypes, BaseClasses, Resources, ItemMsg,
- C2Types, CAST2, C2Res, C2Msg;
- const
- // Color mask
- cmAlpha = 1; cmRed = 2; cmGreen = 4; cmBlue = 8;
- // Texture index special values
- // Texture unresolved yet or its resolution failed
- tivUnresolved = -1;
- // No texture specified for the given stage
- tivNull = -2;
- // Texture is a render target
- tivRenderTarget = -16;
- // Shader index special values
- // Shader unresolved yet or its resolution failed
- sivUnresolved = -1;
- // No Shader specified for the given render pass
- sivNull = -2;
- // Texture matrix type enumeration string
- TextureMatrixTypesEnum = 'None' + StringDelimiter +
- 'Camera inverse' + StringDelimiter + 'Mirror' + StringDelimiter + 'Shadow map' + StringDelimiter +
- 'Scale' + StringDelimiter +
- 'Custom';
- // Pass running conditions enumeration string
- TPassConditionsEnum = 'Once' + StringDelimiter + 'For each light';
- type
- // Pass running conditions enumeration
- TPassCondition = (// Run the pass once for an item
- pcOnce,
- // Run the pass for each light affecting the currently rendering item
- pcEachLight);
- TBlendingState = record
- Enabled: Boolean;
- CRC, AlphaRef, ATestFunc, SrcBlend, DestBlend, Operation: Integer;
- end;
- TZBufferState = record
- CRC, ZTestFunc, ZBias: Integer;
- ZWrite: Boolean;
- end;
- TFillShadeMode = record
- CRC, FillMode, ShadeMode, CullMode: Integer;
- ColorMask: Cardinal;
- end;
- TStencilState = record
- CRC, SFailOp, ZFailOp, PassOp, STestFunc: Integer;
- end;
- TTWrapCoordSet = array[0..MaxTextureCoordSets-1] of Cardinal;
- TTextureWrap = record
- CRC: Cardinal;
- CoordSet: TTWrapCoordSet;
- end;
- TLightingState = record
- CRC: Integer;
- GlobalAmbient: BaseTypes.TColor;
- SpecularMode: SmallInt;
- NormalizeNormals, Enabled: Boolean;
- end;
- TPointEdgeState = record
- CRC: Integer;
- PointSprite, PointScale, EdgeAntialias: Boolean;
- end;
- // Texture matrix setting
- TTextureMatrixType = (// No texture matrix
- tmNone,
- // Inverse camera view matrix
- tmCameraInverse,
- { Predefined texture matrix for a mirror implementation
- }
- tmMirror,
- { Predefined texture matrix for shadow maps implementation
- }
- tmShadowMap,
- // Scale matrix by <b>TextureMatrixBias</b>
- tmScale,
- // Texture matrix for the given coordinate set will be retrieved from the item currently drawn with the @Link(RetrieveTextureMatrix) delegate
- tmCustom);
- TStage = record
- TextureIndex: Integer; // can be tivUnresolved, tivNull, tivRenderTarget
- ColorArg0, AlphaArg0: Longword;
- ColorOp, ColorArg1, ColorArg2: Longword; InvertColorArg1, InvertColorArg2: Boolean;
- AlphaOp, AlphaArg1, AlphaArg2: Longword; InvertAlphaArg1, InvertAlphaArg2: Boolean;
- TAddressing: Longword; StoreToTemp: Boolean;
- MipLODBias: Single;
- MaxMipLevel, MaxAnisotropy, Filtering: Longword;
- UVSource, TTransform: Longword; // Texture coordinates source, transform and wrapping
- TextureBorder: BaseTypes.TColor;
- TextureMatrixType: TTextureMatrixType;
- TextureMatrixBias: Single;
- Camera: TCamera;
- end;
- TRenderPass = class(TItem)
- public
- // SortBias is added to any sorted item's SortValue
- SortBias: Single;
- Group: TPassGroup;
- BlendingState: TBlendingState;
- FillShadeMode: TFillShadeMode;
- ZBufferState : TZBufferState;
- StencilState : TStencilState;
- StencilRef, StencilMask, StencilWriteMask: Integer;
- TextureFactor: BaseTypes.TColor;
- TextureWrap : TTextureWrap;
- Ambient, Diffuse, Specular, Emissive: BaseTypes.TColor4S;
- Power: Single;
- LightingState: TLightingState;
- Stages: array of TStage;
- FogKind: Integer;
- FogStart, FogEnd, FogDensity: Single;
- FogColor: BaseTypes.TColor;
- PointSize, MinPointSize, MaxPointSize: Single;
- PointScaleA, PointScaleB, PointScaleC: Single;
- PointEdgeState: TPointEdgeState;
- LinePattern: Longword;
- VertexShaderIndex, PixelShaderIndex: Integer; /// can be sivUnresolved, sivNull
- VertexDeclaration: TVertexDeclaration;
- ApplyCondition: TPassCondition;
- Items: TItems; TotalItems: Integer; // Items using this pass
- constructor Create(AManager: TItemsManager); override;
- destructor Destroy; override;
- procedure AddProperties(const Result: Props.TProperties); override;
- procedure SetProperties(Properties: Props.TProperties); override;
- /// For internal use only.
- function AddItem(const Item: TItem): Integer;
- /// For internal use only.
- function RemoveItem(const Index: Integer): Boolean;
- /// Called from TRenderer.ResolveTexture. For internal use only.
- function ResolveTexture(const Index: Integer; out Texture: Resources.TImageResource): Boolean;
- function ResolveVertexShader(var Shader: C2Res.TShaderResource): Boolean;
- function ResolvePixelShader(var Shader: C2Res.TShaderResource): Boolean;
- private
- ResolvedTexture: Resources.TImageResource; // Obsolete?
- ResolvedVertexShader, ResolvedPixelShader: C2Res.TShaderResource;
- FOrder: Integer;
- FTotalVertexStreams, FStream0Elements: Integer;
- FVertexShaderConstants, FPixelShaderConstants: TAnsiStringArray;
- FCompiledVertexShaderConstants, FCompiledPixelShaderConstants: array of OTypes.TRTData;
- function GetTotalStages: Integer;
- procedure SetTotalStages(const Value: Integer);
- function GetItemIndex(const Item: TItem): Integer;
- procedure SetOrder(const Value: Integer);
- function GetTotalPixelShaderConstants: Integer;
- function GetTotalVertexShaderConstants: Integer;
- procedure SetTotalPixelShaderConstants(const Value: Integer);
- procedure SetTotalVertexShaderConstants(const Value: Integer);
- function GetPixelShaderConstant(Index: Integer): string;
- function GetVertexShaderConstant(Index: Integer): string;
- procedure SetPixelShaderConstant(Index: Integer; const Value: string);
- procedure SetVertexShaderConstant(Index: Integer; const Value: string);
- function GetCompiledPixelShaderConstants(Index: Integer): OTypes.TRTData;
- function GetCompiledVertexShaderConstants(Index: Integer): OTypes.TRTData;
- public
- procedure HandleMessage(const Msg: TMessage); override;
- procedure RequestValidation;
- property TotalStages: Integer read GetTotalStages write SetTotalStages;
- property Order: Integer read FOrder write SetOrder;
- property TotalVertexShaderConstants: Integer read GetTotalVertexShaderConstants write SetTotalVertexShaderConstants;
- property TotalPixelShaderConstants: Integer read GetTotalPixelShaderConstants write SetTotalPixelShaderConstants;
- property VertexShaderConstant[Index: Integer]: string read GetVertexShaderConstant write SetVertexShaderConstant;
- property PixelShaderConstant[Index: Integer]: string read GetPixelShaderConstant write SetPixelShaderConstant;
- property CompiledVertexShaderConstants[Index: Integer]: OTypes.TRTData read GetCompiledVertexShaderConstants;
- property CompiledPixelShaderConstants[Index: Integer]: OTypes.TRTData read GetCompiledPixelShaderConstants;
- end;
- TTechnique = class(TItem)
- private
- FTotalPasses: Integer;
- PassesCache: array of TRenderPass;
- FValid: Boolean;
- procedure SetTotalPasses(const Value: Integer);
- function GetPass(Index: Integer): TRenderPass;
- procedure SetPass(Index: Integer; const Value: TRenderPass);
- protected
- procedure SetState(const Value: TItemFlags); override;
- public
- LOD: Integer;
- constructor Create(AManager: TItemsManager); override;
- procedure AddProperties(const Result: Props.TProperties); override;
- procedure SetProperties(Properties: Props.TProperties); override;
- property TotalPasses: Integer read FTotalPasses write SetTotalPasses;
- property Passes[Index: Integer]: TRenderPass read GetPass write SetPass; default;
- property Valid: Boolean read FValid write FValid;
- end;
- TMaterial = class(TItem)
- procedure AddProperties(const Result: Props.TProperties); override;
- procedure SetProperties(Properties: Props.TProperties); override;
- function GetTechniqueByLOD(Lod: Single): TTechnique;
- private
- FTotalTechniques: Integer;
- function GetTechnique(Index: Integer): TTechnique;
- procedure SetTechnique(Index: Integer; const Value: TTechnique);
- procedure SetTotalTechniques(const Value: Integer);
- function PassBelongs(AItem: TItem): Boolean;
- public
- procedure OnSceneLoaded; override;
- procedure HandleMessage(const Msg: TMessage); override;
- property TotalTechniques: Integer read FTotalTechniques write SetTotalTechniques;
- property Technique[Index: Integer]: TTechnique read GetTechnique write SetTechnique; default;
- end;
- function GetPointEdgeState(PointSprite, PointScale, EdgeAntialias: Boolean): TPointEdgeState;
- function GetBlendingState(Enabled: Boolean; SrcBlend, DestBlend, AlphaRef, ATestFunc, Operation: Integer): TBlendingState;
- function GetZBufferState(ZWrite: Boolean; ZTestFunc, ZBias: Integer): TZBufferState;
- function GetFillShadeMode(FillMode, ShadeMode, CullMode: Integer; ColorMask: Cardinal): TFillShadeMode;
- function GetStencilstate(SFailOp, ZFailOp, PassOp, STestFunc: Integer): TStencilState;
- function GetTextureWrap(Set0, Set1, Set2, Set3, Set4, Set5, Set6, Set7: Cardinal): TTextureWrap;
- function GetLightingState(SpecularMode: Integer; NormalizeNormals, Enabled: Boolean; GlobalAmbient: BaseTypes.TColor): TLightingState;
- implementation
- uses SysUtils;
- function GetPointEdgeState(PointSprite, PointScale, EdgeAntialias: Boolean): TPointEdgeState;
- begin
- Result.PointSprite := PointSprite;
- Result.PointScale := PointScale;
- Result.EdgeAntialias := EdgeAntialias;
- Result.CRC := Ord(EdgeAntialias) shl 2 + Ord(PointScale) shl 1 + Ord(PointSprite);
- end;
- function GetBlendingState(Enabled: Boolean; SrcBlend, DestBlend, AlphaRef, ATestFunc, Operation: Integer): TBlendingState;
- begin
- Result.Enabled := Enabled;
- Result.SrcBlend := SrcBlend;
- Result.DestBlend := DestBlend;
- Result.AlphaRef := AlphaRef;
- Result.ATestFunc := ATestFunc;
- Result.Operation := Operation;
- Result.CRC := AlphaRef shl 24 + Ord(Enabled) shl 23 + Operation shl 18 + ATestFunc shl 12 + SrcBlend shl 6 + DestBlend;
- end;
- function GetZBufferState(ZWrite: Boolean; ZTestFunc, ZBias: Integer): TZBufferState;
- begin
- Result.ZWrite := ZWrite;
- Result.ZTestFunc := ZTestFunc;
- Result.ZBias := ZBias;
- Result.CRC := Ord(ZWrite) shl 15 + ZTestFunc shl 8 + ZBias;
- end;
- function GetFillShadeMode(FillMode, ShadeMode, CullMode: Integer; ColorMask: Cardinal): TFillShadeMode;
- begin
- Result.FillMode := FillMode;
- Result.ShadeMode := ShadeMode;
- Result.CullMode := CullMode;
- Result.ColorMask := ColorMask;
- Result.CRC := Integer(ColorMask shl 16) + CullMode shl 12 + ShadeMode shl 4 + FillMode;
- end;
- function GetStencilstate(SFailOp, ZFailOp, PassOp, STestFunc: Integer): TStencilState;
- begin
- Result.SFailOp := SFailOp;
- Result.ZFailOp := ZFailOp;
- Result.PassOp := PassOp;
- Result.STestFunc := STestFunc;
- Result.CRC := STestFunc shl 24 + PassOp shl 16 + ZFailOp shl 8 + SFailOp;
- end;
- function GetTextureWrap(Set0, Set1, Set2, Set3, Set4, Set5, Set6, Set7: Cardinal): TTextureWrap;
- begin
- Result.CoordSet[0] := Set0;
- Result.CoordSet[1] := Set1;
- Result.CoordSet[2] := Set2;
- Result.CoordSet[3] := Set3;
- Result.CoordSet[4] := Set4;
- Result.CoordSet[5] := Set5;
- Result.CoordSet[6] := Set6;
- Result.CoordSet[7] := Set7;
- Result.CRC := Set7 shl 28 + Set6 shl 24 + Set5 shl 20 + Set4 shl 16 + Set3 shl 12 + Set2 shl 8 + Set1 shl 4 + Set0;
- end;
- function GetLightingState(SpecularMode: Integer; NormalizeNormals, Enabled: Boolean; GlobalAmbient: BaseTypes.TColor): TLightingState;
- begin
- Result.SpecularMode := SpecularMode;
- Result.NormalizeNormals := NormalizeNormals;
- Result.Enabled := Enabled;
- Result.GlobalAmbient := GlobalAmbient;
- Result.CRC := Ord(SpecularMode) shl 2 + Ord(NormalizeNormals) shl 1 + Ord(Enabled);
- end;
- { TRenderPass }
- constructor TRenderPass.Create(AManager: TItemsManager);
- begin
- inherited;
- FOrder := poNormal;
- SortBias := 0;
- BlendingState := GetBlendingState(False, bmONE, bmZERO, 0, tfALWAYS, boADD);
- FillShadeMode := GetFillShadeMode(fmDEFAULT, smGOURAUD, cmCAMERADEFAULT, $FFFFFFFF);
- ZBufferState := GetZBufferState(True, tfLESSEQUAL, 0);
- StencilState := GetStencilstate(soKEEP, soKEEP, soKEEP, tfALWAYS);
- StencilRef := 0;
- StencilMask := -1;
- StencilWriteMask := -1;
- TextureFactor.C := $00000000;
- TextureWrap := GetTextureWrap(0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0);
- Ambient := GetColor4S(0.5, 0.5, 0.5, 0.5);
- Diffuse := GetColor4S(0.5, 0.5, 0.5, 0.5);
- Specular := GetColor4S(0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0);
- Power := 0;
- LightingState := GetLightingState(slACCURATE, False, True, GetColor($40404040));
- Group := 0;
- FogKind := fkVertex;
- FogStart := 0;
- FogEnd := 10000;
- FogDensity := 1;
- FogColor.C := $808080FF;
- PointSize := 1;
- LinePattern := 0;
- MinPointSize := 0;
- MaxPointSize := 10000;
- PointScaleA := 1;
- PointScaleB := 0;
- PointScaleC := 0;
- PointEdgeState := GetPointEdgeState(False, False, False);
- VertexShaderIndex := sivNull;
- PixelShaderIndex := sivNull;
- FTotalVertexStreams := 1;
- FStream0Elements := 0;
- TotalStages := 1;
- end;
- destructor TRenderPass.Destroy;
- var i: Integer;
- begin
- VertexDeclaration := nil;
- Items := nil;
- for i := 0 to High(FVertexShaderConstants) do FVertexShaderConstants[i] := '';
- FVertexShaderConstants := nil;
- for i := 0 to High(FPixelShaderConstants) do FPixelShaderConstants[i] := '';
- FPixelShaderConstants := nil;
- for i := 0 to High(FCompiledVertexShaderConstants) do FreeAndNil(FCompiledVertexShaderConstants[i]);
- FCompiledVertexShaderConstants := nil;
- for i := 0 to High(FCompiledPixelShaderConstants) do FreeAndNil(FCompiledPixelShaderConstants[i]);
- FCompiledPixelShaderConstants := nil;
- inherited;
- end;
- procedure TRenderPass.AddProperties(const Result: Props.TProperties);
- var j, k: Integer; LevelStr: string[50];
- begin
- inherited;
- if Assigned(Result) then begin
- Result.AddEnumerated('Group', [], Group, PassGroupsEnum);
- Result.AddEnumerated('RenderOrder', [], Order, PassOrdersEnum);
- Result.Add('RenderSort bias', vtSingle, [], FloatToStr(SortBias), '');
- Result.AddEnumerated('RenderFace culling', [], FillShadeMode.CullMode, CullModesEnum);
- Result.Add('RenderColor write mask', vtColor, [], '#' + IntToHex(FillShadeMode.ColorMask, 8), '');
- Result.Add('Blend', vtBoolean, [], OnOffStr[BlendingState.Enabled], '');
- Result.AddEnumerated('BlendOperation', [], BlendingState.Operation, BlendOpsEnum);
- Result.AddEnumerated('BlendSource', [], BlendingState.SrcBlend, BlendArgumentsEnum);
- Result.AddEnumerated('BlendDestination', [], BlendingState.DestBlend, BlendArgumentsEnum);
- Result.AddEnumerated('BlendAlpha test function', [], BlendingState.ATestFunc, TestFuncsEnum);
- Result.Add('BlendAlpha reference', vtInt, [], IntToStr(BlendingState.AlphaRef), '0-255');
- Result.AddEnumerated('RenderFill mode', [], FillShadeMode.FillMode, FillModesEnum);
- Result.AddEnumerated('RenderShade mode', [], FillShadeMode.ShadeMode, ShadeModesEnum);
- Result.AddEnumerated('Z bufferTest function', [], ZBufferState.ZTestFunc, TestFuncsEnum);
- Result.Add('Z bufferBias', vtInt, [], IntToStr(ZBufferState.ZBias), '');
- Result.Add('Z bufferWrite', vtBoolean, [], OnOffStr[ZBufferState.ZWrite], '');
- Result.AddEnumerated('StencilOn stencil fail', [], StencilState.SFailOp, StencilOpsEnum);
- Result.AddEnumerated('StencilOn Z fail', [], StencilState.ZFailOp, StencilOpsEnum);
- Result.AddEnumerated('StencilOn pass', [], StencilState.PassOp, StencilOpsEnum);
- Result.AddEnumerated('StencilTest function', [], StencilState.STestFunc, TestFuncsEnum);
- Result.Add('StencilReference', vtInt, [], IntToStr(StencilRef), '0-255');
- Result.Add('StencilMask', vtInt, [], IntToStr(StencilMask), '');
- Result.Add('StencilWrite mask', vtInt, [], IntToStr(StencilWriteMask), '');
- AddColor4sProperty(Result, 'TextureFactor', ColorTo4S(TextureFactor));
- for j := 0 to MaxTextureCoordSets-1 do begin
- LevelStr := 'TextureCoord set ' + IntToStr(j) + '';
- Result.Add(LevelStr + 'Wrap U', vtBoolean, [], OnOffStr[TextureWrap.CoordSet[j] and twUCoord > 0], '');
- Result.Add(LevelStr + 'Wrap V', vtBoolean, [], OnOffStr[TextureWrap.CoordSet[j] and twVCoord > 0], '');
- Result.Add(LevelStr + 'Wrap W', vtBoolean, [], OnOffStr[TextureWrap.CoordSet[j] and twWCoord > 0], '');
- Result.Add(LevelStr + 'Wrap W2', vtBoolean, [], OnOffStr[TextureWrap.CoordSet[j] and twW2Coord > 0], '');
- end;
- Result.Add('Lighting', vtBoolean, [], OnOffStr[LightingState.Enabled], '');
- AddColor4sProperty(Result, 'LightingAmbient', Ambient);
- AddColor4sProperty(Result, 'LightingDiffuse', Diffuse);
- AddColor4sProperty(Result, 'LightingSpecular', Specular);
- AddColor4sProperty(Result, 'LightingEmissive', Emissive);
- Result.Add('LightingSpecularPower', vtSingle, [], FloatToStr(Power), '0-100');
- Result.AddEnumerated('LightingSpecularMode', [], LightingState.SpecularMode, SpecularEnum);
- Result.Add('LightingNormalize normals', vtBoolean, [], OnOffStr[LightingState.NormalizeNormals], '');
- AddColor4sProperty(Result, 'Global ambient', ColorTo4S(LightingState.GlobalAmbient));
- AddColor4sProperty(Result, 'FogColor', ColorTo4S(FogColor));
- Result.AddEnumerated('FogType', [], FogKind, FogKindsEnum);
- Result.Add('FogStart', vtSingle, [], FloatToStr(FogStart), '0.1-100');
- Result.Add('FogEnd', vtSingle, [], FloatToStr(FogEnd), '50-1000');
- Result.Add('FogDensity', vtSingle, [], FloatToStr(FogDensity), '1-10');
- Result.Add('PointSprites', vtBoolean, [], OnOffStr[PointEdgeState.PointSprite], '');
- Result.Add('PointScaling', vtBoolean, [], OnOffStr[PointEdgeState.PointScale], '');
- Result.Add('PointSize', vtSingle, [], FloatToStr(PointSize), '0.01-10');
- Result.Add('PointSize min', vtSingle, [], FloatToStr(MinPointSize), '0.01-10');
- Result.Add('PointSize max', vtSingle, [], FloatToStr(MaxPointSize), '0.01-10');
- Result.Add('PointScale A', vtSingle, [], FloatToStr(PointScaleA), '0.01-10');
- Result.Add('PointScale B', vtSingle, [], FloatToStr(PointScaleB), '0.01-10');
- Result.Add('PointScale C', vtSingle, [], FloatToStr(PointScaleC), '0.01-10');
- Result.Add('Line pattern', vtNat, [], IntToStr(LinePattern), '');
- Result.Add('Edge antialiasing', vtBoolean, [], OnOffStr[PointEdgeState.EdgeAntialias], '');
- Result.Add('Total stages', vtNat, [], IntToStr(TotalStages), '');
- Result.Add('ShadersVertexDeclarationTotal streams', vtInt, [], IntToStr(FTotalVertexStreams), '');
- for j := 0 to FTotalVertexStreams-1 do begin
- LevelStr := 'ShadersVertexDeclarationStream #' + IntToStr(j) + '';
- Result.Add(LevelStr + 'Total elements', vtInt, [], IntToStr(FStream0Elements), '');
- for k := 0 to FStream0Elements-1 do Result.AddEnumerated(LevelStr + '#' + IntToStr(k) + 'Data type', [], Ord(VertexDeclaration[k]), VertexDataTypesEnum);
- end;
- Result.Add('ShadersVertexTotal constants', vtInt, [], IntToStr(TotalVertexShaderConstants), '');
- Result.Add('ShadersPixelTotal constants', vtInt, [], IntToStr(TotalPixelShaderConstants), '');
- for j := 0 to TotalVertexShaderConstants-1 do
- Result.Add('ShadersVertexConstants#' + IntToStr(j), vtString, [], FVertexShaderConstants[j], '');
- for j := 0 to TotalPixelShaderConstants-1 do
- Result.Add('ShadersPixelConstants#' + IntToStr(j), vtString, [], FPixelShaderConstants[j], '');
- end;
- AddItemLink(Result, 'ShadersVertex', [], 'TShaderResource');
- AddItemLink(Result, 'ShadersPixel', [], 'TShaderResource');
- for j := 0 to TotalStages-1 do begin
- LevelStr := 'Stage #' + IntToStr(j) + '';
- AddItemLink(Result, LevelStr + 'Texture', [], 'TItem');
- if Assigned(Result) then begin
- Result.AddEnumerated(LevelStr + 'ColorOperation', [], Stages[j].ColorOp, ColorOpsEnum);
- Result.AddEnumerated(LevelStr + 'ColorArgument 0', [], Stages[j].ColorArg0, ColorArgsEnum);
- Result.AddEnumerated(LevelStr + 'ColorArgument 1', [], Stages[j].ColorArg1, ColorArgsEnum);
- Result.AddEnumerated(LevelStr + 'ColorArgument 2', [], Stages[j].ColorArg2, ColorArgsEnum);
- Result.Add(LevelStr + 'ColorInvert Arg1', vtBoolean, [], OnOffStr[Stages[j].InvertColorArg1], '');
- Result.Add(LevelStr + 'ColorInvert Arg2', vtBoolean, [], OnOffStr[Stages[j].InvertColorArg2], '');
- Result.AddEnumerated(LevelStr + 'AlphaOperation', [], Stages[j].AlphaOp, AlphaOpsEnum);
- Result.AddEnumerated(LevelStr + 'AlphaArgument 0', [], Stages[j].AlphaArg0, AlphaArgsEnum);
- Result.AddEnumerated(LevelStr + 'AlphaArgument 1', [], Stages[j].AlphaArg1, AlphaArgsEnum);
- Result.AddEnumerated(LevelStr + 'AlphaArgument 2', [], Stages[j].AlphaArg2, AlphaArgsEnum);
- Result.Add(LevelStr + 'AlphaInvert Arg1', vtBoolean, [], OnOffStr[Stages[j].InvertColorArg1], '');
- Result.Add(LevelStr + 'AlphaInvert Arg2', vtBoolean, [], OnOffStr[Stages[j].InvertColorArg2], '');
- Result.AddEnumerated(LevelStr + 'AdressingU', [], Stages[j].TAddressing and $00F, TexAdrsEnum);
- Result.AddEnumerated(LevelStr + 'AdressingV', [], (Stages[j].TAddressing and $0F0) shr 4, TexAdrsEnum);
- Result.AddEnumerated(LevelStr + 'AdressingW', [], (Stages[j].TAddressing and $F00) shr 8, TexAdrsEnum);
- Result.Add(LevelStr + 'Store in Temp register', vtBoolean, [], OnOffStr[Stages[j].StoreToTemp], '');
- Result.AddEnumerated(LevelStr + 'FilteringMin', [], Stages[j].Filtering and $00F, TexFiltersEnum);
- Result.AddEnumerated(LevelStr + 'FilteringMax', [], (Stages[j].Filtering and $0F0) shr 4, TexFiltersEnum);
- Result.AddEnumerated(LevelStr + 'FilteringMip', [], (Stages[j].Filtering and $F00) shr 8, TexFiltersEnum);
- Result.Add(LevelStr + 'FilteringMip LOD bias', vtSingle, [], FloatToStr(Stages[j].MipLODBias), '');
- Result.Add(LevelStr + 'FilteringMax mip level', vtInt, [], IntToStr(Stages[j].MaxMipLevel), '');
- Result.Add(LevelStr + 'FilteringMax anisotropy', vtInt, [], IntToStr(Stages[j].MaxAnisotropy), '');
- AddColor4sProperty(Result, LevelStr + 'Texture border', ColorTo4S(Stages[j].TextureBorder));
- Result.Add(LevelStr + 'Texture coordsSet', vtNat, [], IntToStr(Stages[j].UVSource and $F), '');
- Result.AddEnumerated(LevelStr + 'Texture coordsGeneration', [], Stages[j].UVSource shr 4, TexCoordsGenEnum);
- Result.AddEnumerated(LevelStr + 'Texture coordsTransform', [], Stages[j].TTransform and $F, 'None&U&U, V&U, V, W, &U, V, W, W2');
- Result.AddEnumerated(LevelStr + 'Texture coordsMatrix type', [], Ord(Stages[j].TextureMatrixType), TextureMatrixTypesEnum);
- Result.Add(LevelStr + 'Texture coordsMatrix bias', vtSingle, [], FloatToStr(Stages[j].TextureMatrixBias), '-1-1');
- Result.Add(LevelStr + 'Texture coordsProjected', vtBoolean, [], OnOffStr[Stages[j].TTransform and $80 > 0], '');
- end;
- end;
- end;
- procedure TRenderPass.SetProperties(Properties: Props.TProperties);
- var j, k: Integer; LevelStr: string[50];
- begin
- inherited;
- if Properties.Valid('Group') then Group := Properties.GetAsInteger('Group');
- if Properties.Valid('RenderOrder') then Order := Properties.GetAsInteger('RenderOrder');
- if Properties.Valid('RenderSort bias') then SortBias := StrToFloatDef(Properties['RenderSort bias'], 0);
- if Properties.Valid('RenderFace culling') then FillShadeMode.CullMode := Properties.GetAsInteger('RenderFace culling');
- if Properties.Valid('RenderColor write mask') then FillShadeMode.ColorMask := Longword(Properties.GetAsInteger('RenderColor write mask'));
- if Properties.Valid('Blend') then BlendingState.Enabled := Properties.GetAsInteger('Blend') > 0;
- if Properties.Valid('BlendOperation') then BlendingState.Operation := Properties.GetAsInteger('BlendOperation');
- if Properties.Valid('BlendSource') then BlendingState.SrcBlend := Properties.GetAsInteger('BlendSource');
- if Properties.Valid('BlendDestination') then BlendingState.DestBlend := Properties.GetAsInteger('BlendDestination');
- if Properties.Valid('BlendAlpha test function') then BlendingState.ATestFunc := Properties.GetAsInteger('BlendAlpha test function');
- if Properties.Valid('BlendAlpha reference') then BlendingState.AlphaRef := StrToIntDef(Properties[ 'BlendAlpha reference'], 0);
- BlendingState := GetBlendingState(BlendingState.Enabled, BlendingState.SrcBlend, BlendingState.DestBlend, BlendingState.AlphaRef, BlendingState.ATestFunc, BlendingState.Operation);
- if Properties.Valid('RenderFill mode') then FillShadeMode.FillMode := Properties.GetAsInteger('RenderFill mode');
- if Properties.Valid('RenderShade mode') then FillShadeMode.ShadeMode := Properties.GetAsInteger('RenderShade mode');
- FillShadeMode := GetFillShadeMode(FillShadeMode.FillMode, FillShadeMode.ShadeMode, FillShadeMode.CullMode, FillShadeMode.ColorMask);
- if Properties.Valid('Z bufferTest function') then ZBufferState.ZTestFunc := Properties.GetAsInteger('Z bufferTest function');
- if Properties.Valid('Z bufferBias') then ZBufferState.ZBias := StrToIntDef(Properties[ 'Z bufferBias'], 0);
- if Properties.Valid('Z bufferWrite') then ZBufferState.ZWrite := Properties.GetAsInteger('Z bufferWrite') > 0;
- ZBufferState := GetZBufferState(ZBufferState.ZWrite, ZBufferState.ZTestFunc, ZBufferState.ZBias);
- if Properties.Valid('StencilOn stencil fail') then StencilState.SFailOp := Properties.GetAsInteger('StencilOn stencil fail');
- if Properties.Valid('StencilOn Z fail') then StencilState.ZFailOp := Properties.GetAsInteger('StencilOn Z fail');
- if Properties.Valid('StencilOn pass') then StencilState.PassOp := Properties.GetAsInteger('StencilOn pass');
- if Properties.Valid('StencilTest function') then StencilState.STestFunc := Properties.GetAsInteger('StencilTest function');
- StencilState := GetStencilstate(StencilState.SFailOp, StencilState.ZFailOp, StencilState.PassOp, StencilState.STestFunc);
- if Properties.Valid('StencilReference') then StencilRef := StrToIntDef(Properties['StencilReference'], 0);
- if Properties.Valid('StencilMask') then StencilMask := StrToIntDef(Properties['StencilMask'], -1);
- if Properties.Valid('StencilWrite mask') then StencilWriteMask := StrToIntDef(Properties['StencilWrite mask'], -1);
- SetColorProperty(Properties, 'TextureFactor', TextureFactor);
- for j := 0 to MaxTextureCoordSets-1 do begin
- LevelStr := 'TextureCoord set ' + IntToStr(j) + '';
- if Properties.Valid(LevelStr + 'Wrap U') then
- if Properties.GetAsInteger(LevelStr + 'Wrap U') > 0 then
- TextureWrap.CoordSet[j] := TextureWrap.CoordSet[j] or twUCoord else
- TextureWrap.CoordSet[j] := TextureWrap.CoordSet[j] and not twUCoord;
- if Properties.Valid(LevelStr + 'Wrap V') then
- if Properties.GetAsInteger(LevelStr + 'Wrap V') > 0 then
- TextureWrap.CoordSet[j] := TextureWrap.CoordSet[j] or twVCoord else
- TextureWrap.CoordSet[j] := TextureWrap.CoordSet[j] and not twVCoord;
- if Properties.Valid(LevelStr + 'Wrap W') then
- if Properties.GetAsInteger(LevelStr + 'Wrap W') > 0 then
- TextureWrap.CoordSet[j] := TextureWrap.CoordSet[j] or twWCoord else
- TextureWrap.CoordSet[j] := TextureWrap.CoordSet[j] and not twWCoord;
- if Properties.Valid(LevelStr + 'Wrap W2') then
- if Properties.GetAsInteger(LevelStr + 'Wrap W2') > 0 then
- TextureWrap.CoordSet[j] := TextureWrap.CoordSet[j] or twW2Coord else
- TextureWrap.CoordSet[j] := TextureWrap.CoordSet[j] and not twW2Coord;
- end;
- TextureWrap := GetTextureWrap(TextureWrap.CoordSet[0], TextureWrap.CoordSet[1], TextureWrap.CoordSet[2], TextureWrap.CoordSet[3],
- TextureWrap.CoordSet[4], TextureWrap.CoordSet[5], TextureWrap.CoordSet[6], TextureWrap.CoordSet[7]);
- SetColor4sProperty(Properties, 'LightingAmbient', Ambient);
- SetColor4sProperty(Properties, 'LightingDiffuse', Diffuse);
- SetColor4sProperty(Properties, 'LightingSpecular', Specular);
- SetColor4sProperty(Properties, 'LightingEmissive', Emissive);
- if Properties.Valid('Lighting') then LightingState.Enabled := Properties.GetAsInteger('Lighting') > 0;
- if Properties.Valid('LightingSpecularPower') then Power := StrToFloatDef(Properties['LightingSpecularPower'], 0);
- if Properties.Valid('LightingSpecularMode') then LightingState.SpecularMode := Properties.GetAsInteger('LightingSpecularMode');
- if Properties.Valid('LightingNormalize normals') then LightingState.NormalizeNormals := Properties.GetAsInteger('LightingNormalize normals') > 0;
- SetColorProperty(Properties, 'Global ambient', LightingState.GlobalAmbient);
- LightingState := GetLightingState(LightingState.SpecularMode, LightingState.NormalizeNormals, LightingState.Enabled, LightingState.GlobalAmbient);
- SetColorProperty(Properties, 'FogColor', FogColor);
- if Properties.Valid('FogType') then FogKind := Properties.GetAsInteger('FogType');
- if Properties.Valid('FogStart') then FogStart := StrToFloatDef(Properties['FogStart'], 0);
- if Properties.Valid('FogEnd') then FogEnd := StrToFloatDef(Properties['FogEnd'], 10000);
- if Properties.Valid('FogDensity') then FogDensity := StrToFloatDef(Properties['FogDensity'], 1);
- if Properties.Valid('PointSprites') then PointEdgeState.PointSprite := Properties.GetAsInteger('PointSprites') > 0;
- if Properties.Valid('PointScaling') then PointEdgeState.PointScale := Properties.GetAsInteger('PointScaling') > 0;
- if Properties.Valid('PointSize') then PointSize := StrToFloatDef(Properties['PointSize'], 1);
- if Properties.Valid('PointSize min') then MinPointSize := StrToFloatDef(Properties['PointSize min'], 0);
- if Properties.Valid('PointSize max') then MaxPointSize := StrToFloatDef(Properties['PointSize max'], 1000);
- if Properties.Valid('PointScale A') then PointScaleA := StrToFloatDef(Properties['PointScale A'], 1);
- if Properties.Valid('PointScale B') then PointScaleB := StrToFloatDef(Properties['PointScale B'], 0);
- if Properties.Valid('PointScale C') then PointScaleC := StrToFloatDef(Properties['PointScale C'], 0);
- if Properties.Valid('Line pattern') then LinePattern := StrToIntDef(Properties['Line pattern'], 0);
- if Properties.Valid('Edge antialiasing') then PointEdgeState.EdgeAntialias := Properties.GetAsInteger('Edge antialiasing') > 0;
- PointEdgeState := GetPointEdgeState(PointEdgeState.PointSprite, PointEdgeState.PointScale, PointEdgeState.EdgeAntialias);
- // Shaders
- LevelStr := 'ShadersVertexDeclarationTotal streams';
- if Properties.Valid(LevelStr) then FTotalVertexStreams := Properties.GetAsInteger(LevelStr);
- for j := 0 to FTotalVertexStreams-1 do begin
- LevelStr := 'ShadersVertexDeclarationStream #' + IntToStr(j) + '';
- if Properties.Valid(LevelStr + 'Total elements') then begin
- FStream0Elements := Properties.GetAsInteger(LevelStr + 'Total elements');
- SetLength(VertexDeclaration, FStream0Elements);
- end;
- for k := 0 to FStream0Elements-1 do
- if Properties.Valid(LevelStr + '#' + IntToStr(k) + 'Data type') then VertexDeclaration[k] := TVertexDataType(Properties.GetAsInteger(LevelStr + '#' + IntToStr(k) + 'Data type'));
- end;
- LevelStr := 'ShadersVertexTotal constants';
- if Properties.Valid(LevelStr) then TotalVertexShaderConstants := Properties.GetAsInteger(LevelStr);
- LevelStr := 'ShadersPixelTotal constants';
- if Properties.Valid(LevelStr) then TotalPixelShaderConstants := Properties.GetAsInteger(LevelStr);
- for j := 0 to TotalVertexShaderConstants-1 do begin
- LevelStr := 'ShadersVertexConstants#' + IntToStr(j);
- if Properties.Valid(LevelStr) then
- VertexShaderConstant[j] := Properties[LevelStr];
- end;
- for j := 0 to TotalPixelShaderConstants-1 do begin
- LevelStr := 'ShadersPixelConstants#' + IntToStr(j);
- if Properties.Valid(LevelStr) then
- PixelShaderConstant[j] := Properties[LevelStr];
- end;
- if Properties.Valid('ShadersVertex') then begin
- if SetLinkProperty('ShadersVertex', Properties['ShadersVertex']) then
- VertexShaderIndex := sivUnresolved;
- if (Properties['ShadersVertex'] = '') then VertexShaderIndex := sivNull;
- end;
- if Properties.Valid('ShadersPixel') then begin
- if SetLinkProperty('ShadersPixel', Properties['ShadersPixel']) then
- PixelShaderIndex := sivUnresolved;
- if (Properties['ShadersPixel'] = '') then PixelShaderIndex := sivNull;
- end;
- // Texture stages
- if Properties.Valid('Total stages') then TotalStages := Properties.GetAsInteger('Total stages');
- for j := 0 to TotalStages-1 do begin
- LevelStr := 'Stage #' + IntToStr(j) + '';
- if Properties.Valid(LevelStr + 'Texture') then
- if (Properties[LevelStr + 'Texture'] = '') then begin
- Stages[j].TextureIndex := tivNull;
- SetLinkProperty(LevelStr + 'Texture', '');
- end else if SetLinkProperty(LevelStr + 'Texture', Properties[LevelStr + 'Texture']) then
- Stages[j].TextureIndex := tivUnresolved;
- if Properties.Valid(LevelStr + 'ColorOperation') then Stages[j].ColorOp := Properties.GetAsInteger(LevelStr + 'ColorOperation');
- if Properties.Valid(LevelStr + 'ColorArgument 0') then Stages[j].ColorArg0 := Properties.GetAsInteger(LevelStr + 'ColorArgument 0');
- if Properties.Valid(LevelStr + 'ColorArgument 1') then Stages[j].ColorArg1 := Properties.GetAsInteger(LevelStr + 'ColorArgument 1');
- if Properties.Valid(LevelStr + 'ColorArgument 2') then Stages[j].ColorArg2 := Properties.GetAsInteger(LevelStr + 'ColorArgument 2');
- if Properties.Valid(LevelStr + 'ColorInvert Arg1') then Stages[j].InvertColorArg1 := Properties.GetAsInteger(LevelStr + 'ColorInvert Arg1') > 0;
- if Properties.Valid(LevelStr + 'ColorInvert Arg2') then Stages[j].InvertColorArg2 := Properties.GetAsInteger(LevelStr + 'ColorInvert Arg2') > 0;
- if Properties.Valid(LevelStr + 'AlphaOperation') then Stages[j].AlphaOp := Properties.GetAsInteger(LevelStr + 'AlphaOperation');
- if Properties.Valid(LevelStr + 'AlphaArgument 0') then Stages[j].AlphaArg0 := Properties.GetAsInteger(LevelStr + 'AlphaArgument 0');
- if Properties.Valid(LevelStr + 'AlphaArgument 1') then Stages[j].AlphaArg1 := Properties.GetAsInteger(LevelStr + 'AlphaArgument 1');
- if Properties.Valid(LevelStr + 'AlphaArgument 2') then Stages[j].AlphaArg2 := Properties.GetAsInteger(LevelStr + 'AlphaArgument 2');
- if Properties.Valid(LevelStr + 'AlphaInvert Arg1') then Stages[j].InvertAlphaArg1 := Properties.GetAsInteger(LevelStr + 'AlphaInvert Arg1') > 0;
- if Properties.Valid(LevelStr + 'AlphaInvert Arg2') then Stages[j].InvertAlphaArg2 := Properties.GetAsInteger(LevelStr + 'AlphaInvert Arg2') > 0;
- if Properties.Valid(LevelStr + 'AdressingU') then Stages[j].TAddressing := (Stages[j].TAddressing and not $00F) or Cardinal(Properties.GetAsInteger(LevelStr + 'AdressingU'));
- if Properties.Valid(LevelStr + 'AdressingV') then Stages[j].TAddressing := (Stages[j].TAddressing and not $0F0) or Cardinal(Properties.GetAsInteger(LevelStr + 'AdressingV')) shl 4;
- if Properties.Valid(LevelStr + 'AdressingW') then Stages[j].TAddressing := (Stages[j].TAddressing and not $F00) or Cardinal(Properties.GetAsInteger(LevelStr + 'AdressingW')) shl 8;
- if Properties.Valid(LevelStr + 'Store in Temp register') then Stages[j].StoreToTemp := Properties.GetAsInteger(LevelStr + 'Store in Temp register') > 0;
- if Properties.Valid(LevelStr + 'FilteringMin') then Stages[j].Filtering := (Stages[j].Filtering and not $00F) or Cardinal(Properties.GetAsInteger(LevelStr + 'FilteringMin'));
- if Properties.Valid(LevelStr + 'FilteringMax') then Stages[j].Filtering := (Stages[j].Filtering and not $0F0) or Cardinal(Properties.GetAsInteger(LevelStr + 'FilteringMax')) shl 4;
- if Properties.Valid(LevelStr + 'FilteringMip') then Stages[j].Filtering := (Stages[j].Filtering and not $F00) or Cardinal(Properties.GetAsInteger(LevelStr + 'FilteringMip')) shl 8;
- if Properties.Valid(LevelStr + 'FilteringMip LOD bias') then Stages[j].MipLODBias := StrToFloatDef(Properties[LevelStr + 'FilteringMip LOD bias'], 0);
- if Properties.Valid(LevelStr + 'FilteringMax mip level') then Stages[j].MaxMipLevel := Properties.GetAsInteger(LevelStr + 'FilteringMax mip level');
- if Properties.Valid(LevelStr + 'FilteringMax anisotropy') then Stages[j].MaxAnisotropy := Properties.GetAsInteger(LevelStr + 'FilteringMax anisotropy');
- SetColorProperty(Properties, LevelStr + 'Texture border', Stages[j].TextureBorder);
- if Properties.Valid(LevelStr + 'Texture coordsSet') then Stages[j].UVSource := (Stages[j].UVSource and not $0F) or Cardinal(Properties.GetAsInteger(LevelStr + 'Texture coordsSet'));
- if Properties.Valid(LevelStr + 'Texture coordsGeneration') then Stages[j].UVSource := (Stages[j].UVSource and not $F0) or Cardinal(Properties.GetAsInteger(LevelStr + 'Texture coordsGeneration')) shl 4;
- if Properties.Valid(LevelStr + 'Texture coordsTransform') then Stages[j].TTransform := (Stages[j].TTransform and not $0F) or Cardinal(Properties.GetAsInteger(LevelStr + 'Texture coordsTransform'));
- if Properties.Valid(LevelStr + 'Texture coordsMatrix type') then Stages[j].TextureMatrixType := TTextureMatrixType(Properties.GetAsInteger(LevelStr + 'Texture coordsMatrix type'));
- if Properties.Valid(LevelStr + 'Texture coordsMatrix bias') then Stages[j].TextureMatrixBias := StrToFloatDef(Properties[LevelStr + 'Texture coordsMatrix bias'], 0);
- if Properties.Valid(LevelStr + 'Texture coordsProjected') then Stages[j].TTransform := (Stages[j].TTransform and not $80) or Cardinal(Properties.GetAsInteger(LevelStr + 'Texture coordsProjected')) shl 7;
- end;
- RequestValidation;
- end;
- function TRenderPass.GetTotalStages: Integer;
- begin
- Result := Length(Stages);
- end;
- procedure TRenderPass.SetTotalStages(const Value: Integer);
- var i: Integer; OldTotalStages: Integer;
- begin
- OldTotalStages := TotalStages;
- SetLength(Stages, Value);
- for i := OldTotalStages to Value-1 do begin
- Stages[i].TextureIndex := tivNull;
- Stages[i].ColorOp := toMODULATE;
- Stages[i].ColorArg1 := taTexture;
- Stages[i].ColorArg2 := taDiffuse;
- Stages[i].InvertColorArg1 := False;
- Stages[i].InvertColorArg2 := False;
- Stages[i].AlphaOp := toDISABLE;
- Stages[i].AlphaArg1 := taTexture;
- Stages[i].AlphaArg2 := taDiffuse;
- Stages[i].InvertAlphaArg1 := False;
- Stages[i].InvertAlphaArg2 := False;
- Stages[i].TAddressing := 0;
- Stages[i].StoreToTemp := False;
- Stages[i].Filtering := $222;
- Stages[i].UVSource := 0;
- Stages[i].TTransform := 2;
- Stages[i].TextureMatrixType := tmNone;
- Stages[i].TextureMatrixBias := 0;
- end;
- BuildItemLinks;
- end;
- function TRenderPass.AddItem(const Item: TItem): Integer;
- begin
- Assert(GetItemIndex(Item) = -1, ClassName + '.AddItem: Item already exists');
- if TotalItems = 0 then (FManager as CAST2.TBaseCore).AddPass(Self);
- Inc(TotalItems);
- if Length(Items) < TotalItems then SetLength(Items, Length(Items) + ItemsCapacityStep);
- Items[TotalItems-1] := Item;
- Result := TotalItems-1;
- end;
- function TRenderPass.RemoveItem(const Index: Integer): Boolean;
- // Returns true if item relocation in Items array occured
- begin
- Assert((Index >= 0) and (Index < TotalItems), ClassName + '.RemoveItem: Invalid index "' + IntToStr(Index) + '"');
- Dec(TotalItems);
- Items[Index] := Items[TotalItems];
- Result := Index <> TotalItems;
- if TotalItems = 0 then (FManager as CAST2.TBaseCore).RemovePass(Self);
- end;
- function TRenderPass.ResolveTexture(const Index: Integer; out Texture: Resources.TImageResource): Boolean;
- var Item: TItem;
- begin
- Result := ResolveLink('Stage #' + IntToStr(Index) + 'Texture', Item);
- if Item is TImageResource then begin
- Texture := Item as Resources.TImageResource;
- Stages[Index].Camera := nil;
- ResolvedTexture := Texture;
- end else if Item is TCamera then begin
- Stages[Index].TextureIndex := tivRenderTarget;
- Stages[Index].Camera := Item as TCamera;
- end;
- end;
- function TRenderPass.ResolveVertexShader(var Shader: TShaderResource): Boolean;
- var Item: TItem;
- begin
- Result := ResolveLink('ShadersVertex', Item);
- Shader := Item as TShaderResource;
- ResolvedVertexShader := Shader;
- end;
- function TRenderPass.ResolvePixelShader(var Shader: TShaderResource): Boolean;
- var Item: TItem;
- begin
- Result := ResolveLink('ShadersPixel', Item);
- Shader := Item as TShaderResource;
- ResolvedPixelShader := Shader;
- end;
- function TRenderPass.GetItemIndex(const Item: TItem): Integer;
- begin
- Result := 0;
- while Result < TotalItems do begin
- if Items[Result] = Item then Exit;
- Inc(Result);
- end;
- Result := -1;
- end;
- procedure TRenderPass.SetOrder(const Value: Integer);
- begin
- if Value = FOrder then Exit;
- FOrder := Value;
- if (TotalItems > 0) and (FManager <> nil) then begin // For pass reordering in core
- (FManager as CAST2.TBaseCore).RemovePass(Self);
- (FManager as CAST2.TBaseCore).AddPass(Self);
- end;
- end;
- function TRenderPass.GetTotalPixelShaderConstants: Integer;
- begin
- Result := Length(FPixelShaderConstants);
- end;
- function TRenderPass.GetTotalVertexShaderConstants: Integer;
- begin
- Result := Length(FVertexShaderConstants);
- end;
- procedure TRenderPass.SetTotalPixelShaderConstants(const Value: Integer);
- begin
- SetLength(FPixelShaderConstants, Value);
- SetLength(FCompiledPixelShaderConstants, Value);
- RequestValidation;
- end;
- procedure TRenderPass.SetTotalVertexShaderConstants(const Value: Integer);
- begin
- SetLength(FVertexShaderConstants, Value);
- SetLength(FCompiledVertexShaderConstants, Value);
- RequestValidation;
- end;
- function TRenderPass.GetPixelShaderConstant(Index: Integer): string;
- begin
- Result := FPixelShaderConstants[Index];
- end;
- function TRenderPass.GetVertexShaderConstant(Index: Integer): string;
- begin
- Result := FVertexShaderConstants[Index];
- end;
- procedure TRenderPass.SetVertexShaderConstant(Index: Integer; const Value: string);
- begin
- if (Index >= 0) or (Index < TotalVertexShaderConstants) then begin
- FVertexShaderConstants[Index] := Value;
- FCompiledVertexShaderConstants[Index] := FManager.Compiler.Compile(Value);
- end else Log.Log(Format('%S.%S: Invalid index', [ClassName, 'SetVertexShaderConstant']), lkError);
- end;
- procedure TRenderPass.SetPixelShaderConstant(Index: Integer; const Value: string);
- begin
- if (Index >= 0) or (Index < TotalPixelShaderConstants) then begin
- FPixelShaderConstants[Index] := Value;
- FCompiledPixelShaderConstants[Index] := FManager.Compiler.Compile(Value);
- end else Log.Log(Format('%S.%S: Invalid index', [ClassName, 'SetPixelShaderConstant']), lkError);
- end;
- function TRenderPass.GetCompiledVertexShaderConstants(Index: Integer): OTypes.TRTData;
- begin
- Result := FCompiledVertexShaderConstants[Index];
- end;
- function TRenderPass.GetCompiledPixelShaderConstants(Index: Integer): OTypes.TRTData;
- begin
- Result := FCompiledPixelShaderConstants[Index];
- end;
- procedure TRenderPass.HandleMessage(const Msg: TMessage);
- var i: Integer;
- begin
- inherited;
- if Msg.ClassType = TDataModifyMsg then begin
- if TDataModifyMsg(Msg).Data = Pointer(ResolvedVertexShader) then VertexShaderIndex := sivUnresolved;
- if TDataModifyMsg(Msg).Data = Pointer(ResolvedPixelShader) then PixelShaderIndex := sivUnresolved;
- // if TDataModifyMsg(Msg).Data = ResolvedTexture then texVertexShaderIndex := sivUnresolved;
- end else if Msg.ClassType = TRemoveFromSceneMsg then with TRemoveFromSceneMsg(Msg) do
- for i := 0 to TotalStages-1 do
- if (Item = Stages[i].Camera) and (Item is TCamera) then begin
- Stages[i].TextureIndex := tivUnresolved;
- SetLinkProperty('Stage #' + IntToStr(i) + 'Texture', Stages[i].Camera.GetFullName);
- Stages[i].Camera := nil;
- end;
- end;
- procedure TRenderPass.RequestValidation;
- begin
- if not FManager.IsSceneLoading and Assigned(FManager.Root) then
- SendMessage(TRenderPassModifiedMsg.Create(Self), nil, [mfBroadcast]);
- end;
- { TTechnique }
- procedure TTechnique.SetState(const Value: TItemFlags);
- var Modified: Boolean;
- begin
- Modified := (isVisible in State) and not (isVisible in Value) or
- not (isVisible in State) and (isVisible in Value);
- inherited;
- if Modified and not FManager.IsSceneLoading and Assigned(FManager.Root) then
- SendMessage(TRenderPassModifiedMsg.Create(Passes[0]), nil, [mfBroadcast]);
- end;
- constructor TTechnique.Create(AManager: TItemsManager);
- begin
- inherited;
- TotalPasses := 0;
- LOD := 0;
- Valid := False;
- Include(FState, isVisible);
- end;
- procedure TTechnique.AddProperties(const Result: Props.TProperties);
- var i: Integer;
- begin
- inherited;
- if Assigned(Result) then begin
- Result.Add('Total passes', vtInt, [], IntToStr(TotalPasses), '');
- Result.Add('LOD', vtInt, [], IntToStr(LOD), '');
- end;
- for i := 0 to TotalPasses-1 do
- AddItemLink(Result, Format('Pass #%D', [i]), [], 'TRenderPass');
- end;
- procedure TTechnique.SetProperties(Properties: Props.TProperties);
- var ItemProps: Props.TProperties;
- function GetPassIndex(const Name: string): Integer;
- begin
- Result := TotalPasses-1;
- while (Result >= 0) and (ItemProps[Format('Pass #%D', [Result])] <> Name) do Dec(Result);
- end;
- var i, Ind: Integer; PropName: string;
- begin
- inherited;
- // Include(FState, isVisible);
- if Properties.Valid('Total passes') then TotalPasses := StrToIntDef(Properties['Total passes'], TotalPasses);
- ItemProps := Props.TProperties.Create;
- AddProperties(ItemProps);
- for i := 0 to TotalPasses-1 do if Properties.Valid(Format('Pass #%D', [i])) then begin
- PropName := Format('Pass #%D', [i]);
- Ind := GetPassIndex(Properties[PropName]);
- if (Ind = -1) or (Ind = i) then
- SetLinkProperty(PropName, Properties[PropName])
- else Log.Log('TTechnique.SetProperties: Duplicate pass in technique: "' + Properties[PropName], lkError);
- end;
- FreeAndNil(ItemProps);
- if Properties.Valid('LOD') then LOD := StrToIntDef(Properties['LOD'], 0);
- end;
- procedure TTechnique.SetTotalPasses(const Value: Integer);
- begin
- if not FManager.IsSceneLoading and Assigned(FManager.Root) then
- SendMessage(TTechniqueModificationBeginMsg.Create(Self), nil, [mfBroadcast]);
- FTotalPasses := Value;
- SetLength(PassesCache, FTotalPasses);
- BuildItemLinks;
- if not FManager.IsSceneLoading and Assigned(FManager.Root) then
- SendMessage(TTechniqueModificationEndMsg.Create(Self), nil, [mfBroadcast]);
- end;
- function TTechnique.GetPass(Index: Integer): TRenderPass;
- var Item: TItem;
- begin
- if PassesCache[Index] <> nil then
- Result := PassesCache[Index] else begin
- ResolveLink(Format('Pass #%D', [Index]), Item);
- PassesCache[Index] := Item as TRenderPass;
- Result := PassesCache[Index]
- end;
- end;
- procedure TTechnique.SetPass(Index: Integer; const Value: TRenderPass);
- begin
- if not FManager.IsSceneLoading and Assigned(FManager.Root) then
- SendMessage(TTechniqueModificationBeginMsg.Create(Self), nil, [mfBroadcast]);
- SetLinkedObject(Format('Pass #%D', [Index]), Value);
- if not FManager.IsSceneLoading and Assigned(FManager.Root) then
- SendMessage(TTechniqueModificationEndMsg.Create(Self), nil, [mfBroadcast]);
- end;
- { TMaterial }
- procedure TMaterial.AddProperties(const Result: Props.TProperties);
- var i: Integer;
- begin
- inherited;
- if Assigned(Result) then Result.Add('Total techniques', vtInt, [], IntToStr(TotalTechniques), '');
- for i := 0 to TotalTechniques-1 do
- AddItemLink(Result, Format('Technique #%D', [i]), [], 'TTechnique');
- end;
- procedure TMaterial.SetProperties(Properties: Props.TProperties);
- var i: Integer;
- begin
- inherited;
- if Properties.Valid('Total techniques') then
- TotalTechniques := StrToIntDef(Properties['Total techniques'], TotalTechniques);
- for i := 0 to TotalTechniques-1 do if Properties.Valid(Format('Technique #%D', [i])) then
- SetLinkProperty(Format('Technique #%D', [i]), Properties[Format('Technique #%D', [i])]);
- end;
- function TMaterial.GetTechniqueByLOD(Lod: Single): TTechnique;
- var i: Integer;
- begin
- Result := nil;
- i := 0;
- while (i < TotalTechniques) and
- ( not (isVisible in Technique[i].State) or not Technique[i].Valid or (Technique[i].LOD <> Round(Lod)) ) do Inc(i);
- if i < TotalTechniques then Result := Technique[i];
- end;
- function TMaterial.GetTechnique(Index: Integer): TTechnique;
- var Item: TItem;
- begin
- ResolveLink(Format('Technique #%D', [Index]), Item);
- Result := Item as TTechnique;
- end;
- procedure TMaterial.SetTechnique(Index: Integer; const Value: TTechnique);
- begin
- SetLinkedObject(Format('Technique #%D', [Index]), Value);
- end;
- procedure TMaterial.SetTotalTechniques(const Value: Integer);
- begin
- FTotalTechniques := Value;
- BuildItemLinks;
- end;
- function TMaterial.PassBelongs(AItem: TItem): Boolean;
- function BelongsToTechnique(Tech: TTechnique): Boolean;
- var i: Integer;
- begin
- Result := False;
- if not Assigned(Tech) then Exit;
- i := Tech.TotalPasses-1;
- while (i >= 0) and (Tech.Passes[i] <> AItem) do Dec(i);
- Result := i >= 0;
- end;
- var i: Integer;
- begin
- i := TotalTechniques-1;
- while (i >= 0) and not BelongsToTechnique(Technique[i]) do Dec(i);
- Result := i >= 0;
- end;
- procedure TMaterial.HandleMessage(const Msg: TMessage);
- begin
- inherited;
- if (Msg.ClassType = TRenderReinitMsg) or
- ((Msg.ClassType = TRenderPassModifiedMsg) and PassBelongs(TRenderPassModifiedMsg(Msg).Item)) then
- SendMessage(TRequestValidationMsg.Create(Self), nil, [mfCore]);
- end;
- procedure TMaterial.OnSceneLoaded;
- begin
- inherited;
- SendMessage(TRequestValidationMsg.Create(Self), nil, [mfCore]);
- end;
- end.