资源名称:CAST2SDK.rar [点击查看]
- (*
- @Abstract(CAST II Engine special effects unit)
- (C) 2006 George "Mirage" Bakhtadze. <a href="http://www.casteng.com">www.casteng.com</a> <br>
- The source code may be used under either MPL 1.1 or LGPL 2.1 license. See included license.txt file <br>
- Unit contains item and tesselator classes for basic special effects
- *)
- {$Include GDefines.inc}
- {$Include C2Defines.inc}
- unit C2FX;
- interface
- uses SysUtils, BaseTypes, Basics, BaseCont, Base3D, Props, BaseClasses, C2Types, CAST2, C2Visual, Resources;
- const
- // Fade states
- fsNone = 0; fsFadeIn = 1; fsFadeOut = 2;
- type
- T3DLineMesh = class(TTesselator)
- Size1, Size2, Len, VScale: Single;
- Color1, Color2: BaseTypes.TColor;
- constructor Create; override;
- procedure Init; override;
- function RetrieveParameters(out Parameters: Pointer; Internal: Boolean): Integer; override;
- function Tesselate(const Params: TTesselationParameters; VBPTR: Pointer): Integer; override;
- protected
- Point1, Point2: TVector4s;
- ModelMatrix: ^TMatrix4s;
- FSize1, FSize2, FLen, FVScale: Single;
- FColor1, FColor2: BaseTypes.TColor;
- end;
- T3DLine = class(TVisible)
- function GetTesselatorClass: CTesselator; override;
- procedure AddProperties(const Result: Props.TProperties); override;
- procedure SetProperties(Properties: Props.TProperties); override;
- protected
- function GetColor1: BaseTypes.TColor;
- procedure SetColor1(const Value: BaseTypes.TColor);
- function GetColor2: BaseTypes.TColor;
- procedure SetColor2(const Value: BaseTypes.TColor);
- function GetLength: Single;
- procedure SetLength(const Value: Single);
- public
- constructor Create(AManager: TItemsManager); override;
- function VisibilityCheck(const Camera: TCamera): Boolean; override;
- property Color1: BaseTypes.TColor read GetColor1 write SetColor1;
- property Color2: BaseTypes.TColor read GetColor2 write SetColor2;
- property Len: Single read GetLength write SetLength;
- end;
- TBackgroundTesselator = class(TTesselator)
- protected
- Cols, Rows: Integer;
- public
- Zoom, UOfs, VOfs: Single;
- Angle: Integer;
- Color: BaseTypes.TColor;
- constructor Create; override;
- function IsSameItem(AItem: TReferencedItem): Boolean; override;
- procedure Init; override;
- procedure AddProperties(const Result: Props.TProperties; const PropNamePrefix: TNameString); override;
- procedure SetProperties(Properties: Props.TProperties; const PropNamePrefix: TNameString); override;
- function Tesselate(const Params: TTesselationParameters; VBPTR: Pointer): Integer; override;
- function SetIndices(IBPTR: Pointer): Integer; override;
- end;
- // Shows a full-screen quad with color depending on processing time.
- // If AutoStop is True processing automatically stops when it reaches half of specified gradient.
- TFader = class(TVisible)
- private
- AutoStopNeeded: Boolean;
- procedure SetColor(const Value: TColor);
- public
- // Color gradient
- Colors: TSampledGradient;
- // Stop at half (probably when full visible)
- AutoStop: Boolean;
- constructor Create(AManager: TItemsManager); override;
- destructor Destroy; override;
- function VisibilityCheck(const Camera: TCamera): Boolean; override;
- function GetTesselatorClass: CTesselator; override;
- procedure Show; override;
- procedure Process(const DeltaT: Single); override;
- procedure AddProperties(const Result: Props.TProperties); override;
- procedure SetProperties(Properties: Props.TProperties); override;
- end;
- TBackground = class(TVisible)
- protected
- function GetAngle: Integer;
- function GetColor: BaseTypes.TColor;
- function GetZoom: Single;
- procedure SetColor(const Value: BaseTypes.TColor);
- procedure SetAngle(const Value: Integer);
- procedure SetZoom(const Value: Single);
- public
- constructor Create(AManager: TItemsManager); override;
- function VisibilityCheck(const Camera: TCamera): Boolean; override;
- function GetTesselatorClass: CTesselator; override;
- procedure AddProperties(const Result: Props.TProperties); override;
- procedure SetProperties(Properties: Props.TProperties); override;
- property Angle: Integer read GetAngle write SetAngle;
- property Zoom: Single read GetZoom write SetZoom;
- end;
- TBillboardMesh = class(TTesselator)
- MaxFrame: Integer;
- UVMap: TUVMap;
- constructor Create; override;
- procedure AddProperties(const Result: Props.TProperties; const PropNamePrefix: TNameString); override;
- procedure SetProperties(Properties: Props.TProperties; const PropNamePrefix: TNameString); override;
- function Tesselate(const Params: TTesselationParameters; VBPTR: Pointer): Integer; override;
- procedure SetFrame(const Value: Integer); virtual;
- protected
- FColor: TColor;
- FWidth, FHeight: Single;
- FFrame: Integer;
- public
- property Frame: Integer read FFrame write SetFrame;
- end;
- TBillboard = class(TVisible)
- protected
- AnimTime: Single;
- public
- AnimRate: Single;
- AnimRepeat, HideAtEnd: Boolean;
- constructor Create(AManager: TItemsManager); override;
- function VisibilityCheck(const Camera: TCamera): Boolean; override;
- function GetTesselatorClass: CTesselator; override;
- procedure ResolveLinks; override;
- procedure Process(const DeltaT: Single); override;
- procedure AddProperties(const Result: Props.TProperties); override;
- procedure SetProperties(Properties: Props.TProperties); override;
- end;
- TSplashTesselator = class(TTesselator)
- private
- public
- Color: TColor;
- Size: Single;
- constructor Create; override;
- function IsSameItem(AItem: TReferencedItem): Boolean; override;
- function GetBoundingBox: TBoundingBox; override;
- function Tesselate(const Params: TTesselationParameters; VBPTR: Pointer): Integer; override;
- end;
- TSplash = class(TVisible)
- public
- Color: TSampledGradient;
- Size: TSampledFloats;
- constructor Create(AManager: TItemsManager); override;
- destructor Destroy; override;
- function GetTesselatorClass: CTesselator; override;
- procedure AddProperties(const Result: Props.TProperties); override;
- procedure SetProperties(Properties: Props.TProperties); override;
- procedure Process(const DeltaT: Single); override;
- end;
- // Returns list of classes introduced by the unit
- function GetUnitClassList: TClassArray;
- implementation
- function GetUnitClassList: TClassArray;
- begin
- Result := GetClassList([T3DLine, TFader, TBackground, TBillboard, TSplash]);
- end;
- { T3DLineTesselator }
- constructor T3DLineMesh.Create;
- begin
- inherited;
- Len := 1;
- Color1.C := $80808080;
- Color2.C := $80808080;
- Size1 := 0.05; Size2 := 0.05;
- VScale := 1;
- Init;
- PrimitiveType := ptTRIANGLEFAN;
- InitVertexFormat(GetVertexFormat(False, False, True, False, False, 0, [2]));
- TotalVertices := 6;
- TotalPrimitives := 4;
- end;
- procedure T3DLineMesh.Init;
- begin
- inherited;
- Point1 := GetVector4s(0, 0, 0, 1); Point2 := GetVector4s(0, 0, FLen, 1);
- end;
- function T3DLineMesh.RetrieveParameters(out Parameters: Pointer; Internal: Boolean): Integer;
- begin
- Result := 6;
- if Internal then Parameters := @FSize1 else Parameters := @Size1;
- end;
- function T3DLineMesh.Tesselate(const Params: TTesselationParameters; VBPTR: Pointer): Integer;
- var
- Trans1, Trans2: TVector4s;
- V, N, Cam: TVector3s;
- l, d, e: Single;
- begin
- // Cam := CutVector3s(Transform4Vector4s(ModelMatrix^, ExpandVector3s(Camera.Position)));
- // Cam := GetVector3s(Params.Camera.Location.X, Camera.Location.Y, Camera.Location.Z);
- Cam := Params.Camera.GetAbsLocation;
- // Cam := ScaleVector3s(Camera.ViewOrigin, -1);
- // Cam := ScaleVector3s( Transform3Vector3s(InvertMatrix3s(CutMatrix3s(Params.Camera.ViewMatrix)), Params.Camera.ViewOrigin), -1);
- Trans1 := Transform4Vector4s(ModelMatrix^, Point1);
- Trans2 := Transform4Vector4s(ModelMatrix^, Point2);
- // Trans1 := CutVector3s(Point1); Trans2 := CutVector3s(Point2);
- N := SubVector4s(Trans2, Trans1).XYZ; // Line vector in world
- V := GetVector3s(- Trans1.X + Cam.X, - Trans1.Y + Cam.Y, - Trans1.Z + Cam.Z); // From Point1 to camera
- { W := N;
- d := DotProductVector3s(N, V); // V projected to N
- e := DotProductVector3s(N, W);
- I := AddVector3s(Trans1.XYZ, ScaleVector3s(W, d/e));
- N := CrossProductVector3s(GetVector3s(I.X - Cam.X, I.Y - Cam.Y, I.Z - Cam.Z), N);}
- N := CrossProductVector3s(V, N);
- N := Transform3Vector3s(InvertMatrix3s(CutMatrix3s(ModelMatrix^)), N);
- l := InvSqrt(SqrMagnitude(N));
- // N := GetVector3s(1, 0, 0); l := 1;
- // 1 2
- // 0
- // 4 3
- SetVertexDataC((Point1.X + Point2.X) * 0.5, (Point1.Y + Point2.Y) * 0.5, (Point1.Z + Point2.Z) * 0.5, 0, VBPtr);
- SetVertexDataD(BlendColor(FColor1, FColor2, 0.5), 0, VBPtr);
- SetVertexDataUV(0.5, FVScale * 0.5, 0, VBPtr);
- SetVertexDataC(Point1.X - N.X * l * FSize1, Point1.Y - N.Y * l * FSize1, Point1.Z - N.Z * l * FSize1, 1, VBPtr);
- SetVertexDataD(FColor1, 1, VBPtr);
- SetVertexDataUV(0, FVScale, 1, VBPtr);
- SetVertexDataC(Point2.X - N.X * l * FSize2, Point2.Y - N.Y * l * FSize2, Point2.Z - N.Z * l * FSize2, 2, VBPtr);
- SetVertexDataD(FColor2, 2, VBPtr);
- SetVertexDataUV(0, 0 + 0*0.5, 2, VBPtr);
- { SetVertexDataC(Point2.X, Point2.Y, Point2.Z, 3, VBPtr);
- SetVertexDataD(FColor2*0 + $FF008080, 3, VBPtr);
- SetVertexDataUV(0.5, 0, 3, VBPtr);}
- SetVertexDataC(Point1.X + N.X * l * FSize1, Point1.Y + N.Y * l * FSize1, Point1.Z + N.Z * l * FSize1, 4, VBPtr);
- SetVertexDataD(FColor1, 4, VBPtr);
- SetVertexDataUV(1, FVScale, 4, VBPtr);
- SetVertexDataC(Point2.X + N.X * l * FSize2, Point2.Y + N.Y * l * FSize2, Point2.Z + N.Z * l * FSize2, 3, VBPtr);
- SetVertexDataD(FColor2, 3, VBPtr);
- SetVertexDataUV(1, 0, 3, VBPtr);
- SetVertexDataC(Point1.X - N.X * l * FSize1, Point1.Y - N.Y * l * FSize1, Point1.Z - N.Z * l * FSize1, 5, VBPtr);
- SetVertexDataD(FColor1, 5, VBPtr);
- SetVertexDataUV(0, FVScale, 5, VBPtr);
- // TesselationStatus[tbVertex].Status := tsTesselated;
- LastTotalVertices := TotalVertices;
- Result := LastTotalVertices;
- end;
- { T3DLine }
- function T3DLine.GetTesselatorClass: CTesselator; begin Result := T3DLineMesh; end;
- procedure T3DLine.AddProperties(const Result: Props.TProperties);
- var Mesh: T3DLineMesh;
- begin
- inherited;
- if not Assigned(Result) then Exit;
- if not (CurrentTesselator is T3DLineMesh) then Exit;
- Mesh := CurrentTesselator as T3DLineMesh;
- Result.Add('GeometryLength', vtSingle, [], FloatToStr(Mesh.Len), '');
- AddColorProperty(Result, 'Color1', Mesh.Color1);
- AddColorProperty(Result, 'Color2', Mesh.Color2);
- Result.Add('GeometrySize near', vtSingle, [], FloatToStr(Mesh.Size1), '');
- Result.Add('GeometrySize far', vtSingle, [], FloatToStr(Mesh.Size2), '');
- Result.Add('TextureV scale', vtSingle, [], FloatToStr(Mesh.VScale), '');
- end;
- procedure T3DLine.SetProperties(Properties: Props.TProperties);
- var Mesh: T3DLineMesh;
- begin
- inherited;
- if not (CurrentTesselator is T3DLineMesh) then Exit;
- Mesh := CurrentTesselator as T3DLineMesh;
- if Properties.Valid('GeometryLength') then Mesh.Len := StrToFloatDef(Properties['GeometryLength'], 0);
- SetColorProperty(Properties, 'Color1', Mesh.Color1);
- SetColorProperty(Properties, 'Color2', Mesh.Color2);
- if Properties.Valid('GeometrySize near') then Mesh.Size1 := StrToFloatDef(Properties['GeometrySize near'], 0);
- if Properties.Valid('GeometrySize far') then Mesh.Size2 := StrToFloatDef(Properties['GeometrySize far'], 0);
- if Properties.Valid('TextureV scale') then Mesh.VScale := StrToFloatDef(Properties['TextureV scale'], 0);
- Mesh.ModelMatrix := @FTransform;
- CurrentTesselator.Init;
- end;
- function T3DLine.VisibilityCheck(const Camera: TCamera): Boolean;
- begin
- Result := inherited VisibilityCheck(Camera);
- ComputeTransform;
- end;
- function T3DLine.GetColor1: BaseTypes.TColor;
- begin
- if CurrentTesselator is T3DLineMesh then
- Result := (CurrentTesselator as T3DLineMesh).Color1 else
- Result.C := 0;
- end;
- procedure T3DLine.SetColor1(const Value: BaseTypes.TColor);
- begin
- if not (CurrentTesselator is T3DLineMesh) then Exit;
- (CurrentTesselator as T3DLineMesh).Color1 := Value;
- CurrentTesselator.Init;
- end;
- function T3DLine.GetColor2: BaseTypes.TColor;
- begin
- if CurrentTesselator is T3DLineMesh then
- Result := (CurrentTesselator as T3DLineMesh).Color2 else
- Result.C := 0;
- end;
- procedure T3DLine.SetColor2(const Value: BaseTypes.TColor);
- begin
- if not (CurrentTesselator is T3DLineMesh) then Exit;
- (CurrentTesselator as T3DLineMesh).Color2 := Value;
- CurrentTesselator.Init;
- end;
- procedure T3DLine.SetLength(const Value: Single);
- begin
- if not (CurrentTesselator is T3DLineMesh) then Exit;
- (CurrentTesselator as T3DLineMesh).Len := Value;
- CurrentTesselator.Init;
- end;
- function T3DLine.GetLength: Single;
- begin
- if CurrentTesselator is T3DLineMesh then
- Result := (CurrentTesselator as T3DLineMesh).Len else
- Result := 0;
- end;
- constructor T3DLine.Create(AManager: TItemsManager);
- begin
- inherited;
- end;
- { TBackgroundTesselator }
- constructor TBackgroundTesselator.Create;
- begin
- inherited;
- Zoom := 1;
- Cols := 2;
- Rows := 2;
- Angle := 0;
- Color.C := $FF808080;
- UOfs := 0;
- VOfs := 0;
- TesselationStatus[tbVertex].TesselatorType := ttDynamic;
- PrimitiveType := ptTRIANGLELIST;
- InitVertexFormat(GetVertexFormat(True, False, True, False, False, 0, [2]));
- Init;
- end;
- function TBackgroundTesselator.IsSameItem(AItem: TReferencedItem): Boolean;
- begin
- Result := False;
- end;
- procedure TBackgroundTesselator.Init;
- begin
- inherited;
- TotalVertices := (Cols)*(Rows);
- TotalIndices := (Rows-1)*(Cols-1)*2*3;
- TotalPrimitives := (Rows-1)*(Cols-1)*2;
- IndexingVertices := TotalVertices;
- Invalidate([tbVertex, tbIndex], True);
- end;
- procedure TBackgroundTesselator.AddProperties(const Result: Props.TProperties; const PropNamePrefix: TNameString);
- begin
- inherited;
- if not Assigned(Result) then Exit;
- Result.Add(PropNamePrefix + 'Columns', vtNat, [], IntToStr(Cols), '');
- Result.Add(PropNamePrefix + 'Rows', vtNat, [], IntToStr(Rows), '');
- Result.Add(PropNamePrefix + 'U offset', vtSingle, [], FloatToStr(UOfs), '');
- Result.Add(PropNamePrefix + 'V offset', vtSingle, [], FloatToStr(VOfs), '');
- end;
- procedure TBackgroundTesselator.SetProperties(Properties: Props.TProperties; const PropNamePrefix: TNameString);
- begin
- inherited;
- if Properties.Valid(PropNamePrefix + 'Columns') then Cols := StrToIntDef(Properties[PropNamePrefix + 'Columns'], 0);
- if Properties.Valid(PropNamePrefix + 'Rows') then Rows := StrToIntDef(Properties[PropNamePrefix + 'Rows'], 0);
- if Properties.Valid(PropNamePrefix + 'U offset') then UOfs := StrToFloatDef(Properties[PropNamePrefix + 'U offset'], 0);
- if Properties.Valid(PropNamePrefix + 'V offset') then VOfs := StrToFloatDef(Properties[PropNamePrefix + 'V offset'], 0);
- end;
- function TBackgroundTesselator.Tesselate(const Params: TTesselationParameters; VBPTR: Pointer): Integer;
- var
- i, j: Integer;
- OOZoom, OOCols, OORows: Single;
- begin
- Result := 0;
- if (Cols < 2) or (Rows < 2) then Exit;
- OOZoom := 1/Zoom; OOCols := 1/(Cols-1); OORows := 1/(Rows-1); // Some optimizations
- for j := 0 to Rows-1 do for i := 0 to Cols-1 do begin
- SetVertexDataCRHW((i * OOCols) * Params.Camera.RenderWidth, (j * OORows) * Params.Camera.RenderHeight, 0, 0.001, j*Cols+i, VBPTR);
- SetVertexDataD(Color, j*Cols+i, VBPTR);
- SetVertexDataUV( ( (i * OOCols) * SinTable[(Angle + CosTabOffs) and (SinTableSize-1)] +
- (j * OORows) * SinTable[(Angle) and (SinTableSize-1)] ) * OOZoom + UOfs,
- ( (j * OORows) * SinTable[(Angle + CosTabOffs) and (SinTableSize-1)] -
- (i * OOCols) * SinTable[(Angle) and (SinTableSize-1)] ) * OOZoom + VOfs,
- j*Cols+i, VBPTR);
- end;
- TesselationStatus[tbVertex].Status := tsTesselated;
- Result := TotalVertices;
- LastTotalVertices := TotalVertices;
- end;
- function TBackgroundTesselator.SetIndices(IBPTR: Pointer): Integer;
- var i, j: Integer;
- begin
- for j := 0 to Rows-2 do begin
- for i := 0 to Cols-2 do begin
- TWordBuffer(IBPTR^)[(j*(Cols-1)+i)*6+0] := (j+0)*(Cols)+i;
- TWordBuffer(IBPTR^)[(j*(Cols-1)+i)*6+1] := (j+0)*(Cols)+i+1;
- TWordBuffer(IBPTR^)[(j*(Cols-1)+i)*6+2] := (j+1)*(Cols)+i;
- TWordBuffer(IBPTR^)[(j*(Cols-1)+i)*6+3] := (j+1)*(Cols)+i;
- TWordBuffer(IBPTR^)[(j*(Cols-1)+i)*6+4] := (j+0)*(Cols)+i+1;
- TWordBuffer(IBPTR^)[(j*(Cols-1)+i)*6+5] := (j+1)*(Cols)+i+1
- end;
- end;
- TesselationStatus[tbIndex].Status := tsTesselated;
- Result := TotalIndices;
- end;
- { TFader }
- procedure TFader.SetColor(const Value: BaseTypes.TColor);
- var Mesh: TBackgroundTesselator;
- begin
- if CurrentTesselator is TBackgroundTesselator then
- Mesh := CurrentTesselator as TBackgroundTesselator
- else
- Exit;
- Mesh.Color := Value;
- Mesh.Invalidate([tbVertex], False);
- end;
- constructor TFader.Create(AManager: TItemsManager);
- begin
- inherited;
- Colors := TSampledGradient.Create;
- Colors.MaxX := 2;
- end;
- destructor TFader.Destroy;
- begin
- FreeAndNil(Colors);
- inherited;
- end;
- function TFader.GetTesselatorClass: CTesselator; begin Result := TBackgroundTesselator; end;
- function TFader.VisibilityCheck(const Camera: TCamera): Boolean;
- begin
- Result := True;
- end;
- procedure TFader.Show;
- begin
- inherited;
- ResetProcessedTime();
- Resume();
- AutoStopNeeded := AutoStop;
- end;
- procedure TFader.AddProperties(const Result: Props.TProperties);
- begin
- inherited;
- if not Assigned(Result) then Exit;
- Colors.AddAsProperty(Result, 'Color');
- Result.Add('Auto stop', vtBoolean, [], OnOffStr[AutoStop], '');
- end;
- procedure TFader.SetProperties(Properties: Props.TProperties);
- begin
- inherited;
- Colors.SetFromProperty(Properties, 'Color');
- if Properties.Valid('Auto stop') then AutoStop := Properties.GetAsInteger('Auto stop') > 0;
- end;
- procedure TFader.Process(const DeltaT: Single);
- begin
- inherited;
- SetColor(Colors.Value[TimeProcessed]);
- if AutoStopNeeded and (TimeProcessed > Colors.MaxX * 0.5) then begin
- Pause();
- AutoStopNeeded := False;
- end;
- end;
- { TBackground }
- function TBackground.GetAngle: Integer;
- begin
- if CurrentTesselator is TBackgroundTesselator then Result := TBackgroundTesselator(CurrentTesselator).Angle else Result := 0;
- end;
- function TBackground.GetColor: BaseTypes.TColor;
- begin
- if CurrentTesselator is TBackgroundTesselator then Result := TBackgroundTesselator(CurrentTesselator).Color else Result.C := $FF808080;
- end;
- function TBackground.GetZoom: Single;
- begin
- if CurrentTesselator is TBackgroundTesselator then Result := TBackgroundTesselator(CurrentTesselator).Zoom else Result := 1;
- end;
- procedure TBackground.SetAngle(const Value: Integer);
- begin
- if CurrentTesselator is TBackgroundTesselator then (CurrentTesselator as TBackgroundTesselator).Angle := Value;
- CurrentTesselator.Init;
- end;
- procedure TBackground.SetColor(const Value: BaseTypes.TColor);
- begin
- if CurrentTesselator is TBackgroundTesselator then (CurrentTesselator as TBackgroundTesselator).Color := Value;
- CurrentTesselator.Init;
- end;
- procedure TBackground.SetZoom(const Value: Single);
- begin
- if CurrentTesselator is TBackgroundTesselator then (CurrentTesselator as TBackgroundTesselator).Zoom := Value;
- CurrentTesselator.Init;
- end;
- constructor TBackground.Create(AManager: TItemsManager);
- begin
- inherited;
- end;
- function TBackground.GetTesselatorClass: CTesselator; begin Result := TBackgroundTesselator; end;
- function TBackground.VisibilityCheck(const Camera: TCamera): Boolean;
- begin
- Result := True;
- end;
- procedure TBackground.AddProperties(const Result: Props.TProperties);
- var Mesh: TBackgroundTesselator;
- begin
- inherited;
- if not Assigned(Result) then Exit;
- if CurrentTesselator is TBackgroundTesselator then Mesh := CurrentTesselator as TBackgroundTesselator else begin
- AddErrorProperty(Result, 'Tesselator is undefined');
- Exit;
- end;
- AddColorProperty(Result, 'Color', Mesh.Color);
- Result.Add('Angle', vtInt, [], IntToStr(Mesh.Angle), '');
- Result.Add('Zoom', vtSingle, [], FloatToStr(Mesh.Zoom), '');
- end;
- procedure TBackground.SetProperties(Properties: Props.TProperties);
- var Mesh: TBackgroundTesselator;
- begin
- inherited;
- if CurrentTesselator is TBackgroundTesselator then Mesh := CurrentTesselator as TBackgroundTesselator else Exit;
- SetColorProperty(Properties, 'Color', Mesh.Color);
- if Properties.Valid('Angle') then Mesh.Angle := StrToIntDef(Properties['Angle'], 0);
- if Properties.Valid('Zoom') then Mesh.Zoom := StrToFloatDef(Properties['Zoom'], 0);
- Mesh.Init;
- end;
- { TBillboardMesh }
- constructor TBillboardMesh.Create;
- begin
- inherited;
- TesselationStatus[tbVertex].TesselatorType := ttDynamic;
- PrimitiveType := ptTRIANGLESTRIP;
- InitVertexFormat(GetVertexFormat(True, False, True, False, False, 0, [2]));
- TotalIndices := 0;
- TotalVertices := 4;
- TotalPrimitives := 2;
- IndexingVertices := 4;
- Invalidate([tbVertex, tbIndex], True);
- MaxFrame := 0;
- UVMap := GetDefaultUVMap;
- end;
- procedure TBillboardMesh.AddProperties(const Result: Props.TProperties; const PropNamePrefix: TNameString);
- begin
- inherited;
- if not Assigned(Result) then Exit;
- Result.Add(PropNamePrefix + 'Width', vtSingle, [], FloatToStr(FWidth), '');
- Result.Add(PropNamePrefix + 'Height', vtSingle, [], FloatToStr(FHeight), '');
- Result.Add('Frame', vtInt, [], IntToStr(FFrame), '0-' + IntToStr(MaxFrame));
- AddColorProperty(Result, PropNamePrefix + 'Color', FColor);
- end;
- procedure TBillboardMesh.SetProperties(Properties: Props.TProperties; const PropNamePrefix: TNameString);
- begin
- inherited;
- if Properties.Valid(PropNamePrefix + 'Width') then FWidth := StrToFloatDef(Properties[PropNamePrefix + 'Width'], 0);
- if Properties.Valid(PropNamePrefix + 'Height') then FHeight := StrToFloatDef(Properties[PropNamePrefix + 'Height'], 0);
- if Properties.Valid('Frame') then FFrame := StrToIntDef(Properties['Frame'], 0);
- SetColorProperty(Properties, PropNamePrefix + 'Color', FColor);
- end;
- function TBillboardMesh.Tesselate(const Params: TTesselationParameters; VBPTR: Pointer): Integer;
- var Transformed: TVector4s; Location: TVector3s; TRHW, SizeX, SizeY: Single;
- begin
- Result := 0;
- LastTotalVertices := 0;
- if FFrame > MaxFrame then Exit;
- // Location := Transform4Vector33s({InvertAffineMatrix4s(} Params.Camera.ViewMatrix, Vec3s(0, 0, 0));
- with Params.ModelMatrix do Location := GetVector3s(_41, _42, _43);
- Transformed := Transform4Vector3s(Params.Camera.TotalMatrix, Location);
- if Transformed.W < epsilon then Exit;
- TRHW := 1/Transformed.W;
- SizeX := Params.Camera.RenderWidth *0.5;
- SizeY := Params.Camera.RenderHeight*0.5;
- Transformed.X := SizeX * (1 + Transformed.X * TRHW);
- Transformed.Y := SizeY * (1 - Transformed.Y * TRHW);
- SizeX := FWidth * TRHW * SizeX;
- SizeY := FHeight * TRHW * SizeY * Params.Camera.CurrentAspectRatio;
- with Params.Camera do Transformed.Z := 0.002+0*(ZFar/(ZFar-ZNear))*(1-ZNear/(Transformed.Z));
- SetVertexDataCRHW(Transformed.X - SizeX, Transformed.Y - SizeY, Transformed.Z, TRHW, 0, VBPTR);
- SetVertexDataD(FColor, 0, VBPTR);
- SetVertexDataUV(UVMap[FFrame].U, UVMap[FFrame].V, 0, VBPTR);
- SetVertexDataCRHW(Transformed.X + SizeX, Transformed.Y - SizeY, Transformed.Z, TRHW, 1, VBPTR);
- SetVertexDataD(FColor, 1, VBPTR);
- SetVertexDataUV(UVMap[FFrame].U + UVMap[FFrame].W, UVMap[FFrame].V, 1, VBPTR);
- SetVertexDataCRHW(Transformed.X - SizeX, Transformed.Y + SizeY, Transformed.Z, TRHW, 2, VBPTR);
- SetVertexDataD(FColor, 2, VBPTR);
- SetVertexDataUV(UVMap[FFrame].U, UVMap[FFrame].V + UVMap[FFrame].H, 2, VBPTR);
- SetVertexDataCRHW(Transformed.X + SizeX, Transformed.Y + SizeY, Transformed.Z, TRHW, 3, VBPTR);
- SetVertexDataD(FColor, 3, VBPTR);
- SetVertexDataUV(UVMap[FFrame].U + UVMap[FFrame].W, UVMap[FFrame].V + UVMap[FFrame].H, 3, VBPTR);
- TesselationStatus[tbVertex].Status := tsChanged; // The vertex buffer should be updated every frame
- LastTotalVertices := 4;
- Result := LastTotalVertices;
- end;
- procedure TBillboardMesh.SetFrame(const Value: Integer);
- begin
- if (Value = FFrame) then Exit;
- FFrame := ClampI(Value, 0, MaxFrame);
- end;
- { TBillboard }
- constructor TBillboard.Create(AManager: TItemsManager);
- begin
- inherited;
- end;
- function TBillboard.GetTesselatorClass: CTesselator; begin Result := TBillboardMesh; end;
- function TBillboard.VisibilityCheck(const Camera: TCamera): Boolean;
- begin
- Result := True; // ToFix: cull out when behind camera
- end;
- procedure TBillboard.ResolveLinks;
- var Item: TItem; Mesh: TBillboardMesh;
- begin
- inherited;
- if CurrentTesselator is TBillboardMesh then Mesh := CurrentTesselator as TBillboardMesh else Exit;
- ResolveLink('UV map', Item);
- if Assigned(Item) then begin
- Mesh.UVMap := (Item as TUVMapResource).Data;
- Mesh.MaxFrame := (Item as TUVMapResource).TotalElements-1;
- end;
- end;
- procedure TBillboard.Process(const DeltaT: Single);
- var Mesh: TBillboardMesh; NewFrame: Integer;
- begin
- inherited;
- AnimTime := AnimTime + DeltaT;
- if CurrentTesselator is TBillboardMesh then begin
- Mesh := CurrentTesselator as TBillboardMesh;
- NewFrame := Round(AnimTime * AnimRate);
- if (Mesh.MaxFrame >= 0) and (NewFrame > Mesh.MaxFrame) then begin
- if AnimRepeat then Mesh.Frame := NewFrame mod (Mesh.MaxFrame+1);
- if HideAtEnd then State := State - [isVisible];
- end else Mesh.Frame := NewFrame
- end;
- end;
- procedure TBillboard.AddProperties(const Result: Props.TProperties);
- begin
- inherited;
- AddItemLink(Result, 'UV map', [], 'TUVMapResource');
- if not Assigned(Result) then Exit;
- if not (CurrentTesselator is TBillboardMesh) then begin
- AddErrorProperty(Result, 'Tesselator is undefined');
- Exit;
- end;
- Result.Add('Animation rate', vtSingle, [], FloatToStr(AnimRate), '');
- Result.Add('Animation cycle', vtBoolean, [], OnOffStr[AnimRepeat], '');
- Result.Add('Hide at end', vtBoolean, [], OnOffStr[HideAtEnd], '');
- end;
- procedure TBillboard.SetProperties(Properties: Props.TProperties);
- begin
- inherited;
- if Properties.Valid('UV map') then SetLinkProperty('UV map', Properties['UV map']);
- if Properties.Valid('Animation rate') then begin
- AnimRate := StrToFloatDef(Properties['Animation rate'], 0);
- AnimTime := 0;
- end;
- if Properties.Valid('Animation cycle') then Animrepeat := Properties.GetAsInteger('Animation cycle') > 0;
- if Properties.Valid('Hide at end') then HideAtEnd := Properties.GetAsInteger('Hide at end') > 0;
- end;
- { TSplashTesselator }
- constructor TSplashTesselator.Create;
- begin
- inherited;
- PrimitiveType := ptTRIANGLESTRIP;
- InitVertexFormat(GetVertexFormat(False, False, True, False, False, 0, [2]));
- TotalVertices := 4;
- TotalPrimitives := 2;
- Color.C := $80808080;
- Size := 1;
- end;
- function TSplashTesselator.IsSameItem(AItem: TReferencedItem): Boolean;
- begin
- Result := False;
- end;
- function TSplashTesselator.GetBoundingBox: TBoundingBox;
- begin
- Result.P1 := GetVector3s(-Size, -Size, 0);
- Result.P2 := GetVector3s( Size, Size, 0);
- end;
- function TSplashTesselator.Tesselate(const Params: TTesselationParameters; VBPTR: Pointer): Integer;
- begin
- SetVertexDataC(-Size, Size, 0, 0, VBPTR);
- SetVertexDataUV(0, 0, 0, VBPTR);
- SetVertexDataD(Color, 0, VBPTR);
- SetVertexDataC(Size, Size, 0, 1, VBPTR);
- SetVertexDataUV(1, 0, 1, VBPTR);
- SetVertexDataD(Color, 1, VBPTR);
- SetVertexDataC(-Size, -Size, 0, 2, VBPTR);
- SetVertexDataUV(0, 1, 2, VBPTR);
- SetVertexDataD(Color, 2, VBPTR);
- SetVertexDataC(Size, -Size, 0, 3, VBPTR);
- SetVertexDataUV(1, 1, 3, VBPTR);
- SetVertexDataD(Color, 3, VBPTR);
- TesselationStatus[tbVertex].Status := tsTesselated;
- LastTotalVertices := TotalVertices;
- Result := TotalVertices;
- end;
- { TSplash }
- constructor TSplash.Create(AManager: TItemsManager);
- begin
- inherited;
- Color := TSampledGradient.Create;
- Size := TSampledFloats.Create;
- end;
- destructor TSplash.Destroy;
- begin
- FreeAndNil(Color);
- FreeAndNil(Size);
- inherited;
- end;
- function TSplash.GetTesselatorClass: CTesselator; begin Result := TSplashTesselator; end;
- procedure TSplash.AddProperties(const Result: Props.TProperties);
- begin
- inherited;
- if not Assigned(Result) then Exit;
- Color.AddAsProperty(Result, 'Color');
- Size.AddAsProperty(Result, 'Size');
- end;
- procedure TSplash.SetProperties(Properties: Props.TProperties);
- begin
- inherited;
- Color.SetFromProperty(Properties, 'Color');
- Size.SetFromProperty(Properties, 'Size');
- SetMesh;
- ResetProcessedTime;
- end;
- procedure TSplash.Process(const DeltaT: Single);
- var Tesselator: TSplashTesselator;
- begin
- inherited;
- if not (CurrentTesselator is TSplashTesselator) then Exit;
- Tesselator := CurrentTesselator as TSplashTesselator;
- Tesselator.Color := Color.Value[TimeProcessed];
- Tesselator.Size := Size.Value[TimeProcessed];
- Tesselator.Invalidate([tbVertex], False);
- end;
- begin
- GlobalClassList.Add('C2FX', GetUnitClassList);
- end.