资源名称:CAST2SDK.rar [点击查看]
- (*
- @Abstract(CAST II Engine visual items unit)
- (C) 2006 George "Mirage" Bakhtadze. <a href="http://www.casteng.com">www.casteng.com</a> <br>
- The source code may be used under either MPL 1.1 or LGPL 2.1 license. See included license.txt file <br>
- Unit contains basic classes of visual items
- *)
- {$Include GDefines.inc}
- {$Include C2Defines.inc}
- unit C2Visual;
- interface
- uses
- SysUtils,
- TextFile,
- BaseTypes, Basics, Base3D, BaseMsg, ItemMsg, Props, Models, BaseCont, BaseClasses,
- {$IFDEF EDITORMODE} BaseGraph, C2MapEditMsg, {$ENDIF}
- C2Types, C2Msg, CAST2, C2Materials, C2Maps;
- const
- // Vertex format
- vwIndexedBlending = $8;
- //Light source types
- ltDirectional = 0; ltPoint = 1; ltSpot = 2;
- //Light source types enumeration string
- LightKindsEnum = 'Directional&Point&Spot';
- // Size of data in index buffers
- IndexSize = 2;
- // Default capacity of technique => item hash map
- DefaultTechToItemMapCapacity = 8;
- // Max size of mapped item edit cursor size
- MaxCursorSize = 64;
- // Map edit mode: adjust heights
- hmemAdjust = 0;
- // Map edit mode: smooth heights
- hmemSmooth = 1;
- // Map edit modes string enumeration
- MapEditModesEnum = 'Adjust' + StringDelimiter + 'Smooth';
- type
- // Tesselation status
- TTesselationState = (// Tesselator was cardinally changed, including maximum number of vertices and/or indices
- tsMaxSizeChanged,
- // Tesselator data was changed
- tsChanged,
- // Tesselator data was not changed so no reason to tesselate it again
- tsTesselated);
- // Type of tesselator used to render an item
- TTesselatorType = (// Triangulated data of the tesselator rarely or never changes
- ttStatic,
- // Triangulated data changes nearly every frame (particle system, etc)
- ttDynamic);
- { Current tesselation status data structure
- <b>BufferIndex</b> - index of buffer in API-independent buffers
- <b>Offset</b> - offset within the buffer in elements (vertices, indices, etc)
- <b>Status</b> - current tesselation state
- <b>LastResetCounter</b> - reset counter
- should not be modified manually }
- TTesselationStatus = record
- TesselatorType: TTesselatorType;
- BufferIndex, Offset: Integer;
- Status: TTesselationState;
- LastResetCounter, LastBufferResetCounter: Integer;
- end;
- // Kind of tesselator
- TTesselatorKind = (// Null tesselator. Used when the item is tesselated by other shared tesselator (GUI, impostors, etc)
- tkNone,
- // The item is tesselated by its own tesselator (default)
- tkOwn,
- // a shared tesselator used for items of several classes (2D primitives, particles, etc)
- tkShared);
- { The delegate used to retrieve a custom texture matrix. See @Link(tmCustom).
- <b>TextureSet</b> is an index of texture set to which the retrieved matrix will applied }
- TTextureMatrixDelegate = procedure(TextureStage: Integer; out Matrix: TMatrix4s) of object;
- // @Abstract(Camera which looks at a specified target point)
- TLookAtCamera = class(CAST2.TCamera)
- private
- FRange: Single;
- FFixedUp: Boolean;
- FLookTarget, FixedUpVector: TVector3s;
- procedure SetRange(const Value: Single);
- procedure SetFixedUp(const Value: Boolean);
- procedure SetLookTarget(const Value: TVector3s);
- protected
- procedure ComputeTransform; override;
- public
- procedure Move(XD, YD, ZD: Single); override;
- procedure AddProperties(const Result: Props.TProperties); override;
- procedure SetProperties(Properties: Props.TProperties); override;
- // Look range
- property Range: Single read FRange write SetRange;
- // Setting this to True will fix the camera's UP vector
- property FixedUp: Boolean read FFixedUp write SetFixedUp;
- // Look target
- property LookTarget: TVector3s read FLookTarget write SetLookTarget;
- end;
- // @Abstract(Light source)
- TLight = class(CAST2.TProcessing)
- private
- function GetEnabled: Boolean;
- procedure SetEnabled(const Value: Boolean);
- protected
- procedure SetState(const Value: TSet32); override;
- public
- // Determines which passes can be affected by the light source
- GroupMask: TPassGroupSet;
- // Kind of the light source
- Kind: Integer;
- // Diffuse color of the light source
- Diffuse,
- // Specular color of the light source
- Specular,
- // Ambient color of the light source
- Ambient: BaseTypes.TColor4s;
- // Effective range of the light source
- Range: Single;
- Falloff: Single;
- // Constant attenuation
- Attenuation0,
- // Linear attenuation
- Attenuation1,
- // Quadratic attenuation
- Attenuation2: Single;
- // Inner angle of spotlight cone
- Theta,
- // Outer angle of spotlight cone
- Phi: Single;
- constructor Create(AManager: TItemsManager); override;
- procedure HandleMessage(const Msg: TMessage); override;
- procedure AddProperties(const Result: Props.TProperties); override;
- procedure SetProperties(Properties: Props.TProperties); override;
- // Setting <b>Enabled</b> to @True/@False turns on/off the light source
- property Enabled: Boolean read GetEnabled write SetEnabled;
- end;
- { Data structure passed to tesselator buffer filling methods <br>
- <b>Camera</b> - currently applied camera <br>
- <b>ModelMatrix</b> - model transform of visible items being rendered }
- TTesselationParameters = record
- Camera: TCamera;
- ModelMatrix: TMatrix4s;
- end;
- CTesselator = class of TTesselator;
- { @Abstract(Performs triangulation of visible items)
- Visible items are different - GUI elements, 3D meshes, procedural models, etc. [b]TTesselator[/b] contains methods to
- convert an item to its triangulated representation. }
- TTesselator = class(TReferencedItem)
- private
- LastMaxAmount: array[TTesselationBuffer] of Integer;
- Manager: TItemsManager; // For message sending
- protected
- // Informs engine core about bounding box change
- procedure InvalidateBoundingBox;
- public
- // Total primitives in each strip
- TotalPrimitives: Integer;
- // Primitive type
- PrimitiveType: TPrimitiveType;
- // Total vetices in all strips
- TotalVertices,
- // Total indices in all strips
- TotalIndices: Integer;
- // Total strips
- TotalStrips,
- // Offset in vertex buffer for each strip
- StripOffset: Integer;
- // Number of vertices referenced by indices
- IndexingVertices: Integer;
- // Current tesselation status
- TesselationStatus: array[TTesselationBuffer] of TTesselationStatus;
- // If set to True a manual render method through @Link(DoManualRender) will be used instead of regular render
- ManualRender: Boolean;
- // Old
- // Index: Integer;
- LastTotalIndices, LastTotalVertices: Integer;
- // Command block ID For render speedup. E.g. OpenGL display list ID.
- CommandBlock: Integer;
- // Determines if command block is a currently valid ID
- CommandBlockValid: Boolean;
- VerticesRes, IndicesRes: Integer;
- CompositeMember: Boolean;
- CompositeOffset: ^TVector3s;
- // {$IFDEF DEBUGMODE} LastMaxVertices: Integer; {$ENDIF} // Used only for debugging
- constructor Create; virtual;
- procedure Init; virtual;
- { Can be overridden to add some properties in addition to ones of a visible item which uses the tesselator.
- Called from AddProperties of @Link(TVisible). Object links can not be used or resolved here. }
- procedure AddProperties(const Result: Props.TProperties; const PropNamePrefix: TNameString); virtual;
- { Can be overridden to set some properties in addition to ones of a visible item which uses the tesselator.
- Called from SetProperties of @Link(TVisible). Object links can not be used or resolved here. }
- procedure SetProperties(Properties: Props.TProperties; const PropNamePrefix: TNameString); virtual;
- { Returns number of elements in the specified buffer type which needs to be updated in an API buffers.
- This function called by engine static buffers management routine to determine if lock/fill/unlock procedure needed
- for each tesselator.
- If the function returns 0 no update needed. }
- function GetUpdatedElements(Buffer: TTesselationBuffer; const Params: TTesselationParameters): Integer; virtual;
- // Returns maximum amount of elements in the specified buffer type
- function GetMaxAmount(Buffer: TTesselationBuffer): Integer;
- // Invalidates contents of buffers used by the tesselator at the API side. If <b>EntireBuffer</b> is True entire API buffer will become invalid so use only if necessary.
- procedure Invalidate(ABuffer: TTesselationBufferSet; EntireBuffer: Boolean);
- // ToDo: Move these methods to protected:
- // Returns True if mesh is valid. The basic implemetation simply tests all indices to point within correct vertices range.
- function Validate: Boolean; virtual;
- // Manual lighting begin
- procedure BeginLighting; virtual; abstract;
- // Perform manual lighting
- function CalculateLighting(const ALight: TLight; const ALightToItem: TMatrix4s): Boolean; virtual; abstract;
- // Bounding box containing
- function GetBoundingBox: TBoundingBox; virtual;
- function SetIndices(IBPTR: Pointer): Integer; virtual;
- function Tesselate(const Params: TTesselationParameters; VBPTR: Pointer): Integer; virtual;
- protected
- // Vertex format as specified by @Link(GetVertexFormat)
- FVertexFormat: Cardinal;
- // Size of each vertex in bytes
- FVertexSize: Integer;
- // Offset of each element within a vertex in bytes
- ElementOffs: array[vfiXYZ..vfiTEX7] of Integer;
- // Init internal variables for the specified vertex format
- procedure InitVertexFormat(Format: Cardinal); virtual;
- { Should return a maximum possible amount of vertices for the tesselator object to reserve place in buffers. <br>
- For rarely updated tesselators which still can have a variable number of vertices it's reasonable to use a static tesselator
- with <b>GetMaxVertices</b> the maximum amount of vertices.
- The return value of this function can vary but its change should be indicated with the @Link(tsMaxSizeChanged) teselation status and
- will cause discarding of a buffer which may cause performance penalty at lest for static buffers. }
- function GetMaxVertices: Integer; virtual;
- { Should return a maximum possible amount of indices for the tesselator object to reserve place in buffers. <br>
- For rarely updated tesselators which still can have a variable number of indices it's reasonable to use a static tesselator
- with <b>GetMaxVertices</b> the maximum amount of indices.
- The return value of this function can vary but its change should be indicated with the @Link(tsMaxSizeChanged) teselation status and
- will cause discarding of a buffer which may cause performance penalty at lest for static buffers. }
- function GetMaxIndices: Integer; virtual;
- // Set a coordinate set in vertex buffer. [b]Index[/b] - element index, [b]VBuf[/b] - pointer to vertex buffer. Should be called from @Link(Tesselate) only
- procedure SetVertexDataC(x, y, z: Single; Index: Integer; VBuf: Pointer); overload;
- // Set a coordinate set in vertex buffer. [b]Index[/b] - element index, [b]VBuf[/b] - pointer to vertex buffer. Should be called from @Link(Tesselate) only
- procedure SetVertexDataC(const Vec: TVector3s; Index: Integer; VBuf: Pointer); overload;
- // Set a transformed coordinate set in vertex buffer. [b]Index[/b] - element index, [b]VBuf[/b] - pointer to vertex buffer. Should be called from @Link(Tesselate) only
- procedure SetVertexDataCRHW(x, y, z, RHW: Single; Index: Integer; VBuf: Pointer);
- // Set a normal in vertex buffer. [b]Index[/b] - element index, [b]VBuf[/b] - pointer to vertex buffer. Should be called from @Link(Tesselate) only
- procedure SetVertexDataN(nx, ny, nz: Single; Index: Integer; VBuf: Pointer); overload;
- // Set a normal in vertex buffer. [b]Index[/b] - element index, [b]VBuf[/b] - pointer to vertex buffer. Should be called from @Link(Tesselate) only
- procedure SetVertexDataN(const Vec: TVector3s; Index: Integer; VBuf: Pointer); overload;
- // Set a weight in vertex buffer. [b]Index[/b] - element index, [b]VBuf[/b] - pointer to vertex buffer. Should be called from @Link(Tesselate) only
- procedure SetVertexDataW(w: Single; Index: Integer; VBuf: Pointer);
- // Set a diffuse color (color 1) in vertex buffer. [b]Index[/b] - element index, [b]VBuf[/b] - pointer to vertex buffer. Should be called from @Link(Tesselate) only
- procedure SetVertexDataD(Color: TColor; Index: Integer; VBuf: Pointer);
- // Set a specular color (color 2) in vertex buffer. [b]Index[/b] - element index, [b]VBuf[/b] - pointer to vertex buffer. Should be called from @Link(Tesselate) only
- procedure SetVertexDataS(Color: TColor; Index: Integer; VBuf: Pointer);
- // Set first 2D-texture coordinates set in vertex buffer. [b]Index[/b] - element index, [b]VBuf[/b] - pointer to vertex buffer. Should be called from @Link(Tesselate) only
- procedure SetVertexDataUV(u, v: Single; Index: Integer; VBuf: Pointer);
- // Set first 3D-texture coordinates set in vertex buffer. [b]Index[/b] - element index, [b]VBuf[/b] - pointer to vertex buffer. Should be called from @Link(Tesselate) only
- procedure SetVertexDataUV3(u, v, w: Single; Index: Integer; VBuf: Pointer);
- // Set second 2D-texture coordinates set in vertex buffer. [b]Index[/b] - element index, [b]VBuf[/b] - pointer to vertex buffer. Should be called from @Link(Tesselate) only
- procedure SetVertexData2UV(u, v: Single; Index: Integer; VBuf: Pointer);
- // Sets an index in index buffer
- procedure SetIndex(AValue, AOffset: Integer; AIBuf: Pointer);
- public
- // Returns an index from index buffer
- function GetIndex(AOffset: Integer; AIBuf: Pointer): Integer;
- // Get a coordinate set from vertex buffer. [b]AIndex[/b] - element index, [b]AVBuf[/b] - pointer to vertex buffer.
- function GetVertexDataC(AIndex: Integer; AVBuf: Pointer): TVector3s;
- // Performs render manually if ManualRender is True. Default implementation does nothing so the method should be overridden if manual render needed.
- procedure DoManualRender(Item: TItem); virtual;
- // Output format of vertices
- property VertexFormat: Cardinal read FVertexFormat write InitVertexFormat;
- // Size of each vertex
- property VertexSize: Integer read FVertexSize;
- end;
- // This message informs all visible items that tesselator has changed its bounding box
- TTessBBoxUpdateMsg = class(TMessage)
- Tesselator: TTesselator;
- constructor Create(ATesselator: TTesselator);
- end;
- // Base class of tesselator which used to tesselate several different items
- TSharedTesselator = class(TTesselator)
- // Clear tesselation
- procedure Clear; virtual; abstract;
- end;
- // TVisibilityCheckerDelegate = function(const Camera: TCamera): Boolean of object;
- TVisible = class(CAST2.TProcessing)
- private
- VisibilityFlag: Boolean;
- FCurrentLOD: Single;
- procedure SetTesselatorKind(const Value: TTesselatorKind);
- protected
- // A set of tesselators used to geometrically represent the item in various LOD's
- FTesselators: array of TTesselator;
- // True if the item should be lit by its own code
- FCustomLighting: Boolean;
- // Current render technique
- FCurTechnique: TTechnique;
- // Index in TRenderPass.Items array
- IndexInPass: array of Int32;
- // Determines what kind tesselator will be used to tesselated the item
- FTesselatorKind: TTesselatorKind;
- // Reference to current tesselator
- FCurrentTesselator: TTesselator;
- procedure SetParent(NewParent: TItem); override;
- procedure SetState(const Value: TSet32); override;
- procedure AddToPasses;
- procedure RemoveFromPasses;
- procedure DoShow;
- procedure DoHide;
- // Returns <b>True</b> if visibility mask of all parents has @Link(isVisible) flag included
- function isParentsVisible: Boolean;
- // Returns <b>True</b> if visibility mask of the item and all its parents has @Link(isVisible) flag included
- function isActuallyVisible: Boolean;
- function GetMaterial: TMaterial;
- procedure SetMaterial(Value: TMaterial);
- procedure SetCurTechnique(const Value: TTechnique);
- procedure SetMesh; virtual;
- procedure SetCurrentLOD(const Value: Single); virtual;
- public
- // This value is calculated every frame for any item which should be rendered. Override @Link(CalcSortValue) to change it.
- SortValue: Single;
- BlendMatrices: array of TMatrix4s; // ToDO: optimize
- RetrieveTextureMatrix: TTextureMatrixDelegate;
- constructor Create(AManager: TItemsManager); override;
- destructor Destroy; override;
- class function IsAbstract: Boolean; override;
- // Returns class of tesselator which will represent the item geometrically
- function GetTesselatorClass: CTesselator; virtual;
- procedure HandleMessage(const Msg: TMessage); override;
- procedure OnInit; override;
- procedure OnSceneAdd; override;
- procedure OnSceneRemove; override;
- // Shows the item
- procedure Show; virtual;
- // Hides the item
- procedure Hide; virtual;
- // To specify shader constants an item class should override this method
- procedure RetrieveShaderConstants(var ConstList: TShaderConstants); virtual;
- // Returns value by which to sort items containing sorted order passes in material
- function CalcSortValue(const Camera: TCamera): Single; virtual;
- // If the item is visible through the given camera returns True and sets current tesselator according to needed detail level
- function VisibilityCheck(const Camera: TCamera): Boolean; virtual;
- // Should be overriden to render item indirectly or other custom rendering mode
- procedure Render; virtual;
- // Prepares the item and tesselator for manual lighting. Called automatically.
- procedure BeginLighting;
- // Calls tesselator to perform manual lighting calculation
- function CalculateLighting(const ALight: TLight): Boolean;
- procedure AddProperties(const Result: Props.TProperties); override;
- procedure SetProperties(Properties: Props.TProperties); override;
- public
- // True if the item should be lit by its own code
- property CustomLighting: Boolean read FCustomLighting;
- property Material: TMaterial read GetMaterial write SetMaterial;
- property CurrentTesselator: TTesselator read FCurrentTesselator;
- property CurTechnique: TTechnique read FCurTechnique{ write SetCurTechnique};
- property TesselatorKind: TTesselatorKind read FTesselatorKind write SetTesselatorKind;
- property CurrentLOD: Single read FCurrentLOD write SetCurrentLOD;
- end;
- TClassRec = record
- TessClass: CTesselator;
- TessMap: BaseCont.TPointerPointerMap; // Maps a technique to a visible item
- end;
- TTemporaryVisible = class(TVisible)
- public
- constructor Create(AManager: TItemsManager); override;
- destructor Destroy; override;
- procedure Clear;
- function VisibilityCheck(const Camera: TCamera): Boolean; override;
- end;
- TSharedTesselators = class(CAST2.TBaseSharedTesselators)
- private
- Items: array of TVisible; TotalItems: Integer;
- TessClasses: array of TClassRec;
- function GetItemIndex(const AItem: TVisible): Integer;
- function GetTesselatorIndex(const TessClass: CTesselator): Integer;
- function AddTesselatorClass(const TessClass: CTesselator): Integer;
- function GetTesselator(const TessClass: CTesselator; const Technique: TTechnique): TTesselator;
- function DrawTechMap(Key, Value: Pointer): Boolean;
- function DelTechMap(Key, Value: Pointer): Boolean;
- function FreeTechMap(Key, Value: Pointer): Boolean;
- public
- procedure AddItem(const AItem: TVisible);
- procedure RemoveItem(const AItem: TVisible);
- procedure Clear; override;
- procedure Reset; override;
- procedure Render; override;
- destructor Destroy; override;
- property Tesselator[const TessClass: CTesselator; const Technique: TTechnique]: TTesselator read GetTesselator; default;
- end;
- TMappedTesselator = class(TTesselator)
- protected
- Item: CAST2.TProcessing;
- FMap: C2Maps.TMap;
- // Other
- OldWidth, OldHeight: Integer;
- OldCellWidthScale, OldCellHeightScale, OldDepthScale: Single;
- public
- procedure Init; override;
- function GetMaxVertices: Integer; override;
- function GetBoundingBox: TBoundingBox; override;
- procedure SetMap(const AMap: C2Maps.TMap); virtual;
- end;
- THeighTMapEditOp = class(C2Maps.TMapEditOp)
- // Inits the operation and returns True if it's valid and can be applied
- function Init(AMap: TMap; ACellX, ACellZ, ACursorSize: Integer; AValueDelta: Single): Boolean; virtual; abstract;
- end;
- THeighTMapEditOpAdjust = class(THeighTMapEditOp)
- private
- Scale: Single;
- public
- function Init(AMap: TMap; ACellX, ACellZ, ACursorSize: Integer; AValueDelta: Single): Boolean; override;
- end;
- THeighTMapEditOpSmooth = class(THeighTMapEditOp)
- private
- Scale: Single;
- public
- function Init(AMap: TMap; ACellX, ACellZ, ACursorSize: Integer; AValueDelta: Single): Boolean; override;
- end;
- TMappedItem = class(TVisible)
- protected
- FMap: C2Maps.TMap;
- EditCellX, EditCellZ: Integer;
- EditMouseX, EditMouseY: Integer;
- EditCursorSize: Integer;
- EditMode: Boolean;
- {$ENDIF}
- procedure ResolveLinks; override;
- procedure OnModify(const ARect: BaseTypes.TRect); virtual;
- // Returns True if the specified cursor coordinates points to a map cell through the specified camera. Also returns the cell indices.
- function PickCell(Camera: TCamera; MouseX, MouseY: Integer; out CellX, CellZ: Integer): Boolean; virtual;
- function DrawCursor(Cursor: C2MapEditMsg.TMapCursor; Camera: TCamera; Screen: TScreen): Boolean; virtual;
- procedure ModifyBegin(Cursor: TMapCursor; Camera: TCamera); virtual;
- procedure Modify(Cursor: TMapCursor; Camera: TCamera); virtual;
- procedure ModifyEnd(Cursor: TMapCursor; Camera: TCamera); virtual;
- {$ENDIF}
- public
- class function IsAbstract: Boolean; override;
- procedure SetMesh; override;
- procedure AddProperties(const Result: Props.TProperties); override;
- procedure SetProperties(Properties: Props.TProperties); override;
- procedure HandleMessage(const Msg: TMessage); override;
- property Map: C2Maps.TMap read FMap;
- end;
- /// Determines a vertex format which can include variuos components. VertexWeight can be OR'ed with vwIndexedBlending to indicate that last weight is actually a dword with indices
- function GetVertexFormat(Transformed, Normals, Diffuse, Specular, PointSize: Boolean; VertexWeights: Word; TextureSets: array of Integer): Longword;
- function GetVertexSize(VertexFormat: Longword): Cardinal;
- function VertexContains(VertexFormat, ElementIndex: Longword): Boolean;
- function GetVertexElementOffset(VertexFormat, ElementIndex: Longword): Integer;
- function GetVertexTextureSetsCount(VertexFormat: Longword): Integer;
- function GetVertexTextureCoordsCount(VertexFormat, TextureSetIndex: Longword): Integer;
- function GetVertexWeightsCount(VertexFormat: Longword): Integer;
- function GetVertexIndexedBlending(VertexFormat: Longword): Boolean;
- procedure ConvertVertices(SrcFormat, DestFormat: Longword; TotalVertices: Integer; Src: Pointer; Dest: Pointer);
- var RGBA: Boolean; // Determines whether is needed to swap R and B color components. Must be True for OpenGL renderer due to difference in OpenGL and DirectX color representation
- implementation
- function GetVertexFormat(Transformed, Normals, Diffuse, Specular, PointSize: Boolean; VertexWeights: Word; TextureSets: array of Integer): Longword;
- var i, TotalTextureSets: Integer; TextureBits: Integer;
- begin
- Assert(((VertexWeights and $7) + Ord(VertexWeights and vwIndexedBlending > 0)<= 5) and
- ((VertexWeights and $7 > 0) or (VertexWeights and vwIndexedBlending = 0)), 'GetVertexFormat: Invalid weights count');
- Assert(not Transformed or (VertexWeights = 0), 'GetVertexFormat: Transformed vertices should not have weights');
- TextureBits := 0;
- TotalTextureSets := Length(TextureSets);
- for i := 0 to TotalTextureSets-1 do begin
- Assert((i < 8) and (TextureSets[i] > 0) and (TextureSets[i] <= 4), 'GetVertexFormat: Invalid texture sets');
- TextureBits := TextureBits or ((TextureSets[i]-1) and 3) shl (i*2);
- end;
- Result := VertexWeights shl 28 + Cardinal(TotalTextureSets) shl 24 + Cardinal(TextureBits) shl 8 +
- Cardinal(Ord(Transformed) * vfTRANSFORMED + Ord(Normals) * vfNORMALS +
- Ord(Diffuse) * vfDIFFUSE + Ord(Specular) * vfSPECULAR + Ord(PointSize) * vfPOINTSIZE);
- end;
- function GetVertexSize(VertexFormat: Longword): Cardinal;
- var i, TextureSets: Integer; TextureBits: Cardinal;
- begin
- Result := (3 + VertexFormat and vfTRANSFORMED +
- Cardinal(3*Ord(VertexFormat and vfNORMALS > 0) +
- Ord(VertexFormat and vfDIFFUSE > 0) + Ord(VertexFormat and vfSPECULAR > 0) +
- Ord(VertexFormat and vfPOINTSIZE > 0)) +
- Cardinal(GetVertexWeightsCount(VertexFormat) + Ord(GetVertexIndexedBlending(VertexFormat))) ) shl 2;
- TextureBits := (VertexFormat shr 8) and $FFFF;
- TextureSets := (VertexFormat shr 24) and $F;
- for i := 0 to TextureSets-1 do Result := Result + (TextureBits shr (i*2) and 3 + 1) shl 2;
- end;
- function VertexContains(VertexFormat, ElementIndex: Longword): Boolean;
- begin
- Result := VertexFormat and ElementIndex > 0;
- end;
- function GetVertexElementOffset(VertexFormat, ElementIndex: Longword): Integer;
- var i, TextureSets: Integer; TextureBits: Cardinal;
- begin
- Result := 0;
- if ElementIndex = vfiXYZ then Exit;
- if VertexFormat and vfTRANSFORMED > 0 then Result := 4*4 else Result := 3*4;
- if (GetVertexWeightsCount(VertexFormat) > 0) and GetVertexIndexedBlending(VertexFormat) then Inc(Result, 4);
- for i := 0 to GetVertexWeightsCount(VertexFormat)-1 do begin // Through weights
- if ElementIndex = vfiWEIGHT1 + Cardinal(i) then Exit;
- Inc(Result, 4);
- end;
- if VertexFormat and vfNORMALS > 0 then begin
- if ElementIndex = vfiNORM then Exit;
- Inc(Result, 3*4);
- end;
- if VertexFormat and vfPOINTSIZE > 0 then begin
- if ElementIndex = vfiPOINTSIZE then Exit;
- Inc(Result, 4);
- end;
- if VertexFormat and vfDIFFUSE > 0 then begin
- if ElementIndex = vfiDIFF then Exit;
- Inc(Result, 4);
- end;
- if VertexFormat and vfSPECULAR > 0 then begin
- if ElementIndex = vfiSPEC then Exit;
- Inc(Result, 4);
- end;
- TextureBits := (VertexFormat shr 8) and $FFFF;
- TextureSets := (VertexFormat shr 24) and $F;
- for i := 0 to TextureSets-1 do begin // Through texture sets
- if ElementIndex = vfiTEX0 + Cardinal(i) then Exit;
- Inc(Result, (TextureBits shr (i*2) and 3 + 1) shl 2);
- end;
- Result := -1;
- // Assert(False, 'GetVertexElementOffset: Element not found');
- end;
- function GetVertexTextureSetsCount(VertexFormat: Longword): Integer;
- begin
- Result := (VertexFormat shr 24) and $F;
- end;
- function GetVertexTextureCoordsCount(VertexFormat, TextureSetIndex: Longword): Integer;
- begin
- Result := ((VertexFormat shr 8) and $FFFF) shr (TextureSetIndex*2) and 3 + 1;
- end;
- function GetVertexWeightsCount(VertexFormat: Longword): Integer;
- begin
- Result := (VertexFormat shr 28) and $7;
- end;
- function GetVertexIndexedBlending(VertexFormat: Longword): Boolean;
- begin
- Result := (GetVertexWeightsCount(VertexFormat) > 0) and ((VertexFormat shr 28) and vwIndexedBlending > 0);
- end;
- procedure ConvertVertices(SrcFormat, DestFormat: Longword; TotalVertices: Integer; Src: Pointer; Dest: Pointer);
- type TVBuf = array[0..$FFFFFF] of Byte;
- const
- veiNorm = 0; veiDiff = 1; veiSpec = 2; veiWeight = 3; veiTex = 4;
- riSrc = 0; riDest = 1;
- elSize = 4; // Element size (float)
- var
- SVSize, DVSize, i: Integer; CoordsSize: Cardinal;
- EOffset: array[riSrc..riDest, veiNorm..veiTex] of Integer;
- // vfiXYZ = 0; vfiWEIGHT1 = 1; vfiWEIGHT2 = 2; vfiWEIGHT3 = 3; vfiNORM = 4; vfiPointSize = 5; vfiDIFF = 6; vfiSPEC = 7;
- // vfiTEX0 = 8; vfiTEX1 = 9; vfiTEX2 = 10; vfiTEX3 = 11; vfiTEX4 = 12; vfiTEX5 = 13; vfiTEX6 = 14; v
- procedure CalcOffsets(Format, Res: Cardinal);
- begin
- EOffset[Res, veiNorm] := MaxI(0, GetVertexElementOffset(Format, vfiNorm));
- EOffset[Res, veiDiff] := MaxI(0, GetVertexElementOffset(Format, vfiDiff));
- EOffset[Res, veiSpec] := MaxI(0, GetVertexElementOffset(Format, vfiSpec));
- EOffset[Res, veiWeight] := MaxI(0, GetVertexElementOffset(Format, vfiWeight1));
- EOffset[Res, veiTex] := MaxI(0, GetVertexElementOffset(Format, vfiTex0));
- end;
- function GetTextureSetsSize(Format: Longword): Integer;
- var i: Integer;
- begin
- Result := 0;
- for i := 0 to GetVertexTextureSetsCount(Format)-1 do Inc(Result, GetVertexTextureCoordsCount(Format, i) * elSize);
- end;
- begin
- CalcOffsets(SrcFormat, riSrc);
- CalcOffsets(DestFormat, riDest);
- SVSize := GetVertexSize(SrcFormat);
- DVSize := GetVertexSize(DestFormat);
- CoordsSize := 3*ElSize; // XYZ compoments
- if VertexContains(SrcFormat, vfTransformed) and VertexContains(DestFormat, vfTransformed) then CoordsSize := 4*ElSize;
- if TotalVertices > 0 then FillChar(Dest^, TotalVertices * DVSize, 0);
- for i := 0 to TotalVertices-1 do begin
- Move(TVBuf(Src^)[i*SVSize], TVBuf(Dest^)[i*DVSize], CoordsSize);
- // Move weights
- Move(TVBuf(Src^)[i*SVSize + EOffset[riSrc, veiWeight]], TVBuf(Dest^)[i*DVSize + EOffset[riDest, veiWeight]],
- MinI(GetVertexWeightsCount(SrcFormat) + Ord(GetVertexIndexedBlending(SrcFormat)),
- GetVertexWeightsCount(DestFormat) + Ord(GetVertexIndexedBlending(DestFormat)) ) * ElSize);
- if VertexContains(SrcFormat, vfNormals) and VertexContains(DestFormat, vfNormals) then
- Move(TVBuf(Src^)[i*SVSize + EOffset[riSrc, veiNorm]], TVBuf(Dest^)[i*DVSize + EOffset[riDest, veiNorm]], 3*ElSize);
- if VertexContains(SrcFormat, vfDiffuse) and VertexContains(DestFormat, vfDiffuse) then
- Move(TVBuf(Src^)[i*SVSize + EOffset[riSrc, veiDiff]], TVBuf(Dest^)[i*DVSize + EOffset[riDest, veiDiff]], ElSize);
- if VertexContains(SrcFormat, vfSpecular) and VertexContains(DestFormat, vfSpecular) then
- Move(TVBuf(Src^)[i*SVSize + EOffset[riSrc, veiSpec]], TVBuf(Dest^)[i*DVSize + EOffset[riDest, veiSpec]], ElSize);
- Move(TVBuf(Src^)[i*SVSize + EOffset[riSrc, veiTex]], TVBuf(Dest^)[i*DVSize + EOffset[riDest, veiTex]],
- MinI(GetTextureSetsSize(SrcFormat), GetTextureSetsSize(DestFormat)));
- end;
- end;
- { TLookAtCamera }
- procedure TLookAtCamera.SetRange(const Value: Single);
- begin
- FRange := Value;
- Position := SubVector3s(FLookTarget, ScaleVector3s(ForwardVector, Exp(FRange)));
- end;
- procedure TLookAtCamera.SetFixedUp(const Value: Boolean);
- begin
- FFixedUp := Value;
- if Value then FixedUpVector := UpVector;
- end;
- procedure TLookAtCamera.SetLookTarget(const Value: TVector3s);
- begin
- FLookTarget := Value;
- SetRange(Range);
- end;
- procedure TLookAtCamera.ComputeTransform;
- begin
- inherited;
- SetRange(Range);
- // inherited;
- end;
- {function TLookAtCamera.GetPosition: TVector3s;
- begin
- Result := inherited GetPosition;
- Result := SubVector3s(Result, ScaleVector3s(ForwardVector, Exp(FRange)));
- end;}
- procedure TLookAtCamera.AddProperties(const Result: Props.TProperties);
- begin
- inherited;
- if not Assigned(Result) then Exit;
- Result.Add('Range', vtSingle, [], FloatToStr(FRange), '');
- Result.Add('Fixed up vector', vtBoolean, [], OnOffStr[FixedUp], '');
- AddVector3sProperty(Result, 'Target', FLookTarget);
- end;
- procedure TLookAtCamera.SetProperties(Properties: Props.TProperties);
- begin
- inherited;
- if Properties.Valid('Range') then FRange := StrToFloatDef(Properties['Range'], 0);
- if Properties.Valid('Fixed up vector') then FixedUp := Properties.GetAsInteger('Fixed up vector') > 0;
- if SetVector3sProperty(Properties, 'Target', FLookTarget) then SetLookTarget(FLookTarget);
- end;
- procedure TLookAtCamera.Move(XD, YD, ZD: Single);
- begin
- LookTarget := AddVector3s(LookTarget, AddVector3s(AddVector3s(ScaleVector3s(RightVector, XD), ScaleVector3s(UpVector, YD)), ScaleVector3s(ForwardVector, ZD)));
- end;
- { TTessBBoxUpdateMsg }
- constructor TTessBBoxUpdateMsg.Create(ATesselator: TTesselator);
- begin
- Tesselator := ATesselator;
- end;
- { TTesselator }
- procedure TTesselator.InvalidateBoundingBox;
- begin
- if Assigned(Manager) then Manager.SendMessage(TTessBBoxUpdateMsg.Create(Self), nil, [mfBroadcast]);
- end;
- constructor TTesselator.Create;
- var i: TTesselationBuffer;
- begin
- InitVertexFormat(GetVertexFormat(False, True, False, False, False, 0, [2]));
- PrimitiveType := ptTRIANGLELIST;
- for i := Low(TTesselationBuffer) to High(TTesselationBuffer) do begin
- TesselationStatus[i].BufferIndex := -1;
- TesselationStatus[i].Offset := 0;
- TesselationStatus[i].Status := tsChanged;
- TesselationStatus[i].LastResetCounter := 0;
- TesselationStatus[i].LastBufferResetCounter := 0;
- TesselationStatus[i].TesselatorType := ttStatic;
- LastMaxAmount[i] := MaxInt;
- end;
- LastTotalIndices := 0;
- LastTotalVertices := 0;
- TotalIndices := 0;
- IndexingVertices := 0;
- TotalStrips := 1;
- StripOffset := 0;
- VerticesRes := -1;
- IndicesRes := -1;
- CompositeOffset := nil;
- CompositeMember := False;
- CommandBlock := -1;
- CommandBlockValid := False;
- end;
- procedure TTesselator.Init;
- var ParNum: Integer; Par1, Par2: Pointer;
- begin
- ParNum := RetrieveParameters(Par1, False);
- RetrieveParameters(Par2, True);
- if ParNum > 0 then Move(Par1^, Par2^, ParNum * SizeOf(Cardinal)); // Fill internal parameters with public ones
- Invalidate([tbVertex, tbIndex], False);
- end;
- procedure TTesselator.AddProperties(const Result: TProperties; const PropNamePrefix: TNameString);
- begin
- if Assigned(Result) then begin
- Result.Add(PropNamePrefix + 'Manual render', vtBoolean, [], OnOffStr[ManualRender], '');
- end;
- end;
- procedure TTesselator.SetProperties(Properties: TProperties; const PropNamePrefix: TNameString);
- begin
- if Properties.Valid(PropNamePrefix + 'Manual render') then ManualRender := Properties.GetAsInteger(PropNamePrefix + 'Manual render') > 0;
- end;
- procedure TTesselator.InitVertexFormat(Format: Cardinal);
- var i: Integer;
- begin
- FVertexFormat := Format;
- FVertexSize := GetVertexSize(FVertexFormat);
- for i := vfiXYZ to vfiTEX7 do ElementOffs[i] := GetVertexElementOffset(FVertexFormat, i);
- end;
- procedure TTesselator.Invalidate(ABuffer: TTesselationBufferSet; EntireBuffer: Boolean);
- var BType: TTesselationBuffer;
- begin
- for BType := Low(BType) to High(BType) do if BType in ABuffer then
- if TesselationStatus[BType].TesselatorType = ttStatic then begin
- if EntireBuffer then
- TesselationStatus[BType].Status := tsMaxSizeChanged else
- TesselationStatus[BType].Status := tsChanged;
- end;
- CommandBlockValid := False;
- end;
- function TTesselator.GetMaxVertices: Integer;
- begin
- Result := TotalVertices;
- end;
- function TTesselator.GetMaxIndices: Integer;
- begin
- Result := TotalIndices;
- end;
- function TTesselator.GetBoundingBox: TBoundingBox;
- begin
- Result.P1 := GetVector3s(-1, -1, -1);
- Result.P2 := GetVector3s( 1, 1, 1);
- end;
- procedure TTesselator.SetIndex(AValue, AOffset: Integer; AIBuf: Pointer);
- begin
- TWordBuffer(AIBuf^)[AOffset] := AValue;
- end;
- function TTesselator.GetIndex(AOffset: Integer; AIBuf: Pointer): Integer;
- begin
- case IndexSize of
- 2: Result := TWordBuffer(AIBuf^)[AOffset];
- end;
- end;
- function TTesselator.GetVertexDataC(AIndex: Integer; AVBuf: Pointer): TVector3s;
- begin
- Assert(VertexFormat and vfTRANSFORMED = 0, ClassName + '.SetVertexDataC: This call is not allowed with existing vertex format');
- Assert(AIndex < GetMaxVertices, Format('%S.%S: Vertice index (%D) is greater than max vertices (%D)', [ClassName, 'GetVertexDataC', AIndex, GetMaxVertices]));
- {$ENDIF}
- Result := TVector3s(PtrOffs(AVBuf, AIndex * FVertexSize)^);
- end;
- function TTesselator.SetIndices(IBPTR: Pointer): Integer;
- begin
- Result := 0;
- end;
- function TTesselator.Tesselate(const Params: TTesselationParameters; VBPTR: Pointer): Integer;
- begin
- Result := 0;
- LastTotalVertices := TotalVertices;
- end;
- procedure TTesselator.SetVertexDataC(x, y, z: Single; Index: Integer; VBuf: Pointer);
- begin
- Assert(VertexFormat and vfTRANSFORMED = 0, ClassName + '.SetVertexDataC: This call is not allowed with existing vertex format');
- Assert(Index < GetMaxVertices, Format('%S.%S: Vertice index (%D) is greater than max vertices (%D)', [ClassName, 'SetVertexDataC', Index, GetMaxVertices]));
- {$ENDIF}
- TVector3s(Pointer(Integer(VBuf) + Index * FVertexSize)^).X := x;
- TVector3s(Pointer(Integer(VBuf) + Index * FVertexSize)^).Y := y;
- TVector3s(Pointer(Integer(VBuf) + Index * FVertexSize)^).Z := z;
- end;
- procedure TTesselator.SetVertexDataC(const Vec: TVector3s; Index: Integer; VBuf: Pointer);
- begin
- Assert(VertexFormat and vfTRANSFORMED = 0, ClassName + '.SetVertexDataC: This call is not allowed with existing vertex format');
- Assert(Index < GetMaxVertices, Format('%S.%S: Vertice index (%D) is greater than max vertices (%D)', [ClassName, 'SetVertexDataC', Index, GetMaxVertices]));
- {$ENDIF}
- TVector3s(Pointer(Integer(VBuf) + Index * FVertexSize)^) := Vec;
- end;
- procedure TTesselator.SetVertexDataCRHW(x, y, z, RHW: Single; Index: Integer; VBuf: Pointer);
- begin
- Assert(VertexFormat and vfTRANSFORMED = vfTRANSFORMED, ClassName + '.SetVertexDataCRHW: This call is not allowed with existing vertex format');
- TVector4s(Pointer(Integer(VBuf) + Index * FVertexSize)^).X := x;
- TVector4s(Pointer(Integer(VBuf) + Index * FVertexSize)^).Y := y;
- TVector4s(Pointer(Integer(VBuf) + Index * FVertexSize)^).Z := z;
- TVector4s(Pointer(Integer(VBuf) + Index * FVertexSize)^).W := RHW;
- end;
- procedure TTesselator.SetVertexDataD(Color: TColor; Index: Integer; VBuf: Pointer);
- begin
- Assert(VertexFormat and vfDIFFUSE = vfDIFFUSE, ClassName + '.SetVertexDataD: This call is not allowed with existing vertex format');
- Assert(Index < GetMaxVertices, Format('%S.%S: Vertice index (%D) is greater than max vertices (%D)', [ClassName, 'SetVertexDataD', Index, GetMaxVertices]));
- {$ENDIF}
- if RGBA then asm // Swap R and B components in Color
- end;
- TColor(Pointer(Integer(VBuf) + Index * FVertexSize + ElementOffs[vfiDIFF])^) := Color;
- end;
- procedure TTesselator.SetVertexDataN(nx, ny, nz: Single; Index: Integer; VBuf: Pointer);
- begin
- Assert(VertexFormat and vfNORMALS = vfNORMALS, ClassName + '.SetVertexDataN: This call is not allowed with existing vertex format');
- TVector3s(Pointer(Integer(VBuf) + Index * FVertexSize + ElementOffs[vfiNORM])^).X := nx;
- TVector3s(Pointer(Integer(VBuf) + Index * FVertexSize + ElementOffs[vfiNORM])^).Y := ny;
- TVector3s(Pointer(Integer(VBuf) + Index * FVertexSize + ElementOffs[vfiNORM])^).Z := nz;
- end;
- procedure TTesselator.SetVertexDataN(const Vec: TVector3s; Index: Integer; VBuf: Pointer);
- begin
- Assert(VertexFormat and vfNORMALS = vfNORMALS, ClassName + '.SetVertexDataN: This call is not allowed with existing vertex format');
- TVector3s(Pointer(Integer(VBuf) + Index * FVertexSize + ElementOffs[vfiNORM])^) := Vec;
- end;
- procedure TTesselator.SetVertexDataS(Color: TColor; Index: Integer; VBuf: Pointer);
- begin
- Assert(VertexFormat and vfSPECULAR = vfSPECULAR, ClassName + '.SetVertexDataS: This call is not allowed with existing vertex format');
- if RGBA then asm // Swap R and B components in Color
- end;
- TColor(Pointer(Integer(VBuf) + Index * FVertexSize + ElementOffs[vfiSPEC])^) := Color;
- end;
- procedure TTesselator.SetVertexDataUV(u, v: Single; Index: Integer; VBuf: Pointer);
- begin
- Assert(GetVertexElementOffset(VertexFormat, vfiTEX0) <> -1, ClassName + '.SetVertexDataUV: This call is not allowed with existing vertex format');
- Single(Pointer(Integer(VBuf) + Index * FVertexSize + ElementOffs[vfiTEX0])^) := u;
- Single(Pointer(Integer(VBuf) + Index * FVertexSize + ElementOffs[vfiTEX0] + 4)^) := v;
- end;
- procedure TTesselator.SetVertexDataUV3(u, v, w: Single; Index: Integer; VBuf: Pointer);
- begin
- Assert(GetVertexElementOffset(VertexFormat, vfiTEX0) <> -1, ClassName + '.SetVertexDataUV: This call is not allowed with existing vertex format');
- Single(Pointer(Integer(VBuf) + Index * FVertexSize + ElementOffs[vfiTEX0])^) := u;
- Single(Pointer(Integer(VBuf) + Index * FVertexSize + ElementOffs[vfiTEX0] + 4)^) := v;
- Single(Pointer(Integer(VBuf) + Index * FVertexSize + ElementOffs[vfiTEX0] + 8)^) := w;
- end;
- procedure TTesselator.SetVertexData2UV(u, v: Single; Index: Integer; VBuf: Pointer);
- begin
- Assert(GetVertexElementOffset(VertexFormat, vfiTEX1) <> -1, ClassName + '.SetVertexDataUV2: This call is not allowed with existing vertex format');
- Single(Pointer(Integer(VBuf) + Index * FVertexSize + ElementOffs[vfiTEX1])^) := u;
- Single(Pointer(Integer(VBuf) + Index * FVertexSize + ElementOffs[vfiTEX1] + 4)^) := v;
- end;
- procedure TTesselator.SetVertexDataW(w: Single; Index: Integer; VBuf: Pointer);
- begin
- Assert(GetVertexElementOffset(VertexFormat, vfiWEIGHT1) <> -1, ClassName + '.SetVertexDataW: This call is not allowed with existing vertex format');
- Single(Pointer(Integer(VBuf) + Index * FVertexSize + ElementOffs[vfiWEIGHT1])^) := w;
- end;
- function TTesselator.Validate: Boolean;
- var i, MaxVertices, LTotalIndices: Integer; IBuf: Pointer;
- begin
- Result := True;
- if GetMaxIndices = 0 then Exit;
- GetMem(IBuf, GetMaxIndices * IndexSize);
- MaxVertices := GetMaxVertices;
- LTotalIndices := SetIndices(IBuf);
- i := 0;
- while (i < LTotalIndices) and (TWordBuffer(IBuf^)[i] < MaxVertices) do Inc(i);
- if (i < LTotalIndices) then begin
- {$IFDEF LOGGING} Log.Log(Format('%S.%S: Index #%D = %D (exceedes total vertices = %D)', [ClassName, 'Validate', i, TWordBuffer(IBuf^)[i], MaxVertices]), lkWarning); {$ENDIF}
- Result := False;
- end;
- FreeMem(IBuf);
- end;
- function TTesselator.GetUpdatedElements(Buffer: TTesselationBuffer; const Params: TTesselationParameters): Integer;
- begin
- Result := 0;
- case Buffer of
- tbVertex: Result := TotalVertices * Ord(TesselationStatus[Buffer].Status <> tsTesselated);
- tbIndex: Result := TotalIndices * Ord(TesselationStatus[Buffer].Status <> tsTesselated);
- end;
- end;
- function TTesselator.GetMaxAmount(Buffer: TTesselationBuffer): Integer;
- begin
- case Buffer of
- tbVertex: Result := GetMaxVertices;
- tbIndex: Result := GetMaxIndices;
- else Result := 0;
- end;
- LastMaxAmount[Buffer] := Result;
- { Assert((TesselationStatus[Buffer].TesselatorType <> ttStatic) or (Result <= LastMaxAmount[Buffer]),
- Format('%S.%S: Maximum amount of vertices or indices should not increase for tesselators placed in a static buffer',
- [ClassName, 'GetMaxAmount']));
- Result := Result * Ord((TesselationStatus[Buffer].TesselatorType <> ttStatic) or (Result <= LastMaxAmount[Buffer]));}
- end;
- procedure TTesselator.DoManualRender(Item: TItem);
- begin
- end;
- { TVisible }
- constructor TVisible.Create(AManager: TItemsManager);
- begin
- inherited;
- FState := FState + [isVisible];
- BlendMatrices := nil;
- IndexInPass := nil;
- SetLength(FTesselators, 1);
- FTesselatorKind := tkOwn;
- // SetMesh;
- end;
- destructor TVisible.Destroy;
- begin
- BlendMatrices := nil;
- IndexInPass := nil;
- inherited;
- end;
- class function TVisible.IsAbstract: Boolean;
- begin
- Result := Self = TVisible;
- end;
- function TVisible.GetTesselatorClass: CTesselator;
- begin
- Result := nil;
- end;
- procedure TVisible.HandleMessage(const Msg: TMessage);
- var i: Integer; OldCurTechnique: TTechnique;
- begin
- inherited;
- if Msg.ClassType = TSceneLoadedMsg then begin
- GetMaterial;
- end else if Msg.ClassType = TTechniqueModificationBeginMsg then begin
- if TTechniqueModificationBeginMsg(Msg).Item = FCurTechnique then
- RemoveFromPasses;
- end else if Msg.ClassType = TTechniqueModificationEndMsg then begin
- if TTechniqueModificationBeginMsg(Msg).Item = FCurTechnique then begin
- OldCurTechnique := FCurTechnique;
- SetCurTechnique(nil);
- SetCurTechnique(OldCurTechnique);
- end;
- { end else if Msg.ClassType = TParentStateChangeMsg then with TParentStateChangeMsg(Msg) do begin
- if not (isVisible in OldValue) and (isVisible in NewValue) then DoShow;
- if (isVisible in OldValue) and not (isVisible in NewValue) then DoHide;}
- end else if Msg.ClassType = ItemMsg.TReplaceMsg then begin
- with ItemMsg.TReplaceMsg(Msg) do if (OldItem = Self) then begin
- if VisibilityFlag then RemoveFromPasses;
- if NewItem is TVisible then begin
- SetLength(TVisible(NewItem).BlendMatrices, Length(BlendMatrices));
- for i := 0 to High(TVisible(NewItem).BlendMatrices) do TVisible(NewItem).BlendMatrices[i] := BlendMatrices[i];
- BlendMatrices := nil;
- // TVisible(NewItem).DoShow;
- end;
- end;
- end else if Msg.ClassType = C2Msg.TValidationResultChangedMsg then begin
- if TValidationResultChangedMsg(Msg).Item = Material then SetCurrentLOD(CurrentLOD);
- end else if Msg.ClassType = TTessBBoxUpdateMsg then begin
- if TTessBBoxUpdateMsg(Msg).Tesselator = FCurrentTesselator then
- BoundingBox := TTessBBoxUpdateMsg(Msg).Tesselator.GetBoundingBox;
- end;
- end;
- function TVisible.isParentsVisible: Boolean;
- // Returns True if isVisible state is on for the item and all its predecessors which are TVisible
- var Item: TItem;
- begin
- Item := Self.Parent;
- while Assigned(Item) and
- ( not (Item is TVisible) or (isVisible in Item.State) ) do
- Item := Item.Parent;
- Result := not Assigned(Item);
- end;
- function TVisible.isActuallyVisible: Boolean;
- begin
- Result := (isVisible in State) and isParentsVisible;
- end;
- procedure TVisible.OnInit;
- begin
- inherited;
- SetMesh;
- end;
- procedure TVisible.OnSceneAdd;
- begin
- inherited;
- if Assigned(IndexInPass) and (IndexInPass[0] = -1) then AddToPasses;
- end;
- procedure TVisible.OnSceneRemove;
- begin
- inherited;
- RemoveFromPasses;
- end;
- procedure TVisible.Show;
- begin
- State := FState + [isVisible];
- end;
- procedure TVisible.Hide;
- begin
- State := FState - [isVisible];
- end;
- procedure TVisible.RetrieveShaderConstants(var ConstList: TShaderConstants);
- begin
- ConstList := nil;
- end;
- function TVisible.CalcSortValue(const Camera: TCamera): Single;
- begin
- SortValue := SqrMagnitude(SubVector3s(Camera.GetAbsLocation, GetAbsLocation));
- Result := SortValue;
- end;
- procedure TVisible.SetMesh;
- procedure SetTesselator(var Tess: TTesselator);
- var NewTesselator: TTesselator;
- begin
- Assert(GetTesselatorClass() <> nil);
- if GetTesselatorClass() = nil then Exit;
- if Assigned(Tess) then begin
- if Tess.RefCount > 1 then begin // tesselator defined and used by another item. Duplication may need.
- Tess.DecRef;
- if GetTesselatorClass() = Tess.ClassType then
- Tess := (FManager as CAST2.TBaseCore).TesselatorManager.FindSameItem(Tess) as TTesselator
- else
- Tess := nil;
- end else if GetTesselatorClass() <> Tess.ClassType then Tess := nil;
- end;
- if not Assigned(Tess) then begin
- NewTesselator := GetTesselatorClass.Create; // Create a new tesselator
- Tess := (FManager as CAST2.TBaseCore).TesselatorManager.AddItem(NewTesselator) as TTesselator; // Try to add it to manager
- if Tess <> NewTesselator then NewTesselator.Free; // Release it if the same found in manager
- end;
- (* if (Tess <> nil) then begin
- if Tess.RefCount > 1 then begin // tesselator defined and used by another item. Duplication may need.
- Tess.DecRef;
- Tess := (FManager as CAST2.TBaseCore).TesselatorManager.FindSameItem(Tess) as TTesselator;
- if Tess = nil then Tess := GetTesselatorClass.Create;
- end;
- end else if (GetTesselatorClass <> nil) then begin
- NewTesselator := GetTesselatorClass.Create; // Create a new tesselator
- Tess := (FManager as CAST2.TBaseCore).TesselatorManager.AddItem(NewTesselator) as TTesselator; // Try to add it to manager
- if Tess <> NewTesselator then NewTesselator.Free; // Release it if the same found in manager
- end;*)
- if Tess <> nil then begin
- Tess.Manager := FManager;
- Tess.Init;
- end;
- end;
- var i: Integer;
- begin
- if (FManager = nil) or (FManager.Root = nil) then Exit;
- Assert(High(FTesselators) >= 0);
- if GetTesselatorClass <> nil then begin
- for i := 0 to High(FTesselators) do begin
- // if GetTesselatorClass <> FTesselators[i].ClassType then FTesselators[i] := nil;
- SetTesselator(FTesselators[i]);
- end;
- FCurrentTesselator := FTesselators[0];
- end;
- // SetTesselator(FCurrentTesselator);
- if Assigned(FCurrentTesselator) then BoundingBox := FCurrentTesselator.GetBoundingBox;
- end;
- procedure TVisible.SetCurrentLOD(const Value: Single);
- var Tech: TTechnique;
- begin
- FCurrentLOD := Value;
- Tech := Material.GetTechniqueByLOD(Value);
- if Tech <> FCurTechnique then SetCurTechnique(Tech);
- end;
- procedure TVisible.AddProperties(const Result: Props.TProperties);
- var i: Integer;
- begin
- inherited;
- AddItemLink(Result, 'Material', [], 'TMaterial');
- if Assigned(CurrentTesselator) then CurrentTesselator.AddProperties(Result, '');
- for i := 0 to High(FTesselators) do if Assigned(FTesselators[i]) then
- FTesselators[i].AddProperties(Result, 'Tesselator #' + IntToStr(i) + '');
- end;
- procedure TVisible.SetProperties(Properties: Props.TProperties);
- var i: Integer;
- begin
- inherited;
- if Properties.Valid('Material') then SetLinkProperty('Material', Properties['Material']);
- GetMaterial;
- if Assigned(CurrentTesselator) then CurrentTesselator.SetProperties(Properties, '');
- for i := 0 to High(FTesselators) do if Assigned(FTesselators[i]) then
- FTesselators[i].SetProperties(Properties, 'Tesselator #' + IntToStr(i) + '');
- end;
- function TVisible.VisibilityCheck(const Camera: TCamera): Boolean;
- var d: Single; LOD: Integer;
- begin
- Result := Camera.IsSpehereVisible(GetAbsLocation, BoundingSphereRadius) <> fcOutside;
- if Result then begin
- d := Sqrt(SqrMagnitude(SubVector3s(Camera.GetAbsLocation, GetAbsLocation)))/Camera.ZFar;
- LOD := ClampI(Round(High(FTesselators) * d), 0, High(FTesselators));
- FCurrentTesselator := FTesselators[LOD];
- end;
- end;
- procedure TVisible.Render;
- begin
- end;
- procedure TVisible.BeginLighting;
- begin
- if Assigned(FCurrentTesselator) then FCurrentTesselator.BeginLighting;
- end;
- function TVisible.CalculateLighting(const ALight: TLight): Boolean;
- var LightToItem: TMatrix4s;
- begin
- Assert(CustomLighting, Format('%S.%S: CustomLighting should be True', [ClassName, 'CalculateLighting']));
- if Assigned(FCurrentTesselator) then begin
- MulMatrix4s(LightToItem, InvertMatrix4s(Transform), ALight.Transform);
- Result := FCurrentTesselator.CalculateLighting(ALight, LightToItem);
- end else Result := False;
- end;
- procedure TVisible.AddToPasses;
- var i: Integer;
- begin
- if not isActuallyVisible then Exit;
- case TesselatorKind of
- tkOwn: if FCurTechnique <> nil then for i := 0 to FCurTechnique.TotalPasses-1 do begin
- Assert(IndexInPass[i] = -1, ClassName + '("' + GetFullName + '").DoShow: IndexInPass should be -1');
- if (IndexInPass[i] = -1) and (FCurTechnique.Passes[i] <> nil) then IndexInPass[i] := FCurTechnique.Passes[i].AddItem(Self);
- end;
- tkShared: ((FManager as CAST2.TBaseCore).SharedTesselators as TSharedTesselators).AddItem(Self);
- end;
- end;
- procedure TVisible.RemoveFromPasses;
- var i: Integer;
- begin
- case TesselatorKind of
- tkOwn: if FCurTechnique <> nil then for i := 0 to High(IndexInPass) do begin
- if IndexInPass[i] <> -1 then begin
- Assert((FCurTechnique.Passes[i].Items[IndexInPass[i]] = Self), ClassName + '("' + GetFullName + '").DoHide: Item do not match');
- if FCurTechnique.Passes[i].RemoveItem(IndexInPass[i]) then
- TVisible(FCurTechnique.Passes[i].Items[IndexInPass[i]]).IndexInPass[i] := IndexInPass[i]; // ToDo: try to remove
- IndexInPass[i] := -1;
- end;
- end;
- tkShared: if Assigned((FManager as CAST2.TBaseCore).SharedTesselators) then
- ((FManager as CAST2.TBaseCore).SharedTesselators as TSharedTesselators).RemoveItem(Self);
- end;
- end;
- procedure TVisible.DoShow;
- begin
- VisibilityFlag := True;
- AddToPasses;
- end;
- procedure TVisible.DoHide;
- begin
- VisibilityFlag := False;
- RemoveFromPasses;
- end;
- procedure TVisible.SetState(const Value: TSet32);
- procedure PropagateToChilds(Item: TItem; NewState: Boolean);
- var i: Integer;
- begin
- for i := 0 to Item.TotalChilds-1 do begin
- if (Item.Childs[i] is TVisible) then
- // if (TVisible(Item.Childs[i]).VisibilityFlag = NewState) then Continue else begin // No neeed to propagate
- if NewState then TVisible(Item.Childs[i]).DoShow else TVisible(Item.Childs[i]).DoHide;
- // end;
- PropagateToChilds(Item.Childs[i], NewState);
- end;
- end;
- var OldState: TItemFlags;
- begin
- OldState := State;
- inherited;
- if isParentsVisible then begin
- if not (isVisible in OldState) and (isVisible in Value) then begin
- DoShow;
- PropagateToChilds(Self, True);
- end;
- if (isVisible in OldState) and not (isVisible in Value) then begin
- DoHide;
- PropagateToChilds(Self, False);
- end;
- end;
- end;
- function TVisible.GetMaterial: TMaterial;
- var LMaterial: TMaterial; Item: TItem;
- begin
- if ResolveLink('Material', Item) then ;
- if Assigned(Item) then begin
- LMaterial := Item as TMaterial;
- SetCurTechnique(LMaterial.GetTechniqueByLOD(CurrentLOD));
- end;
- Result := Item as TMaterial;
- end;
- procedure TVisible.SetMaterial(Value: TMaterial);
- begin
- SetLinkedObject('Material', Value);
- end;
- procedure TVisible.SetCurTechnique(const Value: TTechnique);
- begin
- if FCurTechnique = Value then Exit;
- RemoveFromPasses;
- FCurTechnique := Value;
- if Assigned(FCurTechnique) and (FCurTechnique.TotalPasses > Length(IndexInPass)) then begin
- SetLength(IndexInPass, FCurTechnique.TotalPasses);
- FillDWord(IndexInPass[0], FCurTechnique.TotalPasses, Cardinal(-1));
- end;
- AddToPasses;
- end;
- procedure TVisible.SetTesselatorKind(const Value: TTesselatorKind);
- begin
- if FTesselatorKind = Value then Exit;
- RemoveFromPasses;
- FTesselatorKind := Value;
- AddToPasses;
- end;
- procedure TVisible.SetParent(NewParent: TItem);
- begin
- // if isActuallyVisible then DoHide;
- inherited;
- // if isActuallyVisible then DoShow;
- end;
- { TTemporaryVisible }
- function TTemporaryVisible.VisibilityCheck(const Camera: TCamera): Boolean;
- begin
- Result := True;
- end;
- procedure TTemporaryVisible.Clear;
- var i: Integer;
- begin
- for i := FTotalChilds-1 downto 0 do TVisible(Childs[i]).ClearParent;
- FTotalChilds := 0;
- end;
- constructor TTemporaryVisible.Create(AManager: TItemsManager);
- begin
- inherited;
- end;
- destructor TTemporaryVisible.Destroy;
- begin
- Clear;
- inherited;
- end;
- { TSharedTesselators }
- function TSharedTesselators.GetItemIndex(const AItem: TVisible): Integer;
- begin
- Result := TotalItems-1;
- while (Result >= 0) and (Items[Result] <> AItem) do Dec(Result);
- end;
- function TSharedTesselators.GetTesselatorIndex(const TessClass: CTesselator): Integer;
- begin
- Result := High(TessClasses);
- while (Result >= 0) and (TessClasses[Result].TessClass <> TessClass) do Dec(Result);
- end;
- function TSharedTesselators.AddTesselatorClass(const TessClass: CTesselator): Integer;
- begin
- Assert(GetTesselatorIndex(TessClass) = -1, ClassName + '.AddTesselatorClass: Class already exists');
- Result := Length(TessClasses);
- SetLength(TessClasses, Result+1);
- TessClasses[Result].TessClass := TessClass;
- TessClasses[Result].TessMap := BaseCont.TPointerPointerMap.Create(DefaultTechToItemMapCapacity);
- end;
- function TSharedTesselators.GetTesselator(const TessClass: CTesselator; const Technique: TTechnique): TTesselator;
- var ClassIndex: Integer; Item: TVisible;
- begin
- ClassIndex := GetTesselatorIndex(TessClass);
- if ClassIndex = -1 then ClassIndex := AddTesselatorClass(TessClass);
- Item := TVisible(TessClasses[ClassIndex].TessMap[Technique]);
- if Item = nil then begin
- Item := TTemporaryVisible.Create(Core);
- Item.Name := 'Temp visible';
- Result := TessClass.Create;
- Item.FCurrentTesselator := Result;
- TessClasses[ClassIndex].TessMap[Technique] := Item;
- end else Result := Item.CurrentTesselator;
- end;
- function TSharedTesselators.DrawTechMap(Key, Value: Pointer): Boolean;
- var Technique: TTechnique; Item: TVisible;
- begin
- Result := False;
- if (Key = nil) or (Value = nil) then Exit;
- Technique := TTechnique(Key);
- Item := TVisible(Value);
- Item.SetCurTechnique(Technique);
- Core.TempItems.AddChild(Item);
- end;
- function TSharedTesselators.DelTechMap(Key, Value: Pointer): Boolean;
- begin
- Result := False;
- if (Key = nil) or (Value = nil) then Exit;
- if Assigned(TVisible(Value).CurrentTesselator) then
- TSharedTesselator(TVisible(Value).CurrentTesselator).Clear;
- end;
- function TSharedTesselators.FreeTechMap(Key, Value: Pointer): Boolean;
- begin
- Result := False;
- if (Key = nil) or (Value = nil) then Exit;
- TSharedTesselator(TVisible(Value).CurrentTesselator).Free;
- // Assert(Value <> nil);
- TVisible(Value).Free;
- end;
- procedure TSharedTesselators.AddItem(const AItem: TVisible);
- begin
- Assert(GetItemIndex(AItem) = -1, ClassName + '.AddItem: Item already exists');
- if Length(Items) <= TotalItems then SetLength(Items, Length(Items) + ItemsCapacityStep);
- Items[TotalItems] := AItem;
- SetLength(AItem.IndexInPass, 1);
- AItem.IndexInPass[0] := TotalItems;
- Inc(TotalItems);
- end;
- procedure TSharedTesselators.RemoveItem(const AItem: TVisible);
- var Index: Integer;
- begin
- if AItem.IndexInPass = nil then Exit; { TODO -cDebug : Figure out why RemoveItem can be called when IndexInPass = nil }
- if (AItem.IndexInPass[0] = -1) or (Items[AItem.IndexInPass[0]] = AItem) then Index := AItem.IndexInPass[0] else Index := GetItemIndex(AItem);
- if Index = -1 then Exit;
- Assert(TotalItems > 0, ClassName + '.RemoveItem: No items');
- // Assert(Index <> -1, ClassName + '.RemoveItem: Item not found');
- while Index < TotalItems-1 do begin
- Items[Index] := Items[Index+1];
- Items[Index].IndexInPass[0] := Index;
- Inc(Index);
- end;
- AItem.IndexInPass[0] := -1;
- Dec(TotalItems);
- end;
- procedure TSharedTesselators.Clear;
- begin
- TotalItems := 0;
- end;
- procedure TSharedTesselators.Reset;
- var i: Integer;
- begin
- for i := 0 to High(TessClasses) do TessClasses[i].TessMap.DoForEach({$IFDEF OBJFPCEnable}@{$ENDIF}DelTechMap);
- end;
- procedure TSharedTesselators.Render;
- var i: Integer;
- begin
- // Items[0].Render;
- for i := 0 to TotalItems-1 do Items[i].Render; // Fill tesselators with commands
- for i := 0 to High(TessClasses) do TessClasses[i].TessMap.DoForEach({$IFDEF OBJFPCEnable}@{$ENDIF}DrawTechMap);
- end;
- destructor TSharedTesselators.Destroy;
- var i: Integer;
- begin
- Reset;
- for i := 0 to High(TessClasses) do begin
- TessClasses[i].TessMap.DoForEach({$IFDEF OBJFPCEnable}@{$ENDIF}FreeTechMap);
- FreeAndNil(TessClasses[i].TessMap);
- end;
- Clear;
- Items := nil;
- TessClasses := nil;
- inherited;
- end;
- { TLight }
- constructor TLight.Create(AManager: TItemsManager);
- begin
- inherited;
- Ambient := GetColor4S(0.5, 0.5, 0.5, 0.5);
- Diffuse := GetColor4S(0.5, 0.5, 0.5, 0.5);
- Specular := GetColor4S(0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0);
- Range := 1;
- Theta := pi/4;
- Phi := pi/3;
- GroupMask := gmDefault
- end;
- procedure TLight.AddProperties(const Result: Props.TProperties);
- var i: Integer;
- begin
- inherited;
- if not Assigned(Result) then Exit;
- Result.AddEnumerated('Type', [], Ord(Kind), LightKindsEnum);
- for i := 0 to PassGroupsCount-1 do Result.Add(Format('Pass groupsGroup %D', [i+1]), vtBoolean, [], OnOffStr[i in GroupMask], '');
- AddColor4sProperty(Result, 'ColorAmbient', Ambient);
- AddColor4sProperty(Result, 'ColorDiffuse', Diffuse);
- AddColor4sProperty(Result, 'ColorSpecular', Specular);
- Result.Add('Range', vtSingle, [], FloatToStr(Range), '0-100');
- Result.Add('Falloff', vtSingle, [], FloatToStr(Falloff), '');
- Result.Add('Constant attenuation', vtSingle, [], FloatToStr(Attenuation0), '0-10');
- Result.Add('Linear attenuation', vtSingle, [], FloatToStr(Attenuation1), '0-10');
- Result.Add('Quadratic attenuation', vtSingle, [], FloatToStr(Attenuation2), '0-10');
- Result.Add('Cone inner angle', vtSingle, [], FloatToStr(Theta * 180/pi), '0-180');
- Result.Add('Cone outer angle', vtSingle, [], FloatToStr(Phi * 180/pi), '0-180');
- end;
- procedure TLight.SetProperties(Properties: Props.TProperties);
- var i: Integer;
- begin
- inherited;
- for i := 0 to PassGroupsCount-1 do
- if Properties.Valid(Format('Pass groupsGroup %D', [i+1])) then
- if Properties.GetAsInteger(Format('Pass groupsGroup %D', [i+1])) > 0 then
- GroupMask := GroupMask + [i] else
- GroupMask := GroupMask - [i];
- if Properties.Valid('Type') then Kind := Properties.GetAsInteger('Type');
- SetColor4sProperty(Properties, 'ColorAmbient', Ambient);
- SetColor4sProperty(Properties, 'ColorDiffuse', Diffuse);
- SetColor4sProperty(Properties, 'ColorSpecular', Specular);
- if Properties.Valid('Range') then Range := StrToFloatDef(Properties['Range'], 0);
- if Properties.Valid('Falloff') then Falloff := StrToFloatDef(Properties['Falloff'], 0);
- if Properties.Valid('Constant attenuation') then Attenuation0 := StrToFloatDef(Properties['Constant attenuation'], 0);
- if Properties.Valid('Linear attenuation') then Attenuation1 := StrToFloatDef(Properties['Linear attenuation'], 0);
- if Properties.Valid('Quadratic attenuation') then Attenuation2 := StrToFloatDef(Properties['Quadratic attenuation'], 0);
- if Properties.Valid('Cone inner angle') then Theta := StrToFloatDef(Properties['Cone inner angle'], 0) / 180*pi;
- if Properties.Valid('Cone outer angle') then Phi := StrToFloatDef(Properties['Cone outer angle'], 0) / 180*pi;
- end;
- function TLight.GetEnabled: Boolean;
- begin
- Result := isVisible in FState;
- end;
- procedure TLight.SetEnabled(const Value: Boolean);
- begin
- if Value then FState := FState + [isVisible] else FState := FState - [isVisible];
- end;
- procedure TLight.HandleMessage(const Msg: TMessage);
- begin
- inherited;
- if Msg.ClassType = ItemMsg.TReplaceMsg then with ItemMsg.TReplaceMsg(Msg) do if (OldItem = Self) then begin
- end;
- end;
- procedure TLight.SetState(const Value: TSet32);
- begin
- if not (isVisible in FState) and (isVisible in Value) then Enabled := True;
- if (isVisible in FState) and not (isVisible in Value) then Enabled := False;
- inherited;
- end;
- { TMappedTesselator }
- function TMappedTesselator.GetBoundingBox: TBoundingBox;
- begin
- Result := EmptyBoundingBox;
- if not Assigned(FMap) or (FMap.Width = 0) or (FMap.Height = 0) then Exit;
- Result.P1 := GetVector3s(-(FMap.Width-1) * FMap.CellWidthScale * 0.5,
- 0,
- -(FMap.Height-1) * FMap.CellHeightScale * 0.5);
- Result.P2 := GetVector3s( (FMap.Width-1) * FMap.CellWidthScale * 0.5,
- FMap.MaxHeight * FMap.DepthScale,
- (FMap.Height-1) * FMap.CellHeightScale * 0.5);
- end;
- procedure TMappedTesselator.SetMap(const AMap: TMap);
- begin
- FMap := AMap;
- end;
- function TMappedTesselator.GetMaxVertices: Integer;
- begin
- Result := 0;
- if not Assigned(FMap) then Exit;
- // Result := (FMap.Width) * (FMap.Height);
- if (FMap.Width <> OldWidth) or (FMap.Height <> OldHeight) or
- (FMap.CellWidthScale <> OldCellWidthScale) or (FMap.CellHeightScale <> OldCellHeightScale) or
- (FMap.DepthScale <> OldDepthScale) then Init;
- Result := inherited GetMaxVertices;
- end;
- procedure TMappedTesselator.Init;
- begin
- inherited;
- if Assigned(FMap) then begin
- OldWidth := FMap.Width;
- OldHeight := FMap.Height;
- OldCellWidthScale := FMap.CellWidthScale;
- OldCellHeightScale := FMap.CellHeightScale;
- OldDepthScale := FMap.DepthScale;
- end else begin
- TotalVertices := 0;
- TotalIndices := 0;
- TotalPrimitives := 0;
- end;
- InvalidateBoundingBox;
- Invalidate([tbVertex, tbIndex], True);
- end;
- { TMappedItem }
- const MapPropName = 'Map';
- procedure TMappedItem.ResolveLinks;
- var i: Integer; Item: TItem;
- begin
- inherited;
- ResolveLink(MapPropName, Item);
- if Assigned(Item) then begin
- FMap := Item as C2Maps.TMap;
- for i := 0 to High(FTesselators) do if FTesselators[i] is TMappedTesselator then begin
- (FTesselators[i] as TMappedTesselator).SetMap(Item as C2Maps.TMap);
- FTesselators[i].Init;
- end;
- end;
- end;
- procedure TMappedItem.OnModify(const ARect: TRect);
- begin
- end;
- class function TMappedItem.IsAbstract: Boolean;
- begin
- Result := Self = TMappedItem;
- end;
- procedure TMappedItem.SetMesh;
- begin
- inherited;
- (CurrentTesselator as TMappedTesselator).Item := Self;
- end;
- procedure TMappedItem.AddProperties(const Result: Props.TProperties);
- begin
- inherited;
- if Assigned(Result) then begin
- end;
- AddItemLink(Result, MapPropName, [], 'TMap');
- end;
- procedure TMappedItem.SetProperties(Properties: Props.TProperties);
- begin
- inherited;
- if Properties.Valid(MapPropName) then SetLinkProperty(MapPropName, Properties[MapPropName]);
- ResolveLinks;
- end;
- procedure TMappedItem.HandleMessage(const Msg: TMessage);
- begin
- inherited;
- if Msg.ClassType = TMapDrawCursorMsg then with TMapDrawCursorMsg(Msg) do DrawCursor(Cursor, Cursor.Camera, Cursor.Screen);
- if Msg.ClassType = TMapModifyBeginMsg then with TMapEditorMessage(Msg) do ModifyBegin(Cursor, Cursor.Camera);
- if Msg.ClassType = TMapModifyMsg then with TMapEditorMessage(Msg) do Modify(Cursor, Cursor.Camera);
- if Msg.ClassType = TMapModifyEndMsg then with TMapEditorMessage(Msg) do ModifyEnd(Cursor, Cursor.Camera);
- if Msg.ClassType = TRequestMapEditVisuals then with TRequestMapEditVisuals(Msg) do begin
- Cursor.Params.Add('Size', vtNat, [], '1', '1-64', '');
- Cursor.Params.AddEnumerated('Mode', [], 0, 'Heights&Smooth');
- end;
- {$ENDIF}
- if (Msg.ClassType = TItemModifiedMsg) and (TItemModifiedMsg(Msg).Item = Map) then CurrentTesselator.Invalidate([tbVertex, tbIndex], False);
- end;
- function TMappedItem.PickCell(Camera: TCamera; MouseX, MouseY: Integer; out CellX, CellZ: Integer): Boolean;
- var CameraPos, PickRay, PickPos: TVector3s; M: TMatrix4s;
- begin
- Result := False;
- if not Assigned(FMap) then Exit;
- // Transform camera position and pick ray to model space
- M := InvertMatrix4s(Transform);
- CameraPos := Transform4Vector33s(M, Camera.Position);
- PickRay := Camera.GetPickRay(MouseX, MouseY);
- PickRay := Transform3Vector3s(CutMatrix3s(InvertAffineMatrix4s(Camera.ViewMatrix)), PickRay);
- PickRay.Y := PickRay.Y;
- PickRay := NormalizeVector3s(Transform3Vector3s(CutMatrix3s(M), PickRay));
- Result := FMap.TraceRay(CameraPos, PickRay, PickPos);
- if Result then Map.ObtainCell(PickPos.X, PickPos.Z, CellX, CellZ);
- end;
- function TMappedItem.DrawCursor(Cursor: TMapCursor; Camera: TCamera; Screen: TScreen): Boolean;
- procedure DrawCell(CellX, CellZ: Integer);
- function CalcLinePos: TVector3s;
- begin
- Result.X := (CellX - (FMap.Width -1) * 0.5) * FMap.CellWidthScale;
- Result.Y := FMap[CellX, CellZ] * FMap.DepthScale;
- Result.Z := (CellZ - (FMap.Height-1) * 0.5) * FMap.CellHeightScale;
- Result := Transform4Vector33s(Transform, Result);
- end;
- begin
- if (CellX < 1) or (CellZ < 1) or (CellX > FMap.Width-2) or (CellZ > FMap.Height-2) then Exit;
- Screen.MoveToVec(Camera.Project(CalcLinePos).xyz);
- Inc(CellX);
- Screen.LineToVec(Camera.Project(CalcLinePos).xyz);
- Inc(CellZ);
- Screen.LineToVec(Camera.Project(CalcLinePos).xyz);
- Dec(CellX);
- Screen.LineToVec(Camera.Project(CalcLinePos).xyz);
- Dec(CellZ);
- Screen.LineToVec(Camera.Project(CalcLinePos).xyz);
- end;
- procedure DrawCursorAt(CellX, CellZ, Size: Integer);
- var i, j: Integer;
- begin
- // Screen.MoveTo(0, 0);
- // Screen.LineTo(0, 0);
- for i := CellX - Size div 2 to CellX + Size div 2 do
- for j := CellZ - Size div 2 to CellZ + Size div 2 do DrawCell(i, j);
- end;
- begin
- Result := False;
- if not Assigned(FMap) or not EditMode and not PickCell(Camera, Cursor.MouseX, Cursor.MouseY, EditCellX, EditCellZ) then Exit;
- DrawCursorAt(EditCellX, EditCellZ, Cursor.Params.GetAsInteger('Size'));
- Result := True;
- end;
- procedure TMappedItem.ModifyBegin(Cursor: TMapCursor; Camera: TCamera);
- var Op: THeighTMapEditOp;
- begin
- if FMap.Data = nil then Exit;
- EditMouseX := Cursor.MouseX;
- EditMouseY := Cursor.MouseY;
- EditCursorSize := ClampI(Cursor.Params.GetAsInteger('Size'), 1, MaxCursorSize);
- case Cursor.Params.GetAsInteger('Mode') of
- hmemSmooth: begin
- EditMode := True;
- Modify(Cursor, Camera);
- Exit;
- end;
- end;
- if PickCell(Camera, Cursor.MouseX, Cursor.MouseY, EditCellX, EditCellZ) then begin
- EditMode := True;
- case Cursor.Params.GetAsInteger('Mode') of
- hmemAdjust: begin
- Op := THeighTMapEditOpAdjust.Create;
- Include(Op.Flags, ofIntermediate);
- Cursor.Operation := Op;
- end;
- end;
- end else EditMode := False;
- end;
- procedure TMappedItem.Modify(Cursor: TMapCursor; Camera: TCamera);
- var Op: THeighTMapEditOp;
- begin
- if not EditMode or (FMap.Data = nil) then Exit;
- case Cursor.Params.GetAsInteger('Mode') of
- hmemAdjust: begin
- Assert(Cursor.Operation is THeighTMapEditOpAdjust);
- with THeighTMapEditOpAdjust(Cursor.Operation) do begin
- OnModify(GetRect(EditCellX - EditCursorSize, EditCellZ - EditCursorSize, EditCellX + EditCursorSize+1, EditCellZ + EditCursorSize+1));
- Apply; // Undo previous iteration
- Init(FMap, EditCellX, EditCellZ, EditCursorSize, Cursor.MouseY - EditMouseY);
- end;
- end;
- hmemSmooth: if PickCell(Camera, Cursor.MouseX, Cursor.MouseY, EditCellX, EditCellZ) then begin
- Op := THeighTMapEditOpSmooth.Create;
- if Op.Init(FMap, EditCellX, EditCellZ, EditCursorSize, Cursor.MouseY - EditMouseY) then
- Cursor.Operation := Op else
- Op.Free;
- OnModify(GetRect(EditCellX - EditCursorSize, EditCellZ - EditCursorSize, EditCellX + EditCursorSize+1, EditCellZ + EditCursorSize+1));
- end;
- else Assert(False);
- end;
- end;
- procedure TMappedItem.ModifyEnd(Cursor: TMapCursor; Camera: TCamera);
- begin
- EditMode := False;
- case Cursor.Params.GetAsInteger('Mode') of
- hmemAdjust: begin
- Assert(Cursor.Operation is THeighTMapEditOpAdjust);
- with THeighTMapEditOpAdjust(Cursor.Operation) do begin
- Apply; // Undo previous iteration
- if Init(FMap, EditCellX, EditCellZ, EditCursorSize, Cursor.MouseY - EditMouseY) then
- Exclude(Cursor.Operation.Flags, ofIntermediate) else
- FreeAndNil(Cursor.Operation);
- end;
- end;
- else OnModify(GetRect(EditCellX - EditCursorSize, EditCellZ - EditCursorSize, EditCellX + EditCursorSize+1, EditCellZ + EditCursorSize+1));
- end;
- end;
- {$ENDIF}
- { THeighTMapEditOpAdjust }
- function THeighTMapEditOpAdjust.Init(AMap: TMap; ACellX, ACellZ, ACursorSize: Integer; AValueDelta: Single): Boolean;
- var i, j, StartI, StartJ, OfsI, OfsJ: Integer; Value, norm: Single;
- begin
- Result := False;
- if (ACursorSize = 0) or not Assigned(AMap) or (Abs(AValueDelta) < epsilon) then Exit;
- Scale := -1;
- Map := AMap;
- CellX := ACellX;
- CellZ := ACellZ;
- CursorSize := ACursorSize;
- GetMem(Buffer, CursorSize * CursorSize * Map.ElementSize);
- Result := True;
- StartI := CellX - CursorSize div 2;
- if StartI < 0 then begin
- OfsI := -StartI;
- StartI := 0;
- end else OfsI := 0;
- StartJ := CellZ - CursorSize div 2;
- if StartJ < 0 then begin
- OfsJ := -StartJ;
- StartJ := 0;
- end else OfsJ := 0;
- norm := 1 / Sqr(CursorSize*0.5);
- case Map.ElementSize of
- 1: for j := StartJ to MinI(Map.Height-1, CellZ - CursorSize div 2 + CursorSize-1) do
- for i := StartI to MinI(Map.Width-1, CellX - CursorSize div 2 + CursorSize-1) do begin
- Value := PByteBuffer (Map.Data)^[(j * Map.Width + i)];
- Value := ClampS(Value + AValueDelta * Scale * MaxS(0, (1-(Sqr(i-CellX) + Sqr(j-CellZ)) * norm)), 0, Map.MaxHeight);
- PByteBuffer (Buffer)^[((j-StartJ + OfsJ) * CursorSize + i - StartI + OfsI)] := Round(Value);
- end;
- 2: for j := StartJ to MinI(Map.Height-1, CellZ - CursorSize div 2 + CursorSize-1) do
- for i := StartI to MinI(Map.Width-1, CellX - CursorSize div 2 + CursorSize-1) do begin
- Value := PWordBuffer (Map.Data)^[(j * Map.Width + i) * 2];
- Value := ClampS(Value + AValueDelta * Scale * MaxS(0, (1-(Sqr(i-CellX) + Sqr(j-CellZ)) * norm)), 0, Map.MaxHeight);
- PWordBuffer (Buffer)^[((j-StartJ + OfsJ) * CursorSize + i - StartI + OfsI) * 2] := Round(Value);
- end;
- 4: for j := StartJ to MinI(Map.Height-1, CellZ - CursorSize div 2 + CursorSize-1) do
- for i := StartI to MinI(Map.Width-1, CellX - CursorSize div 2 + CursorSize-1) do begin
- Value := PDWordBuffer(Map.Data)^[(j * Map.Width + i) * 4];
- Value := ClampS(Value + AValueDelta * Scale * MaxS(0, (1-(Sqr(i-CellX) + Sqr(j-CellZ)) * norm)), 0, Map.MaxHeight);
- PDWordBuffer(Buffer)^[((j-StartJ + OfsJ) * CursorSize + i - StartI + OfsI) * 4] := Round(Value);
- end;
- end;
- end;
- { THeighTMapEditOpSmooth }
- function THeighTMapEditOpSmooth.Init(AMap: TMap; ACellX, ACellZ, ACursorSize: Integer; AValueDelta: Single): Boolean;
- var i, j, i1, i2, j1, j2, StartI, StartJ, OfsI, OfsJ: Integer; Value, norm, k: Single;
- begin
- Result := False;
- if (ACursorSize = 0) or not Assigned(AMap) then Exit;
- Scale := -1;
- Map := AMap;
- CellX := ACellX;
- CellZ := ACellZ;
- CursorSize := ACursorSize;
- GetMem(Buffer, CursorSize * CursorSize * Map.ElementSize);
- Result := True;
- StartI := CellX - CursorSize div 2;
- if StartI < 0 then begin
- OfsI := -StartI;
- StartI := 0;
- end else OfsI := 0;
- StartJ := CellZ - CursorSize div 2;
- if StartJ < 0 then begin
- OfsJ := -StartJ;
- StartJ := 0;
- end else OfsJ := 0;
- norm := 1 / {Sqr}(CursorSize*0.5);
- case Map.ElementSize of
- 1: for j := StartJ to MinI(Map.Height-1, CellZ - CursorSize div 2 + CursorSize-1) do
- for i := StartI to MinI(Map.Width-1, CellX - CursorSize div 2 + CursorSize-1) do begin
- i1 := MaxI(i-1, 0);
- j1 := MaxI(j-1, 0);
- i2 := MinI(i+1, Map.Width-1);
- j2 := MinI(j+1, Map.Height-1);
- Value := (PByteBuffer (Map.Data)^[j1 * Map.Width + i1] +
- PByteBuffer (Map.Data)^[j1 * Map.Width + i] +
- PByteBuffer (Map.Data)^[j1 * Map.Width + i2] +
- PByteBuffer (Map.Data)^[j * Map.Width + i1] +
- // PByteBuffer (Map.Data)^[(j * Map.Width + i)] +
- PByteBuffer (Map.Data)^[j * Map.Width + i2] +
- PByteBuffer (Map.Data)^[j2 * Map.Width + i1] +
- PByteBuffer (Map.Data)^[j2 * Map.Width + i] +
- PByteBuffer (Map.Data)^[j2 * Map.Width + i2]) div 8;
- // Value := ClampS(Value, 0, Map.MaxHeight);
- k := MaxS(0, (1-Sqrt(Sqr(i-CellX) + Sqr(j-CellZ)) * norm));
- Value := ClampS(PByteBuffer (Map.Data)^[(j * Map.Width + i)] * (1-k) +
- Value * k, 0, Map.MaxHeight);
- PByteBuffer (Buffer)^[((j-StartJ + OfsJ) * CursorSize + i - StartI + OfsI)] := Round(Value);
- end;
- 2: ;//Value := PWordBuffer (Map.Data)^[(j * Map.Width + i) * 2];
- 4: ;//Value := PDWordBuffer(Map.Data)^[(j * Map.Width + i) * 4];
- end;
- { case Map.ElementSize of
- 1:
- 2: PWordBuffer (Buffer)^[((j-StartJ + OfsJ) * CursorSize + i - StartI + OfsI) * 2] := Round(Value);
- 4: PDWordBuffer(Buffer)^[((j-StartJ + OfsJ) * CursorSize + i - StartI + OfsI) * 4] := Round(Value);
- end;
- end;}
- end;
- end.