资源名称:CAST2SDK.rar [点击查看]
- (*
- @Abstract(CAST II Engine animation unit)
- (C) 2006-2007 George "Mirage" Bakhtadze. <a href="http://www.casteng.com">www.casteng.com</a> <br>
- The source code may be used under either MPL 1.1 or LGPL 2.1 license. See included license.txt file <br>
- Created: Feb 27, 2007 <br>
- Unit contains tesselator and item classes with animation support
- *)
- {$Include GDefines.inc}
- {$Include C2Defines.inc}
- unit C2Anim;
- interface
- uses
- TextFile,
- SysUtils,
- BaseTypes, Basics, Base3D, Props, BaseClasses, Resources,
- C2Types, C2VisItems, C2Visual, C2Res, CAST2;
- //const
- // Maximum number of animations per skeleton
- // MaxAnimations = 16;
- type
- TAnimatedTesselator = class(C2VisItems.TMeshTesselator)
- protected
- FFrame1, FFrame2, FTotalFrames: Integer;
- FFactor: Single;
- procedure SetTotalFrames(const Value: Integer); virtual;
- procedure Update; virtual; abstract;
- public
- destructor Destroy; override;
- procedure Fill(AVerticesRes: TVerticesResource; AIndicesRes: TIndicesResource);
- procedure SetFrames(Frame1, Frame2: Integer; Factor: Single); virtual;
- property TotalFrames: Integer read FTotalFrames write SetTotalFrames;
- property Frame1: Integer read FFrame1;
- property Frame2: Integer read FFrame2;
- property Factor: Single read FFactor;
- end;
- TMorphedTesselator = class(TAnimatedTesselator)
- protected
- FrameVertices, FrameIndices: array of Pointer;
- procedure SetTotalFrames(const Value: Integer); override;
- procedure Update; override;
- end;
- TAnimatedItem = class(TVisible)
- protected
- MeshValid: Boolean; // True if mesh is in valid state (all frames are ready etc)
- FTotalFrames: Integer;
- FFrame: Single;
- procedure SetTotalFrames(const Value: Integer); virtual;
- procedure SetFrame(const Value: Single); virtual;
- public
- procedure OnSceneLoaded; override;
- procedure AddProperties(const Result: Props.TProperties); override;
- procedure SetProperties(Properties: Props.TProperties); override;
- procedure SetFrames(Frame1, Frame2: Integer; Factor: Single); virtual;
- property TotalFrames: Integer read FTotalFrames write SetTotalFrames;
- end;
- TMorphedItem = class(TAnimatedItem)
- private
- function GetFrameIndicesRes(Index: Integer): TIndicesResource;
- function GetFrameVerticesRes(Index: Integer): TVerticesResource;
- protected
- procedure SetMesh; override;
- public
- function GetTesselatorClass: CTesselator; override;
- procedure AddProperties(const Result: Props.TProperties); override;
- procedure SetProperties(Properties: Props.TProperties); override;
- property FrameVertices[Index: Integer]: TVerticesResource read GetFrameVerticesRes;
- property FrameIndices[Index: Integer]: TIndicesResource read GetFrameIndicesRes;
- end;
- TAnimationRec = record
- Timestamp: Cardinal;
- Transform: TMatrix4s;
- end;
- TAnimTransform = TMatrix4s;
- (* PAnimSkeletonElement = ^TAnimSkeletonElement;
- TAnimSkeletonElement = record
- Name: TShortName;
- OrigTransform,
- AnimTransform,
- TotalTransform: TMatrix4s;
- Next, ChildHead: PAnimSkeletonElement;
- Animation: array of TAnimationRec;
- end;
- TAnimSkeletons = array[0..$FFFF] of TAnimSkeletonElement;*)
- // Pointer to skeleton element type
- PSkeletonElement = ^TSkeletonElement;
- // Animation skeleton type
- TSkeletonElement = record
- Index: Integer;
- Next, ChildHead: PSkeletonElement;
- end;
- // Animation skeleton resource. Stores bones hierarchy as well as all per-bone static data.
- TSkeletonResource = class(TArrayResource)
- private
- HCounts, HIndices: array of Integer;
- procedure FreeSkeleton(El: PSkeletonElement);
- protected
- // Internal bone counter
- FTotalBones: Integer;
- // Called by @Link(AddProperties) for each bone. Can be used to specify custom properties in descendant skeleton types.
- procedure AddElementProperties(Element: PSkeletonElement; const Result: Props.TProperties; const Prefix: AnsiString); virtual;
- // Called by @Link(SetProperties) for each bone. Can be used to handle custom properties in descendant skeleton types.
- procedure SetElementProperties(Element: PSkeletonElement; Properties: Props.TProperties; const Prefix: AnsiString); virtual;
- // Sets total number of bones
- procedure SetTotalBones(ATotalBones: Integer);
- public
- // Bone hierarchy head
- Head: PSkeletonElement;
- // Offset transformations
- OffsTransform: array of TAnimTransform;
- // Bone names
- ElementNames: array of TShortName;
- destructor Destroy; override;
- function GetElementSize: Integer; override;
- procedure AddProperties(const Result: Props.TProperties); override;
- procedure SetProperties(Properties: Props.TProperties); override;
- // Scales the skeleton by the given amount
- procedure DoScale(Amount: TVector3s);
- // Rotates the skeleton by the given amount
- procedure DoRotate(Amount: TVector3s);
- // Creates and returns a new amination skeleton element
- function NewSkeletonElement: PSkeletonElement;
- // Total number of bones
- property TotalBones: Integer read FTotalBones write SetTotalBones;
- end;
- // Base class for animation resources
- TAnimationResource = class(TArrayResource)
- private
- function GetFrameIndex(TimeStampMs: Cardinal): Integer;
- procedure SetTotalTimeStamps(ATotalTimeStamps: Integer);
- public
- // Animation frame time stamps in milliseconds
- TimeStampsMs: array of Cardinal;
- // Frame transforms for each bone and each timestamp
- Transforms: array of array of TAnimTransform;
- // Current transform for each bone
- AnimTransform: array of TAnimTransform;
- // Total animation time in milliseconds
- TotalMs: Cardinal;
- function GetElementSize: Integer; override;
- procedure AddProperties(const Result: Props.TProperties); override;
- procedure SetProperties(Properties: Props.TProperties); override;
- // Sets total bones
- procedure SetTotalBones(ATotalBones: Integer);
- // Adds to a bone with the given index an animation described by array of time stamps and corresponding bone transformations
- procedure AddBoneAnim(ABoneIndex: Integer; ATimeStampsMs: array of Cardinal; AAnims: array of TAnimTransform);
- // Scales the animation by the given amount
- procedure DoScale(Amount: TVector3s);
- // Rotates the animation by the given amount
- procedure DoRotate(Amount: TVector3s);
- // Sets animation time and recalculates current transforms
- procedure SetTime(TimeStamp: TTimeUnit);
- end;
- // Animated skeleton class which encapsulates skeleton and animation resources
- TAnimSkeleton = class
- private
- Animation: array of TAnimationResource;
- TotalTransform: array of TMatrix4s;
- Skeleton: TSkeletonResource;
- FActiveAnimation: Integer;
- function GetTotalBones: Integer;
- function GetTotalAnimations: Integer;
- function GetAnimationResource(Index: Integer): TAnimationResource;
- procedure SetActiveAnimation(const Value: Integer);
- public
- // Head: PAnimSkeletonElement;
- // OffsMatrices: array of TMatrix4s;
- // Elements: array of PAnimSkeletonElement;
- constructor Create;
- destructor Destroy; override;
- function GetElementByName(const Name: TShortName): PSkeletonElement;
- procedure UpdateHierarchy;
- procedure SetSkeletonRes(ASkeletonRes: TSkeletonResource);
- procedure AddAnimation(AnimRes: TAnimationResource);
- procedure RetrieveTransform(var Result: TAnimTransform; Index: Integer);
- procedure DoScale(Amount: TVector3s);
- // Rotates the skeleton by the given amount
- procedure DoRotate(Amount: TVector3s);
- // For active animation sets time and recalculates current transforms
- procedure SetTime(Timestamp: TTimeUnit);
- // Total number of bones in skeleton
- property TotalBones: Integer read GetTotalBones;
- // Skeleton hierarchy resource
- property SkeletonResource: TSkeletonResource read Skeleton;
- // Total number of animations
- property TotalAnimations: Integer read GetTotalAnimations;
- // Array of resources representing animations
- property AnimationResource[Index: Integer]: TAnimationResource read GetAnimationResource;
- // Currently active animation
- property ActiveAnimation: Integer read FActiveAnimation write SetActiveAnimation;
- end;
- TSkinnedItem = class(TMesh)
- private
- FCurTime: TTimeUnit;
- FTimeScale: Single;
- FTotalAnimations: Integer;
- procedure SetTime(const Value: TTimeUnit);
- function GetTotalAnimations: Integer;
- protected
- procedure ResolveLinks; override;
- public
- Skeleton: TAnimSkeleton;
- ShaderConsts: TShaderConstants;
- constructor Create(AManager: TItemsManager); override;
- procedure RetrieveShaderConstants(var ConstList: TShaderConstants); override;
- procedure AddProperties(const Result: Props.TProperties); override;
- procedure SetProperties(Properties: Props.TProperties); override;
- procedure SetSkeleton(const ASkeleton: TAnimSkeleton);
- function GetAnimRes: TArrayResource;
- procedure Process(const DeltaT: Float); override;
- property CurTime: TTimeUnit read FCurTime write SetTime;
- property TimeScale: Single read FTimeScale write FTimeScale;
- // Number of animations og the skinned item
- property TotalAnimations: Integer read GetTotalAnimations;
- end;
- TSkeletalDummy = class(TProcessing)
- private
- BoneIndex: Integer;
- function GetBaseItem(): TSkinnedItem;
- protected
- procedure ComputeTransform; override;
- public
- procedure AddProperties(const Result: Props.TProperties); override;
- procedure SetProperties(Properties: Props.TProperties); override;
- property BaseItem: TSkinnedItem read GetBaseItem;
- end;
- // Returns list of classes introduced by the unit
- function GetUnitClassList: TClassArray;
- implementation
- function GetUnitClassList: TClassArray;
- begin
- Result := GetClassList([TSkeletonResource, TAnimationResource, TAnimatedItem, TMorphedItem, TSkinnedItem, TSkeletalDummy]);
- end;
- function NewSkeletonElement: PSkeletonElement;
- begin
- New(Result);
- Result^.Index := -1;
- Result^.Next := nil;
- Result^.ChildHead := nil;
- end;
- { TAnimatedMesh }
- procedure TAnimatedTesselator.SetTotalFrames(const Value: Integer);
- begin
- FTotalFrames := Value;
- SetFrames(MinI(FTotalFrames-1, FFrame1), MinI(FTotalFrames-1, FFrame2), FFactor);
- end;
- destructor TAnimatedTesselator.Destroy;
- begin
- if Assigned(Vertices) then FreeMem(Vertices);
- if Assigned(Indices) then FreeMem(Indices);
- inherited;
- end;
- procedure TAnimatedTesselator.SetFrames(Frame1, Frame2: Integer; Factor: Single);
- begin
- if (Frame1 = FFrame1) and (Frame2 = FFrame2) and (Factor = FFactor) then Exit;
- FFrame1 := Frame1;
- FFrame2 := Frame2;
- FFactor := Factor;
- Update();
- end;
- procedure TAnimatedTesselator.Fill(AVerticesRes: TVerticesResource; AIndicesRes: TIndicesResource);
- var CurFrame: Integer;
- begin
- Assert(Assigned(AVerticesRes), Format('%S.%S: VerticesRes is nil', [ClassName, 'Fill']));
- VertexFormat := AVerticesRes.Format;
- NumberOfVertices := AVerticesRes.TotalElements;
- TotalVertices := NumberOfVertices;
- ReallocMem(Vertices, AVerticesRes.DataSize);
- Move(AVerticesRes.Data^, Vertices^, AVerticesRes.DataSize);
- if Assigned(AIndicesRes) then begin
- NumberOfIndices := AIndicesRes.TotalElements;
- ReallocMem(Indices, AIndicesRes.DataSize);
- Move(AIndicesRes.Data^, Indices^, AIndicesRes.DataSize);
- end else begin
- NumberOfIndices := 0;
- ReallocMem(Indices, 0);
- end;
- Init();
- CurFrame := FFrame1;
- FFrame1 := -1;
- SetFrames(CurFrame, CurFrame, 0);
- end;
- { TMorphedMesh }
- procedure TMorphedTesselator.SetTotalFrames(const Value: Integer);
- begin
- inherited;
- if Length(FrameVertices) < FTotalFrames then SetLength(FrameVertices, FTotalFrames);
- if Length(FrameIndices) < FTotalFrames then SetLength(FrameIndices, FTotalFrames);
- end;
- procedure TMorphedTesselator.Update;
- var i: Integer; DestVec, SrcVec1, SrcVec2: ^TVector3s;
- begin
- Assert((FFactor >= 0) and (FFactor <= 1));
- if (TotalFrames = 0) or not Assigned(FrameVertices[0]) then Exit;
- if FFactor < epsilon then begin
- Move(FrameVertices[FFrame1]^, Vertices^, TotalVertices * FVertexSize);
- Move(FrameIndices[FFrame1]^, Indices^, TotalIndices * IndexSize);
- end else if 1-FFactor < epsilon then begin
- Move(FrameVertices[FFrame2]^, Vertices^, TotalVertices * FVertexSize);
- Move(FrameIndices[FFrame2]^, Indices^, TotalIndices * IndexSize);
- end else begin
- for i := 0 to TotalVertices-1 do begin
- DestVec := @TByteBuffer(Vertices^)[i*FVertexSize];
- SrcVec1 := @TByteBuffer(FrameVertices[FFrame1]^)[i*FVertexSize];
- SrcVec2 := @TByteBuffer(FrameVertices[FFrame2]^)[i*FVertexSize];
- DestVec^.X := SrcVec1^.X * (1-FFactor) + SrcVec2^.X * FFactor;
- DestVec^.Y := SrcVec1^.Y * (1-FFactor) + SrcVec2^.Y * FFactor;
- DestVec^.Z := SrcVec1^.Z * (1-FFactor) + SrcVec2^.Z * FFactor;
- end;
- end;
- Invalidate([tbVertex], False);
- end;
- { TAnimatedItem }
- const GeomPrefix = 'GeometryFrame #%D '; // Use in Format()
- procedure TAnimatedItem.SetTotalFrames(const Value: Integer);
- begin
- FTotalFrames := Value;
- if CurrentTesselator is TAnimatedTesselator then begin
- TAnimatedTesselator(CurrentTesselator).TotalFrames := Value;
- if FFrame >= TAnimatedTesselator(CurrentTesselator).TotalFrames then SetFrame(MaxI(0, TAnimatedTesselator(CurrentTesselator).TotalFrames-1));
- end;
- BuildItemLinks();
- end;
- procedure TAnimatedItem.SetFrame(const Value: Single);
- begin
- FFrame := Value;
- if MeshValid and (CurrentTesselator is TAnimatedTesselator) then begin
- TAnimatedTesselator(CurrentTesselator).SetFrames(Trunc(Value), MinI(TotalFrames, Trunc(Value+1)), Frac(Value));
- end;
- end;
- procedure TAnimatedItem.SetFrames(Frame1, Frame2: Integer; Factor: Single);
- begin
- if MeshValid and (CurrentTesselator is TAnimatedTesselator) then
- TAnimatedTesselator(CurrentTesselator).SetFrames(Frame1, Frame2, Factor);
- FFrame := Frame1;
- end;
- procedure TAnimatedItem.OnSceneLoaded;
- begin
- inherited;
- SetMesh();
- end;
- procedure TAnimatedItem.AddProperties(const Result: Props.TProperties);
- begin
- inherited;
- if Assigned(Result) then begin
- Result.Add('Total frames', vtInt, [], IntToStr(FTotalFrames), '');
- Result.Add('Frame', vtSingle, [], FloatToStr(FFrame), Format('%D-%D', [0, FTotalFrames-1]));
- end;
- end;
- procedure TAnimatedItem.SetProperties(Properties: Props.TProperties);
- begin
- inherited;
- if Properties.Valid('Total frames') then TotalFrames := StrToIntDef(Properties['Total frames'], FTotalFrames);
- if Properties.Valid('Frame') then SetFrame(StrToFloatDef(Properties['Frame'], FFrame));
- end;
- { TMorphedItem }
- function TMorphedItem.GetFrameIndicesRes(Index: Integer): TIndicesResource;
- var Item: TItem;
- begin
- if ResolveLink(Format(GeomPrefix + 'indices', [Index]), Item) or (Item is TIndicesResource) then
- Result := Item as TIndicesResource else
- Result := nil;
- end;
- function TMorphedItem.GetFrameVerticesRes(Index: Integer): TVerticesResource;
- var Item: TItem;
- begin
- if ResolveLink(Format(GeomPrefix + 'vertices', [Index]), Item) or (Item is TVerticesResource) then
- Result := Item as TVerticesResource else
- Result := nil;
- end;
- procedure TMorphedItem.SetMesh;
- var i: Integer; Mesh: TMorphedTesselator;
- begin
- inherited;
- MeshValid := False;
- if CurrentTesselator is TMorphedTesselator then Mesh := TMorphedTesselator(CurrentTesselator) else Exit;
- if not Assigned(FrameVertices[0]) then Exit;
- Mesh.TotalFrames := TotalFrames;
- Mesh.Fill(FrameVertices[0], FrameIndices[0]);
- MeshValid := True;
- for i := 0 to TotalFrames-1 do if Assigned(FrameVertices[i]) then begin
- Mesh.FrameVertices[i] := FrameVertices[i].Data;
- // Mesh.NumberOfVertices := FrameVertices[i].TotalElements;
- if (Mesh.NumberOfIndices > 0) and Assigned(FrameIndices[i]) then begin
- Mesh.FrameIndices[i] := FrameIndices[i].Data;
- if FrameIndices[i].TotalElements <> Mesh.NumberOfIndices then begin
- MeshValid := False;
- Log.Log(Format('%S("%S").%S: Number of indices doesn''t match for all frames', [ClassName, Name, 'SetMesh']), lkError);
- {$ENDIF}
- end;
- end;
- if (FrameVertices[i].Format <> Mesh.VertexFormat) or (FrameVertices[i].TotalElements <> Mesh.NumberOfVertices) then begin
- MeshValid := False;
- Log.Log(Format('%S("%S").%S: Format or number of vertices doesn''t match for all frames', [ClassName, Name, 'SetMesh']), lkError);
- {$ENDIF}
- end;
- end;
- if CurrentTesselator <> nil then begin
- CurrentTesselator.Init();
- BoundingBox := CurrentTesselator.GetBoundingBox;
- end;
- SetFrame(FFrame);
- end;
- function TMorphedItem.GetTesselatorClass: CTesselator; begin Result := TMorphedTesselator; end;
- procedure TMorphedItem.AddProperties(const Result: Props.TProperties);
- var i: Integer;
- begin
- inherited;
- for i := 0 to FTotalFrames-1 do begin
- AddItemLink(Result, Format(GeomPrefix + 'vertices', [i]), [], 'TVerticesResource');
- AddItemLink(Result, Format(GeomPrefix + 'indices', [i]), [], 'TIndicesResource');
- end;
- end;
- procedure TMorphedItem.SetProperties(Properties: Props.TProperties);
- var i: Integer;
- begin
- inherited;
- for i := 0 to FTotalFrames-1 do begin
- if Properties.Valid(Format(GeomPrefix + 'vertices', [i])) then
- SetLinkProperty(Format(GeomPrefix + 'vertices', [i]), Properties[Format(GeomPrefix + 'vertices', [i])]);
- if Properties.Valid(Format(GeomPrefix + 'indices', [i])) then
- SetLinkProperty(Format(GeomPrefix + 'indices', [i]), Properties[Format(GeomPrefix + 'indices', [i])]);
- end;
- SetMesh();
- end;
- { TSkinnedItem }
- procedure TSkinnedItem.SetTime(const Value: TTimeUnit);
- var i: Integer;
- begin
- FCurTime := Value;
- // CurrentTesselator.Invalidate([tbVertex], False);
- if Assigned(Skeleton) and Assigned(Skeleton.SkeletonResource) then begin
- Skeleton.SetTime(FCurTime);
- if Length(BlendMatrices) <> Skeleton.Skeleton.TotalBones then SetLength(BlendMatrices, Skeleton.Skeleton.TotalBones);
- for i := 0 to High(BlendMatrices) do begin
- // Skeleton.Elements[i]^.TotalTransform := MulMatrix4s(Skeleton.OffsMatrices[i], Skeleton.Elements[i]^.TotalTransform);
- // BlendMatrices[i] := Skeleton.Elements[i]^.TotalTransform;
- Skeleton.RetrieveTransform(BlendMatrices[i], i);
- BlendMatrices[i] := MulMatrix4s(BlendMatrices[i], Transform);
- end;
- InvalidateTransform();
- end;
- end;
- function TSkinnedItem.GetTotalAnimations: Integer;
- begin
- Result := 0;
- if Assigned(Skeleton) then Result := Skeleton.TotalAnimations;
- if FTotalAnimations <> -1 then Result := FTotalAnimations;
- end;
- procedure TSkinnedItem.ResolveLinks;
- var i: Integer; Item: TItem;
- begin
- inherited;
- if not Assigned(Skeleton) then Exit;
- if ResolveLink('GeometrySkeleton', Item) then Skeleton.SetSkeletonRes(Item as TSkeletonResource);
- for i := 0 to TotalAnimations-1 do
- if ResolveLink('GeometryAnimation #' + IntToStr(i), Item) then Skeleton.AddAnimation(Item as TAnimationResource);
- FTotalAnimations := -1; // Let TotalAnimations be determined by skeleton
- end;
- constructor TSkinnedItem.Create(AManager: TItemsManager);
- begin
- Skeleton := TAnimSkeleton.Create;
- FTotalAnimations := -1;
- inherited;
- end;
- procedure TSkinnedItem.RetrieveShaderConstants(var ConstList: TShaderConstants);
- //var i: Integer;
- begin
- inherited;
- { SetLength(ConstList, GetAnimRes.DataSize div SizeOf(TMatrix4s)*4);
- for i := 0 to High(ConstList) do begin
- ConstList[i].ShaderKind := skVertex;
- ConstList[i].ShaderRegister :=
- end;
- ConstList := ShaderConsts;}
- end;
- procedure TSkinnedItem.AddProperties(const Result: TProperties);
- var i: Integer;
- begin
- inherited;
- AddItemLink(Result, 'GeometrySkeleton', [], 'TSkeletonResource');
- if Assigned(Skeleton) then for i := 0 to TotalAnimations-1 do
- AddItemLink(Result, 'GeometryAnimation #' + IntToStr(i), [], 'TAnimationResource');
- if Assigned(Result) then begin
- Result.Add('GeometryTotal animations', vtInt, [poReadonly], IntToStr(TotalAnimations), '');
- Result.Add('Time', vtSingle, [], FloatToStr(FCurTime), Format('%D-%D', [0, 10]));
- Result.Add('Time scale', vtSingle, [], FloatToStr(FTimeScale), Format('%D-%D', [0, 10]));
- end;
- end;
- procedure TSkinnedItem.SetProperties(Properties: TProperties);
- var i: Integer;
- begin
- inherited;
- if Properties.Valid('GeometryTotal animations') then
- FTotalAnimations := StrToIntDef(Properties['GeometryTotal animations'], 0); // Only used for loading
- BuildItemLinks;
- if Properties.Valid('GeometrySkeleton') then SetLinkProperty('GeometrySkeleton', Properties['GeometrySkeleton']);
- if Assigned(Skeleton) then for i := 0 to TotalAnimations-1 do
- if Properties.Valid('GeometryAnimation #' + IntToStr(i)) then
- SetLinkProperty('GeometryAnimation #' + IntToStr(i), Properties['GeometryAnimation #' + IntToStr(i)]);
- if Properties.Valid('Time') then CurTime := StrToFloatDef(Properties['Time'], 0);
- if Properties.Valid('Time scale') then TimeScale := StrToFloatDef(Properties['Time scale'], 0);
- SetMesh();
- end;
- procedure TSkinnedItem.SetSkeleton(const ASkeleton: TAnimSkeleton);
- begin
- Skeleton := ASkeleton;
- end;
- function TSkinnedItem.GetAnimRes: TArrayResource;
- var Item: TItem;
- begin
- if ResolveLink('GeometryAnimation', Item) then
- Result := Item as TArrayResource
- else if Item is TArrayResource then
- Result := Item as TArrayResource
- else
- Result := nil;
- end;
- procedure TSkinnedItem.Process(const DeltaT: Float);
- begin
- inherited;
- CurTime := CurTime + DeltaT * FTimeScale;
- end;
- { TAnimSkeleton }
- function TAnimSkeleton.GetTotalBones: Integer;
- begin
- if Assigned(Skeleton) then Result := Skeleton.TotalBones else Result := 0;
- end;
- function TAnimSkeleton.GetTotalAnimations: Integer;
- begin
- Result := Length(Animation);
- end;
- function TAnimSkeleton.GetAnimationResource(Index: Integer): TAnimationResource;
- begin
- Result := Animation[Index];
- end;
- procedure TAnimSkeleton.SetActiveAnimation(const Value: Integer);
- begin
- FActiveAnimation := Value;
- if FActiveAnimation > High(Animation) then FActiveAnimation := -1;
- end;
- constructor TAnimSkeleton.Create;
- begin
- { Head.Name := '';
- Head.Transform := IdentityMatrix4s;
- Head.Next := nil;
- Head.ChildHead := nil;}
- FActiveAnimation := -1;
- end;
- destructor TAnimSkeleton.Destroy;
- begin
- inherited;
- end;
- function TAnimSkeleton.GetElementByName(const Name: TShortName): PSkeletonElement;
- function FindInElement(Element: PSkeletonElement): PSkeletonElement;
- begin
- Result:= Element;
- if Name = Skeleton.ElementNames[Element^.Index] then Exit;
- if Assigned(Element^.ChildHead) then begin
- Result := FindInElement(Element^.ChildHead);
- if Assigned(Result) then Exit;
- end;
- if Assigned(Element^.Next) then begin
- Result := FindInElement(Element^.Next);
- if Assigned(Result) then Exit;
- end;
- Result:= nil;
- end;
- begin
- if Assigned(Skeleton.Head) then Result := FindInElement(Skeleton.Head) else Result := nil;
- end;
- procedure TAnimSkeleton.UpdateHierarchy;
- procedure UpdateElements(Element: PSkeletonElement; const MatCur: TMatrix4s);
- var Child: PSkeletonElement; Ind: Integer;
- begin
- Ind := Element^.Index;
- Assert(Ind <> -1);
- // if ind = -1 then Exit;
- TotalTransform[Ind] := MulMatrix4s(Animation[FActiveAnimation].AnimTransform[Ind], MatCur);
- Child := Element^.ChildHead;
- while Assigned(Child) do begin
- UpdateElements(Child, TotalTransform[Ind]);
- Child := Child^.Next;
- end;
- end;
- begin
- UpdateElements(Skeleton.Head, IdentityMatrix4s);
- end;
- procedure TAnimSkeleton.SetSkeletonRes(ASkeletonRes: TSkeletonResource);
- begin
- Skeleton := ASkeletonRes;
- if Assigned(Skeleton) then SetLength(TotalTransform, Skeleton.TotalBones);
- end;
- procedure TAnimSkeleton.AddAnimation(AnimRes: TAnimationResource);
- begin
- Assert(Assigned(AnimRes));
- if not Assigned(AnimRes) then Exit;
- SetLength(Animation, Length(Animation)+1);
- Animation[High(Animation)] := AnimRes;
- if FActiveAnimation = -1 then FActiveAnimation := 0;
- end;
- procedure TAnimSkeleton.RetrieveTransform(var Result: TAnimTransform; Index: Integer);
- begin
- MulMatrix4s(Result, Skeleton.OffsTransform[Index], TotalTransform[Index]);
- end;
- procedure TAnimSkeleton.DoScale(Amount: TVector3s);
- var i: Integer;
- begin
- Skeleton.DoScale(Amount);
- for i := 0 to High(Animation) do Animation[i].DoScale(Amount);
- end;
- procedure TAnimSkeleton.DoRotate(Amount: TVector3s);
- var i: Integer;
- begin
- Skeleton.DoRotate(Amount);
- for i := 0 to High(Animation) do Animation[i].DoRotate(Amount);
- end;
- procedure TAnimSkeleton.SetTime(Timestamp: TTimeUnit);
- begin
- if FActiveAnimation = -1 then Exit;
- Animation[FActiveAnimation].SetTime(Timestamp);
- UpdateHierarchy();
- end;
- { TSkeletonResource }
- procedure TSkeletonResource.FreeSkeleton(El: PSkeletonElement);
- var TempEl, CurEl: PSkeletonElement;
- begin
- if not Assigned(El) then Exit;
- CurEl := El;
- while Assigned(CurEl) do begin
- FreeSkeleton(CurEl^.ChildHead);
- TempEl := CurEl^.Next;
- Dispose(CurEl);
- CurEl := TempEl;
- end;
- end;
- procedure TSkeletonResource.AddElementProperties(Element: PSkeletonElement; const Result: TProperties; const Prefix: AnsiString);
- var i: Integer; Pref: AnsiString;
- begin
- if not Assigned(Element) then Exit;
- Result.Add(Prefix + HierarchyDelimiter + 'Name', vtString, [], ElementNames[Element^.Index], '');
- Pref := Prefix + ElementNames[Element^.Index] + HierarchyDelimiter;
- for i := 0 to 3 do AddVector4sProperty(Result, Pref + 'Offs transform row#' + IntToStr(i), OffsTransform[Element^.Index].Rows[i]);
- end;
- procedure TSkeletonResource.SetElementProperties(Element: PSkeletonElement; Properties: TProperties; const Prefix: AnsiString);
- begin
- if not Assigned(Element) then Exit;
- // Inc(FTotalBones);
- end;
- destructor TSkeletonResource.Destroy;
- begin
- FreeSkeleton(Head);
- inherited;
- end;
- function TSkeletonResource.GetElementSize: Integer;
- begin
- Result := SizeOf(TSkeletonElement);
- end;
- procedure TSkeletonResource.AddProperties(const Result: TProperties);
- procedure BuildTree();
- var TotalIndices, TotalCounts: Integer;
- procedure AddCount(ACount: Integer);
- begin
- if Length(HCounts) <= TotalCounts then SetLength(HCounts, Totalcounts+1);
- HCounts[TotalCounts] := ACount;
- Inc(TotalCounts);
- end;
- procedure AddIndex(AIndex: Integer);
- begin
- if Length(HIndices) <= TotalIndices then SetLength(HIndices, TotalIndices+1);
- HIndices[TotalIndices] := AIndex;
- Inc(TotalIndices);
- // Log.Log(' ****** Saved bone #' + IntToStr(High(Indices)) + ' "' + ElementNames[AIndex] + '", ind: ' + IntToStr(AIndex));
- end;
- procedure CountChilds(SkEl: PSkeletonElement);
- var CurEl: PSkeletonElement; Count: Integer;
- begin
- // Log.Log(' ****** Level up #' + IntToStr(High(Counts)));
- CurEl := SkEl^.ChildHead; //
- Count := 0; // 7
- while Assigned(CurEl) do begin // /
- AddIndex(CurEl^.Index); // 5-4-6
- Inc(Count); //
- CurEl := CurEl^.Next; // 2---3
- end; //
- AddCount(Count); // 1
- // / 0 1 2 3 5 4 6 7
- CurEl := SkEl^.ChildHead; // 0 1 1 2 0 3 0 0 1 0
- while Assigned(CurEl) do begin
- CountChilds(CurEl);
- CurEl := CurEl^.Next;
- end;
- end;
- begin
- TotalIndices := 0;
- TotalCounts := 0;
- AddIndex(Head^.Index);
- CountChilds(Head);
- // Log.Log(' ****** Saved hierarchy: C: ' + IntToStr(Length(Counts)) + ', I: ' + IntToStr(Length(Indices)));
- end;
- var i: Integer;
- begin
- inherited;
- if not Assigned(Result) then Exit;
- Result.Add('Total bones', vtInt, [poReadonly], IntToStr(FTotalBones), '');
- Result.AddBinary('Offset transforms', [poReadonly, poHidden], @OffsTransform[0], FTotalBones * SizeOf(TAnimTransform));
- for i := 0 to FTotalBones-1 do
- Result.Add('HierarchyBone name #' + IntToStr(i), vtString, [], ElementNames[i], '', '');
- // Build and serialize bone tree
- BuildTree();
- Result.AddBinary('HierarchyCounts', [poReadonly, poHidden], @HCounts[0], Length(HCounts) * SizeOf(Integer));
- Result.AddBinary('HierarchyIndices', [poReadonly, poHidden], @HIndices[0], Length(HIndices) * SizeOf(Integer));
- // Log.Log(' ****** C: ' + IntToStr(Counts[High(Counts)]) + ', I: ' + IntToStr(Indices[High(Indices)]));
- end;
- procedure TSkeletonResource.SetProperties(Properties: TProperties);
- var StartIndex, StartCount: Integer;
- procedure SetChilds(ParentEl: PSkeletonElement);
- var i: Integer; NewEl, CurEl: PSkeletonElement;
- begin //
- Log.Log(' ****** Level up #' + IntToStr(StartCount));
- CurEl := nil; //
- for i := 0 to HCounts[StartCount]-1 do begin //
- NewEl := NewSkeletonElement(); //
- if i = 0 then // 4 5 6
- ParentEl^.ChildHead := NewEl // / /
- else // 0--2--3
- CurEl^.Next := NewEl; // c 3 0 2 1 0 0 0
- CurEl := NewEl; // 1 i 1 0 2 3 4 5 6
- // Log.Log(' ****** Loading bone #' + IntToStr(StartIndex));
- // Log.Log(' ****** Loading bone #' + IntToStr(StartIndex) + ' "' + ElementNames[HIndices[StartIndex]] + '", ind: ' + IntToStr(HIndices[StartIndex]));
- CurEl^.Index := HIndices[StartIndex];
- Inc(StartIndex);
- end;
- CurEl := ParentEl^.ChildHead;
- for i := 0 to HCounts[StartCount]-1 do begin
- Inc(StartCount);
- SetChilds(CurEl);
- CurEl := CurEl^.Next;
- end;
- end;
- var
- i: Integer;
- begin
- inherited;
- if Properties.Valid('Total bones') then TotalBones := StrToIntDef(Properties['Total bones'], 0);
- Log.Log(' ****** Loading hierarchy');
- if Properties.Valid('Offset transforms') then begin
- if TotalBones > 0 then Properties.RetrieveBinPropertyData('Offset transforms', @OffsTransform[0]);
- end else
- Log.Log(ClassName + '.SetProperties: offset transforms data not found', lkError);
- for i := 0 to FTotalBones-1 do
- if Properties.Valid('HierarchyBone name #' + IntToStr(i)) then
- ElementNames[i] := Properties['HierarchyBone name #' + IntToStr(i)];
- SetLength(HCounts, Properties.GetBinPropertySize('HierarchyCounts', SizeOf(Integer)));
- if Assigned(HCounts) then Properties.RetrieveBinPropertyData('HierarchyCounts', @HCounts[0]);
- SetLength(HIndices, Properties.GetBinPropertySize('HierarchyIndices', SizeOf(Integer)));
- if Assigned(HIndices) then Properties.RetrieveBinPropertyData('HierarchyIndices', @HIndices[0]);
- // Log.Log(' ****** C: ' + IntToStr(Counts[High(Counts)]) + ', I: ' + IntToStr(Indices[High(Indices)]));
- FreeSkeleton(Head);
- if Length(HCounts) > 0 then begin
- // Log.Log(' ****** Loading hierarchy: C: ' + IntToStr(Length(Counts)) + ', I: ' + IntToStr(Length(Indices)));
- Head := NewSkeletonElement();
- Head^.Index := HIndices[0];
- StartIndex := 1;
- StartCount := 0;
- SetChilds(Head);
- end;
- end;
- procedure TSkeletonResource.SetTotalBones(ATotalBones: Integer);
- begin
- FTotalBones := ATotalBones;
- // if Length(OffsTransform) >= TotalBones then Exit;
- SetLength(OffsTransform, FTotalBones);
- SetLength(ElementNames, FTotalBones);
- end;
- procedure TSkeletonResource.DoScale(Amount: TVector3s);
- var i: Integer;
- begin
- for i := 0 to High(OffsTransform) do begin
- OffsTransform[i]._41 := OffsTransform[i]._41 * Amount.X;
- OffsTransform[i]._42 := OffsTransform[i]._42 * Amount.Y;
- OffsTransform[i]._43 := OffsTransform[i]._43 * Amount.Z;
- end;
- end;
- procedure TSkeletonResource.DoRotate(Amount: TVector3s);
- var i: Integer; RotMatrix: TMatrix3s;
- begin
- RotMatrix := MulMatrix3s(ZRotationMatrix3s(Amount.Z/180*pi), YRotationMatrix3s(Amount.Y/180*pi));
- RotMatrix := MulMatrix3s(XRotationMatrix3s(Amount.X/180*pi), RotMatrix);
- for i := 0 to High(OffsTransform) do
- // OffsTransform[i].ViewTranslate := Transform3Vector3s(RotMatrix, OffsTransform[i].ViewTranslate);
- OffsTransform[i] := MulMatrix4s(OffsTransform[i], ExpandMatrix3s(RotMatrix));
- end;
- function TSkeletonResource.NewSkeletonElement: PSkeletonElement;
- begin
- New(Result);
- Result^.Index := FTotalBones;
- Result^.Next := nil;
- Result^.ChildHead := nil;
- end;
- { TAnimationResource }
- function TAnimationResource.GetFrameIndex(TimeStampMs: Cardinal): Integer;
- begin
- end;
- procedure TAnimationResource.SetTotalTimeStamps(ATotalTimeStamps: Integer);
- var i: Integer;
- begin
- SetLength(TimeStampsMS, ATotalTimeStamps);
- for i := 0 to High(Transforms) do SetLength(Transforms[i], ATotalTimeStamps);
- end;
- function TAnimationResource.GetElementSize: Integer;
- begin
- Result := SizeOf(TAnimTransform);
- end;
- procedure TAnimationResource.AddProperties(const Result: Props.TProperties);
- var i: Integer;
- begin
- inherited;
- if not Assigned(Result) then Exit;
- Result.Add('Total time, ms', vtInt, [], IntToStr(TotalMs), '');
- Result.Add('Total frames', vtInt, [poReadonly], IntToStr(Length(TimeStampsMs)), '');
- Result.Add('DataTotal bones', vtInt, [poReadonly], IntToStr(Length(Transforms)), '');
- Result.AddBinary('DataTimestamps', [poReadonly, poHidden], @TimeStampsMs[0], Length(TimeStampsMs) * SizeOf(Cardinal));
- for i := 0 to High(Transforms) do
- Result.AddBinary('DataBone #' + IntToStr(i), [poReadonly, poHidden], @Transforms[i][0], Length(Transforms[i]) * SizeOf(TAnimTransform));
- end;
- procedure TAnimationResource.SetProperties(Properties: Props.TProperties);
- var i: Integer;
- begin
- inherited;
- if Properties.Valid('Total time, ms') then TotalMs := StrToIntDef(Properties['Total time, ms'], 0);
- if Properties.Valid('DataTotal bones') then SetTotalBones(StrToIntDef(Properties['DataTotal bones'], 0));
- if Properties.Valid('Total frames') then SetTotalTimeStamps(StrToIntDef(Properties['Total frames'], 0));
- Properties.RetrieveBinPropertyData('DataTimestamps', @TimeStampsMs[0]); // ToFix: avoid range error
- for i := 0 to High(Transforms) do
- Properties.RetrieveBinPropertyData('DataBone #' + IntToStr(i), @Transforms[i][0]); // ToFix: avoid range error
- end;
- procedure TAnimationResource.SetTotalBones(ATotalBones: Integer);
- begin
- SetLength(Transforms, ATotalBones);
- SetLength(AnimTransform, ATotalBones);
- end;
- procedure TAnimationResource.AddBoneAnim(ABoneIndex: Integer; ATimeStampsMs: array of Cardinal; AAnims: array of TAnimTransform);
- procedure InsertAt(Index: Integer);
- var Bone, i: Integer;
- begin
- SetTotalTimeStamps(Length(TimeStampsMS)+1);
- for i := High(TimeStampsMs) downto Index+1 do begin
- TimeStampsMs[i] := TimeStampsMs[i+1];
- for Bone := 0 to High(Transforms) do
- Transforms[Bone, i] := Transforms[Bone, i-1];
- end;
- end;
- function GetTimeIndex(TimeMs: Cardinal): Integer;
- begin
- Result := 0;
- while (Result <= High(TimeStampsMs)) and (TimeMs > TimeStampsMs[Result]) do Inc(Result);
- if (Result > High(TimeStampsMs)) or (TimeMs > TimeStampsMs[Result]) then InsertAt(Result);
- end;
- var
- i, Ind: Integer;
- begin
- Assert(Length(ATimeStampsMs) = Length(AAnims));
- for i := 0 to High(ATimeStampsMs) do begin
- Ind := GetTimeIndex(ATimeStampsMs[i]);
- TimeStampsMs[Ind] := ATimeStampsMs[i];
- Transforms[ABoneIndex, Ind] := AAnims[i];
- if TotalMs < TimeStampsMs[Ind] then TotalMs := TimeStampsMs[Ind];
- {
- if not Assigned(Skeleton.Animation[0].Transforms[SkelEl^.Index]) then
- SetLength(Skeleton.Animation[0].Transforms[SkelEl^.Index], Frame.m_cMatrixKeys);
- for i := 0 to High(Skeleton.Animation[0].TimeStampsMs) do begin
- Skeleton.Animation[0].TimeStampsMs[i] := Frame.m_pMatrixKeys[i].dwTime;
- Skeleton.Animation[0].Transforms[SkelEl^.Index, i] := TMatrix4s(Frame.m_pMatrixKeys[i].mat);
- if Skeleton.Animation[0].TotalMs < Skeleton.Animation[0].TimeStampsMs[i] then
- Skeleton.Animation[0].TotalMs := Skeleton.Animation[0].TimeStampsMs[i]}
- end;
- end;
- procedure TAnimationResource.DoScale(Amount: TVector3s);
- var i, j: Integer;
- begin
- for i := 0 to High(Transforms) do begin
- // Scale translation part of current transforms
- AnimTransform[i]._41 := AnimTransform[i]._41 * Amount.X;
- AnimTransform[i]._42 := AnimTransform[i]._42 * Amount.Y;
- AnimTransform[i]._43 := AnimTransform[i]._43 * Amount.Z;
- for j := 0 to High(Transforms[i]) do begin // Scale translation part of animation transforms
- Transforms[i, j]._41 := Transforms[i, j]._41 * Amount.X;
- Transforms[i, j]._42 := Transforms[i, j]._42 * Amount.Y;
- Transforms[i, j]._43 := Transforms[i, j]._43 * Amount.Z;
- end;
- end;
- end;
- procedure TAnimationResource.DoRotate(Amount: TVector3s);
- var i, j: Integer; RotMatrix: TMatrix3s;
- begin
- RotMatrix := MulMatrix3s(ZRotationMatrix3s(Amount.Z/180*pi), YRotationMatrix3s(Amount.Y/180*pi));
- RotMatrix := MulMatrix3s(XRotationMatrix3s(-Amount.X/180*pi), RotMatrix);
- for i := 0 to High(Transforms) do begin
- // Rotate translation part of current transforms
- // AnimTransform[i].ViewTranslate := Transform3Vector3s(RotMatrix, AnimTransform[i].ViewTranslate);
- AnimTransform[i] := MulMatrix4s(AnimTransform[i], ExpandMatrix3s(RotMatrix));
- for j := 0 to High(Transforms[i]) do // Rotate translation part of animation transforms
- Transforms[i, j] := MulMatrix4s(Transforms[i, j], ExpandMatrix3s(RotMatrix));
- // Transforms[i, j].ViewTranslate := Transform3Vector3s(RotMatrix, Transforms[i, j].ViewTranslate);
- end;
- end;
- procedure TAnimationResource.SetTime(TimeStamp: TTimeUnit);
- var
- i, Ind, i1, i2: Integer;
- LerpValue: Single;
- TimeStampMs: Cardinal;
- begin
- TimeStampMs := TimeUnitToMs(TimeStamp) mod TotalMs;
- i1 := 0;
- i2 := 0;
- // ToFix: rewrite
- for Ind := 0 to High(TimeStampsMs) do if (TimeStampsMs[Ind] > TimeStampMs) then begin
- i2 := Ind;
- if (Ind > 0) then i1 := Ind - 1 else i1 := Ind;
- Break;
- end;
- if ((TimeStampsMs[i2] - TimeStampsMs[i1]) = 0) then
- LerpValue := 0
- else
- LerpValue := (TimeStampMs - TimeStampsMs[i1]) / (TimeStampsMs[i2] - TimeStampsMs[i1]);
- if (LerpValue > 0.5) then Ind := i2 else Ind := i1;
- for i := 0 to High(AnimTransform) do if Assigned(Transforms[i]) then
- AnimTransform[i] := Transforms[i, Ind];
- end;
- { TSkeletalDummy }
- procedure TSkeletalDummy.ComputeTransform;
- begin
- if Assigned(BaseItem) then begin
- BaseItem.Skeleton.RetrieveTransform(FTransform, BoneIndex);
- FTransform := MulMatrix4s(FTransform, BaseItem.Transform);
- end;
- TransformValid := True;
- end;
- function TSkeletalDummy.GetBaseItem: TSkinnedItem;
- var Item: TItem;
- begin
- ResolveLink('Base item', Item);
- Result := TSkinnedItem(Item);
- end;
- procedure TSkeletalDummy.AddProperties(const Result: Props.TProperties);
- var BonesEnum: AnsiString;
- begin
- inherited;
- AddItemLink(Result, 'Base item', [], 'TSkinnedItem');
- if not Assigned(Result) then Exit;
- BonesEnum := '';
- if Assigned(BaseItem) then
- BonesEnum := StringsToEnumA(BaseItem.Skeleton.Skeleton.ElementNames, True);
- Result.AddEnumerated('Bone index', [], BoneIndex, BonesEnum);
- end;
- procedure TSkeletalDummy.SetProperties(Properties: Props.TProperties);
- begin
- inherited;
- if Properties.Valid('Base item') then SetLinkProperty('Base item', Properties['Base item']);
- if Properties.Valid('Bone index') then BoneIndex := Properties.GetAsInteger('Bone index');
- end;
- begin
- GlobalClassList.Add('C2Anim', GetUnitClassList);
- end.