资源名称:CAST2SDK.rar [点击查看]
- (*
- @Abstract(CAST II Engine applications helper unit)
- (C) 2006-2007 George "Mirage" Bakhtadze. <a href="http://www.casteng.com">www.casteng.com</a> <br>
- The source code may be used under either MPL 1.1 or LGPL 2.1 license. See included license.txt file <br>
- Unit contains a class which performs some usual tasks like menu system etc
- *)
- {$Include GDefines.inc}
- {$Include C2Defines.inc}
- unit C2AppHelper;
- interface
- uses
- SysUtils,
- TextFile,
- AppsInit, AppHelper,
- BaseTypes, Basics, BaseMsg, Props,
- BaseClasses, Resources, BaseGraph,
- C2Render,
- CAST2, C2Core, C2Visual, C2VisItems, C2Materials, C22D, C2Particle, C2Affectors,
- {$IFDEF DIRECT3D8} C2DX8Render, {$ENDIF} {$IFDEF OpenGL} COGLRender, {$ENDIF}
- {$IFDEF Audio} C2Sound, {$ENDIF}
- {$IFDEF USE_DI} DInput {$ELSE} WInput {$ENDIF},
- C2Res;
- const
- // User profile file extension
- ProfileFileExtension = '.pfl';
- // Key binding prefix on config
- KeyBindPrefix = 'Key_';
- // AWSD camera control modes
- // ccNone = 0; ccMove = 1; ccRotate = 2; ccMoveZoom = 3; ccXMoveZoom = 4;
- type
- // Camera modes
- TCameraMode = (// Move camera with mouse
- cmMove,
- // Rotate camera with mouse
- cmRotate,
- // zoom camera with mouse
- cmZoom);
- // This message is generated when full screen mode switched on or off
- TFullScreenToggleMsg = class(BaseMSg.TSystemMessage)
- end;
- // This message is generated when main menu switched on or off
- TMenuToggleMsg = class(BaseMSg.TSystemMessage)
- end;
- // This message is generated when help screen switched on or off
- THelpToggleMsg = class(BaseMSg.TSystemMessage)
- end;
- { @Abstract(Base class for applications which uses CAST II engine)
- }
- TCast2App = class(TApp)
- private
- function MatchVideoMode(const VM: TVideoMode; const Str: string): Boolean;
- procedure ActionActivateCallback(BindData: Integer; CustomData: SmallInt);
- procedure ActionDeactivateCallback(BindData: Integer; CustomData: SmallInt);
- protected
- // procedure StartCameraMode(Mode: TCameraMode); virtual;
- // procedure EndCameraMode(Mode: TCameraMode); virtual;
- // Binds default controls for some standard actions
- procedure BindStandardControls; virtual;
- // Applies controls
- procedure ApplyControls; virtual;
- // Enumerate video modes
- procedure EnumModes;
- // Enumerate video modes and users
- procedure EnumAll;
- // Returns profile file name by a user name
- function UserNameToFileName(const UserName: string): string;
- public
- // CAST II core reference
- Core: C2Core.TCore;
- // Audio manager reference
- Audio: TAudioManager;
- {$ENDIF}
- // Network manager reference
- Net: TNet;
- // Host name for game server
- GameHostName: string;
- {$ENDIF}
- constructor Create(const AProgramName: string; AStarter: TAppStarter); override;
- destructor Destroy; override;
- // Creates engine core of the specified class and registers standard item classes
- procedure CreateCore(CoreClass: C2Core.CCore); virtual;
- // Loads a scene from the specified file and returns <b>True</b> if success
- function LoadScene(const FileName: string): Boolean;
- { Binds an action or message to the specified in <b>AActivateBinding</b> input event or a sequence of events.
- If <b>Msg</b> is not <b>nil</b> the message will be generated when the specified in <b>AActivateBinding</b> set of input events will occur.
- Otherwise an action named <b>AName</b> will be activated when input will match <b>AActivateBinding</b> and deactivated when input will match <b>ADeactivateBinding</b>. }
- procedure BindAction(Msg: CMessage; const AName, AActivateBinding, ADeactivateBinding: string);
- // Delete the specified action
- procedure DeleteAction(const AName: string);
- // Logs on a user with the specified name and loads its profile
- procedure LogOn(UserName: string);
- // Saves current user's profile and logs off the user
- procedure LogOff;
- // Opens the specified URL in system default browser. If application is operating in full screen mode it's minimized.
- procedure GotoURL(const URLFileName: string);
- { Applies the specified option set. An option set is a grouped by category set of options.
- For example "VIDEOOPTIONS" set includes video mode options, gamma control options and so on. }
- procedure ApplyOptionSet(const OptionSet: string); virtual;
- // Applies all option sets
- procedure ApplyOptions; virtual;
- // Applies video option set ("VIDEOOPTIONS")
- function ApplyVideoOptions: Boolean; virtual;
- // Temporarily applies the specified value to the specified option for preview purposes
- procedure PreviewOptions(OptionName, Value: string); virtual;
- // Fills <b>X</b> and <b>Y</b> with X and Y of current viewport center
- procedure ObtainViewportCenter(out X, Y: Integer); virtual;
- // Messages handler. Handles full screen toggling, forced quit, etc
- procedure HandleMessage(const Msg: TMessage); virtual;
- // Performs OS message processing (calls <b>Starter.Process</b>) and engine core processing. Should be called in main application cycle.
- procedure Process; virtual;
- end;
- implementation
- uses Base3D, OSUtils;
- const
- StrNoDX = 'DirectX 8 or greater is not installed!'#13#10'You can download it at http://www.microsoft.com/directx';
- // StrUIError = 'Initialization error. File corrupt or version mismatch.'#13#10'Reinstalling the application should fix this problem.';
- // ZeroGUID: TGUID = '{00000000-0000-0000-0000-000000000000}';
- { TCast2App }
- function TCast2App.MatchVideoMode(const VM: TVideoMode; const Str: string): Boolean;
- begin
- Result := (SysUtils.Format('%Dx%Dx%D', [VM.Width, VM.Height, GetBitsPerPixel(VM.Format)-1]) = Str) or // For 15 and 16 bit modes compatibility
- (SysUtils.Format('%Dx%Dx%D', [VM.Width, VM.Height, GetBitsPerPixel(VM.Format)+1]) = Str) or
- (SysUtils.Format('%Dx%Dx%D', [VM.Width, VM.Height, GetBitsPerPixel(VM.Format)]) = Str);
- end;
- procedure TCast2App.ActionActivateCallback(BindData: Integer; CustomData: SmallInt);
- begin
- FActions[CustomData].Active := True;
- end;
- procedure TCast2App.ActionDeactivateCallback(BindData: Integer; CustomData: SmallInt);
- begin
- FActions[CustomData].Active := False;
- end;
- procedure TCast2App.EnumModes;
- var CurVM, i: Integer; s: string;
- begin
- if (Core = nil) or (Core.Renderer = nil) then Exit;
- CurVM := 0;
- s := '';
- for i := 0 to Core.Renderer.TotalVideoModes-1 do with Core.Renderer.VideoMode[i] do begin
- if i > 0 then s := s + StringDelimiter;
- s := s + SysUtils.Format('%Dx%Dx%D', [Width, Height, GetBitsPerPixel(Format)]);
- if MatchVideoMode(Core.Renderer.VideoMode[i], Config['VideoMode']) then CurVM := i;
- end;
- Config.AddEnumerated('VideoMode', [], CurVM, s);
- end;
- procedure TCast2App.EnumAll;
- procedure EnumUsers;
- var i, CurUser: Integer; s: string; SR: TSearchRec;
- procedure AddUser(const AName: string);
- begin
- if AName = '' then Exit;
- if s <> '' then s := s + StringDelimiter;
- s := s + AName;
- if AName = Config['UserName'] then CurUser := i;
- Inc(i);
- end;
- begin
- s := ''; i := 0; CurUser := -1;
- if FindFirst(Starter.ProgramWorkDir + '*' + ProfileFileExtension, faReadOnly or faHidden or faSysFile or faArchive, SR) = 0 then begin
- repeat AddUser(GetFileName(SR.Name)); until FindNext(SR) <> 0;
- SysUtils.FindClose(SR);
- end;
- if CurUser = -1 then AddUser(Config['UserName']);
- Config.AddEnumerated('UserName', [], CurUser, s);
- end;
- begin
- EnumUsers;
- EnumModes;
- end;
- function TCast2App.UserNameToFileName(const UserName: string): string;
- begin
- Result := Starter.ProgramWorkDir + UserName + ProfileFileExtension;
- end;
- (*procedure TCast2App.StartCameraMode(Mode: TCameraMode);
- var CenterX, CenterY: Integer;
- begin
- case Mode of
- cmMove: if not MoveMode then MoveMode := True else Exit;
- cmRotate: if not RotateMode then RotateMode := True else Exit;
- cmZoom: if not ZoomMode then ZoomMode := True else Exit;
- end;
- Log.Log('** Anchor set by StartCameraMode');
- {$ENDIF}
- ObtainViewportCenter(CenterX, CenterY);
- Core.Input.SetMouseAnchor(CenterX, CenterY);
- end;
- procedure TCast2App.EndCameraMode(Mode: TCameraMode);
- begin
- case Mode of
- cmMove: if MoveMode then MoveMode := False else Exit;
- cmRotate: if RotateMode then RotateMode := False else Exit;
- cmZoom: if ZoomMode then ZoomMode := False else Exit;
- end;
- Log.Log('** Anchor reset by EndCameraMode');
- {$ENDIF}
- Core.Input.SetMouseAnchor(-1, -1);
- end; *)
- procedure TCast2App.BindStandardControls;
- var i: Integer;
- begin
- BindAction(TForceQuitMsg, 'Quit', 'Alt+Q', '');
- BindAction(TMenuToggleMsg, 'Menu', 'SPACE', '');
- BindAction(THelpToggleMsg, 'Help', 'F1', '');
- BindAction(TFullScreenToggleMsg, 'FullScreenToggle', 'Alt+Enter', '');
- BindAction(nil, 'Forward', 'W+', 'W-');
- BindAction(nil, 'Backward', 'S+', 'S-');
- BindAction(nil, 'Left', 'A+', 'A-');
- BindAction(nil, 'Right', 'D+', 'D-');
- for i := 0 to High(FActions) do begin
- if FActions[i].Message <> nil then begin
- if Config[KeyBindPrefix + FActions[i].Name] = '' then
- Config.Add(KeyBindPrefix + FActions[i].Name, vtString, [], FActions[i].ActivateBinding, '', '');
- end else if Config[KeyBindPrefix + FActions[i].Name + OnOffStr[True]] = '' then begin
- Config.Add(KeyBindPrefix + FActions[i].Name + OnOffStr[True], vtString, [], FActions[i].ActivateBinding, '', '');
- Config.Add(KeyBindPrefix + FActions[i].Name + OnOffStr[False], vtString, [], FActions[i].DeactivateBinding, '', '');
- end;
- end;
- ApplyControls;
- end;
- procedure TCast2App.ApplyControls;
- var i: Integer;
- begin
- if not Assigned(Core) or not Assigned(Core.Input) then begin
- {$IFDEF LOGGING} Log.Log(ClassName + '.ApplyControls: Core or Core.Input is not assigned', lkError); {$ENDIF}
- Exit;
- end;
- Core.Input.UnBindAll;
- for i := 0 to High(FActions) do begin
- if Config[KeyBindPrefix + FActions[i].Name] <> '' then
- BindAction(FActions[i].Message, FActions[i].Name, Config[KeyBindPrefix + FActions[i].Name], '');
- if Config[KeyBindPrefix + FActions[i].Name + OnOffStr[True]] <> '' then
- BindAction(FActions[i].Message, FActions[i].Name, Config[KeyBindPrefix + FActions[i].Name + OnOffStr[True]],
- Config[KeyBindPrefix + FActions[i].Name + OnOffStr[False]]);
- end;
- (*
- BindCommand(NewBinding(btKeyDown, IK_UP), cmdWDown); BindPointer(NewBinding(btKeyUp, IK_UP), atBooleanOff, @WPressed);
- BindCommand(NewBinding(btKeyDown, IK_DOWN), cmdSDown); BindPointer(NewBinding(btKeyUp, IK_DOWN), atBooleanOff, @SPressed);
- BindCommand(NewBinding(btKeyDown, IK_LEFT), cmdADown); BindPointer(NewBinding(btKeyUp, IK_LEFT), atBooleanOff, @APressed);
- BindCommand(NewBinding(btKeyDown, IK_RIGHT), cmdDDown); BindPointer(NewBinding(btKeyUp, IK_RIGHT), atBooleanOff, @DPressed);
- {$ELSE}
- BindCommand(NewBinding(btKeyClick, IK_GRAVE), cmdMinimize);
- BindPointer(NewBinding(btKeyDown, IK_Q, NewBinding(btKeyDown, IK_U, NewBinding(btKeyDown, IK_I, NewBinding(btKeyDown, IK_T)))), atBooleanOn, @Starter.Finished, 0, 1000);
- BindPointer(NewBinding(btKeyDown, IK_LALT, NewBinding(btKeyDown, IK_Q)), atBooleanOn, @Starter.Finished, 0, 0, NewBinding(btKeyUp, IK_LALT));
- BindCommand(NewBinding(btKeyDown, IK_LALT, NewBinding(btKeyClick, IK_RETURN)), cmdToggleFullscreen, 0, NewBinding(btKeyUp, IK_LALT));
- BindCommand(NewBinding(btKeyDown, IK_MOUSELEFT), cmdMZoomDown); Input.BindCommand(NewBinding(btKeyUp, IK_MOUSELEFT), cmdZoomUp);
- BindCommand(NewBinding(btKeyDown, IK_MOUSERIGHT), cmdMRotateDown); Input.BindCommand(NewBinding(btKeyUp, IK_MOUSERIGHT), cmdRotateUp);
- {$ENDIF}
- BindCommand(NewBinding(btKeyDown, IK_LALT), cmdRotateDown); Input.BindCommand(NewBinding(btKeyUp, IK_LALT), cmdRotateUp);
- BindCommand(NewBinding(btKeyDown, IK_LSHIFT), cmdZoomDown); Input.BindCommand(NewBinding(btKeyUp, IK_LSHIFT), cmdZoomUp);
- BindCommand(NewBinding(btKeyDown, IK_MOUSEMIDDLE), cmdMoveDown); Input.BindCommand(NewBinding(btKeyUp, IK_MOUSEMIDDLE), cmdMoveUp);
- BindCommand(NewBinding(btKeyDown, IK_CONTROL), cmdMoveDown); Input.BindCommand(NewBinding(btKeyUp, IK_CONTROL), cmdMoveUp);
- BindCommand(NewBinding(btKeyDown, IK_LCONTROL), cmdMoveDown); Input.BindCommand(NewBinding(btKeyUp, IK_LCONTROL), cmdMoveUp);
- BindCommand(NewBinding(btMouseMove, 0), cmdMouseMove);
- BindCommand(NewBinding(btMouseRoll, 0), cmdMouseRoll);
- {$ENDIF}
- BindPointer(NewBinding(btKeyClick, IK_B), atBooleanToggle, @Core.DebugOut);
- // BindPointer(NewBinding(btKeyClick, IK_8), atSetLongWord, @World.Renderer.FillMode, fmSolid);
- // BindPointer(NewBinding(btKeyClick, IK_9), atSetLongWord, @World.Renderer.FillMode, fmWire);
- // BindPointer(NewBinding(btKeyClick, IK_0), atSetLongWord, @World.Renderer.FillMode, fmPoint);
- BindCommand(NewBinding(btKeyClick, IK_F5), cmdSpeedLo);
- BindCommand(NewBinding(btKeyClick, IK_F6), cmdSpeedNormal);
- BindCommand(NewBinding(btKeyClick, IK_F7), cmdSpeedHi);
- {$ENDIF}
- // BindCommand(NewBinding(btKeyDown, IK_MOUSEMIDDLE), cmdMinimize);*)
- // MouseInGUI := False;
- Core.Input.MouseCapture := not Core.Input.SystemCursor;
- end;
- constructor TCast2App.Create(const AProgramName: string; AStarter: TAppStarter);
- procedure SetDeviceType(const AName: string);
- var i: Integer; DTStrs: TStringArray;
- begin
- for i := 0 to Split(DeviceTypesEnum, StringDelimiter, DTStrs, False)-1 do
- if AName = DTStrs[i] then (Core.Renderer as TDX8Renderer).SetDeviceType(i);
- DTStrs := nil;
- EnumModes;
- end;
- {$ENDIF}
- function SetAdapter(const AName: string): Boolean;
- var i: Integer;
- begin
- Result := True;
- if AName = '' then Exit;
- for i := 0 to Core.Renderer.TotalAdapters-1 do
- if AName = Core.Renderer.AdapterName[i] then begin
- Core.Renderer.SetVideoAdapter(i);
- Exit;
- end;
- Result := False;
- end;
- {$IFDEF NETSUPPORT} var i, j: Integer; {$ENDIF}
- begin
- inherited;
- if Starter.Terminated then Exit; // Error occured
- Starter.Terminated := True;
- LogOn(Config['UserName']);
- CreateCore(TCore);
- Core.MessageHandler := HandleMessage;
- Starter.MessageHandler := Core.HandleMessage;
- // Render
- Core.Renderer := TOGLRenderer.Initialize(World.ResourceManager, CommandQueue);
- // World.Renderer := TOGLDispListRenderer.Initialize(World.ResourceManager, CommandQueue {$IFDEF Logging} , Log {$ENDIF});
- {$ELSE}
- Core.Renderer := TDX8Renderer.Create(Core);
- SetDeviceType(Config['DeviceType']);
- {$ENDIF}
- if not SetAdapter(Config['VideoAdapter']) then begin
- {$IFDEF LOGGING} Log.Log(ClassName + '.Create: Video adapter "' + Config['VideoAdapter'] + '" not found. Default video adapter used', lkError); {$ENDIF}
- end;
- if Core.Renderer.State = rsNotInitialized then begin
- {$IFDEF LOGGING} Log.Log('Can''t start renderer', lkFatalError); {$ENDIF}
- Starter.PrintError(StrNoDX, lkFatalError);
- Exit;
- end;
- //
- CFG.SetOptionIndex('VideoMode', 0);
- {$ENDIF}
- if not ActivateWindow(Starter.WindowHandle) then begin
- {$IFDEF LOGGING} Log.Log('Failed to activate main window', lkWarning); {$ENDIF}
- end;
- {$ENDIF}
- Core.Input := TOSController.Create(Starter.WindowHandle, Core.HandleMessage);
- // SkipInputPoll := False;
- // SkipCameraControl := False;
- Audio := TDX8AudioManager.Initialize(Starter.WindowHandle, World.ResourceManager);
- {$ENDIF}
- Net := TDX8Net.Initialize(AppGUID, World.NetMessages);
- SetLength(NetModeVariants, Net.TotalServiceProviders);
- for i := 0 to Net.TotalServiceProviders-1 do begin
- s := Net.SPInfo[i].pwszName;
- j := Pos('DirectPlay8', s);
- if j > 0 then Delete(s, j, Length('DirectPlay8'));
- j := Pos('Service Provider', s);
- if j > 0 then Delete(s, j, Length('Service Provider'));
- s := Trim(s);
- s := Upcase(s[1]) + Copy(s, 2, Length(s));
- NetModeVariants[i] := s;
- if Pos('TCP/IP', UpperCase(s)) > 0 then Net.SetServiceProvider(i);
- end;
- GameHostName := 'CAST multiplayer host';
- {$ENDIF}
- if ApplyVideoOptions then Starter.Terminated := False;
- // Core.Renderer.MaxTextureWidth := 64;
- // Core.Renderer.MaxTextureHeight := 64;
- if not (Starter is TScreenSaverStarter) or not (Starter as TScreenSaverStarter).PreviewMode then BindStandardControls;
- // MouseSensitivity := 0.1;
- end;
- procedure TCast2App.CreateCore(CoreClass: CCore);
- begin
- Core := CoreClass.Create;
- Core.RegisterItemClass(TItem);
- Core.RegisterItemClass(TDummyItem);
- Core.RegisterItemClass(TRootItem);
- Core.RegisterItemClass(TProcessing);
- Core.RegisterItemClass(TCamera);
- Core.RegisterItemClass(TLookAtCamera);
- Core.RegisterItemClass(TMaterial);
- Core.RegisterItemClass(TTechnique);
- Core.RegisterItemClass(TRenderPass);
- Core.RegisterItemClass(TLight);
- // Resources
- Core.RegisterItemClass(TResource);
- Core.RegisterItemClass(TImageResource);
- Core.RegisterItemClass(TTextureResource);
- Core.RegisterItemClass(TVerticesResource);
- Core.RegisterItemClass(TIndicesResource);
- Core.RegisterItemClass(TUVMapResource);
- Core.RegisterItemClass(TCharMapResource);
- Core.RegisterItemClass(TAudioResource);
- Core.RegisterItemClass(TScriptResource);
- // Visible
- Core.RegisterItemClass(TVisible);
- Core.RegisterItemClass(TMesh);
- Core.RegisterItemClass(C2VisItems.TPlane);
- Core.RegisterItemClass(TCircle);
- Core.RegisterItemClass(TDome);
- Core.RegisterItemClass(TSky);
- // Particle
- Core.RegisterItemClass(TParticleSystem);
- Core.RegisterItemClass(T2DParticleSystem);
- Core.RegisterItemClass(T3DParticleSystem);
- Core.RegisterItemClass(TEmitter);
- Core.RegisterItemClass(TPSAbsorber);
- Core.RegisterItemClass(TPSMover);
- Core.RegisterItemClass(TPSAttractor);
- Core.RegisterItemClass(TPSColorInterpolator);
- Core.RegisterItemClass(TPSForce);
- Core.RegisterItemClass(TSphericalEmitter);
- // 2D
- Core.RegisterItemClass(TFont);
- Core.RegisterItemClass(TBitmapFont);
- Core.CatchAllInput := True;
- end;
- function TCast2App.LoadScene(const FileName: string): Boolean;
- var Stream: TFileStream;
- begin
- Result := False;
- Stream := TFileStream.Create(Filename);
- if not Core.LoadScene(Stream) then begin
- Log.Log(Self.ClassName + '.Create: Error loading file "' + FileName + '"', lkError);
- {$ENDIF}
- Stream.Free;
- Exit;
- end;
- Result := True;
- end;
- procedure TCast2App.BindAction(Msg: CMessage; const AName, AActivateBinding, ADeactivateBinding: string);
- var Index: Integer;
- begin
- Index := GetActionIndex(AName);
- if AActivateBinding = '' then begin // Delete binding
- Log.Log(Format('%S.%S: Activation binding not specified for action "%S"', [ClassName, 'BindAction', AName]), lkWarning);
- end;
- if Index = -1 then begin
- Index := Length(FActions);
- SetLength(FActions, Index+1);
- end;
- FActions[Index].Name := AName;
- FActions[Index].ActivateBinding := AActivateBinding;
- FActions[Index].DeactivateBinding := ADeactivateBinding;
- FActions[Index].Message := Msg;
- FActions[Index].Active := False;
- if not Assigned(Core) or not Assigned(Core.Input) then begin
- Log.Log(ClassName + '.BindAction: Core or Core.Input is not assigned', lkError);
- Exit;
- end;
- if Msg = nil then begin // No message to bind - using activated/deactivated semantics
- Core.Input.BindDelegate(AActivateBinding, ActionActivateCallback, Index);
- if ADeactivateBinding <> '' then
- Core.Input.BindDelegate(ADeactivateBinding, ActionDeactivateCallback, Index) else begin
- Log.Log(ClassName + '.BindAction: Message to bind and deactivation binding both undefined for action "' + AName + '"', lkWarning);
- end;
- end else Core.Input.BindCommand(AActivateBinding, Msg);
- end;
- procedure TCast2App.DeleteAction(const AName: string);
- var Index: Integer;
- begin
- Index := GetActionIndex(AName);
- if Index = -1 then Exit;
- FActions[Index] := FActions[High(FActions)];
- SetLength(FActions, Length(FActions)-1);
- end;
- procedure TCast2App.LogOff;
- begin
- if Config['UserName'] = '' then Exit;
- {$IFDEF LOGGING} Log.Log(ClassName + '.LogOff: User "' + Config['UserName'] + '"', lkNotice); {$ENDIF}
- Config.SaveAs(UserNameToFileName(Config['UserName']));
- Config['UserName'] := '';
- end;
- procedure TCast2App.LogOn(UserName: string);
- begin
- if UserName = '' then UserName := 'Player';
- {$IFDEF LOGGING} Log.Log(ClassName + '.LogOn: User "' + UserName + '"', lkNotice); {$ENDIF}
- if not Config.LoadFrom(UserNameToFileName(UserName)) then begin
- {$IFDEF LOGGING} Log.Log(ClassName + '.LogOn: User profile file "' + UserNameToFileName(UserName) + '"not found', lkWarning); {$ENDIF}
- end;
- Config['UserName'] := UserName;
- EnumAll;
- ApplyOptions;
- end;
- procedure TCast2App.ApplyOptionSet(const OptionSet: string);
- begin
- if OptionSet = 'VIDEOOPTIONS' then ApplyVideoOptions else
- if OptionSet = 'PLAYERLIST' then begin
- LogOn(Config['UserName']);
- end;
- end;
- procedure TCast2App.ApplyOptions;
- begin
- ApplyControls;
- ApplyVideoOptions;
- end;
- function TCast2App.ApplyVideoOptions: Boolean;
- var i: Integer; CurVideoMode: Cardinal; ModifyViewport: Boolean;
- begin
- Result := True;
- if (Core = nil) or (Core.Renderer = nil) then Exit;
- Exclude(Core.Renderer.AppRequirements.Flags, arForceVSync);
- Exclude(Core.Renderer.AppRequirements.Flags, arForceNoVSync);
- if Config['VSync'] = OnOffStr[True] then
- Include(Core.Renderer.AppRequirements.Flags, arForceVSync) else
- if Config['VSync'] = OnOffStr[False] then
- Include(Core.Renderer.AppRequirements.Flags, arForceNoVSync);
- CurVideoMode := 0;
- for i := 0 to Core.Renderer.TotalVideoModes-1 do if MatchVideoMode(Core.Renderer.VideoMode[i], Config['VideoMode']) then begin
- CurVideoMode := i;
- Break;
- end;
- // Skip viewport restoring if nothing was changed
- ModifyViewport := (Core.Renderer.State = rsNotReady) or
- (Core.Renderer.FullScreen <> (Config.GetAsInteger('Windowed') = 0)) or
- (Core.Renderer.FullScreen and (Core.Renderer.CurrentVideoMode <> CurVideoMode));
- // (not Core.Renderer.FullScreen and (Config.GetAsInteger('Windowed') > 0) or
- // Core.Renderer.FullScreen and (Config.GetAsInteger('Windowed') = 0) and (Core.Renderer.CurrentVideoMode = CurVideoMode));
- if Core.Renderer.State = rsNotReady then begin
- Result := Core.Renderer.CreateDevice(Starter.WindowHandle, CurVideoMode, Config.GetAsInteger('Windowed') = 0);
- end else if ModifyViewport then
- Result := Core.Renderer.RestoreDevice(CurVideoMode, Config.GetAsInteger('Windowed') = 0);
- if not Result then begin
- Starter.PrintError(PChar('Can''t start renderer...'), lkError);
- Exit;
- end;
- Core.HandleMessage(TWindowResizeMsg.Create(0, 0, Core.Renderer.RenderWidth, Core.Renderer.RenderHeight));
- Core.Renderer.SetGamma(StrToIntDef(Config['Gamma'], 50)/50, StrToIntDef(Config['Contrast'], 50)/50, StrToIntDef(Config['Brightness'], 50)/50);
- Result := True;
- end;
- procedure TCast2App.PreviewOptions(OptionName, Value: string);
- var Gamma, Contrast, Brightness: Single;
- begin
- // Video
- if OptionName = 'GAMMA' then Gamma := StrToIntDef(Value, 50)/50 else Gamma := StrToIntDef(Config['Gamma'], 50)/50;
- if OptionName = 'CONTRAST' then Contrast := StrToIntDef(Value, 50)/50 else Contrast := StrToIntDef(Config['Contrast'], 50)/50;
- if OptionName = 'BRIGHTNESS' then Brightness := StrToIntDef(Value, 50)/50 else Brightness := StrToIntDef(Config['Brightness'], 50)/50;
- Core.Renderer.SetGamma(Gamma, Contrast, Brightness);
- // User profiles
- if OptionName = 'USERNAME' then LogOff;
- end;
- procedure TCast2App.ObtainViewportCenter(out X, Y: Integer);
- var Rect: TRect;
- begin
- if not Assigned(Core) or not Assigned(Core.Renderer) then Exit;
- if Core.Renderer.FullScreen then begin
- X := Core.Renderer.RenderWidth div 2;
- Y := Core.Renderer.RenderHeight div 2;
- end else begin
- GetWindowRect(Starter.WindowHandle, Rect);
- X := (Rect.Left + Rect.Right) div 2;
- Y := (Rect.Top + Rect.Bottom) div 2;
- end;
- end;
- procedure TCast2App.HandleMessage(const Msg: TMessage);
- const SC_KEYMENU = 61696;
- begin
- if Msg = nil then Exit;
- Starter.CallDefaultMsgHandler := True;
- if not Starter.Terminated then begin
- // if Assigned(Core) then Core.HandleMessage(Msg);
- end;
- // -- OS Messages
- if Msg.ClassType = TWindowMenuCommand then begin
- with TWindowMenuCommand(Msg) do if Command and $FFF0 = SC_KEYMENU then Starter.CallDefaultMsgHandler := False;
- end else if (Msg.ClassType = TWindowActivateMsg) or (Msg.ClassType = TWindowDeactivateMsg) then begin
- // Core.Paused := Msg.ClassType = TWindowActivateMsg;
- if Assigned(Core.Input) then begin
- // EndCameraMode(cmRotate);
- // MoveMode := False; RotateMode := False; ZoomMode := False;
- end;
- if Assigned(Core.Input) then Core.Input.ProcessInput([]);
- end else if Msg.ClassType = TWindowResizeMsg then begin
- // if Assigned(Input) then if Input.MouseAnchored then Input.SetMouseAnchor(GetViewportCenter(vpcX), GetViewportCenter(vpcY));
- end else if Msg.ClassType = TWindowMinimizeMsg then begin
- // Core.Paused := True;
- end else
- // -- System messages
- if Msg is TForceQuitMsg then
- Starter.Terminated := True else
- if Msg.ClassType = TOptionsApplyMsg then with TOptionsApplyMsg(Msg) do begin
- ApplyOptionSet(OptionSet);
- end else if (Msg.ClassType = TOptionsPreviewMsg) or (Msg.ClassType = TOptionsApplyNotifyMsg) then begin
- with TOptionsPreviewMsg(Msg) do PreviewOptions(OptionName, Value);
- end else
- // -- Miscellaneous messages
- if Msg.ClassType = TFullScreenToggleMsg then begin
- if Config.GetAsInteger('Windowed') > 0 then
- Config.Add('Windowed', vtBoolean, [], OnOffStr[False], '', '') else
- Config.Add('Windowed', vtBoolean, [], OnOffStr[True], '', '');
- Core.Renderer.FullScreen := Config.GetAsInteger('Windowed') = 0;
- end;
- end;
- procedure TCast2App.Process;
- //var LRMove, FBMove: Single;
- begin
- Starter.Process;
- if not Starter.Terminated and Assigned(Core) then begin
- Core.Process;
- { LRMove := (- Ord(Action['Left']) + Ord(Action['Right']) ) * MouseSensitivity;
- FBMove := (- Ord(Action['Backward']) + Ord(Action['Forward']) ) * MouseSensitivity;
- with Core.Renderer.MainCamera do begin
- if Abs(LRMove) + Abs(FBMove) > epsilon then
- Position := AddVector3s(Location.XYZ, AddVector3s(ScaleVector3s(RightVector, LRMove), ScaleVector3s(ForwardVector, FBMove)));
- end;}
- end;
- end;
- destructor TCast2App.Destroy;
- var Subsys: TSubsystem;
- begin
- Config.Save;
- LogOff;
- {$IFDEF NETSUPPORT} if Net <> nil then Net.Free; Net := nil; {$ENDIF}
- Subsys := Core.Renderer;
- Core.Renderer := nil;
- if Assigned(Subsys) then Subsys.Free;
- Subsys := Core.Input;
- Core.Input := nil;
- if Assigned(Subsys) then Subsys.Free;
- if Core <> nil then Core.Free; Core := nil;
- inherited;
- end;
- procedure TCast2App.GotoURL(const URLFileName: string);
- begin
- if Assigned(Core) then begin
- if Assigned(Core.Renderer) and Core.Renderer.FullScreen then OSUtils.MinimizeWindow(Starter.WindowHandle);
- end;
- OSUtils.OpenURL(URLFileName);
- inherited;
- end;
- end.