资源名称:CAST2SDK.rar [点击查看]
- (*
- @Abstract(CAST II Engine miscellaneous tesselators unit)
- (C) 2006 George "Mirage" Bakhtadze. <a href="http://www.casteng.com">www.casteng.com</a> <br>
- The source code may be used under either MPL 1.1 or LGPL 2.1 license. See included license.txt file <br>
- Unit contains miscellaneous tesselator classes
- *)
- {$Include GDefines.inc}
- {$Include C2Defines.inc}
- unit C2MiscTess;
- interface
- uses
- TextFile,
- BaseTypes, Basics, Base3D, CAST2, C2Types, C2Visual;
- type
- TWholeTreeMesh = class(TTesselator)
- LevelHeight, LevelStride, InnerRadius, OuterRadius, IRadiusStep, ORadiusStep, StrideFactor: Single;
- StemLowRadius, StemHighRadius, StemHeight, CrownStart: Single;
- StemUHeight, StemVHeight, CrownUVRadius: Single;
- Smoothing, Levels: Integer;
- Colored, Stem: Boolean;
- StemColor, CrownColor: BaseTypes.TColor;
- constructor Create; override;
- function RetrieveParameters(out Parameters: Pointer; Internal: Boolean): Integer; override;
- procedure SetParameters(ALevelHeight, ALevelStride, AInnerRadius, AOuterRadius, AIRadiusStep, AORadiusStep, AStrideFactor: Single;
- AStem: Boolean;
- AStemUHeight, AStemVHeight, ACrownUVRadius, AStemLowRadius, AStemHighRadius, AStemHeight, ACrownStart: Single;
- ASmoothing, ALevels: Integer;
- AColored: Boolean; AStemColor, ACrownColor: BaseTypes.TColor); virtual;
- function Tesselate(const Params: TTesselationParameters; VBPTR: Pointer): Integer; override;
- function SetIndices(IBPTR: Pointer): Integer; override;
- function GetBoundingBox: TBoundingBox; override;
- protected
- MaxY: Single;
- end;
- implementation
- { TWholeTreeMesh }
- constructor TWholeTreeMesh.Create;
- begin
- inherited;
- PrimitiveType := ptTRIANGLELIST;
- SetParameters(0.200, 0.300, 0.400, 0.800, 0.080, 0.080, 0.9, True, 0.25, 0.25, 1, 0.300, 0.100, 1.000, 0.200, 8, 3, True, GetColor($808020), GetColor($408040));
- end;
- function TWholeTreeMesh.RetrieveParameters(out Parameters: Pointer; Internal: Boolean): Integer;
- begin
- Result := 20;
- Parameters := @LevelHeight;
- end;
- procedure TWholeTreeMesh.SetParameters(ALevelHeight, ALevelStride, AInnerRadius, AOuterRadius, AIRadiusStep, AORadiusStep, AStrideFactor: Single;
- AStem: Boolean;
- AStemUHeight, AStemVHeight, ACrownUVRadius, AStemLowRadius, AStemHighRadius, AStemHeight, ACrownStart: Single;
- ASmoothing, ALevels: Integer;
- AColored: Boolean; AStemColor, ACrownColor: BaseTypes.TColor);
- var i: Integer; LStride: Single;
- begin
- InitVertexFormat(GetVertexFormat(False, True, AColored, False, False, 1, [2]));
- Smoothing := ASmoothing; Levels := ALevels;
- LevelHeight := ALevelHeight;
- LevelStride := ALevelStride;
- InnerRadius := AInnerRadius;
- OuterRadius := AOuterRadius;
- IRadiusStep := AIRadiusStep;
- ORadiusStep := AORadiusStep;
- StrideFactor := AStrideFactor;
- Stem := AStem;
- StemLowRadius := AStemLowRadius;
- StemHighRadius := AStemHighRadius;
- StemHeight := AStemHeight;
- CrownStart := ACrownStart;
- StemUHeight := AStemUHeight;
- StemVHeight := AStemVHeight;
- CrownUVRadius := ACrownUVRadius;
- Colored := AColored;
- StemColor := AStemColor;
- CrownColor := ACrownColor;
- TotalVertices := Smoothing*2*Levels + Smoothing*2 * Byte(Stem);
- TotalPrimitives := Smoothing*2*Levels + Smoothing*2 * Byte(Stem);
- TotalIndices := 3*Smoothing*2*Levels + 3*Smoothing*2 * Byte(Stem);
- IndexingVertices := TotalVertices;
- TotalStrips := 1;
- StripOffset := 0;
- VerticesRes := -1; IndicesRes := -1;
- // Compute max. Y
- MaxY := CrownStart;
- LStride := LevelStride;
- for i := 0 to Levels-1 do begin
- MaxY := MaxY + LStride;
- LStride := LStride * StrideFactor;
- end;
- if StemHeight > MaxY then MaxY := StemHeight;
- end;
- function TWholeTreeMesh.Tesselate(const Params: TTesselationParameters; VBPTR: Pointer): Integer;
- var
- i, j: Integer;
- CurY, CurIR, CurOR, LHeight, LStride, UVNorm: Single;
- Ofs: Cardinal;
- t1, t2: Single;
- begin
- // ******** Tree stem ************
- if Stem then begin
- for i := 0 to Smoothing-1 do begin
- t1 := Cos(i/180*pi*360/Smoothing); t2 := Sin(i/180*pi*360/Smoothing);
- SetVertexDataC(t1*StemLowRadius, 0, -t2*StemLowRadius, i, VBPTR);
- SetVertexDataW(0, i, VBPTR);
- SetVertexDataN(t1, 0, -t2, i, VBPTR);
- // U := 1-0.15+0.3*i/Smoothing;
- case i and 3 of
- 0: t1 := 1 - StemUHeight;
- 1: t1 := 1;
- 2: t1 := 1 + StemUHeight;
- 3: t1 := 1;
- end;
- t2 := 1-StemVHeight;
- SetVertexDataUV(t1, t2, i, VBPTR);
- end;
- for i := 0 to Smoothing-1 do begin
- Ofs := i+Smoothing;
- t1 := Cos(i/180*pi*360/Smoothing); t2 := Sin(i/180*pi*360/Smoothing);
- SetVertexDataC(t1*StemHighRadius, StemHeight, -t2*StemHighRadius, Ofs, VBPTR);
- SetVertexDataW(1 - StemHeight / MaxY, Ofs, VBPTR);
- SetVertexDataN(t1, 0, -t2, Ofs, VBPTR);
- // U := 1-0.15+0.3*i/Smoothing;
- case i and 3 of
- 0: t1 := 1 - StemUHeight;
- 1: t1 := 1;
- 2: t1 := 1 + StemUHeight;
- 3: t1 := 1;
- end;
- t2 := 1+StemVHeight;
- SetVertexDataUV(t1, t2, Ofs, VBPTR);
- end;
- end;
- // Tree crown
- CurY := CrownStart;
- CurIR := InnerRadius; CurOR := OuterRadius;
- LHeight := LevelHeight; LStride := LevelStride;
- for j := 0 to Levels-1 do begin
- if CurIR > CurOR then begin
- if CurIR = 0 then UVNorm := 0 else UVNorm := CurOR / CurIR;
- end else begin
- if CurOR = 0 then UVNorm := 0 else UVNorm := CurIR / CurOR;
- end;
- for i := 0 to Smoothing-1 do begin // Outer edge
- Ofs := (j+Ord(Stem))*2*(Smoothing)+i;
- t1 := Cos(i/180*pi*360/Smoothing + j*35/180*pi); t2 := Sin(i/180*pi*360/Smoothing + j*35/180*pi);
- SetVertexDataC(t1*CurOR, CurY, -t2*CurOR, Ofs, VBPTR);
- SetVertexDataW(1 - CurY/ MaxY, Ofs, VBPTR);
- if Abs(CurOR) < 0.001 then begin
- SetVertexDataN(0, 1, 0, Ofs, VBPTR);
- end else begin
- SetVertexDataN(t1, 0, -t2, Ofs, VBPTR);
- end;
- t1 := Cos(i/180*pi*360/Smoothing) * CrownUVRadius; t2 := Sin(i/180*pi*360/Smoothing) * CrownUVRadius;
- if CurIR > CurOR then begin
- SetVertexDataUV(0.5 + t1 * UVNorm * 0.5, 0.5 - t2 * UVNorm * 0.5, Ofs, VBPTR);
- end else begin
- SetVertexDataUV(0.5+t1*0.5, 0.5-t2*0.5, Ofs, VBPTR);
- end;
- end;
- for i := 0 to Smoothing-1 do begin // Inner edge
- Ofs := ((j+Ord(Stem))*2+1)*(Smoothing)+i;
- t1 := Cos(i/180*pi*360/Smoothing + j*35/180*pi); t2 := Sin(i/180*pi*360/Smoothing + j*35/180*pi);
- SetVertexDataC(t1*CurIR, CurY + LHeight, -t2*CurIR, Ofs, VBPTR);
- SetVertexDataW(1 - (CurY + LHeight)/ MaxY, Ofs, VBPTR);
- if Abs(CurIR) < 0.001 then begin
- SetVertexDataN(0, 1, 0, Ofs, VBPTR);
- end else begin
- SetVertexDataN(t1, 0, -t2, Ofs, VBPTR);
- end;
- t1 := Cos(i/180*pi*360/Smoothing) * CrownUVRadius; t2 := Sin(i/180*pi*360/Smoothing) * CrownUVRadius;
- if CurIR < CurOR then begin // Inner edge
- SetVertexDataUV(0.5 + t1 * UVNorm * 0.5, 0.5 - t2 * UVNorm * 0.5, Ofs, VBPTR);
- end else begin // Outer edge
- SetVertexDataUV(0.5+t1*0.5, 0.5-t2*0.5, Ofs, VBPTR);
- end;
- end;
- // YDec := YDec * (1-0.7/(Levels));
- CurY := CurY + LStride;
- CurIR := CurIR - IRadiusStep;
- CurOR := CurOR - ORadiusStep;
- LStride := LStride * StrideFactor;
- LHeight := LHeight * StrideFactor;
- end;
- // TotalVertices := TotalParticles*12; TotalPrimitives := TotalParticles*2;
- TesselationStatus[tbVertex].Status := tsTesselated;
- Result := TotalVertices;
- LastTotalVertices := TotalVertices;
- end;
- function TWholeTreeMesh.SetIndices(IBPTR: Pointer): Integer;
- var i, j: Integer;
- begin
- { for j := 0 to Levels-1 do begin
- for i := 0 to Smoothing-1 do begin
- TWordBuffer(IBPTR^)[(j*Smoothing+i)*3] := j*(Smoothing+1);
- TWordBuffer(IBPTR^)[(j*Smoothing+i)*3+1] := j*(Smoothing+1)+i+1;
- TWordBuffer(IBPTR^)[(j*Smoothing+i)*3+2] := j*(Smoothing+1)+i+2;
- end;
- TWordBuffer(IBPTR^)[(j*Smoothing+Smoothing-1)*3+2] := j*(Smoothing+1)+1;
- end;}
- for j := 0 to Levels-Byte(not Stem) do begin
- for i := 0 to Smoothing-1 do begin
- TWordBuffer(IBPTR^)[(j*Smoothing)*6+i*6+0] := (j*2+0)*(Smoothing+0)+i;
- TWordBuffer(IBPTR^)[(j*Smoothing)*6+i*6+1] := (j*2+0)*(Smoothing+0)+i+1;
- TWordBuffer(IBPTR^)[(j*Smoothing)*6+i*6+2] := (j*2+1)*(Smoothing+0)+i;
- TWordBuffer(IBPTR^)[(j*Smoothing)*6+i*6+3] := (j*2+0)*(Smoothing+0)+i+1;
- TWordBuffer(IBPTR^)[(j*Smoothing)*6+i*6+4] := (j*2+1)*(Smoothing+0)+i+1;
- TWordBuffer(IBPTR^)[(j*Smoothing)*6+i*6+5] := (j*2+1)*(Smoothing+0)+i+0;
- end;
- TWordBuffer(IBPTR^)[(j*Smoothing)*6+(Smoothing-1)*6+1] := (j*2+0)*(Smoothing+0)+0;
- TWordBuffer(IBPTR^)[(j*Smoothing)*6+(Smoothing-1)*6+3] := (j*2+0)*(Smoothing+0)+0;
- TWordBuffer(IBPTR^)[(j*Smoothing)*6+(Smoothing-1)*6+4] := (j*2+1)*(Smoothing+0)+0;
- end;
- TesselationStatus[tbIndex].Status := tsTesselated;
- Result := TotalIndices;
- LastTotalIndices := TotalIndices;
- end;
- function TWholeTreeMesh.GetBoundingBox: TBoundingBox;
- begin
- Result.P1 := GetVector3s(-OuterRadius, 0, -OuterRadius);
- Result.P2 := GetVector3s(OuterRadius, LevelStride*(Levels-1) + LevelHeight, OuterRadius);
- end;
- end.