资源名称:CAST2SDK.rar [点击查看]
- const
- cfeFileNotFound = 1; cfeFileCorrupt = 2;
- type
- CFFace = array of record
- V, N, T: Word;
- end;
- var
- FData: array of array[0..2] of record
- V, N, T, M: Integer;
- end;
- // VertexData: array of Single;
- VData, NData, TData: array of TVector3s;
- MData: array of record
- Name: string[40];
- Diffuse, Specular: TVector3s;
- end;
- function PosEx(const substr : AnsiString; const s : AnsiString; const start: Integer ) : Integer ;
- type StrRec = record allocSiz, refCnt, length: Longint; end;
- const skew = sizeof(StrRec);
- asm
- { ->EAX Pointer to substr }
- { EDX Pointer to string }
- { ECX Pointer to start //cs }
- { <-EAX Position of substr in s or 0 }
- JE @@noWork
- JE @@stringEmpty
- JE @@stringEmpty //cs
- MOV ESI,EAX { Point ESI to }
- MOV EDI,EDX { Point EDI to }
- MOV EBX,ECX //cs save start
- MOV ECX,[EDI-skew].StrRec.length { ECX = }
- PUSH EDI { remember s position to calculate index }
- CMP EBX,ECX //cs
- JG @@fail //cs
- MOV EDX,[ESI-skew].StrRec.length { EDX = bstr) }
- DEC EDX { EDX = Length(substr) - }
- JS @@fail { < 0 ? return }
- MOV AL,[ESI] { AL = first char of }
- INC ESI { Point ESI to 2'nd char of substr }
- SUB ECX,EDX { #positions in s to look }
- { = Length(s) - Length(substr) + 1 }
- JLE @@fail
- DEC EBX //cs
- SUB ECX,EBX //cs
- JLE @@fail //cs
- ADD EDI,EBX //cs
- @@loop:
- JNE @@fail
- MOV EBX,ECX { save outer loop }
- PUSH ESI { save outer loop substr pointer }
- PUSH EDI { save outer loop s }
- POP EDI { restore outer loop s pointer }
- POP ESI { restore outer loop substr pointer }
- JE @@found
- MOV ECX,EBX { restore outer loop nter }
- JMP @@loop
- @@fail:
- POP EDX { get rid of saved s nter }
- JMP @@exit
- @@stringEmpty:
- JMP @@noWork
- @@found:
- POP EDX { restore pointer to first char of s }
- MOV EAX,EDI { EDI points of char after match }
- SUB EAX,EDX { the difference is the correct index }
- @@exit:
- @@noWork:
- end;
- function GetCoords(S : string) : TVector3s;
- var P, P2 : Integer;
- begin
- S := Trim(Copy(S, 3, Length(S)));
- P := Pos(' ', S); P2 := PosEx(' ', S, P+1);
- S := StringReplace(S, '.', DecimalSeparator, [rfReplaceAll]);
- Result.X := StrToFloat(Copy(S, 1, P-1));
- if P2 = 0 then begin
- Result.Y := StrToFloat(Copy(S, P+1, Length(S)));
- Result.Z := 0;
- end else begin
- Result.Y := StrToFloat(Copy(S, P+1, P2-P-1));
- Result.Z := StrToFloat(Copy(S, P2+1, Length(S)));
- end;
- end;
- procedure LoadMaterials(S: string);
- var MF: Text; FileDir: TFileName;
- begin
- FileDir := ExtractFileDir(Filename);
- if (FileDir <> '') and (FileDir[Length(FileDir)] <> '') then FileDir := FileDir + '';
- S2 := FileDir + Copy(Trim(S), Pos(' ', S)+1, Length(S));
- if not FileExists(S2) then Exit;
- AssignFile(MF, S2); Reset(MF);
- while not EOF(MF) do begin
- Readln(MF, S2); S2 := Trim(S2); S2 := Uppercase(S2);
- if Copy(S2, 1, 6) = 'NEWMTL' then begin
- Inc(MCount); SetLength(MData, MCount);
- MData[MCount-1].Name := Copy(S2, Pos(' ', S2)+1, Length(S2));
- if MData[MCount-1].Name = 'DEFAULT' then CurMaterial := MCount - 1;
- end;
- if Copy(S2, 1, 6) = 'MAP_KD' then TextureFileName := FileDir + Copy(S2, Pos(' ', S2)+1, Length(S2));
- if Copy(S2, 1, 2) = 'KD' then MData[MCount-1].Diffuse := GetCoords(S2);
- if Copy(S2, 1, 2) = 'KS' then MData[MCount-1].Specular := GetCoords(S2);
- end;
- CloseFile(MF);
- end;
- procedure ReadVertexData(S : string);
- var C : TVector3s;
- begin
- case S[2] of
- ' ': begin
- C := GetCoords(S);
- Inc(VCount);
- if Length(VData) < VCount then SetLength(VData, Length(VData) + ImportCapacityStep);
- VData[VCount-1] := C;
- end;
- 'N': begin
- C := GetCoords(S);
- Inc(NCount);
- if Length(NData) < NCount then SetLength(NData, Length(NData) + ImportCapacityStep);
- NData[NCount-1] := C;
- end;
- 'T': begin
- C := GetCoords(S);
- Inc(TCount);
- if Length(TData) < TCount then SetLength(TData, Length(TData) + ImportCapacityStep);
- TData[TCount-1] := C;
- TData[TCount-1].Y := 1-TData[TCount-1].Y;
- end;
- end;
- end;
- procedure ReadFaceData(S : string);
- var P, P3 : Integer; F : CFFace; FVCount: Word; I1, I2: Integer;
- begin
- P := Pos(' ', S); S := Trim(Copy(S, P+1, Length(S)));
- Inc(FCount);
- if Length(FData) < FCount then SetLength(FData, Length(FData) + ImportCapacityStep);
- FVCount := 0; // f 22 3/4 12/33/44 33//66 77/22/
- while (Length(S) > 0) do begin
- Inc(FVCount);
- if Length(F) < FVCount then SetLength(F, Length(F) + MaxI(1, ImportCapacityStep shr 3));
- F[FVCount-1].N := 0; F[FVCount-1].T := 0;
- P3 := Pos(' ', S);
- if P3 = 0 then P3 := Length(S)+1;
- S2 := Copy(S, 1, P3-1); // 12/66/77
- if S2[Length(S2)] = '/' then S2 := Copy(S2, 1, Length(S2)-1);
- P := Pos('/', S2);
- if P > 0 then F[FVCount-1].V := StrToInt(Copy(S2, 1, P-1))-1 else begin
- F[FVCount-1].V := StrToInt(Copy(S2, 1, P3-1))-1;
- S := Copy(S, P3+1, Length(S));
- Continue;
- end;
- S2 := Copy(S2, P+1, Length(S2));
- P := Pos('/', S2);
- if P > 0 then F[FVcount-1].T := StrToIntDef(Copy(S2, 1, P-1), 1)-1 else begin
- F[FVCount-1].T := StrToInt(Copy(S2, 1, P3-1))-1;
- S := Copy(S, P3+1, Length(S));
- Continue;
- end;
- S2 := Copy(S2, P+1, Length(S2));
- P := Pos('/', S2);
- if P > 0 then F[FVcount-1].N := StrToIntDef(Copy(S2, 1, P-1), 1)-1 else F[FVCount-1].N := StrToInt(Copy(S2, 1, P3-1))-1;
- S := Copy(S, P3+1, Length(S));
- end;
- I1 := 1; I2 := 2;
- FData[(FCount-1)][0].V := F[0].V;
- FData[(FCount-1)][I1].V := F[1].V;
- FData[(FCount-1)][I2].V := F[2].V;
- FData[(FCount-1)][0].N := F[0].N;
- FData[(FCount-1)][I1].N := F[1].N;
- FData[(FCount-1)][I2].N := F[2].N;
- FData[(FCount-1)][0].T := F[0].T;
- FData[(FCount-1)][I1].T := F[1].T;
- FData[(FCount-1)][I2].T := F[2].T;
- FData[(FCount-1)][0].M := CurMaterial;
- FData[(FCount-1)][I1].M := CurMaterial;
- FData[(FCount-1)][I2].M := CurMaterial;
- for P := 4 to FVCount do begin
- Inc(FCount);
- if Length(FData) < FCount then SetLength(FData, Length(FData) + ImportCapacityStep);
- FData[(FCount-1)][0].V := F[0].V;
- FData[(FCount-1)][I1].V := F[P-2].V;
- FData[(FCount-1)][I2].V := F[P-1].V;
- FData[(FCount-1)][0].N := F[0].N;
- FData[(FCount-1)][I1].N := F[P-2].N;
- FData[(FCount-1)][I2].N := F[P-1].N;
- FData[(FCount-1)][0].T := F[0].T;
- FData[(FCount-1)][I1].T := F[P-2].T;
- FData[(FCount-1)][I2].T := F[P-1].T;
- FData[(FCount-1)][0].M := CurMaterial;
- FData[(FCount-1)][I1].M := CurMaterial;
- FData[(FCount-1)][I2].M := CurMaterial;
- end;
- SetLength(F, 0);
- end;
- procedure GetNormal(V1, V2, V3 : word; var N: TVector3s);
- begin
- N.X := -((VData[V3].Y - VData[V1].Y)*(VData[V2].Z - VData[V1].Z) - (VData[V3].Z - VData[V1].Z)*(VData[V2].Y - VData[V1].Y));
- N.Y := -((VData[V3].Z - VData[V1].Z)*(VData[V2].X - VData[V1].X) - (VData[V3].X - VData[V1].X)*(VData[V2].Z - VData[V1].Z));
- N.Z := -((VData[V3].X - VData[V1].X)*(VData[V2].Y - VData[V1].Y) - (VData[V3].Y - VData[V1].Y)*(VData[V2].X - VData[V1].X));
- N := NormalizeVector3s(N);
- end;
- procedure CalcNormals;
- var N: TVector3s; i: Integer;
- begin
- NCount := VCount;
- SetLength(NData, NCount);
- for i := 0 to NCount-1 do NData[i] := ZeroVector3s;
- for i := 0 to FCount-1 do begin
- GetNormal(FData[i][0].V ,FData[i][1].V, FData[i][2].V, N);
- NData[FData[i][0].V] := AddVector3s(NData[FData[i][0].V], N);
- NData[FData[i][1].V] := AddVector3s(NData[FData[i][1].V], N);
- NData[FData[i][2].V] := AddVector3s(NData[FData[i][2].V], N);
- FData[i][0].N := FData[i][0].V; FData[i][1].N := FData[i][1].V; FData[i][2].N := FData[i][2].V;
- end;
- for i := 0 to NCount-1 do NData[i] := NormalizeVector3s(NData[i]);
- end;