资源名称:CAST2SDK.rar [点击查看]
- (*
- @Abstract(CAST II Engine main unit)
- (C) 2006-2009 George "Mirage" Bakhtadze. <a href=""></a> <br>
- The source code may be used under either MPL 1.1 or LGPL 2.1 license. See included license.txt file <br>
- Started Jan 15, 2006 <br>
- Unit contains basic engine classes
- *)
- {$Include}
- {$Include}
- unit Cast2;
- interface
- uses
- TextFile, Timer,
- BaseTypes, Basics, BaseCont, Models, BaseClasses, Base3D, BaseMsg, ItemMsg, Collisions, Props, C2Types;
- const
- EngineVersionMajor = '0';
- EngineVersionMinor = '992';
- // Bounding volume kinds enumeration string
- VolumeKindsEnum = 'OOBB&Sphere';
- // Items processing interval by default
- DefaultProcessingInterval = 30/1000;
- // Pass ordering enumeration string
- PassOrdersEnum = 'Preprocess&Background&Farest&Normal&Sorted&Nearest&Foreground&PostProcess';
- // This order used for preprocess passes
- poPreprocess = 0;
- // This order used for passes that should be at background
- poBackground = 1;
- // This order used for passes that should be farest
- poFarest = 2;
- // This order used for usual passes
- poNormal = 3;
- // This order used for passes that should render corresponding items in a particular order (usually transparent items)
- poSorted = 4;
- // This order used for passes that should be neartest
- poNearest = 5;
- // This order used for passes that should be at foreground
- poForeground = 6;
- // This order used for postprocess passes
- poPostProcess = 7;
- // Order corresponding to passes with sorted items
- SortedPassOrder = poSorted;
- // Number of pass groups currently supported by the engine
- PassGroupsCount = 16;
- // Pass groups enumeration string
- PassGroupsEnum = 'Group 01&Group 02&Group 03&Group 04&Group 05&Group 06&Group 07&Group 08&' +
- 'Group 09&Group 10&Group 11&Group 12&Group 13&Group 14&Group 15&Group 16';
- // Set of all pass groups
- gmAll = [0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 11, 12, 13, 14, 15];
- // Default set of pass groups
- gmDefault = [0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7];
- // Maximum of texture coordinates sets
- MaxTextureCoordSets = 8;
- // Maximum of user-defined clipping planes currently supported by the engine
- MaxClipPlanes = 6;
- type
- // Type to specify location of an object in 3D space. Additional component can be used to work with floating coordinates, space partitioning, etc.
- TLocation = TVector4s;
- // Traverse callback results
- TTraverseResult = (// Continue traversal
- trContinue,
- // Skip traversal for childs of the current item
- trSkip,
- // Stop traversal
- trStop);
- // Frustum planes
- TFrustumPlane = (fpLeft, fpRight, fpTop, fpBottom, fpNear, fpFar);
- TFrustumCheckResult = (// An item is completely outside of the frustum
- fcOutside,
- // An item is completely inside the frustum
- fcInside,
- // An item is partially inside the frustum
- fcPartially);
- // Pass groups range
- TPassGroup = 0..PassGroupsCount-1;
- // Pass groups set. Groups used to perform some operations (lighting, render) for one set of passes and not to perform for other set of passes
- TPassGroupSet = set of TPassGroup;
- // User-defined clipping planes
- TClipPlanes = array[0..MaxClipPlanes-1] of PPlane;
- // Traverse mask
- TTraverseMask = BaseTypes.TSet32;
- // Class containing collision-related information for an item
- TColliding = class(BaseCont.TBaseUniqueItem)
- // The item to which the collision information belongs
- Owner: BaseClasses.TItem;
- // Bounding volumes set
- Volumes: Collisions.TBoundingVolumes;
- constructor Create; override;
- destructor Destroy; override;
- end;
- // Tesselation buffers enumeration
- TTesselationBuffer = (// Vertex buffer
- tbVertex,
- // Index buffer
- tbIndex);
- // Set of tesselation buffers
- TTesselationBufferSet = set of TTesselationBuffer;
- // Vertex/index buffers performace profile
- TBuffersPerfProfile = record
- // Number of tesselation calls for static and dynamic meshes in current frame. Normally should be zero for static meshes
- TesselationsPerformed,
- // Amount of data written to buffers during tesselation
- BytesWritten,
- // Number of resets of static and dynamic buffers in current frame. Normally should be zero for static buffers
- BufferResetsCount,
- // Current size of the buffer in bytes
- BufferSize: array[Boolean] of Integer;
- // Number of items rendered without tesselations of a certain buffer (vertex/index)
- TesselationsBypassed,
- // Number of buffer bytes reused
- BytesBypassed: Integer;
- end;
- TPerfTimer = (// Entire frame time
- ptFrame,
- // Render time
- ptRender,
- // Objects processing time
- ptProcessing,
- // Collision detection
- ptCollision);
- // Engine performance profile data
- TPerfProfile = class
- private
- TimeMarks: array[TPerfTimer] of TTimeMark;
- FFramesPerSecond, FMinFramesPerSecond, FMaxFramesPerSecond: Single;
- procedure SetFramesPerSecond(const Value: Single);
- function GetPrimitivesPerSecond: Single;
- public
- Times: array[TPerfTimer] of TTimeUnit;
- // Number of render target changes during rendering a frame
- RenderTargetChanges,
- // Number of primitives (triangles) rendered in current frame
- PrimitivesRendered,
- // Number of draw calls (DrawIndexedPrimitive etc) in current frame
- DrawCalls,
- // Number of clear calls during rendering a frame
- ClearCalls: Integer;
- // Number of items culled out with frustum culling in current frame
- FrustumCulledItems,
- // Number of items passed frustum culling (and probably actually drawn) in current frame
- FrustumPassedItems: Integer;
- // Number of sorted items in current frame
- SortedItems: Integer;
- // Vertex/index buffers performace profile
- BuffersProfile: array[TTesselationBuffer] of TBuffersPerfProfile;
- // Sets values which should be zeroed-out at frame render start
- procedure OnFrameStart;
- // Sets values which should be resetted at render buffers reset
- procedure OnBuffersReset;
- // Starts timing of the specified performance timer using the specified timer class
- procedure BeginTiming(Timer: TTimer; PerfTimer: TPerfTimer);
- // Stops timing and returns the specified performance timer value using the specified timer class
- function EndTiming(Timer: TTimer; PerfTimer: TPerfTimer): TTimeUnit;
- // Frame rate averaged through some time
- property FramesPerSecond: Single read FFramesPerSecond write SetFramesPerSecond;
- // Number of primitives per second
- property PrimitivesPerSecond: Single read GetPrimitivesPerSecond;
- // Minimal averaged frame rate
- property MinFramesPerSecond: Single read FMinFramesPerSecond;
- // Maximal averaged frame rate
- property MaxFramesPerSecond: Single read FMaxFramesPerSecond;
- end;
- TBaseCore = class;
- // Base class of shared tesselators manager
- TBaseSharedTesselators = class
- // Engine core (items manager)
- Core: TBaseCore;
- // Makes items associated with shared tesselators visible
- procedure Render; virtual; abstract;
- // Makes items associated with shared tesselators invisible
- procedure Reset; virtual; abstract;
- // Clears items associated with shared tesselators
- procedure Clear; virtual; abstract;
- end;
- // Engine base core class
- TBaseCore = class(TItemsManager)
- private
- FTesselatorManager: BaseCont.TReferencedItemManager;
- Subsystems: array of TSubsystem;
- FTimer, DefaultTimer: Timer.TTimer;
- procedure SetTimer(const Value: Timer.TTimer);
- procedure SetTotalProcessingClasses(const Value: Integer);
- protected
- // Time mark for delta time based items processing
- DeltaTimeBasedTimeMark: TTimeMark;
- // Number of items to process
- ProcessingItems: TItems;
- // Items to process
- TotalProcessingItems: Integer;
- // Shared tesselators manager. For internal use only
- FSharedTesselators: TBaseSharedTesselators;
- // Temporary items container. Used internally for shared tesselators visualization etc.
- FTempItems: BaseClasses.TItem;
- // Performance profile
- FPerfProfile: TPerfProfile;
- // Performs delta time based items processing
- procedure ProcessDeltaTimeBased(const DeltaTime: TTimeUnit);
- // Performs items processing
- procedure ProcessingEvent(EventID: Integer; const ErrorDelta: TTimeUnit);
- procedure OnDestroy; override;
- public
- // If <b>Paused</b> is <b>True</b> @Link(Process) methods will be called only for items which processing class includes the @Link(pfIgnorePause) flag
- Paused: Boolean;
- // Delta time scale factor for all processing classes
- TimeScale: Single;
- // Maximum of simultaneous light sources
- SimultaneousLightSources: Integer;
- // Random numbers generator
- RandomGen: Basics.TRandomGenerator;
- // By assigning this handler reference an additional message handler can be included into the message handling chain
- MessageHandler: BaseMsg.TMessageHandler;
- constructor Create; override;
- procedure HandleMessage(const Msg: TMessage); override;
- // Register a subsystem. All registered subsystems will receive all messages received by the core.
- procedure AddSubsystem(const Subsystem: TSubsystem);
- // Unregister a subsystem
- procedure RemoveSubsystem(const Subsystem: TSubsystem);
- // Returns a registered subsystem of the specified class or successor
- function QuerySubsystem(SubsystemClass: CSubsystem): TSubsystem;
- // Sets parameters of a processing class.
- procedure SetProcessingClass(Index: Integer; Interval: Single; IgnorePause, DeltaTimeBased: Boolean);
- // For internal use only.
- procedure AddPass(const Item: BaseClasses.TItem); virtual; abstract;
- // For internal use only.
- procedure RemovePass(const Item: BaseClasses.TItem); virtual; abstract;
- // Clears current scene
- procedure ClearItems; override;
- // Shared tesselators manager. For internal use only.
- property SharedTesselators: TBaseSharedTesselators read FSharedTesselators;
- // Tesselators manager. For internal use only.
- property TesselatorManager: BaseCont.TReferencedItemManager read FTesselatorManager;
- // Temporary items container. Used internally for shared tesselators visualization etc.
- property TempItems: BaseClasses.TItem read FTempItems;
- // Timer subsystem. Must be assigned.
- property Timer: Timer.TTimer read FTimer write SetTimer;
- // Performance profile
- property PerfProfile: TPerfProfile read FPerfProfile;
- // Number of processing classes
- property TotalProcessingClasses: Integer read GetTotalProcessingClasses write SetTotalProcessingClasses;
- end;
- CProcessing = class of TProcessing;
- // Base class of all processing (updateable) objects
- TProcessing = class(TBaseProcessing)
- private
- public
- TransformValid: Boolean;
- function GetTransform: TMatrix4s;
- procedure SetTransform(const ATransform: TMatrix4s);
- function GetForwardVector: TVector3s;
- function GetRightVector: TVector3s;
- function GetUpVector: TVector3s;
- function GetPosition: TVector3s;
- procedure SetPosition(const Value: TVector3s);
- function GetScale: TVector3s;
- procedure SetScale(const Value: TVector3s);
- function GetLocation: TLocation;
- procedure SetLocation(ALocation: TLocation);
- function GetOrientation: TQuaternion;
- procedure SetOrientation(AOrientation: TQuaternion);
- function GetDimensions: TVector3s;
- function GetBoundingSphereRadius: Single;
- protected
- // Transformation matrix of the item
- FTransform: TMatrix4s;
- // Current orientation of the item
- FOrientation: TQuaternion;
- // Current location of the item
- FLocation: TLocation;
- // Current scale of the item
- FScale: TVector3s;
- { In CAST II engine a lazy evaluation scheme used for transformation computations.
- This method will compute current transformation matrix when and only when it is necessary. }
- procedure ComputeTransform; virtual;
- // Calling this method will tell the engine that @Link(FTransform) became invalid and should be recomputed before next use
- procedure InvalidateTransform; virtual; // try to avoid virtuality
- // Returns AItem if OK or nil if index is invalid or impossible to set a child
- function SetChild(Index: Integer; AItem: BaseClasses.TItem): BaseClasses.TItem; override;
- public
- // Contains information about bounding volumes of the item which will be used for collision tests
- Colliding: TColliding;
- // Returns bounding box of the item
- BoundingBox: Base3D.TBoundingBox;
- // FullBoundingBox: Base3D.TBoundingBox;
- constructor Create(AManager: TItemsManager); override;
- destructor Destroy; override;
- // Called when a collision of the item with another items was detected
- procedure OnCollision(Item: TProcessing; const ColRes: Collisions.TCollisionResult); virtual;
- { This procedure is called (by editor for example) to retrieve a list of item's properties and their values.
- Any TItem descendant class should override this method in order to add its own properties. }
- procedure AddProperties(const Result: Props.TProperties); override;
- { This procedure is called (by editor for example) to set values of item's properties.
- Any TItem descendant class should override this method to allow its own properties to be set. }
- procedure SetProperties(Properties: Props.TProperties); override;
- // Returns position of the item in world's coordinate space
- function GetAbsLocation: TVector3s;
- // Returns orientation of the item in world's coordinate space
- function GetAbsOrientation: TQuaternion;
- // Transforms a point from local model's coordinate space to world's coordinate space
- function ModelToWorld(const APoint: TVector3s): TVector3s;
- // Transforms a point from world's coordinate space to local model's coordinate space
- function WorldToModel(const APoint: TVector3s): TVector3s;
- // Transformation matrix of the item
- property Transform: TMatrix4s read GetTransform write SetTransform;
- // 4-component position of the item within parent's coordinate space
- property Location: TLocation read GetLocation write SetLocation;
- // Position of the item within parent's coordinate space
- property Position: TVector3s read GetPosition write SetPosition;
- // Scale of the item within parent's coordinate space
- property Scale: TVector3s read GetScale write SetScale;
- // Orientation of the item within parent's coordinate space
- property Orientation: TQuaternion read GetOrientation write SetOrientation;
- // Forward direction for the item
- property ForwardVector: TVector3s read GetForwardVector;
- // Right direction for the item
- property RightVector: TVector3s read GetRightVector;
- // Up direction for the item
- property UpVector: TVector3s read GetUpVector;
- // Dimensions of the item based on its bounding box (see @Link(BoundingBox))
- property Dimensions: TVector3s read GetDimensions;
- // The item's bounding sphere radius based on @Link(Dimensions)
- property BoundingSphereRadius: Single read GetBoundingSphereRadius;
- end;
- // Item move operation
- TItemMoveOp = class(Models.TOperation)
- private
- AffectedProcessing: TProcessing;
- Location: TLocation;
- protected
- // Applies the operation
- procedure DoApply; override;
- // Merges together two move operations
- function DoMerge(AOperation: Models.TOperation): Boolean; override;
- public
- // Inits the operation with the specified processing item and its new location
- function Init(AAffectedProcessing: TProcessing; ALocation: TLocation): Boolean;
- end;
- // Item orientation change operation
- TItemRotateOp = class(Models.TOperation)
- private
- AffectedProcessing: TProcessing;
- Orientation: TQuaternion;
- protected
- // Applies the operation
- procedure DoApply; override;
- // Merges together two orientation change operations
- function DoMerge(AOperation: Models.TOperation): Boolean; override;
- public
- // Inits the operation with the specified processing item and its new orientation
- function Init(AAffectedProcessing: TProcessing; AOrientation: TQuaternion): Boolean;
- end;
- // Callback function used to traverse through items hierarchy
- TTraverseCallback = function(Item: BaseClasses.TItem): TTraverseResult;
- // Collection of items
- TItemCollection = record
- TraverseMask: TTraverseMask;
- TotalItems: Integer;
- Items: array of BaseClasses.TItem;
- end;
- { Specifies clear settings.
- <b>ClearFlags</b> - what to clear
- <b>ClearColor</b> - clear color
- <b>ClearStencil</b> - a stencil value to clear with
- <b>ClearZ</b> - a Z value to clear with }
- TClearSettings = record
- ClearFlags: TClearFlagsSet;
- ClearColor: BaseTypes.TColor;
- ClearStencil: Longword;
- ClearZ: Single;
- end;
- // Camera
- TCamera = class(TProcessing)
- private
- FOrthographic: Boolean;
- FCurrentAspectRatio,
- FZNear,
- FZFar,
- FWidth,
- FAspectRatio,
- FHFoV: Single;
- FFrustumPlanes: array[TFrustumPlane] of TPlane;
- ViewValid: Boolean;
- FRTColorFormat, FRTDepthFormat: Integer;
- function GetViewMatrix: TMatrix4s;
- procedure SetViewMatrix(const Value: TMatrix4s);
- function GetInvViewMatrix: TMatrix4s;
- function GetTotalMatrix: TMatrix4s;
- function GetViewOrigin: TVector3s;
- function GetLookDir: TVector3s;
- function GetRightDir: TVector3s;
- function GetUpDir: TVector3s;
- procedure SetAspectRatio(const Value: Single);
- procedure ComputeFrustumPlanes;
- protected
- // View matrix
- FViewMatrix,
- // Inverse view matrix
- FInvViewMatrix,
- // Projection matrix
- FProjMatrix,
- // View * projection matrix
- FTotalMatrix: TMatrix4s;
- // Current render width
- FRenderWidth,
- // Current render height
- FRenderHeight: Integer;
- // Calling this method will tell the engine that @Link(FTransform) became invalid and should be recomputed before next use
- procedure InvalidateTransform; override;
- procedure ComputeViewMatrix; virtual;
- public
- // Default cameras can
- // Default: Boolean;
- // Default fill mode for the camera
- DefaultFillMode: TFillMode;
- // Default cull mode for the camera
- DefaultCullMode: TCullMode;
- // Determines what and when should be cleared
- ClearSettings: TClearSettings;
- // private
- RenderTargetIndex: Integer;
- // User-defined clip planes
- ClipPlanes: TClipPlanes;
- // Determines which passes can be visible through the camera
- GroupMask: TPassGroupSet;
- // Current rendering color format. Updated by renderer
- ColorFormat,
- // Current rendering depth format. Updated by renderer
- DepthFormat: Integer;
- // Width of a render target texture used if the camera will be used as a texture
- RenderTargetWidth,
- // Height of a render target texture used if the camera will be used as a texture
- RenderTargetHeight: Integer;
- // Determines how many frames should be skipped between render target texture updates
- FrameSkip: Integer;
- // Cameras can render scene in higher or lower detail which is controlled by this parameter
- LODBias: Single;
- // Determines if a depth-stencil surface instead of color surface should be used when the camera applied as a texture
- IsDepthTexture: Boolean;
- constructor Create(AManager: TItemsManager); override;
- destructor Destroy; override;
- { This procedure is called (by editor for example) to retrieve a list of item's properties and their values.
- Any TItem descendant class should override this method in order to add its own properties. }
- procedure AddProperties(const Result: Props.TProperties); override;
- { This procedure is called (by editor for example) to set values of item's properties.
- Any TItem descendant class should override this method to allow its own properties to be set. }
- procedure SetProperties(Properties: Props.TProperties); override;
- // Sets up the camera's projection matrix with the given near and far Z planes, horizontal field of view and aspect ratio
- procedure InitProjMatrix(AZNear, AZFar, AHFoV, AAspectRatio: Single); virtual;
- // Sets up the camera's orthographic projection matrix with the given near and far Z planes, width of view and aspect ratio
- procedure InitOrthoProjMatrix(AZNear, AZFar, VisibleWidth, AAspectRatio: Single); virtual;
- // Sets the @Link(ClearSettings)
- procedure SetClearState(AClearFlags: TClearFlagsSet; AClearColor: BaseTypes.TColor; AClearZ: Single; AClearStencil: Cardinal); virtual;
- // Sets render dimensions and recalculates projection matrix. Normally called by renderer when render window size changes.
- procedure SetScreenDimensions(Width, Height: Integer; AdjustAspectRatio: Boolean);
- // Rotates the camera by the specified angles
- procedure Rotate(XA, YA, ZA: Single); virtual;
- // Moves the camera by the specified distance in camera space
- procedure Move(XD, YD, ZD: Single); virtual;
- // Returns not normalized direction of a ray in view space which starts from the camera and passes through the given point on screen
- function GetPickRay(ScreenX, ScreenY: Single): TVector3s; virtual;
- // Returns not normalized direction of a ray in world space which starts from the camera and passes through the given point on screen
- function GetPickRayInWorld(ScreenX, ScreenY: Single): TVector3s; virtual;
- // Returns the given vector after projection with the camera
- function Project(const Vec: TVector3s): TVector4s;
- // Renderer calls this event right before the camera apply
- procedure OnApply(const OldCamera: TCamera); virtual;
- // Performs a frustrum visibility check against a sphere with the given center and radius
- function IsSpehereVisible(const Center: TVector3s; Radius: Single): TFrustumCheckResult;
- // Near Z plane distance
- property ZNear: Single read FZNear;
- // Far Z plane distance
- property ZFar: Single read FZFar;
- // Initial aspect ratio. Can change
- property AspectRatio: Single read FAspectRatio write SetAspectRatio;
- // Current aspect ratio
- property CurrentAspectRatio: Single read FCurrentAspectRatio;
- // Horizontal field of view in radians
- property HFoV: Single read FHFoV;
- // Current render width
- property RenderWidth: Integer read FRenderWidth;
- // Current render height
- property RenderHeight: Integer read FRenderHeight;
- // Color format which will be used in case of use of this camera as a texture
- property RTColorFormat: Integer read FRTColorFormat;
- // Depth format which will be used in case of use of this camera as a texture
- property RTDepthFormat: Integer read FRTDepthFormat;
- // View matrix
- property ViewMatrix: TMatrix4s read GetViewMatrix write SetViewMatrix;
- // Inverse view matrix
- property InvViewMatrix: TMatrix4s read GetInvViewMatrix;
- // Projection matrix
- property ProjMatrix: TMatrix4s read FProjMatrix write FProjMatrix;
- // View * projection matrix
- property TotalMatrix: TMatrix4s read GetTotalMatrix;
- // Position of the camera's view point in world space
- property ViewOrigin: TVector3s read GetViewOrigin;
- // View direction of the camera in world space
- property LookDir: TVector3s read GetLookDir;
- // Right direction of the camera in world space
- property RightDir: TVector3s read GetRightDir;
- // Up direction of the camera in world space
- property UpDir: TVector3s read GetUpDir;
- end;
- // An item of this class should be the root of items hierarchy
- TCASTRootItem = class(TRootItem)
- private
- // collection for various sets of items from scene (e.g. renderable, processing etc)
- Collections: array of TItemCollection;
- TotalCollections: Integer;
- Collidings: TUniqueItemCollection;
- // ModifyingCollectionIndex: Integer;
- // procedure IncludeItem(Item: BaseClasses.TItem; Mask: TTraverseMask);
- // procedure ExcludeItem(Item: BaseClasses.TItem; Mask: TTraverseMask);
- // Internal function used as callback only
- // function AddToCollectionCallback(Item: BaseClasses.TItem): TTraverseResult;
- // procedure AddToCollection(CollectionIndex: Integer; Item: BaseClasses.TItem); virtual;
- // procedure RemoveFromCollection(CollectionIndex: Integer; Item: BaseClasses.TItem); virtual;
- protected
- // Adds item's collision info to a collision manager
- procedure AddColliding(AItem: TProcessing);
- // Removes item's collision info from a collision manager
- procedure RemoveColliding(AItem: TProcessing);
- public
- // Clear settings for all render stages
- StageSettings: array[poPreprocess..poPostProcess] of TClearSettings;
- constructor Create(AManager: TItemsManager); override;
- destructor Destroy; override;
- function GetItemSize(CountChilds: Boolean): Integer; override;
- { This procedure is called (by editor for example) to retrieve a list of item's properties and their values.
- Any TItem descendant class should override this method in order to add its own properties. }
- procedure AddProperties(const Result: Props.TProperties); override;
- { This procedure is called (by editor for example) to set values of item's properties.
- Any TItem descendant class should override this method to allow its own properties to be set. }
- procedure SetProperties(Properties: Props.TProperties); override;
- { Traverses through the items hierarchy and adds to Items all items matching the following: <br>
- the item is an instance of the given class or a descendant, its State field has matches Mask and
- the item is within the given range from the given origin.
- Childs of items with non-matching State are not considered.
- Returns number of items in Items. }
- function ExtractByMaskClassInRadius(Mask: TItemFlags; AClass: CProcessing; out Items: TItems; Origin: TLocation; Range: Single): Integer;
- { Traverses through the items hierarchy and adds to Items all items matching the following: <br>
- the item is an instance of the given class or a descendant, its State field has matches Mask and
- the item is within visibility frustum of the given camera.
- Childs of items with non-matching State are not considered.
- Returns number of items in Items. }
- function ExtractByMaskClassInCamera(Mask: TItemFlags; AClass: CProcessing; out Items: TItems; ACamera: TCamera): Integer;
- procedure HandleMessage(const Msg: TMessage); override;
- // Adds a collection of items with the specified state
- function AddCollection(Mask: TTraverseMask): Integer;
- // Removes collection specified by the index
- procedure DeleteCollection(Index: Integer);
- // Traverses through the items hierarchy and calls Callback for all items
- procedure TraverseTree(Callback: TTraverseCallback);
- // Performs a collision test. ToDo: move to core
- procedure Collide;
- // Frees all childs
- procedure FreeChilds; override;
- end;
- { @Abstract(Camera class for mirror surfaces)
- The camera constructs its view matrix as a reflection of view matrix of previous camera by XY plane if the camera's transform}
- TMirrorCamera = class(TCamera)
- private
- FOldCamera: TCamera;
- public
- // Reflects previous applyed camera view matrix by its own XY plane and assigns the result to view matrix
- procedure ComputeViewMatrix; override;
- // OnApply event overridden to assign previous camera variable and setup clipping plane
- procedure OnApply(const OldCamera: TCamera); override;
- end;
- { TRenderParameters = record
- MainCamera, ActiveCamera: TCamera;
- end;
- PRenderParameters = ^TRenderParameters;}
- // Returns a location from 3D vector
- function GetLocationFromVec3s(V: TVector3s): TLocation;
- // Retuns True if the locations are equal
- function EqualLocations(V1, V2: TLocation): Boolean;
- // Retuns squared distance between the locations
- function LocationSqDistance(V1, V2: TLocation): Single;
- // Helper functions for adding/setting properties of a certain type
- // Adds a string property named "Error" with the value contained in <b>Msg</b>
- procedure AddErrorProperty(Properties: Props.TProperties; const Msg: string);
- // Adds a 3-component vector and each its component as properties
- procedure AddVector3sProperty(Properties: Props.TProperties; const Name: string; const Vec: TVector3s);
- // Adds a 4-component vector and each its component as properties
- procedure AddVector4sProperty(Properties: Props.TProperties; const Name: string; const Vec: TVector4s);
- // Adds a quaternion and each its component as properties
- procedure AddQuaternionProperty(Properties: Props.TProperties; const Name: string; const Quat: TQuaternion);
- // Reads a 3-component vector from properties. If its not equivalent to the one contained in <b>Res</b> assigns it to <b>Res</b> and returns <b>True</b>.
- function SetVector3sProperty(Properties: Props.TProperties; const Name: string; var Res: TVector3s): Boolean;
- // Reads a 4-component vector from properties. If its not equivalent to the one contained in <b>Res</b> assigns it to <b>Res</b> and returns <b>True</b>.
- function SetVector4sProperty(Properties: Props.TProperties; const Name: string; var Res: TVector4s): Boolean;
- // Reads a quaternion from properties. If its not equivalent to the one contained in <b>Res</b> assigns it to <b>Res</b> and returns <b>True</b>.
- function SetQuaternionProperty(Properties: Props.TProperties; const Name: string; var Res: TQuaternion): Boolean;
- implementation
- uses SysUtils;
- function GetLocationFromVec3s(V: TVector3s): TLocation;
- begin
- Result.X := V.X;
- Result.Y := V.Y;
- Result.Z := V.Z;
- Result.W := 1;
- end;
- function EqualLocations(V1, V2: TLocation): Boolean;
- begin
- Result := (V1.X = V2.X) and (V1.Y = V2.Y) and (V1.Z = V2.Z) and (V1.W = V2.W);
- end;
- function LocationSqDistance(V1, V2: TLocation): Single;
- begin
- Result := Sqr(V2.X-V1.X) + Sqr(V2.Y-V1.Y)+ Sqr(V2.Z-V1.Z);
- end;
- procedure AddErrorProperty(Properties: Props.TProperties; const Msg: string);
- begin
- Properties.Add('Error', vtString, [poReadonly], Msg, '');
- end;
- procedure AddVector3sProperty(Properties: Props.TProperties; const Name: string; const Vec: TVector3s);
- begin
- Properties.Add(Name, vtString, [poReadOnly], Format('(%3.3F, %3.3F, %3.3F)', [Vec.X, Vec.Y, Vec.Z]), '');
- Properties.Add(Name + 'X', vtSingle, [], FloatToStr(Vec.X), '');
- Properties.Add(Name + 'Y', vtSingle, [], FloatToStr(Vec.Y), '');
- Properties.Add(Name + 'Z', vtSingle, [], FloatToStr(Vec.Z), '');
- end;
- procedure AddVector4sProperty(Properties: Props.TProperties; const Name: string; const Vec: TVector4s);
- begin
- AddVector3sProperty(Properties, Name, Vec.XYZ);
- Properties.Add(Name + 'W', vtSingle, [], FloatToStr(Vec.W), '');
- Properties.Add(Name, vtString, [poReadOnly], Format('(%3.3F, %3.3F, %3.3F, %3.3F)', [Vec.X, Vec.Y, Vec.Z, Vec.W]), '');
- end;
- procedure AddQuaternionProperty(Properties: Props.TProperties; const Name: string; const Quat: TQuaternion);
- var Angle: Single;
- begin
- AddVector3sProperty(Properties, Name, GetVector3s(Quat[1], Quat[2], Quat[3]));
- Angle := ArcTan2(Sqrt(1 - Quat[0] * Quat[0]), Quat[0])*2 * 180/pi;
- Properties.Add(Name + 'Angle', vtSingle, [], FloatToStr(Angle), '');
- Properties.Add(Name, vtString, [poReadOnly], Format('(%3.3F, (%3.3F, %3.3F, %3.3F))', [Angle, Quat[1], Quat[2], Quat[3]]), '');
- end;
- function SetVector3sProperty(Properties: Props.TProperties; const Name: string; var Res: TVector3s): Boolean; overload;
- var NewVec: TVector3s;
- begin
- NewVec := Res;
- if Properties.Valid(Name + 'X') then NewVec.X := StrToFloatDef(Properties[Name + 'X'], 0);
- if Properties.Valid(Name + 'Y') then NewVec.Y := StrToFloatDef(Properties[Name + 'Y'], 0);
- if Properties.Valid(Name + 'Z') then NewVec.Z := StrToFloatDef(Properties[Name + 'Z'], 0);
- Result := isNan(Res.X) or isNan(Res.Y) or isNan(Res.Z) or
- (NewVec.X <> Res.X) or (NewVec.Y <> Res.Y) or (NewVec.Z <> Res.Z);
- if Result then Res := NewVec;
- end;
- function SetVector4sProperty(Properties: Props.TProperties; const Name: string; var Res: TVector4s): Boolean; overload;
- var NewVec: TVector3s; W: Single;
- begin
- NewVec := Res.XYZ;
- W := Res.W;
- Result := SetVector3sProperty(Properties, Name, NewVec);
- if Properties.Valid(Name + 'W') then W := StrToFloatDef(Properties[Name + 'W'], 0);
- Result := Result or isNan(Res.W) or (W <> Res.W);
- if Result then begin
- Res := ExpandVector3s(NewVec);
- Res.W := W;
- end;
- end;
- function SetQuaternionProperty(Properties: Props.TProperties; const Name: string; var Res: TQuaternion): Boolean;
- var NewVec: TVector3s; Angle: Single;
- begin
- NewVec.X := Res[1]; NewVec.Y := Res[2]; NewVec.Z := Res[3];
- Result := SetVector3sProperty(Properties, Name, NewVec);
- if Properties.Valid(Name + 'Angle') then Angle := StrToFloatDef(Properties[Name + 'Angle'], 0)*pi/180 else
- Angle := ArcTan2(Sqrt(1 - Res[0] * Res[0]), Res[0])*2;
- Result := Result or isNan(Res[0]) or (Angle <> Res[0]);
- if Result then Res := GetQuaternion(Angle, NewVec);
- end;
- { TPerfProfile }
- procedure TPerfProfile.SetFramesPerSecond(const Value: Single);
- begin
- FFramesPerSecond := Value;
- if (FMinFramesPerSecond = 0) or (FFramesPerSecond < FMinFramesPerSecond) then FMinFramesPerSecond := FFramesPerSecond;
- if FFramesPerSecond > FMaxFramesPerSecond then FMaxFramesPerSecond := FFramesPerSecond;
- end;
- function TPerfProfile.GetPrimitivesPerSecond: Single;
- begin
- Result := PrimitivesRendered * FramesPerSecond;
- end;
- procedure TPerfProfile.OnFrameStart;
- var BufType: TTesselationBuffer;
- begin
- RenderTargetChanges := 0;
- PrimitivesRendered := 0;
- DrawCalls := 0;
- ClearCalls := 0;
- FrustumCulledItems := 0;
- FrustumPassedItems := 0;
- SortedItems := 0;
- for BufType := Low(TTesselationBuffer) to High(TTesselationBuffer) do begin
- BuffersProfile[BufType].TesselationsPerformed[True] := 0;
- BuffersProfile[BufType].BytesWritten[True] := 0;
- BuffersProfile[BufType].TesselationsPerformed[False] := 0;
- BuffersProfile[BufType].BytesWritten[False] := 0;
- BuffersProfile[BufType].BufferResetsCount[True] := 0;
- BuffersProfile[BufType].BufferResetsCount[False] := 0;
- BuffersProfile[BufType].TesselationsBypassed := 0;
- BuffersProfile[BufType].BytesBypassed := 0;
- end;
- end;
- procedure TPerfProfile.OnBuffersReset;
- var BufType: TTesselationBuffer;
- begin
- for BufType := Low(TTesselationBuffer) to High(TTesselationBuffer) do begin
- BuffersProfile[BufType].BufferSize[True] := 0;
- BuffersProfile[BufType].BufferSize[False] := 0;
- end;
- end;
- procedure TPerfProfile.BeginTiming(Timer: TTimer; PerfTimer: TPerfTimer);
- begin
- Timer.GetInterval(TimeMarks[PerfTimer], True);
- end;
- function TPerfProfile.EndTiming(Timer: TTimer; PerfTimer: TPerfTimer): TTimeUnit;
- begin
- Times[PerfTimer] := Timer.GetInterval(TimeMarks[PerfTimer], True);
- Result := Times[PerfTimer];
- end;
- { TColliding }
- constructor TColliding.Create;
- begin
- inherited;
- Owner := Owner;
- end;
- destructor TColliding.Destroy;
- begin
- Volumes := nil;
- inherited;
- end;
- { TCASTRootItem }
- constructor TCASTRootItem.Create(AManager: TItemsManager);
- begin
- inherited;
- Collidings := TUniqueItemCollection.Create;
- end;
- destructor TCASTRootItem.Destroy;
- var i: Integer;
- begin
- for i := 0 to High(Collections) do DeleteCollection(i);
- inherited;
- FreeAndNil(Collidings);
- end;
- function TCASTRootItem.GetItemSize(CountChilds: Boolean): Integer;
- var i: Integer;
- begin
- Result := inherited GetItemSize(CountChilds);
- Inc(Result, TotalCollections * SizeOf(TItemCollection));
- for i := 0 to TotalCollections-1 do if Collections[i].Items <> nil then Inc(Result, Collections[i].TotalItems * SizeOf(BaseClasses.TItem));
- end;
- procedure TCASTRootItem.AddProperties(const Result: Props.TProperties);
- var i: Integer; Core: TBaseCore; s: string;
- begin
- inherited;
- if not Assigned(Result) then Exit;
- if FManager is TBaseCore then Core := (FManager as TBaseCore) else begin
- {$IFDEF LOGGING} Log.Log(ClassName + '.AddProperties: Items manager must be an instance of TBaseCore', lkError); {$ENDIF}
- Exit;
- end;
- if (Parent = nil) and (FManager.Root = Self) then begin
- Result.Add('RendererBefore backgroundClearFrame buffer', vtBoolean, [], OnOffStr[ClearFrameBuffer in StageSettings[poBackground].ClearFlags], '');
- Result.Add('RendererBefore backgroundClearZ buffer', vtBoolean, [], OnOffStr[ClearZBuffer in StageSettings[poBackground].ClearFlags], '');
- Result.Add('RendererBefore backgroundClearStencil buffer', vtBoolean, [], OnOffStr[ClearStencilBuffer in StageSettings[poBackground].ClearFlags], '');
- Result.Add('RendererBefore backgroundClearZ value', vtSingle, [], FloatToStr(StageSettings[poBackground].ClearZ), '');
- Result.Add('RendererBefore backgroundClearStencil value', vtNat, [], IntToStr(StageSettings[poBackground].ClearStencil), '');
- AddColorProperty(Result, 'RendererBefore backgroundClearColor value', StageSettings[poBackground].ClearColor);
- Result.Add('RendererBefore nearestClearFrame buffer', vtBoolean, [], OnOffStr[ClearFrameBuffer in StageSettings[poNearest].ClearFlags], '');
- Result.Add('RendererBefore nearestClearZ buffer', vtBoolean, [], OnOffStr[ClearZBuffer in StageSettings[poNearest].ClearFlags], '');
- Result.Add('RendererBefore nearestClearStencil buffer', vtBoolean, [], OnOffStr[ClearStencilBuffer in StageSettings[poNearest].ClearFlags], '');
- Result.Add('RendererBefore nearestClearZ value', vtSingle, [], FloatToStr(StageSettings[poNearest].ClearZ), '');
- Result.Add('RendererBefore nearestClearStencil value', vtNat, [], IntToStr(StageSettings[poNearest].ClearStencil), '');
- AddColorProperty(Result, 'RendererBefore nearestClearColor value', StageSettings[poNearest].ClearColor);
- Result.Add('RendererBefore postprocessClearFrame buffer', vtBoolean, [], OnOffStr[ClearFrameBuffer in StageSettings[poPostprocess].ClearFlags], '');
- Result.Add('RendererBefore postprocessClearZ buffer', vtBoolean, [], OnOffStr[ClearZBuffer in StageSettings[poPostprocess].ClearFlags], '');
- Result.Add('RendererBefore postprocessClearStencil buffer', vtBoolean, [], OnOffStr[ClearStencilBuffer in StageSettings[poPostprocess].ClearFlags], '');
- Result.Add('RendererBefore postprocessClearZ value', vtSingle, [], FloatToStr(StageSettings[poPostprocess].ClearZ), '');
- Result.Add('RendererBefore postprocessClearStencil value', vtNat, [], IntToStr(StageSettings[poPostprocess].ClearStencil), '');
- AddColorProperty(Result, 'RendererBefore postprocessClearColor value', StageSettings[poPostprocess].ClearColor);
- Result.Add('RendererSimultaneous light sources', vtInt, [], IntToStr(Core.SimultaneousLightSources), '');
- Result.Add('ProcessingNumber of classes', vtInt, [], IntToStr(Core.TotalProcessingClasses), '');
- for i := 0 to Core.TotalProcessingClasses-1 do begin
- s := Format('ProcessingClass %D', [i]);
- Result.Add(s + 'Interval, ms', vtNat, [], IntToStr(Round(Core.ProcessingClasses[i].Interval*1000)), '');
- Result.Add(s + 'Delta time-based', vtBoolean, [], OnOffStr[pfDeltaTimeBased in Core.ProcessingClasses[i].Flags], '');
- Result.Add(s + 'Ignore pause', vtBoolean, [], OnOffStr[pfIgnorePause in Core.ProcessingClasses[i].Flags], '');
- end;
- end;
- end;
- procedure TCASTRootItem.SetProperties(Properties: Props.TProperties);
- var
- i, l, Newl: Integer; Core: TBaseCore; s: string;
- NewIgnorePause, NewDeltaTimeMode: Boolean;
- begin
- inherited;
- if FManager is TBaseCore then Core := (FManager as TBaseCore) else begin
- {$IFDEF LOGGING} Log.Log(ClassName + '.SetProperties: Items manager must be an instance of TBaseCore', lkError); {$ENDIF}
- Exit;
- end;
- if (Parent = nil) and (FManager.Root = Self) then begin
- if Properties.Valid('RendererBefore backgroundClearFrame buffer') then if Properties.GetAsInteger('RendererBefore backgroundClearFrame buffer') > 0 then
- Include(StageSettings[poBackground].ClearFlags, ClearFrameBuffer) else Exclude(StageSettings[poBackground].ClearFlags, ClearFrameBuffer);
- if Properties.Valid('RendererBefore backgroundClearZ buffer') then if Properties.GetAsInteger('RendererBefore backgroundClearZ buffer') > 0 then
- Include(StageSettings[poBackground].ClearFlags, ClearZBuffer) else Exclude(StageSettings[poBackground].ClearFlags, ClearZBuffer);
- if Properties.Valid('RendererBefore backgroundClearStencil buffer') then if Properties.GetAsInteger('RendererBefore backgroundClearStencil buffer') > 0 then
- Include(StageSettings[poBackground].ClearFlags, ClearStencilBuffer) else Exclude(StageSettings[poBackground].ClearFlags, ClearStencilBuffer);
- if Properties.Valid('RendererBefore nearestClearFrame buffer') then if Properties.GetAsInteger('RendererBefore nearestClearFrame buffer') > 0 then
- Include(StageSettings[poNearest].ClearFlags, ClearFrameBuffer) else Exclude(StageSettings[poNearest].ClearFlags, ClearFrameBuffer);
- if Properties.Valid('RendererBefore nearestClearZ buffer') then if Properties.GetAsInteger('RendererBefore nearestClearZ buffer') > 0 then
- Include(StageSettings[poNearest].ClearFlags, ClearZBuffer) else Exclude(StageSettings[poNearest].ClearFlags, ClearZBuffer);
- if Properties.Valid('RendererBefore nearestClearStencil buffer') then if Properties.GetAsInteger('RendererBefore nearestClearStencil buffer') > 0 then
- Include(StageSettings[poNearest].ClearFlags, ClearStencilBuffer) else Exclude(StageSettings[poNearest].ClearFlags, ClearStencilBuffer);
- if Properties.Valid('RendererBefore postprocessClearFrame buffer') then if Properties.GetAsInteger('RendererBefore postprocessClearFrame buffer') > 0 then
- Include(StageSettings[poPostprocess].ClearFlags, ClearFrameBuffer) else Exclude(StageSettings[poPostprocess].ClearFlags, ClearFrameBuffer);
- if Properties.Valid('RendererBefore postprocessClearZ buffer') then if Properties.GetAsInteger('RendererBefore postprocessClearZ buffer') > 0 then
- Include(StageSettings[poPostprocess].ClearFlags, ClearZBuffer) else Exclude(StageSettings[poPostprocess].ClearFlags, ClearZBuffer);
- if Properties.Valid('RendererBefore postprocessClearStencil buffer') then if Properties.GetAsInteger('RendererBefore postprocessClearStencil buffer') > 0 then
- Include(StageSettings[poPostprocess].ClearFlags, ClearStencilBuffer) else Exclude(StageSettings[poPostprocess].ClearFlags, ClearStencilBuffer);
- SetColorProperty(Properties, 'RendererBefore backgroundClearColor value', StageSettings[poBackground].ClearColor);
- if Properties.Valid('RendererBefore backgroundClearZ value') then StageSettings[poBackground].ClearZ := StrToFloatDef(Properties['RendererBefore backgroundClearZ value'], 1);
- if Properties.Valid('RendererBefore backgroundClearStencil value') then StageSettings[poBackground].ClearStencil := Longword(Properties.GetAsInteger('RendererBefore backgroundClearStencil value'));
- SetColorProperty(Properties, 'RendererBefore nearestClearColor value', StageSettings[poNearest].ClearColor);
- if Properties.Valid('RendererBefore nearestClearZ value') then StageSettings[poNearest].ClearZ := StrToFloatDef(Properties['RendererBefore nearestClearZ value'], 1);
- if Properties.Valid('RendererBefore nearestClearStencil value') then StageSettings[poNearest].ClearStencil := Longword(Properties.GetAsInteger('RendererBefore nearestClearStencil value'));
- SetColorProperty(Properties, 'RendererBefore postprocessClearColor value', StageSettings[poPostprocess].ClearColor);
- if Properties.Valid('RendererBefore postprocessClearZ value') then StageSettings[poPostprocess].ClearZ := StrToFloatDef(Properties['RendererBefore postprocessClearZ value'], 1);
- if Properties.Valid('RendererBefore postprocessClearStencil value') then StageSettings[poPostprocess].ClearStencil := Longword(Properties.GetAsInteger('RendererBefore postprocessClearStencil value'));
- if Properties.Valid('RendererSimultaneous light sources') then Core.SimultaneousLightSources := Properties.GetAsInteger('RendererSimultaneous light sources');
- if Properties.Valid('ProcessingNumber of classes') then begin
- Core.TotalProcessingClasses := MaxI(1, StrToIntDef(Properties['ProcessingNumber of classes'], 1));
- end;
- for i := 0 to Core.TotalProcessingClasses-1 do begin
- s := Format('ProcessingClass %D', [i]);
- if Properties.Valid(s + 'Interval, ms') then
- Core.ProcessingClasses[i].Interval := Cardinal(StrToIntDef(Properties[s + 'Interval, ms'], 30)) / 1000;
- if Properties.Valid(s + 'Ignore pause') then
- NewIgnorePause := Properties.GetAsInteger(s + 'Ignore pause') > 0
- else
- NewIgnorePause := pfIgnorePause in Core.ProcessingClasses[i].Flags;
- if Properties.Valid(s + 'Delta time-based') then
- NewDeltaTimeMode := Properties.GetAsInteger(s + 'Delta time-based') > 0
- else
- NewDeltaTimeMode := pfDeltaTimeBased in Core.ProcessingClasses[i].Flags;
- Core.SetProcessingClass(i, Core.ProcessingClasses[i].Interval, NewIgnorePause, NewDeltaTimeMode);
- end;
- end;
- end;
- procedure TCASTRootItem.TraverseTree(Callback: TTraverseCallback);
- function TraverseCallback(Item: BaseClasses.TItem): TTraverseResult;
- var i: Integer;
- begin
- Result := Callback(Item);
- if Result = trContinue then for i := 0 to Item.TotalChilds-1 do begin
- {$IFDEF DEBUGMODE} Assert(Item.Childs[i] <> nil, ClassName + '.TraverseTree.Traverse: Childs[i] cannot be nil'); {$ENDIF}
- Result := TraverseCallBack(Item.Childs[i]);
- if Result = trStop then Exit;
- end;
- end;
- begin
- if @Callback <> nil then TraverseCallback(Self);
- end;
- {procedure TCASTRootItem.IncludeItem(Item: BaseClasses.TItem; Mask: TTraverseMask);
- var i: Integer;
- begin
- for i := 0 to TotalCollections-1 do if Mask = Collections[i].TraverseMask then AddToCollection(i, Item);
- end;
- procedure TCASTRootItem.ExcludeItem(Item: BaseClasses.TItem; Mask: TTraverseMask);
- var i: Integer;
- begin
- for i := 0 to TotalCollections-1 do if Mask = Collections[i].TraverseMask then RemoveFromCollection(i, Item);
- end;}
- function TCASTRootItem.AddCollection(Mask: TTraverseMask): Integer;
- var i: Integer;
- begin
- Result := -1;
- for i := 0 to High(Collections) do if Collections[i].Items = nil then Result := i;
- Inc(TotalCollections);
- if Result = -1 then begin
- Result := Length(Collections);
- SetLength(Collections, Result+1);
- end;
- Collections[Result].TraverseMask := Mask;
- Collections[Result].TotalItems := 0;
- SetLength(Collections[Result].Items, CollectionsCapacityStep);
- end;
- procedure TCASTRootItem.DeleteCollection(Index: Integer);
- begin
- if (Index >= Length(Collections)) or (Collections[Index].Items = nil) then Exit;
- Dec(TotalCollections);
- Collections[Index].Items := nil;
- end;
- {function TCASTRootItem.AddToCollectionCallback(Item: BaseClasses.TItem): TTraverseResult;
- begin
- AddToCollection(ModifyingCollectionIndex, Item);
- Result := trContinue;
- end;}
- (*procedure TCASTRootItem.AddToCollection(CollectionIndex: Integer; Item: BaseClasses.TItem);
- begin
- Assert((CollectionIndex < TotalCollections) and (Collections[CollectionIndex].Items <> nil), ClassName + '.AddToCollection: Invalid collection');
- {$ENDIF}
- if (CollectionIndex < TotalCollections) and (Collections[CollectionIndex].Items <> nil) and (Item <> nil) then begin
- if Length(Collections[CollectionIndex].Items) <= Collections[CollectionIndex].TotalItems then
- SetLength(Collections[CollectionIndex].Items, Length(Collections[CollectionIndex].Items) + ChildsCapacityStep);
- Collections[CollectionIndex].Items[Collections[CollectionIndex].TotalItems] := Item;
- Inc(Collections[CollectionIndex].TotalItems);
- end;
- end;
- procedure TCASTRootItem.RemoveFromCollection(CollectionIndex: Integer; Item: BaseClasses.TItem);
- var i: Integer;
- begin
- Assert((CollectionIndex < TotalCollections) and (Collections[CollectionIndex].Items <> nil), ClassName + '.RemoveFromCollection: Invalid collection');
- {$ENDIF}
- if (CollectionIndex < TotalCollections) and (Collections[CollectionIndex].Items <> nil) and (Item <> nil) then
- for i := 0 to Collections[CollectionIndex].TotalItems-1 do if Collections[CollectionIndex].Items[i] = Item then begin
- Collections[CollectionIndex].Items[i] := Collections[CollectionIndex].Items[Collections[CollectionIndex].TotalItems-1];
- Collections[CollectionIndex].Items[Collections[CollectionIndex].TotalItems-1] := nil;
- Dec(Collections[CollectionIndex].TotalItems);
- Exit;
- end;
- Assert(False, ClassName + '.RemoveFromCollection: Item not found');
- {$ENDIF}
- end; *)
- procedure TCASTRootItem.AddColliding(AItem: TProcessing);
- begin
- Collidings.Add(AItem.Colliding);
- end;
- procedure TCASTRootItem.RemoveColliding(AItem: TProcessing);
- begin
- Collidings.Remove(AItem.Colliding);
- end;
- procedure TCASTRootItem.Collide;
- var i, j: Integer; ColRes: Collisions.TCollisionResult; P: Pointer;
- begin
- for i := 0 to Collidings.TotalItems-2 do for j := i+1 to Collidings.TotalItems-1 do
- if Assigned(TColliding(Collidings.Items[i]).Owner) and (isProcessing in TColliding(Collidings.Items[i]).Owner.State) and
- Assigned(TColliding(Collidings.Items[j]).Owner) and (isProcessing in TColliding(Collidings.Items[j]).Owner.State) then begin
- ColRes := VolumeColDet(TColliding(Collidings.Items[i]).Volumes, TColliding(Collidings.Items[j]).Volumes,
- TProcessing(TColliding(Collidings.Items[i]).Owner).Transform, TProcessing(TColliding(Collidings.Items[j]).Owner).Transform);
- if ColRes.Vol1 <> nil then begin
- TProcessing(TColliding(Collidings.Items[i]).Owner).OnCollision(TProcessing(TColliding(Collidings.Items[j]).Owner), ColRes);
- P := ColRes.Vol1;
- ColRes.Vol1 := ColRes.Vol2;
- ColRes.Vol2 := P;
- TProcessing(TColliding(Collidings.Items[j]).Owner).OnCollision(TProcessing(TColliding(Collidings.Items[i]).Owner), ColRes);
- end;
- end;
- end;
- procedure TCASTRootItem.FreeChilds;
- var i: Integer;
- begin
- for i := 0 to High(Collections) do Collections[i].TotalItems := 0;
- Collidings.Clear;
- inherited;
- end;
- function TCASTRootItem.ExtractByMaskClassInRadius(Mask: TItemFlags; AClass: CProcessing; out Items: TItems; Origin: TLocation; Range: Single): Integer;
- var i: Integer; SQRange: Single;
- begin
- Result := 0;
- SQRange := Sqr(Range);
- if AClass.InheritsFrom(TProcessing) then begin
- for i := 0 to ExtractByMaskClass(Mask, AClass, Items)-1 do
- if LocationSqDistance(TProcessing(Items[i]).Location, Origin) < SQRange then begin
- Items[Result] := Items[i];
- Inc(Result);
- end;
- end else
- ErrorHandler(TInvalidArgument.Create('TCASTRootItem.ExtractByMaskClassInRadius: Spatial query class argument should be TProcessing or one of its descendant class'));
- SetLength(Items, Result);
- {$ENDIF}
- end;
- function TCASTRootItem.ExtractByMaskClassInCamera(Mask: TItemFlags; AClass: CProcessing; out Items: TItems; ACamera: TCamera): Integer;
- var i: Integer;
- begin
- Result := 0;
- if AClass.InheritsFrom(TProcessing) then begin
- for i := 0 to ExtractByMaskClass(Mask, AClass, Items)-1 do
- if ACamera.IsSpehereVisible(TProcessing(Items[i]).GetAbsLocation, TProcessing(Items[i]).BoundingSphereRadius) <> fcOutside then begin
- Items[Result] := Items[i];
- Inc(Result);
- end;
- end else
- ErrorHandler(TInvalidArgument.Create('TCASTRootItem.ExtractByMaskClassInRadius: Spatial query class argument should be TProcessing or one of its descendant class'));
- SetLength(Items, Result);
- {$ENDIF}
- end;
- procedure TCASTRootItem.HandleMessage(const Msg: TMessage);
- begin
- inherited;
- if Msg.ClassType = ItemMsg.TAddToSceneMsg then with ItemMsg.TAddToSceneMsg(Msg) do begin
- if (Item is TProcessing) and (TProcessing(Item).Colliding <> nil) then Collidings.Add(TProcessing(Item).Colliding);
- end else if Msg.ClassType = ItemMsg.TReplaceMsg then with ItemMsg.TReplaceMsg(Msg) do begin
- if (OldItem is TProcessing) and (TProcessing(OldItem).Colliding <> nil) then Collidings.Remove(TProcessing(OldItem).Colliding);
- end else if Msg.ClassType = ItemMsg.TRemoveFromSceneMsg then with ItemMsg.TRemoveFromSceneMsg(Msg) do begin
- if (Item is TProcessing) and (TProcessing(Item).Colliding <> nil) then Collidings.Remove(TProcessing(Item).Colliding);
- end
- end;
- { TProcessing }
- constructor TProcessing.Create(AManager: TItemsManager);
- begin
- Colliding := TColliding.Create;
- Colliding.Owner := Self;
- Colliding.Volumes := nil;
- inherited;
- FState := FState + [isProcessing];
- FScale := GetVector3s(1, 1, 1);
- Orientation := GetQuaternion(0, GetVector3s(0, 1, 0));
- ProcessingClass := 0;
- BoundingBox.P1 := GetVector3s(-1, -1, -1);
- BoundingBox.P2 := GetVector3s( 1, 1, 1);
- end;
- destructor TProcessing.Destroy;
- begin
- if Assigned(FManager) and Assigned(FManager.Root) then (FManager.Root as TCASTRootItem).RemoveColliding(Self);
- FreeAndNil(Colliding);
- inherited;
- end;
- function TProcessing.SetChild(Index: Integer; AItem: BaseClasses.TItem): BaseClasses.TItem;
- begin
- Result := inherited SetChild(Index, AItem);
- if (Result <> nil) and (AItem is TProcessing) then (AItem as TProcessing).InvalidateTransform;
- end;
- procedure TProcessing.OnCollision(Item: TProcessing; const ColRes: Collisions.TCollisionResult);
- begin
- // Log.Log('Collision "' + Name +'" with "' + Item.GetFullName + '"');
- {$ENDIF}
- end;
- procedure TProcessing.AddProperties(const Result: Props.TProperties);
- var i: Integer; Str: string;
- begin
- inherited;
- if not Assigned(Result) then Exit;
- // Result.AddEnumerated('Processing class', [], ProcessingClass+1, (FManager as TBaseCore).GetProcClassesEnum);
- AddVector4sProperty(Result, 'TransformLocation', Location);
- AddQuaternionProperty(Result, 'TransformOrientation', FOrientation);
- { Angle := ArcTan2(Sqrt(1 - Orientation[0] * Orientation[0]), Orientation[0])*2 * 180/pi;
- Str := 'TransformOrientation';
- Result.Add(Str, vtString, [poReadOnly], Format('(%3.3F, (%3.3F, %3.3F, %3.3F))', [Angle, Orientation[1], Orientation[2], Orientation[3]]), '');
- Result.Add(Str + 'Angle', vtSingle, [], FloatToStr(Angle), '');
- Result.Add(Str + 'X', vtSingle, [], FloatToStr(Orientation[1]), '');
- Result.Add(Str + 'Y', vtSingle, [], FloatToStr(Orientation[2]), '');
- Result.Add(Str + 'Z', vtSingle, [], FloatToStr(Orientation[3]), '');}
- AddVector3sProperty(Result, 'TransformScale', Scale);
- Result.Add('BoundsTotal volumes', vtInt, [], IntToStr(Length(Colliding.Volumes)), '');
- for i := 0 to High(Colliding.Volumes) do begin
- Str := 'BoundsVolume #' + IntToStr(i+1) + '';
- Result.AddEnumerated(Str + 'Kind', [], Ord(Colliding.Volumes[i].VolumeKind), VolumeKindsEnum);
- AddVector3sProperty(Result, Str + 'Offset', Colliding.Volumes[i].Offset);
- AddVector3sProperty(Result, 'BoundsVolume #' + IntToStr(i+1) + 'Dimensions', Colliding.Volumes[i].Dimensions);
- end;
- end;
- procedure TProcessing.SetProperties(Properties: Props.TProperties);
- var i, TotalVolumes: Integer; Str: string;
- begin
- inherited;
- if SetVector4sProperty(Properties, 'TransformLocation', FLocation) then SetLocation(FLocation);
- if SetQuaternionProperty(Properties, 'TransformOrientation', FOrientation) then SetOrientation(FOrientation);
- if SetVector3sProperty(Properties, 'TransformScale', FScale) then SetScale(FScale);
- if Properties.Valid('BoundsTotal volumes') then begin
- TotalVolumes := Length(Colliding.Volumes);
- SetLength(Colliding.Volumes, StrToIntDef(Properties['BoundsTotal volumes'], Length(Colliding.Volumes)));
- if (TotalVolumes = 0) and (High(Colliding.Volumes) >= 0) then (FManager.Root as TCASTRootItem).AddColliding(Self);
- if (TotalVolumes <> 0) and (High(Colliding.Volumes) < 0) then (FManager.Root as TCASTRootItem).RemoveColliding(Self);
- for i := TotalVolumes to High(Colliding.Volumes) do begin
- Colliding.Volumes[i].VolumeKind := bvkOOBB;
- Colliding.Volumes[i].Offset := ScaleVector3s(AddVector3s(BoundingBox.P2, BoundingBox.P1), 0.5);
- Colliding.Volumes[i].Dimensions := ScaleVector3s(SubVector3s(BoundingBox.P2, BoundingBox.P1), 0.5);
- end;
- end;
- for i := 0 to High(Colliding.Volumes) do begin
- Str := 'BoundsVolume #' + IntToStr(i+1) + '';
- if Properties.Valid(Str + 'Kind') then Colliding.Volumes[i].VolumeKind := TBoundingVolumeKind(Properties.GetAsInteger(Str + 'Kind'));
- SetVector3sProperty(Properties, Str + 'Offset', Colliding.Volumes[i].Offset);
- SetVector3sProperty(Properties, 'BoundsVolume #' + IntToStr(i+1) + 'Dimensions', Colliding.Volumes[i].Dimensions);
- end;
- end;
- function TProcessing.GetAbsLocation: TVector3s;
- begin
- Result.X := Transform._41; Result.Y := FTransform._42; Result.Z := FTransform._43;
- end;
- function TProcessing.GetAbsOrientation: TQuaternion;
- // Multiply orientation quaternions upward to first non-processing parent
- var ParItem: BaseClasses.TItem;
- begin
- Result := Orientation;
- ParItem := Parent;
- while ParItem is TDummyItem do ParItem := ParItem.Parent; // Skip dummy items
- if ParItem is TProcessing then Result := MulQuaternion(TProcessing(ParItem).GetAbsOrientation, Result);
- end;
- procedure TProcessing.SetTransform(const ATransform: TMatrix4s);
- begin
- FTransform := ATransform;
- TransformValid := True;
- end;
- function TProcessing.GetTransform: TMatrix4s;
- begin
- if not TransformValid then ComputeTransform;
- Result := FTransform;
- end;
- function TProcessing.GetLocation: TVector4s;
- begin
- Result := FLocation;
- end;
- procedure TProcessing.SetLocation(ALocation: TVector4s);
- begin
- FLocation := ALocation;
- InvalidateTransform;
- end;
- function TProcessing.GetPosition: TVector3s;
- begin
- Result := FLocation.XYZ;
- end;
- procedure TProcessing.SetPosition(const Value: TVector3s);
- begin
- SetLocation(GetVector4s(Value.X, Value.Y, Value.Z, FLocation.W));
- end;
- function TProcessing.GetOrientation: TQuaternion;
- begin
- Result := FOrientation;
- end;
- procedure TProcessing.SetOrientation(AOrientation: TQuaternion);
- begin
- FOrientation := AOrientation;
- InvalidateTransform;
- end;
- function TProcessing.GetScale: TVector3s;
- begin
- Result := FScale;
- end;
- procedure TProcessing.SetScale(const Value: TVector3s);
- begin
- FScale := Value;
- InvalidateTransform;
- end;
- procedure TProcessing.InvalidateTransform;
- { procedure InvalidateChilds(Item: BaseClasses.TItem);
- var i: Integer;
- begin
- for i := 0 to Item.TotalChilds-1 do begin
- if (Item.Childs[i] is TProcessing) then begin
- TProcessing(Item.Childs[i]).TransformValid := False;
- InvalidateChilds(Item.Childs[i]);
- end;
- if (Item.Childs[i] is TDummyItem) then InvalidateChilds(Item.Childs[i]);
- end;
- end;}
- procedure InvalidateChilds(Item: BaseClasses.TItem);
- var i: Integer;
- begin
- for i := 0 to Item.TotalChilds-1 do
- if (Item.Childs[i] is TProcessing) then
- TProcessing(Item.Childs[i]).InvalidateTransform else
- if (Item.Childs[i] is TDummyItem) then InvalidateChilds(Item.Childs[i]);
- end;
- begin
- TransformValid := False;
- InvalidateChilds(Self);
- end;
- procedure TProcessing.ComputeTransform;
- var ParItem: BaseClasses.TItem;
- begin
- TranslationMatrix4s(FTransform, FLocation.X, FLocation.Y, FLocation.Z);
- Matrix4sByQuat(FTransform, FOrientation);
- MulMatrix4s(FTransform, ScaleMatrix4s(FScale.X, FScale.Y, FScale.Z), FTransform);
- ParItem := Parent;
- while ParItem is TDummyItem do ParItem := ParItem.Parent; // Skip dummy items
- if ParItem is TProcessing then FTransform := MulMatrix4s(FTransform, TProcessing(ParItem).Transform);
- TransformValid := True;
- end;
- function TProcessing.GetForwardVector: TVector3s;
- begin
- Result := GetVector3s(Transform._31, Transform._32, Transform._33);
- end;
- function TProcessing.GetRightVector: TVector3s;
- begin
- Result := GetVector3s(Transform._11, Transform._12, Transform._13);
- end;
- function TProcessing.GetUpVector: TVector3s;
- begin
- Result := GetVector3s(Transform._21, Transform._22, Transform._23);
- end;
- function TProcessing.GetDimensions: TVector3s;
- begin
- ScaleVector3s(Result, SubVector3s(BoundingBox.P2, BoundingBox.P1), 0.5);
- end;
- function TProcessing.GetBoundingSphereRadius: Single;
- var D: Single;
- begin
- D := MaxS(SqrMagnitude(BoundingBox.P1), SqrMagnitude(BoundingBox.P2));
- Result := Sqrt(D);
- end;
- function TProcessing.ModelToWorld(const APoint: TVector3s): TVector3s;
- begin
- Result := Transform4Vector33s(Transform, APoint);
- end;
- function TProcessing.WorldToModel(const APoint: TVector3s): TVector3s;
- begin
- Result := Transform4Vector33s(InvertAffineMatrix4s(Transform), APoint);
- end;
- { TCamera }
- constructor TCamera.Create(AManager: TItemsManager);
- var i: Integer;
- begin
- inherited;
- InitProjMatrix(1, 100000, 90, 1);
- FCurrentAspectRatio := FAspectRatio;
- RenderTargetIndex := -1;
- FState := FState + [isVisible];
- GroupMask := gmDefault;
- for i := 0 to MaxClipPlanes-1 do ClipPlanes[i] := nil;
- DefaultFillMode := fmSolid;
- DefaultCullMode := cmCCW;
- ClearSettings.ClearFlags := [ClearFrameBuffer, ClearZBuffer];
- ClearSettings.ClearColor.C := 0;
- ClearSettings.ClearZ := 1;
- end;
- destructor TCamera.Destroy;
- var i: Integer;
- begin
- for i := 0 to MaxClipPlanes-1 do if Assigned(ClipPlanes[i]) then FreeMem(ClipPlanes[i]);
- inherited;
- end;
- procedure TCamera.AddProperties(const Result: Props.TProperties);
- var i: Integer;
- begin
- inherited;
- if not Assigned(Result) then Exit;
- // Result.Add('Default', vtBoolean, [], OnOffStr[Default], '');
- for i := 0 to PassGroupsCount-1 do Result.Add(Format('Pass groupsGroup %D', [i+1]), vtBoolean, [], OnOffStr[i in GroupMask], '');
- Result.Add('RenderWidth', vtInt, [poReadonly, poDerivative], IntToStr(RenderWidth), '');
- Result.Add('RenderHeight', vtInt, [poReadonly, poDerivative], IntToStr(RenderHeight), '');
- Result.AddEnumerated('RenderColor format', [poReadonly, poDerivative], ColorFormat, PixelFormatsEnum);
- Result.AddEnumerated('RenderDepth format', [poReadonly, poDerivative], DepthFormat, PixelFormatsEnum);
- Result.Add('RenderCurrent aspect ratio', vtSingle, [poReadonly, poDerivative], FloatToStr(CurrentAspectRatio), '');
- Result.Add('RenderLOD bias', vtSingle, [], FloatToStr(LODBias), '');
- // Render to texture related properties
- Result.Add('RenderRender targetWidth', vtInt, [], IntToStr(RenderTargetWidth), '');
- Result.Add('RenderRender targetHeight', vtInt, [], IntToStr(RenderTargetHeight), '');
- Result.AddEnumerated('RenderRender targetColor format', [], FRTColorFormat, PixelFormatsEnum);
- Result.AddEnumerated('RenderRender targetDepth format', [], FRTDepthFormat, PixelFormatsEnum);
- Result.Add('RenderRender targetFrame skip', vtInt, [], IntToStr(FrameSkip), '');
- Result.Add('RenderRender targetDepth texture', vtBoolean, [], OnOffStr[IsDepthTexture], '');
- Result.Add('ProjectionOrthographic', vtBoolean, [], OnOffStr[FOrthographic], '');
- Result.Add('ProjectionZ near', vtSingle, [], FloatToStr(FZNear), '');
- Result.Add('ProjectionZ far', vtSingle, [], FloatToStr(FZFar), '');
- Result.Add('ProjectionHorizontal FoV', vtInt, [], IntToStr(Round(FHFoV * RadToDeg)), '0-180');
- Result.Add('ProjectionVisible width', vtSingle, [], FloatToStr(FWidth), '');
- Result.Add('ProjectionAspect ratio', vtSingle, [], FloatToStr(FAspectRatio), '0.125-8');
- Result.Add('ClearFrame buffer', vtBoolean, [], OnOffStr[ClearFrameBuffer in ClearSettings.ClearFlags], '');
- Result.Add('ClearZ buffer', vtBoolean, [], OnOffStr[ClearZBuffer in ClearSettings.ClearFlags], '');
- Result.Add('ClearStencil buffer', vtBoolean, [], OnOffStr[ClearStencilBuffer in ClearSettings.ClearFlags], '');
- AddColorProperty(Result, 'ClearColor value', ClearSettings.ClearColor);
- Result.Add('ClearZ value', vtSingle, [], FloatToStr(ClearSettings.ClearZ), '');
- Result.Add('ClearStencil value', vtNat, [], IntToStr(ClearSettings.ClearStencil), '');
- Result.AddEnumerated('RenderDefault face culling', [], DefaultCullMode, CameraCullModesEnum);
- Result.AddEnumerated('RenderDefault fill mode', [], DefaultFillMode, CameraFillModesEnum);
- end;
- procedure TCamera.SetProperties(Properties: Props.TProperties);
- var i: Integer;
- begin
- inherited;
- // if Properties.Valid('Default') then Default := Properties.GetAsInteger('Default') > 0;
- for i := 0 to PassGroupsCount-1 do
- if Properties.Valid(Format('Pass groupsGroup %D', [i+1])) then
- if Properties.GetAsInteger(Format('Pass groupsGroup %D', [i+1])) > 0 then
- GroupMask := GroupMask + [i] else
- GroupMask := GroupMask - [i];
- if Properties.Valid('RenderRender targetWidth') then RenderTargetWidth := StrToIntDef(Properties['RenderRender targetWidth'], 0);
- if Properties.Valid('RenderRender targetHeight') then RenderTargetHeight := StrToIntDef(Properties['RenderRender targetHeight'], 0);
- if Properties.Valid('RenderRender targetColor format') then FRTColorFormat := Properties.GetAsInteger('RenderRender targetColor format');
- if Properties.Valid('RenderRender targetDepth format') then FRTDepthFormat := Properties.GetAsInteger('RenderRender targetDepth format');
- if Properties.Valid('RenderRender targetFrame skip') then FrameSkip := StrToIntDef(Properties['RenderRender targetFrame skip'], 0);
- if Properties.Valid('RenderRender targetDepth texture') then IsDepthTexture := Properties.GetAsInteger('RenderRender targetDepth texture') > 0;
- if Properties.Valid('ProjectionOrthographic') then FOrthographic := Properties.GetAsInteger('ProjectionOrthographic') > 0;
- if Properties.Valid('ProjectionZ near') then FZNear := StrToFloatDef(Properties['ProjectionZ near'], 1);
- if Properties.Valid('ProjectionZ far') then FZFar := StrToFloatDef(Properties['ProjectionZ far'], 100000);
- if Properties.Valid('ProjectionHorizontal FoV') then FHFoV := StrToIntDef(Properties['ProjectionHorizontal FoV'], 90) * DegToRad;
- if Properties.Valid('ProjectionVisible width') then FWidth := StrToFloatDef(Properties['ProjectionVisible width'], 0);
- if Properties.Valid('ProjectionAspect ratio') then begin
- FAspectRatio := StrToFloatDef(Properties['ProjectionAspect ratio'], 1);
- FCurrentAspectRatio := FAspectRatio;
- end;
- if Properties.Valid('RenderLOD bias') then LODBias := StrToFloatDef(Properties['RenderLOD bias'], 0);
- if Properties.Valid('ClearFrame buffer') then if Properties.GetAsInteger('ClearFrame buffer') > 0 then
- Include(ClearSettings.ClearFlags, ClearFrameBuffer) else Exclude(ClearSettings.ClearFlags, ClearFrameBuffer);
- if Properties.Valid('ClearZ buffer') then if Properties.GetAsInteger('ClearZ buffer') > 0 then
- Include(ClearSettings.ClearFlags, ClearZBuffer) else Exclude(ClearSettings.ClearFlags, ClearZBuffer);
- if Properties.Valid('ClearStencil buffer') then if Properties.GetAsInteger('ClearStencil buffer') > 0 then
- Include(ClearSettings.ClearFlags, ClearStencilBuffer) else Exclude(ClearSettings.ClearFlags, ClearStencilBuffer);
- SetColorProperty(Properties, 'ClearColor value', ClearSettings.ClearColor);
- if Properties.Valid('ClearZ value') then ClearSettings.ClearZ := StrToFloatDef(Properties['ClearZ value'], 1);
- if Properties.Valid('ClearStencil value') then ClearSettings.ClearStencil := Longword(Properties.GetAsInteger('ClearStencil value'));
- if Properties.Valid('RenderDefault face culling') then DefaultCullMode := Properties.GetAsInteger('RenderDefault face culling');
- if Properties.Valid('RenderDefault fill mode') then DefaultFillMode := Properties.GetAsInteger('RenderDefault fill mode');
- InitProjMatrix(FZNear, FZFar, FHFoV, FAspectRatio);
- end;
- procedure TCamera.InvalidateTransform;
- begin
- inherited;
- ViewValid := False;
- end;
- procedure TCamera.ComputeViewMatrix;
- begin
- { FViewMatrix := ExpandMatrix3s(GetTransposedMatrix3s(CutMatrix3s(Transform)));
- Pos := GetAbsLocation;
- FViewMatrix._41 := -DotProductVector3s(FTransform.ViewRight, Pos);
- FViewMatrix._42 := -DotProductVector3s(FTransform.ViewUp, Pos);
- FViewMatrix._43 := -DotProductVector3s(FTransform.ViewForward, Pos);}
- FInvViewMatrix := Transform;
- FViewMatrix := InvertAffineMatrix4s(FInvViewMatrix);
- MulMatrix4s(FTotalMatrix, FViewMatrix, ProjMatrix);
- ComputeFrustumPlanes;
- ViewValid := True;
- end;
- procedure TCamera.InitProjMatrix(AZNear, AZFar, AHFoV, AAspectRatio: Single);
- var w, h, q: Single; Cen: TVector3s;
- begin
- FZNear := AZNear;
- FZFar := AZFar;
- FHFoV := AHFoV;
- AspectRatio := AAspectRatio;
- FillChar(FProjMatrix, SizeOf(FProjMatrix), 0);
- if FOrthographic then begin
- FProjMatrix := IdentityMatrix4s;
- w := FWidth;
- h := w * CurrentAspectRatio;
- // FProjMatrix.m[0, 0] := 2/w; FProjMatrix.m[1, 1] := 2/h; FProjMatrix.m[2, 2] := 2/(FZFar - FZNear);
- // MulMatrix4s(FProjMatrix, ScaleMatrix4s(2/w, 2/h, 2/(FZFar - FZNear)), TranslationMatrix4s(-GetAbsLocation.x, -GetAbsLocation.y, -GetAbsLocation.z));
- Cen := GetAbsLocation;
- // MulMatrix4s(FProjMatrix, TranslationMatrix4s(-Cen.x, -Cen.y, -Cen.z), ScaleMatrix4s(2/w, 2/h, 2/(FZFar - FZNear)));
- FProjMatrix := ScaleMatrix4s(2/w, 2/h, 2/(FZFar - FZNear));
- end else begin
- w := Cos(FHFov * 0.5) / Sin(FHFov * 0.5);
- h := w * CurrentAspectRatio;
- q := FZFar / (FZFar - FZNear);
- FProjMatrix.m[0, 0] := w; FProjMatrix.m[1, 1] := h; FProjMatrix.m[2, 2] := q;
- FProjMatrix.m[3, 2] := -q*FZNear; FProjMatrix.m[2, 3] := 1;
- end;
- // ViewValid := False;
- end;
- procedure TCamera.InitOrthoProjMatrix(AZNear, AZFar, VisibleWidth, AAspectRatio: Single);
- begin
- FOrthographic := True;
- FWidth := VisibleWidth;
- InitProjMatrix(AZNear, AZFar, FHFoV, AAspectRatio);
- end;
- procedure TCamera.SetClearState(AClearFlags: TClearFlagsSet; AClearColor: BaseTypes.TColor; AClearZ: Single; AClearStencil: Cardinal);
- begin
- ClearSettings.ClearFlags := AClearFlags;
- ClearSettings.ClearColor := AClearColor;
- ClearSettings.ClearZ := AClearZ;
- ClearSettings.ClearStencil := AClearStencil;
- end;
- procedure TCamera.SetScreenDimensions(Width, Height: Integer; AdjustAspectRatio: Boolean);
- begin
- if (Width = FRenderWidth) and (Height = FRenderHeight) then Exit;
- FRenderWidth := Width;
- FRenderHeight := Height;
- if AdjustAspectRatio then begin
- FCurrentAspectRatio := Width / Height * AspectRatio;
- end;
- InitProjMatrix(FZNear, FZFar, FHFoV, FAspectRatio);
- end;
- procedure TCamera.Rotate(XA, YA, ZA: Single);
- begin
- Orientation := MulQuaternion(GetQuaternion(XA, RightVector), MulQuaternion(GetQuaternion(YA, UpVector), MulQuaternion(GetQuaternion(ZA, ForwardVector), Orientation)));
- end;
- procedure TCamera.Move(XD, YD, ZD: Single);
- begin
- { if Core.Renderer.MainCamera is TLookAtCamera then begin
- with (Core.Renderer.MainCamera as TLookAtCamera) do
- LookTarget := AddVector3s(LookTarget, AddVector3s(ScaleVector3s(RightVector, -(NewMouseX - LastMouseX)*0.10), ScaleVector3s(UpVector, (NewMouseY - LastMouseY)*0.10)));}
- Position := AddVector3s(Position, AddVector3s(AddVector3s(ScaleVector3s(RightVector, XD), ScaleVector3s(UpVector, YD)), ScaleVector3s(ForwardVector, ZD)));
- end;
- function TCamera.GetPickRay(ScreenX, ScreenY: Single): TVector3s;
- var d: Single;
- begin
- d := 0.5*RenderWidth / Sin(FHFoV/2)*Cos(FHFoV/2);
- Result.X := -0.5*RenderWidth + ScreenX;
- if RenderHeight > epsilon then
- Result.Y := (0.5*RenderHeight - ScreenY)*RenderWidth/RenderHeight/CurrentAspectRatio else
- Result.Y := 0;
- Result.Z := d;
- end;
- function TCamera.GetPickRayInWorld(ScreenX, ScreenY: Single): TVector3s;
- begin
- Transform3Vector3s(Result, CutMatrix3s(InvertAffineMatrix4s(ViewMatrix)), GetPickRay(ScreenX, ScreenY));
- end;
- function TCamera.Project(const Vec: TVector3s): TVector4s;
- var TRHW: Single;
- begin
- Result := Transform4Vector3s(TotalMatrix, Vec);
- TRHW := 1/Result.W;
- Result.X := RenderWidth shr 1 + Result.X * (RenderWidth shr 1) * TRHW;
- Result.Y := RenderHeight shr 1 - Result.Y * (RenderHeight shr 1) * TRHW;
- // Result.Z := (ZFar/(ZFar-ZNear))*(1-ZNear/(Result.Z)); // ToFix: Optimize it
- end;
- function TCamera.GetViewMatrix: TMatrix4s;
- begin
- if not ViewValid then ComputeViewMatrix;
- Result := FViewMatrix;
- end;
- procedure TCamera.SetViewMatrix(const Value: TMatrix4s);
- begin
- FViewMatrix := Value;
- FInvViewMatrix := InvertAffineMatrix4s(FViewMatrix);;
- MulMatrix4s(FTotalMatrix, FViewMatrix, ProjMatrix);
- ComputeFrustumPlanes;
- ViewValid := True;
- end;
- function TCamera.GetInvViewMatrix: TMatrix4s;
- begin
- if not ViewValid then ComputeViewMatrix;
- Result := FInvViewMatrix;
- end;
- function TCamera.GetTotalMatrix: TMatrix4s;
- begin
- if not ViewValid then ComputeViewMatrix;
- Result := FTotalMatrix;
- end;
- function TCamera.GetViewOrigin: TVector3s;
- begin
- Result := GetVector3s(InvViewMatrix._41, InvViewMatrix._42, InvViewMatrix._43);
- end;
- function TCamera.GetLookDir: TVector3s;
- begin
- Result := GetVector3s(InvViewMatrix._31, InvViewMatrix._32, InvViewMatrix._33);
- end;
- function TCamera.GetRightDir: TVector3s;
- begin
- Result := GetVector3s(InvViewMatrix._11, InvViewMatrix._12, InvViewMatrix._13);
- end;
- function TCamera.GetUpDir: TVector3s;
- begin
- Result := GetVector3s(InvViewMatrix._21, InvViewMatrix._22, InvViewMatrix._23);
- end;
- procedure TCamera.SetAspectRatio(const Value: Single);
- begin
- FAspectRatio := Value;
- if FRenderHeight <> 0 then
- FCurrentAspectRatio := FRenderWidth / FRenderHeight * FAspectRatio
- else FCurrentAspectRatio := 0;
- end;
- procedure TCamera.ComputeFrustumPlanes;
- var i: Integer; M: Tmatrix4s;
- begin
- M := FTotalMatrix;
- // Left clipping plane
- FFrustumPlanes[fpLeft].a := M._14 + M._11;
- FFrustumPlanes[fpLeft].b := M._24 + M._21;
- FFrustumPlanes[fpLeft].c := M._34 + M._31;
- FFrustumPlanes[fpLeft].d := M._44 + M._41;
- // Right clipping plane
- FFrustumPlanes[fpRight].a := M._14 - M._11;
- FFrustumPlanes[fpRight].b := M._24 - M._21;
- FFrustumPlanes[fpRight].c := M._34 - M._31;
- FFrustumPlanes[fpRight].d := M._44 - M._41;
- // Top clipping plane
- FFrustumPlanes[fpTop].a := M._14 - M._12;
- FFrustumPlanes[fpTop].b := M._24 - M._22;
- FFrustumPlanes[fpTop].c := M._34 - M._32;
- FFrustumPlanes[fpTop].d := M._44 - M._42;
- // Bottom clipping plane
- FFrustumPlanes[fpBottom].a := M._14 + M._12;
- FFrustumPlanes[fpBottom].b := M._24 + M._22;
- FFrustumPlanes[fpBottom].c := M._34 + M._32;
- FFrustumPlanes[fpBottom].d := M._44 + M._42;
- // Near clipping plane
- FFrustumPlanes[fpNear].a := M._13;
- FFrustumPlanes[fpNear].b := M._23;
- FFrustumPlanes[fpNear].c := M._33;
- FFrustumPlanes[fpNear].d := M._43;
- // Far clipping plane
- FFrustumPlanes[fpFar].a := M._14 - M._13;
- FFrustumPlanes[fpFar].b := M._24 - M._23;
- FFrustumPlanes[fpFar].c := M._34 - M._33;
- FFrustumPlanes[fpFar].d := M._44 - M._43;
- // Normalize
- for i := Ord(Low(TFrustumPlane)) to Ord(High(TFrustumPlane)) do NormalizePlane(FFrustumPlanes[TFrustumPlane(i)]);
- end;
- procedure TCamera.OnApply(const OldCamera: TCamera);
- begin
- ClipPlanes[0] := nil;
- end;
- function TCamera.IsSpehereVisible(const Center: TVector3s; Radius: Single): TFrustumCheckResult;
- var i: Integer; d: Single;
- begin
- if not ViewValid then ComputeViewMatrix;
- Result := fcOutside;
- for i := Ord(Low(TFrustumPlane)) to Ord(High(TFrustumPlane)) do begin
- d := DotProductVector3s(FFrustumPlanes[TFrustumPlane(i)].Normal, Center) + FFrustumPlanes[TFrustumPlane(i)].D;
- if d < -Radius then Exit; // Sphere is out of frustum
- if Abs(d) < Radius then begin // Sphere intersects frustum
- Result := fcPartially; Exit;
- end;
- end;
- Result := fcInside; // Sphere completely inside frustum
- end;
- { TBaseCore }
- procedure TBaseCore.SetTimer(const Value: Timer.TTimer);
- begin
- Assert(Assigned(Value), 'TCore.SetTimer: Timer should be defined');
- if Assigned(FTimer) then RemoveSubsystem(FTimer);
- if (FTimer = DefaultTimer) and (Value <> DefaultTimer) then FreeAndNil(DefaultTimer);
- FTimer := Value;
- if Assigned(FTimer) then AddSubsystem(FTimer);
- end;
- procedure TBaseCore.SetTotalProcessingClasses(const Value: Integer);
- var l, i: Integer;
- begin
- l := Length(ProcessingClasses);
- for i := l-1 downto Value do
- FTimer.RemoveRecurringEvent(ProcessingClasses[i].TimerEventID);
- SetLength(ProcessingClasses, Value);
- for i := l to Value-1 do begin
- ProcessingClasses[i].Interval := DefaultProcessingInterval;
- ProcessingClasses[i].Flags := [];
- ProcessingClasses[i].TimerEventID := Timer.SetRecurringEvent(ProcessingClasses[i].Interval, ProcessingEvent, i);
- end;
- end;
- procedure TBaseCore.ProcessDeltaTimeBased(const DeltaTime: TTimeUnit);
- var i, j: Integer;
- begin
- for j := 0 to TotalProcessingItems-1 do begin
- Assert(ProcessingItems[j] is TBaseProcessing, ProcessingItems[j].Name + ' is not a descendant of TBaseProcessing');
- i := TBaseProcessing(ProcessingItems[j]).ProcessingClass;
- if (i >= 0) and (pfDeltaTimeBased in ProcessingClasses[i].Flags) and
- (not Paused or (pfIgnorePause in ProcessingClasses[i].Flags)) then
- TBaseProcessing(ProcessingItems[j]).Process(DeltaTime);
- end;
- end;
- procedure TBaseCore.ProcessingEvent(EventID: Integer; const ErrorDelta: TTimeUnit);
- var j: Integer;
- begin
- if Paused and not (pfIgnorePause in ProcessingClasses[EventID].Flags) then Exit;
- for j := 0 to TotalProcessingItems-1 do begin
- Assert(ProcessingItems[j] is TBaseProcessing, ProcessingItems[j].Name + ' is not a descendant of TBaseProcessing');
- if TBaseProcessing(ProcessingItems[j]).ProcessingClass = EventID then
- TBaseProcessing(ProcessingItems[j]).Process((ProcessingClasses[EventID].Interval + ErrorDelta) * TimeScale);
- end;
- end;
- procedure TBaseCore.OnDestroy;
- begin
- Log.Log('Engine shut down');
- FreeAndNil(FTesselatorManager);
- FreeAndNil(FSharedTesselators);
- FreeAndNil(RandomGen);
- FreeAndNil(FPerfProfile);
- inherited;
- Subsystems := nil;
- FreeAndNil(DefaultTimer);
- end;
- constructor TBaseCore.Create;
- begin
- inherited;
- Log.Log('CAST II v' + EngineVersionMajor + '.' + EngineVersionMinor + ' starting up', lkInfo);
- FEditorMode := True;
- Log.Log('World editing capabilities are On', lkWarning);
- {$ELSE}
- FEditorMode := False;
- Log.Log('World editing capabilities are Off', lkWarning);
- {$ENDIF}
- DefaultTimer := TTimer.Create({$IFDEF OBJFPCEnable}@{$ENDIF}HandleMessage);
- Timer := DefaultTimer;
- Timer.MaxInterval := 5; // Process recurring events for 5 last seconds only
- Timer.GetInterval(DeltaTimeBasedTimeMark, True); // Initialize the time mark
- RegisterItemClass(TCASTRootItem);
- RandomGen := Basics.TRandomGenerator.Create;
- FTesselatorManager := BaseCont.TReferencedItemManager.Create;
- FPerfProfile := TPerfProfile.Create;
- TotalProcessingClasses := 1;
- SetProcessingClass(0, 30/1000, False, True);
- TimeScale := 1;
- end;
- procedure TBaseCore.HandleMessage(const Msg: TMessage);
- var i: Integer;
- begin
- inherited;
- if Msg.ClassType = TSubsystemMsg then with TSubsystemMsg(Msg) do begin
- case Action of
- saConnect: AddSubsystem(Subsystem);
- saDisconnect: RemoveSubsystem(Subsystem);
- end;
- end;
- for i := 0 to High(Subsystems) do Subsystems[i].HandleMessage(Msg);
- if Assigned(MessageHandler) then MessageHandler(Msg);
- end;
- procedure TBaseCore.AddSubsystem(const Subsystem: TSubsystem);
- begin
- Assert(Assigned(Subsystem), Format('%S.%S: Subsystem is undefined(nil)', [ClassName, 'AddSubsystem']));
- SetLength(Subsystems, Length(Subsystems)+1);
- Subsystems[High(Subsystems)] := Subsystem;
- Log.Log(Format('Subsystem of class %S connected', [Subsystem.ClassName]));
- end;
- procedure TBaseCore.RemoveSubsystem(const Subsystem: TSubsystem);
- var i: Integer;
- begin
- i := High(Subsystems);
- while (i >= 0) and (Subsystems[i] <> Subsystem) do Dec(i);
- Assert(i >= 0, Format('%S.%S: Subsystem of class %S not found', [ClassName, 'RemoveSubsystem', Subsystem.ClassName]));
- if i >= 0 then begin
- Subsystems[i] := Subsystems[Length(Subsystems)-1];
- SetLength(Subsystems, Length(Subsystems)-1);
- end;
- {$IFDEF LOGGING} Log.Log(Format('Subsystem of class %S disconnected', [Subsystem.ClassName])); {$ENDIF}
- end;
- function TBaseCore.QuerySubsystem(SubsystemClass: CSubsystem): TSubsystem;
- var i: Integer;
- begin
- Result := nil;
- i := High(Subsystems);
- while (i >= 0) and not Subsystems[i].InheritsFrom(SubsystemClass) do Dec(i);
- if i >= 0 then Result := Subsystems[i];
- end;
- procedure TBaseCore.SetProcessingClass(Index: Integer; Interval: Single; IgnorePause, DeltaTimeBased: Boolean);
- var OldFlags: TProcessingFlags;
- begin
- if (Index < 0) or (Index >= TotalProcessingClasses) then begin
- Log.Log(ClassName + '.SetProcessingClass: Invalid index', lkError);
- Exit;
- end;
- OldFlags := ProcessingClasses[Index].Flags;
- ProcessingClasses[Index].Interval := Interval;
- ProcessingClasses[Index].Flags := [];
- if IgnorePause then Include(ProcessingClasses[Index].Flags, pfIgnorePause) else Exclude(ProcessingClasses[Index].Flags, pfIgnorePause);
- if DeltaTimeBased then Include(ProcessingClasses[Index].Flags, pfDeltaTimeBased) else Exclude(ProcessingClasses[Index].Flags, pfDeltaTimeBased);
- if DeltaTimeBased then begin
- if ProcessingClasses[Index].TimerEventID <> -1 then Timer.RemoveRecurringEvent(ProcessingClasses[Index].TimerEventID);
- ProcessingClasses[Index].TimerEventID := -1;
- end else begin
- if ProcessingClasses[Index].TimerEventID = -1 then
- ProcessingClasses[Index].TimerEventID := Timer.SetRecurringEvent(ProcessingClasses[Index].Interval, ProcessingEvent, Index)
- else
- Timer.SetRecurringEventInterval(ProcessingClasses[Index].TimerEventID, ProcessingClasses[Index].Interval);
- end;
- end;
- procedure TBaseCore.ClearItems;
- begin
- inherited;
- if Assigned(FTesselatorManager) then FTesselatorManager.Clear;
- if Assigned(FSharedTesselators) then FSharedTesselators.Clear;
- end;
- {procedure TBaseCore.SetRoot(ARoot: TRootItem);
- begin
- FRoot := ARoot;
- if Root <> nil then Root.FManager := Self;
- end;}
- { TMirrorCamera }
- procedure TMirrorCamera.ComputeViewMatrix;
- begin
- if Assigned(FOldCamera) and (FOldCamera <> Self) then begin
- FViewMatrix := FOldCamera.GetViewMatrix;
- FViewMatrix := MulMatrix4s(ReflectionMatrix4s(GetAbsLocation, NormalizeVector3s(Transform.ViewForward)), FViewMatrix);
- MulMatrix4s(FTotalMatrix, FViewMatrix, ProjMatrix);
- ViewValid := True;
- FOldCamera := nil;
- ComputeFrustumPlanes;
- end else inherited;
- end;
- procedure TMirrorCamera.OnApply(const OldCamera: TCamera);
- begin
- FOldCamera := OldCamera;
- ViewValid := False;
- if not Assigned(ClipPlanes[0]) then GetMem(ClipPlanes[0], SizeOf(ClipPlanes[0]^));
- ClipPlanes[0]^ := GetPlaneFromPointNormal(GetAbsLocation, ScaleVector3s(Transform.ViewForward, 1));
- end;
- { TItemMoveOp }
- procedure TItemMoveOp.DoApply;
- var t: TLocation;
- begin
- t := Location;
- Location := AffectedProcessing.Location;
- AffectedProcessing.Location := t;
- end;
- function TItemMoveOp.DoMerge(AOperation: TOperation): Boolean;
- begin
- Result := (AOperation is TItemMoveOp) and (TItemMoveOp(AOperation).AffectedProcessing = AffectedProcessing);
- if Result and not (ofApplied in Flags) then Location := TItemMoveOp(AOperation).Location;
- end;
- function TItemMoveOp.Init(AAffectedProcessing: TProcessing; ALocation: TLocation): Boolean;
- begin
- Result := False;
- Assert(Assigned(AAffectedProcessing));
- if EqualLocations(ALocation, AAffectedProcessing.Location) then Exit;
- AffectedProcessing := AAffectedProcessing;
- Location := ALocation;
- Result := True;
- end;
- { TItemRotateOp }
- procedure TItemRotateOp.DoApply;
- var t: TQuaternion;
- begin
- t := Orientation;
- Orientation := AffectedProcessing.Orientation;
- AffectedProcessing.Orientation := t;
- end;
- function TItemRotateOp.DoMerge(AOperation: TOperation): Boolean;
- begin
- Result := (AOperation is TItemRotateOp) and (TItemRotateOp(AOperation).AffectedProcessing = AffectedProcessing);
- if Result and not (ofApplied in Flags) then Orientation := TItemRotateOp(AOperation).Orientation;
- end;
- function TItemRotateOp.Init(AAffectedProcessing: TProcessing; AOrientation: TQuaternion): Boolean;
- begin
- Result := False;
- Assert(Assigned(AAffectedProcessing));
- if EqualsQuaternions(AAffectedProcessing.Orientation, AOrientation) then Exit;
- AffectedProcessing := AAffectedProcessing;
- Orientation := AOrientation;
- Result := True;
- end;
- end.