资源名称:CAST2SDK.rar [点击查看]
- (*
- CAST II Engine grass vegetation unit
- (C) 2006-2008 George "Mirage" Bakhtadze. avagames@gmail.com
- Created: Jul 20, 2008
- Unit contains grass visualisation class
- *)
- {$Include GDefines.inc}
- {$Include C2Defines.inc}
- unit C2Grass;
- interface
- uses
- SysUtils, TextFile, Basics, BaseTypes, Base3D, Props, BaseMsg, ItemMsg, BaseClasses,
- {$IFDEF EDITORMODE} BaseGraph, C2MapEditMsg, {$ENDIF}
- C2Types, C2Visual, C2VisItems, CAST2, C2Land, C2Maps;
- type
- TGrassTesselator = class(TMappedTesselator)
- private
- FDensity, FThreshold, FOscillationIrregularity: Single;
- FRandoms: TRandomGenerator;
- FHeightMap: C2Maps.TMap;
- BoundingBox: TBoundingBox;
- public
- constructor Create; override;
- destructor Destroy; override;
- procedure AddProperties(const Result: Props.TProperties; const PropNamePrefix: TNameString); override;
- procedure SetProperties(Properties: Props.TProperties; const PropNamePrefix: TNameString); override;
- procedure Init; override;
- function GetBoundingBox: TBoundingBox; override;
- function Tesselate(const Params: TTesselationParameters; VBPTR: Pointer): Integer; override;
- end;
- TGrass = class(C2Visual.TMappedItem)
- private
- FHeightMap: C2Maps.TMap;
- ShaderConsts: TShaderConstants;
- FOscillationFreq, FOscillationAmplitude: Single;
- protected
- procedure ResolveLinks; override;
- function PickCell(Camera: TCamera; MouseX, MouseY: Integer; out CellX, CellZ: Integer): Boolean; override;
- function DrawCursor(Cursor: C2MapEditMsg.TMapCursor; Camera: TCamera; Screen: TScreen): Boolean; override;
- {$ENDIF}
- procedure InitShaderConstants;
- public
- function GetTesselatorClass: CTesselator; override;
- procedure RetrieveShaderConstants(var ConstList: TShaderConstants); override;
- procedure OnSceneLoaded; override;
- procedure HandleMessage(const Msg: TMessage); override;
- procedure AddProperties(const Result: Props.TProperties); override;
- procedure SetProperties(Properties: Props.TProperties); override;
- end;
- TRadGridGrassTesselator = class(TRadGridTesselator)
- private
- FGrassHeight, FSampleSize: Single;
- public
- procedure Init; override;
- function GetUpdatedElements(Buffer: TTesselationBuffer; const Params: TTesselationParameters): Integer; override;
- procedure AddProperties(const Result: Props.TProperties; const PropNamePrefix: TNameString); override;
- procedure SetProperties(Properties: Props.TProperties; const PropNamePrefix: TNameString); override;
- function Tesselate(const Params: TTesselationParameters; VBPTR: Pointer): Integer; override;
- end;
- TRadGridGrass = class(TProjectedLandscape)
- public
- function GetTesselatorClass: CTesselator; override;
- end;
- // Returns list of classes introduced by the unit
- function GetUnitClassList: TClassArray;
- implementation
- function GetUnitClassList: TClassArray;
- begin
- Result := GetClassList([TGrass, TRadGridGrass]);
- end;
- { TRadGridGrassTesselator }
- const VerticesPerPoint = 6;
- procedure TRadGridGrassTesselator.Init;
- begin
- inherited;
- if Assigned(FMap) then begin
- TotalVertices := (FGridWidth+1)*(FGridHeight+1) * VerticesPerPoint;
- TotalIndices := 0;//(FGridWidth+1)*2; // - - 89, 1 - 309-315, 2 - 85
- TotalStrips := 1;//FGridHeight;
- TotalPrimitives := (FGridWidth+1)*(FGridHeight+1);
- StripOffset := 0;//FGridWidth+1;
- // StripOffset := FGridWidth+1;
- SetLength(FMipZ, FGridHeight+1);
- // 0 2 4 0 1 2 3 4 5 5 1 P: ??? (w*2)*(h-1)-2 = (3*2)*3-2 = 16
- // 1 3 5 1 6 3 7 5 8 8 6 V: w*h = 3*4 = 12
- // 6 7 8 6 9 7 A 8 B I: (2+(w-1)*2+2)*(h-1)-2 = 2*(w+1)*(h-1) = (2+(3-1)*2+2)*3-2 = 8*3-2 = 22
- // 9 A B
- { TotalIndices := 2*(FGridWidth+2)*(FGridHeight);//-2
- TotalStrips := 1;
- TotalPrimitives := 2*(FGridWidth+1)*(FGridHeight)-2;//(TotalIndices-2-2);
- StripOffset := 0;}
- end else begin
- TotalVertices := 0;
- TotalStrips := 0;
- TotalIndices := 0;
- TotalPrimitives := 0;
- StripOffset := 0;
- end;
- ManualRender := False;
- PrimitiveType := ptTRIANGLELIST;
- TesselationStatus[tbVertex].TesselatorType := ttStatic;
- TesselationStatus[tbIndex].TesselatorType := ttStatic;
- IndexingVertices := TotalVertices;
- // InitVertexFormat(GetVertexFormat(False, False, True, False, False, 0, [2]));
- InitVertexFormat(GetVertexFormat(False, False, False, False, False, 0, [2]));
- LastTexUpdX := 0;
- LastTexUpdZ := 0;
- end;
- function TRadGridGrassTesselator.GetUpdatedElements(Buffer: TTesselationBuffer; const Params: TTesselationParameters): Integer;
- begin
- Result := inherited GetUpdatedElements(Buffer, Params) * VerticesPerPoint;
- end;
- function TRadGridGrassTesselator.Tesselate(const Params: TTesselationParameters; VBPTR: Pointer): Integer;
- var
- HalfLengthX, HalfLengthZ: Single;
- VBuf: PVector3s;
- TVBuf: PVector2s;
- P, P1, P2, P1Incr, P2Incr, PIncr: TVector3s;
- OneOverCellWidthScale, OneOverCellHeightScale: Single;
- i, k, l, X1, Z1, Addr: Integer;
- Data, Data2: Pointer;
- LastY, CurY, xo, zo: Single;
- // LastLine: array[0..1023] of Single;
- OutP: TVector3s;
- DistIncr, FarDist, NearDist, TempK, Error: Single;
- FirstPartK, LastPartK, LightMapScaleX, LightMapScaleZ, MipK, MipDivider, TempX, TempZ: Single;
- MipW, MipH, MipW2, MipH2, Index: Integer;
- IndI, IndJ: Cardinal;
- type
- TData = record
- case Boolean of
- True: (a, b, c, d: Byte);
- False: (d32: Longword);
- end;
- var
- d0, d1, d2, d3: TData;
- ModelInv: TMatrix4s;
- CameraInModel: TVector3s;
- j: Integer;
- Rad, TriSize: Single;
- procedure PutStamp(P: TVector3s);
- begin
- P.X := Round(P.X) div 4 * 4;
- P.Z := Round(P.Z) div 4 * 4;
- P.Y := P.Y + Random * FGrassHeight;
- VBuf^.X := P.X-TriSize;
- VBuf^.Z := P.Z;
- VBuf^.Y := P.Y;
- Single(Pointer(Integer(VBuf) + 12)^) := 0;
- Single(Pointer(Integer(VBuf) + 16)^) := 1;
- VBuf := Pointer(Integer(VBuf) + FVertexSize);
- VBuf^.X := P.X+TriSize;
- VBuf^.Z := P.Z;
- VBuf^.Y := P.Y;
- Single(Pointer(Integer(VBuf) + 12)^) := 1;
- Single(Pointer(Integer(VBuf) + 16)^) := 1;
- VBuf := Pointer(Integer(VBuf) + FVertexSize);
- VBuf^.X := P.X;
- VBuf^.Z := P.Z;
- VBuf^.Y := P.Y+FGrassHeight;
- Single(Pointer(Integer(VBuf) + 12)^) := 0.5;
- Single(Pointer(Integer(VBuf) + 16)^) := 0;
- VBuf := Pointer(Integer(VBuf) + FVertexSize);
- VBuf^.X := P.X;
- VBuf^.Z := P.Z-TriSize;
- VBuf^.Y := P.Y;
- Single(Pointer(Integer(VBuf) + 12)^) := 0;
- Single(Pointer(Integer(VBuf) + 16)^) := 1;
- VBuf := Pointer(Integer(VBuf) + FVertexSize);
- VBuf^.X := P.X;
- VBuf^.Z := P.Z+TriSize;
- VBuf^.Y := P.Y;
- Single(Pointer(Integer(VBuf) + 12)^) := 1;
- Single(Pointer(Integer(VBuf) + 16)^) := 1;
- VBuf := Pointer(Integer(VBuf) + FVertexSize);
- VBuf^.X := P.X;
- VBuf^.Z := P.Z;
- VBuf^.Y := P.Y+FGrassHeight;
- Single(Pointer(Integer(VBuf) + 12)^) := 0.5;
- Single(Pointer(Integer(VBuf) + 16)^) := 0;
- VBuf := Pointer(Integer(VBuf) + FVertexSize);
- // TColor(Pointer(Integer(VBuf) + 12)^).C := MipColors[k+NearMip];
- end;
- begin
- Result := 0;
- if not Assigned(FMap) or not FMap.IsReady then Exit;
- OldCameraMatrix := Params.Camera.Transform;
- ModelInv := InvertAffineMatrix4s(Params.ModelMatrix);
- Transform4Vector33s(CameraInModel, ModelInv, Params.Camera.GetAbsLocation);
- CamOfsX := CameraInModel.X;
- CamOfsZ := CameraInModel.Z;
- HalfLengthX := (FMap.Width-1) * FMap.CellWidthScale * 0.5;
- HalfLengthZ := (FMap.Height-1) * FMap.CellHeightScale * 0.5;
- LightMapScaleX := 0.5/HalfLengthX;
- LightMapScaleZ := 0.5/HalfLengthZ;
- OneOverCellWidthScale := 1/FMap.CellWidthScale;
- OneOverCellHeightScale := 1/FMap.CellHeightScale;
- Rad := 0;
- NearDist := 2*pi * Rad;
- FarDist := 2*pi * (ViewDepth + 1*ExcessDist);
- DistIncr := FarDist - NearDist;
- if DistIncr < 0 then Exit;
- NearMip := 0;
- while (NearMip < THeightMap(FMap).Image.SuggestedLevels-1) and
- (2*pi*FMap.CellWidthScale * (FGridWidth+1) * (1 shl NearMip) * MipScale <= NearDist) do
- Inc(NearMip);
- FarMip := 0;
- while (FarMip < THeightMap(FMap).Image.SuggestedLevels-1) and
- (2*pi*FMap.CellWidthScale * (FGridWidth+1) * (1 shl FarMip) * MipScale <= FarDist) do
- Inc(FarMip);
- for i := NearMip to FarMip do MipStart[i-NearMip+1] := (FMap.CellWidthScale * (FGridWidth+1) * (1 shl i) * MipScale-NearDist) / DistIncr;
- if MipStart[FarMip-NearMip+1] < 1 then begin
- // Assert(MipStart[FarMip-NearMip+1] >= 1);
- end;
- if FarMip-NearMip >= 1 then begin
- MipStart[0] := -(MipStart[2] - 3*MipStart[1])/2;
- FirstPartK := MipStart[1]/(MipStart[1] - MipStart[0]);
- LastPartK := (1-MipStart[FarMip-NearMip])/(MipStart[FarMip-NearMip+1] - MipStart[FarMip-NearMip]);
- TempK := 1/(FirstPartK + FarMip - NearMip - 1 + LastPartK);
- MipDetail[0] := Round(FirstPartK * TempK * (FGridHeight+1));
- Error := FirstPartK * TempK * (FGridHeight+1) - MipDetail[0];
- for i := NearMip+1 to FarMip-1 do begin
- MipDetail[i-NearMip] := Round(TempK * (FGridHeight+1) + Error);
- Error := (TempK * (FGridHeight+1) + Error) - MipDetail[i-NearMip];
- end;
- MipDetail[FarMip-NearMip] := Round(LastPartK * TempK * (FGridHeight+1) + Error);
- Error := (LastPartK * TempK * (FGridHeight+1) + Error) - MipDetail[FarMip-NearMip];
- if Error >= 0.5 then Inc(MipDetail[0]);
- if MipDetail[FarMip-NearMip] <= 1 then begin
- Inc(MipDetail[FarMip-NearMip-1], MipDetail[FarMip-NearMip]);
- Dec(FarMip);
- end;
- Error := 0;
- for i := 0 to FarMip-NearMip do Error := Error + MipDetail[i];
- Assert(Error = (FGridHeight+1));
- end else begin
- MipDetail[0] := (FGridHeight+1);
- end;
- MipStart[0] := 0;
- MipStart[FarMip-NearMip+1] := 1;
- VBuf := VBPTR;
- TVBuf := @FGrid[0];
- j := 0;
- for k := 0 to FarMip-NearMip do begin
- Data := PtrOffs(FMap.Data, THeightMap(FMap).Image.LevelInfo[k + NearMip].Offset);
- Data2 := PtrOffs(FMap.Data, THeightMap(FMap).Image.LevelInfo[k + NearMip+1].Offset);
- MipDivider := 1/(1 shl (k + NearMip));
- MipW := FMap.Width shr (k + NearMip);
- MipH := FMap.Height shr (k + NearMip);
- MipW2 := FMap.Width shr (k + NearMip+1);
- MipH2 := FMap.Height shr (k + NearMip+1);
- for l := 0 to MipDetail[k]-1 do begin
- // Rad := (ViewDepth + ExcessDist) * (MipStart[k] + l*(MipStart[k+1] - MipStart[k])/(MipDetail[k]-Ord(k = FarMip-NearMip)));
- // FMipZ[j] := Rad;
- // Sqrt(SqrMagnitude(GetVector3s(P1.X - CamOfsX, 0, P1.Z - CamOfsZ)));
- TriSize := (1+FMipZ[j])*FSampleSize;
- Inc(j);
- // ScaleVector3s(PIncr, SubVector3s(P2, P1), 1 / FGridWidth);
- // P := P1;
- MipK := MaxS(0, l/MipDetail[k] - (1-TrilinearRange))/TrilinearRange;
- if MipK < epsilon then begin
- for i := 0 to FGridWidth do begin
- P.X := CamOfsX - TVBuf^.X;
- P.Z := CamOfsZ + TVBuf^.Y;
- TempX := (ClampS(P.X, -HalfLengthX, HalfLengthX) + HalfLengthX) * OneOverCellWidthScale * MipDivider;
- TempZ := (ClampS(P.Z, -HalfLengthZ, HalfLengthZ) + HalfLengthZ) * OneOverCellHeightScale * MipDivider;
- X1 := FastTrunc(TempX);
- Z1 := FastTrunc(TempZ);
- xo := (TempX - X1);// * Ord(X1 >= 0) * Ord(X1 < MipW);
- zo := (TempZ - Z1);// * Ord(Z1 >= 0) * Ord(Z1 < MipH);
- X1 := X1 * Ord(X1 >= 0) * Ord(X1 < MipW);
- Z1 := Z1 * Ord(Z1 >= 0) * Ord(Z1 < MipH);
- Addr := Z1 * MipW + X1;
- // May read 2 bytes outside texture data. It's safe because these 2 bytes will go from next mipmap.
- d0.d32 := PLongword(Integer(Data) + Addr - MipW * Ord(Z1 > 0) - Ord(X1 > 0))^;
- d1.d32 := PLongword(Integer(Data) + Addr - Ord(X1 > 0))^;
- d2.d32 := PLongword(Integer(Data) + Addr - Ord(X1 > 0) + MipW * Ord(Z1 < MipH-1))^;
- d3.d32 := PLongword(Integer(Data) + Addr - Ord(X1 > 0) + MipW * Ord(Z1 < MipH-1) + MipW * Ord(Z1 < MipH-2))^;
- P.Y := ((1-xo) * (( d0.b + d1.a + d1.c + d2.b ) * (1-zo) +
- ( d1.b + d2.a + d2.c + d3.b ) * zo ) +
- xo * (( d0.c + d1.b + d1.d + d2.c ) * (1-zo) +
- ( d1.c + d2.b + d2.d + d3.c ) * zo)) * FMap.DepthScale * 0.25;
- PutStamp(P);
- TVBuf := Pointer(Integer(TVBuf) + SizeOf(TVector2s));
- end;
- end else begin
- for i := 0 to FGridWidth do begin
- P.X := CamOfsX - TVBuf^.X;
- P.Z := CamOfsZ + TVBuf^.Y;
- TempX := (ClampS(P.X, -HalfLengthX, HalfLengthX) + HalfLengthX) * OneOverCellWidthScale * MipDivider;
- TempZ := (ClampS(P.Z, -HalfLengthZ, HalfLengthZ) + HalfLengthZ) * OneOverCellHeightScale * MipDivider;
- X1 := FastTrunc(TempX);
- Z1 := FastTrunc(TempZ);
- xo := (TempX - X1){ * Ord(X1 >= 0) * Ord(X1 < MipW)};
- zo := (TempZ - Z1){ * Ord(Z1 >= 0) * Ord(Z1 < MipH)};
- X1 := X1 * Ord(X1 >= 0) * Ord(X1 < MipW);
- Z1 := Z1 * Ord(Z1 >= 0) * Ord(Z1 < MipH);
- Addr := Z1 * MipW + X1;
- d0.d32 := PLongword(Integer(Data) + Addr - MipW * Ord(Z1 > 0) - Ord(X1 > 0))^;
- d1.d32 := PLongword(Integer(Data) + Addr - Ord(X1 > 0))^;
- d2.d32 := PLongword(Integer(Data) + Addr - Ord(X1 > 0) + MipW * Ord(Z1 < MipH-1))^;
- d3.d32 := PLongword(Integer(Data) + Addr - Ord(X1 > 0) + MipW * Ord(Z1 < MipH-1) + MipW * Ord(Z1 < MipH-2))^;
- P.Y := ((1-xo) * (( d0.b + d1.a + d1.c + d2.b ) * (1-zo) +
- ( d1.b + d2.a + d2.c + d3.b ) * zo ) +
- xo * (( d0.c + d1.b + d1.d + d2.c ) * (1-zo) +
- ( d1.c + d2.b + d2.d + d3.c ) * zo));
- // Second mip
- xo := (xo + X1 and 1)*0.5;
- zo := (zo + Z1 and 1)*0.5;
- X1 := X1 shr 1;
- Z1 := Z1 shr 1;
- Addr := Z1 * MipW2 + X1;
- d0.d32 := PLongword(Integer(Data2) + Addr - MipW2 * Ord(Z1 > 0) - Ord(X1 > 0))^;
- d1.d32 := PLongword(Integer(Data2) + Addr - Ord(X1 > 0))^;
- d2.d32 := PLongword(Integer(Data2) + Addr - Ord(X1 > 0) + MipW2 * Ord(Z1 < MipH2-1))^;
- d3.d32 := PLongword(Integer(Data2) + Addr - Ord(X1 > 0) + MipW2 * Ord(Z1 < MipH2-1) + MipW2 * Ord(Z1 < MipH2-2))^;
- P.Y := 0.25*(P.Y * (1 - MipK) + MipK * (
- (1-xo) * (( d0.b + d1.a + d1.c + d2.b ) * (1-zo) +
- ( d1.b + d2.a + d2.c + d3.b ) * zo ) +
- xo * (( d0.c + d1.b + d1.d + d2.c ) * (1-zo) +
- ( d1.c + d2.b + d2.d + d3.c ) * zo)) ) * FMap.DepthScale;
- PutStamp(P);
- TVBuf := Pointer(Integer(TVBuf) + SizeOf(TVector2s));
- end;
- end;
- end;
- end;
- TesselationStatus[tbVertex].Status := tsTesselated;
- // TesselationStatus[tbVertex].Status := tsChanged;
- Result := TotalVertices;
- // Assert((FGridWidth+1)*jj = Result);
- LastTotalVertices := TotalVertices;
- end;
- procedure TRadGridGrassTesselator.AddProperties(const Result: TProperties; const PropNamePrefix: TNameString);
- begin
- inherited;
- if Assigned(Result) then begin
- Result.Add(PropNamePrefix + 'Height', vtSingle, [], FloatToStr(FGrassHeight), '0.1-4');
- Result.Add(PropNamePrefix + 'Sample size', vtSingle, [], FloatToStr(FSampleSize), '0.03-3');
- end;
- end;
- procedure TRadGridGrassTesselator.SetProperties(Properties: TProperties; const PropNamePrefix: TNameString);
- begin
- inherited;
- if Properties.Valid(PropNamePrefix + 'Height') then FGrassHeight := StrToFloatDef(Properties[PropNamePrefix + 'Height'], 1);
- if Properties.Valid(PropNamePrefix + 'Sample size') then FSampleSize := StrToFloatDef(Properties[PropNamePrefix + 'Sample size'], 0.1);
- end;
- { TRadGridGrass }
- function TRadGridGrass.GetTesselatorClass: CTesselator; begin Result := TRadGridGrassTesselator; end;
- { TGrass }
- procedure TGrass.ResolveLinks;
- var Item: TItem;
- begin
- inherited;
- if CurrentTesselator is TGrassTesselator then begin
- ResolveLink('Height map', Item);
- if Assigned(Item) then begin
- FHeightMap := Item as C2Maps.TMap;
- (CurrentTesselator as TGrassTesselator).FHeightMap := FHeightMap;
- CurrentTesselator.Init;
- end;
- end;
- end;
- function TGrass.PickCell(Camera: TCamera; MouseX, MouseY: Integer; out CellX, CellZ: Integer): Boolean;
- var CameraPos, PickRay, PickPos: TVector3s; M: TMatrix4s;
- begin
- Result := False;
- if not Assigned(FHeightMap) then Exit;
- // Transform camera position and pick ray to model space
- M := InvertMatrix4s(Transform);
- CameraPos := Transform4Vector33s(M, Camera.Position);
- PickRay := Camera.GetPickRay(MouseX, MouseY);
- PickRay := Transform3Vector3s(CutMatrix3s(InvertAffineMatrix4s(Camera.ViewMatrix)), PickRay);
- PickRay.Y := PickRay.Y;
- PickRay := NormalizeVector3s(Transform3Vector3s(CutMatrix3s(M), PickRay));
- Result := FHeightMap.TraceRay(CameraPos, PickRay, PickPos);
- if Result then Map.ObtainCell(PickPos.X, PickPos.Z, CellX, CellZ);
- end;
- function TGrass.DrawCursor(Cursor: TMapCursor; Camera: TCamera; Screen: TScreen): Boolean;
- procedure DrawCell(CellX, CellZ: Integer);
- var v: TVector3s;
- begin
- if (CellX < 1) or (CellZ < 1) or (CellX > FMap.Width-2) or (CellZ > FMap.Height-2) then Exit;
- v.x := (CellX - (FMap.Width -1) * 0.5) * FMap.CellWidthScale;
- v.z := (CellZ - (FMap.Height-1) * 0.5) * FMap.CellHeightScale;
- v.y := FHeightMap.GetHeight(v.x, v.z);
- Screen.MoveToVec(Camera.Project(Transform4Vector33s(Transform, v)).xyz);
- v.y := v.y + (FMap[CellX, CellZ]+1) * FMap.DepthScale * 0.5;
- Screen.LineToVec(Camera.Project(Transform4Vector33s(Transform, v)).xyz);
- end;
- procedure DrawCursorAt(CellX, CellZ, Size: Integer);
- var i, j: Integer;
- begin
- // Screen.MoveTo(0, 0);
- // Screen.LineTo(0, 0);
- for i := CellX - Size div 2 to CellX + Size div 2 do
- for j := CellZ - Size div 2 to CellZ + Size div 2 do DrawCell(i, j);
- end;
- begin
- Result := False;
- if not EditMode and not PickCell(Camera, Cursor.MouseX, Cursor.MouseY, EditCellX, EditCellZ) then Exit;
- DrawCursorAt(EditCellX, EditCellZ, Cursor.Params.GetAsInteger('Size'));
- Result := True;
- end;
- {$ENDIF}
- procedure TGrass.InitShaderConstants;
- begin
- SetLength(ShaderConsts, 2);
- ShaderConsts[0].ShaderKind := skVertex;
- ShaderConsts[0].ShaderRegister := 8;
- ShaderConsts[0].Value := Vec4s(FOscillationAmplitude * Sin(TimeProcessed*FOscillationFreq*2*pi), FOscillationAmplitude * Sin(TimeProcessed*FOscillationFreq*2*pi+pi/4),
- FOscillationAmplitude * Sin(TimeProcessed*FOscillationFreq*2*pi+pi/2), FOscillationAmplitude * Sin(TimeProcessed*FOscillationFreq*2*pi+3*pi/4));
- ShaderConsts[1].ShaderKind := skVertex;
- ShaderConsts[1].ShaderRegister := 9;
- ShaderConsts[1].Value := Vec4s(1/(FHeightMap.Width*FHeightMap.CellWidthScale), 1/(FHeightMap.Height*FHeightMap.CellHeightScale), 0.5*FHeightMap.Width*FHeightMap.CellWidthScale, 0.5*FHeightMap.Height*FHeightMap.CellHeightScale);
- end;
- function TGrass.GetTesselatorClass: CTesselator; begin Result := TGrassTesselator; end;
- procedure TGrass.RetrieveShaderConstants(var ConstList: TShaderConstants);
- begin
- ShaderConsts[0].Value := Vec4s(FOscillationAmplitude * Sin(TimeProcessed*FOscillationFreq*2*pi), FOscillationAmplitude * Sin(TimeProcessed*FOscillationFreq*2*pi+pi/4),
- FOscillationAmplitude * Sin(TimeProcessed*FOscillationFreq*2*pi+pi/2), FOscillationAmplitude * Sin(TimeProcessed*FOscillationFreq*2*pi+3*pi/4));
- ShaderConsts[1].Value := Vec4s(1/(FHeightMap.Width*FHeightMap.CellWidthScale), 1/(FHeightMap.Height*FHeightMap.CellHeightScale), 0.5*FHeightMap.Width*FHeightMap.CellWidthScale, 0.5*FHeightMap.Height*FHeightMap.CellHeightScale);
- ConstList := ShaderConsts;
- end;
- procedure TGrass.OnSceneLoaded;
- begin
- InitShaderConstants;
- end;
- procedure TGrass.AddProperties(const Result: TProperties);
- begin
- inherited;
- AddItemLink(Result, 'Height map', [], 'TMap');
- if Result <> nil then begin
- Result.Add('Oscillation frequency', vtSingle, [], FloatToStr(FOscillationFreq), '0.1-2');
- Result.Add('Oscillation amplitude', vtSingle, [], FloatToStr(FOscillationAmplitude), '0.1-2');
- end;
- end;
- procedure TGrass.SetProperties(Properties: TProperties);
- begin
- inherited;
- if Properties.Valid('Height map') then SetLinkProperty('Height map', Properties['Height map']);
- if Properties.Valid('Oscillation frequency') then FOscillationFreq := StrToFloatDef(Properties['Oscillation frequency'], 0.1);
- if Properties.Valid('Oscillation amplitude') then FOscillationAmplitude := StrToFloatDef(Properties['Oscillation amplitude'], 0.1);
- ResolveLinks;
- end;
- procedure TGrass.HandleMessage(const Msg: TMessage);
- begin
- inherited;
- if (Msg.ClassType = TItemModifiedMsg) and (TItemModifiedMsg(Msg).Item = FHeightMap) and Assigned(FCurrentTesselator) then
- FCurrentTesselator.Invalidate([tbVertex, tbIndex], False);
- end;
- { TGrassTesselator }
- constructor TGrassTesselator.Create;
- begin
- inherited;
- FRandoms := TRandomGenerator.Create;
- FRandoms.InitSequence(0, 195);
- end;
- destructor TGrassTesselator.Destroy;
- begin
- FreeAndNil(FRandoms);
- inherited;
- end;
- procedure TGrassTesselator.AddProperties(const Result: TProperties; const PropNamePrefix: TNameString);
- begin
- inherited;
- if Assigned(Result) then begin
- Result.Add(PropNamePrefix + 'Density', vtSingle, [], FloatToStr(FDensity), '0.05-10');
- Result.Add(PropNamePrefix + 'Threshold', vtSingle, [], FloatToStr(FThreshold), '0.01-1');
- Result.Add(PropNamePrefix + 'Oscillation irregularity', vtSingle, [], FloatToStr(FOscillationIrregularity), '0-1');
- end;
- end;
- procedure TGrassTesselator.SetProperties(Properties: TProperties; const PropNamePrefix: TNameString);
- begin
- inherited;
- if Properties.Valid(PropNamePrefix + 'Density') then FDensity := StrToFloatDef(Properties[PropNamePrefix + 'Density'], 1);
- if Properties.Valid(PropNamePrefix + 'Threshold') then FThreshold := StrToFloatDef(Properties[PropNamePrefix + 'Threshold'], 0.1);
- if Properties.Valid(PropNamePrefix + 'Oscillation irregularity') then FOscillationIrregularity := StrToFloatDef(Properties[PropNamePrefix + 'Oscillation irregularity'], 0.5);
- Init;
- end;
- procedure TGrassTesselator.Init;
- begin
- inherited;
- if Assigned(FMap) then begin
- TotalVertices := FMap.Width*FMap.Height*2*3*2;
- // TotalIndices := MaxI(0, (FMap.Width-1)) * MaxI(0, (FMap.Height-1)) * 6;
- TotalPrimitives := FMap.Width * FMap.Height * 2*2;
- end else begin
- TotalVertices := 0;
- TotalIndices := 0;
- TotalPrimitives := 0;
- end;
- IndexingVertices := TotalVertices;
- PrimitiveType := ptTRIANGLELIST;
- InitVertexFormat(GetVertexFormat(False, False, False, False, False, 0, [3]));
- BoundingBox := EmptyBoundingBox;
- end;
- function TGrassTesselator.GetBoundingBox: TBoundingBox;
- begin
- Result := BoundingBox;
- { Result.P2 := ZeroVector3s;
- if not Assigned(FMap) or (FMap.Width = 0) or (FMap.Height = 0) then Exit;
- Result.P1 := GetVector3s(-(FMap.Width-1) * FMap.CellWidthScale * 0.5,
- 0,
- -(FMap.Height-1) * FMap.CellHeightScale * 0.5);
- Result.P2 := GetVector3s( (FMap.Width-1) * FMap.CellWidthScale * 0.5,
- FMap.MaxHeight * FMap.DepthScale,
- (FMap.Height-1) * FMap.CellHeightScale * 0.5);
- if Assigned(FHeightMap) then Result.P2.Y := Result.P2.Y + FHeightMap.MaxHeight * FHeightMap.DepthScale;}
- end;
- function TGrassTesselator.Tesselate(const Params: TTesselationParameters; VBPTR: Pointer): Integer;
- const RndOffs: array[0..15] of Single =
- (0.00, 0.05, 0.01, 0.15,
- 0.02, 0.25, 0.03, 0.35,
- 0.65, 0.70, 0.75, 0.80,
- 0.85, 0.90, 0.95, 1.0);
- var
- VBuf: PVector3s;
- Scattering: Single;
- procedure PutStamp(PX, PZ, H: Single);
- var d, u1, u2, y: Single; Osc: Cardinal;
- procedure AddVertex(X, Y, Z, U, V: Single);
- begin
- VBuf^.X := X;
- VBuf^.Z := Z;
- VBuf^.Y := Y;
- Single(Pointer(Integer(VBuf) + 12)^) := U*0.25;
- Single(Pointer(Integer(VBuf) + 16)^) := V;
- Single(Pointer(Integer(VBuf) + 20)^) := RndOffs[Osc];
- VBuf := Pointer(Integer(VBuf) + FVertexSize);
- Inc(Result);
- end;
- begin
- // P.X := Round(P.X) div 4 * 4;
- // P.Z := Round(P.Z) div 4 * 4; // (0,0) l /l (1,0)
- // P.Y := P.Y + Random * FGrassHeight; // (0,1) l/_l (1,1)
- u1 := FRandoms.RndI(4);
- u2 := FRandoms.RndI(4);
- Osc := FRandoms.RndI(1+Round(High(RndOffs)*FOscillationIrregularity));
- // if u1 = 1 then u1 := 2;
- // if u2 = 1 then u2 := 0;
- // if FRandoms.RndI(30)=0 then u1 := 1;
- d := Scattering * (0.5 + FRandoms.Rnd(1));
- if h < FThreshold*255 then Exit;
- h := h * FMap.DepthScale;
- y := FHeightMap.GetHeight(PX, PZ);
- ExpandBBox(BoundingBox, PX, y+h, PZ);
- AddVertex(PX-d, y, PZ, u1, 1);
- AddVertex(PX+d, y, PZ, u1+1, 1);
- AddVertex(PX+d, y+h, PZ, u1+1, 0);
- AddVertex(PX-d, y, PZ, u1, 1);
- AddVertex(PX+d, y+h, PZ, u1+1, 0);
- AddVertex(PX-d, y+h, PZ, u1, 0);
- AddVertex(PX, y, PZ-d, u2, 1);
- AddVertex(PX, y, PZ+d, u2+1, 1);
- AddVertex(PX, y+h, PZ+d, u2+1, 0);
- AddVertex(PX, y, PZ-d, u2, 1);
- AddVertex(PX, y+h, PZ+d, u2+1, 0);
- AddVertex(PX, y+h, PZ-d, u2, 0);
- end;
- var i, j: Integer;
- begin
- Result := 0;
- if not Assigned(FMap) or not Assigned(FHeightMap) or not FMap.IsReady then Exit;
- BoundingBox := EmptyBoundingBox;
- BoundingBox.P1.Y := BoundingBox.P1.Y + FHeightMap.MaxHeight * FHeightMap.DepthScale;
- FRandoms.InitSequence(0, 195);
- Scattering := 1/Sqrt(FDensity);
- FMap.CellWidthScale := Scattering;
- FMap.CellHeightScale := Scattering;
- VBuf := VBPTR;
- for i := 0 to FMap.Width-1 do
- for j := 0 to FMap.Height-1 do
- PutStamp((i-FMap.Width *0.5 + FRandoms.RndSymm(0.5))*Scattering,
- (j-FMap.Height*0.5 + FRandoms.RndSymm(0.5))*Scattering, FMap[i, j]);
- TesselationStatus[tbVertex].Status := tsTesselated;
- LastTotalVertices := Result;
- TotalPrimitives := Result div 3;
- InvalidateBoundingBox
- end;
- begin
- GlobalClassList.Add('C2Grass', GetUnitClassList);
- end.