资源名称:CAST2SDK.rar [点击查看]
- (*
- @Abstract(CAST II Engine render unit)
- (C) 2006 George "Mirage" Bakhtadze. <a href="http://www.casteng.com">www.casteng.com</a> <br>
- The source code may be used under either MPL 1.1 or LGPL 2.1 license. See included license.txt file <br>
- Unit contains API-independent basic renderer classes
- *)
- {$Include GDefines.inc}
- {$Include C2Defines.inc}
- unit C2Render;
- interface
- uses
- SysUtils,
- BaseTypes, BaseMsg, Basics, Base3D, OSUtils, Base2D, Resources,
- TextFile,
- BaseClasses, ItemMsg, C2Types, CAST2, C2Visual, C2Materials, C2DebugTess, C2Res, C2Msg;
- const
- // max X coordinate of window to consider it off-screen
- OffScreenX = -10000;
- // max Y coordinate of window to consider it off-screen
- OffScreenY = -10000;
- // Maximum number of vertex buffer with different vertex sizes
- MaxVertexBuffers = 64;
- // Size of indices
- IndicesSize = 2;
- type
- { Data structure used to represent a locked rectangular area of some data
- Data - pointer to actual data
- Pitch - offset in bytes between two rows of data }
- TLockedRectData = record
- Data: Pointer;
- Pitch: Integer;
- end;
- // Renderer states
- TRendererState = (// Renderer is ready
- rsOK,
- // Renderer is in process of initialization
- rsNotReady,
- // Renderer has lost device and will try to restore it (DirectX-specific)
- rsLost,
- // Renderer has not been initialized
- rsNotInitialized);
- { // Create viewport results
- TViewportCreateResult = (// Success
- cvOK,
- // Device has been lost (DirectX-specific)
- cvLost,
- // Error occured
- cvError);}
- // Hardware acceleration level (DirectX only)
- THWAccelLevel = (// Software vertex processing
- haSoftwareVP,
- // Mixed vertex processing
- haMixedVP,
- // Hardware vertex processing
- haHardwareVP,
- // Pure device
- haPureDevice);
- TAppRequirementsFlag = (// Use stencil buffering
- arUseStencil,
- // Use Z-buffering
- arUseZBuffer,
- // Forces vertcial syncronization on
- arForceVSync,
- // Forces vertcial syncronization off
- arForceNoVSync,
- // Tells API that it will be used from several threads
- arMultithreadedRender,
- // Tells API to not change FPU state within its routines
- arPreserveFPU,
- // Includes modes with all refresh rates in available video modes list
- arModesUseRefresh,
- // Tells API that backbuffer contents should not be changed or discarded between frames. May be slow on some configurations.
- arPreserveBackBuffer,
- // Tells API that backbuffer should be lockable
- arLockableBackBuffer);
- { Application requirements record. These values can be changed before renderer initialization to change its behaviour. <br>
- <b>Flags</b> - <b>[arUseStencil, arUseZBuffer]</b> by default. <br>
- <b>MinYResolution</b> - minimal vertical resolution of modes to iclude in available video modes list. <b>480</b> by default. <br>
- <b>HWAccelerationLevel</b> - level of hardware acceleration required. <b>haMixedVP</b> by default. <br>
- <b>TotalBackBuffers</b> - number of back buffers required. <b>1</b> by default. }
- TAppRequirements = record
- Flags: set of TAppRequirementsFlag;
- MinYResolution: Cardinal;
- HWAccelerationLevel: THWAccelLevel;
- TotalBackBuffers: Cardinal;
- end;
- { Video mode data structure. <br>
- <b>Width, Height</b> - horizontal and vertical resolution. <br>
- <b>RefreshRate</b> - refresh rate. <br>
- <b>Format</b> - pixel format. }
- TVideoMode = packed record
- Width, Height: Integer;
- RefreshRate : Integer;
- Format : Integer;
- end;
- // Array of video modes
- TVideoModes = array of TVideoMode;
- // Gamma ramp
- TGammaRamp = record
- R, G, B: array[0..255] of Word;
- end;
- // Viewport
- TViewPort = packed record
- X, Y, Width, Height: Longword;
- MinZ, MaxZ: Single;
- end;
- // Texture option flags
- TTextureOptionFlag = (// Texture should be immediately loaded
- toImmediateLoad,
- // Texture is not managed by an API [b](currently unsupported)[/b]
- toNonAPIManaged,
- // Texture is a cube map [b](currently unsupported)[/b]
- toCubeMap,
- // Texture is procedurally generated at runtime
- toProcedural);
- // Texture option set
- TTextureOptions = set of TTextureOptionFlag;
- // Texture
- TTexture = record
- Texture: Pointer;
- Format : Cardinal;
- Options: TTextureOptions;
- Width, Height, Depth, Levels: Integer;
- LastUseFrame: Integer;
- Resource: TImageResource;
- end;
- // Render target
- TRenderTarget = record
- ColorBuffer, DepthBuffer, ColorTexture, DepthTexture: Pointer;
- ColorFormat, DepthFormat, ActualColorFormat, ActualDepthFormat: Integer;
- Width, Height: Integer;
- LastUpdateFrame, LastUseFrame: Integer;
- IsDepthTexture: Boolean;
- end;
- TRenderTargets = array of TRenderTarget;
- // Shader
- TShader = record
- Shader: Integer; // API-specific shader ID
- LastUseFrame: Integer;
- Resource: TShaderResource;
- end;
- TShaders = array of TShader;
- // Renderer errors enumeration type
- TRendererError = (// No error
- reNone,
- // Number of texture stages in a pass exceeding renderer capabilities (see @Link(MaxTextureStages))
- reTooManyStages,
- // Number of textures used in a pass exceeding renderer capabilities (see @Link(MaxTexturesPerPass))
- reTooManyTextures,
- // Vertex shader compilation failed
- reVertexShaderAssembleFail,
- // Vertex shader creation failed
- reVertexShaderCreateFail,
- // Pixel shader compilation failed
- rePixelShaderAssembleFail,
- // Pixel shader creation failed
- rePixelShaderCreateFail,
- // Depth textures unsupported
- reNoDepthTextures);
- TRenderer = class;
- // API-specific vertex and index buffers management class
- TAPIBuffers = class
- protected
- // Reference to renderer object
- Renderer: TRenderer;
- public
- constructor Create(ARenderer: TRenderer);
- destructor Destroy; override;
- // Returns a flexible vrtex format code from CAST vertex format
- // function GetFVF(CastVertexFormat: Cardinal): Cardinal; virtual; abstract;
- { Creates a vertex buffer with the given size in bytes and returns its internal index or -1 if creation fails.
- If <b>Static</b> is <b>False</b> the buffer will be optimized to store dynamic geometry. }
- function CreateVertexBuffer(Size: Integer; Static: Boolean): Integer; virtual; abstract;
- { Creates an index buffer with the given size in bytes and returns its internal index or -1 if creation fails
- If <b>Static</b> is <b>False</b> the buffer will be optimized to store dynamic data. }
- function CreateIndexBuffer(Size: Integer; Static: Boolean): Integer; virtual; abstract;
- // Changes size of the given vertex buffer to the given size and returns <b>True</b> if success
- function ResizeVertexBuffer(Index: Integer; NewSize: Integer): Boolean; virtual; abstract;
- // Changes size of the given index buffer to the given size and returns <b>True</b> if success
- function ResizeIndexBuffer(Index: Integer; NewSize: Integer): Boolean; virtual; abstract;
- { Locks the given range in a vertex buffer with the given index and returns a write-only pointer to the range data or <b>nil</b> if lock fails.
- If <b>DiscardExisting</b> is <b>True</b> existing data in the buffer will be discarded to avoid stalls. }
- function LockVertexBuffer(Index: Integer; Offset, Size: Integer; DiscardExisting: Boolean): Pointer; virtual; abstract;
- { Locks the given range in a index buffer with the given index and returns a write-only pointer to the range data or <b>nil</b> if lock fails.
- If <b>DiscardExisting</b> is <b>True</b> existing data in the buffer will be discarded to avoid stalls. }
- function LockIndexBuffer(Index: Integer; Offset, Size: Integer; DiscardExisting: Boolean): Pointer; virtual; abstract;
- // Unlocks a previously locked vertex buffer
- procedure UnlockVertexBuffer(Index: Integer); virtual; abstract;
- // Unlocks a previously locked index buffer
- procedure UnlockIndexBuffer(Index: Integer); virtual; abstract;
- // Attaches a vertex buffer to the specified data stream and returns <b>True</b> if success. <b>VertexSize</b> should match the size of the data in the buffer.
- function AttachVertexBuffer(Index, StreamIndex: Integer; VertexSize: Integer): Boolean; virtual; abstract;
- // Attaches an index buffer and returns <b>True</b> if success. <b>StartingVertex</b> will be added to all indices read from the index buffer.
- function AttachIndexBuffer(Index: Integer; StartingVertex: Integer): Boolean; virtual; abstract;
- // Frees all allocated buffers. All internal indices returned before this call become invalid.
- procedure Clear; virtual; abstract;
- end;
- // API-independent buffer structure
- TBuffer = record
- Index, Size: Integer;
- Position: Integer;
- ResetCounter: Integer;
- end;
- // API independent vertex and index buffers management class
- TBuffers = class
- private
- Buffers: array[TTesselationBuffer, Boolean, 0..MaxVertexBuffers-1] of TBuffer;
- ResetCounter: Integer;
- Renderer: TRenderer;
- procedure ResetBuffers;
- public
- constructor Create(ARenderer: TRenderer);
- destructor Destroy; override;
- // Puts the given tesselator to an appropriate buffer pair
- function Put(Tesselator: TTesselator): Boolean;
- // Clears and reallocates all allocated buffers
- procedure Reset;
- end;
- TTextureArray = array of TTexture;
- TTextures = class
- private
- protected
- Renderer: TRenderer;
- FTextures: TTextureArray;
- // Returns <b>True</b> if the specified texture is not initialized
- function IsEmpty(const Element: TTexture): Boolean;
- // Deletes all textures
- procedure FreeAll;
- // Calls an API to create API-specific texture object
- function APICreateTexture(Index: Integer): Boolean; virtual; abstract;
- // Calls an API to destroy API-specific texture object
- procedure APIDeleteTexture(Index: Integer); virtual; abstract;
- public
- destructor Destroy; override;
- // Handles some related messages
- procedure HandleMessage(const Msg: TMessage);
- // Adds a new texture entry. Does not create any API-specific objects.
- function NewTexture(Resource: TImageResource; Options: TTextureOptions): Integer;
- // Adds a new procedural texture entry. Does not create any API-specific objects.
- function NewProceduralTexture(AFormat: Cardinal; AWidth, AHeight, ADepth, ALevels: Integer; Options: TTextureOptions): Integer;
- // Loads the specified by index texture from its associated resource. Returns <b>True</b> if success.
- function Load(Index: Integer): Boolean;
- // Unloads the specified by index texture from API. <b>Currently not implemented.</b>
- procedure Unload(Index: Integer); virtual; abstract;
- // Updates the specified rectangle of the specified by index texture in API from the given pointer. Returns <b>True</b> if success.
- function Update(Index: Integer; Src: Pointer; Rect: BaseTypes.PRect3D): Boolean; virtual; abstract;
- // Reads the specified rectangle of the specified by index texture in API to the given pointer. Returns <b>True</b> if success. <b>Currently not implemented.</b>
- function Read(Index: Integer; Dest: Pointer; Rect: BaseTypes.PRect3D): Boolean; virtual; abstract;
- // Removes the specified texture
- procedure Delete(Index: Integer);
- // Resolves a texture for the given pass. Used internally.
- function Resolve(Pass: TRenderPass; StageIndex: Integer): Boolean;
- // Applies texture with the specified index to the specified API stage
- procedure Apply(Stage, Index: Integer); virtual; abstract;
- // Locks the specified area of the specified level of the specified texture. This call should be accompanied by a corresponding @Link(Unlock) call.
- function Lock(AIndex, AMipLevel: Integer; const ARect: BaseTypes.PRect; out LockRectData: TLockedRectData; LockFlags: TLockFlags): Boolean; virtual; abstract;
- // Unlocks previously locked texture
- procedure UnLock(AIndex, AMipLevel: Integer); virtual; abstract;
- end;
- // API-dependent class which wraps render state
- TAPIStateWrapper = class
- private
- DefaultCamera: TCamera;
- function NewRenderTarget(const Camera: TCamera): Integer;
- function CreateShader(var Shaders: TShaders; Item: TShaderResource): Integer;
- procedure RemoveRenderTarget(Index: Integer);
- protected
- // Reference to renderer
- Renderer: TRenderer;
- // Last renderer error. Used for pass validation.
- LastError: TRendererError;
- // TotalTextures: Integer;
- // Render targets
- FRenderTargets: TRenderTargets;
- // Shaders
- public // ToFix: make it protected
- FVertexShaders, FPixelShaders: TShaders;
- protected
- // Current camera (same as Renderer.@Link(LastAppliedCamera))
- Camera: CAST2.TCamera;
- // True if texture matrix was set for a certain stage
- StageMatrixSet: array[0..7] of Boolean;
- // Clip planes state
- ClipPlanesState: Cardinal;
- // Performance profile
- FPerfProfile: TPerfProfile;
- // Returns <b>True</b> if the specified render target is not initialized
- function IsRenderTargetEmpty(const Element: TRenderTarget): Boolean;
- // Returns <b>True</b> if the specified shader is not initialized
- function IsShaderEmpty(const Element: TShader): Boolean;
- // Calls an API to create a render target with given parameters. DepthStencil surface will be created if <b>ADepthFormat</b> is other than @Link(pfUndefined). Returns <b>True</b> if success.
- function APICreateRenderTarget(Index, Width, Height: Integer; AColorFormat, ADepthFormat: Cardinal): Boolean; virtual; abstract;
- // Ensures that all parameters are correct and supported and calls @Link(APICreateRenderTarget). Returns <b>True</b> if a render target been created.
- function CreateRenderTarget(Index, Width, Height: Integer; AColorFormat, ADepthFormat: Cardinal; ADepthTexture: Boolean): Boolean;
- // Destroys the specified by index render target
- procedure DestroyRenderTarget(Index: Integer); virtual; abstract;
- public // ToFix: make it protected
- // Return a render target for the given camera. If render target does not exists the function creates it.
- function FindRenderTarget(const ACamera: TCamera): Integer;
- // Returns <b>True</b> if there is no need to update render target texture associated with Camera
- function IsRenderTargetUptoDate(const ACamera: TCamera): Boolean;
- protected
- // Sets current render target to the one associated with <b>Camera</b>. Returns <b>True</b> if actual change was made.
- function SetRenderTarget(const ACamera: TCamera; TextureTarget: Boolean): Boolean; virtual; abstract;
- public // ToFix: make it protected
- // Resolves a vertex shader for the given pass. Used internally.
- function ResolveVertexShader(Pass: TRenderPass): Boolean;
- protected
- // Resolves a pixel shader for the given pass. Used internally.
- function ResolvePixelShader(Pass: TRenderPass): Boolean;
- // Creates a vertex shader from the resource with the given vertex declaration
- function CreateVertexShader(Item: TShaderResource; Declaration: TVertexDeclaration): Integer; virtual;
- // Creates a pixel shader from the resource
- function CreatePixelShader(Item: TShaderResource): Integer; virtual;
- // Calls an API to set a shader constant
- procedure APISetShaderConstant(const Constant: TShaderConstant); overload; virtual; abstract;
- // Calls an API to set a shader constant. <b>ShaderKind</b> - kind of shader, <b>ShaderRegister</b> - index of 4-component vector register to set, <b>Vector</b> - new value of the register.
- procedure APISetShaderConstant(ShaderKind: TShaderKind; ShaderRegister: Integer; const Vector: TShaderRegisterType); overload; virtual; abstract;
- { Calls an API to validate the specified pass. Returns <b>True</b> if the pass is can be handled by current hardware.
- Otherwise returns <b>False</b> and fills <b>ResultStr</b> a text representation of the error occured. }
- function APIValidatePass(const Pass: TRenderPass; out ResultStr: string): Boolean; virtual; abstract;
- // Applies texture matrix of each texture stage of the specified render pass
- procedure ApplyTextureMatrices(const Pass: TRenderPass); virtual; abstract;
- // Applies current clipping planes
- procedure ApplyClipPlanes;
- // Handle removal or replace of some item from scene
- procedure HandleItemReplace(OldItem, NewItem: TItem); virtual;
- // Handle data change of renderer-related items
- procedure HandleDataChange(Data: Pointer); virtual;
- public
- // Vertex shader usage flag. Used internally.
- VertexShaderFlag,
- // Pixel shader usage flag. Used internally.
- PixelShaderFlag: Boolean;
- constructor Create;
- destructor Destroy; override;
- // Handles some related messages
- procedure HandleMessage(const Msg: TMessage);
- // Sets fog kind, color, start/end and density
- procedure SetFog(Kind: Cardinal; Color: BaseTypes.TColor; AFogStart, AFogEnd, ADensity: Single); virtual; abstract;
- // Sets alpha blending mode and alpha test settings
- procedure SetBlending(Enabled: Boolean; SrcBlend, DestBlend, AlphaRef, ATestFunc, Operation: Integer); virtual; abstract;
- // Sets Z-buffer related values
- procedure SetZBuffer(ZTestFunc, ZBias: Integer; ZWrite: Boolean); virtual; abstract;
- // Sets culling, shading and filling modes as well as color write mask
- procedure SetCullAndFillMode(FillMode, ShadeMode, CullMode: Integer; ColorMask: Cardinal); virtual; abstract;
- // Sets stencil state
- procedure SetStencilState(SFailOp, ZFailOp, PassOp, STestFunc: Integer); virtual; abstract;
- // Sets stencil reference value and masks
- procedure SetStencilValues(SRef, SMask, SWriteMask: Integer); virtual; abstract;
- // Sets texture wrapping mode
- procedure SetTextureWrap(const CoordSet: TTWrapCoordSet); virtual; abstract;
- // Set lighting settings
- procedure SetLighting(Enable: Boolean; AAmbient: BaseTypes.TColor; SpecularMode: Integer; NormalizeNormals: Boolean); virtual; abstract;
- // Sets edge and points settings
- procedure SetEdgePoint(PointSprite, PointScale, EdgeAntialias: Boolean); virtual; abstract;
- // Sets texture factor color
- procedure SetTextureFactor(ATextureFactor: BaseTypes.TColor); virtual; abstract;
- // Sets API-level material (ambient, diffuse, specular and emissive colors and specular power)
- procedure SetMaterial(const AAmbient, ADiffuse, ASpecular, AEmissive: BaseTypes.TColor4S; APower: Single); virtual; abstract;
- // Sets points size parameters
- procedure SetPointValues(APointSize, AMinPointSize, AMaxPointSize, APointScaleA, APointScaleB, APointScaleC: Single); virtual; abstract;
- // Sets line pattern
- procedure SetLinePattern(ALinePattern: Longword); virtual; abstract;
- // Applies a clipping plane
- procedure SetClipPlane(Index: Cardinal; Plane: PPlane); virtual; abstract;
- // Sets a shader constant
- procedure SetShaderConstant(const Constant: TShaderConstant); overload;
- // Sets a shader constant. <b>ShaderKind</b> - kind of shader, <b>ShaderRegister</b> - index of 4-component vector register to set, <b>Vector</b> - new value of the register.
- procedure SetShaderConstant(ShaderKind: TShaderKind; ShaderRegister: Integer; const Vector: TShaderRegisterType); overload;
- // Validate the specified pass. Returns <b>True</b> if the pass is valid
- function ValidatePass(const Pass: TRenderPass): Boolean;
- // Applies the specified render pass
- procedure ApplyPass(const Pass: TRenderPass); virtual; abstract;
- // Applies item-specific custom texture matrix of each texture stage of the specified render pass
- procedure ApplyCustomTextureMatrices(const Pass: TRenderPass; Item: TVisible); virtual; abstract;
- end;
- { @Abstract(Renderer class)
- Contains API-independent routines and an interface fo API-dependent ones }
- TRenderer = class(TSubsystem)
- private
- procedure SetDebugOutput(const Value: Boolean);
- function GetAdapterName(Index: Cardinal): string;
- function GetVideoMode(Index: Cardinal): TVideoMode;
- function GetRenderTargetsAllocated: Integer;
- protected
- // This record passed to tesselators buffer filling methods
- TesselationParams: TTesselationParameters;
- // Performance profile
- FPerfProfile: TPerfProfile;
- // Number of frames rendered
- FFramesRendered: Integer;
- // API-specific buffer management object
- APIBuffers: TAPIBuffers;
- // API-independent buffer management object
- Buffers: TBuffers;
- // Reference to items manager
- Manager: TItemsManager;
- // Current video adapter
- FCurrentAdapter,
- // Number of video adapters in system
- FTotalAdapters: Cardinal;
- // Names of video adapters in system
- FAdapterNames: array of string;
- // Current video mode index in @Link(FVideoModes) array
- FCurrentVideoMode,
- // Number of video modes available
- FTotalVideoModes: Cardinal;
- // Video modes available
- FVideoModes: TVideoModes;
- // Current desktop video mde
- DesktopVideoMode: TVideoMode;
- // Handle of render window
- RenderWindowHandle: Cardinal;
- // Current viewport
- ViewPort: TViewPort;
- // Full screen mode state
- FFullScreen,
- // Debug output state
- FDebugOutput: Boolean;
- // Tesselators for primitives used in debug rendering
- DebugTesselators: array of TTesselator;
- // Material for debug rendering
- DebugMaterial: TMaterial;
- // Last applied camera
- FLastAppliedCamera,
- // Top-level camera through which a scene is visible for user
- FMainCamera: CAST2.TCamera;
- // Current gamma ramp
- GammaRamp: TGammaRamp;
- // Current renderer state
- FState: TRendererState;
- // Current depth of Z-buffer
- FCurrentZBufferDepth: Cardinal;
- // Rendering area in windowed mode
- FWindowedRect: TRect;
- // Window style in not full-screen mode
- FNormalWindowStyle: Cardinal;
- // For internal use only
- procedure InternalInit;
- // For internal use only
- procedure InternalDeInit; virtual;
- // For internal use only
- function InternalGetIndexBufferIndex(Static: Boolean; BufferIndex: Integer): Integer;
- // Calls an API to initialize render device for rendering to the specified window or specified video mode
- function APICreateDevice(WindowHandle, AVideoMode: Cardinal; AFullScreen: Boolean): Boolean; virtual; abstract;
- // Calls an API to set item's transformation, some FVF-related states
- procedure APIPrepareFVFStates(Item: TVisible); virtual; abstract;
- { Returns <b>True</b> if a pixel format is available and can be used as a texture, render target or depth-stencil buffer.
- <b>RTFormat</b> is used only with depth-stencil usage to determine whether the supported depth-stencil format can be used with the given render target format. }
- function APICheckFormat(const Format, Usage, RTFormat: Cardinal): Boolean; virtual; abstract;
- // Returns CAST pixel format from an API-specific one
- function APIToPixelFormat(Format: Cardinal): Cardinal;
- // Toggles fullscreen mode
- procedure SetFullScreen(const FScreen: Boolean); virtual;
- // Prepares render window for windowed rendering
- function PrepareWindow: Boolean;
- public
- // Renderer performs rendering only if this variable is <b>True</b>. <b>Active</b> is set automatically in response on window minimization or switching to another application in fullscreen mode.
- Active: Boolean;
- // Current render window width
- RenderWidth,
- // Current render window height
- RenderHeight: Integer;
- // If set to True data existing in vertex/index buffers are always considered as valid and no tesselation will be performed
- DisableTesselation: Boolean;
- // Application requirements record. These values can be changed before renderer initialization to change its behaviour.
- AppRequirements: TAppRequirements;
- // Capabilites
- // Maximum number of light sources simultaneously handled by hardware T&L (fixed function pipeline only)
- MaxHardwareLights,
- // Maximum number of light sources which may be simultaneously set through API
- MaxAPILights: Cardinal;
- // Maximum supported texture width
- MaxTextureWidth,
- // Maximum supported texture height
- MaxTextureHeight: Integer;
- // Maximum number of textures which may be used in a pass
- MaxTexturesPerPass,
- // Maximum number of texture stages which may be used in a pass
- MaxTextureStages: Integer;
- // Maximum number of primitives per single API call (DIP)
- MaxPrimitiveCount,
- // Maximum index value in index buffer
- MaxVertexIndex: Integer;
- // Maximum number of user clipping planes
- MaxClipPlanes: Integer;
- // <b>True</b> if even transformed vertices are clipped by hardware (DirectX only, seems incorrect)
- HardwareClipping,
- // <b>True</b> if w-buffering is supported
- WBuffering,
- // <b>True</b> if only power of two-sized textures are supported
- Power2Textures,
- // <b>True</b> if only square textures are supported
- SquareTextures,
- // <b>True</b> if depth textures are supported
- DepthTextures: Boolean;
- // Maximum point size
- MaxPointSize: Single;
- // Major vertex shader version
- VertexShaderVersionMajor,
- // Minor vertex shader version
- VertexShaderVersionMinor,
- // Major pixel shader version
- PixelShaderVersionMajor,
- // Minor pixel shader version
- PixelShaderVersionMinor: Integer;
- // Max vertex shader constants
- MaxVertexShaderConsts: Integer;
- // Textures
- Textures: TTextures;
- // Reference to API state wrapper object
- APIState: TAPIStateWrapper;
- // Bias matrix used to remap texture coordinates for mirror and shadow map modes
- BiasMat: TMatrix4s;
- constructor Create(AManager: TItemsManager); virtual;
- destructor Destroy; override;
- // Sets performance profile
- procedure SetPerfProfile(APerfProfile: TPerfProfile); virtual;
- // Sets video adapter
- procedure SetVideoAdapter(Adapter: Cardinal);
- // Build available video modes list
- procedure BuildModeList; virtual; abstract;
- // Initializes debug tesselators and material
- procedure InitDebugRender(ADebugMaterial: TMaterial); virtual;
- // Returns <b>True</b> if the renderer is ready to render
- function IsReady: Boolean;
- // Adjusts gamma ramp
- procedure SetGamma(Gamma, Contrast, Brightness: Single); virtual;
- // Default message handling
- procedure HandleMessage(const Msg: TMessage); override;
- // Checks capabilities
- procedure CheckCaps; virtual; abstract;
- // Checks available texture formats
- procedure CheckTextureFormats; virtual; abstract;
- { Checks if the given pixel format is supported for the given usage. RTFormat is used only with depth-stencil
- usage to determine whether the supported depth-stencil format can be used with the given render target format.
- Returns False if the pixel format is unsupported. Also fills NewFormat with suggested substitue or with pfUndefined if no suitable substitution found. }
- function CheckFormat(const Format, Usage, RTFormat: Cardinal; out NewFormat: Integer): Boolean; virtual;
- // Validates all techniques of the given material for current hardware configuration. Returns <b>True</b> if the set of available techniques changed during validation.
- function ValidateMaterial(const Material: TMaterial): Boolean;
- // Initializes render device to render to the specified window or specified mode
- function CreateDevice(WindowHandle, AVideoMode: Cardinal; AFullScreen: Boolean): Boolean;
- // Restores render device with the specified video mode (if fullscreen)
- function RestoreDevice(AVideoMode: Cardinal; AFullScreen: Boolean): Boolean; virtual;
- // Starts a rendering cycle
- procedure StartFrame; virtual;
- // Ends a rendering cycle
- procedure FinishFrame; virtual; abstract;
- // Clear the specified parts of current render target with the specified values
- procedure Clear(Flags: TClearFlagsSet; Color: BaseTypes.TColor; Z: Single; Stencil: Cardinal); virtual; abstract;
- // Apply a light source with the specified index
- procedure ApplyLight(Index: Integer; const ALight: TLight); virtual; abstract;
- // Applies render target settings, transformations, clear settings of the given camera to the renderer
- procedure ApplyCamera(Camera: CAST2.TCamera); virtual;
- // Projects <b>Vector</b> with @Link(MainCamera) and returns the result in <b>Projected</b>
- procedure ProjectToScreen(out Projected: TVector4s; const Vector: TVector3s);
- // Sets render viewport
- procedure SetViewPort(const X, Y, Width, Height: Integer; const MinZ, MaxZ: Single); virtual;
- // Performs necessary API calls to render a piece of triangles
- procedure APIRenderStrip(Tesselator: TTesselator; StripIndex: Integer); virtual; abstract;
- // Performs necessary API calls to render a piece of indexed triangles
- procedure APIRenderIndexedStrip(Tesselator: TTesselator; StripIndex: Integer); virtual; abstract;
- // Renders the specified tesselator
- procedure RenderTesselator(Tesselator: TTesselator);
- // Ensures that vertex/index buffers contains an up-to-date representation of the specified item, calls @Link(APIPrepareItem()) and renders it's tesselator
- procedure RenderItem(Item: TVisible);
- // Renders item's bounding box
- procedure RenderItemBox(Item: CAST2.TProcessing; Color: BaseTypes.TColor); virtual; abstract;
- // Renders item's debug information (currently colliding volumes if present)
- procedure RenderItemDebug(Item: CAST2.TProcessing); virtual; abstract;
- // Full screen mode state
- property FullScreen: Boolean read FFullScreen write SetFullScreen;
- // Debug output state
- property DebugOutput: Boolean read FDebugOutput write SetDebugOutput;
- // Number of frames rendered
- property FramesRendered: Integer read FFramesRendered;
- // Camera through which a scene is rendered. Can't be changed during frame visulization.
- property MainCamera: CAST2.TCamera read FMainCamera write FMainCamera;
- // Currently applyed camera. May change during frame visulization (if render to texture used).
- property LastAppliedCamera: CAST2.TCamera read FLastAppliedCamera;
- // Number of video adapters in system
- property TotalAdapters: Cardinal read FTotalAdapters;
- // Current video adapter
- property CurrentAdapter: Cardinal read FCurrentAdapter;
- // Names of video adapters in system by index
- property AdapterName[Index: Cardinal]: string read GetAdapterName;
- // Number of video modes available
- property TotalVideoModes: Cardinal read FTotalVideoModes;
- // Current video mode index in @Link(FVideoModes) array
- property CurrentVideoMode: Cardinal read FCurrentVideoMode;
- // Video modes available by index
- property VideoMode[Index: Cardinal]: TVideoMode read GetVideoMode;
- // Current renderer state
- property State: TRendererState read FState;
- // Rendering area in windowed mode
- property WindowedRect: TRect read FWindowedRect;
- // Current depth of Z-buffer
- property CurrentZBufferDepth: Cardinal read FCurrentZBufferDepth;
- // Additional render targets currently allocated
- property TotalRenderTargets: Integer read GetRenderTargetsAllocated;
- end;
- implementation
- const
- // Debug tesselator indices
- dtiBox = 0; dtiSphere = 1;
- type
- TRenderTargetEmptyDelegate = function(const Element: TRenderTarget): Boolean of object;
- TTextureEmptyDelegate = function(const Element: TTexture): Boolean of object;
- TShaderEmptyDelegate = function(const Element: TShader): Boolean of object;
- function ResourceAdd_RenderTarget(var Elements: TRenderTargets; IsEmpty: TRenderTargetEmptyDelegate): Integer;
- begin {$Include C2RenderResourceAdd.Inc} end;
- function ResourceAdd_Texture(var Elements: TTextureArray; IsEmpty: TTextureEmptyDelegate): Integer;
- begin {$Include C2RenderResourceAdd.Inc} end;
- function ResourceAdd_Shader(var Elements: TShaders; IsEmpty: TShaderEmptyDelegate): Integer;
- begin {$Include C2RenderResourceAdd.Inc} end;
- { TAPIBuffers }
- constructor TAPIBuffers.Create(ARenderer: TRenderer);
- begin
- Renderer := ARenderer;
- end;
- destructor TAPIBuffers.Destroy;
- begin
- Clear;
- inherited;
- end;
- { TBuffers }
- procedure TBuffers.ResetBuffers;
- var i: TTesselationBuffer; j: Integer;
- begin
- for i := Low(TTesselationBuffer) to High(TTesselationBuffer) do for j := 0 to High(Buffers[i, True]) do begin
- Buffers[i, False, j].Index :=-1;
- Buffers[i, False, j].Size := 0;
- Buffers[i, False, j].Position := 0;
- Buffers[i, False, j].ResetCounter := 0;
- Buffers[i, True, j].Index :=-1;
- Buffers[i, True, j].Size := 0;
- Buffers[i, True, j].Position := 0;
- Buffers[i, True, j].ResetCounter := 0;
- end;
- end;
- constructor TBuffers.Create(ARenderer: TRenderer);
- begin
- ResetCounter := 1;
- Renderer := ARenderer;
- ResetBuffers;
- end;
- destructor TBuffers.Destroy;
- begin
- // Reset;
- inherited;
- end;
- function TBuffers.Put(Tesselator: TTesselator): Boolean;
- const
- BufName: array[TTesselationBuffer] of string[6] = ('vertex', 'index');
- BufTypeName: array[Boolean] of string[7] = ('dynamic', 'static');
- DefaultBufferSize: array[Boolean, TTesselationBuffer] of Integer = ((4096*4, 4096*4), (4096, 4096));
- MaxBufferSize: array[Boolean, TTesselationBuffer] of Integer = ((65536*8, 65536), (65536*32, 65536*8));
- var
- TesselatorMaxAmount, ElementSize: array[TTesselationBuffer] of Integer;
- PTR: PByte; BufIndex, Amount: Integer;
- function PutToBuffer(BufferType: TTesselationBuffer; Static: Boolean): Boolean;
- procedure ResetAndPlaceFirst;
- begin
- Buffers[BufferType, Static, BufIndex].Position := TesselatorMaxAmount[BufferType]; // Increase by max amount of elements
- Inc(Buffers[BufferType, Static, BufIndex].ResetCounter);
- Tesselator.TesselationStatus[BufferType].Offset := 0;
- Tesselator.TesselationStatus[BufferType].LastResetCounter := ResetCounter;
- Tesselator.TesselationStatus[BufferType].LastBufferResetCounter := Buffers[BufferType, Static, BufIndex].ResetCounter;
- Inc(Renderer.FPerfProfile.BuffersProfile[BufferType].BufferResetsCount[Static]);
- end;
- function CreateBuffer: Boolean;
- begin
- case BufferType of
- tbVertex: Buffers[BufferType, Static, BufIndex].Index := Renderer.APIBuffers.CreateVertexBuffer(Buffers[BufferType, Static, BufIndex].Size, Static);
- tbIndex: Buffers[BufferType, Static, BufIndex].Index := Renderer.APIBuffers.CreateIndexBuffer( Buffers[BufferType, Static, BufIndex].Size, Static);
- end;
- Result := Buffers[BufferType, Static, BufIndex].Index <> -1;
- if Result then Inc(Renderer.FPerfProfile.BuffersProfile[BufferType].BufferSize[Static], Buffers[BufferType, Static, BufIndex].Size);
- end;
- function ResizeBuffer(NewBufferSize: Integer): Boolean;
- begin
- Result := False;
- case BufferType of
- tbVertex: Result := Renderer.APIBuffers.ResizeVertexBuffer(Buffers[BufferType, Static, BufIndex].Index, NewBufferSize);
- tbIndex: Result := Renderer.APIBuffers.ResizeIndexBuffer( Buffers[BufferType, Static, BufIndex].Index, NewBufferSize);
- end;
- if Result then begin
- Dec(Renderer.FPerfProfile.BuffersProfile[BufferType].BufferSize[Static], Buffers[BufferType, Static, BufIndex].Size);
- Buffers[BufferType, Static, BufIndex].Size := NewBufferSize;
- Inc(Renderer.FPerfProfile.BuffersProfile[BufferType].BufferSize[Static], Buffers[BufferType, Static, BufIndex].Size);
- end;
- end;
- var Discard: Boolean; NewSize: Integer;
- begin
- Result := True;
- // Check if tesselation not needed
- if ( Static and // not needed for dynamic buffers
- (Tesselator.TesselationStatus[BufferType].Status = tsTesselated) and
- (Renderer.DisableTesselation or (Tesselator.GetUpdatedElements(BufferType, Renderer.TesselationParams) = 0)) and
- (Tesselator.TesselationStatus[BufferType].LastResetCounter >= ResetCounter) and
- (Tesselator.TesselationStatus[BufferType].LastBufferResetCounter >= Buffers[BufferType, Static, BufIndex].ResetCounter) ) then begin
- Inc(Renderer.FPerfProfile.BuffersProfile[BufferType].TesselationsBypassed);
- Inc(Renderer.FPerfProfile.BuffersProfile[BufferType].BytesBypassed, TesselatorMaxAmount[BufferType] * ElementSize[BufferType]);
- Exit;
- end;
- Result := False;
- // Check if the tesselator never tesselated since last reset/discard or changed its size
- if not Static or
- (Tesselator.TesselationStatus[BufferType].Status = tsMaxSizeChanged) or
- (Tesselator.TesselationStatus[BufferType].LastResetCounter < ResetCounter) or
- (Tesselator.TesselationStatus[BufferType].LastBufferResetCounter < Buffers[BufferType, Static, BufIndex].ResetCounter) then begin
- if Static and (Tesselator.TesselationStatus[BufferType].Status = tsMaxSizeChanged) then begin
- Log.Log('TBuffers.Put: A size-changing tesselator placed in a static buffer. Discarding buffer contents...', lkWarning);
- {$ENDIF}
- ResetAndPlaceFirst;
- Inc(Renderer.FPerfProfile.BuffersProfile[BufferType].TesselationsPerformed[Static]);
- end else begin
- Tesselator.TesselationStatus[BufferType].Offset := Buffers[BufferType, Static, BufIndex].Position;
- Tesselator.TesselationStatus[BufferType].LastResetCounter := ResetCounter;
- Tesselator.TesselationStatus[BufferType].LastBufferResetCounter := Buffers[BufferType, Static, BufIndex].ResetCounter;
- Inc(Buffers[BufferType, Static, BufIndex].Position, TesselatorMaxAmount[BufferType]); // Increase by max amount of elements
- Inc(Renderer.FPerfProfile.BuffersProfile[BufferType].TesselationsPerformed[Static]);
- end;
- end;
- // Allocate a buffer if needed
- if Buffers[BufferType, Static, BufIndex].Index = -1 then begin
- Buffers[BufferType, Static, BufIndex].Size := MaxI(DefaultBufferSize[Static, BufferType], TesselatorMaxAmount[BufferType]) * ElementSize[BufferType];
- if not CreateBuffer then Exit;
- end;
- Discard := False;
- // Check buffer size and remaining space
- if ((Tesselator.TesselationStatus[BufferType].Offset + TesselatorMaxAmount[BufferType]) * ElementSize[BufferType] > Buffers[BufferType, Static, BufIndex].Size) then
- if Static or (TesselatorMaxAmount[BufferType] * ElementSize[BufferType] > Buffers[BufferType, Static, BufIndex].Size) then begin
- // Resize buffer
- NewSize := (Tesselator.TesselationStatus[BufferType].Offset * Ord(Static) + TesselatorMaxAmount[BufferType]) * ElementSize[BufferType];
- Log.Log(Format('TBuffers.Put: Insufficient %S %S buffer size: Buffer: [%D], will try to resize to %D',
- [BufTypeName[Static], BufName[BufferType], Buffers[BufferType, Static, BufIndex].Size,
- NewSize]), lkNotice);
- if NewSize <= MaxBufferSize[Static, BufferType] * ElementSize[BufferType] then begin
- if not ResizeBuffer(NewSize) then Exit;
- ResetAndPlaceFirst;
- end else begin
- Log.Log(Format('TBuffers.Put: Resize failed: Maximum %S %S buffer size reached: [%D], needed: [%D]',
- [BufTypeName[Static], BufName[BufferType], MaxBufferSize[Static, BufferType] * ElementSize[BufferType], NewSize]), lkError);
- Exit;
- end;
- end else begin
- // Reset buffer to beginning
- Discard := True;
- ResetAndPlaceFirst;
- end;
- // Lock and tesselate
- case BufferType of
- tbVertex: begin
- // Log.Log('*** VB lock ***', lkDebug);
- PTR := Renderer.APIBuffers.LockVertexBuffer(Buffers[BufferType, Static, BufIndex].Index,
- Tesselator.TesselationStatus[BufferType].Offset * ElementSize[BufferType],
- TesselatorMaxAmount[BufferType] * ElementSize[BufferType],
- Discard);
- if PTR = nil then Exit;
- Amount := Tesselator.Tesselate(Renderer.TesselationParams, PTR);
- Renderer.APIBuffers.UnlockVertexBuffer(Buffers[BufferType, Static, BufIndex].Index);
- Inc(Renderer.FPerfProfile.BuffersProfile[BufferType].BytesWritten[Static], Amount * ElementSize[BufferType]);
- // Log.Log('*** VB unlock ***', lkdebug);
- Assert(Amount <= TesselatorMaxAmount[BufferType], Format('TBuffers.Put: Tesselated amount %D is greater then maximal %D', [Amount, TesselatorMaxAmount[BufferType]]));
- end;
- tbIndex: begin
- // Log.Log('*** IB lock ***', lkdebug);
- PTR := Renderer.APIBuffers.LockIndexBuffer(Buffers[BufferType, Static, BufIndex].Index,
- Tesselator.TesselationStatus[BufferType].Offset * ElementSize[BufferType],
- TesselatorMaxAmount[BufferType] * ElementSize[BufferType],
- Discard);
- if PTR = nil then Exit;
- Amount := Tesselator.SetIndices(PTR);
- TesselatorMaxAmount[BufferType] := Amount;
- Renderer.APIBuffers.UnlockIndexBuffer(Buffers[BufferType, Static, BufIndex].Index);
- // Log.Log('*** IB unlock ***', lkdebug);
- end;
- end;
- Inc(Renderer.FPerfProfile.BuffersProfile[BufferType].BytesWritten[Static], Amount * ElementSize[BufferType]);
- Result := TesselatorMaxAmount[BufferType] <> 0;
- end;
- var i: TTesselationBuffer;
- begin
- Tesselator.TesselationStatus[tbVertex].BufferIndex := Tesselator.VertexSize div 4;
- Tesselator.TesselationStatus[tbIndex].BufferIndex := 0;
- ElementSize[tbVertex] := Tesselator.VertexSize;
- ElementSize[tbIndex] := IndicesSize;
- for i := Low(TTesselationBuffer) to High(TTesselationBuffer) do begin
- BufIndex := Tesselator.TesselationStatus[i].BufferIndex;
- TesselatorMaxAmount[i] := Tesselator.GetMaxAmount(i);
- if TesselatorMaxAmount[i] <> 0 then
- Result := PutToBuffer(i, Tesselator.TesselationStatus[i].TesselatorType = ttStatic) else
- Result := (i <> tbVertex); // No vertices
- if not Result then Break;
- end;
- if Result then
- Renderer.APIBuffers.AttachVertexBuffer(Buffers[tbVertex, Tesselator.TesselationStatus[tbVertex].TesselatorType = ttStatic, Tesselator.TesselationStatus[tbVertex].BufferIndex].Index, 0, Tesselator.VertexSize);
- end;
- procedure TBuffers.Reset;
- begin
- Inc(ResetCounter);
- ResetBuffers;
- Renderer.FPerfProfile.OnBuffersReset;
- Renderer.APIBuffers.Clear;
- end;
- { TAPIStateWrapper }
- function TAPIStateWrapper.CreateShader(var Shaders: TShaders; Item: TShaderResource): Integer;
- begin
- Result := tivUnresolved;
- // Check if resource is valid
- if Item = nil then begin
- {$IFDEF LOGGING} Log.Log('TRenderer.CreateShader: no resource specified', lkError); {$ENDIF}
- Exit;
- end;
- Result := High(Shaders);
- while (Result >= 0) and (Shaders[Result].Resource <> Item) do Dec(Result);
- if Result >= 0 then Exit; // A shader from the given resource already created
- SetLength(Shaders, Length(Shaders) + 1);
- Result := High(Shaders);
- Shaders[Result].Shader := tivUnresolved;
- Shaders[Result].Resource := Item;
- end;
- function TAPIStateWrapper.IsRenderTargetEmpty(const Element: TRenderTarget): Boolean;
- begin Result := not Assigned(Element.ColorBuffer) and not Assigned(Element.DepthBuffer); end;
- function TAPIStateWrapper.IsShaderEmpty(const Element: TShader): Boolean;
- begin Result := not Assigned(Element.Resource); end;
- function TAPIStateWrapper.ResolveVertexShader(Pass: TRenderPass): Boolean;
- var ShaderResource: TShaderResource;
- begin
- Pass.ResolveVertexShader(ShaderResource);
- if (Pass.VertexShaderIndex = sivUnresolved) and Assigned(ShaderResource) then
- Pass.VertexShaderIndex := CreateVertexShader(ShaderResource, Pass.VertexDeclaration);
- Result := Pass.VertexShaderIndex <> tivUnresolved;
- end;
- function TAPIStateWrapper.ResolvePixelShader(Pass: TRenderPass): Boolean;
- var ShaderResource: TShaderResource;
- begin
- Pass.ResolvePixelShader(ShaderResource);
- if (Pass.PixelShaderIndex = sivUnresolved) and Assigned(ShaderResource) then
- Pass.PixelShaderIndex := CreatePixelShader(ShaderResource);
- Result := Pass.PixelShaderIndex <> tivUnresolved;
- end;
- function TAPIStateWrapper.CreateVertexShader(Item: TShaderResource; Declaration: TVertexDeclaration): Integer;
- begin
- Result := CreateShader(FVertexShaders, Item);
- end;
- function TAPIStateWrapper.CreatePixelShader(Item: TShaderResource): Integer;
- begin
- Result := CreateShader(FPixelShaders, Item);
- end;
- procedure TAPIStateWrapper.ApplyClipPlanes;
- var i: Integer; m: TMatrix4s; Plane: TPlane;
- begin
- if VertexShaderFlag then begin // Transform clip planes if programmable vertex pipeline used
- for i := 0 to MaxClipPlanes-1 do
- if Assigned(Renderer.LastAppliedCamera) and Assigned(Renderer.LastAppliedCamera.ClipPlanes[i]) then begin
- Plane := Camera.ClipPlanes[i]^;
- m := Camera.TotalMatrix;
- m := InvertMatrix4s(m);
- m := GetTransposedMatrix4s(m);
- Plane.V := Transform4Vector4s(m, Plane.V);
- SetClipPlane(i, @Plane);
- end else SetClipPlane(i, nil);
- end else if Assigned(Camera) then for i := 0 to MaxClipPlanes-1 do SetClipPlane(i, Camera.ClipPlanes[i]);
- end;
- procedure TAPIStateWrapper.HandleItemReplace(OldItem, NewItem: TItem);
- var i: Integer;
- begin
- if not Assigned(OldItem) then Exit;
- for i := High(FVertexShaders) downto 0 do if FVertexShaders[i].Resource = OldItem then FVertexShaders[i].Resource := NewItem as TShaderResource;
- for i := High(FPixelShaders) downto 0 do if FPixelShaders[i].Resource = OldItem then FPixelShaders[i].Resource := NewItem as TShaderResource;
- if OldItem = Camera then if Assigned(NewItem) then Camera := NewItem as TCamera else Camera := DefaultCamera;
- end;
- procedure TAPIStateWrapper.HandleDataChange(Data: Pointer);
- var i: Integer;
- begin
- for i := 0 to High(FVertexShaders) do if FVertexShaders[i].Resource = TShaderResource(Data) then
- end;
- constructor TAPIStateWrapper.Create;
- begin
- inherited;
- DefaultCamera := TCamera.Create(nil);
- DefaultCamera.DefaultFillMode := fmSOLID;
- DefaultCamera.DefaultCullMode := cmCCW;
- end;
- destructor TAPIStateWrapper.Destroy;
- begin
- FreeAndNil(DefaultCamera);
- inherited;
- end;
- procedure TAPIStateWrapper.HandleMessage(const Msg: TMessage);
- begin
- if (Msg.ClassType = TSceneClearMsg) then begin
- Camera := DefaultCamera;
- end else if Msg.ClassType = TDataModifyMsg then begin
- HandleDataChange(TDataModifyMsg(Msg).Data);
- end else if (Msg.ClassType = TRemoveFromSceneMsg) or (Msg.ClassType = TDestroyMsg) then HandleItemReplace(TItemNotificationMessage(Msg).Item, nil);
- end;
- procedure TAPIStateWrapper.SetShaderConstant(const Constant: TShaderConstant);
- begin
- APISetShaderConstant(Constant);
- end;
- procedure TAPIStateWrapper.SetShaderConstant(ShaderKind: TShaderKind; ShaderRegister: Integer; const Vector: TShaderRegisterType);
- begin
- APISetShaderConstant(ShaderKind, ShaderRegister, Vector);
- end;
- function TAPIStateWrapper.ValidatePass(const Pass: TRenderPass): Boolean;
- const ResultID: array[Boolean] of string[4] = ('Fail', 'OK');
- var ResultStr: string;
- begin
- Result := True;
- if not Assigned(Pass) then Exit;
- ResultStr := '';
- Log.Log(' Validating pass "' + Pass.Name + '"...');
- {$ENDIF}
- LastError := reNone;
- ApplyPass(Pass);
- if LastError <> reNone then begin
- case LastError of
- reTooManyStages: ResultStr := ' (too many stages)';
- reTooManyTextures: ResultStr := ' (too many textures)';
- reVertexShaderAssembleFail: ResultStr := ' (failed to assemble vertex shader)';
- reVertexShaderCreateFail: ResultStr := ' (failed to create vertex shader)';
- rePixelShaderAssembleFail: ResultStr := ' (failed to assemble pixel shader)';
- rePixelShaderCreateFail: ResultStr := ' (failed to create pixel shader)';
- reNoDepthTextures: ResultStr := ' (depth textures are not supported)';
- end;
- Result := False;
- end else Result := APIValidatePass(Pass, ResultStr);
- Log.Log(' Pass validation result: ' + ResultID[Result] + ResultStr);
- end;
- { TRenderer }
- function TRenderer.GetAdapterName(Index: Cardinal): string;
- begin
- Result := '';
- if Index < FTotalAdapters then Result := FAdapterNames[Index];
- end;
- function TRenderer.GetVideoMode(Index: Cardinal): TVideoMode;
- begin
- Assert(Index < FTotalVideoModes, ClassName + '.GetVideoMode: Invalid index');
- // if Index < FTotalVideoModes then
- Result := FVideoModes[Index];
- // else Result := DesktopVideoMode;
- end;
- // Render target operations
- function TAPIStateWrapper.NewRenderTarget(const Camera: TCamera): Integer;
- begin
- Result := ResourceAdd_RenderTarget(FRenderTargets, {$IFDEF OBJFPCEnable}@{$ENDIF}IsRenderTargetEmpty);
- if CreateRenderTarget(Result, Camera.RenderTargetWidth, Camera.RenderTargetHeight, Camera.RTColorFormat, Camera.RTDepthFormat, Camera.IsDepthTexture) then begin
- Camera.ColorFormat := FRenderTargets[Result].ActualColorFormat;
- Camera.DepthFormat := FRenderTargets[Result].ActualDepthFormat;
- end else Result := -1;
- end;
- procedure TAPIStateWrapper.RemoveRenderTarget(Index: Integer);
- begin
- Assert((Index >= 0) and (Index <= High(FRenderTargets)));
- DestroyRenderTarget(Index);
- FRenderTargets[Index].ColorBuffer := nil;
- FRenderTargets[Index].DepthBuffer := nil;
- FRenderTargets[Index].ColorTexture := nil;
- FRenderTargets[Index].DepthTexture := nil;
- FRenderTargets[Index].LastUpdateFrame := -1;
- FRenderTargets[Index].IsDepthTexture := False;
- end;
- function TAPIStateWrapper.FindRenderTarget(const ACamera: TCamera): Integer;
- begin
- Result := ACamera.RenderTargetIndex;
- if (Result <> -1) and
- ((ACamera.RenderTargetWidth <> FRenderTargets[Result].Width) or (ACamera.RenderTargetHeight <> FRenderTargets[Result].Height) or
- (ACamera.RTColorFormat <> FRenderTargets[Result].ColorFormat) or (ACamera.RTDepthFormat <> FRenderTargets[Result].DepthFormat)) then begin
- RemoveRenderTarget(Result);
- Result := -1;
- end;
- if Result = -1 then Result := NewRenderTarget(ACamera);
- end;
- function TAPIStateWrapper.IsRenderTargetUptoDate(const ACamera: TCamera): Boolean;
- begin
- Result := (ACamera.RenderTargetIndex >= 0) and (ACamera.RenderTargetIndex <= High(FRenderTargets)) and
- (Renderer.FramesRendered - FRenderTargets[ACamera.RenderTargetIndex].LastUpdateFrame <= ACamera.FrameSkip);
- end;
- function TRenderer.GetRenderTargetsAllocated: Integer;
- begin
- if Assigned(APIState) then Result := Length(APIState.FRenderTargets) else Result := 0;
- end;
- procedure TRenderer.InternalDeInit;
- var i: Integer;
- begin
- Log.Log('Shutting down ' + ClassName, lkNotice);
- {$ENDIF}
- for i := 0 to Length(DebugTesselators)-1 do DebugTesselators[i].Free;
- DebugTesselators := nil;
- FreeAndNil(Buffers);
- FreeAndNil(Textures);
- FreeAndNil(APIState);
- end;
- function TRenderer.InternalGetIndexBufferIndex(Static: Boolean; BufferIndex: Integer): Integer;
- begin
- Result := Buffers.Buffers[tbIndex, Static, BufferIndex].Index;
- end;
- procedure TRenderer.SetDebugOutput(const Value: Boolean);
- begin
- FDebugOutput := Value;
- if FDebugOutput then begin
- if (DebugTesselators = nil) or (DebugMaterial = nil) then begin
- FDebugOutput := False;
- ErrorHandler(TError.Create(ClassName + '.SetDebugOutput: Debug render has not been initialized'));
- end;
- end;
- end;
- function TRenderer.APIToPixelFormat(Format: Cardinal): Cardinal;
- var i: Integer;
- begin
- Result := pfUndefined;
- for i := 0 to High(PFormats) do if PFormats[i] = Format then begin
- Result := i;
- Exit;
- end;
- end;
- procedure TRenderer.SetFullScreen(const FScreen: Boolean);
- begin
- if FFullScreen = FScreen then Exit;
- if State <> rsNotReady then RestoreDevice(FCurrentVideoMode, FScreen);
- end;
- constructor TRenderer.Create(AManager: TItemsManager);
- begin
- Assert(Assigned(AManager), Format('%S.%S: AManager should be assigned', [ClassName, 'Create']));
- Manager := AManager;
- AppRequirements.MinYResolution := 480;
- AppRequirements.HWAccelerationLevel := haMixedVP;
- AppRequirements.TotalBackBuffers := 1;
- AppRequirements.Flags := [arUseStencil, arUseZBuffer];
- FCurrentVideoMode := $FFFFFFFF;
- FFramesRendered := 0;
- BiasMat._11 := 0.5; BiasMat._12 := 0.0; BiasMat._13 := 0.0; BiasMat._14 := 0.0;
- BiasMat._21 := 0.0; BiasMat._22 :=-0.5; BiasMat._23 := 0.0; BiasMat._24 := 0.0;
- BiasMat._31 := 0.0; BiasMat._32 := 0.0; BiasMat._33 := 1 shl 24-1; BiasMat._34 := 0.0;
- BiasMat._41 := 0.0; BiasMat._42 := 0.0; BiasMat._43 := 0.0; BiasMat._44 := 1.0;
- Buffers := TBuffers.Create(Self);
- end;
- procedure TRenderer.SetVideoAdapter(Adapter: Cardinal);
- begin
- if Adapter >= FTotalAdapters then Exit; // ToDo: make error handling
- FCurrentAdapter := Adapter;
- BuildModeList;
- FState := rsNotReady;
- end;
- procedure TRenderer.InitDebugRender(ADebugMaterial: TMaterial);
- begin
- SetLength(DebugTesselators, 2);
- DebugTesselators[dtiBox] := TBoxTesselator.Create;
- DebugTesselators[dtiSphere] := TSphereTesselator.Create;
- DebugMaterial := ADebugMaterial;
- FDebugOutput := True;
- end;
- function TRenderer.IsReady: Boolean;
- begin
- Result := State = rsOK;
- end;
- procedure TRenderer.SetGamma(Gamma, Contrast, Brightness: Single);
- var i: Integer; k: Single; Value: Word;
- begin
- if (Abs(Gamma - 1) > 0.7) or (Abs(Contrast - 1) > 0.7) or (Abs(Brightness - 1) > 0.7) then
- Log.Log(Format('%S.SetGamma: Extreme values: Gamma - %F, Contrast - %F, Brightness - %F', [ClassName, Gamma, Contrast, Brightness]), lkWarning);
- {$ENDIF}
- for i := 0 to 255 do begin
- k := i/255.0;
- if i > 0 then k := Basics.Power(k, 1/Basics.MaxS(BaseTypes.Epsilon, Gamma));
- Value := Trunc(0.5 + MinS(65535, MaxS(0, (k*Contrast+(Brightness-1))*65535)));
- GammaRamp.R[i] := Value;
- GammaRamp.G[i] := Value;
- GammaRamp.B[i] := Value;
- end;
- end;
- procedure TRenderer.HandleMessage(const Msg: TMessage);
- begin
- if (State = rsNotReady) or (State = rsNotInitialized) then Exit;
- if Msg.ClassType = TWindowActivateMsg then begin
- if not Active then begin
- Active := True;
- // ShowWindow(RenderWindowHandle, SW_SHOWDEFAULT);
- RestoreDevice(FCurrentVideoMode, FFullScreen);
- end;
- end else if Msg.ClassType = TWindowDeactivateMsg then begin
- if FullScreen then Active := False;
- end else if Msg.ClassType = TWindowResizeMsg then with TWindowResizeMsg(Msg) do begin
- if (State <> rsNotReady) then begin
- if not Active then begin
- Active := True;
- RestoreDevice(FCurrentVideoMode, FFullScreen);
- end else if not FullScreen then begin
- {if Active then }RestoreDevice(FCurrentVideoMode, FFullScreen)
- // else PrepareWindow;
- end;
- if Assigned(MainCamera) and (NewHeight <> 0) then
- MainCamera.SetScreenDimensions(Round(NewWidth), Round(NewHeight), True);
- end;
- end else if Msg.ClassType = TWindowMoveMsg then begin
- if not FullScreen then PrepareWindow;
- end else if Msg.ClassType = TWindowMinimizeMsg then begin
- Active := False;
- end else if (Msg.ClassType = TSceneClearMsg) then begin
- MainCamera := nil;
- FLastAppliedCamera := nil;
- end else begin
- if (Msg.ClassType = TRemoveFromSceneMsg) or (Msg.ClassType = TDestroyMsg) then with TItemNotificationMessage(Msg) do if Item = MainCamera then MainCamera := nil;
- end;
- APIState.HandleMessage(Msg);
- Textures.HandleMessage(Msg);
- end;
- function TRenderer.CheckFormat(const Format, Usage, RTFormat: Cardinal; out NewFormat: Integer): Boolean;
- { pfUndefined = 0; pfR8G8B8 = 1; pfA8R8G8B8 = 2; pfX8R8G8B8 = 3;
- pfR5G6B5 = 4; pfX1R5G5B5 = 5; pfA1R5G5B5 = 6; pfA4R4G4B4 = 7;
- pfA8 = 8; pfX4R4G4B4 = 9; pfA8P8 = 10; pfP8 = 11; pfL8 = 12; pfA8L8 = 13; pfA4L4 = 14;
- pfV8U8 = 15; pfL6V5U5 = 16; pfX8L8V8U8 = 17; pfQ8W8V8U8 = 18; pfV16U16 = 19; pfW11V11U10 = 20;
- pfD16_LOCKABLE = 21; pfD32 = 22; pfD15S1 = 23; pfD24S8 = 24; pfD16 = 25; pfD24X8 = 26; pfD24X4S4 = 27;
- pfB8G8R8 = 28; pfA8B8G8R8 = 29;
- pfAuto = $FFFFFFFF;}
- const
- SubstFormats = 19; SubstVariants = 7;
- FormatSubst: array[0..SubstFormats-1, 0..SubstVariants-1] of Cardinal = (
- (pfR8G8B8, pfX8R8G8B8, pfA8B8G8R8, pfB8G8R8, pfR5G6B5, pfX1R5G5B5, pfA4R4G4B4),
- (pfA8R8G8B8, pfA8B8G8R8, pfA4R4G4B4, pfA1R5G5B5, pfX8R8G8B8, pfR8G8B8, pfR5G6B5),
- (pfX8R8G8B8, pfA8R8G8B8, pfR8G8B8, pfB8G8R8, pfA8B8G8R8, pfR5G6B5, pfX1R5G5B5),
- (pfR5G6B5, pfX1R5G5B5, pfA1R5G5B5, pfX8R8G8B8, pfA8R8G8B8, pfB8G8R8, pfA4R4G4B4),
- (pfX1R5G5B5, pfR5G6B5, pfA1R5G5B5, pfX8R8G8B8, pfR8G8B8, pfB8G8R8, pfA4R4G4B4),
- (pfA1R5G5B5, pfA4R4G4B4, pfA8R8G8B8, pfA8B8G8R8, pfR5G6B5, pfX8R8G8B8, pfR8G8B8),
- (pfA4R4G4B4, pfA1R5G5B5, pfA8R8G8B8, pfA8B8G8R8, pfR5G6B5, pfX8R8G8B8, pfR8G8B8),
- (pfX4R4G4B4, pfR5G6B5, pfA1R5G5B5, pfX8R8G8B8, pfR8G8B8, pfB8G8R8, pfA4R4G4B4),
- (pfB8G8R8, pfA8B8G8R8, pfR8G8B8, pfX8R8G8B8, pfR5G6B5, pfX1R5G5B5, pfA4R4G4B4),
- (pfA8B8G8R8, pfA8R8G8B8, pfA4R4G4B4, pfA1R5G5B5, pfX8R8G8B8, pfB8G8R8, pfR5G6B5),
- (pfA8, pfL8, pfA8L8, pfA8P8, pfA8R8G8B8, pfA8B8G8R8, pfA4R4G4B4),
- (pfL8, pfA8, pfA8L8, pfA8P8, pfR8G8B8, pfB8G8R8, pfR5G6B5),
- (pfD16_LOCKABLE, pfD16, pfD15S1, pfD24X8, pfD24X4S4, pfD32, pfD24S8),
- (pfD32, pfD24X8, pfATIDF24, pfD24S8, pfD16, pfD15S1, pfD16_LOCKABLE),
- (pfD15S1, pfD24X4S4, pfD24S8, pfD16, pfD32, pfD24X8, pfD16_LOCKABLE),
- (pfD24S8, pfD24X4S4, pfD15S1, pfD32, pfATIDF24, pfD16, pfATIDF16),
- (pfD16, pfD15S1, pfD24X8, pfATIDF16, pfD32, pfD24S8, pfD16_LOCKABLE),
- (pfD24X8, pfD32, pfD24X4S4, pfD24S8, pfD16, pfD15S1, pfD16_LOCKABLE),
- (pfD24X4S4, pfD24S8, pfD15S1, pfD32, pfD24X8, pfD16, pfD16_LOCKABLE)
- );
- var i, j: Integer;
- begin
- NewFormat := Format;
- Result := APICheckFormat(NewFormat, Usage, RTFormat);
- if Result then Exit;
- NewFormat := pfUndefined;
- i := SubstFormats-1;
- while (i >= 0) and not (Format = FormatSubst[i, 0]) do Dec(i);
- if i < 0 then Exit;
- j := 0;
- while (j < SubstVariants) and not APICheckFormat(FormatSubst[i, j], Usage, RTFormat) do Inc(j);
- if j < SubstVariants then NewFormat := FormatSubst[i, j];
- end;
- function TRenderer.ValidateMaterial(const Material: TMaterial): Boolean;
- function ValidateTechnique(const Technique: TTechnique): Boolean;
- var i: Integer;
- begin
- i := Technique.TotalPasses-1;
- while (i >= 0) and APIState.ValidatePass(Technique.Passes[i]) do Dec(i);
- Result := i < 0;
- Technique.Valid := Result and (isVisible in Technique.State);
- end;
- var i: Integer; OldValid: Boolean;
- begin
- Result := False;
- Log.Log('Validating material "' + Material.Name + '"...');
- for i := 0 to Material.TotalTechniques-1 do if Assigned(Material.Technique[i]) then begin
- OldValid := Material.Technique[i].Valid;
- if not ValidateTechnique(Material.Technique[i]) then
- Log.Log('Technique "' + Material.Technique[i].Name + '" did not pass validation', lkWarning);
- Result := Result or (OldValid <> Material.Technique[i].Valid);
- end;
- end;
- function TRenderer.PrepareWindow: Boolean;
- var TempRect: OSUtils.TRect;
- begin
- Assert(not FFullScreen, ClassName + '.PrepareWindow: FullScreen # False');
- Result := False;
- // if (WindowedRect.Left = WindowedRect.Right) or (WindowedRect.Top = WindowedRect.Bottom) then
- GetWindowRect(RenderWindowHandle, TempRect);
- if (TempRect.Left < OffScreenX) and (TempRect.Right < OffScreenX) or (TempRect.Top < OffScreenY) and (TempRect.Bottom < OffScreenY) then begin
- {$IFDEF LOGGING} Log.Log(ClassName + '.PrepareWindow: Windowed viewport is off-screen', lkError); {$ENDIF}
- FState := rsLost;
- Exit;
- end;
- FWindowedRect := TempRect;
- // SetWindowLong(RenderWindowHandle, GWL_STYLE, FNormalWindowStyle);
- {$ENDIF}
- // SetWindowPos(RenderWindowHandle, HWND_NOTOPMOST, WindowedRect.Left, WindowedRect.Top, WindowedRect.Right-WindowedRect.Left, WindowedRect.Bottom-WindowedRect.Top, SWP_DRAWFRAME or SWP_NOACTIVATE or SWP_NOSIZE or SWP_NOMOVE);
- GetClientRect(RenderWindowHandle, TempRect);
- if (TempRect.Right - TempRect.Left <= 0) or (TempRect.Bottom - TempRect.Top <= 0) then begin
- Log.Log(ClassName + '.PrepareWindow: Viewport''s client area is missing', lkError);
- {$ENDIF}
- // State := rsTryToRestore;
- Exit;
- end;
- // WindowBorderWidth := ClientRect.Left - WindowedRect.Left + (WindowedRect.Right - ClientRect.Right);
- // WindowBorderHeight := ClientRect.Top - WindowedRect.Top + (WindowedRect.Bottom - ClientRect.Bottom);
- RenderWidth := TempRect.Right;
- RenderHeight := TempRect.Bottom;
- if Assigned(MainCamera) then MainCamera.SetScreenDimensions(RenderWidth, RenderHeight, True);
- Result := True;
- end;
- function TRenderer.CreateDevice(WindowHandle, AVideoMode: Cardinal; AFullScreen: Boolean): Boolean;
- begin
- Log.Log('Render device creation', lkNotice);
- if APICreateDevice(WindowHandle, AVideoMode, AFullScreen) then begin
- Log.Log('Render device succesfully created');
- CheckCaps;
- Result := True;
- Manager.SendMessage(TRenderReinitMsg.Create, nil, [mfCore, mfBroadcast]);
- Manager.SendMessage(TWindowResizeMsg.Create(0, 0, RenderWidth, RenderHeight), nil, [mfCore]); // For correct screen and GUI subsystems initialization
- end else begin
- Log.Log('Render device creation failed', lkError);
- Result := False;
- end;
- end;
- function TRenderer.RestoreDevice(AVideoMode: Cardinal; AFullScreen: Boolean): Boolean;
- begin
- Result := True;
- if Assigned(Manager.Root) then Manager.SendMessage(TRenderReinitMsg.Create, nil, [mfCore, mfBroadcast]);
- end;
- procedure TRenderer.ApplyCamera(Camera: CAST2.TCamera);
- begin
- if Camera <> FLastAppliedCamera then begin
- APIState.SetRenderTarget(Camera, Camera <> MainCamera);
- if Camera <> MainCamera then begin
- Camera.SetScreenDimensions(Camera.RenderTargetWidth, Camera.RenderTargetHeight, False);
- // Camera.ColorFormat := Camera.RTColorFormat;
- // Camera.DepthFormat := Camera.RTDepthFormat;
- end;
- end;
- FLastAppliedCamera := Camera;
- TesselationParams.Camera := FLastAppliedCamera;
- if Assigned(APIState) then begin
- APIState.Camera := Camera;
- APIState.ApplyClipPlanes;
- end;
- if Assigned(Camera) then Clear(Camera.ClearSettings.ClearFlags, Camera.ClearSettings.ClearColor, Camera.ClearSettings.ClearZ, Camera.ClearSettings.ClearStencil);
- end;
- procedure TRenderer.ProjectToScreen(out Projected: TVector4s; const Vector: TVector3s);
- var TRHW: Single;
- begin
- if not Assigned(MainCamera) then Exit;
- Projected := Transform4Vector3s(MainCamera.TotalMatrix, Vector);
- if Projected.W = 0 then Projected.W := -0.000001;
- TRHW := 1/Projected.W;
- Projected.X := MainCamera.RenderWidth shr 1 + MainCamera.RenderWidth shr 1*Projected.X * TRHW;
- Projected.Y := MainCamera.RenderHeight shr 1 - MainCamera.RenderHeight shr 1*Projected.Y * TRHW;
- end;
- procedure TRenderer.SetViewPort(const X, Y, Width, Height: Integer; const MinZ, MaxZ: Single);
- begin
- ViewPort.X := X; ViewPort.Y := Y;
- ViewPort.Width := Width; ViewPort.Height := Height;
- ViewPort.MinZ := MinZ; ViewPort.MaxZ := MaxZ;
- end;
- procedure TRenderer.RenderTesselator(Tesselator: TTesselator);
- var i: Integer;
- begin
- if Tesselator.TotalIndices > 0 then begin
- for i := Tesselator.TotalStrips - 1 downto 0 do APIRenderIndexedStrip(Tesselator, i);
- end else for i := Tesselator.TotalStrips - 1 downto 0 do APIRenderStrip(Tesselator, i);
- end;
- destructor TRenderer.Destroy;
- begin
- InternalDeInit;
- inherited;
- end;
- function TAPIStateWrapper.CreateRenderTarget(Index, Width, Height: Integer; AColorFormat, ADepthFormat: Cardinal; ADepthTexture: Boolean): Boolean;
- const Usage: array[False..True] of Cardinal = (fuDEPTHSTENCIL, fuDEPTHTEXTURE);
- begin
- Result := True;
- FRenderTargets[Index].Width := Width;
- FRenderTargets[Index].Height := Height;
- FRenderTargets[Index].LastUseFrame := Renderer.FramesRendered;
- FRenderTargets[Index].LastUpdateFrame := -1;
- FRenderTargets[Index].ColorFormat := AColorFormat;
- FRenderTargets[Index].DepthFormat := ADepthFormat;
- FRenderTargets[Index].IsDepthTexture := ADepthTexture;
- // Check pixel format
- if not Renderer.CheckFormat(FRenderTargets[Index].ColorFormat, fuRENDERTARGET, pfUndefined, FRenderTargets[Index].ActualColorFormat) then begin
- if FRenderTargets[Index].ActualColorFormat = pfUndefined then begin
- Log.Log('TAPIStateWrapper.AddRenderTarget: Can''t find an appropriate pixel format for render target (initial format "' + PixelFormatToStr(FRenderTargets[Index].ColorFormat) + '")', lkError);
- Result := False;
- end else
- Log.Log('TAPIStateWrapper.AddRenderTarget: Unsupported pixel format "' + PixelFormatToStr(FRenderTargets[Index].ColorFormat) +
- '" of a render target. Switching to format "' + PixelFormatToStr(FRenderTargets[Index].ActualColorFormat) + '".', lkWarning);
- end;
- // Check depth format
- if not Renderer.CheckFormat(FRenderTargets[Index].DepthFormat, Usage[ADepthTexture], FRenderTargets[Index].ActualColorFormat, FRenderTargets[Index].ActualDepthFormat) then begin
- if FRenderTargets[Index].ActualDepthFormat = pfUndefined then begin
- Log.Log('TAPIStateWrapper.AddRenderTarget: Can''t find an appropriate depth-stencil surface format for render target (initial format "' + PixelFormatToStr(FRenderTargets[Index].DepthFormat) + '")', lkError);
- end else
- Log.Log('TAPIStateWrapper.AddRenderTarget: Unsupported depth-stencil surface format "' + PixelFormatToStr(FRenderTargets[Index].DepthFormat) +
- '" of a render target. Switching to format "' + PixelFormatToStr(FRenderTargets[Index].ActualDepthFormat) + '".', lkWarning);
- end;
- if not Result or not APICreateRenderTarget(Index, FRenderTargets[Index].Width, FRenderTargets[Index].Height, FRenderTargets[Index].ActualColorFormat, FRenderTargets[Index].ActualDepthFormat) then begin
- Result := False;
- RemoveRenderTarget(Index);
- end;// else Log.Log('****************: Created depth-stencil surface format "' + PixelFormatToStr(FRenderTargets[Index].ActualDepthFormat));
- end;
- procedure TRenderer.StartFrame;
- begin
- Assert(Assigned(MainCamera), 'TRenderer.StartFrame: MainCamera is undefined');
- MainCamera.SetScreenDimensions(RenderWidth, RenderHeight, True); // ToDo: Remove
- // Zero out statistics
- Assert(Assigned(FPerfProfile), Format('%S.%S: FPerfProfile should be assigned', [ClassName, 'StartFrame']));
- FPerfProfile.OnFrameStart;
- // MainCamera.ColorFormat := FCurrentZBufferDepth
- end;
- procedure TRenderer.InternalInit;
- begin
- APIState.Renderer := Self;
- Textures.Renderer := Self;
- end;
- procedure TRenderer.SetPerfProfile(APerfProfile: TPerfProfile);
- begin
- FPerfProfile := APerfProfile;
- Assert(Assigned(APIState), Format('%S.%S: APIState should be assigned for this call', [ClassName, 'SetPerfProfile']));
- APIState.FPerfProfile := APerfProfile;
- end;
- procedure TRenderer.RenderItem(Item: TVisible);
- var i: Integer; ItemShaderConstants: TShaderConstants;
- begin
- if not IsReady then Exit;
- if not Assigned(Item.CurrentTesselator) or not Assigned(Item.CurTechnique) or (Item.CurTechnique.TotalPasses = 0) then Exit;
- TesselationParams.ModelMatrix := Item.Transform;
- // Buffers switching and setting
- if not Buffers.Put(Item.CurrentTesselator) or (Item.CurrentTesselator.TotalPrimitives = 0) then Exit;
- if not APIState.VertexShaderFlag then APIPrepareFVFStates(Item);
- if APIState.VertexShaderFlag or APIState.PixelShaderFlag then begin
- Item.RetrieveShaderConstants(ItemShaderConstants);
- if Assigned(ItemShaderConstants) then
- for i := 0 to High(ItemShaderConstants) do
- APIState.SetShaderConstant(ItemShaderConstants[i]);
- end;
- if not Item.CurrentTesselator.ManualRender then
- RenderTesselator(Item.CurrentTesselator)
- else
- Item.CurrentTesselator.DoManualRender(Item);
- end;
- { TTextures }
- function TTextures.IsEmpty(const Element: TTexture): Boolean;
- begin Result := Element.Format = pfUndefined; end;// not Assigned(Element.Resource); end;
- function TTextures.NewTexture(Resource: TImageResource; Options: TTextureOptions): Integer;
- begin
- Result := tivUnresolved;
- // Check if the resource is valid
- if not Assigned(Resource) or (Resource.Format = pfUndefined) then begin
- Log.Log('TTextures.NewTexture: invalid or no resource specified', lkError);
- Exit;
- end;
- if (toProcedural in Options) then begin
- Log.Log('TTextures.NewTexture: for procedural textures NewProceduralTexture() should be used', lkError);
- Exit;
- end;
- if Assigned(Resource) then begin // Check if the resource already loaded as a texture
- Result := High(FTextures);
- while (Result >= 0) and (FTextures[Result].Resource <> Resource) do Dec(Result);
- if Result >= 0 then Exit;
- Log.Log('TRenderer.AddTexture: Loading resource "' + Resource.GetFullName + '" as a texture', lkDebug);
- {$ENDIF}
- end;
- Result := ResourceAdd_Texture(FTextures, {$IFDEF OBJFPCEnable}@{$ENDIF}IsEmpty);
- FTextures[Result].Format := Resource.Format;
- FTextures[Result].Resource := Resource;
- FTextures[Result].Options := Options;
- FTextures[Result].Texture := nil;
- if (toImmediateLoad in Options) and not Load(Result) then begin
- FTextures[Result].Resource := nil;
- FTextures[Result].Format := pfUndefined;
- end;
- end;
- function TTextures.NewProceduralTexture(AFormat: Cardinal; AWidth, AHeight, ADepth, ALevels: Integer; Options: TTextureOptions): Integer;
- begin
- Result := ResourceAdd_Texture(FTextures, {$IFDEF OBJFPCEnable}@{$ENDIF}IsEmpty);
- FTextures[Result].Resource := nil;
- FTextures[Result].Texture := nil;
- FTextures[Result].Options := Options + [toProcedural];
- FTextures[Result].Format := AFormat;
- FTextures[Result].Width := AWidth;
- FTextures[Result].Height := AHeight;
- FTextures[Result].Depth := ADepth;
- FTextures[Result].Levels := ALevels;
- if not APICreateTexture(Result) then Result := tivNull;
- end;
- procedure TTextures.Delete(Index: Integer);
- begin
- // Dec(TotalTextures);
- FTextures[Index].Resource := nil;
- FTextures[Index].Format := pfUndefined;
- // if Index < TotalTextures then FTextures[Index] := FTextures[TotalTextures]
- end;
- procedure TTextures.FreeAll;
- var i: Integer;
- begin
- for i := High(FTextures) downto 0 do if not IsEmpty(FTextures[i]) then Delete(i);
- end;
- destructor TTextures.Destroy;
- begin
- FreeAll;
- inherited;
- end;
- procedure TTextures.HandleMessage(const Msg: TMessage);
- var i: Integer;
- begin
- if (Msg.ClassType = TResourceModifyMsg) then begin
- for i := 0 to High(FTextures) do if FTextures[i].Resource = TResourceModifyMsg(Msg).Resource then Load(i);
- end else if (Msg.ClassType = TRemoveFromSceneMsg) or (Msg.ClassType = TDestroyMsg) then
- for i := High(FTextures) downto 0 do if FTextures[i].Resource = TItemNotificationMessage(Msg).Item then
- FTextures[i].Resource := nil;
- // HandleItemReplace(TItemNotificationMessage(Msg).Item, nil);
- end;
- function TTextures.Load(Index: Integer): Boolean;
- var
- { i, j, k, w, h: Integer;
- FData, CData: Pointer; DataSize, DataOfs, TextureDataOfs: Integer;
- MipmapGenFilter: TImageFilterFunction;}
- Image: TImageResource;
- Width, Height: Cardinal;
- TotalPixels: Integer;
- TargetFormat: Integer;
- Data: Pointer;
- begin
- Result := False;
- // * check dimensions
- // * check format
- Image := FTextures[Index].Resource;
- if not Assigned(Image) then begin
- Log.Log(Format('%S.%S: Resource of texture #%D is not assigned', [ClassName, 'Load', Index]));
- Exit;
- end;
- // Now check if texture with such dimensions is supported
- Width := MinI(Renderer.MaxTextureWidth, Image.Width);
- Height := MinI(Renderer.MaxTextureHeight, Image.Height);
- if Renderer.SquareTextures then begin
- Width := MaxI(Width, Height);
- Height := Width;
- end;
- // Compute total size of the texture with mipmaps
- Assert((Image.DataSize mod GetBytesPerPixel(Image.Format)) = 0);
- TotalPixels := Image.DataSize div GetBytesPerPixel(Image.Format);
- // Check if texture with such format is supported
- if not Renderer.CheckFormat(Image.Format, fuTexture, pfUndefined, TargetFormat) then begin
- if TargetFormat = pfUndefined then begin
- Log.Log(Format('%S.%S: Can''t find appropriate texture format (initial format "%S") for resource "%S"',
- [ClassName, 'LoadTexture', PixelFormatToStr(Image.Format), Image.GetFullName]), lkError);
- // if Assigned(CData) then FreeMem(CData);
- Exit;
- end else if TargetFormat <> Image.Format then begin
- Log.Log(Format('%S.%S: Unsupported image format "%S" of resource "%S". Switching to format "%S",',
- [ClassName, 'LoadTexture', PixelFormatToStr(Image.Format), Image.GetFullName, PixelFormatToStr(TargetFormat)]), lkWarning);
- end;
- end;
- if Assigned(FTextures[Index].Texture) and // Allocated API texture
- ((FTextures[Index].Width <> Width) or (FTextures[Index].Height <> Height) or
- (FTextures[Index].Levels <> Image.ActualLevels) or
- (GetBytesPerPixel(FTextures[Index].Format) <> GetBytesPerPixel(TargetFormat))) then begin
- Log.Log(Format('%S.%S: Image resource changed. Recreating API texture.',
- [ClassName, 'LoadTexture']), lkWarning);
- APIDeleteTexture(Index);
- end;
- FTextures[Index].Width := Width;
- FTextures[Index].Height := Height;
- FTextures[Index].Format := TargetFormat;
- FTextures[Index].Levels := Image.ActualLevels;
- if TargetFormat <> Image.Format then begin
- GetMem(Data, TotalPixels * GetBytesPerPixel(TargetFormat));
- ConvertImage(Image.Format, TargetFormat, TotalPixels, Image.Data, 0, nil, Data);
- Update(Index, Data, nil);
- FreeMem(Data);
- end else Update(Index, Image.Data, nil);
- Result := True;
- end;
- function TTextures.Resolve(Pass: TRenderPass; StageIndex: Integer): Boolean;
- var TextureResource: TImageResource;
- begin
- Result := False;
- if Pass.ResolveTexture(StageIndex, TextureResource) then begin
- if Pass.Stages[StageIndex].TextureIndex = tivUnresolved then
- Pass.Stages[StageIndex].TextureIndex := NewTexture(TextureResource, []);
- Result := Pass.Stages[StageIndex].TextureIndex <> tivUnresolved;
- end;
- end;
- end.