资源名称:CAST2SDK.rar [点击查看]
- {
- @Abstract(Item properties support unit)
- (C) 2004 George "Mirage" Bakhtadze. <a href=""></a> <br>
- The source code may be used under either MPL 1.1 or LGPL 2.1 license. See included license.txt file <br>
- Unit contains a generic properties support implementation
- }
- {$Include}
- unit Props;
- interface
- uses
- TextFile,
- BaseTypes, Basics;
- type TPropertyValueType = Integer;
- const
- // Properties collection grow step
- PropsCapacityStep = 32;
- // File signature
- PropertiesFileSignature: TFileSignature = 'PC00';
- // Possible value types
- // No value
- vtNone = 0;
- // Unsigned integer (natural) value
- vtNat = 1;
- // Integer value
- vtInt = 2;
- // Single-precision floating-point value
- vtSingle = 3;
- // Double-precision floating-point value
- vtDouble = 10;
- // AnsiString value
- vtString = 4;
- // Color value
- vtColor = 5;
- // Boolean value
- vtBoolean = 6;
- // Enumerated value. Enumeration used to specify possible options.
- vtEnumerated = 7;
- // A link to an object
- vtObjectLink = 8;
- // Bynary data. Enumeration used to specify data size. Memory for the data managed mostly by application (see @Link(RetrieveBinPropertyData)).
- vtBinary = 9;
- // Numerical (2xSingle) sample data. Enumeration used to specify data size. Memory for the data managed mostly by application (see @Link(RetrieveBinPropertyData)).
- vtSingleSample = 11;
- // Color gradient (Single + TColor) sample data. Enumeration used to specify data size. Memory for the data managed mostly by application (see @Link(RetrieveBinPropertyData)).
- vtGradientSample = 12;
- // Boolean value indices
- // Off, no, etc
- bvOff = 0;
- // On, yes, etc
- bvOn = 1;
- // Boolean value strings
- OnOffStr: array[False..True] of string[3] = ('Off', 'On');
- // Boolean values enumeration
- OnOffEnum = 'Off' + StringDelimiter + 'On';
- type
- // Possible property options
- TPOption = (// the property is hidden in an editor
- poHidden,
- // the property is read-only
- poReadonly,
- // the property is a derivative from other values so can not be changed directly
- poDerivative,
- // forces the set to be 32-bit
- poDecor = 31);
- // Property options set
- TPOptions = set of TPOption;
- PProperty = ^TProperty;
- { Property data structure. <br>
- <b>Name</b> - property name. Should be unique within @Link(TProperties). <br>
- <b>Value</b> - property value. <br>
- <b>Enumeration</b> - a set of string values, separated by <b>StringDelimiter</b>, determining possible values for <b>Value</b>. <br>
- <b>Description</b> - property description. <br>
- <b>ValueType</b> - property value type. <br>
- <b>Options</b> - property option set. }
- TProperty = packed record
- Name: AnsiString;
- Value, Enumeration, Description: AnsiString;
- ValueType: Integer;
- Options: TPOptions;
- end;
- // A delegate used in <b>ForEach</b> method
- TPropertyDelegate = function(const Key: TProperty; var CustomData: Integer): Boolean of object;
- // @Abstract(Main properties class)
- TProperties = class
- private
- FTempBuffers: array of Pointer;
- // Sets the value of the specified property
- procedure SetValueProc(const Name, Value: AnsiString);
- protected
- // Number of properties
- FTotalProperties: Integer;
- // Set of properties
- Properties: array of TProperty;
- // Returns the index of the specified property
- function GetIndex(const Name: AnsiString): Integer; virtual;
- // Returns the value of the specified by index property
- function GetValueByIndex(Index: Integer): AnsiString; virtual;
- // Returns the value of the specified property
- function GetValue(const Name: AnsiString): AnsiString;
- // Sets the value of the specified by index property
- procedure SetValueByIndex(Index: Integer; const Value: AnsiString);
- // Sets the value of the specified property
- function SetValue(const Name, Value: AnsiString): Integer; virtual;
- // Returns an integer representation of the value with the specified type and enumeration
- function ValueToInteger(ValueType: Integer; const Value, Enumeration: AnsiString): Int32; virtual;
- // Returns a floating-point representation of the value with the specified type and enumeration
- function ValueToFloat(const Value: AnsiString): Extended; virtual;
- // Sets the value index of the specified by index enumerated property
- procedure SetEnumeratedValueByIndex(Index, ValueIndex: Integer);
- // Returns a pointer to the property data structure by property index
- function GetPropertyByIndex(const Index: Integer): PProperty; virtual;
- public
- // This field becomes True with any change of properties or values
- Changed: Boolean;
- destructor Destroy; override;
- // Calls the <b>Action</b> delegate for each property
- procedure DoForEach(Action: TPropertyDelegate; var CustomData: Integer);
- // Adds a properties set specified by <b>Props</b> to the current set. If OverrideExisting existing values will be overridden by the new ones
- procedure Merge(const Props: TProperties; OverrideExisting: Boolean);
- // Returns True if both properties are equal
- function IsEqualProperty(const Prop1, Prop2: TProperty): Boolean;
- // Returns True if both property sets are equal
- function IsEqual(const Props: TProperties): Boolean;
- // Returns @True if a property with the specified name exists in the set
- function Exists(const Name: AnsiString): Boolean;
- // Returns @True if a property with the specified name exists and has a valid value
- function Valid(const Name: AnsiString): Boolean; virtual;
- // Returns property name by its index
- function GetNameByIndex(const Index: Integer): AnsiString; virtual;
- // Returns a pointer to property by its name or nil if it is not found
- function GetProperty(const Name: AnsiString): PProperty; virtual;
- { Moves a binary property data to a previously allocated Dest and frees memory referenced by property value.
- Returns size of the binary property in elements or zero if no property or data found. }
- function RetrieveBinPropertyData(const PropName: AnsiString; Dest: Pointer): Integer;
- // Returns size of the specified binary property in elements of the specified size
- function GetBinPropertySize(const PropName: AnsiString; ElementSize: Integer): Integer;
- // Returns an integer representation of the properties value
- function GetAsInteger(const Name: AnsiString): Integer; virtual;
- // Returns property value type
- function GetType(const Name: AnsiString): TPropertyValueType; virtual;
- // Returns property value type as string
- function GetTypeAsString(Index: Integer): AnsiString; virtual;
- // Returns property option set
- function GetOptions(const Name: AnsiString): TPOptions; virtual;
- // Adds a new property to the set and returns its index
- function Add(const AName: AnsiString; const AValueType: Integer; const AOptions: TPOptions; const AValue, AEnumeration: AnsiString; const ADescription: AnsiString = ''): Integer;
- // Adds a new enumerated property to the set and returns its index
- function AddEnumerated(const AName: AnsiString; const AOptions: TPOptions; AValue: Integer; const AEnumeration: AnsiString): Integer;
- { Adds a new binary property to the set and returns its index. AData should stay valid during the properties lifetime.
- if @Link(RetrieveBinPropertyData) function is used to retrieve the data, no part of dynamic array or other managed memory can be passed in AData }
- function AddBinary(const AName: AnsiString; const AOptions: TPOptions; AData: Pointer; DataSize: Integer): Integer;
- { Adds a variable of a set type as a set of boolean values to the current property set. <br>
- <b>VisibleMembers</b> is a set of members which should be added. If it's empty all members will be added. }
- procedure AddSetProperty(const Name: AnsiString; Value, VisibleMembers: TSet32; ValuesEnum: TAnsiStringArray; const ADescription: AnsiString); overload;
- // Sets a set of boolean properties added by @Link(AddSetProperty) with the specified set variable
- function SetSetProperty(const Name: AnsiString; var Res: TSet32; ValuesEnum: TAnsiStringArray): Boolean; overload;
- { Adds a variable of a set type as a set of boolean values to the current property set. <br>
- <b>VisibleMembers</b> is a set of members which should be added. If it's empty all members will be added. }
- procedure AddSetProperty(const Name: AnsiString; Value, VisibleMembers: TSet32; const ValuesEnum, ADescription: AnsiString); overload;
- // Sets a set of boolean properties added by @Link(AddSetProperty) with the specified set variable
- function SetSetProperty(const Name: AnsiString; var Res: TSet32; const ValuesEnum: AnsiString): Boolean; overload;
- // Returns the properties in XML format
- function GetAsXML: AnsiString; virtual;
- // Writes the properties to a stream and return @True if success
- function Write(Stream: TStream): Boolean; virtual;
- // Reads the properties from a stream and return @True if success
- function Read(Stream: TStream): Boolean; virtual;
- { Creates temporary copy of memory buffer or a new memory buffer if Src is nil and returns a pointer to the copy.
- The copy will be automatically destroyed when used by RetrieveBinPropertyData or while clearing or destroying TProperties instance.
- Should be used with binary properties to pass in AddBinary()-like methods. }
- function TempCopy(Src: Pointer; Size: Integer): Pointer;
- { Finds and frees a previously created temporary memory buffer and returns True if it was found and freed }
- function FindAndFreeTemp(Data: Pointer): Boolean;
- // Clear the current property set as well as temporal memory storage
- procedure Clear; virtual;
- property TotalProperties: Integer read FTotalProperties;
- // Property values by names
- property Values[const Name: AnsiString]: AnsiString read GetValue write SetValueProc; default;
- end;
- // Base file configuration class
- TBaseFileConfig = class(TProperties)
- private
- FileName: BaseTypes.TFileName;
- public
- constructor Create(const AFileName: BaseTypes.TFileName);
- function SaveAs(const AFilename: BaseTypes.TFileName): Boolean; virtual; abstract;
- function LoadFrom(const AFilename: BaseTypes.TFileName): Boolean; virtual; abstract;
- function Save: Boolean;
- function Load: Boolean;
- end;
- // File configuration implementation class
- TFileConfig = class(TBaseFileConfig)
- function SaveAs(const AFilename: BaseTypes.TFileName): Boolean; override;
- function LoadFrom(const AFilename: BaseTypes.TFileName): Boolean; override;
- end;
- // File configuration implementation which preserves tabs, spaces and commented lines in the configuration file
- TNiceFileConfig = class(TBaseFileConfig)
- protected
- function GetIndex(const Name: AnsiString): Integer; override;
- function GetValueByIndex(Index: Integer): AnsiString; override;
- public
- function GetNameByIndex(const Index: Integer): AnsiString; override;
- function SaveAs(const AFilename: BaseTypes.TFileName): Boolean; override;
- function LoadFrom(const AFilename: BaseTypes.TFileName): Boolean; override;
- end;
- procedure CopyProperty(const SrcProp: TProperty; var DestProp: TProperty);
- // Adds to <b>Properties</b> a <b>TColor4s</b> value as four floating-point components and one color property
- procedure AddColor4sProperty(Properties: TProperties; const Name: AnsiString; const Color: TColor4s);
- // Adds to <b>Properties</b> a <b>TColor</b> value as four floating-point components and one color property
- procedure AddColorProperty(Properties: TProperties; const Name: AnsiString; const Color: TColor);
- { Sets a color property in <b>Properties</b> with the given in <b>Res</b> value. <br>
- Returns the resulting value in <b>Res</b> and @True if new <b>Res</b> value differs from the initial one }
- function SetColor4sProperty(Properties: TProperties; const Name: AnsiString; var Res: TColor4s): Boolean;
- { Sets a color property in <b>Properties</b> with the given in <b>Res</b> value. <br>
- Returns the resulting value in <b>Res</b> and @True if new <b>Res</b> value differs from the initial one }
- function SetColorProperty(Properties: TProperties; const Name: AnsiString; var Res: TColor): Boolean;
- implementation
- uses SysUtils;
- procedure CopyProperty(const SrcProp: TProperty; var DestProp: TProperty);
- begin
- with DestProp do begin
- Name := SrcProp.Name;
- Value := SrcProp.Value;
- Enumeration := SrcProp.Enumeration;
- Description := SrcProp.Description;
- ValueType := SrcProp.ValueType;
- Options := SrcProp.Options;
- end;
- end;
- procedure AddColor4sProperty(Properties: TProperties; const Name: AnsiString; const Color: TColor4s);
- begin
- Properties.Add(Name, vtColor, [], '#' + IntToHexA(GetColorFrom4S(Color).C, 8), '');
- Properties.Add(Name + 'Red', vtSingle, [], FormatA('%1.3F', [Color.R]), '0-1');
- Properties.Add(Name + 'Green', vtSingle, [], FormatA('%1.3F', [Color.G]), '0-1');
- Properties.Add(Name + 'Blue', vtSingle, [], FormatA('%1.3F', [Color.B]), '0-1');
- Properties.Add(Name + 'Alpha', vtSingle, [], FormatA('%1.3F', [Color.A]), '0-1');
- end;
- procedure AddColorProperty(Properties: TProperties; const Name: AnsiString; const Color: TColor);
- begin
- AddColor4sProperty(Properties, Name, ColorTo4S(Color));
- end;
- function SetColor4sProperty(Properties: TProperties; const Name: AnsiString; var Res: TColor4s): Boolean;
- var NewVec: TColor4s;
- begin
- NewVec := Res;
- if Properties.Valid(Name) then NewVec := ColorTo4S(Nat32(Properties.GetAsInteger(Name)));
- if Properties.Valid(Name + 'Red') then NewVec.R := StrToFloatDefA(Properties[Name + 'Red'], 0.5);
- if Properties.Valid(Name + 'Green') then NewVec.G := StrToFloatDefA(Properties[Name + 'Green'], 0.5);
- if Properties.Valid(Name + 'Blue') then NewVec.B := StrToFloatDefA(Properties[Name + 'Blue'], 0.5);
- if Properties.Valid(Name + 'Alpha') then NewVec.A := StrToFloatDefA(Properties[Name + 'Alpha'], 0.5);
- Result := isNan(Res.R) or isNan(Res.G) or isNan(Res.B) or isNan(Res.A) or
- (NewVec.R <> Res.R) or (NewVec.G <> Res.G) or (NewVec.B <> Res.B) or (NewVec.A <> Res.A);
- if Result then Res := NewVec;
- end;
- function SetColorProperty(Properties: TProperties; const Name: AnsiString; var Res: TColor): Boolean;
- var V: TColor4s;
- begin
- V := ColorTo4S(Res);
- Result := SetColor4sProperty(Properties, Name, V);
- if Result then Res := GetColorFrom4s(V);
- end;
- function PropertyOptionsToString(const Options: TPOptions): AnsiString;
- begin
- Result := '';
- if poHidden in Options then Result := 'Hidden';
- if poReadonly in Options then begin
- if Result <> '' then Result := Result + ', ';
- Result := Result + 'Readonly';
- end;
- end;
- { TProperties }
- procedure TProperties.DoForEach(Action: TPropertyDelegate; var CustomData: Integer);
- var i: Integer;
- begin
- if @Action <> nil then for i := 0 to FTotalProperties-1 do if not Action(Properties[i], CustomData) then Exit;
- end;
- procedure TProperties.Merge(const Props: TProperties; OverrideExisting: Boolean);
- var i: Integer;
- begin
- if Assigned(Props) then
- for i := 0 to Props.FTotalProperties-1 do
- if OverrideExisting or not Exists(Props.Properties[i].Name) then
- Properties[Add(Props.Properties[i].Name, Props.Properties[i].ValueType, Props.Properties[i].Options, Props.Properties[i].Value, Props.Properties[i].Enumeration)].Description := Props.Properties[i].Description;
- end;
- function TProperties.IsEqualProperty(const Prop1, Prop2: TProperty): Boolean;
- begin
- Result := (Prop1.ValueType = Prop2.ValueType) and (Prop1.Options = Prop2.Options) and
- (Prop1.Name = Prop2.Name) and (Prop1.Value = Prop2.Value) and
- (Prop1.Enumeration = Prop2.Enumeration) and (Prop1.Description = Prop2.Description);
- end;
- function TProperties.IsEqual(const Props: TProperties): Boolean;
- var i: Integer;
- begin
- Result := False;
- if TotalProperties <> Props.TotalProperties then Exit;
- i := TotalProperties;
- while (i >= 0) and Props.Exists(Properties[i].Name) and IsEqualProperty(Properties[i], Props.GetProperty(Properties[i].Name)^) do Dec(i);
- Result := i < 0;
- end;
- function TProperties.Exists(const Name: AnsiString): Boolean;
- // Returns TRUE if property with this name exists, FALSE otherwise
- begin
- Result := GetIndex(Name) > -1;
- end;
- function TProperties.Valid(const Name: AnsiString): Boolean;
- var Index, i: Integer; Enums: TAnsiStringArray; TotalEnums: Integer; Val64: Int64;
- begin
- Result := False;
- Index := GetIndex(Name);
- if Index = -1 then Exit; // Return invalid if not exists
- case Properties[Index].ValueType of
- vtNat: begin
- Val64 := StrToInt64Def(GetValueByIndex(Index), -1);
- Result := (Val64 >= 0) and (Val64 <= MaxNat32);
- end;
- vtInt: Result := IsDecimalInteger(GetValueByIndex(Index));
- vtSingle,
- vtDouble: Result := IsFloat(GetValueByIndex(Index));
- vtString,
- vtObjectLink,
- vtBinary: Result := True;
- vtSingleSample, vtGradientSample: Result := True;//(StrToIntDef(Properties[Index].Enumeration, -1) mod (SizeOf(Single)*2)) = 0;
- vtColor: Result := IsColor(GetValueByIndex(Index));
- vtBoolean,
- vtEnumerated: begin
- TotalEnums := SplitA(Properties[Index].Enumeration, StringDelimiter, Enums, True);
- Result := False;
- for i := 0 to TotalEnums-1 do if Enums[i] = GetValueByIndex(Index) then begin
- Result := True; Break;
- end;
- Enums := nil;
- end;
- else Result := False;
- end;
- end;
- function TProperties.GetProperty(const Name: AnsiString): PProperty;
- var Index: Integer;
- begin
- Index := GetIndex(Name);
- if Index > -1 then Result := @Properties[Index] else Result := nil;
- end;
- function TProperties.RetrieveBinPropertyData(const PropName: AnsiString; Dest: Pointer): Integer;
- var Temp: Pointer; Prop: PProperty;
- begin
- Prop := GetProperty(PropName);
- Result := StrToIntDef(Prop^.Enumeration, 0);
- Temp := Pointer(StrToIntDef(Prop^.Value, 0));
- if not Assigned(Temp) or (Result = 0) then Exit;
- if Assigned(Dest) then Move(Temp^, Dest^, Result);
- FindAndFreeTemp(Temp); // Free temporary property data
- end;
- function TProperties.GetBinPropertySize(const PropName: AnsiString; ElementSize: Integer): Integer;
- var Prop: PProperty;
- begin
- Assert(ElementSize > 0);
- Prop := GetProperty(PropName);
- if Assigned(Prop) then
- Result := StrToIntDef(Prop^.Enumeration, 0)
- else
- Result := 0;
- if Result mod ElementSize = 0 then
- Result := Result div ElementSize
- else
- Result := 0;
- end;
- function TProperties.GetNameByIndex(const Index: Integer): AnsiString;
- begin
- if (Index >= 0) and (Index < FTotalProperties) then
- Result := Properties[Index].Name else
- Result := '';
- end;
- function TProperties.GetPropertyByIndex(const Index: Integer): PProperty;
- begin
- if (Index >= 0) and (Index < FTotalProperties) then begin
- Result := @Properties[Index];
- end else Result := nil;
- end;
- function TProperties.GetValue(const Name: AnsiString): AnsiString;
- // Returns value of property with given name
- var i: Integer;
- begin
- i := GetIndex(Name);
- if i > -1 then Result := GetValueByIndex(i) else Result := '';
- end;
- function TProperties.GetAsInteger(const Name: AnsiString): Integer;
- var Index: Integer;
- begin
- Result := 0;
- Index := GetIndex(Name);
- if Index = -1 then Exit;
- Result := ValueToInteger(Properties[Index].ValueType, GetValueByIndex(Index), Properties[Index].Enumeration);
- end;
- function TProperties.GetType(const Name: AnsiString): TPropertyValueType;
- // Returns type of property with the given name
- var i: Integer;
- begin
- i := GetIndex(Name);
- if i > -1 then Result := Properties[i].ValueType else Result := 0;
- end;
- function TProperties.GetTypeAsString(Index: Integer): AnsiString;
- begin
- case Properties[Index].ValueType of
- vtNat: Result := 'Unsigned';
- vtInt: Result := 'Integer';
- vtSingle: Result := 'Real';
- vtDouble: Result := 'Double';
- vtString: Result := 'String';
- vtObjectLink: Result := 'Object link';
- vtBinary: Result := 'Binary data';
- vtSingleSample: Result := 'Sampled data';
- vtGradientSample: Result := 'Sampled gradient';
- vtColor: Result := 'Color';
- vtBoolean: Result := 'Boolean';
- vtEnumerated: Result := 'Enumerated';
- else Result := 'Unknown';
- end;
- end;
- function TProperties.GetOptions(const Name: AnsiString): TPOptions;
- // Returns options of property with given name
- var i: Integer;
- begin
- i := GetIndex(Name);
- if i > -1 then Result := Properties[i].Options else Result := [];
- end;
- function TProperties.Add(const AName: AnsiString; const AValueType: Integer; const AOptions: TPOptions; const AValue, AEnumeration: AnsiString; const ADescription: AnsiString = ''): Integer;
- // Adds a new property into list
- // Returns index of the new property
- begin
- Result := GetIndex(AName);
- // if = nil then SetLength(Properties, 1000000);
- if Result = -1 then begin
- Inc(FTotalProperties); //SetLength(Properties, FTotalProperties);
- Result := FTotalProperties-1;
- if Length(Properties) < FTotalProperties then SetLength(Properties, Length(Properties) + PropsCapacityStep);
- end;
- Properties[Result].Name := AName;
- Properties[Result].ValueType := AValueType;
- Properties[Result].Options := AOptions;
- Properties[Result].Enumeration := AEnumeration;
- Properties[Result].Description := ADescription;
- SetValueByIndex(Result, AValue);
- if AValueType = vtBoolean then Properties[Result].Enumeration := OnOffEnum; // Handle Boolean value type as enumerated type
- Changed := True;
- end;
- function TProperties.AddEnumerated(const AName: AnsiString; const AOptions: TPOptions; AValue: Integer; const AEnumeration: AnsiString): Integer;
- begin
- Result := Add(AName, vtEnumerated, AOptions, '', AEnumeration);
- // Set enumerated value to one from list using given value as index
- SetEnumeratedValueByIndex(Result, AValue);
- end;
- function TProperties.AddBinary(const AName: AnsiString; const AOptions: TPOptions; AData: Pointer; DataSize: Integer): Integer;
- begin
- Result := Add(AName, vtBinary, AOptions, IntToStrA(Cardinal(AData)), IntToStrA(DataSize));
- end;
- procedure TProperties.AddSetProperty(const Name: AnsiString; Value, VisibleMembers: TSet32; ValuesEnum: TAnsiStringArray; const ADescription: AnsiString);
- var i: Integer; s: AnsiString; EmptySet: Boolean;
- begin
- s := '[';
- EmptySet := True;
- for i := 0 to High(ValuesEnum) do
- if (VisibleMembers = []) or (i in VisibleMembers) then begin
- Add(Name + '' + ValuesEnum[i], vtBoolean, [], OnOffStr[i in Value], '');
- if i in Value then begin
- if not EmptySet then s := s + ', ';
- s := s + ValuesEnum[i];
- EmptySet := False;
- end;
- end;
- s := s + ']';
- Add(Name, vtString, [poReadonly], s, ADescription);
- end;
- function TProperties.SetSetProperty(const Name: AnsiString; var Res: TSet32; ValuesEnum: TAnsiStringArray): Boolean;
- var i: Integer; NewSet: TSet32;
- begin
- NewSet := Res;
- for i := 0 to High(ValuesEnum) do
- if Valid(Name + '' + ValuesEnum[i]) then
- if GetAsInteger(Name + '' + ValuesEnum[i]) > 0 then
- Include(NewSet, i) else
- Exclude(NewSet, i);
- Result := NewSet <> Res;
- if Result then Res := NewSet;
- end;
- procedure TProperties.AddSetProperty(const Name: AnsiString; Value, VisibleMembers: TSet32; const ValuesEnum, ADescription: AnsiString);
- var Enum: TAnsiStringArray;
- begin
- Basics.SplitA(ValuesEnum, StringDelimiter, Enum, True);
- AddSetProperty(Name, Value, VisibleMembers, Enum, ADescription);
- Enum := nil;
- end;
- function TProperties.SetSetProperty(const Name: AnsiString; var Res: TSet32; const ValuesEnum: AnsiString): Boolean;
- var Enum: TAnsiStringArray;
- begin
- Basics.SplitA(ValuesEnum, StringDelimiter, Enum, True);
- Result := SetSetProperty(Name, Res, Enum);
- Enum := nil;
- end;
- function TProperties.GetIndex(const Name: AnsiString): Integer;
- // Returns index of named property
- begin
- for Result := 0 to FTotalProperties - 1 do if Name = Properties[Result].Name then Exit;
- Result := -1;
- end;
- function TProperties.GetValueByIndex(Index: Integer): AnsiString;
- begin
- Assert((Index >= 0) and (Index < FTotalProperties), ClassName + '.GetValueByIndex: Invalid property index: ' + IntToStr(Index));
- Result := Properties[Index].Value;
- end;
- procedure TProperties.SetValueByIndex(Index: Integer; const Value: AnsiString);
- begin
- if Index > -1 then begin
- Properties[Index].Value := Value;
- Changed := True;
- end;
- end;
- function TProperties.SetValue(const Name, Value: AnsiString): Integer;
- // Puts property with given name in OProperty
- // Returns: 0 if OK; -1 if no property found
- begin
- Result := GetIndex(Name);
- SetValueByIndex(Result, Value);
- end;
- function TProperties.ValueToInteger(ValueType: Integer; const Value, Enumeration: AnsiString): Int32;
- var Enums: TAnsiStringArray; TotalEnums: Int32; Val64: Int64;
- begin
- case ValueType of
- vtNat, vtBinary, vtSingleSample, vtGradientSample: begin
- Val64 := StrToInt64Def(Value, 0);
- {$IFDEF LOGGING} if (Val64 < 0) or (Val64 > MaxNat32) then Log.Log(ClassName + '.ValueToInteger: Unsigned integer property out of range: ' + Value, lkWarning); {$ENDIF}
- Result := Int32(Nat32(Val64 and $FFFFFFFF));
- end;
- vtInt: begin
- Val64 := StrToInt64Def(Value, 0);
- {$IFDEF LOGGING} if (Val64 < MinInt32) or (Val64 > MaxInt32) then Log.Log(ClassName + '.ValueToInteger: Integer property out of range: ' + Value, lkWarning); {$ENDIF}
- Result := Int32(Nat32(Val64 and $FFFFFFFF));
- end;
- vtSingle,
- vtDouble: Result := Trunc(0.5 + StrToFloatDef(Value, 0));
- vtString: Result := StrToIntDef(Value, 0);
- vtObjectLink: Result := Ord(Value <> '');
- vtColor: Result := Integer(Nat32(ColorStrToIntDef(Value, $80808080)));
- vtBoolean: Result := Ord(Value = OnOffStr[True]);
- vtEnumerated: begin
- TotalEnums := SplitA(Enumeration, StringDelimiter, Enums, True);
- Result := TotalEnums-1;
- while (Result >= 0) and (Enums[Result] <> Value) do Dec(Result);
- Enums := nil;
- end;
- else begin
- Result := 0;
- Assert(False, 'Invalid property type');
- end;
- end;
- end;
- function TProperties.ValueToFloat(const Value: AnsiString): Extended;
- begin
- Result := StrToFloatDef(Value, 0);
- end;
- procedure TProperties.SetEnumeratedValueByIndex(Index, ValueIndex: Integer);
- var Enums: TAnsiStringArray; TotalEnums: Integer;
- begin
- Properties[Index].Value := '-1'; // "-1" is value for invalid enumerations or in case of invalid index
- if Properties[Index].Enumeration <> '' then begin
- TotalEnums := SplitA(Properties[Index].Enumeration, StringDelimiter, Enums, True);
- if ValueIndex < TotalEnums then Properties[Index].Value := Enums[ValueIndex];
- Enums := nil;
- end;
- end;
- function TProperties.GetAsXML: AnsiString;
- // Returns string which represents properties in following format:
- // <Properties>
- // [<Group Name = "-Name-">]
- // <Property Name = "-Name-" Type = "-ValueType-" Options = "-Options-">-Value-</Property>
- // [</Group>]
- // </Properties>
- const IndentStr: array[0..1] of AnsiChar = ''; ReturnStr: array[0..1] of AnsiChar = #13#10;
- var i: Integer; Indent: AnsiString;
- begin
- Result := '<Properties>' + ReturnStr;
- Indent := IndentStr;
- for i := 0 to FTotalProperties - 1 do begin
- { if Properties[i].ValueType = vtGroupBegin then begin
- Result := Result + Indent + '<Group Name = "' + Properties[i].Name + '">' + ReturnStr;
- Indent := Indent + IndentStr;
- end else if Properties[i].ValueType = vtGroupEnd then begin
- Result := Result + Indent + '</Group>' + ReturnStr;
- Indent := Copy(Indent, 1, Length(Indent)-Length(IndentStr));
- end else}
- Result := Result + Indent + '<Property Name = "' + Properties[i].Name + '"' +
- ' Type = "' + GetTypeAsString(Properties[i].ValueType) + '"' +
- ' Options = "' + PropertyOptionsToString(Properties[i].Options) + '"' +
- '>' + GetValueByIndex(i) + '</Property>' + ReturnStr;
- end;
- Result := Result + '</Properties>';
- end;
- procedure TProperties.SetValueProc(const Name, Value: AnsiString);
- begin
- SetValue(Name, Value);
- end;
- function TProperties.Write(Stream: TStream): Boolean;
- var
- i, DataSize, TotalProps: Integer;
- IData: Int32;
- Data: Pointer; SData: Single; DData: Double;
- begin
- TotalProps := 0;
- for i := 0 to FTotalProperties-1 do if not (poDerivative in Properties[i].Options) then Inc(TotalProps);
- Result := Stream.WriteCheck(PropertiesFileSignature, SizeOf(PropertiesFileSignature)) and
- Stream.WriteCheck(TotalProps, SizeOf(TotalProps));
- // Save properties
- for i := 0 to FTotalProperties-1 do if not (poDerivative in Properties[i].Options) then begin
- Result := Result and
- Stream.WriteCheck(Properties[i].ValueType, SizeOf(Properties[i].ValueType)) and
- Stream.WriteCheck(Properties[i].Options, SizeOf(Properties[i].Options)) and
- SaveString(Stream, Properties[i].Name);
- case Properties[i].ValueType of
- vtNat, vtInt, vtColor, vtBoolean, vtEnumerated: begin
- IData := ValueToInteger(Properties[i].ValueType, Properties[i].Value, Properties[i].Enumeration);
- Result := Result and Stream.WriteCheck(IData, SizeOf(IData));
- end;
- vtSingle: begin
- SData := ValueToFloat(Properties[i].Value);
- Result := Result and Stream.WriteCheck(SData, SizeOf(SData));
- end;
- vtDouble: begin
- DData := ValueToFloat(Properties[i].Value);
- Result := Result and Stream.WriteCheck(DData, SizeOf(DData));
- end;
- vtString, vtObjectLink: Result := Result and SaveString(Stream, Properties[i].Value);
- vtBinary, vtSingleSample, vtGradientSample: begin
- Data := Pointer(StrToInt(Properties[i].Value));
- DataSize := StrToInt(Properties[i].Enumeration);
- Result := Result and
- Stream.WriteCheck(DataSize, SizeOf(DataSize)) and
- Stream.WriteCheck(Data^, DataSize);
- end;
- else Assert(False, 'Invalid property type');
- end;
- Result := Result and
- SaveString(Stream, Properties[i].Enumeration) and
- SaveString(Stream, Properties[i].Description);
- end;
- end;
- function TProperties.Read(Stream: TStream): Boolean;
- var
- Sign: TFileSignature; i, DataSize: Integer;
- IData: Integer; Data: Pointer; SData: Single; DData: Double;
- begin
- Result := False;
- if not Stream.ReadCheck(Sign, SizeOf(PropertiesFileSignature)) then Exit;
- if Sign <> PropertiesFileSignature then
- if not ErrorHandler(TInvalidFormat.Create('Invalid property signature')) then Exit;
- // Load properties
- Clear;
- if not Stream.ReadCheck(FTotalProperties, SizeOf(FTotalProperties)) then Exit;
- SetLength(Properties, FTotalProperties);
- for i := 0 to FTotalProperties-1 do begin
- if not ( Stream.ReadCheck(Properties[i].ValueType, SizeOf(Properties[i].ValueType)) and
- Stream.ReadCheck(Properties[i].Options, SizeOf(Properties[i].Options)) and
- LoadString(Stream, Properties[i].Name) ) then Exit;
- if Properties[i].ValueType = vtBinary then begin
- if not Stream.ReadCheck(DataSize, SizeOf(DataSize)) then Exit;
- GetMem(Data, DataSize); ??
- if not Stream.ReadCheck(Data^, DataSize) then Exit;
- Properties[i].Value := IntToStr(Cardinal(Data));
- Properties[i].Enumeration := IntToStr(DataSize);
- end else if not LoadString(Stream, Properties[i].Value) then Exit;
- {$ELSE}
- case Properties[i].ValueType of
- vtNat, vtInt, vtColor, vtBoolean, vtEnumerated: begin
- if not Stream.ReadCheck(IData, SizeOf(IData)) then Exit;
- case Properties[i].ValueType of
- vtNat: Properties[i].Value := IntToStrA(Cardinal(IData));
- vtInt: Properties[i].Value := IntToStrA(IData);
- vtColor: Properties[i].Value := '#' + IntToHexA(Nat32(IData), 8);
- vtBoolean: Properties[i].Value := OnOffStr[IData <> 0];
- end;
- end;
- vtSingle: begin
- if not Stream.ReadCheck(SData, SizeOf(SData)) then Exit;
- Properties[i].Value := FloatToStrA(SData);
- end;
- vtDouble: begin
- if not Stream.ReadCheck(DData, SizeOf(DData)) then Exit;
- Properties[i].Value := FloatToStrA(DData);
- end;
- vtString, vtObjectLink: if not LoadString(Stream, Properties[i].Value) then Exit;
- vtBinary, vtSingleSample, vtGradientSample: begin
- if not Stream.ReadCheck(DataSize, SizeOf(DataSize)) then Exit;
- if DataSize > 0 then begin
- // Data := TempCopy(nil, DataSize); // Application should free this memory by itself or use @Link(RetrieveBinPropertyData)
- GetMem(Data, DataSize);
- if not Stream.ReadCheck(Data^, DataSize) then Exit;
- end else
- Data := nil;
- Properties[i].Value := IntToStrA(Cardinal(Data));
- Properties[i].Enumeration := IntToStrA(DataSize);
- end;
- else Assert(False, 'Invalid property type');
- end;
- {$ENDIF}
- if not ( LoadString(Stream, Properties[i].Enumeration) and
- LoadString(Stream, Properties[i].Description) ) then Exit;
- if Properties[i].ValueType = vtEnumerated then SetEnumeratedValueByIndex(i, IData);
- {$ENDIF}
- end;
- Result := True;
- end;
- (*function TProperties.Read(Stream: TStream): Boolean;
- var Sign: TFileSignature; i, DataSize: Integer; Data: Pointer;
- begin
- Result := False;
- if not Stream.ReadCheck(Sign, SizeOf(PropertiesFileSignature)) then Exit;
- if Sign <> PropertiesFileSignature then raise EInvalidFormat.Create('Invalid property signature');
- // Load properties
- Clear;
- if not Stream.ReadCheck(FTotalProperties, SizeOf(FTotalProperties)) then Exit;
- SetLength(Properties, FTotalProperties);
- for i := 0 to FTotalProperties-1 do begin
- if not ( Stream.ReadCheck(Properties[i].ValueType, SizeOf(Properties[i].ValueType)) and
- Stream.ReadCheck(Properties[i].Options, SizeOf(Properties[i].Options)) and
- LoadString(Stream, Properties[i].Name) ) then Exit;
- if Properties[i].ValueType = vtBinary then begin
- if not Stream.ReadCheck(DataSize, SizeOf(DataSize)) then Exit;
- GetMem(Data, DataSize);
- if not Stream.ReadCheck(Data^, DataSize) then Exit;
- Properties[i].Value := IntToStr(Cardinal(Data));
- Properties[i].Enumeration := IntToStr(DataSize);
- end else if not LoadString(Stream, Properties[i].Value) then Exit;
- if not ( LoadString(Stream, Properties[i].Enumeration) and
- LoadString(Stream, Properties[i].Description) ) then Exit;
- end;
- Result := True;
- end;*)
- function TProperties.TempCopy(Src: Pointer; Size: Integer): Pointer;
- var i: Integer;
- begin
- i := 0;
- while (i < Length(FTempBuffers)) and Assigned(FTempBuffers[i]) do Inc(i);
- if i >= Length(FTempBuffers) then SetLength(FTempBuffers, i+1);
- GetMem(FTempBuffers[i], Size);
- if Src <> nil then Move(Src^, FTempBuffers[i]^, Size);
- Result := FTempBuffers[i];
- end;
- function TProperties.FindAndFreeTemp(Data: Pointer): Boolean;
- var i: Integer;
- begin
- i := High(FTempBuffers);
- while (i >= 0) and (FTempBuffers[i] <> Data) do Dec(i);
- if i >= 0 then begin
- FreeMem(FTempBuffers[i]);
- FTempBuffers[i] := nil;
- end;
- Result := i >= 0;
- end;
- procedure TProperties.Clear;
- var i: Integer;
- begin
- for i := 0 to FTotalProperties-1 do begin
- Properties[i].Name := '';
- Properties[i].Value := '';
- Properties[i].Enumeration := '';
- Properties[i].Description := '';
- end;
- SetLength(Properties, 0); FTotalProperties := 0;
- for i := 0 to High(FTempBuffers) do if Assigned(FTempBuffers[i]) then FreeMem(FTempBuffers[i]);
- Changed := True;
- end;
- destructor TProperties.Destroy;
- begin
- Clear;
- inherited;
- end;
- { TBaseFileConfig }
- function TBaseFileConfig.Save: Boolean;
- begin
- Result := SaveAs(FileName);
- end;
- function TBaseFileConfig.Load: Boolean;
- begin
- Result := LoadFrom(FileName);
- end;
- constructor TBaseFileConfig.Create(const AFileName: BaseTypes.TFileName);
- begin
- FileName := AFileName;
- Load;
- end;
- { TFileConfig }
- function TFileConfig.SaveAs(const AFilename: BaseTypes.TFileName): Boolean;
- var cf: Text; i: Integer;
- begin
- Result := True;
- {$I-}
- Assign(cf, AFileName); Rewrite(cf);
- if IOResult <> 0 then begin
- {$IFDEF LOGGING} Log.Log(ClassName + '.SaveAs: Error opening file "' + FileName + '"', lkError); {$ENDIF}
- Result := False;
- Exit;
- end;
- for i := 0 to FTotalProperties-1 do begin
- Writeln(cf, Properties[i].Name + '=' + Properties[i].Value);
- if IOResult <> 0 then begin
- {$IFDEF LOGGING} Log.Log(ClassName + '.SaveAs: Error writing to file "' + FileName + '"', lkError); {$ENDIF}
- Result := False;
- Break;
- end;
- end;
- Close(cf);
- end;
- function TFileConfig.LoadFrom(const AFilename: BaseTypes.TFileName): Boolean;
- var cf: Text; s: AnsiString; SplitPos: Integer;
- begin
- Result := True;
- {$I-}
- Assign(cf, AFileName); Reset(cf);
- if IOResult <> 0 then begin
- {$IFDEF LOGGING} Log.Log(ClassName + '.LoadFrom: Error opening file "' + FileName + '"', lkError); {$ENDIF}
- Result := False;
- Exit;
- end;
- Clear;
- while not EOF(cf) do begin
- Readln(cf, s);
- if IOResult <> 0 then begin
- {$IFDEF LOGGING} Log.Log(ClassName + '.LoadFrom: Error reading from file "' + FileName + '"', lkError); {$ENDIF}
- Result := False;
- Break;
- end;
- s := TrimSpacesA(s);
- SplitPos := Pos('=', s);
- Add(TrimSpacesA(Copy(s, 1, SplitPos-1)), vtString, [], TrimSpacesA(Copy(s, SplitPos+1, Length(s))), '', '');
- end;
- Close(cf);
- Changed := True;
- end;
- { TNiceFileConfig }
- const CommentChar = '##'; LineNumberSeparator = #9;
- function TNiceFileConfig.GetIndex(const Name: AnsiString): Integer;
- var i: Integer; s: AnsiString;
- begin
- Result := -1;
- for i := 0 to FTotalProperties - 1 do begin
- s := TrimSpacesA(Copy(Properties[i].Name, Pos(LineNumberSeparator, Properties[i].Name) + 1, Length(Properties[i].Name)));
- if Name = s then begin
- Result := i; Exit;
- end;
- end;
- end;
- function TNiceFileConfig.GetNameByIndex(const Index: Integer): AnsiString;
- begin
- Result := TrimSpacesA(Copy(inherited GetNameByIndex(Index), Pos(LineNumberSeparator, inherited GetNameByIndex(Index)) + 1, Length(inherited GetNameByIndex(Index))));
- end;
- function TNiceFileConfig.GetValueByIndex(Index: Integer): AnsiString;
- begin
- Result := TrimSpacesA(inherited GetValueByIndex(Index));
- end;
- function TNiceFileConfig.SaveAs(const AFilename: BaseTypes.TFileName): Boolean;
- var cf: Text; i, LineSepPos: Integer; s: AnsiString;
- begin
- Result := True;
- {$I-}
- Assign(cf, AFileName); Rewrite(cf);
- if IOResult <> 0 then begin
- {$IFDEF LOGGING} Log.Log(ClassName + '.SaveAs: Error opening file "' + FileName + '"', lkError); {$ENDIF}
- Result := False;
- Exit;
- end;
- for i := 0 to FTotalProperties-1 do begin
- s := Properties[i].Name;
- LineSepPos := Pos(LineNumberSeparator, s);
- s := Copy(s, LineSepPos+1, Length(s));
- if s <> '' then s := s + '=';
- s := s + Properties[i].Value;
- if Properties[i].Description <> '' then s := s + Properties[i].Description;
- Writeln(cf, s);
- if IOResult <> 0 then begin
- {$IFDEF LOGGING} Log.Log(ClassName + '.SaveAs: Error writing to file "' + FileName + '"', lkError); {$ENDIF}
- Result := False;
- Break;
- end;
- end;
- Close(cf);
- end;
- function TNiceFileConfig.LoadFrom(const AFilename: BaseTypes.TFileName): Boolean;
- var cf: Text; s, Value: AnsiString; SplitPos, CommentPos, ValueType, Line: Integer;
- begin
- Result := True;
- {$I-}
- Assign(cf, AFileName); Reset(cf);
- if IOResult <> 0 then begin
- {$IFDEF LOGGING} Log.Log(ClassName + '.LoadFrom: Error opening file "' + FileName + '"', lkError); {$ENDIF}
- Result := False;
- Exit;
- end;
- Clear;
- Line := 1;
- while not EOF(cf) do begin
- Readln(cf, s);
- if IOResult <> 0 then begin
- {$IFDEF LOGGING} Log.Log(ClassName + '.LoadFrom: Error reading from file "' + FileName + '"', lkError); {$ENDIF}
- Result := False;
- Break;
- end;
- CommentPos := Pos(CommentChar, s);
- if CommentPos = 0 then CommentPos := Length(s)+1;
- SplitPos := Pos('=', s);
- Value := Copy(s, SplitPos+1, CommentPos - SplitPos - 1);
- if isColor(Value) then ValueType := vtColor else
- if (TrimSpaces(Value) = OnOffStr[False]) or (TrimSpaces(Value) = OnOffStr[True]) then
- ValueType := vtBoolean else
- ValueType := vtString;
- Add(IntToStrA(Line) + LineNumberSeparator + Copy(s, 1, SplitPos-1), ValueType, [], Value, '', Copy(s, CommentPos + Length(CommentChar)-1, Length(s)));
- Inc(Line);
- end;
- Close(cf);
- Changed := True;
- end;
- end.