资源名称:CAST2SDK.rar [点击查看]
- (*
- Oberon compiler unit
- (C) 2004-2007 George "Mirage" Bakhtadze. <a href="http://www.casteng.com">www.casteng.com</a> <br>
- The source code may be used under either MPL 1.1 or LGPL 2.1 license. See included license.txt file <br>
- The unit contains compiler main class
- *)
- unit OComp;
- interface
- uses SysUtils,
- {$IFDEF DEBUG} Classes, {$ENDIF}
- OTypes, OScan, ORun, Dialogs;
- const
- ConstMask = 0 shl 24; VarMask = 1 shl 24; ProcMask = 2 shl 24;
- ArrayMask = 4 shl 24; COArrayMask = 8 shl 24; ResWordMask = 16 shl 24;
- AllMask = 127 shl 24;
- type
- TCompiledModule = record
- end;
- TTokenSet = set of TToken;
- TCompiler = class
- Scaner: TScaner;
- Error: Boolean;
- CError: TCompilationError;
- CurNamespace, Namespace: PNamespace; // Current and global namespaces
- LastExpConstant: Boolean;
- LoopCount: Integer;
- // Run-time data
- Data: TRTData;
- ExternalVars: array of record
- VarAddress: Pointer;
- VarName, VarType: string;
- end;
- constructor Create(AScaner: TScaner);
- destructor Destroy; override;
- procedure Reset;
- function Compile: Integer;
- function ImportExternalVar(AName, AType: string; Address: Pointer): Boolean;
- function GetExternalVarIndex(AName: string): Integer;
- function AddType(AName: TName): PType;
- procedure ClearType(AType: PType); virtual;
- function NewNamespace(AName: TName): PNamespace;
- procedure AddNamespace(AName: TName); virtual;
- procedure ClearNamespace(NS: PNamespace); virtual;
- function AllocateData(const DataSize, Value: Integer): Integer;
- function AllocateStack(const DataSize: Integer): Integer;
- function AddIdent(AKind: Int32; AName: TName; AType, AValue: Integer): Integer; overload;
- function AddIdentS(AKind: Int32; AName: TName; AType: Integer; AValue: Single): Integer; overload;
- function CheckIdent(AName: TName; NS: PNamespace; SearchToRoot: Boolean; var IdentKind: Integer): Int32;
- function SpecifyArray(TypeID: Integer; var Offset: Integer; var RuntimeOffs: Boolean): Integer;
- function SpecifyRecord(TypeID: Integer; var Offset: Integer; var RuntimeOffs: Boolean): Integer;
- function SpecifyVariable(AName: TName; TypeID: Integer; var Offset: Integer; var RuntimeOffs: Boolean): Integer;
- function CompileBlock(ReturnType: Integer): Integer;
- function ComputeExpression(StartPIN: Integer): Integer;
- function SetNValue(PINIndex: Integer; Buffer: string; SetType: Boolean): Integer;
- function SetSValue(PINIndex: Integer; Buffer: string): Integer;
- function isNumeric(AType: Integer): Boolean;
- function isInteger(AType: Integer): Boolean;
- function isReal(AType: Integer): Boolean;
- private
- LocalVM: TOberonVM;
- TotalNamesSpaces: Integer;
- procedure AddOperation(LastOp, OldType: Integer; var Res: Integer);
- function ControlTypes(var Operation: Integer; Type1, Type2: Integer): Integer;
- procedure SynError(ASource: string; AErrorNum: Integer; AErrorData: Integer);
- function CheckEnd(Buf: string): Integer;
- function CheckOperator(Buf: string): Integer;
- function GetOp1: Integer;
- function Exp1: Integer;
- function Exp2: Integer;
- function SimplifyExpression(Loc: Integer): Integer;
- function Expression: Integer;
- function ConstantExpression(var ExpResult: Integer): Integer;
- function GetOperator(Buf: string): Integer;
- procedure ParseAssign(IdentID, IdentOffset: Integer);
- procedure ParseLoop(ReturnType: Integer);
- procedure ParseWhile(ReturnType: Integer);
- procedure ParseRepeat(ReturnType: Integer);
- procedure ParseFor(ReturnType: Integer);
- procedure ParseIf(ReturnType: Integer);
- procedure ParseCall(const ProcID: Integer);
- procedure SetVarLocation(var AVar: TIdent; ALocation: Integer);
- function ParseVarSection: Integer;
- function ParseVar: Integer;
- procedure ParseConst;
- procedure ParseProc;
- function ParseTypeDef(TypeName: TName; AlwaysNew: Boolean): Integer;
- procedure ParseType;
- function GetDeclaration(Buf: string): Integer;
- // function GetTypeKind(TID: Integer): Integer;
- function GetType(Buf: string): Integer;
- function GetTypeSize(const TID: Integer): Integer;
- function GetConst(const Index: Integer): Integer;
- function Operators(ReturnType: Integer): Integer;
- function Declarations: Integer;
- end;
- implementation
- function TCompiler.SetNValue(PINIndex: Integer; Buffer: string; SetType: Boolean): Integer; // ToFix: Check values range
- var i: Integer; Temp: Extended; DecPos: Int32;
- function HexStrToInt: Integer;
- var i: Integer;
- begin
- Result := 0;
- for i := 1 to Length(Buffer)-1 do begin
- if Buffer[i] in ['0'..'9'] then
- Result := (Result shl 4) or (Ord(Buffer[i]) - Ord('0')) else
- if UpCase(Buffer[i]) in ['A'..'F'] then begin
- if i = 1 then SynError('HexStrToStr', eInvalidNumber, 0) else
- Result := (Result shl 4) or (Ord(UpCase(Buffer[i])) - Ord('A') + 10)
- end else SynError('HexStrToStr', eInvalidNumber, 0);
- end;
- if UpCase(Buffer[Length(Buffer)]) <> 'H' then SynError('HexStrToStr', eInvalidNumber, 0);
- end;
- begin
- Result := -1;
- DecPos := Pos('.', Buffer);
- if DecPos = 0 then begin
- Data.PIN[PINIndex+1] := StrToIntDef(Buffer, 0);
- for i := 1 to Length(Buffer) do if not (UpCase(Buffer[i]) in ['0'..'9']) then begin
- Data.PIN[PINIndex+1] := HexStrToInt; // Number in hex format
- Break;
- end;
- if Error then Exit;
- if SetType then Data.PIN[PINIndex] := GetVTypeInt(Data.PIN[PINIndex+1]);
- end else begin
- if Pos('.', Copy(Buffer, DecPos+1, Length(Buffer))) > 0 then begin
- SynError('SetNValue', eInvalidNumber, 0);
- Exit;
- end;
- for i := 1 to Length(Buffer) do if not (UpCase(Buffer[i]) in ['0'..'9', 'D', 'E', '.', '-', '+']) then begin
- SynError('SetNValue', eInvalidNumber, 0);
- Exit;
- end;
- Buffer[DecPos] := ',';
- DecPos := Length(Buffer)-DecPos;
- case DecPos of
- 1..7: Data.PIN[PINIndex] := dtSingle; // ToFix: Wrong type checking
- 8..15: Data.PIN[PINIndex] := dtDouble;
- else Data.PIN[PINIndex] := dtReal;
- end;
- Temp := StrToFloat(Buffer);
- Single((@Data.PIN[PINIndex+1])^) := Temp;
- end;
- Result := Data.PIN[PINIndex];
- end;
- function TCompiler.SetSValue(PINIndex: Integer; Buffer: string): Integer;
- var Len: Nat16;
- begin
- Result := -1;
- Data.PIN[PINIndex+1] := Data.DataLength;
- Data.PIN[PINIndex] := dtString;
- Len := Length(Buffer);
- Move(Len, Pointer(Int32(Data.Data)+Data.DataLength)^, 2);
- if Len > 0 then Move(Buffer[1], Pointer(Int32(Data.Data)+Data.DataLength+2)^, Len);
- Inc(Data.DataLength, Len+2);
- Result := Data.PIN[PINIndex];
- end;
- function TCompiler.AddType(AName: TName): PType;
- begin
- Assert(CurNamespace <> nil, 'AddType: Current namespace is nil');
- New(Result);
- Inc(Data.TotalTypes); SetLength(Data.Types, Data.TotalTypes);
- Data.Types[Data.TotalTypes-1] := Result;
- Inc(CurNamespace.TotalTypes); SetLength(CurNamespace.Types, CurNamespace.TotalTypes);
- CurNamespace.Types[CurNamespace.TotalTypes-1] := Data.TotalTypes-1;
- Result.Name := AName;
- Result.ID := Data.TotalTypes-1;
- Result.Kind := 0;
- Result.Namespace := nil;
- Result.Size := SizeOf(TStackItem);
- end;
- function TCompiler.NewNamespace(AName: TName): PNamespace;
- begin
- New(Result);
- Result.Name := AName;
- Result.TotalConstants := 0; SetLength(Result.Constants, 0);
- Result.TotalVariables := 0; SetLength(Result.Variables, 0);
- Result.TotalProcedures := 0; SetLength(Result.Procedures, 0);
- Result.TotalTypes := 0; SetLength(Result.Types, 0);
- Result.Parent := nil;
- Result.Kind := nskModule;
- Result.StackLength := 0;
- Result.ParamCount := 0; Result.ID := 0;
- Result.UID := TotalNamesSpaces;
- Inc(TotalNamesSpaces);
- end;
- procedure TCompiler.AddNamespace(AName: TName);
- var NewNS: PNamespace;
- begin
- NewNS := NewNamespace(AName);
- if CurNamespace = nil then Namespace := NewNS else begin
- Inc(CurNamespace.TotalProcedures); SetLength(CurNamespace.Procedures, CurNamespace.TotalProcedures);
- CurNamespace.Procedures[CurNamespace.TotalProcedures-1] := NewNS;
- end;
- NewNS.Parent := CurNamespace;
- CurNamespace := NewNS;
- end;
- procedure TCompiler.ClearType(AType: PType);
- begin
- if AType.Namespace <> nil then ClearNamespace(AType.Namespace);
- end;
- procedure TCompiler.ClearNamespace(NS: PNamespace);
- var i: Integer;
- begin
- NS.TotalConstants := 0; SetLength(NS.Constants, 0);
- NS.TotalVariables := 0; SetLength(NS.Variables, 0);
- NS.TotalTypes := 0; SetLength(NS.Types, 0);
- for i := 0 to NS.TotalProcedures-1 do begin
- ClearNamespace(NS.Procedures[i]);
- Dispose(NS.Procedures[i]);
- end;
- NS.TotalProcedures := 0; SetLength(NS.Procedures, 0);
- end;
- function TCompiler.AddIdent(AKind: Int32; AName: TName; AType, AValue: Integer): Integer;
- // Adds constant, variable or procedure identifier
- // In case of variable doesn't allocate data
- // Returns index of the new identifier
- var Offset, IdentKind: Integer;
- begin
- Result := -1;
- case AKind of
- ikConstant: begin
- Inc(Data.TotalConstants); SetLength(Data.Constants, Data.TotalConstants);
- with Data.Constants[Data.TotalConstants-1] do begin
- Name := AName; TypeID := AType; Namespace := CurNamespace;
- Index := AllocateData(GetTypeSize(AType), AValue);
- Location := ilGlobal;
- end;
- Inc(CurNamespace.TotalConstants); SetLength(CurNamespace.Constants, CurNamespace.TotalConstants);
- CurNamespace.Constants[CurNamespace.TotalConstants-1] := Data.TotalConstants-1;
- Result := Data.TotalConstants-1;
- end;
- ikVariable: begin
- Offset := CheckIdent(AName, Namespace, False, IdentKind);
- if (CurNamespace <> NameSpace) or (Offset = -1) then begin
- Inc(Data.TotalVariables); SetLength(Data.Variables, Data.TotalVariables);
- with Data.Variables[Data.TotalVariables-1] do begin
- Name := AName; TypeID := AType; Namespace := CurNamespace;
- // if Data.Types[AType].Kind <> tkRecord then begin
- // end;
- end;
- Inc(CurNamespace.TotalVariables); SetLength(CurNamespace.Variables, CurNamespace.TotalVariables);
- CurNamespace.Variables[CurNamespace.TotalVariables-1] := Data.TotalVariables-1;
- Result := Data.TotalVariables-1;
- end else Result := Offset and not AllMask;
- end;
- ikProcedure: begin
- Inc(Data.TotalProcedures); SetLength(Data.Procedures, Data.TotalProcedures);
- with Data.Procedures[Data.TotalProcedures-1] do begin
- Name := AName; TypeID := AType; Namespace := CurNamespace;
- Index := AllocateData(4, AValue);
- Location := ilGlobal;
- end;
- // Inc(CurNamespace.TotalProcedures); SetLength(CurNamespace.Procedures, CurNamespace.TotalProcedures);
- // CurNamespace.Procedures[CurNamespace.TotalProcedures-1].Value := TotalProcedures-1;
- Result := Data.TotalProcedures-1
- end;
- ikType:;{ begin
- Inc(Data.TotalTypes); SetLength(Data.Types, Data.TotalTypes);
- with Data.Types[Data.TotalTypes-1] do begin
- Name := AName; Value := AValue; TypeID := AType; Namespace := CurNamespace;
- end;
- end;}
- else Assert(False, 'Invalid identifier kind');
- end;
- end;
- function TCompiler.AddIdentS(AKind: Int32; AName: TName; AType: Integer; AValue: Single): Integer;
- begin
- Result := AddIdent(AKind, AName, AType, Integer((@AValue)^));
- end;
- procedure TCompiler.SynError(ASource: string; AErrorNum: Integer; AErrorData: Integer);
- begin
- if Error then Exit;
- with CError do begin
- Source := ASource;
- Line := Scaner.CurLine;
- Position := Scaner.SourcePos;
- Number := AErrorNum;
- Data := AErrorData;
- end;
- Error := True;
- end;
- function TCompiler.CheckEnd(Buf: string): Integer;
- var i: Integer;
- begin
- Result := -1;
- for i := 0 to TotalEndTokens-1 do if Buf = EndTokenStr[i] then begin
- Result := i;
- Break;
- end;
- end;
- function TCompiler.CheckOperator(Buf: string): Integer;
- var i: Integer;
- begin
- Result := -1;
- for i := 0 to TotalOperators-1 do if Buf = OperatorStr[i] then begin
- Result := i;
- Break;
- end;
- end;
- function TCompiler.SpecifyArray(TypeID: Integer; var Offset: Integer; var RuntimeOffs: Boolean): Integer;
- // Parses "["Exp"]"
- var i, ExpStartPIN: Integer; ch: Char;
- begin
- // Assert(Data.Types[TID].ID = TID, 'CheckIdent.SpecifyArray: Type ID mismatch');
- Scaner.SkipDelims;
- Scaner.ReadChar(ch);
- if ch <> '[' then begin Result := TypeID; Scaner.ReturnChar(ch); Exit; end;
- ExpStartPIN := Data.PINItems;
- LastExpConstant := True;
- if not isInteger(Exp1) then begin
- SynError('SpecifyArray', eIntExpExpected, 0);
- Exit;
- end;
- if Error then Exit;
- if LastExpConstant then begin
- Offset := Offset + ComputeExpression(ExpStartPIN) * GetTypeSize(Data.Types[TypeID].ID);
- Data.PINItems := ExpStartPIN;
- end else begin
- Inc(Data.PINItems, 3); SetLength(Data.PIN, Data.PINItems);
- Data.PIN[Data.PINItems-3] := dtInt;
- Data.PIN[Data.PINItems-2] := GetTypeSize(Data.Types[TypeID].ID);
- Data.PIN[Data.PINItems-1] := aoMulII; // Multiply expression by element size
- if RuntimeOffs then begin
- Inc(Data.PINItems, 1); SetLength(Data.PIN, Data.PINItems);
- Data.PIN[Data.PINItems-1] := aoAddII; // Add base variable address
- end;
- RuntimeOffs := True;
- end;
- Scaner.SkipDelims;
- Scaner.ReadChar(ch);
- if ch <> ']' then begin
- SynError('SpecifyArray', eRightBracketExpected, 0);
- Exit;
- end;
- case Data.Types[Data.Types[TypeID].ID].Kind of
- tkCommon: Result := Data.Types[TypeID].ID;
- tkRecord: Result := SpecifyRecord(Data.Types[TypeID].ID, Offset, RuntimeOffs);
- tkArray: Result := SpecifyArray(Data.Types[TypeID].ID, Offset, RuntimeOffs);
- end;
- end;
- function TCompiler.SpecifyRecord(TypeID: Integer; var Offset: Integer; var RuntimeOffs: Boolean): Integer;
- // Parses "."ident
- // Returns field index
- var ch: Char; FieldIndex, TempIdentKind: Integer;
- begin
- Scaner.SkipDelims;
- Scaner.ReadChar(ch);
- if ch <> '.' then begin Result := TypeID; Scaner.ReturnChar(ch); Exit; end;
- Scaner.SkipDelims;
- Scaner.ReadChar(ch);
- Scaner.GetIdent(ch);
- if Scaner.Buf = '' then SynError('SpecifyRecord', eVariableExpected, 0) else
- FieldIndex := CheckIdent(Scaner.Buf, Data.Types[TypeID].Namespace, False, TempIdentKind);
- if FieldIndex = -1 then begin // Not found
- SynError('SpecifyRecord', eUndeclaredIdentifier, 0); Exit;
- end;
- if (TempIdentKind and ResWordMask > 0) then begin // Found, but is reserved word
- SynError('SpecifyRecord', eUnexpectedResWord, 0); Exit;
- end;
- Offset := Offset + Data.Variables[FieldIndex].Index;
- case Data.Types[Data.Variables[FieldIndex].TypeID].Kind of
- tkCommon: Result := Data.Variables[FieldIndex].TypeID;
- tkRecord: Result := SpecifyRecord(Data.Variables[FieldIndex].TypeID, Offset, RuntimeOffs);
- tkArray: Result := SpecifyArray(Data.Variables[FieldIndex].TypeID, Offset, RuntimeOffs);
- end;
- end;
- function TCompiler.SpecifyVariable(AName: TName; TypeID: Integer; var Offset: Integer; var RuntimeOffs: Boolean): Integer;
- // Calculates offset of specified field in record or array element of specified type
- // Returns type ID of the element specified
- // In offset returns offset of specified element
- // In IdentKind returns identifier kind (constant offset or run-time calculated offset)
- // Adds to PIN code to calculate runtime calculating offset
- begin
- Result := TypeID;
- RuntimeOffs := False;
- case Data.Types[TypeID].Kind of
- tkRecord: Result := SpecifyRecord(TypeID, Offset, RuntimeOffs);
- tkArray: Result := SpecifyArray(TypeID, Offset, RuntimeOffs);
- end;
- if RuntimeOffs then begin
- Inc(Data.PINItems, 3); SetLength(Data.PIN, Data.PINItems);
- Data.PIN[Data.PINItems-3] := dtInt;
- Data.PIN[Data.PINItems-2] := Offset;
- Data.PIN[Data.PINItems-1] := aoAddII; // Add base variable address
- end;
- { if Result and ArrayMask > 0 then begin
- Inc(Data.PINItems, 3); SetLength(Data.PIN, Data.PINItems);
- Data.PIN[Data.PINItems-3] := dtInt;
- Data.PIN[Data.PINItems-2] := Offset;
- Data.PIN[Data.PINItems-1] := aoAddII; // Add base variable address
- end;}
- end;
- function TCompiler.CheckIdent(AName: TName; NS: PNamespace; SearchToRoot: Boolean; var IdentKind: Integer): Int32;
- // Searches identifier by name specified
- // in current namespace and above namespaces if SearchToRoot is true.
- // Returns index in Constants, Variables etc array
- // In IdentKind returns kind of identifier (reserved word, constant, variable or procedure)
- var i: Integer; ch: Char;
- begin
- Result := -1;
- for i := 0 to TotalReservedWords-1 do if AName = ReservedWord[i] then begin
- Result := i; IdentKind := ResWordMask; Exit;
- end;
- while NS <> nil do begin
- for i := 0 to NS.TotalConstants-1 do if Data.Constants[NS.Constants[i]].Name = AName then begin
- Result := NS.Constants[i]; IdentKind := ConstMask; Exit;
- end;
- for i := 0 to NS.TotalVariables-1 do if Data.Variables[NS.Variables[i]].Name = AName then begin
- Result := NS.Variables[i]; IdentKind := VarMask; Exit;
- end;
- for i := 0 to NS.TotalProcedures-1 do if NS.Procedures[i].Name = AName then begin
- Result := NS.Procedures[i].ID; IdentKind := ProcMask; Exit;
- end;
- if SearchToRoot then NS := NS.Parent else NS := nil;
- end;
- end;
- procedure TCompiler.AddOperation(LastOp, OldType: Integer; var Res: Integer);
- begin
- if LastOp <> aoNull then begin
- Res := ControlTypes(LastOp, OldType, Res);
- Inc(Data.PINItems, 1); SetLength(Data.PIN, Data.PINItems);
- Data.PIN[Data.PINItems-1] := LastOp;
- end;
- end;
- function TCompiler.GetOp1: Integer;
- var i: Integer;
- begin
- Result := -1;
- for i := 0 to TotalOperations1-1 do if Scaner.Buf = Op1Str[i] then begin
- Result := Op1ID[i]; Break;
- end;
- end;
- function TCompiler.Exp1: Integer;
- var ch: Char; LastOp, OldType: Integer;
- begin
- // Exp1 = ['-' | '+'] Exp2 { ['-' | '+', 'OR'] Exp2}
- // Result - expression type
- Result := -1; OldType := -1;
- LastOp := aoNull;
- { Scaner.SkipDelims;
- Scaner.ReadChar(ch);
- if ch = '-' then NegOp := oNeg else if ch <> '+' then Scaner.ReturnChar(ch);}
- Result := Exp2; //
- Scaner.SkipDelims;
- while not Error and Scaner.ReadChar(ch) and (ch <> ';') do begin
- Scaner.Buf := ch;
- if Scaner.isAlpha(ch) then Scaner.GetIdent(ch);
- if (ch = ',') or (ch = ')') or (ch = '}') or (ch = ']') or Scaner.isRelation(ch) or
- (CheckEnd(Scaner.Buf) <> -1) or (CheckOperator(Scaner.Buf) <> -1) or (Scaner.Buf = RelationStr[6]) or (Scaner.Buf = RelationStr[7]) then begin
- Scaner.ReturnBuf(Scaner.Buf); Break;
- end;
- LastOp := GetOp1;
- if LastOp = -1 then begin
- SynError('Exp1', eOperationExpected, 0);
- Break;
- end;
- OldType := Result; Result := Exp2;
- if Error then Break;
- AddOperation(LastOp, OldType, Result);
- end;
- if ch = ';' then Scaner.ReturnBuf(ch);
- end;
- function TCompiler.Exp2: Integer;
- var ch: Char; LastOp, IdentIndex, IdentKind: Int32; OldType: Integer;
- function GetOp2: Integer;
- var i: Integer;
- begin
- Result := -1;
- for i := 0 to TotalOperations2-1 do if Scaner.Buf = Op2Str[i] then begin
- Result := Op2ID[i]; Break;
- end;
- end;
- function ParseSetConstructor: Integer;
- var TotalElements: Integer; ch: Char;
- // Set = "{" [El {, El}] "}"
- // El = Exp [..Exp]
- begin
- Result := -1;
- TotalElements := 0;
- // First element if exists
- Scaner.SkipDelims; Scaner.ReadChar(ch);
- Scaner.ReturnChar(ch);
- if ch <> '}' then
- if isInteger(Exp1) then Inc(TotalElements) else
- SynError('ParseSetConstructor', eIncompatibleTypes, 0);
- // Rest of elements
- while Scaner.ReadChar(ch) and (ch = ',') and not Error do begin
- if not isInteger(Exp1) then begin SynError('ParseSetConstructor', eIncompatibleTypes, 0); Break; end;
- Inc(TotalElements);
- Scaner.SkipDelims;
- end;
- if Error then Exit;
- Inc(Data.PINItems); SetLength(Data.PIN, Data.PINItems);
- Data.PIN[Data.PINItems-1] := dtSet + TotalElements shl 16;
- Result := dtSet;
- end;
- function ParseStdFunction: Integer;
- var i, Op, ExpType: Integer;
- begin
- { Result := StandardFunctions[IdentIndex].ResultType;
- Op := oAssign;
- ExpType := Expression;
- if Error then Exit;
- if ControlTypes(Op, dtReal, ExpType) = -1 then Exit;
- Inc(Data.PINItems, 1); SetLength(Data.PIN, Data.PINItems);
- Data.PIN[Data.PINItems-1] := StandardFunctions[IdentIndex].OperationID;}
- end;
- function ParseMultiplier: Integer;
- var InvOp, NegOp, VarOfs, VarLoc: Integer; RTOffs: Boolean;
- // Mult = ~Mult | Const | Ident | (Expression)
- // Result - multiplier's type
- begin
- Result := -1;
- Scaner.SkipDelims; Scaner.ReadChar(ch);
- if ch = '-' then begin
- NegOp := oNeg;
- Result := ControlTypes(NegOp, ParseMultiplier, 0);
- if Result = -1 then Exit;
- Inc(Data.PINItems); SetLength(Data.PIN, Data.PINItems);
- Data.PIN[Data.PINItems-1] := NegOp;
- end else if ch='~' then begin
- InvOp := oInv;
- Result := ControlTypes(InvOp, ParseMultiplier, 0);
- if Result = -1 then Exit;
- Inc(Data.PINItems); SetLength(Data.PIN, Data.PINItems);
- Data.PIN[Data.PINItems-1] := InvOp;
- Exit;
- end else if Scaner.isNumber(ch) then begin
- Scaner.GetNumber(ch);
- Inc(Data.PINItems, 2); SetLength(Data.PIN, Data.PINItems);
- // OldType := Result;
- Result := SetNValue(Data.PINItems-2, Scaner.Buf, True);
- // AddOperation(LastOp, OldType, Result);
- Exit;
- end else if Scaner.isAlpha(ch) then begin
- Scaner.GetIdent(ch);
- // if CheckOp1 then begin Scaner.ReturnBuf(Scaner.Buf); Break; end;
- IdentIndex := CheckIdent(Scaner.Buf, CurNamespace, True, IdentKind);
- if IdentIndex >= 0 then begin
- case IdentKind of
- VarMask: begin // Variable
- if (IdentKind and VarMask <> 0) then begin // Variable
- VarOfs := Data.Variables[IdentIndex].Index;
- Result := SpecifyVariable(Scaner.Buf, Data.Variables[IdentIndex].TypeID, VarOfs, RTOffs);
- VarLoc := Data.Variables[IdentIndex].Location;
- if RTOffs then begin
- Inc(Data.PINItems);
- // if VarLoc = ilExternal then Inc(Data.PINItems);
- SetLength(Data.PIN, Data.PINItems);
- case VarLoc of
- ilStack: Data.PIN[Data.PINItems-1] := dtStackVariableByOfs;
- ilGlobal: Data.PIN[Data.PINItems-1] := dtVariableByOfs;
- ilExternal: Data.PIN[Data.PINItems-1] := dtExtVariableByOfs;
- end;
- // if VarLoc = ilExternal then Data.PIN[Data.PINItems-1] := VarOfs;
- end else begin
- Inc(Data.PINItems, 2); SetLength(Data.PIN, Data.PINItems);
- case VarLoc of
- ilStack: Data.PIN[Data.PINItems-2] := dtStackVariable;
- ilGlobal: Data.PIN[Data.PINItems-2] := dtVariable;
- ilExternal: Data.PIN[Data.PINItems-2] := dtExtVariable;
- end;
- Data.PIN[Data.PINItems-1] := VarOfs;
- end;
- LastExpConstant := False;
- end else begin
- SynError('ParseAssign', eCannotAssign, 0); Exit;
- end;
- LastExpConstant := False;
- end;
- ConstMask: begin // Constant
- Inc(Data.PINItems, 2); SetLength(Data.PIN, Data.PINItems);
- Data.PIN[Data.PINItems-2] := Data.Constants[IdentIndex].TypeID;
- Data.PIN[Data.PINItems-1] := GetConst(IdentIndex);
- Result := Data.Constants[IdentIndex].TypeID;
- end;
- ProcMask: begin // Procedure-function
- if Data.Procedures[IdentIndex].TypeID = -1 then begin
- SynError('ParseMultiplier', eMustBeFunction, 0);
- Exit;
- end;
- ParseCall(IdentIndex);
- Result := Data.Procedures[IdentIndex].TypeID;
- LastExpConstant := False; // ToFix: Take in account compile-time computable functions
- end;
- ResWordMask: begin
- SynError('ParseMultiplier', eUnexpectedResWord, 0); Exit;
- end;
- else begin
- MessageDlg('Unknown identifier type', mtError, [mbOK], 0);
- SynError('ParseMultiplier', eUndeclaredIdentifier, 0); Exit;
- end;
- end;
- end else begin SynError('ParseMultiplier', eUndeclaredIdentifier, 0); Exit; end;
- end else if (ch='''') or (ch='"') then begin
- Scaner.GetString(ch);
- Inc(Data.PINItems, 2); SetLength(Data.PIN, Data.PINItems);
- // OldType := Result;
- Result := SetSValue(Data.PINItems-2, Scaner.Buf);
- // AddOperation(LastOp, OldType, Result);
- end else if (ch='{') then Result := ParseSetConstructor else if (ch='(') then begin
- Result := Expression;
- Scaner.SkipDelims; Scaner.ReadChar(ch);
- if ch <> ')' then SynError('ParseMultiplier', eRightParenthesisExpected, 0);
- end;
- end;
- begin
- // Exp2 = Mult { "*" | "/" | DIV | MOD | "&" Mult }
- Result := -1; OldType := -1;
- LastOp := aoNull;
- Result := ParseMultiplier;
- if Result = -1 then Exit;
- Scaner.SkipDelims;
- while not Error and Scaner.ReadChar(ch) do begin
- if (ch = ';') or (ch = ',') or (ch = ')') or (ch = '}') or (ch = ']') or Scaner.isRelation(ch) then begin Scaner.ReturnChar(ch); Break; end;
- if Scaner.isOperation(ch) then Scaner.GetOperation(ch) else
- if Scaner.isAlpha(ch) then Scaner.GetIdent(ch);
- if (GetOp1 <> -1) or (CheckEnd(Scaner.Buf) <> -1) or (Scaner.Buf = RelationStr[6]) or (Scaner.Buf = RelationStr[7]) then begin
- Scaner.ReturnBuf(Scaner.Buf);
- Break;
- end;
- LastOp := GetOp2;
- if LastOp = -1 then begin
- SynError('Exp2', eOperationExpected, 0);
- end else begin
- OldType := Result;
- Result := ParseMultiplier;
- AddOperation(LastOp, OldType, Result);
- Scaner.SkipDelims;
- end;
- end;
- end;
- function TCompiler.SimplifyExpression(Loc: Integer): Integer;
- var IP, i1, i2: Integer; r1, r2: Single;
- type TStackItem = Integer;
- const StackCapacityStep = 32;
- var
- Stack: array of TStackItem;
- TotalStack, StackCapacity: Integer;
- procedure Push(Item: TStackItem);
- begin
- Inc(TotalStack);
- if TotalStack > StackCapacity then begin
- Inc(StackCapacity, StackCapacityStep); SetLength(Stack, StackCapacity);
- end;
- Stack[TotalStack-1] := Item;
- end;
- procedure PushS(Item: Single);
- begin
- Inc(TotalStack);
- if TotalStack > StackCapacity then begin
- Inc(StackCapacity, StackCapacityStep); SetLength(Stack, StackCapacity);
- end;
- Stack[TotalStack-1] := TStackItem((@Item)^);
- end;
- function Pop: TStackItem;
- begin
- if TotalStack = 0 then Exit;
- Result := Stack[TotalStack-1];
- Dec(TotalStack);
- end;
- function PopS: Single;
- begin
- if TotalStack = 0 then Exit;
- Result := Single((@Stack[TotalStack-1])^);
- Dec(TotalStack);
- end;
- // 2, 3, * 7, x, * 8 * + x, 2 * 3 * x * + 2, 4, * 1, 2, x, * + * + ( 2*3+7*x*8+x*2*3*x+2*4*(1+2*x) )
- // x, 2, 4, * x, 2, x * + * + ( x+2*4*(x+2*x) )
- begin
- end;
- function TCompiler.Expression: Integer;
- var i: Integer; ch: Char; LastOp, OldType: Integer;
- begin
- // Exp1 [rel Exp1]
- LastExpConstant := True;
- Result := -1; OldType := -1;
- LastOp := aoNull;
- Scaner.SkipDelims;
- Result := Exp1;
- if (Result = -1) then begin
- if not Error then SynError('Expression', eUnexpectedExpEnd, Ord(ch));
- Exit;
- end;
- Scaner.SkipDelims;
- if not Scaner.ReadChar(ch) then Exit;
- if Scaner.isRelation(ch) then Scaner.GetRelation(ch) else if Scaner.isAlpha(ch) then Scaner.GetIdent(ch) else begin
- Scaner.ReturnChar(ch); Exit;
- end;
- for i := 0 to TotalRelations-1 do if Scaner.Buf = RelationStr[i] then begin
- LastOp := RelationID[i];
- Break;
- end;
- if LastOp = aoNull then begin Scaner.ReturnBuf(Scaner.Buf); Exit; end;
- Scaner.SkipDelims;
- OldType := Result;
- Result := Exp1;
- if (Result = -1) and not Error then begin SynError('Expression', eUnexpectedExpEnd, Ord(ch)); Exit; end;
- AddOperation(LastOp, OldType, Result);
- end;
- function TCompiler.ConstantExpression(var ExpResult: Integer): Integer;
- // Parses expression, compute it and return result in ExpResult
- // Returns type of expression
- var i, ExpStartPIN: Integer;
- begin
- ExpStartPIN := Data.PINItems;
- Result := Expression;
- if Error then Exit;
- if not LastExpConstant then SynError('ConstantExpression', eConstExpExpected, 0);
- ExpResult := ComputeExpression(ExpStartPIN);
- Data.PINItems := ExpStartPIN;
- end;
- constructor TCompiler.Create(AScaner: TScaner);
- begin
- Scaner := AScaner;
- Data := TRTData.Create;
- Reset;
- end;
- procedure TCompiler.Reset;
- var i: Integer;
- begin
- Data.EntryPIN := -1;
- CError.Number := 0;
- Scaner.Create(Scaner.Source);
- // Constants := nil; Variables := nil; Procedures := nil;
- Data.TotalConstants := 0; Data.TotalVariables := 0; Data.TotalProcedures := 0;
- for i := 0 to Data.TotalTypes-1 do begin
- ClearType(Data.Types[i]);
- Dispose(Data.Types[i]);
- end;
- Data.TotalTypes := 0;
- // Data.PIN := nil;
- Data.PINItems := 0;
- // if Assigned(Data) then FreeMem(Data);
- // Data.DataLength := 0;
- if Namespace <> nil then begin
- ClearNamespace(Namespace);
- Dispose(Namespace);
- end;
- Namespace := nil;
- CurNamespace := nil;
- TotalNamesSpaces := 0;
- Data.DataLength := 0; SetLength(Data.Data, Data.DataLength);
- Data.BaseData := nil;
- ExternalVars := nil; Data.TotalExternalVariables := 0;
- end;
- function TCompiler.GetOperator(Buf: string): Integer;
- var i: Integer;
- begin
- Result := -1;
- for i := 0 to TotalOperators-1 do if Buf = OperatorStr[i] then begin
- Result := i; Exit;
- end;
- end;
- procedure TCompiler.ParseAssign(IdentID, IdentOffset: Integer);
- var Op: Integer; ch: Char; AssignType, ExpType, IdentKind, VarLoc: Integer; RTOffs: Boolean;
- begin
- IdentKind := VarMask;
- if IdentID = -1 then begin
- Scaner.SkipDelims;
- Scaner.ReadChar(ch);
- if Scaner.isAlpha(ch) then Scaner.GetIdent(ch) else begin SynError('ParseAssign', eVariableExpected, 0); Exit; end;
- IdentID := CheckIdent(Scaner.Buf, CurNamespace, True, IdentKind);
- if IdentID = -1 then begin SynError('ParseAssign', eUndeclaredIdentifier, 0); Exit; end;
- end;
- if (IdentKind and VarMask > 0) then begin // Variable
- IdentOffset := Data.Variables[IdentID].Index;
- AssignType := SpecifyVariable(Scaner.Buf, Data.Variables[IdentID].TypeID, IdentOffset, RTOffs);
- VarLoc := Data.Variables[IdentID].Location;
- if RTOffs then begin
- { Inc(Data.PINItems);
- if VarLoc = ilExternal then Inc(Data.PINItems);
- SetLength(Data.PIN, Data.PINItems);
- case VarLoc of
- ilStack: Data.PIN[Data.PINItems-1] := dtStackVariableByOfs;
- ilGlobal: Data.PIN[Data.PINItems-1] := dtVariableByOfs;
- ilExternal: Data.PIN[Data.PINItems-2] := dtExtVariableByOfs;
- end;
- if VarLoc = ilExternal then Data.PIN[Data.PINItems-1] := VarOfs;}
- end else begin
- if (IdentID and ArrayMask = 0) then begin
- Inc(Data.PINItems, 2); SetLength(Data.PIN, Data.PINItems);
- Data.PIN[Data.PINItems-2] := dtVariableRef;
- Data.PIN[Data.PINItems-1] := IdentOffset;
- end;
- end;
- LastExpConstant := False;
- end else begin
- SynError('ParseAssign', eCannotAssign, 0); Exit;
- end;
- Scaner.SkipDelims;
- Scaner.ReadChar(ch);
- Scaner.GetOperator(ch);
- if Scaner.Buf <> ':=' then begin
- SynError('ParseAssign', eAssignationExpected, 0);
- Exit;
- end;
- Op := oAssign;
- ExpType := ControlTypes(Op, AssignType, Expression);
- if Exptype = -1 then Exit;
- if Data.Variables[IdentID and not AllMask].Location = ilStack then case Op of
- aoAssign1, aoAssign2, aoAssign4: Op := aoStackAssign4;
- aoAssignSize: Op := aoStackAssignSize;
- aoAssign4RI: Op := aoStackAssign4RI;
- end else if Data.Variables[IdentID and not AllMask].Location = ilExternal then case Op of
- aoAssign1, aoAssign2, aoAssign4: Op := aoExtAssign4;
- aoAssignSize: Op := aoExtAssignSize;
- aoAssign4RI: Op := aoExtAssign4RI;
- end;
- Inc(Data.PINItems, 1); SetLength(Data.PIN, Data.PINItems);
- Data.PIN[Data.PINItems-1] := Op;
- end;
- procedure TCompiler.ParseLoop(ReturnType: Integer);
- var ch: Char; BegIP, ExitPIN: Integer;
- begin
- // LOOP ops; END;
- Inc(LoopCount);
- Inc(Data.PINItems, 2); SetLength(Data.PIN, Data.PINItems);
- Data.PIN[Data.PINItems-2] := dtInt; ExitPIN := Data.PINItems-1;
- BegIP := Data.PINItems-1;
- Operators(ReturnType);
- if Error then Exit;
- Scaner.SkipDelims;
- Scaner.ReadChar(ch);
- Scaner.GetIdent(ch);
- if Scaner.Buf <> EndTokenStr[etEnd] then begin
- SynError('OpLoop', eEndExpected, 0); Exit;
- end;
- Inc(Data.PINItems, 2); SetLength(Data.PIN, Data.PINItems);
- Data.PIN[Data.PINItems-2] := aoGoto; Data.PIN[Data.PINItems-1] := BegIP;
- if ExitPIN <> -1 then Data.PIN[ExitPIN] := Data.PINItems-1;
- Dec(LoopCount);
- end;
- procedure TCompiler.ParseWhile(ReturnType: Integer);
- var ch: Char; BegIP, JumpPIN, ExitPIN: Integer;
- begin
- // WHILE Expr DO Ops; END
- Inc(LoopCount);
- Inc(Data.PINItems, 2); SetLength(Data.PIN, Data.PINItems);
- Data.PIN[Data.PINItems-2] := dtInt; ExitPIN := Data.PINItems-1;
- BegIP := Data.PINItems-1;
- Scaner.SkipDelims;
- if Expression <> dtBoolean then begin
- SynError('OpWhile', eBooleanExpExpected, 0); Exit;
- end;
- Scaner.SkipDelims;
- Scaner.ReadChar(ch);
- Scaner.GetIdent(ch);
- if Scaner.Buf <> EndTokenStr[etDo] then begin
- SynError('OpWhile', eDoExpected, 0); Exit;
- end;
- Inc(Data.PINItems, 2); SetLength(Data.PIN, Data.PINItems);
- Data.PIN[Data.PINItems-2] := aoJumpIfZero; JumpPIN := Data.PINItems-1;
- if Operators(ReturnType) = -1 then begin
- end;
- if Error then Exit;
- Scaner.SkipDelims;
- Scaner.ReadChar(ch);
- Scaner.GetIdent(ch);
- if Scaner.Buf <> EndTokenStr[etEnd] then begin
- SynError('OpWhile', eEndExpected, 0); Exit;
- end;
- Inc(Data.PINItems, 2); SetLength(Data.PIN, Data.PINItems);
- Data.PIN[Data.PINItems-2] := aoGoto; Data.PIN[Data.PINItems-1] := BegIP;
- Data.PIN[JumpPin] := Data.PINItems-1;
- if ExitPIN <> -1 then Data.PIN[ExitPIN] := Data.PINItems-1;
- Dec(LoopCount);
- end;
- procedure TCompiler.ParseRepeat(ReturnType: Integer);
- var ch: Char; BegIP, ExitPIN: Integer;
- begin
- // REPEAT ops; UNTIL Expr;
- ExitPIN := -1;
- BegIP := Data.PINItems-1;
- if Operators(ReturnType) = -1 then begin
- Inc(Data.PINItems, 2); SetLength(Data.PIN, Data.PINItems);
- Data.PIN[Data.PINItems-2] := aoGoto; ExitPIN := Data.PINItems-1;
- end;
- if Error then Exit;
- Scaner.SkipDelims;
- Scaner.ReadChar(ch);
- Scaner.GetIdent(ch);
- if Scaner.Buf <> EndTokenStr[etUntil] then begin
- SynError('OpRepeat', eUntilExpected, 0); Exit;
- end;
- Scaner.SkipDelims;
- if Expression <> dtBoolean then begin
- SynError('OpRepeat', eBooleanExpExpected, 0); Exit;
- end;
- Inc(Data.PINItems, 2); SetLength(Data.PIN, Data.PINItems);
- Data.PIN[Data.PINItems-2] := aoJumpIfZero; Data.PIN[Data.PINItems-1] := BegIP;
- if ExitPIN <> -1 then Data.PIN[ExitPIN] := Data.PINItems-1;
- end;
- procedure TCompiler.ParseFor(ReturnType: Integer);
- var ch: Char; BegIP, JumpPIN, ExitPIN, VarRef, VarOfs, IdentKind: Integer;
- begin
- // FOR Ident := Expr TO Expr [BY ConstExpr] DO Ops END
- ExitPIN := -1;
- Scaner.SkipDelims;
- Scaner.ReadChar(ch);
- if Scaner.isAlpha(ch) then Scaner.GetIdent(ch) else begin SynError('OpFor', eVariableExpected, 0); Exit; end;
- VarOfs := 0;
- VarRef := CheckIdent(Scaner.Buf, CurNamespace, True, IdentKind);
- if VarRef = -1 then begin SynError('OpAssign', eUndeclaredIdentifier, 0); Exit; end;
- if (IdentKind and VarMask = 0) then begin SynError('OpAssign', eCannotAssign, 0); Exit; end;
- ParseAssign(VarRef, VarOfs);
- Scaner.SkipDelims;
- Scaner.ReadChar(ch);
- Scaner.GetIdent(ch);
- if Scaner.Buf <> EndTokenStr[etTo] then begin
- SynError('OpFor', eToExpected, 0); Exit;
- end;
- BegIP := Data.PINItems-1;
- Expression;
- Scaner.SkipDelims;
- Scaner.ReadChar(ch);
- Scaner.GetIdent(ch);
- if Scaner.Buf <> EndTokenStr[etDo] then begin
- SynError('OpFor', eDoExpected, 0); Exit;
- end;
- Inc(Data.PINItems, 5); SetLength(Data.PIN, Data.PINItems);
- Data.PIN[Data.PINItems-5] := dtVariable; Data.PIN[Data.PINItems-4] := Data.Variables[VarRef].Index;
- Data.PIN[Data.PINItems-3] := arGreaterEqualII;
- Data.PIN[Data.PINItems-2] := aoJumpIfZero; JumpPIN := Data.PINItems-1;
- if Operators(ReturnType) = -1 then begin
- Inc(Data.PINItems, 2); SetLength(Data.PIN, Data.PINItems);
- Data.PIN[Data.PINItems-2] := aoGoto; ExitPIN := Data.PINItems-1;
- end;
- if Error then Exit;
- Scaner.SkipDelims;
- Scaner.ReadChar(ch);
- if ch = ';' then begin
- while ch = ';' do Scaner.ReadChar(ch);
- Scaner.SkipDelims;
- Scaner.ReadChar(ch);
- end;
- Scaner.GetIdent(ch);
- if Scaner.Buf <> EndTokenStr[etEnd] then begin
- SynError('OpFor', eEndExpected, 0); Exit;
- end;
- Inc(Data.PINItems, 10); SetLength(Data.PIN, Data.PINItems); //ToFix: BY support
- Data.PIN[Data.PINItems-10] := dtVariableRef; Data.PIN[Data.PINItems-9] := Data.Variables[VarRef].Index;
- Data.PIN[Data.PINItems-8] := dtVariable; Data.PIN[Data.PINItems-7] := Data.Variables[VarRef].Index;
- Data.PIN[Data.PINItems-6] := dtInt; Data.PIN[Data.PINItems-5] := 1;
- Data.PIN[Data.PINItems-4] := aoAddII; Data.PIN[Data.PINItems-3] := aoAssign4;
- Data.PIN[Data.PINItems-2] := aoGoto; Data.PIN[Data.PINItems-1] := BegIP;
- Data.PIN[JumpPin] := Data.PINItems-1;
- if ExitPIN <> -1 then Data.PIN[ExitPIN] := Data.PINItems-1;
- end;
- procedure TCompiler.ParseIf(ReturnType: Integer);
- var i, JumpPIN: Integer; ch: Char; ExitPINs: array of Integer; TotalExitPINs: Integer;
- procedure ProcessIf;
- begin
- if JumpPIN <> -1 then begin
- Inc(TotalExitPINs); SetLength(ExitPINs, TotalExitPINs);
- Inc(Data.PINItems, 2); SetLength(Data.PIN, Data.PINItems);
- Data.PIN[Data.PINItems-2] := aoGoto; ExitPINs[TotalExitPINs-1] := Data.PINItems-1;
- end;
- Scaner.SkipDelims;
- if Expression <> dtBoolean then begin
- SynError('ProcessIf', eBooleanExpExpected, 0); Exit;
- end;
- Inc(Data.PINItems, 2); SetLength(Data.PIN, Data.PINItems);
- Data.PIN[Data.PINItems-2] := aoJumpIfZero; JumpPIN := Data.PINItems-1;
- Scaner.SkipDelims;
- Scaner.ReadChar(ch);
- Scaner.GetIdent(ch);
- if Scaner.Buf <> EndTokenStr[etThen] then begin
- SynError('ProcessIf', eThenExpected, 0); Exit;
- end;
- if Operators(ReturnType) = -1 then SynError('ProcessIf', eUnexpectedBreak, 0);
- if Error then Exit;
- { Inc(TotalExitPINs); SetLength(ExitPINs, TotalExitPINs);
- Inc(Data.PINItems, 2); SetLength(Data.PIN, Data.PINItems);
- Data.PIN[Data.PINItems-2] := aoGoto; ExitPINs[TotalExitPINs-1] := Data.PINItems-1;}
- Data.PIN[JumpPIN] := Data.PINItems+1;
- Scaner.SkipDelims;
- Scaner.ReadChar(ch);
- Scaner.GetIdent(ch);
- if Scaner.Buf = EndTokenStr[etElseIf] then ProcessIf;
- end;
- begin
- // IF expr THEN ops {ELSEIF expr THEN ops }[ELSE os ]END
- TotalExitPINs := 0; JumpPIN := -1;
- ProcessIf;
- if Error then Exit;
- if Scaner.Buf = EndTokenStr[etElse] then begin
- Inc(TotalExitPINs); SetLength(ExitPINs, TotalExitPINs);
- Inc(Data.PINItems, 2); SetLength(Data.PIN, Data.PINItems);
- Data.PIN[Data.PINItems-2] := aoGoto; ExitPINs[TotalExitPINs-1] := Data.PINItems-1;
- if Operators(ReturnType) = -1 then SynError('ParseIf', eUnexpectedBreak, 0);
- if not Error then begin
- Scaner.SkipDelims;
- Scaner.ReadChar(ch);
- Scaner.GetIdent(ch);
- if Scaner.Buf = EndTokenStr[etElseIf] then ProcessIf;
- // Inc(TotalExitPINs);
- end;
- end else Dec(Data.PIN[JumpPIN], 2);
- if not Error and (Scaner.Buf <> EndTokenStr[etEnd]) then SynError('ParseIf', eEndExpected, 0);
- if TotalExitPINs >= 1 then for i := 0 to TotalExitPINs-1 do Data.PIN[ExitPINs[i]] := Data.PINItems-1;
- SetLength(ExitPins, 0);
- end;
- procedure TCompiler.ParseCall(const ProcID: Integer);
- var LastParameter: Boolean; CurPar, Op, ExpType: Integer; ch: Char;
- begin
- // Procname [([Arg] {, Arg} )];
- Scaner.SkipDelims; Scaner.ReadChar(ch);
- CurPar := 0;
- if ch = '(' then begin
- Scaner.SkipDelims; Scaner.ReadChar(ch);
- if ch <> ')' then begin
- Scaner.ReturnChar(ch);
- repeat
- if CurPar >= Data.Procedures[ProcID].Namespace.ParamCount then begin
- SynError('ParseCall', eTooManyParameters, 0);
- Exit;
- end;
- LastParameter := True;
- Op := oAssign;
- ExpType := Expression;
- if Error then Exit;
- if ControlTypes(Op, Data.Variables[Data.Procedures[ProcID].Namespace.Variables[Curpar]].TypeID, ExpType) = -1 then Exit;
- Scaner.SkipDelims; Scaner.ReadChar(ch);
- if ch = ',' then begin
- LastParameter := False;
- // Scaner.SkipDelims; Scaner.ReadChar(ch);
- end else if ch <> ')' then begin
- SynError('ParseCall', eRightParenthesisExpected, 0);
- Exit;
- end;
- Inc(CurPar);
- until LastParameter or Scaner.EOS;
- end;
- end else Scaner.ReturnChar(ch); // ToFix: return procedure reference in this case
- if CurPar <> Data.Procedures[ProcID].Namespace.ParamCount then begin
- SynError('ParseCall', eNotEnoughParameters, 0);
- Exit;
- end;
- if ProcID < TotalStandardProcedures then begin
- Inc(Data.PINItems, 1); SetLength(Data.PIN, Data.PINItems);
- Data.PIN[Data.PINItems-1] := Data.Procedures[ProcID].CommandID;
- end else begin
- Inc(Data.PINItems, 3); SetLength(Data.PIN, Data.PINItems);
- Data.PIN[Data.PINItems-3] := dtInt; Data.PIN[Data.PINItems-2] := Data.Procedures[ProcID].Index;
- Data.PIN[Data.PINItems-1] := aoCall;
- end;
- end;
- function TCompiler.Operators(ReturnType: Integer): Integer;
- var i, Op, Operation, IdentID, IdentOfs, ExpType, ReturnOp, IdentKind: Integer; ch: Char;
- begin
- Result := 0;
- Scaner.SkipDelims;
- while (not Error) and Scaner.ReadChar(ch) do begin
- if ch = ';' then begin Scaner.SkipDelims; Continue; end;
- if Scaner.isAlpha(ch) then begin
- Scaner.GetIdent(ch);
- Op := GetOperator(Scaner.Buf);
- if Op >= 0 then begin
- case Op of
- 1: ParseLoop(ReturnType);
- 2: ParseWhile(ReturnType);
- 3: ParseRepeat(ReturnType);
- 4: ParseFor(ReturnType);
- 5: ParseIf(ReturnType);
- 6: if LoopCount > 0 then begin // Exit operator
- Inc(Data.PINItems); SetLength(Data.PIN, Data.PINItems);
- Data.PIN[Data.PINItems-1] := aoExit;
- end else SynError('Operators', eUnexpectedBreak, 0);
- 7: if ReturnType = rtModule then SynError('Operators', eUnexpectedReturn, 0) else begin
- Scaner.SkipDelims;
- if ReturnType <> rtProcedure then begin
- Operation := oAssign;
- ExpType := Expression;
- if Error then Exit;
- if ControlTypes(Operation, ReturnType, ExpType) = -1 then Exit;
- ReturnOp := aoReturnF;
- end else ReturnOp := aoReturnP;
- Inc(Data.PINItems, 3); SetLength(Data.PIN, Data.PINItems);
- Data.PIN[Data.PINItems-3] := ReturnOp;
- Data.PIN[Data.PINItems-2] := CurNamespace.ParamCount; // Number of parameters
- Data.PIN[Data.PINItems-1] := CurNamespace.StackLength div 4; // Size of all local data
- end;
- end;
- end else if CheckEnd(Scaner.Buf) <> -1 then begin
- Scaner.ReturnBuf(Scaner.Buf);
- Break;
- end else begin
- IdentID := CheckIdent(Scaner.Buf, CurNamespace, True, IdentKind);
- if (IdentID <> -1) then begin
- if (IdentKind and ProcMask > 0) then begin
- if Data.Procedures[IdentID and not AllMask].TypeID <> -1 then begin
- SynError('Operators', eMustBeProcedure, 0);
- Exit;
- end;
- ParseCall(IdentID);
- end else if (IdentKind and ResWordMask > 0) then begin
- SynError('Operators', eUnexpectedResWord, 0); Exit;
- end else if (IdentKind and VarMask > 0) then ParseAssign(IdentID, IdentOfs);
- end else begin
- SynError('Operators', eUndeclaredIdentifier, 0); Exit;
- end;
- end;
- end else begin Scaner.ReturnChar(ch); ParseAssign(-1, 0); end; // ?
- Scaner.SkipDelims;
- end;
- end;
- function TCompiler.GetDeclaration(Buf: string): Integer;
- var i: Integer;
- begin
- Result := -1;
- for i := 0 to TotalDeclarations-1 do if Buf = DeclarationStr[i] then begin
- Result := i; Exit;
- end;
- end;
- {function TCompiler.GetTypeKind(TID: Integer): Integer;
- begin
- Result := -1;
- if TID = -1 then Exit;
- if TID < TotalSTDTypes then Result := TypeKind[TID] else begin
- case Data.Types[TID].Kind of
- tkCommon: Result := GetTypeKind(Data.Types[TID].ID);
- tkArray: Result := dtArray;
- tkRecord: Result := dtRecord;
- tkPointer: Result := dtPointer;
- tkProcedure: Result := dtProcedure;
- end;
- end;
- end;}
- function TCompiler.GetType(Buf: string): Integer;
- var i: Integer;
- begin
- Result := -1;
- for i := 0 to Data.TotalTypes-1 do if Buf = Data.Types[i].Name then begin
- Result := i; Exit;
- end;
- end;
- function TCompiler.ParseTypeDef(TypeName: TName; AlwaysNew: Boolean): Integer;
- // Returns type ID of existing or just created type
- // TypeDef = Ident | ARRAY [n] OF Type | RECORD ... END | POINTER TO TYPE | ProcDef
- var ch: Char; OldNS, NS: PNamespace; T: PType;
- function ParseArray: Integer;
- // Parses ARRAY [Len {, Len}] OF Type
- var
- Dims: array of Integer; TotalDims: Integer; ch: Char; TID: Integer;
- T: PType;
- begin
- T := AddType(TypeName);
- Result := Data.TotalTypes-1;
- TotalDims := 1; SetLength(Dims, TotalDims);
- if not isInteger(ConstantExpression(Dims[TotalDims-1])) then SynError('ParseArray', eIntExpExpected, 0);
- if Dims[TotalDims-1] < 0 then SynError('ParseArray', ePositiveIntExpExpected, 0);
- if Error then Exit;
- Scaner.SkipDelims;
- Scaner.ReadChar(ch);
- Scaner.GetIdent(ch);
- if Scaner.Buf <> 'OF' then begin
- SynError('ParseArray', eOfExpected, 0);
- Exit;
- end;
- TID := ParseTypeDef('$internal$', False);
- if TID = -1 then begin SynError('ParseArray', eUnknownType, TID); Exit; end;
- T.Kind := tkArray;
- T.Dimension := Dims[TotalDims-1];
- T.Size := T.Dimension * Data.Types[TID].Size;
- T.ID := TID;
- end;
- function ParseRecord: Integer;
- // Returns size of record
- // Parses: RECORD ["(" Base type ")"] Fields {";" [Fields]} END
- var ch: Char;
- begin
- T := AddType(TypeName);
- Result := Data.TotalTypes-1;
- NS := NewNamespace(TypeName);
- T.Namespace := NS;
- T.Kind := tkRecord;
- NS.Kind := nskRecord;
- if CurNamespace.Kind = nskRecord then NS.Parent := CurNamespace;
- OldNS := CurNamespace;
- CurNamespace := NS;
- T.Size := ParseVar;
- Scaner.SkipDelims;
- Scaner.ReadChar(ch);
- while (ch = ';') or Scaner.isDelim(ch) do Scaner.ReadChar(ch);
- Scaner.GetIdent(ch);
- if Scaner.Buf <> 'END' then SynError('ParseRecord', eEndExpected, 0);
- CurNamespace := OldNS;
- end;
- function ParsePointer: Integer;
- var ch: Char;
- // TO <array or record type>
- begin
- Scaner.SkipDelims;
- Scaner.ReadChar(ch);
- Scaner.GetIdent(ch);
- // if Scaner.Buf
- end;
- function ParseProcType: Integer;
- begin
- end;
- begin
- Scaner.SkipDelims;
- Scaner.ReadChar(ch);
- Scaner.GetIdent(ch);
- Result := GetType(Scaner.Buf);
- if Result <> -1 then begin
- if AlwaysNew then begin
- T := AddType(TypeName);
- T.Kind := tkCommon;
- T.ID := Result;
- end;
- end else if Scaner.Buf = 'ARRAY' then begin
- Result := ParseArray;
- end else if Scaner.Buf = 'RECORD' then begin
- Result := ParseRecord;
- end else if Scaner.Buf = 'POINTER' then ParsePointer
- else if Scaner.Buf = 'PROCEDURE' then ParseProcType
- else SynError('ParseTypeDef', eUnknownType, 0);
- end;
- procedure TCompiler.ParseType;
- // TYPE {Ident = TypeDef}
- // TypeDef = Ident | ARRAY [n] OF Type | RECORD ... END | POINTER TO TYPE | ProcDef
- var
- TypeEnd: Boolean; ch: Char;
- i, Ident, IdentOfs, TID, IdentKind: Integer; TypeName: TName;
- begin
- repeat
- TypeEnd := True;
- Scaner.SkipDelims;
- Scaner.ReadChar(ch);
- Scaner.GetIdent(ch);
- IdentOfs := 0;
- Ident := CheckIdent(Scaner.Buf, CurNamespace, False, IdentKind);
- if Ident <> -1 then begin
- SynError('ParseType', eIdentRedeclared, Ident);
- Break;
- end;
- TypeName := Scaner.Buf;
- Scaner.SkipDelims;
- Scaner.ReadChar(ch);
- if (ch <> '=') then SynError('ParseType', eEqualExpected, 0) else begin
- TID := ParseTypeDef(TypeName, True);
- end;
- AddIdent(ikType, TypeName, TID, 0);
- if Error then Exit;
- Scaner.SkipDelims;
- Scaner.ReadChar(ch);
- if ch <> ';' then SynError('ParseType', eSemicolonExpected, 0);
- while ch = ';' do Scaner.ReadChar(ch);
- Scaner.ReturnChar(ch);
- if not Error then begin
- Scaner.SkipDelims;
- Scaner.ReadChar(ch);
- if Scaner.isAlpha(ch) then begin
- Scaner.GetIdent(ch);
- if (Scaner.Buf <> 'BEGIN') and (Scaner.Buf <> 'END') and (GetDeclaration(Scaner.Buf) = -1) then TypeEnd := False;
- Scaner.ReturnBuf(Scaner.Buf);
- end else SynError('ParseType', eUnexpectedSimbol, Ord(ch));
- end;
- until TypeEnd or Scaner.EOS or Error;
- end;
- function TCompiler.ParseVarSection: Integer;
- // Parses variable section and returns size of all declared variables
- // ident1, ident2, ... : Type;
- var ch: Char; ListEnd: Boolean;
- var i, j, Ident, IdentOfs, OldTotalVars, NSOldTotalVars, VarCount, TID, IdentKind: Integer;
- begin
- Result := 0;
- OldTotalVars := Data.TotalVariables;
- NSOldTotalVars := CurNamespace.TotalVariables;
- VarCount := 0;
- repeat
- ListEnd := True;
- Scaner.SkipDelims;
- Scaner.ReadChar(ch);
- Scaner.GetIdent(ch);
- IdentOfs := 0;
- Ident := CheckIdent(Scaner.Buf, CurNamespace, False, IdentKind);
- if Ident <> -1 then begin
- SynError('ParseVarSection', eIdentRedeclared, Ident);
- Break;
- end;
- AddIdent(ikVariable, Scaner.Buf, 0, 0);
- Scaner.SkipDelims;
- Scaner.ReadChar(ch);
- if ch = ',' then ListEnd := False;
- Inc(VarCount);
- until ListEnd or Scaner.EOS or Error;
- if not Error and (ch <> ':') then SynError('ParseVarSection', eColonExpected, 0);
- if not Error then begin
- TID := ParseTypeDef('$internal$', False);
- if TID = -1 then begin SynError('ParseVarSection', eUnknownType, TID); Exit; end;
- end;
- if Error then begin
- Data.TotalVariables := OldTotalVars;
- CurNamespace.TotalVariables := NSOldTotalVars;
- SetLength(Data.Variables, Data.TotalVariables);
- Exit;
- end;
- for i := OldTotalVars to OldTotalVars+VarCount-1 do begin
- Inc(Result, GetTypeSize(TID));
- if (CurNamespace.Kind = nskModule) or (CurNamespace.Kind = nskRecord) then begin
- if GetExternalVarIndex(Data.Variables[i].Name) <> -1 then
- Data.Variables[i].Index := AllocateData(0, 0) else begin
- Data.Variables[i].Index := AllocateData(GetTypeSize(TID), 0);
- SetVarLocation(Data.Variables[i], ilGlobal);
- end;
- end else begin
- Data.Variables[i].Index := AllocateStack(GetTypeSize(TID));
- SetVarLocation(Data.Variables[i], ilStack);
- end;
- Data.Variables[i].TypeID := TID;
- end;
- end;
- function TCompiler.ParseVar: Integer;
- // Parses: {ident { , ident}: Type ;}
- // Returns size of all declared variables
- var VarEnd: Boolean; ch: Char;
- begin
- Result := 0;
- repeat
- VarEnd := True;
- Inc(Result, ParseVarSection);
- if Error then Exit;
- Scaner.SkipDelims;
- Scaner.ReadChar(ch);
- if ch <> ';' then SynError('ParseVar', eSemicolonExpected, 0);
- while ch = ';' do Scaner.ReadChar(ch);
- Scaner.ReturnChar(ch);
- if not Error then begin
- Scaner.SkipDelims;
- Scaner.ReadChar(ch);
- if Scaner.isAlpha(ch) then begin
- Scaner.GetIdent(ch);
- if (Scaner.Buf <> 'BEGIN') and (Scaner.Buf <> 'END') and (GetDeclaration(Scaner.Buf) = -1) then VarEnd := False;
- Scaner.ReturnBuf(Scaner.Buf);
- end else SynError('ParseVar', eUnexpectedSimbol, Ord(ch));
- end;
- until VarEnd or Scaner.EOS or Error;
- end;
- procedure TCompiler.ParseConst;
- var
- ConstEnd: Boolean; ch: Char;
- i, Ident, IdentOfs, TID, ExpStartPIN, ExpResult, IdentKind: Integer; ConstName: TName;
- begin
- // CONST {ident = Expression}
- repeat
- ConstEnd := True;
- Scaner.SkipDelims;
- Scaner.ReadChar(ch);
- Scaner.GetIdent(ch);
- IdentOfs := 0;
- Ident := CheckIdent(Scaner.Buf, CurNamespace, False, IdentKind);
- if Ident <> -1 then begin
- SynError('ParseConst', eIdentRedeclared, Ident);
- Break;
- end;
- ConstName := Scaner.Buf;
- Scaner.SkipDelims;
- Scaner.ReadChar(ch);
- if (ch = '=') then TID := ConstantExpression(ExpResult) else SynError('ParseConst', eEqualExpected, 0);
- if Error then Exit;
- AddIdent(ikConstant, ConstName, TID, ExpResult);
- Scaner.SkipDelims;
- Scaner.ReadChar(ch);
- if ch <> ';' then SynError('ParseConst', eSemicolonExpected, 0);
- while ch = ';' do Scaner.ReadChar(ch);
- Scaner.ReturnChar(ch);
- if not Error then begin
- Scaner.SkipDelims;
- Scaner.ReadChar(ch);
- if Scaner.isAlpha(ch) then begin
- Scaner.GetIdent(ch);
- if (Scaner.Buf <> 'BEGIN') and (Scaner.Buf <> 'END') and (GetDeclaration(Scaner.Buf) = -1) then ConstEnd := False;
- Scaner.ReturnBuf(Scaner.Buf);
- end else SynError('ParseConst', eUnexpectedSimbol, Ord(ch));
- end;
- until ConstEnd or Scaner.EOS or Error;
- end;
- procedure TCompiler.ParseProc;
- var ch: Char; Ident, IdentOfs, FuncType, IdentKind: Integer; ProcName: string[128];
- // PROCEDURE ident [ "(" [[var] Vars {";" [var] Vars}] ")" [":" Type] ] ";"
- // Declarations BEGIN ops END ident
- function ParseFormalPars: Integer;
- // "(" [[var] Vars {";" [var] Vars}] ")" [":" Type]
- var LastParameter: Boolean;
- begin
- Result := rtProcedure;
- Scaner.SkipDelims; Scaner.ReadChar(ch);
- if ch = '(' then begin
- Scaner.SkipDelims; Scaner.ReadChar(ch);
- if ch <> ')' then repeat
- LastParameter := True;
- if not Scaner.isAlpha(ch) then begin
- SynError('ParseFormalPars', eUnexpectedSimbol, 0);
- Exit;
- end;
- Scaner.GetIdent(ch);
- if Scaner.Buf = 'VAR' then else Scaner.ReturnBuf(Scaner.Buf);
- ParseVarSection;
- Scaner.SkipDelims; Scaner.ReadChar(ch);
- if ch = ';' then begin
- LastParameter := False;
- Scaner.SkipDelims; Scaner.ReadChar(ch);
- end;
- until LastParameter;
- end else Scaner.ReturnChar(ch);
- Scaner.SkipDelims; Scaner.ReadChar(ch);
- if ch = ':' then begin
- Result := ParseTypeDef('$internal$', False);
- if Result = -1 then SynError('ParseFormalPars', eUnknownType, Result);
- end else Scaner.ReturnChar(ch);
- end;
- begin
- // Procedure header
- Scaner.SkipDelims;
- Scaner.ReadChar(ch);
- Scaner.GetIdent(ch);
- IdentOfs := 0;
- Ident := CheckIdent(Scaner.Buf, CurNamespace, False, IdentKind);
- if Ident <> -1 then begin
- SynError('ParseProc', eIdentRedeclared, Ident);
- Exit;
- end;
- ProcName := Scaner.Buf;
- AddNameSpace(ProcName);
- CurNamespace.Kind := nskProcedure;
- CurNamespace.Parent.Procedures[CurNamespace.Parent.TotalProcedures-1].ID := Data.TotalProcedures;
- AddIdent(ikProcedure, ProcName, 0, Data.PINItems); // Procedure identifier
- FuncType := ParseFormalPars; // Procedure result type
- Data.Procedures[Data.TotalProcedures-1].TypeID := FuncType;
- CurNamespace.ParamCount := CurNamespace.TotalVariables; // Parameters count
- if Error then Exit;
- Scaner.SkipDelims; Scaner.ReadChar(ch);
- if ch <> ';' then begin SynError('ParseProc', eSemicolonExpected, 0); Exit; end;
- // Procedure body
- Inc(CurNamespace.StackLength, 2*SizeOf(TStackItem));
- CompileBlock(FuncType); if Error then Exit;
- if (FuncType = rtProcedure) and (Data.PINItems >= 3) and (Data.PIN[Data.PINItems-3] <> aoReturnP) then begin
- Inc(Data.PINItems, 3); SetLength(Data.PIN, Data.PINItems);
- Data.PIN[Data.PINItems-3] := aoReturnP;
- Data.PIN[Data.PINItems-2] := CurNamespace.ParamCount; // Number of parameters
- Data.PIN[Data.PINItems-1] := CurNamespace.StackLength div 4; // Length of all local data
- end else
- if (Data.PINItems >= 3) and (Data.PIN[Data.PINItems-3] <> aoReturnF) and (FuncType <> -1) then Synerror('ParseProc', eReturnExpected, 0);
- Scaner.SkipDelims; Scaner.ReadChar(ch); Scaner.GetIdent(ch);
- if Scaner.Buf <> ProcName then SynError('ParseProc', eProcNameMismatch, 0);
- // Inc(CurNamespace.Parent.StackLength, CurNamespace.StackLength);
- CurNamespace := CurNamespace.Parent;
- end;
- function TCompiler.Declarations: Integer;
- var i, D: Integer; ch: Char;
- begin
- // { CONST {吾