资源名称:CAST2SDK.rar [点击查看]
- (*
- !!! The unit will be replaced with Basics !!!
- Oberon basics unit
- (C) 2004-2007 George "Mirage" Bakhtadze.
- The source code may be used under either MPL 1.1 or LGPL 2.1 license. See included license.txt file <br>
- The unit contains compiler basic functions and classes
- *)
- unit OBasics;
- interface
- uses SysUtils;
- const
- // File errors
- feOK = 0; feNotFound = -1; feCannotRead = -2; feCannotWrite = -3; feInvalidFileFormat = -4; feCannotSeek = -5; feCannotOpen = -6;
- // File usage modes
- fuRead = 1; fuWrite = 2; fuAppend = 3;
- OneAsInt: LongWord = $3F800000;
- OneAsInt2: LongWord = $3F800000 shl 1;
- type
- TDStream = class // All these stream classes can be replaced with standard TStream
- Position, Size: Cardinal;
- function Open(const Usage: Integer = fuRead; const Mode: Integer = fmOpenReadWrite or fmShareDenyWrite): Integer; virtual; abstract;
- function Seek(const NewPos: Cardinal): Integer; virtual; abstract;
- function Read(var Buffer; const Count: Cardinal): Integer; virtual; abstract;
- function Write(const Buffer; const Count: Cardinal): Integer; virtual; abstract;
- function Close: Integer; virtual; abstract;
- end;
- TFileDStream = class(TDStream)
- Filename: string;
- FHandle, FMode: Integer;
- constructor Create(const AFileName: string; const Usage: Integer = fuRead; const Mode: Integer = fmOpenReadWrite or fmShareDenyWrite);
- function Open(const Usage: Integer = fuRead; const Mode: Integer = fmOpenReadWrite or fmShareDenyWrite): Integer; override;
- function Seek(const NewPos: Cardinal): Integer; override;
- function Read(var Buffer; const Count: Cardinal): Integer; override;
- function Write(const Buffer; const Count: Cardinal): Integer; override;
- function Close: Integer; override;
- destructor Free;
- end;
- function MaxS(V1, V2: Single): Single;
- function MinS(V1, V2: Single): Single;
- function InvSqrt(x: Single): Single; // Fast inverse square root. Depends on float numbers representation
- function AddColorW(Color1, Color2: Cardinal; W1, W2: Single): Cardinal;
- function BlendColor(Color1, Color2: Cardinal; K: Single): Cardinal;
- implementation
- { TFileDStream }
- constructor TFileDStream.Create(const AFileName: string; const Usage: Integer = fuRead; const Mode: Integer = fmOpenReadWrite or fmShareDenyWrite);
- begin
- Filename := ExpandFileName(AFileName);
- Open(Usage, Mode);
- end;
- function TFileDStream.Open(const Usage, Mode: Integer): Integer;
- var F: file;
- begin
- Result := feCannotOpen;
- FMode := Mode;
- if (Usage = fuWrite) or (not FileExists(FileName)) then begin
- if Usage = fuRead then Exit;
- FHandle := FileCreate(FileName); FileClose(FHandle);
- end;
- if (Usage = fuRead) or (Usage = fuAppend) then begin
- Assign(F, FileName); Reset(F, 1);
- Size := FileSize(F);
- CloseFile(F);
- end;
- Position := 0;
- FHandle := FileOpen(FileName, Mode);
- if Usage = fuAppend then Seek(Size);
- if FHandle >= 0 then Result := feOK;
- end;
- function TFileDStream.Read(var Buffer; const Count: Cardinal): Integer;
- var BytesRead: Integer;
- begin
- BytesRead := FileRead(FHandle, Buffer, Count);
- if BytesRead >= 0 then Inc(Position, BytesRead);
- if BytesRead = Count then Result := feOK else Result := feCannotRead;
- end;
- function TFileDStream.Seek(const NewPos: Cardinal): Integer;
- begin
- Result := 0;
- if FileSeek(FHandle, NewPos, 0) < 0 then Result := -feCannotSeek else Position := NewPos;
- end;
- function TFileDStream.Write(const Buffer; const Count: Cardinal): Integer;
- var BytesWrite: Integer;
- begin
- BytesWrite := FileWrite(FHandle, Buffer, Count);
- if BytesWrite >= 0 then Inc(Position, BytesWrite);
- Size := Position;
- if BytesWrite = Count then Result := feOK else Result := feCannotWrite;
- end;
- function TFileDStream.Close: Integer;
- begin
- Result := feOK;
- FileClose(FHandle);
- end;
- destructor TFileDStream.Free;
- begin
- Close;
- end;
- function MaxS(V1, V2: Single): Single; assembler;
- asm
- fld dword ptr [ebp+$08]
- fld dword ptr [ebp+$0c]
- fcomi st(0), st(1)
- fcmovb st(0), st(1)
- ffree st(1)
- end;
- function MinS(V1, V2: Single): Single; assembler;
- asm
- fld dword ptr [ebp+$08]
- fld dword ptr [ebp+$0c]
- fcomi st(0), st(1)
- fcmovnb st(0), st(1)
- ffree st(1)
- end;
- {$ELSE}
- function MaxS(V1, V2: Single): Single;
- begin
- if V1 > V2 then Result := V1 else Result := V2;
- end;
- function MinS(V1, V2: Single): Single;
- begin
- if V1 < V2 then Result := V1 else Result := V2;
- end;
- {$ENDIF}
- function InvSqrt(x: Single): Single; // Fast inverse square root. Depends on float numbers representation
- var tmp: LongWord;
- begin
- asm
- mov eax, OneAsInt
- sub eax, x
- add eax, OneAsInt2
- shr eax, 1
- mov tmp, eax
- end;
- Result := Single((@tmp)^) * (1.47 - 0.47 * x * Single((@tmp)^) * Single((@tmp)^));
- end;
- function AddColorW(Color1, Color2: Cardinal; W1, W2: Single): Cardinal;
- begin
- Result := Cardinal(Trunc(0.5+MinS(255, (Color1 and 255)*W1 + (Color2 and 255)*W2))) +
- Cardinal(Trunc(0.5+MinS(255, ((Color1 shr 8) and 255)*W1 + ((Color2 shr 8) and 255)*W2))) shl 8 +
- Cardinal(Trunc(0.5+MinS(255, ((Color1 shr 16) and 255)*W1 + ((Color2 shr 16) and 255)*W2))) shl 16 +
- Cardinal(Trunc(0.5+MinS(255, ((Color1 shr 24) and 255)*W1 + ((Color2 shr 24) and 255)*W2))) shl 24;
- end;
- function BlendColor(Color1, Color2: Cardinal; K: Single): Cardinal;
- begin
- if K > 1 then K := 1; if K < 0 then K := 0;
- Result := AddColorW(Color1, Color2, 1-K, K);
- end;
- end.