资源名称:CAST2SDK.rar [点击查看]
- (*
- @Abstract(Compiler types unit)
- (C) 2006-2007 George "Mirage" Bakhtadze. <a href="http://www.casteng.com">www.casteng.com</a> <br>
- The source code may be used under either MPL 1.1 or LGPL 2.1 license. See included license.txt file <br>
- Started Jul 15, 2004
- The unit contains the compiler basic constants and types
- *)
- unit OTypes;
- interface
- uses BaseTypes, SysUtils;
- type TToken = (tNone, tIdentifier, tOperator, tExpression, tRelation, tOperation, tEndToken);
- const
- // // Types. Must be in size-accending order
- dtBoolean = 0; dtChar = 1;
- dtInt8 = 2; dtInt16 = 3; dtInt32 = 4; dtInt = 5;
- dtNat8 = 6; dtNat16 = 7; dtNat32 = 8; dtNat = 9;
- dtSingle = 10; dtReal = 11; dtDouble = 12;
- dtString = 13;
- dtSet = 14;
- dtArray = 16;
- dtRecord = 17;
- dtPointer = 18;
- dtProcedure = 19;
- dtConstant = 32;
- dtVariable = 33; dtVariableRef = 34; dtVariableByOfs = 35;
- dtStackVariable = 36; dtStackVariableByOfs = 37;
- dtExtVariable = 38; dtExtVariableRef = 39; dtExtVariableByOfs = 40;
- // Result types
- rtModule = -2; rtProcedure = -1;
- TotalSTDTypes = 15;
- TypeStr: array[0..TotalSTDTypes-1] of string[8] =
- 'STRING', 'SET');
- // TypeKind: array[0..TotalSTDTypes-1] of Integer = (dtBoolean, dtChar, dtInt16, dtInt, dtInt32, dtSingle, dtReal, dtDouble, dtString, dtSet);
- // Operations
- oAdd = $80 + 1; oSub = $80 + 5; oMul = $80 + 9; oDiv = $80 + 13; oOr = $80 + 17; oAnd = $80 + 19; oIDiv = $80 + 21; oMod = $80 + 22; oNeg = $80 + 23; oInv = $80 + 26;
- rEqual = $80 + 28; rGreater = $80 + 32; rLess = $80 + 36; rGreaterEqual = $80 + 40; rLessEqual = $80 + 44; rNotEqual = $80 + 48; rIN = $80 + 52; rIS = $80 + 53;
- // Operators
- oAssign = $80 + 54;
- // All actions
- aoNull = $80 + 0;
- aoAddII = $80 + 1; aoAddIR = $80 + 2; aoAddRI = $80 + 3; aoAddRR = $80 + 4; aoAddSS = $80 + 105;
- aoSubII = $80 + 5; aoSubIR = $80 + 6; aoSubRI = $80 + 7; aoSubRR = $80 + 8; aoSubSS = $80 + 109;
- aoMulII = $80 + 9; aoMulIR = $80 + 10; aoMulRI = $80 + 11; aoMulRR = $80 + 12; aoMulSS = $80 + 113;
- aoDivII = $80 + 13; aoDivIR = $80 + 14; aoDivRI = $80 + 15; aoDivRR = $80 + 16; aoDivSS = $80 + 117;
- aoOrII = $80 + 17; aoOrBB = $80 + 18;
- aoAndII = $80 + 19; aoAndBB = $80 + 20;
- aoIDivII = $80 + 21; aoModII = $80 + 22;
- aoNegI = $80 + 23; aoNegR = $80 + 24; aoNegS = $80 + 125;
- aoInvI = $80 + 25; aoInvB = $80 + 26;
- // Relations
- arEqualII = $80 + 28; arEqualIR = $80 + 29; arEqualRI = $80 + 30; arEqualRR = $80 + 31;
- arGreaterII = $80 + 32; arGreaterIR = $80 + 33; arGreaterRI = $80 + 34; arGreaterRR = $80 + 35;
- arLessII = $80 + 36; arLessIR = $80 + 37; arLessRI = $80 + 38; arLessRR = $80 + 39;
- arGreaterEqualII = $80 + 40; arGreaterEqualIR = $80 + 41; arGreaterEqualRI = $80 + 42; arGreaterEqualRR = $80 + 43;
- arLessEqualII = $80 + 44; arLessEqualIR = $80 + 45; arLessEqualRI = $80 + 46; arLessEqualRR = $80 + 47;
- arNotEqualII = $80 + 48; arNotEqualIR = $80 + 49; arNotEqualRI = $80 + 50; arNotEqualRR = $80 + 51;
- arIn = $80 + 52; arIS = $80 + 53;
- // Operators
- aoAssign1 = $80 + 54;
- aoAssign2 = $80 + 55;
- aoAssign4 = $80 + 56; aoAssign4RI = $80 + 57;
- aoAssignSize = $80 + 58;
- aoStackAssign4 = $80 + 59; aoStackAssign4RI = $80 + 60;
- aoStackAssignSize = $80 + 61;
- aoGoto = $80 + 62; aoJumpIfZero = $80 + 63;
- aoCall = $80 + 64; aoReturnF = $80 + 65; aoReturnP = $80 + 66;
- aoExit = $80 + 67;
- aoSetStackBase = $80 + 69;
- aoExpandStack = $80 + 70;
- // Operations with external variables for scripting only
- aoExtAssign1 = $80 + 71;
- aoExtAssign2 = $80 + 72;
- aoExtAssign4 = $80 + 73;
- aoExtAssign4RI = $80 + 74;
- aoExtAssignSize = $80 + 75;
- // Standard functions
- sfSin = $80 + 76;
- sfCos = $80 + 77;
- sfTan = $80 + 78;
- sfArcTan = $80 + 79;
- sfSqrt = $80 + 80;
- sfInvSqrt = $80 + 81;
- sfRnd = $80 + 82;
- sfEntier = $80 + 83;
- sfLn = $80+84;
- sfBlend = $80+85;
- // aoIndex
- // Comments
- TotalComments = 2;
- CommentStr: array[0..TotalComments-1] of record Open, Close: string[10]; end = ((Open: '(*'; Close: '*)'), (Open: '//'; Close: #10));
- // Type modifiers
- tmInt = 0; tmSingle = 256;
- TotalReservedWords = 34;
- ReservedWord: array[0..TotalReservedWords-1] of string[9] = (
- 'ARRAY', 'BEGIN', 'BY', 'CASE', 'CONST',
- 'DIV', 'DO', 'ELSE', 'ELSEIF', 'END',
- 'EXIT', 'FOR', 'IF', 'IMPORT', 'IN',
- 'IS', 'LOOP', 'MOD', 'MODULE', 'NIL',
- 'UNTIL', 'VAR', 'WHILE', 'WITH' );
- TotalStandardProcedures = 10;
- StandardProcedureCommandIDs: array[0..TotalStandardProcedures-1] of Integer = (
- sfSin, sfCos, sfTan, sfArcTan, sfSqrt, sfInvSqrt, sfRnd, sfEntier, sfLn, sfBlend
- );
- TotalOperations1 = 3;
- Op1Str: array[0..TotalOperations1-1] of string[3] = ('+', '-', 'OR');
- Op1ID: array[0..TotalOperations1-1] of Cardinal = (oAdd, oSub, oOr);
- TotalOperations2 = 5;
- Op2Str: array[0..TotalOperations2-1] of string[3] = ('*', '/', '&', 'DIV', 'MOD');
- Op2ID: array[0..TotalOperations2-1] of Cardinal = (oMul, oDiv, oAnd, oIDiv, oMod);
- TotalUnarOperations = 2;
- UnarOpStr: array[0..TotalUnarOperations-1] of string[3] = ('-', '~');
- UnarOpID: array[0..TotalUnarOperations-1] of Cardinal = (oNeg, oInv);
- TotalRelations = 8;
- RelationStr: array[0..TotalRelations-1] of string[2] = ('=', '>', '<', '>=', '<=', '#', 'IN', 'IS');
- RelationID: array[0..TotalRelations-1] of Cardinal = (rEqual, rGreater, rLess, rGreaterEqual, rLessEqual, rNotEqual, rIN, rIS);
- TotalEndTokens = 9;
- EndTokenStr: array[0..TotalEndTokens-1] of string[5] = ('END', 'DO', 'UNTIL', 'TO', 'EXIT', 'THEN', 'ELSIF', 'ELSE', 'OF');
- etEnd = 0; etDo = 1; etUntil = 2; etTo = 3; etExit = 4; etThen = 5; etElseIf = 6; etElse = 7;
- TotalOperators = 8;
- OperatorStr: array[0..TotalOperators-1] of string[6] = (':=', 'LOOP', 'WHILE', 'REPEAT', 'FOR', 'IF', 'EXIT', 'RETURN');
- opAssign = 0; opLopp = 1; opWhile = 2; opRepeat = 3; opFor = 4; opIf = 5; opExit = 6; opReturn = 7;
- TotalDeclarations = 4;
- DeclarationStr: array[0..TotalDeclarations-1] of string[9] = ('VAR', 'CONST', 'TYPE', 'PROCEDURE');
- dVar = 0; dConst = 1; dType = 2; dProc = 3;
- eeSum = 1; exExpression = 2; exOperation = 3; exRelation = 4;
- // Compile errors
- eUnexpectedOperation = 1; eUnexpectedExpression = 2; eUnexpectedNumber = 3;
- eUnexpectedExpEnd = 4; eUnexpectedSimbol = 5; eUnexpectedOperator = 6;
- eUnexpectedIdentifier = 7;
- eUndeclaredIdentifier = 8;
- eIncompatibleTypes = 9;
- eIncomparableTypes = 10;
- eCannotAssign = 11;
- eUnexpectedSequenceEnd = 12;
- eSequenceEndNotFound = 13;
- eVariableExpected = 14;
- eAssignationExpected = 15;
- eUntilExpected = 16;
- eDoExpected = 17;
- eToExpected = 18;
- eEndExpected = 19;
- eThenExpected = 20;
- eBooleanExpExpected = 21;
- eUnexpectedBreak = 22;
- eIdentRedeclared = 23;
- eUnknownType = 24;
- eColonExpected = 25;
- eSemicolonExpected = 26;
- eEqualExpected = 27;
- eBeginExpected = 28;
- eOperationExpected = 29;
- eRightParenthesisExpected = 30;
- eRightBraceExpected = 31;
- eProcNameMismatch = 32;
- eNotEnoughParameters = 33;
- eTooManyParameters = 34;
- eMustBeFunction = 35;
- eMustBeProcedure = 36;
- eUnexpectedReturn = 37;
- eReturnExpected = 38;
- eConstExpExpected = 39;
- eInternalError = 40;
- eIntExpExpected = 41;
- ePositiveIntExpExpected = 42;
- eOfExpected = 43;
- eRightBracketExpected = 44;
- eUnexpectedResWord = 45;
- eExternalVarUnknownType = 46;
- eInvalidNumber = 47;
- TotalErrors = 47;
- // Runtime errors
- rteRangeError = 1; rteStackEmpty = 2;
- ikConstant = 0; ikVariable = 1; ikProcedure = 2; ikType = 3;
- TypeToStr: array[1..15] of string[10] = ('Boolean', 'Char', 'Int8', 'Int16', 'Int32', 'Int',
- 'Nat8', 'Nat16', 'Nat32', 'Nat', 'Single', 'Double', 'Real', 'String', 'Set');
- // Namespace kind
- nskModule = 0; nskProcedure = 1; nskRecord = 2;
- // Type kind
- tkCommon = 0; tkArray = 1; tkRecord = 2; tkPointer = 3; tkProcedure = 4;
- // Ident location
- ilGlobal = 0; ilStack = 1; ilExternal = 2;
- type
- Int8 = ShortInt; Int16 = SmallInt; Int32 = LongInt; Int = Integer;
- Nat8 = Byte; Nat16 = Word; Nat32 = LongWord; Nat = Cardinal;
- TName = string[32];
- TPINItem = Integer;
- TPIN = array of TPINItem;
- PNamespace = ^TNamespace;
- PType = ^TType;
- TNamespace = record
- Name: TName; // Name of module, record or procedure
- UID: Integer; // Unique namespace ID (for saving/loading namespaces)
- Kind: Int32; // Module, procedure or record
- ParamCount: Int32; // Only for procedures: number of parameters
- ID: Int32; // Index in Data.Procedures
- StackLength: Int32; // Length of variables declared local and in all child namespaces
- TotalConstants, TotalVariables, TotalProcedures, TotalTypes: Int32;
- Constants, Variables, Types: array of Longword;
- Procedures: array of PNameSpace;
- Parent: PNamespace;
- end;
- TType = record
- Name: TName;
- Kind: Int32; // Type kind
- ID: Int32; // Index of arrays base type, or index in Types[] in case of simple type
- Dimension, Size: Int32; // Dimension of array (if the type is array) and size of the entire type
- Namespace: PNamespace; // In case of record type record's namespace
- end;
- TIdent = packed record
- Name: TName;
- TypeID, Location, ExportMode, Index: Int32;
- Namespace: PNamespace; // Namespace where identifier is declared
- case StdProcedure: Boolean of
- True: (CommandID: Integer);
- False: (Size: Integer);
- end;
- TCompilationError = record
- Source: string;
- Number, Line, Position: Integer;
- Data: Integer;
- end;
- TDataPool = array[0..MaxInt-1] of Byte;
- PDataPool = ^TDataPool;
- TRTData = class
- PIN: TPIN; PINItems: Integer;
- EntryPIN: Integer; // First command index
- Namespace: PNamespace; // Root namespace
- BaseData: PDataPool;
- Data: array of Byte; // Dynamic data pool
- DataLength: Int32; // Dynamic data pool size
- Constants, Variables, Procedures: array of TIdent;
- Types: array of PType;
- TotalConstants, TotalVariables, TotalProcedures, TotalTypes: Int32;
- TotalExternalVariables, ExternalVarsOfs: Int32;
- destructor Destroy; override;
- end;
- function GetVTypeInt(Value: Int32): Int32;
- implementation
- function GetVTypeInt(Value: Int32): Int32;
- begin
- case Value of
- // 0..$FF: Result := etNat8;
- // $FF+1..$FFFF: Result := etNat16;
- // $FFFF+1..$80000000-1: Result := etNat32;
- -$80..$80-1: Result := dtInt8;
- -$8000..-$81, $80..$8000-1: Result := dtInt16;
- else {if (Value < -$8000) or (Value >= $8000) then} Result := dtInt32;
- end;
- end;
- { TRTData }
- destructor TRTData.Destroy;
- procedure FreeNamespace(var Namespace: PNamespace);
- var i: Integer;
- begin
- if Namespace = nil then Exit;
- NameSpace^.Name := '';
- Namespace^.Constants := nil;
- Namespace^.Variables := nil;
- Namespace^.Types := nil;
- for i := 0 to High(Procedures) do FreeNamespace(Namespace^.Procedures[i]);
- Dispose(Namespace);
- Namespace := nil;
- end;
- var i: Integer;
- begin
- PIN := nil;
- FreeNamespace(Namespace);
- FreeMem(BaseData);
- Data := nil;
- for i := 0 to TotalConstants-1 do FreeNamespace(Constants[i].Namespace);
- Constants := nil;
- for i := 0 to TotalVariables-1 do FreeNamespace(Variables[i].Namespace);
- Variables := nil;
- for i := 0 to TotalProcedures-1 do FreeNamespace(Procedures[i].Namespace);
- Procedures := nil;
- for i := 0 to TotalTypes-1 do FreeNamespace(Types[i]^.Namespace);
- Types := nil;
- inherited;
- end;
- end.