资源名称:CAST2SDK.rar [点击查看]
- (*
- @Abstract(Basic 2D Unit)
- (C) 2004-2007 George "Mirage" Bakhtadze
- The source code may be used under either MPL 1.1 or LGPL 2.1 license. See included license.txt file <br>
- Unit contains basic 2D types and routines
- *)
- {$Include}
- unit Base2D;
- interface
- uses BaseTypes, Basics, Models;
- const
- // Pixel format for image processing
- ProcessingFormat = pfA8R8G8B8;
- // Size in bytes of pixel in ProcessingFormat
- ProcessingFormatBpP = 4;
- // Max value of component (R, G, B, etc) in processing format
- ProcessingComponentMax = 255;
- // Maximum of mip levels an image can have
- MaxMipLevels = 32;
- // Maximum number of image repeats in imagesource
- MaxImageRepeats = 4096;
- type
- // Image resize filter
- TImageResizeFilter = (// No filter. Image will not be processed.
- ifNone,
- // Simple filter working only when image size is increased/decreased by N tymes where N positive integer value
- ifSimple2X,
- // Box filter
- ifBox,
- // Triangle filter
- ifTriangle,
- // Hermite filter
- ifHermite,
- // Bell filter
- ifBell,
- // Spline filter
- ifSpline,
- // Lanczos filter
- ifLanczos,
- // Mitchell filter
- ifMitchell);
- // Image filter function
- TImageFilterFunction = function (Value: Single): Single;
- // Image origin
- TImageOrigin = (// Top-down image and its origin is the upper-left corner.
- ioTopLeft,
- // Bottom-up image and its origin is the lower-left corner
- ioBottomLeft);
- // Image parameters data structure
- TImageHeader = record
- Format: Integer;
- LineSize: Integer;
- Width, Height: Integer;
- BitsPerPixel, ImageSize: Integer;
- ImageOrigin: TImageOrigin;
- PaletteSize: Cardinal;
- Palette: PPalette;
- Data: Pointer;
- end;
- // Generic image source class
- TBaseImageSource = class
- private
- FFormat: Integer;
- FWidth, FHeight: Integer;
- // PaletteSize: Cardinal;
- // Palette: PPalette;
- function GetBitsPerPixel: Integer;
- function GetBytesPerPixel: Integer;
- protected
- // Copies a rectangular area of the specified mip level of the image to an image with width DestImageWidth and data located in memory at Dest and returns True if success
- function GetData(const Rect: TRect; Dest: Pointer; DestImageWidth: Integer): Boolean; virtual; abstract;
- // Copies a rectangular area of the specified mip level of the image to an RGBA image with width DestImageWidth and data located in memory at Dest and returns True if success
- function GetDataAsRGBA(const Rect: TRect; Dest: Pointer; DestImageWidth: Integer): Boolean; virtual; abstract;
- public
- constructor Create(AFormat, AWidth, AHeight: Integer);
- // Calls implementation-dependent GetData() to load image data
- function LoadData(Rect: TRect; Dest: Pointer; DestImageWidth: Integer): Boolean;
- // Calls implementation-dependent GetDataAsRGBA() to load image data
- function LoadDataAsRGBA(Rect: TRect; Dest: Pointer; DestImageWidth: Integer): Boolean;
- // Image width
- property Width: Integer read FWidth;
- // Image height
- property Height: Integer read FHeight;
- // Number of bits per pixel
- property BitsPerPixel: Integer read GetBitsPerPixel;
- // Number of bytes per pixel
- property BytesPerPixel: Integer read GetBytesPerPixel;
- end;
- // Image source impementation for usual bitmap images
- TImageSource = class(TBaseImageSource)
- private
- FFormat: Integer;
- FBuf: Pointer;
- protected
- function GetData(const Rect: TRect; Dest: Pointer; DestImageWidth: Integer): Boolean; override;
- function GetDataAsRGBA(const Rect: TRect; Dest: Pointer; DestImageWidth: Integer): Boolean; override;
- public
- constructor Create(const ABuf: Pointer; AFormat, AWidth, AHeight: Integer);
- end;
- const
- // Default values for resize filters
- DefaultResizeFilterValue: array [TImageResizeFilter] of Single = (0, 0, 0.5, 1.0, 1.0, 1.5, 2.0, 3.0, 2.0);
- type
- // Image mip level record. Width, Height - level dimensions, Size - size of level data in bytes, Offset - offset of level data on bytes from top level data
- TImageLevel = record
- Width, Height: Integer;
- Size, Offset: Integer;
- end;
- // Image levels info
- TImageLevels = array[0..MaxMipLevels-1] of TImageLevel;
- // .bmp file information header data structure
- TBitmapInfoHeader = packed record
- biSize: Cardinal;
- biWidth, biHeight: Longint;
- biPlanes: Word;
- biBitCount: Word;
- biCompression: Cardinal;
- biSizeImage: Cardinal;
- biXPelsPerMeter, biYPelsPerMeter: Longint;
- biClrUsed: Cardinal;
- biClrImportant: Cardinal;
- end;
- // .bmp file header data structure
- TBitmapFileHeader = packed record
- bfType: Word;
- bfSize: Cardinal;
- bfReserved1, bfReserved2: Word;
- bfOffBits: Cardinal;
- end;
- // Determines how source and destination colors should be combined
- TColorCombineOperation = (// Copy source color instead of destination (SrcColor)
- coSet,
- // Add corresponding color components (DestColor + SrcColor)
- coAdd,
- // Modulate corresponding color components (DestColor * SrcColor)
- coMod,
- // Substract corresponding color components (DestColor - SrcColor)
- coSub);
- // The class incapsulates a brush which is used to paint over images
- TBrush = class
- private
- FShape: TImageHeader;
- FPattern: TImageHeader;
- FSource: TBaseImageSource;
- function GetHeight: Integer;
- function GetShapeData: Pointer;
- function GetWidth: Integer;
- function GetPatternData: Pointer;
- public
- Color: TColor;
- ColorCombineOperation: TColorCombineOperation;
- constructor Create;
- destructor Destroy; override;
- // Inits the brush with size, color combining operation and a bitmaps which determines the shape (8 bits per pixel) and color (32 bits per pixel) pattern of the brush
- procedure Init(AWidth, AHeight: Integer; AShape, APattern: Pointer; ABitmapFormat: Integer; AColor: TColor; AColorCombineOperation: TColorCombineOperation; ASource: TBaseImageSource); virtual;
- // Returns True if the brush can be used for draw operations
- function IsValid: Boolean;
- property Width: Integer read GetWidth;
- property Height: Integer read GetHeight;
- property ShapeData: Pointer read GetShapeData;
- property PatternData: Pointer read GetPatternData;
- property Source: TBaseImageSource read FSource;
- end;
- // Base class for operations affecting an image
- TImageOperation = class(Models.TOperation)
- protected
- // Pointer to image data
- FImageData,
- // Pointer to operation data
- FData: Pointer;
- // Image pixel format
- FImageFormat,
- // Image line length in pixels
- FImageLineLength,
- // Image bytes per pixel
- FImageBpP: Integer;
- // Rectangle on image affected by the operation
- FRect: BaseTypes.TRect;
- procedure DoApply; override;
- public
- constructor Create(AImageData: Pointer; AImageLineLength, AImageFormat: Integer; const ARect: BaseTypes.TRect);
- // Rectangle on image affected by the operation
- property Rect: BaseTypes.TRect read FRect;
- end;
- // Paint on an image with a brush operation
- TImagePaintOp = class(TImageOperation)
- public
- constructor Create(X, Y: Integer; AImageData: Pointer; AImageLineLength, AImageFormat: Integer; ABrush: TBrush; const ARect: BaseTypes.TRect);
- end;
- // Paint on an image with source image using the shape of a brush operation
- TImageCloneOp = class(TImageOperation)
- public
- constructor Create(X, Y: Integer; AImageData: Pointer; AImageLineLength, AImageFormat: Integer; ABrush: TBrush;
- SrcX, SrcY: Integer; ASource: TBaseImageSource; const ARect: BaseTypes.TRect);
- end;
- function SwapRB(Color: BaseTypes.TColor): BaseTypes.TColor;
- function GetIntensity(Color: BaseTypes.TColor): Integer;
- function VCLColorToColor(Color: Integer): BaseTypes.TColor;
- function ColorToVCLColor(Color: BaseTypes.TColor): Integer;
- // Returns the number of mip levels (including 0-th) which an image with the specified dimensions should have and fills in the levels info
- function GetSuggestedMipLevelsInfo(Width, Height, Format: Integer; out Levels: TImageLevels): Integer;
- // Converts the specified number of pixels from any known format to ProcessingFormat. Returns False if input format is unknown or cannot be converted.
- function ConvertToProcessing(Format, Size:Integer; Src: Pointer; PaletteSize: Integer; Palette: PPalette; Dest: Pointer): Boolean;
- // Converts the specified number of pixels from ProcessingFormat to any known format. Returns False if input format is unknown or cannot be converted.
- function ConvertFromProcessing(Format, Size:Integer; Src: Pointer; var PaletteSize: Integer; Palette: PPalette; Dest: Pointer): Boolean;
- // Converts the specified number of pixels from any known format to another known format. Returns False if input format is unknown or cannot be converted.
- function ConvertImage(SrcFormat, DestFormat, TotalPixels: Integer; Src: Pointer; PaletteSize: Integer; Palette: PPalette; Dest: Pointer): Boolean;
- // Creates in Dest a thumbnail image of the given size and format from a rectangular area of original image. Returns True if success or False if conversion to <b>Format</b> is unsupported.
- function CreateThumbnail(SrcFormat, SrcWidth: Integer; const SrcRect: BaseTypes.TRect; Src: Pointer; PaletteSize: Integer; Palette: PPalette; DestFormat, Width, Height: Integer; Dest: Pointer): Boolean;
- function ResizeImage(Filter: TImageResizeFilter; FilterValue: Single; Format:Integer; Src: PImageBuffer; const SrcArea: BaseTypes.TRect; SrcLineLength: Integer;
- const Dest: PImageBuffer; const DestArea: BaseTypes.TRect; DestLineLength: Integer): Boolean;
- // Stretches a rectangular area of an ARGB image to a rectangular area of another ARGB image
- procedure StretchARGBImage(Filter: TImageFilterFunction; const Radius: Single; Src: PImageBuffer; const SrcArea: BaseTypes.TRect; SrcLineLength: Integer; const Dest: PImageBuffer; const DestArea: BaseTypes.TRect; DestLineLength: Integer);
- function ImageBoxFilter(Value: Single): Single;
- function ImageTriangleFilter(Value: Single): Single;
- function ImageHermiteFilter(Value: Single): Single;
- function ImageBellFilter(Value: Single): Single;
- function ImageSplineFilter(Value: Single): Single;
- function ImageLanczos3Filter(Value: Single): Single;
- function ImageMitchellFilter(Value: Single): Single;
- function SaveIDF(const Stream: TStream; const IDFHeader: TIDFHeader; const Buffers: array of Pointer): Boolean;
- function LoadIDF(const Stream: TStream; var IDFHeader: TIDFHeader; var Buffer: Pointer; var TotalSize: Integer): Boolean;
- function LoadIDFBuffers(const Stream: TStream; var IDFHeader: TIDFHeader; var Buffers: TPointerArray; var TotalSize: Integer): Boolean;
- // Loads a .bmp file header and positions Stream at raw data start. Returns True if sucess.
- function LoadBitmapHeader(const Stream: TStream; out Header: TImageHeader): Boolean;
- // Loads a .bmp file and returns True if success.
- function LoadBitmap(const Stream: TStream; out LineSize: Integer; out Width: Integer; out Height: Integer; out BitsPerPixel: Integer; out PaletteSize: Cardinal; out Palette: PPalette; out Data: Pointer): Boolean; overload;
- // Loads a .bmp file and returns True if success. All image parameters are placed in Header.
- function LoadBitmap(const Stream: TStream; var Header: TImageHeader): Boolean; overload;
- // Copies a rectangular area from one buffer to another
- procedure BufferCopy(const SBuf, DBuf: Pointer; const BufLineLength, BpP: Integer; const Rect: BaseTypes.TRect);
- // Copies a rectangular area from one buffer to the top of another assuming width of destination buffer equal to width of the rectangle
- procedure BufferCut(const SBuf, DBuf: Pointer; const SrcLineLength, DestLineLength, BpP: Integer; const Rect: BaseTypes.TRect);
- // Copies a rectangular area from the top of one buffer to specified Rect of another assuming width of source buffer equal to width of the rectangle
- procedure BufferPaste(const SBuf, DBuf: Pointer; const SrcLineLength, DestLineLength, BpP: Integer; const Rect: BaseTypes.TRect);
- // Swaps contents of a rectangular area of one buffer with the contents of another assuming width of destination buffer equal to width of the rectangle
- procedure BufferSwap(const SBuf, DBuf: Pointer; const SrcLineLength, DestLineLength, BpP: Integer; const Rect: BaseTypes.TRect);
- // Copies a rectangular area from one buffer to the top of another changing its format to ARGB and returns True if success
- function BufferCutAsRGBA(const SBuf, DBuf: Pointer; const SrcLineLength, DestLineLength, SrcFormat: Integer; const Rect: BaseTypes.TRect): Boolean;
- // Copies a rectangular area from the top of RGBA buffer to specified Rect of another buffer with the specified format and returns True if success
- function BufferRGBAPaste(const SBuf, DBuf: Pointer; const SrcLineLength, DestLineLength, DestFormat: Integer; const Rect: BaseTypes.TRect): Boolean;
- // Combines a rectangular area from the top of RGBA buffer with specified Rect of another buffer with the specified format and returns True if success
- function BufferRGBACombine(const SBuf, DBuf: Pointer; const SrcLineLength, DestLineLength, DestFormat: Integer; const Rect: BaseTypes.TRect): Boolean;
- // Blends a rectangular area from the top of RGBA buffer with specified Rect of another buffer with the specified format using a separate 8-bit alpha-channel in ABuf and returns True if success
- function BufferRGBABlend(const SBuf, DBuf, ABuf: Pointer; const SrcLineLength, DestLineLength, DestFormat: Integer; const Rect: BaseTypes.TRect): Boolean;
- var
- OnProgress: TProgressDelegate;
- implementation
- const
- MaxImageRepeatsHalf = MaxImageRepeats div 2;
- type
- PContributor = ^TContributor;
- TContributor = record
- Weight, Pixel: Integer;
- end;
- TContributors = array of TContributor;
- TContributorEntry = record
- N: Integer;
- Contributors: TContributors;
- end;
- TContributorList = array of TContributorEntry;
- function SwapRB(Color: BaseTypes.TColor): BaseTypes.TColor;
- begin
- // Result := (Color and 255) shl 16 + (Color shr 16) and 255 + Color and (255 shl 8);
- Result := Color;
- Result.R := Color.B;
- Result.B := Color.R;
- end;
- function GetIntensity(Color: BaseTypes.TColor): Integer;
- begin
- Result := MaxI(MaxI(Color.R, Color.G), Color.B);
- end;
- function VCLColorToColor(Color: Integer): BaseTypes.TColor;
- begin
- Result.C := Color;
- Result := SwapRB(Result);
- end;
- function ColorToVCLColor(Color: BaseTypes.TColor): Integer;
- begin
- Color.A := 0;
- Result := SwapRB(Color).C;
- end;
- function GetSuggestedMipLevelsInfo(Width, Height, Format: Integer; out Levels: TImageLevels): Integer;
- var MaxDim: Integer;
- begin
- Levels[0].Width := Width;
- Levels[0].Height := Height;
- Levels[0].Size := Levels[0].Width * Levels[0].Height * GetBytesPerPixel(Format);
- Levels[0].Offset := 0;
- Result := 1;
- MaxDim := MaxI(Width, Height);
- while MaxDim > 1 do begin
- Levels[Result].Width := MaxI(1, Levels[Result-1].Width div 2);
- Levels[Result].Height := MaxI(1, Levels[Result-1].Height div 2);
- Levels[Result].Offset := Levels[Result-1].Offset + Levels[Result-1].Size;
- Levels[Result].Size := Levels[Result].Width * Levels[Result].Height * GetBytesPerPixel(Format);
- Inc(Result);
- MaxDim := MaxDim div 2;
- Assert(Result < MaxMipLevels);
- end;
- end;
- function ConvertFromProcessing(Format, Size: Integer; Src: Pointer; var PaletteSize: Integer; Palette: PPalette; Dest: Pointer): Boolean;
- var i: Integer;
- begin
- Result := True;
- case Format of
- pfR8G8B8: for i := 0 to Size-1 do begin
- TRGBArray(Dest^)[i].R := TARGBArray(Src^)[i].B;
- TRGBArray(Dest^)[i].G := TARGBArray(Src^)[i].G;
- TRGBArray(Dest^)[i].B := TARGBArray(Src^)[i].R;
- end;
- pfB8G8R8: for i := 0 to Size-1 do begin
- TRGBArray(Dest^)[i].R := TARGBArray(Src^)[i].R;
- TRGBArray(Dest^)[i].G := TARGBArray(Src^)[i].G;
- TRGBArray(Dest^)[i].B := TARGBArray(Src^)[i].B;
- end;
- pfA8B8G8R8: for i := 0 to Size-1 do begin
- TARGBArray(Dest^)[i].A := TARGBArray(Src^)[i].A;
- TARGBArray(Dest^)[i].B := TARGBArray(Src^)[i].R;
- TARGBArray(Dest^)[i].G := TARGBArray(Src^)[i].G;
- TARGBArray(Dest^)[i].R := TARGBArray(Src^)[i].B;
- end;
- pfA8R8G8B8, pfX8R8G8B8, pfX8L8V8U8, pfQ8W8V8U8: Move(Src^, Dest^, Size*4);
- pfR5G6B5: for i := 0 to Size-1 do
- TWordBuffer(Dest^)[i] := Round(TARGBArray(Src^)[i].R / 255 * 31) shl 11 +
- Round(TARGBArray(Src^)[i].G / 255 * 63) shl 5 +
- Round(TARGBArray(Src^)[i].B / 255 * 31);
- pfX1R5G5B5, pfA1R5G5B5: for i := 0 to Size-1 do
- TWordBuffer(Dest^)[i] := Ord(TARGBArray(Src^)[i].A <> 0) shl 15 +
- Round(TARGBArray(Src^)[i].R / 255 * 31) shl 10 +
- Round(TARGBArray(Src^)[i].G / 255 * 31) shl 5 +
- Round(TARGBArray(Src^)[i].B / 255 * 31);
- pfA4R4G4B4, pfX4R4G4B4: for i := 0 to Size-1 do
- TWordBuffer(Dest^)[i] := Round(TARGBArray(Src^)[i].A / 255 * 15) shl 12 +
- Round(TARGBArray(Src^)[i].R / 255 * 15) shl 8 +
- Round(TARGBArray(Src^)[i].G / 255 * 15) shl 4 +
- Round(TARGBArray(Src^)[i].B / 255 * 15);
- pfA8, pfL8: for i := 0 to Size-1 do TByteBuffer(Dest^)[i] := Round((TARGBArray(Src^)[i].R +
- TARGBArray(Src^)[i].G +
- TARGBArray(Src^)[i].B) / 3);
- // pfP8:;
- // pfA8P8:;
- pfA8L8: for i := 0 to Size-1 do TWordBuffer(Dest^)[i] := TARGBArray(Src^)[i].A shl 8 + Round((TARGBArray(Src^)[i].R + TARGBArray(Src^)[i].G + TARGBArray(Src^)[i].B) / 3);
- pfV8U8: for i := 0 to Size-1 do TWordBuffer(Dest^)[i] := TARGBArray(Src^)[i].G shl 8 + TARGBArray(Src^)[i].B;
- pfA4L4: for i := 0 to Size-1 do TByteBuffer(Dest^)[i] := TARGBArray(Src^)[i].A and $F0 + Round((TARGBArray(Src^)[i].R + TARGBArray(Src^)[i].G + TARGBArray(Src^)[i].B) / 3/255*15);
- // pfL6V5U5:;
- // pfV16U16:;
- // pfW11V11U10:;
- // pfD32:;
- pfD16: for i := 0 to Size-1 do begin
- TWordBuffer(Dest^)[i] := Round((TARGBArray(Src^)[i].R + TARGBArray(Src^)[i].G + TARGBArray(Src^)[i].B) / 3/255*65535);
- end;
- else Result := False;
- end;
- end;
- function ConvertToProcessing(Format, Size: Integer; Src: Pointer; PaletteSize: Integer; Palette: PPalette; Dest: Pointer): Boolean;
- var i: Integer; Temp: Byte;
- begin
- Result := True;
- case Format of
- pfR8G8B8: for i := 0 to Size-1 do begin
- TARGBArray(Dest^)[i].A := 0;
- TARGBArray(Dest^)[i].R := TByteBuffer(Src^)[i*3];
- TARGBArray(Dest^)[i].G := TByteBuffer(Src^)[i*3 + 1];
- TARGBArray(Dest^)[i].B := TByteBuffer(Src^)[i*3 + 2];
- end;
- pfB8G8R8: for i := 0 to Size-1 do begin
- TARGBArray(Dest^)[i].A := 0;
- TARGBArray(Dest^)[i].B := TByteBuffer(Src^)[i*3];
- TARGBArray(Dest^)[i].G := TByteBuffer(Src^)[i*3 + 1];
- TARGBArray(Dest^)[i].R := TByteBuffer(Src^)[i*3 + 2];
- end;
- pfA8B8G8R8: for i := 0 to Size-1 do begin
- TARGBArray(Dest^)[i].A := TARGBArray(Src^)[i].A;
- TARGBArray(Dest^)[i].B := TARGBArray(Src^)[i].R;
- TARGBArray(Dest^)[i].G := TARGBArray(Src^)[i].G;
- TARGBArray(Dest^)[i].R := TARGBArray(Src^)[i].B;
- end;
- pfA8R8G8B8, pfX8R8G8B8, pfX8L8V8U8, pfQ8W8V8U8: Move(Src^, Dest^, Size*4);
- pfR5G6B5: for i := 0 to Size-1 do begin
- TARGBArray(Dest^)[i].A := 0;
- TARGBArray(Dest^)[i].R := Round((TWordBuffer(Src^)[i] shr 11) and 31 / 31*255);
- TARGBArray(Dest^)[i].G := Round((TWordBuffer(Src^)[i] shr 5) and 63 / 63*255);
- TARGBArray(Dest^)[i].B := Round( TWordBuffer(Src^)[i] and 31 / 31*255);
- end;
- pfX1R5G5B5, pfA1R5G5B5: for i := 0 to Size-1 do begin
- TARGBArray(Dest^)[i].A := Round( TWordBuffer(Src^)[i] shr 15 * 255);
- TARGBArray(Dest^)[i].R := Round((TWordBuffer(Src^)[i] shr 10) and 31 / 31*255);
- TARGBArray(Dest^)[i].G := Round((TWordBuffer(Src^)[i] shr 5) and 31 / 31*255);
- TARGBArray(Dest^)[i].B := Round( TWordBuffer(Src^)[i] and 31 / 31*255);
- end;
- pfA4R4G4B4, pfX4R4G4B4: for i := 0 to Size-1 do begin
- TARGBArray(Dest^)[i].A := Round((TWordBuffer(Src^)[i] shr 12) and 15 / 15*255);
- TARGBArray(Dest^)[i].R := Round((TWordBuffer(Src^)[i] shr 8) and 15 / 15*255);
- TARGBArray(Dest^)[i].G := Round((TWordBuffer(Src^)[i] shr 4) and 15 / 15*255);
- TARGBArray(Dest^)[i].B := Round( TWordBuffer(Src^)[i] and 15 / 15*255);
- end;
- pfA8, pfL8: for i := 0 to Size-1 do begin
- TARGBArray(Dest^)[i].A := TByteBuffer(Src^)[i];
- TARGBArray(Dest^)[i].R := TByteBuffer(Src^)[i];
- TARGBArray(Dest^)[i].G := TByteBuffer(Src^)[i];
- TARGBArray(Dest^)[i].B := TByteBuffer(Src^)[i];
- end;
- pfP8: for i := 0 to Size-1 do with TARGBArray(Dest^)[i] do begin
- A := Palette^[TByteBuffer(Src^)[i]].A;
- R := Palette^[TByteBuffer(Src^)[i]].R;
- G := Palette^[TByteBuffer(Src^)[i]].G;
- B := Palette^[TByteBuffer(Src^)[i]].B;
- end;
- pfA8P8: for i := 0 to Size-1 do with TARGBArray(Dest^)[i] do begin
- A := TWordBuffer(Src^)[i] shr 8;
- R := Palette^[TWordBuffer(Src^)[i] and 255].R;
- G := Palette^[TWordBuffer(Src^)[i] and 255].G;
- B := Palette^[TWordBuffer(Src^)[i] and 255].B;
- end;
- pfA8L8: for i := 0 to Size-1 do begin
- TARGBArray(Dest^)[i].A := TWordBuffer(Src^)[i] shr 8;
- TARGBArray(Dest^)[i].R := TWordBuffer(Src^)[i] and 255;
- TARGBArray(Dest^)[i].G := TWordBuffer(Src^)[i] and 255;
- TARGBArray(Dest^)[i].B := TWordBuffer(Src^)[i] and 255;
- end;
- pfV8U8: for i := 0 to Size-1 do begin
- TARGBArray(Dest^)[i].A := 0;
- TARGBArray(Dest^)[i].R := 0;
- TARGBArray(Dest^)[i].G := TWordBuffer(Src^)[i] shr 8;
- TARGBArray(Dest^)[i].B := TWordBuffer(Src^)[i] and 255;
- end;
- pfA4L4: for i := 0 to Size-1 do begin
- TARGBArray(Dest^)[i].A := TByteBuffer(Src^)[i] and $F0;
- Temp := Round((TByteBuffer(Src^)[i] and 15)*17);
- TARGBArray(Dest^)[i].R := Temp;
- TARGBArray(Dest^)[i].G := Temp;
- TARGBArray(Dest^)[i].B := Temp;
- end;
- // pfL6V5U5:;
- // pfV16U16:;
- // pfW11V11U10:;
- // pfD32:;
- pfD16: for i := 0 to Size-1 do begin
- TARGBArray(Dest^)[i].A := Round(TWordBuffer(Src^)[i]/65535*255);
- TARGBArray(Dest^)[i].R := Round(TWordBuffer(Src^)[i]/65535*255);
- TARGBArray(Dest^)[i].G := Round(TWordBuffer(Src^)[i]/65535*255);
- TARGBArray(Dest^)[i].B := Round(TWordBuffer(Src^)[i]/65535*255);
- end;
- else Result := False;
- end;
- end;
- //procedure ConvertImage(SrcFormat, DestFormat: Cardinal; LineLength, Width, Height: Integer; Src: Pointer; PaletteSize: Integer; Palette: Basics.PPalette; Dest: Pointer);
- function ConvertImage(SrcFormat, DestFormat, TotalPixels: Integer; Src: Pointer; PaletteSize: Integer; Palette: PPalette; Dest: Pointer): Boolean;
- var Temp: Pointer;
- begin
- Result := False;
- if (Src = nil) or (Dest = nil) then Exit;
- if SrcFormat = DestFormat then begin
- Result := True;
- Move(Src^, Dest^, TotalPixels * GetBytesPerPixel(SrcFormat));
- end else begin
- GetMem(Temp, TotalPixels*ProcessingFormatBpP);
- Result := ConvertToProcessing(SrcFormat, TotalPixels, Src, PaletteSize, Palette, Temp) and
- ConvertFromProcessing(DestFormat, TotalPixels, Temp, PaletteSize, Palette, Dest);
- FreeMem(Temp);
- end;
- end;
- function ResizeImage(Filter: TImageResizeFilter; FilterValue: Single; Format:Integer; Src: PImageBuffer; const SrcArea: BaseTypes.TRect; SrcLineLength: Integer; const Dest: PImageBuffer; const DestArea: BaseTypes.TRect; DestLineLength: Integer): Boolean;
- var
- NeedConvert: Boolean;
- MarginX, MarginY: Integer;
- ow, oh, nw, nh: Integer;
- NSrc, NDest: Pointer;
- NSrcArea, NDestArea: BaseTypes.TRect;
- NSrcLineLength, NDestLineLength: Integer;
- Garbage: IRefcountedContainer;
- procedure CheckFormat;
- begin
- NeedConvert := (Format <> pfA8R8G8B8) and (Filter <> ifNone) and (Filter <> ifSimple2X);
- if NeedConvert then begin
- MarginX := Ceil(FilterValue * ow/nw);
- MarginY := Ceil(FilterValue * oh/nh);
- RectMove(SrcArea, -SrcArea.Left, -SrcArea.Top, NSrcArea);
- RectMove(DestArea, -DestArea.Left, -DestArea.Top, NDestArea);
- NSrcLineLength := NSrcArea.Right - NSrcArea.Left;
- NDestLineLength := NDestArea.Right - NDestArea.Left;
- GetMem(NSrc, ow*oh * ProcessingFormatBpP);
- GetMem(NDest, ow*oh * ProcessingFormatBpP);
- Garbage.AddPointers([NSrc, NDest]);
- BufferCutAsRGBA(Src, NSrc, SrcLineLength, NSrcLineLength, Format, SrcArea);
- end else begin
- NSrc := Src;
- NDest := Dest;
- NSrcArea := SrcArea;
- NDestArea := DestArea;
- NSrcLineLength := SrcLineLength;
- NDestLineLength := DestLineLength;
- end;
- end;
- var
- XRatio, YRatio: Integer;
- i, j, BpP, FillValue: Integer;
- begin
- Result := False;
- Garbage := CreateRefcountedContainer;
- ow := SrcArea.Right - SrcArea.Left;
- oh := SrcArea.Bottom - SrcArea.Top;
- nw := DestArea.Right - DestArea.Left;
- nh := DestArea.Bottom - DestArea.Top;
- if (ow <= 0) or (oh <= 0) or (nw <= 0) or (nh <= 0){ or ((nw = ow) and (nh = oh))} then Exit;
- CheckFormat;
- BpP := GetBytesPerPixel(Format);
- case Filter of
- ifNone: begin
- FillValue := Round(FilterValue);
- for i := 0 to Basics.MinI(nh-1, oh-1) do begin
- Move(PtrOffs(NSrc, i*ow * BpP)^, PtrOffs(NDest, i*nw * BpP)^, Basics.MinI(nw, ow)*BpP);
- if nw > ow then FillChar(PtrOffs(NDest, (i*nw+ow) * BpP)^, (nw - ow)*BpP, FillValue);
- end;
- if nh > oh then for i := oh to nh-1 do FillChar(PtrOffs(NDest, (i*nw) * BpP)^, nw*BpP, FillValue);
- end;
- ifSimple2X: begin
- XRatio := ow mod nw;
- YRatio := oh mod nh;
- if (XRatio <> 0) or (YRatio <> 0) then begin
- ErrorHandler(TInvalidArgument.Create('ResizeImage: ifSimple2X filter can be used only to shrink image by an integer factor'));
- Exit;
- end;
- XRatio := ow div nw;
- YRatio := oh div nh;
- case BpP of
- 1: for j := 0 to nh-1 do for i := 0 to nw-1 do
- PByteBuffer(NDest)^[(j + DestArea.Top)*DestLineLength + DestArea.Left + i] :=
- PByteBuffer(NSrc)^[(j*YRatio + SrcArea.Top)*SrcLineLength + SrcArea.Left + i*XRatio];
- 2: for j := 0 to nh-1 do for i := 0 to nw-1 do
- PWordBuffer(NDest)^[(j + DestArea.Top)*DestLineLength + DestArea.Left + i] :=
- PWordBuffer(NSrc)^[(j*YRatio + SrcArea.Top)*SrcLineLength + SrcArea.Left + i*XRatio];
- 4: for j := 0 to nh-1 do for i := 0 to nw-1 do
- PImageBuffer(NDest)^[(j + DestArea.Top)*DestLineLength + DestArea.Left + i] :=
- PImageBuffer(NSrc)^[(j*YRatio + SrcArea.Top)*SrcLineLength + SrcArea.Left + i*XRatio];
- else begin
- ErrorHandler(TInvalidFormat.Create('Invalid pixel format'));
- Exit;
- end;
- end;
- end;
- ifBox: StretchARGBImage(ImageBoxFilter, FilterValue, NSrc, NSrcArea, NSrcLineLength, NDest, NDestArea, NDestLineLength);
- ifTriangle: StretchARGBImage(ImageTriangleFilter, FilterValue, NSrc, NSrcArea, NSrcLineLength, NDest, NDestArea, NDestLineLength);
- ifHermite: StretchARGBImage(ImageHermiteFilter, FilterValue, NSrc, NSrcArea, NSrcLineLength, NDest, NDestArea, NDestLineLength);
- ifBell: StretchARGBImage(ImageBellFilter, FilterValue, NSrc, NSrcArea, NSrcLineLength, NDest, NDestArea, NDestLineLength);
- ifSpline: StretchARGBImage(ImageSplineFilter, FilterValue, NSrc, NSrcArea, NSrcLineLength, NDest, NDestArea, NDestLineLength);
- ifLanczos: StretchARGBImage(ImageLanczos3Filter, FilterValue, NSrc, NSrcArea, NSrcLineLength, NDest, NDestArea, NDestLineLength);
- ifMitchell: StretchARGBImage(ImageMitchellFilter, FilterValue, NSrc, NSrcArea, NSrcLineLength, NDest, NDestArea, NDestLineLength);
- end;
- if NeedConvert then begin
- BufferRGBAPaste(NDest, Dest, NDestLineLength, DestLineLength, Format, DestArea);
- end;
- Result := True;
- end;
- function CreateThumbnail(SrcFormat, SrcWidth: Integer; const SrcRect: BaseTypes.TRect; Src: Pointer; PaletteSize: Integer; Palette: PPalette; DestFormat, Width, Height: Integer; Dest: Pointer): Boolean;
- var i, j, SrcBpP, DestBpP: Integer; CurX, CurY, StepX, StepY: Single; Temp: Longword;
- begin
- Result := False;
- Assert((Width <> 0) and (Height <> 0));
- SrcBpP := GetBytesPerPixel(SrcFormat);
- DestBpP := GetBytesPerPixel(DestFormat);
- if (SrcBpP = 0) or (DestBpP = 0) then Exit;
- StepX := (SrcRect.Right - SrcRect.Left) / (Width);
- StepY := (SrcRect.Bottom - SrcRect.Top) / (Height);
- CurY := SrcRect.Top;
- for j := 0 to Height-1 do begin
- CurX := SrcRect.Left;
- for i := 0 to Width-1 do begin
- if not ConvertToProcessing(SrcFormat, 1, PtrOffs(Src, (Round(CurY) * SrcWidth + Round(CurX)) * SrcBpP), PaletteSize, Palette, @Temp) or
- not ConvertFromProcessing(DestFormat, 1, @Temp, PaletteSize, Palette, PtrOffs(Dest, (j*Width + i) * DestBpP)) then Exit;
- CurX := CurX + StepX;
- // if Odd(j) then pdwordbuffer(dest)^[j*Width+i] := $FFFFFF else pdwordbuffer(dest)^[j*Width+i] := 0;
- end;
- CurY := CurY + StepY;
- end;
- Result := True;
- end;
- function ImageBoxFilter(Value: Single): Single;
- begin
- if (Value > -0.5) and (Value <= 0.5) then Result := 1.0 else Result := 0.0;
- end;
- function ImageTriangleFilter(Value: Single): Single;
- begin
- if Value < 0.0 then Value := -Value;
- if Value < 1.0 then Result := 1.0 - Value else Result := 0.0;
- end;
- function ImageHermiteFilter(Value: Single): Single;
- begin
- if Value < 0.0 then
- Value := -Value;
- if Value < 1 then
- Result := (2 * Value - 3) * Sqr(Value) + 1
- else
- Result := 0;
- end;
- function ImageBellFilter(Value: Single): Single;
- begin
- if Value < 0.0 then Value := -Value;
- if Value < 0.5 then Result := 0.75 - Sqr(Value) else if Value < 1.5 then begin
- Value := Value - 1.5;
- Result := 0.5 * Sqr(Value);
- end else Result := 0.0;
- end;
- function ImageSplineFilter(Value: Single): Single;
- var Temp: Single;
- begin
- if Value < 0.0 then Value := -Value;
- if Value < 1.0 then begin
- Temp := Sqr(Value);
- Result := 0.5 * Temp * Value - Temp + 2.0 / 3.0;
- end else if Value < 2.0 then begin
- Value := 2.0 - Value;
- Result := Sqr(Value) * Value / 6.0;
- end else Result := 0.0;
- end;
- //--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
- {function ImageLanczos3Filter(Value: Single): Single;
- function SinC(Value: Single): Single;
- begin
- if Value <> 0.0 then begin
- Value := Value * Pi;
- Result := System.Sin(Value) / Value;
- end else Result := 1.0;
- end;
- begin
- if Value < 0.0 then Value := -Value;
- if Value < 3.0 then Result := SinC(Value) * SinC(Value / 3.0) else Result := 0.0;
- end;}
- function ImageLanczos3Filter(Value: Single): Single;
- const Radius = 3.0;
- begin
- Result := 1;
- if Value = 0 then Exit;
- if Value < 0.0 then Value := -Value;
- if Value < Radius then begin
- Value := Value * pi;
- Result := Radius * Sin(Value) * Sin(Value / Radius) / (Value * Value);
- end else Result := 0.0;
- end;
- //--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
- function ImageMitchellFilter(Value: Single): Single;
- const B = 1.0 / 3.0; C = 1.0 / 3.0;
- var Temp: Single;
- begin
- if Value < 0.0 then Value := -Value;
- Temp := Sqr(Value);
- if Value < 1.0 then begin
- Value := (((12.0 - 9.0 * B - 6.0 * C) * (Value * Temp)) +
- ((-18.0 + 12.0 * B + 6.0 * C) * Temp) +
- (6.0 - 2.0 * B));
- Result := Value / 6.0;
- end else if Value < 2.0 then begin
- Value := (((-B - 6.0 * C) * (Value * Temp)) +
- ((6.0 * B + 30.0 * C) * Temp) +
- ((-12.0 * B - 48.0 * C) * Value) +
- (8.0 * B + 24.0 * C));
- Result := Value / 6.0;
- end else Result := 0.0;
- end;
- function IntToByte(Value: Integer): Byte;
- begin
- Result := MaxI(0, MinI(255, Value));
- end;
- procedure StretchARGBImage(Filter: TImageFilterFunction; const Radius: Single; Src: PImageBuffer; const SrcArea: BaseTypes.TRect; SrcLineLength: Integer; const Dest: PImageBuffer; const DestArea: BaseTypes.TRect; DestLineLength: Integer);
- var
- Temp: PImageBuffer; TempSize: Integer;
- SX1, SY1, SX2, SY2, DX1, DY1, DX2, DY2: Integer;
- XStep, YStep: Single;
- Width, Center: Single;
- i, j, k, n: Integer;
- Left, Right, Weight: Integer;
- ContributorList: TContributorList;
- function ApplyContributors(Mult, N: Integer; Contributors: TContributors; Buf: PImageBuffer): TARGB;
- var J: Integer; RGB: TARGBInt; Total, Weight: Integer; Pixel: Cardinal; Contr: ^TContributor;
- begin
- RGB.R := 0; RGB.G := 0; RGB.B := 0; RGB.A := 0; Total := 0;
- Contr := @Contributors[0];
- for J := 0 to N-1 do begin
- Weight := Contr^.Weight;
- Inc(Total, Weight);
- Pixel := Contr^.Pixel;
- { if not ((Buf <> Temp) or (Cardinal(K*Mult)+Pixel < TempSize)) then begin
- Assert((Buf <> Temp) or (Cardinal(K*Mult)+Pixel < TempSize));
- end;}
- Inc(RGB.R, TARGB(Buf^[Cardinal(K*Mult)+Pixel]).R * Weight);
- Inc(RGB.G, TARGB(Buf^[Cardinal(K*Mult)+Pixel]).G * Weight);
- Inc(RGB.B, TARGB(Buf^[Cardinal(K*Mult)+Pixel]).B * Weight);
- Inc(RGB.A, TARGB(Buf^[Cardinal(K*Mult)+Pixel]).A * Weight);
- Inc(Contr);
- end;
- if Total = 0 then begin
- Result.R := IntToByte(RGB.R shr 8); Result.G := IntToByte(RGB.G shr 8); Result.B := IntToByte(RGB.B shr 8); Result.A := IntToByte(RGB.A shr 8);
- end else begin
- Result.R := IntToByte(RGB.R div Total); Result.G := IntToByte(RGB.G div Total); Result.B := IntToByte(RGB.B div Total); Result.A := IntToByte(RGB.A div Total);
- end;
- end;
- begin
- with SrcArea do begin
- SX1 := MinI(Left, Right); SY1 := MinI(Top, Bottom);
- SX2 := MaxI(Left, Right); SY2 := MaxI(Top, Bottom);
- end;
- with DestArea do begin
- DX1 := MinI(Left, Right); DY1 := MinI(Top, Bottom);
- DX2 := MaxI(Left, Right); DY2 := MaxI(Top, Bottom);
- end;
- TempSize := DestLineLength{ (DX2-DX1)} * MaxI(DY2-DY1, SY2-SY1);
- GetMem(Temp, TempSize * ProcessingFormatBpP);
- XStep := (DX2-DX1)/(SX2-SX1);
- if XStep < 1 then Width := Radius / XStep else Width := Radius;
- SetLength(ContributorList, DX2);
- for I := 0 to DX2 - 1 do begin
- ContributorList[I].N := 0;
- SetLength(ContributorList[I].Contributors, Trunc(2 * Width + 3));
- Center := I / XStep;
- Left := MinI(Floor(Center - Width), SrcLineLength-1);
- Right := MinI(Ceil(Center + Width), SrcLineLength-1);
- for J := Left to Right do begin
- if XStep < 1 then Weight := Round(Filter((Center - J) * XStep) * XStep * 256) else Weight := Round(Filter(Center - J) * 256);
- if Weight <> 0 then begin
- if J < 0 then N := -J else if J >= SX2 then N := SX2 - J + SX2 - 1 else N := J; // ToFix: SX2
- N := N mod SX2;
- K := ContributorList[I].N;
- Inc(ContributorList[I].N);
- ContributorList[I].Contributors[K].Pixel := N;
- ContributorList[I].Contributors[K].Weight := Weight;
- end;
- end;
- end;
- for K := 0 to SY2 - 1 do for I := 0 to DX2 - 1 do with ContributorList[I] do
- TARGB(Temp^[K*DestLineLength+I]) := ApplyContributors(SrcLineLength, N, ContributorList[I].Contributors, Src);
- for I := 0 to DX2 - 1 do ContributorList[I].Contributors := nil;
- ContributorList := nil;
- YStep := (DY2-DY1)/(SY2-SY1);
- if YStep < 1 then Width := Radius / YStep else Width := Radius;
- SetLength(ContributorList, DY2);
- for I := 0 to DY2 - 1 do begin
- ContributorList[I].N := 0;
- SetLength(ContributorList[I].Contributors, Trunc(2 * Width + 3));
- Center := I / YStep;
- Left := MinI(Floor(Center - Width), SY2-SY1);
- Right := MinI(Ceil(Center + Width), SY2-SY1);
- for J := Left to Right do begin
- if YStep < 1 then Weight := Round(Filter((Center - J) * YStep) * YStep * 256) else Weight := Round(Filter(Center - J) * 256);
- if Weight <> 0 then begin
- if J < 0 then N := -J else if J >= SY2 then N := SY2 - J + SY2 - 1 else N := J; // ToFix: SY2
- N := N mod SY2;
- K := ContributorList[I].N;
- Inc(ContributorList[I].N);
- // ContributorList[I].Contributors[K].Pixel := N*DX2; // ? DX2=>(DX2-DX1) ?
- ContributorList[I].Contributors[K].Pixel := N*(DX2-DX1);
- ContributorList[I].Contributors[K].Weight := Weight;
- end;
- end;
- end;
- for K := 0 to DX2 - 1 do for I := 0 to DY2 - 1 do with ContributorList[I] do
- TARGB(Dest^[I*DestLineLength+K]) := ApplyContributors(1, N, ContributorList[I].Contributors, Temp);
- for I := 0 to DY2 - 1 do ContributorList[I].Contributors := nil;
- ContributorList := nil;
- FreeMem(Temp);
- end;
- function SaveIDF(const Stream: TStream; const IDFHeader: TIDFHeader; const Buffers: array of Pointer): Boolean;
- var i, CurW, CurH, BpP: Integer;
- begin
- Result := False;
- if not Stream.WriteCheck(IDFHeader, SizeOf(IDFHeader)) then Exit;
- CurW := IDFHeader.Width; CurH := IDFHeader.Height;
- BpP := GetBytesPerPixel(IDFHeader.PixelFormat);
- if BpP = 0 then begin
- ErrorHandler(TInvalidFormat.Create('Invalid pixel format'));
- Exit; // Unrecoverable
- end;
- for i := 0 to Length(Buffers)-1 do begin
- if not Stream.WriteCheck(Buffers[i]^, CurW*CurH*BpP) then Exit;
- CurW := MaxI(1, CurW div 2); CurH := MaxI(1, CurH div 2);
- end;
- Result := True;
- end;
- function LoadIDF(const Stream: TStream; var IDFHeader: TIDFHeader; var Buffer: Pointer; var TotalSize: Integer): Boolean;
- var i, CurW, CurH, BpP: Integer;
- begin
- Result := False;
- if not Stream.ReadCheck(IDFHeader, SizeOf(IDFHeader)) or (IDFHeader.Signature <> 'IDF') then Exit;
- CurW := IDFHeader.Width; CurH := IDFHeader.Height;
- BpP := GetBytesPerPixel(IDFHeader.PixelFormat);
- if BpP = 0 then begin
- ErrorHandler(TInvalidFormat.Create('Invalid pixel format'));
- Exit; // Unrecoverable
- end;
- TotalSize := 0;
- for i := 0 to IDFHeader.MipLevels do begin
- Inc(TotalSize, CurW*CurH);
- CurW := MaxI(1, CurW div 2);
- CurH := MaxI(1, CurH div 2);
- end;
- GetMem(Buffer, TotalSize*BpP);
- if not Stream.ReadCheck(Buffer^, TotalSize*BpP) then begin FreeMem(Buffer); TotalSize := 0; end else Result := True;
- end;
- function LoadIDFBuffers(const Stream: TStream; var IDFHeader: TIDFHeader; var Buffers: TPointerArray; var TotalSize: Integer): Boolean;
- var i, j, CurW, CurH, BpP: Integer;
- begin
- Result := False;
- if (not Stream.ReadCheck(IDFHeader, SizeOf(IDFHeader))) or (IDFHeader.Signature <> 'IDF') then Exit;
- CurW := IDFHeader.Width; CurH := IDFHeader.Height;
- BpP := GetBytesPerPixel(IDFHeader.PixelFormat);
- if BpP = 0 then begin
- ErrorHandler(TInvalidFormat.Create('Invalid pixel format'));
- Exit; // Unrecoverable
- end;
- TotalSize := 0;
- SetLength(Buffers, IDFHeader.MipLevels+1);
- for i := 0 to Length(Buffers)-1 do begin
- Inc(TotalSize, CurW*CurH);
- GetMem(Buffers[i], CurW*CurH*BpP);
- if not Stream.ReadCheck(Buffers[i]^, CurW*CurH*BpP) then begin
- for j := 0 to i do FreeMem(Buffers[i]);
- TotalSize := 0;
- Exit;
- end;
- CurW := MaxI(1, CurW div 2);
- CurH := MaxI(1, CurH div 2);
- end;
- Result := True;
- end;
- function LoadBitmapHeader(const Stream: TStream; out Header: TImageHeader): Boolean;
- var
- begin
- Result := False;
- if not Stream.ReadCheck(FileHeader, SizeOf(FileHeader)) then Exit;
- if FileHeader.bfType <> Ord('M')*256 + Ord('B') then begin
- ErrorHandler(TInvalidFormat.Create('Not a .bmp file'));
- Exit;
- end;
- if not Stream.ReadCheck(InfoHeader, SizeOf(InfoHeader)) then Exit;
- Header.Width := InfoHeader.biWidth;
- Header.Height := Abs(InfoHeader.biHeight);
- Header.BitsPerPixel := InfoHeader.biBitCount;
- Header.LineSize := Header.Width * Header.BitsPerPixel div 8;
- if InfoHeader.biHeight < 0 then Header.ImageOrigin := ioTopLeft else Header.ImageOrigin := ioBottomLeft;
- if Header.LineSize and 3 <> 0 then Header.LineSize := Header.LineSize + 4 - Header.LineSize and 3;
- case Header.BitsPerPixel of // ToDo: Test with more .bmp files and fix if necessary
- 1..8: Header.Format := pfP8;
- 15, 16: Header.Format := pfR5G6B5;
- 24: Header.Format := pfB8G8R8;
- 32: Header.Format := pfA8R8G8B8;
- end;
- Header.PaletteSize := InfoHeader.biClrUsed;
- if (InfoHeader.biBitCount <= 8) and (Header.PaletteSize = 0) then Header.PaletteSize := 256;
- Getmem(Header.Palette, Header.PaletteSize * SizeOf(TPaletteItem));
- if not Stream.ReadCheck(Header.Palette^, Header.PaletteSize * SizeOf(TPaletteItem)) then begin FreeMem(Header.Palette); Exit; end;
- Header.ImageSize := InfoHeader.biSizeImage;
- if Header.ImageSize = 0 then Header.ImageSize := Header.LineSize * Header.Height;
- Result := True;
- end;
- function LoadBitmap(const Stream: TStream; out LineSize: Integer; out Width: Integer; out Height: Integer; out BitsPerPixel: Integer; out PaletteSize: Cardinal; out Palette: PPalette; out Data: Pointer): Boolean;
- var Header: TImageHeader;
- begin
- Result := False;
- if not LoadBitmap(Stream, Header) then Exit;
- Width := Header.Width;
- Height := Header.Height;
- BitsPerPixel := Header.BitsPerPixel;
- LineSize := Header.LineSize;
- PaletteSize := Header.PaletteSize;
- Palette := Header.Palette;
- Data := Header.Data;
- Result := True;
- end;
- function LoadBitmap(const Stream: TStream; var Header: TImageHeader): Boolean;
- var i, CurLine, Remainder, RemData: Integer;
- begin
- Result := False;
- if not LoadBitmapHeader(Stream, Header) then Exit;
- // Convert header from .bmp to usual image
- Remainder := Header.LineSize - Header.Width * Header.BitsPerPixel div 8;
- Assert((Remainder >= 0) and (Remainder < 4));
- Header.LineSize := Header.Width * Header.BitsPerPixel div 8;
- Header.ImageSize := Header.LineSize * Header.Height;
- // Get the actual pixel data
- GetMem(Header.Data, Header.ImageSize);
- if Header.ImageOrigin = ioTopLeft then CurLine := 0 else CurLine := Header.Height-1;
- for i := 0 to Header.Height-1 do begin
- if not Stream.ReadCheck(PtrOffs(Header.Data, CurLine*Header.LineSize)^, Header.LineSize) or
- not Stream.ReadCheck(RemData, Remainder) then begin
- FreeMem(Header.Data);
- Exit;
- end;
- if Header.ImageOrigin = ioTopLeft then Inc(CurLine) else Dec(CurLine);
- end;
- Result := True;
- end;
- procedure BufferCopy(const SBuf, DBuf: Pointer; const BufLineLength, BpP: Integer; const Rect: BaseTypes.TRect);
- var j: Integer;
- begin
- for j := Rect.Top to Rect.Bottom-1 do
- Move(PByteBuffer(SBuf)^[(j*BufLineLength+Rect.Left)*BpP],
- PByteBuffer(DBuf)^[(j*BufLineLength+Rect.Left)*BpP], (Rect.Right-Rect.Left)*BpP);
- end;
- procedure BufferCut(const SBuf, DBuf: Pointer; const SrcLineLength, DestLineLength, BpP: Integer; const Rect: BaseTypes.TRect);
- var w, j: Integer;
- begin
- w := Rect.Right-Rect.Left;
- for j := Rect.Top to Rect.Bottom-1 do
- Move(PByteBuffer(SBuf)^[(j*SrcLineLength+Rect.Left)*BpP], PByteBuffer(DBuf)^[(j-Rect.Top)*DestLineLength*BpP], w*BpP);
- end;
- procedure BufferPaste(const SBuf, DBuf: Pointer; const SrcLineLength, DestLineLength, BpP: Integer; const Rect: BaseTypes.TRect);
- var w, j: Integer;
- begin
- w := Rect.Right-Rect.Left;
- for j := Rect.Top to Rect.Bottom-1 do
- Move(PByteBuffer(SBuf)^[(j-Rect.Top)*SrcLineLength*BpP], PByteBuffer(DBuf)^[(j*DestLineLength+Rect.Left)*BpP], w*BpP);
- end;
- procedure BufferSwap(const SBuf, DBuf: Pointer; const SrcLineLength, DestLineLength, BpP: Integer; const Rect: BaseTypes.TRect);
- const MaxLineSize = $FFFF*4;
- var w, j: Integer; Temp: array[0..MaxLineSize] of Byte;
- begin
- w := Rect.Right-Rect.Left;
- Assert(w*BpP <= MaxLineSize, 'BufferSwap: Line size is too big');
- for j := Rect.Top to Rect.Bottom-1 do begin
- Move(PByteBuffer(DBuf)^[(j-Rect.Top)*DestLineLength*BpP], Temp[0], w*BpP);
- Move(PByteBuffer(SBuf)^[(j*SrcLineLength+Rect.Left)*BpP], PByteBuffer(DBuf)^[(j-Rect.Top)*DestLineLength*BpP], w*BpP);
- Move(Temp[0], PByteBuffer(SBuf)^[(j*SrcLineLength+Rect.Left)*BpP], w*BpP);
- end;
- end;
- function BufferCutAsRGBA(const SBuf, DBuf: Pointer; const SrcLineLength, DestLineLength, SrcFormat: Integer; const Rect: BaseTypes.TRect): Boolean;
- var w, j, BpP: Integer;
- begin
- Result := False;
- w := Rect.Right-Rect.Left;
- BpP := GetBytesPerPixel(SrcFormat);
- for j := Rect.Top to Rect.Bottom-1 do
- if not ConvertToProcessing(SrcFormat, w, PtrOffs(SBuf, (j*SrcLineLength+Rect.Left)*BpP), 0, nil, PtrOffs(DBuf, (j-Rect.Top)*DestLineLength*ProcessingFormatBpP)) then Exit;
- Result := True;
- end;
- function BufferRGBAPaste(const SBuf, DBuf: Pointer; const SrcLineLength, DestLineLength, DestFormat: Integer; const Rect: BaseTypes.TRect): Boolean;
- var w, j, BpP, tmp: Integer;
- begin
- Result := False;
- w := Rect.Right-Rect.Left;
- BpP := GetBytesPerPixel(DestFormat);
- for j := Rect.Top to Rect.Bottom-1 do
- if not ConvertFromProcessing(DestFormat, w, PtrOffs(SBuf, (j-Rect.Top)*SrcLineLength*ProcessingFormatBpP), tmp, nil, PtrOffs(DBuf, (j*DestLineLength+Rect.Left)*BpP)) then Exit;
- Result := True;
- end;
- function BufferRGBACombine(const SBuf, DBuf: Pointer; const SrcLineLength, DestLineLength, DestFormat: Integer; const Rect: BaseTypes.TRect): Boolean;
- const MaxLineLength = $FFFF;
- var w, i, j, BpP, tmp: Integer; Temp: array[0..MaxLineLength] of TColor; Col: TColor;
- begin
- Result := False;
- w := Rect.Right-Rect.Left;
- Assert(w <= MaxLineLength, 'Base2D.BufferRGBACombine: Line length is too big');
- BpP := GetBytesPerPixel(DestFormat);
- for j := Rect.Top to Rect.Bottom-1 do begin
- if not ConvertToProcessing(DestFormat, w, PtrOffs(DBuf, (j*DestLineLength+Rect.Left)*BpP), 0, nil, @Temp[0]) then Exit;
- for i := 0 to Rect.Right-Rect.Left-1 do begin
- Col := PColor(PtrOffs(SBuf, ((j-Rect.Top)*SrcLineLength+i)*ProcessingFormatBpP))^;
- Temp[i] := BlendColor(Temp[i], Col, Col.A/255);
- end;
- if not ConvertFromProcessing(DestFormat, w, @Temp[0], tmp, nil, PtrOffs(DBuf, (j*DestLineLength+Rect.Left)*BpP)) then Exit;
- end;
- Result := True;
- end;
- function BufferRGBABlend(const SBuf, DBuf, ABuf: Pointer; const SrcLineLength, DestLineLength, DestFormat: Integer; const Rect: BaseTypes.TRect): Boolean;
- const MaxLineLength = $FFFF;
- var w, i, j, BpP, tmp, Addr: Integer; Temp: array[0..MaxLineLength] of TColor; Col: TColor;
- begin
- Result := False;
- w := Rect.Right-Rect.Left;
- Assert(w <= MaxLineLength, 'Base2D.BufferRGBABlend: Line length is too big');
- BpP := GetBytesPerPixel(DestFormat);
- for j := Rect.Top to Rect.Bottom-1 do begin
- if not ConvertToProcessing(DestFormat, w, PtrOffs(DBuf, (j*DestLineLength+Rect.Left)*BpP), 0, nil, @Temp[0]) then Exit;
- for i := 0 to Rect.Right-Rect.Left-1 do begin
- Addr := ((j-Rect.Top)*SrcLineLength+i);
- Col := PColor(PtrOffs(SBuf, Addr*ProcessingFormatBpP))^;
- Temp[i] := BlendColor(Temp[i], Col, PByteBuffer(ABuf)^[Addr]/255);
- end;
- if not ConvertFromProcessing(DestFormat, w, @Temp[0], tmp, nil, PtrOffs(DBuf, (j*DestLineLength+Rect.Left)*BpP)) then Exit;
- end;
- Result := True;
- end;
- { TBaseImageSource }
- function TBaseImageSource.GetBitsPerPixel: Integer;
- begin
- Result := Basics.GetBitsPerPixel(FFormat);
- end;
- function TBaseImageSource.GetBytesPerPixel: Integer;
- begin
- Result := Basics.GetBytesPerPixel(FFormat);
- end;
- constructor TBaseImageSource.Create(AFormat, AWidth, AHeight: Integer);
- begin
- FFormat := AFormat;
- FWidth := AWidth;
- FHeight := AHeight;
- end;
- function TBaseImageSource.LoadData(Rect: TRect; Dest: Pointer; DestImageWidth: Integer): Boolean;
- begin
- Result := GetData(Rect, Dest, DestImageWidth);
- end;
- function TBaseImageSource.LoadDataAsRGBA(Rect: TRect; Dest: Pointer; DestImageWidth: Integer): Boolean;
- var xo1, xo2, xn, yo1, yo2, yn, tmp: Integer;
- function GetLine(ATop, AHeight: Integer): Boolean;
- function GetCol(ALeft, AWidth: Integer): Boolean;
- var LRect: TRect;
- begin
- LRect := GetRectWH((ALeft + FWidth * (xn+1)) mod FWidth,
- (ATop + FHeight * (yn+1)) mod FHeight,
- AWidth, AHeight);
- Result := GetDataAsRGBA(LRect, PtrOffs(Dest, ((ATop - Rect.Top) * DestImageWidth + ALeft - Rect.Left) * ProcessingFormatBpP), DestImageWidth);
- end;
- var l, lxn: Integer;
- begin
- Result := False;
- l := Rect.Left;
- if xo1 > 0 then begin
- if not GetCol(l, xo1) then Exit;
- l := l + xo1;
- if l mod FWidth <> 0 then begin
- Assert(l mod FWidth = 0);
- end;
- end;
- lxn := xn;
- while lxn > 0 do begin
- if not GetCol(l, FWidth) then Exit;
- l := l + FWidth;
- Dec(lxn);
- end;
- if xo2 > 0 then begin
- if not GetCol(l, xo2) then Exit;
- l := l + xo2;
- end;
- Assert(l = Rect.Right);
- Result := True;
- end;
- var t: Integer;
- // _ ___ --- ___ __
- // xo1 w w w xo2
- begin
- Result := True;
- if (Rect.Right <= Rect.Left) or (Rect.Bottom <= Rect.Top) then Exit;
- Result := False;
- RectMove(Rect, MaxImageRepeatsHalf * FWidth, MaxImageRepeatsHalf * FHeight, Rect);
- xo1 := (FWidth - (Rect.Left mod FWidth)) mod FWidth;
- xo2 := Rect.Right mod FWidth;
- tmp := (Rect.Right - Rect.Left - xo1 - xo2);
- xn := tmp div FWidth;
- if tmp < 0 then begin
- xo2 := -FWidth + xo1 + xo2;
- xo1 := 0;
- end;
- yo1 := (FHeight - (Rect.Top mod FHeight)) mod FHeight;
- yo2 := Rect.Bottom mod FHeight;
- tmp :=(Rect.Bottom - Rect.Top - yo1 - yo2);
- yn := tmp div FHeight;
- if tmp < 0 then begin
- yo2 := -FHeight + yo1 + yo2;
- yo1 := 0;
- end;
- t := Rect.Top;
- if yo1 > 0 then begin
- if not GetLine(t, yo1) then Exit;
- t := t + yo1;
- Assert(t mod FHeight = 0);
- end;
- while yn > 0 do begin
- if not GetLine(t, FHeight) then Exit;
- t := t + FHeight;
- Dec(yn);
- end;
- if yo2 > 0 then begin
- if not GetLine(t, yo2) then Exit;
- t := t + yo2;
- end;
- Assert(t = Rect.Bottom);
- Result := True;
- end;
- { TImageOperation }
- procedure TImageOperation.DoApply;
- begin
- Assert(Assigned(FImageData), 'TImageOperation.DoApply: Image data is undefined');
- BufferSwap(FImageData, FData, FImageLineLength, FRect.Right-FRect.Left, FImageBpP, FRect);
- end;
- constructor TImageOperation.Create(AImageData: Pointer; AImageLineLength, AImageFormat: Integer; const ARect: BaseTypes.TRect);
- begin
- FImageData := AImageData;
- FImageLineLength := AImageLineLength;
- FImageFormat := AImageFormat;
- FImageBpP := GetBytesPerPixel(FImageFormat);
- FRect := ARect;
- GetMem(FData, (FRect.Bottom-FRect.Top) * (FRect.Right-FRect.Left) * FImageBpP);
- // FillChar(FData^, (FRect.Bottom-FRect.Top) * (FRect.Right-FRect.Left) * FImageBpP, 0);
- end;
- function CombineValues(OldValue, NewValue, Mask: Longword; ColorOp: TColorCombineOperation): BaseTypes.TColor;
- begin
- NewValue := NewValue and Mask;
- case ColorOp of
- coSet: Result.C := Longword(OldValue and (not Mask)) + NewValue;
- coAdd: asm
- movd MM0, OldValue
- movd MM1, NewValue
- paddusb MM0, MM1
- movd Result, MM0
- emms
- end;
- coSub: asm
- movd MM0, OldValue
- movd MM1, NewValue
- psubusb MM0, MM1
- movd Result, MM0
- emms
- end;
- coMod: asm
- pxor MM2, MM2
- movd MM0, OldValue
- mov EAX, NewValue
- mov DX, AX
- shl EAX, 16
- mov AX, DX
- // movd MM1, EAX
- psllq MM1, 32
- // psllw MM1, 8
- movd MM3, EAX
- por MM1, MM3
- punpcklbw MM0, MM2
- pmullw MM0, MM1
- psrlw MM0, 8
- packuswb MM0, MM2
- mov EAX, Mask
- not EAX
- and OldValue, EAX
- movd EAX, MM0
- and EAX, Mask
- or EAX, OldValue
- // mov Result, EAX
- emms
- end;
- end;
- end;
- { TImagePaintOp }
- constructor TImagePaintOp.Create(X, Y: Integer; AImageData: Pointer; AImageLineLength, AImageFormat: Integer; ABrush: TBrush; const ARect: BaseTypes.TRect);
- begin
- inherited Create(AImageData, AImageLineLength, AImageFormat, GetRectIntersect(GetRect(X, Y, X+ABrush.Width, Y+ABrush.Height), ARect));
- BufferCut(FImageData, FData, FImageLineLength, Rect.Right-Rect.Left, FImageBpP, Rect);
- BufferRGBABlend(PtrOffs(ABrush.PatternData, (MaxI(0, -Y) * ABrush.Width + MaxI(0, -X)) * SizeOf(TColor)),
- FData,
- PtrOffs(ABrush.ShapeData, (MaxI(0, -Y) * ABrush.Width + MaxI(0, -X))),
- ABrush.Width, Rect.Right-Rect.Left, FImageFormat, GetRectMoved(Rect, -Rect.Left, -Rect.Top));
- // BufferRGBACombine(PtrOffs(ABrush.PatternData, (MaxI(0, -Y) * ABrush.Width + MaxI(0, -X)) * SizeOf(TColor)),
- // FData,
- // ABrush.Width, Rect.Right-Rect.Left, FImageFormat, GetRectMove(Rect, -Rect.Left, -Rect.Top));
- end;
- { TImageCloneOp }
- constructor TImageCloneOp.Create(X, Y: Integer; AImageData: Pointer; AImageLineLength, AImageFormat: Integer; ABrush: TBrush;
- SrcX, SrcY: Integer; ASource: TBaseImageSource; const ARect: TRect);
- begin
- if not Assigned(ASource) then begin
- ErrorHandler(TInvalidArgument.Create('TImageCloneOp.Create: Can''t create operation: invalid image source'));
- Exit;
- end;
- inherited Create(AImageData, AImageLineLength, AImageFormat, GetRectIntersect(GetRect(X, Y, X+ABrush.Width, Y+ABrush.Height), ARect));
- // ASource.GetData(GetRectWH(SrcX, SrcY, Rect.Right-Rect.Left, Rect.Bottom-Rect.Top), FData, Rect.Right-Rect.Left);
- BufferRGBABlend(PtrOffs(ABrush.PatternData, (MaxI(0, -Y) * ABrush.Width + MaxI(0, -X)) * SizeOf(TColor)),
- FData,
- PtrOffs(ABrush.ShapeData, (MaxI(0, -Y) * ABrush.Width + MaxI(0, -X))),
- ABrush.Width, Rect.Right-Rect.Left, FImageFormat, GetRectMoved(Rect, -Rect.Left, -Rect.Top));
- // BufferRGBACombine(PtrOffs(ABrush.ShapeData, (MaxI(0, -Y) * ABrush.Width + MaxI(0, -X)) * SizeOf(TColor)),
- // FData, ABrush.Width, Rect.Right-Rect.Left, FImageFormat, GetRectMove(Rect, -Rect.Left, -Rect.Top));
- end;
- { TBrush }
- function TBrush.GetWidth: Integer;
- begin
- Result := FShape.Width;
- end;
- function TBrush.GetHeight: Integer;
- begin
- Result := FShape.Height;
- end;
- function TBrush.GetShapeData: Pointer;
- begin
- Result := FShape.Data;
- end;
- function TBrush.GetPatternData: Pointer;
- begin
- Result := FPattern.Data;
- end;
- constructor TBrush.Create;
- begin
- FShape.Data := nil;
- FPattern.Data := nil;
- end;
- destructor TBrush.Destroy;
- begin
- if Assigned(FShape.Data) then FreeMem(FShape.Data);
- if Assigned(FPattern.Data) then FreeMem(FPattern.Data);
- inherited;
- end;
- procedure TBrush.Init(AWidth, AHeight: Integer; AShape, APattern: Pointer; ABitmapFormat: Integer; AColor: TColor; AColorCombineOperation: TColorCombineOperation; ASource: TBaseImageSource);
- begin
- FShape.Format := pfA8;
- FShape.Width := AWidth;
- FShape.Height := AHeight;
- FShape.BitsPerPixel := GetBitsPerPixel(FShape.Format);
- FShape.PaletteSize := 0;
- FShape.Palette := nil;
- FShape.LineSize := FShape.Width * FShape.BitsPerPixel div BitsInByte;
- FShape.ImageSize := FShape.LineSize * FShape.Height;
- FPattern.Format := pfA8R8G8B8;
- FPattern.Width := AWidth;
- FPattern.Height := AHeight;
- FPattern.BitsPerPixel := GetBitsPerPixel(FPattern.Format);
- FPattern.PaletteSize := 0;
- FPattern.Palette := nil;
- FPattern.LineSize := FPattern.Width * FPattern.BitsPerPixel div BitsInByte;
- FPattern.ImageSize := FPattern.LineSize * FPattern.Height;
- ReallocMem(FShape.Data, FShape.ImageSize);
- // ConvertImage(ABitmapFormat, FShape.Format, AWidth*AHeight, ABitmap, 0, nil, FShape.Data);
- ReallocMem(FPattern.Data, FPattern.ImageSize);
- if Assigned(AShape) then Move(AShape^, FShape.Data^, FShape.ImageSize);
- if Assigned(APattern) then Move(APattern^, FPattern.Data^, FPattern.ImageSize);
- Color := AColor;
- ColorCombineOperation := AColorCombineOperation;
- FSource := ASource;
- Assert(IsValid);
- end;
- function TBrush.IsValid: Boolean;
- begin
- Result := (FShape.Format <> pfUndefined) and (FShape.BitsPerPixel > 0) and
- (FShape.Width > 0) and (FShape.Height > 0) and
- Assigned(FShape.Data) and
- (FPattern.Format <> pfUndefined) and (FPattern.BitsPerPixel > 0) and
- (FPattern.Width > 0) and (FPattern.Height > 0) and
- Assigned(FPattern.Data)
- end;
- { TImageSource }
- function TImageSource.GetData(const Rect: TRect; Dest: Pointer; DestImageWidth: Integer): Boolean;
- begin
- BufferCut(FBuf, Dest, FWidth, DestImageWidth, Basics.GetBytesPerPixel(FFormat), Rect);
- Result := True;
- end;
- function TImageSource.GetDataAsRGBA(const Rect: TRect; Dest: Pointer; DestImageWidth: Integer): Boolean;
- begin
- Result := BufferCutAsRGBA(FBuf, Dest, FWidth, DestImageWidth, FFormat, Rect);
- end;
- constructor TImageSource.Create(const ABuf: Pointer; AFormat, AWidth, AHeight: Integer);
- begin
- FFormat := AFormat;
- FWidth := AWidth;
- FHeight := AHeight;
- FBuf := ABuf;
- end;
- end.