资源名称:CAST2SDK.rar [点击查看]
- (*
- @Abstract(Base types unit)
- (C) 2007 George "Mirage" Bakhtadze <br>
- The source code may be used under either MPL 1.1 or LGPL 2.1 license. See included license.txt file <br>
- Created: Apr 09, 2007 <br>
- Unit contains most basic types
- *)
- {$Include}
- unit BaseTypes;
- interface
- const
- BitsInByte = 8;
- DegToRad = pi/180;
- RadToDeg = 180/pi;
- MaxPadeg = 6;
- epsilon = 0.0001;
- MaxFloatValue = 3.4e+38;
- type
- // Platform independent basic types
- //
- Int32 = Longint;
- Int16 = SmallInt;
- Int8 = ShortInt;
- // Unsinged (natural)
- Nat32 = Longword;
- Nat16 = Word;
- Nat8 = Byte;
- const
- // Max and mins for signed
- MaxInt32: Int32 = $7FFFFFFF;
- MinInt32: Int32 = -$7FFFFFFF-1; // -$80000000
- MaxInt16: Int16 = $7FFF;
- MinInt16: Int16 = -$8000;
- MaxInt8: Int8 = $7F;
- MinInt8: Int8 = -$80;
- // Max for unsigned
- MaxNat32: Nat32 = $FFFFFFFF;
- MaxNat16: Nat16 = $FFFF;
- MaxNat8: Nat8 = $FF;
- type
- // 32-bit set
- TSet32 = set of 0..31;
- // Globally unique identifier
- TSGUID12 = string[12];
- // File signature
- TFileSignature = array [0..3] of AnsiChar;
- // Type for time values
- TTimeUnit = Double;
- // Message flag
- TMessageFlag = (// Message has been handled or discarded. No need to handle it anymore.
- mfInvalid,
- // Message has a recipient
- mfRecipient,
- // Message is a notification message from parent to immediate childs
- mfChilds,
- // Message is a broadcasted message from some item down through hierarchy
- mfBroadcast,
- // Message's destination is core handle
- mfCore,
- // Message is asyncronous
- mfAsync);
- // Message flag set
- TMessageFlags = set of TMessageFlag;
- // General method pointer
- TDelegate = procedure(Data: Pointer) of object;
- // Method pointer used by time-consuming routines to report progess in range [0..1]
- TProgressDelegate = procedure(Progress: Single) of object;
- // Pointer to a two-dimensional vector
- PVector2s = ^TVector2s;
- // Two-dimensional vector
- TVector2s = packed record
- case Integer of
- 0: (X, Y: Single);
- 1: (V: array[0..1] of Single);
- end;
- // Pointer to a three-dimensional vector
- PVector3s = ^TVector3s;
- // Three-dimensional vector
- TVector3s = packed record
- case Integer of
- 0: (X, Y, Z: Single);
- 1: (V: array[0..2] of Single);
- end;
- // Four-dimensional (homogeneous) vector
- TVector4s = packed record
- case Integer of
- 0: (X, Y, Z, W: Single);
- 1: (V: array[0..3] of Single);
- 2: (xyz: TVector3s);
- end;
- // Pointer to 32-bit color
- PColor = ^TColor;
- // 32-bit color
- TColor = packed record
- case Boolean of
- False: (C: Longword);
- True: (B, G, R, A: Byte);
- end;
- // Color with floating-point components
- TColor4s = packed record
- case Integer of
- 0: (R, G, B, A: Single;);
- 1: (RGB: TVector3s);
- 2: (RGBA: TVector4s);
- end;
- TARGB = packed record B, G, R, A: Byte; end;
- TARGBInt = packed record B, G, R, A: Integer; end;
- // Palette color
- TPaletteItem = TARGB;
- // Image palette for paletted graphics file formats
- TPalette = array[0..255] of TPaletteItem;
- PPalette = ^TPalette;
- PByteBuffer = ^TByteBuffer;
- PWordBuffer = ^TWordBuffer;
- PSmallintBuffer = ^TSmallintBuffer;
- TByteBuffer = array[0..$6FFFFFFF] of Byte;
- TWordBuffer = array[0..$0FFFFFFF] of Word;
- TSmallintBuffer = array[0..$0FFFFFFF] of Smallint;
- TDWordBuffer = array[0..$0FFFFFFF] of Cardinal;
- TColorBuffer = array[0..$0FFFFFFF] of TColor;
- TSingleBuffer = array[0..$0FFFFFFF] of Single;
- TRGBArray = array[0..$0FFFFFFF] of packed record B, G, R: Byte; end;
- TARGBArray = array[0..$0FFFFFFF] of TARGB;
- TPointerArray = array of Pointer;
- TAnsiStringArray = array of AnsiString;
- TStringArray = array of String;
- TIndArray = array of Integer;
- TSingleArray = array of Single;
- PImageBuffer = ^TImageBuffer;
- TImageBuffer = TColorBuffer;
- PDWordBuffer = ^TDWordBuffer;
- PAnsiStringArray = ^TAnsiStringArray;
- PSingleBuffer = ^TSingleBuffer;
- TNameString = AnsiString;
- TShortName = string[31];
- TShortMessage = string[127];
- TFileName = string;
- // Pointer to @Link(TUV)
- PUV = ^TUV;
- // Rectangular area within a bitmap (texture)
- TUV = packed record U, V, W, H: Single; end;
- TUVArray = array[0..$FFFFFF] of TUV;
- TUVMap = ^TUVArray;
- // Character map
- TCharMapItem = Longword;
- TCharmapArray = array[0..$FFFFFF] of TCharMapItem;
- TCharMap = ^TCharmapArray;
- // Last pixel convention: not include
- TRect = packed record
- case Integer of
- 0:(Left, Top, Right, Bottom: Integer);
- 1:(X, Y, W, H: Integer);
- 2:(a1, a2, Width, Height: Integer);
- end;
- PRect = ^TRect;
- TRect3D = packed record
- case Integer of
- 0:(Left, Top, Right, Bottom, Front, Back: Integer);
- 1:(X, Y, W, H: Integer);
- 2:(a1, a2, Width, Height: Integer);
- end;
- PRect3D = ^TRect3D;
- TArea = record // Last pixel convention: not include
- X1, Y1, X2, Y2: Single;
- end;
- PArea = ^TArea;
- const
- NullSignature: TFileSignature = (#0, #0, #0, #0);
- // Default area on image
- DefaultUV: TUV = (U: 0; V: 0; W: 1; H: 1);
- // Floating point color black
- clBlack4s: TColor4s = (R: 0; G: 0; B: 0; A: 0);
- // Floating point color black
- clWhite4s: TColor4s = (R: 1; G: 1; B: 1; A: 1);
- // Returns TColor record
- function GetColor(const R, G, B, A: Byte): TColor; overload;
- // Returns TColor record
- function GetColor(const C: Longword): TColor; overload;
- // Returns TColor4s record
- function GetColor4S(const R, G, B, A: Single): TColor4s;
- // Converts a TColor to TColor4s
- procedure ColorTo4S(var Result: TColor4s; const Color: TColor); overload;
- // Converts a TColor to TColor4s
- function ColorTo4S(const Color: TColor): TColor4s; overload;
- // Converts a TColor to TColor4s
- procedure ColorTo4S(var Result: TColor4s; const Color: Longword); overload;
- // Converts a TColor to TColor4s
- function ColorTo4S(const Color: Longword): TColor4s; overload;
- // Convert time unit to milliseconds
- function TimeUnitToMs(const TimeStamp: TTimeUnit): Int64;
- // Fills the specified rectangle record and returns it in Result
- procedure Rect(ALeft, ATop, ARight, ABottom: Integer; out Result: TRect);
- // Returns the specified by its bounds rectangle record
- function GetRect(ALeft, ATop, ARight, ABottom: Integer): TRect;
- // Returns the specified by width and height rectangle record
- function GetRectWH(ALeft, ATop, AWidth, AHeight: Integer): TRect;
- // Returns the specified by UV coordinates on an image rectangle record
- function GetRectOnImage(UV: TUV; AImageWidth, AImageHeight: Integer): TRect;
- // Returns in Result source rectangle moved by (MoveX, MoveY)
- procedure RectMove(const ARect: TRect; MoveX, MoveY: Integer; out Result: TRect);
- // Returns source rectangle moved by (MoveX, MoveY)
- function GetRectMoved(const ARect: TRect; MoveX, MoveY: Integer): TRect;
- // Returns in Result source rectangle scaled by (SX, SY)
- procedure RectScale(const ARect: TRect; SX, SY: Single; out Result: TRect);
- // Returns source rectangle scaled by (SX, SY)
- function GetRectScaled(const ARect: TRect; SX, SY: Single): TRect;
- // Returns in Result source rectangle expanded by (EX, EY)
- procedure RectExpand(const ARect: TRect; EX, EY: Integer; out Result: TRect);
- // Returns source rectangle expanded by (EX, EY)
- function GetRectExpanded(const ARect: TRect; EX, EY: Integer): TRect;
- function GetArea(AX1, AY1, AX2, AY2: Single): TArea;
- implementation
- function GetColor(const R, G, B, A: Byte): TColor;
- begin
- Result.R := R; Result.G := G; Result.B := B; Result.A := A;
- end;
- function GetColor(const C: Longword): TColor;
- begin
- Result.C := C;
- end;
- function GetColor4S(const R, G, B, A: Single): TColor4s;
- begin
- Result.B := B; Result.G := G; Result.R := R; Result.A := A;
- end;
- procedure ColorTo4S(var Result: TColor4s; const Color: TColor); overload;
- const Norm: Single = 1/255;
- begin
- Result.B := (Color.C and 255) * Norm;
- Result.G := ((Color.C shr 8) and 255) * Norm;
- Result.R := ((Color.C shr 16) and 255) * Norm;
- Result.A := (Color.C shr 24) * Norm;
- end;
- function ColorTo4S(const Color: TColor): TColor4s;
- begin
- ColorTo4S(Result, Color);
- end;
- procedure ColorTo4S(var Result: TColor4s; const Color: Longword); overload;
- begin
- ColorTo4S(Result, TColor(Color));
- end;
- function ColorTo4S(const Color: Longword): TColor4s; overload;
- begin
- ColorTo4S(Result, TColor(Color));
- end;
- procedure Rect(ALeft, ATop, ARight, ABottom: Integer; out Result: TRect); overload;
- begin
- with Result do begin
- Left := ALeft; Top := ATop;
- Right:= ARight; Bottom := ABottom;
- end;
- end;
- function TimeUnitToMs(const TimeStamp: TTimeUnit): Int64;
- begin
- Result := Round(TimeStamp*1000);
- end;
- function GetRect(ALeft, ATop, ARight, ABottom: Integer): TRect;
- begin
- Rect(ALeft, ATop, ARight, ABottom, Result);
- end;
- function GetRectWH(ALeft, ATop, AWidth, AHeight: Integer): TRect;
- begin
- Rect(ALeft, ATop, ALeft + AWidth, ATop + AHeight, Result);
- end;
- function GetRectOnImage(UV: TUV; AImageWidth, AImageHeight: Integer): TRect;
- begin
- with Result do begin
- Left := Trunc(0.5 + UV.U * AImageWidth);
- Top := Trunc(0.5 + UV.V * AImageHeight);
- Right := Left + Trunc(0.5 + UV.W * AImageWidth);
- Bottom := Top + Trunc(0.5 + UV.H * AImageHeight);
- end;
- end;
- procedure RectMove(const ARect: TRect; MoveX, MoveY: Integer; out Result: TRect);
- begin
- Result.Left := ARect.Left + MoveX;
- Result.Top := ARect.Top + MoveY;
- Result.Right := ARect.Right + MoveX;
- Result.Bottom := ARect.Bottom + MoveY;
- end;
- function GetRectMoved(const ARect: TRect; MoveX, MoveY: Integer): TRect;
- begin
- RectMove(ARect, MoveX, MoveY, Result);
- end;
- procedure RectScale(const ARect: TRect; SX, SY: Single; out Result: TRect);
- begin
- Result.Left := Round(ARect.Left * SX);
- Result.Top := Round(ARect.Top * SY);
- Result.Right := Round(ARect.Right * SX);
- Result.Bottom := Round(ARect.Bottom * SY);
- end;
- function GetRectScaled(const ARect: TRect; SX, SY: Single): TRect;
- begin
- RectScale(ARect, SX, SY, Result);
- end;
- procedure RectExpand(const ARect: TRect; EX, EY: Integer; out Result: TRect);
- begin
- Result.Left := ARect.Left - EX;
- Result.Top := ARect.Top - EY;
- Result.Right := ARect.Right + EX;
- Result.Bottom := ARect.Bottom + EY;
- end;
- function GetRectExpanded(const ARect: TRect; EX, EY: Integer): TRect;
- begin
- RectExpand(ARect, EX, EY, Result);
- end;
- function GetArea(AX1, AY1, AX2, AY2: Single): TArea;
- begin
- with Result do begin
- X1 := AX1; Y1 := AY1;
- X2 := AX2; Y2 := AY2;
- end;
- end;
- end.