资源名称:CAST2SDK.rar [点击查看]
- (*
- @Abstract(Input unit)
- (C) 2006 George "Mirage" Bakhtadze. <a href=""></a> <br>
- The source code may be used under either MPL 1.1 or LGPL 2.1 license. See included license.txt file <br>
- Unit contains basic input classes
- *)
- {$Include}
- unit Input;
- { ToDo
- Optionally break sequence if another sequense completed }
- interface
- uses SysUtils, TextFile, BaseTypes, OSUtils, Basics, BaseMsg;
- const
- // Default value of maximum timeout between two consequent events
- DefaultTimeout = 500;
- // Maximum simultaneous events
- MaxEvents = 127;
- // Amount of mouse move to count it as a stroke
- MouseStrokeTolerance = 3;
- // Action types
- // Set a boolean flag
- atBooleanOn = 1;
- // Reset a boolean flag
- atBooleanOff = 2;
- // Toggle a boolean flag
- atBooleanToggle = 3;
- // Set a byte value
- atSetByte = 4;
- // Set a word (two byte) value
- atSetWord = 5;
- // Set a long word (four byte) value
- atSetLongWord = 6;
- type
- (* Binding string type. Syntax: <br>
- BindElement = (<<b>Key</b>><<b>Specifier</b>>)|<<b>Gesture</b>>"^" <br>
- <b>Key</b> = A key name <br>
- <b>Specifier</b> = ","|"+"|"-"|":" - can be omitted at the end of the binding ("," will be assumed) <br>
- <b>Gesture</b> = "MouseMove"|"MouseMoveH"|"MouseMoveV"|"MouseRoll"|
- "MouseStrokeLeft"|"MouseStrokeRight"|"MouseStrokeUp"|"MouseStrokeDown"|
- "MouseStrokeLeftUp"|"MouseStrokeRightUp"|"MouseStrokeLeftDown"|"MouseStrokeRightDown"
- <b>Binding</b> = <<b>BindElement</b>> {<<b>BindElement</b>>} <br>
- Specifiers: <br>
- , - click <br>
- + - key down <br>
- - - key up <br>
- : - double click <br>
- Examples: <br>
- <b>Alt+Q</b> - the binding will be activated when user press Alt, then click (press and release) Q (without releasing Alt) <br>
- <b>A,B,C</b> - the binding will be activated when user click A, then B and then C <br>
- <b>A+B,A-</b> - the binding will be activated when user press A, then press and release B and then release A <br>
- A maximum timeout between two consequent events can be specified when binding *)
- TBindingStr = string;
- // Key query states
- TKeyQueryState = (// Key is up
- kqsUp,
- // Key is down
- kqsDown);
- // Query input results elements
- TInputQueryResultElement = (// Some key (including mouse buttons) was pressed
- iqrKeyPressed,
- // Some key (including mouse buttons) state was changed
- iqrKeyChanged,
- // Mouse was moved
- iqrMouseMoved);
- // Query input results
- TInputQueryResult = set of TInputQueryResultElement;
- // Input event filters
- TInputFilterElement = (// Query only events which was bound using <b>@Link(BindCommand)</b>, <b>@Link(BindDelegate)</b> or <b>@Link(BindPointer)</b>
- ifBound,
- // Query all events
- ifNotBound);
- // Input filter
- TInputFilter = set of TInputFilterElement;
- // Modifier keys
- TKeyModifier = (// Any CTRL
- kmControl,
- // Left CTRL
- kmLControl,
- // Right CTRL
- kmRControl,
- // Any Shift
- kmShift,
- // Left Shift
- kmLShift,
- // Right Shift
- kmRShift,
- // Any Alt
- kmAlt,
- // Left Alt
- kmLAlt,
- // Right Alt
- kmRAlt,
- // Left Win
- kmLWin,
- // Right Win
- kmRWin,
- // Any Win key
- kmWin);
- // Modifier keys set
- TKeyModifiers = set of TKeyModifier;
- // Hotkey
- THotkey = type Longword;
- // Possible event types
- TEventType = (// Some key (including mouse buttons) was pushed down
- btKeyDown,
- // Some previously pressed key was released
- btKeyUp,
- // A key was clicked (btKeyDown + btKeyUp)
- btKeyClick,
- // A key was clicked two times within double click timeout
- btKeyDblClick,
- // Mouse was moved
- btMouseMove,
- // Mouse was moved horizontally
- btMouseHMove,
- // Mouse was moved vertically
- btMouseVMove,
- // Mouse wheel was rolled
- btMouseRoll,
- // Mouse was moved left at least by @Link(MouseStrokeTolerance) units
- btStrokeLeft,
- // Mouse was moved right at least by @Link(MouseStrokeTolerance) units
- btStrokeRight,
- // Mouse was moved up at least by @Link(MouseStrokeTolerance) units
- btStrokeUp,
- // Mouse was moved down at least by @Link(MouseStrokeTolerance) units
- btStrokeDown,
- // Mouse was moved left+up at least by @Link(MouseStrokeTolerance) units
- btStrokeLeftUp,
- // Mouse was moved right+up at least by @Link(MouseStrokeTolerance) units
- btStrokeRightUp,
- // Mouse was moved left+down at least by @Link(MouseStrokeTolerance) units
- btStrokeLeftDown,
- // Mouse was moved right+down at least by @Link(MouseStrokeTolerance) units
- btStrokeRightDown,
- // No event
- btNone);
- // Pointer to a binding
- PBinding = ^TBinding;
- // Binding contains an event type, event data and a pointer to next binding (or nil) to be able to bind a sequense of input events to a single action
- TBinding = record
- BindType: TEventType;
- BindData: Word;
- Next: PBinding;
- end;
- TBindingName = ShortString;
- { Type of a method to which an input event sequence can be bound. <b>CustomData</b> is an optional user data.
- Value of <b>EventData</b> depends on type of event which finishes the sequence (the last one).
- If it's a keyboard event <b>EventData</b> contains a key code, if it's a mouse event <b>EventData</b> contains event-specific
- mouse coordinate or both (for @Link(btMouseMove) event type) in format where low 16 bit is X coordinate and high 16 bit is Y coordinate. }
- TInputDelegate = procedure(EventData: Integer; CustomData: SmallInt) of object;
- // Input event. <b>EventData</b> is an event type-specific data such as a key code
- TInputEvent = packed record
- EventType: TEventType;
- EventData: SmallInt;
- end;
- TInputEvents = array of TInputEvent;
- // Mouse state data structure. <b>lX</b>, <b>lY</b> and <b>lZ</b> is mouse position at corresponding axis. <b>Buttons</b> - mouse buttons state
- TMouseState = packed record
- lX, lY, lZ: LongInt;
- Buttons: array[0..3] of Byte;
- end;
- CController = class of TController;
- { @Abstract(CAST II input controller base class)
- TController polls input, checks if it matches specified in bindings event sequences and performs bond actions.
- Also some input-related routines and properties are provided. }
- TController = class(TSubsystem)
- private
- CurrentMs: Cardinal;
- MouseQueryMs: Cardinal;
- FSystemCursor, MouseCaptureActuallyActive: Boolean;
- // LastMouseEvent: TBindTypes;
- InputEvents: array[0..MaxEvents] of TInputEvent; TotalEvents: Integer;
- MouseXCounter, MouseYCounter: LongInt;
- Pointers: array of Pointer;
- Delegates: array of TInputDelegate;
- Bindings: array of packed record
- First, Current, Terminator: PBinding;
- LastMs: Cardinal; TimeOutMs: Word;
- MembersKind: Word; // Keyboard or mouse, also indicates binding kind (message, delegate or pointer)
- case Integer of
- 0: (MessageType: CMessage);
- 1: (DelegateIndex: Word; CustomData: Smallint);
- 2: (PTRIndex, AType: Byte; Value: Word);
- end;
- TotalBindings, TotalDelegates, TotalPointers: Word;
- procedure SetSystemCursor(const Value: Boolean);
- procedure RecalcCaptureCoords;
- function NewBinding(BType: TEventType; BData: Word; ANext: PBinding = nil): PBinding;
- function GetLastBinding(Binding: PBinding): PBinding;
- procedure ParseBinding(s: string; out Binding, Terminator: PBinding);
- procedure UnBind(const Index: Longword);
- procedure CleanPointers; virtual;
- protected
- // Application window handle
- Handle: Cardinal;
- // Last keyboard state
- LastKeyState,
- // Current keyboard state
- KeyboardState: TKbdState;
- // Last mouse state
- LastMouseState,
- // Current mouse state
- MouseState: TMouseState;
- // Current user input buffer
- FInputBuffer: string;
- // Current key query state
- KeyQueryState: array[0..255] of record
- State: TKeyQueryState;
- LastClickedTime: Cardinal;
- end;
- // Mouse capture state
- FMouseCapture: Boolean;
- // Mouse X before mouse was captured
- CaptureMouseX,
- // Mouse Y before mouse was captured
- CaptureMouseY: Integer;
- // A rectangle where the mouse cursor can be
- MouseWindow: OSUtils.TRect;
- // String names of keys
- KeyStr: array[0..255] of TBindingName;
- // Returns mouse event which occured since last process
- function GetMouseEvent: TEventType;
- // Implementation-specific mouse capture routine
- procedure ApplyMouseCapture(Value: Boolean); virtual;
- // If set to <b>True</b> captures mouse and hide its cursor
- procedure SetMouseCapture(const Value: Boolean); virtual;
- // Places mouse cursor to capture position (center of current window)
- procedure SetCursorCapturePos;
- // Returns user input buffer and clear it
- function GetInputBuffer: string;
- // Performs input query. Returns set of input query elements and fills internal events array.
- function QueryInput: TInputQueryResult; virtual;
- public
- // A message handler to direct events to
- MessageHandler: BaseMsg.TMessageHandler;
- // Double click timeout. Used by events with @Link(btKeyDblClick) event type.
- DblClickTimeout: Cardinal;
- // If <b>True</b> all entered aplhabetical characters will be stored in @Link(InputBuffer)
- EnableCharactersInput: Boolean;
- // Current mouse X
- MouseX,
- // Current mouse Y
- MouseY: Integer;
- // Minimum time in ms between queries for mouse strokes
- MouseQueryTimeOut: Cardinal;
- constructor Create(AHandle: Cardinal; AMessageHandler: BaseMsg.TMessageHandler); virtual;
- destructor Destroy; override;
- // Returns a string name of the specified key
- function KeyToStr(Key: Integer): string;
- // Returns a key which corresponds to the specified name
- function StrToKey(Name: string): Integer;
- // Returns <b>True</b> if <b>Key</b> is a one of modifiers key (CTRL, ALT, etc)
- function IsModifierKey(Key: Word): Boolean;
- // Returns a hot key by key and set of modifiers
- function GetHotKey(Key: Word; Modifiers: TKeyModifiers): THotkey;
- // Returns a string representation of the specified hot key
- function HotKeyToStr(HotKey: THotkey): string;
- // Parses a binding string and returns hot key
- function StrToHotKey(const BindStr: TBindingStr): THotkey;
- // Returns a set of modifiers from a hotkey
- function GetHotkeyModifiers(HotKey: THotkey): TKeyModifiers;
- // Default message handler
- procedure HandleMessage(const Msg: TMessage); override;
- // Parses the specified binding string and binds the specified message class to it. <b>ATimeoutMs</b> specifies the maximum time between two consequent events.
- procedure BindCommand(const ABinding: TBindingStr; MsgType: CMessage; const ATimeoutMs: LongWord = DefaultTimeout); virtual;
- // Parses the specified binding string and binds the specified delegate call to it. <b>ATimeoutMs</b> specifies the maximum time between two consequent events.
- procedure BindDelegate(const ABinding: TBindingStr; Delegate: TInputDelegate; ACustomData: SmallInt; const ATimeoutMs: LongWord = 0); virtual;
- { Parses the specified binding string and binds the specified pointer action to it. <b>ATimeoutMs</b> specifies the maximum time between two consequent events. <br>
- ActionType can be one of the following: <br>
- @Link(atBooleanOn), @Link(atBooleanOff), @Link(atBooleanToggle), @Link(atSetByte), @Link(atSetWord), @Link(atSetLongWord)
- It's recommended to use BindCommand or BindDelegate instead. }
- procedure BindPointer(const ABinding: TBindingStr; const ActionType: Longword; const Data: Pointer; const Value: Word = 0; const ATimeoutMs: LongWord = 0); virtual;
- // Clears all bindings
- procedure UnBindAll;
- // Sets mouse window
- procedure SetMouseWindow(const X1, Y1, X2, Y2: Longint); virtual;
- // Implementation-specific input poll
- procedure GetInputState; virtual; abstract;
- // Pools input and checks if any of bindings should be activated
- procedure ProcessInput(const EventFilter: TInputFilter);
- // Transforms all input events to corresponding messages and directs them to @Link(MessageHandler)
- procedure InputEventsToMessages;
- // Current user input buffer. Reading this property will clear the buffer.
- property InputBuffer: string read GetInputBuffer;
- // Read/write this property to determine if system mouse cursor is used.
- property SystemCursor: Boolean read FSystemCursor write SetSystemCursor;
- // If set to <b>True</b> captures mouse and hide its cursor
- property MouseCapture: Boolean read FMouseCapture write SetMouseCapture;
- end;
- implementation
- const
- // Maximum number of bound pointers (currently must fit in a single byte)
- MaxPointers = 256;
- // Maximum number of bound delegates
- MaxDelegates = $FFFF;
- // Binding members
- bmNone = 0;
- bmKeyboard = 1;
- bmMouseButtons = 2;
- bmMouseMotion = 4;
- // Binding kinds
- bkMessage = 0;
- bkDelegate = $4000;
- bkPointer = $8000;
- // Modifier keys
- hmControl = 1 shl 30;
- hmLControl = 1 shl 29;
- hmRControl = 1 shl 28;
- hmShift = 1 shl 27;
- hmLShift = 1 shl 26;
- hmRShift = 1 shl 25;
- hmAlt = 1 shl 24;
- hmLAlt = 1 shl 23;
- hmRAlt = 1 shl 22;
- hmLWin = 1 shl 20;
- hmRWin = 1 shl 19;
- hmWin = 1 shl 18;
- { TController }
- procedure TController.SetSystemCursor(const Value: Boolean);
- begin
- // if not Active then Exit;
- FSystemCursor := Value;
- if FSystemCursor then ShowCursor else HideCursor;
- end;
- procedure TController.RecalcCaptureCoords;
- var Rect: TRect;
- begin
- OSUtils.GetWindowRect(Handle, Rect);
- CaptureMouseX := (Rect.Left + Rect.Right) div 2;
- CaptureMouseY := (Rect.Top + Rect.Bottom) div 2;
- end;
- function TController.NewBinding(BType: TEventType; BData: Word; ANext: PBinding = nil): PBinding;
- var BindKey: Byte;
- begin
- BindKey := BData and 255;
- GetMem(Result, SizeOf(TBinding));
- case BType of
- btKeyClick: begin
- with Result^ do begin
- BindType := btKeyDown; BindData := 0*BData and $FF00 + BindKey;
- end;
- GetMem(Result^.Next, SizeOf(TBinding));
- with Result^.Next^ do begin
- BindType := btKeyUp; BindData := 0*BData and $FF00 + BindKey; Next := ANext;
- end;
- end;
- else with Result^ do begin
- BindType := BType; BindData := 0*BData and $FF00 + BindKey; Next := ANext;
- end;
- end;
- end;
- function TController.GetLastBinding(Binding: PBinding): PBinding;
- begin
- Result := Binding;
- if Binding = nil then Exit;
- Binding := Result^.Next;
- while Binding <> nil do begin
- Result := Binding;
- Binding := Result^.Next;
- end;
- end;
- function TController.GetMouseEvent: TEventType; // ToDo: mouse roll support
- var Rel, RelX, RelY: Single;
- begin
- Result := btNone;
- Inc(MouseXCounter, MouseState.LX);
- Inc(MouseYCounter, MouseState.LY);
- if Abs(MouseXCounter) > 0 then Result := btMouseHMove;
- if Abs(MouseYCounter) > Abs(MouseXCounter) then Result := btMouseVMove;
- if CurrentMs - MouseQueryMs >= MouseQueryTimeOut then begin
- MouseQueryMs := CurrentMs;
- if MouseYCounter <> 0 then begin
- Rel := MouseXCounter / MouseYCounter;
- if MouseYCounter > 0 then RelX := Rel else RelX := -Rel;
- if RelX < -MouseStrokeTolerance then Result := btStrokeLeft;
- if RelX > MouseStrokeTolerance then Result := btStrokeRight;
- if MouseXCounter > 0 then RelY := Rel else RelY := -Rel;
- if (RelY < 1/MouseStrokeTolerance) and (RelY > 0) then Result := btStrokeDown;
- if (RelY > -1/MouseStrokeTolerance) and (RelY < 0) then Result := btStrokeUp;
- if (Rel > 1-1/MouseStrokeTolerance) and (Rel < 1+1/MouseStrokeTolerance) then begin
- if MouseYCounter > 0 then Result := btStrokeRightDown else Result := btStrokeLeftUp;
- end;
- if (Rel > -1-1/MouseStrokeTolerance) and (Rel < -1+1/MouseStrokeTolerance) then begin
- if MouseYCounter > 0 then Result := btStrokeLeftDown else Result := btStrokeRightUp;
- end;
- end else begin
- if MouseXCounter < -MouseStrokeTolerance then Result := btStrokeLeft;
- if MouseXCounter > MouseStrokeTolerance then Result := btStrokeRight;
- end;
- MouseXCounter := 0; MouseYCounter := 0;
- end;
- end;
- procedure TController.ApplyMouseCapture(Value: Boolean);
- begin
- MouseCaptureActuallyActive := Value;
- end;
- procedure TController.SetMouseCapture(const Value: Boolean);
- var SX, SY: Integer;
- begin
- if FMouseCapture = Value then Exit;
- if Value then begin
- CaptureMouseX := MouseX;
- CaptureMouseY := MouseY;
- RecalcCaptureCoords;
- end else begin
- MouseX := CaptureMouseX;
- MouseY := CaptureMouseY;
- SX := MouseX; SY := MouseY;
- ClientToScreen(Handle, SX, SY);
- SetCursorPos(SX, SY);
- end;
- FMouseCapture := Value;
- ApplyMouseCapture(Value);
- end;
- procedure TController.SetCursorCapturePos;
- begin
- if not MouseCaptureActuallyActive then Exit;
- SetCursorPos(CaptureMouseX, CaptureMouseY);
- end;
- function TController.GetInputBuffer: string;
- begin
- Result := FInputBuffer;
- FInputBuffer := '';
- end;
- function TController.QueryInput: TInputQueryResult;
- var i: Integer;
- procedure AddEvent(EType: TEventType; EData: Smallint);
- begin
- Assert(TotalEvents < MaxEvents, 'TController.QueryInput: too many events');
- if (EType = btNone) or (TotalEvents >= MaxEvents) then Exit;
- Inc(TotalEvents);
- InputEvents[TotalEvents-1].EventType := EType;
- InputEvents[TotalEvents-1].EventData := EData;
- case EType of
- btKeyDown: begin
- Result := Result + [iqrKeyPressed, iqrKeyChanged];
- { if (EData = IK_LSHIFT) or (EData = IK_RSHIFT) or (EData = IK_SHIFT) then ShiftState := True;
- if (EData = IK_LCONTROL) or (EData = IK_RCONTROL) or (EData = IK_CONTROL) then CtrlState := True;
- if (EData = IK_LALT) or (EData = IK_RALT) or (EData = IK_ALT) then AltState := True;}
- end;
- btKeyUp: begin
- Result := Result + [iqrKeyChanged];
- { if (EData = IK_LSHIFT) or (EData = IK_RSHIFT) or (EData = IK_SHIFT) then ShiftState := False;
- if (EData = IK_LCONTROL) or (EData = IK_RCONTROL) or (EData = IK_CONTROL) then CtrlState := False;
- if (EData = IK_LALT) or (EData = IK_RALT) or (EData = IK_ALT) then AltState := False;}
- end;
- btStrokeLeft..btStrokeRightDown: Result := Result + [iqrMouseMoved];
- end;
- end;
- begin
- Result := [];
- TotalEvents := 0;
- AddEvent(GetMouseEvent, 0);
- for i := 0 to 255 do begin
- if KeyboardState[i] <> LastKeyState[i] then begin
- if KeyboardState[i] >= 128 then AddEvent(btKeyDown, i) else AddEvent(btKeyUp, i);
- end;
- end;
- end;
- constructor TController.Create(AHandle: Cardinal; AMessageHandler: BaseMsg.TMessageHandler);
- begin
- Handle := AHandle;
- FSystemCursor := True;
- {$Include}
- MouseQueryTimeOut := 0;
- DblClickTimeout := 300;
- { ShiftState := False;
- CtrlState := False;
- AltState := False;}
- MessageHandler := AMessageHandler;
- GetInputState;
- MouseWindow := GetClipCursor;
- SetMouseWindow(MouseWindow.Left, MouseWindow.Top, MouseWindow.Right, MouseWindow.Bottom);
- FillChar(KeyQueryState, SizeOf(KeyQueryState), 0);
- end;
- destructor TController.Destroy;
- var i: Integer;
- begin
- MouseCapture := False;
- for i := 0 to TotalBindings - 1 do with Bindings[i] do begin
- Current := First;
- while Current <> nil do begin
- First := Current;
- Current := Current^.Next;
- FreeMem(First);
- end;
- end;
- SetLength(Bindings, 0);
- inherited;
- end;
- function TController.KeyToStr(Key: Integer): string;
- begin
- Result := KeyStr[Key];
- end;
- function TController.StrToKey(Name: string): Integer;
- begin
- Name := UpperCase(TrimSpaces(Name));
- Result := 255;
- while (Result >= 0) and (UpperCase(KeyStr[Result]) <> Name) do Dec(Result);
- end;
- function TController.IsModifierKey(Key: Word): Boolean;
- begin
- Result := (Key = IK_CONTROL) or (Key = IK_LCONTROL) or (Key = IK_RCONTROL) or
- (Key = IK_ALT) or (Key = IK_LALT) or (Key = IK_RALT) or
- (Key = IK_SHIFT) or (Key = IK_LSHIFT) or (Key = IK_RSHIFT) or
- (Key = IK_RWIN) or (Key = IK_LWIN);
- end;
- function TController.GetHotKey(Key: Word; Modifiers: TKeyModifiers): THotkey;
- begin
- Result := Key;
- if kmControl in Modifiers then Result := Result or hmControl;
- if kmLControl in Modifiers then Result := Result or hmLControl;
- if kmRControl in Modifiers then Result := Result or hmRControl;
- if kmShift in Modifiers then Result := Result or hmShift;
- if kmLShift in Modifiers then Result := Result or hmLShift;
- if kmRShift in Modifiers then Result := Result or hmRShift;
- if kmAlt in Modifiers then Result := Result or hmAlt;
- if kmLAlt in Modifiers then Result := Result or hmLAlt;
- if kmRAlt in Modifiers then Result := Result or hmRAlt;
- if kmLWin in Modifiers then Result := Result or hmLWin;
- if kmRWin in Modifiers then Result := Result or hmRWin;
- if kmWin in Modifiers then Result := Result or hmWin;
- end;
- function TController.HotKeyToStr(HotKey: THotkey): string;
- begin
- Result := '';
- if HotKey and hmControl = hmControl then Result := Result + 'Ctrl + ';
- if HotKey and hmLControl = hmLControl then Result := Result + 'LControl + ';
- if HotKey and hmRControl = hmRControl then Result := Result + 'RControl + ';
- if HotKey and hmShift = hmShift then Result := Result + 'Shift + ';
- if HotKey and hmLShift = hmLShift then Result := Result + 'LShift + ';
- if HotKey and hmRShift = hmRShift then Result := Result + 'RShift + ';
- if HotKey and hmAlt = hmAlt then Result := Result + 'Alt + ';
- if HotKey and hmLAlt = hmLAlt then Result := Result + 'LAlt + ';
- if HotKey and hmRAlt = hmRAlt then Result := Result + 'RAlt + ';
- if HotKey and hmLWin = hmLWin then Result := Result + 'LWin + ';
- if HotKey and hmRWin = hmRWin then Result := Result + 'RWin + ';
- if HotKey and hmWin = hmWin then Result := Result + 'Win + ';
- if (HotKey and $FFFF <> 0) and not IsModifierKey(HotKey and $FFFF) then
- Result := Result + KeyToStr(HotKey and $FFFF) else
- Result := Result + 'NONE';
- end;
- function TController.StrToHotKey(const BindStr: TBindingStr): THotkey;
- var Cur, LBindings, Terminator: PBinding;
- begin
- Result := 0;
- ParseBinding(BindStr, LBindings, Terminator);
- Cur := LBindings;
- while (Cur <> nil) and (Cur^.BindType = btKeyDown) and IsModifierKey(Cur^.BindData) do begin
- if Cur^.BindData = IK_CONTROL then Result := Result or hmControl;
- if Cur^.BindData = IK_LCONTROL then Result := Result or hmLControl;
- if Cur^.BindData = IK_RCONTROL then Result := Result or hmRControl;
- if Cur^.BindData = IK_ALT then Result := Result or hmAlt;
- if Cur^.BindData = IK_LALT then Result := Result or hmLAlt;
- if Cur^.BindData = IK_RALT then Result := Result or hmRAlt;
- if Cur^.BindData = IK_SHIFT then Result := Result or hmShift;
- if Cur^.BindData = IK_LSHIFT then Result := Result or hmLShift;
- if Cur^.BindData = IK_RSHIFT then Result := Result or hmRShift;
- if Cur^.BindData = IK_LWIN then Result := Result or hmLWin;
- if Cur^.BindData = IK_RWIN then Result := Result or hmRWin;
- Cur := Cur^.Next;
- end;
- // if Result := 0 then Exit; // No modifiers
- if (Cur <> nil) and not IsModifierKey(Cur^.BindData) and
- ((Cur^.BindType = btKeyDown) or (Cur^.BindType = btKeyClick)) then
- Result := Result or Cur^.BindData else
- Result := 0;
- end;
- function TController.GetHotkeyModifiers(HotKey: THotkey): TKeyModifiers;
- begin
- Result := [];
- if HotKey and hmControl > 0 then Include(Result, kmControl);
- if HotKey and hmShift > 0 then Include(Result, kmShift);
- if HotKey and hmAlt > 0 then Include(Result, kmAlt);
- if HotKey and hmLWin > 0 then Include(Result, kmLWin);
- if HotKey and hmRWin > 0 then Include(Result, kmRWin);
- end;
- procedure TController.BindCommand(const ABinding: string; MsgType: CMessage; const ATimeoutMs: LongWord = DefaultTimeout);
- var TB: PBinding;
- begin
- Inc(TotalBindings); SetLength(Bindings, TotalBindings);
- with Bindings[TotalBindings - 1] do begin
- ParseBinding(ABinding, First, Terminator);
- Current := First;
- TimeoutMs := ATimeoutMs;
- MessageType := MsgType;
- MembersKind := 0;
- end;
- TB := Bindings[TotalBindings - 1].First;
- while TB <> nil do begin
- case TB^.BindType of
- btKeyDown, btKeyUp, btKeyClick: if (TB^.BindData = IK_MOUSELEFT) or (TB^.BindData = IK_MOUSEMIDDLE) or (TB^.BindData = IK_MOUSERIGHT) then
- Bindings[TotalBindings - 1].MembersKind := Bindings[TotalBindings - 1].MembersKind or bmMouseButtons else
- Bindings[TotalBindings - 1].MembersKind := Bindings[TotalBindings - 1].MembersKind or bmKeyboard;
- btMouseMove, btMouseHMove, btMouseVMove, btMouseRoll, btStrokeLeft..btStrokeRightDown: Bindings[TotalBindings - 1].MembersKind := Bindings[TotalBindings - 1].MembersKind or bmMouseMotion;
- end;
- TB := TB^.Next;
- end;
- end;
- procedure TController.BindDelegate(const ABinding: string; Delegate: TInputDelegate; ACustomData: SmallInt; const ATimeoutMs: Longword = 0);
- var i, CBIndex: Integer;
- begin
- CBIndex := -1;
- for i := 0 to TotalDelegates - 1 do if @Delegates[i] = @Delegate then begin CBIndex := i; Break; end;
- if CBIndex < 0 then begin
- if TotalDelegates >= MaxDelegates then begin
- {$IFDEF LOGGING} Log.Log(ClassName + '.BindDelegate: Too many Delegates', lkError); {$ENDIF}
- Exit;
- end;
- Inc(TotalDelegates); SetLength(Delegates, TotalDelegates);
- CBIndex := TotalDelegates - 1;
- Delegates[CBIndex] := Delegate;
- end;
- Inc(TotalBindings); SetLength(Bindings, TotalBindings);
- with Bindings[TotalBindings - 1] do begin
- ParseBinding(ABinding, First, Terminator);
- Current := First;
- TimeoutMs := ATimeoutMs;
- CustomData := ACustomData;
- DelegateIndex := Word(CBIndex);
- MembersKind := bkDelegate;
- end;
- end;
- procedure TController.BindPointer(const ABinding: string; const ActionType: Longword; const Data: Pointer; const Value: Word = 0; const ATimeoutMs: LongWord = 0);
- var i, PointerIndex: Integer;
- begin
- PointerIndex := -1;
- for i := 0 to TotalPointers - 1 do if Pointers[i] = Data then begin PointerIndex := i; Break; end;
- if PointerIndex < 0 then begin
- if TotalPointers >= MaxPointers then begin
- {$IFDEF LOGGING} Log.Log(ClassName + '.BindPointer: Too many pointers', lkError); {$ENDIF}
- Exit;
- end;
- Inc(TotalPointers); SetLength(Pointers, TotalPointers);
- PointerIndex := TotalPointers - 1;
- Pointers[PointerIndex] := Data;
- end;
- Inc(TotalBindings); SetLength(Bindings, TotalBindings);
- with Bindings[TotalBindings - 1] do begin
- ParseBinding(ABinding, First, Terminator);
- Current := First;
- TimeoutMs := ATimeoutMs;
- AType := ActionType;
- Value := Value;
- PTRIndex := Byte(PointerIndex);
- MembersKind := bkPointer;
- end;
- end;
- procedure TController.UnBind(const Index: Longword);
- begin
- Dec(TotalBindings);
- if Index < TotalBindings then Bindings[Index] := Bindings[TotalBindings];
- SetLength(Bindings, TotalBindings);
- CleanPointers;
- end;
- procedure TController.CleanPointers; //ToFix: Bug here
- var i, j: Cardinal; Used: Boolean;
- begin
- for j := TotalPointers - 1 downto 0 do begin
- Used := False;
- for i := 0 to TotalBindings - 1 do if (Bindings[i].MembersKind and bkPointer = bkPointer) and (Bindings[i].PTRIndex = j) then begin
- Used := True; Break;
- end;
- if not Used then begin
- Dec(TotalPointers);
- SetLength(Pointers, TotalPointers);
- end;
- end;
- for j := TotalDelegates - 1 downto 0 do begin
- Used := False;
- for i := 0 to TotalBindings - 1 do if (Bindings[i].MembersKind and bkDelegate = bkDelegate) and (Bindings[i].DelegateIndex = j) then begin
- Used := True; Break;
- end;
- if not Used then begin
- Dec(TotalDelegates);
- SetLength(Delegates, TotalDelegates);
- end;
- end;
- end;
- procedure TController.UnBindAll;
- begin
- TotalBindings := 0; TotalDelegates := 0; TotalPointers := 0;
- SetLength(Bindings, TotalBindings);
- SetLength(Delegates, TotalDelegates);
- SetLength(Pointers, TotalPointers);
- end;
- procedure TController.ProcessInput(const EventFilter: TInputFilter);
- var
- i: Integer; CurTerm: PBinding;
- EndPass, Terminated: Boolean;
- MouseEvent: TEventType;
- function MatchMouseEvent(Event1, Event2: TEventType): Boolean;
- begin
- Result := False;
- case Event1 of
- btMouseMove: Result := (Event2 >= btMouseMove) and (Event2 <= btStrokeRightDown);
- btMouseHMove: Result := (Event2 = btMouseHMove) or (Event2 = btStrokeLeft) or (Event2 = btStrokeRight) or (Event2 >= btStrokeLeftUp) and (Event2 <= btStrokeRightDown);
- btMouseVMove: Result := (Event2 = btMouseVMove) or (Event2 = btStrokeUp) or (Event2 = btStrokeDown) or (Event2 >= btStrokeLeftUp) and (Event2 <= btStrokeRightDown);
- btStrokeLeft: Result := (Event2 = btStrokeLeft) or (Event2 = btStrokeLeftUp) or (Event2 <= btStrokeLeftDown);
- btStrokeRight: Result := (Event2 = btStrokeRight) or (Event2 = btStrokeRightUp) or (Event2 <= btStrokeRightDown);
- btStrokeUp: Result := (Event2 = btStrokeUp) or (Event2 = btStrokeLeftUp) or (Event2 <= btStrokeRightUp);
- btStrokeDown: Result := (Event2 = btStrokeDown) or (Event2 = btStrokeLeftDown) or (Event2 <= btStrokeRightDown);
- btStrokeLeftUp, btStrokeRightUp, btStrokeLeftDown, btStrokeRightDown, btMouseRoll: Result := (Event2 = Event1);
- end;
- end;
- procedure MatchBinding(BData: Integer);
- var Msg: TMessage;
- begin
- with Bindings[i], Current^ do begin
- if Next = nil then begin
- if MembersKind and bkPointer = bkPointer then case AType of // Pointer
- atBooleanOn: Boolean(Pointers[PTRIndex]^) := True;
- atBooleanOff: Boolean(Pointers[PTRIndex]^) := False;
- atBooleanToggle: Boolean(Pointers[PTRIndex]^) := not Boolean(Pointers[PTRIndex]^);
- atSetByte: Byte(Pointers[PTRIndex]^) := Value;
- atSetWord: Word(Pointers[PTRIndex]^) := Value;
- atSetLongWord: LongWord(Pointers[PTRIndex]^) := Value;
- end else if MembersKind and bkDelegate = bkDelegate then begin // Delegate
- Delegates[DelegateIndex](BData, CustomData);
- end else begin // Message
- Msg := MessageType.Create;
- Msg.Flags := Msg.Flags + [mfCore];
- if Msg is TKeyboardMsg then
- TKeyboardMsg(Msg).Create(BData) else
- if Msg is TMouseMsg then
- TMouseMsg(Msg).Create(MouseX, MouseY);
- if Assigned(MessageHandler) then MessageHandler(Msg);
- end;
- Current := First;
- end else begin
- Current := Next;
- EndPass := False;
- end;
- LastMs := CurrentMs;
- end;
- end;
- function IsKeyWasPressed(Key: Integer): Boolean;
- begin
- Result := (KeyboardState[Key] >= 128) and (LastKeyState[Key] < 128);
- end;
- function IsKeyWasReleased(Key: Integer): Boolean;
- begin
- Result := (KeyboardState[Key] < 128) and (LastKeyState[Key] >= 128);
- end;
- begin
- // if not Active then Exit;
- CurrentMs := GetCurrentMs;
- Move(KeyboardState[0], LastKeyState[0], 256);
- GetInputState;
- if ifNotBound in EventFilter then begin //
- if iqrMouseMoved in QueryInput then MouseEvent := InputEvents[0].EventType else MouseEvent := btNone;
- end else MouseEvent := GetMouseEvent;
- // if MouseEvent = LastMouseEvent then MouseEvent := btNone;
- if ifBound in EventFilter then for i := 0 to TotalBindings - 1 do with Bindings[i] do if First <> nil then begin
- EndPass := False; Terminated := False;
- while not EndPass do begin
- EndPass := True;
- if Current <> First then begin
- if (TimeoutMs > 0) then begin // Handle timeout
- if CurrentMs - LastMs > TimeoutMs then begin
- Current := First;
- end;
- end;
- CurTerm := Terminator;
- while (CurTerm <> nil) and (Current <> First) do begin
- with CurTerm^ do case BindType of
- btKeyDown: if IsKeyWasPressed(BindData) then Break;//Current := First;
- btKeyUp: if IsKeyWasReleased(BindData) then Break;//Current := First;
- btMouseMove..btStrokeRightDown: if MatchMouseEvent(CurTerm^.BindType, MouseEvent) then Break;
- end;
- CurTerm := CurTerm^.Next;
- end;
- Terminated := CurTerm <> nil;
- end;
- if Terminated then begin // Reset sequence if terminated
- Current := First;
- end else with Current^ do begin // Else go on
- case BindType of
- btKeyDown: if IsKeyWasPressed(BindData) then MatchBinding(BindData);
- btKeyUp: if IsKeyWasReleased(BindData) then MatchBinding(BindData);
- btMouseMove: if (MouseState.lX <> 0) or (MouseState.lY <> 0) then MatchBinding((MouseState.lY) shl 16 + (MouseState.lX));
- btMouseHMove: if MouseState.lX <> 0 then MatchBinding(MouseState.lX);
- btMouseVMove: if MouseState.lY <> 0 then MatchBinding(MouseState.lY);
- btMouseRoll: if MouseState.lZ <> 0 then MatchBinding(MouseState.lZ);
- end;
- if BindType = MouseEvent then MatchBinding(0);
- end;
- end;
- end else begin
- MouseXCounter := 0; MouseYCounter := 0;
- end;
- end;
- procedure TController.SetMouseWindow(const X1, Y1, X2, Y2: Integer);
- begin
- // if not Active then Exit;
- MouseWindow.Left := X1; MouseWindow.Top := Y1;
- MouseWindow.Right := X2; MouseWindow.Bottom := Y2;
- end;
- procedure TController.InputEventsToMessages;
- var i: Integer; CurMs: Cardinal; MouseEvent: Boolean;
- begin
- CurMs := GetCurrentMs;
- for i := 0 to TotalEvents-1 do begin
- case InputEvents[i].EventType of
- btKeyDown, btKeyUp: begin
- MouseEvent := (InputEvents[i].EventData = IK_MOUSELEFT) or (InputEvents[i].EventData = IK_MOUSEMIDDLE) or (InputEvents[i].EventData = IK_MOUSERIGHT);
- if (InputEvents[i].EventType = btKeyDown) then begin
- if MouseEvent then
- MessageHandler(TMouseDownMsg.Create(MouseX, MouseY, InputEvents[i].EventData)) else
- MessageHandler(TKeyDownMsg.Create(InputEvents[i].EventData));
- KeyQueryState[InputEvents[i].EventData].State := kqsDown;
- end else begin
- if MouseEvent then
- MessageHandler(TMouseUpMsg.Create(MouseX, MouseY, InputEvents[i].EventData)) else
- MessageHandler(TKeyUpMsg.Create(InputEvents[i].EventData));
- if KeyQueryState[InputEvents[i].EventData].State = kqsDown then begin
- if MouseEvent then
- MessageHandler(TMouseClickMsg.Create(MouseX, MouseY, InputEvents[i].EventData)) else
- MessageHandler(TKeyClickMsg.Create(InputEvents[i].EventData));
- if (CurMs - KeyQueryState[InputEvents[i].EventData].LastClickedTime < DblClickTimeout) then begin
- if MouseEvent then
- MessageHandler(TMouseDblClickMsg.Create(MouseX, MouseY, InputEvents[i].EventData)) else
- MessageHandler(TKeyDblClickMsg.Create(InputEvents[i].EventData));
- KeyQueryState[InputEvents[i].EventData].LastClickedTime := 0;
- end else KeyQueryState[InputEvents[i].EventData].LastClickedTime := CurMs;
- end;
- KeyQueryState[InputEvents[i].EventData].State := kqsUp;
- end;
- end;
- btMouseMove, btMouseHMove, btMouseVMove, btMouseRoll, btStrokeLeft..btStrokeRightDown: begin
- MessageHandler(TMouseMoveMsg.Create(MouseX, MouseY));
- { case InputEvents[i].EventType of
- btMouseMove, btMouseHMove, btMouseVMove,
- btMouseRoll,
- btStrokeLeft, btStrokeRight, btStrokeUp, btStrokeDown,
- btStrokeLeftUp, btStrokeRightUp, btStrokeLeftDown, btStrokeRightDow
- end;}
- end;
- end;
- end;
- end;
- procedure TController.HandleMessage(const Msg: TMessage);
- begin
- if Msg = nil then Exit;
- if (Msg.ClassType = TWindowResizeMsg) or (Msg.ClassType = TWindowMoveMsg) then begin
- RecalcCaptureCoords;
- if FMouseCapture then ApplyMouseCapture(True);
- end else if Msg.ClassType = TWindowActivateMsg then begin
- ProcessInput([]);
- SetSystemCursor(FSystemCursor);
- if FMouseCapture then ApplyMouseCapture(True);
- end else if (Msg.ClassType = TWindowDeactivateMsg) or
- (Msg.ClassType = TWindowMinimizeMsg) then begin
- if FMouseCapture then ApplyMouseCapture(False);
- end else if (EnableCharactersInput) and (Msg.ClassType = TCharInputMsg) then with TCharInputMsg(Msg) do
- if Character = #8 then if FInputBuffer <> '' then FInputBuffer := Copy(FInputBuffer, 0, Length(FInputBuffer)-1) else
- if Character = ' ' then FInputBuffer := FInputBuffer + Character;
- end;
- procedure TController.ParseBinding(s: string; out Binding, Terminator: PBinding);
- const
- Specifiers = ',+-:^';
- GestureSpecifier = 4;
- ModifiedBindTypes: array[0..3] of TEventType = (btKeyClick, btKeyDown, btKeyUp, btKeyDblClick);
- GestureNames: array[0..11] of string[20] = ('MouseMove', 'MouseMoveH', 'MouseMoveV', 'MouseRoll',
- 'MouseStrokeLeft', 'MouseStrokeRight', 'MouseStrokeUp', 'MouseStrokeDown',
- 'MouseStrokeLeftUp', 'MouseStrokeRightUp', 'MouseStrokeLeftDown', 'MouseStrokeRightDown');
- GestureTypes: array[0..11] of TEventType = (btMouseMove, btMouseHMove, btMouseVMove, btMouseRoll,
- btStrokeLeft, btStrokeRight, btStrokeUp, btStrokeDown,
- btStrokeLeftUp, btStrokeRightUp, btStrokeLeftDown, btStrokeRightDown);
- (* BindElement = (<Key><Specifier>)|<Gesture>"^"
- Key = Key name
- Specifier = ","|"+"|"-"|":" - can be omitted at the end ("," will be assumed)
- Gesture = "MouseMove"|"MouseMoveH"|"MouseMoveV"|"MouseRoll"|
- "MouseStrokeLeft"|"MouseStrokeRight"|"MouseStrokeUp"|"MouseStrokeDown"|
- "MouseStrokeLeftUp"|"MouseStrokeRightUp"|"MouseStrokeLeftDown"|"MouseStrokeRightDown"
- Binding = <BindElement> {<BindElement>}
- "," - key click event
- "+" - key down event
- "-" - key up event
- ":" - key double click *)
- var Specifier, CurPos, Len, Key: Integer; Current: PBinding;
- function GetGestureType(const AName: string): TEventType;
- var i: Integer;
- begin
- Result := btNone;
- i := High(GestureNames);
- while (i >= 0) and (AName <> GestureNames[i]) do Dec(i);
- if i >= 0 then Result := GestureTypes[i];
- end;
- function ParseElement: PBinding;
- var Name: TBindingName; BindType: TEventType;
- begin
- Result := nil;
- Name := '';
- while (CurPos <= Len) and (Pos(s[CurPos], Specifiers) = 0) do begin // Scan name
- Name := Name + s[CurPos];
- Inc(CurPos);
- end;
- if CurPos > Len then Specifier := 0 else begin // end of string - click specifier, else
- { if (CurPos = Len) and (Pos(s[CurPos], Modifiers) > 0) and (TrimSpaces(Name) = '') then begin // a specifier at the end is key name if Name is empty
- Name := Name + s[CurPos];
- Modifier := 0
- Inc(CurPos);
- end else}
- if (CurPos+1 <= Len) and (Pos(s[CurPos+1], Specifiers) > 0) then begin // if doubled modifier add the first one to name
- Name := Name + s[CurPos];
- Inc(CurPos);
- end;
- Specifier := Pos(s[CurPos], Specifiers)-1;
- Inc(CurPos);
- end;
- Name := TrimSpaces(Name);
- if Name = '' then Exit;
- if Specifier = GestureSpecifier then begin
- Key := 0;
- BindType := GetGestureType(Name);
- if BindType = btNone then begin
- Log.Log(ClassName + '.ParseBinding: Invalid gesture name: "' + Name + '"', lkError);
- Exit;
- end;
- end else begin
- Key := StrToKey(Name);
- if Key = -1 then begin
- Log.Log(ClassName + '.ParseBinding: Invalid key name: "' + Name + '"', lkError);
- Exit;
- end;
- BindType := ModifiedBindTypes[Specifier];
- end;
- Result := NewBinding(BindType, Key);
- { case ModifiedBindTypes[Modifier] of
- btKeyClick: Log.Log(' "' + Name + '" click');
- btKeyDown: Log.Log(' "' + Name + '" down');
- btKeyUp: Log.Log(' "' + Name + '" up');
- btKeyDblClick: Log.Log(' "' + Name + '" double click');
- end;}
- end;
- begin
- // Log.Log('Parsing binding...', lkTitle);
- Binding := nil;
- if s = '' then Exit;
- if Pos(s[Length(s)], Specifiers) = 0 then s := s + ',';
- Len := Length(s);
- CurPos := 1;
- Binding := ParseElement;
- Current := Binding;
- while (CurPos <= Len) and (Current <> nil) do begin
- Current^.Next := ParseElement;
- Current := GetLastBinding(Current^.Next);
- end;
- end;
- end.