资源名称:CAST2SDK.rar [点击查看]
- (*
- @Abstract(Base messages unit)
- (C) 2003-2007 George "Mirage" Bakhtadze. <a href=""></a> <br>
- The source code may be used under either MPL 1.1 or LGPL 2.1 license. See included license.txt file <br>
- Unit contains base message classes and message management classes
- *)
- {$Include}
- unit BaseMsg;
- interface
- uses BaseTypes;
- const
- // Message pool grow step
- MessagesCapacityStep = 16;
- // Initial capacity of messages pool in bytes
- MessagePoolInitialCapacity = 256*256;
- type
- (* TMessageDestinationElements = (// Send message to specified recipient. Mutually exclusive with mdChilds.
- mdRecipient,
- // Send message to childs of specified item. Mutually exclusive with mdBroadcast and mdRecipient.
- mdChilds,
- // Broadcast message from root item. Mutually exclusive with mdChilds.
- mdBroadcast,
- // Send message to core handler
- mdCore,
- // Send message asyncronously
- mdAsync);
- TMessageDestination = set of TMessageDestinationElements;*)
- // Type to use as string type in messages. Do not use in messages types which needs finalization (such as dynamic arrays or long strings)
- TMessageString = ShortString;
- { @Abstract(Base class for all message classes)
- Messages are stored in specific pool (see @Link(TMessagePool)) to speed-up allocation and avoid memory leaks. <br>
- As a consequence, messages can be created in such way: <i>SomeObject.HandleMessage(TMessage.Create)</i> without risk of a memory leak. <br>
- <b>Restriction:</b> do not use in messages classes fields of types which needs finalization (such as dynamic arrays or long strings). Use short strings instead. }
- TMessage = class(TObject)
- private
- FFlags: TMessageFlags;
- public
- // This method overridden to store messages in specific pool
- class function NewInstance: TObject; override;
- // If you erroneously deallocate a meesage manually the overridden implementation of this method will signal you
- procedure FreeInstance; override;
- // Call this method if you don't want the message to be discarded
- procedure Invalidate;
- // Message flags
- property Flags: TMessageFlags read FFlags write FFlags;
- end;
- // Message class reference
- CMessage = class of TMessage;
- // Message pool data structure
- TPool = record
- Store: Pointer;
- Size: Cardinal;
- end;
- PPool = ^TPool;
- { @Abstract(Message pool class)
- The class implements memory management for all instances of @Link(TMessage) and its descendant classes }
- TMessagePool = class
- private
- CurrentPool, BackPool: PPool;
- FCapacity: Cardinal;
- procedure SetCapacity(ACapacity: Integer);
- procedure SwapPools;
- function Allocate(Size: Integer): Pointer;
- public
- constructor Create;
- destructor Destroy; override;
- // Begins message handling. Should be called once per main applicatin cycle
- procedure BeginHandle;
- // Ends message handling and clears messages. Should be called once per main applicatin cycle after <b>BeginHandle</b>
- procedure EndHandle;
- end;
- // Base class for all items. Provides universal message handling interface
- TBaseItem = class
- procedure HandleMessage(const Msg: TMessage); virtual; abstract;
- end;
- // Array of messages
- TMessages = array of TMessage;
- // Message handler delegate
- TMessageHandler = procedure(const Msg: TMessage) of object;
- { @Abstract(Asynchronous messages queue implementation)
- The class provides the possibility to handle asynchronous messages. <br>
- Message handlers can generate other asynchronous messages which will be handled during next handling cycle.
- If you use this class there is no need to call any methods of @Link(TMessagePool). }
- TMessageSubsystem = class
- private
- HandleStarted: Boolean;
- BackMessages, Messages: TMessages;
- TotalMessages, TotalBackMessages, CurrentMessageIndex: Integer;
- procedure SwapPools;
- public
- { Locks current message queue. Should be called before message handling cycle. <br>
- All asynchronous messages generated during handling will be available during next handling cycle. <br>
- Calls @Link(TMessagePool).BeginHandle so application has no need to call it. }
- procedure BeginHandle;
- // Should be called after handling cycle. Calls @Link(TMessagePool).EndHandle so application has no need to call it
- procedure EndHandle;
- // Add an asynchronous message to the queue
- procedure Add(const Msg: TMessage);
- { Extracts a message from the queue if any, places it to <b>Msg</b> and returns @True if there was a message in queue.
- Otherwise returns @False and @nil in <b>Msg</b>. Should be called only between BeginHandle and EndHandle calls. }
- function ExtractMessage(out Msg: TMessage): Boolean;
- end;
- // Base class for notification messages
- TNotificationMessage = class(TMessage)
- end;
- // This message is sent to an object when it should reset its timer if any
- TSyncTimeMsg = class(BaseMsg.TNotificationMessage)
- end;
- // Pause begin message
- TPauseMsg = class(TMessage)
- end;
- // Pause end message
- TResumeMsg = class(TMessage)
- end;
- // Progress report message
- TProgressMsg = class(TMessage)
- // Progress indicator ranging from 0 to 1
- Progress: Single;
- constructor Create(AProgress: Single);
- end;
- // Base class for system messages
- TSystemMessage = class(TMessage)
- end;
- // Subsystem metaclass
- CSubsystem = class of TSubsystem;
- { @Abstract(Base class for all subsystems)
- Subsystem is a set of routines which implements some specific function and can be connected/disconnected or replaced during runtime. <br>
- Subsystems are usually arranged in one or more classes/units }
- TSubsystem = TBaseItem;
- // Subsystem action type for @Link(TSubsystemMsg) message
- TSubsystemAction = (// subsystem connected
- saConnect,
- // subsystem disconnected
- saDisconnect);
- // This message is sent to a <b>subsystem manager</b> when a subsystem connects or disconnects from the manager
- TSubsystemMsg = class(TSystemMessage)
- Action: TSubsystemAction;
- Subsystem: TSubsystem;
- constructor Create(AAction: TSubsystemAction; ASubsystem: TSubsystem);
- end;
- // When an application receives this message it should shut down as soon as possible
- TForceQuitMsg = class(TSystemMessage)
- end;
- // This message is sent to an <b>application</b> when an option set needs to be applyed (e.g. user clicked "Apply")
- TOptionsApplyMsg = class(TSystemMessage)
- // Option set name to apply
- OptionSet: TMessageString;
- // AOptionSet is the option set name to apply
- constructor Create(const AOptionSet: TMessageString);
- end;
- // This message is sent to an <b>application</b> when an option set needs to be applyed immediately when a user changes it (without clicking the "Apply" button)
- TOptionsPreviewMsg = class(TSystemMessage)
- OptionName, Value: TMessageString;
- constructor Create(const AOptionName, AValue: TMessageString);
- end;
- // This message is sent to an <b>application</b> when it should be notifyed about a particular option set change
- TOptionsApplyNotifyMsg = class(TOptionsPreviewMsg)
- end;
- // Base class for operating system messages
- TOSMessage = class(TMessage)
- end;
- // This message is sent to an <b>application</b> when its window is about to be activated
- TWindowActivateMsg = class(TOSMessage)
- end;
- // This message is sent to an <b>application</b> when its window is about to be deactivated
- TWindowDeactivateMsg = class(TOSMessage)
- end;
- // This message is sent to an <b>application</b> after its window position has changed
- TWindowMoveMsg = class(TOSMessage)
- NewX, NewY: Single;
- // X, Y - new window position in screen coordinates
- constructor Create(X, Y: Single);
- end;
- // This message is sent to an <b>application</b> after its window size has changed
- TWindowResizeMsg = class(TOSMessage)
- OldWidth, OldHeight, NewWidth, NewHeight: Single;
- // <b>OldWidth, OldHeight</b> - old size of the window, <b>NewWidth, NewHeight</b> - new size
- constructor Create(AOldWidth, AOldHeight, ANewWidth, ANewHeight: Single);
- end;
- // This message is sent to an <b>application</b> after its window has been minimized
- TWindowMinimizeMsg = class(TOSMessage)
- end;
- TCancelModeMsg = class(TOSMessage)
- end;
- // This message is sent to an <b>application</b> after a command executon from its window menu
- TWindowMenuCommand = class(TOSMessage)
- Command: Integer;
- constructor Create(ACommand: Integer);
- end;
- // ---
- // If some data may be referenced by pointer and the pointer to the data has changed this message is <b>broadcasted</b> with new pointer
- TDataAdressChangeMsg = class(TNotificationMessage)
- OldData, NewData: Pointer;
- DataReady: Boolean;
- // <b>AOldValue</b> - old pointer, <b>ANewValue</b> - new pointer to the data, <b>ADataReady</b> - determines wheter the data is ready to use
- constructor Create(AOldValue, ANewValue: Pointer; ADataReady: Boolean);
- end;
- // This message is <b>broadcasted</b> when some data which may be used by items has modified
- TDataModifyMsg = class(TNotificationMessage)
- // Pointer, identifying the data. usually it's the address of the data in memory
- Data: Pointer;
- // AData - a pointer, identifying the data. usually it's the address of the data in memory
- constructor Create(AData: Pointer);
- end;
- // Base class for user-input messages
- TInputMessage = class(TMessage)
- constructor Create;
- end;
- // Base class for mouse-related messages
- TMouseMsg = class(TInputMessage)
- // coordinates of the mouse pointer in screen coordinate system
- X, Y: Integer;
- // AX, AY - coordinates of the mouse pointer in screen coordinate system
- constructor Create(AX, AY: Integer);
- end;
- // The message is sent to <b>core handler</b> when the mouse pointer moves
- TMouseMoveMsg = class(TMouseMsg)
- end;
- // Base class for mouse button-related messages
- TMouseButtonMsg = class(TMouseMsg)
- // Button number. usually 1 - left, 2 - right, 4 - middle (see Input.IK_MOUSELEFT etc)
- Button: Integer;
- // <b>AButton</b> - button number
- constructor Create(AX, AY, AButton: Integer);
- end;
- // The message is sent to <b>core handler</b> when a mouse button has been pressed
- TMouseDownMsg = class(TMouseButtonMsg)
- end;
- // The message is sent to <b>core handler</b> when a mouse button has been released
- TMouseUpMsg = class(TMouseButtonMsg)
- end;
- // The message is sent to <b>core handler</b> when a mouse button has been clicked
- TMouseClickMsg = class(TMouseButtonMsg)
- end;
- // The message is sent to <b>core handler</b> when a mouse button has been double clicked
- TMouseDblClickMsg = class(TMouseButtonMsg)
- end;
- // Reference to keyboard message class
- CKeyboardMsg = class of TKeyboardMsg;
- // Base class for keyboard-related messages
- TKeyboardMsg = class(TInputMessage)
- // Scan code of the key
- Key: Integer;
- // <b>AKey</b> - scan code of the key
- constructor Create(AKey: Integer);
- end;
- // The message is sent to <b>core handler</b> when a key has been pressed
- TKeyDownMsg = class(TKeyboardMsg)
- end;
- // The message is sent to <b>core handler</b> when a key has been released
- TKeyUpMsg = class(TKeyboardMsg)
- end;
- // The message is sent to <b>core handler</b> when a key has been clicked
- TKeyClickMsg = class(TKeyboardMsg)
- end;
- // The message is sent to <b>core handler</b> when a key has been double clicked
- TKeyDblClickMsg = class(TKeyboardMsg)
- end;
- // The message is sent to <b>core handler</b> when a character input has been made
- TCharInputMsg = class(TKeyboardMsg)
- // Code of the character
- Character: Char;
- // <b>AChar</b> - code of the character, <b>AKey</b> - scan code
- constructor Create(AChar: Char; AKey: Integer);
- end;
- var
- MessagePool: TMessagePool;
- implementation
- { TMessage }
- class function TMessage.NewInstance: TObject;
- begin
- // Result := InitInstance(MessagePool.Allocate(InstanceSize));
- Result := TObject(MessagePool.Allocate(InstanceSize));
- PInteger(Result)^ := Integer(Self);
- end;
- procedure TMessage.FreeInstance;
- begin
- Assert(False, 'TMessage and descendants should not be freed manually');
- end;
- procedure TMessage.Invalidate;
- begin
- Include(FFlags, mfInvalid);
- end;
- { TSubsystemMsg }
- constructor TSubsystemMsg.Create(AAction: TSubsystemAction; ASubsystem: TSubsystem);
- begin
- Action := AAction;
- Subsystem := ASubsystem;
- end;
- { TOptionsApplyMsg }
- constructor TOptionsApplyMsg.Create(const AOptionSet: TMessageString);
- begin
- OptionSet := AOptionSet;
- end;
- { TOptionsPreviewMsg }
- constructor TOptionsPreviewMsg.Create(const AOptionName, AValue: TMessageString);
- begin
- OptionName := AOptionName; Value := AValue;
- end;
- { TWindowMoveMsg }
- constructor TWindowMoveMsg.Create(X, Y: Single);
- begin
- NewX := X; NewY := Y;
- end;
- { TWindowResizeMsg }
- constructor TWindowResizeMsg.Create(AOldWidth, AOldHeight, ANewWidth, ANewHeight: Single);
- begin
- OldWidth := AOldWidth;
- OldHeight := AOldHeight;
- NewWidth := ANewWidth;
- NewHeight := ANewHeight;
- end;
- { TWindowMenuCommand }
- constructor TWindowMenuCommand.Create(ACommand: Integer);
- begin
- Command := ACommand;
- end;
- { TDataAdressChangeMsg }
- constructor TDataAdressChangeMsg.Create(AOldValue, ANewValue: Pointer; ADataReady: Boolean);
- begin
- OldData := AOldValue;
- NewData := ANewValue;
- DataReady := ADataReady;
- end;
- { TDataModifyMsg }
- constructor TDataModifyMsg.Create(AData: Pointer);
- begin
- Data := AData;
- end;
- { TInputMessage }
- constructor TInputMessage.Create;
- begin
- Flags := [mfCore];
- end;
- { TMouseMsg }
- constructor TMouseMsg.Create(AX, AY: Integer);
- begin
- inherited Create;
- X := AX; Y := AY;
- end;
- { TMouseButtonMsg }
- constructor TMouseButtonMsg.Create(AX, AY, AButton: Integer);
- begin
- inherited Create(AX, AY);
- Button := AButton;
- end;
- { TKeyClick }
- constructor TKeyboardMsg.Create(AKey: Integer);
- begin
- inherited Create;
- Key := AKey;
- end;
- { TCharInputMsg }
- constructor TCharInputMsg.Create(AChar: Char; AKey: Integer);
- begin
- inherited Create(AKey);
- Character := AChar;
- end;
- { TMessageSubsystem }
- procedure TMessageSubsystem.SwapPools;
- var t: TMessages;
- begin
- t := BackMessages;
- BackMessages := Messages;
- Messages := t;
- t := nil;
- TotalBackMessages := TotalMessages;
- TotalMessages := 0;
- end;
- procedure TMessageSubsystem.BeginHandle;
- begin
- HandleStarted := True;
- SwapPools;
- CurrentMessageIndex := 0;
- MessagePool.BeginHandle;
- end;
- procedure TMessageSubsystem.EndHandle;
- begin
- Assert(HandleStarted, 'TMessageSubsystem.EndHandle: Invalid call');
- HandleStarted := False;
- MessagePool.EndHandle;
- end;
- procedure TMessageSubsystem.Add(const Msg: TMessage);
- begin
- if Length(Messages) <= TotalMessages then SetLength(Messages, Length(Messages) + MessagesCapacityStep);
- Messages[TotalMessages] := Msg;
- Inc(TotalMessages);
- end;
- function TMessageSubsystem.ExtractMessage(out Msg: TMessage): Boolean;
- begin // ToDo: Needs testing
- Assert(HandleStarted, 'TMessageSubsystem.ExtractMessage: Should be called only between BeginHandle and EndHandle pair');
- Msg := nil;
- if CurrentMessageIndex < TotalBackMessages then begin
- Msg := BackMessages[CurrentMessageIndex];
- Inc(CurrentMessageIndex);
- end;
- Result := Msg <> nil;
- end;
- { TMessagePool }
- procedure TMessagePool.SetCapacity(ACapacity: Integer);
- begin
- FCapacity := ACapacity;
- ReAllocMem(CurrentPool^.Store, ACapacity);
- ReAllocMem(BackPool^.Store, ACapacity);
- end;
- procedure TMessagePool.SwapPools;
- var Temp: Pointer;
- begin
- Temp := BackPool;
- BackPool := CurrentPool;
- CurrentPool := Temp;
- end;
- constructor TMessagePool.Create;
- begin
- New(CurrentPool);
- CurrentPool^.Store := nil;
- CurrentPool^.Size := 0;
- New(BackPool);
- BackPool^.Store := nil;
- BackPool^.Size := 0;
- SetCapacity(MessagePoolInitialCapacity);
- end;
- destructor TMessagePool.Destroy;
- begin
- SetCapacity(0);
- Dispose(CurrentPool);
- Dispose(BackPool);
- inherited;
- end;
- function TMessagePool.Allocate(Size: Integer): Pointer;
- begin
- Result := Pointer(Cardinal(CurrentPool^.Store) + CurrentPool^.Size);
- Inc(CurrentPool^.Size, Size);
- Assert(CurrentPool^.Size < FCapacity, 'Message pool is full'); // Todo: Handle this situation
- end;
- procedure TMessagePool.BeginHandle;
- begin
- SwapPools;
- end;
- procedure TMessagePool.EndHandle;
- begin
- BackPool^.Size := 0;
- end;
- { TProgressMsg }
- constructor TProgressMsg.Create(AProgress: Single);
- begin
- Progress := AProgress;
- end;
- initialization
- MessagePool := TMessagePool.Create;
- finalization
- MessagePool.Free;
- MessagePool := nil;
- end.