资源名称:CAST2SDK.rar [点击查看]
- (*
- @Abstract(GUI helper unit)
- (C) 2006 George "Mirage" Bakhtadze. <a href=""></a> <br>
- Unit contains helper classes for GUI applications <br>
- Supported controls (including all descendants): TTextGUIItem , TSwitchButton, TCheckBox, TTrackBar
- *)
- {$Include}
- unit ACSHelper;
- interface
- uses
- TextFile,
- SysUtils,
- Basics, BaseClasses, GUIHelper, BaseMsg, GUIMsg, ItemMsg, Props, ACSBase, ACS, ACSAdv;
- const
- TotalImmediateApplyControls = 5; // ToDo: Move out of here
- ImmediateApplyControls: array[0..TotalImmediateApplyControls-1] of string =
- ('Gamma', 'Contrast', 'Brightness', 'SoundVolume', 'MusicVolume');
- TotalNotifyingApplyControls = 1;
- NotifyingApplyControls: array[0..TotalNotifyingApplyControls-1] of string =
- ('UserName');
- FormNamesCapacityStep = 1;
- // On click predefined actions
- TotalActions = 9;
- aShow = 0; aShowSolely = 1; aToggle = 2; aClose = 3; aOK = 4; aApply = 5; aCancel = 6; aReset = 7; aBack = 8;
- ActionStr: array[0..TotalActions-1] of string = ('Show', 'Invoke', 'Toggle', 'Close', 'OK', 'Apply', 'Cancel', 'Reset', 'Back');
- type
- TGUIState = record
- Visibility: array of Boolean;
- end;
- TACSHelper = class(TGUIHelper)
- private
- Config: TProperties;
- Items: TItemsManager;
- GUIRoot: TGUIRootItem;
- TotalFormNames: Integer;
- FormNames: array of string;
- TotalHistory: Integer;
- History: array of TGUIState;
- procedure Initialize;
- function GetCommand(const s: string; var Argument: string): Integer;
- function FindForm(const s: string): TItem;
- protected
- procedure ControlToConfig(const FormName, OptionName: string; AConfig: TProperties); override;
- procedure ConfigToControl(const FormName, OptionName: string; AConfig: TProperties); override;
- public
- GUIState: Integer;
- constructor Create(AItems: TItemsManager; AConfig: TProperties);
- destructor Destroy; override;
- procedure HandleMessage(const Msg: TMessage); override;
- procedure HandleGUIClick(const Item: TGUIItem);
- // Items manipulation
- procedure HideAllForms; virtual;
- function ControlExists(const Name: string): Boolean; override;
- function IsControlVisible(const Name: string; CheckHierarchy: Boolean): Boolean; override;
- procedure ShowControl(const Name: string); override;
- procedure HideControl(const Name: string); override;
- procedure ToggleControl(const Name: string); override; // Toggles item's visibility
- procedure EnableControl(const Name: string); override;
- procedure DisableControl(const Name: string); override;
- procedure SetControlText(const Name, Text: string); override;
- function GetControlText(const Name: string): string; override;
- function GetControlFormName(const Name: string): string; override;
- // Properties filling
- function GUIToString(Item: TItem): string; virtual;
- procedure ResetConfig(const FormName: string; ADefaultConfig: TProperties); override;
- // Form navigation
- procedure AddForm(const FormName: string);
- procedure LoadForms(const FileName: string);
- procedure ShowForm(const FormName: string; Solely: Boolean);
- procedure RememberState;
- procedure ShowPreviousState;
- function IsWithinGUI(AX, AY: Single): Boolean;
- end;
- implementation
- { TACSHelper }
- procedure TACSHelper.Initialize;
- var Temp: TItems;
- begin
- if Items.Root.ExtractByClass(TGUIRootItem, Temp) > 1 then begin
- {$IFDEF LOGGING} Log.Log(ClassName + '.Create: More than one items of class TGUIRootItem found', lkWarning); {$ENDIF}
- end;
- if Temp = nil then begin
- {$IFDEF LOGGING} Log.Log(ClassName + '.Create: No items of class TGUIRootItem found', lkError); {$ENDIF}
- Exit;
- end;
- GUIRoot := Temp[0] as TGUIRootItem;
- Temp := nil;
- end;
- function TACSHelper.GetCommand(const s: string; var Argument: string): Integer;
- var i, t: Integer;
- begin
- Result := -1;
- for i := 0 to TotalActions-1 do begin
- t := Pos(UpperCase(ActionStr[i]), UpperCase(s));
- if (t > 0) and (t = Length(s) - Length(ActionStr[i]) + 1) then begin
- Argument := Copy(s, 1, t-1);
- Result := i;
- Exit;
- end;
- end;
- end;
- function TACSHelper.FindForm(const s: string): TItem;
- var i: Integer;
- begin
- Result := nil;
- for i := 0 to TotalFormNames-1 do if FormNames[i] = s then begin
- Result := GUIRoot.GetChildByName(s, True);
- Exit;
- end;
- end;
- procedure TACSHelper.ControlToConfig(const FormName, OptionName: string; AConfig: TProperties);
- var i: Integer; Form, Item: TItem;
- begin
- Form := GUIRoot.GetChildByName(FormName, True);
- if not (Form is TGUIItem) then Exit;
- Item := Form.GetChildByName(OptionName, True);
- if Item = nil then Exit;
- for i := 0 to TotalNotifyingApplyControls-1 do
- if UpperCase(Item.Name) = UpperCase(NotifyingApplyControls[i]) then
- Items.HandleMessage(TOptionsApplyNotifyMsg.Create(UpperCase(Item.Name), GUIToString(Item)));
- AConfig[OptionName] := GUIToString(Item);
- end;
- procedure TACSHelper.ConfigToControl(const FormName, OptionName: string; AConfig: TProperties);
- var Form, Item: TItem; Prop: PProperty;
- begin
- Form := GUIRoot.GetChildByName(FormName, True);
- if not (Form is TGUIItem) then Exit;
- Item := Form.GetChildByName(OptionName, True);
- if not (Item is TGUIItem) then Exit;
- // if TGUIItem(Item).Data is TTextListItems then
- // TTextListItems(TGUIItem(Item).Data).VariantsText := AConfig.GetProperty(OptionName).Enumeration;
- if (Item is TSwitchButton) then with Item as TSwitchButton do VariantIndex := StrToIntDef(AConfig[Name], VariantIndex) else
- if (Item is TTrackBar) then with Item as TTrackBar do Value := StrToIntDef(AConfig[Name], Value) else
- if (Item is TCheckBox) then (Item as TCheckBox).Checked := AConfig[OptionName] = OnOffStr[True] else
- if (Item is TComboList) then begin
- if Assigned((Item as TComboList).Items) and Assigned((Item as TComboList).Items.Items) then begin
- Prop := AConfig.GetProperty(OptionName);
- if Assigned(Prop) then (Item as TComboList).Items.Items.VariantsText := Prop^.Enumeration;
- (Item as TComboList).Text := AConfig[OptionName];
- end;
- end else if (Item is TBaseList) then begin
- Prop := AConfig.GetProperty(OptionName);
- if Assigned(Prop) then (Item as TBaseList).VariantsText := Prop^.Enumeration;
- (Item as TBaseList).Text := AConfig[OptionName];
- end else if (Item is TTextGUIItem) then
- (Item as TTextGUIItem).Text := AConfig[OptionName];
- end;
- constructor TACSHelper.Create(AItems: TItemsManager; AConfig: TProperties);
- begin
- Config := AConfig;
- Items := AItems;
- Items.RegisterItemClass(TGUIItem);
- Items.RegisterItemClass(TGUIRootItem);
- Items.RegisterItemClass(TGUIPoint);
- Items.RegisterItemClass(TGUILine);
- Items.RegisterItemClass(TCursorPicture);
- Items.RegisterItemClass(TPanel);
- Items.RegisterItemClass(TLabel);
- Items.RegisterItemClass(TButton);
- Items.RegisterItemClass(TSwitchButton);
- Items.RegisterItemClass(ACSAdv.TSwitchLabel);
- Items.RegisterItemClass(TCheckBox);
- Items.RegisterItemClass(TProgressBar);
- Items.RegisterItemClass(TSlider);
- Items.RegisterItemClass(TEdit);
- Items.RegisterItemClass(TList);
- Items.RegisterItemClass(TComboList);
- Items.RegisterItemClass(TWindow);
- Items.RegisterItemClass(TCaptionArea);
- Items.RegisterItemClass(TClientArea);
- end;
- destructor TACSHelper.Destroy;
- var i: Integer;
- begin
- FormNames := nil;
- for i := 0 to High(History) do History[i].Visibility := nil;
- History := nil;
- inherited;
- end;
- procedure TACSHelper.HandleMessage(const Msg: TMessage);
- var i: Integer;
- begin
- if Msg is TSceneLoadedMsg then Initialize else if GUIRoot = nil then Exit;
- // if Msg is TInputMessage then GUIRoot.BroadcastMessage(Msg) else
- if not (Msg is TGUIMessage) then Exit;
- if Msg.ClassType = TGUIClickMsg then HandleGUIClick((Msg as TGUIClickMsg).Item);
- if Msg.ClassType = TGUIChangeMsg then with TGUIChangeMsg(Msg) do begin
- Assert(Assigned(Item), Format('%S.%S: ', [ClassName, 'HandleMessage: Message of class %S contains undefined(nil) item', Msg.ClassName]));
- for i := 0 to TotalImmediateApplyControls-1 do
- if UpperCase(Item.Name) = UpperCase(ImmediateApplyControls[i]) then
- Items.HandleMessage(TOptionsPreviewMsg.Create(UpperCase(Item.Name), GUIToString(Item)));
- end;
- end;
- procedure TACSHelper.HandleGUIClick(const Item: TGUIItem);
- var Action: Integer; Arg: string;
- begin
- if Item.Name = 'ForceQuit' then Items.HandleMessage(TForceQuitMsg.Create);
- Action := GetCommand(Item.Name, Arg);
- case Action of
- aShow: if ControlExists(Arg) then begin
- RememberState;
- ConfigToForm(Arg, Config);
- ShowForm(Arg, False);
- end;
- aShowSolely: if ControlExists(Arg) then begin
- RememberState;
- ConfigToForm(Arg, Config);
- ShowForm(Arg, True);
- end;
- aToggle: if ControlExists(Arg) then ToggleControl(Arg);
- aClose: HideControl(Arg);
- aOK: if ControlExists(Arg) then begin
- FormToConfig(Arg, Config);
- ShowPreviousState;
- Items.HandleMessage(TOptionsApplyMsg.Create(UpperCase(Arg)));
- end;
- aApply: if ControlExists(Arg) then begin
- FormToConfig(Arg, Config);
- Items.HandleMessage(TOptionsApplyMsg.Create(UpperCase(Arg)));
- end;
- aCancel: if ControlExists(Arg) then begin
- ConfigToForm(Arg, Config);
- ShowPreviousState;
- end;
- aReset: if ControlExists(Arg) then ResetConfig(Arg, DefaultConfig);
- aBack: ShowPreviousState;
- end;
- end;
- procedure TACSHelper.HideAllForms;
- var i: Integer;
- begin
- for i := 0 to TotalFormNames-1 do HideControl(FormNames[i]);
- end;
- function TACSHelper.ControlExists(const Name: string): Boolean;
- begin
- Result := GUIRoot.GetChildByName(Name, True) <> nil;
- end;
- function TACSHelper.IsControlVisible(const Name: string; CheckHierarchy: Boolean): Boolean;
- var Item: TItem;
- begin
- Item := GUIRoot.GetChildByName(Name, True);
- Result := (Item is TGUIItem) and (isVisible in Item.State);
- Item := Item.Parent;
- if CheckHierarchy then while (Item is TGUIItem) or (Item is TDummyItem) do if not (Item is TDummyItem) then begin
- Result := Result and (isVisible in Item.State);
- Item := Item.Parent;
- end;
- end;
- procedure TACSHelper.ShowControl(const Name: string);
- var Item: TItem;
- begin
- Item := GUIRoot.GetChildByName(Name, True);
- while (Item is TGUIItem) or (Item is TDummyItem) do begin
- if not (Item is TDummyItem) then Item.State := Item.State + [isVisible];
- Item := Item.Parent;
- end;
- end;
- procedure TACSHelper.HideControl(const Name: string);
- var Item: TItem;
- begin
- Item := GUIRoot.GetChildByName(Name, True);
- if Item is TGUIItem then Item.State := Item.State - [isVisible];
- end;
- procedure TACSHelper.ToggleControl(const Name: string);
- var Item: TItem;
- begin
- Item := GUIRoot.GetChildByName(Name, True);
- if not (Item is TGUIItem) then Exit;
- if isVisible in Item.State then
- Item.State := Item.State - [isVisible] else
- Item.State := Item.State + [isVisible];
- end;
- procedure TACSHelper.EnableControl(const Name: string);
- var Item: TGUIItem;
- begin
- Item := Items.Root.GetChildByName(Name, True) as TGUIItem;
- if Item is TGUIItem then Item.State := Item.State - [isProcessing];
- end;
- procedure TACSHelper.DisableControl(const Name: string);
- var Item: TGUIItem;
- begin
- Item := Items.Root.GetChildByName(Name, True) as TGUIItem;
- if Item is TGUIItem then Item.State := Item.State + [isProcessing];
- end;
- procedure TACSHelper.SetControlText(const Name, Text: string);
- var Item: TItem;
- begin
- Item := Items.Root.GetChildByName(Name, True);
- if Item is TTextGUIItem then (Item as TTextGUIItem).Text := Text else
- // if Item is TEdit then (Item as TEdit).Text := Text;
- end;
- function TACSHelper.GetControlText(const Name: string): string;
- var Item: TItem;
- begin
- Result := '';
- Item := GUIRoot.GetChildByName(Name, True);
- if Item is TTextGUIItem then Result := (Item as TTextGUIItem).Text else
- // if Item is TEdit then Result := (Item as TEdit).Text;
- end;
- function TACSHelper.GUIToString(Item: TItem): string;
- begin
- Result := '';
- if Item = nil then Exit;
- if (Item is TSwitchButton) then Result := IntToStr((Item as TSwitchButton).VariantIndex) else
- if (Item is TTrackBar) then Result := IntToStr((Item as TTrackBar).Value) else
- if (Item is TCheckBox) then Result := OnOffStr[(Item as TCheckBox).Checked] else
- // if (Item is TBaseList) then Result := (Item as TBaseList).Text else
- if (Item is TTextGUIItem) then Result := (Item as TTextGUIItem).Text;
- end;
- procedure TACSHelper.ResetConfig(const FormName: string; ADefaultConfig: TProperties);
- begin
- inherited;
- Items.HandleMessage(TOptionsApplyMsg.Create(UpperCase(FormName)));
- end;
- procedure TACSHelper.AddForm(const FormName: string);
- begin
- if (GUIRoot <> nil) and (GUIRoot.GetChildByName(FormName, True) = nil) then Log.Log(ClassName + '.AddForm: GUI container item "' + FormName + '" doest not exists', lkWarning);
- {$ENDIF}
- if Length(FormNames) <= TotalFormNames then SetLength(FormNames, Length(FormNames) + FormNamesCapacityStep);
- FormNames[TotalFormNames] := FormName;
- Inc(TotalFormNames);
- end;
- procedure TACSHelper.LoadForms(const FileName: string);
- var cf: Text; s: string;
- begin
- {$I-}
- Assign(cf, FileName); Reset(cf);
- if IOResult <> 0 then begin
- {$IFDEF LOGGING} Log.Log(ClassName + '.LoadForms: Error opening file "' + FileName + '"', lkError); {$ENDIF}
- Exit;
- end;
- while not EOF(cf) do begin
- Readln(cf, s);
- if IOResult <> 0 then begin
- {$IFDEF LOGGING} Log.Log(ClassName + '.Load: Error reading from file "' + FileName + '"', lkError); {$ENDIF}
- Break;
- end else if s <> '' then AddForm(s);
- end;
- Close(cf);
- end;
- procedure TACSHelper.ShowForm(const FormName: string; Solely: Boolean);
- begin
- if ControlExists(FormName) then begin
- if Solely then HideAllForms;
- ShowControl(FormName);
- end;
- end;
- procedure TACSHelper.RememberState;
- var i: Integer; Item: TItem; Changed: Boolean;
- begin
- // Check if something changed
- Changed := TotalHistory = 0;
- if TotalHistory > 0 then for i := 0 to TotalFormNames-1 do begin
- Item := GUIRoot.GetChildByName(FormNames[i], True);
- if History[TotalHistory-1].Visibility[i] <> (Item is TGUIItem) and (isVisible in Item.State) then begin
- Changed := True;
- Break;
- end;
- end;
- if not Changed then Exit;
- if Length(History) <= TotalHistory then SetLength(History, Length(History) + FormNamesCapacityStep);
- SetLength(History[TotalHistory].Visibility, TotalFormNames);
- for i := 0 to TotalFormNames-1 do begin
- Item := GUIRoot.GetChildByName(FormNames[i], True);
- History[TotalHistory].Visibility[i] := (Item is TGUIItem) and (isVisible in Item.State);
- end;
- Inc(TotalHistory);
- end;
- procedure TACSHelper.ShowPreviousState;
- var i: Integer;
- begin
- if TotalHistory > 0 then Dec(TotalHistory) else Exit;
- for i := 0 to High(History[TotalHistory].Visibility) do
- if History[TotalHistory].Visibility[i] then ShowControl(FormNames[i]) else HideControl(FormNames[i]);
- end;
- function TACSHelper.GetControlFormName(const Name: string): string;
- //var Item: TGUIItem;
- begin
- Assert(False, '');
- { Result := '';
- while not (Item is TGUIItem) do begin
- if FindForm(Item.Name) <> nil then begin
- Result := Item.Name;
- Exit;
- end;
- end;}
- end;
- function TACSHelper.IsWithinGUI(AX, AY: Single): Boolean;
- begin
- Result := GUIRoot.IsWithinGUI(AX, AY);
- end;
- end.