资源名称:CAST2SDK.rar [点击查看]
- (*
- CAST II Engine landscape demo main unit
- The source code may be used under either MPL 1.1 or LGPL 2.1 license. See included license.txt file <br>
- (C) 2007 George "Mirage" Bakhtadze
- *)
- {$I}
- {$I}
- unit LandMain;
- interface
- uses
- SysUtils,
- TextFile, Basics, AppsInit, Props, OSUtils, Base2D,
- Resources, BaseGraph, BaseTypes, BaseMsg, Base3D, BaseClasses,
- CAST2, C2Visual, C2Res, C2VisItems, C2Anim, C22D, C2FX, C2Land, C2TileMaps, C2Flora,
- C2Affectors, C2ParticleAdv,
- C2Grass,
- C2Render, {$IFDEF DIRECT3D8} C2DX8Render, {$ENDIF}
- Input, WInput,
- C2Core,
- Timer;
- const
- // These constants can be adjusted
- RunFullScreen = False; // Fullscreen mode
- SceneFileName = 'Land.cbf'; // Scene to load
- CameraRotateSpeed = 0.003; // Camera rotation sensitivity
- CameraMoveAccel = 0.0315; // Camera movement sensitivity
- MinCameraAlt = 7.0; // Min camera altitude
- BreakFactor = 0.95; // How far camera can move
- CameraMoveRadius = 2000;
- TimerDelay = 1/60; // Delay between timer events
- DetailLowXStr = '100'; // Landscape grid X resolution for low detail
- DetailLowYZStr = '120'; // Landscape grid YZ resolution for low detail
- DetailLowClipMapStr = '256'; // Landscape megatexture clipmap size for low detail
- DetailLowSMRes = 512; // Shadow map resolution for low detail
- DetailMedXStr = '180'; // Landscape grid X resolution for medium detail
- DetailMedYZStr = '350'; // Landscape grid YZ resolution for medium detail
- DetailMedClipMapStr = '512'; // Landscape megatexture clipmap size for medium detail
- DetailMedSMRes = 1024; // Shadow map resolution for medium detail
- DetailHighXStr = '300'; // Landscape grid X resolution for high detail
- DetailHighYZStr = '600'; // Landscape grid YZ resolution for high detail
- DetailHighClipMapStr = '1024'; // Landscape megatexture clipmap size for high detail
- DetailHighSMRes = 2048; // Shadow map resolution for high detail
- BaseDetail = 500.0;
- KeyLeftBind = 'A'; // Key binding to move camera left
- KeyRightBind = 'D'; // Key binding to move camera right
- KeyUpBind = 'Q'; // Key binding to move camera up
- KeyDownBind = 'E'; // Key binding to move camera down
- KeyBackBind = 'W'; // Key binding to move camera back
- KeyForwardBind = 'S'; // Key binding to move camera forward
- // Do not change
- keyLeft = 0; // Left key
- keyRight = 1; // Right key
- keyUp = 2; // Up key
- keyDown = 3; // Down key
- keyBack = 4; // Back key
- keyForward = 5; // Forward key
- keyMax = 5; // Max key index
- type
- // Message class for detail switching
- TDetailLowMsg = class(TMessage)
- end;
- // Message class for detail switching
- TDetailMedMsg = class(TMessage)
- end;
- // Message class for detail switching
- TDetailHighMsg = class(TMessage)
- end;
- TLandDemo = class
- private
- OldFramesRendered: Integer;
- VideoMode: Integer;
- KeyPressed: array[0..keyMax] of Boolean; // Bound keys current state
- Velocity: TVector3s; // Current movement speed
- Core: TCore;
- Landscape: TMappedItem;
- FPSLabel: TLabel;
- MainCamera, PostProcessCamera, BloomCamera, ShadowCamera: TCamera;
- Light: TLight;
- LightOrigOrient: TQuaternion;
- function LoadScene(const FileName: string): Boolean;
- public
- constructor Create;
- destructor Destroy; override;
- procedure Process;
- procedure ToggleBloom(EventData: Integer; CustomData: SmallInt);
- procedure HandleMouse(EventData: Integer; CustomData: SmallInt);
- procedure HandleTimer(EventID: Integer; const ErrorDelta: TTimeUnit); // Timer event
- procedure HandleMessage(const Msg: TMessage); // Message handler
- procedure HandleKeys(EventData: Integer; CustomData: Smallint); // Keys handle delegate
- end;
- var
- Starter: TAppStarter; // Application starter
- implementation
- function TLandDemo.LoadScene(const FileName: string): Boolean;
- function FindItem(const ItemName: string; ItemClass: CItem; Mandatory: Boolean): TItem;
- const LogFlag: array[Boolean] of TLogLevel = (lkWarning, lkFatalError);
- begin
- Result := Core.Root.GetChildByName(ItemName, True);
- if not (Result is ItemClass) then begin
- Starter.PrintError('Item "' + ItemName + '" not found in scene', LogFlag[Mandatory]);
- Exit;
- end;
- end;
- function PrepareMegatexture: Boolean;
- const RandomCount = 5; // number of random pictures placed on megatexture
- var
- i, x, y: Integer;
- MT: TMegaImageResource;
- Stream: TFileStream;
- Header: TImageHeader;
- CData: Pointer;
- begin
- Result := False;
- // Retrieve and setup items related to megatexturing
- MT := FindItem('MegaTexture', TMegaImageResource, True) as TMegaImageResource;
- if not Assigned(MT) then Exit;
- if FileExists('mega.bmp') then begin
- Stream := TFileStream.Create('mega.bmp');
- if LoadBitmapHeader(Stream, Header) then
- MT.SetDimensions(Header.Width, Header.Height);
- Stream.Free;
- end;
- if not FileExists('mega.dat') then begin
- Log.Log('No megatexture data stream found. Creating...');
- MT.SetProperty('ReinitSource file', 'mega.bmp');
- MT.SetProperty('Store file', 'mega.dat');
- MT.SetProperty('Reinit', OnOffStr[True]);
- end;
- MT.SetProperty('Store file', 'mega.dat');
- Landscape.SetProperty('TextureDiffuse scale', FloatToStr(MT.Width/(Landscape.Map.Width * Landscape.Map.CellWidthScale)));
- // Place a random picture on megatexture several times
- if FileExists('random.bmp') then begin
- Stream := TFileStream.Create('random.bmp');
- Base2D.LoadBitmap(Stream, Header);
- Stream.Free;
- GetMem(CData, Header.Width * Header.Height * GetBytesPerPixel(MT.Format));
- ConvertImage(Header.Format, MT.Format, Header.Width * Header.Height, Header.Data, Header.PaletteSize, Header.Palette, CData);
- if Assigned(Header.Data) then FreeMem(Header.Data);
- if Assigned(Header.Palette) then FreeMem(Header.Palette);
- for i := 0 to RandomCount-1 do begin
- x := Random(MT.Width - Header.Width);
- y := Random(MT.Height - Header.Height);
- MT.SaveRect(GetRectWH(x, y, Header.Width, Header.Height), 0, CData, Header.Width, True);
- end;
- if Assigned(CData) then FreeMem(CData);
- end;
- Result := True;
- end;
- var Stream: TFileStream;
- begin
- Stream := TFileStream.Create(Filename);
- Result := Core.LoadScene(Stream);
- Stream.Free;
- if Result then begin
- MainCamera := Core.Renderer.MainCamera;
- if Assigned(MainCamera) then begin
- // Retrieve some needed items
- Landscape := FindItem('Landscape', TMappedItem, True) as TMappedItem;
- FPSLabel := FindItem('FPSCounter', TLabel, False) as TLabel;
- Light := FindItem('Light', TLight, False) as TLight;
- // Camera of light source for shadow mapping
- ShadowCamera := FindItem('ShadowCamera', TCamera, False) as TCamera;
- // Camera through which a quad with bloom effect is rendered
- BloomCamera := FindItem('BloomCamera', TCamera, False) as TCamera;
- // Camera which used to render scene for post processing in case of main camera can not be used for this
- PostProcessCamera := FindItem('PostProcessCamera', TCamera, False) as TCamera;
- if Assigned(PostProcessCamera) then begin
- PostProcessCamera.Position := MainCamera.Position;
- PostProcessCamera.Orientation := MainCamera.Orientation;
- end;
- if Assigned(Light) then LightOrigOrient := Light.Orientation;
- PrepareMegatexture;
- end else begin
- Starter.PrintError('Camera not found', lkError);
- Result := False;
- end;
- end;
- end;
- constructor TLandDemo.Create;
- var HandleKeysProc: TInputDelegate;
- begin
- Starter.Terminated := True; // Terminate the application if an error occurs
- VideoMode := StrToIntDef(ParamStr(1), -1);
- // Create engine core
- Core := TCore.Create;
- Core.RegisterItemClass(TGrass);
- Core.MessageHandler := {$IFDEF OBJFPCEnable}@{$ENDIF}HandleMessage; // Set message handler
- Starter.MessageHandler := {$IFDEF OBJFPCEnable}@{$ENDIF}Core.HandleMessage; // Redirect window messages to engine
- // Create renderer
- Core.Renderer := TDX8Renderer.Create(Core);
- Core.Renderer.AppRequirements.HWAccelerationLevel := haPureDevice;
- {$ENDIF}
- if not Assigned(Core.Renderer) or (Core.Renderer.State = rsNotInitialized) then begin // Error
- Starter.PrintError('Can''t start renderer', lkFatalError);
- Exit;
- end;
- ActivateWindow(Starter.WindowHandle); // Bring the application to foreground
- // Initialize render device
- if not Core.Renderer.CreateDevice(Starter.WindowHandle, MaxI(0, VideoMode), VideoMode <> -1) then begin
- Starter.PrintError('Failed to initiaize render device', lkFatalError);
- Exit;
- end;
- // Initialize input subsystem
- Core.Input := TOSController.Create(Starter.WindowHandle, {$IFDEF OBJFPCEnable}@{$ENDIF}Core.HandleMessage);
- Core.Input.BindCommand('ESC', TForceQuitMsg); // Bind exit to ESC key
- Core.Input.BindCommand('ALT+Q', TForceQuitMsg); // Bind exit to ALT+Q key combination
- Core.Input.BindCommand('RMB+MouseStrokeDown^MouseStrokeRight^RMB-', TForceQuitMsg); // Bind exit to mouse gesture like in Opera browser
- Core.Input.BindCommand('1', TDetailLowMsg); // Bind "1" key to switch to low detail
- Core.Input.BindCommand('2', TDetailMedMsg); // Bind "1" key to switch to medium detail
- Core.Input.BindCommand('3', TDetailHighMsg); // Bind "1" key to switch to high detail
- Core.Input.BindDelegate('B', ToggleBloom, 0);
- Core.Input.BindPointer('F1', atBooleanToggle, @Core.Renderer.DisableTesselation);
- // Bind movements keys to delegate supplying in custom data key index with set 8-th bit if key was pressed down.
- HandleKeysProc := {$IFDEF OBJFPCEnable}@{$ENDIF}HandleKeys;
- Core.Input.BindDelegate(KeyLeftBind + '+', HandleKeysProc, keyLeft or $100);
- Core.Input.BindDelegate(KeyLeftBind + '-', HandleKeysProc, keyLeft);
- Core.Input.BindDelegate(KeyRightBind + '+', HandleKeysProc, keyRight or $100);
- Core.Input.BindDelegate(KeyRightBind + '-', HandleKeysProc, keyRight);
- Core.Input.BindDelegate(KeyUpBind + '+', HandleKeysProc, keyUp or $100);
- Core.Input.BindDelegate(KeyUpBind + '-', HandleKeysProc, keyUp);
- Core.Input.BindDelegate(KeyDownBind + '+', HandleKeysProc, keyDown or $100);
- Core.Input.BindDelegate(KeyDownBind + '-', HandleKeysProc, keyDown);
- Core.Input.BindDelegate(KeyBackBind + '+', HandleKeysProc, keyBack or $100);
- Core.Input.BindDelegate(KeyBackBind + '-', HandleKeysProc, keyBack);
- Core.Input.BindDelegate(KeyForwardBind + '+', HandleKeysProc, keyForward or $100);
- Core.Input.BindDelegate(KeyForwardBind + '-', HandleKeysProc, keyForward);
- Core.Input.MouseCapture := True;
- // Core.CatchAllInput := True;
- Core.Input.BindDelegate('MouseMove^', {$IFDEF OBJFPCEnable}@{$ENDIF}HandleMouse, 0);
- Log.Log('******Loading scene');
- // Load scene
- if not LoadScene(Starter.ProgramExeDir + SceneFileName) then begin
- Starter.PrintError('Error loading scene from file "' + SceneFileName + '"', lkFatalError);
- Exit;
- end;
- Log.Log('******Loaded scene');
- Starter.Terminated := False; // No errors
- Core.Timer.SetEvent(TimerDelay, {$IFDEF OBJFPCEnable}@{$ENDIF}HandleTimer, 0); // Launch timer events chain
- Log.Log('******Init OK');
- end;
- destructor TLandDemo.Destroy;
- var SubSystem: TSubSystem;
- begin
- SubSystem := Core.Input;
- Core.Input := nil;
- FreeAndNil(SubSystem);
- SubSystem := Core.Renderer;
- Core.Renderer := nil;
- FreeAndNil(SubSystem);
- FreeAndNil(Core);
- inherited;
- end;
- // PerfHUD
- const
- Stride = 4;
- Width = 100 * Stride; Height = 100;
- X = -Width; Y = -Height;
- viFrame = 0; viRender = 1;
- var
- Ofs: Integer = 0;
- MaxValue: Single = epsilon;
- Values: array[0..3, 0..Width-1] of Single;
- Count: Integer = 0;
- procedure TLandDemo.Process;
- procedure DrawPerfHUD;
- var i: Integer;
- begin
- if Count >= Width div Stride then begin
- Count := 0;
- MaxValue := epsilon;
- end;
- Values[viFrame, Count] := Core.PerfProfile.Times[ptFrame];
- Values[viRender, Count] := Core.PerfProfile.Times[ptRender];
- if Values[viFrame, Count] > MaxValue then MaxValue := Values[viFrame, Count];
- Inc(Count);
- Screen.ResetViewport;
- Screen.Clear;
- // Screen.MoveTo(Scree, 0);
- // Screen.LineTo(100, 100);
- // Screen.LineTo(100, 200);
- Screen.Color.C := $40000080;
- Screen.Bar(Screen.Width + X, Screen.Height + Y, Screen.Width + X + Width, Screen.Height + Y + Height);
- Screen.Color.C := $40F00000;
- for i := 0 to Count-1 do Screen.Bar(Screen.Width + X+i*Stride, Screen.Height + Y + Height,
- Screen.Width + X+i*Stride+Stride-1, Screen.Height + Y + Height - Values[viRender, i]/MaxValue*Height);
- Screen.Color.C := $4000F000;
- for i := 0 to Count-1 do Screen.Bar(Screen.Width + X+i*Stride, Screen.Height + Y + Height - Values[viRender, i]/MaxValue*Height,
- Screen.Width + X+i*Stride+Stride-1, Screen.Height + Y + Height - Values[viFrame, i]/MaxValue*Height);
- end;
- begin
- Core.Process;
- // DrawPerfHUD;
- end;
- procedure TLandDemo.HandleMessage(const Msg: TMessage);
- var CapMX, CapMY: Integer;
- begin
- ObtainCursorPos(CapMX, CapMY);
- if Msg.ClassType = TForceQuitMsg then Starter.Terminate else
- if Msg.ClassType = TDetailLowMsg then begin
- Landscape.SetProperty('X resolution', DetailLowXStr);
- Landscape.SetProperty('YZ resolution', DetailLowYZStr);
- Landscape.SetProperty('Mip scale', FloatToStr(BaseDetail/StrToFloatDef(DetailLowXStr, BaseDetail)));
- Landscape.SetProperty('TextureClipmap size', DetailLowClipMapStr);
- ShadowCamera.RenderTargetWidth := DetailLowSMRes;
- ShadowCamera.RenderTargetHeight := DetailLowSMRes;
- end;
- if Msg.ClassType = TDetailMedMsg then begin
- Landscape.SetProperty('X resolution', DetailMedXStr);
- Landscape.SetProperty('YZ resolution', DetailMedYZStr);
- Landscape.SetProperty('Mip scale', FloatToStr(BaseDetail/StrToFloatDef(DetailMedXStr, BaseDetail)));
- Landscape.SetProperty('TextureClipmap size', DetailMedClipMapStr);
- ShadowCamera.RenderTargetWidth := DetailMedSMRes;
- ShadowCamera.RenderTargetHeight := DetailMedSMRes;
- end;
- if Msg.ClassType = TDetailHighMsg then begin
- Landscape.SetProperty('X resolution', DetailHighXStr);
- Landscape.SetProperty('YZ resolution', DetailHighYZStr);
- Landscape.SetProperty('Mip scale', FloatToStr(BaseDetail/StrToFloatDef(DetailHighXStr, BaseDetail)));
- Landscape.SetProperty('TextureClipmap size', DetailHighClipMapStr);
- ShadowCamera.RenderTargetWidth := DetailHighSMRes;
- ShadowCamera.RenderTargetHeight := DetailHighSMRes;
- end;
- end;
- procedure TLandDemo.HandleKeys(EventData: Integer; CustomData: Smallint);
- begin
- KeyPressed[CustomData and $FF] := CustomData and $100 > 0;
- end;
- procedure TLandDemo.HandleTimer(EventID: Integer; const ErrorDelta: TTimeUnit);
- var Scale, h, t: Single; CameraPos, CameraInLand: TVector3s; Items: TItems; TotalItems: Integer;
- procedure InitShadowCamera;
- const
- ShadowMaxDist = 500;
- var
- Pnts, TPnts: TQuadPoints;
- i: Integer;
- MinP, MaxP: TVector3s;
- M: TMatrix4s;
- d: Single;
- begin
- if Landscape is TProjectedLandscape then TProjectedLandscape(Landscape).ProjectGrid(MainCamera, Pnts);
- M := IdentityMatrix4s;
- Matrix4sByQuat(M, Light.Orientation);
- M := InvertAffineMatrix4s(M);
- ShadowCamera.Orientation := Light.Orientation;
- ShadowCamera.Position := GetVector3s(0, 0, 0);
- for i := 0 to 3 do begin
- d := Sqr(Pnts[i].X - MainCamera.Position.X) + Sqr(Pnts[i].Z - MainCamera.Position.Z);
- if d > Sqr(ShadowMaxDist) then begin
- Pnts[i].X := MainCamera.Position.X + (Pnts[i].X - MainCamera.Position.X)/Sqrt(d) * ShadowMaxDist;
- Pnts[i].Z := MainCamera.Position.Z + (Pnts[i].Z - MainCamera.Position.Z)/Sqrt(d) * ShadowMaxDist;
- end;
- // Pnts[i].Y := 0;
- Transform4Vector33s(TPnts[i], M, Pnts[i]);
- end;
- MinP := TPnts[0];
- MaxP := TPnts[0];
- for i := 1 to 3 do begin
- MinP.X := MinS(MinP.X, TPnts[i].X);
- MinP.Y := MinS(MinP.Y, TPnts[i].Y);
- MinP.Z := MinS(MinP.Z, TPnts[i].Z);
- MaxP.X := MaxS(MaxP.X, TPnts[i].X);
- MaxP.Y := MaxS(MaxP.Y, TPnts[i].Y);
- MaxP.Z := MaxS(MaxP.Z, TPnts[i].Z);
- end;
- ShadowCamera.InitOrthoProjMatrix(0.1, MaxS(4000, (100+MaxP.Z-MinP.Z)*2), MaxS(MaxP.X-MinP.X, MaxP.Y-MinP.Y), 1);
- MulMatrix4s(M, M, TranslationMatrix4s(-(MinP.X+MaxP.X)*0.5, -(Minp.Y+MaxP.Y)*0.5, -MinP.Z+100));
- ShadowCamera.ViewMatrix := M;
- for i := 0 to 3 do begin
- Transform4Vector33s(TPnts[i], M, Pnts[i]);
- end;
- MinP := TPnts[0];
- MaxP := TPnts[0];
- for i := 1 to 3 do begin
- MinP.X := MinS(MinP.X, TPnts[i].X);
- MinP.Y := MinS(MinP.Y, TPnts[i].Y);
- MinP.Z := MinS(MinP.Z, TPnts[i].Z);
- MaxP.X := MaxS(MaxP.X, TPnts[i].X);
- MaxP.Y := MaxS(MaxP.Y, TPnts[i].Y);
- MaxP.Z := MaxS(MaxP.Z, TPnts[i].Z);
- end;
- end;
- procedure InitShadowCamera2;
- var
- i: Integer;
- MinP, MaxP, TPnt: TVector3s;
- M: TMatrix4s;
- d: Single;
- begin
- TotalItems := TCASTRootItem(Core.Root).ExtractByMaskClassInCamera([isVisible], TMesh, Items, MainCamera);
- M := IdentityMatrix4s;
- Matrix4sByQuat(M, Light.Orientation);
- M := InvertAffineMatrix4s(M);
- ShadowCamera.Orientation := Light.Orientation;
- ShadowCamera.Position := GetVector3s(0, 0, 0);
- for i := 0 to TotalItems-1 do if TVisible(Items[i]).Material.Technique[0].Passes[0].Group = 1 then begin
- d := TVisible(Items[i]).BoundingSphereRadius;
- Transform4Vector33s(TPnt, M, TProcessing(Items[i]).GetAbsLocation);
- if i = 0 then begin
- MinP := SubVector3s(TPnt, GetVector3s(d, d, d));
- MaxP := AddVector3s(TPnt, GetVector3s(d, d, d));
- end else begin
- MinP.X := MinS(MinP.X, TPnt.X-d);
- MinP.Y := MinS(MinP.Y, TPnt.Y-d);
- MinP.Z := MinS(MinP.Z, TPnt.Z-d);
- MaxP.X := MaxS(MaxP.X, TPnt.X+d);
- MaxP.Y := MaxS(MaxP.Y, TPnt.Y+d);
- MaxP.Z := MaxS(MaxP.Z, TPnt.Z+d);
- end;
- end;
- ShadowCamera.InitOrthoProjMatrix(0.1, MaxS(4000, (100+MaxP.Z-MinP.Z)*2), MaxS(MaxP.X-MinP.X, MaxP.Y-MinP.Y), 1);
- MulMatrix4s(M, M, TranslationMatrix4s(-(MinP.X+MaxP.X)*0.5, -(Minp.Y+MaxP.Y)*0.5, -MinP.Z+200));
- ShadowCamera.ViewMatrix := M;
- end;
- procedure InitShadowCamera3;
- const
- ShadowMaxDist = 500;
- var
- Pnts, TPnts: array[0..7] of TVector3s;
- i: Integer;
- MinP, MaxP: TVector3s;
- M: TMatrix4s;
- zf: Single;
- begin
- zf := 500;//MainCamera.ZFar*0.01;
- Pnts[0].x := -2 * (Sin(MainCamera.HFoV / 2)/Cos(MainCamera.HFoV / 2)) * MainCamera.ZNear;
- Pnts[0].y := Pnts[0].X * MainCamera.CurrentAspectRatio;
- Pnts[0].Z := MainCamera.ZNear;
- Pnts[1] := Pnts[0];
- Pnts[1].Y := -Pnts[1].Y;
- Pnts[2] := Pnts[1];
- Pnts[2].X := -Pnts[2].X;
- Pnts[3] := Pnts[2];
- Pnts[3].Y := -Pnts[3].Y;
- Pnts[4].x := -2 * (Sin(MainCamera.HFoV / 2)/Cos(MainCamera.HFoV / 2)) * zf;
- Pnts[4].y := Pnts[0].X * MainCamera.CurrentAspectRatio;
- Pnts[4].Z := zf;
- Pnts[5] := Pnts[4];
- Pnts[5].Y := -Pnts[5].Y;
- Pnts[6] := Pnts[5];
- Pnts[6].X := -Pnts[6].X;
- Pnts[7] := Pnts[6];
- Pnts[7].Y := -Pnts[7].Y;
- M := IdentityMatrix4s;
- Matrix4sByQuat(M, Light.Orientation);
- M := InvertAffineMatrix4s(M);
- ShadowCamera.Orientation := Light.Orientation;
- ShadowCamera.Position := GetVector3s(0, 0, 0);
- for i := 0 to 7 do begin
- Pnts[i] := Transform4Vector33s(InvertAffineMatrix4s(MainCamera.ViewMatrix), Pnts[i]);
- Transform4Vector33s(TPnts[i], M, Pnts[i]);
- end;
- MinP := TPnts[0];
- MaxP := TPnts[0];
- for i := 1 to 7 do begin
- MinP.X := MinS(MinP.X, TPnts[i].X);
- MinP.Y := MinS(MinP.Y, TPnts[i].Y);
- MinP.Z := MinS(MinP.Z, TPnts[i].Z);
- MaxP.X := MaxS(MaxP.X, TPnts[i].X);
- MaxP.Y := MaxS(MaxP.Y, TPnts[i].Y);
- MaxP.Z := MaxS(MaxP.Z, TPnts[i].Z);
- end;
- ShadowCamera.InitOrthoProjMatrix(0.1, MaxS(4000, (100+MaxP.Z-MinP.Z)*2), MaxS(MaxP.X-MinP.X, MaxP.Y-MinP.Y), 1);
- MulMatrix4s(M, M, TranslationMatrix4s(-(MinP.X+MaxP.X)*0.5, -(Minp.Y+MaxP.Y)*0.5, -MinP.Z+100));
- ShadowCamera.ViewMatrix := M;
- end;
- begin
- Scale := (TimerDelay + ErrorDelta)/TimerDelay;
- MainCamera.Position := AddVector3s(MainCamera.Position, ScaleVector3s(Velocity, Scale));
- CameraPos := MainCamera.Position;
- Velocity := ScaleVector3s(Velocity, 1-(1-BreakFactor)*scale);
- Velocity := AddVector3s(Velocity,
- Transform3Vector3s(CutMatrix3s(MainCamera.Transform),
- GetVector3s( (Ord(KeyPressed[keyRight]) - Ord(KeyPressed[keyLeft])) * CameraMoveAccel * Scale,
- (Ord(KeyPressed[keyUp]) - Ord(KeyPressed[keyDown])) * CameraMoveAccel * Scale,
- (Ord(KeyPressed[keyBack]) - Ord(KeyPressed[keyForward])) * CameraMoveAccel * Scale)) );
- if Sqr(CameraPos.X) + Sqr(CameraPos.Z) > Sqr(CameraMoveRadius) then begin
- t := Sqrt(Sqr(CameraPos.X) + Sqr(CameraPos.Z));
- CameraPos.X := CameraPos.X / t * CameraMoveRadius;
- CameraPos.Z := CameraPos.Z / t * CameraMoveRadius;
- end;
- CameraInLand := Transform4Vector33s(InvertAffineMatrix4s(Landscape.Transform), CameraPos);
- h := Landscape.Map.GetHeight(CameraInLand.X, CameraInLand.Z);
- if h + MinCameraAlt > CameraInLand.Y then begin
- CameraPos.Y := CameraPos.Y + h + MinCameraAlt - CameraInLand.Y;
- end;
- // Velocity := AddVector3s(Velocity, ScaleVector3s(SubVector3s(CameraPos, MainCamera.Position), 1));
- MainCamera.Position := CameraPos;
- PostProcessCamera.Position := MainCamera.Position;
- Core.Timer.SetEvent(TimerDelay, {$IFDEF OBJFPCEnable}@{$ENDIF}HandleTimer, 0);
- // FPS := (Core.Renderer.FramesRendered - OldFramesRendered) / (TimerDelay + ErrorDelta);
- OldFramesRendered := Core.Renderer.FramesRendered;
- // OSUtils.SetWindowCaption(Starter.WindowHandle, Format('%3.3F - %3.3F, %3.3F', [Core.PerfProfile.FramesPerSecond, FPS, Scale]));
- FPSLabel.Text := 'FPS: ' + FloatToStrF(Core.PerfProfile.FramesPerSecond, ffGeneral, 5, 3) +
- '. PPS: ' + FloatToStrF(Core.PerfProfile.PrimitivesRendered * Core.PerfProfile.FramesPerSecond/1000000, ffNumber, 8, 2) + 'M';
- if Assigned(Light) then begin
- Light.Orientation := MulQuaternion(GetQuaternion(Light.TimeProcessed*CameraRotateSpeed*50, GetVector3s(0, 1, 0)),
- LightOrigOrient);
- InitShadowCamera;
- end;
- end;
- procedure TLandDemo.HandleMouse(EventData: Integer; CustomData: SmallInt);
- var MX, MY: Integer;
- begin
- MX := Smallint(EventData and $FFFF);
- MY := Smallint((EventData div $10000) and $FFFF);
- with MainCamera do
- Orientation := MulQuaternion(GetQuaternion(MX*CameraRotateSpeed, GetVector3s(0, 1, 0)),
- MulQuaternion(GetQuaternion(MY*CameraRotateSpeed, RightVector),
- Orientation));
- PostProcessCamera.Orientation := MainCamera.Orientation;
- // BloomCamera.AspectRatio := 1/MainCamera.AspectRatio;
- end;
- procedure TLandDemo.ToggleBloom(EventData: Integer; CustomData: SmallInt);
- begin
- if Assigned(BloomCamera) and (Core.Renderer.MainCamera = MainCamera) then begin
- Core.Renderer.MainCamera := BloomCamera;
- MainCamera.AspectRatio := MainCamera.CurrentAspectRatio;
- // Core.Renderer.MainCamera := ShadowCamera
- end else begin
- Core.Renderer.MainCamera := MainCamera;
- MainCamera.AspectRatio := 1;
- end;
- end;
- end.