- <?xml version="1.0" encoding="ISO-8859-1"?>
- <!--
- DTD for the Struts Application Configuration File, Version 1.0
- To support validation of your configuration file, include the following
- DOCTYPE element at the beginning (after the "xml" declaration):
- <!DOCTYPE struts-config PUBLIC
- "-//Apache Software Foundation//DTD Struts Configuration 1.0//EN"
- "">
- $Id: struts-config_1_0.dtd 48392 2001-06-02 18:20:48Z craigmcc $
- -->
- <!-- ========== Defined Types ============================================= -->
- <!-- A "BeanName" is the identifier of a JavaBean, such as a form bean,
- and also serves as the name of the corresponding scripting variable
- and the name of the JSP attribute under which the bean is accessed.
- Therefore, it must conform to the rules for a Java identifier.
- -->
- <!ENTITY % BeanName "CDATA">
- <!-- A "Boolean" is the string representation of a boolean (true or false)
- variable.
- -->
- <!ENTITY % Boolean "(true|false|yes|no)">
- <!-- A "ClassName" is the fully qualified name of a Java class that is
- instantiated to provide the functionality of the enclosing element.
- -->
- <!ENTITY % ClassName "CDATA">
- <!-- An "Integer" is a character string consisting solely of numeric digits,
- optionally preceeded by a minus sign, that can be converted to a
- 32-bit integer.
- -->
- <!ENTITY % Integer "CDATA">
- <!-- A "Location" is a relative path, delimited by "/" characters, that
- defines the location of a resource relative to the location of the
- Struts configuration file itself.
- -->
- <!ENTITY % Location "#PCDATA">
- <!-- A "PropName" is the name of a JavaBeans property, and must begin with
- a lower case letter and contain only characters that are legal in a
- Java identifier.
- -->
- <!ENTITY % PropName "CDATA">
- <!-- A "RequestPath" is a context-relative URI path, beginning with a slash,
- that identifies a mapped resource (such as a JSP page or a servlet)
- within this web application.
- -->
- <!ENTITY % RequestPath "CDATA">
- <!-- The name of a JSP bean scope within which such a form bean may be
- accessed.
- -->
- <!ENTITY % RequestScope "(request|session)">
- <!-- ========== Top Level Elements ======================================== -->
- <!-- The "struts-config" element is the root of the configuration file
- hierarchy, and contains nested elements for all of the other
- configuration settings.
- -->
- <!ELEMENT struts-config (data-sources?, form-beans?, global-forwards?, action-mappings?)>
- <!ATTLIST struts-config id ID #IMPLIED>
- <!-- The "data-sources" element describes a set of JDBC 2.0 Standard Extension
- data source objects which will be configured according to the nested
- "data-source" elements found inside.
- -->
- <!ELEMENT data-sources (data-source*)>
- <!ATTLIST data-sources id ID #IMPLIED>
- <!-- The "data-source" element describes a JDBC 2.0 Standard Extension data
- source object (that implements javax.sql.DataSource) which will be
- configured according to the properties and nested elements found here,
- and made available as a servlet context attribute (i.e. application
- scope bean). The following attributes are required:
- key Servlet context attribute key under which this data
- source will be stored. Default is the value specified
- by string constant Action.DATA_SOURCE_KEY.
- type Fully qualified Java class name of the implementation
- class (must implement javax.sql.DataSource). Default
- value is 'org.apache.struts.util.GenericDataSource'.
- NOTE: The following attributes are defined by the default data source
- implementation, and only take effect for that class or subclasses of
- that class.
- WARNING: The use of these attributes is deprecated. You should use
- nested <set-property> elements to configure *all* properties of
- your data source implementation.
- autoCommit The default auto-commit state for newly created
- connections.
- description The description of this data source.
- driverClass The Java class name of the JDBC driver to be used.
- loginTimeout The maximum number of seconds to wait for a connection
- to be created or returned. Default is driver dependent.
- maxCount The maximum number of connections to be created.
- minCount The minimum number of connections to be created.
- password The database password to use when connecting. [REQUIRED]
- readOnly The default read-only state for newly created
- connections.
- url The JDBC URL to use when connecting. [REQUIRED]
- user The database username to use when connecting. [REQUIRED]
- -->
- <!ELEMENT data-source (set-property*)>
- <!ATTLIST data-source id ID #IMPLIED>
- <!ATTLIST data-source key %BeanName; #IMPLIED>
- <!ATTLIST data-source type %ClassName; #IMPLIED>
- <!-- All of the following attributes are deprecated. Use a nested -->
- <!-- set-property element to configure data source properties. -->
- <!ATTLIST data-source autoCommit %Boolean; #IMPLIED>
- <!ATTLIST data-source description CDATA #IMPLIED>
- <!ATTLIST data-source driverClass %ClassName; #IMPLIED>
- <!ATTLIST data-source loginTimeout %Integer; #IMPLIED>
- <!ATTLIST data-source maxCount %Integer; #IMPLIED>
- <!ATTLIST data-source minCount %Integer; #IMPLIED>
- <!ATTLIST data-source password CDATA #IMPLIED>
- <!ATTLIST data-source readOnly %Boolean; #IMPLIED>
- <!ATTLIST data-source url CDATA #IMPLIED>
- <!ATTLIST data-source user CDATA #IMPLIED>
- <!-- The "form-beans" element is the root of the set of form bean descriptors
- for this application. The following attributes are defined:
- type Fully qualified Java class name of the implementation
- class used for ActionFormBean objects. DEPRECATED.
- WARNING: For Struts 1.0, this value is ignored. You
- can set the default implementation class name with the
- "formBean" initialization parameter to the Struts
- controller servlet.
- -->
- <!ELEMENT form-beans (form-bean*)>
- <!ATTLIST form-beans id ID #IMPLIED>
- <!ATTLIST form-beans type %ClassName; "org.apache.struts.action.ActionFormBean">
- <!-- The "form-bean" element describes a particular form bean, which is a
- JavaBean that implements the org.apache.struts.action.ActionForm
- class. The following attributes are defined:
- className Fully qualified Java class name of the ActionFormBean
- implementation class to use. Defaults to the value
- configured as the "formBean" initialization parameter
- to the Struts controller servlet.
- name Unique identifier of this bean, used to reference it
- in corresponding action mappings.
- type Fully qualified Java class name of the implementation
- class to be used or generated
- -->
- <!ELEMENT form-bean (icon?, display-name?, description?, set-property*)>
- <!ATTLIST form-bean id ID #IMPLIED>
- <!ATTLIST form-bean className %ClassName; #IMPLIED>
- <!ATTLIST form-bean name %BeanName; #REQUIRED>
- <!ATTLIST form-bean type %ClassName; #REQUIRED>
- <!-- The "global-forwards" element configures the global mappings of logical
- names (used within the application) to mappable resources (identified
- by context-relative URI paths). A global "forward" with a particular name
- can be locally overridden by defining a "forward" of the same name within
- an "action" element. The following attribute are defined:
- type Fully qualified Java class name of the implementation
- class used for ActionForward objects. DEPRECATED.
- WARNING: For Struts 1.0, this value is ignored. You
- can set the default implementation class name with the
- "forward" initialization parameter to the Struts
- controller servlet.
- -->
- <!ELEMENT global-forwards (forward*)>
- <!ATTLIST global-forwards id ID #IMPLIED>
- <!ATTLIST global-forwards type %ClassName; "org.apache.struts.action.ActionForward">
- <!-- The "forward" element describes a mapping of a logical name (used within
- the application) to a mappable resource identified by a context-relative
- URI path. The following attributes are defined:
- className Fully qualified Java class name of the ActionForward
- implementation class to use. Defaults to the value
- configured as the "forward" initialization parameter
- to the Struts controller servlet.
- name Unique identifier of this forward, used to reference it
- in application action classes.
- path The context-relative path of the mapped resource.
- redirect Set to "true" if sendRedirect() should be used to forward
- to this resource, or "false" in order to use
- RequestDispatcher.forward() instead.
- -->
- <!ELEMENT forward (icon?, display-name?, description?, set-property*)>
- <!ATTLIST forward id ID #IMPLIED>
- <!ATTLIST forward className %ClassName; #IMPLIED>
- <!ATTLIST forward name CDATA #REQUIRED>
- <!ATTLIST forward path %RequestPath; #REQUIRED>
- <!ATTLIST forward redirect %Boolean; #IMPLIED>
- <!-- The "action-mappings" element configures the mappings from submitted
- request paths to the corresponding Action classes that should be
- used to process these requests. The following attributes are
- defined:
- type Fully qualified Java class name of the ActionMapping
- implementation class to be used. DEPRECATED.
- WARNING: For Struts 1.0, this value is ignored. You
- can set the default implementation class name with the
- "mapping" initialization parameter to the Struts
- controller servlet.
- -->
- <!ELEMENT action-mappings (action*)>
- <!ATTLIST action-mappings id ID #IMPLIED>
- <!ATTLIST action-mappings type %ClassName; "org.apache.struts.action.ActionMapping">
- <!-- The "action" element describes a mapping from a request paths to the
- corresponding Action classes that should be used to process these
- requests. The following attributes are defined:
- attribute Name of the request-scope or session-scope attribute
- under which our form bean is accessed, if it is other
- than the bean's specified "name". Optional if
- "name" is specified, else not allowed.
- className Fully qualified Java class name of the ActionMapping
- implementation class to use. Defaults to the value
- configured as the "mapping" initialization parameter
- to the Struts controller servlet.
- forward Context-relative path of the servlet or JSP resource that
- will process this request, instead of instantiating and
- calling the Action class specified by "type". Exactly one
- of "forward", "include", or "type" must be specified.
- include Context-relative path of the servlet or JSP resource that
- will process this request, instead of instantiating and
- calling the Action class specified by "type". Exactly one
- of "forward", "include", or "type" must be specified.
- input Context-relative path of the input form to which control
- should be returned if a validation error is encountered.
- Required if "name" is specified and the input bean
- returns validation errors. Optional if "name" is
- specified and the input bean does not return validation
- errors. Not allowed if "name" is not specified.
- name Name of the form bean, if any, that is associated
- with this action.
- path The context-relative path of the submitted request,
- starting with a "/" character, and without the
- filename extension if extension mapping is used.
- parameter General purpose configuration parameter that can be used
- to pass extra information to the Action selected by this
- mapping.
- prefix Prefix used to match request parameter names to form bean
- property names, if any. Optional if "name" is specified,
- else not allowed.
- scope Identifier of the scope ("request" or "session") within
- which our form bean is accessed, if any. Optional if
- "name" is specified, else not allowed.
- suffix Suffix used to match request parameter names to form bean
- property names, if any. Optional if "name" is specified,
- else not allowed.
- type Fully qualified Java class name of the Action class
- (implements org.apache.struts.action.Action) to be
- used to process requests for this mapping if the "forward"
- or "include" attribute is not included. Exactly one
- of "forward", "include", or "type" must be specified.
- unknown Set to "true" if this action should be configured as the
- default for this application, to handle all requests
- not handled by another action. Only one action can be
- defined as a default within a single application.
- validate Set to "true" if the validate() method of the form bean
- should be called prior to calling this action, or set to
- "false" if you do not want validation performed.
- -->
- <!ELEMENT action (icon?, display-name?, description?, set-property*, forward*)>
- <!ATTLIST action id ID #IMPLIED>
- <!ATTLIST action attribute %BeanName; #IMPLIED>
- <!ATTLIST action className %ClassName; #IMPLIED>
- <!ATTLIST action forward %RequestPath; #IMPLIED>
- <!ATTLIST action include %RequestPath; #IMPLIED>
- <!ATTLIST action input %RequestPath; #IMPLIED>
- <!ATTLIST action name %BeanName; #IMPLIED>
- <!ATTLIST action parameter CDATA #IMPLIED>
- <!ATTLIST action path %RequestPath; #REQUIRED>
- <!ATTLIST action prefix CDATA #IMPLIED>
- <!ATTLIST action scope %RequestScope; #IMPLIED>
- <!ATTLIST action suffix CDATA #IMPLIED>
- <!ATTLIST action type %ClassName; #IMPLIED>
- <!ATTLIST action unknown %Boolean; #IMPLIED>
- <!ATTLIST action validate %Boolean; #IMPLIED>
- <!-- The "set-property" element specifies the name and value of an additional
- JavaBeans configuration property whose setter method will be called
- on the object that represents our surrounding element. This is especially
- useful when an extended implementation class (with additional properties)
- is configured on the <global-forwards> or <action-mappings> elements.
- The following attributes are defined:
- property Name of the JavaBeans property whose setter method
- will be called.
- value String representation of the value to which this
- property will be set, after suitable type conversion
- -->
- <!ELEMENT set-property EMPTY>
- <!ATTLIST set-property id ID #IMPLIED>
- <!ATTLIST set-property property %PropName; #REQUIRED>
- <!ATTLIST set-property value CDATA #REQUIRED>
- <!-- ========== Subordinate Elements ====================================== -->
- <!-- The "description" element contains descriptive (paragraph length) text
- about the surrounding element, suitable for use in GUI tools.
- -->
- <!ELEMENT description (#PCDATA)>
- <!ATTLIST description id ID #IMPLIED>
- <!-- The "display-name" element contains a short (one line) description of
- the surrounding element, suitable for use in GUI tools.
- -->
- <!ELEMENT display-name (#PCDATA)>
- <!ATTLIST display-name id ID #IMPLIED>
- <!-- The "icon" element contains a small-icon and large-icon element which
- specify the location, relative to the Struts configuration file, for small
- and large images used to represent the surrounding element in GUI tools.
- -->
- <!ELEMENT icon (small-icon?, large-icon?)>
- <!ATTLIST icon id ID #IMPLIED>
- <!-- The "large-icon" element specifies the location, relative to the Struts
- configuration file, of a resource containing a large (32x32 pixel)
- icon image.
- -->
- <!ELEMENT large-icon (%Location;)>
- <!ATTLIST large-icon id ID #IMPLIED>
- <!-- The "small-icon" element specifies the location, relative to the Struts
- configuration file, of a resource containing a small (16x16 pixel)
- icon image.
- -->
- <!ELEMENT small-icon (%Location;)>
- <!ATTLIST small-icon id ID #IMPLIED>