资源名称:DS18B20.rar [点击查看]
- --alt_u_div DEVICE_FAMILY="MAX II" LPM_PIPELINE=0 MAXIMIZE_SPEED=5 WIDTH_D=8 WIDTH_N=8 WIDTH_Q=8 WIDTH_R=8 denominator numerator quotient remainder
- --VERSION_BEGIN 5.1 cbx_cycloneii 2005:08:30:10:31:44:SJ cbx_lpm_abs 2005:08:17:17:24:32:SJ cbx_lpm_add_sub 2005:09:30:12:13:06:SJ cbx_lpm_divide 2005:03:24:20:40:32:SJ cbx_mgl 2005:10:09:07:39:04:SJ cbx_stratix 2005:10:07:15:53:08:SJ cbx_stratixii 2005:07:27:05:50:56:SJ cbx_util_mgl 2005:09:13:05:23:22:SJ VERSION_END
- -- Copyright (C) 1991-2005 Altera Corporation
- -- Your use of Altera Corporation's design tools, logic functions
- -- and other software and tools, and its AMPP partner logic
- -- functions, and any output files any of the foregoing
- -- (including device programming or simulation files), and any
- -- associated documentation or information are expressly subject
- -- to the terms and conditions of the Altera Program License
- -- Subscription Agreement, Altera MegaCore Function License
- -- Agreement, or other applicable license agreement, including,
- -- without limitation, that your use is for the sole purpose of
- -- programming logic devices manufactured by Altera and sold by
- -- Altera or its authorized distributors. Please refer to the
- -- applicable agreement for further details.
- FUNCTION add_sub_v88 (dataa[0..0], datab[0..0])
- RETURNS ( cout, result[0..0]);
- FUNCTION add_sub_098 (dataa[1..0], datab[1..0])
- RETURNS ( cout, result[1..0]);
- FUNCTION add_sub_198 (dataa[2..0], datab[2..0])
- RETURNS ( cout, result[2..0]);
- FUNCTION add_sub_298 (dataa[3..0], datab[3..0])
- RETURNS ( cout, result[3..0]);
- FUNCTION add_sub_398 (dataa[4..0], datab[4..0])
- RETURNS ( cout, result[4..0]);
- FUNCTION add_sub_498 (dataa[5..0], datab[5..0])
- RETURNS ( cout, result[5..0]);
- FUNCTION add_sub_598 (dataa[6..0], datab[6..0])
- RETURNS ( cout, result[6..0]);
- FUNCTION add_sub_698 (dataa[7..0], datab[7..0])
- RETURNS ( cout, result[7..0]);
- --synthesis_resources = lut 33
- SUBDESIGN alt_u_div_4gd
- (
- den_out[7..0] : output;
- denominator[7..0] : input;
- numerator[7..0] : input;
- quotient[7..0] : output;
- remainder[7..0] : output;
- )
- add_sub_0 : add_sub_v88;
- add_sub_1 : add_sub_098;
- add_sub_2 : add_sub_198;
- add_sub_3 : add_sub_298;
- add_sub_4 : add_sub_398;
- add_sub_5 : add_sub_498;
- add_sub_6 : add_sub_598;
- add_sub_7 : add_sub_698;
- DenominatorIn[80..0] : WIRE;
- DenominatorIn_tmp[80..0] : WIRE;
- gnd_wire : WIRE;
- nose[71..0] : WIRE;
- NumeratorIn[71..0] : WIRE;
- NumeratorIn_tmp[71..0] : WIRE;
- prestg[63..0] : WIRE;
- quotient_tmp[7..0] : WIRE;
- sel[71..0] : WIRE;
- selnose[71..0] : WIRE;
- StageIn[71..0] : WIRE;
- StageIn_tmp[71..0] : WIRE;
- StageOut[63..0] : WIRE;
- add_sub_0.dataa[0..0] = NumeratorIn[7..7];
- add_sub_0.datab[0..0] = DenominatorIn[0..0];
- add_sub_1.dataa[] = ( StageIn[8..8], NumeratorIn[14..14]);
- add_sub_1.datab[1..0] = DenominatorIn[10..9];
- add_sub_2.dataa[] = ( StageIn[17..16], NumeratorIn[21..21]);
- add_sub_2.datab[2..0] = DenominatorIn[20..18];
- add_sub_3.dataa[] = ( StageIn[26..24], NumeratorIn[28..28]);
- add_sub_3.datab[3..0] = DenominatorIn[30..27];
- add_sub_4.dataa[] = ( StageIn[35..32], NumeratorIn[35..35]);
- add_sub_4.datab[4..0] = DenominatorIn[40..36];
- add_sub_5.dataa[] = ( StageIn[44..40], NumeratorIn[42..42]);
- add_sub_5.datab[5..0] = DenominatorIn[50..45];
- add_sub_6.dataa[] = ( StageIn[53..48], NumeratorIn[49..49]);
- add_sub_6.datab[6..0] = DenominatorIn[60..54];
- add_sub_7.dataa[] = ( StageIn[62..56], NumeratorIn[56..56]);
- add_sub_7.datab[7..0] = DenominatorIn[70..63];
- den_out[7..0] = DenominatorIn[70..63];
- DenominatorIn[] = (gnd_wire # DenominatorIn_tmp[]);
- DenominatorIn_tmp[] = ( DenominatorIn[71..0], ( gnd_wire, denominator[]));
- gnd_wire = B"0";
- nose[] = ( B"00000000", (add_sub_7.cout # gnd_wire), B"00000000", (add_sub_6.cout # gnd_wire), B"00000000", (add_sub_5.cout # gnd_wire), B"00000000", (add_sub_4.cout # gnd_wire), B"00000000", (add_sub_3.cout # gnd_wire), B"00000000", (add_sub_2.cout # gnd_wire), B"00000000", (add_sub_1.cout # gnd_wire), B"00000000", (add_sub_0.cout # gnd_wire));
- NumeratorIn[] = (gnd_wire # NumeratorIn_tmp[]);
- NumeratorIn_tmp[] = ( NumeratorIn[63..0], numerator[]);
- prestg[] = ( add_sub_7.result[], GND, add_sub_6.result[], B"00", add_sub_5.result[], B"000", add_sub_4.result[], B"0000", add_sub_3.result[], B"00000", add_sub_2.result[], B"000000", add_sub_1.result[], B"0000000", add_sub_0.result[]);
- quotient[] = quotient_tmp[];
- quotient_tmp[] = ( (! selnose[0..0]), (! selnose[9..9]), (! selnose[18..18]), (! selnose[27..27]), (! selnose[36..36]), (! selnose[45..45]), (! selnose[54..54]), (! selnose[63..63]));
- remainder[7..0] = StageIn[71..64];
- sel[] = ( gnd_wire, (gnd_wire # (sel[71..71] # DenominatorIn[79..79])), (gnd_wire # (sel[70..70] # DenominatorIn[78..78])), (gnd_wire # (sel[69..69] # DenominatorIn[77..77])), (gnd_wire # (sel[68..68] # DenominatorIn[76..76])), (gnd_wire # (sel[67..67] # DenominatorIn[75..75])), (gnd_wire # (sel[66..66] # DenominatorIn[74..74])), (gnd_wire # (sel[65..65] # DenominatorIn[73..73])), gnd_wire, (gnd_wire # (sel[63..63] # DenominatorIn[70..70])), (gnd_wire # (sel[62..62] # DenominatorIn[69..69])), (gnd_wire # (sel[61..61] # DenominatorIn[68..68])), (gnd_wire # (sel[60..60] # DenominatorIn[67..67])), (gnd_wire # (sel[59..59] # DenominatorIn[66..66])), (gnd_wire # (sel[58..58] # DenominatorIn[65..65])), (gnd_wire # (sel[57..57] # DenominatorIn[64..64])), gnd_wire, (gnd_wire # (sel[55..55] # DenominatorIn[61..61])), (gnd_wire # (sel[54..54] # DenominatorIn[60..60])), (gnd_wire # (sel[53..53] # DenominatorIn[59..59])), (gnd_wire # (sel[52..52] # DenominatorIn[58..58])), (gnd_wire # (sel[51..51] # DenominatorIn[57..57])), (gnd_wire # (sel[50..50] # DenominatorIn[56..56])), (gnd_wire # (sel[49..49] # DenominatorIn[55..55])), gnd_wire, (gnd_wire # (sel[47..47] # DenominatorIn[52..52])), (gnd_wire # (sel[46..46] # DenominatorIn[51..51])), (gnd_wire # (sel[45..45] # DenominatorIn[50..50])), (gnd_wire # (sel[44..44] # DenominatorIn[49..49])), (gnd_wire # (sel[43..43] # DenominatorIn[48..48])), (gnd_wire # (sel[42..42] # DenominatorIn[47..47])), (gnd_wire # (sel[41..41] # DenominatorIn[46..46])), gnd_wire, (gnd_wire # (sel[39..39] # DenominatorIn[43..43])), (gnd_wire # (sel[38..38] # DenominatorIn[42..42])), (gnd_wire # (sel[37..37] # DenominatorIn[41..41])), (gnd_wire # (sel[36..36] # DenominatorIn[40..40])), (gnd_wire # (sel[35..35] # DenominatorIn[39..39])), (gnd_wire # (sel[34..34] # DenominatorIn[38..38])), (gnd_wire # (sel[33..33] # DenominatorIn[37..37])), gnd_wire, (gnd_wire # (sel[31..31] # DenominatorIn[34..34])), (gnd_wire # (sel[30..30] # DenominatorIn[33..33])), (gnd_wire # (sel[29..29] # DenominatorIn[32..32])), (gnd_wire # (sel[28..28] # DenominatorIn[31..31])), (gnd_wire # (sel[27..27] # DenominatorIn[30..30])), (gnd_wire # (sel[26..26] # DenominatorIn[29..29])), (gnd_wire # (sel[25..25] # DenominatorIn[28..28])), gnd_wire, (gnd_wire # (sel[23..23] # DenominatorIn[25..25])), (gnd_wire # (sel[22..22] # DenominatorIn[24..24])), (gnd_wire # (sel[21..21] # DenominatorIn[23..23])), (gnd_wire # (sel[20..20] # DenominatorIn[22..22])), (gnd_wire # (sel[19..19] # DenominatorIn[21..21])), (gnd_wire # (sel[18..18] # DenominatorIn[20..20])), (gnd_wire # (sel[17..17] # DenominatorIn[19..19])), gnd_wire, (gnd_wire # (sel[15..15] # DenominatorIn[16..16])), (gnd_wire # (sel[14..14] # DenominatorIn[15..15])), (gnd_wire # (sel[13..13] # DenominatorIn[14..14])), (gnd_wire # (sel[12..12] # DenominatorIn[13..13])), (gnd_wire # (sel[11..11] # DenominatorIn[12..12])), (gnd_wire # (sel[10..10] # DenominatorIn[11..11])), (gnd_wire # (sel[9..9] # DenominatorIn[10..10])), gnd_wire, (gnd_wire # (sel[7..7] # DenominatorIn[7..7])), (gnd_wire # (sel[6..6] # DenominatorIn[6..6])), (gnd_wire # (sel[5..5] # DenominatorIn[5..5])), (gnd_wire # (sel[4..4] # DenominatorIn[4..4])), (gnd_wire # (sel[3..3] # DenominatorIn[3..3])), (gnd_wire # (sel[2..2] # DenominatorIn[2..2])), (gnd_wire # (sel[1..1] # DenominatorIn[1..1])));
- selnose[] = ( ((gnd_wire # (! nose[71..71])) # sel[71..71]), ((gnd_wire # (! nose[70..70])) # sel[70..70]), ((gnd_wire # (! nose[69..69])) # sel[69..69]), ((gnd_wire # (! nose[68..68])) # sel[68..68]), ((gnd_wire # (! nose[67..67])) # sel[67..67]), ((gnd_wire # (! nose[66..66])) # sel[66..66]), ((gnd_wire # (! nose[65..65])) # sel[65..65]), ((gnd_wire # (! nose[64..64])) # sel[64..64]), ((gnd_wire # (! nose[63..63])) # sel[63..63]), ((gnd_wire # (! nose[62..62])) # sel[62..62]), ((gnd_wire # (! nose[61..61])) # sel[61..61]), ((gnd_wire # (! nose[60..60])) # sel[60..60]), ((gnd_wire # (! nose[59..59])) # sel[59..59]), ((gnd_wire # (! nose[58..58])) # sel[58..58]), ((gnd_wire # (! nose[57..57])) # sel[57..57]), ((gnd_wire # (! nose[56..56])) # sel[56..56]), ((gnd_wire # (! nose[55..55])) # sel[55..55]), ((gnd_wire # (! nose[54..54])) # sel[54..54]), ((gnd_wire # (! nose[53..53])) # sel[53..53]), ((gnd_wire # (! nose[52..52])) # sel[52..52]), ((gnd_wire # (! nose[51..51])) # sel[51..51]), ((gnd_wire # (! nose[50..50])) # sel[50..50]), ((gnd_wire # (! nose[49..49])) # sel[49..49]), ((gnd_wire # (! nose[48..48])) # sel[48..48]), ((gnd_wire # (! nose[47..47])) # sel[47..47]), ((gnd_wire # (! nose[46..46])) # sel[46..46]), ((gnd_wire # (! nose[45..45])) # sel[45..45]), ((gnd_wire # (! nose[44..44])) # sel[44..44]), ((gnd_wire # (! nose[43..43])) # sel[43..43]), ((gnd_wire # (! nose[42..42])) # sel[42..42]), ((gnd_wire # (! nose[41..41])) # sel[41..41]), ((gnd_wire # (! nose[40..40])) # sel[40..40]), ((gnd_wire # (! nose[39..39])) # sel[39..39]), ((gnd_wire # (! nose[38..38])) # sel[38..38]), ((gnd_wire # (! nose[37..37])) # sel[37..37]), ((gnd_wire # (! nose[36..36])) # sel[36..36]), ((gnd_wire # (! nose[35..35])) # sel[35..35]), ((gnd_wire # (! nose[34..34])) # sel[34..34]), ((gnd_wire # (! nose[33..33])) # sel[33..33]), ((gnd_wire # (! nose[32..32])) # sel[32..32]), ((gnd_wire # (! nose[31..31])) # sel[31..31]), ((gnd_wire # (! nose[30..30])) # sel[30..30]), ((gnd_wire # (! nose[29..29])) # sel[29..29]), ((gnd_wire # (! nose[28..28])) # sel[28..28]), ((gnd_wire # (! nose[27..27])) # sel[27..27]), ((gnd_wire # (! nose[26..26])) # sel[26..26]), ((gnd_wire # (! nose[25..25])) # sel[25..25]), ((gnd_wire # (! nose[24..24])) # sel[24..24]), ((gnd_wire # (! nose[23..23])) # sel[23..23]), ((gnd_wire # (! nose[22..22])) # sel[22..22]), ((gnd_wire # (! nose[21..21])) # sel[21..21]), ((gnd_wire # (! nose[20..20])) # sel[20..20]), ((gnd_wire # (! nose[19..19])) # sel[19..19]), ((gnd_wire # (! nose[18..18])) # sel[18..18]), ((gnd_wire # (! nose[17..17])) # sel[17..17]), ((gnd_wire # (! nose[16..16])) # sel[16..16]), ((gnd_wire # (! nose[15..15])) # sel[15..15]), ((gnd_wire # (! nose[14..14])) # sel[14..14]), ((gnd_wire # (! nose[13..13])) # sel[13..13]), ((gnd_wire # (! nose[12..12])) # sel[12..12]), ((gnd_wire # (! nose[11..11])) # sel[11..11]), ((gnd_wire # (! nose[10..10])) # sel[10..10]), ((gnd_wire # (! nose[9..9])) # sel[9..9]), ((gnd_wire # (! nose[8..8])) # sel[8..8]), ((gnd_wire # (! nose[7..7])) # sel[7..7]), ((gnd_wire # (! nose[6..6])) # sel[6..6]), ((gnd_wire # (! nose[5..5])) # sel[5..5]), ((gnd_wire # (! nose[4..4])) # sel[4..4]), ((gnd_wire # (! nose[3..3])) # sel[3..3]), ((gnd_wire # (! nose[2..2])) # sel[2..2]), ((gnd_wire # (! nose[1..1])) # sel[1..1]), ((gnd_wire # (! nose[0..0])) # sel[0..0]));
- StageIn[] = (gnd_wire # StageIn_tmp[]);
- StageIn_tmp[] = ( StageOut[63..0], B"00000000");
- StageOut[] = ( ((( StageIn[62..56], NumeratorIn[56..56]) & selnose[63..63]) # (prestg[63..56] & (! selnose[63..63]))), ((( StageIn[54..48], NumeratorIn[49..49]) & selnose[54..54]) # (prestg[55..48] & (! selnose[54..54]))), ((( StageIn[46..40], NumeratorIn[42..42]) & selnose[45..45]) # (prestg[47..40] & (! selnose[45..45]))), ((( StageIn[38..32], NumeratorIn[35..35]) & selnose[36..36]) # (prestg[39..32] & (! selnose[36..36]))), ((( StageIn[30..24], NumeratorIn[28..28]) & selnose[27..27]) # (prestg[31..24] & (! selnose[27..27]))), ((( StageIn[22..16], NumeratorIn[21..21]) & selnose[18..18]) # (prestg[23..16] & (! selnose[18..18]))), ((( StageIn[14..8], NumeratorIn[14..14]) & selnose[9..9]) # (prestg[15..8] & (! selnose[9..9]))), ((( StageIn[6..0], NumeratorIn[7..7]) & selnose[0..0]) # (prestg[7..0] & (! selnose[0..0]))));
- END;