资源名称:KeyBoard.rar [点击查看]
- Flow report for KeyBoard
- Thu Jun 11 23:44:34 2009
- Quartus II Version 8.0 Build 215 05/29/2008 SJ Full Version
- ---------------------
- ; Table of Contents ;
- ---------------------
- 1. Legal Notice
- 2. Flow Summary
- 3. Flow Settings
- 4. Flow Non-Default Global Settings
- 5. Flow Elapsed Time
- 6. Flow Log
- ----------------
- ; Legal Notice ;
- ----------------
- Copyright (C) 1991-2008 Altera Corporation
- Your use of Altera Corporation's design tools, logic functions
- and other software and tools, and its AMPP partner logic
- functions, and any output files from any of the foregoing
- (including device programming or simulation files), and any
- associated documentation or information are expressly subject
- to the terms and conditions of the Altera Program License
- Subscription Agreement, Altera MegaCore Function License
- Agreement, or other applicable license agreement, including,
- without limitation, that your use is for the sole purpose of
- programming logic devices manufactured by Altera and sold by
- Altera or its authorized distributors. Please refer to the
- applicable agreement for further details.
- +---------------------------------------------------------------------+
- ; Flow Summary ;
- +--------------------------+------------------------------------------+
- ; Flow Status ; Successful - Thu Jun 11 23:44:34 2009 ;
- ; Quartus II Version ; 8.0 Build 215 05/29/2008 SJ Full Version ;
- ; Revision Name ; KeyBoard ;
- ; Top-level Entity Name ; KeyBoard ;
- ; Family ; MAX II ;
- ; Device ; EPM570T100C5 ;
- ; Timing Models ; Final ;
- ; Met timing requirements ; No ;
- ; Total logic elements ; 132 / 570 ( 23 % ) ;
- ; Total pins ; 31 / 76 ( 41 % ) ;
- ; Total virtual pins ; 0 ;
- ; Total memory bits ; 0 ;
- ; DSP block 9-bit elements ; 0 ;
- ; Total PLLs ; 0 ;
- ; Total DLLs ; 0 ;
- ; UFM blocks ; 0 / 1 ( 0 % ) ;
- +--------------------------+------------------------------------------+
- +-----------------------------------------+
- ; Flow Settings ;
- +-------------------+---------------------+
- ; Option ; Setting ;
- +-------------------+---------------------+
- ; Start date & time ; 06/11/2009 23:44:25 ;
- ; Main task ; Compilation ;
- ; Revision Name ; KeyBoard ;
- +-------------------+---------------------+
- +-------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------+
- ; Flow Non-Default Global Settings ;
- +---------------------------------------+--------------------------------+---------------+-------------+------------+
- ; Assignment Name ; Value ; Default Value ; Entity Name ; Section Id ;
- +---------------------------------------+--------------------------------+---------------+-------------+------------+
- ; COMPILER_SIGNATURE_ID ; 17665486819601.124473506505628 ; -- ; -- ; -- ;
- +---------------------------------------+--------------------------------+---------------+-------------+------------+
- +-----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------+
- ; Flow Elapsed Time ;
- +-------------------------+--------------+-------------------------+---------------------+------------------------------------+
- ; Module Name ; Elapsed Time ; Average Processors Used ; Peak Virtual Memory ; Total CPU Time (on all processors) ;
- +-------------------------+--------------+-------------------------+---------------------+------------------------------------+
- ; Analysis & Synthesis ; 00:00:03 ; 1.0 ; 177 MB ; 00:00:03 ;
- ; Fitter ; 00:00:01 ; 1.0 ; 157 MB ; 00:00:01 ;
- ; Assembler ; 00:00:01 ; 1.0 ; 135 MB ; 00:00:01 ;
- ; Classic Timing Analyzer ; 00:00:01 ; 1.0 ; 110 MB ; 00:00:01 ;
- ; Total ; 00:00:06 ; -- ; -- ; 00:00:06 ;
- +-------------------------+--------------+-------------------------+---------------------+------------------------------------+
- ------------
- ; Flow Log ;
- ------------
- quartus_map --read_settings_files=on --write_settings_files=off KeyBoard -c KeyBoard
- quartus_fit --read_settings_files=off --write_settings_files=off KeyBoard -c KeyBoard
- quartus_asm --read_settings_files=off --write_settings_files=off KeyBoard -c KeyBoard
- quartus_tan --read_settings_files=off --write_settings_files=off KeyBoard -c KeyBoard