资源名称:Music.rar [点击查看]
- { "Info" "IQEXE_SEPARATOR" "" "Info: *******************************************************************" { } { } 3 0 "*******************************************************************" 0 0 "" 0 0}
- { "Info" "IQEXE_START_BANNER_PRODUCT" "Classic Timing Analyzer Quartus II " "Info: Running Quartus II Classic Timing Analyzer" { { "Info" "IQEXE_START_BANNER_VERSION" "Version 8.0 Build 215 05/29/2008 SJ Full Version " "Info: Version 8.0 Build 215 05/29/2008 SJ Full Version" { } { } 0 0 "%1!s!" 0 0 "" 0 0} { "Info" "IQEXE_START_BANNER_TIME" "Thu Jun 11 23:42:08 2009 " "Info: Processing started: Thu Jun 11 23:42:08 2009" { } { } 0 0 "Processing started: %1!s!" 0 0 "" 0 0} } { } 4 0 "Running %2!s! %1!s!" 0 0 "" 0 0}
- { "Info" "IQEXE_START_BANNER_COMMANDLINE" "quartus_tan --read_settings_files=off --write_settings_files=off Music -c Music " "Info: Command: quartus_tan --read_settings_files=off --write_settings_files=off Music -c Music" { } { } 0 0 "Command: %1!s!" 0 0 "" 0 0}
- { "Info" "IDAT_DAT_STARTED" "" "Info: Started post-fitting delay annotation" { } { } 0 0 "Started post-fitting delay annotation" 0 0 "" 0 0}
- { "Info" "IDAT_DAT_COMPLETED" "" "Info: Delay annotation completed successfully" { } { } 0 0 "Delay annotation completed successfully" 0 0 "" 0 0}
- { "Warning" "WTDB_ANALYZE_COMB_LATCHES" "" "Warning: Timing Analysis is analyzing one or more combinational loops as latches" { { "Warning" "WTDB_COMB_LATCH_NODE" "Speakera:inst|CODE[0] " "Warning: Node "Speakera:inst|CODE[0]" is a latch" { } { { "Speakera.vhd" "" { Text "E:/FPGA/ALTERA/570-Source/Music/Speakera.vhd" 51 -1 0 } } } 0 0 "Node "%1!s!" is a latch" 0 0 "" 0 0} { "Warning" "WTDB_COMB_LATCH_NODE" "Speakera:inst|CODE[2] " "Warning: Node "Speakera:inst|CODE[2]" is a latch" { } { { "Speakera.vhd" "" { Text "E:/FPGA/ALTERA/570-Source/Music/Speakera.vhd" 51 -1 0 } } } 0 0 "Node "%1!s!" is a latch" 0 0 "" 0 0} { "Warning" "WTDB_COMB_LATCH_NODE" "Speakera:inst|CODE[1] " "Warning: Node "Speakera:inst|CODE[1]" is a latch" { } { { "Speakera.vhd" "" { Text "E:/FPGA/ALTERA/570-Source/Music/Speakera.vhd" 51 -1 0 } } } 0 0 "Node "%1!s!" is a latch" 0 0 "" 0 0} { "Warning" "WTDB_COMB_LATCH_NODE" "Speakera:inst|Tone[8] " "Warning: Node "Speakera:inst|Tone[8]" is a latch" { } { { "Speakera.vhd" "" { Text "E:/FPGA/ALTERA/570-Source/Music/Speakera.vhd" 51 -1 0 } } } 0 0 "Node "%1!s!" is a latch" 0 0 "" 0 0} { "Warning" "WTDB_COMB_LATCH_NODE" "Speakera:inst|Tone[7] " "Warning: Node "Speakera:inst|Tone[7]" is a latch" { } { { "Speakera.vhd" "" { Text "E:/FPGA/ALTERA/570-Source/Music/Speakera.vhd" 51 -1 0 } } } 0 0 "Node "%1!s!" is a latch" 0 0 "" 0 0} { "Warning" "WTDB_COMB_LATCH_NODE" "Speakera:inst|Tone[6] " "Warning: Node "Speakera:inst|Tone[6]" is a latch" { } { { "Speakera.vhd" "" { Text "E:/FPGA/ALTERA/570-Source/Music/Speakera.vhd" 51 -1 0 } } } 0 0 "Node "%1!s!" is a latch" 0 0 "" 0 0} { "Warning" "WTDB_COMB_LATCH_NODE" "Speakera:inst|Tone[5] " "Warning: Node "Speakera:inst|Tone[5]" is a latch" { } { { "Speakera.vhd" "" { Text "E:/FPGA/ALTERA/570-Source/Music/Speakera.vhd" 51 -1 0 } } } 0 0 "Node "%1!s!" is a latch" 0 0 "" 0 0} { "Warning" "WTDB_COMB_LATCH_NODE" "Speakera:inst|Tone[0] " "Warning: Node "Speakera:inst|Tone[0]" is a latch" { } { { "Speakera.vhd" "" { Text "E:/FPGA/ALTERA/570-Source/Music/Speakera.vhd" 51 -1 0 } } } 0 0 "Node "%1!s!" is a latch" 0 0 "" 0 0} { "Warning" "WTDB_COMB_LATCH_NODE" "Speakera:inst|Tone[1] " "Warning: Node "Speakera:inst|Tone[1]" is a latch" { } { { "Speakera.vhd" "" { Text "E:/FPGA/ALTERA/570-Source/Music/Speakera.vhd" 51 -1 0 } } } 0 0 "Node "%1!s!" is a latch" 0 0 "" 0 0} { "Warning" "WTDB_COMB_LATCH_NODE" "Speakera:inst|Tone[2] " "Warning: Node "Speakera:inst|Tone[2]" is a latch" { } { { "Speakera.vhd" "" { Text "E:/FPGA/ALTERA/570-Source/Music/Speakera.vhd" 51 -1 0 } } } 0 0 "Node "%1!s!" is a latch" 0 0 "" 0 0} { "Warning" "WTDB_COMB_LATCH_NODE" "Speakera:inst|Tone[3] " "Warning: Node "Speakera:inst|Tone[3]" is a latch" { } { { "Speakera.vhd" "" { Text "E:/FPGA/ALTERA/570-Source/Music/Speakera.vhd" 51 -1 0 } } } 0 0 "Node "%1!s!" is a latch" 0 0 "" 0 0} { "Warning" "WTDB_COMB_LATCH_NODE" "Speakera:inst|Tone[4] " "Warning: Node "Speakera:inst|Tone[4]" is a latch" { } { { "Speakera.vhd" "" { Text "E:/FPGA/ALTERA/570-Source/Music/Speakera.vhd" 51 -1 0 } } } 0 0 "Node "%1!s!" is a latch" 0 0 "" 0 0} { "Warning" "WTDB_COMB_LATCH_NODE" "Speakera:inst|Tone[9] " "Warning: Node "Speakera:inst|Tone[9]" is a latch" { } { { "Speakera.vhd" "" { Text "E:/FPGA/ALTERA/570-Source/Music/Speakera.vhd" 51 -1 0 } } } 0 0 "Node "%1!s!" is a latch" 0 0 "" 0 0} { "Warning" "WTDB_COMB_LATCH_NODE" "Speakera:inst|Tone[10] " "Warning: Node "Speakera:inst|Tone[10]" is a latch" { } { { "Speakera.vhd" "" { Text "E:/FPGA/ALTERA/570-Source/Music/Speakera.vhd" 51 -1 0 } } } 0 0 "Node "%1!s!" is a latch" 0 0 "" 0 0} } { } 0 0 "Timing Analysis is analyzing one or more combinational loops as latches" 0 0 "" 0 0}
- { "Warning" "WTAN_NO_CLOCKS" "" "Warning: Found pins functioning as undefined clocks and/or memory enables" { { "Info" "ITAN_NODE_MAP_TO_CLK" "GCLKP1 " "Info: Assuming node "GCLKP1" is an undefined clock" { } { { "Music.bdf" "" { Schematic "E:/FPGA/ALTERA/570-Source/Music/Music.bdf" { { 64 56 224 80 "GCLKP1" "" } } } } { "c:/altera/80/quartus/bin/Assignment Editor.qase" "" { Assignment "c:/altera/80/quartus/bin/Assignment Editor.qase" 1 { { 0 "GCLKP1" } } } } } 0 0 "Assuming node "%1!s!" is an undefined clock" 0 0 "" 0 0} } { } 0 0 "Found pins functioning as undefined clocks and/or memory enables" 0 0 "" 0 0}
- { "Warning" "WTAN_RIPPLE_OR_GATED_CLOCKS_FOUND" "64 " "Warning: Found 64 node(s) in clock paths which may be acting as ripple and/or gated clocks -- node(s) analyzed as buffer(s) resulting in clock skew" { { "Info" "ITAN_GATED_CLK" "Speakera:inst|Mux2~869 " "Info: Detected gated clock "Speakera:inst|Mux2~869" as buffer" { } { { "Speakera.vhd" "" { Text "E:/FPGA/ALTERA/570-Source/Music/Speakera.vhd" 116 -1 0 } } { "c:/altera/80/quartus/bin/Assignment Editor.qase" "" { Assignment "c:/altera/80/quartus/bin/Assignment Editor.qase" 1 { { 0 "Speakera:inst|Mux2~869" } } } } } 0 0 "Detected gated clock "%1!s!" as buffer" 0 0 "" 0 0} { "Info" "ITAN_RIPPLE_CLK" "Frequency:inst2|CLK " "Info: Detected ripple clock "Frequency:inst2|CLK" as buffer" { } { { "Frequency.vhd" "" { Text "E:/FPGA/ALTERA/570-Source/Music/Frequency.vhd" 28 -1 0 } } { "c:/altera/80/quartus/bin/Assignment Editor.qase" "" { Assignment "c:/altera/80/quartus/bin/Assignment Editor.qase" 1 { { 0 "Frequency:inst2|CLK" } } } } } 0 0 "Detected ripple clock "%1!s!" as buffer" 0 0 "" 0 0} { "Info" "ITAN_GATED_CLK" "Speakera:inst|Mux0~831 " "Info: Detected gated clock "Speakera:inst|Mux0~831" as buffer" { } { { "Speakera.vhd" "" { Text "E:/FPGA/ALTERA/570-Source/Music/Speakera.vhd" 116 -1 0 } } { "c:/altera/80/quartus/bin/Assignment Editor.qase" "" { Assignment "c:/altera/80/quartus/bin/Assignment Editor.qase" 1 { { 0 "Speakera:inst|Mux0~831" } } } } } 0 0 "Detected gated clock "%1!s!" as buffer" 0 0 "" 0 0} { "Info" "ITAN_GATED_CLK" "Speakera:inst|Mux1~788 " "Info: Detected gated clock "Speakera:inst|Mux1~788" as buffer" { } { { "Speakera.vhd" "" { Text "E:/FPGA/ALTERA/570-Source/Music/Speakera.vhd" 116 -1 0 } } { "c:/altera/80/quartus/bin/Assignment Editor.qase" "" { Assignment "c:/altera/80/quartus/bin/Assignment Editor.qase" 1 { { 0 "Speakera:inst|Mux1~788" } } } } } 0 0 "Detected gated clock "%1!s!" as buffer" 0 0 "" 0 0} { "Info" "ITAN_GATED_CLK" "Speakera:inst|Mux1~787 " "Info: Detected gated clock "Speakera:inst|Mux1~787" as buffer" { } { { "Speakera.vhd" "" { Text "E:/FPGA/ALTERA/570-Source/Music/Speakera.vhd" 116 -1 0 } } { "c:/altera/80/quartus/bin/Assignment Editor.qase" "" { Assignment "c:/altera/80/quartus/bin/Assignment Editor.qase" 1 { { 0 "Speakera:inst|Mux1~787" } } } } } 0 0 "Detected gated clock "%1!s!" as buffer" 0 0 "" 0 0} { "Info" "ITAN_GATED_CLK" "Speakera:inst|Mux1~786 " "Info: Detected gated clock "Speakera:inst|Mux1~786" as buffer" { } { { "Speakera.vhd" "" { Text "E:/FPGA/ALTERA/570-Source/Music/Speakera.vhd" 116 -1 0 } } { "c:/altera/80/quartus/bin/Assignment Editor.qase" "" { Assignment "c:/altera/80/quartus/bin/Assignment Editor.qase" 1 { { 0 "Speakera:inst|Mux1~786" } } } } } 0 0 "Detected gated clock "%1!s!" as buffer" 0 0 "" 0 0} { "Info" "ITAN_GATED_CLK" "Speakera:inst|Mux1~785 " "Info: Detected gated clock "Speakera:inst|Mux1~785" as buffer" { } { { "Speakera.vhd" "" { Text "E:/FPGA/ALTERA/570-Source/Music/Speakera.vhd" 116 -1 0 } } { "c:/altera/80/quartus/bin/Assignment Editor.qase" "" { Assignment "c:/altera/80/quartus/bin/Assignment Editor.qase" 1 { { 0 "Speakera:inst|Mux1~785" } } } } } 0 0 "Detected gated clock "%1!s!" as buffer" 0 0 "" 0 0} { "Info" "ITAN_GATED_CLK" "Speakera:inst|Mux1~784 " "Info: Detected gated clock "Speakera:inst|Mux1~784" as buffer" { } { { "Speakera.vhd" "" { Text "E:/FPGA/ALTERA/570-Source/Music/Speakera.vhd" 116 -1 0 } } { "c:/altera/80/quartus/bin/Assignment Editor.qase" "" { Assignment "c:/altera/80/quartus/bin/Assignment Editor.qase" 1 { { 0 "Speakera:inst|Mux1~784" } } } } } 0 0 "Detected gated clock "%1!s!" as buffer" 0 0 "" 0 0} { "Info" "ITAN_GATED_CLK" "Speakera:inst|Mux1~783 " "Info: Detected gated clock "Speakera:inst|Mux1~783" as buffer" { } { { "Speakera.vhd" "" { Text "E:/FPGA/ALTERA/570-Source/Music/Speakera.vhd" 116 -1 0 } } { "c:/altera/80/quartus/bin/Assignment Editor.qase" "" { Assignment "c:/altera/80/quartus/bin/Assignment Editor.qase" 1 { { 0 "Speakera:inst|Mux1~783" } } } } } 0 0 "Detected gated clock "%1!s!" as buffer" 0 0 "" 0 0} { "Info" "ITAN_GATED_CLK" "Speakera:inst|Mux1~782 " "Info: Detected gated clock "Speakera:inst|Mux1~782" as buffer" { } { { "Speakera.vhd" "" { Text "E:/FPGA/ALTERA/570-Source/Music/Speakera.vhd" 116 -1 0 } } { "c:/altera/80/quartus/bin/Assignment Editor.qase" "" { Assignment "c:/altera/80/quartus/bin/Assignment Editor.qase" 1 { { 0 "Speakera:inst|Mux1~782" } } } } } 0 0 "Detected gated clock "%1!s!" as buffer" 0 0 "" 0 0} { "Info" "ITAN_GATED_CLK" "Speakera:inst|Mux1~781 " "Info: Detected gated clock "Speakera:inst|Mux1~781" as buffer" { } { { "Speakera.vhd" "" { Text "E:/FPGA/ALTERA/570-Source/Music/Speakera.vhd" 116 -1 0 } } { "c:/altera/80/quartus/bin/Assignment Editor.qase" "" { Assignment "c:/altera/80/quartus/bin/Assignment Editor.qase" 1 { { 0 "Speakera:inst|Mux1~781" } } } } } 0 0 "Detected gated clock "%1!s!" as buffer" 0 0 "" 0 0} { "Info" "ITAN_GATED_CLK" "Speakera:inst|Mux1~780 " "Info: Detected gated clock "Speakera:inst|Mux1~780" as buffer" { } { { "Speakera.vhd" "" { Text "E:/FPGA/ALTERA/570-Source/Music/Speakera.vhd" 116 -1 0 } } { "c:/altera/80/quartus/bin/Assignment Editor.qase" "" { Assignment "c:/altera/80/quartus/bin/Assignment Editor.qase" 1 { { 0 "Speakera:inst|Mux1~780" } } } } } 0 0 "Detected gated clock "%1!s!" as buffer" 0 0 "" 0 0} { "Info" "ITAN_GATED_CLK" "Speakera:inst|Mux1~779 " "Info: Detected gated clock "Speakera:inst|Mux1~779" as buffer" { } { { "Speakera.vhd" "" { Text "E:/FPGA/ALTERA/570-Source/Music/Speakera.vhd" 116 -1 0 } } { "c:/altera/80/quartus/bin/Assignment Editor.qase" "" { Assignment "c:/altera/80/quartus/bin/Assignment Editor.qase" 1 { { 0 "Speakera:inst|Mux1~779" } } } } } 0 0 "Detected gated clock "%1!s!" as buffer" 0 0 "" 0 0} { "Info" "ITAN_GATED_CLK" "Speakera:inst|Mux1~778 " "Info: Detected gated clock "Speakera:inst|Mux1~778" as buffer" { } { { "Speakera.vhd" "" { Text "E:/FPGA/ALTERA/570-Source/Music/Speakera.vhd" 116 -1 0 } } { "c:/altera/80/quartus/bin/Assignment Editor.qase" "" { Assignment "c:/altera/80/quartus/bin/Assignment Editor.qase" 1 { { 0 "Speakera:inst|Mux1~778" } } } } } 0 0 "Detected gated clock "%1!s!" as buffer" 0 0 "" 0 0} { "Info" "ITAN_GATED_CLK" "Speakera:inst|Mux1~777 " "Info: Detected gated clock "Speakera:inst|Mux1~777" as buffer" { } { { "Speakera.vhd" "" { Text "E:/FPGA/ALTERA/570-Source/Music/Speakera.vhd" 116 -1 0 } } { "c:/altera/80/quartus/bin/Assignment Editor.qase" "" { Assignment "c:/altera/80/quartus/bin/Assignment Editor.qase" 1 { { 0 "Speakera:inst|Mux1~777" } } } } } 0 0 "Detected gated clock "%1!s!" as buffer" 0 0 "" 0 0} { "Info" "ITAN_GATED_CLK" "Speakera:inst|Mux1~776 " "Info: Detected gated clock "Speakera:inst|Mux1~776" as buffer" { } { { "Speakera.vhd" "" { Text "E:/FPGA/ALTERA/570-Source/Music/Speakera.vhd" 116 -1 0 } } { "c:/altera/80/quartus/bin/Assignment Editor.qase" "" { Assignment "c:/altera/80/quartus/bin/Assignment Editor.qase" 1 { { 0 "Speakera:inst|Mux1~776" } } } } } 0 0 "Detected gated clock "%1!s!" as buffer" 0 0 "" 0 0} { "Info" "ITAN_GATED_CLK" "Speakera:inst|Mux0~832 " "Info: Detected gated clock "Speakera:inst|Mux0~832" as buffer" { } { { "Speakera.vhd" "" { Text "E:/FPGA/ALTERA/570-Source/Music/Speakera.vhd" 116 -1 0 } } { "c:/altera/80/quartus/bin/Assignment Editor.qase" "" { Assignment "c:/altera/80/quartus/bin/Assignment Editor.qase" 1 { { 0 "Speakera:inst|Mux0~832" } } } } } 0 0 "Detected gated clock "%1!s!" as buffer" 0 0 "" 0 0} { "Info" "ITAN_GATED_CLK" "Speakera:inst|Mux0~828 " "Info: Detected gated clock "Speakera:inst|Mux0~828" as buffer" { } { { "Speakera.vhd" "" { Text "E:/FPGA/ALTERA/570-Source/Music/Speakera.vhd" 116 -1 0 } } { "c:/altera/80/quartus/bin/Assignment Editor.qase" "" { Assignment "c:/altera/80/quartus/bin/Assignment Editor.qase" 1 { { 0 "Speakera:inst|Mux0~828" } } } } } 0 0 "Detected gated clock "%1!s!" as buffer" 0 0 "" 0 0} { "Info" "ITAN_GATED_CLK" "Speakera:inst|Mux0~827 " "Info: Detected gated clock "Speakera:inst|Mux0~827" as buffer" { } { { "Speakera.vhd" "" { Text "E:/FPGA/ALTERA/570-Source/Music/Speakera.vhd" 116 -1 0 } } { "c:/altera/80/quartus/bin/Assignment Editor.qase" "" { Assignment "c:/altera/80/quartus/bin/Assignment Editor.qase" 1 { { 0 "Speakera:inst|Mux0~827" } } } } } 0 0 "Detected gated clock "%1!s!" as buffer" 0 0 "" 0 0} { "Info" "ITAN_GATED_CLK" "Speakera:inst|Mux0~826 " "Info: Detected gated clock "Speakera:inst|Mux0~826" as buffer" { } { { "Speakera.vhd" "" { Text "E:/FPGA/ALTERA/570-Source/Music/Speakera.vhd" 116 -1 0 } } { "c:/altera/80/quartus/bin/Assignment Editor.qase" "" { Assignment "c:/altera/80/quartus/bin/Assignment Editor.qase" 1 { { 0 "Speakera:inst|Mux0~826" } } } } } 0 0 "Detected gated clock "%1!s!" as buffer" 0 0 "" 0 0} { "Info" "ITAN_GATED_CLK" "Speakera:inst|Mux0~825 " "Info: Detected gated clock "Speakera:inst|Mux0~825" as buffer" { } { { "Speakera.vhd" "" { Text "E:/FPGA/ALTERA/570-Source/Music/Speakera.vhd" 116 -1 0 } } { "c:/altera/80/quartus/bin/Assignment Editor.qase" "" { Assignment "c:/altera/80/quartus/bin/Assignment Editor.qase" 1 { { 0 "Speakera:inst|Mux0~825" } } } } } 0 0 "Detected gated clock "%1!s!" as buffer" 0 0 "" 0 0} { "Info" "ITAN_GATED_CLK" "Speakera:inst|Mux0~824 " "Info: Detected gated clock "Speakera:inst|Mux0~824" as buffer" { } { { "Speakera.vhd" "" { Text "E:/FPGA/ALTERA/570-Source/Music/Speakera.vhd" 116 -1 0 } } { "c:/altera/80/quartus/bin/Assignment Editor.qase" "" { Assignment "c:/altera/80/quartus/bin/Assignment Editor.qase" 1 { { 0 "Speakera:inst|Mux0~824" } } } } } 0 0 "Detected gated clock "%1!s!" as buffer" 0 0 "" 0 0} { "Info" "ITAN_GATED_CLK" "Speakera:inst|Mux0~823 " "Info: Detected gated clock "Speakera:inst|Mux0~823" as buffer" { } { { "Speakera.vhd" "" { Text "E:/FPGA/ALTERA/570-Source/Music/Speakera.vhd" 116 -1 0 } } { "c:/altera/80/quartus/bin/Assignment Editor.qase" "" { Assignment "c:/altera/80/quartus/bin/Assignment Editor.qase" 1 { { 0 "Speakera:inst|Mux0~823" } } } } } 0 0 "Detected gated clock "%1!s!" as buffer" 0 0 "" 0 0} { "Info" "ITAN_GATED_CLK" "Speakera:inst|Mux0~822 " "Info: Detected gated clock "Speakera:inst|Mux0~822" as buffer" { } { { "Speakera.vhd" "" { Text "E:/FPGA/ALTERA/570-Source/Music/Speakera.vhd" 116 -1 0 } } { "c:/altera/80/quartus/bin/Assignment Editor.qase" "" { Assignment "c:/altera/80/quartus/bin/Assignment Editor.qase" 1 { { 0 "Speakera:inst|Mux0~822" } } } } } 0 0 "Detected gated clock "%1!s!" as buffer" 0 0 "" 0 0} { "Info" "ITAN_GATED_CLK" "Speakera:inst|Mux3~796 " "Info: Detected gated clock "Speakera:inst|Mux3~796" as buffer" { } { { "Speakera.vhd" "" { Text "E:/FPGA/ALTERA/570-Source/Music/Speakera.vhd" 116 -1 0 } } { "c:/altera/80/quartus/bin/Assignment Editor.qase" "" { Assignment "c:/altera/80/quartus/bin/Assignment Editor.qase" 1 { { 0 "Speakera:inst|Mux3~796" } } } } } 0 0 "Detected gated clock "%1!s!" as buffer" 0 0 "" 0 0} { "Info" "ITAN_GATED_CLK" "Speakera:inst|Mux3~795 " "Info: Detected gated clock "Speakera:inst|Mux3~795" as buffer" { } { { "Speakera.vhd" "" { Text "E:/FPGA/ALTERA/570-Source/Music/Speakera.vhd" 116 -1 0 } } { "c:/altera/80/quartus/bin/Assignment Editor.qase" "" { Assignment "c:/altera/80/quartus/bin/Assignment Editor.qase" 1 { { 0 "Speakera:inst|Mux3~795" } } } } } 0 0 "Detected gated clock "%1!s!" as buffer" 0 0 "" 0 0} { "Info" "ITAN_GATED_CLK" "Speakera:inst|Mux3~794 " "Info: Detected gated clock "Speakera:inst|Mux3~794" as buffer" { } { { "Speakera.vhd" "" { Text "E:/FPGA/ALTERA/570-Source/Music/Speakera.vhd" 116 -1 0 } } { "c:/altera/80/quartus/bin/Assignment Editor.qase" "" { Assignment "c:/altera/80/quartus/bin/Assignment Editor.qase" 1 { { 0 "Speakera:inst|Mux3~794" } } } } } 0 0 "Detected gated clock "%1!s!" as buffer" 0 0 "" 0 0} { "Info" "ITAN_GATED_CLK" "Speakera:inst|Mux3~793 " "Info: Detected gated clock "Speakera:inst|Mux3~793" as buffer" { } { { "Speakera.vhd" "" { Text "E:/FPGA/ALTERA/570-Source/Music/Speakera.vhd" 116 -1 0 } } { "c:/altera/80/quartus/bin/Assignment Editor.qase" "" { Assignment "c:/altera/80/quartus/bin/Assignment Editor.qase" 1 { { 0 "Speakera:inst|Mux3~793" } } } } } 0 0 "Detected gated clock "%1!s!" as buffer" 0 0 "" 0 0} { "Info" "ITAN_GATED_CLK" "Speakera:inst|Mux3~792 " "Info: Detected gated clock "Speakera:inst|Mux3~792" as buffer" { } { { "Speakera.vhd" "" { Text "E:/FPGA/ALTERA/570-Source/Music/Speakera.vhd" 116 -1 0 } } { "c:/altera/80/quartus/bin/Assignment Editor.qase" "" { Assignment "c:/altera/80/quartus/bin/Assignment Editor.qase" 1 { { 0 "Speakera:inst|Mux3~792" } } } } } 0 0 "Detected gated clock "%1!s!" as buffer" 0 0 "" 0 0} { "Info" "ITAN_GATED_CLK" "Speakera:inst|Mux3~791 " "Info: Detected gated clock "Speakera:inst|Mux3~791" as buffer" { } { { "Speakera.vhd" "" { Text "E:/FPGA/ALTERA/570-Source/Music/Speakera.vhd" 116 -1 0 } } { "c:/altera/80/quartus/bin/Assignment Editor.qase" "" { Assignment "c:/altera/80/quartus/bin/Assignment Editor.qase" 1 { { 0 "Speakera:inst|Mux3~791" } } } } } 0 0 "Detected gated clock "%1!s!" as buffer" 0 0 "" 0 0} { "Info" "ITAN_GATED_CLK" "Speakera:inst|Mux3~790 " "Info: Detected gated clock "Speakera:inst|Mux3~790" as buffer" { } { { "Speakera.vhd" "" { Text "E:/FPGA/ALTERA/570-Source/Music/Speakera.vhd" 116 -1 0 } } { "c:/altera/80/quartus/bin/Assignment Editor.qase" "" { Assignment "c:/altera/80/quartus/bin/Assignment Editor.qase" 1 { { 0 "Speakera:inst|Mux3~790" } } } } } 0 0 "Detected gated clock "%1!s!" as buffer" 0 0 "" 0 0} { "Info" "ITAN_GATED_CLK" "Speakera:inst|Mux3~789 " "Info: Detected gated clock "Speakera:inst|Mux3~789" as buffer" { } { { "Speakera.vhd" "" { Text "E:/FPGA/ALTERA/570-Source/Music/Speakera.vhd" 116 -1 0 } } { "c:/altera/80/quartus/bin/Assignment Editor.qase" "" { Assignment "c:/altera/80/quartus/bin/Assignment Editor.qase" 1 { { 0 "Speakera:inst|Mux3~789" } } } } } 0 0 "Detected gated clock "%1!s!" as buffer" 0 0 "" 0 0} { "Info" "ITAN_GATED_CLK" "Speakera:inst|Mux3~788 " "Info: Detected gated clock "Speakera:inst|Mux3~788" as buffer" { } { { "Speakera.vhd" "" { Text "E:/FPGA/ALTERA/570-Source/Music/Speakera.vhd" 116 -1 0 } } { "c:/altera/80/quartus/bin/Assignment Editor.qase" "" { Assignment "c:/altera/80/quartus/bin/Assignment Editor.qase" 1 { { 0 "Speakera:inst|Mux3~788" } } } } } 0 0 "Detected gated clock "%1!s!" as buffer" 0 0 "" 0 0} { "Info" "ITAN_GATED_CLK" "Speakera:inst|Mux3~787 " "Info: Detected gated clock "Speakera:inst|Mux3~787" as buffer" { } { { "Speakera.vhd" "" { Text "E:/FPGA/ALTERA/570-Source/Music/Speakera.vhd" 116 -1 0 } } { "c:/altera/80/quartus/bin/Assignment Editor.qase" "" { Assignment "c:/altera/80/quartus/bin/Assignment Editor.qase" 1 { { 0 "Speakera:inst|Mux3~787" } } } } } 0 0 "Detected gated clock "%1!s!" as buffer" 0 0 "" 0 0} { "Info" "ITAN_GATED_CLK" "Speakera:inst|Mux3~786 " "Info: Detected gated clock "Speakera:inst|Mux3~786" as buffer" { } { { "Speakera.vhd" "" { Text "E:/FPGA/ALTERA/570-Source/Music/Speakera.vhd" 116 -1 0 } } { "c:/altera/80/quartus/bin/Assignment Editor.qase" "" { Assignment "c:/altera/80/quartus/bin/Assignment Editor.qase" 1 { { 0 "Speakera:inst|Mux3~786" } } } } } 0 0 "Detected gated clock "%1!s!" as buffer" 0 0 "" 0 0} { "Info" "ITAN_GATED_CLK" "Speakera:inst|Mux3~785 " "Info: Detected gated clock "Speakera:inst|Mux3~785" as buffer" { } { { "Speakera.vhd" "" { Text "E:/FPGA/ALTERA/570-Source/Music/Speakera.vhd" 116 -1 0 } } { "c:/altera/80/quartus/bin/Assignment Editor.qase" "" { Assignment "c:/altera/80/quartus/bin/Assignment Editor.qase" 1 { { 0 "Speakera:inst|Mux3~785" } } } } } 0 0 "Detected gated clock "%1!s!" as buffer" 0 0 "" 0 0} { "Info" "ITAN_GATED_CLK" "Speakera:inst|Mux3~784 " "Info: Detected gated clock "Speakera:inst|Mux3~784" as buffer" { } { { "Speakera.vhd" "" { Text "E:/FPGA/ALTERA/570-Source/Music/Speakera.vhd" 116 -1 0 } } { "c:/altera/80/quartus/bin/Assignment Editor.qase" "" { Assignment "c:/altera/80/quartus/bin/Assignment Editor.qase" 1 { { 0 "Speakera:inst|Mux3~784" } } } } } 0 0 "Detected gated clock "%1!s!" as buffer" 0 0 "" 0 0} { "Info" "ITAN_RIPPLE_CLK" "Speakera:inst|Counter[7] " "Info: Detected ripple clock "Speakera:inst|Counter[7]" as buffer" { } { { "Speakera.vhd" "" { Text "E:/FPGA/ALTERA/570-Source/Music/Speakera.vhd" 111 -1 0 } } { "c:/altera/80/quartus/bin/Assignment Editor.qase" "" { Assignment "c:/altera/80/quartus/bin/Assignment Editor.qase" 1 { { 0 "Speakera:inst|Counter[7]" } } } } } 0 0 "Detected ripple clock "%1!s!" as buffer" 0 0 "" 0 0} { "Info" "ITAN_GATED_CLK" "Speakera:inst|Mux2~866 " "Info: Detected gated clock "Speakera:inst|Mux2~866" as buffer" { } { { "Speakera.vhd" "" { Text "E:/FPGA/ALTERA/570-Source/Music/Speakera.vhd" 116 -1 0 } } { "c:/altera/80/quartus/bin/Assignment Editor.qase" "" { Assignment "c:/altera/80/quartus/bin/Assignment Editor.qase" 1 { { 0 "Speakera:inst|Mux2~866" } } } } } 0 0 "Detected gated clock "%1!s!" as buffer" 0 0 "" 0 0} { "Info" "ITAN_GATED_CLK" "Speakera:inst|Mux2~865 " "Info: Detected gated clock "Speakera:inst|Mux2~865" as buffer" { } { { "Speakera.vhd" "" { Text "E:/FPGA/ALTERA/570-Source/Music/Speakera.vhd" 116 -1 0 } } { "c:/altera/80/quartus/bin/Assignment Editor.qase" "" { Assignment "c:/altera/80/quartus/bin/Assignment Editor.qase" 1 { { 0 "Speakera:inst|Mux2~865" } } } } } 0 0 "Detected gated clock "%1!s!" as buffer" 0 0 "" 0 0} { "Info" "ITAN_GATED_CLK" "Speakera:inst|Mux2~864 " "Info: Detected gated clock "Speakera:inst|Mux2~864" as buffer" { } { { "Speakera.vhd" "" { Text "E:/FPGA/ALTERA/570-Source/Music/Speakera.vhd" 116 -1 0 } } { "c:/altera/80/quartus/bin/Assignment Editor.qase" "" { Assignment "c:/altera/80/quartus/bin/Assignment Editor.qase" 1 { { 0 "Speakera:inst|Mux2~864" } } } } } 0 0 "Detected gated clock "%1!s!" as buffer" 0 0 "" 0 0} { "Info" "ITAN_GATED_CLK" "Speakera:inst|Mux2~863 " "Info: Detected gated clock "Speakera:inst|Mux2~863" as buffer" { } { { "Speakera.vhd" "" { Text "E:/FPGA/ALTERA/570-Source/Music/Speakera.vhd" 116 -1 0 } } { "c:/altera/80/quartus/bin/Assignment Editor.qase" "" { Assignment "c:/altera/80/quartus/bin/Assignment Editor.qase" 1 { { 0 "Speakera:inst|Mux2~863" } } } } } 0 0 "Detected gated clock "%1!s!" as buffer" 0 0 "" 0 0} { "Info" "ITAN_GATED_CLK" "Speakera:inst|Mux2~862 " "Info: Detected gated clock "Speakera:inst|Mux2~862" as buffer" { } { { "Speakera.vhd" "" { Text "E:/FPGA/ALTERA/570-Source/Music/Speakera.vhd" 116 -1 0 } } { "c:/altera/80/quartus/bin/Assignment Editor.qase" "" { Assignment "c:/altera/80/quartus/bin/Assignment Editor.qase" 1 { { 0 "Speakera:inst|Mux2~862" } } } } } 0 0 "Detected gated clock "%1!s!" as buffer" 0 0 "" 0 0} { "Info" "ITAN_GATED_CLK" "Speakera:inst|Mux2~861 " "Info: Detected gated clock "Speakera:inst|Mux2~861" as buffer" { } { { "Speakera.vhd" "" { Text "E:/FPGA/ALTERA/570-Source/Music/Speakera.vhd" 116 -1 0 } } { "c:/altera/80/quartus/bin/Assignment Editor.qase" "" { Assignment "c:/altera/80/quartus/bin/Assignment Editor.qase" 1 { { 0 "Speakera:inst|Mux2~861" } } } } } 0 0 "Detected gated clock "%1!s!" as buffer" 0 0 "" 0 0} { "Info" "ITAN_GATED_CLK" "Speakera:inst|Mux2~870 " "Info: Detected gated clock "Speakera:inst|Mux2~870" as buffer" { } { { "Speakera.vhd" "" { Text "E:/FPGA/ALTERA/570-Source/Music/Speakera.vhd" 116 -1 0 } } { "c:/altera/80/quartus/bin/Assignment Editor.qase" "" { Assignment "c:/altera/80/quartus/bin/Assignment Editor.qase" 1 { { 0 "Speakera:inst|Mux2~870" } } } } } 0 0 "Detected gated clock "%1!s!" as buffer" 0 0 "" 0 0} { "Info" "ITAN_GATED_CLK" "Speakera:inst|Mux2~860 " "Info: Detected gated clock "Speakera:inst|Mux2~860" as buffer" { } { { "Speakera.vhd" "" { Text "E:/FPGA/ALTERA/570-Source/Music/Speakera.vhd" 116 -1 0 } } { "c:/altera/80/quartus/bin/Assignment Editor.qase" "" { Assignment "c:/altera/80/quartus/bin/Assignment Editor.qase" 1 { { 0 "Speakera:inst|Mux2~860" } } } } } 0 0 "Detected gated clock "%1!s!" as buffer" 0 0 "" 0 0} { "Info" "ITAN_GATED_CLK" "Speakera:inst|Mux2~859 " "Info: Detected gated clock "Speakera:inst|Mux2~859" as buffer" { } { { "Speakera.vhd" "" { Text "E:/FPGA/ALTERA/570-Source/Music/Speakera.vhd" 116 -1 0 } } { "c:/altera/80/quartus/bin/Assignment Editor.qase" "" { Assignment "c:/altera/80/quartus/bin/Assignment Editor.qase" 1 { { 0 "Speakera:inst|Mux2~859" } } } } } 0 0 "Detected gated clock "%1!s!" as buffer" 0 0 "" 0 0} { "Info" "ITAN_RIPPLE_CLK" "Speakera:inst|Counter[6] " "Info: Detected ripple clock "Speakera:inst|Counter[6]" as buffer" { } { { "Speakera.vhd" "" { Text "E:/FPGA/ALTERA/570-Source/Music/Speakera.vhd" 111 -1 0 } } { "c:/altera/80/quartus/bin/Assignment Editor.qase" "" { Assignment "c:/altera/80/quartus/bin/Assignment Editor.qase" 1 { { 0 "Speakera:inst|Counter[6]" } } } } } 0 0 "Detected ripple clock "%1!s!" as buffer" 0 0 "" 0 0} { "Info" "ITAN_RIPPLE_CLK" "Speakera:inst|Counter[5] " "Info: Detected ripple clock "Speakera:inst|Counter[5]" as buffer" { } { { "Speakera.vhd" "" { Text "E:/FPGA/ALTERA/570-Source/Music/Speakera.vhd" 111 -1 0 } } { "c:/altera/80/quartus/bin/Assignment Editor.qase" "" { Assignment "c:/altera/80/quartus/bin/Assignment Editor.qase" 1 { { 0 "Speakera:inst|Counter[5]" } } } } } 0 0 "Detected ripple clock "%1!s!" as buffer" 0 0 "" 0 0} { "Info" "ITAN_RIPPLE_CLK" "Speakera:inst|Counter[1] " "Info: Detected ripple clock "Speakera:inst|Counter[1]" as buffer" { } { { "Speakera.vhd" "" { Text "E:/FPGA/ALTERA/570-Source/Music/Speakera.vhd" 111 -1 0 } } { "c:/altera/80/quartus/bin/Assignment Editor.qase" "" { Assignment "c:/altera/80/quartus/bin/Assignment Editor.qase" 1 { { 0 "Speakera:inst|Counter[1]" } } } } } 0 0 "Detected ripple clock "%1!s!" as buffer" 0 0 "" 0 0} { "Info" "ITAN_GATED_CLK" "Speakera:inst|Equal1~55 " "Info: Detected gated clock "Speakera:inst|Equal1~55" as buffer" { } { { "Speakera.vhd" "" { Text "E:/FPGA/ALTERA/570-Source/Music/Speakera.vhd" 111 -1 0 } } { "c:/altera/80/quartus/bin/Assignment Editor.qase" "" { Assignment "c:/altera/80/quartus/bin/Assignment Editor.qase" 1 { { 0 "Speakera:inst|Equal1~55" } } } } } 0 0 "Detected gated clock "%1!s!" as buffer" 0 0 "" 0 0} { "Info" "ITAN_RIPPLE_CLK" "Speakera:inst|Counter[0] " "Info: Detected ripple clock "Speakera:inst|Counter[0]" as buffer" { } { { "Speakera.vhd" "" { Text "E:/FPGA/ALTERA/570-Source/Music/Speakera.vhd" 111 -1 0 } } { "c:/altera/80/quartus/bin/Assignment Editor.qase" "" { Assignment "c:/altera/80/quartus/bin/Assignment Editor.qase" 1 { { 0 "Speakera:inst|Counter[0]" } } } } } 0 0 "Detected ripple clock "%1!s!" as buffer" 0 0 "" 0 0} { "Info" "ITAN_RIPPLE_CLK" "Frequency:inst2|Period1uS " "Info: Detected ripple clock "Frequency:inst2|Period1uS" as buffer" { } { { "Frequency.vhd" "" { Text "E:/FPGA/ALTERA/570-Source/Music/Frequency.vhd" 39 -1 0 } } { "c:/altera/80/quartus/bin/Assignment Editor.qase" "" { Assignment "c:/altera/80/quartus/bin/Assignment Editor.qase" 1 { { 0 "Frequency:inst2|Period1uS" } } } } } 0 0 "Detected ripple clock "%1!s!" as buffer" 0 0 "" 0 0} { "Info" "ITAN_RIPPLE_CLK" "Speakera:inst|Counter[2] " "Info: Detected ripple clock "Speakera:inst|Counter[2]" as buffer" { } { { "Speakera.vhd" "" { Text "E:/FPGA/ALTERA/570-Source/Music/Speakera.vhd" 111 -1 0 } } { "c:/altera/80/quartus/bin/Assignment Editor.qase" "" { Assignment "c:/altera/80/quartus/bin/Assignment Editor.qase" 1 { { 0 "Speakera:inst|Counter[2]" } } } } } 0 0 "Detected ripple clock "%1!s!" as buffer" 0 0 "" 0 0} { "Info" "ITAN_RIPPLE_CLK" "Speakera:inst|Counter[3] " "Info: Detected ripple clock "Speakera:inst|Counter[3]" as buffer" { } { { "Speakera.vhd" "" { Text "E:/FPGA/ALTERA/570-Source/Music/Speakera.vhd" 111 -1 0 } } { "c:/altera/80/quartus/bin/Assignment Editor.qase" "" { Assignment "c:/altera/80/quartus/bin/Assignment Editor.qase" 1 { { 0 "Speakera:inst|Counter[3]" } } } } } 0 0 "Detected ripple clock "%1!s!" as buffer" 0 0 "" 0 0} { "Info" "ITAN_RIPPLE_CLK" "Frequency:inst2|CLK8Hz " "Info: Detected ripple clock "Frequency:inst2|CLK8Hz" as buffer" { } { { "Frequency.vhd" "" { Text "E:/FPGA/ALTERA/570-Source/Music/Frequency.vhd" 29 -1 0 } } { "c:/altera/80/quartus/bin/Assignment Editor.qase" "" { Assignment "c:/altera/80/quartus/bin/Assignment Editor.qase" 1 { { 0 "Frequency:inst2|CLK8Hz" } } } } } 0 0 "Detected ripple clock "%1!s!" as buffer" 0 0 "" 0 0} { "Info" "ITAN_RIPPLE_CLK" "Speakera:inst|Counter[4] " "Info: Detected ripple clock "Speakera:inst|Counter[4]" as buffer" { } { { "Speakera.vhd" "" { Text "E:/FPGA/ALTERA/570-Source/Music/Speakera.vhd" 111 -1 0 } } { "c:/altera/80/quartus/bin/Assignment Editor.qase" "" { Assignment "c:/altera/80/quartus/bin/Assignment Editor.qase" 1 { { 0 "Speakera:inst|Counter[4]" } } } } } 0 0 "Detected ripple clock "%1!s!" as buffer" 0 0 "" 0 0} { "Info" "ITAN_RIPPLE_CLK" "Frequency:inst2|Period1mS " "Info: Detected ripple clock "Frequency:inst2|Period1mS" as buffer" { } { { "Frequency.vhd" "" { Text "E:/FPGA/ALTERA/570-Source/Music/Frequency.vhd" 39 -1 0 } } { "c:/altera/80/quartus/bin/Assignment Editor.qase" "" { Assignment "c:/altera/80/quartus/bin/Assignment Editor.qase" 1 { { 0 "Frequency:inst2|Period1mS" } } } } } 0 0 "Detected ripple clock "%1!s!" as buffer" 0 0 "" 0 0} { "Info" "ITAN_RIPPLE_CLK" "Frequency:inst2|ClockScan " "Info: Detected ripple clock "Frequency:inst2|ClockScan" as buffer" { } { { "Frequency.vhd" "" { Text "E:/FPGA/ALTERA/570-Source/Music/Frequency.vhd" 27 -1 0 } } { "c:/altera/80/quartus/bin/Assignment Editor.qase" "" { Assignment "c:/altera/80/quartus/bin/Assignment Editor.qase" 1 { { 0 "Frequency:inst2|ClockScan" } } } } } 0 0 "Detected ripple clock "%1!s!" as buffer" 0 0 "" 0 0} { "Info" "ITAN_GATED_CLK" "Speakera:inst|Mux3~797 " "Info: Detected gated clock "Speakera:inst|Mux3~797" as buffer" { } { { "Speakera.vhd" "" { Text "E:/FPGA/ALTERA/570-Source/Music/Speakera.vhd" 116 -1 0 } } { "c:/altera/80/quartus/bin/Assignment Editor.qase" "" { Assignment "c:/altera/80/quartus/bin/Assignment Editor.qase" 1 { { 0 "Speakera:inst|Mux3~797" } } } } } 0 0 "Detected gated clock "%1!s!" as buffer" 0 0 "" 0 0} { "Info" "ITAN_GATED_CLK" "Speakera:inst|Mux1~789 " "Info: Detected gated clock "Speakera:inst|Mux1~789" as buffer" { } { { "Speakera.vhd" "" { Text "E:/FPGA/ALTERA/570-Source/Music/Speakera.vhd" 116 -1 0 } } { "c:/altera/80/quartus/bin/Assignment Editor.qase" "" { Assignment "c:/altera/80/quartus/bin/Assignment Editor.qase" 1 { { 0 "Speakera:inst|Mux1~789" } } } } } 0 0 "Detected gated clock "%1!s!" as buffer" 0 0 "" 0 0} { "Info" "ITAN_GATED_CLK" "Speakera:inst|Mux0~829 " "Info: Detected gated clock "Speakera:inst|Mux0~829" as buffer" { } { { "Speakera.vhd" "" { Text "E:/FPGA/ALTERA/570-Source/Music/Speakera.vhd" 116 -1 0 } } { "c:/altera/80/quartus/bin/Assignment Editor.qase" "" { Assignment "c:/altera/80/quartus/bin/Assignment Editor.qase" 1 { { 0 "Speakera:inst|Mux0~829" } } } } } 0 0 "Detected gated clock "%1!s!" as buffer" 0 0 "" 0 0} { "Info" "ITAN_GATED_CLK" "Speakera:inst|Mux2~867 " "Info: Detected gated clock "Speakera:inst|Mux2~867" as buffer" { } { { "Speakera.vhd" "" { Text "E:/FPGA/ALTERA/570-Source/Music/Speakera.vhd" 116 -1 0 } } { "c:/altera/80/quartus/bin/Assignment Editor.qase" "" { Assignment "c:/altera/80/quartus/bin/Assignment Editor.qase" 1 { { 0 "Speakera:inst|Mux2~867" } } } } } 0 0 "Detected gated clock "%1!s!" as buffer" 0 0 "" 0 0} { "Info" "ITAN_RIPPLE_CLK" "Speakera:inst|FullSpkS " "Info: Detected ripple clock "Speakera:inst|FullSpkS" as buffer" { } { { "Speakera.vhd" "" { Text "E:/FPGA/ALTERA/570-Source/Music/Speakera.vhd" 44 -1 0 } } { "c:/altera/80/quartus/bin/Assignment Editor.qase" "" { Assignment "c:/altera/80/quartus/bin/Assignment Editor.qase" 1 { { 0 "Speakera:inst|FullSpkS" } } } } } 0 0 "Detected ripple clock "%1!s!" as buffer" 0 0 "" 0 0} } { } 0 0 "Found %1!d! node(s) in clock paths which may be acting as ripple and/or gated clocks -- node(s) analyzed as buffer(s) resulting in clock skew" 0 0 "" 0 0}
- { "Info" "ITDB_FULL_CLOCK_REG_RESULT" "GCLKP1 register Speakera:inst|Tone[4] register Speakera:inst|\GenSpkS:Count11[4] 43.53 MHz 22.974 ns Internal " "Info: Clock "GCLKP1" has Internal fmax of 43.53 MHz between source register "Speakera:inst|Tone[4]" and destination register "Speakera:inst|\GenSpkS:Count11[4]" (period= 22.974 ns)" { { "Info" "ITDB_FULL_DATA_PATH_RESULT" "3.744 ns + Longest register register " "Info: + Longest register to register delay is 3.744 ns" { { "Info" "ITDB_NODE_DELAY" "IC(0.000 ns) + CELL(0.000 ns) 0.000 ns Speakera:inst|Tone[4] 1 REG LC_X10_Y2_N8 1 " "Info: 1: + IC(0.000 ns) + CELL(0.000 ns) = 0.000 ns; Loc. = LC_X10_Y2_N8; Fanout = 1; REG Node = 'Speakera:inst|Tone[4]'" { } { { "c:/altera/80/quartus/bin/TimingClosureFloorplan.fld" "" { Floorplan "c:/altera/80/quartus/bin/TimingClosureFloorplan.fld" "" "" { Speakera:inst|Tone[4] } "NODE_NAME" } } { "Speakera.vhd" "" { Text "E:/FPGA/ALTERA/570-Source/Music/Speakera.vhd" 51 -1 0 } } } 0 0 "%4!d!: + %1!s! = %2!s!; Loc. = %6!s!; Fanout = %7!d!; %5!s! Node = '%3!s!'" 0 0 "" 0 0} { "Info" "ITDB_NODE_DELAY" "IC(3.464 ns) + CELL(0.280 ns) 3.744 ns Speakera:inst|\GenSpkS:Count11[4] 2 REG LC_X5_Y7_N9 3 " "Info: 2: + IC(3.464 ns) + CELL(0.280 ns) = 3.744 ns; Loc. = LC_X5_Y7_N9; Fanout = 3; REG Node = 'Speakera:inst|\GenSpkS:Count11[4]'" { } { { "c:/altera/80/quartus/bin/TimingClosureFloorplan.fld" "" { Floorplan "c:/altera/80/quartus/bin/TimingClosureFloorplan.fld" "" "3.744 ns" { Speakera:inst|Tone[4] Speakera:inst|GenSpkS:Count11[4] } "NODE_NAME" } } } 0 0 "%4!d!: + %1!s! = %2!s!; Loc. = %6!s!; Fanout = %7!d!; %5!s! Node = '%3!s!'" 0 0 "" 0 0} { "Info" "ITDB_TOTAL_CELL_DELAY" "0.280 ns ( 7.48 % ) " "Info: Total cell delay = 0.280 ns ( 7.48 % )" { } { } 0 0 "Total cell delay = %1!s! %2!s!" 0 0 "" 0 0} { "Info" "ITDB_TOTAL_IC_DELAY" "3.464 ns ( 92.52 % ) " "Info: Total interconnect delay = 3.464 ns ( 92.52 % )" { } { } 0 0 "Total interconnect delay = %1!s! %2!s!" 0 0 "" 0 0} } { { "c:/altera/80/quartus/bin/TimingClosureFloorplan.fld" "" { Floorplan "c:/altera/80/quartus/bin/TimingClosureFloorplan.fld" "" "3.744 ns" { Speakera:inst|Tone[4] Speakera:inst|GenSpkS:Count11[4] } "NODE_NAME" } } { "c:/altera/80/quartus/bin/Technology_Viewer.qrui" "" { "TechnologyMapViewer" "c:/altera/80/quartus/bin/Technology_Viewer.qrui" "3.744 ns" { Speakera:inst|Tone[4] {} Speakera:inst|GenSpkS:Count11[4] {} } { 0.000ns 3.464ns } { 0.000ns 0.280ns } "" } } } 0 0 "%2!c! %3!s! %4!s! to %5!s! delay is %1!s!" 0 0 "" 0 0} { "Info" "ITDB_FULL_CLOCK_SKEW_RESULT" "-18.897 ns - Smallest " "Info: - Smallest clock skew is -18.897 ns" { { "Info" "ITDB_FULL_CLOCK_PATH_RESULT" "GCLKP1 destination 12.668 ns + Shortest register " "Info: + Shortest clock path from clock "GCLKP1" to destination register is 12.668 ns" { { "Info" "ITDB_NODE_DELAY" "IC(0.000 ns) + CELL(1.163 ns) 1.163 ns GCLKP1 1 CLK PIN_14 5 " "Info: 1: + IC(0.000 ns) + CELL(1.163 ns) = 1.163 ns; Loc. = PIN_14; Fanout = 5; CLK Node = 'GCLKP1'" { } { { "c:/altera/80/quartus/bin/TimingClosureFloorplan.fld" "" { Floorplan "c:/altera/80/quartus/bin/TimingClosureFloorplan.fld" "" "" { GCLKP1 } "NODE_NAME" } } { "Music.bdf" "" { Schematic "E:/FPGA/ALTERA/570-Source/Music/Music.bdf" { { 64 56 224 80 "GCLKP1" "" } } } } } 0 0 "%4!d!: + %1!s! = %2!s!; Loc. = %6!s!; Fanout = %7!d!; %5!s! Node = '%3!s!'" 0 0 "" 0 0} { "Info" "ITDB_NODE_DELAY" "IC(1.600 ns) + CELL(1.294 ns) 4.057 ns Frequency:inst2|Period1uS 2 REG LC_X8_Y7_N7 12 " "Info: 2: + IC(1.600 ns) + CELL(1.294 ns) = 4.057 ns; Loc. = LC_X8_Y7_N7; Fanout = 12; REG Node = 'Frequency:inst2|Period1uS'" { } { { "c:/altera/80/quartus/bin/TimingClosureFloorplan.fld" "" { Floorplan "c:/altera/80/quartus/bin/TimingClosureFloorplan.fld" "" "2.894 ns" { GCLKP1 Frequency:inst2|Period1uS } "NODE_NAME" } } { "Frequency.vhd" "" { Text "E:/FPGA/ALTERA/570-Source/Music/Frequency.vhd" 39 -1 0 } } } 0 0 "%4!d!: + %1!s! = %2!s!; Loc. = %6!s!; Fanout = %7!d!; %5!s! Node = '%3!s!'" 0 0 "" 0 0} { "Info" "ITDB_NODE_DELAY" "IC(2.120 ns) + CELL(1.294 ns) 7.471 ns Frequency:inst2|CLK 3 REG LC_X7_Y5_N4 12 " "Info: 3: + IC(2.120 ns) + CELL(1.294 ns) = 7.471 ns; Loc. = LC_X7_Y5_N4; Fanout = 12; REG Node = 'Frequency:inst2|CLK'" { } { { "c:/altera/80/quartus/bin/TimingClosureFloorplan.fld" "" { Floorplan "c:/altera/80/quartus/bin/TimingClosureFloorplan.fld" "" "3.414 ns" { Frequency:inst2|Period1uS Frequency:inst2|CLK } "NODE_NAME" } } { "Frequency.vhd" "" { Text "E:/FPGA/ALTERA/570-Source/Music/Frequency.vhd" 28 -1 0 } } } 0 0 "%4!d!: + %1!s! = %2!s!; Loc. = %6!s!; Fanout = %7!d!; %5!s! Node = '%3!s!'" 0 0 "" 0 0} { "Info" "ITDB_NODE_DELAY" "IC(4.279 ns) + CELL(0.918 ns) 12.668 ns Speakera:inst|\GenSpkS:Count11[4] 4 REG LC_X5_Y7_N9 3 " "Info: 4: + IC(4.279 ns) + CELL(0.918 ns) = 12.668 ns; Loc. = LC_X5_Y7_N9; Fanout = 3; REG Node = 'Speakera:inst|\GenSpkS:Count11[4]'" { } { { "c:/altera/80/quartus/bin/TimingClosureFloorplan.fld" "" { Floorplan "c:/altera/80/quartus/bin/TimingClosureFloorplan.fld" "" "5.197 ns" { Frequency:inst2|CLK Speakera:inst|GenSpkS:Count11[4] } "NODE_NAME" } } } 0 0 "%4!d!: + %1!s! = %2!s!; Loc. = %6!s!; Fanout = %7!d!; %5!s! Node = '%3!s!'" 0 0 "" 0 0} { "Info" "ITDB_TOTAL_CELL_DELAY" "4.669 ns ( 36.86 % ) " "Info: Total cell delay = 4.669 ns ( 36.86 % )" { } { } 0 0 "Total cell delay = %1!s! %2!s!" 0 0 "" 0 0} { "Info" "ITDB_TOTAL_IC_DELAY" "7.999 ns ( 63.14 % ) " "Info: Total interconnect delay = 7.999 ns ( 63.14 % )" { } { } 0 0 "Total interconnect delay = %1!s! %2!s!" 0 0 "" 0 0} } { { "c:/altera/80/quartus/bin/TimingClosureFloorplan.fld" "" { Floorplan "c:/altera/80/quartus/bin/TimingClosureFloorplan.fld" "" "12.668 ns" { GCLKP1 Frequency:inst2|Period1uS Frequency:inst2|CLK Speakera:inst|GenSpkS:Count11[4] } "NODE_NAME" } } { "c:/altera/80/quartus/bin/Technology_Viewer.qrui" "" { "TechnologyMapViewer" "c:/altera/80/quartus/bin/Technology_Viewer.qrui" "12.668 ns" { GCLKP1 {} GCLKP1~combout {} Frequency:inst2|Period1uS {} Frequency:inst2|CLK {} Speakera:inst|GenSpkS:Count11[4] {} } { 0.000ns 0.000ns 1.600ns 2.120ns 4.279ns } { 0.000ns 1.163ns 1.294ns 1.294ns 0.918ns } "" } } } 0 0 "%4!c! %5!s! clock path from clock "%1!s!" to %2!s! %6!s! is %3!s!" 0 0 "" 0 0} { "Info" "ITDB_FULL_CLOCK_PATH_RESULT" "GCLKP1 source 31.565 ns - Longest register " "Info: - Longest clock path from clock "GCLKP1" to source register is 31.565 ns" { { "Info" "ITDB_NODE_DELAY" "IC(0.000 ns) + CELL(1.163 ns) 1.163 ns GCLKP1 1 CLK PIN_14 5 " "Info: 1: + IC(0.000 ns) + CELL(1.163 ns) = 1.163 ns; Loc. = PIN_14; Fanout = 5; CLK Node = 'GCLKP1'" { } { { "c:/altera/80/quartus/bin/TimingClosureFloorplan.fld" "" { Floorplan "c:/altera/80/quartus/bin/TimingClosureFloorplan.fld" "" "" { GCLKP1 } "NODE_NAME" } } { "Music.bdf" "" { Schematic "E:/FPGA/ALTERA/570-Source/Music/Music.bdf" { { 64 56 224 80 "GCLKP1" "" } } } } } 0 0 "%4!d!: + %1!s! = %2!s!; Loc. = %6!s!; Fanout = %7!d!; %5!s! Node = '%3!s!'" 0 0 "" 0 0} { "Info" "ITDB_NODE_DELAY" "IC(1.600 ns) + CELL(1.294 ns) 4.057 ns Frequency:inst2|Period1uS 2 REG LC_X8_Y7_N7 12 " "Info: 2: + IC(1.600 ns) + CELL(1.294 ns) = 4.057 ns; Loc. = LC_X8_Y7_N7; Fanout = 12; REG Node = 'Frequency:inst2|Period1uS'" { } { { "c:/altera/80/quartus/bin/TimingClosureFloorplan.fld" "" { Floorplan "c:/altera/80/quartus/bin/TimingClosureFloorplan.fld" "" "2.894 ns" { GCLKP1 Frequency:inst2|Period1uS } "NODE_NAME" } } { "Frequency.vhd" "" { Text "E:/FPGA/ALTERA/570-Source/Music/Frequency.vhd" 39 -1 0 } } } 0 0 "%4!d!: + %1!s! = %2!s!; Loc. = %6!s!; Fanout = %7!d!; %5!s! Node = '%3!s!'" 0 0 "" 0 0} { "Info" "ITDB_NODE_DELAY" "IC(2.120 ns) + CELL(1.294 ns) 7.471 ns Frequency:inst2|Period1mS 3 REG LC_X7_Y5_N6 12 " "Info: 3: + IC(2.120 ns) + CELL(1.294 ns) = 7.471 ns; Loc. = LC_X7_Y5_N6; Fanout = 12; REG Node = 'Frequency:inst2|Period1mS'" { } { { "c:/altera/80/quartus/bin/TimingClosureFloorplan.fld" "" { Floorplan "c:/altera/80/quartus/bin/TimingClosureFloorplan.fld" "" "3.414 ns" { Frequency:inst2|Period1uS Frequency:inst2|Period1mS } "NODE_NAME" } } { "Frequency.vhd" "" { Text "E:/FPGA/ALTERA/570-Source/Music/Frequency.vhd" 39 -1 0 } } } 0 0 "%4!d!: + %1!s! = %2!s!; Loc. = %6!s!; Fanout = %7!d!; %5!s! Node = '%3!s!'" 0 0 "" 0 0} { "Info" "ITDB_NODE_DELAY" "IC(4.218 ns) + CELL(1.294 ns) 12.983 ns Frequency:inst2|CLK8Hz 4 REG LC_X12_Y4_N8 8 " "Info: 4: + IC(4.218 ns) + CELL(1.294 ns) = 12.983 ns; Loc. = LC_X12_Y4_N8; Fanout = 8; REG Node = 'Frequency:inst2|CLK8Hz'" { } { { "c:/altera/80/quartus/bin/TimingClosureFloorplan.fld" "" { Floorplan "c:/altera/80/quartus/bin/TimingClosureFloorplan.fld" "" "5.512 ns" { Frequency:inst2|Period1mS Frequency:inst2|CLK8Hz } "NODE_NAME" } } { "Frequency.vhd" "" { Text "E:/FPGA/ALTERA/570-Source/Music/Frequency.vhd" 29 -1 0 } } } 0 0 "%4!d!: + %1!s! = %2!s!; Loc. = %6!s!; Fanout = %7!d!; %5!s! Node = '%3!s!'" 0 0 "" 0 0} { "Info" "ITDB_NODE_DELAY" "IC(0.864 ns) + CELL(1.294 ns) 15.141 ns Speakera:inst|Counter[6] 5 REG LC_X12_Y4_N6 24 " "Info: 5: + IC(0.864 ns) + CELL(1.294 ns) = 15.141 ns; Loc. = LC_X12_Y4_N6; Fanout = 24; REG Node = 'Speakera:inst|Counter[6]'" { } { { "c:/altera/80/quartus/bin/TimingClosureFloorplan.fld" "" { Floorplan "c:/altera/80/quartus/bin/TimingClosureFloorplan.fld" "" "2.158 ns" { Frequency:inst2|CLK8Hz Speakera:inst|Counter[6] } "NODE_NAME" } } { "Speakera.vhd" "" { Text "E:/FPGA/ALTERA/570-Source/Music/Speakera.vhd" 111 -1 0 } } } 0 0 "%4!d!: + %1!s! = %2!s!; Loc. = %6!s!; Fanout = %7!d!; %5!s! Node = '%3!s!'" 0 0 "" 0 0} { "Info" "ITDB_NODE_DELAY" "IC(2.717 ns) + CELL(0.740 ns) 18.598 ns Speakera:inst|Mux1~778 6 COMB LC_X8_Y4_N5 1 " "Info: 6: + IC(2.717 ns) + CELL(0.740 ns) = 18.598 ns; Loc. = LC_X8_Y4_N5; Fanout = 1; COMB Node = 'Speakera:inst|Mux1~778'" { } { { "c:/altera/80/quartus/bin/TimingClosureFloorplan.fld" "" { Floorplan "c:/altera/80/quartus/bin/TimingClosureFloorplan.fld" "" "3.457 ns" { Speakera:inst|Counter[6] Speakera:inst|Mux1~778 } "NODE_NAME" } } { "Speakera.vhd" "" { Text "E:/FPGA/ALTERA/570-Source/Music/Speakera.vhd" 116 -1 0 } } } 0 0 "%4!d!: + %1!s! = %2!s!; Loc. = %6!s!; Fanout = %7!d!; %5!s! Node = '%3!s!'" 0 0 "" 0 0} { "Info" "ITDB_NODE_DELAY" "IC(1.755 ns) + CELL(0.914 ns) 21.267 ns Speakera:inst|Mux1~779 7 COMB LC_X10_Y4_N7 1 " "Info: 7: + IC(1.755 ns) + CELL(0.914 ns) = 21.267 ns; Loc. = LC_X10_Y4_N7; Fanout = 1; COMB Node = 'Speakera:inst|Mux1~779'" { } { { "c:/altera/80/quartus/bin/TimingClosureFloorplan.fld" "" { Floorplan "c:/altera/80/quartus/bin/TimingClosureFloorplan.fld" "" "2.669 ns" { Speakera:inst|Mux1~778 Speakera:inst|Mux1~779 } "NODE_NAME" } } { "Speakera.vhd" "" { Text "E:/FPGA/ALTERA/570-Source/Music/Speakera.vhd" 116 -1 0 } } } 0 0 "%4!d!: + %1!s! = %2!s!; Loc. = %6!s!; Fanout = %7!d!; %5!s! Node = '%3!s!'" 0 0 "" 0 0} { "Info" "ITDB_NODE_DELAY" "IC(0.305 ns) + CELL(0.200 ns) 21.772 ns Speakera:inst|Mux1~781 8 COMB LC_X10_Y4_N8 1 " "Info: 8: + IC(0.305 ns) + CELL(0.200 ns) = 21.772 ns; Loc. = LC_X10_Y4_N8; Fanout = 1; COMB Node = 'Speakera:inst|Mux1~781'" { } { { "c:/altera/80/quartus/bin/TimingClosureFloorplan.fld" "" { Floorplan "c:/altera/80/quartus/bin/TimingClosureFloorplan.fld" "" "0.505 ns" { Speakera:inst|Mux1~779 Speakera:inst|Mux1~781 } "NODE_NAME" } } { "Speakera.vhd" "" { Text "E:/FPGA/ALTERA/570-Source/Music/Speakera.vhd" 116 -1 0 } } } 0 0 "%4!d!: + %1!s! = %2!s!; Loc. = %6!s!; Fanout = %7!d!; %5!s! Node = '%3!s!'" 0 0 "" 0 0} { "Info" "ITDB_NODE_DELAY" "IC(0.703 ns) + CELL(0.914 ns) 23.389 ns Speakera:inst|Mux1~788 9 COMB LC_X10_Y4_N3 1 " "Info: 9: + IC(0.703 ns) + CELL(0.914 ns) = 23.389 ns; Loc. = LC_X10_Y4_N3; Fanout = 1; COMB Node = 'Speakera:inst|Mux1~788'" { } { { "c:/altera/80/quartus/bin/TimingClosureFloorplan.fld" "" { Floorplan "c:/altera/80/quartus/bin/TimingClosureFloorplan.fld" "" "1.617 ns" { Speakera:inst|Mux1~781 Speakera:inst|Mux1~788 } "NODE_NAME" } } { "Speakera.vhd" "" { Text "E:/FPGA/ALTERA/570-Source/Music/Speakera.vhd" 116 -1 0 } } } 0 0 "%4!d!: + %1!s! = %2!s!; Loc. = %6!s!; Fanout = %7!d!; %5!s! Node = '%3!s!'" 0 0 "" 0 0} { "Info" "ITDB_NODE_DELAY" "IC(0.305 ns) + CELL(0.200 ns) 23.894 ns Speakera:inst|Mux1~789 10 COMB LC_X10_Y4_N4 12 " "Info: 10: + IC(0.305 ns) + CELL(0.200 ns) = 23.894 ns; Loc. = LC_X10_Y4_N4; Fanout = 12; COMB Node = 'Speakera:inst|Mux1~789'" { } { { "c:/altera/80/quartus/bin/TimingClosureFloorplan.fld" "" { Floorplan "c:/altera/80/quartus/bin/TimingClosureFloorplan.fld" "" "0.505 ns" { Speakera:inst|Mux1~788 Speakera:inst|Mux1~789 } "NODE_NAME" } } { "Speakera.vhd" "" { Text "E:/FPGA/ALTERA/570-Source/Music/Speakera.vhd" 116 -1 0 } } } 0 0 "%4!d!: + %1!s! = %2!s!; Loc. = %6!s!; Fanout = %7!d!; %5!s! Node = '%3!s!'" 0 0 "" 0 0} { "Info" "ITDB_NODE_DELAY" "IC(2.035 ns) + CELL(0.511 ns) 26.440 ns Speakera:inst|Mux8~31 11 COMB LC_X9_Y5_N6 14 " "Info: 11: + IC(2.035 ns) + CELL(0.511 ns) = 26.440 ns; Loc. = LC_X9_Y5_N6; Fanout = 14; COMB Node = 'Speakera:inst|Mux8~31'" { } { { "c:/altera/80/quartus/bin/TimingClosureFloorplan.fld" "" { Floorplan "c:/altera/80/quartus/bin/TimingClosureFloorplan.fld" "" "2.546 ns" { Speakera:inst|Mux1~789 Speakera:inst|Mux8~31 } "NODE_NAME" } } { "Speakera.vhd" "" { Text "E:/FPGA/ALTERA/570-Source/Music/Speakera.vhd" 54 -1 0 } } } 0 0 "%4!d!: + %1!s! = %2!s!; Loc. = %6!s!; Fanout = %7!d!; %5!s! Node = '%3!s!'" 0 0 "" 0 0} { "Info" "ITDB_NODE_DELAY" "IC(4.614 ns) + CELL(0.511 ns) 31.565 ns Speakera:inst|Tone[4] 12 REG LC_X10_Y2_N8 1 " "Info: 12: + IC(4.614 ns) + CELL(0.511 ns) = 31.565 ns; Loc. = LC_X10_Y2_N8; Fanout = 1; REG Node = 'Speakera:inst|Tone[4]'" { } { { "c:/altera/80/quartus/bin/TimingClosureFloorplan.fld" "" { Floorplan "c:/altera/80/quartus/bin/TimingClosureFloorplan.fld" "" "5.125 ns" { Speakera:inst|Mux8~31 Speakera:inst|Tone[4] } "NODE_NAME" } } { "Speakera.vhd" "" { Text "E:/FPGA/ALTERA/570-Source/Music/Speakera.vhd" 51 -1 0 } } } 0 0 "%4!d!: + %1!s! = %2!s!; Loc. = %6!s!; Fanout = %7!d!; %5!s! Node = '%3!s!'" 0 0 "" 0 0} { "Info" "ITDB_TOTAL_CELL_DELAY" "10.329 ns ( 32.72 % ) " "Info: Total cell delay = 10.329 ns ( 32.72 % )" { } { } 0 0 "Total cell delay = %1!s! %2!s!" 0 0 "" 0 0} { "Info" "ITDB_TOTAL_IC_DELAY" "21.236 ns ( 67.28 % ) " "Info: Total interconnect delay = 21.236 ns ( 67.28 % )" { } { } 0 0 "Total interconnect delay = %1!s! %2!s!" 0 0 "" 0 0} } { { "c:/altera/80/quartus/bin/TimingClosureFloorplan.fld" "" { Floorplan "c:/altera/80/quartus/bin/TimingClosureFloorplan.fld" "" "31.565 ns" { GCLKP1 Frequency:inst2|Period1uS Frequency:inst2|Period1mS Frequency:inst2|CLK8Hz Speakera:inst|Counter[6] Speakera:inst|Mux1~778 Speakera:inst|Mux1~779 Speakera:inst|Mux1~781 Speakera:inst|Mux1~788 Speakera:inst|Mux1~789 Speakera:inst|Mux8~31 Speakera:inst|Tone[4] } "NODE_NAME" } } { "c:/altera/80/quartus/bin/Technology_Viewer.qrui" "" { "TechnologyMapViewer" "c:/altera/80/quartus/bin/Technology_Viewer.qrui" "31.565 ns" { GCLKP1 {} GCLKP1~combout {} Frequency:inst2|Period1uS {} Frequency:inst2|Period1mS {} Frequency:inst2|CLK8Hz {} Speakera:inst|Counter[6] {} Speakera:inst|Mux1~778 {} Speakera:inst|Mux1~779 {} Speakera:inst|Mux1~781 {} Speakera:inst|Mux1~788 {} Speakera:inst|Mux1~789 {} Speakera:inst|Mux8~31 {} Speakera:inst|Tone[4] {} } { 0.000ns 0.000ns 1.600ns 2.120ns 4.218ns 0.864ns 2.717ns 1.755ns 0.305ns 0.703ns 0.305ns 2.035ns 4.614ns } { 0.000ns 1.163ns 1.294ns 1.294ns 1.294ns 1.294ns 0.740ns 0.914ns 0.200ns 0.914ns 0.200ns 0.511ns 0.511ns } "" } } } 0 0 "%4!c! %5!s! clock path from clock "%1!s!" to %2!s! %6!s! is %3!s!" 0 0 "" 0 0} } { { "c:/altera/80/quartus/bin/TimingClosureFloorplan.fld" "" { Floorplan "c:/altera/80/quartus/bin/TimingClosureFloorplan.fld" "" "12.668 ns" { GCLKP1 Frequency:inst2|Period1uS Frequency:inst2|CLK Speakera:inst|GenSpkS:Count11[4] } "NODE_NAME" } } { "c:/altera/80/quartus/bin/Technology_Viewer.qrui" "" { "TechnologyMapViewer" "c:/altera/80/quartus/bin/Technology_Viewer.qrui" "12.668 ns" { GCLKP1 {} GCLKP1~combout {} Frequency:inst2|Period1uS {} Frequency:inst2|CLK {} Speakera:inst|GenSpkS:Count11[4] {} } { 0.000ns 0.000ns 1.600ns 2.120ns 4.279ns } { 0.000ns 1.163ns 1.294ns 1.294ns 0.918ns } "" } } { "c:/altera/80/quartus/bin/TimingClosureFloorplan.fld" "" { Floorplan "c:/altera/80/quartus/bin/TimingClosureFloorplan.fld" "" "31.565 ns" { GCLKP1 Frequency:inst2|Period1uS Frequency:inst2|Period1mS Frequency:inst2|CLK8Hz Speakera:inst|Counter[6] Speakera:inst|Mux1~778 Speakera:inst|Mux1~779 Speakera:inst|Mux1~781 Speakera:inst|Mux1~788 Speakera:inst|Mux1~789 Speakera:inst|Mux8~31 Speakera:inst|Tone[4] } "NODE_NAME" } } { "c:/altera/80/quartus/bin/Technology_Viewer.qrui" "" { "TechnologyMapViewer" "c:/altera/80/quartus/bin/Technology_Viewer.qrui" "31.565 ns" { GCLKP1 {} GCLKP1~combout {} Frequency:inst2|Period1uS {} Frequency:inst2|Period1mS {} Frequency:inst2|CLK8Hz {} Speakera:inst|Counter[6] {} Speakera:inst|Mux1~778 {} Speakera:inst|Mux1~779 {} Speakera:inst|Mux1~781 {} Speakera:inst|Mux1~788 {} Speakera:inst|Mux1~789 {} Speakera:inst|Mux8~31 {} Speakera:inst|Tone[4] {} } { 0.000ns 0.000ns 1.600ns 2.120ns 4.218ns 0.864ns 2.717ns 1.755ns 0.305ns 0.703ns 0.305ns 2.035ns 4.614ns } { 0.000ns 1.163ns 1.294ns 1.294ns 1.294ns 1.294ns 0.740ns 0.914ns 0.200ns 0.914ns 0.200ns 0.511ns 0.511ns } "" } } } 0 0 "%2!c! %3!s! clock skew is %1!s!" 0 0 "" 0 0} { "Info" "ITDB_FULL_TCO_DELAY" "0.000 ns + " "Info: + Micro clock to output delay of source is 0.000 ns" { } { { "Speakera.vhd" "" { Text "E:/FPGA/ALTERA/570-Source/Music/Speakera.vhd" 51 -1 0 } } } 0 0 "%2!c! Micro clock to output delay of source is %1!s!" 0 0 "" 0 0} { "Info" "ITDB_FULL_TSU_DELAY" "0.333 ns + " "Info: + Micro setup delay of destination is 0.333 ns" { } { } 0 0 "%2!c! Micro setup delay of destination is %1!s!" 0 0 "" 0 0} } { { "c:/altera/80/quartus/bin/TimingClosureFloorplan.fld" "" { Floorplan "c:/altera/80/quartus/bin/TimingClosureFloorplan.fld" "" "3.744 ns" { Speakera:inst|Tone[4] Speakera:inst|GenSpkS:Count11[4] } "NODE_NAME" } } { "c:/altera/80/quartus/bin/Technology_Viewer.qrui" "" { "TechnologyMapViewer" "c:/altera/80/quartus/bin/Technology_Viewer.qrui" "3.744 ns" { Speakera:inst|Tone[4] {} Speakera:inst|GenSpkS:Count11[4] {} } { 0.000ns 3.464ns } { 0.000ns 0.280ns } "" } } { "c:/altera/80/quartus/bin/TimingClosureFloorplan.fld" "" { Floorplan "c:/altera/80/quartus/bin/TimingClosureFloorplan.fld" "" "12.668 ns" { GCLKP1 Frequency:inst2|Period1uS Frequency:inst2|CLK Speakera:inst|GenSpkS:Count11[4] } "NODE_NAME" } } { "c:/altera/80/quartus/bin/Technology_Viewer.qrui" "" { "TechnologyMapViewer" "c:/altera/80/quartus/bin/Technology_Viewer.qrui" "12.668 ns" { GCLKP1 {} GCLKP1~combout {} Frequency:inst2|Period1uS {} Frequency:inst2|CLK {} Speakera:inst|GenSpkS:Count11[4] {} } { 0.000ns 0.000ns 1.600ns 2.120ns 4.279ns } { 0.000ns 1.163ns 1.294ns 1.294ns 0.918ns } "" } } { "c:/altera/80/quartus/bin/TimingClosureFloorplan.fld" "" { Floorplan "c:/altera/80/quartus/bin/TimingClosureFloorplan.fld" "" "31.565 ns" { GCLKP1 Frequency:inst2|Period1uS Frequency:inst2|Period1mS Frequency:inst2|CLK8Hz Speakera:inst|Counter[6] Speakera:inst|Mux1~778 Speakera:inst|Mux1~779 Speakera:inst|Mux1~781 Speakera:inst|Mux1~788 Speakera:inst|Mux1~789 Speakera:inst|Mux8~31 Speakera:inst|Tone[4] } "NODE_NAME" } } { "c:/altera/80/quartus/bin/Technology_Viewer.qrui" "" { "TechnologyMapViewer" "c:/altera/80/quartus/bin/Technology_Viewer.qrui" "31.565 ns" { GCLKP1 {} GCLKP1~combout {} Frequency:inst2|Period1uS {} Frequency:inst2|Period1mS {} Frequency:inst2|CLK8Hz {} Speakera:inst|Counter[6] {} Speakera:inst|Mux1~778 {} Speakera:inst|Mux1~779 {} Speakera:inst|Mux1~781 {} Speakera:inst|Mux1~788 {} Speakera:inst|Mux1~789 {} Speakera:inst|Mux8~31 {} Speakera:inst|Tone[4] {} } { 0.000ns 0.000ns 1.600ns 2.120ns 4.218ns 0.864ns 2.717ns 1.755ns 0.305ns 0.703ns 0.305ns 2.035ns 4.614ns } { 0.000ns 1.163ns 1.294ns 1.294ns 1.294ns 1.294ns 0.740ns 0.914ns 0.200ns 0.914ns 0.200ns 0.511ns 0.511ns } "" } } } 0 0 "Clock "%1!s!" has %8!s! fmax of %6!s! between source %2!s! "%3!s!" and destination %4!s! "%5!s!" (period= %7!s!)" 0 0 "" 0 0}
- { "Warning" "WTAN_CLOCK_WILL_NOT_OPERATE" "GCLKP1 112 " "Warning: Circuit may not operate. Detected 112 non-operational path(s) clocked by clock "GCLKP1" with clock skew larger than data delay. See Compilation Report for details." { } { } 0 0 "Circuit may not operate. Detected %2!d! non-operational path(s) clocked by clock "%1!s!" with clock skew larger than data delay. See Compilation Report for details." 0 0 "" 0 0}
- { "Info" "ITDB_FULL_NEGATIVE_HOLD_RESULT" "Speakera:inst|Counter[7] Speakera:inst|Tone[0] GCLKP1 12.561 ns " "Info: Found hold time violation between source pin or register "Speakera:inst|Counter[7]" and destination pin or register "Speakera:inst|Tone[0]" for clock "GCLKP1" (Hold time is 12.561 ns)" { { "Info" "ITDB_FULL_CLOCK_SKEW_RESULT" "16.780 ns + Largest " "Info: + Largest clock skew is 16.780 ns" { { "Info" "ITDB_FULL_CLOCK_PATH_RESULT" "GCLKP1 destination 31.545 ns + Longest register " "Info: + Longest clock path from clock "GCLKP1" to destination register is 31.545 ns" { { "Info" "ITDB_NODE_DELAY" "IC(0.000 ns) + CELL(1.163 ns) 1.163 ns GCLKP1 1 CLK PIN_14 5 " "Info: 1: + IC(0.000 ns) + CELL(1.163 ns) = 1.163 ns; Loc. = PIN_14; Fanout = 5; CLK Node = 'GCLKP1'" { } { { "c:/altera/80/quartus/bin/TimingClosureFloorplan.fld" "" { Floorplan "c:/altera/80/quartus/bin/TimingClosureFloorplan.fld" "" "" { GCLKP1 } "NODE_NAME" } } { "Music.bdf" "" { Schematic "E:/FPGA/ALTERA/570-Source/Music/Music.bdf" { { 64 56 224 80 "GCLKP1" "" } } } } } 0 0 "%4!d!: + %1!s! = %2!s!; Loc. = %6!s!; Fanout = %7!d!; %5!s! Node = '%3!s!'" 0 0 "" 0 0} { "Info" "ITDB_NODE_DELAY" "IC(1.600 ns) + CELL(1.294 ns) 4.057 ns Frequency:inst2|Period1uS 2 REG LC_X8_Y7_N7 12 " "Info: 2: + IC(1.600 ns) + CELL(1.294 ns) = 4.057 ns; Loc. = LC_X8_Y7_N7; Fanout = 12; REG Node = 'Frequency:inst2|Period1uS'" { } { { "c:/altera/80/quartus/bin/TimingClosureFloorplan.fld" "" { Floorplan "c:/altera/80/quartus/bin/TimingClosureFloorplan.fld" "" "2.894 ns" { GCLKP1 Frequency:inst2|Period1uS } "NODE_NAME" } } { "Frequency.vhd" "" { Text "E:/FPGA/ALTERA/570-Source/Music/Frequency.vhd" 39 -1 0 } } } 0 0 "%4!d!: + %1!s! = %2!s!; Loc. = %6!s!; Fanout = %7!d!; %5!s! Node = '%3!s!'" 0 0 "" 0 0} { "Info" "ITDB_NODE_DELAY" "IC(2.120 ns) + CELL(1.294 ns) 7.471 ns Frequency:inst2|Period1mS 3 REG LC_X7_Y5_N6 12 " "Info: 3: + IC(2.120 ns) + CELL(1.294 ns) = 7.471 ns; Loc. = LC_X7_Y5_N6; Fanout = 12; REG Node = 'Frequency:inst2|Period1mS'" { } { { "c:/altera/80/quartus/bin/TimingClosureFloorplan.fld" "" { Floorplan "c:/altera/80/quartus/bin/TimingClosureFloorplan.fld" "" "3.414 ns" { Frequency:inst2|Period1uS Frequency:inst2|Period1mS } "NODE_NAME" } } { "Frequency.vhd" "" { Text "E:/FPGA/ALTERA/570-Source/Music/Frequency.vhd" 39 -1 0 } } } 0 0 "%4!d!: + %1!s! = %2!s!; Loc. = %6!s!; Fanout = %7!d!; %5!s! Node = '%3!s!'" 0 0 "" 0 0} { "Info" "ITDB_NODE_DELAY" "IC(4.218 ns) + CELL(1.294 ns) 12.983 ns Frequency:inst2|CLK8Hz 4 REG LC_X12_Y4_N8 8 " "Info: 4: + IC(4.218 ns) + CELL(1.294 ns) = 12.983 ns; Loc. = LC_X12_Y4_N8; Fanout = 8; REG Node = 'Frequency:inst2|CLK8Hz'" { } { { "c:/altera/80/quartus/bin/TimingClosureFloorplan.fld" "" { Floorplan "c:/altera/80/quartus/bin/TimingClosureFloorplan.fld" "" "5.512 ns" { Frequency:inst2|Period1mS Frequency:inst2|CLK8Hz } "NODE_NAME" } } { "Frequency.vhd" "" { Text "E:/FPGA/ALTERA/570-Source/Music/Frequency.vhd" 29 -1 0 } } } 0 0 "%4!d!: + %1!s! = %2!s!; Loc. = %6!s!; Fanout = %7!d!; %5!s! Node = '%3!s!'" 0 0 "" 0 0} { "Info" "ITDB_NODE_DELAY" "IC(0.864 ns) + CELL(1.294 ns) 15.141 ns Speakera:inst|Counter[6] 5 REG LC_X12_Y4_N6 24 " "Info: 5: + IC(0.864 ns) + CELL(1.294 ns) = 15.141 ns; Loc. = LC_X12_Y4_N6; Fanout = 24; REG Node = 'Speakera:inst|Counter[6]'" { } { { "c:/altera/80/quartus/bin/TimingClosureFloorplan.fld" "" { Floorplan "c:/altera/80/quartus/bin/TimingClosureFloorplan.fld" "" "2.158 ns" { Frequency:inst2|CLK8Hz Speakera:inst|Counter[6] } "NODE_NAME" } } { "Speakera.vhd" "" { Text "E:/FPGA/ALTERA/570-Source/Music/Speakera.vhd" 111 -1 0 } } } 0 0 "%4!d!: + %1!s! = %2!s!; Loc. = %6!s!; Fanout = %7!d!; %5!s! Node = '%3!s!'" 0 0 "" 0 0} { "Info" "ITDB_NODE_DELAY" "IC(2.717 ns) + CELL(0.740 ns) 18.598 ns Speakera:inst|Mux1~778 6 COMB LC_X8_Y4_N5 1 " "Info: 6: + IC(2.717 ns) + CELL(0.740 ns) = 18.598 ns; Loc. = LC_X8_Y4_N5; Fanout = 1; COMB Node = 'Speakera:inst|Mux1~778'" { } { { "c:/altera/80/quartus/bin/TimingClosureFloorplan.fld" "" { Floorplan "c:/altera/80/quartus/bin/TimingClosureFloorplan.fld" "" "3.457 ns" { Speakera:inst|Counter[6] Speakera:inst|Mux1~778 } "NODE_NAME" } } { "Speakera.vhd" "" { Text "E:/FPGA/ALTERA/570-Source/Music/Speakera.vhd" 116 -1 0 } } } 0 0 "%4!d!: + %1!s! = %2!s!; Loc. = %6!s!; Fanout = %7!d!; %5!s! Node = '%3!s!'" 0 0 "" 0 0} { "Info" "ITDB_NODE_DELAY" "IC(1.755 ns) + CELL(0.914 ns) 21.267 ns Speakera:inst|Mux1~779 7 COMB LC_X10_Y4_N7 1 " "Info: 7: + IC(1.755 ns) + CELL(0.914 ns) = 21.267 ns; Loc. = LC_X10_Y4_N7; Fanout = 1; COMB Node = 'Speakera:inst|Mux1~779'" { } { { "c:/altera/80/quartus/bin/TimingClosureFloorplan.fld" "" { Floorplan "c:/altera/80/quartus/bin/TimingClosureFloorplan.fld" "" "2.669 ns" { Speakera:inst|Mux1~778 Speakera:inst|Mux1~779 } "NODE_NAME" } } { "Speakera.vhd" "" { Text "E:/FPGA/ALTERA/570-Source/Music/Speakera.vhd" 116 -1 0 } } } 0 0 "%4!d!: + %1!s! = %2!s!; Loc. = %6!s!; Fanout = %7!d!; %5!s! Node = '%3!s!'" 0 0 "" 0 0} { "Info" "ITDB_NODE_DELAY" "IC(0.305 ns) + CELL(0.200 ns) 21.772 ns Speakera:inst|Mux1~781 8 COMB LC_X10_Y4_N8 1 " "Info: 8: + IC(0.305 ns) + CELL(0.200 ns) = 21.772 ns; Loc. = LC_X10_Y4_N8; Fanout = 1; COMB Node = 'Speakera:inst|Mux1~781'" { } { { "c:/altera/80/quartus/bin/TimingClosureFloorplan.fld" "" { Floorplan "c:/altera/80/quartus/bin/TimingClosureFloorplan.fld" "" "0.505 ns" { Speakera:inst|Mux1~779 Speakera:inst|Mux1~781 } "NODE_NAME" } } { "Speakera.vhd" "" { Text "E:/FPGA/ALTERA/570-Source/Music/Speakera.vhd" 116 -1 0 } } } 0 0 "%4!d!: + %1!s! = %2!s!; Loc. = %6!s!; Fanout = %7!d!; %5!s! Node = '%3!s!'" 0 0 "" 0 0} { "Info" "ITDB_NODE_DELAY" "IC(0.703 ns) + CELL(0.914 ns) 23.389 ns Speakera:inst|Mux1~788 9 COMB LC_X10_Y4_N3 1 " "Info: 9: + IC(0.703 ns) + CELL(0.914 ns) = 23.389 ns; Loc. = LC_X10_Y4_N3; Fanout = 1; COMB Node = 'Speakera:inst|Mux1~788'" { } { { "c:/altera/80/quartus/bin/TimingClosureFloorplan.fld" "" { Floorplan "c:/altera/80/quartus/bin/TimingClosureFloorplan.fld" "" "1.617 ns" { Speakera:inst|Mux1~781 Speakera:inst|Mux1~788 } "NODE_NAME" } } { "Speakera.vhd" "" { Text "E:/FPGA/ALTERA/570-Source/Music/Speakera.vhd" 116 -1 0 } } } 0 0 "%4!d!: + %1!s! = %2!s!; Loc. = %6!s!; Fanout = %7!d!; %5!s! Node = '%3!s!'" 0 0 "" 0 0} { "Info" "ITDB_NODE_DELAY" "IC(0.305 ns) + CELL(0.200 ns) 23.894 ns Speakera:inst|Mux1~789 10 COMB LC_X10_Y4_N4 12 " "Info: 10: + IC(0.305 ns) + CELL(0.200 ns) = 23.894 ns; Loc. = LC_X10_Y4_N4; Fanout = 12; COMB Node = 'Speakera:inst|Mux1~789'" { } { { "c:/altera/80/quartus/bin/TimingClosureFloorplan.fld" "" { Floorplan "c:/altera/80/quartus/bin/TimingClosureFloorplan.fld" "" "0.505 ns" { Speakera:inst|Mux1~788 Speakera:inst|Mux1~789 } "NODE_NAME" } } { "Speakera.vhd" "" { Text "E:/FPGA/ALTERA/570-Source/Music/Speakera.vhd" 116 -1 0 } } } 0 0 "%4!d!: + %1!s! = %2!s!; Loc. = %6!s!; Fanout = %7!d!; %5!s! Node = '%3!s!'" 0 0 "" 0 0} { "Info" "ITDB_NODE_DELAY" "IC(2.035 ns) + CELL(0.511 ns) 26.440 ns Speakera:inst|Mux8~31 11 COMB LC_X9_Y5_N6 14 " "Info: 11: + IC(2.035 ns) + CELL(0.511 ns) = 26.440 ns; Loc. = LC_X9_Y5_N6; Fanout = 14; COMB Node = 'Speakera:inst|Mux8~31'" { } { { "c:/altera/80/quartus/bin/TimingClosureFloorplan.fld" "" { Floorplan "c:/altera/80/quartus/bin/TimingClosureFloorplan.fld" "" "2.546 ns" { Speakera:inst|Mux1~789 Speakera:inst|Mux8~31 } "NODE_NAME" } } { "Speakera.vhd" "" { Text "E:/FPGA/ALTERA/570-Source/Music/Speakera.vhd" 54 -1 0 } } } 0 0 "%4!d!: + %1!s! = %2!s!; Loc. = %6!s!; Fanout = %7!d!; %5!s! Node = '%3!s!'" 0 0 "" 0 0} { "Info" "ITDB_NODE_DELAY" "IC(4.594 ns) + CELL(0.511 ns) 31.545 ns Speakera:inst|Tone[0] 12 REG LC_X12_Y3_N2 1 " "Info: 12: + IC(4.594 ns) + CELL(0.511 ns) = 31.545 ns; Loc. = LC_X12_Y3_N2; Fanout = 1; REG Node = 'Speakera:inst|Tone[0]'" { } { { "c:/altera/80/quartus/bin/TimingClosureFloorplan.fld" "" { Floorplan "c:/altera/80/quartus/bin/TimingClosureFloorplan.fld" "" "5.105 ns" { Speakera:inst|Mux8~31 Speakera:inst|Tone[0] } "NODE_NAME" } } { "Speakera.vhd" "" { Text "E:/FPGA/ALTERA/570-Source/Music/Speakera.vhd" 51 -1 0 } } } 0 0 "%4!d!: + %1!s! = %2!s!; Loc. = %6!s!; Fanout = %7!d!; %5!s! Node = '%3!s!'" 0 0 "" 0 0} { "Info" "ITDB_TOTAL_CELL_DELAY" "10.329 ns ( 32.74 % ) " "Info: Total cell delay = 10.329 ns ( 32.74 % )" { } { } 0 0 "Total cell delay = %1!s! %2!s!" 0 0 "" 0 0} { "Info" "ITDB_TOTAL_IC_DELAY" "21.216 ns ( 67.26 % ) " "Info: Total interconnect delay = 21.216 ns ( 67.26 % )" { } { } 0 0 "Total interconnect delay = %1!s! %2!s!" 0 0 "" 0 0} } { { "c:/altera/80/quartus/bin/TimingClosureFloorplan.fld" "" { Floorplan "c:/altera/80/quartus/bin/TimingClosureFloorplan.fld" "" "31.545 ns" { GCLKP1 Frequency:inst2|Period1uS Frequency:inst2|Period1mS Frequency:inst2|CLK8Hz Speakera:inst|Counter[6] Speakera:inst|Mux1~778 Speakera:inst|Mux1~779 Speakera:inst|Mux1~781 Speakera:inst|Mux1~788 Speakera:inst|Mux1~789 Speakera:inst|Mux8~31 Speakera:inst|Tone[0] } "NODE_NAME" } } { "c:/altera/80/quartus/bin/Technology_Viewer.qrui" "" { "TechnologyMapViewer" "c:/altera/80/quartus/bin/Technology_Viewer.qrui" "31.545 ns" { GCLKP1 {} GCLKP1~combout {} Frequency:inst2|Period1uS {} Frequency:inst2|Period1mS {} Frequency:inst2|CLK8Hz {} Speakera:inst|Counter[6] {} Speakera:inst|Mux1~778 {} Speakera:inst|Mux1~779 {} Speakera:inst|Mux1~781 {} Speakera:inst|Mux1~788 {} Speakera:inst|Mux1~789 {} Speakera:inst|Mux8~31 {} Speakera:inst|Tone[0] {} } { 0.000ns 0.000ns 1.600ns 2.120ns 4.218ns 0.864ns 2.717ns 1.755ns 0.305ns 0.703ns 0.305ns 2.035ns 4.594ns } { 0.000ns 1.163ns 1.294ns 1.294ns 1.294ns 1.294ns 0.740ns 0.914ns 0.200ns 0.914ns 0.200ns 0.511ns 0.511ns } "" } } } 0 0 "%4!c! %5!s! clock path from clock "%1!s!" to %2!s! %6!s! is %3!s!" 0 0 "" 0 0} { "Info" "ITDB_FULL_CLOCK_PATH_RESULT" "GCLKP1 source 14.765 ns - Shortest register " "Info: - Shortest clock path from clock "GCLKP1" to source register is 14.765 ns" { { "Info" "ITDB_NODE_DELAY" "IC(0.000 ns) + CELL(1.163 ns) 1.163 ns GCLKP1 1 CLK PIN_14 5 " "Info: 1: + IC(0.000 ns) + CELL(1.163 ns) = 1.163 ns; Loc. = PIN_14; Fanout = 5; CLK Node = 'GCLKP1'" { } { { "c:/altera/80/quartus/bin/TimingClosureFloorplan.fld" "" { Floorplan "c:/altera/80/quartus/bin/TimingClosureFloorplan.fld" "" "" { GCLKP1 } "NODE_NAME" } } { "Music.bdf" "" { Schematic "E:/FPGA/ALTERA/570-Source/Music/Music.bdf" { { 64 56 224 80 "GCLKP1" "" } } } } } 0 0 "%4!d!: + %1!s! = %2!s!; Loc. = %6!s!; Fanout = %7!d!; %5!s! Node = '%3!s!'" 0 0 "" 0 0} { "Info" "ITDB_NODE_DELAY" "IC(1.600 ns) + CELL(1.294 ns) 4.057 ns Frequency:inst2|Period1uS 2 REG LC_X8_Y7_N7 12 " "Info: 2: + IC(1.600 ns) + CELL(1.294 ns) = 4.057 ns; Loc. = LC_X8_Y7_N7; Fanout = 12; REG Node = 'Frequency:inst2|Period1uS'" { } { { "c:/altera/80/quartus/bin/TimingClosureFloorplan.fld" "" { Floorplan "c:/altera/80/quartus/bin/TimingClosureFloorplan.fld" "" "2.894 ns" { GCLKP1 Frequency:inst2|Period1uS } "NODE_NAME" } } { "Frequency.vhd" "" { Text "E:/FPGA/ALTERA/570-Source/Music/Frequency.vhd" 39 -1 0 } } } 0 0 "%4!d!: + %1!s! = %2!s!; Loc. = %6!s!; Fanout = %7!d!; %5!s! Node = '%3!s!'" 0 0 "" 0 0} { "Info" "ITDB_NODE_DELAY" "IC(2.120 ns) + CELL(1.294 ns) 7.471 ns Frequency:inst2|Period1mS 3 REG LC_X7_Y5_N6 12 " "Info: 3: + IC(2.120 ns) + CELL(1.294 ns) = 7.471 ns; Loc. = LC_X7_Y5_N6; Fanout = 12; REG Node = 'Frequency:inst2|Period1mS'" { } { { "c:/altera/80/quartus/bin/TimingClosureFloorplan.fld" "" { Floorplan "c:/altera/80/quartus/bin/TimingClosureFloorplan.fld" "" "3.414 ns" { Frequency:inst2|Period1uS Frequency:inst2|Period1mS } "NODE_NAME" } } { "Frequency.vhd" "" { Text "E:/FPGA/ALTERA/570-Source/Music/Frequency.vhd" 39 -1 0 } } } 0 0 "%4!d!: + %1!s! = %2!s!; Loc. = %6!s!; Fanout = %7!d!; %5!s! Node = '%3!s!'" 0 0 "" 0 0} { "Info" "ITDB_NODE_DELAY" "IC(4.218 ns) + CELL(1.294 ns) 12.983 ns Frequency:inst2|CLK8Hz 4 REG LC_X12_Y4_N8 8 " "Info: 4: + IC(4.218 ns) + CELL(1.294 ns) = 12.983 ns; Loc. = LC_X12_Y4_N8; Fanout = 8; REG Node = 'Frequency:inst2|CLK8Hz'" { } { { "c:/altera/80/quartus/bin/TimingClosureFloorplan.fld" "" { Floorplan "c:/altera/80/quartus/bin/TimingClosureFloorplan.fld" "" "5.512 ns" { Frequency:inst2|Period1mS Frequency:inst2|CLK8Hz } "NODE_NAME" } } { "Frequency.vhd" "" { Text "E:/FPGA/ALTERA/570-Source/Music/Frequency.vhd" 29 -1 0 } } } 0 0 "%4!d!: + %1!s! = %2!s!; Loc. = %6!s!; Fanout = %7!d!; %5!s! Node = '%3!s!'" 0 0 "" 0 0} { "Info" "ITDB_NODE_DELAY" "IC(0.864 ns) + CELL(0.918 ns) 14.765 ns Speakera:inst|Counter[7] 5 REG LC_X12_Y4_N7 7 " "Info: 5: + IC(0.864 ns) + CELL(0.918 ns) = 14.765 ns; Loc. = LC_X12_Y4_N7; Fanout = 7; REG Node = 'Speakera:inst|Counter[7]'" { } { { "c:/altera/80/quartus/bin/TimingClosureFloorplan.fld" "" { Floorplan "c:/altera/80/quartus/bin/TimingClosureFloorplan.fld" "" "1.782 ns" { Frequency:inst2|CLK8Hz Speakera:inst|Counter[7] } "NODE_NAME" } } { "Speakera.vhd" "" { Text "E:/FPGA/ALTERA/570-Source/Music/Speakera.vhd" 111 -1 0 } } } 0 0 "%4!d!: + %1!s! = %2!s!; Loc. = %6!s!; Fanout = %7!d!; %5!s! Node = '%3!s!'" 0 0 "" 0 0} { "Info" "ITDB_TOTAL_CELL_DELAY" "5.963 ns ( 40.39 % ) " "Info: Total cell delay = 5.963 ns ( 40.39 % )" { } { } 0 0 "Total cell delay = %1!s! %2!s!" 0 0 "" 0 0} { "Info" "ITDB_TOTAL_IC_DELAY" "8.802 ns ( 59.61 % ) " "Info: Total interconnect delay = 8.802 ns ( 59.61 % )" { } { } 0 0 "Total interconnect delay = %1!s! %2!s!" 0 0 "" 0 0} } { { "c:/altera/80/quartus/bin/TimingClosureFloorplan.fld" "" { Floorplan "c:/altera/80/quartus/bin/TimingClosureFloorplan.fld" "" "14.765 ns" { GCLKP1 Frequency:inst2|Period1uS Frequency:inst2|Period1mS Frequency:inst2|CLK8Hz Speakera:inst|Counter[7] } "NODE_NAME" } } { "c:/altera/80/quartus/bin/Technology_Viewer.qrui" "" { "TechnologyMapViewer" "c:/altera/80/quartus/bin/Technology_Viewer.qrui" "14.765 ns" { GCLKP1 {} GCLKP1~combout {} Frequency:inst2|Period1uS {} Frequency:inst2|Period1mS {} Frequency:inst2|CLK8Hz {} Speakera:inst|Counter[7] {} } { 0.000ns 0.000ns 1.600ns 2.120ns 4.218ns 0.864ns } { 0.000ns 1.163ns 1.294ns 1.294ns 1.294ns 0.918ns } "" } } } 0 0 "%4!c! %5!s! clock path from clock "%1!s!" to %2!s! %6!s! is %3!s!" 0 0 "" 0 0} } { { "c:/altera/80/quartus/bin/TimingClosureFloorplan.fld" "" { Floorplan "c:/altera/80/quartus/bin/TimingClosureFloorplan.fld" "" "31.545 ns" { GCLKP1 Frequency:inst2|Period1uS Frequency:inst2|Period1mS Frequency:inst2|CLK8Hz Speakera:inst|Counter[6] Speakera:inst|Mux1~778 Speakera:inst|Mux1~779 Speakera:inst|Mux1~781 Speakera:inst|Mux1~788 Speakera:inst|Mux1~789 Speakera:inst|Mux8~31 Speakera:inst|Tone[0] } "NODE_NAME" } } { "c:/altera/80/quartus/bin/Technology_Viewer.qrui" "" { "TechnologyMapViewer" "c:/altera/80/quartus/bin/Technology_Viewer.qrui" "31.545 ns" { GCLKP1 {} GCLKP1~combout {} Frequency:inst2|Period1uS {} Frequency:inst2|Period1mS {} Frequency:inst2|CLK8Hz {} Speakera:inst|Counter[6] {} Speakera:inst|Mux1~778 {} Speakera:inst|Mux1~779 {} Speakera:inst|Mux1~781 {} Speakera:inst|Mux1~788 {} Speakera:inst|Mux1~789 {} Speakera:inst|Mux8~31 {} Speakera:inst|Tone[0] {} } { 0.000ns 0.000ns 1.600ns 2.120ns 4.218ns 0.864ns 2.717ns 1.755ns 0.305ns 0.703ns 0.305ns 2.035ns 4.594ns } { 0.000ns 1.163ns 1.294ns 1.294ns 1.294ns 1.294ns 0.740ns 0.914ns 0.200ns 0.914ns 0.200ns 0.511ns 0.511ns } "" } } { "c:/altera/80/quartus/bin/TimingClosureFloorplan.fld" "" { Floorplan "c:/altera/80/quartus/bin/TimingClosureFloorplan.fld" "" "14.765 ns" { GCLKP1 Frequency:inst2|Period1uS Frequency:inst2|Period1mS Frequency:inst2|CLK8Hz Speakera:inst|Counter[7] } "NODE_NAME" } } { "c:/altera/80/quartus/bin/Technology_Viewer.qrui" "" { "TechnologyMapViewer" "c:/altera/80/quartus/bin/Technology_Viewer.qrui" "14.765 ns" { GCLKP1 {} GCLKP1~combout {} Frequency:inst2|Period1uS {} Frequency:inst2|Period1mS {} Frequency:inst2|CLK8Hz {} Speakera:inst|Counter[7] {} } { 0.000ns 0.000ns 1.600ns 2.120ns 4.218ns 0.864ns } { 0.000ns 1.163ns 1.294ns 1.294ns 1.294ns 0.918ns } "" } } } 0 0 "%2!c! %3!s! clock skew is %1!s!" 0 0 "" 0 0} { "Info" "ITDB_FULL_TCO_DELAY" "0.376 ns - " "Info: - Micro clock to output delay of source is 0.376 ns" { } { { "Speakera.vhd" "" { Text "E:/FPGA/ALTERA/570-Source/Music/Speakera.vhd" 111 -1 0 } } } 0 0 "%2!c! Micro clock to output delay of source is %1!s!" 0 0 "" 0 0} { "Info" "ITDB_FULL_DATA_PATH_RESULT" "3.843 ns - Shortest register register " "Info: - Shortest register to register delay is 3.843 ns" { { "Info" "ITDB_NODE_DELAY" "IC(0.000 ns) + CELL(0.000 ns) 0.000 ns Speakera:inst|Counter[7] 1 REG LC_X12_Y4_N7 7 " "Info: 1: + IC(0.000 ns) + CELL(0.000 ns) = 0.000 ns; Loc. = LC_X12_Y4_N7; Fanout = 7; REG Node = 'Speakera:inst|Counter[7]'" { } { { "c:/altera/80/quartus/bin/TimingClosureFloorplan.fld" "" { Floorplan "c:/altera/80/quartus/bin/TimingClosureFloorplan.fld" "" "" { Speakera:inst|Counter[7] } "NODE_NAME" } } { "Speakera.vhd" "" { Text "E:/FPGA/ALTERA/570-Source/Music/Speakera.vhd" 111 -1 0 } } } 0 0 "%4!d!: + %1!s! = %2!s!; Loc. = %6!s!; Fanout = %7!d!; %5!s! Node = '%3!s!'" 0 0 "" 0 0} { "Info" "ITDB_NODE_DELAY" "IC(2.036 ns) + CELL(0.200 ns) 2.236 ns Speakera:inst|Mux9~96 2 COMB LC_X12_Y3_N8 1 " "Info: 2: + IC(2.036 ns) + CELL(0.200 ns) = 2.236 ns; Loc. = LC_X12_Y3_N8; Fanout = 1; COMB Node = 'Speakera:inst|Mux9~96'" { } { { "c:/altera/80/quartus/bin/TimingClosureFloorplan.fld" "" { Floorplan "c:/altera/80/quartus/bin/TimingClosureFloorplan.fld" "" "2.236 ns" { Speakera:inst|Counter[7] Speakera:inst|Mux9~96 } "NODE_NAME" } } { "Speakera.vhd" "" { Text "E:/FPGA/ALTERA/570-Source/Music/Speakera.vhd" 54 -1 0 } } } 0 0 "%4!d!: + %1!s! = %2!s!; Loc. = %6!s!; Fanout = %7!d!; %5!s! Node = '%3!s!'" 0 0 "" 0 0} { "Info" "ITDB_NODE_DELAY" "IC(0.693 ns) + CELL(0.914 ns) 3.843 ns Speakera:inst|Tone[0] 3 REG LC_X12_Y3_N2 1 " "Info: 3: + IC(0.693 ns) + CELL(0.914 ns) = 3.843 ns; Loc. = LC_X12_Y3_N2; Fanout = 1; REG Node = 'Speakera:inst|Tone[0]'" { } { { "c:/altera/80/quartus/bin/TimingClosureFloorplan.fld" "" { Floorplan "c:/altera/80/quartus/bin/TimingClosureFloorplan.fld" "" "1.607 ns" { Speakera:inst|Mux9~96 Speakera:inst|Tone[0] } "NODE_NAME" } } { "Speakera.vhd" "" { Text "E:/FPGA/ALTERA/570-Source/Music/Speakera.vhd" 51 -1 0 } } } 0 0 "%4!d!: + %1!s! = %2!s!; Loc. = %6!s!; Fanout = %7!d!; %5!s! Node = '%3!s!'" 0 0 "" 0 0} { "Info" "ITDB_TOTAL_CELL_DELAY" "1.114 ns ( 28.99 % ) " "Info: Total cell delay = 1.114 ns ( 28.99 % )" { } { } 0 0 "Total cell delay = %1!s! %2!s!" 0 0 "" 0 0} { "Info" "ITDB_TOTAL_IC_DELAY" "2.729 ns ( 71.01 % ) " "Info: Total interconnect delay = 2.729 ns ( 71.01 % )" { } { } 0 0 "Total interconnect delay = %1!s! %2!s!" 0 0 "" 0 0} } { { "c:/altera/80/quartus/bin/TimingClosureFloorplan.fld" "" { Floorplan "c:/altera/80/quartus/bin/TimingClosureFloorplan.fld" "" "3.843 ns" { Speakera:inst|Counter[7] Speakera:inst|Mux9~96 Speakera:inst|Tone[0] } "NODE_NAME" } } { "c:/altera/80/quartus/bin/Technology_Viewer.qrui" "" { "TechnologyMapViewer" "c:/altera/80/quartus/bin/Technology_Viewer.qrui" "3.843 ns" { Speakera:inst|Counter[7] {} Speakera:inst|Mux9~96 {} Speakera:inst|Tone[0] {} } { 0.000ns 2.036ns 0.693ns } { 0.000ns 0.200ns 0.914ns } "" } } } 0 0 "%2!c! %3!s! %4!s! to %5!s! delay is %1!s!" 0 0 "" 0 0} { "Info" "ITDB_FULL_TH_DELAY" "0.000 ns + " "Info: + Micro hold delay of destination is 0.000 ns" { } { { "Speakera.vhd" "" { Text "E:/FPGA/ALTERA/570-Source/Music/Speakera.vhd" 51 -1 0 } } } 0 0 "%2!c! Micro hold delay of destination is %1!s!" 0 0 "" 0 0} } { { "c:/altera/80/quartus/bin/TimingClosureFloorplan.fld" "" { Floorplan "c:/altera/80/quartus/bin/TimingClosureFloorplan.fld" "" "31.545 ns" { GCLKP1 Frequency:inst2|Period1uS Frequency:inst2|Period1mS Frequency:inst2|CLK8Hz Speakera:inst|Counter[6] Speakera:inst|Mux1~778 Speakera:inst|Mux1~779 Speakera:inst|Mux1~781 Speakera:inst|Mux1~788 Speakera:inst|Mux1~789 Speakera:inst|Mux8~31 Speakera:inst|Tone[0] } "NODE_NAME" } } { "c:/altera/80/quartus/bin/Technology_Viewer.qrui" "" { "TechnologyMapViewer" "c:/altera/80/quartus/bin/Technology_Viewer.qrui" "31.545 ns" { GCLKP1 {} GCLKP1~combout {} Frequency:inst2|Period1uS {} Frequency:inst2|Period1mS {} Frequency:inst2|CLK8Hz {} Speakera:inst|Counter[6] {} Speakera:inst|Mux1~778 {} Speakera:inst|Mux1~779 {} Speakera:inst|Mux1~781 {} Speakera:inst|Mux1~788 {} Speakera:inst|Mux1~789 {} Speakera:inst|Mux8~31 {} Speakera:inst|Tone[0] {} } { 0.000ns 0.000ns 1.600ns 2.120ns 4.218ns 0.864ns 2.717ns 1.755ns 0.305ns 0.703ns 0.305ns 2.035ns 4.594ns } { 0.000ns 1.163ns 1.294ns 1.294ns 1.294ns 1.294ns 0.740ns 0.914ns 0.200ns 0.914ns 0.200ns 0.511ns 0.511ns } "" } } { "c:/altera/80/quartus/bin/TimingClosureFloorplan.fld" "" { Floorplan "c:/altera/80/quartus/bin/TimingClosureFloorplan.fld" "" "14.765 ns" { GCLKP1 Frequency:inst2|Period1uS Frequency:inst2|Period1mS Frequency:inst2|CLK8Hz Speakera:inst|Counter[7] } "NODE_NAME" } } { "c:/altera/80/quartus/bin/Technology_Viewer.qrui" "" { "TechnologyMapViewer" "c:/altera/80/quartus/bin/Technology_Viewer.qrui" "14.765 ns" { GCLKP1 {} GCLKP1~combout {} Frequency:inst2|Period1uS {} Frequency:inst2|Period1mS {} Frequency:inst2|CLK8Hz {} Speakera:inst|Counter[7] {} } { 0.000ns 0.000ns 1.600ns 2.120ns 4.218ns 0.864ns } { 0.000ns 1.163ns 1.294ns 1.294ns 1.294ns 0.918ns } "" } } { "c:/altera/80/quartus/bin/TimingClosureFloorplan.fld" "" { Floorplan "c:/altera/80/quartus/bin/TimingClosureFloorplan.fld" "" "3.843 ns" { Speakera:inst|Counter[7] Speakera:inst|Mux9~96 Speakera:inst|Tone[0] } "NODE_NAME" } } { "c:/altera/80/quartus/bin/Technology_Viewer.qrui" "" { "TechnologyMapViewer" "c:/altera/80/quartus/bin/Technology_Viewer.qrui" "3.843 ns" { Speakera:inst|Counter[7] {} Speakera:inst|Mux9~96 {} Speakera:inst|Tone[0] {} } { 0.000ns 2.036ns 0.693ns } { 0.000ns 0.200ns 0.914ns } "" } } } 0 0 "Found hold time violation between source pin or register "%1!s!" and destination pin or register "%2!s!" for clock "%3!s!" (Hold time is %4!s!)" 0 0 "" 0 0}
- { "Info" "ITDB_FULL_TCO_RESULT" "GCLKP1 LEDOUT[6] Speakera:inst|CODE[0] 38.073 ns register " "Info: tco from clock "GCLKP1" to destination pin "LEDOUT[6]" through register "Speakera:inst|CODE[0]" is 38.073 ns" { { "Info" "ITDB_FULL_CLOCK_PATH_RESULT" "GCLKP1 source 31.606 ns + Longest register " "Info: + Longest clock path from clock "GCLKP1" to source register is 31.606 ns" { { "Info" "ITDB_NODE_DELAY" "IC(0.000 ns) + CELL(1.163 ns) 1.163 ns GCLKP1 1 CLK PIN_14 5 " "Info: 1: + IC(0.000 ns) + CELL(1.163 ns) = 1.163 ns; Loc. = PIN_14; Fanout = 5; CLK Node = 'GCLKP1'" { } { { "c:/altera/80/quartus/bin/TimingClosureFloorplan.fld" "" { Floorplan "c:/altera/80/quartus/bin/TimingClosureFloorplan.fld" "" "" { GCLKP1 } "NODE_NAME" } } { "Music.bdf" "" { Schematic "E:/FPGA/ALTERA/570-Source/Music/Music.bdf" { { 64 56 224 80 "GCLKP1" "" } } } } } 0 0 "%4!d!: + %1!s! = %2!s!; Loc. = %6!s!; Fanout = %7!d!; %5!s! Node = '%3!s!'" 0 0 "" 0 0} { "Info" "ITDB_NODE_DELAY" "IC(1.600 ns) + CELL(1.294 ns) 4.057 ns Frequency:inst2|Period1uS 2 REG LC_X8_Y7_N7 12 " "Info: 2: + IC(1.600 ns) + CELL(1.294 ns) = 4.057 ns; Loc. = LC_X8_Y7_N7; Fanout = 12; REG Node = 'Frequency:inst2|Period1uS'" { } { { "c:/altera/80/quartus/bin/TimingClosureFloorplan.fld" "" { Floorplan "c:/altera/80/quartus/bin/TimingClosureFloorplan.fld" "" "2.894 ns" { GCLKP1 Frequency:inst2|Period1uS } "NODE_NAME" } } { "Frequency.vhd" "" { Text "E:/FPGA/ALTERA/570-Source/Music/Frequency.vhd" 39 -1 0 } } } 0 0 "%4!d!: + %1!s! = %2!s!; Loc. = %6!s!; Fanout = %7!d!; %5!s! Node = '%3!s!'" 0 0 "" 0 0} { "Info" "ITDB_NODE_DELAY" "IC(2.120 ns) + CELL(1.294 ns) 7.471 ns Frequency:inst2|Period1mS 3 REG LC_X7_Y5_N6 12 " "Info: 3: + IC(2.120 ns) + CELL(1.294 ns) = 7.471 ns; Loc. = LC_X7_Y5_N6; Fanout = 12; REG Node = 'Frequency:inst2|Period1mS'" { } { { "c:/altera/80/quartus/bin/TimingClosureFloorplan.fld" "" { Floorplan "c:/altera/80/quartus/bin/TimingClosureFloorplan.fld" "" "3.414 ns" { Frequency:inst2|Period1uS Frequency:inst2|Period1mS } "NODE_NAME" } } { "Frequency.vhd" "" { Text "E:/FPGA/ALTERA/570-Source/Music/Frequency.vhd" 39 -1 0 } } } 0 0 "%4!d!: + %1!s! = %2!s!; Loc. = %6!s!; Fanout = %7!d!; %5!s! Node = '%3!s!'" 0 0 "" 0 0} { "Info" "ITDB_NODE_DELAY" "IC(4.218 ns) + CELL(1.294 ns) 12.983 ns Frequency:inst2|CLK8Hz 4 REG LC_X12_Y4_N8 8 " "Info: 4: + IC(4.218 ns) + CELL(1.294 ns) = 12.983 ns; Loc. = LC_X12_Y4_N8; Fanout = 8; REG Node = 'Frequency:inst2|CLK8Hz'" { } { { "c:/altera/80/quartus/bin/TimingClosureFloorplan.fld" "" { Floorplan "c:/altera/80/quartus/bin/TimingClosureFloorplan.fld" "" "5.512 ns" { Frequency:inst2|Period1mS Frequency:inst2|CLK8Hz } "NODE_NAME" } } { "Frequency.vhd" "" { Text "E:/FPGA/ALTERA/570-Source/Music/Frequency.vhd" 29 -1 0 } } } 0 0 "%4!d!: + %1!s! = %2!s!; Loc. = %6!s!; Fanout = %7!d!; %5!s! Node = '%3!s!'" 0 0 "" 0 0} { "Info" "ITDB_NODE_DELAY" "IC(0.864 ns) + CELL(1.294 ns) 15.141 ns Speakera:inst|Counter[6] 5 REG LC_X12_Y4_N6 24 " "Info: 5: + IC(0.864 ns) + CELL(1.294 ns) = 15.141 ns; Loc. = LC_X12_Y4_N6; Fanout = 24; REG Node = 'Speakera:inst|Counter[6]'" { } { { "c:/altera/80/quartus/bin/TimingClosureFloorplan.fld" "" { Floorplan "c:/altera/80/quartus/bin/TimingClosureFloorplan.fld" "" "2.158 ns" { Frequency:inst2|CLK8Hz Speakera:inst|Counter[6] } "NODE_NAME" } } { "Speakera.vhd" "" { Text "E:/FPGA/ALTERA/570-Source/Music/Speakera.vhd" 111 -1 0 } } } 0 0 "%4!d!: + %1!s! = %2!s!; Loc. = %6!s!; Fanout = %7!d!; %5!s! Node = '%3!s!'" 0 0 "" 0 0} { "Info" "ITDB_NODE_DELAY" "IC(2.717 ns) + CELL(0.740 ns) 18.598 ns Speakera:inst|Mux1~778 6 COMB LC_X8_Y4_N5 1 " "Info: 6: + IC(2.717 ns) + CELL(0.740 ns) = 18.598 ns; Loc. = LC_X8_Y4_N5; Fanout = 1; COMB Node = 'Speakera:inst|Mux1~778'" { } { { "c:/altera/80/quartus/bin/TimingClosureFloorplan.fld" "" { Floorplan "c:/altera/80/quartus/bin/TimingClosureFloorplan.fld" "" "3.457 ns" { Speakera:inst|Counter[6] Speakera:inst|Mux1~778 } "NODE_NAME" } } { "Speakera.vhd" "" { Text "E:/FPGA/ALTERA/570-Source/Music/Speakera.vhd" 116 -1 0 } } } 0 0 "%4!d!: + %1!s! = %2!s!; Loc. = %6!s!; Fanout = %7!d!; %5!s! Node = '%3!s!'" 0 0 "" 0 0} { "Info" "ITDB_NODE_DELAY" "IC(1.755 ns) + CELL(0.914 ns) 21.267 ns Speakera:inst|Mux1~779 7 COMB LC_X10_Y4_N7 1 " "Info: 7: + IC(1.755 ns) + CELL(0.914 ns) = 21.267 ns; Loc. = LC_X10_Y4_N7; Fanout = 1; COMB Node = 'Speakera:inst|Mux1~779'" { } { { "c:/altera/80/quartus/bin/TimingClosureFloorplan.fld" "" { Floorplan "c:/altera/80/quartus/bin/TimingClosureFloorplan.fld" "" "2.669 ns" { Speakera:inst|Mux1~778 Speakera:inst|Mux1~779 } "NODE_NAME" } } { "Speakera.vhd" "" { Text "E:/FPGA/ALTERA/570-Source/Music/Speakera.vhd" 116 -1 0 } } } 0 0 "%4!d!: + %1!s! = %2!s!; Loc. = %6!s!; Fanout = %7!d!; %5!s! Node = '%3!s!'" 0 0 "" 0 0} { "Info" "ITDB_NODE_DELAY" "IC(0.305 ns) + CELL(0.200 ns) 21.772 ns Speakera:inst|Mux1~781 8 COMB LC_X10_Y4_N8 1 " "Info: 8: + IC(0.305 ns) + CELL(0.200 ns) = 21.772 ns; Loc. = LC_X10_Y4_N8; Fanout = 1; COMB Node = 'Speakera:inst|Mux1~781'" { } { { "c:/altera/80/quartus/bin/TimingClosureFloorplan.fld" "" { Floorplan "c:/altera/80/quartus/bin/TimingClosureFloorplan.fld" "" "0.505 ns" { Speakera:inst|Mux1~779 Speakera:inst|Mux1~781 } "NODE_NAME" } } { "Speakera.vhd" "" { Text "E:/FPGA/ALTERA/570-Source/Music/Speakera.vhd" 116 -1 0 } } } 0 0 "%4!d!: + %1!s! = %2!s!; Loc. = %6!s!; Fanout = %7!d!; %5!s! Node = '%3!s!'" 0 0 "" 0 0} { "Info" "ITDB_NODE_DELAY" "IC(0.703 ns) + CELL(0.914 ns) 23.389 ns Speakera:inst|Mux1~788 9 COMB LC_X10_Y4_N3 1 " "Info: 9: + IC(0.703 ns) + CELL(0.914 ns) = 23.389 ns; Loc. = LC_X10_Y4_N3; Fanout = 1; COMB Node = 'Speakera:inst|Mux1~788'" { } { { "c:/altera/80/quartus/bin/TimingClosureFloorplan.fld" "" { Floorplan "c:/altera/80/quartus/bin/TimingClosureFloorplan.fld" "" "1.617 ns" { Speakera:inst|Mux1~781 Speakera:inst|Mux1~788 } "NODE_NAME" } } { "Speakera.vhd" "" { Text "E:/FPGA/ALTERA/570-Source/Music/Speakera.vhd" 116 -1 0 } } } 0 0 "%4!d!: + %1!s! = %2!s!; Loc. = %6!s!; Fanout = %7!d!; %5!s! Node = '%3!s!'" 0 0 "" 0 0} { "Info" "ITDB_NODE_DELAY" "IC(0.305 ns) + CELL(0.200 ns) 23.894 ns Speakera:inst|Mux1~789 10 COMB LC_X10_Y4_N4 12 " "Info: 10: + IC(0.305 ns) + CELL(0.200 ns) = 23.894 ns; Loc. = LC_X10_Y4_N4; Fanout = 12; COMB Node = 'Speakera:inst|Mux1~789'" { } { { "c:/altera/80/quartus/bin/TimingClosureFloorplan.fld" "" { Floorplan "c:/altera/80/quartus/bin/TimingClosureFloorplan.fld" "" "0.505 ns" { Speakera:inst|Mux1~788 Speakera:inst|Mux1~789 } "NODE_NAME" } } { "Speakera.vhd" "" { Text "E:/FPGA/ALTERA/570-Source/Music/Speakera.vhd" 116 -1 0 } } } 0 0 "%4!d!: + %1!s! = %2!s!; Loc. = %6!s!; Fanout = %7!d!; %5!s! Node = '%3!s!'" 0 0 "" 0 0} { "Info" "ITDB_NODE_DELAY" "IC(2.035 ns) + CELL(0.511 ns) 26.440 ns Speakera:inst|Mux8~31 11 COMB LC_X9_Y5_N6 14 " "Info: 11: + IC(2.035 ns) + CELL(0.511 ns) = 26.440 ns; Loc. = LC_X9_Y5_N6; Fanout = 14; COMB Node = 'Speakera:inst|Mux8~31'" { } { { "c:/altera/80/quartus/bin/TimingClosureFloorplan.fld" "" { Floorplan "c:/altera/80/quartus/bin/TimingClosureFloorplan.fld" "" "2.546 ns" { Speakera:inst|Mux1~789 Speakera:inst|Mux8~31 } "NODE_NAME" } } { "Speakera.vhd" "" { Text "E:/FPGA/ALTERA/570-Source/Music/Speakera.vhd" 54 -1 0 } } } 0 0 "%4!d!: + %1!s! = %2!s!; Loc. = %6!s!; Fanout = %7!d!; %5!s! Node = '%3!s!'" 0 0 "" 0 0} { "Info" "ITDB_NODE_DELAY" "IC(4.655 ns) + CELL(0.511 ns) 31.606 ns Speakera:inst|CODE[0] 12 REG LC_X7_Y7_N4 9 " "Info: 12: + IC(4.655 ns) + CELL(0.511 ns) = 31.606 ns; Loc. = LC_X7_Y7_N4; Fanout = 9; REG Node = 'Speakera:inst|CODE[0]'" { } { { "c:/altera/80/quartus/bin/TimingClosureFloorplan.fld" "" { Floorplan "c:/altera/80/quartus/bin/TimingClosureFloorplan.fld" "" "5.166 ns" { Speakera:inst|Mux8~31 Speakera:inst|CODE[0] } "NODE_NAME" } } { "Speakera.vhd" "" { Text "E:/FPGA/ALTERA/570-Source/Music/Speakera.vhd" 51 -1 0 } } } 0 0 "%4!d!: + %1!s! = %2!s!; Loc. = %6!s!; Fanout = %7!d!; %5!s! Node = '%3!s!'" 0 0 "" 0 0} { "Info" "ITDB_TOTAL_CELL_DELAY" "10.329 ns ( 32.68 % ) " "Info: Total cell delay = 10.329 ns ( 32.68 % )" { } { } 0 0 "Total cell delay = %1!s! %2!s!" 0 0 "" 0 0} { "Info" "ITDB_TOTAL_IC_DELAY" "21.277 ns ( 67.32 % ) " "Info: Total interconnect delay = 21.277 ns ( 67.32 % )" { } { } 0 0 "Total interconnect delay = %1!s! %2!s!" 0 0 "" 0 0} } { { "c:/altera/80/quartus/bin/TimingClosureFloorplan.fld" "" { Floorplan "c:/altera/80/quartus/bin/TimingClosureFloorplan.fld" "" "31.606 ns" { GCLKP1 Frequency:inst2|Period1uS Frequency:inst2|Period1mS Frequency:inst2|CLK8Hz Speakera:inst|Counter[6] Speakera:inst|Mux1~778 Speakera:inst|Mux1~779 Speakera:inst|Mux1~781 Speakera:inst|Mux1~788 Speakera:inst|Mux1~789 Speakera:inst|Mux8~31 Speakera:inst|CODE[0] } "NODE_NAME" } } { "c:/altera/80/quartus/bin/Technology_Viewer.qrui" "" { "TechnologyMapViewer" "c:/altera/80/quartus/bin/Technology_Viewer.qrui" "31.606 ns" { GCLKP1 {} GCLKP1~combout {} Frequency:inst2|Period1uS {} Frequency:inst2|Period1mS {} Frequency:inst2|CLK8Hz {} Speakera:inst|Counter[6] {} Speakera:inst|Mux1~778 {} Speakera:inst|Mux1~779 {} Speakera:inst|Mux1~781 {} Speakera:inst|Mux1~788 {} Speakera:inst|Mux1~789 {} Speakera:inst|Mux8~31 {} Speakera:inst|CODE[0] {} } { 0.000ns 0.000ns 1.600ns 2.120ns 4.218ns 0.864ns 2.717ns 1.755ns 0.305ns 0.703ns 0.305ns 2.035ns 4.655ns } { 0.000ns 1.163ns 1.294ns 1.294ns 1.294ns 1.294ns 0.740ns 0.914ns 0.200ns 0.914ns 0.200ns 0.511ns 0.511ns } "" } } } 0 0 "%4!c! %5!s! clock path from clock "%1!s!" to %2!s! %6!s! is %3!s!" 0 0 "" 0 0} { "Info" "ITDB_FULL_TCO_DELAY" "0.000 ns + " "Info: + Micro clock to output delay of source is 0.000 ns" { } { { "Speakera.vhd" "" { Text "E:/FPGA/ALTERA/570-Source/Music/Speakera.vhd" 51 -1 0 } } } 0 0 "%2!c! Micro clock to output delay of source is %1!s!" 0 0 "" 0 0} { "Info" "ITDB_FULL_DATA_PATH_RESULT" "6.467 ns + Longest register pin " "Info: + Longest register to pin delay is 6.467 ns" { { "Info" "ITDB_NODE_DELAY" "IC(0.000 ns) + CELL(0.000 ns) 0.000 ns Speakera:inst|CODE[0] 1 REG LC_X7_Y7_N4 9 " "Info: 1: + IC(0.000 ns) + CELL(0.000 ns) = 0.000 ns; Loc. = LC_X7_Y7_N4; Fanout = 9; REG Node = 'Speakera:inst|CODE[0]'" { } { { "c:/altera/80/quartus/bin/TimingClosureFloorplan.fld" "" { Floorplan "c:/altera/80/quartus/bin/TimingClosureFloorplan.fld" "" "" { Speakera:inst|CODE[0] } "NODE_NAME" } } { "Speakera.vhd" "" { Text "E:/FPGA/ALTERA/570-Source/Music/Speakera.vhd" 51 -1 0 } } } 0 0 "%4!d!: + %1!s! = %2!s!; Loc. = %6!s!; Fanout = %7!d!; %5!s! Node = '%3!s!'" 0 0 "" 0 0} { "Info" "ITDB_NODE_DELAY" "IC(0.906 ns) + CELL(0.914 ns) 1.820 ns LED4:inst1|Mux0~84 2 COMB LC_X7_Y7_N8 1 " "Info: 2: + IC(0.906 ns) + CELL(0.914 ns) = 1.820 ns; Loc. = LC_X7_Y7_N8; Fanout = 1; COMB Node = 'LED4:inst1|Mux0~84'" { } { { "c:/altera/80/quartus/bin/TimingClosureFloorplan.fld" "" { Floorplan "c:/altera/80/quartus/bin/TimingClosureFloorplan.fld" "" "1.820 ns" { Speakera:inst|CODE[0] LED4:inst1|Mux0~84 } "NODE_NAME" } } { "LED4.vhd" "" { Text "E:/FPGA/ALTERA/570-Source/Music/LED4.vhd" 59 -1 0 } } } 0 0 "%4!d!: + %1!s! = %2!s!; Loc. = %6!s!; Fanout = %7!d!; %5!s! Node = '%3!s!'" 0 0 "" 0 0} { "Info" "ITDB_NODE_DELAY" "IC(2.325 ns) + CELL(2.322 ns) 6.467 ns LEDOUT[6] 3 PIN PIN_82 0 " "Info: 3: + IC(2.325 ns) + CELL(2.322 ns) = 6.467 ns; Loc. = PIN_82; Fanout = 0; PIN Node = 'LEDOUT[6]'" { } { { "c:/altera/80/quartus/bin/TimingClosureFloorplan.fld" "" { Floorplan "c:/altera/80/quartus/bin/TimingClosureFloorplan.fld" "" "4.647 ns" { LED4:inst1|Mux0~84 LEDOUT[6] } "NODE_NAME" } } { "Music.bdf" "" { Schematic "E:/FPGA/ALTERA/570-Source/Music/Music.bdf" { { 168 800 976 184 "LEDOUT[7..0]" "" } } } } } 0 0 "%4!d!: + %1!s! = %2!s!; Loc. = %6!s!; Fanout = %7!d!; %5!s! Node = '%3!s!'" 0 0 "" 0 0} { "Info" "ITDB_TOTAL_CELL_DELAY" "3.236 ns ( 50.04 % ) " "Info: Total cell delay = 3.236 ns ( 50.04 % )" { } { } 0 0 "Total cell delay = %1!s! %2!s!" 0 0 "" 0 0} { "Info" "ITDB_TOTAL_IC_DELAY" "3.231 ns ( 49.96 % ) " "Info: Total interconnect delay = 3.231 ns ( 49.96 % )" { } { } 0 0 "Total interconnect delay = %1!s! %2!s!" 0 0 "" 0 0} } { { "c:/altera/80/quartus/bin/TimingClosureFloorplan.fld" "" { Floorplan "c:/altera/80/quartus/bin/TimingClosureFloorplan.fld" "" "6.467 ns" { Speakera:inst|CODE[0] LED4:inst1|Mux0~84 LEDOUT[6] } "NODE_NAME" } } { "c:/altera/80/quartus/bin/Technology_Viewer.qrui" "" { "TechnologyMapViewer" "c:/altera/80/quartus/bin/Technology_Viewer.qrui" "6.467 ns" { Speakera:inst|CODE[0] {} LED4:inst1|Mux0~84 {} LEDOUT[6] {} } { 0.000ns 0.906ns 2.325ns } { 0.000ns 0.914ns 2.322ns } "" } } } 0 0 "%2!c! %3!s! %4!s! to %5!s! delay is %1!s!" 0 0 "" 0 0} } { { "c:/altera/80/quartus/bin/TimingClosureFloorplan.fld" "" { Floorplan "c:/altera/80/quartus/bin/TimingClosureFloorplan.fld" "" "31.606 ns" { GCLKP1 Frequency:inst2|Period1uS Frequency:inst2|Period1mS Frequency:inst2|CLK8Hz Speakera:inst|Counter[6] Speakera:inst|Mux1~778 Speakera:inst|Mux1~779 Speakera:inst|Mux1~781 Speakera:inst|Mux1~788 Speakera:inst|Mux1~789 Speakera:inst|Mux8~31 Speakera:inst|CODE[0] } "NODE_NAME" } } { "c:/altera/80/quartus/bin/Technology_Viewer.qrui" "" { "TechnologyMapViewer" "c:/altera/80/quartus/bin/Technology_Viewer.qrui" "31.606 ns" { GCLKP1 {} GCLKP1~combout {} Frequency:inst2|Period1uS {} Frequency:inst2|Period1mS {} Frequency:inst2|CLK8Hz {} Speakera:inst|Counter[6] {} Speakera:inst|Mux1~778 {} Speakera:inst|Mux1~779 {} Speakera:inst|Mux1~781 {} Speakera:inst|Mux1~788 {} Speakera:inst|Mux1~789 {} Speakera:inst|Mux8~31 {} Speakera:inst|CODE[0] {} } { 0.000ns 0.000ns 1.600ns 2.120ns 4.218ns 0.864ns 2.717ns 1.755ns 0.305ns 0.703ns 0.305ns 2.035ns 4.655ns } { 0.000ns 1.163ns 1.294ns 1.294ns 1.294ns 1.294ns 0.740ns 0.914ns 0.200ns 0.914ns 0.200ns 0.511ns 0.511ns } "" } } { "c:/altera/80/quartus/bin/TimingClosureFloorplan.fld" "" { Floorplan "c:/altera/80/quartus/bin/TimingClosureFloorplan.fld" "" "6.467 ns" { Speakera:inst|CODE[0] LED4:inst1|Mux0~84 LEDOUT[6] } "NODE_NAME" } } { "c:/altera/80/quartus/bin/Technology_Viewer.qrui" "" { "TechnologyMapViewer" "c:/altera/80/quartus/bin/Technology_Viewer.qrui" "6.467 ns" { Speakera:inst|CODE[0] {} LED4:inst1|Mux0~84 {} LEDOUT[6] {} } { 0.000ns 0.906ns 2.325ns } { 0.000ns 0.914ns 2.322ns } "" } } } 0 0 "tco from clock "%1!s!" to destination pin "%2!s!" through %5!s! "%3!s!" is %4!s!" 0 0 "" 0 0}
- { "Info" "IQEXE_ERROR_COUNT" "Classic Timing Analyzer 0 s 18 s Quartus II " "Info: Quartus II Classic Timing Analyzer was successful. 0 errors, 18 warnings" { { "Info" "IQEXE_END_PEAK_VSIZE_MEMORY" "124 " "Info: Peak virtual memory: 124 megabytes" { } { } 0 0 "Peak virtual memory: %1!s! megabytes" 0 0 "" 0 0} { "Info" "IQEXE_END_BANNER_TIME" "Thu Jun 11 23:42:09 2009 " "Info: Processing ended: Thu Jun 11 23:42:09 2009" { } { } 0 0 "Processing ended: %1!s!" 0 0 "" 0 0} { "Info" "IQEXE_ELAPSED_TIME" "00:00:01 " "Info: Elapsed time: 00:00:01" { } { } 0 0 "Elapsed time: %1!s!" 0 0 "" 0 0} { "Info" "IQEXE_ELAPSED_CPU_TIME" "00:00:01 " "Info: Total CPU time (on all processors): 00:00:01" { } { } 0 0 "Total CPU time (on all processors): %1!s!" 0 0 "" 0 0} } { } 0 0 "%6!s! %1!s! was successful. %2!d! error%3!s!, %4!d! warning%5!s!" 0 0 "" 0 0}