



  1. Analysis & Synthesis report for Music
  2. Thu Jun 11 23:42:31 2009
  3. Quartus II Version 8.0 Build 215 05/29/2008 SJ Full Version
  4. ---------------------
  5. ; Table of Contents ;
  6. ---------------------
  7.   1. Legal Notice
  8.   2. Analysis & Synthesis Summary
  9.   3. Analysis & Synthesis Settings
  10.   4. Analysis & Synthesis Source Files Read
  11.   5. Analysis & Synthesis Resource Usage Summary
  12.   6. Analysis & Synthesis Resource Utilization by Entity
  13.   7. User-Specified and Inferred Latches
  14.   8. Registers Removed During Synthesis
  15.   9. General Register Statistics
  16.  10. Analysis & Synthesis Messages
  17. ----------------
  18. ; Legal Notice ;
  19. ----------------
  20. Copyright (C) 1991-2008 Altera Corporation
  21. Your use of Altera Corporation's design tools, logic functions 
  22. and other software and tools, and its AMPP partner logic 
  23. functions, and any output files from any of the foregoing 
  24. (including device programming or simulation files), and any 
  25. associated documentation or information are expressly subject 
  26. to the terms and conditions of the Altera Program License 
  27. Subscription Agreement, Altera MegaCore Function License 
  28. Agreement, or other applicable license agreement, including, 
  29. without limitation, that your use is for the sole purpose of 
  30. programming logic devices manufactured by Altera and sold by 
  31. Altera or its authorized distributors.  Please refer to the 
  32. applicable agreement for further details.
  33. +------------------------------------------------------------------------+
  34. ; Analysis & Synthesis Summary                                           ;
  35. +-----------------------------+------------------------------------------+
  36. ; Analysis & Synthesis Status ; Successful - Thu Jun 11 23:42:31 2009    ;
  37. ; Quartus II Version          ; 8.0 Build 215 05/29/2008 SJ Full Version ;
  38. ; Revision Name               ; Music                                    ;
  39. ; Top-level Entity Name       ; Music                                    ;
  40. ; Family                      ; MAX II                                   ;
  41. ; Total logic elements        ; 181                                      ;
  42. ; Total pins                  ; 24                                       ;
  43. ; Total virtual pins          ; 0                                        ;
  44. ; Total memory bits           ; 0                                        ;
  45. ; DSP block 9-bit elements    ; 0                                        ;
  46. ; Total PLLs                  ; 0                                        ;
  47. ; Total DLLs                  ; 0                                        ;
  48. +-----------------------------+------------------------------------------+
  49. +--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------+
  50. ; Analysis & Synthesis Settings                                                                          ;
  51. +--------------------------------------------------------------+--------------------+--------------------+
  52. ; Option                                                       ; Setting            ; Default Value      ;
  53. +--------------------------------------------------------------+--------------------+--------------------+
  54. ; Device                                                       ; EPM570T100C5       ;                    ;
  55. ; Top-level entity name                                        ; Music              ; Music              ;
  56. ; Family name                                                  ; MAX II             ; Stratix            ;
  57. ; Use smart compilation                                        ; Off                ; Off                ;
  58. ; Maximum processors allowed for parallel compilation          ; 1                  ; 1                  ;
  59. ; Restructure Multiplexers                                     ; Auto               ; Auto               ;
  60. ; Create Debugging Nodes for IP Cores                          ; Off                ; Off                ;
  61. ; Preserve fewer node names                                    ; On                 ; On                 ;
  62. ; Disable OpenCore Plus hardware evaluation                    ; Off                ; Off                ;
  63. ; Verilog Version                                              ; Verilog_2001       ; Verilog_2001       ;
  64. ; VHDL Version                                                 ; VHDL93             ; VHDL93             ;
  65. ; State Machine Processing                                     ; Auto               ; Auto               ;
  66. ; Safe State Machine                                           ; Off                ; Off                ;
  67. ; Extract Verilog State Machines                               ; On                 ; On                 ;
  68. ; Extract VHDL State Machines                                  ; On                 ; On                 ;
  69. ; Ignore Verilog initial constructs                            ; Off                ; Off                ;
  70. ; Iteration limit for constant Verilog loops                   ; 5000               ; 5000               ;
  71. ; Iteration limit for non-constant Verilog loops               ; 250                ; 250                ;
  72. ; Add Pass-Through Logic to Inferred RAMs                      ; On                 ; On                 ;
  73. ; Parallel Synthesis                                           ; Off                ; Off                ;
  74. ; NOT Gate Push-Back                                           ; On                 ; On                 ;
  75. ; Power-Up Don't Care                                          ; On                 ; On                 ;
  76. ; Remove Redundant Logic Cells                                 ; Off                ; Off                ;
  77. ; Remove Duplicate Registers                                   ; On                 ; On                 ;
  78. ; Ignore CARRY Buffers                                         ; Off                ; Off                ;
  79. ; Ignore CASCADE Buffers                                       ; Off                ; Off                ;
  80. ; Ignore GLOBAL Buffers                                        ; Off                ; Off                ;
  81. ; Ignore ROW GLOBAL Buffers                                    ; Off                ; Off                ;
  82. ; Ignore LCELL Buffers                                         ; Off                ; Off                ;
  83. ; Ignore SOFT Buffers                                          ; On                 ; On                 ;
  84. ; Limit AHDL Integers to 32 Bits                               ; Off                ; Off                ;
  85. ; Optimization Technique                                       ; Balanced           ; Balanced           ;
  86. ; Carry Chain Length                                           ; 70                 ; 70                 ;
  87. ; Auto Carry Chains                                            ; On                 ; On                 ;
  88. ; Auto Open-Drain Pins                                         ; On                 ; On                 ;
  89. ; Perform WYSIWYG Primitive Resynthesis                        ; Off                ; Off                ;
  90. ; Perform gate-level register retiming                         ; Off                ; Off                ;
  91. ; Allow register retiming to trade off Tsu/Tco with Fmax       ; On                 ; On                 ;
  92. ; Auto Shift Register Replacement                              ; Auto               ; Auto               ;
  93. ; Auto Clock Enable Replacement                                ; On                 ; On                 ;
  94. ; Allow Synchronous Control Signals                            ; On                 ; On                 ;
  95. ; Force Use of Synchronous Clear Signals                       ; Off                ; Off                ;
  96. ; Auto Resource Sharing                                        ; Off                ; Off                ;
  97. ; Ignore translate_off and synthesis_off directives            ; Off                ; Off                ;
  98. ; Show Parameter Settings Tables in Synthesis Report           ; On                 ; On                 ;
  99. ; Ignore Maximum Fan-Out Assignments                           ; Off                ; Off                ;
  100. ; Synchronization Register Chain Length                        ; 2                  ; 2                  ;
  101. ; PowerPlay Power Optimization                                 ; Normal compilation ; Normal compilation ;
  102. ; HDL message level                                            ; Level2             ; Level2             ;
  103. ; Suppress Register Optimization Related Messages              ; Off                ; Off                ;
  104. ; Number of Removed Registers Reported in Synthesis Report     ; 100                ; 100                ;
  105. ; Number of Inverted Registers Reported in Synthesis Report    ; 100                ; 100                ;
  106. ; Clock MUX Protection                                         ; On                 ; On                 ;
  107. ; Block Design Naming                                          ; Auto               ; Auto               ;
  108. ; Synthesis Effort                                             ; Auto               ; Auto               ;
  109. ; Shift Register Replacement - Allow Asynchronous Clear Signal ; On                 ; On                 ;
  110. +--------------------------------------------------------------+--------------------+--------------------+
  111. +-----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------+
  112. ; Analysis & Synthesis Source Files Read                                                                                                  ;
  113. +----------------------------------+-----------------+------------------------------------+-----------------------------------------------+
  114. ; File Name with User-Entered Path ; Used in Netlist ; File Type                          ; File Name with Absolute Path                  ;
  115. +----------------------------------+-----------------+------------------------------------+-----------------------------------------------+
  116. ; Music.bdf                        ; yes             ; User Block Diagram/Schematic File  ; E:/FPGA/ALTERA/570-Source/Music/Music.bdf     ;
  117. ; Speakera.vhd                     ; yes             ; User VHDL File                     ; E:/FPGA/ALTERA/570-Source/Music/Speakera.vhd  ;
  118. ; Frequency.vhd                    ; yes             ; Other                              ; E:/FPGA/ALTERA/570-Source/Music/Frequency.vhd ;
  119. ; LED4.vhd                         ; yes             ; Other                              ; E:/FPGA/ALTERA/570-Source/Music/LED4.vhd      ;
  120. +----------------------------------+-----------------+------------------------------------+-----------------------------------------------+
  121. +------------------------------------------------------------------------+
  122. ; Analysis & Synthesis Resource Usage Summary                            ;
  123. +---------------------------------------------+--------------------------+
  124. ; Resource                                    ; Usage                    ;
  125. +---------------------------------------------+--------------------------+
  126. ; Total logic elements                        ; 181                      ;
  127. ;     -- Combinational with no register       ; 129                      ;
  128. ;     -- Register only                        ; 9                        ;
  129. ;     -- Combinational with a register        ; 43                       ;
  130. ;                                             ;                          ;
  131. ; Logic element usage by number of LUT inputs ;                          ;
  132. ;     -- 4 input functions                    ; 70                       ;
  133. ;     -- 3 input functions                    ; 32                       ;
  134. ;     -- 2 input functions                    ; 62                       ;
  135. ;     -- 1 input functions                    ; 8                        ;
  136. ;     -- 0 input functions                    ; 0                        ;
  137. ;                                             ;                          ;
  138. ; Logic elements by mode                      ;                          ;
  139. ;     -- normal mode                          ; 147                      ;
  140. ;     -- arithmetic mode                      ; 34                       ;
  141. ;     -- qfbk mode                            ; 0                        ;
  142. ;     -- register cascade mode                ; 0                        ;
  143. ;     -- synchronous clear/load mode          ; 11                       ;
  144. ;     -- asynchronous clear/load mode         ; 8                        ;
  145. ;                                             ;                          ;
  146. ; Total registers                             ; 52                       ;
  147. ; Total logic cells in carry chains           ; 38                       ;
  148. ; I/O pins                                    ; 24                       ;
  149. ; Maximum fan-out node                        ; Speakera:inst|Counter[1] ;
  150. ; Maximum fan-out                             ; 27                       ;
  151. ; Total fan-out                               ; 617                      ;
  152. ; Average fan-out                             ; 3.01                     ;
  153. +---------------------------------------------+--------------------------+
  154. +---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------+
  155. ; Analysis & Synthesis Resource Utilization by Entity                                                                                                                                                                                                                       ;
  156. +----------------------------+-------------+--------------+-------------+--------------+---------+-----------+-----------+------+--------------+--------------+-------------------+------------------+-----------------+------------+------------------------+--------------+
  157. ; Compilation Hierarchy Node ; Logic Cells ; LC Registers ; Memory Bits ; DSP Elements ; DSP 9x9 ; DSP 18x18 ; DSP 36x36 ; Pins ; Virtual Pins ; LUT-Only LCs ; Register-Only LCs ; LUT/Register LCs ; Carry Chain LCs ; Packed LCs ; Full Hierarchy Name    ; Library Name ;
  158. +----------------------------+-------------+--------------+-------------+--------------+---------+-----------+-----------+------+--------------+--------------+-------------------+------------------+-----------------+------------+------------------------+--------------+
  159. ; |Music                     ; 181 (0)     ; 52           ; 0           ; 0            ; 0       ; 0         ; 0         ; 24   ; 0            ; 129 (0)      ; 9 (0)             ; 43 (0)           ; 38 (0)          ; 0 (0)      ; |Music                 ; work         ;
  160. ;    |Frequency:inst2|       ; 60 (60)     ; 29           ; 0           ; 0            ; 0       ; 0         ; 0         ; 0    ; 0            ; 31 (31)      ; 8 (8)             ; 21 (21)          ; 20 (20)         ; 0 (0)      ; |Music|Frequency:inst2 ; work         ;
  161. ;    |LED4:inst1|            ; 13 (13)     ; 2            ; 0           ; 0            ; 0       ; 0         ; 0         ; 0    ; 0            ; 11 (11)      ; 0 (0)             ; 2 (2)            ; 0 (0)           ; 0 (0)      ; |Music|LED4:inst1      ; work         ;
  162. ;    |Speakera:inst|         ; 108 (108)   ; 21           ; 0           ; 0            ; 0       ; 0         ; 0         ; 0    ; 0            ; 87 (87)      ; 1 (1)             ; 20 (20)          ; 18 (18)         ; 0 (0)      ; |Music|Speakera:inst   ; work         ;
  163. +----------------------------+-------------+--------------+-------------+--------------+---------+-----------+-----------+------+--------------+--------------+-------------------+------------------+-----------------+------------+------------------------+--------------+
  164. Note: For table entries with two numbers listed, the numbers in parentheses indicate the number of resources of the given type used by the specific entity alone. The numbers listed outside of parentheses indicate the total resources of the given type used by the specific entity and all of its sub-entities in the hierarchy.
  165. +----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------+
  166. ; User-Specified and Inferred Latches                                                                ;
  167. +-----------------------------------------------------+---------------------+------------------------+
  168. ; Latch Name                                          ; Latch Enable Signal ; Free of Timing Hazards ;
  169. +-----------------------------------------------------+---------------------+------------------------+
  170. ; Speakera:inst|CODE[1]                               ; Speakera:inst|Mux8  ; yes                    ;
  171. ; Speakera:inst|CODE[0]                               ; Speakera:inst|Mux8  ; yes                    ;
  172. ; Speakera:inst|CODE[2]                               ; Speakera:inst|Mux8  ; yes                    ;
  173. ; Speakera:inst|Tone[0]                               ; Speakera:inst|Mux8  ; yes                    ;
  174. ; Speakera:inst|Tone[1]                               ; Speakera:inst|Mux8  ; yes                    ;
  175. ; Speakera:inst|Tone[2]                               ; Speakera:inst|Mux8  ; yes                    ;
  176. ; Speakera:inst|Tone[3]                               ; Speakera:inst|Mux8  ; yes                    ;
  177. ; Speakera:inst|Tone[4]                               ; Speakera:inst|Mux8  ; yes                    ;
  178. ; Speakera:inst|Tone[5]                               ; Speakera:inst|Mux8  ; yes                    ;
  179. ; Speakera:inst|Tone[6]                               ; Speakera:inst|Mux8  ; yes                    ;
  180. ; Speakera:inst|Tone[7]                               ; Speakera:inst|Mux8  ; yes                    ;
  181. ; Speakera:inst|Tone[8]                               ; Speakera:inst|Mux8  ; yes                    ;
  182. ; Speakera:inst|Tone[9]                               ; Speakera:inst|Mux8  ; yes                    ;
  183. ; Speakera:inst|Tone[10]                              ; Speakera:inst|Mux8  ; yes                    ;
  184. ; Number of user-specified and inferred latches = 14  ;                     ;                        ;
  185. +-----------------------------------------------------+---------------------+------------------------+
  186. Note: All latches listed above may not be present at the end of synthesis due to various synthesis optimizations.
  187. +--------------------------------------------------------------------------------+
  188. ; Registers Removed During Synthesis                                             ;
  189. +---------------------------------------+----------------------------------------+
  190. ; Register name                         ; Reason for Removal                     ;
  191. +---------------------------------------+----------------------------------------+
  192. ; Speakera:inst|SpkOut:Count2          ; Merged with Speakera:inst|SpkOut:SpkS ;
  193. ; Total Number of Removed Registers = 1 ;                                        ;
  194. +---------------------------------------+----------------------------------------+
  195. +------------------------------------------------------+
  196. ; General Register Statistics                          ;
  197. +----------------------------------------------+-------+
  198. ; Statistic                                    ; Value ;
  199. +----------------------------------------------+-------+
  200. ; Total registers                              ; 52    ;
  201. ; Number of registers using Synchronous Clear  ; 0     ;
  202. ; Number of registers using Synchronous Load   ; 11    ;
  203. ; Number of registers using Asynchronous Clear ; 8     ;
  204. ; Number of registers using Asynchronous Load  ; 0     ;
  205. ; Number of registers using Clock Enable       ; 0     ;
  206. ; Number of registers using Preset             ; 0     ;
  207. +----------------------------------------------+-------+
  208. +-------------------------------+
  209. ; Analysis & Synthesis Messages ;
  210. +-------------------------------+
  211. Info: *******************************************************************
  212. Info: Running Quartus II Analysis & Synthesis
  213.     Info: Version 8.0 Build 215 05/29/2008 SJ Full Version
  214.     Info: Processing started: Thu Jun 11 23:42:27 2009
  215. Info: Command: quartus_map --read_settings_files=on --write_settings_files=off Music -c Music
  216. Info: Found 1 design units, including 1 entities, in source file Music.bdf
  217.     Info: Found entity 1: Music
  218. Info: Found 2 design units, including 1 entities, in source file Speakera.vhd
  219.     Info: Found design unit 1: Speakera-Speakera_arch
  220.     Info: Found entity 1: Speakera
  221. Info: Elaborating entity "Music" for the top level hierarchy
  222. Info: Elaborating entity "Speakera" for hierarchy "Speakera:inst"
  223. Warning (10036): Verilog HDL or VHDL warning at Speakera.vhd(42): object "HIGH" assigned a value but never read
  224. Warning (10631): VHDL Process Statement warning at Speakera.vhd(51): inferring latch(es) for signal or variable "Tone", which holds its previous value in one or more paths through the process
  225. Warning (10631): VHDL Process Statement warning at Speakera.vhd(51): inferring latch(es) for signal or variable "CODE", which holds its previous value in one or more paths through the process
  226. Info (10041): Inferred latch for "CODE[0]" at Speakera.vhd(51)
  227. Info (10041): Inferred latch for "CODE[1]" at Speakera.vhd(51)
  228. Info (10041): Inferred latch for "CODE[2]" at Speakera.vhd(51)
  229. Info (10041): Inferred latch for "CODE[3]" at Speakera.vhd(51)
  230. Info (10041): Inferred latch for "Tone[0]" at Speakera.vhd(51)
  231. Info (10041): Inferred latch for "Tone[1]" at Speakera.vhd(51)
  232. Info (10041): Inferred latch for "Tone[2]" at Speakera.vhd(51)
  233. Info (10041): Inferred latch for "Tone[3]" at Speakera.vhd(51)
  234. Info (10041): Inferred latch for "Tone[4]" at Speakera.vhd(51)
  235. Info (10041): Inferred latch for "Tone[5]" at Speakera.vhd(51)
  236. Info (10041): Inferred latch for "Tone[6]" at Speakera.vhd(51)
  237. Info (10041): Inferred latch for "Tone[7]" at Speakera.vhd(51)
  238. Info (10041): Inferred latch for "Tone[8]" at Speakera.vhd(51)
  239. Info (10041): Inferred latch for "Tone[9]" at Speakera.vhd(51)
  240. Info (10041): Inferred latch for "Tone[10]" at Speakera.vhd(51)
  241. Warning: Using design file Frequency.vhd, which is not specified as a design file for the current project, but contains definitions for 2 design units and 1 entities in project
  242.     Info: Found design unit 1: Frequency-Frequency_arch
  243.     Info: Found entity 1: Frequency
  244. Info: Elaborating entity "Frequency" for hierarchy "Frequency:inst2"
  245. Warning: Using design file LED4.vhd, which is not specified as a design file for the current project, but contains definitions for 2 design units and 1 entities in project
  246.     Info: Found design unit 1: LED4-LED4_arch
  247.     Info: Found entity 1: LED4
  248. Info: Elaborating entity "LED4" for hierarchy "LED4:inst1"
  249. Info: Duplicate registers merged to single register
  250.     Info (13350): Duplicate register "Speakera:inst|SpkOut:Count2" merged to single register "Speakera:inst|SpkOut:SpkS"
  251. Warning: Latch Speakera:inst|CODE[1] has unsafe behavior
  252.     Warning: Ports D and ENA on the latch are fed by the same signal Speakera:inst|Counter[7]
  253. Warning: Latch Speakera:inst|CODE[0] has unsafe behavior
  254.     Warning: Ports D and ENA on the latch are fed by the same signal Speakera:inst|Counter[7]
  255. Warning: Latch Speakera:inst|CODE[2] has unsafe behavior
  256.     Warning: Ports D and ENA on the latch are fed by the same signal Speakera:inst|Counter[7]
  257. Warning: Latch Speakera:inst|Tone[0] has unsafe behavior
  258.     Warning: Ports D and ENA on the latch are fed by the same signal Speakera:inst|Counter[7]
  259. Warning: Latch Speakera:inst|Tone[1] has unsafe behavior
  260.     Warning: Ports D and ENA on the latch are fed by the same signal Speakera:inst|Counter[7]
  261. Warning: Latch Speakera:inst|Tone[2] has unsafe behavior
  262.     Warning: Ports D and ENA on the latch are fed by the same signal Speakera:inst|Counter[7]
  263. Warning: Latch Speakera:inst|Tone[3] has unsafe behavior
  264.     Warning: Ports D and ENA on the latch are fed by the same signal Speakera:inst|Counter[7]
  265. Warning: Latch Speakera:inst|Tone[4] has unsafe behavior
  266.     Warning: Ports D and ENA on the latch are fed by the same signal Speakera:inst|Counter[7]
  267. Warning: Latch Speakera:inst|Tone[5] has unsafe behavior
  268.     Warning: Ports D and ENA on the latch are fed by the same signal Speakera:inst|Counter[7]
  269. Warning: Latch Speakera:inst|Tone[6] has unsafe behavior
  270.     Warning: Ports D and ENA on the latch are fed by the same signal Speakera:inst|Counter[7]
  271. Warning: Latch Speakera:inst|Tone[7] has unsafe behavior
  272.     Warning: Ports D and ENA on the latch are fed by the same signal Speakera:inst|Counter[7]
  273. Warning: Latch Speakera:inst|Tone[8] has unsafe behavior
  274.     Warning: Ports D and ENA on the latch are fed by the same signal Speakera:inst|Counter[7]
  275. Warning: Latch Speakera:inst|Tone[9] has unsafe behavior
  276.     Warning: Ports D and ENA on the latch are fed by the same signal Speakera:inst|Counter[7]
  277. Warning: Latch Speakera:inst|Tone[10] has unsafe behavior
  278.     Warning: Ports D and ENA on the latch are fed by the same signal Speakera:inst|Counter[7]
  279. Warning: Output pins are stuck at VCC or GND
  280.     Warning (13410): Pin "LEDOUT[7]" is stuck at GND
  281.     Warning (13410): Pin "Light[7]" is stuck at VCC
  282.     Warning (13410): Pin "Light[3]" is stuck at VCC
  283. Warning: Design contains 2 input pin(s) that do not drive logic
  284.     Warning (15610): No output dependent on input pin "RESET"
  285.     Warning (15610): No output dependent on input pin "GCLKP2"
  286. Info: Implemented 205 device resources after synthesis - the final resource count might be different
  287.     Info: Implemented 3 input pins
  288.     Info: Implemented 21 output pins
  289.     Info: Implemented 181 logic cells
  290. Info: Quartus II Analysis & Synthesis was successful. 0 errors, 40 warnings
  291.     Info: Peak virtual memory: 176 megabytes
  292.     Info: Processing ended: Thu Jun 11 23:42:31 2009
  293.     Info: Elapsed time: 00:00:04
  294.     Info: Total CPU time (on all processors): 00:00:04