- % Computes motion vectors using Adaptive Rood Pattern Search method
- %
- % Based on the paper by Yao Nie, and Kai-Kuang Ma
- % IEEE Trans. on Image Processing
- % Volume 11 Number 12, December 2002 : Pages 1442:1448
- %
- % Input
- % imgP : The image for which we want to find motion vectors
- % imgI : The reference image
- % mbSize : Size of the macroblock
- % p : Search parameter (read literature to find what this means)
- %
- % Ouput
- % motionVect : the motion vectors for each integral macroblock in imgP
- % ARPScomputations: The average number of points searched for a macroblock
- %
- % Written by Aroh Barjatya
- function [motionVect, zeroCount] = BmotionEstARPS(imgP, imgI, mbSize, p)
- zeroCount=0;
- [row col] = size(imgI);
- vectors = zeros(2,row*col/mbSize^2);
- costs = ones(1, 6) * 65537;
- % The index points for Small Diamond search pattern
- SDSP(1,:) = [ 0 -1];
- SDSP(2,:) = [-1 0];
- SDSP(3,:) = [ 0 0];
- SDSP(4,:) = [ 1 0];
- SDSP(5,:) = [ 0 1];
- % We will be storing the positions of points where the checking has been
- % already done in a matrix that is initialised to zero. As one point is
- % checked, we set the corresponding element in the matrix to one.
- checkMatrix = zeros(2*p+1,2*p+1);
- % computations = 0;
- % we start off from the top left of the image
- % we will walk in steps of mbSize
- % mbCount will keep track of how many blocks we have evaluated
- mbCount = 1;
- for i = 1 : mbSize : row-mbSize+1
- for j = 1 : mbSize : col-mbSize+1
- % the Adapive Rood Pattern search starts
- % we are scanning in raster order
- x = j;
- y = i;
- costs(3) = costFuncMAD(imgP(i:i+mbSize-1,j:j+mbSize-1), ...
- imgI(i:i+mbSize-1,j:j+mbSize-1),mbSize);
- checkMatrix(p+1,p+1) = 1;
- % computations = computations + 1;
- % if we are in the left most column then we have to make sure that
- % we just do the LDSP with stepSize = 2
- if (j-1 < 1)
- stepSize = 2;
- maxIndex = 5;
- else
- stepSize = max(abs(vectors(1,mbCount-1)), abs(vectors(2,mbCount-1)));
- % now we have to make sure that if the point due to motion
- % vector is one of the LDSP points then we dont calculate it
- % again
- if ( (abs(vectors(1,mbCount-1)) == stepSize & vectors(2,mbCount-1) == 0) ...
- | (abs(vectors(2,mbCount-1)) == stepSize & vectors(1,mbCount-1) == 0)) ...
- maxIndex = 5; % we just have to check at the rood pattern 5 points
- else
- maxIndex = 6; % we have to check 6 points
- LDSP(6,:) = [ vectors(2, mbCount-1) vectors(1, mbCount-1)];
- end
- end
- % The index points for first and only Large Diamond search pattern
- LDSP(1,:) = [ 0 -stepSize];
- LDSP(2,:) = [-stepSize 0];
- LDSP(3,:) = [ 0 0];
- LDSP(4,:) = [stepSize 0];
- LDSP(5,:) = [ 0 stepSize];
- % do the LDSP
- for k = 1:maxIndex
- refBlkVer = y + LDSP(k,2); % row/Vert co-ordinate for ref block
- refBlkHor = x + LDSP(k,1); % col/Horizontal co-ordinate
- if ( refBlkVer < 1 | refBlkVer+mbSize-1 > row ...
- | refBlkHor < 1 | refBlkHor+mbSize-1 > col)
- continue; % outside image boundary
- end
- if (k == 3 | stepSize == 0)
- continue; % center point already calculated
- end
- costs(k) = costFuncMAD(imgP(i:i+mbSize-1,j:j+mbSize-1), ...
- imgI(refBlkVer:refBlkVer+mbSize-1, refBlkHor:refBlkHor+mbSize-1), mbSize);
- % computations = computations + 1;
- checkMatrix(LDSP(k,2) + p+1, LDSP(k,1) + p+1) = 1;
- end
- [cost, point] = min(costs);
- % The doneFlag is set to 1 when the minimum
- % is at the center of the diamond
- x = x + LDSP(point, 1);
- y = y + LDSP(point, 2);
- costs = ones(1,5) * 65537;
- costs(3) = cost;
- doneFlag = 0;
- while (doneFlag == 0)
- for k = 1:5
- refBlkVer = y + SDSP(k,2); % row/Vert co-ordinate for ref block
- refBlkHor = x + SDSP(k,1); % col/Horizontal co-ordinate
- if ( refBlkVer < 1 | refBlkVer+mbSize-1 > row ...
- | refBlkHor < 1 | refBlkHor+mbSize-1 > col)
- continue;
- end
- if (k == 3)
- continue
- elseif (refBlkHor < j-p | refBlkHor > j+p | refBlkVer < i-p ...
- | refBlkVer > i+p)
- continue;
- elseif (checkMatrix(y-i+SDSP(k,2)+p+1 , x-j+SDSP(k,1)+p+1) == 1)
- continue
- end
- costs(k) = costFuncMAD(imgP(i:i+mbSize-1,j:j+mbSize-1), ...
- imgI(refBlkVer:refBlkVer+mbSize-1, ...
- refBlkHor:refBlkHor+mbSize-1), mbSize);
- checkMatrix(y-i+SDSP(k,2)+p+1, x-j+SDSP(k,1)+p+1) = 1;
- % computations = computations + 1;
- end
- [cost, point] = min(costs);
- if (point == 3)
- doneFlag = 1;
- else
- x = x + SDSP(point, 1);
- y = y + SDSP(point, 2);
- costs = ones(1,5) * 65537;
- costs(3) = cost;
- end
- end % while loop ends here
- vectors(1,mbCount) = y - i; % row co-ordinate for the vector
- vectors(2,mbCount) = x - j; % col co-ordinate for the vector
- mbCount = mbCount + 1;
- costs = ones(1,6) * 65537;
- checkMatrix = zeros(2*p+1,2*p+1);
- end
- end
- motionVect = vectors;
- %ARPScomputations = computations/(mbCount-1) ;
- sizeVect=size(motionVect);
- for i=1:sizeVect(2)
- if motionVect(1,i)==0 & motionVect(2,i)==0
- zeroCount=zeroCount+1;
- end
- end