- % Computes motion vectors using Three Step Search method
- %
- % Input
- % imgP : The image for which we want to find motion vectors
- % imgI : The reference image
- % mbSize : Size of the macroblock
- % p : Search parameter (read literature to find what this means)
- %
- % Ouput
- % motionVect : the motion vectors for each integral macroblock in imgP
- % TSScomputations: The average number of points searched for a macroblock
- %
- % Written by Aroh Barjatya
- function [motionVect, TSScomputations] = motionEstTSS(imgP, imgI, mbSize, p)
- [row col] = size(imgI);
- vectors = zeros(2,row*col/mbSize^2);
- costs = ones(3, 3) * 65537;
- computations = 0;
- % we now take effectively log to the base 2 of p
- % this will give us the number of steps required
- L = floor(log10(p+1)/log10(2));
- stepMax = 2^(L-1);
- % we start off from the top left of the image
- % we will walk in steps of mbSize
- % for every marcoblock that we look at we will look for
- % a close match p pixels on the left, right, top and bottom of it
- mbCount = 1;
- for i = 1 : mbSize : row-mbSize+1
- for j = 1 : mbSize : col-mbSize+1
- % the three step search starts
- % we will evaluate 9 elements at every step
- % read the literature to find out what the pattern is
- % my variables have been named aptly to reflect their significance
- x = j;
- y = i;
- % In order to avoid calculating the center point of the search
- % again and again we always store the value for it from teh
- % previous run. For the first iteration we store this value outside
- % the for loop, but for subsequent iterations we store the cost at
- % the point where we are going to shift our root.
- costs(2,2) = costFuncMAD(imgP(i:i+mbSize-1,j:j+mbSize-1), ...
- imgI(i:i+mbSize-1,j:j+mbSize-1),mbSize);
- computations = computations + 1;
- stepSize = stepMax;
- while(stepSize >= 1)
- % m is row(vertical) index
- % n is col(horizontal) index
- % this means we are scanning in raster order
- for m = -stepSize : stepSize : stepSize
- for n = -stepSize : stepSize : stepSize
- refBlkVer = y + m; % row/Vert co-ordinate for ref block
- refBlkHor = x + n; % col/Horizontal co-ordinate
- if ( refBlkVer < 1 | refBlkVer+mbSize-1 > row ...
- | refBlkHor < 1 | refBlkHor+mbSize-1 > col)
- continue;
- end
- costRow = m/stepSize + 2;
- costCol = n/stepSize + 2;
- if (costRow == 2 & costCol == 2)
- continue
- end
- costs(costRow, costCol ) = costFuncMAD(imgP(i:i+mbSize-1,j:j+mbSize-1), ...
- imgI(refBlkVer:refBlkVer+mbSize-1, refBlkHor:refBlkHor+mbSize-1), mbSize);
- computations = computations + 1;
- end
- end
- % Now we find the vector where the cost is minimum
- % and store it ... this is what will be passed back.
- [dx, dy, min] = minCost(costs); % finds which macroblock in imgI gave us min Cost
- % shift the root for search window to new minima point
- x = x + (dx-2)*stepSize;
- y = y + (dy-2)*stepSize;
- % Arohs thought: At this point we can check and see if the
- % shifted co-ordinates are exactly the same as the root
- % co-ordinates of the last step, then we check them against a
- % preset threshold, and ifthe cost is less then that, than we
- % can exit from teh loop right here. This way we can save more
- % computations. However, as this is not implemented in the
- % paper I am modeling, I am not incorporating this test.
- % May be my own addition to the algorithm
- stepSize = stepSize / 2;
- costs(2,2) = costs(dy,dx);
- end
- vectors(1,mbCount) = y - i; % row co-ordinate for the vector
- vectors(2,mbCount) = x - j; % col co-ordinate for the vector
- mbCount = mbCount + 1;
- costs = ones(3,3) * 65537;
- end
- end
- motionVect = vectors;
- TSScomputations = computations/(mbCount - 1);