资源名称:fj.rar [点击查看]
- Simulator report for fj
- Thu Mar 05 01:35:18 2009
- Quartus II Version 7.2 Build 151 09/26/2007 SJ Full Version
- ---------------------
- ; Table of Contents ;
- ---------------------
- 1. Legal Notice
- 2. Simulator Summary
- 3. Simulator Settings
- 4. Simulation Waveforms
- 5. Coverage Summary
- 6. Complete 1/0-Value Coverage
- 7. Missing 1-Value Coverage
- 8. Missing 0-Value Coverage
- 9. Simulator INI Usage
- 10. Simulator Messages
- ----------------
- ; Legal Notice ;
- ----------------
- Copyright (C) 1991-2007 Altera Corporation
- Your use of Altera Corporation's design tools, logic functions
- and other software and tools, and its AMPP partner logic
- functions, and any output files from any of the foregoing
- (including device programming or simulation files), and any
- associated documentation or information are expressly subject
- to the terms and conditions of the Altera Program License
- Subscription Agreement, Altera MegaCore Function License
- Agreement, or other applicable license agreement, including,
- without limitation, that your use is for the sole purpose of
- programming logic devices manufactured by Altera and sold by
- Altera or its authorized distributors. Please refer to the
- applicable agreement for further details.
- +--------------------------------------------+
- ; Simulator Summary ;
- +-----------------------------+--------------+
- ; Type ; Value ;
- +-----------------------------+--------------+
- ; Simulation Start Time ; 0 ps ;
- ; Simulation End Time ; 7.0 ms ;
- ; Simulation Netlist Size ; 140 nodes ;
- ; Simulation Coverage ; 93.30 % ;
- ; Total Number of Transitions ; 895997 ;
- ; Simulation Breakpoints ; 0 ;
- ; Family ; Stratix II ;
- ; Device ; EP2S15F484C3 ;
- +-----------------------------+--------------+
- +-------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------+
- ; Simulator Settings ;
- +--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------+------------+---------------+
- ; Option ; Setting ; Default Value ;
- +--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------+------------+---------------+
- ; Simulation mode ; Timing ; Timing ;
- ; Start time ; 0 ns ; 0 ns ;
- ; Simulation results format ; CVWF ; ;
- ; Add pins automatically to simulation output waveforms ; On ; On ;
- ; Check outputs ; Off ; Off ;
- ; Report simulation coverage ; On ; On ;
- ; Display complete 1/0 value coverage report ; On ; On ;
- ; Display missing 1-value coverage report ; On ; On ;
- ; Display missing 0-value coverage report ; On ; On ;
- ; Detect setup and hold time violations ; Off ; Off ;
- ; Detect glitches ; Off ; Off ;
- ; Disable timing delays in Timing Simulation ; Off ; Off ;
- ; Generate Signal Activity File ; Off ; Off ;
- ; Generate VCD File for PowerPlay Power Analyzer ; Off ; Off ;
- ; Group bus channels in simulation results ; Off ; Off ;
- ; Preserve fewer signal transitions to reduce memory requirements ; On ; On ;
- ; Trigger vector comparison with the specified mode ; INPUT_EDGE ; INPUT_EDGE ;
- ; Disable setup and hold time violations detection in input registers of bi-directional pins ; Off ; Off ;
- ; Overwrite Waveform Inputs With Simulation Outputs ; Off ; ;
- ; Perform Glitch Filtering in Timing Simulation ; Auto ; Auto ;
- +--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------+------------+---------------+
- +----------------------+
- ; Simulation Waveforms ;
- +----------------------+
- Waveform report data cannot be output to ASCII.
- Please use Quartus II to view the waveform report data.
- +--------------------------------------------------------------------+
- ; Coverage Summary ;
- +-----------------------------------------------------+--------------+
- ; Type ; Value ;
- +-----------------------------------------------------+--------------+
- ; Total coverage as a percentage ; 93.30 % ;
- ; Total nodes checked ; 140 ;
- ; Total output ports checked ; 179 ;
- ; Total output ports with complete 1/0-value coverage ; 167 ;
- ; Total output ports with no 1/0-value coverage ; 12 ;
- ; Total output ports with no 1-value coverage ; 12 ;
- ; Total output ports with no 0-value coverage ; 12 ;
- +-----------------------------------------------------+--------------+
- The following table displays output ports that toggle between 1 and 0 during simulation.
- +--------------------------------------------------------+
- ; Complete 1/0-Value Coverage ;
- +------------------+------------------+------------------+
- ; Node Name ; Output Port Name ; Output Port Type ;
- +------------------+------------------+------------------+
- ; |fj|cf1[3] ; |fj|cf1[3] ; regout ;
- ; |fj|cf1[0] ; |fj|cf1[0] ; regout ;
- ; |fj|cf1[2] ; |fj|cf1[2] ; regout ;
- ; |fj|cf1[7] ; |fj|cf1[7] ; regout ;
- ; |fj|cf1[6] ; |fj|cf1[6] ; regout ;
- ; |fj|cf1[5] ; |fj|cf1[5] ; regout ;
- ; |fj|cf1[1] ; |fj|cf1[1] ; regout ;
- ; |fj|cf1[4] ; |fj|cf1[4] ; regout ;
- ; |fj|cs1[2] ; |fj|cs1[2] ; regout ;
- ; |fj|cs1[3] ; |fj|cs1[3] ; regout ;
- ; |fj|cs1[1] ; |fj|cs1[1] ; regout ;
- ; |fj|cs1[0] ; |fj|cs1[0] ; regout ;
- ; |fj|csh1[4] ; |fj|csh1[4] ; regout ;
- ; |fj|csh1[3] ; |fj|csh1[3] ; regout ;
- ; |fj|csh1[1] ; |fj|csh1[1] ; regout ;
- ; |fj|csh1[2] ; |fj|csh1[2] ; regout ;
- ; |fj|csh1[7] ; |fj|csh1[7] ; regout ;
- ; |fj|csh1[6] ; |fj|csh1[6] ; regout ;
- ; |fj|csh1[5] ; |fj|csh1[5] ; regout ;
- ; |fj|Add0~121 ; |fj|Add0~121 ; sumout ;
- ; |fj|Add0~121 ; |fj|Add0~122 ; cout ;
- ; |fj|Add0~125 ; |fj|Add0~125 ; sumout ;
- ; |fj|Add0~125 ; |fj|Add0~126 ; cout ;
- ; |fj|Add0~129 ; |fj|Add0~129 ; sumout ;
- ; |fj|Add0~129 ; |fj|Add0~130 ; cout ;
- ; |fj|Add0~133 ; |fj|Add0~133 ; sumout ;
- ; |fj|Add0~133 ; |fj|Add0~134 ; cout ;
- ; |fj|Add0~137 ; |fj|Add0~137 ; sumout ;
- ; |fj|Add0~137 ; |fj|Add0~138 ; cout ;
- ; |fj|Add0~141 ; |fj|Add0~141 ; sumout ;
- ; |fj|Add0~141 ; |fj|Add0~142 ; cout ;
- ; |fj|Add0~145 ; |fj|Add0~145 ; sumout ;
- ; |fj|Add0~145 ; |fj|Add0~146 ; cout ;
- ; |fj|Add0~149 ; |fj|Add0~149 ; sumout ;
- ; |fj|Add3~120 ; |fj|Add3~120 ; sumout ;
- ; |fj|Add3~120 ; |fj|Add3~121 ; cout ;
- ; |fj|Add3~124 ; |fj|Add3~124 ; sumout ;
- ; |fj|Add3~124 ; |fj|Add3~125 ; cout ;
- ; |fj|Add3~128 ; |fj|Add3~128 ; sumout ;
- ; |fj|Add3~128 ; |fj|Add3~129 ; cout ;
- ; |fj|cs0[1] ; |fj|cs0[1] ; regout ;
- ; |fj|cs0[2] ; |fj|cs0[2] ; regout ;
- ; |fj|cs0[6] ; |fj|cs0[6] ; regout ;
- ; |fj|cs0[7] ; |fj|cs0[7] ; regout ;
- ; |fj|cs0[5] ; |fj|cs0[5] ; regout ;
- ; |fj|cs0[3] ; |fj|cs0[3] ; regout ;
- ; |fj|cs0[0] ; |fj|cs0[0] ; regout ;
- ; |fj|cs0[4] ; |fj|cs0[4] ; regout ;
- ; |fj|Add3~132 ; |fj|Add3~132 ; sumout ;
- ; |fj|Add3~132 ; |fj|Add3~133 ; cout ;
- ; |fj|csh1[0] ; |fj|csh1[0] ; regout ;
- ; |fj|Add1~121 ; |fj|Add1~121 ; sumout ;
- ; |fj|Add1~121 ; |fj|Add1~122 ; cout ;
- ; |fj|Add1~125 ; |fj|Add1~125 ; sumout ;
- ; |fj|Add1~125 ; |fj|Add1~126 ; cout ;
- ; |fj|Add1~129 ; |fj|Add1~129 ; sumout ;
- ; |fj|Add1~129 ; |fj|Add1~130 ; cout ;
- ; |fj|Add1~133 ; |fj|Add1~133 ; sumout ;
- ; |fj|Add1~133 ; |fj|Add1~134 ; cout ;
- ; |fj|Add1~137 ; |fj|Add1~137 ; sumout ;
- ; |fj|Add1~137 ; |fj|Add1~138 ; cout ;
- ; |fj|Add1~141 ; |fj|Add1~141 ; sumout ;
- ; |fj|Add1~141 ; |fj|Add1~142 ; cout ;
- ; |fj|Add1~145 ; |fj|Add1~145 ; sumout ;
- ; |fj|Add1~145 ; |fj|Add1~146 ; cout ;
- ; |fj|Add1~149 ; |fj|Add1~149 ; sumout ;
- ; |fj|Add4~181 ; |fj|Add4~181 ; sumout ;
- ; |fj|Add4~181 ; |fj|Add4~182 ; cout ;
- ; |fj|Add4~185 ; |fj|Add4~185 ; sumout ;
- ; |fj|Add4~185 ; |fj|Add4~186 ; cout ;
- ; |fj|Add4~189 ; |fj|Add4~189 ; sumout ;
- ; |fj|Add4~189 ; |fj|Add4~190 ; cout ;
- ; |fj|Add4~193 ; |fj|Add4~193 ; sumout ;
- ; |fj|Add4~193 ; |fj|Add4~194 ; cout ;
- ; |fj|Add4~197 ; |fj|Add4~197 ; sumout ;
- ; |fj|Add4~197 ; |fj|Add4~198 ; cout ;
- ; |fj|Add4~201 ; |fj|Add4~201 ; sumout ;
- ; |fj|Add4~201 ; |fj|Add4~202 ; cout ;
- ; |fj|Add4~205 ; |fj|Add4~205 ; sumout ;
- ; |fj|Add4~205 ; |fj|Add4~206 ; cout ;
- ; |fj|Add4~209 ; |fj|Add4~209 ; sumout ;
- ; |fj|Add4~209 ; |fj|Add4~210 ; cout ;
- ; |fj|Add4~213 ; |fj|Add4~213 ; sumout ;
- ; |fj|Add4~213 ; |fj|Add4~214 ; cout ;
- ; |fj|Add4~217 ; |fj|Add4~217 ; sumout ;
- ; |fj|Add4~217 ; |fj|Add4~218 ; cout ;
- ; |fj|Add4~221 ; |fj|Add4~221 ; sumout ;
- ; |fj|Add4~221 ; |fj|Add4~222 ; cout ;
- ; |fj|Add4~225 ; |fj|Add4~225 ; sumout ;
- ; |fj|Add2~121 ; |fj|Add2~121 ; sumout ;
- ; |fj|Add2~121 ; |fj|Add2~122 ; cout ;
- ; |fj|Add2~125 ; |fj|Add2~125 ; sumout ;
- ; |fj|Add2~125 ; |fj|Add2~126 ; cout ;
- ; |fj|Add2~129 ; |fj|Add2~129 ; sumout ;
- ; |fj|Add2~129 ; |fj|Add2~130 ; cout ;
- ; |fj|Add2~133 ; |fj|Add2~133 ; sumout ;
- ; |fj|Add2~133 ; |fj|Add2~134 ; cout ;
- ; |fj|Add2~137 ; |fj|Add2~137 ; sumout ;
- ; |fj|Add2~137 ; |fj|Add2~138 ; cout ;
- ; |fj|Add2~141 ; |fj|Add2~141 ; sumout ;
- ; |fj|Add2~141 ; |fj|Add2~142 ; cout ;
- ; |fj|Add2~145 ; |fj|Add2~145 ; sumout ;
- ; |fj|Add2~145 ; |fj|Add2~146 ; cout ;
- ; |fj|Add2~149 ; |fj|Add2~149 ; sumout ;
- ; |fj|fmcb ; |fj|fmcb ; regout ;
- ; |fj|sv1 ; |fj|sv1 ; regout ;
- ; |fj|sv11 ; |fj|sv11 ; regout ;
- ; |fj|fmcc~0 ; |fj|fmcc~0 ; combout ;
- ; |fj|sh1 ; |fj|sh1 ; regout ;
- ; |fj|ah1 ; |fj|ah1 ; regout ;
- ; |fj|av1 ; |fj|av1 ; regout ;
- ; |fj|oe1 ; |fj|oe1 ; regout ;
- ; |fj|fmca ; |fj|fmca ; regout ;
- ; |fj|process2~29 ; |fj|process2~29 ; combout ;
- ; |fj|LessThan1~80 ; |fj|LessThan1~80 ; combout ;
- ; |fj|process2~0 ; |fj|process2~0 ; combout ;
- ; |fj|process3~166 ; |fj|process3~166 ; combout ;
- ; |fj|process3~167 ; |fj|process3~167 ; combout ;
- ; |fj|process4~116 ; |fj|process4~116 ; combout ;
- ; |fj|cv1[10] ; |fj|cv1[10] ; regout ;
- ; |fj|cv1[11] ; |fj|cv1[11] ; regout ;
- ; |fj|cv1[8] ; |fj|cv1[8] ; regout ;
- ; |fj|cv1[5] ; |fj|cv1[5] ; regout ;
- ; |fj|cv1[6] ; |fj|cv1[6] ; regout ;
- ; |fj|cv1[4] ; |fj|cv1[4] ; regout ;
- ; |fj|cv1[9] ; |fj|cv1[9] ; regout ;
- ; |fj|cv1[7] ; |fj|cv1[7] ; regout ;
- ; |fj|cv1[0] ; |fj|cv1[0] ; regout ;
- ; |fj|cv1[2] ; |fj|cv1[2] ; regout ;
- ; |fj|cv1[3] ; |fj|cv1[3] ; regout ;
- ; |fj|cv1[1] ; |fj|cv1[1] ; regout ;
- ; |fj|process0~0 ; |fj|process0~0 ; combout ;
- ; |fj|LessThan1~81 ; |fj|LessThan1~81 ; combout ;
- ; |fj|LessThan1~82 ; |fj|LessThan1~82 ; combout ;
- ; |fj|LessThan6~82 ; |fj|LessThan6~82 ; combout ;
- ; |fj|process6~172 ; |fj|process6~172 ; combout ;
- ; |fj|process6~173 ; |fj|process6~173 ; combout ;
- ; |fj|cv1~338 ; |fj|cv1~338 ; combout ;
- ; |fj|cv1~339 ; |fj|cv1~339 ; combout ;
- ; |fj|cv1~340 ; |fj|cv1~340 ; combout ;
- ; |fj|cv1~341 ; |fj|cv1~341 ; combout ;
- ; |fj|cv1~342 ; |fj|cv1~342 ; combout ;
- ; |fj|cv1~343 ; |fj|cv1~343 ; combout ;
- ; |fj|cv1~344 ; |fj|cv1~344 ; combout ;
- ; |fj|cv1~345 ; |fj|cv1~345 ; combout ;
- ; |fj|cv1~346 ; |fj|cv1~346 ; combout ;
- ; |fj|cv1~347 ; |fj|cv1~347 ; combout ;
- ; |fj|cv1~348 ; |fj|cv1~348 ; combout ;
- ; |fj|cv1~349 ; |fj|cv1~349 ; combout ;
- ; |fj|process6~175 ; |fj|process6~175 ; combout ;
- ; |fj|process9~143 ; |fj|process9~143 ; combout ;
- ; |fj|process9~144 ; |fj|process9~144 ; combout ;
- ; |fj|process9~145 ; |fj|process9~145 ; combout ;
- ; |fj|process9~146 ; |fj|process9~146 ; combout ;
- ; |fj|process9~147 ; |fj|process9~147 ; combout ;
- ; |fj|oe1~4 ; |fj|oe1~4 ; combout ;
- ; |fj|fmc ; |fj|fmc ; padio ;
- ; |fj|fmc1 ; |fj|fmc1 ; padio ;
- ; |fj|sh ; |fj|sh ; padio ;
- ; |fj|ah ; |fj|ah ; padio ;
- ; |fj|sv ; |fj|sv ; padio ;
- ; |fj|av ; |fj|av ; padio ;
- ; |fj|oe ; |fj|oe ; padio ;
- ; |fj|clk ; |fj|clk~corein ; combout ;
- ; |fj|s ; |fj|s~corein ; combout ;
- ; |fj|clk~clkctrl ; |fj|clk~clkctrl ; outclk ;
- ; |fj|s~clkctrl ; |fj|s~clkctrl ; outclk ;
- +------------------+------------------+------------------+
- The following table displays output ports that do not toggle to 1 during simulation.
- +--------------------------------------------------------+
- ; Missing 1-Value Coverage ;
- +------------------+------------------+------------------+
- ; Node Name ; Output Port Name ; Output Port Type ;
- +------------------+------------------+------------------+
- ; |fj|cs1[6] ; |fj|cs1[6] ; regout ;
- ; |fj|cs1[4] ; |fj|cs1[4] ; regout ;
- ; |fj|cs1[7] ; |fj|cs1[7] ; regout ;
- ; |fj|cs1[5] ; |fj|cs1[5] ; regout ;
- ; |fj|Add3~136 ; |fj|Add3~136 ; sumout ;
- ; |fj|Add3~136 ; |fj|Add3~137 ; cout ;
- ; |fj|Add3~140 ; |fj|Add3~140 ; sumout ;
- ; |fj|Add3~140 ; |fj|Add3~141 ; cout ;
- ; |fj|Add3~144 ; |fj|Add3~144 ; sumout ;
- ; |fj|Add3~144 ; |fj|Add3~145 ; cout ;
- ; |fj|Add3~148 ; |fj|Add3~148 ; sumout ;
- ; |fj|process6~174 ; |fj|process6~174 ; combout ;
- +------------------+------------------+------------------+
- The following table displays output ports that do not toggle to 0 during simulation.
- +--------------------------------------------------------+
- ; Missing 0-Value Coverage ;
- +------------------+------------------+------------------+
- ; Node Name ; Output Port Name ; Output Port Type ;
- +------------------+------------------+------------------+
- ; |fj|cs1[6] ; |fj|cs1[6] ; regout ;
- ; |fj|cs1[4] ; |fj|cs1[4] ; regout ;
- ; |fj|cs1[7] ; |fj|cs1[7] ; regout ;
- ; |fj|cs1[5] ; |fj|cs1[5] ; regout ;
- ; |fj|Add3~136 ; |fj|Add3~136 ; sumout ;
- ; |fj|Add3~136 ; |fj|Add3~137 ; cout ;
- ; |fj|Add3~140 ; |fj|Add3~140 ; sumout ;
- ; |fj|Add3~140 ; |fj|Add3~141 ; cout ;
- ; |fj|Add3~144 ; |fj|Add3~144 ; sumout ;
- ; |fj|Add3~144 ; |fj|Add3~145 ; cout ;
- ; |fj|Add3~148 ; |fj|Add3~148 ; sumout ;
- ; |fj|process6~174 ; |fj|process6~174 ; combout ;
- +------------------+------------------+------------------+
- +---------------------+
- ; Simulator INI Usage ;
- +--------+------------+
- ; Option ; Usage ;
- +--------+------------+
- +--------------------+
- ; Simulator Messages ;
- +--------------------+
- Info: *******************************************************************
- Info: Running Quartus II Simulator
- Info: Version 7.2 Build 151 09/26/2007 SJ Full Version
- Info: Processing started: Thu Mar 05 01:35:06 2009
- Info: Command: quartus_sim --read_settings_files=on --write_settings_files=off fj -c fj
- Info: Using vector source file "C:/Users/QY/Desktop/06124317/fj/fj.vwf"
- Info: Inverted registers were found during simulation
- Info: Register: |fj|cv1[10]
- Info: Register: |fj|cv1[11]
- Info: Register: |fj|cv1[8]
- Info: Register: |fj|cv1[5]
- Info: Register: |fj|cv1[6]
- Info: Register: |fj|cv1[7]
- Info: Register: |fj|cv1[3]
- Info: Option to preserve fewer signal transitions to reduce memory requirements is enabled
- Info: Simulation has been partitioned into sub-simulations according to the maximum transition count determined by the engine. Transitions from memory will be flushed out to disk at the end of each sub-simulation to reduce memory requirements.
- Info: Simulation partitioned into 1 sub-simulations
- Info: Simulation coverage is 93.30 %
- Info: Number of transitions in simulation is 895997
- Info: Quartus II Simulator was successful. 0 errors, 0 warnings
- Info: Allocated 127 megabytes of memory during processing
- Info: Processing ended: Thu Mar 05 01:35:18 2009
- Info: Elapsed time: 00:00:12