资源名称:8253.rar [点击查看]
- Info: 10: + IC(0.983 ns) + CELL(0.150 ns) = 9.957 ns; Loc. = LCCOMB_X36_Y16_N20; Fanout = 5; REG Node = 'I8253f:inst|set0[8]'
- Info: 11: + IC(0.280 ns) + CELL(0.271 ns) = 10.508 ns; Loc. = LCCOMB_X36_Y16_N24; Fanout = 16; COMB Node = 'I8253f:inst|cnt0[8]~head_lut'
- Info: 12: + IC(0.811 ns) + CELL(0.275 ns) = 11.594 ns; Loc. = LCCOMB_X37_Y14_N8; Fanout = 1; COMB Node = 'I8253f:inst|buffer~143'
- Info: 13: + IC(0.983 ns) + CELL(0.438 ns) = 13.015 ns; Loc. = LCCOMB_X35_Y17_N18; Fanout = 1; COMB Node = 'I8253f:inst|buffer~145'
- Info: 14: + IC(0.423 ns) + CELL(0.149 ns) = 13.587 ns; Loc. = LCCOMB_X36_Y17_N24; Fanout = 2; COMB Node = 'I8253f:inst|buffer~146'
- Info: 15: + IC(1.566 ns) + CELL(0.000 ns) = 15.153 ns; Loc. = CLKCTRL_G5; Fanout = 15; COMB Node = 'I8253f:inst|buffer~146clkctrl'
- Info: 16: + IC(1.349 ns) + CELL(0.150 ns) = 16.652 ns; Loc. = LCCOMB_X64_Y5_N8; Fanout = 2; REG Node = 'I8253f:inst|buffer[5]'
- Info: Total cell delay = 4.543 ns ( 27.28 % )
- Info: Total interconnect delay = 12.109 ns ( 72.72 % )
- Info: + Micro clock to output delay of source is 0.000 ns
- Info: + Micro setup delay of destination is 0.869 ns
- Info: Delay path is controlled by inverted clocks -- if clock duty cycle is 50%, fmax is divided by two
- Info: Clock "A1" has Internal fmax of 24.59 MHz between source register "I8253f:inst|buffer[5]" and destination register "I8253f:inst|lock[15]" (period= 40.672 ns)
- Info: + Longest register to register delay is 10.860 ns
- Info: 1: + IC(0.000 ns) + CELL(0.000 ns) = 0.000 ns; Loc. = LCCOMB_X64_Y5_N8; Fanout = 2; REG Node = 'I8253f:inst|buffer[5]'
- Info: 2: + IC(3.919 ns) + CELL(0.371 ns) = 4.290 ns; Loc. = LCCOMB_X35_Y17_N24; Fanout = 1; COMB Node = 'I8253f:inst|Equal0~173'
- Info: 3: + IC(0.983 ns) + CELL(0.150 ns) = 5.423 ns; Loc. = LCCOMB_X36_Y14_N22; Fanout = 3; COMB Node = 'I8253f:inst|Equal0~176'
- Info: 4: + IC(0.000 ns) + CELL(1.187 ns) = 6.610 ns; Loc. = LCCOMB_X35_Y15_N22; Fanout = 2; COMB LOOP Node = 'I8253f:inst|reg0~32'
- Info: Loc. = LCCOMB_X35_Y15_N22; Node "I8253f:inst|reg0~32"
- Info: 5: + IC(0.257 ns) + CELL(0.150 ns) = 7.017 ns; Loc. = LCCOMB_X35_Y15_N2; Fanout = 1; COMB Node = 'I8253f:inst|all_set0~335'
- Info: 6: + IC(0.252 ns) + CELL(0.150 ns) = 7.419 ns; Loc. = LCCOMB_X35_Y15_N14; Fanout = 33; COMB Node = 'I8253f:inst|all_set0~337'
- Info: 7: + IC(0.794 ns) + CELL(0.150 ns) = 8.363 ns; Loc. = LCCOMB_X36_Y14_N14; Fanout = 14; COMB Node = 'I8253f:inst|cnt0[15]~head_lut'
- Info: 8: + IC(0.284 ns) + CELL(0.271 ns) = 8.918 ns; Loc. = LCCOMB_X36_Y14_N10; Fanout = 1; COMB Node = 'I8253f:inst|Selector16~130'
- Info: 9: + IC(0.253 ns) + CELL(0.150 ns) = 9.321 ns; Loc. = LCCOMB_X36_Y14_N24; Fanout = 1; COMB Node = 'I8253f:inst|Selector16~131'
- Info: 10: + IC(1.264 ns) + CELL(0.275 ns) = 10.860 ns; Loc. = LCCOMB_X33_Y19_N12; Fanout = 1; REG Node = 'I8253f:inst|lock[15]'
- Info: Total cell delay = 2.854 ns ( 26.28 % )
- Info: Total interconnect delay = 8.006 ns ( 73.72 % )
- Info: - Smallest clock skew is -8.607 ns
- Info: + Shortest clock path from clock "A1" to destination register is 8.858 ns
- Info: 1: + IC(0.000 ns) + CELL(0.832 ns) = 0.832 ns; Loc. = PIN_T7; Fanout = 11; CLK Node = 'A1'
- Info: 2: + IC(2.213 ns) + CELL(0.393 ns) = 3.438 ns; Loc. = LCCOMB_X32_Y18_N16; Fanout = 8; COMB Node = 'I8253f:inst|Decoder0~420'
- Info: 3: + IC(0.510 ns) + CELL(0.275 ns) = 4.223 ns; Loc. = LCCOMB_X32_Y17_N26; Fanout = 4; REG Node = 'I8253f:inst|cmd[2]'
- Info: 4: + IC(0.773 ns) + CELL(0.242 ns) = 5.238 ns; Loc. = LCCOMB_X32_Y15_N14; Fanout = 4; COMB Node = 'I8253f:inst|WideOr6~560'
- Info: 5: + IC(2.141 ns) + CELL(0.000 ns) = 7.379 ns; Loc. = CLKCTRL_G13; Fanout = 16; COMB Node = 'I8253f:inst|WideOr6~560clkctrl'
- Info: 6: + IC(1.329 ns) + CELL(0.150 ns) = 8.858 ns; Loc. = LCCOMB_X33_Y19_N12; Fanout = 1; REG Node = 'I8253f:inst|lock[15]'
- Info: Total cell delay = 1.892 ns ( 21.36 % )
- Info: Total interconnect delay = 6.966 ns ( 78.64 % )
- Info: - Longest clock path from clock "A1" to source register is 17.465 ns
- Info: 1: + IC(0.000 ns) + CELL(0.832 ns) = 0.832 ns; Loc. = PIN_T7; Fanout = 11; CLK Node = 'A1'
- Info: 2: + IC(2.213 ns) + CELL(0.393 ns) = 3.438 ns; Loc. = LCCOMB_X32_Y18_N16; Fanout = 8; COMB Node = 'I8253f:inst|Decoder0~420'
- Info: 3: + IC(0.712 ns) + CELL(0.275 ns) = 4.425 ns; Loc. = LCCOMB_X36_Y18_N10; Fanout = 4; REG Node = 'I8253f:inst|cmd[4]'
- Info: 4: + IC(1.022 ns) + CELL(0.150 ns) = 5.597 ns; Loc. = LCCOMB_X32_Y15_N22; Fanout = 4; COMB Node = 'I8253f:inst|Equal26~7'
- Info: 5: + IC(0.283 ns) + CELL(0.420 ns) = 6.300 ns; Loc. = LCCOMB_X32_Y15_N14; Fanout = 4; COMB Node = 'I8253f:inst|WideOr6~560'
- Info: 6: + IC(0.270 ns) + CELL(0.275 ns) = 6.845 ns; Loc. = LCCOMB_X32_Y15_N2; Fanout = 5; COMB Node = 'I8253f:inst|cmd0[1]~0'
- Info: 7: + IC(0.900 ns) + CELL(0.150 ns) = 7.895 ns; Loc. = LCCOMB_X33_Y18_N14; Fanout = 4; REG Node = 'I8253f:inst|cmd0[4]'
- Info: 8: + IC(0.279 ns) + CELL(0.420 ns) = 8.594 ns; Loc. = LCCOMB_X33_Y18_N6; Fanout = 2; COMB Node = 'I8253f:inst|set0[8]~160'
- Info: 9: + IC(0.772 ns) + CELL(0.271 ns) = 9.637 ns; Loc. = LCCOMB_X34_Y14_N0; Fanout = 8; COMB Node = 'I8253f:inst|set0[8]~161'
- Info: 10: + IC(0.983 ns) + CELL(0.150 ns) = 10.770 ns; Loc. = LCCOMB_X36_Y16_N20; Fanout = 5; REG Node = 'I8253f:inst|set0[8]'
- Info: 11: + IC(0.280 ns) + CELL(0.271 ns) = 11.321 ns; Loc. = LCCOMB_X36_Y16_N24; Fanout = 16; COMB Node = 'I8253f:inst|cnt0[8]~head_lut'
- Info: 12: + IC(0.811 ns) + CELL(0.275 ns) = 12.407 ns; Loc. = LCCOMB_X37_Y14_N8; Fanout = 1; COMB Node = 'I8253f:inst|buffer~143'
- Info: 13: + IC(0.983 ns) + CELL(0.438 ns) = 13.828 ns; Loc. = LCCOMB_X35_Y17_N18; Fanout = 1; COMB Node = 'I8253f:inst|buffer~145'
- Info: 14: + IC(0.423 ns) + CELL(0.149 ns) = 14.400 ns; Loc. = LCCOMB_X36_Y17_N24; Fanout = 2; COMB Node = 'I8253f:inst|buffer~146'
- Info: 15: + IC(1.566 ns) + CELL(0.000 ns) = 15.966 ns; Loc. = CLKCTRL_G5; Fanout = 15; COMB Node = 'I8253f:inst|buffer~146clkctrl'
- Info: 16: + IC(1.349 ns) + CELL(0.150 ns) = 17.465 ns; Loc. = LCCOMB_X64_Y5_N8; Fanout = 2; REG Node = 'I8253f:inst|buffer[5]'
- Info: Total cell delay = 4.619 ns ( 26.45 % )
- Info: Total interconnect delay = 12.846 ns ( 73.55 % )
- Info: + Micro clock to output delay of source is 0.000 ns
- Info: + Micro setup delay of destination is 0.869 ns
- Info: Delay path is controlled by inverted clocks -- if clock duty cycle is 50%, fmax is divided by two
- Info: Clock "CS" has Internal fmax of 24.59 MHz between source register "I8253f:inst|buffer[5]" and destination register "I8253f:inst|lock[15]" (period= 40.672 ns)
- Info: + Longest register to register delay is 10.860 ns
- Info: 1: + IC(0.000 ns) + CELL(0.000 ns) = 0.000 ns; Loc. = LCCOMB_X64_Y5_N8; Fanout = 2; REG Node = 'I8253f:inst|buffer[5]'
- Info: 2: + IC(3.919 ns) + CELL(0.371 ns) = 4.290 ns; Loc. = LCCOMB_X35_Y17_N24; Fanout = 1; COMB Node = 'I8253f:inst|Equal0~173'
- Info: 3: + IC(0.983 ns) + CELL(0.150 ns) = 5.423 ns; Loc. = LCCOMB_X36_Y14_N22; Fanout = 3; COMB Node = 'I8253f:inst|Equal0~176'
- Info: 4: + IC(0.000 ns) + CELL(1.187 ns) = 6.610 ns; Loc. = LCCOMB_X35_Y15_N22; Fanout = 2; COMB LOOP Node = 'I8253f:inst|reg0~32'
- Info: Loc. = LCCOMB_X35_Y15_N22; Node "I8253f:inst|reg0~32"
- Info: 5: + IC(0.257 ns) + CELL(0.150 ns) = 7.017 ns; Loc. = LCCOMB_X35_Y15_N2; Fanout = 1; COMB Node = 'I8253f:inst|all_set0~335'
- Info: 6: + IC(0.252 ns) + CELL(0.150 ns) = 7.419 ns; Loc. = LCCOMB_X35_Y15_N14; Fanout = 33; COMB Node = 'I8253f:inst|all_set0~337'
- Info: 7: + IC(0.794 ns) + CELL(0.150 ns) = 8.363 ns; Loc. = LCCOMB_X36_Y14_N14; Fanout = 14; COMB Node = 'I8253f:inst|cnt0[15]~head_lut'
- Info: 8: + IC(0.284 ns) + CELL(0.271 ns) = 8.918 ns; Loc. = LCCOMB_X36_Y14_N10; Fanout = 1; COMB Node = 'I8253f:inst|Selector16~130'
- Info: 9: + IC(0.253 ns) + CELL(0.150 ns) = 9.321 ns; Loc. = LCCOMB_X36_Y14_N24; Fanout = 1; COMB Node = 'I8253f:inst|Selector16~131'
- Info: 10: + IC(1.264 ns) + CELL(0.275 ns) = 10.860 ns; Loc. = LCCOMB_X33_Y19_N12; Fanout = 1; REG Node = 'I8253f:inst|lock[15]'
- Info: Total cell delay = 2.854 ns ( 26.28 % )
- Info: Total interconnect delay = 8.006 ns ( 73.72 % )
- Info: - Smallest clock skew is -8.607 ns
- Info: + Shortest clock path from clock "CS" to destination register is 8.268 ns
- Info: 1: + IC(0.000 ns) + CELL(0.999 ns) = 0.999 ns; Loc. = PIN_A13; Fanout = 2; CLK Node = 'CS'
- Info: 2: + IC(1.139 ns) + CELL(0.150 ns) = 2.288 ns; Loc. = LCCOMB_X32_Y18_N20; Fanout = 7; COMB Node = 'I8253f:inst|Decoder0~417'
- Info: 3: + IC(0.285 ns) + CELL(0.275 ns) = 2.848 ns; Loc. = LCCOMB_X32_Y18_N16; Fanout = 8; COMB Node = 'I8253f:inst|Decoder0~420'
- Info: 4: + IC(0.510 ns) + CELL(0.275 ns) = 3.633 ns; Loc. = LCCOMB_X32_Y17_N26; Fanout = 4; REG Node = 'I8253f:inst|cmd[2]'
- Info: 5: + IC(0.773 ns) + CELL(0.242 ns) = 4.648 ns; Loc. = LCCOMB_X32_Y15_N14; Fanout = 4; COMB Node = 'I8253f:inst|WideOr6~560'
- Info: 6: + IC(2.141 ns) + CELL(0.000 ns) = 6.789 ns; Loc. = CLKCTRL_G13; Fanout = 16; COMB Node = 'I8253f:inst|WideOr6~560clkctrl'
- Info: 7: + IC(1.329 ns) + CELL(0.150 ns) = 8.268 ns; Loc. = LCCOMB_X33_Y19_N12; Fanout = 1; REG Node = 'I8253f:inst|lock[15]'
- Info: Total cell delay = 2.091 ns ( 25.29 % )
- Info: Total interconnect delay = 6.177 ns ( 74.71 % )
- Info: - Longest clock path from clock "CS" to source register is 16.875 ns
- Info: 1: + IC(0.000 ns) + CELL(0.999 ns) = 0.999 ns; Loc. = PIN_A13; Fanout = 2; CLK Node = 'CS'
- Info: 2: + IC(1.139 ns) + CELL(0.150 ns) = 2.288 ns; Loc. = LCCOMB_X32_Y18_N20; Fanout = 7; COMB Node = 'I8253f:inst|Decoder0~417'
- Info: 3: + IC(0.285 ns) + CELL(0.275 ns) = 2.848 ns; Loc. = LCCOMB_X32_Y18_N16; Fanout = 8; COMB Node = 'I8253f:inst|Decoder0~420'
- Info: 4: + IC(0.712 ns) + CELL(0.275 ns) = 3.835 ns; Loc. = LCCOMB_X36_Y18_N10; Fanout = 4; REG Node = 'I8253f:inst|cmd[4]'
- Info: 5: + IC(1.022 ns) + CELL(0.150 ns) = 5.007 ns; Loc. = LCCOMB_X32_Y15_N22; Fanout = 4; COMB Node = 'I8253f:inst|Equal26~7'
- Info: 6: + IC(0.283 ns) + CELL(0.420 ns) = 5.710 ns; Loc. = LCCOMB_X32_Y15_N14; Fanout = 4; COMB Node = 'I8253f:inst|WideOr6~560'
- Info: 7: + IC(0.270 ns) + CELL(0.275 ns) = 6.255 ns; Loc. = LCCOMB_X32_Y15_N2; Fanout = 5; COMB Node = 'I8253f:inst|cmd0[1]~0'
- Info: 8: + IC(0.900 ns) + CELL(0.150 ns) = 7.305 ns; Loc. = LCCOMB_X33_Y18_N14; Fanout = 4; REG Node = 'I8253f:inst|cmd0[4]'
- Info: 9: + IC(0.279 ns) + CELL(0.420 ns) = 8.004 ns; Loc. = LCCOMB_X33_Y18_N6; Fanout = 2; COMB Node = 'I8253f:inst|set0[8]~160'
- Info: 10: + IC(0.772 ns) + CELL(0.271 ns) = 9.047 ns; Loc. = LCCOMB_X34_Y14_N0; Fanout = 8; COMB Node = 'I8253f:inst|set0[8]~161'
- Info: 11: + IC(0.983 ns) + CELL(0.150 ns) = 10.180 ns; Loc. = LCCOMB_X36_Y16_N20; Fanout = 5; REG Node = 'I8253f:inst|set0[8]'
- Info: 12: + IC(0.280 ns) + CELL(0.271 ns) = 10.731 ns; Loc. = LCCOMB_X36_Y16_N24; Fanout = 16; COMB Node = 'I8253f:inst|cnt0[8]~head_lut'
- Info: 13: + IC(0.811 ns) + CELL(0.275 ns) = 11.817 ns; Loc. = LCCOMB_X37_Y14_N8; Fanout = 1; COMB Node = 'I8253f:inst|buffer~143'
- Info: 14: + IC(0.983 ns) + CELL(0.438 ns) = 13.238 ns; Loc. = LCCOMB_X35_Y17_N18; Fanout = 1; COMB Node = 'I8253f:inst|buffer~145'
- Info: 15: + IC(0.423 ns) + CELL(0.149 ns) = 13.810 ns; Loc. = LCCOMB_X36_Y17_N24; Fanout = 2; COMB Node = 'I8253f:inst|buffer~146'
- Info: 16: + IC(1.566 ns) + CELL(0.000 ns) = 15.376 ns; Loc. = CLKCTRL_G5; Fanout = 15; COMB Node = 'I8253f:inst|buffer~146clkctrl'
- Info: 17: + IC(1.349 ns) + CELL(0.150 ns) = 16.875 ns; Loc. = LCCOMB_X64_Y5_N8; Fanout = 2; REG Node = 'I8253f:inst|buffer[5]'
- Info: Total cell delay = 4.818 ns ( 28.55 % )
- Info: Total interconnect delay = 12.057 ns ( 71.45 % )
- Info: + Micro clock to output delay of source is 0.000 ns
- Info: + Micro setup delay of destination is 0.869 ns
- Info: Delay path is controlled by inverted clocks -- if clock duty cycle is 50%, fmax is divided by two
- Info: Clock "WR" has Internal fmax of 24.59 MHz between source register "I8253f:inst|buffer[5]" and destination register "I8253f:inst|lock[15]" (period= 40.672 ns)
- Info: + Longest register to register delay is 10.860 ns
- Info: 1: + IC(0.000 ns) + CELL(0.000 ns) = 0.000 ns; Loc. = LCCOMB_X64_Y5_N8; Fanout = 2; REG Node = 'I8253f:inst|buffer[5]'
- Info: 2: + IC(3.919 ns) + CELL(0.371 ns) = 4.290 ns; Loc. = LCCOMB_X35_Y17_N24; Fanout = 1; COMB Node = 'I8253f:inst|Equal0~173'
- Info: 3: + IC(0.983 ns) + CELL(0.150 ns) = 5.423 ns; Loc. = LCCOMB_X36_Y14_N22; Fanout = 3; COMB Node = 'I8253f:inst|Equal0~176'
- Info: 4: + IC(0.000 ns) + CELL(1.187 ns) = 6.610 ns; Loc. = LCCOMB_X35_Y15_N22; Fanout = 2; COMB LOOP Node = 'I8253f:inst|reg0~32'
- Info: Loc. = LCCOMB_X35_Y15_N22; Node "I8253f:inst|reg0~32"
- Info: 5: + IC(0.257 ns) + CELL(0.150 ns) = 7.017 ns; Loc. = LCCOMB_X35_Y15_N2; Fanout = 1; COMB Node = 'I8253f:inst|all_set0~335'
- Info: 6: + IC(0.252 ns) + CELL(0.150 ns) = 7.419 ns; Loc. = LCCOMB_X35_Y15_N14; Fanout = 33; COMB Node = 'I8253f:inst|all_set0~337'
- Info: 7: + IC(0.794 ns) + CELL(0.150 ns) = 8.363 ns; Loc. = LCCOMB_X36_Y14_N14; Fanout = 14; COMB Node = 'I8253f:inst|cnt0[15]~head_lut'
- Info: 8: + IC(0.284 ns) + CELL(0.271 ns) = 8.918 ns; Loc. = LCCOMB_X36_Y14_N10; Fanout = 1; COMB Node = 'I8253f:inst|Selector16~130'
- Info: 9: + IC(0.253 ns) + CELL(0.150 ns) = 9.321 ns; Loc. = LCCOMB_X36_Y14_N24; Fanout = 1; COMB Node = 'I8253f:inst|Selector16~131'
- Info: 10: + IC(1.264 ns) + CELL(0.275 ns) = 10.860 ns; Loc. = LCCOMB_X33_Y19_N12; Fanout = 1; REG Node = 'I8253f:inst|lock[15]'
- Info: Total cell delay = 2.854 ns ( 26.28 % )
- Info: Total interconnect delay = 8.006 ns ( 73.72 % )
- Info: - Smallest clock skew is -8.607 ns
- Info: + Shortest clock path from clock "WR" to destination register is 8.628 ns
- Info: 1: + IC(0.000 ns) + CELL(0.999 ns) = 0.999 ns; Loc. = PIN_P1; Fanout = 2; CLK Node = 'WR'
- Info: 2: + IC(1.374 ns) + CELL(0.275 ns) = 2.648 ns; Loc. = LCCOMB_X32_Y18_N20; Fanout = 7; COMB Node = 'I8253f:inst|Decoder0~417'
- Info: 3: + IC(0.285 ns) + CELL(0.275 ns) = 3.208 ns; Loc. = LCCOMB_X32_Y18_N16; Fanout = 8; COMB Node = 'I8253f:inst|Decoder0~420'
- Info: 4: + IC(0.510 ns) + CELL(0.275 ns) = 3.993 ns; Loc. = LCCOMB_X32_Y17_N26; Fanout = 4; REG Node = 'I8253f:inst|cmd[2]'
- Info: 5: + IC(0.773 ns) + CELL(0.242 ns) = 5.008 ns; Loc. = LCCOMB_X32_Y15_N14; Fanout = 4; COMB Node = 'I8253f:inst|WideOr6~560'
- Info: 6: + IC(2.141 ns) + CELL(0.000 ns) = 7.149 ns; Loc. = CLKCTRL_G13; Fanout = 16; COMB Node = 'I8253f:inst|WideOr6~560clkctrl'
- Info: 7: + IC(1.329 ns) + CELL(0.150 ns) = 8.628 ns; Loc. = LCCOMB_X33_Y19_N12; Fanout = 1; REG Node = 'I8253f:inst|lock[15]'
- Info: Total cell delay = 2.216 ns ( 25.68 % )
- Info: Total interconnect delay = 6.412 ns ( 74.32 % )
- Info: - Longest clock path from clock "WR" to source register is 17.235 ns
- Info: 1: + IC(0.000 ns) + CELL(0.999 ns) = 0.999 ns; Loc. = PIN_P1; Fanout = 2; CLK Node = 'WR'
- Info: 2: + IC(1.374 ns) + CELL(0.275 ns) = 2.648 ns; Loc. = LCCOMB_X32_Y18_N20; Fanout = 7; COMB Node = 'I8253f:inst|Decoder0~417'
- Info: 3: + IC(0.285 ns) + CELL(0.275 ns) = 3.208 ns; Loc. = LCCOMB_X32_Y18_N16; Fanout = 8; COMB Node = 'I8253f:inst|Decoder0~420'
- Info: 4: + IC(0.712 ns) + CELL(0.275 ns) = 4.195 ns; Loc. = LCCOMB_X36_Y18_N10; Fanout = 4; REG Node = 'I8253f:inst|cmd[4]'
- Info: 5: + IC(1.022 ns) + CELL(0.150 ns) = 5.367 ns; Loc. = LCCOMB_X32_Y15_N22; Fanout = 4; COMB Node = 'I8253f:inst|Equal26~7'
- Info: 6: + IC(0.283 ns) + CELL(0.420 ns) = 6.070 ns; Loc. = LCCOMB_X32_Y15_N14; Fanout = 4; COMB Node = 'I8253f:inst|WideOr6~560'
- Info: 7: + IC(0.270 ns) + CELL(0.275 ns) = 6.615 ns; Loc. = LCCOMB_X32_Y15_N2; Fanout = 5; COMB Node = 'I8253f:inst|cmd0[1]~0'
- Info: 8: + IC(0.900 ns) + CELL(0.150 ns) = 7.665 ns; Loc. = LCCOMB_X33_Y18_N14; Fanout = 4; REG Node = 'I8253f:inst|cmd0[4]'
- Info: 9: + IC(0.279 ns) + CELL(0.420 ns) = 8.364 ns; Loc. = LCCOMB_X33_Y18_N6; Fanout = 2; COMB Node = 'I8253f:inst|set0[8]~160'
- Info: 10: + IC(0.772 ns) + CELL(0.271 ns) = 9.407 ns; Loc. = LCCOMB_X34_Y14_N0; Fanout = 8; COMB Node = 'I8253f:inst|set0[8]~161'
- Info: 11: + IC(0.983 ns) + CELL(0.150 ns) = 10.540 ns; Loc. = LCCOMB_X36_Y16_N20; Fanout = 5; REG Node = 'I8253f:inst|set0[8]'
- Info: 12: + IC(0.280 ns) + CELL(0.271 ns) = 11.091 ns; Loc. = LCCOMB_X36_Y16_N24; Fanout = 16; COMB Node = 'I8253f:inst|cnt0[8]~head_lut'
- Info: 13: + IC(0.811 ns) + CELL(0.275 ns) = 12.177 ns; Loc. = LCCOMB_X37_Y14_N8; Fanout = 1; COMB Node = 'I8253f:inst|buffer~143'
- Info: 14: + IC(0.983 ns) + CELL(0.438 ns) = 13.598 ns; Loc. = LCCOMB_X35_Y17_N18; Fanout = 1; COMB Node = 'I8253f:inst|buffer~145'
- Info: 15: + IC(0.423 ns) + CELL(0.149 ns) = 14.170 ns; Loc. = LCCOMB_X36_Y17_N24; Fanout = 2; COMB Node = 'I8253f:inst|buffer~146'
- Info: 16: + IC(1.566 ns) + CELL(0.000 ns) = 15.736 ns; Loc. = CLKCTRL_G5; Fanout = 15; COMB Node = 'I8253f:inst|buffer~146clkctrl'
- Info: 17: + IC(1.349 ns) + CELL(0.150 ns) = 17.235 ns; Loc. = LCCOMB_X64_Y5_N8; Fanout = 2; REG Node = 'I8253f:inst|buffer[5]'
- Info: Total cell delay = 4.943 ns ( 28.68 % )
- Info: Total interconnect delay = 12.292 ns ( 71.32 % )
- Info: + Micro clock to output delay of source is 0.000 ns
- Info: + Micro setup delay of destination is 0.869 ns
- Info: Delay path is controlled by inverted clocks -- if clock duty cycle is 50%, fmax is divided by two
- Info: Clock "RE" has Internal fmax of 24.59 MHz between source register "I8253f:inst|buffer[5]" and destination register "I8253f:inst|lock[15]" (period= 40.672 ns)
- Info: + Longest register to register delay is 10.860 ns
- Info: 1: + IC(0.000 ns) + CELL(0.000 ns) = 0.000 ns; Loc. = LCCOMB_X64_Y5_N8; Fanout = 2; REG Node = 'I8253f:inst|buffer[5]'
- Info: 2: + IC(3.919 ns) + CELL(0.371 ns) = 4.290 ns; Loc. = LCCOMB_X35_Y17_N24; Fanout = 1; COMB Node = 'I8253f:inst|Equal0~173'
- Info: 3: + IC(0.983 ns) + CELL(0.150 ns) = 5.423 ns; Loc. = LCCOMB_X36_Y14_N22; Fanout = 3; COMB Node = 'I8253f:inst|Equal0~176'
- Info: 4: + IC(0.000 ns) + CELL(1.187 ns) = 6.610 ns; Loc. = LCCOMB_X35_Y15_N22; Fanout = 2; COMB LOOP Node = 'I8253f:inst|reg0~32'
- Info: Loc. = LCCOMB_X35_Y15_N22; Node "I8253f:inst|reg0~32"
- Info: 5: + IC(0.257 ns) + CELL(0.150 ns) = 7.017 ns; Loc. = LCCOMB_X35_Y15_N2; Fanout = 1; COMB Node = 'I8253f:inst|all_set0~335'
- Info: 6: + IC(0.252 ns) + CELL(0.150 ns) = 7.419 ns; Loc. = LCCOMB_X35_Y15_N14; Fanout = 33; COMB Node = 'I8253f:inst|all_set0~337'
- Info: 7: + IC(0.794 ns) + CELL(0.150 ns) = 8.363 ns; Loc. = LCCOMB_X36_Y14_N14; Fanout = 14; COMB Node = 'I8253f:inst|cnt0[15]~head_lut'
- Info: 8: + IC(0.284 ns) + CELL(0.271 ns) = 8.918 ns; Loc. = LCCOMB_X36_Y14_N10; Fanout = 1; COMB Node = 'I8253f:inst|Selector16~130'
- Info: 9: + IC(0.253 ns) + CELL(0.150 ns) = 9.321 ns; Loc. = LCCOMB_X36_Y14_N24; Fanout = 1; COMB Node = 'I8253f:inst|Selector16~131'
- Info: 10: + IC(1.264 ns) + CELL(0.275 ns) = 10.860 ns; Loc. = LCCOMB_X33_Y19_N12; Fanout = 1; REG Node = 'I8253f:inst|lock[15]'
- Info: Total cell delay = 2.854 ns ( 26.28 % )
- Info: Total interconnect delay = 8.006 ns ( 73.72 % )
- Info: - Smallest clock skew is -8.607 ns
- Info: + Shortest clock path from clock "RE" to destination register is 8.833 ns
- Info: 1: + IC(0.000 ns) + CELL(0.999 ns) = 0.999 ns; Loc. = PIN_N1; Fanout = 2; CLK Node = 'RE'
- Info: 2: + IC(1.434 ns) + CELL(0.420 ns) = 2.853 ns; Loc. = LCCOMB_X32_Y18_N20; Fanout = 7; COMB Node = 'I8253f:inst|Decoder0~417'
- Info: 3: + IC(0.285 ns) + CELL(0.275 ns) = 3.413 ns; Loc. = LCCOMB_X32_Y18_N16; Fanout = 8; COMB Node = 'I8253f:inst|Decoder0~420'
- Info: 4: + IC(0.510 ns) + CELL(0.275 ns) = 4.198 ns; Loc. = LCCOMB_X32_Y17_N26; Fanout = 4; REG Node = 'I8253f:inst|cmd[2]'
- Info: 5: + IC(0.773 ns) + CELL(0.242 ns) = 5.213 ns; Loc. = LCCOMB_X32_Y15_N14; Fanout = 4; COMB Node = 'I8253f:inst|WideOr6~560'
- Info: 6: + IC(2.141 ns) + CELL(0.000 ns) = 7.354 ns; Loc. = CLKCTRL_G13; Fanout = 16; COMB Node = 'I8253f:inst|WideOr6~560clkctrl'
- Info: 7: + IC(1.329 ns) + CELL(0.150 ns) = 8.833 ns; Loc. = LCCOMB_X33_Y19_N12; Fanout = 1; REG Node = 'I8253f:inst|lock[15]'
- Info: Total cell delay = 2.361 ns ( 26.73 % )
- Info: Total interconnect delay = 6.472 ns ( 73.27 % )
- Info: - Longest clock path from clock "RE" to source register is 17.440 ns
- Info: 1: + IC(0.000 ns) + CELL(0.999 ns) = 0.999 ns; Loc. = PIN_N1; Fanout = 2; CLK Node = 'RE'
- Info: 2: + IC(1.434 ns) + CELL(0.420 ns) = 2.853 ns; Loc. = LCCOMB_X32_Y18_N20; Fanout = 7; COMB Node = 'I8253f:inst|Decoder0~417'
- Info: 3: + IC(0.285 ns) + CELL(0.275 ns) = 3.413 ns; Loc. = LCCOMB_X32_Y18_N16; Fanout = 8; COMB Node = 'I8253f:inst|Decoder0~420'
- Info: 4: + IC(0.712 ns) + CELL(0.275 ns) = 4.400 ns; Loc. = LCCOMB_X36_Y18_N10; Fanout = 4; REG Node = 'I8253f:inst|cmd[4]'
- Info: 5: + IC(1.022 ns) + CELL(0.150 ns) = 5.572 ns; Loc. = LCCOMB_X32_Y15_N22; Fanout = 4; COMB Node = 'I8253f:inst|Equal26~7'
- Info: 6: + IC(0.283 ns) + CELL(0.420 ns) = 6.275 ns; Loc. = LCCOMB_X32_Y15_N14; Fanout = 4; COMB Node = 'I8253f:inst|WideOr6~560'
- Info: 7: + IC(0.270 ns) + CELL(0.275 ns) = 6.820 ns; Loc. = LCCOMB_X32_Y15_N2; Fanout = 5; COMB Node = 'I8253f:inst|cmd0[1]~0'
- Info: 8: + IC(0.900 ns) + CELL(0.150 ns) = 7.870 ns; Loc. = LCCOMB_X33_Y18_N14; Fanout = 4; REG Node = 'I8253f:inst|cmd0[4]'
- Info: 9: + IC(0.279 ns) + CELL(0.420 ns) = 8.569 ns; Loc. = LCCOMB_X33_Y18_N6; Fanout = 2; COMB Node = 'I8253f:inst|set0[8]~160'
- Info: 10: + IC(0.772 ns) + CELL(0.271 ns) = 9.612 ns; Loc. = LCCOMB_X34_Y14_N0; Fanout = 8; COMB Node = 'I8253f:inst|set0[8]~161'
- Info: 11: + IC(0.983 ns) + CELL(0.150 ns) = 10.745 ns; Loc. = LCCOMB_X36_Y16_N20; Fanout = 5; REG Node = 'I8253f:inst|set0[8]'
- Info: 12: + IC(0.280 ns) + CELL(0.271 ns) = 11.296 ns; Loc. = LCCOMB_X36_Y16_N24; Fanout = 16; COMB Node = 'I8253f:inst|cnt0[8]~head_lut'
- Info: 13: + IC(0.811 ns) + CELL(0.275 ns) = 12.382 ns; Loc. = LCCOMB_X37_Y14_N8; Fanout = 1; COMB Node = 'I8253f:inst|buffer~143'
- Info: 14: + IC(0.983 ns) + CELL(0.438 ns) = 13.803 ns; Loc. = LCCOMB_X35_Y17_N18; Fanout = 1; COMB Node = 'I8253f:inst|buffer~145'
- Info: 15: + IC(0.423 ns) + CELL(0.149 ns) = 14.375 ns; Loc. = LCCOMB_X36_Y17_N24; Fanout = 2; COMB Node = 'I8253f:inst|buffer~146'
- Info: 16: + IC(1.566 ns) + CELL(0.000 ns) = 15.941 ns; Loc. = CLKCTRL_G5; Fanout = 15; COMB Node = 'I8253f:inst|buffer~146clkctrl'
- Info: 17: + IC(1.349 ns) + CELL(0.150 ns) = 17.440 ns; Loc. = LCCOMB_X64_Y5_N8; Fanout = 2; REG Node = 'I8253f:inst|buffer[5]'
- Info: Total cell delay = 5.088 ns ( 29.17 % )
- Info: Total interconnect delay = 12.352 ns ( 70.83 % )
- Info: + Micro clock to output delay of source is 0.000 ns
- Info: + Micro setup delay of destination is 0.869 ns
- Info: Delay path is controlled by inverted clocks -- if clock duty cycle is 50%, fmax is divided by two
- Info: Clock "clk0" has Internal fmax of 48.47 MHz between source register "I8253f:inst|buffer[5]" and destination register "I8253f:inst|cnt0[9]~_emulated" (period= 20.631 ns)
- Info: + Longest register to register delay is 13.003 ns
- Info: 1: + IC(0.000 ns) + CELL(0.000 ns) = 0.000 ns; Loc. = LCCOMB_X64_Y5_N8; Fanout = 2; REG Node = 'I8253f:inst|buffer[5]'
- Info: 2: + IC(3.919 ns) + CELL(0.371 ns) = 4.290 ns; Loc. = LCCOMB_X35_Y17_N24; Fanout = 1; COMB Node = 'I8253f:inst|Equal0~173'
- Info: 3: + IC(0.983 ns) + CELL(0.150 ns) = 5.423 ns; Loc. = LCCOMB_X36_Y14_N22; Fanout = 3; COMB Node = 'I8253f:inst|Equal0~176'
- Info: 4: + IC(0.000 ns) + CELL(1.187 ns) = 6.610 ns; Loc. = LCCOMB_X35_Y15_N22; Fanout = 2; COMB LOOP Node = 'I8253f:inst|reg0~32'
- Info: Loc. = LCCOMB_X35_Y15_N22; Node "I8253f:inst|reg0~32"
- Info: 5: + IC(0.257 ns) + CELL(0.150 ns) = 7.017 ns; Loc. = LCCOMB_X35_Y15_N2; Fanout = 1; COMB Node = 'I8253f:inst|all_set0~335'
- Info: 6: + IC(0.252 ns) + CELL(0.150 ns) = 7.419 ns; Loc. = LCCOMB_X35_Y15_N14; Fanout = 33; COMB Node = 'I8253f:inst|all_set0~337'
- Info: 7: + IC(0.467 ns) + CELL(0.275 ns) = 8.161 ns; Loc. = LCCOMB_X34_Y15_N16; Fanout = 17; COMB Node = 'I8253f:inst|cnt0[3]~head_lut'
- Info: 8: + IC(1.326 ns) + CELL(0.398 ns) = 9.885 ns; Loc. = LCCOMB_X35_Y15_N24; Fanout = 1; COMB Node = 'I8253f:inst|Equal36~129'
- Info: 9: + IC(0.275 ns) + CELL(0.410 ns) = 10.570 ns; Loc. = LCCOMB_X35_Y15_N28; Fanout = 2; COMB Node = 'I8253f:inst|Equal36~130'
- Info: 10: + IC(0.263 ns) + CELL(0.150 ns) = 10.983 ns; Loc. = LCCOMB_X35_Y15_N18; Fanout = 2; COMB Node = 'I8253f:inst|all_gate0~92'
- Info: 11: + IC(0.261 ns) + CELL(0.149 ns) = 11.393 ns; Loc. = LCCOMB_X35_Y15_N6; Fanout = 15; COMB Node = 'I8253f:inst|all_gate0~94'
- Info: 12: + IC(0.950 ns) + CELL(0.660 ns) = 13.003 ns; Loc. = LCFF_X34_Y14_N27; Fanout = 1; REG Node = 'I8253f:inst|cnt0[9]~_emulated'
- Info: Total cell delay = 4.050 ns ( 31.15 % )
- Info: Total interconnect delay = 8.953 ns ( 68.85 % )
- Info: - Smallest clock skew is -7.664 ns
- Info: + Shortest clock path from clock "clk0" to destination register is 3.215 ns
- Info: 1: + IC(0.000 ns) + CELL(0.979 ns) = 0.979 ns; Loc. = PIN_D13; Fanout = 16; CLK Node = 'clk0'
- Info: 2: + IC(1.699 ns) + CELL(0.537 ns) = 3.215 ns; Loc. = LCFF_X34_Y14_N27; Fanout = 1; REG Node = 'I8253f:inst|cnt0[9]~_emulated'
- Info: Total cell delay = 1.516 ns ( 47.15 % )
- Info: Total interconnect delay = 1.699 ns ( 52.85 % )
- Info: - Longest clock path from clock "clk0" to source register is 10.879 ns
- Info: 1: + IC(0.000 ns) + CELL(0.979 ns) = 0.979 ns; Loc. = PIN_D13; Fanout = 16; CLK Node = 'clk0'
- Info: 2: + IC(1.712 ns) + CELL(0.787 ns) = 3.478 ns; Loc. = LCFF_X33_Y15_N9; Fanout = 1; REG Node = 'I8253f:inst|cnt0[0]~_emulated'
- Info: 3: + IC(0.773 ns) + CELL(0.438 ns) = 4.689 ns; Loc. = LCCOMB_X35_Y15_N16; Fanout = 17; COMB Node = 'I8253f:inst|cnt0[0]~head_lut'
- Info: 4: + IC(0.712 ns) + CELL(0.420 ns) = 5.821 ns; Loc. = LCCOMB_X37_Y14_N8; Fanout = 1; COMB Node = 'I8253f:inst|buffer~143'
- Info: 5: + IC(0.983 ns) + CELL(0.438 ns) = 7.242 ns; Loc. = LCCOMB_X35_Y17_N18; Fanout = 1; COMB Node = 'I8253f:inst|buffer~145'
- Info: 6: + IC(0.423 ns) + CELL(0.149 ns) = 7.814 ns; Loc. = LCCOMB_X36_Y17_N24; Fanout = 2; COMB Node = 'I8253f:inst|buffer~146'
- Info: 7: + IC(1.566 ns) + CELL(0.000 ns) = 9.380 ns; Loc. = CLKCTRL_G5; Fanout = 15; COMB Node = 'I8253f:inst|buffer~146clkctrl'
- Info: 8: + IC(1.349 ns) + CELL(0.150 ns) = 10.879 ns; Loc. = LCCOMB_X64_Y5_N8; Fanout = 2; REG Node = 'I8253f:inst|buffer[5]'
- Info: Total cell delay = 3.361 ns ( 30.89 % )
- Info: Total interconnect delay = 7.518 ns ( 69.11 % )
- Info: + Micro clock to output delay of source is 0.000 ns
- Info: + Micro setup delay of destination is -0.036 ns
- Info: Clock "GATE0" Internal fmax is restricted to 420.17 MHz between source register "I8253f:inst|edge0" and destination register "I8253f:inst|edge0"
- Info: fmax restricted to clock pin edge rate 2.38 ns. Expand message to see actual delay path.
- Info: + Longest register to register delay is 0.407 ns
- Info: 1: + IC(0.000 ns) + CELL(0.000 ns) = 0.000 ns; Loc. = LCFF_X32_Y15_N13; Fanout = 2; REG Node = 'I8253f:inst|edge0'
- Info: 2: + IC(0.000 ns) + CELL(0.323 ns) = 0.323 ns; Loc. = LCCOMB_X32_Y15_N12; Fanout = 1; COMB Node = 'I8253f:inst|edge0~30'
- Info: 3: + IC(0.000 ns) + CELL(0.084 ns) = 0.407 ns; Loc. = LCFF_X32_Y15_N13; Fanout = 2; REG Node = 'I8253f:inst|edge0'
- Info: Total cell delay = 0.407 ns ( 100.00 % )
- Info: - Smallest clock skew is 0.000 ns
- Info: + Shortest clock path from clock "GATE0" to destination register is 3.028 ns
- Info: 1: + IC(0.000 ns) + CELL(0.999 ns) = 0.999 ns; Loc. = PIN_B13; Fanout = 9; CLK Node = 'GATE0'
- Info: 2: + IC(1.492 ns) + CELL(0.537 ns) = 3.028 ns; Loc. = LCFF_X32_Y15_N13; Fanout = 2; REG Node = 'I8253f:inst|edge0'
- Info: Total cell delay = 1.536 ns ( 50.73 % )
- Info: Total interconnect delay = 1.492 ns ( 49.27 % )
- Info: - Longest clock path from clock "GATE0" to source register is 3.028 ns
- Info: 1: + IC(0.000 ns) + CELL(0.999 ns) = 0.999 ns; Loc. = PIN_B13; Fanout = 9; CLK Node = 'GATE0'
- Info: 2: + IC(1.492 ns) + CELL(0.537 ns) = 3.028 ns; Loc. = LCFF_X32_Y15_N13; Fanout = 2; REG Node = 'I8253f:inst|edge0'
- Info: Total cell delay = 1.536 ns ( 50.73 % )
- Info: Total interconnect delay = 1.492 ns ( 49.27 % )
- Info: + Micro clock to output delay of source is 0.250 ns
- Info: + Micro setup delay of destination is -0.036 ns
- Warning: Circuit may not operate. Detected 201 non-operational path(s) clocked by clock "A0" with clock skew larger than data delay. See Compilation Report for details.
- Info: Found hold time violation between source pin or register "I8253f:inst|set0[10]" and destination pin or register "I8253f:inst|cnt0[10]~latch" for clock "A0" (Hold time is 16.777 ns)
- Info: + Largest clock skew is 17.651 ns
- Info: + Longest clock path from clock "A0" to destination register is 21.654 ns
- Info: 1: + IC(0.000 ns) + CELL(0.999 ns) = 0.999 ns; Loc. = PIN_P2; Fanout = 11; CLK Node = 'A0'
- Info: 2: + IC(1.476 ns) + CELL(0.150 ns) = 2.625 ns; Loc. = LCCOMB_X32_Y18_N16; Fanout = 8; COMB Node = 'I8253f:inst|Decoder0~420'
- Info: 3: + IC(0.712 ns) + CELL(0.275 ns) = 3.612 ns; Loc. = LCCOMB_X36_Y18_N10; Fanout = 4; REG Node = 'I8253f:inst|cmd[4]'
- Info: 4: + IC(1.022 ns) + CELL(0.150 ns) = 4.784 ns; Loc. = LCCOMB_X32_Y15_N22; Fanout = 4; COMB Node = 'I8253f:inst|Equal26~7'
- Info: 5: + IC(0.283 ns) + CELL(0.420 ns) = 5.487 ns; Loc. = LCCOMB_X32_Y15_N14; Fanout = 4; COMB Node = 'I8253f:inst|WideOr6~560'
- Info: 6: + IC(0.270 ns) + CELL(0.275 ns) = 6.032 ns; Loc. = LCCOMB_X32_Y15_N2; Fanout = 5; COMB Node = 'I8253f:inst|cmd0[1]~0'
- Info: 7: + IC(0.900 ns) + CELL(0.150 ns) = 7.082 ns; Loc. = LCCOMB_X33_Y18_N14; Fanout = 4; REG Node = 'I8253f:inst|cmd0[4]'
- Info: 8: + IC(0.279 ns) + CELL(0.420 ns) = 7.781 ns; Loc. = LCCOMB_X33_Y18_N6; Fanout = 2; COMB Node = 'I8253f:inst|set0[8]~160'
- Info: 9: + IC(0.772 ns) + CELL(0.271 ns) = 8.824 ns; Loc. = LCCOMB_X34_Y14_N0; Fanout = 8; COMB Node = 'I8253f:inst|set0[8]~161'
- Info: 10: + IC(0.983 ns) + CELL(0.150 ns) = 9.957 ns; Loc. = LCCOMB_X36_Y16_N20; Fanout = 5; REG Node = 'I8253f:inst|set0[8]'
- Info: 11: + IC(0.280 ns) + CELL(0.271 ns) = 10.508 ns; Loc. = LCCOMB_X36_Y16_N24; Fanout = 16; COMB Node = 'I8253f:inst|cnt0[8]~head_lut'
- Info: 12: + IC(0.811 ns) + CELL(0.275 ns) = 11.594 ns; Loc. = LCCOMB_X37_Y14_N8; Fanout = 1; COMB Node = 'I8253f:inst|buffer~143'
- Info: 13: + IC(0.983 ns) + CELL(0.438 ns) = 13.015 ns; Loc. = LCCOMB_X35_Y17_N18; Fanout = 1; COMB Node = 'I8253f:inst|buffer~145'
- Info: 14: + IC(0.423 ns) + CELL(0.149 ns) = 13.587 ns; Loc. = LCCOMB_X36_Y17_N24; Fanout = 2; COMB Node = 'I8253f:inst|buffer~146'
- Info: 15: + IC(1.566 ns) + CELL(0.000 ns) = 15.153 ns; Loc. = CLKCTRL_G5; Fanout = 15; COMB Node = 'I8253f:inst|buffer~146clkctrl'
- Info: 16: + IC(1.379 ns) + CELL(0.275 ns) = 16.807 ns; Loc. = LCCOMB_X35_Y17_N28; Fanout = 2; REG Node = 'I8253f:inst|buffer[4]'
- Info: 17: + IC(0.260 ns) + CELL(0.150 ns) = 17.217 ns; Loc. = LCCOMB_X35_Y17_N24; Fanout = 1; COMB Node = 'I8253f:inst|Equal0~173'
- Info: 18: + IC(0.983 ns) + CELL(0.150 ns) = 18.350 ns; Loc. = LCCOMB_X36_Y14_N22; Fanout = 3; COMB Node = 'I8253f:inst|Equal0~176'
- Info: 19: + IC(0.000 ns) + CELL(1.187 ns) = 19.537 ns; Loc. = LCCOMB_X35_Y15_N22; Fanout = 2; COMB LOOP Node = 'I8253f:inst|reg0~32'
- Info: Loc. = LCCOMB_X35_Y15_N22; Node "I8253f:inst|reg0~32"
- Info: 20: + IC(0.257 ns) + CELL(0.150 ns) = 19.944 ns; Loc. = LCCOMB_X35_Y15_N2; Fanout = 1; COMB Node = 'I8253f:inst|all_set0~335'
- Info: 21: + IC(0.252 ns) + CELL(0.150 ns) = 20.346 ns; Loc. = LCCOMB_X35_Y15_N14; Fanout = 33; COMB Node = 'I8253f:inst|all_set0~337'
- Info: 22: + IC(1.033 ns) + CELL(0.275 ns) = 21.654 ns; Loc. = LCCOMB_X34_Y14_N30; Fanout = 2; REG Node = 'I8253f:inst|cnt0[10]~latch'
- Info: Total cell delay = 6.730 ns ( 31.08 % )
- Info: Total interconnect delay = 14.924 ns ( 68.92 % )
- Info: - Shortest clock path from clock "A0" to source register is 4.003 ns
- Info: 1: + IC(0.000 ns) + CELL(0.999 ns) = 0.999 ns; Loc. = PIN_P2; Fanout = 11; CLK Node = 'A0'
- Info: 2: + IC(1.483 ns) + CELL(0.150 ns) = 2.632 ns; Loc. = LCCOMB_X33_Y18_N18; Fanout = 12; COMB Node = 'I8253f:inst|Decoder0'
- Info: 3: + IC(0.800 ns) + CELL(0.150 ns) = 3.582 ns; Loc. = LCCOMB_X34_Y14_N0; Fanout = 8; COMB Node = 'I8253f:inst|set0[8]~161'
- Info: 4: + IC(0.271 ns) + CELL(0.150 ns) = 4.003 ns; Loc. = LCCOMB_X34_Y14_N14; Fanout = 5; REG Node = 'I8253f:inst|set0[10]'
- Info: Total cell delay = 1.449 ns ( 36.20 % )
- Info: Total interconnect delay = 2.554 ns ( 63.80 % )
- Info: - Micro clock to output delay of source is 0.000 ns
- Info: - Shortest register to register delay is 0.874 ns
- Info: 1: + IC(0.000 ns) + CELL(0.000 ns) = 0.000 ns; Loc. = LCCOMB_X34_Y14_N14; Fanout = 5; REG Node = 'I8253f:inst|set0[10]'
- Info: 2: + IC(0.436 ns) + CELL(0.438 ns) = 0.874 ns; Loc. = LCCOMB_X34_Y14_N30; Fanout = 2; REG Node = 'I8253f:inst|cnt0[10]~latch'
- Info: Total cell delay = 0.438 ns ( 50.11 % )
- Info: Total interconnect delay = 0.436 ns ( 49.89 % )
- Info: + Micro hold delay of destination is 0.000 ns
- Warning: Circuit may not operate. Detected 201 non-operational path(s) clocked by clock "A1" with clock skew larger than data delay. See Compilation Report for details.
- Info: Found hold time violation between source pin or register "I8253f:inst|set0[10]" and destination pin or register "I8253f:inst|cnt0[10]~latch" for clock "A1" (Hold time is 16.901 ns)
- Info: + Largest clock skew is 17.775 ns
- Info: + Longest clock path from clock "A1" to destination register is 22.467 ns
- Info: 1: + IC(0.000 ns) + CELL(0.832 ns) = 0.832 ns; Loc. = PIN_T7; Fanout = 11; CLK Node = 'A1'
- Info: 2: + IC(2.213 ns) + CELL(0.393 ns) = 3.438 ns; Loc. = LCCOMB_X32_Y18_N16; Fanout = 8; COMB Node = 'I8253f:inst|Decoder0~420'
- Info: 3: + IC(0.712 ns) + CELL(0.275 ns) = 4.425 ns; Loc. = LCCOMB_X36_Y18_N10; Fanout = 4; REG Node = 'I8253f:inst|cmd[4]'
- Info: 4: + IC(1.022 ns) + CELL(0.150 ns) = 5.597 ns; Loc. = LCCOMB_X32_Y15_N22; Fanout = 4; COMB Node = 'I8253f:inst|Equal26~7'
- Info: 5: + IC(0.283 ns) + CELL(0.420 ns) = 6.300 ns; Loc. = LCCOMB_X32_Y15_N14; Fanout = 4; COMB Node = 'I8253f:inst|WideOr6~560'
- Info: 6: + IC(0.270 ns) + CELL(0.275 ns) = 6.845 ns; Loc. = LCCOMB_X32_Y15_N2; Fanout = 5; COMB Node = 'I8253f:inst|cmd0[1]~0'
- Info: 7: + IC(0.900 ns) + CELL(0.150 ns) = 7.895 ns; Loc. = LCCOMB_X33_Y18_N14; Fanout = 4; REG Node = 'I8253f:inst|cmd0[4]'
- Info: 8: + IC(0.279 ns) + CELL(0.420 ns) = 8.594 ns; Loc. = LCCOMB_X33_Y18_N6; Fanout = 2; COMB Node = 'I8253f:inst|set0[8]~160'
- Info: 9: + IC(0.772 ns) + CELL(0.271 ns) = 9.637 ns; Loc. = LCCOMB_X34_Y14_N0; Fanout = 8; COMB Node = 'I8253f:inst|set0[8]~161'
- Info: 10: + IC(0.983 ns) + CELL(0.150 ns) = 10.770 ns; Loc. = LCCOMB_X36_Y16_N20; Fanout = 5; REG Node = 'I8253f:inst|set0[8]'
- Info: 11: + IC(0.280 ns) + CELL(0.271 ns) = 11.321 ns; Loc. = LCCOMB_X36_Y16_N24; Fanout = 16; COMB Node = 'I8253f:inst|cnt0[8]~head_lut'
- Info: 12: + IC(0.811 ns) + CELL(0.275 ns) = 12.407 ns; Loc. = LCCOMB_X37_Y14_N8; Fanout = 1; COMB Node = 'I8253f:inst|buffer~143'
- Info: 13: + IC(0.983 ns) + CELL(0.438 ns) = 13.828 ns; Loc. = LCCOMB_X35_Y17_N18; Fanout = 1; COMB Node = 'I8253f:inst|buffer~145'
- Info: 14: + IC(0.423 ns) + CELL(0.149 ns) = 14.400 ns; Loc. = LCCOMB_X36_Y17_N24; Fanout = 2; COMB Node = 'I8253f:inst|buffer~146'
- Info: 15: + IC(1.566 ns) + CELL(0.000 ns) = 15.966 ns; Loc. = CLKCTRL_G5; Fanout = 15; COMB Node = 'I8253f:inst|buffer~146clkctrl'
- Info: 16: + IC(1.379 ns) + CELL(0.275 ns) = 17.620 ns; Loc. = LCCOMB_X35_Y17_N28; Fanout = 2; REG Node = 'I8253f:inst|buffer[4]'
- Info: 17: + IC(0.260 ns) + CELL(0.150 ns) = 18.030 ns; Loc. = LCCOMB_X35_Y17_N24; Fanout = 1; COMB Node = 'I8253f:inst|Equal0~173'
- Info: 18: + IC(0.983 ns) + CELL(0.150 ns) = 19.163 ns; Loc. = LCCOMB_X36_Y14_N22; Fanout = 3; COMB Node = 'I8253f:inst|Equal0~176'
- Info: 19: + IC(0.000 ns) + CELL(1.187 ns) = 20.350 ns; Loc. = LCCOMB_X35_Y15_N22; Fanout = 2; COMB LOOP Node = 'I8253f:inst|reg0~32'
- Info: Loc. = LCCOMB_X35_Y15_N22; Node "I8253f:inst|reg0~32"
- Info: 20: + IC(0.257 ns) + CELL(0.150 ns) = 20.757 ns; Loc. = LCCOMB_X35_Y15_N2; Fanout = 1; COMB Node = 'I8253f:inst|all_set0~335'
- Info: 21: + IC(0.252 ns) + CELL(0.150 ns) = 21.159 ns; Loc. = LCCOMB_X35_Y15_N14; Fanout = 33; COMB Node = 'I8253f:inst|all_set0~337'
- Info: 22: + IC(1.033 ns) + CELL(0.275 ns) = 22.467 ns; Loc. = LCCOMB_X34_Y14_N30; Fanout = 2; REG Node = 'I8253f:inst|cnt0[10]~latch'
- Info: Total cell delay = 6.806 ns ( 30.29 % )
- Info: Total interconnect delay = 15.661 ns ( 69.71 % )
- Info: - Shortest clock path from clock "A1" to source register is 4.692 ns
- Info: 1: + IC(0.000 ns) + CELL(0.832 ns) = 0.832 ns; Loc. = PIN_T7; Fanout = 11; CLK Node = 'A1'
- Info: 2: + IC(2.214 ns) + CELL(0.275 ns) = 3.321 ns; Loc. = LCCOMB_X33_Y18_N18; Fanout = 12; COMB Node = 'I8253f:inst|Decoder0'
- Info: 3: + IC(0.800 ns) + CELL(0.150 ns) = 4.271 ns; Loc. = LCCOMB_X34_Y14_N0; Fanout = 8; COMB Node = 'I8253f:inst|set0[8]~161'
- Info: 4: + IC(0.271 ns) + CELL(0.150 ns) = 4.692 ns; Loc. = LCCOMB_X34_Y14_N14; Fanout = 5; REG Node = 'I8253f:inst|set0[10]'
- Info: Total cell delay = 1.407 ns ( 29.99 % )
- Info: Total interconnect delay = 3.285 ns ( 70.01 % )
- Info: - Micro clock to output delay of source is 0.000 ns
- Info: - Shortest register to register delay is 0.874 ns
- Info: 1: + IC(0.000 ns) + CELL(0.000 ns) = 0.000 ns; Loc. = LCCOMB_X34_Y14_N14; Fanout = 5; REG Node = 'I8253f:inst|set0[10]'
- Info: 2: + IC(0.436 ns) + CELL(0.438 ns) = 0.874 ns; Loc. = LCCOMB_X34_Y14_N30; Fanout = 2; REG Node = 'I8253f:inst|cnt0[10]~latch'
- Info: Total cell delay = 0.438 ns ( 50.11 % )
- Info: Total interconnect delay = 0.436 ns ( 49.89 % )
- Info: + Micro hold delay of destination is 0.000 ns
- Warning: Circuit may not operate. Detected 201 non-operational path(s) clocked by clock "CS" with clock skew larger than data delay. See Compilation Report for details.
- Info: Found hold time violation between source pin or register "I8253f:inst|set0[10]" and destination pin or register "I8253f:inst|cnt0[10]~latch" for clock "CS" (Hold time is 16.399 ns)
- Info: + Largest clock skew is 17.273 ns
- Info: + Longest clock path from clock "CS" to destination register is 21.877 ns
- Info: 1: + IC(0.000 ns) + CELL(0.999 ns) = 0.999 ns; Loc. = PIN_A13; Fanout = 2; CLK Node = 'CS'
- Info: 2: + IC(1.139 ns) + CELL(0.150 ns) = 2.288 ns; Loc. = LCCOMB_X32_Y18_N20; Fanout = 7; COMB Node = 'I8253f:inst|Decoder0~417'
- Info: 3: + IC(0.285 ns) + CELL(0.275 ns) = 2.848 ns; Loc. = LCCOMB_X32_Y18_N16; Fanout = 8; COMB Node = 'I8253f:inst|Decoder0~420'
- Info: 4: + IC(0.712 ns) + CELL(0.275 ns) = 3.835 ns; Loc. = LCCOMB_X36_Y18_N10; Fanout = 4; REG Node = 'I8253f:inst|cmd[4]'
- Info: 5: + IC(1.022 ns) + CELL(0.150 ns) = 5.007 ns; Loc. = LCCOMB_X32_Y15_N22; Fanout = 4; COMB Node = 'I8253f:inst|Equal26~7'
- Info: 6: + IC(0.283 ns) + CELL(0.420 ns) = 5.710 ns; Loc. = LCCOMB_X32_Y15_N14; Fanout = 4; COMB Node = 'I8253f:inst|WideOr6~560'
- Info: 7: + IC(0.270 ns) + CELL(0.275 ns) = 6.255 ns; Loc. = LCCOMB_X32_Y15_N2; Fanout = 5; COMB Node = 'I8253f:inst|cmd0[1]~0'
- Info: 8: + IC(0.900 ns) + CELL(0.150 ns) = 7.305 ns; Loc. = LCCOMB_X33_Y18_N14; Fanout = 4; REG Node = 'I8253f:inst|cmd0[4]'
- Info: 9: + IC(0.279 ns) + CELL(0.420 ns) = 8.004 ns; Loc. = LCCOMB_X33_Y18_N6; Fanout = 2; COMB Node = 'I8253f:inst|set0[8]~160'
- Info: 10: + IC(0.772 ns) + CELL(0.271 ns) = 9.047 ns; Loc. = LCCOMB_X34_Y14_N0; Fanout = 8; COMB Node = 'I8253f:inst|set0[8]~161'
- Info: 11: + IC(0.983 ns) + CELL(0.150 ns) = 10.180 ns; Loc. = LCCOMB_X36_Y16_N20; Fanout = 5; REG Node = 'I8253f:inst|set0[8]'
- Info: 12: + IC(0.280 ns) + CELL(0.271 ns) = 10.731 ns; Loc. = LCCOMB_X36_Y16_N24; Fanout = 16; COMB Node = 'I8253f:inst|cnt0[8]~head_lut'
- Info: 13: + IC(0.811 ns) + CELL(0.275 ns) = 11.817 ns; Loc. = LCCOMB_X37_Y14_N8; Fanout = 1; COMB Node = 'I8253f:inst|buffer~143'
- Info: 14: + IC(0.983 ns) + CELL(0.438 ns) = 13.238 ns; Loc. = LCCOMB_X35_Y17_N18; Fanout = 1; COMB Node = 'I8253f:inst|buffer~145'
- Info: 15: + IC(0.423 ns) + CELL(0.149 ns) = 13.810 ns; Loc. = LCCOMB_X36_Y17_N24; Fanout = 2; COMB Node = 'I8253f:inst|buffer~146'
- Info: 16: + IC(1.566 ns) + CELL(0.000 ns) = 15.376 ns; Loc. = CLKCTRL_G5; Fanout = 15; COMB Node = 'I8253f:inst|buffer~146clkctrl'
- Info: 17: + IC(1.379 ns) + CELL(0.275 ns) = 17.030 ns; Loc. = LCCOMB_X35_Y17_N28; Fanout = 2; REG Node = 'I8253f:inst|buffer[4]'
- Info: 18: + IC(0.260 ns) + CELL(0.150 ns) = 17.440 ns; Loc. = LCCOMB_X35_Y17_N24; Fanout = 1; COMB Node = 'I8253f:inst|Equal0~173'
- Info: 19: + IC(0.983 ns) + CELL(0.150 ns) = 18.573 ns; Loc. = LCCOMB_X36_Y14_N22; Fanout = 3; COMB Node = 'I8253f:inst|Equal0~176'
- Info: 20: + IC(0.000 ns) + CELL(1.187 ns) = 19.760 ns; Loc. = LCCOMB_X35_Y15_N22; Fanout = 2; COMB LOOP Node = 'I8253f:inst|reg0~32'
- Info: Loc. = LCCOMB_X35_Y15_N22; Node "I8253f:inst|reg0~32"
- Info: 21: + IC(0.257 ns) + CELL(0.150 ns) = 20.167 ns; Loc. = LCCOMB_X35_Y15_N2; Fanout = 1; COMB Node = 'I8253f:inst|all_set0~335'
- Info: 22: + IC(0.252 ns) + CELL(0.150 ns) = 20.569 ns; Loc. = LCCOMB_X35_Y15_N14; Fanout = 33; COMB Node = 'I8253f:inst|all_set0~337'
- Info: 23: + IC(1.033 ns) + CELL(0.275 ns) = 21.877 ns; Loc. = LCCOMB_X34_Y14_N30; Fanout = 2; REG Node = 'I8253f:inst|cnt0[10]~latch'
- Info: Total cell delay = 7.005 ns ( 32.02 % )
- Info: Total interconnect delay = 14.872 ns ( 67.98 % )
- Info: - Shortest clock path from clock "CS" to source register is 4.604 ns
- Info: 1: + IC(0.000 ns) + CELL(0.999 ns) = 0.999 ns; Loc. = PIN_A13; Fanout = 2; CLK Node = 'CS'
- Info: 2: + IC(1.139 ns) + CELL(0.150 ns) = 2.288 ns; Loc. = LCCOMB_X32_Y18_N20; Fanout = 7; COMB Node = 'I8253f:inst|Decoder0~417'
- Info: 3: + IC(0.507 ns) + CELL(0.438 ns) = 3.233 ns; Loc. = LCCOMB_X33_Y18_N18; Fanout = 12; COMB Node = 'I8253f:inst|Decoder0'
- Info: 4: + IC(0.800 ns) + CELL(0.150 ns) = 4.183 ns; Loc. = LCCOMB_X34_Y14_N0; Fanout = 8; COMB Node = 'I8253f:inst|set0[8]~161'
- Info: 5: + IC(0.271 ns) + CELL(0.150 ns) = 4.604 ns; Loc. = LCCOMB_X34_Y14_N14; Fanout = 5; REG Node = 'I8253f:inst|set0[10]'
- Info: Total cell delay = 1.887 ns ( 40.99 % )
- Info: Total interconnect delay = 2.717 ns ( 59.01 % )
- Info: - Micro clock to output delay of source is 0.000 ns
- Info: - Shortest register to register delay is 0.874 ns
- Info: 1: + IC(0.000 ns) + CELL(0.000 ns) = 0.000 ns; Loc. = LCCOMB_X34_Y14_N14; Fanout = 5; REG Node = 'I8253f:inst|set0[10]'
- Info: 2: + IC(0.436 ns) + CELL(0.438 ns) = 0.874 ns; Loc. = LCCOMB_X34_Y14_N30; Fanout = 2; REG Node = 'I8253f:inst|cnt0[10]~latch'
- Info: Total cell delay = 0.438 ns ( 50.11 % )
- Info: Total interconnect delay = 0.436 ns ( 49.89 % )
- Info: + Micro hold delay of destination is 0.000 ns
- Warning: Circuit may not operate. Detected 201 non-operational path(s) clocked by clock "WR" with clock skew larger than data delay. See Compilation Report for details.
- Info: Found hold time violation between source pin or register "I8253f:inst|set0[10]" and destination pin or register "I8253f:inst|cnt0[10]~latch" for clock "WR" (Hold time is 16.399 ns)
- Info: + Largest clock skew is 17.273 ns
- Info: + Longest clock path from clock "WR" to destination register is 22.237 ns
- Info: 1: + IC(0.000 ns) + CELL(0.999 ns) = 0.999 ns; Loc. = PIN_P1; Fanout = 2; CLK Node = 'WR'
- Info: 2: + IC(1.374 ns) + CELL(0.275 ns) = 2.648 ns; Loc. = LCCOMB_X32_Y18_N20; Fanout = 7; COMB Node = 'I8253f:inst|Decoder0~417'
- Info: 3: + IC(0.285 ns) + CELL(0.275 ns) = 3.208 ns; Loc. = LCCOMB_X32_Y18_N16; Fanout = 8; COMB Node = 'I8253f:inst|Decoder0~420'
- Info: 4: + IC(0.712 ns) + CELL(0.275 ns) = 4.195 ns; Loc. = LCCOMB_X36_Y18_N10; Fanout = 4; REG Node = 'I8253f:inst|cmd[4]'
- Info: 5: + IC(1.022 ns) + CELL(0.150 ns) = 5.367 ns; Loc. = LCCOMB_X32_Y15_N22; Fanout = 4; COMB Node = 'I8253f:inst|Equal26~7'
- Info: 6: + IC(0.283 ns) + CELL(0.420 ns) = 6.070 ns; Loc. = LCCOMB_X32_Y15_N14; Fanout = 4; COMB Node = 'I8253f:inst|WideOr6~560'
- Info: 7: + IC(0.270 ns) + CELL(0.275 ns) = 6.615 ns; Loc. = LCCOMB_X32_Y15_N2; Fanout = 5; COMB Node = 'I8253f:inst|cmd0[1]~0'
- Info: 8: + IC(0.900 ns) + CELL(0.150 ns) = 7.665 ns; Loc. = LCCOMB_X33_Y18_N14; Fanout = 4; REG Node = 'I8253f:inst|cmd0[4]'
- Info: 9: + IC(0.279 ns) + CELL(0.420 ns) = 8.364 ns; Loc. = LCCOMB_X33_Y18_N6; Fanout = 2; COMB Node = 'I8253f:inst|set0[8]~160'
- Info: 10: + IC(0.772 ns) + CELL(0.271 ns) = 9.407 ns; Loc. = LCCOMB_X34_Y14_N0; Fanout = 8; COMB Node = 'I8253f:inst|set0[8]~161'
- Info: 11: + IC(0.983 ns) + CELL(0.150 ns) = 10.540 ns; Loc. = LCCOMB_X36_Y16_N20; Fanout = 5; REG Node = 'I8253f:inst|set0[8]'
- Info: 12: + IC(0.280 ns) + CELL(0.271 ns) = 11.091 ns; Loc. = LCCOMB_X36_Y16_N24; Fanout = 16; COMB Node = 'I8253f:inst|cnt0[8]~head_lut'
- Info: 13: + IC(0.811 ns) + CELL(0.275 ns) = 12.177 ns; Loc. = LCCOMB_X37_Y14_N8; Fanout = 1; COMB Node = 'I8253f:inst|buffer~143'
- Info: 14: + IC(0.983 ns) + CELL(0.438 ns) = 13.598 ns; Loc. = LCCOMB_X35_Y17_N18; Fanout = 1; COMB Node = 'I8253f:inst|buffer~145'
- Info: 15: + IC(0.423 ns) + CELL(0.149 ns) = 14.170 ns; Loc. = LCCOMB_X36_Y17_N24; Fanout = 2; COMB Node = 'I8253f:inst|buffer~146'
- Info: 16: + IC(1.566 ns) + CELL(0.000 ns) = 15.736 ns; Loc. = CLKCTRL_G5; Fanout = 15; COMB Node = 'I8253f:inst|buffer~146clkctrl'
- Info: 17: + IC(1.379 ns) + CELL(0.275 ns) = 17.390 ns; Loc. = LCCOMB_X35_Y17_N28; Fanout = 2; REG Node = 'I8253f:inst|buffer[4]'
- Info: 18: + IC(0.260 ns) + CELL(0.150 ns) = 17.800 ns; Loc. = LCCOMB_X35_Y17_N24; Fanout = 1; COMB Node = 'I8253f:inst|Equal0~173'
- Info: 19: + IC(0.983 ns) + CELL(0.150 ns) = 18.933 ns; Loc. = LCCOMB_X36_Y14_N22; Fanout = 3; COMB Node = 'I8253f:inst|Equal0~176'
- Info: 20: + IC(0.000 ns) + CELL(1.187 ns) = 20.120 ns; Loc. = LCCOMB_X35_Y15_N22; Fanout = 2; COMB LOOP Node = 'I8253f:inst|reg0~32'
- Info: Loc. = LCCOMB_X35_Y15_N22; Node "I8253f:inst|reg0~32"
- Info: 21: + IC(0.257 ns) + CELL(0.150 ns) = 20.527 ns; Loc. = LCCOMB_X35_Y15_N2; Fanout = 1; COMB Node = 'I8253f:inst|all_set0~335'
- Info: 22: + IC(0.252 ns) + CELL(0.150 ns) = 20.929 ns; Loc. = LCCOMB_X35_Y15_N14; Fanout = 33; COMB Node = 'I8253f:inst|all_set0~337'
- Info: 23: + IC(1.033 ns) + CELL(0.275 ns) = 22.237 ns; Loc. = LCCOMB_X34_Y14_N30; Fanout = 2; REG Node = 'I8253f:inst|cnt0[10]~latch'
- Info: Total cell delay = 7.130 ns ( 32.06 % )
- Info: Total interconnect delay = 15.107 ns ( 67.94 % )
- Info: - Shortest clock path from clock "WR" to source register is 4.964 ns
- Info: 1: + IC(0.000 ns) + CELL(0.999 ns) = 0.999 ns; Loc. = PIN_P1; Fanout = 2; CLK Node = 'WR'
- Info: 2: + IC(1.374 ns) + CELL(0.275 ns) = 2.648 ns; Loc. = LCCOMB_X32_Y18_N20; Fanout = 7; COMB Node = 'I8253f:inst|Decoder0~417'
- Info: 3: + IC(0.507 ns) + CELL(0.438 ns) = 3.593 ns; Loc. = LCCOMB_X33_Y18_N18; Fanout = 12; COMB Node = 'I8253f:inst|Decoder0'
- Info: 4: + IC(0.800 ns) + CELL(0.150 ns) = 4.543 ns; Loc. = LCCOMB_X34_Y14_N0; Fanout = 8; COMB Node = 'I8253f:inst|set0[8]~161'
- Info: 5: + IC(0.271 ns) + CELL(0.150 ns) = 4.964 ns; Loc. = LCCOMB_X34_Y14_N14; Fanout = 5; REG Node = 'I8253f:inst|set0[10]'
- Info: Total cell delay = 2.012 ns ( 40.53 % )
- Info: Total interconnect delay = 2.952 ns ( 59.47 % )
- Info: - Micro clock to output delay of source is 0.000 ns
- Info: - Shortest register to register delay is 0.874 ns
- Info: 1: + IC(0.000 ns) + CELL(0.000 ns) = 0.000 ns; Loc. = LCCOMB_X34_Y14_N14; Fanout = 5; REG Node = 'I8253f:inst|set0[10]'
- Info: 2: + IC(0.436 ns) + CELL(0.438 ns) = 0.874 ns; Loc. = LCCOMB_X34_Y14_N30; Fanout = 2; REG Node = 'I8253f:inst|cnt0[10]~latch'
- Info: Total cell delay = 0.438 ns ( 50.11 % )
- Info: Total interconnect delay = 0.436 ns ( 49.89 % )
- Info: + Micro hold delay of destination is 0.000 ns
- Warning: Circuit may not operate. Detected 201 non-operational path(s) clocked by clock "RE" with clock skew larger than data delay. See Compilation Report for details.
- Info: Found hold time violation between source pin or register "I8253f:inst|set0[10]" and destination pin or register "I8253f:inst|cnt0[10]~latch" for clock "RE" (Hold time is 16.399 ns)
- Info: + Largest clock skew is 17.273 ns
- Info: + Longest clock path from clock "RE" to destination register is 22.442 ns
- Info: 1: + IC(0.000 ns) + CELL(0.999 ns) = 0.999 ns; Loc. = PIN_N1; Fanout = 2; CLK Node = 'RE'
- Info: 2: + IC(1.434 ns) + CELL(0.420 ns) = 2.853 ns; Loc. = LCCOMB_X32_Y18_N20; Fanout = 7; COMB Node = 'I8253f:inst|Decoder0~417'
- Info: 3: + IC(0.285 ns) + CELL(0.275 ns) = 3.413 ns; Loc. = LCCOMB_X32_Y18_N16; Fanout = 8; COMB Node = 'I8253f:inst|Decoder0~420'
- Info: 4: + IC(0.712 ns) + CELL(0.275 ns) = 4.400 ns; Loc. = LCCOMB_X36_Y18_N10; Fanout = 4; REG Node = 'I8253f:inst|cmd[4]'
- Info: 5: + IC(1.022 ns) + CELL(0.150 ns) = 5.572 ns; Loc. = LCCOMB_X32_Y15_N22; Fanout = 4; COMB Node = 'I8253f:inst|Equal26~7'
- Info: 6: + IC(0.283 ns) + CELL(0.420 ns) = 6.275 ns; Loc. = LCCOMB_X32_Y15_N14; Fanout = 4; COMB Node = 'I8253f:inst|WideOr6~560'
- Info: 7: + IC(0.270 ns) + CELL(0.275 ns) = 6.820 ns; Loc. = LCCOMB_X32_Y15_N2; Fanout = 5; COMB Node = 'I8253f:inst|cmd0[1]~0'
- Info: 8: + IC(0.900 ns) + CELL(0.150 ns) = 7.870 ns; Loc. = LCCOMB_X33_Y18_N14; Fanout = 4; REG Node = 'I8253f:inst|cmd0[4]'
- Info: 9: + IC(0.279 ns) + CELL(0.420 ns) = 8.569 ns; Loc. = LCCOMB_X33_Y18_N6; Fanout = 2; COMB Node = 'I8253f:inst|set0[8]~160'
- Info: 10: + IC(0.772 ns) + CELL(0.271 ns) = 9.612 ns; Loc. = LCCOMB_X34_Y14_N0; Fanout = 8; COMB Node = 'I8253f:inst|set0[8]~161'
- Info: 11: + IC(0.983 ns) + CELL(0.150 ns) = 10.745 ns; Loc. = LCCOMB_X36_Y16_N20; Fanout = 5; REG Node = 'I8253f:inst|set0[8]'
- Info: 12: + IC(0.280 ns) + CELL(0.271 ns) = 11.296 ns; Loc. = LCCOMB_X36_Y16_N24; Fanout = 16; COMB Node = 'I8253f:inst|cnt0[8]~head_lut'
- Info: 13: + IC(0.811 ns) + CELL(0.275 ns) = 12.382 ns; Loc. = LCCOMB_X37_Y14_N8; Fanout = 1; COMB Node = 'I8253f:inst|buffer~143'
- Info: 14: + IC(0.983 ns) + CELL(0.438 ns) = 13.803 ns; Loc. = LCCOMB_X35_Y17_N18; Fanout = 1; COMB Node = 'I8253f:inst|buffer~145'
- Info: 15: + IC(0.423 ns) + CELL(0.149 ns) = 14.375 ns; Loc. = LCCOMB_X36_Y17_N24; Fanout = 2; COMB Node = 'I8253f:inst|buffer~146'
- Info: 16: + IC(1.566 ns) + CELL(0.000 ns) = 15.941 ns; Loc. = CLKCTRL_G5; Fanout = 15; COMB Node = 'I8253f:inst|buffer~146clkctrl'
- Info: 17: + IC(1.379 ns) + CELL(0.275 ns) = 17.595 ns; Loc. = LCCOMB_X35_Y17_N28; Fanout = 2; REG Node = 'I8253f:inst|buffer[4]'
- Info: 18: + IC(0.260 ns) + CELL(0.150 ns) = 18.005 ns; Loc. = LCCOMB_X35_Y17_N24; Fanout = 1; COMB Node = 'I8253f:inst|Equal0~173'
- Info: 19: + IC(0.983 ns) + CELL(0.150 ns) = 19.138 ns; Loc. = LCCOMB_X36_Y14_N22; Fanout = 3; COMB Node = 'I8253f:inst|Equal0~176'
- Info: 20: + IC(0.000 ns) + CELL(1.187 ns) = 20.325 ns; Loc. = LCCOMB_X35_Y15_N22; Fanout = 2; COMB LOOP Node = 'I8253f:inst|reg0~32'
- Info: Loc. = LCCOMB_X35_Y15_N22; Node "I8253f:inst|reg0~32"
- Info: 21: + IC(0.257 ns) + CELL(0.150 ns) = 20.732 ns; Loc. = LCCOMB_X35_Y15_N2; Fanout = 1; COMB Node = 'I8253f:inst|all_set0~335'
- Info: 22: + IC(0.252 ns) + CELL(0.150 ns) = 21.134 ns; Loc. = LCCOMB_X35_Y15_N14; Fanout = 33; COMB Node = 'I8253f:inst|all_set0~337'
- Info: 23: + IC(1.033 ns) + CELL(0.275 ns) = 22.442 ns; Loc. = LCCOMB_X34_Y14_N30; Fanout = 2; REG Node = 'I8253f:inst|cnt0[10]~latch'
- Info: Total cell delay = 7.275 ns ( 32.42 % )
- Info: Total interconnect delay = 15.167 ns ( 67.58 % )
- Info: - Shortest clock path from clock "RE" to source register is 5.169 ns
- Info: 1: + IC(0.000 ns) + CELL(0.999 ns) = 0.999 ns; Loc. = PIN_N1; Fanout = 2; CLK Node = 'RE'
- Info: 2: + IC(1.434 ns) + CELL(0.420 ns) = 2.853 ns; Loc. = LCCOMB_X32_Y18_N20; Fanout = 7; COMB Node = 'I8253f:inst|Decoder0~417'
- Info: 3: + IC(0.507 ns) + CELL(0.438 ns) = 3.798 ns; Loc. = LCCOMB_X33_Y18_N18; Fanout = 12; COMB Node = 'I8253f:inst|Decoder0'
- Info: 4: + IC(0.800 ns) + CELL(0.150 ns) = 4.748 ns; Loc. = LCCOMB_X34_Y14_N0; Fanout = 8; COMB Node = 'I8253f:inst|set0[8]~161'
- Info: 5: + IC(0.271 ns) + CELL(0.150 ns) = 5.169 ns; Loc. = LCCOMB_X34_Y14_N14; Fanout = 5; REG Node = 'I8253f:inst|set0[10]'
- Info: Total cell delay = 2.157 ns ( 41.73 % )
- Info: Total interconnect delay = 3.012 ns ( 58.27 % )
- Info: - Micro clock to output delay of source is 0.000 ns
- Info: - Shortest register to register delay is 0.874 ns
- Info: 1: + IC(0.000 ns) + CELL(0.000 ns) = 0.000 ns; Loc. = LCCOMB_X34_Y14_N14; Fanout = 5; REG Node = 'I8253f:inst|set0[10]'
- Info: 2: + IC(0.436 ns) + CELL(0.438 ns) = 0.874 ns; Loc. = LCCOMB_X34_Y14_N30; Fanout = 2; REG Node = 'I8253f:inst|cnt0[10]~latch'
- Info: Total cell delay = 0.438 ns ( 50.11 % )
- Info: Total interconnect delay = 0.436 ns ( 49.89 % )
- Info: + Micro hold delay of destination is 0.000 ns
- Warning: Circuit may not operate. Detected 17 non-operational path(s) clocked by clock "clk0" with clock skew larger than data delay. See Compilation Report for details.
- Info: Found hold time violation between source pin or register "I8253f:inst|cnt0[12]~_emulated" and destination pin or register "I8253f:inst|buffer[12]" for clock "clk0" (Hold time is 6.379 ns)
- Info: + Largest clock skew is 8.010 ns
- Info: + Longest clock path from clock "clk0" to destination register is 11.039 ns
- Info: 1: + IC(0.000 ns) + CELL(0.979 ns) = 0.979 ns; Loc. = PIN_D13; Fanout = 16; CLK Node = 'clk0'
- Info: 2: + IC(1.712 ns) + CELL(0.787 ns) = 3.478 ns; Loc. = LCFF_X33_Y15_N9; Fanout = 1; REG Node = 'I8253f:inst|cnt0[0]~_emulated'
- Info: 3: + IC(0.773 ns) + CELL(0.438 ns) = 4.689 ns; Loc. = LCCOMB_X35_Y15_N16; Fanout = 17; COMB Node = 'I8253f:inst|cnt0[0]~head_lut'
- Info: 4: + IC(0.712 ns) + CELL(0.420 ns) = 5.821 ns; Loc. = LCCOMB_X37_Y14_N8; Fanout = 1; COMB Node = 'I8253f:inst|buffer~143'
- Info: 5: + IC(0.983 ns) + CELL(0.438 ns) = 7.242 ns; Loc. = LCCOMB_X35_Y17_N18; Fanout = 1; COMB Node = 'I8253f:inst|buffer~145'
- Info: 6: + IC(0.423 ns) + CELL(0.149 ns) = 7.814 ns; Loc. = LCCOMB_X36_Y17_N24; Fanout = 2; COMB Node = 'I8253f:inst|buffer~146'
- Info: 7: + IC(1.566 ns) + CELL(0.000 ns) = 9.380 ns; Loc. = CLKCTRL_G5; Fanout = 15; COMB Node = 'I8253f:inst|buffer~146clkctrl'
- Info: 8: + IC(1.384 ns) + CELL(0.275 ns) = 11.039 ns; Loc. = LCCOMB_X34_Y17_N12; Fanout = 2; REG Node = 'I8253f:inst|buffer[12]'
- Info: Total cell delay = 3.486 ns ( 31.58 % )
- Info: Total interconnect delay = 7.553 ns ( 68.42 % )
- Info: - Shortest clock path from clock "clk0" to source register is 3.029 ns
- Info: 1: + IC(0.000 ns) + CELL(0.979 ns) = 0.979 ns; Loc. = PIN_D13; Fanout = 16; CLK Node = 'clk0'
- Info: 2: + IC(1.513 ns) + CELL(0.537 ns) = 3.029 ns; Loc. = LCFF_X34_Y17_N19; Fanout = 1; REG Node = 'I8253f:inst|cnt0[12]~_emulated'
- Info: Total cell delay = 1.516 ns ( 50.05 % )
- Info: Total interconnect delay = 1.513 ns ( 49.95 % )
- Info: - Micro clock to output delay of source is 0.250 ns
- Info: - Shortest register to register delay is 1.381 ns
- Info: 1: + IC(0.000 ns) + CELL(0.000 ns) = 0.000 ns; Loc. = LCFF_X34_Y17_N19; Fanout = 1; REG Node = 'I8253f:inst|cnt0[12]~_emulated'
- Info: 2: + IC(0.309 ns) + CELL(0.150 ns) = 0.459 ns; Loc. = LCCOMB_X34_Y17_N4; Fanout = 15; COMB Node = 'I8253f:inst|cnt0[12]~head_lut'
- Info: 3: + IC(0.503 ns) + CELL(0.419 ns) = 1.381 ns; Loc. = LCCOMB_X34_Y17_N12; Fanout = 2; REG Node = 'I8253f:inst|buffer[12]'
- Info: Total cell delay = 0.569 ns ( 41.20 % )
- Info: Total interconnect delay = 0.812 ns ( 58.80 % )
- Info: + Micro hold delay of destination is 0.000 ns
- Info: tsu for register "I8253f:inst|cnt0[9]~_emulated" (data pin = "RE", clock pin = "clk0") is 8.637 ns
- Info: + Longest pin to register delay is 11.888 ns
- Info: 1: + IC(0.000 ns) + CELL(0.999 ns) = 0.999 ns; Loc. = PIN_N1; Fanout = 2; CLK Node = 'RE'
- Info: 2: + IC(1.434 ns) + CELL(0.420 ns) = 2.853 ns; Loc. = LCCOMB_X32_Y18_N20; Fanout = 7; COMB Node = 'I8253f:inst|Decoder0~417'
- Info: 3: + IC(0.507 ns) + CELL(0.438 ns) = 3.798 ns; Loc. = LCCOMB_X33_Y18_N18; Fanout = 12; COMB Node = 'I8253f:inst|Decoder0'
- Info: 4: + IC(0.923 ns) + CELL(0.420 ns) = 5.141 ns; Loc. = LCCOMB_X32_Y15_N4; Fanout = 1; COMB Node = 'I8253f:inst|all_set0~336'
- Info: 5: + IC(0.725 ns) + CELL(0.438 ns) = 6.304 ns; Loc. = LCCOMB_X35_Y15_N14; Fanout = 33; COMB Node = 'I8253f:inst|all_set0~337'
- Info: 6: + IC(0.467 ns) + CELL(0.275 ns) = 7.046 ns; Loc. = LCCOMB_X34_Y15_N16; Fanout = 17; COMB Node = 'I8253f:inst|cnt0[3]~head_lut'
- Info: 7: + IC(1.326 ns) + CELL(0.398 ns) = 8.770 ns; Loc. = LCCOMB_X35_Y15_N24; Fanout = 1; COMB Node = 'I8253f:inst|Equal36~129'
- Info: 8: + IC(0.275 ns) + CELL(0.410 ns) = 9.455 ns; Loc. = LCCOMB_X35_Y15_N28; Fanout = 2; COMB Node = 'I8253f:inst|Equal36~130'
- Info: 9: + IC(0.263 ns) + CELL(0.150 ns) = 9.868 ns; Loc. = LCCOMB_X35_Y15_N18; Fanout = 2; COMB Node = 'I8253f:inst|all_gate0~92'
- Info: 10: + IC(0.261 ns) + CELL(0.149 ns) = 10.278 ns; Loc. = LCCOMB_X35_Y15_N6; Fanout = 15; COMB Node = 'I8253f:inst|all_gate0~94'
- Info: 11: + IC(0.950 ns) + CELL(0.660 ns) = 11.888 ns; Loc. = LCFF_X34_Y14_N27; Fanout = 1; REG Node = 'I8253f:inst|cnt0[9]~_emulated'
- Info: Total cell delay = 4.757 ns ( 40.02 % )
- Info: Total interconnect delay = 7.131 ns ( 59.98 % )
- Info: + Micro setup delay of destination is -0.036 ns
- Info: - Shortest clock path from clock "clk0" to destination register is 3.215 ns
- Info: 1: + IC(0.000 ns) + CELL(0.979 ns) = 0.979 ns; Loc. = PIN_D13; Fanout = 16; CLK Node = 'clk0'
- Info: 2: + IC(1.699 ns) + CELL(0.537 ns) = 3.215 ns; Loc. = LCFF_X34_Y14_N27; Fanout = 1; REG Node = 'I8253f:inst|cnt0[9]~_emulated'
- Info: Total cell delay = 1.516 ns ( 47.15 % )
- Info: Total interconnect delay = 1.699 ns ( 52.85 % )
- Info: tco from clock "A1" to destination pin "HEX2[0]" through register "I8253f:inst|buffer[5]" is 33.246 ns
- Info: + Longest clock path from clock "A1" to source register is 17.465 ns
- Info: 1: + IC(0.000 ns) + CELL(0.832 ns) = 0.832 ns; Loc. = PIN_T7; Fanout = 11; CLK Node = 'A1'
- Info: 2: + IC(2.213 ns) + CELL(0.393 ns) = 3.438 ns; Loc. = LCCOMB_X32_Y18_N16; Fanout = 8; COMB Node = 'I8253f:inst|Decoder0~420'
- Info: 3: + IC(0.712 ns) + CELL(0.275 ns) = 4.425 ns; Loc. = LCCOMB_X36_Y18_N10; Fanout = 4; REG Node = 'I8253f:inst|cmd[4]'
- Info: 4: + IC(1.022 ns) + CELL(0.150 ns) = 5.597 ns; Loc. = LCCOMB_X32_Y15_N22; Fanout = 4; COMB Node = 'I8253f:inst|Equal26~7'
- Info: 5: + IC(0.283 ns) + CELL(0.420 ns) = 6.300 ns; Loc. = LCCOMB_X32_Y15_N14; Fanout = 4; COMB Node = 'I8253f:inst|WideOr6~560'
- Info: 6: + IC(0.270 ns) + CELL(0.275 ns) = 6.845 ns; Loc. = LCCOMB_X32_Y15_N2; Fanout = 5; COMB Node = 'I8253f:inst|cmd0[1]~0'
- Info: 7: + IC(0.900 ns) + CELL(0.150 ns) = 7.895 ns; Loc. = LCCOMB_X33_Y18_N14; Fanout = 4; REG Node = 'I8253f:inst|cmd0[4]'
- Info: 8: + IC(0.279 ns) + CELL(0.420 ns) = 8.594 ns; Loc. = LCCOMB_X33_Y18_N6; Fanout = 2; COMB Node = 'I8253f:inst|set0[8]~160'
- Info: 9: + IC(0.772 ns) + CELL(0.271 ns) = 9.637 ns; Loc. = LCCOMB_X34_Y14_N0; Fanout = 8; COMB Node = 'I8253f:inst|set0[8]~161'
- Info: 10: + IC(0.983 ns) + CELL(0.150 ns) = 10.770 ns; Loc. = LCCOMB_X36_Y16_N20; Fanout = 5; REG Node = 'I8253f:inst|set0[8]'
- Info: 11: + IC(0.280 ns) + CELL(0.271 ns) = 11.321 ns; Loc. = LCCOMB_X36_Y16_N24; Fanout = 16; COMB Node = 'I8253f:inst|cnt0[8]~head_lut'
- Info: 12: + IC(0.811 ns) + CELL(0.275 ns) = 12.407 ns; Loc. = LCCOMB_X37_Y14_N8; Fanout = 1; COMB Node = 'I8253f:inst|buffer~143'
- Info: 13: + IC(0.983 ns) + CELL(0.438 ns) = 13.828 ns; Loc. = LCCOMB_X35_Y17_N18; Fanout = 1; COMB Node = 'I8253f:inst|buffer~145'
- Info: 14: + IC(0.423 ns) + CELL(0.149 ns) = 14.400 ns; Loc. = LCCOMB_X36_Y17_N24; Fanout = 2; COMB Node = 'I8253f:inst|buffer~146'
- Info: 15: + IC(1.566 ns) + CELL(0.000 ns) = 15.966 ns; Loc. = CLKCTRL_G5; Fanout = 15; COMB Node = 'I8253f:inst|buffer~146clkctrl'
- Info: 16: + IC(1.349 ns) + CELL(0.150 ns) = 17.465 ns; Loc. = LCCOMB_X64_Y5_N8; Fanout = 2; REG Node = 'I8253f:inst|buffer[5]'
- Info: Total cell delay = 4.619 ns ( 26.45 % )
- Info: Total interconnect delay = 12.846 ns ( 73.55 % )
- Info: + Micro clock to output delay of source is 0.000 ns
- Info: + Longest register to pin delay is 15.781 ns
- Info: 1: + IC(0.000 ns) + CELL(0.000 ns) = 0.000 ns; Loc. = LCCOMB_X64_Y5_N8; Fanout = 2; REG Node = 'I8253f:inst|buffer[5]'
- Info: 2: + IC(3.919 ns) + CELL(0.371 ns) = 4.290 ns; Loc. = LCCOMB_X35_Y17_N24; Fanout = 1; COMB Node = 'I8253f:inst|Equal0~173'
- Info: 3: + IC(0.983 ns) + CELL(0.150 ns) = 5.423 ns; Loc. = LCCOMB_X36_Y14_N22; Fanout = 3; COMB Node = 'I8253f:inst|Equal0~176'
- Info: 4: + IC(0.000 ns) + CELL(1.187 ns) = 6.610 ns; Loc. = LCCOMB_X35_Y15_N22; Fanout = 2; COMB LOOP Node = 'I8253f:inst|reg0~32'
- Info: Loc. = LCCOMB_X35_Y15_N22; Node "I8253f:inst|reg0~32"
- Info: 5: + IC(0.257 ns) + CELL(0.150 ns) = 7.017 ns; Loc. = LCCOMB_X35_Y15_N2; Fanout = 1; COMB Node = 'I8253f:inst|all_set0~335'
- Info: 6: + IC(0.252 ns) + CELL(0.150 ns) = 7.419 ns; Loc. = LCCOMB_X35_Y15_N14; Fanout = 33; COMB Node = 'I8253f:inst|all_set0~337'
- Info: 7: + IC(1.037 ns) + CELL(0.275 ns) = 8.731 ns; Loc. = LCCOMB_X34_Y14_N2; Fanout = 16; COMB Node = 'I8253f:inst|cnt0[10]~head_lut'
- Info: 8: + IC(2.665 ns) + CELL(0.275 ns) = 11.671 ns; Loc. = LCCOMB_X58_Y13_N20; Fanout = 1; COMB Node = 'segout:inst11|WideOr6~15'
- Info: 9: + IC(1.458 ns) + CELL(2.652 ns) = 15.781 ns; Loc. = PIN_AB23; Fanout = 0; PIN Node = 'HEX2[0]'
- Info: Total cell delay = 5.210 ns ( 33.01 % )
- Info: Total interconnect delay = 10.571 ns ( 66.99 % )
- Info: Longest tpd from source pin "RE" to destination pin "HEX2[0]" is 14.666 ns
- Info: 1: + IC(0.000 ns) + CELL(0.999 ns) = 0.999 ns; Loc. = PIN_N1; Fanout = 2; CLK Node = 'RE'
- Info: 2: + IC(1.434 ns) + CELL(0.420 ns) = 2.853 ns; Loc. = LCCOMB_X32_Y18_N20; Fanout = 7; COMB Node = 'I8253f:inst|Decoder0~417'
- Info: 3: + IC(0.507 ns) + CELL(0.438 ns) = 3.798 ns; Loc. = LCCOMB_X33_Y18_N18; Fanout = 12; COMB Node = 'I8253f:inst|Decoder0'
- Info: 4: + IC(0.923 ns) + CELL(0.420 ns) = 5.141 ns; Loc. = LCCOMB_X32_Y15_N4; Fanout = 1; COMB Node = 'I8253f:inst|all_set0~336'
- Info: 5: + IC(0.725 ns) + CELL(0.438 ns) = 6.304 ns; Loc. = LCCOMB_X35_Y15_N14; Fanout = 33; COMB Node = 'I8253f:inst|all_set0~337'
- Info: 6: + IC(1.037 ns) + CELL(0.275 ns) = 7.616 ns; Loc. = LCCOMB_X34_Y14_N2; Fanout = 16; COMB Node = 'I8253f:inst|cnt0[10]~head_lut'
- Info: 7: + IC(2.665 ns) + CELL(0.275 ns) = 10.556 ns; Loc. = LCCOMB_X58_Y13_N20; Fanout = 1; COMB Node = 'segout:inst11|WideOr6~15'
- Info: 8: + IC(1.458 ns) + CELL(2.652 ns) = 14.666 ns; Loc. = PIN_AB23; Fanout = 0; PIN Node = 'HEX2[0]'
- Info: Total cell delay = 5.917 ns ( 40.35 % )
- Info: Total interconnect delay = 8.749 ns ( 59.65 % )
- Info: th for register "I8253f:inst|buffer[13]" (data pin = "GATE0", clock pin = "A1") is 12.441 ns
- Info: + Longest clock path from clock "A1" to destination register is 17.577 ns
- Info: 1: + IC(0.000 ns) + CELL(0.832 ns) = 0.832 ns; Loc. = PIN_T7; Fanout = 11; CLK Node = 'A1'
- Info: 2: + IC(2.213 ns) + CELL(0.393 ns) = 3.438 ns; Loc. = LCCOMB_X32_Y18_N16; Fanout = 8; COMB Node = 'I8253f:inst|Decoder0~420'
- Info: 3: + IC(0.712 ns) + CELL(0.275 ns) = 4.425 ns; Loc. = LCCOMB_X36_Y18_N10; Fanout = 4; REG Node = 'I8253f:inst|cmd[4]'
- Info: 4: + IC(1.022 ns) + CELL(0.150 ns) = 5.597 ns; Loc. = LCCOMB_X32_Y15_N22; Fanout = 4; COMB Node = 'I8253f:inst|Equal26~7'
- Info: 5: + IC(0.283 ns) + CELL(0.420 ns) = 6.300 ns; Loc. = LCCOMB_X32_Y15_N14; Fanout = 4; COMB Node = 'I8253f:inst|WideOr6~560'
- Info: 6: + IC(0.270 ns) + CELL(0.275 ns) = 6.845 ns; Loc. = LCCOMB_X32_Y15_N2; Fanout = 5; COMB Node = 'I8253f:inst|cmd0[1]~0'
- Info: 7: + IC(0.900 ns) + CELL(0.150 ns) = 7.895 ns; Loc. = LCCOMB_X33_Y18_N14; Fanout = 4; REG Node = 'I8253f:inst|cmd0[4]'
- Info: 8: + IC(0.279 ns) + CELL(0.420 ns) = 8.594 ns; Loc. = LCCOMB_X33_Y18_N6; Fanout = 2; COMB Node = 'I8253f:inst|set0[8]~160'
- Info: 9: + IC(0.772 ns) + CELL(0.271 ns) = 9.637 ns; Loc. = LCCOMB_X34_Y14_N0; Fanout = 8; COMB Node = 'I8253f:inst|set0[8]~161'
- Info: 10: + IC(0.983 ns) + CELL(0.150 ns) = 10.770 ns; Loc. = LCCOMB_X36_Y16_N20; Fanout = 5; REG Node = 'I8253f:inst|set0[8]'
- Info: 11: + IC(0.280 ns) + CELL(0.271 ns) = 11.321 ns; Loc. = LCCOMB_X36_Y16_N24; Fanout = 16; COMB Node = 'I8253f:inst|cnt0[8]~head_lut'
- Info: 12: + IC(0.811 ns) + CELL(0.275 ns) = 12.407 ns; Loc. = LCCOMB_X37_Y14_N8; Fanout = 1; COMB Node = 'I8253f:inst|buffer~143'
- Info: 13: + IC(0.983 ns) + CELL(0.438 ns) = 13.828 ns; Loc. = LCCOMB_X35_Y17_N18; Fanout = 1; COMB Node = 'I8253f:inst|buffer~145'
- Info: 14: + IC(0.423 ns) + CELL(0.149 ns) = 14.400 ns; Loc. = LCCOMB_X36_Y17_N24; Fanout = 2; COMB Node = 'I8253f:inst|buffer~146'
- Info: 15: + IC(1.566 ns) + CELL(0.000 ns) = 15.966 ns; Loc. = CLKCTRL_G5; Fanout = 15; COMB Node = 'I8253f:inst|buffer~146clkctrl'
- Info: 16: + IC(1.336 ns) + CELL(0.275 ns) = 17.577 ns; Loc. = LCCOMB_X36_Y14_N6; Fanout = 2; REG Node = 'I8253f:inst|buffer[13]'
- Info: Total cell delay = 4.744 ns ( 26.99 % )
- Info: Total interconnect delay = 12.833 ns ( 73.01 % )
- Info: + Micro hold delay of destination is 0.000 ns
- Info: - Shortest pin to register delay is 5.136 ns
- Info: 1: + IC(0.000 ns) + CELL(0.999 ns) = 0.999 ns; Loc. = PIN_B13; Fanout = 9; CLK Node = 'GATE0'
- Info: 2: + IC(1.566 ns) + CELL(0.419 ns) = 2.984 ns; Loc. = LCCOMB_X35_Y15_N8; Fanout = 1; COMB Node = 'I8253f:inst|all_set0~334'
- Info: 3: + IC(0.263 ns) + CELL(0.245 ns) = 3.492 ns; Loc. = LCCOMB_X35_Y15_N14; Fanout = 33; COMB Node = 'I8253f:inst|all_set0~337'
- Info: 4: + IC(0.798 ns) + CELL(0.150 ns) = 4.440 ns; Loc. = LCCOMB_X36_Y14_N2; Fanout = 15; COMB Node = 'I8253f:inst|cnt0[13]~head_lut'
- Info: 5: + IC(0.277 ns) + CELL(0.419 ns) = 5.136 ns; Loc. = LCCOMB_X36_Y14_N6; Fanout = 2; REG Node = 'I8253f:inst|buffer[13]'
- Info: Total cell delay = 2.232 ns ( 43.46 % )
- Info: Total interconnect delay = 2.904 ns ( 56.54 % )
- Info: Quartus II Classic Timing Analyzer was successful. 0 errors, 184 warnings
- Info: Allocated 146 megabytes of memory during processing
- Info: Processing ended: Tue Apr 20 16:40:25 2010
- Info: Elapsed time: 00:00:03