- /*
- * Paradigm C/C++ Run-Time Library - Version 5.0
- *
- * Copyright (c) 1998 Paradigm Systems. All rights reserved.
- * Portions Copyright (c) 1996 Borland International.
- *
- * $Revision: 4 $
- * $Workfile: fperr.c $
- *
- * Floating point exception handler code.
- */
- #include "Config.h" // Global Configuration - do not remove!
- #include "IncludeSysdefs.h" // Global Configuration - do not remove!
- #include <stdio.h>
- #include <math.h> /* for _mexcep */
- #include <stdlib.h>
- #include <signal.h>
- #include <float.h> /* for FPE types */
- /* No denormal signal are caught here, but treat it for completeness. */
- #define FPE_DENORMAL 130 /* 80x87 denormalized operand */
- typedef void cdecl (* CatcherPTR)(); /* Cleaner signal catcher declaration */
- extern CatcherPTR (* cdecl __SignalPtr)();
- /*
- The only exceptions routed through this code are GENUINE floating
- point ones. The explicitly raised SIGFPE and the integer related
- SIGFPE types DO NOT come this way.
- */
- static const
- struct f_errors
- {
- int FPEtype;
- char *string;
- }
- fp_errors[] =
- {
- { FPE_INVALID, "Domain" },
- { FPE_DENORMAL, "Denormal" },
- { FPE_ZERODIVIDE, "Divide by 0" },
- { FPE_OVERFLOW, "Overflow" },
- { FPE_UNDERFLOW, "Underflow" },
- { FPE_INEXACT, "Partial loss of precision" },
- { FPE_STACKFAULT, "Stack fault" },
- };
- /*
- This is an fp exception structure. It describes the info passed
- to _fperror, the purpose of which is to give a C interface to
- trapping fp exceptions in a style similar to matherr().
- _fperror() is called directly from the NMI handler. Portable fp
- exception handlers should call signal() instead, as that is an
- ANSI function. _fperror() is for lower level control over the
- exception.
- The default _fperror() only uses the type and subtype fields of
- struct fpexcep. The other fields are correctly filled in if the
- coprocessor is present, but not otherwise. They can be used to
- help track down the source of the error, and the circumstances
- causing the error.
- _fperror() is not called for denormal exceptions, as these are
- handled by the NMI handler. The NMI handler also attempts to
- correct some invalid operation exceptions, and only calls
- _fperror() if it is unsuccessful in curing the problem.
- _fperror() is also not called for certain Invalid Operation
- exceptions. Some of these are recoverable stack faults.
- The subtype is always 1. Future implementations may use this
- field to pass more info, such as whether an INVALID exception
- came from a FSQRT instruction.
- Here are the reasonable alternatives for an fp exception handler.
- 1. Print a suitable message and exit. This is what the default
- handler does. A program that wants to do the same may still wish
- to replace the handler as it may have some additional cleaning up
- to do, or may want to print a more informative message.
- 2. Do a long jump to safe place in the program. If so, the
- program must pay attention to all of the usual hazards of long
- jumps, and in addition,
- It should call _fpreset() to reset the coprocessor or emulator.
- Since interrupts occur asynchronously, there is more danger than
- usual that the code will be left in an inconsistent state.
- 3. Ignore the exception. In most cases the coprocessor will
- generate infinities and NANs which are likely to cause additional
- exceptions. These exceptions can be ignored more efficiently by
- using _control87() to mask them. This option does not work if
- the coprocessor is being emulated, as the emulator does not support
- all of the exception handling that the 8087 does.
- 4. Set a flag and continue. As with case 3 above, most programs
- may prefer the simpler strategy of masking the exceptions. The
- occurrence of the exception can still be detected by examining
- the status word with _status87() and can be cleared with
- _clear87(). This option does not work if the coprocessor is being
- emulated.
- 5. Attempt to analyze the damage and repair it. This is nearly
- impossible as the 8087 is a very complex chip with many
- instructions, data types, registers, and special cases. Some
- info is provided at the _fperror() level for programs to try.
- Caution: _fperror() is a huge function in all memory models.
- Bugs:
- Currently, only the 'type' field of the struct fpexcep is supported.
- Do NOT use any of the others.
- */
- #ifdef I49FP_ERROR
- struct fpexcep
- {
- _mexcep type;
- int subtype;
- unsigned int opcode; /* offending instruction */
- void huge *datap; /* ptr to bad mem operand, if any */
- void (huge *codep)(); /* ptr to bad instruction */
- };
- #endif
- /*
- void huge cdecl _fperror(void)
- */
- void near cdecl _fperror(void)
- {
- tr_printf (("FP errorn"));
- while (1);
- #ifdef I49FP_ERROR
- struct fpexcep far *a = (struct fpexcep _ss *) _BX;
- /*
- If signal() functions are installed, use them. signal() makes
- it's presence known by filling the '__SignalPtr' function pointer
- the first time it's called.
- */
- if (__SignalPtr != NULL) /* signals installed */
- {
- CatcherPTR func;
- #pragma warn -pro
- func = (*__SignalPtr)(SIGFPE, SIG_DFL); /* get current */
- (*__SignalPtr)(SIGFPE, func); /* restore it */
- if (func != SIG_IGN)
- {
- if (func == SIG_DFL)
- goto default_actions;
- /*
- Set a default handler and call the users
- handler. The user handler is responsible for
- reenabling itself if it needs to.
- */
- (*__SignalPtr)(SIGFPE, SIG_DFL);
- (* func)(SIGFPE, fp_errors[a->type-1].FPEtype);
- }
- }
- #pragma warn .pro
- else /* Default actions if signals aren't present */
- { /* or are defaulted. */
- default_actions :
- /*
- // Default handler treats all exceptions as fatal.
- // Some won't occur unless the user enables them.
- */
- #if defined(__USE_STREAMS)
- fprintf(stderr, "Floating point error: %s.n", fp_errors[a->type-1].string);
- #endif
- /*
- Now abort the program. The exit sequence will
- clean off the chip and restore interrupts.
- */
- abort();
- /* not reached */
- }
- #endif
- }