- #include "Config.h" // Global Configuration - do not remove!
- // *****************************************************************************
- // * Define debug messages condition
- // * has to be define before "SysDefs.h"
- // *****************************************************************************
- //#define _DEBUG_SCHEDULER
- #endif
- #include <embedded.h>
- #include "IncludeSysDefs.h"
- #include "PlaycoreCoremaincoremain.h"
- #include "Playcoretimingtiming.h"
- #include "KerneluITRONrtos.h"
- #include "KernelKer_API.h"
- #include "KernelEventDef.h"
- #include "PlaycoreScPadScPadAlloc.h"
- #include "CPUtimefunc.h"
- #include "Playcorecoremaincoregdef.h"
- #include "PlaycoreSAMPschedulerSAMPScheduler.h"
- #include "decoderlow_leveldec_ll_reg.h"
- extern int SACD_Navigator(HDLR_OP Op, EVENT Event, void *Param);
- //JERRYC_2004AUG24
- extern UINT32 Ker_GetCoreStackBottom(void);
- typedef void (_far *LPSACDTIMERPROC)(void);
- #ifdef dbg_printf
- #undef dbg_printf
- #define dbg_printf(sMsg) printf ## sMsg
- #endif
- // *****************************************************************************
- // * SACD task scheduler
- // * Implemented features: TASKSWITCH,SEMAPHORES,MAILBOXES
- // *****************************************************************************
- // *****************************************************************************
- // * Constant definition
- // *****************************************************************************
- //definition of allocated memory in SDRAM for tasks stack
- #define SDRAM_STACK_SIZE 2048ul //BYTE
- //staticly allocated resources definition
- #define NUMBER_OF_TASKS 6
- //ID of scheduler task
- //definition of uninitialized semaphor counter
- // *****************************************************************************
- // * External referencies
- // *****************************************************************************
- extern void SAMP_API_Handler (UINT32 param);
- // *****************************************************************************
- // * Global variable
- // *****************************************************************************
- int SchedulerID = -1;
- //keeps id of active task
- static IDENT currentTask;
- #define CUR_TASK currentTask
- //initial level of core tasks stack (offset part only)
- static UINT16 initialStack;
- #define INITIAL_STACK initialStack
- #define TASK (gns.sacd.task)
- #define SEMA (gns.sacd.semaphore)
- #define MB (gns.sacd.mailbox)
- // *****************************************************************************
- // * Function prototypes
- // *****************************************************************************
- static IDENT SchedulerGetReadyTask (void);
- static SAMP(ErrCode) TaskSwitch (void);
- static int SAMP_Scheduler (HDLR_OP Op, EVENT Event, void *Param);
- // *****************************************************************************
- // * TASKS handling implementation
- // *****************************************************************************
- // *****************************************************************************
- // * Name: OS_TaskCreate
- // * Purpose: Create and start a new task
- // * Input: Priority Priority of the task.
- // * Stacksize Stack size required by the task.
- // * Entry The function that gets control when the new task starts
- // * execution.
- // * Output: *Id Unique identification number for the created task.
- // * Returns: SAMP(ERR_OK) Operation successful.
- // * ERR_UNKNOWN Unknown internal failure.
- // * Description: Create a new task with the given priority and stack size and
- // * start it at the entry point. The task Id is returned. There are eight
- // * different task priorities required by SA-MP. They are specified by the
- // * integer numbers 0, 1, 2, ... 7 where 0 is the lowest possible priority
- // * and 7 is the highest. Note that these priorities must be mapped by the OSA
- // * to some suitable set of priorities for the underlying operating system.
- // * Tasks running at priority 0 will have a higher priority than the idle task
- // * of the underlying operating system.
- // *****************************************************************************
- SAMP(ErrCode) SAMP(OS_TaskCreate) (PRIORITY Priority, size_t Stacksize, void(*Entry)(void),IDENT *Id)
- {
- TASK_CONTEXT taskContext;
- TCB *taskPtr;
- dbg_printf (("SCHEDULER(%i) TaskCreate",CUR_TASK));
- // SAMP(TH_Send)("SCHEDULER ", "TaskCreate by:", "%u", CUR_TASK);
- #endif
- //test if the priority doesnot exccedes number of tasks
- if (Priority >= NUMBER_OF_TASKS) return SAMP(ERR_UNKNOWN);
- //assume that number of tasks is equal to number of priorities minus one
- //the id sets the level of priority, higher id - lower priority
- *Id = NUMBER_OF_TASKS - Priority - 1;
- taskPtr = &(TASK[*Id]);
- if (taskPtr->Status != TASK_NOT_STARTED) return SAMP(ERR_UNKNOWN);
- dbg_printf (("(%i)n",*Id));
- // SAMP(TH_Send)("SCHEDULER ", "TaskCreate new:", "%u", *Id);
- #endif
- //initialize task stack in SDRAM
- taskContext.task = Entry;
- //initializa first stack offset after task switch
- taskPtr->StackOff = INITIAL_STACK - sizeof(TASK_CONTEXT);
- wai_sem(SEM_DRAM_ID);
- {
- UINT8 * addr = (UINT8 *)(&taskContext);
- if(sizeof(TASK_CONTEXT)%2) //odd
- addr -= 1;
- I49_WriteDRAMDataNSW (taskPtr->SDRAMStackAddr,(UINT16*)addr,(sizeof(TASK_CONTEXT) + 1)/2);
- }
- sig_sem(SEM_DRAM_ID);
- //change task status
- taskPtr->Status = TASK_STATUS_READY;
- return TaskSwitch ();
- }
- // *****************************************************************************
- // * Name: OS_TaskDelete
- // * Purpose: Stop and delete a task.
- // * Input: Id Identification number of the task as was returned on
- // * OS_TaskCreate().
- // * Returns: SAMP(ERR_OK) Operation successful.
- // * SAMP(ERR_UNKNOWN) Unknown internal failure.
- // * Description: See purpose.
- // * Note: The task Id will be invalidated by this function. A new call to
- // * OS_TaskCreate() for the same entry-function may or may not return the same
- // * value.
- // *****************************************************************************
- SAMP(ErrCode) SAMP(OS_TaskDelete) (IDENT Id)
- {
- dbg_printf (("SCHEDULER(%i) TaskDelete",CUR_TASK));
- dbg_printf (("(%i)n",Id));
- // SAMP(TH_Send)("SCHEDULER ", "TaskDelete ID:", "%u", Id);
- //cannot delete task that is curently running
- if (CUR_TASK == Id) return SAMP(ERR_UNKNOWN);
- //invalidate the task
- return SAMP(ERR_OK);
- }
- // *****************************************************************************
- // * SEMAPHORES implementation
- // *****************************************************************************
- // *****************************************************************************
- // * Name: OS_SemCreate
- // * Purpose: Create a new counting semaphore.
- // * Input: Units The initial amount of units in the semaphore.
- // * Ouput: *Id Unique identification number for the created semaphore.
- // * Returns: SAMP(ERR_OK) Operation successful.
- // * SAMP(ERR_UNKNOWN) Unknown internal failure.
- // * Precondition: (Units=0(Units=1)
- // * Description: Create a new counting semaphore and return the semaphore Id.
- // *****************************************************************************
- SAMP(ErrCode) SAMP(OS_SemCreate) (UNITS Units,IDENT *Id)
- {
- IDENT id;
- dbg_printf (("SCHEDULER(%i) SemaphoreCreate",CUR_TASK));
- // SAMP(TH_Send)("SCHEDULER ", "SemaphoreCreate by task:", "%u", CUR_TASK);
- #endif
- for (id = 0; id < NUMBER_OF_SEMAPHORES; id++)
- {
- {
- SEMA[id] = Units;
- *Id = id;
- dbg_printf (("(%i)n",id));
- #endif
- return SAMP(ERR_OK);
- }
- }
- dbg_printf (("Errorn"));
- // SAMP(TH_Send)("SCHEDULER ", "SemaphoreCreate:", "%s", "Errorn");
- }
- // *****************************************************************************
- // * Name: OS_SemDelete
- // * Purpose: Delete a semaphore.
- // * Input: Id Identification number of the semaphore as was returned
- // * on OS_SemCreate().
- // * Returns: SAMP(ERR_OK) Operation successful.
- // * SAMP(ERR_UNKNOWN) Unknown internal failure.
- // * Description: Delete the semaphore associated with Id.
- // * Note: The semaphore Id will be invalidated by this function.
- // *****************************************************************************
- SAMP(ErrCode) SAMP(OS_SemDelete)(IDENT Id)
- {
- dbg_printf (("SCHEDULER(%i) SemaphoreDelete",CUR_TASK));
- dbg_printf (("(%i)n",Id));
- // SAMP(TH_Send)("SCHEDULER ", "SemaphoreDelete: task - sem", "%u%u", CUR_TASK, Id);
- return SAMP(ERR_OK);
- }
- // *****************************************************************************
- // * Name: OS_SemP
- // * Purpose: Take a unit from a semaphore.
- // * Input: Id Identification number of the semaphore.
- // * Timeout The maximum time to wait for a unit to become available.
- // * Returns: SAMP(ERR_OK) Operation successful.
- // * ERR_FAILED No unit available (after waiting).
- // * SAMP(ERR_UNKNOWN) Unknown internal failure.
- // * Description: Obtain a unit from the semaphore associated with Id but don't
- // * wait more than Timeout centiseconds for it. If a unit is available, take it
- // * and return. If Timeout is OS_FOREVER, wait until an unit becomes
- // * available. If Timeout is 0, return immediately. If the time-out elapses
- // * while waiting for a unit, return ERR_FAILED. Waiting tasks are queued by
- // * priority, that is the highest priority task waiting will get the next
- // * available unit.
- // *****************************************************************************
- SAMP(ErrCode) SAMP(OS_SemP) (IDENT Id,TIMEOUT Timeout)
- {
- TCB *taskPtr = &(TASK[CUR_TASK]);
- //dbg_printf (("S%i SG",CUR_TASK));
- //dbg_printf (("%in",Id));
- // SAMP(TH_Send)("SCHEDULER ", "SemaphoreGet: task - sem", "%u%u", CUR_TASK, Id);
- #endif
- //test if the semaphor is already initialized
- //test if the id is correct
- do
- {
- //test if semaphore unit available
- stReg = InterruptDisable ();
- if (SEMA[Id])
- {
- SEMA[Id]--;
- set_SR (stReg);
- // dbg_printf (("SCHEDULER(%i) SemaphoreReceivedn",CUR_TASK));
- // SAMP(TH_Send)("SCHEDULER ", "SemaphoreReceived: task:", "%u", CUR_TASK);
- return SAMP(ERR_OK);
- }
- //semmaphore unit not available at this moment
- //test if need to wait for the semaphor
- if (!Timeout)
- {
- set_SR (stReg);
- return SAMP(ERR_FAILED);
- }
- //change task status
- //save semaphore id, that is the current task waiting for
- taskPtr->SemaphoreID = Id;
- set_SR (stReg);
- //return execution to task scheduler and wait semaphore unit for to arrive
- }
- while (TaskSwitch () == SAMP(ERR_OK));
- //if we get here there was error in the scheduler
- return SAMP(ERR_FAILED);
- }
- // *****************************************************************************
- // * Name: OS_SemV
- // * Purpose: Release a unit to a semaphore.
- // * Input: Id Identification number of the semaphore.
- // * Returns: SAMP(ERR_OK) Operation successful.
- // * SAMP(ERR_FAILED) No unit available after waiting.
- // * SAMP(ERR_UNKNOWN) Unknown internal failure.
- // * Description: Release a unit to semaphore associated with Id.
- // *****************************************************************************
- SAMP(ErrCode) SAMP(OS_SemV) (IDENT Id)
- {
- //dbg_printf (("S%i SS",CUR_TASK));
- //dbg_printf (("%in",Id));
- // SAMP(TH_Send)("SCHEDULER ", "SemaphoreSet: task - sem:", "%u%u", CUR_TASK, Id);
- #endif
- //test if the semaphor is already initialized
- //test if the id is correct
- stReg = InterruptDisable ();
- //increment semaphor count
- SEMA[Id]++;
- //test if needs to release task from wait state
- // if (releaseTask)
- {
- TCB *taskPtr;
- //test if there is task waiting for the semaphore
- for (taskPtr = TASK; taskPtr < (TASK + NUMBER_OF_TASKS); taskPtr++)
- {
- if ((taskPtr->Status == TASK_STATUS_WAITING_FOR_SEMAPHORE) &&
- (taskPtr->SemaphoreID == Id))
- {
- //release task from wait state
- taskPtr->Status = TASK_STATUS_READY;
- set_SR (stReg);
- return TaskSwitch ();
- }
- }
- }
- set_SR (stReg);
- return SAMP(ERR_OK);
- }
- // *****************************************************************************
- // * Name: OS_MboxCreate
- // * Purpose: Create a new mailbox.
- // * Input: Capacity Maximum number of messages that the maibox can
- // * contain.
- // * Output: *Id Unique identification number for the created mailbox.
- // * Returns: SAMP(ERR_OK) Operation successful.
- // * SAMP(ERR_UNKNOWN) Unknown internal failure.
- // * Description: Create a new mailbox with size Capacity and return the mailbox
- // * Id.
- // *****************************************************************************
- SAMP(ErrCode) SAMP(OS_MboxCreate) (CAPACITY Capacity,IDENT *Id)
- {
- MAILBOX *mailboxPtr;
- IDENT id;
- if (Capacity > MAX_NUM_OF_MESSAGE)
- {
- Capacity = MAX_NUM_OF_MESSAGE;
- }
- dbg_printf (("SCHEDULER(%i) MailboxCreate",CUR_TASK));
- // SAMP(TH_Send)("SCHEDULER ", "MailboxCreate: task:", "%u", CUR_TASK);
- #endif
- //search for available mailbox
- for (id = 0; id < NUMBER_OF_MAILBOXES; id++)
- {
- mailboxPtr = &(MB[id]);
- //test if mailbox available
- if (mailboxPtr->MessageQueue == NULL)
- {
- //allocate memory for the mailbox on heap
- mailboxPtr->MessageQueue = (MESSAGE*)(SACD_GLOBALS.mailbox_buff[id]); //(MESSAGE*)malloc(MESSAGE_LENGTH * Capacity);
- //if no memory available return error
- if (mailboxPtr->MessageQueue == NULL)
- {
- printf ("Fatal! Error no memory availablen");
- // SAMP(TH_Send)("SCHEDULER ", "MailboxCreate: ", "%s", "Error no memory availablen");
- }
- //initialize mailbox
- memset (mailboxPtr->MessageQueue,0,MESSAGE_LENGTH * Capacity);
- mailboxPtr->Capacity = Capacity;
- mailboxPtr->MessageCount = 0;
- mailboxPtr->WritePointer = 0;
- mailboxPtr->ReadPointer = 0;
- *Id = id;
- dbg_printf (("(%i)n",id));
- // SAMP(TH_Send)("SCHEDULER ", "MailboxCreate: id:", "%u", id);
- #endif
- return SAMP(ERR_OK);
- }
- }
- //return error - no mailbox is available
- dbg_printf (("Errorn"));
- // SAMP(TH_Send)("SCHEDULER ", "MailboxCreate: id:", "%s", "Errorn");
- }
- // *****************************************************************************
- // * Name: OS_MboxDelete
- // * Purpose: Delete a mailbox.
- // * Input: Id Identification number of the mailbox to be deleted.
- // * Returns: SAMP(ERR_OK) Operation successful.
- // * SAMP(ERR_UNKNOWN) Unknown internal failure.
- // * Description: Delete the mailbox associated with Id.
- // * Note: The mailbox Id will be invalidated by this function.
- // *****************************************************************************
- SAMP(ErrCode) SAMP(OS_MboxDelete) (IDENT Id)
- {
- dbg_printf (("SCHEDULER(%i) MailboxDelete",CUR_TASK));
- dbg_printf (("(%i)n",Id));
- // SAMP(TH_Send)("SCHEDULER ", "MailboxDelete: task - box", "%u%u", CUR_TASK, Id);
- //test validity of mailbox
- //release memory allocated for the mailbox
- if (MB[Id].MessageQueue != NULL)
- {
- // free (MB[Id].MessageQueue);
- MB[Id].MessageQueue = NULL;
- }
- return SAMP(ERR_OK);
- }
- // *****************************************************************************
- // * Name: MessageSend
- // * Pupose: Send a message to a mailbox.
- // * Input: Id Identification number of the mailbox.
- // * *Ptr Pointer to the start of the message.
- // * RelTask 0 - task switch not allowed in this function
- // * other - task switch can happen
- // * Returns: SAMP(ERR_OK) Operation successful.
- // * SAMP(ERR_INVALID_PARAM) Size exceeds maximum message size (12 bytes).
- // * SAMP(ERR_FAILED) Capacity of mailbox exceeded.
- // * SAMP(ERR_UNKNOWN) Unknown internal failure.
- // * Description: Send a message of Size bytes starting at Ptr to the mailbox
- // * associated with Id.
- // *****************************************************************************
- SAMP(ErrCode) MessageSend (IDENT Id, void * Ptr,size_t Size, BOOL ReleaseTask)
- {
- MAILBOX *mb = &(MB[Id]);
- TCB *taskPtr;
- // dbg_printf (("SCHEDULER(%i) MessageSend(%i)n",CUR_TASK,Id));
- dbg_printf (("S%i MS",CUR_TASK));
- dbg_printf (("%in", Id));
- // SAMP(TH_Send)("SCHEDULER ", "MessageSend: task - box", "%u%u", CUR_TASK, Id);
- #endif
- //test if mailbox is initialized already
- if (mb->MessageQueue == NULL) return SAMP(ERR_UNKNOWN);
- //test validity of mailobox ID
- //test message length
- stReg = InterruptDisable ();
- //test if mailbox is full
- if (mb->MessageCount >= mb->Capacity)
- {
- set_SR (stReg);
- return SAMP(ERR_FAILED);
- }
- //add message to mailbox
- dbg_printf (("WP%in",mb->WritePointer));
- dbg_printf (("MC%in",mb->MessageCount));
- #endif
- memcpy (mb->MessageQueue[mb->WritePointer].Message, Ptr, Size);
- mb->MessageCount++;
- if (mb->WritePointer == (mb->Capacity - 1))
- {
- mb->WritePointer = 0;
- }
- else
- {
- mb->WritePointer++;
- }
- //test if there is task waiting for this message
- for (taskPtr = TASK; taskPtr < (TASK + NUMBER_OF_TASKS); taskPtr++)
- {
- if ((taskPtr->Status == TASK_STATUS_WAITING_FOR_MESSAGE) &&
- (taskPtr->MailboxID == Id))
- {
- //release the task from sleep state
- taskPtr->Status = TASK_STATUS_READY;
- set_SR (stReg);
- //test if task switch is allowed
- if (ReleaseTask) return TaskSwitch ();
- //send event in case all task are in sleep state
- ie_send_ex(IE_CORE_SAMP_WAKE_UP, (void *)(0));
- return SAMP(ERR_OK);
- }
- }
- set_SR (stReg);
- return SAMP(ERR_OK);
- }
- // *****************************************************************************
- // * Name: OS_SendMsg
- // * Pupose: Send a message to a mailbox.
- // * Input: Id Identification number of the mailbox.
- // * *Ptr Pointer to the start of the message.
- // * Returns: SAMP(ERR_OK) Operation successful.
- // * SAMP(ERR_INVALID_PARAM) Size exceeds maximum message size (12 bytes).
- // * SAMP(ERR_FAILED) Capacity of mailbox exceeded.
- // * SAMP(ERR_UNKNOWN) Unknown internal failure.
- // * Description: Send a message of Size bytes starting at Ptr to the mailbox
- // * associated with Id.
- // *****************************************************************************
- SAMP(ErrCode) SAMP(OS_SendMsg) (IDENT Id,void *Ptr,size_t Size)
- {
- return MessageSend (Id,Ptr,Size,1);
- }
- // *****************************************************************************
- // * Name: OS_ISendMsg
- // * Pupose: Send a message from an ISR to a mailbox.
- // * Input: Id Identification number of the mailbox.
- // * Ptr Pointer to the start of the message.
- // * Returns: SAMP(ERR_OK) Operation successful.
- // * SAMP(ERR_INVALID_PARAM) Size exceeds maximum message size (12 bytes).
- // * SAMP(ERR_FAILED) Capacity of mailbox exceeded.
- // * SAMP(ERR_UNKNOWN) Unknown internal failure.
- // * Description: Send a message of Size bytes starting at Ptr to the mailbox
- // * associated with Id.
- // * The behaviour of this function is identical to OS_SendMsg() but is intended
- // * to be called by interrupt service routines only. Interrupt service routines
- // * are not allowed to call any other OSA functions.
- // *****************************************************************************
- SAMP(ErrCode) SAMP(OS_ISendMsg) (IDENT Id,void *Ptr,size_t Size)
- {
- return MessageSend (Id,Ptr,Size,0) ;
- }
- // *****************************************************************************
- // * Name: OS_RecvMsg
- // * Purpose: Receive a message from a mailbox.
- // * Input: Id Identification number of the mailbox.
- // * Timeout Maximum time to wait for a message to become
- // * available.
- // * Ptr Pointer to buffer where message will be stored.
- // * Size Size of this buffer in bytes.
- // * Output: *Msgsize Actual number of bytes stored in the buffer.
- // * Returns: SAMP(ERR_OK) Operation successful.
- // * SAMP(ERR_FAILED)No message available (after waiting).
- // * SAMP(ERR_UNKNOWN) Unknown internal failure.
- // * Description: Receive a message from the mailbox Id but don't wait more than
- // * Timeout centiseconds for it. If a message is available, the message is
- // * copied to the data area of Size bytes starting at Ptr. The actual message
- // * size is returned in Msgsize if it is known to the system. Otherwise,
- // * Msgsize will be set to Size.
- // * If Timeout is OS_FOREVER, wait until an message becomes available. If
- // * Timeout is 0, return immediately. If the time-out elapses while waiting for
- // * a message, return SAMP(ERR_FAILED).
- // * Note: Waiting tasks are queued by priority, that is the highest priority
- // * task waiting will get the next available message.
- // *****************************************************************************
- SAMP(ErrCode) SAMP(OS_RecvMsg) (IDENT Id,TIMEOUT Timeout,void *Ptr,size_t Size,size_t *Msgsize)
- {
- MAILBOX *mb = &(MB[Id]);
- TCB *taskPtr = &(TASK[CUR_TASK]);
- // UINT16 loopcount = 0;
- //dbg_printf (("SCHEDULER(%i) MessageGet(%i)n",CUR_TASK,Id));
- dbg_printf (("S%i MG",CUR_TASK));
- dbg_printf (("%in",Id));
- // SAMP(TH_Send)("SCHEDULER ", "MessageGet: task - box", "%u%u", CUR_TASK, Id);
- #endif
- //test if mailbox is initialized already
- if (mb->MessageQueue == NULL) return SAMP(ERR_UNKNOWN);
- //test validity of mailobox ID
- //size of the message
- *Msgsize = Size;
- do
- {
- #if 0
- //sacd todo: check later.
- if(TASK_ID_SCHEDULER == CUR_TASK && loopcount > 1000)
- {
- taskPtr->Status = TASK_STATUS_READY;
- return SAMP(ERR_OK);
- }
- loopcount++;
- #endif
- //test if message available in the mailbox
- stReg = InterruptDisable ();
- if (mb->MessageCount)
- {
- dbg_printf (("RP%in",mb->ReadPointer));
- dbg_printf (("MC%in",mb->MessageCount));
- #endif
- //message available decrement the counter and copy message to dest
- memcpy (Ptr, mb->MessageQueue[mb->ReadPointer].Message, Size);
- mb->MessageCount--;
- #if 1
- if (mb->ReadPointer == (mb->Capacity - 1))
- {
- mb->ReadPointer = 0;
- }
- else
- {
- mb->ReadPointer++;
- }
- #endif
- set_SR (stReg);
- //dbg_printf (("SCHEDULER(%i) MessageReceivedn",CUR_TASK));
- dbg_printf (("S%i MR",CUR_TASK));
- dbg_printf (("%in",Id));
- // SAMP(TH_Send)("SCHEDULER ", "MessageReceived: task:", "%u", CUR_TASK);
- #endif
- return SAMP(ERR_OK);
- }
- //message not available in mailbox at this moment
- //test if need to wait for the message
- if (!Timeout)
- {
- set_SR (stReg);
- return SAMP(ERR_FAILED);
- }
- //change task status
- //save mailbox id and message pointer, that is the current task waiting for
- taskPtr->MailboxID = Id;
- set_SR (stReg);
- //return execution to task scheduler and wait for message to arrive
- }
- while (TaskSwitch () == SAMP(ERR_OK));
- //if we get here there was error in the scheduler
- return SAMP(ERR_FAILED);
- }
- // *****************************************************************************
- // * Purpose : get task ID of ready task with highest priority
- // * Input Parameters : none
- // * Return Value : SAMP(ERR_OK) - the task switch is succesful
- // * Description : the function checks TCB of all tasks and select the task
- // * with highest priority and ready status
- // * Comments :
- // *****************************************************************************
- static IDENT SchedulerGetReadyTask (void)
- {
- TCB *taskPtr;
- IDENT taskID;
- //return the READY task with the highest priority
- for (taskPtr = TASK, taskID = 0; taskPtr < (TASK + NUMBER_OF_TASKS); taskPtr++,taskID++)
- {
- if (taskPtr->Status == TASK_STATUS_READY) return taskID;
- }
- }
- // *****************************************************************************
- // * Purpose : switch execution of task
- // * Input Parameters : none
- // * Return Value : none
- // * Description : the function will save stack of current task to SDRAM,
- // * than download stack of next ready task from SDRAM and
- // * return execution to new task
- // * Comments : the si,di registers has to be preserved, it is requirment
- // * of the compiler
- // *****************************************************************************
- static SAMP(ErrCode) TaskSwitch (void)
- {
- //has to be static variable, so the address will not change
- //get id of ready task with highest priority
- static TCB *taskPtr;
- static IDENT id;
- //static UINT32 s_time,e_time;
- #endif
- static UINT8 * addr;
- _SI = _DI = 0x0000;
- id = SchedulerGetReadyTask ();
- //dbg_printf (("*** TaskSwitch %i->%in",CUR_TASK,id));
- dbg_printf (("TS %i->",CUR_TASK));
- dbg_printf (("%in",id));
- // SAMP(TH_Send)("SCHEDULER ", "TaskSwitch: task - id", "%u%u", CUR_TASK, id);
- #endif
- if (CUR_TASK == id) return SAMP(ERR_OK);
- taskPtr = &(TASK[CUR_TASK]);
- //force compiler to save si and di registers on stack at the beggining of TaskSwitch function
- //save offset of stack pointer to TCB of current task
- taskPtr->StackOff = _SP;
- //dbg_printf ((" * Old stack: SDRAM %lx, Stack %Fp, Num %in",taskPtr->SDRAMStackAddr, MK_FP (_SS,taskPtr->StackOff),initialStack - taskPtr->StackOff));
- // SAMP(TH_Send)("SCHEDULER ", "TaskSwitch: task - id", "%u%u", CUR_TASK, id);
- //s_time = gen_timer ();
- #endif
- //save stack of current task to SDRAM
- wai_sem(SEM_DRAM_ID);
- {
- addr = MK_FP (_SS,taskPtr->StackOff);
- if((INITIAL_STACK - taskPtr->StackOff)%2) //odd
- addr -= 1;
- I49_WriteDRAMDataNSW (taskPtr->SDRAMStackAddr,(UINT16 *)addr,(INITIAL_STACK - taskPtr->StackOff + 1)/2);
- }
- //change the current task to new task
- CUR_TASK = id;
- taskPtr = &(TASK[id]);
- //reload stack pointer with value from new task
- _SP = taskPtr->StackOff;
- //from this point the code is using stack space of new task
- //restore the stack of the new task
- {
- addr = MK_FP (_SS,taskPtr->StackOff);
- if((INITIAL_STACK - taskPtr->StackOff)%2) //odd
- addr -= 1;
- I49_ReadDRAMDataNSW (taskPtr->SDRAMStackAddr,(UINT16 *)addr,(INITIAL_STACK - taskPtr->StackOff + 1)/2);
- }
- sig_sem(SEM_DRAM_ID);
- //e_time = gen_timer();
- //dbg_printf ((" * New stack: SDRAM %lx, Stack %Fp, Num %in",taskPtr->SDRAMStackAddr, MK_FP (_SS,taskPtr->StackOff),initialStack - taskPtr->StackOff));
- //dbg_printf ((" * Task switch time: %liusn",e_time - s_time));
- #endif
- return SAMP(ERR_OK);
- }
- /*
- Purpose: get the current elapsed time in centi seconds since startup.
- */
- SAMP(ErrCode) SAMP(OS_GetTime)(UINT32 *Ticks)
- {
- *Ticks = timing_get_clock()/10000;
- return SAMP(ERR_OK);
- }
- /*
- Purpose: arm logical timer to invoke callback on every interval.
- Return: SAMP(ERR_OK), succesful.
- SAMP(ERR_FAILED), no free timer available.
- */
- SAMP(ErrCode) SAMP(OS_TimerEvery)(UINT32 Ticks, void (*Callback)(void), IDENT *Id)
- {
- if(0 == Ticks || OS_FOREVER == Ticks)
- *Id = timer_service_create((LPTIMERPROC)Callback, Ticks*10,
- //*Id = timer_service_create((LPTIMERPROC)Callback, Ticks*1000,
- if(NULL == *Id)
- return SAMP(ERR_FAILED);
- else
- return SAMP(ERR_OK);
- }
- SAMP(ErrCode) SAMP(OS_TimerCancel)(IDENT Id)
- {
- if( TRUE == timer_service_delete(Id))
- return SAMP(ERR_OK);
- else
- }
- // *****************************************************************************
- // * Purpose : Initialize task scheduler
- // * Input Parameters : None
- // * Return Value : None
- // * Description : The function sets states of all scedular resources
- // * to initial state and assignes SDRAM memory space for each task stack
- // *****************************************************************************
- static void Constructor (void)
- {
- UINT8 id;
- //set current task to scheduler
- //JERRYC_2004AUG24
- INITIAL_STACK = Ker_GetCoreStackBottom(); //set the stack to the end of the SRAM memory
- //initialize tasks including the scheduler
- for (id = 0; id < NUMBER_OF_TASKS + 1; id++)
- {
- }
- //initialize semaphors
- for (id = 0;id < NUMBER_OF_SEMAPHORES;id++)
- {
- }
- //initialize mailboxes
- for (id = 0;id < NUMBER_OF_MAILBOXES;id++)
- {
- MB[id].MessageQueue = NULL;
- }
- }
- // *****************************************************************************
- // * Purpose : Dealocate all resources used by scheduler
- // * Input Parameters : None
- // * Return Value : None
- // * Description : Release heap memory allocated by mailboxes if not done
- // * before
- // *****************************************************************************
- static void Destructor (void)
- {
- IDENT id;
- //delete the timers otherwise core task mail box will get overflowed with timer events.
- // timer_service_delete_all_samp_timers(); //sacd todo: check if timers are not needed any more at this time.
- SAMP_SchedulerRemove();
- //release memory allocated for mailboxes
- for (id = 0;id < NUMBER_OF_MAILBOXES;id++) SAMP(OS_MboxDelete) (id);
- //samp already does the clean up.
- // for (id = 0;id < NUMBER_OF_SEMAPHORES;id++) SAMP(OS_SemDelete) (id);
- // for (id = 0;id < NUMBER_OF_TASKS;id++) SAMP(OS_TaskDelete) (id);
- }
- // *****************************************************************************
- // * Purpose : instal SAMP scheduler
- // * Input Parameters : NA
- // * Return Value : even handler id
- // * -1 - no even hadler position available
- // * Description : see purpose
- // *****************************************************************************
- int SAMP_SchedulerInstall (void)
- {
- if(SchedulerID == -1)
- {
- SchedulerID = install_core_event_handler( SAMP_Scheduler );
- #ifndef TEST_HARNASS
- SACD_GLOBALS.nav_handler_id = install_core_event_handler( SACD_Navigator );
- #endif
- }
- return SchedulerID;
- }
- // *****************************************************************************
- // * Purpose : remove SAMP scheduler
- // * Input Parameters : NA
- // * Return Value : even handler id
- // * -1 - no even hadler position available
- // * Description : see purpose
- // *****************************************************************************
- void SAMP_SchedulerRemove (void)
- {
- if (SchedulerID != -1)
- {
- //remove_core_event_handler (SchedulerID); //ask Jerry!!!
- #ifndef TEST_HARNASS
- remove_core_event_handler (SACD_GLOBALS.nav_handler_id);
- #endif
- SchedulerID = -1;
- }
- }
- // *****************************************************************************
- // * Purpose : task scheduler implementation
- // * Input Parameters : Op handler operation code
- // * Event event type
- // * Param parameter
- // * Return Value : zero
- // * Description : the handler will initialize all scheduler resources upon
- // * instalation and release memory if not done in the code. The handler manages
- // * following events:
- // * IE_CORE_SAMP_API - request to call API function. It is processed by
- // * supplied SAMP_API_Handler function
- // * IE_CORE_SAMP_WAKE_UP - send during OS_ISendMsg to allow task switch in
- // * case of all tasks are in sleep state waiting for message or semaphor
- // *****************************************************************************
- static int SAMP_Scheduler (HDLR_OP Op, EVENT Event, void *Param)
- {
- switch (Op)
- {
- case HDLR_ENTER:
- Constructor();
- //if(gpSAMP_API_param == NULL)
- //gpSAMP_API_param = malloc(8 * sizeof(UINT32));
- //ASSERT(gpSAMP_API_param != NULL)
- break;
- case HDLR_EXIT:
- Destructor();
- //if(gpSAMP_API_param != NULL)
- //{
- // free(gpSAMP_API_param);
- // gpSAMP_API_param =NULL;
- // }
- break;
- case HDLR_EVENT:
- switch (Event)
- {
- //the API function calls occur inside of this function
- SAMP_API_Handler ((UINT32)Param);
- break;
- //this message is send by OS_ISendMsg in order to allow task switch
- //in case all task are in wait state
- TaskSwitch ();
- break;
- {
- cb();
- break;
- }
- default:
- //dbg_printf(("SAMP_Nav: Unexpected Event %xn",Event & 0xFF));
- break;
- }
- break;
- default:
- dbg_printf((" SAMP_Nav: Unknown Operation requested %dn", Op));
- break;
- }
- return 0;
- }
- #endif // D_SUPPORT_SACD