资源名称 [点击查看]
- # Makefile for the Netwide Assembler under OS/2 (aimed at Borland C++ for OS/2)
- #
- # The Netwide Assembler is copyright (C) 1996 Simon Tatham and
- # Julian Hall. All rights reserved. The software is
- # redistributable under the licence given in the file "Licence"
- # distributed in the NASM archive.
- #
- # This makefile is made to compile NASMOS2 and NDISASM2
- # using Borland C++ for OS/2.
- #
- #-------------------------------------------------------------------
- # Make Directives
- #-------------------------------------------------------------------
- .SUFFIXES : .rc .res .obj .c .cpp .asm .hlp .itl .ipf
- #-------------------------------------------------------------------
- # Make Macros
- #-------------------------------------------------------------------
- LIBS = c2 + os2
- # --------------------------------------------------------------------------
- #
- # c compile only
- # v include full sybolic debugging information
- # b force enums to be of type int
- #
- # --------------------------------------------------------------------------
- CCFLAGS = /c /v /b
- CC = bcc #compiler
- LINK = tlink #linker
- DCCFLAGS = /d /c /O /A #compiler flags for NDISASM
- #/d=merge dupicate strings
- #/c=compile only
- #/O=Optimise jumps
- #/A=ANSI standard C
- LINKFLAGS = /c /x #linker flags
- #/c=case sIgnificance on symbols
- #/x=No map file at all
- LIBRARIES = #any libaries to add, out side of the standard libary
- EXE = .exe #executable file extention (keep the . as the start)
- OBJ = obj #OBJ file extention
- NASM_ASM=$(CC) $(CCFLAGS) $&.c #Command line for NASM
- DASM_ASM=$(CC) $(DCCFLAGS) $&.c #command line for NDISASM
- # NOTE: $& is used to create the file name, as it only gives the name it's
- # self, where as using $* would have give the full path of the file it
- # want's done. This becomes a problem if the OBJ files are in a seperate
- # directory, becuse it will then try to find the source file in the OBJ
- # dir.
- ################################################################
- #The OBJ files that NASM is dependent on
- NASMOBJS = $(OBJD)nasm.$(OBJ) $(OBJD)nasmlib.$(OBJ) $(OBJD)float.$(OBJ)
- $(OBJD)insnsa.$(OBJ) $(OBJD)assemble.$(OBJ) $(OBJD)labels.$(OBJ)
- $(OBJD)parser.$(OBJ) $(OBJD)outform.$(OBJ) $(OBJD)preproc.$(OBJ)
- $(OBJD)listing.$(OBJ) $(OBJD)eval.$(OBJ) $(OBJD)outrdf2.$(OBJ) $(OBJD)zoutieee.$(OBJ)
- ################################################################
- #The OBJ files that NDISASM is dependent on
- NDISASMOBJS = $(OBJD)ndisasm.$(OBJ) $(OBJD)disasm.$(OBJ) $(OBJD)sync.$(OBJ)
- $(OBJD)nasmlibd.$(OBJ) $(OBJD)insnsd.$(OBJ)
- ################################################################
- #The OBJ file for the output formats.
- OUTOBJ= $(OBJD)outbin.$(OBJ) $(OBJD)outaout.$(OBJ) $(OBJD)outcoff.$(OBJ)
- $(OBJD)outelf.$(OBJ) $(OBJD)outobj.$(OBJ) $(OBJD)outas86.$(OBJ)
- $(OBJD)outrdf.$(OBJ) $(OBJD)outdbg.$(OBJ)
- ################################################################
- # Build everything
- all : nasmos2$(EXE) ndisasm2$(EXE)
- ################################################################
- #NASM, NDISASM compile, I hope it's self explanitory
- nasmos2$(EXE): $(NASMOBJS) $(OUTOBJ)
- $(LINK) $(LINKFLAGS) @&&! #command for the linker
- C02 $(NASMOBJS) $(OUTOBJ) #OBJ file list
- $(EXED)nasmos2$(EXE) #EXE file name
- $(LIBS) #Libaries needed
- NASMOS2.DEF #Link Definition file
- !
- ndisasm2$(EXE): $(NDISASMOBJS)
- $(LINK) $(LINKFLAGS) @&&! #command for the linker
- c02.obj $(NDISASMOBJS) #OBJ file list
- $(EXED)ndisasm2$(EXE) #EXE file name
- $(LIBS) $(LIBRARIES) #Libaries needed
- !
- ################################################################
- # Dependencies for all of NASM's obj files
- $(OBJD)assemble.$(OBJ): assemble.c nasm.h assemble.h insns.h
- $(OBJD)float.$(OBJ): float.c nasm.h
- $(OBJD)labels.$(OBJ): labels.c nasm.h nasmlib.h
- $(OBJD)listing.$(OBJ): listing.c nasm.h nasmlib.h listing.h
- $(OBJD)eval.$(OBJ): eval.c nasm.h nasmlib.h eval.h
- $(OBJD)nasm.$(OBJ): nasm.c nasm.h nasmlib.h parser.h assemble.h labels.h
- listing.h outform.h
- $(OBJD)nasmlib.$(OBJ): nasmlib.c nasm.h nasmlib.h names.c insnsn.c
- $(OBJD)parser.$(OBJ): parser.c nasm.h nasmlib.h parser.h float.h names.c
- $(OBJD)preproc.$(OBJ): preproc.c macros.c preproc.h nasm.h nasmlib.h
- $(OBJD)insnsa.$(OBJ): insnsa.c nasm.h insns.h
- ################################################################
- # Dependencies for all of NDISASM's obj files
- $(OBJD)disasm.$(OBJ): disasm.c nasm.h disasm.h sync.h insns.h names.c
- $(OBJD)ndisasm.$(OBJ): ndisasm.c nasm.h sync.h disasm.h
- $(OBJD)sync.$(OBJ): sync.c sync.h
- $(OBJD)insnsd.$(OBJ): insnsd.c nasm.h insns.h
- # This is a kludge from the word go, as we can't use the nasmlib.obj compiled
- # for NASM, as it's could be the wrong model size, so we have to compile it
- # again as huge to make sure.
- #
- # So as not to overwrite the nasmlib.obj for NASM (if it did, that
- # could cause all kinds of problems) it compiles it into nasmlibd.obj.
- #
- # the -o... switch tells it the name to compile the obj file to, right here
- # $(OBJD)nasmlibd.obj
- $(OBJD)nasmlibd.$(OBJ): nasmlib.c nasm.h nasmlib.h
- $(CC) $(DCCFLAGS) -o$(OBJD)nasmlibd.obj nasmlib.c
- ################################################################
- # Dependencies for all of the output format's OBJ files
- $(OBJD)outas86.$(OBJ): outas86.c nasm.h nasmlib.h
- $(OBJD)outaout.$(OBJ): outaout.c nasm.h nasmlib.h
- $(OBJD)outbin.$(OBJ): outbin.c nasm.h nasmlib.h
- $(OBJD)outcoff.$(OBJ): outcoff.c nasm.h nasmlib.h
- $(OBJD)outdbg.$(OBJ): outdbg.c nasm.h nasmlib.h
- $(OBJD)outelf.$(OBJ): outelf.c nasm.h nasmlib.h
- $(OBJD)outobj.$(OBJ): outobj.c nasm.h nasmlib.h
- $(OBJD)outrdf.$(OBJ): outrdf.c nasm.h nasmlib.h
- $(OBJD)outform.$(OBJ): outform.c outform.h nasm.h
- ################################################################
- # A quick way to delete the OBJ files as well as the binaries.
- clean :
- del $(OBJD)*.obj
- del nasmos2$(EXE)
- del ndisasm2$(EXE)
- # Makefile created by Chuck Crayne <> --05/4/99
- # Based on Makefile.bc2 by Fox Cutter <> --01/27/97