资源名称 [点击查看]
- c{CS} is pushed as well as c{IP} if and only if the call is a far
- call, i.e. a destination segment address is specified in the
- instruction. The forms involving two colon-separated arguments are
- far calls; so are the c{CALL FAR mem} forms.
- You can choose between the two immediate i{far call} forms (c{CALL
- imm:imm}) by the use of the c{WORD} and c{DWORD} keywords: c{CALL
- WORD 0x1234:0x5678}) or c{CALL DWORD 0x1234:0x56789abc}.
- The c{CALL FAR mem} forms execute a far call by loading the
- destination address out of memory. The address loaded consists of 16
- or 32 bits of offset (depending on the operand size), and 16 bits of
- segment. The operand size may be overridden using c{CALL WORD FAR
- mem} or c{CALL DWORD FAR mem}.
- The c{CALL r/m} forms execute a i{near call} (within the same
- segment), loading the destination address out of memory or out of a
- register. The keyword c{NEAR} may be specified, for clarity, in
- these forms, but is not necessary. Again, operand size can be
- overridden using c{CALL WORD mem} or c{CALL DWORD mem}.
- As a convenience, NASM does not require you to call a far procedure
- symbol by coding the cumbersome c{CALL SEG routine:routine}, but
- instead allows the easier synonym c{CALL FAR routine}.
- The c{CALL r/m} forms given above are near calls; NASM will accept
- the c{NEAR} keyword (e.g. c{CALL NEAR [address]}), even though it
- is not strictly necessary.
- H{insCBW} ic{CBW}, ic{CWD}, ic{CDQ}, ic{CWDE}: Sign Extensions
- c CBW ; o16 98 [8086]
- c CWD ; o16 99 [8086]
- c CDQ ; o32 99 [386]
- c CWDE ; o32 98 [386]
- All these instructions sign-extend a short value into a longer one,
- by replicating the top bit of the original value to fill the
- extended one.
- c{CBW} extends c{AL} into c{AX} by repeating the top bit of
- c{AL} in every bit of c{AH}. c{CWD} extends c{AX} into c{DX:AX}
- by repeating the top bit of c{AX} throughout c{DX}. c{CWDE}
- extends c{AX} into c{EAX}, and c{CDQ} extends c{EAX} into
- c{EDX:EAX}.
- H{insCLC} ic{CLC}, ic{CLD}, ic{CLI}, ic{CLTS}: Clear Flags
- c CLC ; F8 [8086]
- c CLD ; FC [8086]
- c CLI ; FA [8086]
- c CLTS ; 0F 06 [286,PRIV]
- These instructions clear various flags. c{CLC} clears the carry
- flag; c{CLD} clears the direction flag; c{CLI} clears the
- interrupt flag (thus disabling interrupts); and c{CLTS} clears the
- task-switched (c{TS}) flag in c{CR0}.
- To set the carry, direction, or interrupt flags, use the c{STC},
- c{STD} and c{STI} instructions (k{insSTC}). To invert the carry
- flag, use c{CMC} (k{insCMC}).
- H{insCMC} ic{CMC}: Complement Carry Flag
- c CMC ; F5 [8086]
- c{CMC} changes the value of the carry flag: if it was 0, it sets it
- to 1, and vice versa.
- H{insCMOVcc} ic{CMOVcc}: Conditional Move
- c CMOVcc reg16,r/m16 ; o16 0F 40+cc /r [P6]
- c CMOVcc reg32,r/m32 ; o32 0F 40+cc /r [P6]
- c{CMOV} moves its source (second) operand into its destination
- (first) operand if the given condition code is satisfied; otherwise
- it does nothing.
- For a list of condition codes, see k{iref-cc}.
- Although the c{CMOV} instructions are flagged c{P6} above, they
- may not be supported by all Pentium Pro processors; the c{CPUID}
- instruction (k{insCPUID}) will return a bit which indicates whether
- conditional moves are supported.
- H{insCMP} ic{CMP}: Compare Integers
- c CMP r/m8,reg8 ; 38 /r [8086]
- c CMP r/m16,reg16 ; o16 39 /r [8086]
- c CMP r/m32,reg32 ; o32 39 /r [386]
- c CMP reg8,r/m8 ; 3A /r [8086]
- c CMP reg16,r/m16 ; o16 3B /r [8086]
- c CMP reg32,r/m32 ; o32 3B /r [386]
- c CMP r/m8,imm8 ; 80 /0 ib [8086]
- c CMP r/m16,imm16 ; o16 81 /0 iw [8086]
- c CMP r/m32,imm32 ; o32 81 /0 id [386]
- c CMP r/m16,imm8 ; o16 83 /0 ib [8086]
- c CMP r/m32,imm8 ; o32 83 /0 ib [386]
- c CMP AL,imm8 ; 3C ib [8086]
- c CMP AX,imm16 ; o16 3D iw [8086]
- c CMP EAX,imm32 ; o32 3D id [386]
- c{CMP} performs a `mental' subtraction of its second operand from
- its first operand, and affects the flags as if the subtraction had
- taken place, but does not store the result of the subtraction
- anywhere.
- In the forms with an 8-bit immediate second operand and a longer
- first operand, the second operand is considered to be signed, and is
- sign-extended to the length of the first operand. In these cases,
- the c{BYTE} qualifier is necessary to force NASM to generate this
- form of the instruction.
- H{insCMPSB} ic{CMPSB}, ic{CMPSW}, ic{CMPSD}: Compare Strings
- c CMPSB ; A6 [8086]
- c CMPSW ; o16 A7 [8086]
- c CMPSD ; o32 A7 [386]
- c{CMPSB} compares the byte at c{[DS:SI]} or c{[DS:ESI]} with the
- byte at c{[ES:DI]} or c{[ES:EDI]}, and sets the flags accordingly.
- It then increments or decrements (depending on the direction flag:
- increments if the flag is clear, decrements if it is set) c{SI} and
- c{DI} (or c{ESI} and c{EDI}).
- The registers used are c{SI} and c{DI} if the address size is 16
- bits, and c{ESI} and c{EDI} if it is 32 bits. If you need to use
- an address size not equal to the current c{BITS} setting, you can
- use an explicit ic{a16} or ic{a32} prefix.
- The segment register used to load from c{[SI]} or c{[ESI]} can be
- overridden by using a segment register name as a prefix (for
- example, c{es cmpsb}). The use of c{ES} for the load from c{[DI]}
- or c{[EDI]} cannot be overridden.
- c{CMPSW} and c{CMPSD} work in the same way, but they compare a
- word or a doubleword instead of a byte, and increment or decrement
- the addressing registers by 2 or 4 instead of 1.
- The c{REPE} and c{REPNE} prefixes (equivalently, c{REPZ} and
- c{REPNZ}) may be used to repeat the instruction up to c{CX} (or
- c{ECX} - again, the address size chooses which) times until the
- first unequal or equal byte is found.
- H{insCMPXCHG} ic{CMPXCHG}, ic{CMPXCHG486}: Compare and Exchange
- c CMPXCHG r/m8,reg8 ; 0F B0 /r [PENT]
- c CMPXCHG r/m16,reg16 ; o16 0F B1 /r [PENT]
- c CMPXCHG r/m32,reg32 ; o32 0F B1 /r [PENT]
- c CMPXCHG486 r/m8,reg8 ; 0F A6 /r [486,UNDOC]
- c CMPXCHG486 r/m16,reg16 ; o16 0F A7 /r [486,UNDOC]
- c CMPXCHG486 r/m32,reg32 ; o32 0F A7 /r [486,UNDOC]
- These two instructions perform exactly the same operation; however,
- apparently some (not all) 486 processors support it under a
- non-standard opcode, so NASM provides the undocumented
- c{CMPXCHG486} form to generate the non-standard opcode.
- c{CMPXCHG} compares its destination (first) operand to the value in
- c{AL}, c{AX} or c{EAX} (depending on the size of the
- instruction). If they are equal, it copies its source (second)
- operand into the destination and sets the zero flag. Otherwise, it
- clears the zero flag and leaves the destination alone.
- c{CMPXCHG} is intended to be used for atomic operations in
- multitasking or multiprocessor environments. To safely update a
- value in shared memory, for example, you might load the value into
- c{EAX}, load the updated value into c{EBX}, and then execute the
- instruction c{lock cmpxchg [value],ebx}. If c{value} has not
- changed since being loaded, it is updated with your desired new
- value, and the zero flag is set to let you know it has worked. (The
- c{LOCK} prefix prevents another processor doing anything in the
- middle of this operation: it guarantees atomicity.) However, if
- another processor has modified the value in between your load and
- your attempted store, the store does not happen, and you are
- notified of the failure by a cleared zero flag, so you can go round
- and try again.
- H{insCMPXCHG8B} ic{CMPXCHG8B}: Compare and Exchange Eight Bytes
- c CMPXCHG8B mem ; 0F C7 /1 [PENT]
- This is a larger and more unwieldy version of c{CMPXCHG}: it
- compares the 64-bit (eight-byte) value stored at c{[mem]} with the
- value in c{EDX:EAX}. If they are equal, it sets the zero flag and
- stores c{ECX:EBX} into the memory area. If they are unequal, it
- clears the zero flag and leaves the memory area untouched.
- H{insCPUID} ic{CPUID}: Get CPU Identification Code
- c CPUID ; 0F A2 [PENT]
- c{CPUID} returns various information about the processor it is
- being executed on. It fills the four registers c{EAX}, c{EBX},
- c{ECX} and c{EDX} with information, which varies depending on the
- input contents of c{EAX}.
- c{CPUID} also acts as a barrier to serialise instruction execution:
- executing the c{CPUID} instruction guarantees that all the effects
- (memory modification, flag modification, register modification) of
- previous instructions have been completed before the next
- instruction gets fetched.
- The information returned is as follows:
- b If c{EAX} is zero on input, c{EAX} on output holds the maximum
- acceptable input value of c{EAX}, and c{EBX:EDX:ECX} contain the
- string c{"GenuineIntel"} (or not, if you have a clone processor).
- That is to say, c{EBX} contains c{"Genu"} (in NASM's own sense of
- character constants, described in k{chrconst}), c{EDX} contains
- c{"ineI"} and c{ECX} contains c{"ntel"}.
- b If c{EAX} is one on input, c{EAX} on output contains version
- information about the processor, and c{EDX} contains a set of
- feature flags, showing the presence and absence of various features.
- For example, bit 8 is set if the c{CMPXCHG8B} instruction
- (k{insCMPXCHG8B}) is supported, bit 15 is set if the conditional
- move instructions (k{insCMOVcc} and k{insFCMOVB}) are supported,
- and bit 23 is set if MMX instructions are supported.
- b If c{EAX} is two on input, c{EAX}, c{EBX}, c{ECX} and c{EDX}
- all contain information about caches and TLBs (Translation Lookahead
- Buffers).
- For more information on the data returned from c{CPUID}, see the
- documentation on Intel's web site.
- H{insDAA} ic{DAA}, ic{DAS}: Decimal Adjustments
- c DAA ; 27 [8086]
- c DAS ; 2F [8086]
- These instructions are used in conjunction with the add and subtract
- instructions to perform binary-coded decimal arithmetic in
- e{packed} (one BCD digit per nibble) form. For the unpacked
- equivalents, see k{insAAA}.
- c{DAA} should be used after a one-byte c{ADD} instruction whose
- destination was the c{AL} register: by means of examining the value
- in the c{AL} and also the auxiliary carry flag c{AF}, it
- determines whether either digit of the addition has overflowed, and
- adjusts it (and sets the carry and auxiliary-carry flags) if so. You
- can add long BCD strings together by doing c{ADD}/c{DAA} on the
- low two digits, then doing c{ADC}/c{DAA} on each subsequent pair
- of digits.
- c{DAS} works similarly to c{DAA}, but is for use after c{SUB}
- instructions rather than c{ADD}.
- H{insDEC} ic{DEC}: Decrement Integer
- c DEC reg16 ; o16 48+r [8086]
- c DEC reg32 ; o32 48+r [386]
- c DEC r/m8 ; FE /1 [8086]
- c DEC r/m16 ; o16 FF /1 [8086]
- c DEC r/m32 ; o32 FF /1 [386]
- c{DEC} subtracts 1 from its operand. It does e{not} affect the
- carry flag: to affect the carry flag, use c{SUB something,1} (see
- k{insSUB}). See also c{INC} (k{insINC}).
- H{insDIV} ic{DIV}: Unsigned Integer Divide
- c DIV r/m8 ; F6 /6 [8086]
- c DIV r/m16 ; o16 F7 /6 [8086]
- c DIV r/m32 ; o32 F7 /6 [386]
- c{DIV} performs unsigned integer division. The explicit operand
- provided is the divisor; the dividend and destination operands are
- implicit, in the following way:
- b For c{DIV r/m8}, c{AX} is divided by the given operand; the
- quotient is stored in c{AL} and the remainder in c{AH}.
- b For c{DIV r/m16}, c{DX:AX} is divided by the given operand; the
- quotient is stored in c{AX} and the remainder in c{DX}.
- b For c{DIV r/m32}, c{EDX:EAX} is divided by the given operand;
- the quotient is stored in c{EAX} and the remainder in c{EDX}.
- Signed integer division is performed by the c{IDIV} instruction:
- see k{insIDIV}.
- H{insEMMS} ic{EMMS}: Empty MMX State
- c EMMS ; 0F 77 [PENT,MMX]
- c{EMMS} sets the FPU tag word (marking which floating-point
- registers are available) to all ones, meaning all registers are
- available for the FPU to use. It should be used after executing MMX
- instructions and before executing any subsequent floating-point
- operations.
- H{insENTER} ic{ENTER}: Create Stack Frame
- c ENTER imm,imm ; C8 iw ib [186]
- c{ENTER} constructs a stack frame for a high-level language
- procedure call. The first operand (the c{iw} in the opcode
- definition above refers to the first operand) gives the amount of
- stack space to allocate for local variables; the second (the c{ib}
- above) gives the nesting level of the procedure (for languages like
- Pascal, with nested procedures).
- The function of c{ENTER}, with a nesting level of zero, is
- equivalent to
- c PUSH EBP ; or PUSH BP in 16 bits
- c MOV EBP,ESP ; or MOV BP,SP in 16 bits
- c SUB ESP,operand1 ; or SUB SP,operand1 in 16 bits
- This creates a stack frame with the procedure parameters accessible
- upwards from c{EBP}, and local variables accessible downwards from
- c{EBP}.
- With a nesting level of one, the stack frame created is 4 (or 2)
- bytes bigger, and the value of the final frame pointer c{EBP} is
- accessible in memory at c{[EBP-4]}.
- This allows c{ENTER}, when called with a nesting level of two, to
- look at the stack frame described by the e{previous} value of
- c{EBP}, find the frame pointer at offset -4 from that, and push it
- along with its new frame pointer, so that when a level-two procedure
- is called from within a level-one procedure, c{[EBP-4]} holds the
- frame pointer of the most recent level-one procedure call and
- c{[EBP-8]} holds that of the most recent level-two call. And so on,
- for nesting levels up to 31.
- Stack frames created by c{ENTER} can be destroyed by the c{LEAVE}
- instruction: see k{insLEAVE}.
- H{insF2XM1} ic{F2XM1}: Calculate 2**X-1
- c F2XM1 ; D9 F0 [8086,FPU]
- c{F2XM1} raises 2 to the power of c{ST0}, subtracts one, and
- stores the result back into c{ST0}. The initial contents of c{ST0}
- must be a number in the range -1 to +1.
- H{insFABS} ic{FABS}: Floating-Point Absolute Value
- c FABS ; D9 E1 [8086,FPU]
- c{FABS} computes the absolute value of c{ST0}, storing the result
- back in c{ST0}.
- H{insFADD} ic{FADD}, ic{FADDP}: Floating-Point Addition
- c FADD mem32 ; D8 /0 [8086,FPU]
- c FADD mem64 ; DC /0 [8086,FPU]
- c FADD fpureg ; D8 C0+r [8086,FPU]
- c FADD ST0,fpureg ; D8 C0+r [8086,FPU]
- c FADD TO fpureg ; DC C0+r [8086,FPU]
- c FADD fpureg,ST0 ; DC C0+r [8086,FPU]
- c FADDP fpureg ; DE C0+r [8086,FPU]
- c FADDP fpureg,ST0 ; DE C0+r [8086,FPU]
- c{FADD}, given one operand, adds the operand to c{ST0} and stores
- the result back in c{ST0}. If the operand has the c{TO} modifier,
- the result is stored in the register given rather than in c{ST0}.
- c{FADDP} performs the same function as c{FADD TO}, but pops the
- register stack after storing the result.
- The given two-operand forms are synonyms for the one-operand forms.
- H{insFBLD} ic{FBLD}, ic{FBSTP}: BCD Floating-Point Load and Store
- c FBLD mem80 ; DF /4 [8086,FPU]
- c FBSTP mem80 ; DF /6 [8086,FPU]
- c{FBLD} loads an 80-bit (ten-byte) packed binary-coded decimal
- number from the given memory address, converts it to a real, and
- pushes it on the register stack. c{FBSTP} stores the value of
- c{ST0}, in packed BCD, at the given address and then pops the
- register stack.
- H{insFCHS} ic{FCHS}: Floating-Point Change Sign
- c FCHS ; D9 E0 [8086,FPU]
- c{FCHS} negates the number in c{ST0}: negative numbers become
- positive, and vice versa.
- H{insFCLEX} ic{FCLEX}, {FNCLEX}: Clear Floating-Point Exceptions
- c FCLEX ; 9B DB E2 [8086,FPU]
- c FNCLEX ; DB E2 [8086,FPU]
- c{FCLEX} clears any floating-point exceptions which may be pending.
- c{FNCLEX} does the same thing but doesn't wait for previous
- floating-point operations (including the e{handling} of pending
- exceptions) to finish first.
- H{insFCMOVB} ic{FCMOVcc}: Floating-Point Conditional Move
- c FCMOVB fpureg ; DA C0+r [P6,FPU]
- c FCMOVB ST0,fpureg ; DA C0+r [P6,FPU]
- c FCMOVBE fpureg ; DA D0+r [P6,FPU]
- c FCMOVBE ST0,fpureg ; DA D0+r [P6,FPU]
- c FCMOVE fpureg ; DA C8+r [P6,FPU]
- c FCMOVE ST0,fpureg ; DA C8+r [P6,FPU]
- c FCMOVNB fpureg ; DB C0+r [P6,FPU]
- c FCMOVNB ST0,fpureg ; DB C0+r [P6,FPU]
- c FCMOVNBE fpureg ; DB D0+r [P6,FPU]
- c FCMOVNBE ST0,fpureg ; DB D0+r [P6,FPU]
- c FCMOVNE fpureg ; DB C8+r [P6,FPU]
- c FCMOVNE ST0,fpureg ; DB C8+r [P6,FPU]
- c FCMOVNU fpureg ; DB D8+r [P6,FPU]
- c FCMOVNU ST0,fpureg ; DB D8+r [P6,FPU]
- c FCMOVU fpureg ; DA D8+r [P6,FPU]
- c FCMOVU ST0,fpureg ; DA D8+r [P6,FPU]
- The c{FCMOV} instructions perform conditional move operations: each
- of them moves the contents of the given register into c{ST0} if its
- condition is satisfied, and does nothing if not.
- The conditions are not the same as the standard condition codes used
- with conditional jump instructions. The conditions c{B}, c{BE},
- c{NB}, c{NBE}, c{E} and c{NE} are exactly as normal, but none of
- the other standard ones are supported. Instead, the condition c{U}
- and its counterpart c{NU} are provided; the c{U} condition is
- satisfied if the last two floating-point numbers compared were
- e{unordered}, i.e. they were not equal but neither one could be
- said to be greater than the other, for example if they were NaNs.
- (The flag state which signals this is the setting of the parity
- flag: so the c{U} condition is notionally equivalent to c{PE}, and
- c{NU} is equivalent to c{PO}.)
- The c{FCMOV} conditions test the main processor's status flags, not
- the FPU status flags, so using c{FCMOV} directly after c{FCOM}
- will not work. Instead, you should either use c{FCOMI} which writes
- directly to the main CPU flags word, or use c{FSTSW} to extract the
- FPU flags.
- Although the c{FCMOV} instructions are flagged c{P6} above, they
- may not be supported by all Pentium Pro processors; the c{CPUID}
- instruction (k{insCPUID}) will return a bit which indicates whether
- conditional moves are supported.
- H{insFCOM} ic{FCOM}, ic{FCOMP}, ic{FCOMPP}, ic{FCOMI}, ic{FCOMIP}: Floating-Point Compare
- c FCOM mem32 ; D8 /2 [8086,FPU]
- c FCOM mem64 ; DC /2 [8086,FPU]
- c FCOM fpureg ; D8 D0+r [8086,FPU]
- c FCOM ST0,fpureg ; D8 D0+r [8086,FPU]
- c FCOMP mem32 ; D8 /3 [8086,FPU]
- c FCOMP mem64 ; DC /3 [8086,FPU]
- c FCOMP fpureg ; D8 D8+r [8086,FPU]
- c FCOMP ST0,fpureg ; D8 D8+r [8086,FPU]
- c FCOMPP ; DE D9 [8086,FPU]
- c FCOMI fpureg ; DB F0+r [P6,FPU]
- c FCOMI ST0,fpureg ; DB F0+r [P6,FPU]
- c FCOMIP fpureg ; DF F0+r [P6,FPU]
- c FCOMIP ST0,fpureg ; DF F0+r [P6,FPU]
- c{FCOM} compares c{ST0} with the given operand, and sets the FPU
- flags accordingly. c{ST0} is treated as the left-hand side of the
- comparison, so that the carry flag is set (for a `less-than' result)
- if c{ST0} is less than the given operand.
- c{FCOMP} does the same as c{FCOM}, but pops the register stack
- afterwards. c{FCOMPP} compares c{ST0} with c{ST1} and then pops
- the register stack twice.
- c{FCOMI} and c{FCOMIP} work like the corresponding forms of
- c{FCOM} and c{FCOMP}, but write their results directly to the CPU
- flags register rather than the FPU status word, so they can be
- immediately followed by conditional jump or conditional move
- instructions.
- The c{FCOM} instructions differ from the c{FUCOM} instructions
- (k{insFUCOM}) only in the way they handle quiet NaNs: c{FUCOM}
- will handle them silently and set the condition code flags to an
- `unordered' result, whereas c{FCOM} will generate an exception.
- H{insFCOS} ic{FCOS}: Cosine
- c FCOS ; D9 FF [386,FPU]
- c{FCOS} computes the cosine of c{ST0} (in radians), and stores the
- result in c{ST0}. See also c{FSINCOS} (k{insFSIN}).
- H{insFDECSTP} ic{FDECSTP}: Decrement Floating-Point Stack Pointer
- c FDECSTP ; D9 F6 [8086,FPU]
- c{FDECSTP} decrements the `top' field in the floating-point status
- word. This has the effect of rotating the FPU register stack by one,
- as if the contents of c{ST7} had been pushed on the stack. See also
- c{FINCSTP} (k{insFINCSTP}).
- H{insFDISI} ic{FxDISI}, ic{FxENI}: Disable and Enable Floating-Point Interrupts
- c FDISI ; 9B DB E1 [8086,FPU]
- c FNDISI ; DB E1 [8086,FPU]
- c FENI ; 9B DB E0 [8086,FPU]
- c FNENI ; DB E0 [8086,FPU]
- c{FDISI} and c{FENI} disable and enable floating-point interrupts.
- These instructions are only meaningful on original 8087 processors:
- the 287 and above treat them as no-operation instructions.
- c{FNDISI} and c{FNENI} do the same thing as c{FDISI} and c{FENI}
- respectively, but without waiting for the floating-point processor
- to finish what it was doing first.
- H{insFDIV} ic{FDIV}, ic{FDIVP}, ic{FDIVR}, ic{FDIVRP}: Floating-Point Division
- c FDIV mem32 ; D8 /6 [8086,FPU]
- c FDIV mem64 ; DC /6 [8086,FPU]
- c FDIV fpureg ; D8 F0+r [8086,FPU]
- c FDIV ST0,fpureg ; D8 F0+r [8086,FPU]
- c FDIV TO fpureg ; DC F8+r [8086,FPU]
- c FDIV fpureg,ST0 ; DC F8+r [8086,FPU]
- c FDIVR mem32 ; D8 /0 [8086,FPU]
- c FDIVR mem64 ; DC /0 [8086,FPU]
- c FDIVR fpureg ; D8 F8+r [8086,FPU]
- c FDIVR ST0,fpureg ; D8 F8+r [8086,FPU]
- c FDIVR TO fpureg ; DC F0+r [8086,FPU]
- c FDIVR fpureg,ST0 ; DC F0+r [8086,FPU]
- c FDIVP fpureg ; DE F8+r [8086,FPU]
- c FDIVP fpureg,ST0 ; DE F8+r [8086,FPU]
- c FDIVRP fpureg ; DE F0+r [8086,FPU]
- c FDIVRP fpureg,ST0 ; DE F0+r [8086,FPU]
- c{FDIV} divides c{ST0} by the given operand and stores the result
- back in c{ST0}, unless the c{TO} qualifier is given, in which case
- it divides the given operand by c{ST0} and stores the result in the
- operand.
- c{FDIVR} does the same thing, but does the division the other way
- up: so if c{TO} is not given, it divides the given operand by
- c{ST0} and stores the result in c{ST0}, whereas if c{TO} is given
- it divides c{ST0} by its operand and stores the result in the
- operand.
- c{FDIVP} operates like c{FDIV TO}, but pops the register stack
- once it has finished. c{FDIVRP} operates like c{FDIVR TO}, but
- pops the register stack once it has finished.
- H{insFFREE} ic{FFREE}: Flag Floating-Point Register as Unused
- c FFREE fpureg ; DD C0+r [8086,FPU]
- c{FFREE} marks the given register as being empty.
- H{insFIADD} ic{FIADD}: Floating-Point/Integer Addition
- c FIADD mem16 ; DE /0 [8086,FPU]
- c FIADD mem32 ; DA /0 [8086,FPU]
- c{FIADD} adds the 16-bit or 32-bit integer stored in the given
- memory location to c{ST0}, storing the result in c{ST0}.
- H{insFICOM} ic{FICOM}, ic{FICOMP}: Floating-Point/Integer Compare
- c FICOM mem16 ; DE /2 [8086,FPU]
- c FICOM mem32 ; DA /2 [8086,FPU]
- c FICOMP mem16 ; DE /3 [8086,FPU]
- c FICOMP mem32 ; DA /3 [8086,FPU]
- c{FICOM} compares c{ST0} with the 16-bit or 32-bit integer stored
- in the given memory location, and sets the FPU flags accordingly.
- c{FICOMP} does the same, but pops the register stack afterwards.
- H{insFIDIV} ic{FIDIV}, ic{FIDIVR}: Floating-Point/Integer Division
- c FIDIV mem16 ; DE /6 [8086,FPU]
- c FIDIV mem32 ; DA /6 [8086,FPU]
- c FIDIVR mem16 ; DE /0 [8086,FPU]
- c FIDIVR mem32 ; DA /0 [8086,FPU]
- c{FIDIV} divides c{ST0} by the 16-bit or 32-bit integer stored in
- the given memory location, and stores the result in c{ST0}.
- c{FIDIVR} does the division the other way up: it divides the
- integer by c{ST0}, but still stores the result in c{ST0}.
- H{insFILD} ic{FILD}, ic{FIST}, ic{FISTP}: Floating-Point/Integer Conversion
- c FILD mem16 ; DF /0 [8086,FPU]
- c FILD mem32 ; DB /0 [8086,FPU]
- c FILD mem64 ; DF /5 [8086,FPU]
- c FIST mem16 ; DF /2 [8086,FPU]
- c FIST mem32 ; DB /2 [8086,FPU]
- c FISTP mem16 ; DF /3 [8086,FPU]
- c FISTP mem32 ; DB /3 [8086,FPU]
- c FISTP mem64 ; DF /0 [8086,FPU]
- c{FILD} loads an integer out of a memory location, converts it to a
- real, and pushes it on the FPU register stack. c{FIST} converts
- c{ST0} to an integer and stores that in memory; c{FISTP} does the
- same as c{FIST}, but pops the register stack afterwards.
- H{insFIMUL} ic{FIMUL}: Floating-Point/Integer Multiplication
- c FIMUL mem16 ; DE /1 [8086,FPU]
- c FIMUL mem32 ; DA /1 [8086,FPU]
- c{FIMUL} multiplies c{ST0} by the 16-bit or 32-bit integer stored
- in the given memory location, and stores the result in c{ST0}.
- H{insFINCSTP} ic{FINCSTP}: Increment Floating-Point Stack Pointer
- c FINCSTP ; D9 F7 [8086,FPU]
- c{FINCSTP} increments the `top' field in the floating-point status
- word. This has the effect of rotating the FPU register stack by one,
- as if the register stack had been popped; however, unlike the
- popping of the stack performed by many FPU instructions, it does not
- flag the new c{ST7} (previously c{ST0}) as empty. See also
- c{FDECSTP} (k{insFDECSTP}).
- H{insFINIT} ic{FINIT}, ic{FNINIT}: Initialise Floating-Point Unit
- c FINIT ; 9B DB E3 [8086,FPU]
- c FNINIT ; DB E3 [8086,FPU]
- c{FINIT} initialises the FPU to its default state. It flags all
- registers as empty, though it does not actually change their values.
- c{FNINIT} does the same, without first waiting for pending
- exceptions to clear.
- H{insFISUB} ic{FISUB}: Floating-Point/Integer Subtraction
- c FISUB mem16 ; DE /4 [8086,FPU]
- c FISUB mem32 ; DA /4 [8086,FPU]
- c FISUBR mem16 ; DE /5 [8086,FPU]
- c FISUBR mem32 ; DA /5 [8086,FPU]
- c{FISUB} subtracts the 16-bit or 32-bit integer stored in the given
- memory location from c{ST0}, and stores the result in c{ST0}.
- c{FISUBR} does the subtraction the other way round, i.e. it
- subtracts c{ST0} from the given integer, but still stores the
- result in c{ST0}.
- H{insFLD} ic{FLD}: Floating-Point Load
- c FLD mem32 ; D9 /0 [8086,FPU]
- c FLD mem64 ; DD /0 [8086,FPU]
- c FLD mem80 ; DB /5 [8086,FPU]
- c FLD fpureg ; D9 C0+r [8086,FPU]
- c{FLD} loads a floating-point value out of the given register or
- memory location, and pushes it on the FPU register stack.
- H{insFLD1} ic{FLDxx}: Floating-Point Load Constants
- c FLD1 ; D9 E8 [8086,FPU]
- c FLDL2E ; D9 EA [8086,FPU]
- c FLDL2T ; D9 E9 [8086,FPU]
- c FLDLG2 ; D9 EC [8086,FPU]
- c FLDLN2 ; D9 ED [8086,FPU]
- c FLDPI ; D9 EB [8086,FPU]
- c FLDZ ; D9 EE [8086,FPU]
- These instructions push specific standard constants on the FPU
- register stack. c{FLD1} pushes the value 1; c{FLDL2E} pushes the
- base-2 logarithm of e; c{FLDL2T} pushes the base-2 log of 10;
- c{FLDLG2} pushes the base-10 log of 2; c{FLDLN2} pushes the base-e
- log of 2; c{FLDPI} pushes pi; and c{FLDZ} pushes zero.
- H{insFLDCW} ic{FLDCW}: Load Floating-Point Control Word
- c FLDCW mem16 ; D9 /5 [8086,FPU]
- c{FLDCW} loads a 16-bit value out of memory and stores it into the
- FPU control word (governing things like the rounding mode, the
- precision, and the exception masks). See also c{FSTCW}
- (k{insFSTCW}).
- H{insFLDENV} ic{FLDENV}: Load Floating-Point Environment
- c FLDENV mem ; D9 /4 [8086,FPU]
- c{FLDENV} loads the FPU operating environment (control word, status
- word, tag word, instruction pointer, data pointer and last opcode)
- from memory. The memory area is 14 or 28 bytes long, depending on
- the CPU mode at the time. See also c{FSTENV} (k{insFSTENV}).
- H{insFMUL} ic{FMUL}, ic{FMULP}: Floating-Point Multiply
- c FMUL mem32 ; D8 /1 [8086,FPU]
- c FMUL mem64 ; DC /1 [8086,FPU]
- c FMUL fpureg ; D8 C8+r [8086,FPU]
- c FMUL ST0,fpureg ; D8 C8+r [8086,FPU]
- c FMUL TO fpureg ; DC C8+r [8086,FPU]
- c FMUL fpureg,ST0 ; DC C8+r [8086,FPU]
- c FMULP fpureg ; DE C8+r [8086,FPU]
- c FMULP fpureg,ST0 ; DE C8+r [8086,FPU]
- c{FMUL} multiplies c{ST0} by the given operand, and stores the
- result in c{ST0}, unless the c{TO} qualifier is used in which case
- it stores the result in the operand. c{FMULP} performs the same
- operation as c{FMUL TO}, and then pops the register stack.
- H{insFNOP} ic{FNOP}: Floating-Point No Operation
- c FNOP ; D9 D0 [8086,FPU]
- c{FNOP} does nothing.
- H{insFPATAN} ic{FPATAN}, ic{FPTAN}: Arctangent and Tangent
- c FPATAN ; D9 F3 [8086,FPU]
- c FPTAN ; D9 F2 [8086,FPU]
- c{FPATAN} computes the arctangent, in radians, of the result of
- dividing c{ST1} by c{ST0}, stores the result in c{ST1}, and pops
- the register stack. It works like the C c{atan2} function, in that
- changing the sign of both c{ST0} and c{ST1} changes the output
- value by pi (so it performs true rectangular-to-polar coordinate
- conversion, with c{ST1} being the Y coordinate and c{ST0} being
- the X coordinate, not merely an arctangent).
- c{FPTAN} computes the tangent of the value in c{ST0} (in radians),
- and stores the result back into c{ST0}.
- H{insFPREM} ic{FPREM}, ic{FPREM1}: Floating-Point Partial Remainder
- c FPREM ; D9 F8 [8086,FPU]
- c FPREM1 ; D9 F5 [386,FPU]
- These instructions both produce the remainder obtained by dividing
- c{ST0} by c{ST1}. This is calculated, notionally, by dividing
- c{ST0} by c{ST1}, rounding the result to an integer, multiplying
- by c{ST1} again, and computing the value which would need to be
- added back on to the result to get back to the original value in
- c{ST0}.
- The two instructions differ in the way the notional round-to-integer
- operation is performed. c{FPREM} does it by rounding towards zero,
- so that the remainder it returns always has the same sign as the
- original value in c{ST0}; c{FPREM1} does it by rounding to the
- nearest integer, so that the remainder always has at most half the
- magnitude of c{ST1}.
- Both instructions calculate e{partial} remainders, meaning that
- they may not manage to provide the final result, but might leave
- intermediate results in c{ST0} instead. If this happens, they will
- set the C2 flag in the FPU status word; therefore, to calculate a
- remainder, you should repeatedly execute c{FPREM} or c{FPREM1}
- until C2 becomes clear.
- H{insFRNDINT} ic{FRNDINT}: Floating-Point Round to Integer
- c FRNDINT ; D9 FC [8086,FPU]
- c{FRNDINT} rounds the contents of c{ST0} to an integer, according
- to the current rounding mode set in the FPU control word, and stores
- the result back in c{ST0}.
- H{insFRSTOR} ic{FSAVE}, ic{FRSTOR}: Save/Restore Floating-Point State
- c FSAVE mem ; 9B DD /6 [8086,FPU]
- c FNSAVE mem ; DD /6 [8086,FPU]
- c FRSTOR mem ; DD /4 [8086,FPU]
- c{FSAVE} saves the entire floating-point unit state, including all
- the information saved by c{FSTENV} (k{insFSTENV}) plus the
- contents of all the registers, to a 94 or 108 byte area of memory
- (depending on the CPU mode). c{FRSTOR} restores the floating-point
- state from the same area of memory.
- c{FNSAVE} does the same as c{FSAVE}, without first waiting for
- pending floating-point exceptions to clear.
- H{insFSCALE} ic{FSCALE}: Scale Floating-Point Value by Power of Two
- c FSCALE ; D9 FD [8086,FPU]
- c{FSCALE} scales a number by a power of two: it rounds c{ST1}
- towards zero to obtain an integer, then multiplies c{ST0} by two to
- the power of that integer, and stores the result in c{ST0}.
- H{insFSETPM} ic{FSETPM}: Set Protected Mode
- c FSETPM ; DB E4 [286,FPU]
- This instruction initalises protected mode on the 287 floating-point
- coprocessor. It is only meaningful on that processor: the 387 and
- above treat the instruction as a no-operation.
- H{insFSIN} ic{FSIN}, ic{FSINCOS}: Sine and Cosine
- c FSIN ; D9 FE [386,FPU]
- c FSINCOS ; D9 FB [386,FPU]
- c{FSIN} calculates the sine of c{ST0} (in radians) and stores the
- result in c{ST0}. c{FSINCOS} does the same, but then pushes the
- cosine of the same value on the register stack, so that the sine
- ends up in c{ST1} and the cosine in c{ST0}. c{FSINCOS} is faster
- than executing c{FSIN} and c{FCOS} (see k{insFCOS}) in
- succession.
- H{insFSQRT} ic{FSQRT}: Floating-Point Square Root
- c FSQRT ; D9 FA [8086,FPU]
- c{FSQRT} calculates the square root of c{ST0} and stores the
- result in c{ST0}.
- H{insFST} ic{FST}, ic{FSTP}: Floating-Point Store
- c FST mem32 ; D9 /2 [8086,FPU]
- c FST mem64 ; DD /2 [8086,FPU]
- c FST fpureg ; DD D0+r [8086,FPU]
- c FSTP mem32 ; D9 /3 [8086,FPU]
- c FSTP mem64 ; DD /3 [8086,FPU]
- c FSTP mem80 ; DB /0 [8086,FPU]
- c FSTP fpureg ; DD D8+r [8086,FPU]
- c{FST} stores the value in c{ST0} into the given memory location
- or other FPU register. c{FSTP} does the same, but then pops the
- register stack.
- H{insFSTCW} ic{FSTCW}: Store Floating-Point Control Word
- c FSTCW mem16 ; 9B D9 /0 [8086,FPU]
- c FNSTCW mem16 ; D9 /0 [8086,FPU]
- c{FSTCW} stores the FPU control word (governing things like the
- rounding mode, the precision, and the exception masks) into a 2-byte
- memory area. See also c{FLDCW} (k{insFLDCW}).
- c{FNSTCW} does the same thing as c{FSTCW}, without first waiting
- for pending floating-point exceptions to clear.
- H{insFSTENV} ic{FSTENV}: Store Floating-Point Environment
- c FSTENV mem ; 9B D9 /6 [8086,FPU]
- c FNSTENV mem ; D9 /6 [8086,FPU]
- c{FSTENV} stores the FPU operating environment (control word,
- status word, tag word, instruction pointer, data pointer and last
- opcode) into memory. The memory area is 14 or 28 bytes long,
- depending on the CPU mode at the time. See also c{FLDENV}
- (k{insFLDENV}).
- c{FNSTENV} does the same thing as c{FSTENV}, without first waiting
- for pending floating-point exceptions to clear.
- H{insFSTSW} ic{FSTSW}: Store Floating-Point Status Word
- c FSTSW mem16 ; 9B DD /0 [8086,FPU]
- c FSTSW AX ; 9B DF E0 [286,FPU]
- c FNSTSW mem16 ; DD /0 [8086,FPU]
- c FNSTSW AX ; DF E0 [286,FPU]
- c{FSTSW} stores the FPU status word into c{AX} or into a 2-byte
- memory area.
- c{FNSTSW} does the same thing as c{FSTSW}, without first waiting
- for pending floating-point exceptions to clear.
- H{insFSUB} ic{FSUB}, ic{FSUBP}, ic{FSUBR}, ic{FSUBRP}: Floating-Point Subtract
- c FSUB mem32 ; D8 /4 [8086,FPU]
- c FSUB mem64 ; DC /4 [8086,FPU]
- c FSUB fpureg ; D8 E0+r [8086,FPU]
- c FSUB ST0,fpureg ; D8 E0+r [8086,FPU]
- c FSUB TO fpureg ; DC E8+r [8086,FPU]
- c FSUB fpureg,ST0 ; DC E8+r [8086,FPU]
- c FSUBR mem32 ; D8 /5 [8086,FPU]
- c FSUBR mem64 ; DC /5 [8086,FPU]
- c FSUBR fpureg ; D8 E8+r [8086,FPU]
- c FSUBR ST0,fpureg ; D8 E8+r [8086,FPU]
- c FSUBR TO fpureg ; DC E0+r [8086,FPU]
- c FSUBR fpureg,ST0 ; DC E0+r [8086,FPU]
- c FSUBP fpureg ; DE E8+r [8086,FPU]
- c FSUBP fpureg,ST0 ; DE E8+r [8086,FPU]
- c FSUBRP fpureg ; DE E0+r [8086,FPU]
- c FSUBRP fpureg,ST0 ; DE E0+r [8086,FPU]
- c{FSUB} subtracts the given operand from c{ST0} and stores the
- result back in c{ST0}, unless the c{TO} qualifier is given, in
- which case it subtracts c{ST0} from the given operand and stores
- the result in the operand.
- c{FSUBR} does the same thing, but does the subtraction the other way
- up: so if c{TO} is not given, it subtracts c{ST0} from the given
- operand and stores the result in c{ST0}, whereas if c{TO} is given
- it subtracts its operand from c{ST0} and stores the result in the
- operand.
- c{FSUBP} operates like c{FSUB TO}, but pops the register stack
- once it has finished. c{FSUBRP} operates like c{FSUBR TO}, but
- pops the register stack once it has finished.
- H{insFTST} ic{FTST}: Test c{ST0} Against Zero
- c FTST ; D9 E4 [8086,FPU]
- c{FTST} compares c{ST0} with zero and sets the FPU flags
- accordingly. c{ST0} is treated as the left-hand side of the
- comparison, so that a `less-than' result is generated if c{ST0} is
- negative.
- H{insFUCOM} ic{FUCOMxx}: Floating-Point Unordered Compare
- c FUCOM fpureg ; DD E0+r [386,FPU]
- c FUCOM ST0,fpureg ; DD E0+r [386,FPU]
- c FUCOMP fpureg ; DD E8+r [386,FPU]
- c FUCOMP ST0,fpureg ; DD E8+r [386,FPU]
- c FUCOMPP ; DA E9 [386,FPU]
- c FUCOMI fpureg ; DB E8+r [P6,FPU]
- c FUCOMI ST0,fpureg ; DB E8+r [P6,FPU]
- c FUCOMIP fpureg ; DF E8+r [P6,FPU]
- c FUCOMIP ST0,fpureg ; DF E8+r [P6,FPU]
- c{FUCOM} compares c{ST0} with the given operand, and sets the FPU
- flags accordingly. c{ST0} is treated as the left-hand side of the
- comparison, so that the carry flag is set (for a `less-than' result)
- if c{ST0} is less than the given operand.
- c{FUCOMP} does the same as c{FUCOM}, but pops the register stack
- afterwards. c{FUCOMPP} compares c{ST0} with c{ST1} and then pops
- the register stack twice.
- c{FUCOMI} and c{FUCOMIP} work like the corresponding forms of
- c{FUCOM} and c{FUCOMP}, but write their results directly to the CPU
- flags register rather than the FPU status word, so they can be
- immediately followed by conditional jump or conditional move
- instructions.
- The c{FUCOM} instructions differ from the c{FCOM} instructions
- (k{insFCOM}) only in the way they handle quiet NaNs: c{FUCOM} will
- handle them silently and set the condition code flags to an
- `unordered' result, whereas c{FCOM} will generate an exception.
- H{insFXAM} ic{FXAM}: Examine Class of Value in c{ST0}
- c FXAM ; D9 E5 [8086,FPU]
- c{FXAM} sets the FPU flags C3, C2 and C0 depending on the type of
- value stored in c{ST0}: 000 (respectively) for an unsupported
- format, 001 for a NaN, 010 for a normal finite number, 011 for an
- infinity, 100 for a zero, 101 for an empty register, and 110 for a
- denormal. It also sets the C1 flag to the sign of the number.
- H{insFXCH} ic{FXCH}: Floating-Point Exchange
- c FXCH ; D9 C9 [8086,FPU]
- c FXCH fpureg ; D9 C8+r [8086,FPU]
- c FXCH fpureg,ST0 ; D9 C8+r [8086,FPU]
- c FXCH ST0,fpureg ; D9 C8+r [8086,FPU]
- c{FXCH} exchanges c{ST0} with a given FPU register. The no-operand
- form exchanges c{ST0} with c{ST1}.
- H{insFXTRACT} ic{FXTRACT}: Extract Exponent and Significand
- c FXTRACT ; D9 F4 [8086,FPU]
- c{FXTRACT} separates the number in c{ST0} into its exponent and
- significand (mantissa), stores the exponent back into c{ST0}, and
- then pushes the significand on the register stack (so that the
- significand ends up in c{ST0}, and the exponent in c{ST1}).
- H{insFYL2X} ic{FYL2X}, ic{FYL2XP1}: Compute Y times Log2(X) or Log2(X+1)
- c FYL2X ; D9 F1 [8086,FPU]
- c FYL2XP1 ; D9 F9 [8086,FPU]
- c{FYL2X} multiplies c{ST1} by the base-2 logarithm of c{ST0},
- stores the result in c{ST1}, and pops the register stack (so that
- the result ends up in c{ST0}). c{ST0} must be non-zero and
- positive.
- c{FYL2XP1} works the same way, but replacing the base-2 log of
- c{ST0} with that of c{ST0} plus one. This time, c{ST0} must have
- magnitude no greater than 1 minus half the square root of two.
- H{insHLT} ic{HLT}: Halt Processor
- c HLT ; F4 [8086]
- c{HLT} puts the processor into a halted state, where it will
- perform no more operations until restarted by an interrupt or a
- reset.
- H{insIBTS} ic{IBTS}: Insert Bit String
- c IBTS r/m16,reg16 ; o16 0F A7 /r [386,UNDOC]
- c IBTS r/m32,reg32 ; o32 0F A7 /r [386,UNDOC]
- No clear documentation seems to be available for this instruction:
- the best I've been able to find reads `Takes a string of bits from
- the second operand and puts them in the first operand'. It is
- present only in early 386 processors, and conflicts with the opcodes
- for c{CMPXCHG486}. NASM supports it only for completeness. Its
- counterpart is c{XBTS} (see k{insXBTS}).
- H{insIDIV} ic{IDIV}: Signed Integer Divide
- c IDIV r/m8 ; F6 /7 [8086]
- c IDIV r/m16 ; o16 F7 /7 [8086]
- c IDIV r/m32 ; o32 F7 /7 [386]
- c{IDIV} performs signed integer division. The explicit operand
- provided is the divisor; the dividend and destination operands are
- implicit, in the following way:
- b For c{IDIV r/m8}, c{AX} is divided by the given operand; the
- quotient is stored in c{AL} and the remainder in c{AH}.
- b For c{IDIV r/m16}, c{DX:AX} is divided by the given operand; the
- quotient is stored in c{AX} and the remainder in c{DX}.
- b For c{IDIV r/m32}, c{EDX:EAX} is divided by the given operand;
- the quotient is stored in c{EAX} and the remainder in c{EDX}.
- Unsigned integer division is performed by the c{DIV} instruction:
- see k{insDIV}.
- H{insIMUL} ic{IMUL}: Signed Integer Multiply
- c IMUL r/m8 ; F6 /5 [8086]
- c IMUL r/m16 ; o16 F7 /5 [8086]
- c IMUL r/m32 ; o32 F7 /5 [386]
- c IMUL reg16,r/m16 ; o16 0F AF /r [386]
- c IMUL reg32,r/m32 ; o32 0F AF /r [386]
- c IMUL reg16,imm8 ; o16 6B /r ib [286]
- c IMUL reg16,imm16 ; o16 69 /r iw [286]
- c IMUL reg32,imm8 ; o32 6B /r ib [386]
- c IMUL reg32,imm32 ; o32 69 /r id [386]
- c IMUL reg16,r/m16,imm8 ; o16 6B /r ib [286]
- c IMUL reg16,r/m16,imm16 ; o16 69 /r iw [286]
- c IMUL reg32,r/m32,imm8 ; o32 6B /r ib [386]
- c IMUL reg32,r/m32,imm32 ; o32 69 /r id [386]
- c{IMUL} performs signed integer multiplication. For the
- single-operand form, the other operand and destination are implicit,
- in the following way:
- b For c{IMUL r/m8}, c{AL} is multiplied by the given operand; the
- product is stored in c{AX}.
- b For c{IMUL r/m16}, c{AX} is multiplied by the given operand;
- the product is stored in c{DX:AX}.
- b For c{IMUL r/m32}, c{EAX} is multiplied by the given operand;
- the product is stored in c{EDX:EAX}.
- The two-operand form multiplies its two operands and stores the
- result in the destination (first) operand. The three-operand form
- multiplies its last two operands and stores the result in the first
- operand.
- The two-operand form is in fact a shorthand for the three-operand
- form, as can be seen by examining the opcode descriptions: in the
- two-operand form, the code c{/r} takes both its register and
- c{r/m} parts from the same operand (the first one).
- In the forms with an 8-bit immediate operand and another longer
- source operand, the immediate operand is considered to be signed,
- and is sign-extended to the length of the other source operand. In
- these cases, the c{BYTE} qualifier is necessary to force NASM to
- generate this form of the instruction.
- Unsigned integer multiplication is performed by the c{MUL}
- instruction: see k{insMUL}.
- H{insIN} ic{IN}: Input from I/O Port
- c IN AL,imm8 ; E4 ib [8086]
- c IN AX,imm8 ; o16 E5 ib [8086]
- c IN EAX,imm8 ; o32 E5 ib [386]
- c IN AL,DX ; EC [8086]
- c IN AX,DX ; o16 ED [8086]
- c IN EAX,DX ; o32 ED [386]
- c{IN} reads a byte, word or doubleword from the specified I/O port,
- and stores it in the given destination register. The port number may
- be specified as an immediate value if it is between 0 and 255, and
- otherwise must be stored in c{DX}. See also c{OUT} (k{insOUT}).
- H{insINC} ic{INC}: Increment Integer
- c INC reg16 ; o16 40+r [8086]
- c INC reg32 ; o32 40+r [386]
- c INC r/m8 ; FE /0 [8086]
- c INC r/m16 ; o16 FF /0 [8086]
- c INC r/m32 ; o32 FF /0 [386]
- c{INC} adds 1 to its operand. It does e{not} affect the carry
- flag: to affect the carry flag, use c{ADD something,1} (see
- k{insADD}). See also c{DEC} (k{insDEC}).
- H{insINSB} ic{INSB}, ic{INSW}, ic{INSD}: Input String from I/O Port
- c INSB ; 6C [186]
- c INSW ; o16 6D [186]
- c INSD ; o32 6D [386]
- c{INSB} inputs a byte from the I/O port specified in c{DX} and
- stores it at c{[ES:DI]} or c{[ES:EDI]}. It then increments or
- decrements (depending on the direction flag: increments if the flag
- is clear, decrements if it is set) c{DI} or c{EDI}.
- The register used is c{DI} if the address size is 16 bits, and
- c{EDI} if it is 32 bits. If you need to use an address size not
- equal to the current c{BITS} setting, you can use an explicit
- ic{a16} or ic{a32} prefix.
- Segment override prefixes have no effect for this instruction: the
- use of c{ES} for the load from c{[DI]} or c{[EDI]} cannot be
- overridden.
- c{INSW} and c{INSD} work in the same way, but they input a word or
- a doubleword instead of a byte, and increment or decrement the
- addressing register by 2 or 4 instead of 1.
- The c{REP} prefix may be used to repeat the instruction c{CX} (or
- c{ECX} - again, the address size chooses which) times.
- See also c{OUTSB}, c{OUTSW} and c{OUTSD} (k{insOUTSB}).
- H{insINT} ic{INT}: Software Interrupt
- c INT imm8 ; CD ib [8086]
- c{INT} causes a software interrupt through a specified vector
- number from 0 to 255.
- The code generated by the c{INT} instruction is always two bytes
- long: although there are short forms for some c{INT} instructions,
- NASM does not generate them when it sees the c{INT} mnemonic. In
- order to generate single-byte breakpoint instructions, use the
- c{INT3} or c{INT1} instructions (see k{insINT1}) instead.
- H{insINT1} ic{INT3}, ic{INT1}, ic{ICEBP}, ic{INT01}: Breakpoints
- c INT1 ; F1 [P6]
- c ICEBP ; F1 [P6]
- c INT01 ; F1 [P6]
- c INT3 ; CC [8086]
- c{INT1} and c{INT3} are short one-byte forms of the instructions
- c{INT 1} and c{INT 3} (see k{insINT}). They perform a similar
- function to their longer counterparts, but take up less code space.
- They are used as breakpoints by debuggers.
- c{INT1}, and its alternative synonyms c{INT01} and c{ICEBP}, is
- an instruction used by in-circuit emulators (ICEs). It is present,
- though not documented, on some processors down to the 286, but is
- only documented for the Pentium Pro. c{INT3} is the instruction
- normally used as a breakpoint by debuggers.
- c{INT3} is not precisely equivalent to c{INT 3}: the short form,
- since it is designed to be used as a breakpoint, bypasses the normal
- IOPL checks in virtual-8086 mode, and also does not go through
- interrupt redirection.
- H{insINTO} ic{INTO}: Interrupt if Overflow
- c INTO ; CE [8086]
- c{INTO} performs an c{INT 4} software interrupt (see k{insINT})
- if and only if the overflow flag is set.
- H{insINVD} ic{INVD}: Invalidate Internal Caches
- c INVD ; 0F 08 [486]
- c{INVD} invalidates and empties the processor's internal caches,
- and causes the processor to instruct external caches to do the same.
- It does not write the contents of the caches back to memory first:
- any modified data held in the caches will be lost. To write the data
- back first, use c{WBINVD} (k{insWBINVD}).
- H{insINVLPG} ic{INVLPG}: Invalidate TLB Entry
- c INVLPG mem ; 0F 01 /0 [486]
- c{INVLPG} invalidates the translation lookahead buffer (TLB) entry
- associated with the supplied memory address.
- H{insIRET} ic{IRET}, ic{IRETW}, ic{IRETD}: Return from Interrupt
- c IRET ; CF [8086]
- c IRETW ; o16 CF [8086]
- c IRETD ; o32 CF [386]
- c{IRET} returns from an interrupt (hardware or software) by means
- of popping c{IP} (or c{EIP}), c{CS} and the flags off the stack
- and then continuing execution from the new c{CS:IP}.
- c{IRETW} pops c{IP}, c{CS} and the flags as 2 bytes each, taking
- 6 bytes off the stack in total. c{IRETD} pops c{EIP} as 4 bytes,
- pops a further 4 bytes of which the top two are discarded and the
- bottom two go into c{CS}, and pops the flags as 4 bytes as well,
- taking 12 bytes off the stack.
- c{IRET} is a shorthand for either c{IRETW} or c{IRETD}, depending
- on the default c{BITS} setting at the time.
- H{insJCXZ} ic{JCXZ}, ic{JECXZ}: Jump if CX/ECX Zero
- c JCXZ imm ; o16 E3 rb [8086]
- c JECXZ imm ; o32 E3 rb [386]
- c{JCXZ} performs a short jump (with maximum range 128 bytes) if and
- only if the contents of the c{CX} register is 0. c{JECXZ} does the
- same thing, but with c{ECX}.
- H{insJMP} ic{JMP}: Jump
- c JMP imm ; E9 rw/rd [8086]
- c JMP SHORT imm ; EB rb [8086]
- c JMP imm:imm16 ; o16 EA iw iw [8086]
- c JMP imm:imm32 ; o32 EA id iw [386]
- c JMP FAR mem ; o16 FF /5 [8086]
- c JMP FAR mem ; o32 FF /5 [386]
- c JMP r/m16 ; o16 FF /4 [8086]
- c JMP r/m32 ; o32 FF /4 [386]
- c{JMP} jumps to a given address. The address may be specified as an
- absolute segment and offset, or as a relative jump within the
- current segment.
- c{JMP SHORT imm} has a maximum range of 128 bytes, since the
- displacement is specified as only 8 bits, but takes up less code
- space. NASM does not choose when to generate c{JMP SHORT} for you:
- you must explicitly code c{SHORT} every time you want a short jump.
- You can choose between the two immediate i{far jump} forms (c{JMP
- imm:imm}) by the use of the c{WORD} and c{DWORD} keywords: c{JMP
- WORD 0x1234:0x5678}) or c{JMP DWORD 0x1234:0x56789abc}.
- The c{JMP FAR mem} forms execute a far jump by loading the
- destination address out of memory. The address loaded consists of 16
- or 32 bits of offset (depending on the operand size), and 16 bits of
- segment. The operand size may be overridden using c{JMP WORD FAR
- mem} or c{JMP DWORD FAR mem}.
- The c{JMP r/m} forms execute a i{near jump} (within the same
- segment), loading the destination address out of memory or out of a
- register. The keyword c{NEAR} may be specified, for clarity, in
- these forms, but is not necessary. Again, operand size can be
- overridden using c{JMP WORD mem} or c{JMP DWORD mem}.
- As a convenience, NASM does not require you to jump to a far symbol
- by coding the cumbersome c{JMP SEG routine:routine}, but instead
- allows the easier synonym c{JMP FAR routine}.
- The c{CALL r/m} forms given above are near calls; NASM will accept
- the c{NEAR} keyword (e.g. c{CALL NEAR [address]}), even though it
- is not strictly necessary.
- H{insJcc} ic{Jcc}: Conditional Branch
- c Jcc imm ; 70+cc rb [8086]
- c Jcc NEAR imm ; 0F 80+cc rw/rd [386]
- The i{conditional jump} instructions execute a near (same segment)
- jump if and only if their conditions are satisfied. For example,
- c{JNZ} jumps only if the zero flag is not set.
- The ordinary form of the instructions has only a 128-byte range; the
- c{NEAR} form is a 386 extension to the instruction set, and can
- span the full size of a segment. NASM will not override your choice
- of jump instruction: if you want c{Jcc NEAR}, you have to use the
- c{NEAR} keyword.
- The c{SHORT} keyword is allowed on the first form of the
- instruction, for clarity, but is not necessary.
- H{insLAHF} ic{LAHF}: Load AH from Flags
- c LAHF ; 9F [8086]
- c{LAHF} sets the c{AH} register according to the contents of the
- low byte of the flags word. See also c{SAHF} (k{insSAHF}).
- H{insLAR} ic{LAR}: Load Access Rights
- c LAR reg16,r/m16 ; o16 0F 02 /r [286,PRIV]
- c LAR reg32,r/m32 ; o32 0F 02 /r [286,PRIV]
- c{LAR} takes the segment selector specified by its source (second)
- operand, finds the corresponding segment descriptor in the GDT or
- LDT, and loads the access-rights byte of the descriptor into its
- destination (first) operand.
- H{insLDS} ic{LDS}, ic{LES}, ic{LFS}, ic{LGS}, ic{LSS}: Load Far Pointer
- c LDS reg16,mem ; o16 C5 /r [8086]
- c LDS reg32,mem ; o32 C5 /r [8086]
- c LES reg16,mem ; o16 C4 /r [8086]
- c LES reg32,mem ; o32 C4 /r [8086]
- c LFS reg16,mem ; o16 0F B4 /r [386]
- c LFS reg32,mem ; o32 0F B4 /r [386]
- c LGS reg16,mem ; o16 0F B5 /r [386]
- c LGS reg32,mem ; o32 0F B5 /r [386]
- c LSS reg16,mem ; o16 0F B2 /r [386]
- c LSS reg32,mem ; o32 0F B2 /r [386]
- These instructions load an entire far pointer (16 or 32 bits of
- offset, plus 16 bits of segment) out of memory in one go. c{LDS},
- for example, loads 16 or 32 bits from the given memory address into
- the given register (depending on the size of the register), then
- loads the e{next} 16 bits from memory into c{DS}. c{LES},
- c{LFS}, c{LGS} and c{LSS} work in the same way but use the other
- segment registers.
- H{insLEA} ic{LEA}: Load Effective Address
- c LEA reg16,mem ; o16 8D /r [8086]
- c LEA reg32,mem ; o32 8D /r [8086]
- c{LEA}, despite its syntax, does not access memory. It calculates
- the effective address specified by its second operand as if it were
- going to load or store data from it, but instead it stores the
- calculated address into the register specified by its first operand.
- This can be used to perform quite complex calculations (e.g. c{LEA
- EAX,[EBX+ECX*4+100]}) in one instruction.
- c{LEA}, despite being a purely arithmetic instruction which
- accesses no memory, still requires square brackets around its second
- operand, as if it were a memory reference.
- H{insLEAVE} ic{LEAVE}: Destroy Stack Frame
- c LEAVE ; C9 [186]
- c{LEAVE} destroys a stack frame of the form created by the
- c{ENTER} instruction (see k{insENTER}). It is functionally
- equivalent to c{MOV ESP,EBP} followed by c{POP EBP} (or c{MOV
- SP,BP} followed by c{POP BP} in 16-bit mode).
- H{insLGDT} ic{LGDT}, ic{LIDT}, ic{LLDT}: Load Descriptor Tables
- c LGDT mem ; 0F 01 /2 [286,PRIV]
- c LIDT mem ; 0F 01 /3 [286,PRIV]
- c LLDT r/m16 ; 0F 00 /2 [286,PRIV]
- c{LGDT} and c{LIDT} both take a 6-byte memory area as an operand:
- they load a 32-bit linear address and a 16-bit size limit from that
- area (in the opposite order) into the GDTR (global descriptor table
- register) or IDTR (interrupt descriptor table register). These are
- the only instructions which directly use e{linear} addresses,
- rather than segment/offset pairs.
- c{LLDT} takes a segment selector as an operand. The processor looks
- up that selector in the GDT and stores the limit and base address
- given there into the LDTR (local descriptor table register).
- See also c{SGDT}, c{SIDT} and c{SLDT} (k{insSGDT}).
- H{insLMSW} ic{LMSW}: Load/Store Machine Status Word
- c LMSW r/m16 ; 0F 01 /6 [286,PRIV]
- c{LMSW} loads the bottom four bits of the source operand into the
- bottom four bits of the c{CR0} control register (or the Machine
- Status Word, on 286 processors). See also c{SMSW} (k{insSMSW}).
- H{insLOADALL} ic{LOADALL}, ic{LOADALL286}: Load Processor State
- c LOADALL ; 0F 07 [386,UNDOC]
- c LOADALL286 ; 0F 05 [286,UNDOC]
- This instruction, in its two different-opcode forms, is apparently
- supported on most 286 processors, some 386 and possibly some 486.
- The opcode differs between the 286 and the 386.
- The function of the instruction is to load all information relating
- to the state of the processor out of a block of memory: on the 286,
- this block is located implicitly at absolute address c{0x800}, and
- on the 386 and 486 it is at c{[ES:EDI]}.
- H{insLODSB} ic{LODSB}, ic{LODSW}, ic{LODSD}: Load from String
- c LODSB ; AC [8086]
- c LODSW ; o16 AD [8086]
- c LODSD ; o32 AD [386]
- c{LODSB} loads a byte from c{[DS:SI]} or c{[DS:ESI]} into c{AL}.
- It then increments or decrements (depending on the direction flag:
- increments if the flag is clear, decrements if it is set) c{SI} or
- c{ESI}.
- The register used is c{SI} if the address size is 16 bits, and
- c{ESI} if it is 32 bits. If you need to use an address size not
- equal to the current c{BITS} setting, you can use an explicit
- ic{a16} or ic{a32} prefix.
- The segment register used to load from c{[SI]} or c{[ESI]} can be
- overridden by using a segment register name as a prefix (for
- example, c{es lodsb}).
- c{LODSW} and c{LODSD} work in the same way, but they load a
- word or a doubleword instead of a byte, and increment or decrement
- the addressing registers by 2 or 4 instead of 1.
- H{insLOOP} ic{LOOP}, ic{LOOPE}, ic{LOOPZ}, ic{LOOPNE}, ic{LOOPNZ}: Loop with Counter
- c LOOP imm ; E2 rb [8086]
- c LOOP imm,CX ; a16 E2 rb [8086]
- c LOOP imm,ECX ; a32 E2 rb [386]
- c LOOPE imm ; E1 rb [8086]
- c LOOPE imm,CX ; a16 E1 rb [8086]
- c LOOPE imm,ECX ; a32 E1 rb [386]
- c LOOPZ imm ; E1 rb [8086]
- c LOOPZ imm,CX ; a16 E1 rb [8086]
- c LOOPZ imm,ECX ; a32 E1 rb [386]
- c LOOPNE imm ; E0 rb [8086]
- c LOOPNE imm,CX ; a16 E0 rb [8086]
- c LOOPNE imm,ECX ; a32 E0 rb [386]
- c LOOPNZ imm ; E0 rb [8086]
- c LOOPNZ imm,CX ; a16 E0 rb [8086]
- c LOOPNZ imm,ECX ; a32 E0 rb [386]
- c{LOOP} decrements its counter register (either c{CX} or c{ECX} -
- if one is not specified explicitly, the c{BITS} setting dictates
- which is used) by one, and if the counter does not become zero as a
- result of this operation, it jumps to the given label. The jump has
- a range of 128 bytes.
- c{LOOPE} (or its synonym c{LOOPZ}) adds the additional condition
- that it only jumps if the counter is nonzero e{and} the zero flag
- is set. Similarly, c{LOOPNE} (and c{LOOPNZ}) jumps only if the
- counter is nonzero and the zero flag is clear.
- H{insLSL} ic{LSL}: Load Segment Limit
- c LSL reg16,r/m16 ; o16 0F 03 /r [286,PRIV]
- c LSL reg32,r/m32 ; o32 0F 03 /r [286,PRIV]
- c{LSL} is given a segment selector in its source (second) operand;
- it computes the segment limit value by loading the segment limit
- field from the associated segment descriptor in the GDT or LDT.
- (This involves shifting left by 12 bits if the segment limit is
- page-granular, and not if it is byte-granular; so you end up with a
- byte limit in either case.) The segment limit obtained is then
- loaded into the destination (first) operand.
- H{insLTR} ic{LTR}: Load Task Register
- c LTR r/m16 ; 0F 00 /3 [286,PRIV]
- c{LTR} looks up the segment base and limit in the GDT or LDT
- descriptor specified by the segment selector given as its operand,
- and loads them into the Task Register.
- H{insMOV} ic{MOV}: Move Data
- c MOV r/m8,reg8 ; 88 /r [8086]
- c MOV r/m16,reg16 ; o16 89 /r [8086]
- c MOV r/m32,reg32 ; o32 89 /r [386]
- c MOV reg8,r/m8 ; 8A /r [8086]
- c MOV reg16,r/m16 ; o16 8B /r [8086]
- c MOV reg32,r/m32 ; o32 8B /r [386]
- c MOV reg8,imm8 ; B0+r ib [8086]
- c MOV reg16,imm16 ; o16 B8+r iw [8086]
- c MOV reg32,imm32 ; o32 B8+r id [386]
- c MOV r/m8,imm8 ; C6 /0 ib [8086]
- c MOV r/m16,imm16 ; o16 C7 /0 iw [8086]
- c MOV r/m32,imm32 ; o32 C7 /0 id [386]
- c MOV AL,memoffs8 ; A0 ow/od [8086]
- c MOV AX,memoffs16 ; o16 A1 ow/od [8086]
- c MOV EAX,memoffs32 ; o32 A1 ow/od [386]
- c MOV memoffs8,AL ; A2 ow/od [8086]
- c MOV memoffs16,AX ; o16 A3 ow/od [8086]
- c MOV memoffs32,EAX ; o32 A3 ow/od [386]
- c MOV r/m16,segreg ; o16 8C /r [8086]
- c MOV r/m32,segreg ; o32 8C /r [386]
- c MOV segreg,r/m16 ; o16 8E /r [8086]
- c MOV segreg,r/m32 ; o32 8E /r [386]
- c MOV reg32,CR0/2/3/4 ; 0F 20 /r [386]
- c MOV reg32,DR0/1/2/3/6/7 ; 0F 21 /r [386]
- c MOV reg32,TR3/4/5/6/7 ; 0F 24 /r [386]
- c MOV CR0/2/3/4,reg32 ; 0F 22 /r [386]
- c MOV DR0/1/2/3/6/7,reg32 ; 0F 23 /r [386]
- c MOV TR3/4/5/6/7,reg32 ; 0F 26 /r [386]
- c{MOV} copies the contents of its source (second) operand into its
- destination (first) operand.
- In all forms of the c{MOV} instruction, the two operands are the
- same size, except for moving between a segment register and an
- c{r/m32} operand. These instructions are treated exactly like the
- corresponding 16-bit equivalent (so that, for example, c{MOV
- DS,EAX} functions identically to c{MOV DS,AX} but saves a prefix
- when in 32-bit mode), except that when a segment register is moved
- into a 32-bit destination, the top two bytes of the result are
- undefined.
- c{MOV} may not use c{CS} as a destination.
- c{CR4} is only a supported register on the Pentium and above.
- H{insMOVD} ic{MOVD}: Move Doubleword to/from MMX Register
- c MOVD mmxreg,r/m32 ; 0F 6E /r [PENT,MMX]
- c MOVD r/m32,mmxreg ; 0F 7E /r [PENT,MMX]
- c{MOVD} copies 32 bits from its source (second) operand into its
- destination (first) operand. When the destination is a 64-bit MMX
- register, the top 32 bits are set to zero.
- H{insMOVQ} ic{MOVQ}: Move Quadword to/from MMX Register
- c MOVQ mmxreg,r/m64 ; 0F 6F /r [PENT,MMX]
- c MOVQ r/m64,mmxreg ; 0F 7F /r [PENT,MMX]
- c{MOVQ} copies 64 bits from its source (second) operand into its
- destination (first) operand.
- H{insMOVSB} ic{MOVSB}, ic{MOVSW}, ic{MOVSD}: Move String
- c MOVSB ; A4 [8086]
- c MOVSW ; o16 A5 [8086]
- c MOVSD ; o32 A5 [386]
- c{MOVSB} copies the byte at c{[ES:DI]} or c{[ES:EDI]} to
- c{[DS:SI]} or c{[DS:ESI]}. It then increments or decrements
- (depending on the direction flag: increments if the flag is clear,
- decrements if it is set) c{SI} and c{DI} (or c{ESI} and c{EDI}).
- The registers used are c{SI} and c{DI} if the address size is 16
- bits, and c{ESI} and c{EDI} if it is 32 bits. If you need to use
- an address size not equal to the current c{BITS} setting, you can
- use an explicit ic{a16} or ic{a32} prefix.
- The segment register used to load from c{[SI]} or c{[ESI]} can be
- overridden by using a segment register name as a prefix (for
- example, c{es movsb}). The use of c{ES} for the store to c{[DI]}
- or c{[EDI]} cannot be overridden.
- c{MOVSW} and c{MOVSD} work in the same way, but they copy a word
- or a doubleword instead of a byte, and increment or decrement the
- addressing registers by 2 or 4 instead of 1.
- The c{REP} prefix may be used to repeat the instruction c{CX} (or
- c{ECX} - again, the address size chooses which) times.
- H{insMOVSX} ic{MOVSX}, ic{MOVZX}: Move Data with Sign or Zero Extend
- c MOVSX reg16,r/m8 ; o16 0F BE /r [386]
- c MOVSX reg32,r/m8 ; o32 0F BE /r [386]
- c MOVSX reg32,r/m16 ; o32 0F BF /r [386]
- c MOVZX reg16,r/m8 ; o16 0F B6 /r [386]
- c MOVZX reg32,r/m8 ; o32 0F B6 /r [386]
- c MOVZX reg32,r/m16 ; o32 0F B7 /r [386]
- c{MOVSX} sign-extends its source (second) operand to the length of
- its destination (first) operand, and copies the result into the
- destination operand. c{MOVZX} does the same, but zero-extends
- rather than sign-extending.
- H{insMUL} ic{MUL}: Unsigned Integer Multiply
- c MUL r/m8 ; F6 /4 [8086]
- c MUL r/m16 ; o16 F7 /4 [8086]
- c MUL r/m32 ; o32 F7 /4 [386]
- c{MUL} performs unsigned integer multiplication. The other operand
- to the multiplication, and the destination operand, are implicit, in
- the following way:
- b For c{MUL r/m8}, c{AL} is multiplied by the given operand; the
- product is stored in c{AX}.
- b For c{MUL r/m16}, c{AX} is multiplied by the given operand;
- the product is stored in c{DX:AX}.
- b For c{MUL r/m32}, c{EAX} is multiplied by the given operand;
- the product is stored in c{EDX:EAX}.
- Signed integer multiplication is performed by the c{IMUL}
- instruction: see k{insIMUL}.
- H{insNEG} ic{NEG}, ic{NOT}: Two's and One's Complement
- c NEG r/m8 ; F6 /3 [8086]
- c NEG r/m16 ; o16 F7 /3 [8086]
- c NEG r/m32 ; o32 F7 /3 [386]
- c NOT r/m8 ; F6 /2 [8086]
- c NOT r/m16 ; o16 F7 /2 [8086]
- c NOT r/m32 ; o32 F7 /2 [386]
- c{NEG} replaces the contents of its operand by the two's complement
- negation (invert all the bits and then add one) of the original
- value. c{NOT}, similarly, performs one's complement (inverts all
- the bits).
- H{insNOP} ic{NOP}: No Operation
- c NOP ; 90 [8086]
- c{NOP} performs no operation. Its opcode is the same as that
- generated by c{XCHG AX,AX} or c{XCHG EAX,EAX} (depending on the
- processor mode; see k{insXCHG}).
- H{insOR} ic{OR}: Bitwise OR
- c OR r/m8,reg8 ; 08 /r [8086]
- c OR r/m16,reg16 ; o16 09 /r [8086]
- c OR r/m32,reg32 ; o32 09 /r [386]
- c OR reg8,r/m8 ; 0A /r [8086]
- c OR reg16,r/m16 ; o16 0B /r [8086]
- c OR reg32,r/m32 ; o32 0B /r [386]
- c OR r/m8,imm8 ; 80 /1 ib [8086]
- c OR r/m16,imm16 ; o16 81 /1 iw [8086]
- c OR r/m32,imm32 ; o32 81 /1 id [386]
- c OR r/m16,imm8 ; o16 83 /1 ib [8086]
- c OR r/m32,imm8 ; o32 83 /1 ib [386]
- c OR AL,imm8 ; 0C ib [8086]
- c OR AX,imm16 ; o16 0D iw [8086]
- c OR EAX,imm32 ; o32 0D id [386]
- c{OR} performs a bitwise OR operation between its two operands
- (i.e. each bit of the result is 1 if and only if at least one of the
- corresponding bits of the two inputs was 1), and stores the result
- in the destination (first) operand.
- In the forms with an 8-bit immediate second operand and a longer
- first operand, the second operand is considered to be signed, and is
- sign-extended to the length of the first operand. In these cases,
- the c{BYTE} qualifier is necessary to force NASM to generate this
- form of the instruction.
- The MMX instruction c{POR} (see k{insPOR}) performs the same
- operation on the 64-bit MMX registers.
- H{insOUT} ic{OUT}: Output Data to I/O Port
- c OUT imm8,AL ; E6 ib [8086]
- c OUT imm8,AX ; o16 E7 ib [8086]
- c OUT imm8,EAX ; o32 E7 ib [386]
- c OUT DX,AL ; EE [8086]
- c OUT DX,AX ; o16 EF [8086]
- c OUT DX,EAX ; o32 EF [386]
- c{IN} writes the contents of the given source register to the
- specified I/O port. The port number may be specified as an immediate
- value if it is between 0 and 255, and otherwise must be stored in
- c{DX}. See also c{IN} (k{insIN}).
- H{insOUTSB} ic{OUTSB}, ic{OUTSW}, ic{OUTSD}: Output String to I/O Port
- c OUTSB ; 6E [186]
- c OUTSW ; o16 6F [186]
- c OUTSD ; o32 6F [386]
- c{OUTSB} loads a byte from c{[DS:SI]} or c{[DS:ESI]} and writes
- it to the I/O port specified in c{DX}. It then increments or
- decrements (depending on the direction flag: increments if the flag
- is clear, decrements if it is set) c{SI} or c{ESI}.
- The register used is c{SI} if the address size is 16 bits, and
- c{ESI} if it is 32 bits. If you need to use an address size not
- equal to the current c{BITS} setting, you can use an explicit
- ic{a16} or ic{a32} prefix.
- The segment register used to load from c{[SI]} or c{[ESI]} can be
- overridden by using a segment register name as a prefix (for
- example, c{es outsb}).
- c{OUTSW} and c{OUTSD} work in the same way, but they output a
- word or a doubleword instead of a byte, and increment or decrement
- the addressing registers by 2 or 4 instead of 1.
- The c{REP} prefix may be used to repeat the instruction c{CX} (or
- c{ECX} - again, the address size chooses which) times.
- c PACKSSDW mmxreg,r/m64 ; 0F 6B /r [PENT,MMX]
- c PACKSSWB mmxreg,r/m64 ; 0F 63 /r [PENT,MMX]
- c PACKUSWB mmxreg,r/m64 ; 0F 67 /r [PENT,MMX]
- All these instructions start by forming a notional 128-bit word by
- placing the source (second) operand on the left of the destination
- (first) operand. c{PACKSSDW} then splits this 128-bit word into
- four doublewords, converts each to a word, and loads them side by
- side into the destination register; c{PACKSSWB} and c{PACKUSWB}
- both split the 128-bit word into eight words, converts each to a
- byte, and loads e{those} side by side into the destination
- register.
- c{PACKSSDW} and c{PACKSSWB} perform signed saturation when
- reducing the length of numbers: if the number is too large to fit
- into the reduced space, they replace it by the largest signed number
- (c{7FFFh} or c{7Fh}) that e{will} fit, and if it is too small
- then they replace it by the smallest signed number (c{8000h} or
- c{80h}) that will fit. c{PACKUSWB} performs unsigned saturation:
- it treats its input as unsigned, and replaces it by the largest
- unsigned number that will fit.
- H{insPADDB} ic{PADDxx}: MMX Packed Addition
- c PADDB mmxreg,r/m64 ; 0F FC /r [PENT,MMX]
- c PADDW mmxreg,r/m64 ; 0F FD /r [PENT,MMX]
- c PADDD mmxreg,r/m64 ; 0F FE /r [PENT,MMX]
- c PADDSB mmxreg,r/m64 ; 0F EC /r [PENT,MMX]
- c PADDSW mmxreg,r/m64 ; 0F ED /r [PENT,MMX]
- c PADDUSB mmxreg,r/m64 ; 0F DC /r [PENT,MMX]
- c PADDUSW mmxreg,r/m64 ; 0F DD /r [PENT,MMX]
- c{PADDxx} all perform packed addition between their two 64-bit
- operands, storing the result in the destination (first) operand. The
- c{PADDxB} forms treat the 64-bit operands as vectors of eight
- bytes, and add each byte individually; c{PADDxW} treat the operands
- as vectors of four words; and c{PADDD} treats its operands as
- vectors of two doublewords.
- c{PADDSB} and c{PADDSW} perform signed saturation on the sum of
- each pair of bytes or words: if the result of an addition is too
- large or too small to fit into a signed byte or word result, it is
- clipped (saturated) to the largest or smallest value which e{will}
- fit. c{PADDUSB} and c{PADDUSW} similarly perform unsigned
- saturation, clipping to c{0FFh} or c{0FFFFh} if the result is
- larger than that.
- H{insPADDSIW} ic{PADDSIW}: MMX Packed Addition to Implicit
- Destination
- c PADDSIW mmxreg,r/m64 ; 0F 51 /r [CYRIX,MMX]
- c{PADDSIW}, specific to the Cyrix extensions to the MMX instruction
- set, performs the same function as c{PADDSW}, except that the
- result is not placed in the register specified by the first operand,
- but instead in the register whose number differs from the first
- operand only in the last bit. So c{PADDSIW MM0,MM2} would put the
- result in c{MM1}, but c{PADDSIW MM1,MM2} would put the result in
- c{MM0}.
- H{insPAND} ic{PAND}, ic{PANDN}: MMX Bitwise AND and AND-NOT
- c PAND mmxreg,r/m64 ; 0F DB /r [PENT,MMX]
- c PANDN mmxreg,r/m64 ; 0F DF /r [PENT,MMX]
- c{PAND} performs a bitwise AND operation between its two operands
- (i.e. each bit of the result is 1 if and only if the corresponding
- bits of the two inputs were both 1), and stores the result in the
- destination (first) operand.
- c{PANDN} performs the same operation, but performs a one's
- complement operation on the destination (first) operand first.
- H{insPAVEB} ic{PAVEB}: MMX Packed Average
- c PAVEB mmxreg,r/m64 ; 0F 50 /r [CYRIX,MMX]
- c{PAVEB}, specific to the Cyrix MMX extensions, treats its two
- operands as vectors of eight unsigned bytes, and calculates the
- average of the corresponding bytes in the operands. The resulting
- vector of eight averages is stored in the first operand.
- H{insPCMPEQB} ic{PCMPxx}: MMX Packed Comparison
- c PCMPEQB mmxreg,r/m64 ; 0F 74 /r [PENT,MMX]
- c PCMPEQW mmxreg,r/m64 ; 0F 75 /r [PENT,MMX]
- c PCMPEQD mmxreg,r/m64 ; 0F 76 /r [PENT,MMX]
- c PCMPGTB mmxreg,r/m64 ; 0F 64 /r [PENT,MMX]
- c PCMPGTW mmxreg,r/m64 ; 0F 65 /r [PENT,MMX]
- c PCMPGTD mmxreg,r/m64 ; 0F 66 /r [PENT,MMX]
- The c{PCMPxx} instructions all treat their operands as vectors of
- bytes, words, or doublewords; corresponding elements of the source
- and destination are compared, and the corresponding element of the
- destination (first) operand is set to all zeros or all ones
- depending on the result of the comparison.
- c{PCMPxxB} treats the operands as vectors of eight bytes,
- c{PCMPxxW} treats them as vectors of four words, and c{PCMPxxD} as
- two doublewords.
- c{PCMPEQx} sets the corresponding element of the destination
- operand to all ones if the two elements compared are equal;
- c{PCMPGTx} sets the destination element to all ones if the element
- of the first (destination) operand is greater (treated as a signed
- integer) than that of the second (source) operand.
- H{insPDISTIB} ic{PDISTIB}: MMX Packed Distance and Accumulate
- with Implied Register
- c PDISTIB mmxreg,mem64 ; 0F 54 /r [CYRIX,MMX]
- c{PDISTIB}, specific to the Cyrix MMX extensions, treats its two
- input operands as vectors of eight unsigned bytes. For each byte
- position, it finds the absolute difference between the bytes in that
- position in the two input operands, and adds that value to the byte
- in the same position in the implied output register. The addition is
- saturated to an unsigned byte in the same way as c{PADDUSB}.
- The implied output register is found in the same way as c{PADDSIW}
- (k{insPADDSIW}).
- Note that c{PDISTIB} cannot take a register as its second source
- operand.
- H{insPMACHRIW} ic{PMACHRIW}: MMX Packed Multiply and Accumulate
- with Rounding
- c PMACHRIW mmxreg,mem64 ; 0F 5E /r [CYRIX,MMX]
- c{PMACHRIW} acts almost identically to c{PMULHRIW}
- (k{insPMULHRW}), but instead of e{storing} its result in the
- implied destination register, it e{adds} its result, as four packed
- words, to the implied destination register. No saturation is done:
- the addition can wrap around.
- Note that c{PMACHRIW} cannot take a register as its second source
- operand.
- H{insPMADDWD} ic{PMADDWD}: MMX Packed Multiply and Add
- c PMADDWD mmxreg,r/m64 ; 0F F5 /r [PENT,MMX]
- c{PMADDWD} treats its two inputs as vectors of four signed words.
- It multiplies corresponding elements of the two operands, giving
- four signed doubleword results. The top two of these are added and
- placed in the top 32 bits of the destination (first) operand; the
- bottom two are added and placed in the bottom 32 bits.
- H{insPMAGW} ic{PMAGW}: MMX Packed Magnitude
- c PMAGW mmxreg,r/m64 ; 0F 52 /r [CYRIX,MMX]
- c{PMAGW}, specific to the Cyrix MMX extensions, treats both its
- operands as vectors of four signed words. It compares the absolute
- values of the words in corresponding positions, and sets each word
- of the destination (first) operand to whichever of the two words in
- that position had the larger absolute value.
- H{insPMULHRW} ic{PMULHRW}, ic{PMULHRIW}: MMX Packed Multiply
- High with Rounding
- c PMULHRW mmxreg,r/m64 ; 0F 59 /r [CYRIX,MMX]
- c PMULHRIW mmxreg,r/m64 ; 0F 5D /r [CYRIX,MMX]
- These instructions, specific to the Cyrix MMX extensions, treat
- their operands as vectors of four signed words. Words in
- corresponding positions are multiplied, to give a 32-bit value in
- which bits 30 and 31 are guaranteed equal. Bits 30 to 15 of this
- value (bit mask c{0x7FFF8000}) are taken and stored in the
- corresponding position of the destination operand, after first
- rounding the low bit (equivalent to adding c{0x4000} before
- extracting bits 30 to 15).
- For c{PMULHRW}, the destination operand is the first operand; for
- c{PMULHRIW} the destination operand is implied by the first operand
- in the manner of c{PADDSIW} (k{insPADDSIW}).
- H{insPMULHW} ic{PMULHW}, ic{PMULLW}: MMX Packed Multiply
- c PMULHW mmxreg,r/m64 ; 0F E5 /r [PENT,MMX]
- c PMULLW mmxreg,r/m64 ; 0F D5 /r [PENT,MMX]
- c{PMULxW} treats its two inputs as vectors of four signed words. It
- multiplies corresponding elements of the two operands, giving four
- signed doubleword results.
- c{PMULHW} then stores the top 16 bits of each doubleword in the
- destination (first) operand; c{PMULLW} stores the bottom 16 bits of
- each doubleword in the destination operand.
- H{insPMVccZB} ic{PMVccZB}: MMX Packed Conditional Move
- c PMVZB mmxreg,mem64 ; 0F 58 /r [CYRIX,MMX]
- c PMVNZB mmxreg,mem64 ; 0F 5A /r [CYRIX,MMX]
- c PMVLZB mmxreg,mem64 ; 0F 5B /r [CYRIX,MMX]
- c PMVGEZB mmxreg,mem64 ; 0F 5C /r [CYRIX,MMX]
- These instructions, specific to the Cyrix MMX extensions, perform
- parallel conditional moves. The two input operands are treated as
- vectors of eight bytes. Each byte of the destination (first) operand
- is either written from the corresponding byte of the source (second)
- operand, or left alone, depending on the value of the byte in the
- e{implied} operand (specified in the same way as c{PADDSIW}, in
- k{insPADDSIW}).
- c{PMVZB} performs each move if the corresponding byte in the
- implied operand is zero. c{PMVNZB} moves if the byte is non-zero.
- c{PMVLZB} moves if the byte is less than zero, and c{PMVGEZB}
- moves if the byte is greater than or equal to zero.
- Note that these instructions cannot take a register as their second
- source operand.
- H{insPOP} ic{POP}: Pop Data from Stack
- c POP reg16 ; o16 58+r [8086]
- c POP reg32 ; o32 58+r [386]
- c POP r/m16 ; o16 8F /0 [8086]
- c POP r/m32 ; o32 8F /0 [386]
- c POP CS ; 0F [8086,UNDOC]
- c POP DS ; 1F [8086]
- c POP ES ; 07 [8086]
- c POP SS ; 17 [8086]
- c POP FS ; 0F A1 [386]
- c POP GS ; 0F A9 [386]
- c{POP} loads a value from the stack (from c{[SS:SP]} or
- c{[SS:ESP]}) and then increments the stack pointer.
- The address-size attribute of the instruction determines whether
- c{SP} or c{ESP} is used as the stack pointer: to deliberately
- override the default given by the c{BITS} setting, you can use an
- ic{a16} or ic{a32} prefix.
- The operand-size attribute of the instruction determines whether the
- stack pointer is incremented by 2 or 4: this means that segment
- register pops in c{BITS 32} mode will pop 4 bytes off the stack and
- discard the upper two of them. If you need to override that, you can
- use an ic{o16} or ic{o32} prefix.
- The above opcode listings give two forms for general-purpose
- register pop instructions: for example, c{POP BX} has the two forms
- c{5B} and c{8F C3}. NASM will always generate the shorter form
- when given c{POP BX}. NDISASM will disassemble both.
- c{POP CS} is not a documented instruction, and is not supported on
- any processor above the 8086 (since they use c{0Fh} as an opcode
- prefix for instruction set extensions). However, at least some 8086
- processors do support it, and so NASM generates it for completeness.
- H{insPOPA} ic{POPAx}: Pop All General-Purpose Registers
- c POPA ; 61 [186]
- c POPAW ; o16 61 [186]
- c POPAD ; o32 61 [386]
- c{POPAW} pops a word from the stack into each of, successively,
- c{DI}, c{SI}, c{BP}, nothing (it discards a word from the stack
- which was a placeholder for c{SP}), c{BX}, c{DX}, c{CX} and
- c{AX}. It is intended to reverse the operation of c{PUSHAW} (see
- k{insPUSHA}), but it ignores the value for c{SP} that was pushed
- on the stack by c{PUSHAW}.
- c{POPAD} pops twice as much data, and places the results in
- c{EDI}, c{ESI}, c{EBP}, nothing (placeholder for c{ESP}),
- c{EBX}, c{EDX}, c{ECX} and c{EAX}. It reverses the operation of
- c{PUSHAD}.
- c{POPA} is an alias mnemonic for either c{POPAW} or c{POPAD},
- depending on the current c{BITS} setting.
- Note that the registers are popped in reverse order of their numeric
- values in opcodes (see k{iref-rv}).
- H{insPOPF} ic{POPFx}: Pop Flags Register
- c POPF ; 9D [186]
- c POPFW ; o16 9D [186]
- c POPFD ; o32 9D [386]
- c{POPFW} pops a word from the stack and stores it in the bottom 16
- bits of the flags register (or the whole flags register, on
- processors below a 386). c{POPFD} pops a doubleword and stores it
- in the entire flags register.
- c{POPF} is an alias mnemonic for either c{POPFW} or c{POPFD},
- depending on the current c{BITS} setting.
- See also c{PUSHF} (k{insPUSHF}).
- H{insPOR} ic{POR}: MMX Bitwise OR
- c POR mmxreg,r/m64 ; 0F EB /r [PENT,MMX]
- c{POR} performs a bitwise OR operation between its two operands
- (i.e. each bit of the result is 1 if and only if at least one of the
- corresponding bits of the two inputs was 1), and stores the result
- in the destination (first) operand.
- H{insPSLLD} ic{PSLLx}, ic{PSRLx}, ic{PSRAx}: MMX Bit Shifts
- c PSLLW mmxreg,r/m64 ; 0F F1 /r [PENT,MMX]
- c PSLLW mmxreg,imm8 ; 0F 71 /6 ib [PENT,MMX]
- c PSLLD mmxreg,r/m64 ; 0F F2 /r [PENT,MMX]
- c PSLLD mmxreg,imm8 ; 0F 72 /6 ib [PENT,MMX]
- c PSLLQ mmxreg,r/m64 ; 0F F3 /r [PENT,MMX]
- c PSLLQ mmxreg,imm8 ; 0F 73 /6 ib [PENT,MMX]
- c PSRAW mmxreg,r/m64 ; 0F E1 /r [PENT,MMX]
- c PSRAW mmxreg,imm8 ; 0F 71 /4 ib [PENT,MMX]
- c PSRAD mmxreg,r/m64 ; 0F E2 /r [PENT,MMX]
- c PSRAD mmxreg,imm8 ; 0F 72 /4 ib [PENT,MMX]
- c PSRLW mmxreg,r/m64 ; 0F D1 /r [PENT,MMX]
- c PSRLW mmxreg,imm8 ; 0F 71 /2 ib [PENT,MMX]
- c PSRLD mmxreg,r/m64 ; 0F D2 /r [PENT,MMX]
- c PSRLD mmxreg,imm8 ; 0F 72 /2 ib [PENT,MMX]
- c PSRLQ mmxreg,r/m64 ; 0F D3 /r [PENT,MMX]
- c PSRLQ mmxreg,imm8 ; 0F 73 /2 ib [PENT,MMX]
- c{PSxxQ} perform simple bit shifts on the 64-bit MMX registers: the
- destination (first) operand is shifted left or right by the number of
- bits given in the source (second) operand, and the vacated bits are
- filled in with zeros (for a logical shift) or copies of the original
- sign bit (for an arithmetic right shift).
- c{PSxxW} and c{PSxxD} perform packed bit shifts: the destination
- operand is treated as a vector of four words or two doublewords, and
- each element is shifted individually, so bits shifted out of one
- element do not interfere with empty bits coming into the next.
- c{PSLLx} and c{PSRLx} perform logical shifts: the vacated bits at
- one end of the shifted number are filled with zeros. c{PSRAx}
- performs an arithmetic right shift: the vacated bits at the top of
- the shifted number are filled with copies of the original top (sign)
- bit.
- H{insPSUBB} ic{PSUBxx}: MMX Packed Subtraction
- c PSUBB mmxreg,r/m64 ; 0F F8 /r [PENT,MMX]
- c PSUBW mmxreg,r/m64 ; 0F F9 /r [PENT,MMX]
- c PSUBD mmxreg,r/m64 ; 0F FA /r [PENT,MMX]
- c PSUBSB mmxreg,r/m64 ; 0F E8 /r [PENT,MMX]
- c PSUBSW mmxreg,r/m64 ; 0F E9 /r [PENT,MMX]
- c PSUBUSB mmxreg,r/m64 ; 0F D8 /r [PENT,MMX]
- c PSUBUSW mmxreg,r/m64 ; 0F D9 /r [PENT,MMX]
- c{PSUBxx} all perform packed subtraction between their two 64-bit
- operands, storing the result in the destination (first) operand. The
- c{PSUBxB} forms treat the 64-bit operands as vectors of eight
- bytes, and subtract each byte individually; c{PSUBxW} treat the operands
- as vectors of four words; and c{PSUBD} treats its operands as
- vectors of two doublewords.
- In all cases, the elements of the operand on the right are
- subtracted from the corresponding elements of the operand on the
- left, not the other way round.
- c{PSUBSB} and c{PSUBSW} perform signed saturation on the sum of
- each pair of bytes or words: if the result of a subtraction is too
- large or too small to fit into a signed byte or word result, it is
- clipped (saturated) to the largest or smallest value which e{will}
- fit. c{PSUBUSB} and c{PSUBUSW} similarly perform unsigned
- saturation, clipping to c{0FFh} or c{0FFFFh} if the result is
- larger than that.
- H{insPSUBSIW} ic{PSUBSIW}: MMX Packed Subtract with Saturation to
- Implied Destination
- c PSUBSIW mmxreg,r/m64 ; 0F 55 /r [CYRIX,MMX]
- c{PSUBSIW}, specific to the Cyrix extensions to the MMX instruction
- set, performs the same function as c{PSUBSW}, except that the
- result is not placed in the register specified by the first operand,
- but instead in the implied destination register, specified as for
- c{PADDSIW} (k{insPADDSIW}).
- H{insPUNPCKHBW} ic{PUNPCKxxx}: Unpack Data
- c PUNPCKHBW mmxreg,r/m64 ; 0F 68 /r [PENT,MMX]
- c PUNPCKHWD mmxreg,r/m64 ; 0F 69 /r [PENT,MMX]
- c PUNPCKHDQ mmxreg,r/m64 ; 0F 6A /r [PENT,MMX]
- c PUNPCKLBW mmxreg,r/m64 ; 0F 60 /r [PENT,MMX]
- c PUNPCKLWD mmxreg,r/m64 ; 0F 61 /r [PENT,MMX]
- c PUNPCKLDQ mmxreg,r/m64 ; 0F 62 /r [PENT,MMX]
- c{PUNPCKxx} all treat their operands as vectors, and produce a new
- vector generated by interleaving elements from the two inputs. The
- c{PUNPCKHxx} instructions start by throwing away the bottom half of
- each input operand, and the c{PUNPCKLxx} instructions throw away
- the top half.
- The remaining elements, totalling 64 bits, are then interleaved into
- the destination, alternating elements from the second (source)
- operand and the first (destination) operand: so the leftmost element
- in the result always comes from the second operand, and the
- rightmost from the destination.
- c{PUNPCKxBW} works a byte at a time, c{PUNPCKxWD} a word at a
- time, and c{PUNPCKxDQ} a doubleword at a time.
- So, for example, if the first operand held c{0x7A6A5A4A3A2A1A0A}
- and the second held c{0x7B6B5B4B3B2B1B0B}, then:
- b c{PUNPCKHBW} would return c{0x7B7A6B6A5B5A4B4A}.
- b c{PUNPCKHWD} would return c{0x7B6B7A6A5B4B5A4A}.
- b c{PUNPCKHDQ} would return c{0x7B6B5B4B7A6A5A4A}.
- b c{PUNPCKLBW} would return c{0x3B3A2B2A1B1A0B0A}.
- b c{PUNPCKLWD} would return c{0x3B2B3A2A1B0B1A0A}.
- b c{PUNPCKLDQ} would return c{0x3B2B1B0B3A2A1A0A}.
- H{insPUSH} ic{PUSH}: Push Data on Stack
- c PUSH reg16 ; o16 50+r [8086]
- c PUSH reg32 ; o32 50+r [386]
- c PUSH r/m16 ; o16 FF /6 [8086]
- c PUSH r/m32 ; o32 FF /6 [386]
- c PUSH CS ; 0E [8086]
- c PUSH DS ; 1E [8086]
- c PUSH ES ; 06 [8086]
- c PUSH SS ; 16 [8086]
- c PUSH FS ; 0F A0 [386]
- c PUSH GS ; 0F A8 [386]
- c PUSH imm8 ; 6A ib [286]
- c PUSH imm16 ; o16 68 iw [286]
- c PUSH imm32 ; o32 68 id [386]
- c{PUSH} decrements the stack pointer (c{SP} or c{ESP}) by 2 or 4,
- and then stores the given value at c{[SS:SP]} or c{[SS:ESP]}.
- The address-size attribute of the instruction determines whether
- c{SP} or c{ESP} is used as the stack pointer: to deliberately
- override the default given by the c{BITS} setting, you can use an
- ic{a16} or ic{a32} prefix.
- The operand-size attribute of the instruction determines whether the
- stack pointer is decremented by 2 or 4: this means that segment
- register pushes in c{BITS 32} mode will push 4 bytes on the stack,
- of which the upper two are undefined. If you need to override that,
- you can use an ic{o16} or ic{o32} prefix.
- The above opcode listings give two forms for general-purpose
- i{register push} instructions: for example, c{PUSH BX} has the two
- forms c{53} and c{FF F3}. NASM will always generate the shorter
- form when given c{PUSH BX}. NDISASM will disassemble both.
- Unlike the undocumented and barely supported c{POP CS}, c{PUSH CS}
- is a perfectly valid and sensible instruction, supported on all
- processors.
- The instruction c{PUSH SP} may be used to distinguish an 8086 from
- later processors: on an 8086, the value of c{SP} stored is the
- value it has e{after} the push instruction, whereas on later
- processors it is the value e{before} the push instruction.
- H{insPUSHA} ic{PUSHAx}: Push All General-Purpose Registers
- c PUSHA ; 60 [186]
- c PUSHAD ; o32 60 [386]
- c PUSHAW ; o16 60 [186]
- c{PUSHAW} pushes, in succession, c{AX}, c{CX}, c{DX}, c{BX},
- c{SP}, c{BP}, c{SI} and c{DI} on the stack, decrementing the
- stack pointer by a total of 16.
- c{PUSHAD} pushes, in succession, c{EAX}, c{ECX}, c{EDX},
- c{EBX}, c{ESP}, c{EBP}, c{ESI} and c{EDI} on the stack,
- decrementing the stack pointer by a total of 32.
- In both cases, the value of c{SP} or c{ESP} pushed is its
- e{original} value, as it had before the instruction was executed.
- c{PUSHA} is an alias mnemonic for either c{PUSHAW} or c{PUSHAD},
- depending on the current c{BITS} setting.
- Note that the registers are pushed in order of their numeric values
- in opcodes (see k{iref-rv}).
- See also c{POPA} (k{insPOPA}).
- H{insPUSHF} ic{PUSHFx}: Push Flags Register
- c PUSHF ; 9C [186]
- c PUSHFD ; o32 9C [386]
- c PUSHFW ; o16 9C [186]
- c{PUSHFW} pops a word from the stack and stores it in the bottom 16
- bits of the flags register (or the whole flags register, on
- processors below a 386). c{PUSHFD} pops a doubleword and stores it
- in the entire flags register.
- c{PUSHF} is an alias mnemonic for either c{PUSHFW} or c{PUSHFD},
- depending on the current c{BITS} setting.
- See also c{POPF} (k{insPOPF}).
- H{insPXOR} ic{PXOR}: MMX Bitwise XOR
- c PXOR mmxreg,r/m64 ; 0F EF /r [PENT,MMX]
- c{PXOR} performs a bitwise XOR operation between its two operands
- (i.e. each bit of the result is 1 if and only if exactly one of the
- corresponding bits of the two inputs was 1), and stores the result
- in the destination (first) operand.
- H{insRCL} ic{RCL}, ic{RCR}: Bitwise Rotate through Carry Bit
- c RCL r/m8,1 ; D0 /2 [8086]
- c RCL r/m8,CL ; D2 /2 [8086]
- c RCL r/m8,imm8 ; C0 /2 ib [286]
- c RCL r/m16,1 ; o16 D1 /2 [8086]
- c RCL r/m16,CL ; o16 D3 /2 [8086]
- c RCL r/m16,imm8 ; o16 C1 /2 ib [286]
- c RCL r/m32,1 ; o32 D1 /2 [386]
- c RCL r/m32,CL ; o32 D3 /2 [386]
- c RCL r/m32,imm8 ; o32 C1 /2 ib [386]
- c RCR r/m8,1 ; D0 /3 [8086]
- c RCR r/m8,CL ; D2 /3 [8086]
- c RCR r/m8,imm8 ; C0 /3 ib [286]
- c RCR r/m16,1 ; o16 D1 /3 [8086]
- c RCR r/m16,CL ; o16 D3 /3 [8086]
- c RCR r/m16,imm8 ; o16 C1 /3 ib [286]
- c RCR r/m32,1 ; o32 D1 /3 [386]
- c RCR r/m32,CL ; o32 D3 /3 [386]
- c RCR r/m32,imm8 ; o32 C1 /3 ib [386]
- c{RCL} and c{RCR} perform a 9-bit, 17-bit or 33-bit bitwise
- rotation operation, involving the given source/destination (first)
- operand and the carry bit. Thus, for example, in the operation
- c{RCR AL,1}, a 9-bit rotation is performed in which c{AL} is
- shifted left by 1, the top bit of c{AL} moves into the carry flag,
- and the original value of the carry flag is placed in the low bit of
- c{AL}.
- The number of bits to rotate by is given by the second operand. Only
- the bottom five bits of the rotation count are considered by
- processors above the 8086.
- You can force the longer (286 and upwards, beginning with a c{C1}
- byte) form of c{RCL foo,1} by using a c{BYTE} prefix: c{RCL
- foo,BYTE 1}. Similarly with c{RCR}.
- H{insRDMSR} ic{RDMSR}: Read Model-Specific Registers
- c RDMSR ; 0F 32 [PENT]
- c{RDMSR} reads the processor Model-Specific Register (MSR) whose
- index is stored in c{ECX}, and stores the result in c{EDX:EAX}.
- See also c{WRMSR} (k{insWRMSR}).
- H{insRDPMC} ic{RDPMC}: Read Performance-Monitoring Counters
- c RDPMC ; 0F 33 [P6]
- c{RDPMC} reads the processor performance-monitoring counter whose
- index is stored in c{ECX}, and stores the result in c{EDX:EAX}.
- H{insRDTSC} ic{RDTSC}: Read Time-Stamp Counter
- c RDTSC ; 0F 31 [PENT]
- c{RDTSC} reads the processor's time-stamp counter into c{EDX:EAX}.
- H{insRET} ic{RET}, ic{RETF}, ic{RETN}: Return from Procedure Call
- c RET ; C3 [8086]
- c RET imm16 ; C2 iw [8086]
- c RETF ; CB [8086]
- c RETF imm16 ; CA iw [8086]
- c RETN ; C3 [8086]
- c RETN imm16 ; C2 iw [8086]
- c{RET}, and its exact synonym c{RETN}, pop c{IP} or c{EIP} from
- the stack and transfer control to the new address. Optionally, if a
- numeric second operand is provided, they increment the stack pointer
- by a further c{imm16} bytes after popping the return address.
- c{RETF} executes a far return: after popping c{IP}/c{EIP}, it
- then pops c{CS}, and e{then} increments the stack pointer by the
- optional argument if present.
- H{insROL} ic{ROL}, ic{ROR}: Bitwise Rotate
- c ROL r/m8,1 ; D0 /0 [8086]
- c ROL r/m8,CL ; D2 /0 [8086]
- c ROL r/m8,imm8 ; C0 /0 ib [286]
- c ROL r/m16,1 ; o16 D1 /0 [8086]
- c ROL r/m16,CL ; o16 D3 /0 [8086]
- c ROL r/m16,imm8 ; o16 C1 /0 ib [286]
- c ROL r/m32,1 ; o32 D1 /0 [386]
- c ROL r/m32,CL ; o32 D3 /0 [386]
- c ROL r/m32,imm8 ; o32 C1 /0 ib [386]
- c ROR r/m8,1 ; D0 /1 [8086]
- c ROR r/m8,CL ; D2 /1 [8086]
- c ROR r/m8,imm8 ; C0 /1 ib [286]
- c ROR r/m16,1 ; o16 D1 /1 [8086]
- c ROR r/m16,CL ; o16 D3 /1 [8086]
- c ROR r/m16,imm8 ; o16 C1 /1 ib [286]
- c ROR r/m32,1 ; o32 D1 /1 [386]
- c ROR r/m32,CL ; o32 D3 /1 [386]
- c ROR r/m32,imm8 ; o32 C1 /1 ib [386]
- c{ROL} and c{ROR} perform a bitwise rotation operation on the given
- source/destination (first) operand. Thus, for example, in the
- operation c{ROR AL,1}, an 8-bit rotation is performed in which
- c{AL} is shifted left by 1 and the original top bit of c{AL} moves
- round into the low bit.
- The number of bits to rotate by is given by the second operand. Only
- the bottom 3, 4 or 5 bits (depending on the source operand size) of
- the rotation count are considered by processors above the 8086.
- You can force the longer (286 and upwards, beginning with a c{C1}
- byte) form of c{ROL foo,1} by using a c{BYTE} prefix: c{ROL
- foo,BYTE 1}. Similarly with c{ROR}.
- H{insRSM} ic{RSM}: Resume from System-Management Mode
- c RSM ; 0F AA [PENT]
- c{RSM} returns the processor to its normal operating mode when it
- was in System-Management Mode.
- H{insSAHF} ic{SAHF}: Store AH to Flags
- c SAHF ; 9E [8086]
- c{SAHF} sets the low byte of the flags word according to the
- contents of the c{AH} register. See also c{LAHF} (k{insLAHF}).
- H{insSAL} ic{SAL}, ic{SAR}: Bitwise Arithmetic Shifts
- c SAL r/m8,1 ; D0 /4 [8086]
- c SAL r/m8,CL ; D2 /4 [8086]
- c SAL r/m8,imm8 ; C0 /4 ib [286]
- c SAL r/m16,1 ; o16 D1 /4 [8086]
- c SAL r/m16,CL ; o16 D3 /4 [8086]
- c SAL r/m16,imm8 ; o16 C1 /4 ib [286]
- c SAL r/m32,1 ; o32 D1 /4 [386]
- c SAL r/m32,CL ; o32 D3 /4 [386]
- c SAL r/m32,imm8 ; o32 C1 /4 ib [386]
- c SAR r/m8,1 ; D0 /0 [8086]
- c SAR r/m8,CL ; D2 /0 [8086]
- c SAR r/m8,imm8 ; C0 /0 ib [286]
- c SAR r/m16,1 ; o16 D1 /0 [8086]
- c SAR r/m16,CL ; o16 D3 /0 [8086]
- c SAR r/m16,imm8 ; o16 C1 /0 ib [286]
- c SAR r/m32,1 ; o32 D1 /0 [386]
- c SAR r/m32,CL ; o32 D3 /0 [386]
- c SAR r/m32,imm8 ; o32 C1 /0 ib [386]
- c{SAL} and c{SAR} perform an arithmetic shift operation on the given
- source/destination (first) operand. The vacated bits are filled with
- zero for c{SAL}, and with copies of the original high bit of the
- source operand for c{SAR}.
- c{SAL} is a synonym for c{SHL} (see k{insSHL}). NASM will
- assemble either one to the same code, but NDISASM will always
- disassemble that code as c{SHL}.
- The number of bits to shift by is given by the second operand. Only
- the bottom 3, 4 or 5 bits (depending on the source operand size) of
- the shift count are considered by processors above the 8086.
- You can force the longer (286 and upwards, beginning with a c{C1}
- byte) form of c{SAL foo,1} by using a c{BYTE} prefix: c{SAL
- foo,BYTE 1}. Similarly with c{SAR}.
- H{insSALC} ic{SALC}: Set AL from Carry Flag
- c SALC ; D6 [8086,UNDOC]
- c{SALC} is an early undocumented instruction similar in concept to
- c{SETcc} (k{insSETcc}). Its function is to set c{AL} to zero if
- the carry flag is clear, or to c{0xFF} if it is set.
- H{insSBB} ic{SBB}: Subtract with Borrow
- c SBB r/m8,reg8 ; 18 /r [8086]
- c SBB r/m16,reg16 ; o16 19 /r [8086]
- c SBB r/m32,reg32 ; o32 19 /r [386]
- c SBB reg8,r/m8 ; 1A /r [8086]
- c SBB reg16,r/m16 ; o16 1B /r [8086]
- c SBB reg32,r/m32 ; o32 1B /r [386]
- c SBB r/m8,imm8 ; 80 /3 ib [8086]
- c SBB r/m16,imm16 ; o16 81 /3 iw [8086]
- c SBB r/m32,imm32 ; o32 81 /3 id [386]
- c SBB r/m16,imm8 ; o16 83 /3 ib [8086]
- c SBB r/m32,imm8 ; o32 83 /3 ib [8086]
- c SBB AL,imm8 ; 1C ib [8086]
- c SBB AX,imm16 ; o16 1D iw [8086]
- c SBB EAX,imm32 ; o32 1D id [386]
- c{SBB} performs integer subtraction: it subtracts its second
- operand, plus the value of the carry flag, from its first, and
- leaves the result in its destination (first) operand. The flags are
- set according to the result of the operation: in particular, the
- carry flag is affected and can be used by a subsequent c{SBB}
- instruction.
- In the forms with an 8-bit immediate second operand and a longer
- first operand, the second operand is considered to be signed, and is
- sign-extended to the length of the first operand. In these cases,
- the c{BYTE} qualifier is necessary to force NASM to generate this
- form of the instruction.
- To subtract one number from another without also subtracting the
- contents of the carry flag, use c{SUB} (k{insSUB}).
- H{insSCASB} ic{SCASB}, ic{SCASW}, ic{SCASD}: Scan String
- c SCASB ; AE [8086]
- c SCASW ; o16 AF [8086]
- c SCASD ; o32 AF [386]
- c{SCASB} compares the byte in c{AL} with the byte at c{[ES:DI]}
- or c{[ES:EDI]}, and sets the flags accordingly. It then increments
- or decrements (depending on the direction flag: increments if the
- flag is clear, decrements if it is set) c{DI} (or c{EDI}).
- The register used is c{DI} if the address size is 16 bits, and
- c{EDI} if it is 32 bits. If you need to use an address size not
- equal to the current c{BITS} setting, you can use an explicit
- ic{a16} or ic{a32} prefix.
- Segment override prefixes have no effect for this instruction: the
- use of c{ES} for the load from c{[DI]} or c{[EDI]} cannot be
- overridden.
- c{SCASW} and c{SCASD} work in the same way, but they compare a
- word to c{AX} or a doubleword to c{EAX} instead of a byte to
- c{AL}, and increment or decrement the addressing registers by 2 or
- 4 instead of 1.
- The c{REPE} and c{REPNE} prefixes (equivalently, c{REPZ} and
- c{REPNZ}) may be used to repeat the instruction up to c{CX} (or
- c{ECX} - again, the address size chooses which) times until the
- first unequal or equal byte is found.
- H{insSETcc} ic{SETcc}: Set Register from Condition
- c SETcc r/m8 ; 0F 90+cc /2 [386]
- c{SETcc} sets the given 8-bit operand to zero if its condition is
- not satisfied, and to 1 if it is.
- H{insSGDT} ic{SGDT}, ic{SIDT}, ic{SLDT}: Store Descriptor Table Pointers
- c SGDT mem ; 0F 01 /0 [286,PRIV]
- c SIDT mem ; 0F 01 /1 [286,PRIV]
- c SLDT r/m16 ; 0F 00 /0 [286,PRIV]
- c{SGDT} and c{SIDT} both take a 6-byte memory area as an operand:
- they store the contents of the GDTR (global descriptor table
- register) or IDTR (interrupt descriptor table register) into that
- area as a 32-bit linear address and a 16-bit size limit from that
- area (in that order). These are the only instructions which directly
- use e{linear} addresses, rather than segment/offset pairs.
- c{SLDT} stores the segment selector corresponding to the LDT (local
- descriptor table) into the given operand.
- See also c{LGDT}, c{LIDT} and c{LLDT} (k{insLGDT}).
- H{insSHL} ic{SHL}, ic{SHR}: Bitwise Logical Shifts
- c SHL r/m8,1 ; D0 /4 [8086]
- c SHL r/m8,CL ; D2 /4 [8086]
- c SHL r/m8,imm8 ; C0 /4 ib [286]
- c SHL r/m16,1 ; o16 D1 /4 [8086]
- c SHL r/m16,CL ; o16 D3 /4 [8086]
- c SHL r/m16,imm8 ; o16 C1 /4 ib [286]
- c SHL r/m32,1 ; o32 D1 /4 [386]
- c SHL r/m32,CL ; o32 D3 /4 [386]
- c SHL r/m32,imm8 ; o32 C1 /4 ib [386]
- c SHR r/m8,1 ; D0 /5 [8086]
- c SHR r/m8,CL ; D2 /5 [8086]
- c SHR r/m8,imm8 ; C0 /5 ib [286]
- c SHR r/m16,1 ; o16 D1 /5 [8086]
- c SHR r/m16,CL ; o16 D3 /5 [8086]
- c SHR r/m16,imm8 ; o16 C1 /5 ib [286]
- c SHR r/m32,1 ; o32 D1 /5 [386]
- c SHR r/m32,CL ; o32 D3 /5 [386]
- c SHR r/m32,imm8 ; o32 C1 /5 ib [386]
- c{SHL} and c{SHR} perform a logical shift operation on the given
- source/destination (first) operand. The vacated bits are filled with
- zero.
- A synonym for c{SHL} is c{SAL} (see k{insSAL}). NASM will
- assemble either one to the same code, but NDISASM will always
- disassemble that code as c{SHL}.
- The number of bits to shift by is given by the second operand. Only
- the bottom 3, 4 or 5 bits (depending on the source operand size) of
- the shift count are considered by processors above the 8086.
- You can force the longer (286 and upwards, beginning with a c{C1}
- byte) form of c{SHL foo,1} by using a c{BYTE} prefix: c{SHL
- foo,BYTE 1}. Similarly with c{SHR}.
- H{insSHLD} ic{SHLD}, ic{SHRD}: Bitwise Double-Precision Shifts
- c SHLD r/m16,reg16,imm8 ; o16 0F A4 /r ib [386]
- c SHLD r/m16,reg32,imm8 ; o32 0F A4 /r ib [386]
- c SHLD r/m16,reg16,CL ; o16 0F A5 /r [386]
- c SHLD r/m16,reg32,CL ; o32 0F A5 /r [386]
- c SHRD r/m16,reg16,imm8 ; o16 0F AC /r ib [386]
- c SHRD r/m32,reg32,imm8 ; o32 0F AC /r ib [386]
- c SHRD r/m16,reg16,CL ; o16 0F AD /r [386]
- c SHRD r/m32,reg32,CL ; o32 0F AD /r [386]
- c{SHLD} performs a double-precision left shift. It notionally places
- its second operand to the right of its first, then shifts the entire
- bit string thus generated to the left by a number of bits specified
- in the third operand. It then updates only the e{first} operand
- according to the result of this. The second operand is not modified.
- c{SHRD} performs the corresponding right shift: it notionally
- places the second operand to the e{left} of the first, shifts the
- whole bit string right, and updates only the first operand.
- For example, if c{EAX} holds c{0x01234567} and c{EBX} holds
- c{0x89ABCDEF}, then the instruction c{SHLD EAX,EBX,4} would update
- c{EAX} to hold c{0x12345678}. Under the same conditions, c{SHRD
- EAX,EBX,4} would update c{EAX} to hold c{0xF0123456}.
- The number of bits to shift by is given by the third operand. Only
- the bottom 5 bits of the shift count are considered.
- H{insSMI} ic{SMI}: System Management Interrupt
- c SMI ; F1 [386,UNDOC]
- This is an opcode apparently supported by some AMD processors (which
- is why it can generate the same opcode as c{INT1}), and places the
- machine into system-management mode, a special debugging mode.
- H{insSMSW} ic{SMSW}: Store Machine Status Word
- c SMSW r/m16 ; 0F 01 /4 [286,PRIV]
- c{SMSW} stores the bottom half of the c{CR0} control register (or
- the Machine Status Word, on 286 processors) into the destination
- operand. See also c{LMSW} (k{insLMSW}).
- H{insSTC} ic{STC}, ic{STD}, ic{STI}: Set Flags
- c STC ; F9 [8086]
- c STD ; FD [8086]
- c STI ; FB [8086]
- These instructions set various flags. c{STC} sets the carry flag;
- c{STD} sets the direction flag; and c{STI} sets the interrupt flag
- (thus enabling interrupts).
- To clear the carry, direction, or interrupt flags, use the c{CLC},
- c{CLD} and c{CLI} instructions (k{insCLC}). To invert the carry
- flag, use c{CMC} (k{insCMC}).
- H{insSTOSB} ic{STOSB}, ic{STOSW}, ic{STOSD}: Store Byte to String
- c STOSB ; AA [8086]
- c STOSW ; o16 AB [8086]
- c STOSD ; o32 AB [386]
- c{STOSB} stores the byte in c{AL} at c{[ES:DI]} or c{[ES:EDI]},
- and sets the flags accordingly. It then increments or decrements
- (depending on the direction flag: increments if the flag is clear,
- decrements if it is set) c{DI} (or c{EDI}).
- The register used is c{DI} if the address size is 16 bits, and
- c{EDI} if it is 32 bits. If you need to use an address size not
- equal to the current c{BITS} setting, you can use an explicit
- ic{a16} or ic{a32} prefix.
- Segment override prefixes have no effect for this instruction: the
- use of c{ES} for the store to c{[DI]} or c{[EDI]} cannot be
- overridden.
- c{STOSW} and c{STOSD} work in the same way, but they store the
- word in c{AX} or the doubleword in c{EAX} instead of the byte in
- c{AL}, and increment or decrement the addressing registers by 2 or
- 4 instead of 1.
- The c{REP} prefix may be used to repeat the instruction c{CX} (or
- c{ECX} - again, the address size chooses which) times.
- H{insSTR} ic{STR}: Store Task Register
- c STR r/m16 ; 0F 00 /1 [286,PRIV]
- c{STR} stores the segment selector corresponding to the contents of
- the Task Register into its operand.
- H{insSUB} ic{SUB}: Subtract Integers
- c SUB r/m8,reg8 ; 28 /r [8086]
- c SUB r/m16,reg16 ; o16 29 /r [8086]
- c SUB r/m32,reg32 ; o32 29 /r [386]
- c SUB reg8,r/m8 ; 2A /r [8086]
- c SUB reg16,r/m16 ; o16 2B /r [8086]
- c SUB reg32,r/m32 ; o32 2B /r [386]
- c SUB r/m8,imm8 ; 80 /5 ib [8086]
- c SUB r/m16,imm16 ; o16 81 /5 iw [8086]
- c SUB r/m32,imm32 ; o32 81 /5 id [386]
- c SUB r/m16,imm8 ; o16 83 /5 ib [8086]
- c SUB r/m32,imm8 ; o32 83 /5 ib [386]
- c SUB AL,imm8 ; 2C ib [8086]
- c SUB AX,imm16 ; o16 2D iw [8086]
- c SUB EAX,imm32 ; o32 2D id [386]
- c{SUB} performs integer subtraction: it subtracts its second
- operand from its first, and leaves the result in its destination
- (first) operand. The flags are set according to the result of the
- operation: in particular, the carry flag is affected and can be used
- by a subsequent c{SBB} instruction (k{insSBB}).
- In the forms with an 8-bit immediate second operand and a longer
- first operand, the second operand is considered to be signed, and is
- sign-extended to the length of the first operand. In these cases,
- the c{BYTE} qualifier is necessary to force NASM to generate this
- form of the instruction.
- H{insTEST} ic{TEST}: Test Bits (notional bitwise AND)
- c TEST r/m8,reg8 ; 84 /r [8086]
- c TEST r/m16,reg16 ; o16 85 /r [8086]
- c TEST r/m32,reg32 ; o32 85 /r [386]
- c TEST r/m8,imm8 ; F6 /7 ib [8086]
- c TEST r/m16,imm16 ; o16 F7 /7 iw [8086]
- c TEST r/m32,imm32 ; o32 F7 /7 id [386]
- c TEST AL,imm8 ; A8 ib [8086]
- c TEST AX,imm16 ; o16 A9 iw [8086]
- c TEST EAX,imm32 ; o32 A9 id [386]
- c{TEST} performs a `mental' bitwise AND of its two operands, and
- affects the flags as if the operation had taken place, but does not
- store the result of the operation anywhere.
- H{insUMOV} ic{UMOV}: User Move Data
- c UMOV r/m8,reg8 ; 0F 10 /r [386,UNDOC]
- c UMOV r/m16,reg16 ; o16 0F 11 /r [386,UNDOC]
- c UMOV r/m32,reg32 ; o32 0F 11 /r [386,UNDOC]
- c UMOV reg8,r/m8 ; 0F 12 /r [386,UNDOC]
- c UMOV reg16,r/m16 ; o16 0F 13 /r [386,UNDOC]
- c UMOV reg32,r/m32 ; o32 0F 13 /r [386,UNDOC]
- This undocumented instruction is used by in-circuit emulators to
- access user memory (as opposed to host memory). It is used just like
- an ordinary memory/register or register/register c{MOV}
- instruction, but accesses user space.
- H{insVERR} ic{VERR}, ic{VERW}: Verify Segment Readability/Writability
- c VERR r/m16 ; 0F 00 /4 [286,PRIV]
- c VERW r/m16 ; 0F 00 /5 [286,PRIV]
- c{VERR} sets the zero flag if the segment specified by the selector
- in its operand can be read from at the current privilege level.
- c{VERW} sets the zero flag if the segment can be written.
- H{insWAIT} ic{WAIT}: Wait for Floating-Point Processor
- c WAIT ; 9B [8086]
- c{WAIT}, on 8086 systems with a separate 8087 FPU, waits for the
- FPU to have finished any operation it is engaged in before
- continuing main processor operations, so that (for example) an FPU
- store to main memory can be guaranteed to have completed before the
- CPU tries to read the result back out.
- On higher processors, c{WAIT} is unnecessary for this purpose, and
- it has the alternative purpose of ensuring that any pending unmasked
- FPU exceptions have happened before execution continues.
- H{insWBINVD} ic{WBINVD}: Write Back and Invalidate Cache
- c WBINVD ; 0F 09 [486]
- c{WBINVD} invalidates and empties the processor's internal caches,
- and causes the processor to instruct external caches to do the same.
- It writes the contents of the caches back to memory first, so no
- data is lost. To flush the caches quickly without bothering to write
- the data back first, use c{INVD} (k{insINVD}).
- H{insWRMSR} ic{WRMSR}: Write Model-Specific Registers
- c WRMSR ; 0F 30 [PENT]
- c{WRMSR} writes the value in c{EDX:EAX} to the processor
- Model-Specific Register (MSR) whose index is stored in c{ECX}. See
- also c{RDMSR} (k{insRDMSR}).
- H{insXADD} ic{XADD}: Exchange and Add
- c XADD r/m8,reg8 ; 0F C0 /r [486]
- c XADD r/m16,reg16 ; o16 0F C1 /r [486]
- c XADD r/m32,reg32 ; o32 0F C1 /r [486]
- c{XADD} exchanges the values in its two operands, and then adds
- them together and writes the result into the destination (first)
- operand. This instruction can be used with a c{LOCK} prefix for
- multi-processor synchronisation purposes.
- H{insXBTS} ic{XBTS}: Extract Bit String
- c XBTS reg16,r/m16 ; o16 0F A6 /r [386,UNDOC]
- c XBTS reg32,r/m32 ; o32 0F A6 /r [386,UNDOC]
- No clear documentation seems to be available for this instruction:
- the best I've been able to find reads `Takes a string of bits from
- the first operand and puts them in the second operand'. It is
- present only in early 386 processors, and conflicts with the opcodes
- for c{CMPXCHG486}. NASM supports it only for completeness. Its
- counterpart is c{IBTS} (see k{insIBTS}).
- H{insXCHG} ic{XCHG}: Exchange
- c XCHG reg8,r/m8 ; 86 /r [8086]
- c XCHG reg16,r/m8 ; o16 87 /r [8086]
- c XCHG reg32,r/m32 ; o32 87 /r [386]
- c XCHG r/m8,reg8 ; 86 /r [8086]
- c XCHG r/m16,reg16 ; o16 87 /r [8086]
- c XCHG r/m32,reg32 ; o32 87 /r [386]
- c XCHG AX,reg16 ; o16 90+r [8086]
- c XCHG EAX,reg32 ; o32 90+r [386]
- c XCHG reg16,AX ; o16 90+r [8086]
- c XCHG reg32,EAX ; o32 90+r [386]
- c{XCHG} exchanges the values in its two operands. It can be used
- with a c{LOCK} prefix for purposes of multi-processor
- synchronisation.
- c{XCHG AX,AX} or c{XCHG EAX,EAX} (depending on the c{BITS}
- setting) generates the opcode c{90h}, and so is a synonym for
- c{NOP} (k{insNOP}).
- H{insXLATB} ic{XLATB}: Translate Byte in Lookup Table
- c XLATB ; D7 [8086]
- c{XLATB} adds the value in c{AL}, treated as an unsigned byte, to
- c{BX} or c{EBX}, and loads the byte from the resulting address (in
- the segment specified by c{DS}) back into c{AL}.
- The base register used is c{BX} if the address size is 16 bits, and
- c{EBX} if it is 32 bits. If you need to use an address size not
- equal to the current c{BITS} setting, you can use an explicit
- ic{a16} or ic{a32} prefix.
- The segment register used to load from c{[BX+AL]} or c{[EBX+AL]}
- can be overridden by using a segment register name as a prefix (for
- example, c{es xlatb}).
- H{insXOR} ic{XOR}: Bitwise Exclusive OR
- c XOR r/m8,reg8 ; 30 /r [8086]
- c XOR r/m16,reg16 ; o16 31 /r [8086]
- c XOR r/m32,reg32 ; o32 31 /r [386]
- c XOR reg8,r/m8 ; 32 /r [8086]
- c XOR reg16,r/m16 ; o16 33 /r [8086]
- c XOR reg32,r/m32 ; o32 33 /r [386]
- c XOR r/m8,imm8 ; 80 /6 ib [8086]
- c XOR r/m16,imm16 ; o16 81 /6 iw [8086]
- c XOR r/m32,imm32 ; o32 81 /6 id [386]
- c XOR r/m16,imm8 ; o16 83 /6 ib [8086]
- c XOR r/m32,imm8 ; o32 83 /6 ib [386]
- c XOR AL,imm8 ; 34 ib [8086]
- c XOR AX,imm16 ; o16 35 iw [8086]
- c XOR EAX,imm32 ; o32 35 id [386]
- c{XOR} performs a bitwise XOR operation between its two operands
- (i.e. each bit of the result is 1 if and only if exactly one of the
- corresponding bits of the two inputs was 1), and stores the result
- in the destination (first) operand.
- In the forms with an 8-bit immediate second operand and a longer
- first operand, the second operand is considered to be signed, and is
- sign-extended to the length of the first operand. In these cases,
- the c{BYTE} qualifier is necessary to force NASM to generate this
- form of the instruction.
- The MMX instruction c{PXOR} (see k{insPXOR}) performs the same
- operation on the 64-bit MMX registers.