资源名称:nasm-0.98.zip [点击查看]
- #!/usr/bin/perl
- # Read the source-form of the NASM manual and generate the various
- # output forms.
- # TODO:
- #
- # PS output:
- # - show page numbers in printed output
- # - think about double-sided support (start all chapters on RHS,
- # ie odd-numbered, pages).
- #
- # Ellipsis support would be nice.
- # Source-form features:
- # ---------------------
- #
- # Bullet b
- # Bullets the paragraph. Rest of paragraph is indented to cope. In
- # HTML, consecutive groups of bulleted paragraphs become unordered
- # lists.
- #
- # Emphasis e{foobar}
- # produces `_foobar_' in text and italics in HTML, PS, RTF
- #
- # Inline code c{foobar}
- # produces ``foobar'' in text, and fixed-pitch font in HTML, PS, RTF
- #
- # Display code
- # c line one
- # c line two
- # produces fixed-pitch font where appropriate, and doesn't break
- # pages except sufficiently far into the middle of a display.
- #
- # Chapter, header and subheader
- # C{intro} Introduction
- # H{whatsnasm} What is NASM?
- # S{free} NASM Is Free
- # dealt with as appropriate. Chapters begin on new sides, possibly
- # even new _pages_. (Sub)?headers are good places to begin new
- # pages. Just _after_ a (sub)?header isn't.
- # The keywords can be substituted with K and k.
- #
- # Keyword K{cintro} k{cintro}
- # Expands to `Chapter 1', `Section 1.1', `Section 1.1.1'. K has an
- # initial capital whereas k doesn't. In HTML, will produce
- # hyperlinks.
- #
- # Web link W{http://foobar/}{text} or W{mailto:me@here}c{me@here}
- # the W prefix is ignored except in HTML; in HTML the last part
- # becomes a hyperlink to the first part.
- #
- # Literals { } \
- # In case it's necessary, they expand to the real versions.
- #
- # Nonbreaking hyphen -
- # Need more be said?
- #
- # Source comment #
- # Causes everything after it on the line to be ignored by the
- # source-form processor.
- #
- # Indexable word i{foobar} (or ie{foobar} or ic{foobar}, equally)
- # makes word appear in index, referenced to that point
- # ic comes up in code style even in the index; ie doesn't come
- # up in emphasised style.
- #
- # Indexable non-displayed word I{foobar} or Ic{foobar}
- # just as i{foobar} except that nothing is displayed for it
- #
- # Index rewrite
- # IR{foobar} c{foobar} operator, uses of
- # tidies up the appearance in the index of something the i or I
- # operator was applied to
- #
- # Index alias
- # IA{foobar}{bazquux}
- # aliases one index tag (as might be supplied to i or I) to
- # another, so that I{foobar} has the effect of I{bazquux}, and
- # i{foobar} has the effect of I{bazquux}foobar
- $diag = 1, shift @ARGV if $ARGV[0] eq "-d";
- $| = 1;
- $tstruct_previtem = $node = "Top";
- $nodes = ($node);
- $tstruct_level{$tstruct_previtem} = 0;
- $tstruct_last[$tstruct_level{$tstruct_previtem}] = $tstruct_previtem;
- $MAXLEVEL = 10; # really 3, but play safe ;-)
- # Read the file; pass a paragraph at a time to the paragraph processor.
- print "Reading input...";
- $pname = "para000000";
- @pnames = @pflags = ();
- $para = undef;
- while (<>) {
- chomp;
- if (!/S/ || /^\I[AR]/) { # special case: I[AR] implies new-paragraph
- &got_para($para);
- $para = undef;
- }
- if (/S/) {
- s/\#.*$//; # strip comments
- $para .= " " . $_;
- }
- }
- &got_para($para);
- print "done.n";
- # Now we've read in the entire document and we know what all the
- # heading keywords refer to. Go through and fix up the k references.
- print "Fixing up cross-references...";
- &fixup_xrefs;
- print "done.n";
- # Sort the index tags, according to the slightly odd order I've decided on.
- print "Sorting index tags...";
- &indexsort;
- print "done.n";
- if ($diag) {
- print "Writing index-diagnostic file...";
- &indexdiag;
- print "done.n";
- }
- # OK. Write out the various output files.
- print "Producing text output: ";
- &write_txt;
- print "done.n";
- print "Producing HTML output: ";
- &write_html;
- print "done.n";
- print "Producing PostScript output: ";
- &write_ps;
- print "done.n";
- print "Producing Texinfo output: ";
- &write_texi;
- print "done.n";
- print "Producing WinHelp output: ";
- &write_hlp;
- print "done.n";
- sub got_para {
- local ($_) = @_;
- my $pflags = "", $i, $w, $l, $t;
- return if !/S/;
- @$pname = ();
- # Strip off _leading_ spaces, then determine type of paragraph.
- s/^s*//;
- $irewrite = undef;
- if (/^\c[^{]/) {
- # A code paragraph. The paragraph-array will contain the simple
- # strings which form each line of the paragraph.
- $pflags = "code";
- while (/^\c (([^\]|\[^c])*)(.*)$/) {
- $l = $1;
- $_ = $3;
- $l =~ s/\{/{/g;
- $l =~ s/\}/}/g;
- $l =~ s/\\/\/g;
- push @$pname, $l;
- }
- $_ = ''; # suppress word-by-word code
- } elsif (/^\C/) {
- # A chapter heading. Define the keyword and allocate a chapter
- # number.
- $cnum++;
- $hnum = 0;
- $snum = 0;
- $xref = "chapter-$cnum";
- $pflags = "chap $cnum :$xref";
- die "badly formatted chapter heading: $_n" if !/^\C{([^}]*)}s*(.*)$/;
- $refs{$1} = "chapter $cnum";
- $node = "Chapter $cnum";
- &add_item($node, 1);
- $xrefnodes{$node} = $xref; $nodexrefs{$xref} = $node;
- $xrefs{$1} = $xref;
- $_ = $2;
- # the standard word-by-word code will happen next
- } elsif (/^\A/) {
- # An appendix heading. Define the keyword and allocate an appendix
- # letter.
- $cnum++;
- $cnum = 'A' if $cnum =~ /[0-9]+/;
- $hnum = 0;
- $snum = 0;
- $xref = "appendix-$cnum";
- $pflags = "appn $cnum :$xref";
- die "badly formatted appendix heading: $_n" if !/^\A{([^}]*)}s*(.*)$/;
- $refs{$1} = "appendix $cnum";
- $node = "Appendix $cnum";
- &add_item($node, 1);
- $xrefnodes{$node} = $xref; $nodexrefs{$xref} = $node;
- $xrefs{$1} = $xref;
- $_ = $2;
- # the standard word-by-word code will happen next
- } elsif (/^\H/) {
- # A major heading. Define the keyword and allocate a section number.
- $hnum++;
- $snum = 0;
- $xref = "section-$cnum.$hnum";
- $pflags = "head $cnum.$hnum :$xref";
- die "badly formatted heading: $_n" if !/^\[HP]{([^}]*)}s*(.*)$/;
- $refs{$1} = "section $cnum.$hnum";
- $node = "Section $cnum.$hnum";
- &add_item($node, 2);
- $xrefnodes{$node} = $xref; $nodexrefs{$xref} = $node;
- $xrefs{$1} = $xref;
- $_ = $2;
- # the standard word-by-word code will happen next
- } elsif (/^\S/) {
- # A sub-heading. Define the keyword and allocate a section number.
- $snum++;
- $xref = "section-$cnum.$hnum.$snum";
- $pflags = "subh $cnum.$hnum.$snum :$xref";
- die "badly formatted subheading: $_n" if !/^\S{([^}]*)}s*(.*)$/;
- $refs{$1} = "section $cnum.$hnum.$snum";
- $node = "Section $cnum.$hnum.$snum";
- &add_item($node, 3);
- $xrefnodes{$node} = $xref; $nodexrefs{$xref} = $node;
- $xrefs{$1} = $xref;
- $_ = $2;
- # the standard word-by-word code will happen next
- } elsif (/^\IR/) {
- # An index-rewrite.
- die "badly formatted index rewrite: $_n" if !/^\IR{([^}]*)}s*(.*)$/;
- $irewrite = $1;
- $_ = $2;
- # the standard word-by-word code will happen next
- } elsif (/^\IA/) {
- # An index-alias.
- die "badly formatted index alias: $_n" if !/^\IA{([^}]*)}{([^}]*)}s*$/;
- $idxalias{$1} = $2;
- return; # avoid word-by-word code
- } elsif (/^\b/) {
- # A bulleted paragraph. Strip off the initial b and let the
- # word-by-word code take care of the rest.
- $pflags = "bull";
- s/^\bs*//;
- } else {
- # A normal paragraph. Just set $pflags: the word-by-word code does
- # the rest.
- $pflags = "norm";
- }
- # The word-by-word code: unless @$pname is already defined (which it
- # will be in the case of a code paragraph), split the paragraph up
- # into words and push each on @$pname.
- #
- # Each thing pushed on @$pname should have a two-character type
- # code followed by the text.
- #
- # Type codes are:
- # "n " for normal
- # "da" for a dash
- # "es" for first emphasised word in emphasised bit
- # "e " for emphasised in mid-emphasised-bit
- # "ee" for last emphasised word in emphasised bit
- # "eo" for single (only) emphasised word
- # "c " for code
- # "k " for cross-ref
- # "kK" for capitalised cross-ref
- # "w " for Web link
- # "wc" for code-type Web link
- # "x " for beginning of resolved cross-ref; generates no visible output,
- # and the text is the cross-reference code
- # "xe" for end of resolved cross-ref; text is same as for "x ".
- # "i " for point to be indexed: the text is the internal index into the
- # index-items arrays
- # "sp" for space
- while (/S/) {
- s/^s*//, push @$pname, "sp" if /^s/;
- $indexing = $qindex = 0;
- if (/^(\[iI])?\c/) {
- $qindex = 1 if $1 eq "\I";
- $indexing = 1, s/^\[iI]// if $1;
- s/^\c//;
- die "badly formatted \c: \c$_n" if !/{(([^\}]|\.)*)}(.*)$/;
- $w = $1;
- $_ = $3;
- $w =~ s/\{/{/g;
- $w =~ s/\}/}/g;
- $w =~ s/\-/-/g;
- $w =~ s/\\/\/g;
- (push @$pname,"i"),$lastp = $#$pname if $indexing;
- push @$pname,"c $w" if !$qindex;
- $$pname[$lastp] = &addidx($node, $w, "c $w") if $indexing;
- } elsif (/^\[iIe]/) {
- /^(\[iI])?(\e)?/;
- $emph = 0;
- $qindex = 1 if $1 eq "\I";
- $indexing = 1, $type = "\i" if $1;
- $emph = 1, $type = "\e" if $2;
- s/^(\[iI])?(\e?)//;
- die "badly formatted $type: $type$_n" if !/{(([^\}]|\.)*)}(.*)$/;
- $w = $1;
- $_ = $3;
- $w =~ s/\{/{/g;
- $w =~ s/\}/}/g;
- $w =~ s/\-/-/g;
- $w =~ s/\\/\/g;
- $t = $emph ? "es" : "n ";
- @ientry = ();
- (push @$pname,"i"),$lastp = $#$pname if $indexing;
- foreach $i (split /s+/,$w) { # e and i can be multiple words
- push @$pname,"$t$i","sp" if !$qindex;
- ($ii=$i) =~ tr/A-Z/a-z/, push @ientry,"n $ii","sp" if $indexing;
- $t = $emph ? "e " : "n ";
- }
- $w =~ tr/A-Z/a-z/, pop @ientry if $indexing;
- $$pname[$lastp] = &addidx($node, $w, @ientry) if $indexing;
- pop @$pname if !$qindex; # remove final space
- if (substr($$pname[$#$pname],0,2) eq "es" && !$qindex) {
- substr($$pname[$#$pname],0,2) = "eo";
- } elsif ($emph && !$qindex) {
- substr($$pname[$#$pname],0,2) = "ee";
- }
- } elsif (/^\[kK]/) {
- $t = "k ";
- $t = "kK" if /^\K/;
- s/^\[kK]//;
- die "badly formatted \k: \c$_n" if !/{([^}]*)}(.*)$/;
- $_ = $2;
- push @$pname,"$t$1";
- } elsif (/^\W/) {
- s/^\W//;
- die "badly formatted \W: \W$_n"
- if !/{([^}]*)}(\i)?(\c)?{(([^\}]|\.)*)}(.*)$/;
- $l = $1;
- $w = $4;
- $_ = $6;
- $t = "w ";
- $t = "wc" if $3 eq "\c";
- $indexing = 1 if $2;
- $w =~ s/\{/{/g;
- $w =~ s/\}/}/g;
- $w =~ s/\-/-/g;
- $w =~ s/\\/\/g;
- (push @$pname,"i"),$lastp = $#$pname if $indexing;
- push @$pname,"$t<$l>$w";
- $$pname[$lastp] = &addidx($node, $w, "c $w") if $indexing;
- } else {
- die "what the hell? $_n" if !/^(([^s\-]|\[\{}-])*-?)(.*)$/;
- die "painful death! $_n" if !length $1;
- $w = $1;
- $_ = $3;
- $w =~ s/\{/{/g;
- $w =~ s/\}/}/g;
- $w =~ s/\-/-/g;
- $w =~ s/\\/\/g;
- if ($w eq "-") {
- push @$pname,"da";
- } else {
- push @$pname,"n $w";
- }
- }
- }
- if ($irewrite ne undef) {
- &addidx(undef, $irewrite, @$pname);
- @$pname = ();
- } else {
- push @pnames, $pname;
- push @pflags, $pflags;
- $pname++;
- }
- }
- sub addidx {
- my ($node, $text, @ientry) = @_;
- $text = $idxalias{$text} || $text;
- if ($node eq undef || !$idxmap{$text}) {
- @$ientry = @ientry;
- $idxmap{$text} = $ientry;
- $ientry++;
- }
- if ($node) {
- $idxnodes{$node,$text} = 1;
- return "i $text";
- }
- }
- sub indexsort {
- my $iitem, $ientry, $i, $piitem, $pcval, $cval, $clrcval;
- @itags = map { # get back the original data as the 1st elt of each list
- $_->[0]
- } sort { # compare auxiliary (non-first) elements of lists
- $a->[1] cmp $b->[1] ||
- $a->[2] cmp $b->[2] ||
- $a->[0] cmp $b->[0]
- } map { # transform array into list of 3-element lists
- my $ientry = $idxmap{$_};
- my $a = substr($$ientry[0],2);
- $a =~ tr/A-Za-z//cd;
- [$_, uc($a), substr($$ientry[0],0,2)]
- } keys %idxmap;
- # Having done that, check for comma-hood.
- $cval = 0;
- foreach $iitem (@itags) {
- $ientry = $idxmap{$iitem};
- $clrcval = 1;
- $pcval = $cval;
- FL:for ($i=0; $i <= $#$ientry; $i++) {
- if ($$ientry[$i] =~ /^(n .*,)(.*)/) {
- $$ientry[$i] = $1;
- splice @$ientry,$i+1,0,"n $2" if length $2;
- $commapos{$iitem} = $i+1;
- $cval = join("