资源名称:nasm-0.98.zip [点击查看]
- /* ldrdf.c RDOFF Object File linker/loader main program
- *
- * The Netwide Assembler is copyright (C) 1996 Simon Tatham and
- * Julian Hall. All rights reserved. The software is
- * redistributable under the licence given in the file "Licence"
- * distributed in the NASM archive.
- */
- /* TODO: Make the system skip a module (other than the first) if none
- * of the other specified modules contain a reference to it.
- * May require the system to make an extra pass of the modules to be
- * loaded eliminating those that aren't required.
- *
- * Support all the existing documented options...
- *
- * Support libaries (.a files - requires a 'ranlib' type utility)
- * (I think I've got this working, so I've upped the version)
- *
- * -s option to strip resolved symbols from exports. (Could make this an
- * external utility)
- */
- #include <stdio.h>
- #include <stdlib.h>
- #include <string.h>
- #include "rdoff.h"
- #include "nasmlib.h"
- #include "symtab.h"
- #include "collectn.h"
- #include "rdlib.h"
- #define LDRDF_VERSION "0.30"
- /* global variables - those to set options: */
- int verbose = 0; /* reflects setting of command line switch */
- int align = 16;
- int errors = 0; /* set by functions to cause halt after current
- stage of processing */
- /* the linked list of modules that must be loaded & linked */
- struct modulenode {
- rdffile f; /* the file */
- long coderel; /* module's code relocation factor */
- long datarel; /* module's data relocation factor */
- long bssrel; /* module's bss data reloc. factor */
- void * header; /* header location, if loaded */
- char * name; /* filename */
- struct modulenode *next;
- };
- #define newstr(str) strcpy(malloc(strlen(str) + 1),str)
- #define newstrcat(s1,s2) strcat(strcpy(malloc(strlen(s1)+strlen(s2)+1),s1),s2)
- struct modulenode *modules = NULL,*lastmodule = NULL;
- /* the linked list of libraries to be searched for missing imported
- symbols */
- struct librarynode * libraries = NULL, * lastlib = NULL;
- void *symtab; /* The symbol table */
- rdf_headerbuf * newheader ; /* New header to be written to output */
- /* loadmodule - find the characteristics of a module and add it to the
- * list of those being linked together */
- void loadmodule(char *filename)
- {
- struct modulenode *prev;
- if (! modules) {
- modules = malloc(sizeof(struct modulenode));
- lastmodule = modules;
- prev = NULL;
- }
- else {
- lastmodule->next = malloc(sizeof(struct modulenode));
- prev = lastmodule;
- lastmodule = lastmodule->next;
- }
- if (! lastmodule) {
- fputs("ldrdf: not enough memoryn",stderr);
- exit(1);
- }
- if (rdfopen(&lastmodule->f,filename)) {
- rdfperror("ldrdf",filename);
- exit(1);
- }
- lastmodule->header = NULL; /* header hasn't been loaded */
- lastmodule->name = filename;
- lastmodule->next = NULL;
- if (prev) {
- lastmodule->coderel = prev->coderel + prev->f.code_len;
- if (lastmodule->coderel % align != 0)
- lastmodule->coderel += align - (lastmodule->coderel % align);
- lastmodule->datarel = prev->datarel + prev->f.data_len;
- if (lastmodule->datarel % align != 0)
- lastmodule->datarel += align - (lastmodule->datarel % align);
- }
- else {
- lastmodule->coderel = 0;
- lastmodule->datarel = 0;
- }
- if (verbose)
- printf("%s code = %08lx (+%04lx), data = %08lx (+%04lx)n",filename,
- lastmodule->coderel,lastmodule->f.code_len,
- lastmodule->datarel,lastmodule->f.data_len);
- lastmodule->header = malloc(lastmodule->f.header_len);
- if (!lastmodule->header) {
- fprintf(stderr,"ldrdf: out of memoryn");
- exit(1);
- }
- if (rdfloadseg(&lastmodule->f,RDOFF_HEADER,lastmodule->header))
- {
- rdfperror("ldrdf",filename);
- exit(1);
- }
- }
- /* load_library add a library to list of libraries to search
- * for undefined symbols
- */
- void load_library(char * name)
- {
- if (verbose)
- printf("adding library %s to search pathn",name);
- if (! lastlib) {
- lastlib = libraries = malloc(sizeof(struct librarynode));
- }
- else
- {
- lastlib->next = malloc(sizeof(struct librarynode));
- lastlib = lastlib->next;
- }
- if (! lastlib) {
- fprintf(stderr, "ldrdf: out of memoryn");
- exit(1);
- }
- strcpy (lastlib->name = malloc (1+strlen(name)), name);
- lastlib->fp = NULL;
- lastlib->referenced = 0;
- lastlib->next = NULL;
- }
- /* build_symbols() step through each module's header, and locate
- * exported symbols, placing them in a global table
- */
- long bsslength;
- void mod_addsymbols(struct modulenode * mod)
- {
- rdfheaderrec *r;
- symtabEnt e;
- long cbBss;
- mod->bssrel = bsslength;
- cbBss = 0;
- rdfheaderrewind(&mod->f);
- while ((r = rdfgetheaderrec(&mod->f)))
- {
- if (r->type == 5) /* Allocate BSS */
- cbBss += r->b.amount;
- if (r->type != 3) continue; /* ignore all but export recs */
- e.segment = r->e.segment;
- e.offset = r->e.offset +
- (e.segment == 0 ? mod->coderel : /* 0 -> code */
- e.segment == 1 ? mod->datarel : /* 1 -> data */
- mod->bssrel) ; /* 2 -> bss */
- e.flags = 0;
- e.name = malloc(strlen(r->e.label) + 1);
- if (! e.name)
- {
- fprintf(stderr,"ldrdf: out of memoryn");
- exit(1);
- }
- strcpy(e.name,r->e.label);
- symtabInsert(symtab,&e);
- }
- bsslength += cbBss;
- }
- void build_symbols()
- {
- struct modulenode *mod;
- if (verbose) printf("building global symbol table:n");
- newheader = rdfnewheader();
- symtab = symtabNew();
- bsslength = 0; /* keep track of location of BSS symbols */
- for (mod = modules; mod; mod = mod->next)
- {
- mod_addsymbols( mod );
- }
- if (verbose)
- {
- symtabDump(symtab,stdout);
- printf("BSS length = %ld bytesnn",bsslength);
- }
- }
- /* scan_libraries() search through headers of modules for undefined
- * symbols, and scan libraries for those symbols,
- * adding library modules found to list of modules
- * to load. */
- void scan_libraries(void)
- {
- struct modulenode * mod, * nm;
- struct librarynode * lib;
- rdfheaderrec * r;
- int found;
- char * tmp;
- if (verbose) printf("Scanning libraries for unresolved symbols...n");
- mod = modules;
- while (mod)
- {
- rdfheaderrewind(&mod->f);
- while ((r = rdfgetheaderrec(&mod->f)))
- {
- if (r->type != 2) continue; /* not an import record */
- if ( symtabFind (symtab,r->i.label) )
- continue; /* symbol already defined */
- /* okay, we have an undefined symbol... step through
- the libraries now */
- if (verbose >= 2) {
- printf("undefined symbol '%s'...",r->i.label);
- fflush(stdout);
- }
- lib = libraries;
- found = 0;
- tmp = newstr(r->i.label);
- while (! found && lib)
- {
- /* move this to an outer loop...! */
- nm = malloc(sizeof(struct modulenode));
- if (rdl_searchlib(lib,tmp,&nm->f))
- { /* found a module in the library */
- /* create a modulenode for it */
- if (! nm) {
- fprintf(stderr,"ldrdf: out of memoryn");
- exit(1);
- }
- nm->name = newstrcat(lib->name,nm->f.name);
- if (verbose >= 2) printf("found in '%s'n",nm->name);
- nm->coderel = lastmodule->coderel + lastmodule->f.code_len;
- if (nm->coderel % align != 0)
- nm->coderel += align - (nm->coderel % align);
- nm->datarel = lastmodule->datarel + lastmodule->f.data_len;
- if (nm->datarel % align != 0)
- nm->datarel += align - (nm->datarel % align);
- nm->header = malloc(nm->f.header_len);
- if (! nm->header)
- {
- fprintf(stderr,"ldrdf: out of memoryn");
- exit(1);
- }
- if (rdfloadseg(&nm->f,RDOFF_HEADER,nm->header))
- {
- rdfperror("ldrdf",nm->name);
- exit(1);
- }
- nm->next = NULL;
- found = 1;
- lastmodule->next = nm;
- lastmodule = nm;
- if (verbose)
- printf("%s code = %08lx (+%04lx), data = %08lx "
- "(+%04lx)n",lastmodule->name,
- lastmodule->coderel,lastmodule->f.code_len,
- lastmodule->datarel,lastmodule->f.data_len);
- /* add the module's info to the symbol table */
- mod_addsymbols(nm);
- }
- else
- {
- if (rdl_error) {
- rdl_perror("ldrdf",lib->name);
- exit(1);
- }
- free(nm);
- }
- lib = lib->next;
- }
- free(tmp);
- if (!found && verbose >= 2) printf("not foundn");
- }
- mod = mod->next;
- }
- }
- /* load_segments() allocates memory for & loads the code & data segs
- * from the RDF modules
- */
- char *text,*data;
- long textlength,datalength;
- void load_segments(void)
- {
- struct modulenode *mod;
- if (!modules) {
- fprintf(stderr,"ldrdf: nothing to don");
- exit(0);
- }
- if (!lastmodule) {
- fprintf(stderr,"ldrdf: panic: module list exists, but lastmodule=NULLn");
- exit(3);
- }
- if (verbose)
- printf("loading modules into memoryn");
- /* The following stops 16 bit DOS from crashing whilst attempting to
- work using segments > 64K */
- if (sizeof(int) == 2) { /* expect a 'code has no effect' warning on 32 bit
- platforms... */
- if (lastmodule->coderel + lastmodule->f.code_len > 65535 ||
- lastmodule->datarel + lastmodule->f.data_len > 65535) {
- fprintf(stderr,"ldrdf: segment length has exceeded 64K; use a 32 bit "
- "version.nldrdf: code size = %05lx, data size = %05lxn",
- lastmodule->coderel + lastmodule->f.code_len,
- lastmodule->datarel + lastmodule->f.data_len);
- exit(1);
- }
- }
- text = malloc(textlength = lastmodule->coderel + lastmodule->f.code_len);
- data = malloc(datalength = lastmodule->datarel + lastmodule->f.data_len);
- if (!text || !data) {
- fprintf(stderr,"ldrdf: out of memoryn");
- exit(1);
- }
- mod = modules;
- while (mod) { /* load the segments for each module */
- if (verbose >= 2) printf(" loading %sn",mod->name);
- if (rdfloadseg(&mod->f,RDOFF_CODE,&text[mod->coderel]) ||
- rdfloadseg(&mod->f,RDOFF_DATA,&data[mod->datarel])) {
- rdfperror("ldrdf",mod->name);
- exit(1);
- }
- rdfclose(&mod->f); /* close file; segments remain */
- mod = mod->next;
- }
- }
- /* link_segments() step through relocation records in each module's
- * header, fixing up references.
- */
- void link_segments(void)
- {
- struct modulenode *mod;
- Collection imports;
- symtabEnt *s;
- long rel,relto;
- char *seg;
- rdfheaderrec *r;
- int bRelative;
- if (verbose) printf("linking segmentsn");
- collection_init(&imports);
- for (mod = modules; mod; mod = mod->next) {
- if (verbose >= 2) printf("* processing %sn",mod->name);
- rdfheaderrewind(&mod->f);
- while((r = rdfgetheaderrec(&mod->f))) {
- if (verbose >= 3) printf("record type: %dn",r->type);
- switch(r->type) {
- case 1: /* relocation record */
- if (r->r.segment >= 64) { /* Relative relocation; */
- bRelative = 1; /* need to find location relative */
- r->r.segment -= 64; /* to start of this segment */
- relto = r->r.segment == 0 ? mod->coderel : mod->datarel;
- }
- else
- {
- bRelative = 0; /* non-relative - need to relocate
- * at load time */
- relto = 0; /* placate optimiser warnings */
- }
- /* calculate absolute offset of reference, not rel to beginning of
- segment */
- r->r.offset += r->r.segment == 0 ? mod->coderel : mod->datarel;
- /* calculate the relocation factor to apply to the operand -
- the base address of one of this modules segments if referred
- segment is 0 - 2, or the address of an imported symbol
- otherwise. */
- if (r->r.refseg == 0) rel = mod->coderel;
- else if (r->r.refseg == 1) rel = mod->datarel;
- else if (r->r.refseg == 2) rel = mod->bssrel;
- else { /* cross module link - find reference */
- s = *colln(&imports,r->r.refseg - 2);
- if (!s) {
- fprintf(stderr,"ldrdf: link to undefined segment %04x in"
- " %s:%dn", r->r.refseg,mod->name,r->r.segment);
- errors = 1;
- break;
- }
- rel = s->offset;
- r->r.refseg = s->segment; /* change referred segment,
- so that new header is
- correct */
- }
- if (bRelative) /* Relative - subtract current segment start */
- rel -= relto;
- else
- { /* Add new relocation header */
- rdfaddheader(newheader,r);
- }
- /* Work out which segment we're making changes to ... */
- if (r->r.segment == 0) seg = text;
- else if (r->r.segment == 1) seg = data;
- else {
- fprintf(stderr,"ldrdf: relocation in unknown segment %d in "
- "%sn", r->r.segment,mod->name);
- errors = 1;
- break;
- }
- /* Add the relocation factor to the datum specified: */
- if (verbose >= 3)
- printf(" - relocating %d:%08lx by %08lxn",r->r.segment,
- r->r.offset,rel);
- /**** The following code is non-portable. Rewrite it... ****/
- switch(r->r.length) {
- case 1:
- seg[r->r.offset] += (char) rel;
- break;
- case 2:
- *(int16 *)(seg + r->r.offset) += (int16) rel;
- break;
- case 4:
- *(long *)(seg + r->r.offset) += rel;
- break;
- }
- break;
- case 2: /* import record */
- s = symtabFind(symtab, r->i.label);
- if (s == NULL) {
- /* Need to add support for dynamic linkage */
- fprintf(stderr,"ldrdf: undefined symbol %s in module %sn",
- r->i.label,mod->name);
- errors = 1;
- }
- else
- {
- *colln(&imports,r->i.segment - 2) = s;
- if (verbose >= 2)
- printf("imported %s as %04xn", r->i.label, r->i.segment);
- }
- break;
- case 3: /* export; dump to output new version */
- s = symtabFind(symtab, r->e.label);
- if (! s) {
- fprintf(stderr,"ldrdf: internal error - undefined symbol %s "
- "exported in header of '%s'n",r->e.label,mod->name);
- continue;
- }
- r->e.offset = s->offset;
- rdfaddheader(newheader,r);
- break;
- case 4: /* DLL record */
- rdfaddheader(newheader,r); /* copy straight to output */
- break;
- }
- }
- if (rdf_errno != 0) {
- rdfperror("ldrdf",mod->name);
- exit(1);
- }
- collection_reset(&imports);
- }
- }
- /* write_output() write linked program out to a file */
- void write_output(char *filename)
- {
- FILE * fp;
- rdfheaderrec r;
- if (verbose) printf("writing output to '%s'n",filename);
- fp = fopen(filename,"wb");
- if (! fp)
- {
- fprintf(stderr,"ldrdf: could not open '%s' for writingn",filename);
- exit(1);
- }
- /* add BSS length count to header... */
- if (bsslength)
- {
- r.type = 5;
- r.b.amount = bsslength;
- rdfaddheader(newheader,&r);
- }
- /* Write header */
- rdfwriteheader(fp,newheader);
- rdfdoneheader(newheader);
- newheader = NULL;
- /* Write text */
- if (fwrite(&textlength,1,4,fp) != 4
- || fwrite(text,1,textlength,fp) !=textlength)
- {
- fprintf(stderr,"ldrdf: error writing %sn",filename);
- exit(1);
- }
- /* Write data */
- if (fwrite(&datalength,1,4,fp) != 4 ||
- fwrite(data,1,datalength,fp) != datalength)
- {
- fprintf (stderr,"ldrdf: error writing %sn", filename);
- exit(1);
- }
- fclose(fp);
- }
- /* main program: interpret command line, and pass parameters on to
- * individual module loaders & the linker
- *
- * Command line format:
- * ldrdf [-o outfile | -x] [-r xxxx] [-v] [--] infile [infile ...]
- *
- * Default action is to output a file named 'aout.rdx'. -x specifies
- * that the linked object program should be executed, rather than
- * written to a file. -r specifies that the object program should
- * be prelocated at address 'xxxx'. This option cannot be used
- * in conjunction with -x.
- */
- const char *usagemsg = "usage:n"
- " ldrdf [-o outfile | -x] [-a x] [-v] [-p x] [--] infile [infile ...]n"
- " [-l<libname> ...]nn"
- " ldrdf -h displays this messagen"
- " ldrdf -r displays version informationnn"
- " -o selects output filename (default is aout.rdx)n"
- " -x causes ldrdx to link & execute rather than write to filen"
- " -a x causes object program to be statically relocated to address 'x'n"
- " -v turns on verbose moden"
- " -p x causes segments to be aligned (padded) to x byte boundariesn"
- " (default is 16 bytes)n"
- " -l<name> causes 'name' to be linked in as a library. Note no search isn"
- " performed - the entire pathname MUST be specified.n";
- void usage(void)
- {
- fputs(usagemsg,stderr);
- }
- int main(int argc,char **argv)
- {
- char *ofilename = "aout.rdx";
- long relocateaddr = -1; /* -1 if no relocation is to occur */
- int execute = 0; /* 1 to execute after linking, 0 otherwise */
- int procsw = 1; /* set to 0 by '--' */
- int tmp;
- if (argc == 1) {
- usage();
- exit(1);
- }
- /* process command line switches, and add modules specified to linked list
- of modules, keeping track of total memory required to load them */
- while(argv++,--argc) {
- if (procsw && !strcmp(*argv,"-h")) { /* Help command */
- usage(); exit(1);
- }
- else if (procsw && !strcmp(*argv,"-r")) {
- printf("ldrdf version %s (%s) (%s)n",LDRDF_VERSION,_RDOFF_H,
- sizeof(int) == 2 ? "16 bit" : "32 bit");
- exit(1);
- }
- else if (procsw && !strcmp(*argv,"-o")) {
- ofilename = *++argv;
- --argc;
- if (execute) {
- fprintf(stderr,"ldrdf: -o and -x switches incompatiblen");
- exit(1);
- }
- if (verbose > 1) printf("output filename set to '%s'n",ofilename);
- }
- else if (procsw && !strcmp(*argv,"-x")) {
- execute++;
- if (verbose > 1) printf("will execute linked objectn");
- }
- else if (procsw && !strcmp(*argv,"-a")) {
- relocateaddr = readnum(*++argv,&tmp);
- --argc;
- if (tmp) {
- fprintf(stderr,"ldrdf: error in parameter to '-a' switch: '%s'n",
- *argv);
- exit(1);
- }
- if (execute) {
- fprintf(stderr,"ldrdf: -a and -x switches incompatiblen");
- exit(1);
- }
- if (verbose) printf("will relocate to %08lxn",relocateaddr);
- }
- else if (procsw && !strcmp(*argv,"-v")) {
- verbose++;
- if (verbose == 1) printf("verbose mode selectedn");
- }
- else if (procsw && !strcmp(*argv,"-p")) {
- align = readnum(*++argv,&tmp);
- --argc;
- if (tmp) {
- fprintf(stderr,"ldrdf: error in parameter to '-p' switch: '%s'n",
- *argv);
- exit(1);
- }
- if (align != 1 && align != 2 && align != 4 && align != 8 && align != 16
- && align != 32 && align != 256) {
- fprintf(stderr,"ldrdf: %d is an invalid alignment factor - must be"
- "1,2,4,8,16 or 256n",align);
- exit(1);
- }
- if (verbose > 1) printf("alignment %d selectedn",align);
- }
- else if (procsw && !strncmp(*argv,"-l",2)) {
- load_library(*argv + 2);
- }
- else if (procsw && !strcmp(*argv,"--")) {
- procsw = 0;
- }
- else { /* is a filename */
- if (verbose > 1) printf("processing module %sn",*argv);
- loadmodule(*argv);
- }
- }
- /* we should be scanning for unresolved references, and removing
- unreferenced modules from the list of modules here, so that
- we know about the final size once libraries have been linked in */
- build_symbols(); /* build a global symbol table... */
- scan_libraries(); /* check for imported symbols not in table,
- and ensure the relevant library modules
- are loaded */
- load_segments(); /* having calculated size of reqd segments, load
- each rdoff module's segments into memory */
- link_segments(); /* step through each module's header, and resolve
- references to the global symbol table.
- This also does local address fixups. */
- if (errors) {
- fprintf(stderr,"ldrdf: there were errors - abortedn");
- exit(errors);
- }
- if (execute) {
- fprintf(stderr,"ldrdf: module execution not yet supportedn");
- exit(1);
- }
- if (relocateaddr != -1) {
- fprintf(stderr,"ldrdf: static relocation not yet supportedn");
- exit(1);
- }
- write_output(ofilename);
- return 0;
- }