资源名称 [点击查看]
- #include <stdio.h>
- #include <stdlib.h>
- #include "segtab.h"
- struct segtabnode {
- int localseg;
- int destseg;
- long offset;
- struct segtabnode * left;
- struct segtabnode * right;
- /*
- * counts of how many are left or right, for use in reorganising
- * the tree
- */
- int leftcount;
- int rightcount;
- };
- /*
- * init_seglocations()
- * add_seglocation()
- * get_seglocation()
- * done_seglocation()
- *
- * functions used by write_output() to manipulate associations
- * between segment numbers and locations (which are built up on a per
- * module basis, but we only need one module at a time...)
- *
- * implementation: we build a binary tree.
- */
- void init_seglocations(segtab * root)
- {
- *root = NULL;
- }
- void descend_tree_add(struct segtabnode * * node,
- int localseg, int destseg, long offset)
- {
- struct segtabnode * n;
- if (*node == NULL) {
- *node = malloc (sizeof (**node));
- if (!*node) {
- fprintf(stderr, "segment table: out of memoryn");
- exit(1);
- }
- (*node)->localseg = localseg;
- (*node)->offset = offset;
- (*node)->left = NULL;
- (*node)->leftcount = 0;
- (*node)->right = NULL;
- (*node)->rightcount = 0;
- (*node)->destseg = destseg;
- return;
- }
- if (localseg < (*node)->localseg)
- {
- (*node)->leftcount++;
- descend_tree_add(&(*node)->left, localseg, destseg, offset);
- if ((*node)->leftcount > (*node)->rightcount + 2) {
- n = * node;
- *node = n->left;
- n->left = (*node)->right;
- n->leftcount = (*node)->rightcount;
- (*node)->right = n;
- (*node)->rightcount = n->leftcount + n->rightcount + 1;
- }
- }
- else
- {
- (*node)->rightcount++;
- descend_tree_add(&(*node)->right, localseg, destseg, offset);
- if ((*node)->rightcount > (*node)->leftcount + 2) {
- n = * node;
- *node = n->right;
- n->right= (*node)->left;
- n->rightcount = (*node)->leftcount;
- (*node)->left = n;
- (*node)->leftcount = n->leftcount + n->rightcount + 1;
- }
- }
- }
- void add_seglocation(segtab * root, int localseg, int destseg, long offset)
- {
- descend_tree_add((struct segtabnode **) root, localseg, destseg, offset);
- }
- int get_seglocation(segtab * root, int localseg, int * destseg, long * offset)
- {
- struct segtabnode * n = (struct segtabnode *) *root;
- while (n && n->localseg != localseg)
- {
- if (localseg < n->localseg)
- n = n->left;
- else
- n = n->right;
- }
- if (n) {
- *destseg = n->destseg;
- *offset = n->offset;
- return 1;
- }
- else
- return 0;
- }
- void freenode(struct segtabnode * n)
- {
- if (!n) return;
- freenode (n->left);
- freenode (n->right);
- free(n);
- }
- void done_seglocations(segtab * root)
- {
- freenode(*root);
- *root = NULL;
- }
- #if 0
- void printnode(int i, struct segtabnode * n)
- {
- if (!n) return;
- printnode(i + 1, n->left);
- printf ("%*s%d %d %ldn", i, "", n->localseg, n->destseg, n->offset);
- printnode(i + 1, n->right);
- }
- void printtable()
- {
- printnode(0,root);
- }
- #endif