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- ettercap 0.4.0 2001-04-09
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- Even if blessed with a feeble intelligence they are cruel and smart...
- @@@@@@@ @@@@@@@ @@@@@@@ @@@@@@@ @@@@@@@ @@@@@@@ @@@@@@@ @@@@@@@
- @@ @@@ @@@ @@ @@ @@ @@ @@ @@ @@ @@
- @@@@@@ @@@ @@@ @@@@@@ @@@@@@ @@ @@@@@@@ @@@@@@
- @@ @@@ @@@ @@ @@ @@ @@ @@ @@ @@
- @@@@@@@ @@@ @@@ @@@@@@@ @@ @@@ @@@@@@@ @@ @@ @@
- Multi purpose sniffer/interceptor
- Required Libraries: none ;) (optionally ncurses 4.2)
- Optional Libraries: openssl (if you want ssh support)
- Installation: configure
- make
- make install
- (optional) make plug-ins
- make plug-ins_install
- ============================================================================
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- Kiddie: A friend of mine told me that it is possible to sniff on a LAN...
- so I bought a switch ;)
- NaGoR: mmhhh....
- Kiddie: Now my LAN is SECURE ! you can't sniff my packets... ah ah ah
- NaGoR: are you sure ? look at ettercap doing its work...
- Kiddie: Oh my god... it sniffs all my traffic !!
- I will use only ciphered connection on my LAN, so ettercap can't
- sniff them ! ah ah ah
- NaGoR: mmhhh....
- Kiddie: Now I'm using SSH. My LAN is SECURE !
- NaGoR: are you sure ? look at ettercap doing its work...
- Kiddie: shit !! grrrr...
- "a false sense of security, is worst than insecurity" -- Steve Gibson
- ehi folks... wake up ! the net is NOT secure !!
- ettercap demostrates that now is the time to encourage research on internet
- protocols to make them more secure.
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- see COPYING for details...
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- Alberto Ornaghi (ALoR) <>
- Marco Valleri (NaGA) <>
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- 1. DISCLAIMER............................................sez. 1
- 2. INSTALLATION..........................................sez. 2
- 3. HOW TO USE IT.........................................sez. 3
- 3.1 ncurses interface
- 3.2 command line
- 4. TROUBLESHOOTING.......................................sez 4
- 5. TECHNICAL PAPER.......................................sez 5
- 5.1 The host list
- 5.2 IP based sniffing
- 5.3 MAC based sniffing
- 5.4 ARP based sniffing
- 5.4.1 arp poisoning
- 5.4.2 characters injection
- 5.4.3 active protocol dissection
- 5.4.4 SSH1 man-in-the-middle NEW !!
- 6. PLUG-INS..............................................sez. 6
- 7. USELESS INFORMATION...................................sez. 7
- ============================================================================
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- This software is provided "as is" and without any expressed or implied
- warranties, including, without limitation, the implied warranties of
- merchantability and fitness for any particular purpose.
- ============================================================================
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- The easiest way to compile ettercap is in the form:
- ./configure
- make
- make install
- Now you should be able to run ettercap (it installs as default in /usr/local
- /bin if you don't have it in your path try /usr/local/bin/ettercap)
- There are a lot of useful options in configure: try using --help.
- If you'd like to suid ettercap, enabling thus other users, and not only
- root, to use the program, use --enable-suid before applying suid to ettercap
- with chmod, otherwise it would drop the applied suid.
- If you have problems with plug-ins, disable them by using --disable-plugins.
- If you have installed OpenSSL in a different DIR use --with-openssl=DIR
- If you get an error linking OpenSSL with ettercap, try recompiling OpenSSL
- with "Config shared && make && make install" (on my box it worked ;) )
- If you still have difficulties, send an e-mail message one of the authors
- ( or
- The sourceforge home-site of ettercap could also contain useful information,
- latest bug fixes and updated versions (
- Bug reports are welcome. Please report problems in the configure/make
- process by including a copy of config.status, config.cache and config.log,
- as well as the pertinent compiler diagnostics. If you have problems in the
- program, please configure with --enable-debug and send also a copy of
- ettercap_debug.log and a short description of your configuration (eg. kernel
- options) when reporting a segfault or other strange behaviors.
- ============================================================================
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- There are two main interfaces available, both for text-mode, one in plain
- b/w character interface, and another with ncurses windowish colorful and
- pleasure-full character mode!
- Let's start showing you the latter one:
- If ettercap is invoked without options (see later on, for the command line
- options) it will run the ncurses interface (a short delay to scan your LAN
- could be noticed =).
- The main window is divided in 3 subsections: top, middle and bottom.
- In the top window there is the connection diagram, displaying the two
- machines to sniff or to connect and operate to.
- Below you will see the list of known hosts in the current LAN (with hub or
- switch) that you can reach: select a couple to sniff them.
- The two identical columns let you choose the said couple: select with the
- arrow keys an entry representing an ip of an active machine ([enter] will
- do this job =) on the left.
- Then switch to the second column on the right with [tab], and move as usual
- to select the second ip. This will represent the traffic route you would
- like to sniff (and eventually connect/poison).
- Obviously you cannot select the same source and destination, but you are in
- any case not forced to select your IP.
- In the bottom window, there is a sort of status bar, giving you additional
- information about currently selected objects, current status and eventually
- other important hints.
- There are also a lot of other nifty options that are selectable at this point,
- first of all the 'p' plug-in feature (these are separate features, externally
- programmed in this project, with a vast cover of applications, not displayable
- here: there is a special README-PLUGIN for this).
- Or the ability to inspect with the 'c' key, if there is an other "evil" proggy
- in your LAN running, and thus alerting you of possible data interception.
- But remember that throughout all the stages of the program you can always
- press 'h' for help, and a nice help window will show up and list you the
- currently available keys!
- These should be anyway self-explanatory help windows, so probably there is
- no need in reading this sections here, but.. in case.
- You'll notice that the top window will update while selecting source and
- destination ip, and finally show the current status scheme if you connect or
- sniff (respectively pressing 'a' and 's' or 'm')
- IP Based sniffing filters connections looking in the IP header for matching IPs.
- This is the old style, classic method performed by most programs.
- MAC Based sniffing filters connections looking in ETH header for matching MACs.
- This is useful if you want to sniff connections from your local host and a
- remote host through your gateway (simply selecting your host and your gw
- as source and destination).
- Finally there is the connect option, as said, that lets you, if your
- computer results connected to a switched LAN, poison the ARP cache
- permitting you to sniff the traffic on your local net as if you where on
- a network with an hub.
- With this option you can specify one or two host. If you select only one
- host you'll enter the PublicARP mode and you will overtake the selected IP
- with yours.
- If you specify both hosts you will enter the ARPBased Mode that allows you
- to view all the bidirectional traffic between the two hosts.
- In any case, now you enter the second stage: the central main window now will
- list active connections between the two sources IPs, if there are.
- So eventually open connections show up, and you can select them as usual,
- allowing you to enter the third stage: the real sniff! =)
- In the meanwhile you can anyway look at the status of the connections (active,
- closed, etc) and see what type of traffic/port is used (ftp, ssh, web, etc).
- It is also possible to kill an active connection of any type.
- If the application protocol is supported by ettercap you can see, in the
- bottom window, some useful information about the highlighted connection,
- such as USER and PASSWORD used for interactive sessions.
- If you used ARPBased mode you can also start ACTIVE PROTOCOL DISSECTION,
- that allows you to view particular ciphered protocols like ssh.
- Now assume you selected an active connection: two sub-windows appear in the
- main one. They show you source packets passing through your computer before
- reaching destination, you sniff traffic without that they notice it! There are
- different visualization options here: the type of stream can be hex ('x' key)
- or ascii ('a' key) that is specifically decoded for supported
- protocols; some decoders needs the ACTIVE PROTOCOL DISSECTION to be available.
- You can also specify to suspend the stream of data
- (only prevents their visualization, in reality they go forward in background)
- as a sort of scroll-lock (press 's' key), for better data-analysis.
- Finally, there is also a very cool feature: inject.
- With the 'i' key you can also inject some chars in the traffic, choosing the
- direction, being able to add commands to the stream (i.e. you could sniff
- a telnet session and also being able to transmit some commands to the machine
- connected to. Like "ls" or whatever you want, and they have absolutely
- effect as if originated by the source! The same way you could generate fake
- output on the originating machine, not responding to the real output).
- NEW : Injector now supports escape sequences. you can make multiline injection.
- NOTE: remember to terminate your injection with nr if you want to inject
- command to the server.
- There is also an option to log all this beautiful data streams to file, just
- press 'l', then read it down or pass it trough an automated script-filter with
- calm.
- As you will notice, using the tool in visual mode will be simpler when trying
- it on run than by reading this instructions.. help is also a good resource to
- count on while operating.
- Well here there are two classical commands that will respond you with an
- answer, being the command list reference: launching ettercap with the --help
- switch and invoking our man page (man ettercap ;).
- ->Some features are available only from visual interface.
- Starting in non interactive mode (-N) there are also available some features
- bound to the interactive mode: you can activate a little help line and change
- visualization mode on the fly (between hex and ascii for example)
- In the same way it is possible to set up a lot of options form the command
- line and see them in interactive mode already set and started.
- Now there is also the possibility to shorten command usage, by specifying
- one or more hosts to sniff (if you are in silent mode, also one or none is
- possible by setting -z option: like sniffit that sniffs from everywhere =)
- Ex:
- ettercap -Nsz (sniff data from every ip)
- ettercap -NCsz (collect only users and passwords from every ip)
- ettercap -NCsz ghibli meltemi (collect only from "ghibli" to "meltemi")
- NB: if you had started in interactive mode (without -N) it would have been
- necessary to specify 'r' to refresh the ip host list if you returned
- with 'q' to the first interface, since no list has been generated at
- the beginning due to the -z option.
- ex: ettercap -zs ghibli meltemi or
- ettercap -zm 00:A0:24:4C:00:F9 00:A0:24:36:00:C2
- Ok, that's all..
- Have fun and await the next versions, including ssh handling, you could do
- some happy jokes to your friends, especially if they are the ones who believe
- that ssh is an absolutely not-sniffable and cryptographically unbreakable
- thing, better on if they also believe in switches doing their job! =)
- ============================================================================
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- There are really a lot of things that could happen to you as of installing
- this proggy. Thus don't blame us in case of accidents or hours spent trying
- to compile etc.. In this state, till we reach a *very* stable version there
- will be no troubleshooting section, which would be to large and infeasible
- to write down and do the necessary spread out betatests.
- But we'll do our best, try to compile in lots of machines, port it as much
- as possible, and clean up everything. For now the main aspect was to write
- down base ideas and see them work. When the main skeleton is completed
- there will be a lot of fine tune.
- The best thing to do if you need support or help in compiling is to mail us!
- Then we will write down a sort of FAQ and a problem resolve list or todos
- here in this section.
- In raw we'd like to know you that there are problems in particular when
- installing the rpm binary version of ettercap, including ncurses, which
- can easily be miss-detected: try simply to add --nodeps to the rpm line.
- ============================================================================
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- When ettercap starts it makes the list of the hosts that are in the lan.
- Sending one ARP REQUEST for each ip in the lan (looking at the current ip
- and netmask), it is possible to get the ARP REPLYs and than make the
- list of the host that are responding in this lan. With this method even
- windowish hosts, reply to the call-for-reply (they don't reply on broadcast-
- ping).
- Be very careful if the netmask is a class B ( because ettercap
- will send 255*255 = 65025 arp requests, it takes more than a minute !! (the
- delay between two requests is 1 millisecond)
- This is the "old style" sniffing mode.
- It puts the network interface in promisc mode and then sniffs all packets
- matching the ip filter.
- If you are using the ncurses interface, the ip filter is made up of: ip
- source, port source, ip dest, port dest; in both the directions of the
- connection.
- Instead if using the command line, you can make a personalized ip filter.
- You can specify only the source, only the dest or both. each with or without
- an associated port.
- Examples:
- ettercap -N -s ghibli
- ettercap -N -s ghibli:23
- the first will sniff all the connections to the host "ghibli"
- the second only those which are on the port 23
- ettercap -N -s ghibli meltemi
- ettercap -N -s ghibli:23 meltemi
- the first will sniff all the connections between "ghibli" and "meltemi"
- the second only those which are on ghibli:23 coming from "meltemi"
- It puts the network interface in promisc mode and then sniffs all the
- packets that match the mac filter.
- The mac filter is made up giving the IPs of the two hosts. Ettercap will
- scan the host list and associates the correct mac address to the filter.
- In this way specifying the gateway's ip and an host's ip, you will get
- all the connections between the host and the Internet.
- Examples:
- assuming that "meltemi" is the gateway to internet.
- ettercap -N -m ghibli meltemi
- this will return all the connections that "ghibli" makes to remote hosts.
- This method doesn't put the interface in promiscuous mode. It isn't
- necessary because the packets will be sent to us! :) The switch will
- forward the packets to us, so we have a good method for sniffing in
- switched LANs.
- Let's view how this is possible:
- when you select this method, ettercap will poison the arp cache of the
- two hosts, identifying itself as the other host respectively (see the
- next section for this).
- Once the arp caches are poisoned, the two hosts start the connection, but
- their packets will be sent to us, and we will record them and, next, forward
- them to the right side of the connection. So the connection is transparent
- to the victims, not arguing that they are sniffed. The only method to
- discover that there is a man-in-the-middle in your connection, is to watch
- at the arp cache and check if there are two hosts with the same mac address!
- That is how we do, to discover if there are others poisoning the arp cache
- in our LAN, thus being warned, that our traffic is under control! =)
- HOST 1 - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -> HOST 2
- (poisoned) (poisoned)
- | ^
- | |
- ------------> ATTACKER HOST ------------------
- ( ettercap )
- Legenda:
- - - - -> the logic connection
- -------> the real one
- Ok, cool! Though, how can I poison the arp cache ?
- The arp protocol has an intrinsic insecurity. In order to reduce the
- traffic on the cable, it will insert an entry in the arp cache even if it
- hadn't request it. In other words, EVERY arp reply that goes on the wire
- will be inserted in the arp table.
- So, we take advantage of this "feature", sending fake arp replys to the two
- hosts we will sniff. In this reply we will tell that the mac address of the
- second host is the one hard-coded on OUR ethernet card. This host will now
- send packets that should go to the first host, to us, because he carries
- our mac address.
- The same process is done for the first host, in inverse manner, so we have
- a perfect man-in-the-middle connection between the two hosts, legally
- receiving their packets!!
- Example:
- HOST 1: mac: 01:01:01:01:01:01 ATTACKER HOST:
- ip: mac: 03:03:03:03:03:03
- ip:
- HOST 2: mac: 02:02:02:02:02:02
- ip:
- we send arp replys to:
- HOST 1 telling that is on 03:03:03:03:03:03
- HOST 2 telling that is on 03:03:03:03:03:03
- now they are poisoned !! they will send their packets to us !
- then we receive packets from:
- HOST 1 we will forward to 02:02:02:02:02:02
- HOST 2 we will forward to 01:01:01:01:01:01
- simply, isn't it ?
- We have stated that the packets are for us...
- And the packets will not be received by destination until we forward them.
- But what happens if we change them?
- Yes, they reach destination with our modifications.
- We can modify, add, delete the content of these packets, by simply
- recalculate the checksum and substitute them on the traffic.
- But we can do also more: we can insert packets in the connection.
- We forge our packets with the right sequence and acknowledgement number and
- send them to the desired host. When the next packets will pass through us we
- simply subtract or add the sequence number with the amount of data we have
- injected till the connection is alive, preventing the connection to be
- rejected (this until we close ettercap, who maintains sequence numbers
- correct, after program exit, the connection must be RESETTED or all future
- traffic would be rejected, blocking the source workstation network).
- To view in strongly-ciphered streams you need to act straight on the stream.
- For example you need to change key-packets (man-in-the-middle technique).
- In particular cases this will result in a fault of the protocol, so pay
- attention using this feature.
- The used method changes from protocol to protocol and is more difficult to
- explain than to code it.
- So I'm sorry but you have to examine the source code if you really want
- to know how it works.
- When the connection starts (remember that we are the master-of-packets, all
- packets go through ettercap) we substitute the server public key with one
- generated on the fly and save it in a list so we can remember that this
- server has been poisoned before.
- Then the client send the packet containing the session key ciphered with
- our key, so we are able to decipher it and sniff the real 3DES session key.
- Now we encrypt the packet with the correct server public key and forward it
- to the SSH demon.
- The connection is established normally, but we have the session key !!
- Now we can decrypt all the traffic and sit down watching the stream !
- The connection will remain active even if we exit from ettercap, because
- ettercap doesn't proxy it (like dsniff), after the exchange of the keys,
- ettercap is only a spectator... ;)
- ============================================================================
- 6> PLUG-INs
- ============================================================================
- ============================================================================
- ============================================================================
- Project started on : 2000-11-25
- Last stable release : 0.4.0 Our software never has bugs.
- It just develops random features.
- Published on : 2001-04-09
- whenever a code runs it's just obsolete
- Editor : vi, vim, gvim, mcedit, UltraEdit
- greetings to : The IEEE 802.3 standard :)
- ISO/OSI organization
- Andrew S.Tanenbaum
- Berkeley University
- the SiLAB (university lab)
- JJ corner's PUB
- ALoR greetings: VMWare staff ;)
- elle (she knows for what...)
- NaGA greetings: Heineken Inc.
- My MP3 player
- N-Team
- MegaBug
- fucks to : tutte le tipe che se la menano ;)
- mcedit (it sucks!)
- Motto : Specialization is for insects, a human being
- should be able to do anything!
- Who we are : If you think you know us... YOU DON'T.
- If you don't know us... YOU WILL.
- Shakespeare : question = ( to ) ? be : !be;
- 0xABADC0DE==============================================================EC-2K