- // Monitors.cpp : implementation file
- //
- #include "stdafx.h"
- #include "Monitors.h"
- #include "MultiMonitor.h"
- // CMonitors
- CMonitors::CMonitors()
- {
- m_MonitorArray.SetSize( GetMonitorCount() );
- ADDMONITOR addMonitor;
- addMonitor.pMonitors = &m_MonitorArray;
- addMonitor.currentIndex = 0;
- ::EnumDisplayMonitors( NULL, NULL, AddMonitorsCallBack, (LPARAM)&addMonitor );
- }
- CMonitors::~CMonitors()
- {
- for ( int i = 0; i < m_MonitorArray.GetSize(); i++ )
- delete m_MonitorArray.GetAt( i );
- }
- // CMonitors member functions
- BOOL CALLBACK CMonitors::AddMonitorsCallBack( HMONITOR hMonitor, HDC hdcMonitor, LPRECT lprcMonitor, LPARAM dwData )
- {
- CMonitor* pMonitor = new CMonitor;
- pMonitor->Attach( hMonitor );
- pAddMonitor->pMonitors->SetAt( pAddMonitor->currentIndex, pMonitor );
- pAddMonitor->currentIndex++;
- return TRUE;
- }
- // returns the primary monitor
- CMonitor CMonitors::GetPrimaryMonitor()
- {
- //the primary monitor always has its origin at 0,0
- HMONITOR hMonitor = ::MonitorFromPoint( CPoint( 0,0 ), MONITOR_DEFAULTTOPRIMARY );
- ASSERT( IsMonitor( hMonitor ) );
- CMonitor monitor;
- monitor.Attach( hMonitor );
- ASSERT( monitor.IsPrimaryMonitor() );
- return monitor;
- }
- // is the given handle a valid monitor handle
- BOOL CMonitors::IsMonitor( const HMONITOR hMonitor )
- {
- if ( hMonitor == NULL )
- return FALSE;
- = hMonitor;
- match.foundMatch = FALSE;
- ::EnumDisplayMonitors( NULL, NULL, FindMatchingMonitorHandle, (LPARAM)&match );
- return match.foundMatch;
- }
- //this is the callback method that gets called via IsMontior
- BOOL CALLBACK CMonitors::FindMatchingMonitorHandle( HMONITOR hMonitor, HDC hdcMonitor, LPRECT lprcMonitor, LPARAM dwData )
- {
- if ( hMonitor == pMatch->target )
- {
- //found a monitor with the same handle we are looking for
- pMatch->foundMatch = TRUE;
- return FALSE; //stop enumerating
- }
- //haven't found a match yet
- pMatch->foundMatch = FALSE;
- return TRUE; //keep enumerating
- }
- BOOL CMonitors::AllMonitorsShareDisplayFormat()
- {
- return ::GetSystemMetrics( SM_SAMEDISPLAYFORMAT );
- }
- //
- // the number of monitors on the system
- int CMonitors::GetMonitorCount()
- {
- return ::GetSystemMetrics(SM_CMONITORS);
- }
- CMonitor CMonitors::GetMonitor( const int index ) const
- {
- #if _MFC_VER >= 0x0700
- ASSERT( index >= 0 && index < m_MonitorArray.GetCount() );
- #else
- ASSERT( index >= 0 && index < m_MonitorArray.GetSize() );
- #endif
- CMonitor* pMonitor = (CMonitor*)m_MonitorArray.GetAt( index );
- return *pMonitor;
- }
- //
- // returns the rectangle that is the union of all active monitors
- void CMonitors::GetVirtualDesktopRect( LPRECT lprc )
- {
- ::SetRect( lprc,
- ::GetSystemMetrics( SM_XVIRTUALSCREEN ),
- ::GetSystemMetrics( SM_YVIRTUALSCREEN ),
- ::GetSystemMetrics( SM_CXVIRTUALSCREEN ),
- ::GetSystemMetrics( SM_CYVIRTUALSCREEN ) );
- }
- //
- // these methods determine wheter the given item is
- // visible on any monitor
- BOOL CMonitors::IsOnScreen( const LPRECT lprc )
- {
- return ::MonitorFromRect( lprc, MONITOR_DEFAULTTONULL ) != NULL;
- }
- BOOL CMonitors::IsOnScreen( const POINT pt )
- {
- return ::MonitorFromPoint( pt, MONITOR_DEFAULTTONULL ) != NULL;
- }
- BOOL CMonitors::IsOnScreen( const CWnd* pWnd )
- {
- return ::MonitorFromWindow( pWnd->GetSafeHwnd(), MONITOR_DEFAULTTONULL ) != NULL;
- }
- CMonitor CMonitors::GetNearestMonitor( const LPRECT lprc )
- {
- CMonitor monitor;
- monitor.Attach( ::MonitorFromRect( lprc, MONITOR_DEFAULTTONEAREST ) );
- return monitor;
- }
- CMonitor CMonitors::GetNearestMonitor( const POINT pt )
- {
- CMonitor monitor;
- monitor.Attach( ::MonitorFromPoint( pt, MONITOR_DEFAULTTONEAREST ) );
- return monitor;
- }
- CMonitor CMonitors::GetNearestMonitor( const CWnd* pWnd )
- {
- ASSERT( pWnd );
- ASSERT( ::IsWindow( pWnd->m_hWnd ) );
- CMonitor monitor;
- monitor.Attach( ::MonitorFromWindow( pWnd->GetSafeHwnd(), MONITOR_DEFAULTTONEAREST ) );
- return monitor;
- }