- <%@ Page language="VB" AutoEventWireup="false" aspCompat="True" validateRequest="False"%>
- <% @Import Namespace="System.IO" %>
- <!--#include file="config.aspx"-->
- <%
- '######################################
- ' eWebEditor v4.00 - Advanced online web based WYSIWYG HTML editor.
- ' Copyright (c) 2003-2007
- '
- ' For further information go to
- ' This copyright notice MUST stay intact for use.
- '######################################
- %>
- <%
- Call InitParam()
- Call OutScript(GetList())
- %>
- <script language="vb" runat="server">
- Dim sType As String, sStyleName As String
- Dim sCurrDir As String, sDir As String
- Dim sAllowExt As String, sUploadDir As String, sBaseUrl As String, sContentPath As String, sAllowBrowse As String
- Function GetList()
- Dim s_List, s_Url
- s_List = ""
- Dim oUploadFile, sFileName
- Dim i
- Dim sMapCurrDir
- sMapCurrDir = Server.MapPath(sCurrDir)
- If sDir <> "" Then
- If InstrRev(sDir, "/") > 1 Then
- s_Url= Left(sDir, InstrRev(sDir, "/") - 1)
- Else
- s_Url = ""
- End If
- s_List = s_List & "<tr onclick='doRowClick(this)' onmouseover='doRowOver(this)' onmouseout='doRowOut(this)' isdir='true' path='" & s_Url & "'>" & _
- "<td><img border=0 src='../sysimage/file/parentfolder.gif'></td>" & _
- "<td>..</td>" & _
- "<td> </td>" & _
- "</tr>"
- End If
- Dim sSubDir As String
- Dim oSubDirInfo As DirectoryInfo
- For Each sSubDir In Directory.GetDirectories(sMapCurrDir)
- oSubDirInfo = New DirectoryInfo(sSubDir)
- If sDir = "" Then
- s_Url = oSubDirInfo.Name
- Else
- s_Url = sDir & "/" & oSubDirInfo.Name
- End If
- s_List = s_List & "<tr onclick='doRowClick(this)' onmouseover='doRowOver(this)' onmouseout='doRowOut(this)' isdir='true' path='" & s_Url & "'>" & _
- "<td><img border=0 src='../sysimage/file/closedfolder.gif'></td>" & _
- "<td noWrap>" & oSubDirInfo.Name & "</td>" & _
- "<td> </td>" & _
- "</tr>"
- Next
- Dim sUploadFiles() As String
- sUploadFiles = Directory.GetFiles(sMapCurrDir)
- Dim sUploadFile As String
- Dim oFileInfo As FileInfo
- For Each sUploadFile In sUploadFiles
- oFileInfo = New FileInfo(sUploadFile)
- sFileName = oFileInfo.Name
- If CheckValidExt(sFileName) = True Then
- If sDir = "" Then
- s_Url = sContentPath & sFileName
- Else
- s_Url = sContentPath & sDir & "/" & sFileName
- End If
- s_List = s_List & "<tr onclick='doRowClick(this)' onmouseover='doRowOver(this)' onmouseout='doRowOut(this)' url='" & s_Url & "'>" & _
- "<td>" & FileName2Pic(sFileName) & "</td>" & _
- "<td noWrap>" & sFileName & "</td>" & _
- "<td align=right>" & GetSizeUnit(oFileInfo.Length) & "</td>" & _
- "</tr>"
- End If
- Next
- If sDir = "" Then
- s_Url = "/"
- Else
- s_Url = "/" & sDir & "/"
- End If
- s_List = s_List & "</table>"
- s_List = HTML2JS(s_List)
- s_List = "parent.setDirList(""" & s_List & """, """ & s_Url & """)"
- GetList = s_List
- End Function
- Sub OutScript(str)
- Response.Write ("<HTML><HEAD><meta http-equiv='Content-Type' content='text/html; charset=utf-8'><TITLE>eWebEditor</TITLE></head><body>")
- Response.Write ("<script language=javascript>" & str & "</s" & "cript>")
- Response.Write ("</body></html>")
- Response.End
- End Sub
- Function CheckValidExt(s_FileName)
- If sAllowExt = "" Then
- CheckValidExt = True
- Exit Function
- End If
- Dim i, aExt, sExt
- sExt = LCase(Mid(s_FileName, InStrRev(s_FileName, ".") + 1))
- CheckValidExt = False
- aExt = Split(LCase(sAllowExt), "|")
- For i = 0 To UBound(aExt)
- If aExt(i) = sExt Then
- CheckValidExt = True
- Exit Function
- End If
- Next
- End Function
- Sub InitParam()
- sType = UCase(Trim(Request.QueryString("type")))
- sStyleName = Trim(Request.QueryString("style"))
- Dim i, aStyleConfig, bValidStyle
- bValidStyle = False
- For i = 1 To Ubound(aStyle)
- aStyleConfig = Split(aStyle(i), "|||")
- If Lcase(sStyleName) = Lcase(aStyleConfig(0)) Then
- bValidStyle = True
- Exit For
- End If
- Next
- If bValidStyle = False Then
- OutScript("alert('Invalid Style!')")
- End If
- sBaseUrl = aStyleConfig(19)
- sAllowBrowse = aStyleConfig(43)
- If sAllowBrowse <> "1" Then
- OutScript("alert('Do not allow browse!')")
- End If
- sUploadDir = aStyleConfig(3)
- If Left(sUploadDir, 1) <> "/" Then
- sUploadDir = "../" & sUploadDir
- End If
- Select Case sBaseUrl
- Case "0"
- sContentPath = aStyleConfig(23)
- Case "1"
- sContentPath = RelativePath2RootPath(sUploadDir)
- Case "2"
- sContentPath = RootPath2DomainPath(RelativePath2RootPath(sUploadDir))
- End Select
- Select Case sType
- Case "FILE"
- sAllowExt = ""
- Case "MEDIA"
- sAllowExt = "rm|mp3|wav|mid|midi|ra|avi|mpg|mpeg|asf|asx|wma|mov"
- Case "FLASH"
- sAllowExt = "swf"
- Case Else
- sAllowExt = "bmp|jpg|jpeg|png|gif"
- End Select
- sCurrDir = sUploadDir
- sDir = Trim(Request("dir"))
- sDir = Replace(sDir, "", "/")
- sDir = Replace(sDir, "../", "")
- sDir = Replace(sDir, "./", "")
- If sDir <> "" Then
- If CheckValidDir(Server.Mappath(sUploadDir & sDir)) = True Then
- sCurrDir = sUploadDir & sDir & "/"
- Else
- sDir = ""
- End If
- End If
- End Sub
- Function CheckValidDir(s_Dir)
- CheckValidDir = Directory.Exists(s_Dir)
- End Function
- Function RelativePath2RootPath(url)
- Dim sTempUrl
- sTempUrl = url
- If Left(sTempUrl, 1) = "/" Then
- RelativePath2RootPath = sTempUrl
- Exit Function
- End If
- Dim sWebEditorPath
- sWebEditorPath = Request.ServerVariables("SCRIPT_NAME")
- sWebEditorPath = Left(sWebEditorPath, InstrRev(sWebEditorPath, "/") - 1)
- Do While Left(sTempUrl, 3) = "../"
- sTempUrl = Mid(sTempUrl, 4)
- sWebEditorPath = Left(sWebEditorPath, InstrRev(sWebEditorPath, "/") - 1)
- Loop
- RelativePath2RootPath = sWebEditorPath & "/" & sTempUrl
- End Function
- Function RootPath2DomainPath(url)
- Dim sHost, sPort
- sHost = Split(Request.ServerVariables("SERVER_PROTOCOL"), "/")(0) & "://" & Request.ServerVariables("HTTP_HOST")
- sPort = Request.ServerVariables("SERVER_PORT")
- If sPort <> "80" Then
- sHost = sHost & ":" & sPort
- End If
- RootPath2DomainPath = sHost & url
- End Function
- Function FileName2Pic(sFileName)
- Dim sExt, sPicName
- sExt = UCase(Mid(sFileName, InstrRev(sFileName, ".")+1))
- Select Case sExt
- Case "TXT"
- sPicName = "txt.gif"
- Case "CHM", "HLP"
- sPicName = "hlp.gif"
- Case "DOC"
- sPicName = "doc.gif"
- Case "PDF"
- sPicName = "pdf.gif"
- Case "MDB"
- sPicName = "mdb.gif"
- Case "GIF"
- sPicName = "gif.gif"
- Case "JPG"
- sPicName = "jpg.gif"
- Case "BMP"
- sPicName = "bmp.gif"
- Case "PNG"
- sPicName = "pic.gif"
- Case "ASP", "JSP", "JS", "PHP", "PHP3", "ASPX"
- sPicName = "code.gif"
- Case "HTM", "HTML", "SHTML"
- sPicName = "htm.gif"
- Case "ZIP"
- sPicName = "zip.gif"
- Case "RAR"
- sPicName = "rar.gif"
- Case "EXE"
- sPicName = "exe.gif"
- Case "AVI"
- sPicName = "avi.gif"
- Case "MPG", "MPEG", "ASF"
- sPicName = "mp.gif"
- Case "RA", "RM"
- sPicName = "rm.gif"
- Case "MP3"
- sPicName = "mp3.gif"
- Case "MID", "MIDI"
- sPicName = "mid.gif"
- Case "WAV"
- sPicName = "audio.gif"
- Case "XLS"
- sPicName = "xls.gif"
- Case "PPT", "PPS"
- sPicName = "ppt.gif"
- Case "SWF"
- sPicName = "swf.gif"
- Case Else
- sPicName = "unknow.gif"
- End Select
- FileName2Pic = "<img border=0 src='../sysimage/file/" & sPicName & "'>"
- End Function
- Function GetSizeUnit(n_Size)
- If n_Size >= 1024*1024 Then
- GetSizeUnit = FormatNumber((n_Size / 1024 / 1024), 2, -1, 0, 0) & "M"
- Else
- GetSizeUnit = FormatNumber((n_Size / 1024), 2, -1, 0, 0) & "K"
- End If
- End Function
- Function HTML2JS(s_HTML)
- Dim s_JS
- s_JS = Replace(s_HTML, Vbcrlf, "")
- s_JS = Replace(s_JS, "", "\")
- s_JS = Replace(s_JS, """", """")
- HTML2JS = s_JS
- End Function
- </script>