- /*
- *######################################
- * eWebEditor v4.00 - Advanced online web based WYSIWYG HTML editor.
- * Copyright (c) 2003-2007 eWebSoft.com
- *
- * For further information go to http://www.ewebsoft.com/
- * This copyright notice MUST stay intact for use.
- *######################################
- */
- //#####################################
- // Toolbar Items
- //#####################################
- //Edit
- lang["EditMenu"] = "Edit Functions"
- lang["UnDo"] = "Undo"
- lang["ReDo"] = "Redo"
- lang["Cut"] = "Cut"
- lang["Copy"] = "Copy"
- lang["Paste"] = "Paste"
- lang["PasteText"] = "Paste as plain text"
- lang["PasteWord"] = "Paste from Word"
- lang["Delete"] = "Delete"
- lang["RemoveFormat"] = "Remove Format"
- lang["SelectAll"] = "Select All"
- lang["UnSelect"] = "Unselect"
- lang["FindReplace"] = "Find/Replace"
- // Font
- lang["FontMenu"] = "Font Functions"
- lang["Bold"] = "Bold"
- lang["Italic"] = "Italic"
- lang["UnderLine"] = "Underline"
- lang["StrikeThrough"] = "Strikethrough"
- lang["SuperScript"] = "Superscript"
- lang["SubScript"] = "Subscript"
- lang["ForeColor"] = "Text Color"
- lang["BackColor"] = "Text Highlight"
- lang["Big"] = "Increase font size"
- lang["Small"] = "Decrease font size"
- // Paragraph
- lang["ParagraphMenu"] = "Paragraph Functions"
- lang["JustifyLeft"] = "Left Justify"
- lang["JustifyCenter"] = "Center Justify"
- lang["JustifyRight"] = "Right Justify"
- lang["JustifyFull"] = "Fully Justify"
- lang["OrderedList"] = "Numbered List"
- lang["UnOrderedList"] = "Bullet List"
- lang["Indent"] = "Indent"
- lang["Outdent"] = "Outdent"
- lang["Paragraph"] = "Insert Paragraph"
- lang["BR"] = "Break"
- lang["ParagraphAttr"] = "Paragraph Attribute"
- // Component
- lang["ComponentMenu"] = "Component Functions"
- lang["Image"] = "Insert/Modify Image"
- lang["Flash"] = "Insert Flash"
- lang["Media"] = "Insert Media"
- lang["File"] = "Insert Other File"
- lang["RemoteUpload"] = "Upload External File"
- lang["LocalUpload"] = "Upload Local File"
- lang["Fieldset"] = "Insert/Modify Fieldset"
- lang["Iframe"] = "Insert/Modify Iframe"
- lang["HorizontalRule"] = "Insert Horizonta Rule"
- lang["Marquee"] = "Insert/Modify Marquee"
- lang["CreateLink"] = "Insert/Modify Link"
- lang["Unlink"] = "Remove Link"
- lang["Map"] = "Edit Image Map"
- lang["Anchor"] = "Anchor"
- // Object
- lang["ObjectMenu"] = "Object Functions"
- lang["BgColor"] = "Background Color"
- lang["BackImage"] = "Background Image"
- lang["absolutePosition"] = "Absolutely Position"
- lang["zIndexBackward"] = "Move backwards"
- lang["zIndexForward"] = "Bring forwords"
- lang["ShowBorders"] = "Show Borders"
- lang["Quote"] = "Quote Style"
- lang["Code"] = "Code Style"
- // Tool
- lang["ToolMenu"] = "Tools"
- lang["CSS"] = "CSS"
- lang["Symbol"] = "Insert Special Characters"
- lang["Excel"] = "Insert Excel"
- lang["Emot"] = "Insert Smiley"
- lang["EQ"] = "Insert/Modify WEBEQ"
- lang["Art"] = "Insert/Modify Art"
- lang["NowDate"] = "Insert today's date"
- lang["NowTime"] = "Insert the current time"
- lang["ImportWord"] = "Import Word File"
- lang["ImportExcel"] = "Import Excel File"
- // Form
- lang["FormMenu"] = "Form Functions"
- lang["FormText"] = "Insert Text Field"
- lang["FormTextArea"] = "Insert Text Area"
- lang["FormRadio"] = "Insert Radio Button"
- lang["FormCheckbox"] = "Insert Checkbox"
- lang["FormDropdown"] = "Insert Select Field"
- lang["FormButton"] = "Insert Button"
- // Table
- lang["TableMenu"] = "Table Functions"
- lang["TableInsert"] = "Insert Table"
- lang["TableProp"] = "Table Properties"
- lang["TableCellProp"] = "Cell Properties"
- lang["TableCellSplit"] = "Split Cell"
- lang["TableRowProp"] = "Row Properties"
- lang["TableRowInsertAbove"] = "Insert Row Above"
- lang["TableRowInsertBelow"] = "Insert Row Below"
- lang["TableRowMerge"] = "Merge Row Below"
- lang["TableRowSplit"] = "Split Row"
- lang["TableRowDelete"] = "Delete Row"
- lang["TableColInsertLeft"] = "Insert Column Left"
- lang["TableColInsertRight"] = "Insert Column Right"
- lang["TableColMerge"] = "Merge Column Right"
- lang["TableColSplit"] = "Split Column"
- lang["TableColDelete"] = "Delete Column"
- // File&View
- lang["FileMenu"] = "File/View Functions"
- lang["Refresh"] = "Refresh"
- lang["ModeCode"] = "Source Mode"
- lang["ModeEdit"] = "Edit Mode"
- lang["ModeText"] = "Plain Text Mode"
- lang["ModeView"] = "Preview Mode"
- lang["SizePlus"] = "Plus Size"
- lang["SizeMinus"] = "Minus Size"
- lang["Print"] = "Print"
- lang["ZoomMenu"] = "Zoom"
- lang["Maximize"] = "Maximize Editor"
- lang["Minimize"] = "Minimize Editor"
- lang["Save"] = "Save"
- // Help
- lang["Help"] = "Help"
- lang["About"] = "About eWebEditor"
- lang["Site"] = "eWebEditor Site"
- // Combo
- lang["FontName"] = "<option selected>Font</option><option value='Arial'>Arial</option><option value='Arial Black'>Arial Black</option><option value='Arial Narrow'>Arial Narrow</option><option value='Brush Script MT'>Brush Script MT</option><option value='Century Gothic'>Century Gothic</option><option value='Comic Sans MS'>Comic Sans MS</option><option value='Courier'>Courier</option><option value='Courier New'>Courier New</option><option value='MS Sans Serif'>MS Sans Serif</option><option value='Script'>Script</option><option value='System'>System</option><option value='Times New Roman'>Times New Roman</option><option value='Verdana'>Verdana</option><option value='Wide Latin'>Wide Latin</option><option value='Wingdings'>Wingdings</option>"
- lang["FontSize"] = "<option selected>Size</option><option value='10'>10px</option><option value='11'>11px</option><option value='12'>12px</option><option value='13'>13px</option><option value='14'>14px</option><option value='15'>15px</option><option value='16'>16px</option><option value='18'>18px</option><option value='20'>20px</option><option value='22'>22px</option><option value='24'>24px</option><option value='30'>30px</option><option value='36'>36px</option><option value='48'>48px</option><option value='72'>72px</option>"
- lang["FormatBlock"] = "<option selected>Style</option><option value='<P>'>Normal</option><option value='<H1>'>Heading 1</option><option value='<H2>'>Heading 2</option><option value='<H3>'>Heading 3</option><option value='<H4>'>Heading 4</option><option value='<H5>'>Heading 5</option><option value='<H6>'>Heading 6</option><option value='<dir>'>Directory List</option><option value='<menu>'>Menu List</option><option value='<PRE>'>Formatted</option><option value='<ADDRESS>'>Address</option>"
- lang["ZoomSelect"] = "Zoom"
- // Status Bar Button
- lang["StatusModeCode"] = "Source"
- lang["StatusModeEdit"] = "Edit"
- lang["StatusModeText"] = "Text"
- lang["StatusModeView"] = "Preview"
- //#####################################
- // Dialog
- //#####################################
- // About Dialog
- lang["DlgAbout"] = "About - eWebEditor"
- lang["DlgAboutVersion"] = "Version"
- lang["DlgAboutLicense"] = "All Rights Reserved"
- lang["DlgAboutInfo"] = "For further information go to"
- // Anchor Dialog
- lang["DlgAnchor"] = "Anchor"
- lang["DlgAnchorNoName"] = "Please enter anchor name!"
- lang["DlgAnchorNoSelected"] = "Please select an anchor!"
- lang["DlgAnchorName"] = "Anchor Name"
- lang["DlgAnchorOther"] = "Other Anchor"
- // BackImage Dialog
- lang["DlgBkImg"] = "Background Image"
- lang["DlgBkImgSource"] = "Location"
- lang["DlgBkImgCancelBg"] = "Delete"
- lang["DlgBkImgEffect"] = "Effect"
- lang["DlgBkImgRepeat"] = "Repeat"
- lang["DlgBkImgRepeatR"] = "Repeat"
- lang["DlgBkImgRepeatNo"] = "None"
- lang["DlgBkImgRepeatX"] = "Repeat-x"
- lang["DlgBkImgRepeatY"] = "Repeat-y"
- lang["DlgBkImgAttach"] = "Attach"
- lang["DlgBkImgAttachScroll"] = "Scroll"
- lang["DlgBkImgAttachFixed"] = "Fixed"
- // BackImage Dialog System Image
- lang["DlgBkImgSnow"] = "Snow"
- lang["DlgBkImgNature"] = "Nature"
- lang["DlgBkImgClear"] = "Clear"
- lang["DlgBkImgGlacier"] = "Glacier"
- lang["DlgBkImgFiesta"] = "Fiesta"
- lang["DlgBkImgBirthday"] = "Birthday"
- lang["DlgBkImgCitrus"] = "Citrus"
- lang["DlgBkImgHearts"] = "Hearts"
- lang["DlgBkImgFlower"] = "Flower"
- lang["DlgBkImgGathering"] = "Gathering"
- lang["DlgBkImgChristmas"] = "Christmas"
- lang["DlgBkImgIvy"] = "Ivy"
- lang["DlgBkImgTech"] = "Tech"
- lang["DlgBkImgMaize"] = "Maize"
- lang["DlgBkImgGrid"] = "Grid"
- // Emot Dialog
- lang["DlgEmot"] = "Insert a Smiley"
- // Fieldset Dialog
- lang["DlgFs"] = "Fieldset Properties"
- lang["DlgFsFieldset"] = "Fieldset Alignment"
- lang["DlgFsLegend"] = "Legend Alignment"
- // File Dialog
- lang["DlgFile"] = "Insert Other File"
- lang["DlgFileSource"] = "Location"
- // Find/Replace Dialog
- lang["DlgFR"] = "Find / Replace"
- lang["DlgFRNoKey"] = "Please enter search keyword"
- lang["DlgFRRestart"] = "Search Finished!Do you want to search from the begining of the page?"
- lang["DlgFRNoFound"] = "Not found"
- lang["DlgFRReplaceOK"] = "replaced"
- lang["DlgFRSearchKey"] = "Search"
- lang["DlgFRReplaceKey"] = "Replace"
- lang["DlgFRMatchCase"] = "MatchCase"
- lang["DlgFRMatchWord"] = "MatchWord"
- lang["DlgFRFindNext"] = "Find Next"
- lang["DlgFRReplace"] = "Replace"
- lang["DlgFRReplaceAll"] = "Replace All"
- // Flash Dialog
- lang["DlgFlash"] = "Insert Flash"
- lang["DlgFlashSource"] = "Location"
- lang["DlgFlashEffect"] = "Properties"
- lang["DlgFlashWidth"] = "Width"
- lang["DlgFlashHeight"] = "Height"
- // Fullscreen Dialog
- lang["DlgFullscreen"] = "eWebEditor - Fullscreen"
- // Hyperlink Dialog
- lang["DlgHylnk"] = "Link Properties"
- lang["DlgHylnkNoUrl"] = "Please enter link url"
- lang["DlgHylnkLegend"] = "Properties"
- lang["DlgHylnkProtocol"] = "Protocol"
- lang["DlgHylnkTarget"] = "Target"
- lang["DlgHylnkTargetNone"] = "None"
- lang["DlgHylnkTargetSelf"] = "_self"
- lang["DlgHylnkTargetTop"] = "_top"
- lang["DlgHylnkTargetBlank"] = "_blank"
- lang["DlgHylnkTargetParent"] = "_parent"
- lang["DlgHylnkUrl"] = "URL"
- lang["DlgHylnkAnchor"] = "Anchor"
- lang["DlgHylnkAnchorNone"] = "None"
- // Iframe Dialog
- lang["DlgIframe"] = "Iframe Properties"
- lang["DlgIframeProperty"] = "Properties"
- lang["DlgIframeUrl"] = "URL"
- lang["DlgIframeScroll"] = "Scroll"
- lang["DlgIframeYes"] = "Yes"
- lang["DlgIframeNo"] = "No"
- lang["DlgIframeBorder"] = "Border"
- lang["DlgIframeMarginHeight"] = "Margin Height"
- lang["DlgIframeMarginWidth"] = "Margin Width"
- lang["DlgIframeWidth"] = "Iframe Width"
- lang["DlgIframeHeight"] = "Iframe Height"
- lang["DlgIframeErrUrl"] = "Invalid Url"
- lang["DlgIframeErrWidth"] = "Invalid Width"
- lang["DlgIframeErrHeight"] = "Invalid Height"
- // Image Dialog
- lang["DlgImg"] = "Image Properties"
- lang["DlgImgErrBorColor"] = "Sorry, the border color is invalid!"
- lang["DlgImgSource"] = "Location"
- lang["DlgImgEffect"] = "Effect"
- lang["DlgImgAlt"] = "Alternate text"
- lang["DlgImgBorder"] = "Border thickness"
- lang["DlgImgBorderColor"] = "Border color"
- lang["DlgImgSpecEffect"] = "Style"
- lang["DlgImgAlpha1"] = "Alpha1"
- lang["DlgImgAlpha2"] = "Alpha2"
- lang["DlgImgAlpha3"] = "Alpha3"
- lang["DlgImgBlur1"] = "Blur1"
- lang["DlgImgBlur2"] = "Blur2"
- lang["DlgImgWave"] = "Wave"
- lang["DlgImgGray"] = "Gray"
- lang["DlgImgChroma"] = "Chroma"
- lang["DlgImgDropShadow"] = "DropShadow"
- lang["DlgImgShadow"] = "Shadow"
- lang["DlgImgGlow"] = "Glow"
- lang["DlgImgFlipv"] = "Flipv"
- lang["DlgImgFliph"] = "Fliph"
- lang["DlgImgGrays"] = "Grays"
- lang["DlgImgXray"] = "Xray"
- lang["DlgImgInvert"] = "Invert"
- lang["DlgImgWidth"] = "Image Width"
- lang["DlgImgHeight"] = "Image Height"
- lang["DlgImgVSpace"] = "Vertical Spacing"
- lang["DlgImgHSpace"] = "Horizontal Spacing"
- lang["DlgImgPreview"] = "Preview"
- // Map Dialog
- lang["DlgMap"] = "Image Map"
- lang["DlgMapNew"] = "New"
- lang["DlgMapDesc"] = "Edit map with double click"
- // Marquee Dialog
- lang["DlgMarquee"] = "Marquee Properties"
- lang["DlgMarqueeText"] = "Text"
- lang["DlgMarqueeBehavior"] = "Behavior"
- lang["DlgMarqueeScroll"] = "Scroll"
- lang["DlgMarqueeSlide"] = "Slide"
- lang["DlgMarqueeAlternate"] = "Alternate"
- // Media Dialog
- lang["DlgMedia"] = "Media Properties"
- lang["DlgMediaSource"] = "Location"
- lang["DlgMediaEffect"] = "Size"
- lang["DlgMediaWidth"] = "Width"
- lang["DlgMediaHeight"] = "Height"
- // SelColor Dialog
- lang["DlgSelCor"] = "Select Color"
- lang["DlgSelCorForecolor"] = "Font Color"
- lang["DlgSelCorBackcolor"] = "Font Background Color"
- lang["DlgSelCorBgcolor"] = "Object Background Color"
- lang["DlgSelCorSel"] = "Selected"
- lang["DlgSelCorBase"] = "Base"
- lang["DlgSelCorLight"] = "Light"
- lang["DlgSelCorCode"] = "Code"
- // Symbol Dialog
- lang["DlgSymbol"] = "Insert Special Character"
- lang["DlgSymbolSpecial"] = "Special"
- lang["DlgSymbolInterpunction"] = "Interpunction"
- lang["DlgSymbolMath"] = "Math"
- lang["DlgSymbolUnit"] = "Unit"
- lang["DlgSymbolNumber"] = "Number"
- lang["DlgSymbolSpell"] = "Spell"
- lang["DlgSymbolPreview"] = "Preview"
- // Table Dialog
- lang["DlgTab"] = "Table Properties"
- lang["DlgTabInvalidRow"] = "Invalid rows"
- lang["DlgTabInvalidCol"] = "Invalid cols"
- lang["DlgTabInvalidWidth"] = "Invalid table width"
- lang["DlgTabInvalidHeight"] = "Invalid table height"
- lang["DlgTabRowsCols"] = "Rows&Cols"
- lang["DlgTabRows"] = "Rows"
- lang["DlgTabCols"] = "Cols"
- lang["DlgTabLayout"] = "Layout"
- lang["DlgTabBorder"] = "Border"
- lang["DlgTabBorderCollapse"] = "Border Collapse"
- lang["DlgTabBCseparate"] = "separate"
- lang["DlgTabBCcollapse"] = "collapse"
- lang["DlgTabCellspacing"] = "Cell Spacing"
- lang["DlgTabCellpadding"] = "Cell Padding"
- lang["DlgTabSize"] = "Size"
- lang["DlgTabChkWidth"] = "Width"
- lang["DlgTabChkHeight"] = "Height"
- lang["DlgTabStyle"] = "Style"
- lang["DlgTabBorderStyle"] = "Border"
- lang["DlgTabBgImage"] = "Background"
- // Table Cell/Row Dialog
- lang["DlgTabCelErrWidth"] = "Invalid width!"
- lang["DlgTabCelErrHeight"] = "Invalid height!"
- lang["DlgTabCelLayout"] = "Layout"
- lang["DlgTabCelHAlign"] = "HAlign"
- lang["DlgTabCelVAlign"] = "VAlign"
- lang["DlgTabCelSize"] = "Size"
- lang["DlgTabCelChkWidth"] = "Width"
- lang["DlgTabCelChkHeight"] = "Height"
- lang["DlgTabCelStyle"] = "Style"
- lang["DlgTabCelBorderStyle"] = "Border"
- lang["DlgTabCelBgImage"] = "Background"
- // Table Cell Split Dialog
- lang["DlgCelSpt"] = "Split Cell"
- lang["DlgCelSptCols"] = "Cols"
- lang["DlgCelSptRows"] = "Rows"
- lang["DlgCelSptErrRowCol"] = "Invalid Rows or Cols!"
- lang["DlgCelSptSplitCol"] = "Split cols"
- lang["DlgCelSptSplitRow"] = "Split rows"
- // Dialog Button
- lang["DlgBtnClose"] = "Close"
- lang["DlgBtnOK"] = " OK "
- lang["DlgBtnCancel"] = "Cancel"
- lang["DlgBtnGoto"] = "Goto"
- lang["DlgBtnDel"] = "Delete"
- lang["DlgBtnBrowse"] = "Browse"
- // Dialog Common
- lang["DlgComTable"] = "Table"
- lang["DlgComTableCell"] = "Cell"
- lang["DlgComTableRow"] = "Row"
- lang["DlgComSet"] = "Set"
- lang["DlgComBody"] = "Page"
- lang["DlgComDefault"] = "Not set"
- lang["DlgComUploading"] = "...Uploading. Please wait..."
- lang["DlgComInsert"] = "Insert"
- lang["DlgComModify"] = "Modify"
- lang["DlgComTitle"] = "Title"
- lang["DlgComContent"] = "Content"
- lang["DlgComOther"] = "Other"
- lang["DlgComNone"] = "None"
- lang["DlgComPx"] = "Pixels"
- lang["DlgComPer"] = "Percent"
- lang["DlgComAttribute"] = "Properties"
- lang["DlgComYes"] = "Yes"
- lang["DlgComNo"] = "No"
- // Dialog Align
- lang["DlgAlign"] = "Alignment"
- lang["DlgAlignText"] = "Text Align"
- lang["DlgAlignLeft"] = "Left"
- lang["DlgAlignRight"] = "Right"
- lang["DlgAlignCenter"] = "Center"
- lang["DlgAlignFull"] = "Full"
- lang["DlgAlignTop"] = "Top"
- lang["DlgAlignMiddle"] = "Middle"
- lang["DlgAlignBottom"] = "Bottom"
- lang["DlgAlignAbsmiddle"] = "Absmiddle"
- lang["DlgAlignAbsbottom"] = "Absbottom"
- lang["DlgAlignBaseline"] = "Baseline"
- lang["DlgAlignTexttop"] = "Texttop"
- // Dialog Color
- lang["DlgColor"] = "Color Properties"
- lang["DlgColorBorder"] = "Border Color"
- lang["DlgColorBg"] = "Background Color"
- // Dialog From
- lang["DlgFromFile"] = "Upload"
- lang["DlgFromUrl"] = "Internet"
- lang["DlgFromSys"] = "System"
- // Dialog Line
- lang["DlgLineSolid"] = "Solid"
- lang["DlgLineDotted"] = "Dotted"
- lang["DlgLineDashed"] = "Dashed"
- lang["DlgLineDouble"] = "Double"
- lang["DlgLineGroove"] = "Groove"
- lang["DlgLineRidge"] = "Ridge"
- lang["DlgLineInset"] = "Inset"
- lang["DlgLineOutset"] = "Outset"
- // Dialog EQ
- lang["DlgEQ"] = "WEBEQ"
- lang["DlgEQBackground"] = "BgColor"
- lang["DlgEQForeground"] = "FontColor"
- lang["DlgEQInstallAlt"] = "Installing WEBEQ ..."
- // Dialog Art
- lang["DlgArt"] = "Art"
- lang["DlgArtFontFamily"] = "Font Family"
- lang["DlgArtFontSize"] = "Font Size"
- lang["DlgArtText"] = "Text"
- lang["DlgArtDefaultFamily"] = "Arial"
- lang["DlgArtDefaultText"] = "Enter your text"
- lang["DlgArtMsgNull"] = "Please enter text!"
- // Dialog Paragraph
- lang["DlgPar"] = "Paragraph"
- lang["DlgPraMargin"] = "Margin"
- lang["DlgPraMarginTop"] = "Top"
- lang["DlgPraMarginBottom"] = "Bottom"
- lang["DlgPraMarginLeft"] = "Left"
- lang["DlgPraMarginRight"] = "Right"
- lang["DlgPraOther"] = "Other"
- lang["DlgPraLineHeight"] = "Line Height"
- lang["DlgPraTextIndent"] = "Text Indent"
- lang["DlgPraWordSpacing"] = "Word Spacing"
- lang["DlgPraLH1"] = "single"
- lang["DlgPraLH15"] = "1.5 times"
- lang["DlgPraLH2"] = "double"
- lang["DlgPraLHOther"] = "multi-times"
- // Dialog Browse
- lang["DlgBrowse"] = "Browse"
- lang["DlgBrowseImage"] = "Image"
- lang["DlgBrowseFlash"] = "Flash"
- lang["DlgBrowseMedia"] = "Media"
- lang["DlgBrowseFile"] = "File"
- lang["DlgBrowseName"] = "Name"
- lang["DlgBrowseSize"] = "Size"
- // Dialog Import Word
- lang["DlgWord"] = "Import Word File"
- lang["DlgWordFile"] = "File"
- lang["DlgWordVML"] = "Keep VML"
- lang["DlgWordInvalidFile"] = "Invalid Word File"
- lang["DlgWordImporting"] = "...Importing. Please wait..."
- // Dialog Local Upload
- lang["DlgLocal"] = "Upload Local File"
- lang["DlgLocalPaste"] = "Paste from word"
- lang["DlgLocalOption"] = "Option"
- lang["DlgLocalOptionFile"] = "Upload local file"
- lang["DlgLocalOptionVML"] = "Insert style of VML"
- lang["DlgLocalOptionStyle"] = "Insert default style of Word"
- lang["DlgLocalStyleWord"] = "@font-facen {font-family:Arial;n panose-1:2 1 6 0 3 1 1 1 1 1;n mso-font-alt:SimSun;n mso-font-charset:134;n mso-generic-font-family:auto;n mso-font-pitch:variable;n mso-font-signature:3 135135232 16 0 262145 0;}n@font-facen {font-family:"\@Arial";n panose-1:2 1 6 0 3 1 1 1 1 1;n mso-font-charset:134;n mso-generic-font-family:auto;n mso-font-pitch:variable;n mso-font-signature:3 135135232 16 0 262145 0;}np.MsoNormal, li.MsoNormal, div.MsoNormaln {mso-style-parent:"";n margin:0cm;n margin-bottom:.0001pt;n text-align:justify;n text-justify:inter-ideograph;n mso-pagination:none;n font-size:10.5pt;n mso-bidi-font-size:12.0pt;n font-family:"Times New Roman";n mso-fareast-font-family:Arial;n mso-font-kerning:1.0pt;}"
- lang["DlgLocalUploading"] = "...Uploading. Please wait..."
- // Dialog Import Excel
- lang["DlgExcel"] = "Import Excel File"
- lang["DlgExcelLegend"] = "File"
- lang["DlgExcelImportLegend"] = "Option"
- lang["DlgExcelFile"] = "File"
- lang["DlgExcelSheet"] = "Sheet"
- lang["DlgExcelVML"] = "Keep VML"
- lang["DlgExcelOverFlow"] = "OverFlow"
- lang["DlgExcelAddBorder"] = "Border"
- lang["DlgExcelInvalidFile"] = "Invalid Excel File"
- lang["DlgExcelImporting"] = "...Importing. Please wait..."
- //#####################################
- // Message
- //#####################################
- lang["ErrNoLinkField"] = "Error Param: Invalid ID!"
- lang["ErrInvalidStyle"] = "Error Param: Invalid Style!"
- lang["ErrUploadInvalidExt"] = "Sorry, only the following file types uploads are allowed:nn"
- lang["ErrUploadInvalidFile"] = "Please select an valid file to upload."
- lang["ErrUploadSizeLimit"] = "The file you selected is up to limited size."
- lang["ErrParam"] = "Error Param!"
- lang["MsgPasteWordConfirm"] = "The text you want to paste seams to be copied from Word. Do you want to clean it before pasting?"
- lang["MsgNotCompatiblePaste"] = "This command is available for Internet Explorer version 5.5 or more. Do you want to paste without cleaning?"
- lang["MsgOnlyInEditMode"] = "This command is available for edit mode."
- lang["MsgCanotSetInViewMode"] = "Can not set value in preview mode."
- lang["MsgNotCompatibleHtml"] = "This command is available for Internet Explorer version 5.5 or more."
- lang["MsgNotCompatibleFunc"] = "This command is available for Internet Explorer version 5.5 or more."
- lang["MsgHtmlToText"] = "Note! This command will remove all html format!"
- lang["MsgHylnkLimit"] = "Link command is available for image or text"
- lang["MsgMapLimit"] = "Map command is available for image"
- lang["MsgRemoteUploading"] = "External file uploading. Please wait..."
- lang["MsgNotParagraph"] = "Please select a paragraph at least!"
- lang["MsgNoClient"] = "Please install eWebEditor client plug before you can use this function!"
- lang["HtmlQuote"] = "Quote:"
- lang["HtmlCode"] = "Source Code:"
- // Check Color
- lang["ErrColorBorder"] = "Invalid border color value!"
- lang["ErrColorBg"] = "Invalid background color value!"
- lang["ErrColorInvalid"] = "Invalid color value!"
- //#####################################
- // Context Menu
- //#####################################
- lang["CMenuImg"] = "Image Properties"
- lang["CMenuParagraph"] = "Paragraph..."
- //#####################################
- // Dialog UI (Pixles)
- //#####################################
- lang["UIMenuWidth"] = 170