- /**
- * cubicles
- *
- * This is an implementation of the Viola-Jones object detection
- * method and some extensions. The code is mostly platform-
- * independent and uses only standard C and C++ libraries. It
- * can make use of MPI for parallel training and a few Windows
- * MFC functions for classifier display.
- *
- * Mathias Kolsch,
- *
- * $Id: Scanner.h,v 1.30 2005/02/12 02:00:59 matz Exp $
- **/
- // Scanner scans across an image and finds matches for the
- // classifier cascade. There are two implementation files:
- // Scanner_Train.cpp for training-only functions and Scanner.cpp
- // for everything else.
- //
- ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
- //
- // By downloading, copying, installing or using the software you
- // agree to this license. If you do not agree to this license,
- // do not download, install, copy or use the software.
- //
- // Copyright (C) 2004, Mathias Kolsch, all rights reserved.
- // Third party copyrights are property of their respective owners.
- //
- // Redistribution and use in binary form, with or without
- // modification, is permitted for non-commercial purposes only.
- // Redistribution in source, with or without modification, is
- // prohibited without prior written permission.
- // If granted in writing in another document, personal use and
- // modification are permitted provided that the following two
- // conditions are met:
- //
- // 1.Any modification of source code must retain the above
- // copyright notice, this list of conditions and the following
- // disclaimer.
- //
- // 2.Redistribution's in binary form must reproduce the above
- // copyright notice, this list of conditions and the following
- // disclaimer in the documentation and/or other materials provided
- // with the distribution.
- //
- // This software is provided by the copyright holders and
- // contributors "as is" and any express or implied warranties,
- // including, but not limited to, the implied warranties of
- // merchantability and fitness for a particular purpose are
- // disclaimed. In no event shall the copyright holder or
- // contributors be liable for any direct, indirect, incidental,
- // special, exemplary, or consequential damages (including, but not
- // limited to, procurement of substitute goods or services; loss of
- // use, data, or profits; or business interruption) however caused
- // and on any theory of liability, whether in contract, strict
- // liability, or tort (including negligence or otherwise) arising
- // in any way out of the use of this software, even if advised of
- // the possibility of such damage.
- //
- ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
- #ifndef __SCANNER_H
- #define __SCANNER_H
- #include "IntegralImage.h"
- #ifdef HAVE_FLOAT_H
- #include <float.h>
- #endif
- //namespace { // cubicles
- #ifndef CScanMatch_DEFINED
- #define CScanMatch_DEFINED
- class CScanMatch {
- public:
- CScanMatch()
- : left(-1), top(-1), right(-1), bottom(-1),
- scale(-1), scale_x(-1), scale_y(-1), name("") {};
- CScanMatch(int _left, int _top, int _right, int _bottom,
- double _scale, double _scale_x, double _scale_y, string _name)
- : left(_left), top(_top), right(_right), bottom(_bottom),
- scale(_scale), scale_x(_scale_x), scale_y(_scale_y), name(_name) {};
- CRect AsRect() const { return CRect(left, top, right, bottom); }
- int left, top, right, bottom;
- double scale, scale_x, scale_y;
- string name;
- };
- #endif // CScanMatch_DEFINED
- typedef vector<CScanMatch> CScanMatchVector;
- typedef vector<CScanMatchVector> CScanMatchMatrix;
- class CClassifierCascade;
- class CScaleParams;
- // ----------------------------------------------------------------------
- // class CImageScanner
- // ----------------------------------------------------------------------
- class CImageScanner {
- public:
- CImageScanner();
- CImageScanner(const CImageScanner& src);
- ~CImageScanner() {};
- void SetScanParameters(
- double start_scale = 1.0,
- double stop_scale = DBL_MAX,
- double scale_inc_factor = 1.25,
- double translation_inc_x = 1.0,
- double translation_inc_y = 1.0,
- CRect scan_area = CRect(0, 0, INT_MAX, INT_MAX)
- );
- void GetScanParameters(
- double* pStart_scale,
- double* pStop_scale,
- double* pScale_inc_factor,
- double* pTranslation_inc_x,
- double* pTranslation_inc_y,
- CRect& scan_area,
- bool* pPostProcessing,
- bool* pIsActive
- ) const;
- void SetScanArea(const CRect& scan_area);
- void SetScanScales(double start_scale, double stop_scale);
- const CRect& GetScanArea() const;
- void GetScaleSizes(int* min_width, int* max_width,
- int* min_height, int* max_height) const;
- void SetAutoPostProcessing(bool on=true);
- int Scan(const CClassifierCascade& cascade,
- const CByteImage& image,
- CScanMatchVector& matches) const;
- int Scan(const CClassifierCascade& cascade,
- const CIntegralImage& integral,
- const CIntegralImage& squared_integral,
- CScanMatchVector& matches) const;
- void PostProcess(CScanMatchVector& posClsfd) const;
- bool IsActive() const {return m_is_active;};
- void SetActive(bool active=true) {m_is_active = active;}
- int EvaluateThreshs(const CClassifierCascade& cascade,
- const CIntegralImage& integral,
- const CIntegralImage& squared_integral,
- CIntMatrix& numMatches,
- const CDoubleVector& threshs) const;
- #endif // WITH_TRAINING
- ostream& output(ostream& os) const;
- protected:
- void NextScaleParams(CScaleParams& params) const;
- void InitScaleParams(const CClassifierCascade& cascade,
- CScaleParams& params) const;
- friend class CScaleParams;
- private:
- double m_start_scale;
- double m_stop_scale;
- double m_scale_inc_factor;
- double m_translation_inc_x;
- double m_translation_inc_y;
- CRect m_scan_area;
- bool m_post_process;
- bool m_is_active;
- mutable int m_min_scaled_template_width;
- mutable int m_max_scaled_template_width;
- mutable int m_min_scaled_template_height;
- mutable int m_max_scaled_template_height;
- // local buffer
- mutable CIntegralImage m_integral;
- mutable CIntegralImage m_squared_integral;
- };
- typedef vector<CImageScanner> CScannerVector;
- ostream& operator<<(ostream& os, const CImageScanner& scanner);
- // ----------------------------------------------------------------------
- // class CScaleParams
- // ----------------------------------------------------------------------
- class CScaleParams {
- public:
- CScaleParams() {};
- public:
- double scale_x;
- double scale_y;
- double base_scale;
- double translation_inc_x;
- double translation_inc_y;
- int template_width;
- int template_height;
- int scaled_template_width;
- int scaled_template_height;
- double actual_scale_x;
- double actual_scale_y;
- protected:
- // these four are only needed for m_integer_scaling
- int iscale_x;
- int iscale_y;
- double fscale_x;
- double fscale_y;
- friend void CImageScanner::NextScaleParams(CScaleParams& params) const;
- friend void CImageScanner::InitScaleParams(const CClassifierCascade& cascade,
- CScaleParams& params) const;
- };
- //} // namespace cubicles
- #endif // __SCANNER_H