- /**
- * HandVu - a library for computer vision-based hand gesture
- * recognition.
- * Copyright (C) 2004 Mathias Kolsch, matz@cs.ucsb.edu
- *
- * This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or
- * modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License
- * as published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2
- * of the License, or (at your option) any later version.
- *
- * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
- * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
- * GNU General Public License for more details.
- *
- * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
- * along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software
- * Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place - Suite 330,
- * Boston, MA 02111-1307, USA.
- *
- * $Id: LearnedColor.cpp,v 1.14 2005/01/18 22:02:42 matz Exp $
- **/
- #include "Common.h"
- #include "LearnedColor.h"
- #include "Exceptions.h"
- //
- // Constructor
- //
- LearnedColor::LearnedColor()
- : m_truth_map(NULL),
- m_truth_pos(0),
- m_truth_neg(0),
- m_rgb_lookup_numbins(0),
- m_rgb_lookup_binsize(0)
- {
- } // (Constructor)
- LearnedColor::~LearnedColor()
- {
- }
- void LearnedColor::Initialize(int width, int height)
- {
- m_truth_map = cvCreateImage(cvSize(width, height), IPL_DEPTH_32F, 1);
- }
- void LearnedColor::DrawOverlay(IplImage* rgbImage, int overlay_level,
- const CRect& roi)
- {
- if (overlay_level>=3) {
- Backproject(rgbImage, roi);
- }
- }
- /* draw the backprojection of the learned RGB lookup table
- */
- void LearnedColor::Backproject(IplImage* rgbImage, const CRect& roi)
- {
- ASSERT(rgbImage && rgbImage->imageData);
- ColorBGR black;
- black.red = black.green = black.blue = 0;
- int start_x = max(0, roi.left);
- int start_y = max(0, roi.top);
- int stop_x = min(rgbImage->width, roi.right);
- int stop_y = min(rgbImage->height, roi.bottom);
- for (int y=start_y; y<stop_y; y++) {
- ColorBGR* prgb = (ColorBGR*) rgbImage->imageData;
- prgb += y*rgbImage->width + start_x;
- for (int x=start_x; x<stop_x; x++, prgb++) {
- // if not foreground, set pixel to black
- prgb->red = prgb->green = prgb->blue = (BYTE) (255 * LookupProb(*prgb));
- // if (LookupProb(*prgb)<0.5) {
- // *prgb = black;
- // }
- }
- }
- int width = min(rgbImage->width-roi.left,
- min(roi.right, rgbImage->width-1)-roi.left);
- int height = min(rgbImage->height-roi.top,
- min(roi.bottom, rgbImage->height-1)-roi.top);
- CvRect cvBox = cvRect(roi.left, roi.top, width, height);
- cvSetImageROI(rgbImage, cvBox);
- // cvErode(rgbImage, rgbImage, NULL, 2);
- // cvDilate(rgbImage, rgbImage, NULL, 2);
- cvResetImageROI(rgbImage);
- }
- /* return (in "map") the probabilities based on the learned RGB lookup table
- * map must be allocated image with IPL_DEPTH_8U
- */
- void LearnedColor::CreateMap(const IplImage* rgbImage, IplImage* mapImage, const CRect& roi) const
- {
- ASSERT(rgbImage && rgbImage->imageData);
- ASSERT(mapImage && mapImage->imageData);
- ASSERT(mapImage->width==rgbImage->width && mapImage->height==rgbImage->height);
- int start_x = max(0, roi.left);
- int start_y = max(0, roi.top);
- int stop_x = min(rgbImage->width, roi.right);
- int stop_y = min(rgbImage->height, roi.bottom);
- for (int y=start_y; y<stop_y; y++) {
- ColorBGR* prgb = (ColorBGR*) rgbImage->imageData;
- prgb += y*rgbImage->width + start_x;
- BYTE* pmap = (BYTE*) mapImage->imageData;
- pmap += y*mapImage->width + start_x;
- for (int x=start_x; x<stop_x; x++, prgb++, pmap++) {
- *pmap = (BYTE) (255*LookupProb(*prgb));
- }
- }
- }
- #ifdef DEBUG
- // non-debug version is inlined in LearnedColor.h
- int LearnedColor::GetRGBLookupIndex(int x, int y, int z, int size, int arraylen) const
- {
- ASSERT(x>=0 && y>=0 && z>=0);
- ASSERT(size);
- int index = z*size*size + y*size + x;
- ASSERT(0<=index && index<arraylen);
- return index;
- }
- #endif // DEBUG
- /* look up the probability for the given color sample
- * in the learned RGB table
- */
- double LearnedColor::LookupProb(ColorBGR sample) const
- {
- ASSERT(m_rgb_lookup.size());
- ASSERT(m_rgb_lookup_binsize);
- int bR = sample.red/m_rgb_lookup_binsize;
- int bG = sample.green/m_rgb_lookup_binsize;
- int bB = sample.blue/m_rgb_lookup_binsize;
- ASSERT(bR<m_rgb_lookup_numbins
- && bG<m_rgb_lookup_numbins && bB<m_rgb_lookup_numbins);
- double prob =
- m_rgb_lookup[GetRGBLookupIndex(bR, bG, bB, m_rgb_lookup_numbins,
- (int) m_rgb_lookup.size())];
- return prob;
- }
- void LearnedColor::TestSegmentation(IplImage* rgbImage,
- const CRect& roi,
- double* fpr, double* dr, bool draw)
- {
- // let's look at each pixel(sample)
- ColorBGR black;
- black.red = black.green = black.blue = 0;
- int start_x = max(0, roi.left);
- int start_y = max(0, roi.top);
- int stop_x = min(rgbImage->width, roi.right);
- int stop_y = min(rgbImage->height, roi.bottom);
- int miss_pos=0, hit_pos=0, miss_neg=0, hit_neg=0;
- for (int y=start_y; y<stop_y; y++) {
- ColorBGR* prgb = (ColorBGR*) rgbImage->imageData;
- float* pprob = (float*) m_truth_map->imageData;
- prgb += y*rgbImage->width + start_x;
- pprob += y*rgbImage->width + start_x;
- for (int x=start_x; x<stop_x; x++, prgb++, pprob++) {
- // only consider pixels in the positive and negative areas
- if (*pprob!=1.0 && *pprob!=-1.0) {
- continue;
- }
- bool is_fore = (LookupProb(*prgb)>=0.5);
- // write to output buffer
- if (is_fore) {
- if (*pprob==1) {
- hit_pos++;
- } else {
- miss_neg++;
- }
- } else {
- if (*pprob==-1) {
- hit_neg++;
- } else {
- miss_pos++;
- }
- if (draw) *prgb = black;
- }
- } // end x
- } // end y
- *fpr = (double)miss_neg/(double)(miss_neg+hit_neg);
- *dr = (double)hit_pos/(double)(hit_pos+miss_pos);
- if (draw) {
- int height = 200;
- cvRectangle(rgbImage, cvPoint(0, 0), cvPoint(20, height),
- CV_RGB(255,0,0), 1);
- cvRectangle(rgbImage, cvPoint(25, 0), cvPoint(45, height),
- CV_RGB(0,255,0), 1);
- cvRectangle(rgbImage, cvPoint(0, 0), cvPoint(20, (int)(height* *fpr)),
- CV_RGB(255,0,0), CV_FILLED);
- cvRectangle(rgbImage, cvPoint(25, 0), cvPoint(45, (int)(height* *dr)),
- CV_RGB(0,255,0), CV_FILLED);
- }
- }
- void LearnedColor::SortSamplesIntoBins(vector<ColorBGR> samples, int* cube,
- int num_bins)
- {
- ASSERT(num_bins);
- int binsize = (int)(256.0/(double)num_bins);
- ASSERT(binsize);
- int num_samples = (int)samples.size();
- for (int indx=0; indx<num_samples; indx++) {
- int bR = samples[indx].red/binsize;
- int bG = samples[indx].green/binsize;
- int bB = samples[indx].blue/binsize;
- ASSERT(bR<num_bins && bG<num_bins && bB<num_bins);
- int index = bB*num_bins*num_bins + bG*num_bins + bR;
- cube[index]++;
- }
- }
- #pragma warning (disable:4786)
- void LearnedColor::LearnFromGroundTruth(IplImage* rgbImage,
- const CuScanMatch& match,
- ConstMaskIt mask)
- {
- VERBOSE0(5, "HandVu: learning color from ground truth");
- CRect bbox;
- SetGroundTruth(match, mask, bbox);
- LearnLookupCube(rgbImage, bbox);
- }
- #pragma warning (default:4786)
- void LearnedColor::LearnLookupCube(IplImage* rgbImage, const CRect& bbox)
- {
- // positive and negative areas should be set through SetTrainingAreas
- ASSERT(m_truth_pos>0 && m_truth_neg>0);
- // collect pixels; that's faster than running through the image
- // multiple times
- vector<ColorBGR> foreground;
- vector<ColorBGR> background;
- foreground.reserve(m_truth_pos);
- background.reserve(m_truth_neg);
- /*
- int start_x = 0;
- int start_y = 0;
- int stop_x = rgbImage->width;
- int stop_y = rgbImage->height;
- */
- int start_x = max(0, bbox.left);
- int start_y = max(0, bbox.top);
- int stop_x = min(rgbImage->width, bbox.right);
- int stop_y = min(rgbImage->height, bbox.bottom);
- for (int y=start_y; y<stop_y; y++) {
- ColorBGR* prgb = (ColorBGR*) rgbImage->imageData;
- float* pprob = (float*) m_truth_map->imageData;
- prgb += y*rgbImage->width + start_x;
- pprob += y*rgbImage->width + start_x;
- for (int x=start_x; x<stop_x; x++, prgb++, pprob++) {
- // only consider pixels in the positive and negative areas
- if (*pprob==1.0) {
- foreground.push_back(*prgb);
- } else if (*pprob==-1.0) {
- background.push_back(*prgb);
- }
- }
- }
- ASSERT(m_truth_pos==(int)foreground.size());
- ASSERT(m_truth_neg==(int)background.size());
- // init the learning/counting
- m_rgb_lookup_numbins = 2;
- CFloatVector lookup_prev;
- m_rgb_lookup.resize(0);
- int* F_curr = NULL;
- int* B_curr = NULL;
- const int min_num_samples = 5; // stop breaking cells up if less
- // than min_num_samples samples are in cell
- // increase the number of bins per dimension until the number of samples per
- // bin does not exceed a threshold
- double max_r_xyz_curr;
- do {
- m_rgb_lookup_numbins *= 2;
- int cubed_size =
- m_rgb_lookup_numbins*m_rgb_lookup_numbins*m_rgb_lookup_numbins;
- m_rgb_lookup.swap(lookup_prev);
- m_rgb_lookup.resize(cubed_size);
- delete[] F_curr;
- F_curr = new int[cubed_size];
- memset(F_curr, 0, cubed_size*sizeof(int));
- delete[] B_curr;
- B_curr = new int[cubed_size];
- memset(B_curr, 0, cubed_size*sizeof(int));
- SortSamplesIntoBins(foreground, F_curr, m_rgb_lookup_numbins);
- SortSamplesIntoBins(background, B_curr, m_rgb_lookup_numbins);
- max_r_xyz_curr = 0;
- for (int z=0; z<m_rgb_lookup_numbins; z++) {
- for (int y=0; y<m_rgb_lookup_numbins; y++) {
- for (int x=0; x<m_rgb_lookup_numbins; x++) {
- // find the probability of pixels in this bin to be foreground color
- int index = GetRGBLookupIndex(x,y,z,m_rgb_lookup_numbins,
- (int) m_rgb_lookup.size());
- int F = F_curr[index];
- int B = B_curr[index];
- int n_xyz_curr = F + B;
- if (n_xyz_curr<min_num_samples && (int)lookup_prev.size()>0) {
- m_rgb_lookup[index] =
- lookup_prev[GetRGBLookupIndex(x/2,y/2,z/2,m_rgb_lookup_numbins/2,
- (int) lookup_prev.size())];
- } else {
- double rc = (double)n_xyz_curr/
- (double)(m_truth_pos+m_truth_neg);
- max_r_xyz_curr = max(max_r_xyz_curr, rc);
- double f = (double)F/(double)m_truth_pos;
- double b = (double)B/(double)m_truth_neg;
- if (f!=0 && b!=0) {
- m_rgb_lookup[index] = (float) (f/(f+b));
- } else if (f==0 && b!=0) {
- m_rgb_lookup[index] = 0.0f;
- } else if (f!=0 && b==0) {
- m_rgb_lookup[index] = 1.0f;
- } else if ((int)lookup_prev.size()>0) {
- m_rgb_lookup[index] =
- lookup_prev[GetRGBLookupIndex(x/2,y/2,z/2,
- m_rgb_lookup_numbins/2,
- (int) lookup_prev.size())];
- } else {
- m_rgb_lookup[index] = 0.0f;
- }
- }
- ASSERT(0<=m_rgb_lookup[index]);
- ASSERT(m_rgb_lookup[index]<=1);
- }
- }
- }
- } while (max_r_xyz_curr>=0.05 && m_rgb_lookup_numbins<64);
- m_rgb_lookup_binsize = (int)(256.0/(double)m_rgb_lookup_numbins);
- delete[] F_curr;
- delete[] B_curr;
- }
- void LearnedColor::GetMostRightUpBlob(IplImage* rgbImage,
- const CRect& roi, CvPoint2D32f& pos)
- {
- int start_x = max(0, roi.left);
- int start_y = max(0, roi.top);
- int stop_x = min(rgbImage->width, roi.right);
- int stop_y = min(rgbImage->height, roi.bottom);
- int width = stop_x-start_x;
- int height = stop_y-start_y;
- ASSERT(rgbImage && rgbImage->imageData);
- int cnt_consecutive = 0;
- int diag = 1;
- do {
- ColorBGR* prgb = (ColorBGR*) rgbImage->imageData;
- prgb += start_y*rgbImage->width + stop_x-diag;
- for (int x=stop_x-diag, y=start_y; x<stop_x && y<stop_y; x++, y++) {
- if (LookupProb(*prgb)>=0.5) {
- cnt_consecutive ++;
- if (cnt_consecutive>20) {
- pos.x = (float)x;
- pos.y = (float)y;
- cvCircle(rgbImage, cvPoint(x, y), 12, CV_RGB(0, 255, 0), 1);
- return;
- }
- } else {
- cnt_consecutive = 0;
- }
- prgb += rgbImage->width + 1;
- }
- diag++;
- } while (diag<width+height);
- // no blob found
- pos.x = -1; pos.y = -1;
- }
- #pragma warning (disable:4786)
- void LearnedColor::SetGroundTruth(const CuScanMatch& match,
- ConstMaskIt mask, CRect& bbox)
- {
- cvSet(m_truth_map, cvScalar(0));
- m_truth_pos = 0;
- m_truth_neg = 0;
- // set positive pixels where the mask has a skin-color
- // probability of at least scp_thresh (skin-color-prob)
- const double scp_thresh = 0.7;
- double scale_x = (double)(match.right-match.left-1)/((*mask).second.GetWidth()-1.);
- double scale_y = (double)(match.bottom-match.top-1)/((*mask).second.GetHeight()-1.);
- CvPixelPosition32f position;
- CV_INIT_PIXEL_POS(position,
- (float*)(m_truth_map->imageData),
- m_truth_map->widthStep,
- cvSize(m_truth_map->width, m_truth_map->height), 0, 0,
- m_truth_map->origin);
- ASSERT(m_truth_map->nChannels==1);
- for (int y=match.top; y<match.bottom; y++) {
- for (int x=match.left; x<match.right; x++) {
- int m_x = cvRound((double)(x-match.left)/scale_x);
- int m_y = cvRound((double)(y-match.top)/scale_y);
- double scp = (*mask).second.GetProb(m_x, m_y);
- if (scp>=scp_thresh) {
- CV_MOVE_TO(position, x, y, 1);
- *CV_GET_CURRENT(position, 1) = 1.0f;
- m_truth_pos ++;
- }
- }
- }
- // set negative area at a certain distance from the hand region
- int width = match.right-match.left;
- int height = match.bottom-match.top;
- int leftmost = match.left-width;
- int leftmid = match.left-width/2;
- int topmost = match.top-height;
- int topmid = match.top-height/2;
- int rightmost = match.right+width;
- int rightmid = match.right+width/2;
- int bottom = match.bottom;
- CRect neg_mask_left(leftmost, topmid, leftmid, bottom);
- ModifyGroundTruth(neg_mask_left, -1.0);
- CRect neg_mask_top(leftmost, topmost, rightmost, topmid);
- ModifyGroundTruth(neg_mask_top, -1.0);
- CRect neg_mask_right(rightmid, topmid, rightmost, bottom);
- ModifyGroundTruth(neg_mask_right, -1.0);
- bbox = CRect(leftmost, topmost, rightmost, bottom);
- }
- #pragma warning (default:4786)
- /* add areas with certain probabilities to the ground truth map
- with reset==true, the probability mask is zeroed out first,
- otherwise it's kept.
- probability==1 means foreground color for sure,
- probability==0 means background color; if
- probability==-1, that area is used to train a specific
- background color model.
- The area consists of four absolute coordinates (not width, height).
- all the computation will be done the next time Transform is called.
- */
- void LearnedColor::ModifyGroundTruth(const CRect& area, double probability)
- {
- ASSERT(m_truth_map!=NULL);
- int x_to = min(area.right, m_truth_map->width);
- int x_from = max(0, area.left);
- int y_to = min(area.bottom, m_truth_map->height);
- CvPixelPosition32f position;
- CV_INIT_PIXEL_POS(position,
- (float*)(m_truth_map->imageData),
- m_truth_map->widthStep,
- cvSize(m_truth_map->width, m_truth_map->height), 0, 0,
- m_truth_map->origin);
- ASSERT(m_truth_map->nChannels==1);
- for (int y=max(0, area.top); y<y_to; y++) {
- CV_MOVE_TO(position, x_from, y, 1);
- for (int x=x_from; x<x_to; x++) {
- *CV_GET_CURRENT(position, 1) = (float) probability;
- CV_MOVE_RIGHT(position, 1);
- if (probability==1) {
- m_truth_pos ++;
- } else if (probability==-1) {
- m_truth_neg ++;
- }
- }
- }
- }